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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7183431 No.7183431[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we get another confessions thread going? Last one was really good.
I confess, one thing I despise in lolita, are those goddamn rocking horse shoes. I'm sorry for those who love them, but I can't, I just can't.

>> No.7183434

I dont like eyeballs...

>> No.7183438
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a dozen JSKs I've never worn because I have no blouses to match.

>> No.7183452

I've only ever really loved OP's, but they aren't as good for creating different outfits with as JSK's are... and I just don't like JSK's as much.

>> No.7183459

that's okay OP, my boyfriend doesn't like them either.
he calls them wooden foot bananas.
I secretly have great respect for lolitas who were scared to wear it outside for the first time because that shows that they don't have that penchant for recieving attention many lolitas(including myself)do.
I admire them for it.

>> No.7183470

I hate RHSs, but I also think tea parties are the ugliest goddamned things ever.

On top of that, I have a deep and abiding hatred of bows. Fortunately, it's possible to dress loli without ever wearing a single bow (gothic and classic ftw).

>> No.7183484

Whenever race wank pops up in the lolita community and the term 'white tears' is inevitably mentioned, I picture Lolitas crying sperm.

>> No.7183497

I love OPs too, they just look so...complete? I like the look of one overall main garment. Plus they have nice details like yokes and such. They've always been my favorite lolita garment, especially long-sleeved ones. I feel like a princess in them.

>> No.7183500

I have this weird fondness for those an*tai*na frilly rocking horse shoes.
I really do.
I have no idea why. They're hideous, in a way. But also pretty, in a way...

>so conflicted

>> No.7183509
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They're kinda ugly-cute like pugs.

>> No.7183513

I've been into lolita for a few months months and my mentor, who's been into it for barely a year, has made me better than half of our comm by my first meet.

>> No.7183519
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They're ridiculous, but they're my favorite shoes.

My confession is that I hate unusually colored wigs. Those pink and mint ones that are meant to match the outfit never look good to me,, ever. It's okay as an advertisement in GLB or Kera, but out on the streets it only looks awful. It embarrasses me that girls call that lolita and its acceptable in the community.

>> No.7183522

I'm the anon you replied to; I feel exactly the same - glad I'm not the only one.

>> No.7183525

I don't understand huge head-eating wigs, especially split colored twin tail ones. They make lolita look costumey and tacky.

>> No.7183528
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I don't get the appeal of these things or even when they became a thing in lolita, but almost every lolita in my comm wets their frills over them. Which is ironic since the majority of them just buy the knockoffs anyway since the real ones are 'too pricey.' The fuck?

>> No.7183529

I can't take wonderfinch seriously in the latest post about things that might/might not be offensive. Someone that said she wanted to "kick someone's teeth in" for being annoyed in a dispute and who coveted the WW2 Axis-inspired Meta series shouldn't be tut-tutting someone about using "brolita."

>> No.7183531
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I can't stand it when girls hold their dress out, showing... I guess the print. I already know what the fucking print looks like. I am looking at how it looks on a person, and you holding it out is neither cute (if you're not curtsying), or helpful!
Also, I feel that crinolines are a lost art. I would love it if they were more common again.

>> No.7183535

I buy clothing I don't fit into so I'll have a reason to diet. I'm not even big, just on the larger end of the standard lolita size spectrum so I feel enormous comparatively. Buying expensive clothing that doesn't fit me motivates me to eat less.

I also own several sweet dresses even though I mainly dress in sweet black colorways/classic. I just like looking at them. o:

>> No.7183538

I always knew that lolitas get annoyed about the most superficial things. I guess what I hat would be nit-picking.

>> No.7183541

Wigs are just so fucking ugly and lame. It's okay to wear them if you have very difficult hair or a short cut, but otherwise.. just stop being lazy and actually put some effort in your hairdo.

>> No.7183542

Well, when I seeked worn pictures, it's to figure out where the dress falls on the body. Pulling the skirt out skews that. Also, it just feels like the girl in question is showing off.

>> No.7183544
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My hair is objectively shitty and I seriously look better with wigs.
It hurts me to admit that. I've just never had nice, thick, and gorgeously healthy hair. It blows dick for skittles. My thin, brittle, greasy hair looks so out of place with my poofy and elegant dresses.

>> No.7183550

I never really liked prints. All dresses seem to look the same now, but with a different print. It feels lazy as hell on the companies' parts.

>> No.7183555

This so much

>> No.7183561

But ewwigs omg!

My confession is that I hate people who get all judgey about wearing wigs. It's usually the people with naturally nice hair who complain. They don't understand how hard some people's hair is to manage, and assume you're lazy.

>> No.7183563

Actually, that's not really how things are anymore at all.

>> No.7183571

I don't wear wigs myself (my real hair is da bomb) but I think they can look great on other people.
Many of the the natural style ones barely even look like wigs.
The only wigs I consistently dislike are those GLW ponytail clip wigs, because they look bad on almost everyone and make your head look blocky and gigantic.
Just like real hair, you have to choose a wig style that flatters your face, and I think people choosing the wrong wig is where a lot of the "eww, wigs" attitude comes from because in that case they *do* look terrible and cheesy.

>> No.7183577

Huh funny that it's the same people who think it's oh my god so hard to style their hair that are also too lazy to trim their bangs, pin their wig or style it.

I'll tell you you look shit because you look shit

>> No.7183594
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Oh ffs stop trolling lady.

>> No.7183596

I have to wear wigs because my hair will not hold a curl for more than... maybe 10 minutes. With max hold hairspray.

But I despise wigs, and I wish I didn't have to wear them.

>> No.7183599

(I do have really nice soft shiny hair though. It just doesn't like to be styled at all.)

>> No.7183605
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All I want are some damn ringlets!

>> No.7183606

I always feel like such a party pooper in my comm.
I have agoraphobia. I somehow manage to go with them to a cafe or a restaurant (because we are indoors, so I feel safer), but this time they want to try something new, there will be tons of people there and open spaces. I don't think I'm ready for this but I don't want to tell them. They'd probably change all their plans just so I'd come and I really don't want to ruin their fun.

>> No.7183608

The real reason I don't hang out with my comm isn't that I'm too busy, it's that they're bitchy idiots.

>> No.7183609

You fucking blind?
>It's okay to wear them if you have very difficult hair or a short cut
>It's okay to wear them
>It's okay

>> No.7183611


If they would be willing to change their plans for you, they obviously care a great deal and would have fun either way.

>> No.7183613

I am with you, anon ;___;
> tfw hair too short to style it
> tfw no ringlet wigs for sale that I like

>> No.7183615

Then obviously I wasn't talking about you dumbfuck. No shit.

>> No.7183616

This. Its okay if your hair is REALLY BAD or if you like having a pixie cut, but really, every time I see a girl with an ugly wig all I think is "you were too lazy to do your own hair."

>> No.7183620

I don't get those, either.

It was popular a few years a go, now the only people still doing it are the newbies.

>> No.7183617

Go home.

>> No.7183628

I hate the lolita community intensely. Maybe it's just due to reading cgl for the past five years. But they're mostly awful human beings: superficial, backstabbing, drama mongering, fake, nit picky, mean spirited bitches. I feel bad because they all love me.

>> No.7183642

Wigs worn without effort are lame. You do have to put some effort into getting them to look okay, you can't just slap them on and call it a day.

>> No.7183643


>> No.7183664

I wear wigs to avoid having to cut a fringe into my own hair, trying to grow out total waist length natural hippie hair.

I have never seen a clip in fringe in colors besides FAKEBLACK, FAKEBLONDU, FAKEWARMBROWN. If I could find one in "mousy, ashy, white girl brown" I would buy in a heartbeat.

>> No.7183677

I love them because I've always loved alpacas and already had a collection of alpaca/llama goods, but I only buy the real ones, as it is a collecting hobby for me.

I also don't like them when used in coordinates. Like, how does that stupid bag match your jewelry jelly coord? Or why are you carrying around a stuffed animal?

>> No.7183689
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Lolita Confession:
I have traded my bodyline for weed before

>> No.7183687

Makeup can eat a dick. I hate it so much. I never wear it day to day, not even to work. But I feel this heavy obligation to do so when I want to wear lolita. And the amount of effort it takes ends up making me change my mind half the time about going out in lolita at all. I used to feel the same way about doing my shitty thin hair into a style, but I can never make it work, so I've started buying wigs.

