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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 56 KB, 500x375, mootandlolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7175348 No.7175348 [Reply] [Original]

So moot found a qt lolita girl to go out with...

I put a heart around her face for privacy reasons.

>> No.7175355

I have that dress. Love me, moot!

>> No.7175363

Usakumya chan needs her privacy too! Shame on you pig, OP.

>> No.7175381
File: 65 KB, 500x333, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lucky girl

>> No.7175384

>tfw you look like moot but no girl wants you because you're not the real thing / don't have the $tatu$

>> No.7175383
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>> No.7175389

where do you live anon?

>> No.7175390


>> No.7175391
File: 2.12 MB, 2448x3264, 1380555566670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Moot will never date you

>> No.7175394
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Good. Men are worthless.

>> No.7175395

I'd like to let you know I read that as "don't have the tatu"

>> No.7175396
File: 13 KB, 500x243, myth-busted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all invited to the wedding too~

Heheh, that's me, and sorry to disappoint, but I'm not moot's qt gf. He's a qt himself though.
Seriously, if you ever get the chance to meet him, do, he's a really lovely guy.

>> No.7175411

>wanting to date Sigourney Weaver

>> No.7175418
File: 399 KB, 800x532, 1380522831495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm jelly you met him ;~;

>> No.7175446
File: 136 KB, 517x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Starfuckers.

Only not really, 'cause none of ya'll are getting that dick.

(I'm sure Moot is a nice guy)

>> No.7175491

>be moot's gf
>get to be /cgl/ mod
>bring drama back

someone needs to pussywhip moot

>> No.7175497

Well your looks aren't going to make up for that shitty personality you're exhibiting, so I'm guessing that's why.

>> No.7175719

I want to have Sex with Moot ;_;

>> No.7175921

Her name is Charlotte. Charlotte the Usakumiya.

Reach for the stars, Charlotte, e-fame shall be yours!

>> No.7175931

Moot is the cutest damn thing on the planet.
How did the nickname "moot" come about? Does anyone know?

>> No.7176311

Watch out anon, charlotte over there's got her little beady eyes on mootykins too

>> No.7176316
File: 60 KB, 609x810, 1235968_3425119802384_195095917_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than this guy

>> No.7176325

I want to Scoot the Moot ;___;

>> No.7176329

the Mcnugget

>> No.7176353
File: 112 KB, 500x281, 1330635467154.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too old for Mcnuggets

>> No.7176359

How can you say you love moot /cgl/? You probably wouldn't even eat his poop.

>> No.7176368


>> No.7176391
File: 72 KB, 368x437, toby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying either of those clowns are relevant

>> No.7176425

>I have that dress. Love me, moot!
I already do, Anon.

>> No.7176428


Moot can I finger you're are buthol pls.

>> No.7176431
File: 2.00 MB, 450x390, 1325727955160.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy.

>> No.7176432

Wanna be my wingman and pick up lolitas, moot?

>> No.7176435
File: 2.43 MB, 270x270, 1333844579822.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two questions moot:

1. do you actually read behind the bows, and if so, do you love our petty drama
2. are you dating the girl in that picture, and if so, can you get her a better bra

thank you kindly

>> No.7176436

Moot, would you date a /cgl/ girl?

>> No.7176437

She already said she's not dating him.

>> No.7176438


Ok all trolling aside Moot, thank you for everything that you've done for 4chan.

Although some individuals are happy with the changes on this board, many others believe that the benefits of higher quality posts are outweighed by the detriments of a board that's now slow as shit.

Do you plan to change this anytime in the near future?

>> No.7176439

>1. do you actually read behind the bows, and if so, do you love our petty drama

>2. are you dating the girl in that picture, and if so, can you get her a better bra
No. I spoke to a student group at her university last week. Trinity College Dublin Pirate Party represent, yo.

>Moot, would you date a /cgl/ girl?

>> No.7176442

>tfw I couldn't make it to Trinity that day
Things could've been so different.

>> No.7176446

thanks for answering! much appreciated.

1. date me, please. kami can vouch for me.
2. a lot of us don't like the no-drama rules you implemented, and the janitors can be a real buzzkill. I wish you would return the rules to the way they were.

>> No.7176448

Are you actually happy with 4chan? It doesn't really net you a shit ton of dosh, and it's not exactly good publicity to be the guy who created /b/ and /pol/. You ever wish you could go back in time and undo it or create something better/more profitable? Also how big is your penis?

