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7180015 No.7180015 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is in autosage >>7168399
Discuss recent purchases, ask questions, or continue talking about babies at meet ups

>> No.7180021

I got a real hankering for oldschool rectangular headdresses right now.
Anyone seen any nice indie brand ones, int the West or taobao? I might just make one at this rate but I'm so lazy.

>> No.7180025

You can pick them up secondhand fairly easily, I think.
I don't know of any brands that make them now, but I bought one a while back by posting a WTB.

>> No.7180037

Are there any lolita-esque knitting patterns around? I'm just starting to learn how to knit and while I can find plenty of crotcheting things but not knitting things that aren't scarves and sweaters.

>> No.7180066
File: 26 KB, 231x315, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't understand how people justify selling oddment items at such a ridiculously high price. Getting an oddment pack B from IW, will set you back what - almost $1000?
For the amount of things that come in these packages, on average, your cost per item hardly equals $50. Yet there are people who are selling these JSK's and what not at over $150. Why? Are western Lolita's all really that greedy?
I stumbled across this girl on the sales just recently, selling all her Oddment pack items at high prices, claiming
>NWT, selling because it doesn't fit me :(
Why the fuck did you buy the pack then? Some else misses out because you're greedy and want to make money.

>> No.7180076

I've searched myself, and not had much luck. I'm considering using one of those pattern generators to generate a basic cardigan which to add lace to, but I haven't had the time as of yet. Should I do something like this, I'll post the pattern online.

I've also considered some of the children's patterns I've seen on Ravelry, upsizing them to my measurements.

>> No.7180082

you dont get to pick the sizes of the items that come in oddment LPs

>> No.7180083

not that i agree with overpriced oddment items (i mean, those items went into an oddment pack for a reason: because they wouldn't sell, or are damaged in some way) but you can't really pick the size of the items that come in your pack as far as i know. people just buy and hope a majority of the items will be their size and to their taste.

>> No.7180111

Does anyone have a tutorial oh how to make a rosette? I've been looking everywhere for one that pertained to lolita fashion and couldn't find anything.

>> No.7180116
File: 259 KB, 430x649, surface spell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this dress so bad. Anyone know anyone selling it? None of the taobao resellers have it, and according to the store it's out of stock--I think. Google translate mangles Chinese.

>> No.7180121

How do people justify scalping anything? They price to the current market value and if they make a profit, well they're lucky.

>> No.7180142

Has anyone received tracking from jetj for the le cadre du chat rerelease?

>> No.7180143

Which comm was all the baby drama from? Sounds like London but I'm not seeing anything on the TPC page.

>> No.7180147

I haven't seen anything about it.. What kind of event was it?

>> No.7180160

What are the odds on getting L items? She seemed to be selling S and M. Even then her waist measurement, according to a custom order she's selling, is pushing to fit in the L size.

No I don't think it's 'lucky', I think it is greedy. Yes, iI understand market value, but selling an item for more than triple what you paid for is just rude.
It's the same when you girls flip out when finding someone selling Taobao items for a heavily inflated price.
I junderstand adding a little extra on to ease the pain of that $1000 spend, but charging $170 for a oddment item that averaged out costs around $50-60 piece. Yeah I just think it's greedy to charge such an amount.

>> No.7180164

It's from last year, so long out of stock. I'm looking for it too, haven't been able to find one in my size.

>> No.7180176

Nope :(

>> No.7180177

it's random; you don't get to pick. whatever they have left over they toss into a box.

>> No.7180185


Do you know where anyone is selling any size? I'll take it in if I have to, or insert panels. I don't care at this point.

>> No.7180186

There was a red one on the comm sales a couple months back, but it was an xl and I'm looking for a small.

>> No.7180187

my friend has already received theirs

>> No.7180194

Innocent world had one for about $12 dollars during their sale.

Captcha: souls endege

>> No.7180196

there's no odds. they literally just send over what they happen to have left over, and what sizes they have left over varies throughout the year for obvious reasons.

>> No.7180202

I've having trouble with a buyer. I sold a printed (and expensive) dress with its matching headbow to a girl and gave her a discount on it as she was able to pay sooner than the other people interested. All went well until she received it. She told me that the print is faded and that she wants a refund of $150. The dress set itself was about $480 shipped (shipping was about $40-50). The print is screenprinted and has a tendency to look faded in a subtle kind of way, and even looks that way in the stock pictures. Furthermore, it looks the same in my proof picture as it does in the pictures she sent me when she said it was damaged. I spoke to the mods, they both said that it looks the same in my pictures as it does in hers. They suggested giving her a full refund and having her return the dress set but I just can't afford to do that right now. I offered a $50 refund even though I was uncomfortable with giving a refund at all, but she won't accept anything less than $50. I'm not sure what to do here. I feel like I accurately depicted the dress in my listing and even attempted to give a refund but she doesn't seem to want to negotiate. I'm freaking out because I seriously cannot afford to lose $400 right now.

>> No.7180205

Name of user?

>> No.7180208

Clean out your Paypal, unlink everything, wait until she can't file a chargeback anymore to readd.

>> No.7180210

this sounds seriously shady. i would say you made a compromise and the mods have taken your side on the matter, then pull the money from your paypal for deposit (or whatever) and delete your bank info before she can make a dispute and freeze your account.

>> No.7180218


this happened to me very recently too anon, I sold a girl a non printed dress and she "discovered" a stitched seam and demanded over $150 back when I sold it to her, even though it had been a few days since she had bought it and she told me she loved it initially.

I offered a full refund and got my dress back and eventually sold it but I'm wary of selling my dresses now because this is the second time I've had to refund someone who was shady

>> No.7180223

Oops, it should be she won't accept anything less than $100, not $50.

I don't really want to say, sorry as that will probably only make things worse.

She can't open a dispute, I believe as she paid in two separate payments. What do you mean by "unlink everything"?

Well, one of the mods said that they know her personally and she suggested giving a partial refund despite saying that the dress was as pictured. I can't delete my bank info as I have a transaction pending still. I also need to pay bills online with Paypal, gah.

I would offer a full refund, but I just can't afford to do it right now. Other than doing that, I don't know what my options are. She won't accept $50 and I can't do $100.

>> No.7180224


I'd explain the situation and say that you can't afford to give her a refund, the mods know what's up so she can't exactly give you bad feedback.

Did she say she was going to escalate to a paypal dispute? Paypal might side with you if the photos do look exactly the same

>> No.7180242


Screw dat bitch. Do like >>7180208 says, clean out your paypal, and tell her tough titties (in a nice way).

>> No.7180250
File: 107 KB, 622x481, MM vs F+F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question. Why do some people like Fan+friend so much? They have some hardcore whiteknights on here.

>> No.7180253


Fatty itas.

>> No.7180267

'They are kind of okay sometimes' is hardly whiteknighting, assuming you mean the previous thread's discussion.

>> No.7180270

>one of the mods said that they know her personally and she suggested giving a partial refund despite saying that the dress was as pictured.


>> No.7180299

This needs to be gtfo'd with caps.

>> No.7180305

I mean, unlink your bank account, your cards, etc. once you've transferred all the money out of your Paypal account into your bank account. That way if she files a dispute and escalates it to a claim, PayPal can't do shit because there is no source for the funds. Alternatively, you could just close your account after taking everything out of it and make a new one.

But absolutely post a gtfo about this, complete with caps revealing the mod who had the balls to say that once your ass is covered. I will lol if it was Wonderfuck.

>> No.7180307


I don't get it. NWT or NWOT tag?

If it came with a tag then it didn't come in the LP as they usually take the price tags off the LP items. You might get random ones they forgot, same as there's sometimes notes they don't take off, but that's rare.

As for overpricing, you're not factoring in other things. The shipping costs quite a bit, and my country slaps a 10% customs bill on both the shipping and the LP. So it's more like $80-$100 per item after everything's been factored in, not the $50 per item you're talking about.

You also don't get to chose what you get in the oddments pack, and there's always a chance you get mostly damaged items that you can't resell. If you're going to pick and choose to your size and your taste from the sales comm, you're basically paying extra for the privilege of being able to see exactly what you're buying rather than a blind box.

And the LPs, especially the bigger B pack, didn't exactly sell out within the hour, so I can't really agree with her taking someone else's chance.

If it's nwot and she's selling it above the price and you think she's greedy, then just don't buy, let her rot with all her overpriced clothes that don't fit her. It's basically a self-policing thing, since most of the items that come from LPs aren't desirable prints that get scalped

>> No.7180308

If payment was split paypal will do nothing, not a goddamn thing. Because that is a breach of their contract, specifically the Purchase Protection program.

This voids out any protection that they would have had to get their money back via paypal so you're safe there.

>> No.7180311

>But absolutely post a gtfo about this, complete with caps revealing the mod who had the balls to say that once your ass is covered. I will lol if it was Wonderfuck.

Seconding this. I don't even care which mod it was, the fact that they told you "well it looks the same, but give a partial refund" is ridiculous.

>> No.7180318

How many of you have been banned from a community? and why?

>> No.7180335

Sorry, my wording was poor. I don't think she was being biased, she said that I should give her a refund because she thought that the print in my picture didn't look as good as the stock picture. But that the buyer's picture looked like my proof picture. I think that the print looks the same in all 3 pictures and have seen other pictures of it where the print looks more faded. It's not supposed to look like a clear cut stamp and the pictures weren't misleading which is why I'm baffled that she wouldn't even accept a $50 refund.