>> No.7183707

you just sound ugly and lazy

>> No.7183716

I am jelaous of people who can wear wigs because they always look flawless, but on the other hand I feel they are a bit lazy because they don't put much effort unlike Lolitas with natural hair. Kind of feel guilty about that...

I like my long natural hair and that's why wigs are too small for my big head nd hair. I choose half wigs and clip ons because they are way more comfortable

>> No.7183779

This. So much. I think I'll never ever understand the whole war of 'it's not a costumeeeee!!!!111!!' but then choosing to walk down the street with colorful wigs and plastic shit plastered all over.

... guess that's my confession.

>> No.7183797

I bet it was worthy.

>> No.7183798

Have you tried working with braid styles instead? You don't have to have curls to look good in lolita. Just a quick look at the GLB and you'll see plenty of models and street snaps of people with straight hair.

>> No.7183807

How am I trolling if it's true?

>> No.7183808

Um, can you give me an example of what you mean by an "ugly wig"? I never see lolitas with ugly wigs (I'm not counting itas). The worst I've seen is badly parted/laying bangs.

>> No.7183812

crappy quality wigs, shiny, dirty need to be washed

>> No.7183815

Do you have any pic examples of someone in a dirty looking wig?

>> No.7183819

i would bet my right asscheek that this is Peachie

>> No.7183826

GLW, fantasy sheep, Lucaille etc. If it looks like the same hair they use on my little ponies you're doing it wrong

>> No.7183828

I used to love petitepasserine or whatever the fuck her name is
but if i see one more motherfucking heavily filtered, photoshopped, gorgeous looking photo accompanied by a self deprecating, complement-fishing caption in my tracked tags I will scream with the fury of 1000 jelly fatties.

>> No.7183843

I have a similar problem. I feel like I'm just rubbing oily whale blubber or dirt powder onto my face and it is just so unappealing. I don't have the best of skin but I don't think layering makeup on to hide the fact is any more attractive. Worrying about smearing, getting shit on clothes, getting food on my face and having to wipe off or reapply crap...urgh. I'm not a lazy person, but it just doesn't seem worth it to me.

>> No.7183847

My lolita confession: I hate pullip dolls. I like the idea of twinning, but omfg I hate the 10395271309841+ photos people take of their stupid dolls and accessories and constantly talk about them. They're just ugly.

>> No.7183852

I feel a somewhat similar way about Pastelbat. I follow her on twitter and just recently she was going on and on about how round, ugly and disgusting she is and how she needs plastic surgery, etc.
Why is it that constantly validated e-famous people still see themselves this way?

Yeah yeah it's her twitter, if I'm annoyed I should unfollow, etc. but I just don't get it.

>> No.7183853

those people at meets who bring up their health complaints every five minutes. seriously, we've heard the story about your sore body part a hundred times now, too bad about your allergies boo hoo, god honestly, what the fuck, is it some kind of attention thing with you? Do your problems have to be worse than anybody else's?? I was born with a disability and you have to keep adding to your story to make it sound worse than mine and I haven't even told anybody and make excuses for it, I don't go and tell everyone i meet!!

>> No.7183855

That you Roseaire?

>> No.7183856

If you're having issues like those with makeup, I think you're putting on way too fucking much.

>> No.7183861

Agreed. I don't think it's a matter of bring lazy. It's more a question of "why should I put hours of effort into looking a certain way and maintaining that look across the day, when I'm not enjoying it and I don't like the way it looks?"

>> No.7183864


Me too anon, me too.

I came back to prepare go for lunch with a friend today and the whole process of getting into lolita, preparing my hair (which didn't even turn out that good) and makeup (which I thought was light, which I was right - too light in fact). I mean, it's fun, but I feel there's a lot of work going into things that I usually don't care about. I don't know, I don't even put up makeup for work because I guess for me, it just wasn't a habit to begin with.

Inb4 ugly slob. I keep my face clean, wash every day, and keep myself relatively hygienic. I don't know where caking up makeup comes into being cleanly or being disgusting.

>> No.7183891

> complement-fishing caption

>a. Pastelbat is a trendmongering attentionwhore x90000
>b. Body dysmorphia and muh eating disorder u guise

she's hardly round if anything she needs a nose job

>> No.7183901

My confession is that I love colorful pastel wigs.

>> No.7183909

I'm mediocre.

>> No.7183913

I do these things too.

>> No.7183917

>she needs a nose job
hmm, If this is the kind of bullshit you're feeding her, it's no wonder that she's fucking whining about it. These kinds of ~purty purty maho shojos~ are not very bright though, are they?

>> No.7183919

Do you even know what trolling is?

>> No.7183921


I'm with >>7183856

Sounds like you are buying the wrong products and applying them incorrectly. You can get sheer coverages that even out skin tone without it being like caked on stage make up.

>> No.7183928

I'm one of those people who can't really do anything with their hair. It's stupidly thin in both volume and texture. I've been advised to invest in clip on bangs and extensions, but for the cost it'd take in decent extensions, I'd rather invest in a few nice wigs.

>> No.7183973

>implying Rosaire herself isnt a drama mongering bitch
>implying people love her

>> No.7184321

I hate boleros in lolita.

>> No.7184383


at least you attempted to spell her name right this time, stalker chan

>> No.7184409

Same. I've invested in good products. I like putting on makeup. I look a lot better with makeup on. I'm pretty decent at it. But fuck it, if I'm not in lolita I'm probably not actually wearing it or doing anything with my hair aside straightening my fringe because I get that sweet early 90's poof on top going on.

That and all that product no matter how thin I apply it, just gets irritating.

I wear it so infrequently that I'm pretty sure most of what I have and use regularly is probably way expired which probably explains why it feels gross on. (but at least my bb cream and a few eyeshadows/lipsticks are pretty new... oh wait, they're almost 6 months old. Fuck.)

>> No.7184415

The majority of my comm is not that good looking. They are either bad at hair, make-up, unflattering outfits, or just plain ita. They are also kind of anti-brand either because they are too fat for it or are poor. They make up for it by being loud about how useless brands are and how you don't need them to look good.
It sucks because as far as I can tell, the only ladies that actually DO look good (and aren't so anti-brand) are the ones that live farthest away from me and are not very nice to anyone they don't know well. I hang out with the rest of them and am friendly with them, but I feel bad because on the inside I wish I hung out with the other girls. I want to share my meet up photos but I'm so embarrassed of them.

>> No.7184455

I hate when girls do this because it distorts the whole silhouette. Double hate if they do it with both hands.

>> No.7184468

Does your area/comm start with an N and include someone with a name beginning with Y? This description seems to match a lot of communities, so I'm curious.

>> No.7184488

Those are replicas of the An*ten*na ones.

>> No.7184489

It is so ubiquitous and it ruins every photo.

>> No.7184493

Ridiculously huge disproportionate wigs, wigs in colors that are unflattering for your skin, motherfucking split wigs.

>> No.7184497
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Gurrrl, my hair is fab.

>> No.7184498



>> No.7184499

I hate Bodyline, and judge people for wearing it. I hate replicas and all the noobs that have come with them. I want to go back to the old days of 2007/8, before the explosion of replicas and whatnot.

On the outside, I'm nice and would never say anything rude, but I get too protective of this damn fashion as I've been into it for too long. I know I'm silly, but eh.

>> No.7184500
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bitch I don't know how else to pose (;_;)

>> No.7184501

probably a good trade

>> No.7184502

I thought I was just on /mlp/ a second. I was wondering where all the anons calling people fags were.

>I hate Bodyline, and judge people for wearing it.
I'm a bit biased because many years ago, the first thing I learned wasn't "Avoid Milanoo". It was to avoid Bodyline.

>> No.7184510

I've never gotten that either. When it comes to me I think of Lolita like my other clothes. If I'm just out and about town but want to look cute, I keep it fairly simple. Then my outfits get progressively more elaborate and flamboyant depending on the occasion. I save the really OTT stuff for cons and special occasions where it's appropriate.

>> No.7184514

I've done MM for coke.

The coke is long gone and I still miss that damn dress.