>> No.7176453

dont you dare get my hopes up moot like you did that one time you were in NorCal but not close enough to me to matter

I will become a perfect rori for you moot

Oh how I will

>> No.7176454


Lol as a guy, your two points give off two huge red flags.

>> No.7176455

moot how the fuck do you fund these threads where people talk about you? Do you search the whole site or do you just browse that much?

>> No.7176459

moot love me please

>> No.7176464
File: 1020 KB, 250x212, 1351734977096.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7176468

>not realizing Snacks is in a basement somewhere and just spends all day finding threads for moot to post in

>> No.7176476

i am all for this idea

>> No.7176485

I can only imagine.
>having sex with moot
>whispers "make me a /cgl/ mod" into his ear

>> No.7176482

Moot, will you let swami come back to /r9k/? It has went downhill since she left.

>> No.7176486

this is THE BEST picture of vicky mangina with fan that i have seen. so creeper.
Werk dat face, Vic. I still want to sit on it.

>> No.7176487

Found my way over here from various boards, I don't visit /cgl/ very often, and then when i do, i run into a moot thread. So moot, is being adored by so many people worth some of the salt you've had to take for creating what you have? I imagine it's all worth it at the end of the day.

>> No.7176489


Swami is easily the most cancerous trip of all time. Keep her perma banned

>> No.7176494

I love you for creating this safe haven that I've spent the last 6 (erm maybe 7) years of my life on as my little getaway. I'm sorry all the good people from /x/ fucked off to /r/nosleep in 2010, but hey at least /cgl/ and /v/ are still alright. /vg/ is always a decent place for MEG.
/cgl/ misses its drama though. It was 90% of our board culture. Now all we have is lolitanewfags and our janitor hates us.

>> No.7176493

>1. date me, please. kami can vouch for me.

>2. a lot of us don't like the no-drama rules you implemented, and the janitors can be a real buzzkill. I wish you would return the rules to the way they were.

>Are you actually happy with 4chan?

>moot how the fuck do you fund these threads where people talk about you? Do you search the whole site or do you just browse that much?
People link me to them.

>> No.7176499

Hey Mr. Moot, Would you ever cosplay? Have you already?

>> No.7176498

mooot i love you and i love the anti-drama anti-vendetta rules but the janitors suck! they delete related threads and completely ignore all the trolls and obnoxious trips.

>> No.7176506

no fug u pls unban swami pls

>> No.7176512

pls pls pls
delete my thread
it isn't deleting
I don't want it to exist anymore ;_;

>> No.7176518

Hi moot
Never change <3

>> No.7176523

>Never change <3
You're in luck—I'm stubborn!

>> No.7176529

Moot, why won't you reply? I really need you to save /r9k/ and bring back swami. She is our queen and we need her back.

>> No.7176531

You haven't said anything worth replying to.

>> No.7176537

Moot, should I go to graduate school? I'm a computer engineer finishing my BS

>> No.7176536


>> No.7176543
File: 411 KB, 500x271, tumblr_lkj7pub9sF1qhxr17o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7176546

Moot's here oh tosh

>quits slouching
>smooths out dress

>> No.7176548



>> No.7176558

>He can't even see me
>I'm not even attracted to him
>Still double-check makeup and smooth out clothes.

>> No.7176568

It's always awesome to see you pop in and take time to answer our questions, Moot!

>> No.7176569

>I'm not even attracted to him

Is that even possible? I'm not gay and I am attracted to him.

>> No.7176586

Moot, I want to take you on a date.Let's go urban exploring and get froyo.

>> No.7176588
File: 305 KB, 716x645, cglnoletmetellYOUabouthomestuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey moot, what became of that kitten you're always pictured with? are there multiple kittens? do they have names, noot?

>> No.7176597

Moot can we have spoilers yet?
Also, what happened to becoming a brolita, you had such potential.

>> No.7176605

How are you, moot? You been okay lately?

>> No.7176607

Moot, will you give me money so I can be NEET?

>> No.7176616

Moot! Who of the (old) tripfags on this board would you date?

>> No.7176619


Moot, I am also interested in your kitties. Or, are they your kitties? Either way, kitties. Kitties are nice.

>> No.7176638

moot, do you ever take off your god trip to see how people treat you, and then put it back on to go IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!! so people that treated you like shit when you were on anon freak out?

if not, why haven't you done this yet?

>> No.7176664

Damn, I'm impressed cgl. r9k needs one of these.

>> No.7176671

This thing needs to be updated.