>> No.7180337

That doesn't make sense either, really. The mod was essentially saying "Your buyer's picture looks like the picture you used to show the condition of your item. So. You should refund them partially."

>> No.7180340

I got mine the other day, which was a surprise since they never sent me a tracking number.

>> No.7180342

Yeah that isn't how things work. If it were, then I could file claims for the print not being aligned exactly as it is in stock photos.

>> No.7180345

Is it Sugary Carnival?

>> No.7180348

Has anyone got anything coming in the mail?

I'm really excited as I've just purchased one of my ultimate dream dresses, AATP Black Cat Witch and Apple Tree OP in Navy.

>> No.7180353

I once had a mod recommend that a girl open a Paypal dispute against me because I didn't reply to a PM within 18 hours. She then escalated it to a claim and my account was frozen. She didn't close it until 1 week after she got the dress. I probably should have spoken up about the shitty mod. I hate some people.

>> No.7180357

What the fuck. Which mod was this, do you know? Also, the buyer. I don't want to ever deal with that person.

>> No.7180366


>> No.7180368

Why are classic brands so superior to sweet ones? I'm not saying AP and BtSSB are bad quality but compared to IW and VM, they're just lacking.

>> No.7180369

Eh, I think IW is exactly the same as AP quality wise. i think people are misled and see different design aspects on classic pieces and then that means they are higher quality than the more simple design of a sweet print which is made that way to not take away from the print.

I'd say MM is much higher quality though and VM is below them, but higher than AP.

>> No.7180371

Really? Okay so I only own one skirt and one JSK from IW, but they're honestly some of the most well done pieces I own, equal to my VM dresses. Maybe it's just a fluke?
At the very least they're definitely better than my AP or BtSSB.
I don't own any MM though.

>> No.7180372

I'm not sure I would agree, all my IW pieces are better quality than my AP pieces. Although maybe it's a seasonal thing? Like how the summer pieces are obviously thinner etc. and I've just ended up with more winter IW pieces and more summer AP pieces.

>> No.7180375

IW is way better quality than AP. Even the most boring dress looks amazing in person, with AP I've always been a bit disappointed on arrival.

>> No.7180376

hmmm well I've own an iw jsk and skirt and blouse and I can say my ap blouses were nicer, my older, plain AP jsk was nicer, but not the newer printed pieces I have. And the skirts from both brands seem about the same to me.

But I think people can definately look at a classic piece and see pin tucks and interesting necklines and what not and automatically assume it's nicer than just a normal printed JSK. But yeah I guess I'm 50/50 on it with my own experience. But I don't own anything recently from IW, all my pieces are 2009-2010 ish

>> No.7180380

I don't know, maybe it's just a subjective thing, since AP is good quality too. I just love the little details I don't really see in sweeter brands, even in solid pieces. And something about the material...

>> No.7180381

AP is made in China. Just sayin'

>> No.7180382

Ah maybe that's why. I'm >>7180372 and I've never owned an AP blouse, only printed OPs and JSKs, which are probably of lower quality than the plain ones due to the production costs involved.

>> No.7180384

What was nicer about the AP blouses? I'm curious
I only own BtSSB/AaTP and offbrand blouses.

>> No.7180386

please name and shame. that's horrible.

>> No.7180387

Not this again. You're an idiot.

>> No.7180391

Not their plain pieces and even if it is made in China, plenty of great quality garments come from China. Baby has their dresses assembled in China and then the finishing touches put on in a Japanese factory. /shrug

Both blouses I believe were for fall/winter so they were both a thicker cotton. The button holes and the bib on the AP blouses are really nicely sewn, the IW one had a weird wrinkle sewn into the bottom of one of the seams and had some loose buttons and a weird red thread just sticking out of the shoulder seam.

But, both are nice blouses, and maybe I got lucky.

And do we even know where, for a fact,IW has their clothing made?

>> No.7180392

oh and I'm just going to add in... I love all my taobao blouses more than any brand blouse I own because of custom fit. I'll take a hit in fabric quality for a beautifully fitted piece every time (as long as it's not like I'm wearing burlap or quilting cotton though, obviously)

Dear Celine and Kidsyoyo have my wallet in their hands. They make beautiful custom blouses that fit with no gaping over my boobs, and i don't have to wear a sports bra, ugh, it's fantastic

>> No.7180393

>And do we even know where, for a fact,IW has their clothing made?
Not to be a buzzkill to AP-made-in-China anon, but I just checked the tag on my IW dress and I'm pretty sure it says China on it...

>> No.7180394

I'm sorry, I was just messing with you. It's kind of irrelevant I know.
Ah I see, thank you. That's disappointing about IW but I think I'll still try my luck. I usually prefer chiffon blouses though.

>> No.7180395

Well I might have gotten unlucky of course! Plenty of beautiful blouses from them. Chiffon though I think AP has more selection?

>> No.7180396

Thanks. Yes fit is definitely the number one thing when it comes to clothing, something many others seem to disregard but whatever.
Maybe that's part of the reason why I perceive IW/VM as being superior, they could just be more suitable to my body type.

>> No.7180403

It will be tight. And the petti has to go through your hips top. I'm w76cm/h94cm and I altered the waistband of a standard size CP to fit comfortably.

please reveal the buyer AND the mod after the saga. You don't have to do it now, it just works against you, but please do it later. Thank you so much.

No point telling your story if you won't tell us who the hell they are

>> No.7180410

This happened a considerably long while ago and I don't remember their names. I wish I had screenshotted it all and spoken to another mod but I was scared the buyer would do a chargeback or something. I hate getting into any type of dispute so I guess I was intimidated.

>> No.7180427

oops, didn't notice boyfriend's /vp/ trip was on

>> No.7180442

Okay, Michigan mods, I realize that someone was offended by the "no babies" comment, but I really hope that you don't just take the mommy's side in this. The way she was acting was immature and inconsiderate of not only us but her baby as well.
I don't see how deleting the post/conversation is going to help. Sure, people can't add fuel to the fire, but this is still something that needs to be dealt with by the entire group.

>> No.7180457


Name of user?

Seriously, please let us know so that we all know who to be wary with. Buyers can scam people too and it is just fair that such shady people are exposed so that other honest sellers who just want to clear out their things can take caution against them.

>> No.7180459

Dunno. They have really nice coats but that doesn't magically make all their shitty stuff good.

>> No.7180549
File: 115 KB, 800x600, IMG_1903_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking of buying a capelet to pair with my white high neck short sleeved blouse and I saw this one Mystery Garden is selling. I'm thinking about buying it but I'm not sure if I like the collar. Do you guys think it would be fine like this paired with a high neck blouse or should I get one with a Peter Pan collar or something?

>> No.7180551

I pretty much support what >>7180307 is saying. If you bought the lucky pack directly in Japan, that would be one thing, but add shipping, taxes and customs, you can be looking to pay an additional $200 or so, depending on where you live. European countries with higher taxes can look at shelling out maybe even an additional ~$350, depending on whether it's the A or B pack since taxes can change depending on the value of the imported good(s).

>> No.7180568
File: 66 KB, 320x180, 5378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these boots being sold online yet? Or did I miss them? They are so absolutely perfect for a coord I've been planning that I wouldn't mind spending that much on a pair.

>> No.7180570

Unless it looks considerably different to the picture, don't give her anything. Makes me wish I demanded more when I bought a 'mint' condition dress and it was dirt marks on it (but luckily it rubbed off and they werent stains).

I'm still waiting for a pathetically small partial refund for a brand dress I bought from a middleman shop, I received a BWT dress and it had a manufacturing error, I was supposed to get refunded the cost of it being repaired at a seamstress, 2 months later still nothing after giving a picture of the receipt. The money was supposed to come direct from the Japanese brand but I've received nothing for 2 months. I want to order from the middleman shop again as they have a dream dress that isn't stocked elsewhere but it's put me off incase something happens again. :( I'm so glad the fix was cheap, if it was really expensive I would have been really pissed, but at the cost of the refund I'm waiting for, surely the middleman shop could have given it themselves. It's not so much the money, it's the idea that they promised a partial refund and it's never happened.

This experience makes me want to set up my own shop as I always try my best to make sure people are happy when I sell my items, and I would have handled this situation a lot better.

Out of interest does anyone have a personal 'blacklist'?

>> No.7180590
File: 151 KB, 669x900, 030glb38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does your wardrobe have a specific feel or theme? What are some of everyone's current style goals? What are some things you're planning on buying?

I always like hearing this kind of thing from people.

>> No.7180606

I'm still starting my collection but I'm trying to give it a vintage feel. Something like a very toned down Grimoire feeling, I guess. I own some solid pieces from IW and MM in jewel tones. A Blanche Neige and a Victorian Maiden florals are coming in the mail this month. I also wear my Mozarabic Chant a lot. Recently I've been just fascinated with Excentrique. I want pretty much everything from their website, so I guess my style is going that direction...

If oldfags have tips for me, they'd be appreciated.

>> No.7180610

My wardrobe has a hodge podge feel. I'm hoping to move it into a cohesive classic wardrobe with more non-print pieces. I'll be joining the work force soon, so I want pieces that are toned down enough to wear to work. Two motifs I'm looking to add are fawns and libraries.