>> No.7184515
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/mlp/ doesn't seem to care about G1. I tried to talk about G1 there and everyone ignored me. They're missing out, G1 is amazing and even has a moose.

>> No.7184517

I love my extensions, but I hate wearing wigs because they make my head too warm and my normal hair feel gross - I dislike hats for the same reason, unless it's actually cold.

I judge people for bodyline as well, most of it is fug as fuck. I don't want the old days back though, there were more hot topic/ebay fails then. Plus heaps of my favourite releases are 2010-2011 dresses.

>> No.7184516

Shame on you

>> No.7184519

I plan on cosplaying Wind Whistler someday. She was my favorite. She'll always be my favorite.

>tfw no one will know what I'm cosplaying

>> No.7184522
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I wish someone would cosplay the Grundle King.

But go for it! Wind Whistler is fab.

>> No.7184526

Here are my unpopular Lolita opinions I'm confessing:

I think the whole "you have to match your wig with your coord!" trend in sweet Lolita is stupid. Don't get me wrong; I like wigs. I one day hope to have a wig collection that will make even RuPaul say "Slow down, bitch". But most of the time crazy pastel wigs just look awkward on whoever is wearing them. And like some other anons say, it makes the whole thing look costumey. Maybe save those for special occasions and/or get a couple of wigs with some streaks or an ombre effect, but all in all, I think natural colors look best.

Which brings me to my next point. Because of the extreme, in-depth planning and attention to detail that it requires, I think very few people pull off the OTT sweet Lolita that's gotten so popular (though not as much as it used to be). I'm not saying they can't be all decked out in AP, just that they should try wearing it a different way.

I actually like matchy-matchy coords. Every item doesn't have to come from a set, obviously.

I think too many people try too hard to be different and experimental when they make coords and wind up looking less than their best. Just because your outfit is unique doesn't mean it's aesthetically pleasing.

While I don't mind--and even like--seeing it on other people, I don't know if I could personally ever wear Bodyline. I still remember the days when it was a huge joke that produced shit-tier products and I guess I have trouble getting myself out of that mindset, now. For myself, anyway. Like I said, I love to see a really nicely done Bodyline coordinate on another girl or guy.

>> No.7184529

why do you hate it, though?
brand concept, past of replicas..?
or do you just think it's ugly?

>> No.7184530


Your dealer accepts payment in dresses?

>> No.7184533
File: 161 KB, 341x378, sky skimmer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/mlp/ is extremely self-entitled. It's basically like talking to a bunch of children. While we're going on about ponies:

Favorite pony: Minty for G3.
Favorite toy gen: 2
>Pic related, majestic as hell

I wish G2 had a series. They were very beautiful as toys, and G2 had a game with beautifully animated ponies.

>> No.7184534

This is the loli version of Breaking Bad and I want in.

>> No.7184538

I am the one with frocks!

>> No.7184545


>> No.7184548

Less a dealer and more of a friend.

I have made some bad decisions.

Since I'm posting again, I'll do some more secrets.
I hate when people buy expensive dresses and skimp on accessories. Yes, it is noticeable, and it looks like shit the vast majority of the time.

I think it's extremely odd when lolitas dress like shit outside of lolita. Especially if you truly see lolita as clothing and not a costume. What makes you not care about how you look except for when you're in this one fashion?

Lolitas who make a big show of not liking anime are exhausting. You still look like a big nerd to the rest of the world.

I do not see the appeal with BtSSB. I know they're old guard, but their current output does not seem on the level of their peers.

>> No.7184557
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>trading MM for coke
i hope you never find that dress again

>> No.7184561

you done got ripped off, brah.

>> No.7184640

Even though I'm a nice and friendly person, I feel a great need to be a passive-aggresive cunt towards some girls in my comm.
They're the most obnoxious kind of itas possible, bratty highschoolers who never participate in anything (but when we stopped inviting them to meets they threw a shit fit). Once they even ostentatiously walked out of my friend's panel about lolita basics - right when she was talking about how to avoid looking ita. But what pisses me off the most is the way they act as if buying brand was an impossible feat unless you're a spoiled rich princess - and thus they treat everyone wearing brand as brandwhore elitist looking down on them. Yeah, they look down on you, but because you look like shit and refuse to take any advice or criticism. The standard response to anything in vein of "I think this outfit could use some more lolita-appropriate shoes/a fuller petti/more matching bag" is "oh shut up I don't swim in money like some of you I'm trying my hardest with what I have gawd". Suggestions from taobao are waved off as "too complicated/shiping too expensive/I can't understand anything". And then they go and buy another $80 dress monster from Bodyline. Every time this happens I just want to punch them in their faces.

They'll be going to a same con soon and right now I'm debating what outfit would piss them off the most - a head to toe brand one or BL dress in an actually nice and well put together offbrand coord...

>> No.7184730

Haa, I hate bows too. And polkadots and cherries and anything that could only be slightly mistaken for rockabilly style.

>> No.7184736

I don't know how I manage to be a lolita, given how much there is there is I don't like that is common in the fashion.
I don't like lace, florals, tartan, "regimental" stripe patterns, fairytales, alice in wonderland, crosses, painting dresses, sweet prints (especially sweets/chocolate), anything tending towards rockabilly (polkadots, cherries), dresses with bibs, blouses under dresses (not in a hurrdurr screw da rules way, I just don't like how it looks compared to wearing a jacket over a dress instead), sailor style, capelets, most lolita shoes especially tea-parties and RHS which I think look silly, plastic jewellery, headbows, bonnets, and tea parties.

So how the fuck have I managed to accumulate a wardrobe full of lolita dresses?

>> No.7184738

uh sounds like you just like plain pieces worn in a classic manner. Not really that hard to build a wardrobe based on that.

>> No.7184741

I love my natural wigs for a few reasons:
I have curly hair and bangs in my natural hair look terrible, however i look good in bangs... so wig.

Im blonde and even though its a hair colour that seems easy to work into coords it often results in me looking washed out or sick in certain lighting. I use my natural hair sometimes but i love using wigs to change the colour.

>> No.7184742

I feel you anons. Its such a cute, graceful, vintage style but sniffing out a nice ringlet wig is a biiiiiitch.

>> No.7184743

I generally don't like lolita shoes, especially teaparties or clunky platform maryjanes, and am all for wearing normal heels, oxfords, booties etc with lolita but RHSs really grew on me. But my feet are so large ithey would look ridiculous on me.

>> No.7184745
File: 324 KB, 160x183, kfjyfifhg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whenever i see cutesy llama/ alpaca stuff recently all i can think of is pic related

>> No.7184751

Damn, why did I just watch that video.

>> No.7184757

I personally don't get it either. My family had alpacas when I was younger and they were obnoxious.

>> No.7184761

Oldschool is my favorite kind of lolita. I'd love to go to a meet wearing a black dress with white lace, RHS and a huge maxi pad headdress but I'm afraid they'd think it was ita.
I guess it's just how well I plan it.

Growing up I just focused on books and video games so I never put any effort in to my appearance (any attempt I did to do it was met with teasing because I was "trying to be pretty"). Lolita is my way of getting in touch with a piece of myself I thought was lost, growing up as the frumpy sweater kid; I never felt pretty before.

>> No.7184798

Even constant validation from outsiders can't help you if your self-worth problems stem from within. I feel like by constantly showering the person with compliments and assurance, instead of being supportive but urging that they tackle the root problem, we're just enablers making it worse. Say things like "It sucks feeling that way. Maybe taking a walk will help?" rather than "OH NO YOU'RE PERFECT DEM HATERS BE FAT AND UGLY HURRR"

>> No.7184802

I love my comm and I do enjoy their company... but I feel like I'm one of the more attractive/well dressed in the comm, despite being newer to lolita than a lot of them. I feel like a lot of them don't really try enough with their coords. I just want an elegant meetup for once where people aren't vulgar and perhaps are less loud and silly.

>> No.7184803


>> No.7184805

5 years ago my girlfriend was very much into lolita, and I thought it was cute so I familiarized with her hobby. After I while I took interest in boystyle and overall suits that would match her coords. We'd go to meets and get positive feedback, only problem is that I was really the only guy that took interest and there wasn't any other guys so that made me feel a bit off.

