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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7183651 No.7183651[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where the fuck are my secrets bitch???

>> No.7183661

Wondering the same thing.
Who are the mods for btb, and how does one become one of them? I really don't understand why it's so hard to have them up by like 10 or 11 am every Saturday. I would gladly do it.

>> No.7183674

UGH come on!! i know the mods probably have shit to do, but if they could update the post about submissions being closed, they could have posted the secrets...

>> No.7183685

When it comes to stuff like this it's not a matter of the mods being too busy or that it's hard, it's that they're being lazy. They just can't be bothered. And if they can't be bothered then they should just give up their position imo.

>> No.7183703

I like how it says they'll be posted in a timely manner. Lol

>> No.7183710

I fucking know. My Saturday routine is to go to work in the morning, grab linner after I clock out, sit down, scroll and enjoy my meal with my bitter gossip. It just kinda sucks when something I look forward to every Saturday is totally delayed. I mean, it's 5:30, come on people.

>> No.7183867

It took that long for under 30 secrets?

>> No.7183870
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Yeah. I'm kind of super bummed but I guess it has been quiet for the past couple of weeks. Surprised only one Michigan secret came up, you guys must have quite a nice comm to keep quiet.

>> No.7183877
File: 43 KB, 568x246, 94dZPfF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I feel about babies every day of my life, but it still never fails to surprise me when I see other people with the same opinion being so blunt about it. lmao

>> No.7183888

which one is the Michigan one? Whatever drama happened I don't know about it. Deets pls

>> No.7183896

see >>7183877

>> No.7183897

oh lol thanks anon. damn that was harsh

>> No.7183898

The girl in question brings out the worst in people. Loud, irritating, crazy, terrible seamstress, thinks everyone is out to get her (including AP). (I'm from her former comm - I believe the Michigan comm tries to keep their dirt off cgl.)

>> No.7183911

I honestly like kids, but fucking hell does it piss me off when people bring children, especially newborns, to places where they really shouldn't be.

We went to see Carmina Burana one night. HUGE production. Massive choir. Full orchestra. Everything. And someone sitting two rows in front of us had brought an infant who cried through most of the performance BECAUSE IT IS FUCKING LOUD. You do not have to bring your child everywhere with you. Get a sitter! Or don't come! If you're going to have kids, you have to learn to stop being a selfish pain in the ass and realise that shit. Changes. When. You. Have. Them.

>> No.7183912
File: 308 KB, 506x317, YheBerS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what "illness" the girl got the secret maker is talking about but I've read through this secret several times and there's something about it that makes the secret maker come accross just really impious and rude.. it sort of reads like: "wow I already feel like giving up after just one week of suffering, your life must suck I'm so glad, I'm not in this situation, but I admire you for being such a strong wimmin and for taking it positively, I respect that so much!"
Am I the only one who thinks that one is pathethic as fuck? This is not how "respect" works imo.

>> No.7183927

Maybe Seagulls need to submit a bunch of random secrets next week to see if we can get it over 50?

Remember the KFC meetup secrets from a few months ago? I know a segull did that, good job if you're on here.

>> No.7183933

ewtf is 21 talking about? I've literally never seen that, unless they mean models who often have to wear shoes not in their size for shoots.

>> No.7183940

Fffff oh shit man, how old is this girl btw!? If I were a Mom, I wouldn't even think of doing that!

Woah! Carmina Burana?! NICE!! I'm sure it was awesome as he'll since it has O Fortuna in it! (Music Major yah)

Aside this, I fucking agree with you,
Holy hell I would be reporting to the staff if that ever happened to a concert that I'd go to.

Idk how there are ignorant moms out there...seriously...

>> No.7183942

I love kids, but babies and small kids don't belong at conventions, meetups, restaurants, theaters, or basically any other place where adults are trying to have a good time. They can't stay quiet for longer than 15-30 minutes, and then all hell breaks loose.
>"Bu-bu-but look at my baby! It means I'm a for real grownup now. You're not acknowledging muh accomplishments!"
Naw, bitch, it just means your cunt works, like ever other girl who survived puberty.