>> No.7180614

my wardrobe is still primarily lavender and sweet as all hell, but I'm happy I've been able to add more elegant pieces to it, including some stuff that just screams hime that I'm not prepared to do justice to, sadly. Still looking to add some more diabetic prints to it (Milky Planet is my current obsession) but lately I've been pulled in the other direction toward more classic hybrid stuff. It's going to be interesting seeing what my wardrobe looks like in 6 months compared to now, I predict a lot more florals and classic stuff in sweet colorways or sweet stuff in classic colorways.

>> No.7180615

In a few years I'm going to be traveling to Seoul, to stay there for maybe a year or so.

I know there is a Rose Chocolat store there, but is there anywhere else that I can satisfy my lolita cravings? Should I just stock up before I go? Will brands ship to S Korea? Will I need to find a new SS?

Also, how do people react to lolita there? My boyfriend's uncle lives there, and he says that people seem to be afraid of him (he's like 6'5" though). Will I be... shunned? Or do people just not care?

>> No.7180647

Haenuli has a physical shop in Daejeon but it's kinda far away from Seoul (I tried asking my cousin who was there over the summer but no luck) For a somewhat biased view on living in Korea and being tall, I suggest looking at Eat Your Kimchi. They're moderately successful youtubers but they we're English teachers there before switching to youtubing full time. You should look up Busker Busker if you want to hear a Kpop horror story from an American's perspective


>> No.7180657
File: 52 KB, 450x600, 7953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Does your wardrobe have a specific feel or theme?

I'm rebuilding my wardrobe from scratch currently, but I'm planning on wearing gothic lolita, aristocrat and some boystyle. I want it to be mostly kuro with a dash of jewel tones here and there. Maybe some ivory and off white, too. I think I'm mostly aiming for a simple, yet elegant feel. Lately, I've been into memento-mori style accessories or ones that have occult or Celtic themes. I don't know if it's because it was Halloween recently or something, but I've been liking outfits/pieces that it looks as if a witch might wear.

Obviously, I'm going to wear boystyle a little differently. I'm still working on it, but I think I may go for a sort of 'gothic Artful Dodger' aesthetic.

>> What are some of everyone's current style goals?

To really solidify my style and build a flexible 'everything goes with everything' kind of wardrobe. This goes for Lolita/Aristocrat/boystyle as well as my 'normal' wardrobe.

>>What are some things you're planning on buying?

-Basic l/s blouses in varying styles
-A decent winter coat
-A few pair of knee high, ankle and mid-length boots
-Some accessories
-Several Aristocrat and Lolita skirts in varying styles
-Maybe: another bustier, basic handbag or a couple of cardigans/boleros.

All in black, of course. My strategy is to invest in a lot of basics and necessities that all coordinate with each other and build up a solid 'base' and then score some of my dream items.

I'm also planning on making a few things and having my seamstress friend alter some items to make them better fit the Lolita silhouette. (Mainly two jackets.)

>> No.7180688

>My strategy is to invest in a lot of basics and necessities that all coordinate with each other and build up a solid 'base' and then score some of my dream items.

I'm with you on this. I've only been in the fashion for six months, and this is what I've been doing. I don't have a whole lot of main pieces at the moment, I'm trying to build up a stock of shoes/accessories/blouses so I can coord what I have (and love) in different ways. Then I figure when I buy a new main piece I'll be able to have a few new coords rather than just one.

My wardrobe is what I'd like to consider on the mature side of sweet. I really love food prints, and anything in brown colorways. I've tried gothic and classic, and I just don't think it suits me as well.

My major goals are just wardrobe building, maybe adding some some pieces that are classic but can be coorded sweetly, and definitely adding more color to my wardrobe. I've been buying way too much brown.

>> No.7180712

If you want to go toned-down grimoire see if you can look for interesting offbrand accessories and pieces to match with your dresses.

>> No.7180727


Hi are you me? Minus the fawns - I like fawns, but not so much that I want to have a whole wardrobe of them. But otherwise, yeah, I'm seriously searching for more toned down pieces to make my wardrobe slightly more cohesive now and to wear to work.

>> No.7180750

i want to build a wardrobe that gives an ojou-sama feel, essentially. classic, but nothing ott. i don't know how to explain it better, oops.

anyway, it means i can focus on only buying pieces of a very specific look (which is fortunate, since it's so easy to buy a bunch of cheap dresses you like but don't gave anything to coordinate them with).

atm though i desperately need more accessories and headwear to finish a few of my coords, and i also want to focus more on blouses (especially since i prefer to wear skirts, so blouses are a must).

the only trouble is that, while i'm not terribly busty in terms of measurements, the difference between my bust and waist is so noticeable (~82 cm bust, ~62 cm waist) that anything with too high a neckline makes my bust look even bigger since its size looks even bigger thanks to my waist, and skirts that sit too high on my waist obviously don't suit me because boobs. i'm looking into tighter bras (and potentially sports bras) but it's a bit of a pain since i already don't want to buy too ott blouses, but on top of that i have to judge whether the cut of the blouse would look good given my figure.

sorry i ended up ranting a little; it's just been frustrating to me with all these oddments items going up for sale that don't suit me.

>> No.7180771

Anytime you have a 20 cm difference between bust and waist, you are in fact quite busty, even if you're within measurements. I'm no where near as small as you, but the difference between bust and waist is the same, and it's very difficult.

Definitely look into minimizing bras, and possibly other shapewear. I have a piece of shapewear that covers up part of my boobs, and that really helps out a lot, because it does compress a portion, it might look/sound odd, but under a blouse/JSK it looks good. What I've found helps is not sports bras, I actually end up wearing two bras, one that gives good lift, and then a minimizer. The breast tissue just gets too flattened sometimes with a minimizer, that the second bra helps give a more shapely form, and the minimizer pushes them out and to the side. Everything looks much better than if they were smashes flat in a sports bra, and you'll have a more defined waist. Good luck fellow busty anon!

>> No.7180778

sane with the AP cutsew LP. a friend of mine didn't want an item, and she tried to sell it to be for $70. The entire cutsew set was $75. I was like hell no, how stupid do you think I am?

>> No.7180782

>Anytime you have a 20 cm difference between bust and waist, you are in fact quite busty, even if you're within measurements.
noted, thank you! someone once told me that 82cm didn't constitute as busty, but i didn't account for my bust/waist difference. as you can probably tell, i'm a little new to dealing with my bust/waist problem.

and thank you for the advice! i'll definitely look into both shapewear and doubling up on bras. if i can ask, is shapewear relatively comfortable to wear under so many layers? and do you get hot easily wearing them? i live somewhere where the weather can get a little hot, so i thought it'd be worth checking.

>> No.7180807

Is 400+ for a Lotta skirt a reasonable amount? I'm trying to decide whether I buy it or not.

>> No.7180811


no, don't let them scalp you, it was just up on the comm for $250ish a month or so ago

>> No.7180842

Thanks, I'll keep my eyes out for a better price.

>> No.7180847


She's just trying to keep the peace. The entire situation is just a giant laugh. That girl is a well known drama whore.

>> No.7180846

You still consider her your friend

>> No.7180860
File: 118 KB, 381x567, tumblr_mud47iUFfc1sz084bo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get some pretty black gloves/hats/scarfs for winter that would work well with a gothic lolita wardrobe? More than happy to order from taobao!

((Pic somewhat unrelated))

>> No.7180947

If you would like to discuss this further, please contact one of the mods on the group.

>> No.7180949

Does your wardrobe have a specific feel or theme?
Not really. I guess there's a classic-sweet feel, apart from three AP pieces and a few bodyline knick-knacks. I say classic sweet since it's probably sweet, but toned down in terms of colours and styles. I'm fond of tartans, particularly Baby's jsks, so they make up a fair part of my wardrobe at the minute. I get the most wear out of my tartan pieces, so I justify too easily buying more tartan pieces (5 jsks, a coat, and a jsk in the mail...)

What are some of everyone's current style goals?
I'd like to bring a little more sweet into my wardrobe. I wouldn't mind getting my hands on some older sweet prints, I guess it comes around to my love of old pieces. So there's the sweet, I'm fairly happy with the "classic sweet" part of my wardrobe, and I'm in the process of collecting a lot of old school pieces (a 2001 baby jsk in the post as we speak!). I'm a sucker for the old cuts and patterns.
I'm also interested in incorporating more goth into my wardrobe. I have a few pieces which aren't goth by themselves, but work in a coord.
One of these fine days...

What are some things you're planning on buying?
I'd like to get another pair of tea parties, a pair of heeled brogues, some boleros, and some new blouses. That's about it for the minutes.

>> No.7180958

I'm an oldfag I guess but with very similar taste! Excentrique is lovely but so pricy! I think the key to mixing grimoire and lolita is not to let everything get too messy. If you're going to wear layers or shaggy vintage scarves make sure to keep your hair and makeup very prim and lolita looking, maybe with a creative braided hairdo. Make use of those Excentrique style corsets to make your outfits look polished. Wear heels so the grimoire look is more ethereal instead of frumpy. Go to vintage shops and find quirky bags and accessories to use.

>> No.7180960

Yikes. I'm sorry for your dilemma, anon. I think if the mods are on your side, you should just tell her like it is. Explain that you described the condition explicitly in your post, that the mods agree with you, and that she'll be getting negative feedback for trying to pull this on you. I'm not well-versed in paypal, but if you think she'll try some shit, then you might wanna get your money out like the others said.

