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7162435 No.7162435 [Reply] [Original]

Hair care thread?
I eat pretty bad because of dieting and my hair suffers from it. It looks unhealthy as fuck even though I treat it right, so I decided to take supliments.
Should taking extra protein, biotin and vitamin b12 enough?

>> No.7162444
File: 95 KB, 380x380, clip-in-hair-extensions-18-inch-45cm-straight-color-18-ash-blonde-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a naturally brunette, wavy haired girl. Recently, I chopped off like 8 inches and went to a sort of yellow-blonde mixture. My ends are pretty healthy and I'm taking decent care of it and rarely straightening my hair.

Instead of being yellowish, I'd like to be ash blonde instead(I'm too pale for yellow blonde). Will a stylist at the salon do this for me? Will it fry my hair? I was thinking of waiting a few months before the next step of going ashy and doing regular deep conditioning treatments and doing protein treatments every 4-8 weeks or so.

I can post pictures of my hair as it is if needed.

Also, OP, taking those vitamins might be a good idea. I've heard great things about biotin.

>> No.7162473

It's better to get your vitamins and minerals from food than supplements. One reason is that we probably haven't discovered all of the nutrients that humans need, so even if you take supplements for everything known, there probably are still nutrients out there you're missing out on by not eating actual food.

Second, absorption. Some vitamins need specific factors in to be absorbed; just taking them is not enough. B12, for example, needs an enzyme called Intrinsic factor that can be only produced by the stomach lining during digestion.

Multivitamins aren't magic bullets, either. Several minerals are antagonistic to each other (e.g. if a food had iron and zinc, the more iron there is the less zinc you absorb), the supplements can contain only derivatives of vitamins or inactive forms of vitamins, and the extra flow of unused vitamins and minerals can put a strain on your liver.

Take supplements as instructed by your doctor or nutritionist. Supplements have their uses, but they can also be actually useless or even harmful if they're not taken correctly. If you're already dieting, your doctor or nutritionist should be able to recommend you if what supplements will be helpful for you.

>> No.7162487

Try eating an actual healthy diet instead of fad shit that wont work. If your hair is unhealthy there is probably other things in your body that are unhealthy too.

>> No.7162515

Can I get help with hair breakage? I have thick Asian hair, but my strands are very fine, so they break easily and I tend to have a lot of shorter flyaways when I brush my hair or try to curl it.

I've tried to use strengthening shampoo, but I haven't seen any difference.

>> No.7162522

Use an oil shampoo + conditioner if you aren't already. I thought my hair was as good as it gets since I don't dye it or anything, but since I started on coconut oil shampoo, my soft hair got even softer.

As for suppliments for hair, I recently started on biotin. It's great because it's water soluable-- anything your body doesn't absorb gets pissed out. My boyfriend used it for like a year or so and now his hair grows insanely and isn't as thin as it was. I just used it for about a month and I'm already noticing little changes.

>> No.7162571

I only find coconut milk shampoo in my country, is that the same?

>> No.7162577

I never got how there could be oil in the shampoo. Doesnt that make the hair greasy?

>> No.7162582

My hair is naturally very fine.

I used to have so much hair that the stylists would comment on it. Not length wise, just a very healthy amount of growth.

My birth control (necessary) has caused my hair to start thinning, and it's driving me crazy. Is there any way to stimulate my hair growth to its former glory without taking the birth control out of the picture?

>> No.7162594

Had the same problem. My gynecologist suggested my different pills but nothing helped, some made it even worse
The only thing that helped was to dont take it anymore... no way around it sorry

>> No.7162606

Coconut milk contains high amounts of oil, so I'd figure that it might work just as well!

To my knowledge, it replaces the essential natural oils that shampoo usually strip out from your scalp (which could lead to an overproduction of grease to compensate). It also acts as a 'moisturizer' for the strands themselves.

>> No.7162607

pics of your hair now?
You can always use a little bit of bleach or toner. I dyed my hair to almost white, but I couldn't get the yellow tinge ou no matter how much toner i used, so I dyed it lavender and that seemed to the do the trick. It fades to blue for a little while if youre ok with that.

but I'd give the toner a chance, or REDKIN purple shampoo and conditioner.

>> No.7162613

I recommend using Shiseido's Tsubaki series. I am a very lazy person, and never do special treatments for my hair. People always compliment how healthy and shiny it looks when I don't put any effort into it besides straightening.

>> No.7162617
File: 23 KB, 191x309, 1383627_4884044079342_493978310_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I have very curly hair I straightened (and is bleached) I take good care of my hair, I use a keratin conditioner, and use protective flat iron spray.

however, I don't wash my hair everyday (I wash it ever 2-3 days) because I don't want to spend an hour each day straightening it.
But it gets Really oily in-between washes. I use patene dry shampoo but it doesn't help much.

any solutions?

pic unfortantly related :(

i also feel like my bf's second hand smoke may contribute to this. :"(

>> No.7162618

also in b4 dos roots tho
I'm dying it back to my natural

>> No.7162622

I love Tsubaki, more for the smell than anything else though.