>> No.7183953
File: 374 KB, 640x422, 7zqHyaH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think both of the baby secrets are probably referring to the Michigan drama.

>> No.7183956

>thinks everyone is out to get her (including AP).

proof of this or of your other accusations?

>> No.7183970

I've seen it quite a lot. There's not a lot to do on the train in Tokyo but look at what everyone else is wearing.

>> No.7183978

I get pissed off with those women who think they are now entitled to different treatment to other women, all because they have spawned the next generation. And then have the nerve to tell me that I'll understand when I have kids of my own.

>get out of the way of my pram! I want that table near the window so my kid can look out and see stuff! I let my kid run around screaming in a coffee shop because he's and individual who likes expressing himself - he's not hurting anyone, he's just being cute!

Two words for these bitches: FUCK OFF.

>> No.7183987

Went ahead and checked out their facebook comm. Is it Kaitlyn Pitcher? Looks like her icon blurred out.

I'm not sure but I think she lives in my area and now I am disappointed.

>> No.7183995

I think my friend is starting to be one of these moms. I was going to see a movie with her and she took her 3 year old son. He was running up and down the aisles squealing and would throw a tantrum if she or I tried to make him sit. I spent half the movie chasing after him because people were getting pissed and I didn't want to get thrown out. She lets him run around stores and restaurants even when it's clearly bothering the other patrons or the staff. We went to the mall and it was a nightmare. He would take off running and was darting around everywhere because he's a fucking kid and of course he's not going to look out for people walking.

I know my friend is a single mom and has it rough, but sometimes I feel awkward when we're out and he's running everywhere. She can't always afford a sitter, but there are fun things that I wouldn't mind doing that would be more appropriate for him.

>> No.7184039

10/10 secret. The estrogen or something makes these bitches go insane. I know so many girls who were at least tolerable who now are basically an extension of their children. Take them everywhere, won't shut up about them, every conversation and event revolves around them. Fuck off already.

>> No.7184042

No, it's not Kaitlyn Pitcher.

>> No.7184121

who is it?

>> No.7184298

Does having a baby fuck with your brain or something? Those comments underneath that secret...
Seriously? Since when is sex so unobtainable and special?
And since when is sex only for reproduction in the 21st century.

>> No.7184318


Because all we need is moar people, amirite?

>> No.7184389

The offended member has since left the community.

>> No.7184445

Jesus, is this true. A girl I work with just announced that she's pregnant, only 4 weeks along. She now uses it as an excuse for everything - stuffs her face in front of clients, sits in their chairs while they're left to stand, makes newer employees carry and put away her shit. It's pissing me off and if anyone says something it's "I'm carrying a child!" I hope she quits before that sucker is born. Of course, then it'll be a big event about how she has to leave to care for her baby but don't worry she'll come by with it so we can all oogle over how adorable it is...

>> No.7184463

It's not. I have a theory. Either these people are trolls or very, very sheltered. Because clearly they just never heard of 'birth control' before (or think it's one of those heathen evils, like mascara, tampons and push-up bras) and are resentful that other people can have fun sexy times without it resulting in children by default.

>> No.7184484


This is the girl who used to run Be My Full Moon

>> No.7184505

That one was crazy, but the "People who don't like kids are all 'me me me' when clearly they should rearrange their lives because what is important is my child my child my child" was my personal favorite. Some people really have zero self-awareness.

>> No.7184535

God I know a girl like that too. Worst part is that now that the baby is here, she completely ignores it and has the grandparents take care of him. Though at least her husband has adjusted to the father role and will likely be a good dad.

>> No.7184550

>only 4 weeks along
Not to be cruel, but there's a reason most women don't tell anyone about their pregnancies until they're at least 8-14 weeks along, and that reason is the 1 in 5 chance of a first trimester miscarriage. You'd better hope she's one of the other four, because she'll be even more insufferable in grief than she is in celebration.