>> No.7180978

I'm still pretty damned new. Luckily, this means I have the opportunity to build a cohesive wardrobe from the ground up. As it is my 5 or so pieces are pretty... Not very cohesive.

I think my goal will be somewhere between classic and sweet (probably with a few outliers as well). My final goal would probably have a lot of jewel tones and deep colors like red, emerald green, navy, and brown. Also tartan. Lots of tartan. I'm crazy about that shit. My problem is, I also have a huge, insatiable lust for certain sweet things like Misty Sky and Drained Cherry.

So far I've done a pretty bad job at creating a cohesive wardrobe, but now that I know what I want, I'll be able to do a better job building it.

>> No.7180995

Good to know that the person who helped fire up this same argument in her old comm (before she was even pregnant) is now making good on being a pain about it in her new comm now that she finally has a baby.

>> No.7181000

Can someone post a screencap of what was said on the group?

>> No.7181002

Is hime lolita still a thing or does it coincide with sweet now? Or is it something else?

>> No.7181018


As a comm member, I would be highly disappointed if another member did. We pride ourselves on having basically no drama (and we haven't until this particular member showed up). It's been since deleted for a reason. While I personally agree that it's ridiculous to want to bring a baby to a meetup, I don't think anyone would benefit from viewing the conversation.

>> No.7181026

Fair enough, I was interested in seeing how they put their argument across that they should be allowed to bring a baby to a meet.

>> No.7181076

Basically she said that she didn't have anyone to watch the baby. When it was brought up that there would be little space for a baby carriage or child carrier at the meet due to the host space, and that it was going to be crowded and noisy due to the event type, she said that the baby would do fine. The hostess let her down gently, saying that if she couldn't find a sitter, then she probably should sit the meetup out. The mother then said that she'd show up with other people instead of attending with the group. The end bit was really what set me off personally. Really, really childish and stupid.

>> No.7181267

What color are you looking for anon?

>> No.7181317

I'm the anon with caps of it, and yeah, I don't really feel comfortable dragging it all out into the open.
Despite my limited involvement with our comm, I really do think we're really nice and low drama, especially in comparison to some of the comms I routinely read about on here.
I still wish that ~grown women~ would know better than to act like whiney toddlers when something doesn't go their way, though.

On a different note:
>How do you all accumulate blouses? How many do you have?

>> No.7181333

It's really ridiculous when women are so caught up in themselves they don't think about how miserable they will make their babies by dragging them out, and how miserable their miserable kid is going to make everybody else.

>> No.7181375

Thank you for respecting the community on this matter.

>> No.7181429

I'm the person who wrote >>7180995 and I'm a member of her old comm, not the current one. I wasn't even privy to the details of what happened - I just know who it was and she had several similar incidents when she lived here. You guys seem to be handling things better than we did!

>> No.7181467

I'm thinking about getting more involved with the Michigan community in the near future. Drama is usually to a minimum, right? I don't really want to dive head first into something that will spoil my love of something.

>> No.7181472

I can safely say the recent issue has been our only drama in the time I've been involved (several years at this point). We might not all be Russian-tier with our coordinates, but meetups are usually a pretty good time.

>> No.7181480

>We might not all be Russian-tier with our coordinates

Totally unrelated, just laughed because it's true. Why is Moscow comm so godlike? Do they even have mediocre or bad lolis? Or do they only post pictures of their good members.

Just wondering because most of the Russian cosplayers I've seen are also amazing tier.

>> No.7181485

I think they are either incredibly inclusive of what pictures and who they post, and I've also heard from an unconfirmed source that there's a lot more pressure to be beautiful and polished-looking in Russian high society to acquire a good husband or job.

>> No.7181495

I've only been active for a very short while, but there appears to be incredibly little drama. I think our comm's biggest problems are:
- we're fairly spread out
- we have a lot of newbies, which isn't always a bad thing, but many people (especially lately) have been asking very basic, stupid questions.
- related to the above, some girls don't know how to take even very nice advice (which, granted, will happen anywhere)
- because we're so small meets can sometimes be tiny, or you might show up and most girls will ignore you and talk to their other friend or two in the comm. Thankfully there are one or two incredibly sweet (and impeccably dressed) lolitas in the comm who usually make it a point to interact with everyone.

So yes, please join. I'm always wishing there would be more people in the comm.

>> No.7181500

It's funny to me because as an oldfag, Russia used to be mostly terrible itas and I think because the economy improved a lot in the past few years, they made up for lost time and became amazing.

>> No.7181516

we might've won the space race, but they ruined us with the lace... race.

>> No.7181524

top lel

>> No.7181542

Hmm... I don't think shapewear is uncomfortable, even for long periods of time. I've worn it all day, as well as for 4+ hours sitting and driving in the car, and it's alright. Maybe if you had too tight, or otherwise poorly fitting shapewear, but I don't think that'd be a problem for you seeing as you're probably not trying to alter your measurements. I don't do it for that either, but it does help firm things up in my midsection and give a smoother silhouette.

As far as heat... I haven't worn lolita much in the summer to be honest. But I have worn it under my wedding gown (with a crinoline) on a 85 degree day in Florida, if that gives you any clue. I feel like it wasn't too bad, but sometimes I don't get as hot as others. But I also wasn't wearing a wig and the gown was strapless. I want to say you'd be alright, as long as you were already dressed for the heat, since I think one of my pieces of shapewear has moisture wicking properties.

>> No.7181550
File: 88 KB, 494x336, skeleton-computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still waiting for Innocent World

>> No.7181603


I need help with this too, particularly the scarf part.

>> No.7181611

They were actually really quick to get back to me this sale time. Ordered and paid last week, got my stuff shipped out yesterday. Last time I ordered I was waiting almost a month just to be invoiced. Then my shit had to be transferred over from another warehouse, so that was at least another week or two.

>> No.7181635

For me, IW is comfortable as fuck and can take a beating construction wise, and uses decent fabric. MM dresses are not as comfortable, but the fabric tend to be thicker and nicer. AP dresses are delicate little fucks but the details are nice.

>> No.7181770
File: 98 KB, 477x363, composite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like those sorts of capes with peter pan collar blouses but I think it could still look quite good.

I pretty much answered this in the wardrobe thread, but
Feel/theme: Mainly luxe gothic in black/jewel tones. Lots of velvet, some metallics. And a small sideline of sweet stuff. Pretty much the general style of Atelier Pierrot/Chantilly/Atelier Boz.
Style goals: A more cohesive wardrobe, more purple. More OTT gothic. More hats, I love hats but hardly any suit me.
Planning to buy: More Atelier Pierrot. Boz Roland in black velvet, if I can find it. These fluevogs (eventually. My money has been going on travel, so 'vogs are way down the priority list right now)

I disagree - busty to me is more about ribcage-boob ratio (i.e. more cup size related) than simply bust-waist ratio, although usually people with small ribcages have small waists as well.

Shapewear is pretty easy to wear - I wore some on a 13 hour flight (more to try and support my back, which gives me hell when I fly because I'm old) and apart from being a bit sticky towards the end of the flight due to the latex bit in it, was entirely comfortable. The average temperature in the plane was probably a lot lower than where you live though.

>> No.7181840


Knitting Loli here. Are you on Ravelry yet? There's a shit ton of free knitting patterns on there. I'm obsessed with making matching boleros and cardigans with my Lolita, personally.

>> No.7181841
File: 220 KB, 750x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, Liesl by Ysolda Teague is probably one of the most flexible patterns I know. I once knitted a bolero I use for lots of coords out of it by decreasing the front bands in order to make a more curvy shape. I suggest giving it a try! Also, one-piece top-down cardigans are always a plus.

>> No.7181890

In regards to the baby drama:

I think it's highly inconsiderate for someone to bring along a child, toddler or baby to a meet. They scream and cry. When the get bored they start moaning and complaining. What if the baby vomited? What if you've got people like me that dislike or have a fear of babies or children? If someone was uncomfortable around a dog, it'd be reasonable to ask people not to being their dog. Even the most well behaved dog should be excluded if that's what people want. The same goes for a kid.

I go to meets to be with adults or young adults, and to have a good time. Having a messy, screaming baby/child would ruin it. You'd have to compromise what you can/can't do. I don't see how the mother could enjoy herself either, as you'd have to be looking after the kid the whole time.

Lolita meets are for adults to have adult time. If anything, a meet should be your chance to have a break. Don't try to ruin that by bringing a kid along.

>> No.7182098

I need a pair of functional but loliable winter boots. It's getting cold as hell, and they're calling for snow this weekend, I need to find some boots. Any suggestions?

>> No.7182130

I'm currently taking on modern Japanese culture at uni, and we all have to give short presentations on various cultural items that we're familiar with. I've chosen to do Lolita and already met with my professor to discuss my outline. In my presentation, I'm going to talk about the controversy surrounding lolita.
I had focused on the misconceptions surrounding the name/sexuality, but my professor acted like there might be more to it. I honestly have no clue what she might have been referring to other than maybe trying to reenact childhood or the cost of the fashion. Anyone else have ideas?

tl;dr What are, in your opinion, the controversies surrounding lolita fashion?

>> No.7182181

i'm thinking your professor wants you to focus on something besides navigating the name/sexuality issue, maybe? Unfortunately, that's really the only major controversy, though maybe you could talk about how it's fashion vs feminist statement?

>> No.7182191

Uhh you lost the space race. Uri Gagarin was Russian

>> No.7182196

well we made it to the moon so what now?

