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File: 142 KB, 960x1280, kigurumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7175916 No.7175916[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have another Kigurumi thread, please?

I really enjoyed it last time, especially with the cold weather coming, they seem appropriate!

Discuss pre-made, handmade, and ones you have made yourself!

Personally, I would kill for a Greninja kigurumi at the moment.

>> No.7175962

I have a Tiger kigu from Sazac. It's so soft and warm, but we're going in to summer here so it's too hot to wear it now.
Out of curiosity, how much fabric is usually required to make a kigurumi? I've thought of making them before, but decent fleece is a bit expensive here and they look like you'd need ~3 Metres.

>> No.7175972
File: 97 KB, 864x576, Otachi_Model_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I desperately need an Otachi kigurumi.

>> No.7178202

I can't sew because of a bad shoulder.
How much should/would it be for a custom kigurumi?

>> No.7178206
File: 227 KB, 900x478, audino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really depends on the details in the design you want.
But there are a number of Seagulls who make quality custom kigurumis, so I hope you post the results afterward.

>> No.7178237
File: 100 KB, 900x395, growlithe_kigurumi_comm__by_neon_juma-d4v6zsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seagulls do everything.

>> No.7178246

I just finished up my Banette one today. I'll post pics tomorrow once I get someone to take a pic of me in it.
I'm debating adding on zipper details to the mouth part.

>> No.7179798


Question regarding kigurumi construction.
I'm aware that they're supposed to be made with button-up fronts, but I really dislike buttons and find them a pain to wear just on a garment, as well as to sew.
Would I receive...not hate, but just disappointment if I made my kigurumis with zip-up fronts? Or would they just be seen as animal costumes with a zipper in the front.
Most all onesie pajamas I see are zip-up, and I've been sitting on this question for awhile, waiting to see someone around in a zip-up kigurumi, but I'm surprised to still not have seen it.

>> No.7179804

I reaaaally don't think it matters much anon, just do whatever you like best :))

and regarding the construction of kigurumis, I already have the pattern for mine but somehow screwed up making the hood part, does anyone have any tips to getting that part right? mine is a complete mess

>> No.7179822

Where do ppl purchase them nowdays?

I got mine about 5 years ago from capsule tokyo, but now there all popular

>> No.7179827

Do it. Go all the way

>> No.7179858

Is it possible to look good in a kigurumi if I have big tits? From all of the pictures I've seen the people wearing them are either male or have small tits.

Will it make me look like a lumpy freak? I want to look cute in one but I'm afraid my boobs will get in the way.

>> No.7179860

I have a Stitch one that I won in an auction on ebay

>> No.7179868

If it's big and baggy it doesn't matter.
Comfort is what you should be going for.

>> No.7179920

If you get a decent sized one you're fine. I've got a 40" chest and my kigu pretty much hides my body shape.

I either need to buy or make a second one because I wear my kigu almost every night since there's no heat in my place. I get cold easy so it's a god send.

>> No.7179918

I know it's baggy but baggy stuff tends to make me look like a potato

I just want to know so I can know before buying if I'll be able to wear it in public without looking fat and gross

>> No.7179922

Are they hard to make?

Is making one a huge project or will it only take a couple of hours?

>> No.7179929

I haven't made one yet. But from seeing patterns, they don't look very difficult. I imagine that basic construction would be fairly easy, and the difficulty varies depending on the details and number of colors you're using. The kigu I own is the flying squirrel from cushzilla.

>> No.7179936

What type of fleece would you recommend?

>> No.7179938

Basic construction can be done in a single day, easy. It's a pretty simple pattern, and fleece is an easy fabric to work with.

Where you'll need extra time is your customization. Complex colours and patterns, big tails, etc, will all take more time depending on your skill level.

>> No.7179950

Heavier fleece looks better because it holds the shape, but be wary of overheating if you wear it at a con.

>> No.7179969

I made one of terriermon pretty recently, it was a fun project and I learned a lot. It's been my best friend lately, since its been getting cold at night.

>> No.7179987
File: 1.06 MB, 1026x1001, infomercial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite Kigu tutorial:

Because it goes through everything step by step, and can be used by absolute beginners who have never taken on a sewing project.

That said, it's got a really annoying error in the pattern. Attached pic is me fixing said error.

Cutting out the V neck in both the front AND back of the kigu means that the hood gets attached pretty far back. Then the hood doesn't come forward far enough when you're wearing the kigu. The face sits on top of your head instead of falling forward slightly, so no one can see it.

>> No.7179993

I feel like an invisible zipper would be even sweeter than buttons. I agree, I'm a bit surprised I don't see it more often.

>> No.7179996

an invisible zip is not going to work well with the amount of fabric thickness it will need to turn in. Just go with a lapped (though again, lots of fabric to work with for the flap), or center zip.

>> No.7180195
File: 54 KB, 662x967, grumpy_cat_kigurumi_by_mangafreak150-d5n9zgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would prefer zipper.

Kigus are pajamas... lol. They aren't really made for going out in public, and the whole point is to potato.

Post please. :D

Also I would LOVE to commission a seagull for that greninja kigu. Could I get a rough estimate?

>> No.7180414

Kigurumis are the low-effort, cosplay equivalent of wearing sweatpants to school. Anyone with any ounce of self-respect wouldn't wear one.

>> No.7180954

That's nice dear. I just want cute, warm, pajamas.

>> No.7180957


>implying no one ever wears pajamas to school

Oh honey.

>> No.7181098

Does anyone have a pattern for something more like this >>7178206 as opposed to the skinny legged variety that is so common?
I really like those legs, so cute!

>> No.7181101

Is a decent tutorial as far as I can tell. I don't sew though so hopefully it's good enough!

>> No.7181520

That's my kigu and I can confirm that the tutorial posted by the other anon is what I used. That, and I simply can't measure out legs. So I just left it as a big potato sack shape.

>> No.7181540

If anyone is in NYC there's a shop in the Bryant Park Holiday village that's selling Kigus for a decent price ($65 I think?)

>> No.7181865

Oh woah, it is super cute, good job!
Would you mind posting a photo of of it laying flat so that I can see how you patterned the legs?

>> No.7182323
File: 23 KB, 305x310, tumblr_inline_mv4tfjhd6R1spyb07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds like someone has never known the joys of owning/wearing a kigurumi.

I cry a tear for you, sir or madam. They are warm and wonderful.

>> No.7183021
File: 32 KB, 530x530, best-cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay then

>> No.7183058
File: 970 KB, 167x165, guurl what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