>> No.7184551
File: 305 KB, 600x556, secret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never got around to submitting my secret.

>> No.7184559

The thing that gets me is that you know there's some poor bastard somewhere who made those ears for even less than $3, and that's why Bodyline can sell it for that price, which in turn is why this bitch can scalp it here for $10.

>> No.7184635
File: 498 KB, 500x225, 0se2ZBa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite the severe lack of secrets this week I am pretty pleased there was one huge drama bomb in there. There are more childfree lolitas out there than I thought.

>> No.7184724


>daddy why do i need a hearing aid
>well son your mom is a giant cunt and took you to a loudass performance where they blew out your sensitive infantile ears lol

>> No.7184760

Wow, I'm always amazed at Be My Full Moon Drama. When I first met Amber, she seemed so nice, but then I started hearing about all the drama surrounding her. It was really surprising. Then again, when I met her, I was just starting out and buying a dress from her.

>> No.7184762

All I read was: wow let me talk about my wonderful self while pretending to respect some sick hot bitch

>> No.7184799

Eh...it's...rocky. But as a personal with an invisible chronic illness it's always nice to hear my shit acknowledged rather than the usual "but you don't LOOK sick!" and often people can't really relate to it except through their own similar,albeit short-lived, experiences.

>> No.7184806

I'm not the anon who posted the secret but I also agree with the comment. I also have an invisible chronic illness and I hope you are doing alright anon and that your illness isn't flaring up too much. I wish you all the best.

>> No.7184822
File: 68 KB, 1037x284, Screen Shot 2013-11-10 at 9.20.04 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever this is, they are retarded.
>You can't have an opinion about children because you were one too once~
Go figure they'd have an annoying orange avatar.

>> No.7184824

a tryhard troll.

>> No.7184828

Ughh, not her.

Her she is being rude and trying to take advantage of some girl leaving Poupee Girl. She was nice enough to give away any 1 item of people's choice, and she asks for not 1, but 4 items.


>> No.7184845
File: 237 KB, 1000x1000, 1380284912223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rofl. Oh look, someone defending babies being called parasites while acting like a fucking parasite herself. The amount of emotional investment makes sense now.

>> No.7184862

Every week she comes into Secrets and shits it up with her dumbfuck comments. Every time I see that friggen laughing orange I know some hurr durr is going to follow.

>> No.7184863

Obviously she's obnoxious enough to use that stupid picture she's a fucking idiot.

>> No.7184864

Unfortunately, undisciplined children grow up to be miserable adults who can't do anything for themselves. She isn't doing the kid any favours by letting him run amok. I fucking HATE going out in public and seeing women who let their kids act this way. I feel like suddenly I have to look out for their kid instead of just doing my thing and enjoying my day.

>> No.7184865

No it does not. Mother here. I know it seems like it would, but parents who bring their kids everywhere inappropriately either don't have money for a sitter or are too attached to them. It's bad to keep your kids too dependent and it's even worse to bring them to places meant for you to have fun.

>> No.7184870

>mfw I worked at my full time job up until the day before I delivered.

What is wrong with bitches.

>> No.7184872

I'm really sick of the stereotype that pregnant women are ultra fragile.

>> No.7184902

>and that reason is the 1 in 5 chance of a first trimester miscarriage
It's actually 1 in 10 for women under 30.
And the reason for first trimester miscarriage is almost always due to a chromosomal or uterine defect. The second is infection. The third is some sort of disease (like obesity, diabetes) with the mother. And the fourth reason is drug abuse.

The "straining" excuse is just a myth as you need to be doing some sort of heavy activity for that even to occur.
The worker is being a paranoid, lazy tard who's using her pregnancy as an excuse. And she ought to be let go.

>> No.7184930

Word. My mom had just come back from grocery shopping and was doing laundry 5 minutes before she gave birth to me. She felt the pressure, grabbed a few of the clean towels she had just folded, ran to the bathroom, and did what she had to do. She was back on her feet finishing the laundry within 2 hours, would've been sooner if the midwife (who was practically useless at that point anyway and was only coming to take my stats and vitals) hadn't been caught in traffic, lol.