But leave off the newfags.

>> No.7176922

>Moot, I want to take you on a date.Let's go urban exploring and get froyo.
This actually sounds pretty awesome.

I took them in as strays and found them their "forever homes."

>Moot! Who of the (old) tripfags on this board would you date?
This list is way too long ;_;

>> No.7176929

How old are you again, Moot?

>> No.7176932
File: 65 KB, 600x412, 57350_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is for you moot, do you like it?

>> No.7176933

are you going to go back to college/go to college mootlez?

also, I miss ianbrady

>> No.7176935

Narrowed it down for you to the (probably) most well known ones: Spooky, Chokelate, Ai-Honey, Cunt Master, DerpQueen, Itaqueen, Kamui, Lobitah, Logseux, Maryjane, Miyu, Tenleid

>> No.7176941

Moot, do you choose and plan which conventions to attend, or just go to the ones you're invited to?

>> No.7176942
File: 189 KB, 500x506, tumblr_livp3k2IZ61qhhjllo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wrote this? They said that Flan is pretty and that Spoony is awesome.

No way, he'd look totally kawaii in Angelic Pretty.

>> No.7176944

Still too much work considering I don't know who any of those people are.

>Moot, do you choose and plan which conventions to attend, or just go to the ones you're invited to?
AWA was my first con in 6 years. I don't go to cons anymore, nor do I plan to start again.

>> No.7176945

I'm going to take advantage of you being here and ask a completely off-topic question: why is drawing furry not allowed in /ic/? It should at least be allowed in the Anime/Manga/Cartooning thread.

>> No.7176948

That's a shame, I was hoping you had some horror stories for us

>> No.7176950
File: 6 KB, 214x159, le happy merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It doesn't really net you a shit ton of dosh

Yesssss, good goy-

Wait, this isn't /pol/.

>> No.7176957
File: 10 KB, 286x305, sundowner pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>thinking I'm awesome

>> No.7176970

>Trinity College Dublin Pirate Party represent, yo
>Trinity College
I go to that location frequently!

I live there, all my stuff is there, my house is there, omg starstruck

>> No.7176972

Moot, do you have something like a little alert box that lets you know whenever a thread starts talking about you?

>> No.7176973

>Moot, do you have something like a little alert box that lets you know whenever a thread starts talking about you?
No, but I check my e-mail frequently (people link me to them via e-mail sometimes), and use the inline extension to alert me to new posts/highlights.

>> No.7176977

I'm so glad I caught you. I've been wondering about that for ages.

>> No.7176979
File: 990 KB, 240x240, tomoyo chan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot's waifu is Asuka

cosplay Asuka if you want moot

>> No.7176982
File: 1.37 MB, 2608x3680, trips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same trips, but whatever.

>> No.7176988

>moot's waifu is Asuka
>cosplay Asuka if you want moot
True story.

I like that /d/ costume.

>> No.7176989


cunt-wizard aka spoony had a big row with moot a while back

i doubt he would date her no matter how nice her butt is

>> No.7176990


I'd sit on his face until he submitted.
It's not like he has a choice in the matter.

>> No.7176996
File: 320 KB, 680x1024, 1368967658250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7176997

>tfw you will never be moot and be dominated by /cgl/

>> No.7177003

Anyway, I suppose since I'm here I should ask moot a question.

Moot, do you like Ninja Sex Party?

>here's a list of things, that Brian likes to suck
>dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick

>> No.7177015

Moot, what does it take for you to go to a university and give a talk?
My university is large and well respected and in a nice town, if a shitty state, and we recently had that faggot from ribbit come and give a talk, so why couldn't you?
Is it money? A cool premise? What?

>> No.7177016

but shes fat

>> No.7177020

>Moot, what does it take for you to go to a university and give a talk?
I've only spoken at universities where I had a relationship with faculty or students there.

>> No.7177025

Moot, what is your actual opinion on websites like reddit or 9gag?

>> No.7177036

I'll give you a relationship to speak at my college ;3

>> No.7177042

Moot, you're basically my senpai.
For better or worse, you (via this site) have probably shaped me more in the past 5 years than any other media/person.

>> No.7177044


Moot, so you like strap-ons?

>> No.7177049



Fuck, the things you do to me Moot.

>> No.7177063

>I took them in as strays and found them their "forever homes."
Actual angel Moot

Since I'm in a Moot thread - Thanks for making and for not selling out 4chan, man. I know we're awful people but this place is amazing in so many ways, and without your design ethics I know the world would be missing out on the incredible things that come out of it. I'm sure you have your place among the angels.