Now the girlfriend is my ex and the comm were all good friends with her, so I can't show up without stirring stuff up, and there are no other comms around

Because of this my confession is that I have around 3 grand worth of suits that matched her coords and they are all sitting in my garage in boxes

>> No.7184808

Are you Australian?

>> No.7184810

pls be in london

>> No.7184813

Where you from?

>> No.7184814

Nope, UK

>> No.7184815

I live in the land of freedom, sorry

>> No.7184818

I have a brolita friend and I madly want to fuck him and would totally date him.
Two problems.
He has a girlfriend and he's my ex's best friend.

I don't mess with taken guys and I wouldn't want the drama with my ex so I'm not going to make a move but DAMN he is so hot. He was telling me his girlfriend has nightmares about him cheating with me and I was like 'haha how ridiculous that's totally unrealistic' while thinking hot damn, is she psychic?


>> No.7184821

Queensland. I thought you might be someone I know.

>> No.7184841

>He was telling me his girlfriend has nightmares about him cheating with me and I was like 'haha how ridiculous that's totally unrealistic' while thinking hot damn, is she psychic?
Wow, he sounds like a total fucking asshole who was coming on to you.

I'm sure he's beautiful but don't touch that shit with a ten foot parasol.

>> No.7184860

It's something a women with a long dress would do in a curtsy, so I find it to just be a pose, not a way to show the dress.

>> No.7184868

Huh, you think? I hadn't thought about it like that. I invited him to a party and he was like 'not sure, <my girlfriend> has weird issues with you, she keeps having nightmares that I'm gonna cheat on her with you'. You reckon he's bullshitting?

>> No.7184873

do you know why he broke up with his ex?

>> No.7184878

I dunno about bullshitting, but "my s.o. feels threatened by you" is just not something a good boyfriend would share with someone.

>> No.7184881

I don't know who his last girlfriend was so no. His current girlfriend is a 3/10 landwhale who has no personality I've been able to discover, but she's apparently intimidated by me so maybe that's why.

>> No.7184884

I want to fuck Moot wearing my best brand.

>> No.7184885

Kyra's ex?

>> No.7184886

Wait, which one of you is wearing the brand?

>> No.7184889

oh really? who?

>> No.7184892


>> No.7184896

Whoops, mixed up ex's best friend with he's your best friends ex.

Anyways he is clearly trying to initiate something, which is a scumbag move considering he's dating someone

>> No.7184901

Hmm, maybe you're right. I wouldn't make a move so it's not like it matters anyway, just wishful thinking.

>> No.7184922

Post pics?

Or you can make a tumblr to show off your wardrobe! I'm a bit isolated here in my part of Louisiana, so I've never seen a lolita, much less a young man to wear boystyle and suits.

>> No.7184933

Confession: As a plus sized lolita myself, I don't quite understand girls who are just "above average" in regular street clothes who decide that the only way that they can acquire their dream brand is to buy replicas. So many brands have made dresses that go up to large bust measurements (Angelic Pretty's Candy Fan Fair goes up to 120 cm), and these same sought after brands are producing many dresses that are in styles that have "free" waist measurements. I think the whole "if you're fat, the only way you can be a lolita is through replicas" is a tired rumor that really needs to die out. I understand that replicas will always have a market to those who can't see the value of spending 200+ dollars on brand (even though you can find dresses on Closet Child for the same price as Oo Jia replicas) , but I think that sales would decrease dramatically if these girls knew that they can, in fact, fit into high end brands.

>> No.7185015

Why not both?

>> No.7185075

I know this struggle.

>> No.7185134

Oldschool is my favorite too! I don't think it'd be ita as long as everything was good quality. I'm sure you'll look great!

>> No.7185172

I'm sad that many lolita communities/events with well dressed girls are more privatized. Few girls will post pictures of events and how nicely dolled up everyone is (like AP SF 3rd Anniversary or PMX-this weekend photos) because no one wants their picture up or no one has the time. Or pictures will only be a small set of girls because that is who they have permission from to post photos of. I know a lot of it is a privacy thing but I miss posts that would have lots of really well dressed lolitas in them :/

>> No.7185273

Confession: I feel myself falling in and out with lolita, but I stick with it because I love my community and lolita feels so intertwined with my self identity.

>> No.7185279
File: 50 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mgmy91YgvJ1rh6eyjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hate when black shoes are worn with pastel/light co-ords, it completely ruins the aesthetic for me.

Pic related.

>> No.7185286

those shoes look brown to me

>> No.7185297

pls be in texas
you can come protect the houston lolis from brolitajenny

>> No.7185300

Seconded. Looks like she was trying to coordinate with the color of her wig?
Which in any case is a little bizarre.
I don't really know too many people who build an outfit based around a particular coord and then say
>Oh wait, I'm going to match my shoes with my hair :D

>> No.7185303

>*outfit based on a particular color

>> No.7185440

Because the free waisted stuff in my experience is usually baby doll dresses or salos. And baby doll dresses are useless for anyone who can't wear high waisted shit, which is generally people with waists that need definition.

>> No.7185450


Nope not there either.

>> No.7185460

Just buy blonde and dye it yourself. That's what I have to do with extensions because nobody seems to sell extensions for redheads.

>> No.7185463

Care to be more specific?

>> No.7185466

This. The only people who really share photos in my comm are the horribly dressed ones. Makes the rest of us look like shit. They are what people think we dress like.

>> No.7185468

She has a brown bow too, and there is brown in the print (although admittedly not the same shade)

>> No.7185553

I want to be posted on btb because I want to be recognised in the lolita community

>> No.7185557
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>> No.7185574

It's probably not an unpopular opinion, but I hate it when people tag their tumblr posts with their username. I don't mind if someone else reblogs it and tags it as such, but if you do it yourself it looks pretty arrogant.

I also love Mana-sama-hooker shoes with gothic/old school. And I hate flat shoes, especially tea parties. They're ugly as shit and pretty much ruin all but the most casual of outfits.

>> No.7185590
File: 65 KB, 436x424, 6464553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been planning and dreaming about wearing lolita for years now. I always lurk the boards, Im in the comm of my city, I know exactly what I like the style and the coords I'd wear, I dont have any money problems and I could get whatever I want, yet I cant find the courage to buy them and actually wear them.

I just look at those girls that wear them so good, and sometimes cry a little when looking to ugly girls using the dresses I could wear much better than them.
I hate being like this.

Im so afraid of being judged and being myself its ridiculous.

>> No.7185620

boring coords are my favorite coords.
they're more practical than putting on so many accessories, 5 wristcuffs, 3 necklaces, 7 bracelets, tights and socks, 20 bows and a bonnet, adding 3 different things to wear over your dress, fake lashes, circle lenses...
super-accessorizing is just "ech" to me.
I like when a coord is simple, no matter what the style. that way you can focus on the dress itself.

I don't understand idiots that think boring coords are Ita. they're lovely in their own way.

>> No.7185631

are you me?

>> No.7185638

> I don't understand idiots that think boring coords are Ita. they're lovely in their own way.

This. I wear lolita every day (except weekends); I don't have enough time, motivation or stuff to wear like 100+ accessories all the time. My co-ords consist of dress + blouse + tights + shoes + petticoat + necklace and maybe a bracelet/hair ornament, and everybody still thinks I'm fancy as fuck, even though I feel kinda casual. I do need a haircut, though. My hair is so boring but I don't think I could wear a wig for 10+ hours a day, especially with how hot it gets on the Tube.

>> No.7185643

You need to stop comparing and competing with others inside your head. Don't look at girls and think 'they're better than me'. And don't look at girls and think 'I'm better than them'.

Try and be kinder. It will make you feel happier and stronger, I promise. If you admire their outfit, focus on something you love, and try to work it into your next outfit ... how they stand/wear their braids/do their lip makeup/carry their purse ... anything.

And if there is a person like those that you called 'ugly' ... don't reduce them to such a word. They are as unsure, and scared, and as brave as you. Find a point of their outfit that is almost there, and think, 'they'll do better next time'.

If you give up on judging others, you will realise that not everyone is judging you. Enjoy yourself, be friendly, don't get caught up in imaginary battles.