>> No.7182198

I had heard that it's controversial because in Japan the society at large tends to be pretty homogeneous (as in the Japanese proverb: "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down"). Lolita is kind of rebelling against that since it's a very over the top and self-indulgent fashion.

>> No.7182201
File: 45 KB, 290x387, AdelaideTablier-ofw-zmod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm envious. Maybe you managed to get your order in while their English staff member was actually sitting at her computer or something.
Anyway, it'll be worth the wait if I actually get my items, so fingers crossed!
Pic unrelated, have a cute apron.

>> No.7182208

True, there's that, though I feel like that goes without saying. It's also not lolita specific. It would be good to point out, though, as I think it applies (at least to some degree) to lolita/subcultures globally as well.

Maybe. She seemed more like she wanted me to add on to it more so than not discuss the name/sexuality thing, though.

Thanks for all of your answers!

>> No.7182498

Well I think your professor (and other people who don't get it) see potential self infantilisation. "Why would y'all wanna dress like a bunch of little girls?" Etc. cold be something to it.

>> No.7182620

Hang in there! I got my order today. (It took them over a week to ship it out).

My first brand dress and it's so pretty, ohmygosh.

>> No.7182636

Congrats, anon! What'd you get?

>> No.7182826

Does anyone know any great magazine or blog that offers tips or coordinations in english?
I really like GLB magazines, but unfortunately I have to keep on learning my japanese because I can't understand them yet...

>> No.7183143

Does anyone have any clue what size "M" measurements are for Black Peace Now? I'm only seeing flat measurements and those don't help for shit.

>> No.7183226
File: 20 KB, 735x190, iw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I placed an order in the IW sale, and a couple of days later I got this email. As soon as I got it, I went to place my order again, but the dresses I wanted were gone from the site. I emailed them back saying as much, and asking if that meant they were discontinued/I would have to pay full price (which I can't do), and I've heard nothing since. (This was on Tuesday). I'm sure I filled out the form correctly anyway, so I'm not really sure why I got such an email in the first place.

Does anyone know what days the English speaking staff works? What are the chances that my order won''t go through? I'm sad; this is the second IW sale I've tried to order in. I lost out last time because my mail server rejected the email with my invoice (didn't even Junk it, just plain rejected it, or so they said). It seems the internet is conspiring against me, haha.

>> No.7183247
File: 94 KB, 550x368, 8425988848_7c31acf316_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what these hats are called? I searched for black boater hat but I can't find anything.

>> No.7183285

It is a boater, looks like a felt one - I have one almost identical to that from H&M. Felt hats are quite fashionable at the moment so you should be able to find one in F21/topshop/H&M etc.

>> No.7183287

Lol, some girl is trying to sell a Gathered Chiffon replica for $200 on LSE.

>> No.7183288

Forgot to mention the measurements:

"Bust max is 127cm
Waist max is 120cm
Length is 109 cm"

>> No.7183289

thats fucking groce

>> No.7183292
File: 178 KB, 351x347, 1368582384327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still trying to contemplate how it's even possible for someone to get that big...

>> No.7183299

So someone told me the best place to get aristocrat skirts is to search for renfaire stuff on etsy. I somehow doubt that. Where does everyone else get their aristocrat gear? As far as offbrand goes, Would those kinds of skirts be hard to make? I have literally never sewn in my life.

>> No.7183321
File: 979 KB, 1163x531, goth_magicpotion-all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot decide which colorway to get and it's driving me up the wall.

I prefer the red or the blue but I wonder if maybe it's too much of one color? If I got the blue, could I wear red accessories with it to contrast all the blue?

Help me /cgl/ I'm an ita who can't dress herself.

>> No.7183322

Never mind, just realized I missed the preorder. Guess I'm fucked.

>> No.7183753
File: 36 KB, 400x533, exce357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I can't thank you enough! This was more of a help than I thought I would get here.
Also, may I ask you where you get your Excentrique? I just ordered from the website but, as you said, mang it was pricy. I looked for second hand on the comm sales, Closet Child Alice+fururun... no luck, though.
Also, could you list some other brands you like/own? Maybe indie brands and taobao shops as well?
All the classic lolitas I know are into sweet-classic right now; I don't think they could help me out with this. So if you could answer I'd be really grateful!

>> No.7183776

Hey im interested in the male equivalent of lolita. I don't even know whats the correct term. I know theres separate shit like dandy and aristocrat but is there a universal word like lolita? Been searching google random shit just to see whats out there but im still lost. I wanted to ask if there are any reliable brands for men or something. Also looking for a tumblr or some site equivalent to egl but for men. Looking to get inspiration from somewhere and go from there. Sage cuz i don't even know if this is the correct place to ask. Im just having trouble finding anything geared towards men.

>> No.7183799

Dandy, aristo, and ouji are all good matches for lolita, but there is no "male" lolita, unless you mean brolitas which are not a separate style, just a slang term for a guy who wears lolita. Atelier Boz comes to mind when I think of suitable male clothing, but it depends on your measurements. Fan plus Friend also has SOME ok stuff and they do custom sizing, but be warned that their quality is hit or miss and their custom sizing sometimes comes out completely wrong.

As far as websites go, I don't know any specific ones myself, but there are a couple aristos and oujis on lacebook and egl.

>> No.7183817

Nayrt, but another Excentrique lover here. You will hardly ever see it on the comm sales. I stalk auctions and secondhand shops (mostly Tokyoalice and Violetblue).

>> No.7184310

I've been on such a wine color way frenzy. I bought APs gloria, bookmark, and holy lantern!

>> No.7184402

Magic potion will be making it available to buy after they release the first batch, I'm not sure of the date, you'd have to ask your SS.
I'm getting the red as I wear more gold jewellery, go with the blue if you wear silver.

If you wanted to buy blue, I'd go against trying to bring red into an outfit for contrast. You're better off working with the colours in the print. You could do a nice classic (using the brown and cream) or a gothic outfit.

If you wanted to buy the dress and use red accessories you already have, go with the black version.

>> No.7184447

Excentrique used to be pretty affordable on j-auctions but it's gotten a bit more popular now and expensive (but still a lot cheaper than retail). Some other brands like BPN, Ozz On, Atelier Pierrot, MMM and JM make corset-like tops but you have to filter through some ugly stuff to find what will work, both on auction or if you get an in-store SS to look for things in Closet Child.

I don't own a lot of Excentrique either - I like to call myself a scavenger lolita and I mostly buy things that are second hand and appeal to me, which is easier to manage since I don't really go crazy for prints. Maybe you could do a WTB on the Western comms but prepare to pay a lot.

I can't be bothered with taobao so I can't help you there but there are lots of taobao threads here so maybe you could ask in one of them?

Brands I own: JM, MM, VM, JetJ, IW, Meta, Excentrique, Atelier Boz, Millefleurs, BPN
Brands I wish I owned something from: Seraphim, Puppy Flower, Mur Melche, Moon Afternoon, Sincerely, dolce piu amabile
I can help you find links for the above indie brands if you have trouble finding one with google.

Also make sure you follow mossmarchen on tumblr for her perfect coordinates in historically and/or vintage inspired lolita style.

>> No.7184537
File: 130 KB, 563x750, DSCN4272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a burgundy cardigan and the Elizabeth Rose JSK in navy.

It's the beginning of what's going to have to be another huge spending spree. I have basically zero things to co-ord it with. I don't have a blouse, shoes, a bag, any acccesories or even the right petticoat (I had to manipulate an A-line to sort of work). I put it on anyway, I'm just so damn happy.

>> No.7184556

This really doesn't look very good...

>> No.7184599

It's cute, but she needs a bag and a better headpiece. A necklace would look good, too.

>> No.7184645

how do I measure my "body width" ? It says it should be 88cm but where in my body should I measure to know that?

It says " Measurements: 94cm length, 88cm body width, 36cm shoulder width, 76cm waist, 68 cm (short sleeves: 24cm) sleeve length"

>> No.7184652

Bust probably

>> No.7184653

It's probably just the widest part of your body, which would be your bust like >>7184652 said.

>> No.7184656
File: 13 KB, 233x251, 1358029253707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i have 94cm

diet it is, thanks ladies

>> No.7184764

Don't wonder if you see Kotakoti on IW soon, she will model for them:


>> No.7184776

Wow. I guess they're not aware of her reputation/personality. Maybe some IW fans should email them?

>> No.7184778

eh, in case you havent noticed shes fairly popular as a model.

>> No.7184780

Ahh whered you get bookmark if you dont mind my asking? I saw an mbok listing a lil while ago and then again on rakuten

>> No.7184781

No, that is a fucking shitty thing to do.

>> No.7184782

Only at those brands that have some caucasian-fetish thought.

>> No.7184809

Not in my precious burando!

>> No.7184812
File: 247 KB, 494x720, 2008wakakusa01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you thank you thank you!!! I can't thank you enough! These indie brands? How come I never heard from them? They're amazing!!! Thank you so much!!!

Thanks! I'll do that!

>> No.7184825

Just sent them a mail, saying that she's bad for their brand image and that I would consider not buying from them any more if they use her. I do encourage others to do the same. F that lying bitch, she is not an IW fan and she doesn't own loads of IW clothes like they seem to think she does.

>> No.7184827

Probably. I just threw it on as soon as it arrived. Hell, I'm wearing a pyjama top under that cardi, lol. I'd love actual crit though!