>> No.7177070

Moot, what the hell happened to Snacks?

>> No.7177068

So what do you speak on?

>> No.7177083

go on r9k on tuesday nights
he usually has a thread up during his raedio show. you can ask him yourself (and also listen to some chill music)

>> No.7177082

Moot, what is your opinion on cross dressing in lolita
Would you date a boy who cross dresses, even if he were aroused by cross dressing
Please answer in video format. People never believe me so they'd probably think I just made your answers up

>> No.7177084
File: 206 KB, 1600x1200, meowmeowmoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moot is actually a cat

He is /cgl/'s kitten that we all want to cuddle with

>> No.7177088

Moot is amazing, all of my happiness, all of it.

>> No.7177090

he's not going to cons, halloween is over..
i doubt he cares much about guy fawkes night either
the best change you've got is a /d/rawthread
but one can hope

>> No.7177106

Oh sonovabitch, now I'm interested.

How many kitties did you rehome? Were they actually stray, or were they feral? I'm /an/ as fuck, and have been wanting to capture five feral kittens on my property to see if I can find them a nice farm to live on somewhere, away from traffic and near a warm barn.

>> No.7177109
File: 607 KB, 600x449, 1338540514334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that involves going to /r9k/.


>> No.7177130


moot I've been lurking this site for 7 years now because I can't give up on you. Please become my internet boyfriendo so I can leave already ;_;

>> No.7177133

we could even just be friends. i enjoy rescuing kittens and watching eva, too.
i'd even go back to /r9k/ for you, even though it's so bad compared to when i used to browse it.

>> No.7177138
File: 914 KB, 400x238, your waifus pantsu on breadu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot gets all the panties.

>> No.7177155
File: 463 KB, 1000x1046, 1382206039600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the other list

>> No.7177200
File: 421 KB, 618x454, 908098-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worst photo

>> No.7177254
File: 183 KB, 768x1052, 1380522284977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mootykins does the best cosplay

>> No.7177283


I am going to assume the root comes from an old internet handle of his that essentially means a "moot point".

>> No.7177286

dat Asuka.

Which cosplayers have done the best Asuka cosplay?

>> No.7177295

You're in luck.

>> No.7177302

Umm that's not a cosplay.
That's just how Moot dresses everyday.
He's basically a pro on fashion. Just ask /fa/

>> No.7177385

moot I've had a crush on you for years.
Would you date me? I love you

>> No.7177388

I can even dress like Asuka while in bed with you!

>> No.7177390


Give me an Error 405 with an answer, please ;_;

Also why the fuck do people even like Asuka, if you're a real guy you should know Misato is where it's at

>> No.7177404

Joke's on you: they obviously just did.

>> No.7177415
File: 161 KB, 1024x768, Iron Asuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also why the fuck do people even like Asuka

You gay, son?

>if you're a real guy you should know Misato is where it's at

Yeah, she's where it's at for sloppy seconds.

Who knows what strange things you'll find in "there".

>> No.7177416

>nor do I plan to start again.

On a serious note, is there any way for you to drop by Sakuracon and AX, at least?

Lastly, I've asked James to no avail, and every message I send to Hiroyuki, I get an emoticon in response, but is there any way you could convince either of them to at least return the Niconico streams for sakuracon or AX, at least?

>> No.7177421

Definitely not MaryJane. She just did the swimsuit. If you are going to rate an Asuka I think it should be done based on the plugsuit since it's the most difficult outfit she wears. Curteness and accuracy should also be factored in. IMO Asuka should look more white than asian. Lookswise I don't think Miyu has the best Asuka because she looks a little too old for the character but I think she's technically the prettiest girl I've seen do it. Overall I think the best Asuka cosplay belongs to this girl >>7177379

>> No.7177420

On a more /cgl/ related topic, do you have a favorite lolita style? Just curious~

>> No.7177428


>> No.7177426

>Just curious
As moot replies yes

One white young male proceeds to change his lifestyle to suit moot's sexual preference.

>> No.7177429

>Overall I think the best Asuka cosplay belongs to this girl
Who is that?

>> No.7177432

No idea. That pic has been circulating the web for awhile now though. She looks how I'd imagine Asuka would look if she were 3DPD.

>> No.7177438


>> No.7177440

Are you going to join any of the NYC lolitas for international lolita day this January, Moot?