>> No.7185650
File: 294 KB, 500x252, 1382407028591.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a tendency of only buying things online that I barely like because theyre good deals.
Like, I just bought a popping balloon skirt on y!japan because it came with a blouse and socks for 4700 yen. But I'll probably never wear it? Idfk.

>> No.7185658

well, if you pay for shitty drugstore makeup, you will get shitty drugstore results.

buy better makeup

>> No.7185666

You are right, I'm very competitive and that affects me. I think its harder for people like me that doesnt know how to make real friends, I always feel it a bit shallow and I tend to isolate myself from others, specially females.

I guess I dont wanna end posted in btb or involved in comm drama if I actually get to be part of the society not just stand far and looking.

Thank you Ill try to focus more in enjoying myself.

>> No.7185719

except those are brown shoes, probably matching some of the brown in the print.

>> No.7185734

I have the opposite confession, I think it looks ok if the shoes happen to match the hair colour, like this photo. If she had light hair, it wouldn't look right.

>> No.7185741

Last year I struggled a lot with eating, was diagnosed EDNOS, etc and spent a long long time recovering. I still have a lot of food related issues and sometimes I have really, really bad days. Because I fucked up my metabolism and body by starving myself so much in the past, whenever I eat "normally" for a period of time I PACK ON WEIGHT like nothing fucking else. I have gained around 40lbs and am borderline overweight for my height (one number below on the BMI scale).
I recently got the chance to buy my dream dress and I did, even though it doesn't have shirring and there's no way I can fit it at the weight I am at now. I haven't worn lolita in the whole year past because I've felt too fat, too gross, and undeserving of wearing the cute dresses just hanging in my closet.
I am currently trying to lose the weight and get back down to my normal, healthy weight and I am doing it the healthy way this time (not skipping meals, going to the gym 2-3 times a week). But I look at those dresses and I don't know if I'll ever feel worthy of wearing my dream dress... even when it fits.

Also where I live there is a huge fucking comm (its about 45minutes to an hour away) and I rarely go to meetups because I don't know fucking anybody and the last meet I went to I talked to girls a little but then everyone cliqued up and I was just standing there... alone... most of the time. I really wish I could make friends in my comm, especially if there were other lolitas like myself who were new to the community but it just feels like everyone makes friends so much easier than me.
In the past I was instantly accepted into comms and had no trouble making friends. In the state I moved from, our comm was amazing and we were very close friends and would wear lolita together just doing things not official meetups and it was like a dream. But in this comm I feel like "what the fuck is wrong with me?" that I don't have any friends yet.

>> No.7185742


>> No.7185765
File: 35 KB, 350x467, 4356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chiming in to say I agree with everyone. I've never been a fan of an over load of prints/accessories myself. In some cases, I actually think it looks incredibly costume-y. OTT stuff is best reserved for special occasions like meets and cons because of the amount of planning and attention to detail it requires. Not to say that 'boring' coords don't require those things. But with OTT styles (especially sweet) you have more balls in the air so it's easier to mess up.

I personally like my dress to be the main focus of the outfit. All the other little details are just frosting on the cake. I also prefer one or two pieces of jewelry that really pop and make a statement as opposed to a riot of accessories.

Pic related. I want my wardrobe to be nothing but this. This and hats and rose corsages. Classical bags and elegant shoes.

I'd also rather see full sets of a series worn together than some of the coordinates I see, sometimes. Not always though.

>> No.7185778

I'll be your friend anon.
we can make our own little clique.
what area are you in?

>> No.7185783

I would like that. I'm in the Chicago area.

>> No.7185806

THIS, so much.
I'm the one who has been making the Ita threads with rules. because I'm tired of newfags posting booring coords because thats what they think ita is. No. fucking stop.
there's nothing wrong with being plain as long as you follow the basic rules of the fashion.

>tfw you've saved amazingly simple coord pics from Ita threads because you actually liked them.
please tell me I'm not alone on this.

>> No.7185811

I get what you're saying but tagging your outfit posts with your username makes it easy for people to find them. Not everyone wants to wade through all the other shit you may post just to see one of your outfits.
People should use the tagged pages a bit more though, it makes it easy to organise all your content.

>> No.7185827

I think people who post gifs of themselves are complete attention whores and rarely as kawaii as they think themselves to be. No, you do not look cute blowing your cheeks out. Yes, you are bringing me closer to epilepsy.

I'd love to vendetta chan, but I won't because I feel mean doing so.

>> No.7185828

I'm in the L.A. area.

I've lived here for a long while now (a little over a year), but I'm too scared to go to a meetup.

I hope you find a good friend anon.

>> No.7185830

>waifu-tier opinion and style choice
Godamnit, marry me already.

>> No.7185845

its one thing if someone else makes one of you, but it just screams attentionwhore when you do it yourself.
this is why I can't STAND peachie.
why does everyone fawn over it?
when I see her gifs, I don't think "kawaii uguu" I think "mentally ill droopy eyed attentionwhoring ageplayer."

I'm into sweet and all, but we all know peachie has crossed the line.

>> No.7185857

Some of my friends from my previous comm are in LA now and active in the lolita comm there I think and are SUPER DUPER NICE and you should definitely go to a meetup! Especially in a place like LA there is so much more opportunity for kawaii shit than other places. I know when you attend a meetup they will be super welcoming.

>> No.7185862
File: 144 KB, 400x512, 1255841778258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually like matchy-matchy coords

This. Everyone goes on and on about how great the AP clones and Maki and Asuka look. It's like 'Gee why do you think that is?'. It's because they aren't trying to hard to be "unique".

>> No.7185902

There's a girl who joined my comm recently (In the last year.) and I've never met her. I haven't even had a lengthy conversation with her.
But goddamn, do I fucking hate this bitch.

I'm a pretty chill person. I don't particularly enjoy other people often and prefer my own company or that of a small circle of friends, but I do enjoy meets and get along well with most, if not all, of the girls. However, very occasionally, I will instantly decide I hate somebody (And it always winds up being justified. I guess I'm just a good judge of whether somebody is a douche or not?) and they will never be able to redeem themselves or alter my opinion. I'm never bitchy or cold toward them, I just tend to avoid them as much as possible whilst still being civil.

This one girl, though. She never goes to meets and like I said, we've never even talked, but damn, she is annoying. I've read her some of the stuff on her blogs and her posts on the comm and she just thoroughly irritates me. I actually fucking despise her. I feel like if she ever shows up to a meet I'm at and voices any of her stupid opinions, I will actually throw tea in her face. I have a very intense hatred for this one girl I've never met and whilst she justifies it, I still feel pretty bad over it.
And it's not jealousy either, she's just very annoying.

Anybody else know this feel?

>> No.7185903

i wish i had someone to twin with.

>> No.7185909

Is there anything specifically that she has done to upset or frustrate you? Or do you just hate her face?

>> No.7185916


I hate her face (It's an awful face.) but it's not so much something she's done specifically to me as her attitude and opinions are absolutely terrible. Like really stupid and awful and just thoroughly irritating. One of her dumb blogs actually got posted here before, and she's been posted quite a few times by people other than me, so I don't think it's just me she's annoyed.

>> No.7185922

Unpopular opinion: I hate that "POC" Lolitas who aren't Asian get lots of attention just because of their skin color. Their coord may be shit, but they'll get 500+ noted anyways.

Also hate that OTT coords get thousands of notes even if it's shit

>> No.7185928


Incoming shitstorm of people screeching about how ACTUALLY NO POC LOLIS GET NO NOTES AT ALL FHJDSHF

So many terrible, ita coords on black girls with hundreds of notes. And there's the blouseless, unironed Milky Planet replica one that has notes in the thousands...

>> No.7185932

I really wanna know who this is!

>> No.7185937


I'm not posting her, because I'm really not the type to post people to /cgl/ and I also don't want to stir up any potential drama. I just wanted to have an anonymous vent.

Hopefully she'll just melt into obscurity despite her dreams of e-fame.

>> No.7185964
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I dress up in sailor lolita to dance to In The Navy.
I need to find more constructive things to do on Friday nights.
Pic related: what I probably look like.

>> No.7185971

um, you can get fine makeup at the drug store

>> No.7186007

Sounds amazing. I like the sound of a lolita dance party.