>> No.7184946

you can't let someone go for being pregnant (which is what she would immediately claim and the place could get sued to the ground). even if they said "you're not performing at the same level we'd expected", all she has to do is say "I'M GROWING A NEW HUMAN" and well...
yeah, she starts off nice, then she launches into her life story and her opinions. she once went off about how she didnt get why girls buy brand when there's so many indie seamstresses out there, at a meetup, in front of girls in all-brand. she also thinks ap forced acen to refuse her an artist alley table and that she needed a dealers room one, which is way more expensive, becuase they didnt want the indie seamstress "competition".

>> No.7184960

>you can't let someone go for being pregnant
No, but you can let them go for being lazy turds who obviously aren't doing their jobs and are being rude to customers.

>> No.7184963

Those are like 5 for $4 in Chinatown.

>> No.7184977


Back in the good old days when the stress myth was still in circulation, my dad (who is a doctor) told my mom that after her first miscarriage she should relax and just ease off for the next one (incidentally me). She abstained from going to a conference that was 4 hours away, and four months later, they 'let her go.'

She pulls that every time she thinks I'm being a bad daughter now.

>> No.7184985

i did write more than just that. it would be very easy for this girl to shriek "i'm in a delicate condition" and claim discrimination on those grounds. safer to just schedule her less and less until she gives up and leaves.
that's pretty shitty of your mom. i'm sorry.

>> No.7184992

I dont understand what you are saying
can you make it more clrear please?

>> No.7184996


My mom was working as an accountant when she had her first pregnancy. However, that miscarried, so for her second pregnancy (me) she decided to kind of relax on duties. Apparently she thinks that not going to the conference caused her to be let go by the boss. Back then they didn't have gender discrimination laws like they do now, so she couldn't do much about it.

>> No.7185003

I never thought I would agree with a troll, but I do actually agree with that one.

It's just like the people who throw bitch fits about parents bringing 8-10 year old kids to all ages anime conventions. Those kids are living the dream by going to a convention and it's supposed to be a safe environment for them. If you want to be sloppy drunk at 11am, go back to your hotel room.

>> No.7185007

My mom was working as an accountant when she had her first pregnancy. However, that miscarried, so for her second pregnancy (me) she decided to kind of relax on duties. Apparently she thinks that not going to the conference caused her to be let go by the boss. Back then they didn't have gender discrimination laws like they do now, so she couldn't do much about it.


I think I understand why - I'd be mad too if my career got cut short like that. It doesn't help communication particularly now though.

>> No.7185021

Agreeing with the stress myth, my mother worked extremely hard as a manager at a pizza restaurant while she was pregnant with my sister and then with me, and never had a problem with miscarriage. (However, I was born 6 weeks early because she worked too hard one night. So be careful really pregnant ladies and working very physical jobs!)

>> No.7185052
File: 64 KB, 1067x800, 0_uplfrm_periorale-dermatitis_H123153_XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have atopic dermatitis and it gets really bad in autumn and winter and shows up in my face.
Its really hard to cover with make up and ruins the perfection of a coord. At times I feel really ugly but I can deal with it as long as it doesnt get worse. I know a lot of people have to deal with it, any tips?

>> No.7185056

this was meant to be posted in another thread
I cant into deleting posts

>> No.7185095

So, because we were all once babies, we should not be upset or annoyed when someone brings their infant to an adult event, which would force everyone to change their behaviour lest the poor sweet babby wakes up, or is upset by the noise.

And we certainly can't be against babies at adult events when they're bawling and having fits, or running around and getting under foot, and disrupting the event.

Because we were all babies once.

Are you kidding?

There are places that are, and are not, appropriate to bring little children too. Anyone with half a brain should realize this.