>> No.7177444


go away annoying tripfag

>> No.7177446

omg sauce

>> No.7177474


agreed, fuck off

>> No.7177479


>> No.7177481

I'll totally let you stick it in my butt, moot.

>> No.7177513
File: 515 KB, 1280x841, tumblr_mt3b1kD8oB1qfewmfo1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi, moot.
i hope senpai notices me.

>> No.7177544

Are you happy with your diet?

I just found out they use beaver ball sacks to make vanilla.

>> No.7177545

>Are you happy with your diet?
>I just found out they use beaver ball sacks to make vanilla.
With that revelation, I'm even happier with it.

>> No.7177553

>I just found out they use beaver ball sacks to make vanilla.
The beaver is the master over wood. To ingest a beaver's raw ball-sack is to gain complete control over one's own wood. And by that, I am of course referring to the human equivalent of a tree's trunk, the backbone. By eating beaver nuts you become confident, essentially. Don't see what's so bad with that.

>> No.7177560

It's not like you eat the ball sack itself, it's the glands or something. I think they use it in mating season.

>> No.7177568
File: 133 KB, 493x750, 1375321260197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

postan in a mootykins thread

>yfw same age as moot
>you will never be friends

>> No.7177576

I thought moot was a friend to all of us.

Like Tom on myspace, the only friend I ever had there.

>> No.7177581

>This actually sounds pretty awesome.

Be still my heart, I have a chance! Come to LA.

>> No.7177594
File: 733 KB, 369x207, touchmahbarreh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot, have you heard any news on Toronto's mayor Rob Ford? He recently admitted to smackin' the crackin'. Do you condone the use of drugs? Have you ever taken drugs? Actually, what do you do to loosen up? I can't say I can imagine you getting giggy with it at a club with all the ladies, but I don't know you very well either, so I guess you could enjot that type of thing for all I know.

>> No.7177705
File: 896 KB, 360x202, 1378145645842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy for him. He's brought us together to talk, share, and grow and he deserves to find someone who reminds him of how amazing he is.

Relationships are a beautiful thing, I hope this one goes well. Loving and being loved in return is what makes people truly happy.

>> No.7177722

Wow, it's like all the nastiness went away when moot got here <3
never leave.

>> No.7177835
File: 80 KB, 600x900, 429063_10151369191085644_35456476_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Definitely not MaryJane. She just did the swimsuit.
Pay closer attention to me, idiot.

>> No.7177837


>> No.7177842
File: 73 KB, 640x560, Noicefrogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7177844
File: 110 KB, 260x218, NOICE guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7177847
File: 21 KB, 210x222, noice 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7177860

Moot what's your favorite style of lolita? What style do you think would suit you best if you decided to frill it up for a day?

>> No.7177861

I'm surprised the maryjane sexy dance contest video hasn't been posted yet.

>> No.7177863
File: 675 KB, 170x127, 000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two good questions here moot!

Will you join the NYC lolitas in January for their event?

Do you have a preferred lolita style?

>> No.7177865

>Will you join the NYC lolitas in January for their event?
What event?

>Do you have a preferred lolita style?

>> No.7177866

Hi moot!

If money was no object, what would you cosplay as?

>> No.7177869

Moot I emailed you twice but you didn't sticky our Halloween thread, why ;_;

>> No.7177870

>If money was no object, what would you cosplay as?
Pre-op or post-op?

>> No.7177871

>Moot I emailed you twice but you didn't sticky our Halloween thread, why ;_;
I was traveling.

>> No.7177875

Did you ever respond to the snapchats you got?

>> No.7177876

right, silly me. happy belated halloween to you moot

>> No.7177880
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Every year there's something called "International Lolita Day" where local communities are supposed to have a big event. New York is hosting an event this year. You should join the facebook comm: facebook/groups/NYCLolitas

Come to a meetup! The girls would love to meet you. Get a qt loli gf.

>> No.7177888

>Come to a meetup! The girls would love to meet you. Get a qt loli gf.
Oh, I got drinks with some seagulls earlier this year and I think it coincided with that (it was after they'd all gone out and gotten tea as a group).

>> No.7177889

I've heard there's several NYC_comms. My friend is in one of them and is that's the better one.

Aren't there three NYC_comms? There's a younger one with itas, a mid-20s group that's more mature with burando, and one that's late-20s on up.