>> No.7186010

>i can wear cheap things and not look cheap!
>durr hurr

>> No.7186174
File: 115 KB, 600x800, Outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can wear cheap things and not look cheap!
Please see pic related. You can make cheap things like makeup and clothes look nice depending on how you style and use them.

As for my confession, I hate when on facebook events, people who are otherwise non-existent in the comm make a big deal about how they can't go. I just wish they would figure out that nobody knows them or cares about whether or not they're going to show up. I never really saw the point in clicking decline and then writing a novel about the reason; just don't click "Going."

>> No.7186222
File: 30 KB, 250x242, 1381020511414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm considered the ringleader of my comm, and they all depend on me to organize events but I'm moving and I don't know what to do. I'm not being overdramatic- I literally do almost everything for the comm.

>> No.7186230

It is time to pick a heiress.

>> No.7186242

Yes. And pass on the rose ring.

>> No.7186257

I hate it too. Even worse if they are plus size and black, because then they are *so brave* and *so unique*, even if their coord is mediocre at best

>> No.7186259

>just because of their skin color
How do you know that? Can't disregard the possibility [likely fact] that someone may actually like or love a coord that you hate.

>> No.7186264

If you're nervous, you should try making it to the fairtale boutique christmas event(waiting on a date for it) It was my first event and I used it as a chance to introduce myself to new people.

>> No.7186266
File: 326 KB, 410x589, tumblr_mv5u8jJVcc1qiik3qo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's tumblr, that's why. Pic related has almost 200 notes, and I highly doubt it's because of her outfit or the 'amazing' photography

>> No.7186265

Kind of wondering if I'm the only one who dislikes the smiles and eyes of a lot of lolita pictures. I find the smiles aren't genuine and makes them look very odd, and the eyes often look a bit cross-eyed.

>> No.7186271

I am sure you're not the only one, but I am kind of the opposite? I find that a smile is so much better looking to me than that dead pan 'omg look at my cute apathetic doll face' look I see so often. I try to smile in all my pictures, 1 because I usually feel really happy when I get dressed up and 2 because I feel like a smile is so much cuter and carefree than the other looks

>> No.7186279

Candy Fun Fair DID NOT go up to 120 cm. My bust is 109 cm and the shirring was completely stretched out.

>> No.7186287

I understand that and I think smiles are great, but a lot of the faces I see look really forced and practiced and it's just something I'm particular about. As long as your smile is genuine, I'm sure it'll show.

>> No.7186290

>the eyes often look a bit cross-eyed.
Circle lenses and getting the camera too close to your face do this like nobodies' business in head-on shots. Unless you're looking from the side, it's going to happen.

>> No.7186291

Maybe because afros with lolita are rare? I know lots of girls love frolita.

>> No.7186313

I hate people and their kinks.

One of my most popular coords on tumblr received a comment by a guy into the dd/lg thing and now I feel like he raped it. I'm not sure if I can wear it and not feel weird/dirty. How to deal? I know people could be jerking off to my pics on the Internet, but I don't want to know about it.

>> No.7186311

I get super butthurt whenever I see someone posted to one of the lolita blogs on tumblr who looks like they haven't done anything with their hair, their makeup, and whose coords are mediocre at best.

I don't understand what it takes to get into one of those. I'm sorry, I'm a notes whore. It used to be comments on eljay, now it's notes on tumblr. And I want them all.

>> No.7186319

My confession is that I cannot figure out how to buy on Taobao for the life of me, and it's embarrassing.

>> No.7186330

revel in the fact that some guy wants to bust his load in your face, i'm sure it'll be the most you ever contribute to society anyway

>> No.7186334

Is your confession also that you have no idea how to google things?

>> No.7186359

What was your previous comm?

>> No.7186364


My cosplay once got favorited by a dude who drew solely feederism.

I'm nowhere near fat. I felt weird too.

>> No.7186382

Confession: I'm a sweet lolita but I find Sugary Carnival and Day Dream Carnival so horrible, I can not understand the appeal at all.

>> No.7186383

this, I like when smiles are genuine even if they don't completely flatter that person's face. if it's genuine, if it's a real smile, it makes me happy too.

>> No.7186479

You know most people are very understanding about phobias and ticks like that. I have this thing where certain songs trigger panic attacks, so going anywhere that pipes in music (like shops or trendy cafés, etc) can be difficult.
I thought I'd be a huge burden, but I explained myself to the rest of the comm, and they completely understand if I need to GET OUT GET OUT FAST halfway through lunch or whatever.
Sometimes one or two might even join me so it just look like we're going for a cigarette, even though none of us smoke.

Would it help if, during your transition from Point A to Point B, someone held your hand or distracted you with constant conversation? Hell, even discreet singing? (Not so loud that strangers hear easily, just something to focus on that isn't the street.) I know that sound ridiculous, but most lolitas don't mind looking a bit silly if it's to help a friend.

>> No.7186485

Well at least you're aware of that?

>> No.7186496


SUCH a line!

>> No.7186504

While this is true, you have to be VERY fucking choosy. For instance, Barry M Bold Black waterproof eyeliner pencil is just as good as Urban Decay's 24/7 in Perversion, and 1/3 the price, but generally foundations, concealers and powders (ie: the main components of a nicely made-up face) will not hold up in comparison to higher-end brands.

If you have a two-dollar head, wear a two dollar hat.

>> No.7186505

That would look stunning if it was a solid colour. When will people learn that you can buy non-patterned bedsheets?

But yes, that dress is solid in construction, and she's a very pretty girl.

>> No.7186506

Yeah I'd reblog that for the hair. It's unreal!

>> No.7186511

I don't know ;w; I'm not good at these things, I have trouble reading people if they're not being 100% genuine

>> No.7186512

i know this is really old.

i fucking hate shiny wigs.

>> No.7186514

My confession is that I love the ita comm in my town.
My comm is nicely dressed with a mix of brand, off-brand, taobao and handmade.
The ita comm used to be openly anti-brand, and now the two biggest lulzcows have been spotted wearing ill fitting secondhand AP from like 2006.
I'm pretty sure they got them from eBay resellers for about five times their actual worth.

10/10 girls, you provide more keks than a German bakery.

>> No.7186524
File: 142 KB, 634x927, article-2123050-125685B6000005DC-512_634x927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Welcome to the other side. Now you have some understanding of how it feels to be looked over.

Black chicks and other poc people know that feeling to look around and see the confirmed existence of everyone else on billboards, on ads, in commercials, sitcoms, to the n-th degree while your own looks/race is treated as something only exotic or non existing.

Next time before you're like "She only gets noticed cause of her skin" think about everywhere else she doesn't get noticed cause of her skin.

>> No.7186525 [DELETED] 


angry nigger plz go back to tumblr.

>> No.7186536

Sometimes I feel superior to some of the girls in my comm because they're all huge weebs who are into visual bands and anime way too much and I'm in it for the fashion and actually try to coord fancy yet not costumey outfits. Then I look at meetup photos and they all look way better than me.

>> No.7186539

Her afro is pretty neat

>> No.7186540

tumblr pls go

I'm black myself, and I'd much rather get a ton of notes for actually having a good coord, and not because Tumblr creams itself over black chicks. That shit's creepy.

>> No.7186541

Not that anon, but
good for u
ur officially cool with the white kids now ;)

>> No.7186563


no tumblr, just sense.

I'm black too and I keep my cosplay well made cause I like to be the well made (insert character here) rather than the black (insert character here). So I understand where you are coming from.

Still doesn't make anything I said less true.

>> No.7186582

I used to be the same.
Now I just put it through a simple test to determine if someone's playing me or not:

Is what they just said extremely flattering to you?
They're buttering you up.

Are they showing you other girls and complimenting them in a way you couldn't possibly find interesting?
(Like "she's a dancer" when you're not interested in dancing, "her boobs looked great in that cocktail dress" when you're not the type of person who checks other women out or wears cocktail dresses, etc)
Then they're trying to make you jealous in the hopes you'll "compete" for their attention.

If they let you in on confidential information regarding their girlfriend's flaws or insecurities in a way you KNOW they wouldn't do if she was there in the room with you, they're either trying to gauge your reaction to see if you like them or not, or sending a signal that they're bored of their relationship.

Either way, these are shady things to do, and if he does it to the girl he's with now, chances are he'd do it to you if you were together.