I do, lol, that flower thing is from the dollar store. What would you suggest for shoes? Think black ankle boots would look alright. or should I go for something burgundy or navy? Also, do you think a navy or burgundy blouse would look better? I was thinking of doing one with a high collar.

Or should I just take this to the coord thread? lol.

>> No.7184829

Models don't have to be fans of the clothing, they're paid to wear them. It's their jobs to make fans of the clothing, it's not a requirement for them to be the biggest fan girl themselves. Plus she hasn't done any drama worthy shit for ages.

God damn cgl, let this shit go.

>> No.7184832

Well she said it was her "favorite brand" lol, and they chose her because it's her favorite and she has a lot of their clothes (if a lot = zero). I don't want that disgusting puffy faced bitch in my loli

>> No.7184941
File: 26 KB, 640x432, fb0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been waiting 2 weeks for my order confirmation from them, and you're going to clog their inbox even further with this bullshit?

>> No.7184954

Yeah they're all Japanese indie brands. I used to see info about them posted on LJ but with the decentralization of lolita information that has occurred, little unknown brands and information about them is getting lost in all the shouting about major brands.

>> No.7184978

Can anyone give me a quick introduction to sales comm? I have always been afraid of it because of horror stories and scammers. Do those kinds of things happen often? What are some things I should keep in mind? I'm grateful for any experience and tips!

>> No.7184984

-Familiarize yourself with the list of known scammers
-Always check feedback
-Never buy from someone who doesn't have proof photos or doesn't have the item yet ("it's on the way from my SS", etc)
-Always use tracked shipping (especially when selling)
-Don't send money as a gift through PP so the seller can avoid fees

There's probably more, but those are pretty basic.

>> No.7184991

Thank you! Will it be much of a problem if I have a new account?

>> No.7185009
File: 100 KB, 500x644, mm polka dot chiffon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have pics of lolis wearing MM's polka dot chiffon (see pic)? I want to buy this dress but I'm afraid I'll have a terrible time coording it.

>> No.7185011

It shouldn't be. I just started buying lolita and have bought half of my decently sized wardrobe from the comm sales. Harder thing is getting people to leave you feedback, imo.

>> No.7185016


Are you going to be selling, buying or both? Generally: no, it isn't a problem, and Most people (sellers and buyers) don't even bother to check the feedback of whoever they're entering a deal with.

A few (I do mean very few) sellers won't sell to people below a certain number of feedbacks. If you're a newbie seller, people might be a bit wary at first. Like I said though, the vast majority don't even check feedback. Just be a good seller/buyer and people don't usually care. Some think it helps to establish a good reputation as a buyer before trying to sell, but it's up to you.

Have you got feedback on Ebay or Etsy? If so, get the EGL mods to link it on your feedback page. For a new seller in particular, that existing feedback creates a level of trust.

>> No.7185114
File: 114 KB, 640x640, SalesAdvice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7185139

so i'm bidding on an item with fromjapan, and someone has outbid my maximum bid. does anyone know if there's a way to increase my deposit for that specific auction?

>> No.7185208

You add more deposit to your account and rebid? All your deposit goes into your account's general pool and can be used for any auction, unless it expires.

>> No.7185340
File: 69 KB, 500x750, haenuli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haenuli's Enchanted Fawn has started reservation! I'm so torn. The orange is a weird colour and you can barely see the animals, but the grey one has dead-looking strawberries that don't seem to match the ones on the tights. Also, the OP bodice is way too short and the JSK bodice is way too long.
What are you getting and why?

>> No.7185342


This could have turned out to be so different....

>> No.7185345

I wanted to grab a skirt, but you know the construction is going to be shit when even the brand models can't make it look good.
It looks wonky as shit.

I just don't know...

>> No.7185358

Yeah? I'm terrible at sewing, can you tell me which construction problems you're seeing? Also, is it just the skirt or the JSK/OP too?

>> No.7185419

I'm sad I'm going to miss out on another haenuli reservation. I love that their jsk bodices are so long. I'd love to try one and see if it looks normal on me. I'm sick of AP always looking high waisted on me even when it's not. And I'm only 5'3". I have no idea what the problem is. :/

>> No.7185584

any thoughts on Clobba Online?
what about Qutie land?
I'm not able to (for a while) order things from taobao, and I noticed it was a licensed carrier for a couple pieces I really wanted. however, when I looked up the name for one of the pieces, Colbba Online had a better price. I've never really ordered anything for anywhere else besides taobao, so i'm seeking the advice of more seasoned lolitas. any help?

>> No.7186015

I'm planning to purchase Baby's angel grosgrain jsk in ivory soon, does anyone have worn photos? Also does the lace at the top of the bodice droop or is it pretty stable? I have a dress with similar lace but I always have to pin it to stop the drooping.

>> No.7186024

so if i've bid 4,000 yen so far and i want to raise my bid to 5,000, then i would need to deposit 5,000 yen and rebid entirely? because i'm bidding on mbok and i deposited 1,000 yen to raise my bid to 5,000 but i'm not seeing any option to add that 1,000 to my current bid. so i need to open up an order for the same auction?

sorry, i'm new to using fromjapan for mbok :( thank you for your help so far!

>> No.7186030

I don't know of any SS that let's you real time bid on Mbok. Fromjapan always sends an invoice for your max bid, and if you want ot add on, you pay after the auction is over (in my experience)

>> No.7186045

yeah, there's no realtime bidding for mbok. but if the auction is over and you haven't won it, there's no way to add on? i'm not sure what you mean.

also i just realized i meant
>need to open up a new order for the same auction

>> No.7186057

Anyone know where to get unused OTKs like these without paying out of my ass for shipping? Not a lolita, btw, just like socks.

>> No.7186061
File: 45 KB, 388x582, secret_shop_otk_socks_model_703_-_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And dropped pic.

>> No.7186083

so if i want to order something from btssb's website as an overseas customer, do i send them an email with the mailorder form? asking because the last time i did that (around this time last year) i got an email back telling me to use the cart system, but by that time the item i wanted sold out so i never tried it. i'm trying to order via cart right now but it won't let me input an overseas address.

>> No.7186103
File: 1019 KB, 250x250, bigeyeddachshund.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can an Infanta dress be machine washed or would it be safer to just handwash?

> Snow White JSK to be precise, it got some mud and rain on it.

>> No.7186110

You can find a lot of secret shop socks on ebay for about 8 to 12 dollars, free shipping. Just type in lolita socks. The pair you have is like 12. If not, sock dreams has free shipping as well.

>> No.7186177

shit wait nvm, i figured out what was screwing me up. sorry, for whatever reason my browser isn't letting me delete this comment; i'll look into this later.

>> No.7186201

Do you own any yourself or are you just assuming they're shitty based on other people's photos?

I think shitty F+F is primarily generated by people ordering custom garments who do NOT know how to take accurate measurements.

>oh if I suck in my stomach all the way I can get down to 73cm teehee

I fit into one of their ready to order sizes, so all the F+F I own, two skirts, an OP, and a blouse, besides being unlined, are totally okay quality and actually pretty well tailored.

>> No.7186210

If you're only ordering one item or getting Secret Shop shoes (which are only sold through resellers), Clobba is really good for the price. Martin (owner) speaks perfect English and is very helpful and always prompt in replies. He was also very patient with me when I added things to my order twice during the process and gave me updates quickly whenever I asked.
Much easier and more personal than going through Taobaospree or something similar, although you obviously pay for it.

>> No.7186301

Did you not see the the picture you replied to? They mostly make shitty replicas. Even if stuff fits people, it will look like shit.

The reason people like them, is because most of their customers are like you. They think anything with the lolita silhouette is good quality, when really, it's below average for the price of secondhand brand.

>> No.7186417

the term I use it ouji, it translates loosely to prince which covers pretty much the entire idea and then the substyles are aristocrat and kodona. The style isn't huge (especially for men) but Alice and the pirates makes ouji styled clothing so does Atelier Boz, you kind of have to dig around a lot.

>> No.7186434

There's someone on the comm sales trying to sell a Gunne Sax dress for $150. It's a pretty dress, but come on. I see at least one at every thrift store I go to, never for more than $15.

>> No.7186446

anyone has a worn picture of the original?

>> No.7186477

You have a long torso, isn't that kinda obvious?

>> No.7186501

i'm completely new to yahoo auctions. should i buy from this seller?

he has quite a few negatives/neutrals of claiming that the items received contain more scratches? than mentioned in the item description. but he have a lot more positive feedback, is it worth the risk?

>> No.7186516

Hardly any of their stuff is a replica these days and those who 'are', are dresses that are so generic that you can hardly call them replica at all.

>> No.7186518

Found the brand ita.

>> No.7186566

i understand that kera is usually released in advance; for example kera 2013 december is out even though it's still november.

which issue would have the halloween street snaps, november or december?

>> No.7186572

Anyone have a tip for purchasing a malco modes petticoat? I know you're supposed to alter them and there are different ways to do so, but I'm wondering which ways anon uses.

Also, is it better than a classical puppets petti?

>> No.7186573

Looking at the first page of their dresses, well over half of their items (more like 3/4s) are replicas. The majority of their menswear items are replicas, too.

>> No.7186574

Ita with a lolita wardrobe of 2 shitty F+F dresses detected.

>> No.7186585

Anyone happen to know the max bust and waist of the Holy Lantern JSK? My measurements are 108b and 96w.