>> No.7177894
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Hey, Moot, thanks for all the hard work you put into 4chan and your other projects. You're pretty alright. Wanna go hang out at Anime Los Angeles in January? I'll buy you a glass of giggle water.

>> No.7177896

I'm not sure, I know of two... That one and then Simply26's very young group.

Visit with us again!

>> No.7177932

I hope you had fun. It was dark and the chairs were too comfy and we were all nodding off.

>> No.7178069

You sure? I haven't seen anything posted on the FB page yet. (Not Simply's. The more mature one with burando as >>7177889 put it.)

>> No.7178092

Moot, do you even exist?

Do you like curry?

>> No.7178096

I've seen people discussing on personal status updates, but nothing concrete yet. From what I understand, people seem to be trying to pass the potato of planning to someone other than themselves, due to drama from past years' events.

>> No.7178110
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oh god the drama. I was kind of in the background for it while being smack dab in the middle like "what the actual fuck is going on"
Honestly if we could get an event coordinator that managed to get an event like last year's (minus the drama and basically being herded out because time was not managed 100%) I will be a very happy loli.

>> No.7178113

moot how close has a 4channer come to successfully molesting you?

Also, nice tips.

>> No.7178148
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Moot goddamn shindiggity can we please have spoilers.

>> No.7178193


/o/ here, what do you drive? Or are you an /n/ goer?

I don't understand how I got here, but somehow I did.

>> No.7178199

I dare you to turn /a/ into nurutu again.
I dare you. But you won't.
You wouldn't dare.

>> No.7178212

Is it just me or do logseux and Ophelia look too much alike.
I don't pay much attention to trip flags usually.
Same girl?

>> No.7178293
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oh, okay.
this is for you then.

>> No.7178296


>> No.7178306
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>> No.7178322

Rehoming kittens, are you literally the most perfect human being ever because you're starting to sound like it.

I love when people I admire love cats. Do you have your own cats?

>> No.7178344

I like.

>> No.7178421

Random question, but after reinstating /r9k/ have you ever considered shutting it back down again? Pre shut down there was some semblance of culture other than virginity and misogyny, for instance massive greentext stories threads, but since it came back it's literally just become a caricature of what people accused it of being in the first place. The entire place is literally just virgins crying and sour grapes.

>> No.7178502

Well...what did you go as for AN this year?

>> No.7178508


Can I just say how happy I am that moot having a gf was just an internet rumor?? Sigh of relief.. In my panties.

>> No.7178549

Hey moot have you ever been to folsom California? Come here so I can tickle your ass

>> No.7178551

Son moot I just joined the NYC comm recently. Seeing you at my first comm event would be nucking futsss, you gotta come drink again for the 2014 ILD.

>> No.7178562

>nucking futs
A-A-Are you me?

>> No.7178565

Moot isn't your son, bit-ass ho!

>> No.7178574

This is the most hilarious picture of him I've ever seen, holy shit.

>> No.7178599
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Hey, moot.

What turned you off of cons?

Also, thanks for everything, mang

>> No.7179184
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I quit that canada cancer bullshit

>> No.7179677
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So why is a thread about moot ok, but a thread about PT isn't?

>> No.7179697

Because moot is infinitely more important than PT, and nobody's causing drama about moot.

>> No.7179700

Angela doesn't go on here anymore does she? I remember finding her blog once and she said she was only 16.

>> No.7179716

PT didn't invent 4chins, she just has 4chins

>> No.7179717
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>> No.7179731
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The OP is gossip about a specific person are you kidding me?

>> No.7179771
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Unless you live in California or Japan, I don't really see your options.

>> No.7179785
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...options for what? cons? There's plenty on the east coast.

>> No.7179801

Come back Moot! Tell us your deepest darkest secrets. And also what you ate for dinner today.

>> No.7179807


Yo, hit up Katsucon or Otakon. I'll be honest, we have drama but not as bad as you Canadians.

Also Todd is a fucking beta rofl

>> No.7179813

Drive to Youma with us next year.

>> No.7179880

Maybe I can meet moot one day. We will bump into each other and I will wear my best burando.
>He accidentally spills tea onto my beautiful dress.
>I will shed a few precious tears
>Moot Senpai will look gently into my eyes and wipe my tear away with his long elegant finger
>w-w-what jsk? I'll whisper to myself.
>He'll tell me baby, the stars shine bright.. for you
>dies soft and slow into the night

>> No.7179897
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>muh dream

>> No.7180009

>Btssb for you.
wait is he gonna offer a replacement or is it just a cheesy pick up line?