>> No.7162629

Dry shampoo

>> No.7162633

Do you put conditioner at your roots too? Try not conditioning on your scalp.

The dry shampoo should really help, are you not spraying enough? More dry shampoo usually works with really oily hair. It does turn parts of your hair white, but you just pat it out and it looks fine.

>> No.7162635

Do you ever wash your hair with baking soda, and then vinegar? Try that like once a week. I noticed a huge difference, it cleanses all the build up in your hair.

>> No.7162639

Try Organix Biotin and Collagen shampoo + conditioner.

>> No.7162650

toning your hair shouldn't do much damage to it, make sure to get a violet shampoo for home use. i think Shimmer Lights makes hair feel gross, so if you choose to use that one get a really good conditioner. Matrix, or Pureology are my top 2.

taking supplements will not help your existing hair, only help new hair grow stronger. so unless you're committed to taking them for the rest of your life they wont make a noticeable difference.
a high quality conditioner, deep conditioner, and leave in treatment will help much more. shampoo like- try and avoid sulfates but shampoo is shampoo really at the end of the day it's all about the conditioner.

conditioner ~
i've been using this
and it's fucking fantastic. the leave in treatment is amazing. i have noticed a huge change in the amount of breakage in my hair- AND i've gone from black to blonde in 3 weeks. and i still have less breakage now. after all the melted hair came off, at least.

if your hair changed it's growing patterns because of hormones then nothing will change it back except getting off those hormones.
try a different birth control.

professional dry shampoo.
i literally go over a week without washing my hair because i have micro-link extensions and i hate washing them. well- did- will again soon.
prive's dry shampoo is amazing.

>> No.7162658

Any advice for "delicate" hair?
My hair becomes a tangled mess really easily (windy days, lying down, a lot of movement, etc) and is extremely thin and fine to boot. Is there anything that can be done prevent this or strengthen my hair?

>> No.7162660

I want to go blue. Someone suggested manic panic but the last time a friend of mine tried it, it dyed not only my whole bathtub but also his skin. He was smurfy for like... a week. Does anyone have some suggestions?

>> No.7162661

a good conditioning treatment and leave in treatment. washing your hair with cold water. sleeping with it in braids so it doesn't smoosh around while you sleep. my hair is the same way, i just carry a brush with me and brush it when i notice it's too tangly, and when it's really bad i'll put oil in it.

blow drying in the correct direction to lay the cuticle down will help it not tangle as much, but it's not a huge difference.

>> No.7162663
File: 8 KB, 250x250, joico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joico is the best unnatural colored dye that i have ever found, they have a clear so you can pastel out any of their colours. as well you can mix any of their colours to make whatever you want.

you can get it on eBay and Amazon. or if you know a local stylist it's better to have them buy it from a local CosmoProf or Salon Centric i forget which has it.

>> No.7162679

>My hair becomes a tangled mess really easily (windy days, lying down, a lot of movement, etc)

Mine is like this too, except rather than being thin and fine, mine's thick and heavy. I have days I wake up in the morning and literally can't run a brush through it because it's just one giant pile of shipyard-level knots.

>> No.7162687
File: 242 KB, 1600x1067, IMG_4260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get one of these. Its a boar bristle brush
once you learned how to handle them you will love it. The brushing feels sooo soft + its so much healthier for your hair than regular brushes

>> No.7162688

Interesting. Coincidentally I have a smaller one of those that I use in shining my shoes.

Is there something about it that makes it "better" for hair like mine, or just an all-round "this is a better brush for everyone" sort of thing?

>> No.7162696

it is better for everyone because it wont rip out hair or breake it. The sound you hear from brushing and the pain are hairs that break because they tangle around the bristles if they are made of metall or plastic. I your hair gets as messy as yours, you need to be extra carefull. Also, the brush transports your natural scalp oils to the roots, which is good but you might get greasy hair faster if you already have that problem. I for myself never had problems with this

>> No.7162702

Ah, I see. Thank you!

>> No.7162703

they don't actually brush out tangles, though. like legitimate ones. you do need combs and brushes. and you can't blow dry with a boar bristle brush, or use it on wet hair. and it will ruin curls. but it's great for wavy hair.

>> No.7162710

>you can't blow dry with a boar bristle brush, or use it on wet hair. and it will ruin curls. but it's great for wavy hair.

That's unfortunate about the wet hair, but on the upside, my hair is super wavy. I'll look into this and see if I should pick one up.