>> No.7185135

Honestly, I see the price of the fashion being a major barrier to anybody with a child. Lolita fashion is a luxury, not a necessity. Buying and maintaining a lolita wardrobe, not to mention the occasional afternoon tea ($24-$50 depending on location), is eventually going to be dwarfed by the diapers, formula, sitter pay, and eventually the health and educational costs of a child. It's not impossible to do both, theoretically, but it would take lots of money.

While kids can be adorable, I don't want them at lolita meets. First of all, those poor things are going to be bored to high hell. What are they going to do, coo over cucumber sandwiches and lemon scones like the rest of us? For the kids' sake, leave them at home with a babysitter who can give them the attention that normal kids need.

Second, I don't want liability issues if the kid gets hurt or sick at the meet. It runs, trips, and ends up with a split lip. Who's the responsible party? The entire lolita group, because not all of us were watching him! Yaaay~

>> No.7185453

> "You were a child once~"

This is the single fucking most annoying sentence ever created. It's up there with "you'll change your mind when you're older~". I didn't choose to be a child, my mother didn't choose to have me, your argument is invalid.

That said, recently I've come to realize that it's not children I hate, but parents.

>> No.7185543

Yep. The children are poorly behaved because the parents allow them to act that way and don't discipline them consistently. Guess what, I work retail and a bunch of 18 - 20 year olds have been hired for Christmas and you can tell they were brought up as unruly children allowed to do whatever they felt like.

> I don't feel like coming in at 9am so I'll see you at 10
> I'm not working this weekend, my mate is having a party
> Wahhhh stop picking on me because I took too long on my break, it wasn't my fault

>> No.7185550

... people actually do things like that? And still have jobs? What?

>> No.7185561

i agree 100% with this. these people are being ridiculous. use common sense and discipline with your child. an infant shouldnt be dragged around like an accessory. dont bring your little boy to a fancy tea party etc. also, as long as it was a child friendly event, ie the zoo or park or whatever, children shouldnt be a problem if the parent maintains their behavior. your kids are your first priority if you decide to take them somewhere. you gossiping and takings pics with your friends is a definite second.

>> No.7185621
File: 3 KB, 133x160, 999213919295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working in retail at gamestop

>dad and two kids come in
>younger kid sits down in the middle of the store and starts screaming and blubbering for the candy at the register
>'No son, no candy for you'
>screaming continues while Dad shops for older kid
>Drags the quivering pile of snot and tears along with them to the register, screaming has not abated, only gotten louder 'CAAAAAANNDDDDDDDYYYY'
>Dad puts game on counter and then grabs candy and pays for it and shoves it in kid's face to shut him up


>> No.7185635

I would've smacked him. In front of everybody. Pretty sure my mother would've done the same to me if I'd ever thrown a tantrum like that (which I didn't, because when she took me out she paid attention to me, and if she wanted to do adult things, she left me with my grandparents).

Parents are so shitty.

>> No.7185676

In retail, hell yes people do these things. Any minimum wage job is going to be the same. It doesn't do much to just fire them because the person you hire to replace them is going to be exactly the same way.

One of my managers once admitted to me that he was merely a better paid babysitter.

>> No.7185684

I saw a kid doing that at store last night (heard him coming a solid minute before I even saw him). His dad finally hauled off and smacked him, and I was about ready to cheer.

But then, working with children for a living has made me a bit of a misanthrope.

>> No.7185690

Exactly. Someone else brought a kid who couldn't have been more than six to a metal gig I went to last year. The family seemed really friendly/into it, all had VIP badges and two of them had press passes, but GODDAMN. Are you TRYING to ruin your kids' hearing before puberty?! I've seen a tonne of ADULTS wearing earplugs at these events, ffs. What are they thinking bringing kids in?!

>> No.7185841


Shame in the UK we apparently can't smack children now on the bum as it's 'child abuse'. Unless they changed it back again?

>> No.7185874

I've gone to shooting ranges where kids didn't have hearing protection while their fathers are just blasting away with .44mags. Never underestimate a persons dumbassery.

>> No.7185974

Since when is poupee relevant?
And stalker much.