And I know some people who consider Twilight to be the romance of our generation will wonder why I'm such a paranoid man-hater. The answer is, I'm not. Any good guy who is interested in a girl will end an existing relationship with decency and be straight with the new object of his affections. And IF you have reasons for not wanting to date him (which you do, and very good ones I might add) then he'll understand and back off.
Keep it logical, anon. Good luck dealing with him, he sounds sly.

>> No.7186581

I noticed my so-so coords get way more notes (like ten times as much) than actually nice and detailed ones simply because they're bodyline/offbrand. It gets me butthurt too, it's like tumblr hates brand on principle, to the point of fetishizing "budget lolita" even if it's the most mediocre shit ever.

>> No.7186590

I'm really confused by the mickey mouse ears trend that's happening in lolita. Did the California/Florida lolitas start it? Since there are disney theme parks there, I just wonder why.

>> No.7186596

Facebook prompts you to say why you can't go.

>> No.7186763


You two have it right. I think that may be the reason I'm so attracted to classic; I've always thought over accessorizing is incredibly tacky, and much prefer a toned down kind of elegance. that extra stuff makes it look like a costume. The focal point of an outfit, imo, should be the dress, and everything else should just highlight it more.
The dress is the picture, and the accessories are the frame. If everyone is focusing more on the frame than the photo itself, there's a problem.

>> No.7186773

I hate most bodyline too, everytime I have bought something it's been bad quality fabric, or it has been faulty (I've had 2 broken zips on 2 skirts, and a broken snap on a shoe).

>> No.7186971

Are you me? Although I'll be honest, the reason I'm Taobao illiterate is because I'm too busy buying clothes from other places to bother looking up how to use it.

>> No.7187250

I love sweet lolita prints, and I'd rather my outfit revolve around the print than be drowned in needless accessories.
I love boring sweet/ oldschool sweet.

since it seems many of us agree on this, why don't I make a thread for simple coords?

>> No.7187286

which comm?

>> No.7187292

Wow, are you me?

>> No.7187443

Some of us are just blessed with chronic bitchface anon, we can't help it.

That could be it, 'frolilta' always gets loads of positivity whenever it pops up on btb.

>> No.7187481

I think I know who this. Cryptic clue time; does she share a surname with a Doctor Who companion and doesn't consider herself your lolita?
Cause if not it's terrifying to think there's two people like this

>> No.7187489

I got banned from a new community I joined without given much reason why (they told me I've had issues in the past-thats it.), and I havent been to lolita meetup 4 years, and that was at some place in the northeast.
its hurting me more than it should. I've lived here for over a year and have not made any lolita friends, or female friends for that matter. (well, just one aquaintance, but its one-sided)

I apologized to the mod, and I understand my actions as an ita were horrible in the past, but that was four years ago. I just want a frilly friend. perhaps they've seen my pictures on /cgl/ and wont accept me? did a member of my old community step in and say "don't let her in?" I don't know. I'm feeling cooped up and lonely.

I hear nothing but good things about this community, so I was excited that this time would be different. but I guess its not.

I'm way too upset about this.

>> No.7187537

I share your problem anon.

>> No.7187543

Were you a bitch in your last comm? Did you get a reputation on cgl? You should talk to the mods and ask them what the issues are that got you banned, as you would like to address them. Do it in a polite way, maybe wait until you're feeling less upset so you don't say something you regret. It might just be a mistake.

>> No.7187559

uh what

>> No.7187575

I have this girl on my FB feed. we met up at a lolita meet and I've only kept her around now because of "teh lulz". I feel bad but Jesus Christ, this girl is a lol-cow.

>> No.7187579

Tell us exactly what happened... People don't get banned just for being obnoxious itas, people get banned for being scammers usually.

>> No.7187596


If this is about who >>7187481 is hinting at, it's not just you she's pissed off. You perfectly described my feelings on her. I hate her so much and I feel sort of bad for it, but she does bring it on herself. Not gonna lie, the idea of her having tea thrown in her face is funnier than it should be.

I actually don't care about anything and I'm pretty happy just chilling with my friends, but every time she posts, I can hardly stop myself from rolling my eyes.

>> No.7187628

I get being a comments whore, but I don't get notes. They're so...meaningless. It's just a click. I can sort of understand reblogs, but most notes come from the little heart button and that just means that the image caused the person a quarter-second of quasi-appreciation before scrolling right on and forgetting.

>> No.7187682

>tfw no kawaii boystyle boyfriendo
you should post your email and let the ladycallers come knocking, anon

>> No.7187700


The difference between notes and comments is that people will comment simply to promote themselves. I'm sure there are girls who comment all the time (insincerely or not) for attention or exposure.

Your likes don't often show up anywhere, if someone clicks "like" they genuinely enjoy that shit. There is no self-promotion aspect to it.

>> No.7187768

Right, but why not just avoid clicking "Going?" instead of selecting the decline option? It's not just that though, it's when people post constant updates to the event about their condition affecting whether or not they're goin, and they've never even surfaced anywhere else. Idk, it just comes across to me as self-important, like everyone should be so concerned with whether or not this one person is going when in reality, nobody knows who they even are.

>> No.7187828
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I'm not really looking for that kind of attention

>> No.7187843

That mini-drama was awesome.

>> No.7187842

Are you referring to faerydragonet by any chance? Because she does that for every damn event, and never goes to any of them (which I guess is a good thing). She's obviously just bored and lonely, but it's kinda awkward to read all about her medical conditions and personal issues.

>> No.7188098

There is a person in my comm who literally makes me want to flip tables in her direction. I suspect she may have aspergers or autism but I'm not sure. She shits up our whole page with "is dis rorita?" and asking if Milanoo is good quality. We get like one post a fucking day with just asinine shit. I've never met her at an actual meetup because she never comes thank goodness but her online presence is enough.

>> No.7188104

I was an asspained Ita.

I felt like people were distancing themselves from me at my first meetups. I told them to tell me if I'm bothering them at all, and they just told me I was doing fine. then a week later, secrets. with me. two. and hatemail upon hatemail.

instead of taking this and bettering myself as a person (which I probably would of done so easier if they had told me straight up and in a nicer manner) I smeared the community's name online as long as I could, whenever I could. this ended about two years ago. I'm no longer a 16 year old kid with a vendetta.
>You should talk to the mods and ask them what the issues are that got you banned
I apologized for my past behavior and told them I was looking forward to joining a new community since living in the area.
they've read my message, but its been a month and I don't think they are going to reconsider.

the person who made the decision to have me removed has spoken through someone, and not directly to me. not sure if that means anything or what.

>> No.7188120

you contribute nothing but general bitchiness
why do you trip? you're a horrible fucking person.

>> No.7188148


You're making it incredibly obvious who you are. My advice: take a break from /cgl/ for a good, long time. I'm honestly not sure if you can recover from all the damage you've done.

>> No.7188175

you're just jealous vanilla lace is prettier than you and keeps uglies around to laugh at.

>> No.7188186

Fucking Faerydragonet man. Were not even friends on facebook but I see her posts pop up on my feed now and then and theyre all lies. She has every physical and mental disease known to man apparently. One of her recent posts was about her daughter being directly descended from some royaltly in Europe lmao as if.

>> No.7188192

I have no clue who they are, deets?

>> No.7188199


Frequents here. Victim complex. Vendetta with old comm. Asspained ita (still).

Come on, man.

>> No.7188201

Nia, got it.

>> No.7188206

Really? I was thinking that we were talking about jrod. Since most of the dramas with her happened when she was 14-16, and she's now almost 19 or so?

>> No.7188211

Attention whore, obviously.
And yes, I know I'm a horrible fucking person. Even though I've only posted with this trip a grand total of less than 10 times...

>> No.7188218

just get out

>> No.7188232


Matches up better with Nia. Granted she changed a few details to not sound so obvious but always does a horrible job at it because she's not good at keeping up with it. She gets lost in her own lies and bullshit so.

>> No.7188239

I thought Nia was active before moving, though. Whereas jrod disappeared for several years and recently (maybe six months ago?) resurfaced. Either way, both are from the northeast, both are pathetic and both received what they deserved after being morons in public spaces where their actions could be witnessed and recorded. Time for them to move on to new waters and leave lolita alone.