>> No.7162711

they really make wavy hair pretty. they smooth it all down, and if you add an oil product and then distribute it with the brush it'll make sure no spots are too weighed down.
10/10 would recommend

>> No.7162713

i am mixed (black + italian) with natural hair and my hair is very thick and gets matted and knots very easily. Is there anyway i can easily detangle my hair everyday with out using a brush that rips out my hair or a product that leaves a lot of residue?

>> No.7162715

>or use it on wet hair.
what? I love to brush my wet hair with it!

but its true that it doesnt really comb out tangles. But guess what? I dont care. You dont see them anymore after the use of the brush, I dont feel them and to be honest I like the extra volume from the left tangles

>> No.7162719

well, you shouldn't do that.
but there's nothing i can do to stop you, obviously.

i think Paul Mitchell's paddle brush is like- amazing for brushing out hair. i think it's a lot more delicate than most paddle brushes. though i'm not sure why.
any sort of shine serum for dry hair is good, Redken, Paul Mitchell, Matrix, Bed Head, they're all nice. i've never found a bad serum that like- didn't work. just don't buy drug store brands because those can cause more tangling from them drying instead of soaking into your hair.

>> No.7162721

I have wavy hair and I tend to use a pick style comb to untangle it while wet (very carefully). I don't know if this is wrong or what but it gets out the tangles without ripping my hair to shit. Start at the bottom and work your way to the roots.

>> No.7162722

Why can't you blow dry with one? I usually shower at night, then blow dry with a round boar bristle brush in the morning and it looks great. I usually brush out my curls at the end of the day with a flat bristle brush and it makes them look really natural and nice.

>> No.7162724

I don't think that's a "wrong" way of doing it, it just takes forever. Ah, the perils of having long, thick-as-hell hair.

>> No.7162726

Instead of being bitchy you could tell me why I shouldnt do it
better start with the roots and work your way up

>> No.7162727

True. I have the thick as hell/long hair as well. It takes forever but it saves my hair from breaking so it's worth it. I really wish there was a quicker way to do it.

>> No.7162729

>better start with the roots and work your way up
There's nowhere else to go at the roots except down.

>> No.7162732

Not spooky, but brushing wet hair in general is bad. Brushes are more likely to catch on your hairs when they are wet, so you end up breaking and pulling out a lot more hair. If you have to use anything on wet hair it should be a wide tooth comb.

How do you even work your way up from the roots? You should always start at the tips of your hair and hold just above where you are combing so you avoid pulling at the roots. Otherwise you will end up pulling out hair at every tangle you find in the tips.

>> No.7162736

Yeah, no. Starting at the roots leads to breakage, starting at the bottom helps prevent it since you can hold the hair for less pulling.

>> No.7162741

Hair is weakest when it's wet, so it's easier to pull out hairs before their time while brushing wet hair than brushing dry hair.

>> No.7162742

>Not spooky, but brushing wet hair in general is bad. Brushes are more likely to catch on your hairs when they are wet, so you end up breaking and pulling out a lot more hair.

It probably sounds silly to most of you, but stuff like this is why I read these threads. That's literally never occurred to me.

>have really short hair most of my life
>be told constantly that my hair is pretty and I should try growing it out
>hair grows stupidly fast
>it's now halfway down my back and I have no idea how to take care of it
>hair has taken over my life; can't drive my topless Jeep without a bandana or I go blind
>fuck it though, still pretty

I've actually learned a scary amount of hair care information from /cgl/.

>> No.7162743

you didn't ask. all you said is you love it.
it's bad for your hair
your hair is in it's weakest state when it's wet, you should only comb it when wet to get out major tangles. a wide tooth comb first, then a medium tooth comb. then when damp use paddle brushes or round brush it should be 70% dry before you start using a paddle or round brush in it.
boar bristle brushes will only stretch and break the hair.

and no, it is always better and very important to brush your hair from the ends and slowly go up.

>> No.7162749

Sorry I just mistaked roots with the ends, Im not a native speaker.
Of course you start with the bottom

>> No.7162938

Im planning on going to Japan for a month or so but dont plan on bringing any hair care products. Does anyone know if any good products/brands? My hair is to my lower back and its pretty normal maybe a little dry. But it gets frizzier in humidity as the day goes on.

>> No.7162963

no worries

>> No.7163060

So, how long have you had those bird nests in your hair for?

Seriously though I hope you brush them out occasionally because tangles can cause breakage. But there's nothing wrong with having some tangles for volume

>> No.7163081
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This. There is only so much you can do for hair that is already in bad shape due to poor nutrition. Eating healthy in addition to the other care tips is going to make a world of difference.

Did you know from a biological standpoint men find long hair on women attractive because it's a good indicator of her health in the last several years? I bet men are less interested in you because they can tell you're unhealthy.