>> No.7186085

It's relevant, because we're discussing the secrets, and that bitch, who happens to use poupee, is one of the morons participating in the discussion of secrets. Since when did knowing something about someone qualify as stalking? So any amount of drama dug up at all is stalking then?

>> No.7186121

I'm a member of that comm, I came across it by surprise. How the fuck would I find it otherwise?

Poupee Girl is relevant, lots of lolitas use/used it. And the post demonstrated her shitty personality, so it is relevant.

>> No.7186132


Okay, you're also assuming that the girl in question is a decent lolita who spends money on her wardrobe. No, this woman is all handmade (and really ugly handmade, at that). She simply wants to involve her child in everything by choice, not because she can't get a sitter or whatever. I completely agree with what pretty much everybody is saying on that matter: child-friendly meets, yes. But teas and ballets and such are a grown-up getaway and should be kept "sacred", in a sense. I spent some time working with children and while they can be really great and so fun, there are just some places that they don't belong.

>> No.7186160

jesus christ, that's pretty rude. i'm 20 and work a crappy minimum wage job but never do that shit. i always ask time off, make sure if i'm late on my break that i clock out first or ask my manager to clock me out for that period, and try to make it as on-time as possible (barring traffic jams and other stupid mishaps on my commute). some people really just have no courtesy, managers need the help running their stores.

>> No.7186306
File: 77 KB, 291x302, 1370969549987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my mother didn't choose to have me
Did you just admit to being an accident?

>> No.7186315

>he's not an accident

>> No.7186387
File: 67 KB, 400x406, 1365421845896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That thong secret is getting pretty amusing now.

>> No.7186535

Yea I've been in the same position, when I left and someone replaced me, everyone hated them because they kept disappearing on their shift, and went on smoking breaks when it wasn't their break (and my job was on the deli counter, so no.1 it wasn't allowed with the job cause of food health and safety, and 2. it's against store policy to smoke when you're at work). Pissed people off that instead of him getting fired he was moved to a different department.

>> No.7186543

Poupee stopped being relevant a long time ago. Were fucking talking about poupee here, how can someone take advantage of a fucking avatar. Fucking stalker bitches.

>> No.7186628

>better paid babysitter
Yeah. That's pretty much it. It annoys the shit out of me that I have to babysit adults. Normal adults. Without a mental disability.

>let's reward shitty behaviour!
I'm totally with >>7185635 Everyone in the store is watching the kid have a tantrum, they may as well watch me smack him and drag him to the car. Back in my day (lol) my mum would buy me a treat if I was behaved in the shop. If I was naughty I missed out. It was never anything big or expensive (mostly a packet of Smarties or a Mr Men book) but I learnt pretty quick how to act if I wanted something.

>> No.7186654

Peachie has chronic fatigue and hypermobility. She's chill.

>> No.7186685

In order to be so defensive and to stupidly ignore what I said about being a member of that comm, you're obviously sodaily.

Omg, someone is a member of a comm and saw a post on their friendslist, what a stalker. Next time, don't be greedy and actually read things properly.

>> No.7186688

>how can someone take advantage of a fucking avatar

Did you even read that post? She was trying to take advantage of a girl leaving Poupee girl. You're a moron.

>> No.7186708

hey sodaily

>> No.7187017

I think you're allowed to do it with your hand as long as there's no mark. Although that was quite a few years ago, so they may have tightened it up more since.

Well, yeah. Aren't most people? I don't know anyone who was planned (apart from my twin friends, who were each 50% planned).

>> No.7187051

Oooo sodaily, don't say "fucking"! That's really aggressive!!!!!

>> No.7190906

This fashion attracts the weirdest people. I'll meet some pretty strange folks through cosplay, but I sort of expect that to happen because cons are nerd soup. Even then the odd behavior happens in varying degrees of someone just being a little awkward to completely socially inept. With lolita, people are either chill or batshit. There's no middle ground.

>> No.7190911

There really isn't, is there.