>> No.7186588

I don't even need to know the measurements of it to know that it ain't gonna fit.

>> No.7186606

gwarggh does anyone have stock images of the other two colours of Leif's Matryoshka Apron Skirt (red and blue)?
I found a shoddy jpeggy version of the red one on ODIPs website but reverse image searching for another proved fruitless

>> No.7186657

The only stuff I'm getting is from their webshop: http://lief.co.kr/product/detail.html?product_no=44&cate_no=7&display_group=1

>> No.7186663

yep, hence saying "other two" are the ones i need but thanks for trying anyway

>> No.7186668

Unless you get something with full shirring, I don't think anything's gonna fit.

>> No.7186684

Could crinolines be used as a replacement for pettis?

>> No.7186690

Yep, but they're not very convenient to wear if you actually want to do something besides have a photoshoot.

>> No.7186692

Even full shirring won't fit her, she's beyond obese.

>> No.7186695

Lets be honest, time to go to custom sizing on Taobao or full shirring dresses or lose some weight.

>> No.7186698
File: 37 KB, 120x120, 7k6j.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dear Anon,

>Hello, we're Innocent World. Thank you for your order and sorry for the delay. Tomorrow your onepiece will get to our warehouse. We'll send you an invoice on Paypal this Thursday.

>Thank you for your patience,
>Innocent World


>> No.7186707
File: 455 KB, 344x226, 1382403288082.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you! this reassures me quite a bit.

>> No.7186724

so I got a bonnet recently, but I can't keep it on my head... It can sit fine for a while, but when I lean forward, it nearly falls off. i've tried using bobby pins, but that looks tacky as hell, and is really uncomfortable.
>ITT: how do I bonnet

>> No.7186775

I hear a lot of people say certain colors don't work well on people with brown skin. What colors work well?

>> No.7186779

You could sew a headband under it.

>> No.7186786

Blue, pink, mint, green, brown.

>> No.7186833

I heard warmer colors were better for makeup but clothes are different. I'm very confused, sorry. But thank you for the suggestions. I like brown and mint together but was hesitant to wear it because of what some people say.

>> No.7186854

You don't go to many then, most thrift shops I've been to all over the country sell them for $80+ depending on the size and design.

It depends also on the tone of your skin, are you a warm very chocolate brown? More olive brown? Very dark or lighter? IMO pastels and white work best on very dark, cool-toned girls, whereas girls of say xylia's lighter shade and warm skintone look better in rich colors like wine, emerald and brown.

>> No.7186863
File: 54 KB, 400x533, Un Chateau Secret Robe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have slightly smaller measurements than you and my advice is to lose some weight - if you literally lose 2 inches off your waist you can wear Meta + Chantilly skirts with a fully shirred waist band comfortably
If you don't want to lose weight then get things custom sized off taobao but if you want burando you're going to need to look for fully shirred items although it will be an uncomfortable fit so I would seriously recommend losing an inch or two for comforts sake

>> No.7186874

Anyone else have a good laugh at Rosaire's expense? Karma, bitch

>> No.7186876
File: 439 KB, 1000x1333, Janelle-Monae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pic related's skin tone except I have more yellow than red (in terms of undertones) if that makes sense? And no, I don't mean yellow as in "yellowbone," my skin isn't light but it's just brown + yellow. Sorry if that's confusing.

>> No.7186880

Don't look at the pic at full size. My skin is more like the brown in the thumbnail than the reddish-brown of the full size pic.

>> No.7186888

...why, did something new happen?

>> No.7186918
File: 185 KB, 470x547, 514QDxt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but pic related

>> No.7186924

and she just so happens to be a shitty person. you get what you give.

>> No.7186942

Oh so convenient. Fake more illnesses to get out of shipping.

>> No.7186981

Gunne Sax is extremely sought after amongst vintage fashion people (in part from Japanese second hand shops buying a lot of it and reselling it for dolly kei, mori, etc.) so if you are really seeing it that cheap you need to be buying them and selling on etsy. You can quadruple your money.

>> No.7187015
File: 216 KB, 900x1200, 1st-2_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh. I'd go with the black/grey since it is a less strange color and it would probably be a bit more versatile.

As for me, I'm still torn between getting The Snow Field's Moonlight Palace, AP's donut print, or the Sweet Cream House re-release.

>> No.7187223

jesus, get the sand out of your vag. that's like saying you think your grandpa is faking cancer just so he doesn't have to make thanksgiving dinner.
not even whit-knighting here.

>> No.7187243

I just searched gunne sax on etsy and the dresses go for under $50, and they're even cheaper on eBay - the same difference between thrift store and online vintage store prices I usually see. I get why they would go for more in Japan, but I still don't think that justifies selling one for $150 in a western context.

>> No.7187253
File: 53 KB, 250x250, 1374874177481.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there was a skirt I really wanted up on mbok and I was going to bid on it but the seller cancelled. I was hoping she'd relist it but its been a few days.. I asked my SS if she'd message them about it but she said shed rather not as they might get annoyed.
I want it so bad..

>> No.7187282

I think you'd look best in cooler toned dark colors! White, Sapphire blue, emerald green. You could also try sax and very very light pink, but I'd stay away from hot brighter pinks that tend to be paired with the light baby pinks.

>> No.7187283

Here you go, anon

>> No.7187284

Jesus christ do people still buy from her after all that?

>> No.7187348


I'm still waiting on my shit. I can't even feel pissed off at Rosaire anymore I only feel sorry for all the other girls who are trapped in this nightmare damn it.

>> No.7187404

Ooh, that's pretty. I'll have to make a note when the next reservation period opens.

>> No.7187414

Still waiting since the last we'd heard from her when she said fuck it, you mean? Jesus. What has been going on since then, just silence?

>> No.7187476


That is hardly a fair comparison. It depends on the dress.

Gunne Sax made dresses all through the 70's and 80s. The ones from the 80s sell for a lot less than the peasant boho style ones from the 70's. And then it depends on what fabric the dress is, cotton, poly, velvet, ect? Some have crochet, some have lace, and some are even wedding dresses.

I own several Gunne Sax dresses including one that I bought on ebay for $130 and there were over twenty different bidders. My least expensive gunne sax dress was $60, and the two are drastically different.

>> No.7187479

I believe her, if she's been bed bound DVT can happen and can be fatal, people can get it from long airplane flights. She's happy to pass stuff on to Tokyo Pirates (?) so hopefully when she's out of hospital she'll be able to get the rest sent off. Not a whiteknight.

>> No.7187503

IDK if this is the right thread for this but

i sold a JSK to someone. after they received it, they called their credit card company to file a chargeback (skipped the paypal claim) saying they received it damaged (It wasnt, at all. I have pics 10 minutes before I sent it.)

Despite having proof, the chargeback still went through (because when does paypal ever go against credit card companies) and I am out an expensive JSK and the money. The chargeback was taken from my visa -- if i call visa and explain the situation, what will happen? Is there a chance of me getting my money back? Or will my paypal just go back in to negative?

>> No.7187556

Her service has been closed for a while now.

>> No.7187587

I don't think you're going to get that money back, but you'd better start naming and shaming. She's probably done this to other people.

>> No.7187623

Put in a complaint with PayPal and see what Visa can do for you. I really can't say what will happen, but you NEED to name and shame. This person has probably done this before or will do it again. Don't let this person become another Maikodolly

>> No.7187635

Where is the best place to buy cheap, gently used or new socks or tights? I managed to lose/sell/throw away/i don't even know seemingly my entire lolita sock collection when I left the country for a year :/

I know the comm sales, fb sales, taobao, closet child, straight from the brands etc, but I don't really feel like paying $25 for used socks from the comm sales or getting replicas from secret shop. I know of course there's tons of loliable tights and socks shops on Taobao, but those only go so far.

So what's your secret *-*

>> No.7187667

I dress pretty casually and keep my outfits rather simple for day-to-day wear so for them I tend to use plain socks and stockings from ebay. They never cost me more than a few dollars.

>> No.7187689

I'd call VISA anyways and see if there's anything they can do, it's unlikely but worth a shot. However even if you're not willing to name them, please please at least go to the EGL mods and/or LSE mods and tell them about this person. That way they'll at least have a record of the behavior. If you want they can keep your name out of it, but so many times there's a scammer and no one reports them until it's happened to a bunch of people.

>> No.7187847

am i being unreasonable when i expect sellers to post the measurements of the items they are selling? I know that a lolibrary search will probably yield the info that i want but its more valuable to me to have the seller include measurement info that doesn't necessarily come with the lolibrary entry (i.e. measurements are 90 cm bust but can fit up to x cm bust etc).
Am i a bitch or are they lazy?

>> No.7187870

I do my best to find any significant discrepancies between the official measurements and the actual garment, but it's pretty hard to stretch the shirring in something while measuring accurately, especially something like the bust area of a dress.
If you're well within the measurements yourself, it's hard to determine what the "maximum" a garment will accommodate is, because you might be able to stretch the elastic to X-inches, but that doesn't mean the zipper will go up. Many people opt to just go with the official measurements so they can't be faulted if it ends up not fitting the buyer.
If you have specific fit questions, it's often better to find someone similar to your size who owns it.

>> No.7187927

I get them from normal everyday stores or one of the sock stores at the mall...

>> No.7188082

Sorry I should have specified that I'm looking for really out there tights and socks, not ones that are just loliable and a little bit cute design.