>> No.7188248

you're right.
I need to go.
sorry for the trouble that I have caused.
I just needed to vent.

>> No.7188251

this is too juicy, who is it?

>> No.7188255


You really have to stop lying to everyone and yourself and admit that you helped in starting your own downfall in the lolita community world. You overreacted about what could have been passive, forgiven, and forgotten and created this unnecessary beast. Once you admit and accept this you'll be happier.

Laying low would honestly be best for you right now. Especially with your ex being absolutely batshit insane all over the place for whatever reason. No ill intent here, just voicing my feelings on what I've observed from you.

>> No.7188282

I agree.
again, sorry for the hassle that I've caused everyone.

>> No.7188284


Well if it really is you since your anon, then I hope you really do follow through.

>> No.7188298

I've started by taking off trip and lying about my real situation- because I didn't like threads being derailed because of the fact I posted, anon or unanon.

I've been trying to have a fresh start in the community, believing in karma, accepting that I deserve most of what's been coming to me, and apologizing when given the chance.

no excuses, no bullshit.

I don't want to drag this on further in this thread-or on /cgl/ for that matter more than my little rant already has. if anyone has any questions about anything they can message me on my tumblr or something.

>> No.7188300 [DELETED] 
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i keep wanting to make secrets about the itas that keep showing up to meets, but i almost feel bad for them.

also i've made a secret that resulted in a crazy bitch getting banned from our comm so i was happy about that.

>> No.7188307

i made a secret that got a gigantic dramallama bitch kicked out of our comm.
itas keep coming to meets and i keep wanting to make secrets about them but i feel bad for them more than anything since they're usually just misguided instead of obnoxious.

>> No.7188311

We are friends now.

>> No.7188314

Nia lived in Memphis before she chimped out and moved to Cali. She's originally from the northeast, but no, she never went to a meet up with the Connecticut lolitas because her mom thought she'd get kidnapped(true story)

>> No.7188320

I hate the brightly coloured, gross pantomime looking wigs.

All tumblr-esque fashions turn me the heck off now. Including but not limited to eyeballs, crosses, pentagrams, black lipstick, pastel hair, 'edgy' pixel bs, nerdy glasses, liberty spikes, BOY london and shit with bones on it. Don't taint lolita with this garbage.

Also find myself cringing when girls with really mature features wear circle lenses, it looks weird as fuck. They already make half the people who wear them have dead doe-eyes.

>> No.7188322


>ita me in con 5 years ago wearing white corset pink skirt boring stuff
>got annoyed after the 5th person who asked me to take a picture of my pseudo coord
>decide to charge $1 for each picture
>"hey, nobody is bothering me anymore"
>hours goes by
>picture here and there
>suddenly realizes I have lots of $$$
>I leave with a whooping $55 and I even bought stuff at the con.

Years later I still feel like a cheap whore.

It hurts, my past.

>> No.7188324

are you from the north?

>> No.7188328
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no one likes you or cares for what you have to say.
you posted this. (true story)

>> No.7188413

>chimped out
How ironic that you're using that term when you're like 1000% crazier and more apelike than her.

>> No.7188419

Yeah, I've got another guy I'm pursuing anyway so it's not really a big deal, I just feel bad that I fancy him, haha. Dreamt about fucking him last night and woke up like nooooooooooooo not allowed. Goddamn hormones.

>> No.7188424

This is a rad idea, imma dig out my old ita shit and do this at the next con. Free money ain't never hurt nobody

>> No.7188428
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>> No.7188431

Seconding this.

>> No.7188432

There's also a girl who does this in my comm, she feels a need to completely detail every reason that she can't do this or can't go to that for every. single. event. Hell, she even does it (unprovoked) to explain why she can't afford to spend money on burando ("I have better things to spend my money on than dresses" coooool well you're definitely going to find sympathy for that in a community based around spending money on dresses).

>> No.7188444

There's no way to turn off event notifications until you say whether you're going or not. Facebook is just taking everything away lately, though.

>> No.7188463
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>> No.7188577

My confession: I hate feminists who rant on about shit in sweet lolita. It makes no sense to me how you can be all 'blah female empowerment blah' and then dress up like an adult baby. It narks me off that they blame men for every failure in their lives while spending all their money on loli dresses. It's a problem specifically because we have a feminist ranter in our comm..

>> No.7188585

Have you tried curling your hair with rags? My hair won't hold a heat curl long enough to even finish curling the rest of my hair, but I can keep ringlets from rag curls in my hair for a few hours before it relaxes into regular curls.

They have to be smaller sections, so I usually do about 30 curls in my hair. It's super easy to sleep in, and just sleep with a silk scarf around your hair and use a bit of gell/oil to make sure that they turn out smooth. DO NOT brush or run your fingers through the curls when you are done, and just spray with a bit of hairspray (not completely necessary)

>> No.7188966

>thinks we dress like babies
Go away, pleb.

>> No.7189084


Get out

>> No.7190070

There's a girl in my comm that does my fucking head in. Not even gonna lie that I'm ridiculously jealous as horrible as it's gonna sound.

I work full time, make a decent wage and my bills are quite reasonable. But after all the essentials have been paid, I still have to save for a month or two for luxuries such as brand, even just from Closet Child or MBok.

Then there's this girl in my comm. She's got this illness which apparently makes her too sore to do any work or even get a further education, can't even do OU. She lives in this really nice place with her boyfriend who also doesn't work.

Other than her disability benefits, they appear to have no income however she can afford to make regular brand purchases (including direct from the store as new and Mbok/closet child), has just booked a very expensive trip to Japan and generally lives an exceptionaly comfortable life without flying a finger.
Her partner just scrounges off her and she's happy to let him.

So yes, I am very jealous that I work my arse off for a relatively comfortable life whilst I sit and see someone scrounging off the government because they're too ill to work but not too ill to do photoshoots and every opportunity.

>> No.7190083


I think you're in my comm, and if you are, you don't fucking know shit about their situation.

>> No.7190088


Also very curious as to who you are, because you wouldn't know any of this unless you've hung out with them.

Just as well you're anonymous, because if you weren't, I'd kick your ass next time you showed up to a meet.

>> No.7190566

I'm not sure if I dislike pastels and OTT Sweet, or if I just resent 'em because of my super dark hair and weird-ass mixed skin color that either overpowers or clashes with anything light-colored, especially near my face. I can't even wear a wig more than a few shades lighter than my normal hair color or it looks disgusting and unnatural.

One thing I do know that I will never wear or want to wear are any plastic glittery accessories and especially anything with plastic 'frosting' on it - with, god forbid, little things embedded in the frosting, I see that all over and it never looks anything except cheap and sloppy.

>> No.7190686

Reading this I doubt you have a chronic illness or know anyone who does. I despise the attitude of if it's not immediately visible that they're ill they must be faking it.

>> No.7191862

Confession: I dislike 90% of the lolitas I have met in my local comm and online. They are usually socially awkward, have very different priorities than me in life (mainly lolita and/or drama with lolitas), or are extremely negative/irresponsible. I have met an awesome assortment of lolitas who are a bit more down to earth who I am friends with, but the majority of them make me want to have nothing to do with any sort of lolita "community"

I wish there was a non-socially awkward comm somewhere on the internet.

>> No.7191864

I wish I knew how to make a slightly more mature version of sweet lolita.

I am starting to near my 30s and lots of lolitas say switching to classic is best, but I do not like classic.

I like my dresses with stars and ice creams and ponies and want to keep wearing them.

Other than doing a cult party mix, I do not know of a good way to mature sweet and I really wish I did. :(

>> No.7191865

I actually find JSKs without a blouse can often look more elegant and pretty than with a blouse depending on how the hair, makeup, and accessorizing is done. Sometimes blouses just look stuffy, and if a girl has a nice neck, declate, shoulders, and arms I think she looks beautiful without a blouse. Especially in a JSK where the straps tie behind the next!

>> No.7191986

How did you/agoraphobia anon make friends in the comm? I'm also agoraphobic, avoidant personality and have pretty severe anxiety. Its hard to talk myself into wearing lolita because of it - I'm fucking terrified to even try to go to meets because I'll never make friends and people will probably just think I'm super weird.

>> No.7192380

Are you me? I only go to meets to hopefully find a new friend in the new members.