>> No.7190962
File: 128 KB, 640x397, 1309946497-3f630d8a7be48f02783038c4a4462552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if your child is also interested in lolita and is really well behaved?
I would personally only ever bring a baby to a meet if it was a really small and quiet setting that you didn't plan on staying too long at. But little kids, I'd only ever bring them if they were interested, too, and well behaved.

>> No.7191239

The thing that kills me about parents who drag small kids to adult venues is it's a parasitic behavior they can only get away with because other people aren't doing the same thing. If somebody staged an all parents lolita meetup, I bet the lady who made a stink wouldn't even show up, because it would obviously be a big daycare and no fun.

>> No.7193032

I would buy my daughter goddamn bodyline, because even if she is the best behaved girl in the world, there are two problems with this:
>Children do not have fully developed motor and reasoning skills
Ever watch a kid look down at the floor while holding a cup, move their whole torso to look down, and end up spilling the drink all over the goddamn place? Now imagine she's wearing Angellic Pretty.

>Even if my daughter was perfect, children are often around other children
I will never trust other kids to be as well behaved as my imaginary lolita-loving daughter. Lots of kids have moms who brush off messes by saying, "Things/hands can be washed!"
Get your child's cheeto covered fingers away from my teeny tiny brand

>> No.7193042

you're forgetting the ever important rule number 3 - she's going to grow out of it. why spend 300 dollars on burando that she'll outgrow in a year?

>> No.7193385

Why the fuck hasn't she been tested for Ehlers-Danlos? Her facial features scream EDS.

>> No.7193394

Oh boy, last time this was posted I got into a huge argument about how children aren't responsible enough to wear lolita, and how it's child cruelty to not let them play with the toys on the wall. The other anon just couldn't comprehend that those might just be ornaments or collectibles, and the girl would have actual toys she could play with.

All the Japanese children I know are the most well behaved polite little kids ever, they're never smelly or rude and always really careful with everything. My husband used to run a classroom for them in the local Japanese community and they were such angels. You people need to understand that although Lolita is ass expensive to us, it's not really that much more than regular clothes in Japan. Look at Liz Lisa or other gal brands such as Jesus Diamante, which are actually seen as cheap teen/young adult clothes. Asians love expensive clothes for children too, look at Hong Kong children clothing brands like King Kow and Chickee Duck. Shirley Temple Cute is also a children's brand, and their aesthetic is completely lolita. I grew up decked out in kid's Burberry, and most of my fancy poofy dresses were 150 USD or over. Yes kids are going to spill shit, but if people can afford to deck their children out in brand I don't see why they can't.

>> No.7193401

Another anon who knows of EDS, wow!

I'm also wondering why they haven't considered JHS?

>> No.7193427

She's been diagnosed with ME and some sort of Hypermobility. I'm not sure about the hypermobility condition she has exactly, but I know for ME it takes a lot of testing to get the diagnosis. She probably has been test for a lot of things, including EDS.

>> No.7193438

She was lucky that she's been able to get a diagnosis at all if she's in the UK. doctors here can be so unhelpful, especially up north. they don't have time for you if it's anything other than a straightforward and obvious physical symptom. My sister had symptoms of M.E and she went to a few doctors several times only to be given lazy, half assed answers (drink milk before bed, get regular exercise). After lots of begging, she was prescribed sertraline (which they reluctantly prescribed her, and she didn't even need it) and it just made her sick so she stopped it.

>> No.7193452

Urrgh, tell me about it. I'm a UK loli with ME and it took me 5 long years to get a diagnosis. I had to constantly chase up my doctor, swap doctors, push for tests they thought were "unnecessary" and that turned up unexpected results in the end etc. You have to be so persistent but when you're suffering with it, chasing up people is the last thing you want to do. The doctor's favourite diagnosis is "tiredness can be caused by depression, you're obviously depressed". Yeah, I'm depressed having to chase you up all the time.

>> No.7195883

>I grew up decked out in kid's Burberry

>I grew up wealthy and spoiled, that means everyone can!
Or, what >>7193042 said.