>> No.7188106

Just because it's got shirring, doesn't mean it's supposed to be stretched out. It's probably way too small for you.

>> No.7188134

I've heard some lolis complain about girls who don't have a very methodized wardrobe, is this a standard thing? I love classic, but I also like gothic and shiro a lot, and I'd like to make at least one OTT sweet coord before I get too old to be cute. So basically... uh... does it kind of bug you when someone isn't totally committed to a substyle?

Yeah I know "wear what you like" blah blah blah but really.

>> No.7188135

Bloomers: are they worth it? I feel so unrori in bike shorts but I find that the cloth lining (CP cupcake petti) always rides up and makes my legs itch on the organza if I don't wear anything. What are Bodyline's bloomers like? Comfortable and priced okay? I don't want to splash out money on brand ones when you don't even see them...

>> No.7188138

I think they're worth it. Bodyline's ones are overpriced in my opinion, you can usually find new meta ones from lucky packs on the sales community for the same price and there are a few people who make them for super cheap.

>> No.7188150

Thank you! Can you describe the difference between brand vs. bodyline? I'm guessing bodyline's are a stiffer, cheaper fabric? I've had a browse and I'd stay away from the horrible lacy ones they have, they just scream rough and itchy...

>> No.7188160

who the fuck cares if its replicating a dress design, you cant copyright dress designs anyway.

who gives a shit

>> No.7188173

Hmm....I'm thinking about getting some IW otks. How well do they stretch?

>> No.7188185

I've only had the meta ones because I didn't really want to pay more than that for anything that wouldn't be seen - and I only paid $15 + shipping for new bloomers from a lucky pack.

>> No.7188191

Yep, I'm sure you're happy with your shitty quality replicas from a costume shop.

>> No.7188196

I prefer Bodyline to Meta actually. The lace is nicer (Meta uses the thin raschel). I will agree that they're overpriced, however. I got two pairs of the beading lace bloomers years and years ago before they cost more than $10.

Maybe you can find some on TaoBao?

>> No.7188221

It depends on the socks as it varies but generally pretty well in my experience, similar to AATP socks.

>> No.7188227

This rosaire shit is too much. It's at the point where she'll need like a year minimum to have money to ship anything she's still holding. I get that things have been tough on her but she seems to have completely lost control of her situation.

>> No.7188240

she's been giving the stuff to other SS, contact your SS and have them get in touch with her, she's apparently extremely easy to contact when the message is

>hey, you don't have to do anything except open the door and give me the packages

>> No.7188385

That isn't too simple when she is allegedly laid up in the hospital.

>> No.7188388

Maybe she will give Tokyo Pirates her house key?

>> No.7188393

It's scientifically impossible for someone to be that unlucky with their health, for serious.

>> No.7188451

because its possible to control getting sick or developing blood clots so it never happens

>> No.7188468

Doesn't bother me one bit. I think it mainly bothers people because they're thinking of newbies who instead of buying some good foundation pieces to start off with, buy something from every style and end up being able to put together a coherent outfit in any style. Once you've got a good set of basics, I think it's just fine to experiment.

>> No.7188470

unable*, sorry

>> No.7188517

Anon if you have any sewing ability, bloomers are insanely easy to make and there are commercial patterns for them (I think the one I used was for one of those "sexy" little bo peep costumes). I can bust out a pair in less than an hour. Might be worth learning to make them if you like them, plus you can choose your own fabric and trim.

>> No.7188546

Credit card companies are fucking retarded, surely they'd let the person RETURN the item before the buyer getting their money back?

Ring your credit card, and please name and shame and inform the egl mods or else we will have another scammer stealing $10000 from people again.

>> No.7188620

Has anyone used moneypaks? I'm having trouble with it and I was wondering if anyone else has. Related, cause, milky planet.

>> No.7188676

I have an ugly ita fuck dress. I want to sell it off on a lolita comm- whats the cheapest girls are willing to buy dresses at? Anywhere else should I sell this dress?

>> No.7188728

ebay. sell it cheap.

>> No.7188737

I only just started my wardrobe (as in, one dress and a few blouses just started), but I'm aiming for a classic theme. I've always loved classic, and I'm just lucky that the most popular colours match really well with my skin tone. I need more shoes, though; those are always the hardest part for me to coordinate in any fashion, since you can't mix and match as well.

>> No.7188753

Can anybody tell me anything about myesoul.com? Is it bad? Do they look like the picture when you order them?

>> No.7188776

i like classic a lot too, and most of my shoes i just picked up at local shops. if you're looking to keep it pretty low key, that usually works in a pinch. though sadly my beloved brown heels i'd had for 8 years are finally coming apart.

>> No.7188804

how cheap? like 25.00 ?

>> No.7188955


Would this work as a blouse as well as a cardigan? Or does it look too much like a cardigan.
I'm trying to find a slightly sheer, low-collared, three-quarter sleeve blouse and it's proving more difficult than I had thought..

>> No.7189237
File: 63 KB, 450x572, emperor_and_nightingale_coat_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am thinking of purchasing Infanta's Emperor and Nightingale Coat Set, but I want to know will it actually keep me warm? There usually isn't snow where I live, maybe some light snow, but I also get cold very easily. It is as warm as a normal winter coat? Thanks to anyone who can help me. Or just about Infanta's coats in general.

>> No.7189419

How do you know if your package has been held up in customs? I'm in Europe and I order direct from brands/Y!J/Closet Child fairly regularly and miraculously I've never been hit before, but I'm kind of paranoid about my latest IW sale order because I feel like I have to get caught eventually. Does the tracking display a message telling you your package is in customs or what?

>> No.7189477

Does anyone have a link to the latest lolita or j-fashion documentary? It came out a few months ago and showed girls finishing BSSB items by hand? I never got to watch it when everyone was going apeshit and I can't remember what it was called now. Thanks!

>> No.7189501

Was it the from NHK world? If you youtube Tokyo Fashion Express lolita, I think that's the one you're talking about.

>> No.7189533

Anyone has a worn picture of the Little red riding hood coat from baby in any color, pretty please!

I only seem to find the OP by itself and nobody actually wearing it.

>> No.7189538
File: 95 KB, 240x320, baby_op_redhoodcoat_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.7189553

yes, that's the one! thank you

>> No.7190100

Lol I'm in the exact same situation as you anon
Gotta be quick tho I only got so much time to bust out that OTT sweet coord

>> No.7190144

Does anyone know what's going on with ODIP? They're relocating, right? Apparently I can't buy an item right now because of it.

>> No.7190155

Have you seen this blouse anon?

>> No.7190207

How often do you guys loose add ons (waist ties, brooches, removable bows, and so on) for your lolita pieces?

I've only had one instance where I misplaced some plain black waist ties (they blended into some other black items) but they were found pretty quickly.

I see Little Bear's Cafe a lot but it's normally missing the removable brooch. I don't know if that goes down to people genuinely loosing it or just wanting to keep it (if it was the latter I'd wish people were honest about it when they make sale posts.)

>> No.7190210

Yes it does, it will show up on the Japan post website and you'll know if you have a charge because it will say "Revising charges to be paid"

>> No.7190229
File: 37 KB, 534x800, 69thdept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


69th department have this is?

Under a JSK is might work. I think it looks too much like outerwear to wear with a skirt by itself though.

>> No.7190230


Forgot to add: The blouse is chiffon, and a lot shearer than the stock photos make out (in white, black and navy at least).

>> No.7190338

Unsure whether I'll be getting this or not.. I really liked the original feerie JSK but the size 1 was too big size wise, and this one looks like it'll be too long. I'm petite but I actually quite like mid calf items on me, even though petite and mid calf dresses aren't supposed to mix. I just have to hope there's a size 0 version. Anyone else possibly interested by this?

>> No.7190344
File: 52 KB, 450x660, 1395831_709204129104722_1740275892_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dam I'm a noob. Forgot pic.

>> No.7190709


Haha that was actually the blouse I was thinking of going with!

Oh I saw that one as well, but yeah it looked so thick and cotton-y that I didn't really like it. I wish there was more lace or details on it, though... now that I know it's chiffon, however, I'm more interested! *-*

>> No.7190867

Does Millefleurs do custom sizing? And how do you go about ordering from them anyways?

>> No.7191060

Sorry to ask such a noob question - how do trades work?

>> No.7191813

I'm interested in a couple of items on Y! Auctions but they currently have no bids and I'd like to see them at lower prices... What are the chances that if the items simply get no bids, they'll be relisted at lower prices?

>> No.7191816

I'm a newbie and have bought five dresses in total, of which I've kept only two because I hadn't decided on a style yet when I bought them. Am I doing it wrong or is this pretty normal for a beginner?

>> No.7191861

Would it bad to use vintage children's dresses in lolita co-ords? The length is right, they fit pettis and they are pretty simple (they aren't like the newer tacky dresses)

>> No.7192057

If they fit you and they really do look okay, why not? Do you have pictures?

>> No.7192175

Foam or wood RHS? They're my first pair, and I've heard foam is best for that, but I also want something durable.

>> No.7192251

If someone who was commissioning a dress from you sent you a bunch of Milanoo tier examples of the style they were looking for, what would you do, assuming you've tried to compromise and they don't like anything you've come up with? Rejecting the commission would make you look like a bitch, but doing exactly what they wanted would make you look like an ita/like you know nothing about lolita. Both of these could potentially make future customers wary of you, so which is worse?