>> No.7163119

yeah I know. My hair looks pretty healthy because I know how to take care of them and hide the damage, it only pisses me of that I cant grow it longer than breastlength.

I know I should eat healthy instead of taking supliments, but I just fucking cant. I have no appetite... and no time. Sometimes I eat and drink the whole day nothing without noticing. And when I eat its just some unhealthy snack. I tried changing that for years, but its so hard. I try eating a lot of fruits, I try eating so much eggs I cant stand them anymore.

Can someone that eats really healthy tell me what their normal day routine is?
Like what you eat for breakfast, lunch and so on... I would be REALLY gratefull

>> No.7163157
File: 132 KB, 500x500, aqua-splash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always felt like that only works for straight/wavy hair.

My entire family has curly hair (3a), and if we try to brush our hair when dry you'll only make yourself look like a frizzy lampshade. Brushing destroys the curls. I only detangle my hip-length hair either by hand or in the shower with the aid of conditioner and pic related. I wash my hair once a week and ever since I use that brush I can detangle my whole head in less than 10 minutes.

>> No.7163205

A healthy diet that works depends a lot on your metabolism type.

The best example of this is my parents: my father went on the Atkins diet, and my mother got dragged onto it.

Father lost 20 lbs, and felt a rise in energy from cutting out extra carbs.
Mother only lost 3 lbs and felt like complete crap without carbs.

As it turns out, mother is a metabolism type that does better on a diet that watches refined/bleached flour and sugar intake but doesn't eliminate carbs entirely.

Unfortunately I can't really tell you your metabolism type, but if you have trouble eating healthy and have energy and health problems (like the hair) because of it, it would be worth it to see a dietician. If you bring it up with your doctor, they might even be able to give you a referral.

Hope this helps <3

>> No.7163206

Have you seen a medical professional about your lack of appetite? If you're malnourished to the point of it effecting your hair (I'm assuming your nails aren't in great shape either) but you're still not getting hungry I'm guessing there is probably something more serious wrong with you.

Anyway, about diet. The only real trick is to eat a balanced diet. It's no good eating only "Healthy" things if they're all from one food group. There will still be things your body is missing, you need a little of everything. This amount needs to be tailored to you and your body type specifically.

>> No.7163208

It does. Curly hair should not be brushed with a brush save for right before washing it. If you want to retain you curls, normal brushing should be with nothing finer than your fingers. Also, wind is the devil.

>> No.7163212

So you're agreeing to what I just said, the only way around it are fingers.

Also, the times I've tried to detangle my hair dry before the shower, I've always felt like that puts a lot more strain on the fibers and my scalp. I'm not disagreeing on the fragility of the fiber when wet, but I feel like tangles are easier to deal with if you have some product helping the detangling process, such as conditioner.

>> No.7163228

Detangling sprays and the like, anon. It also helps if you can avoid tangling your hair as much ad possible. Always sleep with it in a loose braid, rope braids are also an option your hair takes the shape of the braid it's in and you prefer ringlets over waves.

>> No.7163230

Adding on to the point that you really should be eating healthy, you'll feel a lot better too, but also try drinking lots of water! I mean A LOT of it. I was having health problems and my doctor said I needed to start drinking water at all times. So now I take my water bottle with me everywhere and I've noticed a huge difference. My hair never used to grow, I was stuck at shoulder length for years, and now suddenly it's past my collar bones. It's shinier and softer, and I've also noticed a difference in the strength of my fingernails. Mind you, I'm also very conscious of what I eat because I've been a vegetarian for 7 years. I make sure I get all of my missed nutrients and vitamins

>> No.7163238

Drinking too much water is really, really bad for you and this is terrible advice. If your doctor told you specifically to drink more water then IT ONLY APPLIES TO YOU SPECIFICALLY. When your doctor recommends a cream or a tablet for a problem you have you don't go around recommending all of your friends to take it regardless of whether they have the same issue as you, do you? Unless you have a problem where in you don't notice that you're thirsty, or live in a very hot climate, you should only drink when you're thirsty.

The benefits of drinking water don't multiply. Just because something is good doesn't mean you should have loads of it all the time. Drinking too much water can cause long term health problems and will kill you if you overdo it. You know all of the deaths in the media attributed to ecstasy (Britbongs will probably remember Leah Betts) are actually because people's retarded friends force them to drink water all night. Four litres in two hours is enough to kill the average person.

There is no added benefit to drinking more water than you need. I repeat, drinking when you're thirsty is perfectly fine. As is drinking fluids that aren't water to hydrate yourself (Tea, coffe, juice, milk etc.)

Drinking from plastic bottles will increase your risk of cancer massively too. Make sure you don't let the bottle sit in the sun (Plastic is photo-degradable i.e. it breaks down in light and leaches into the water, which you then drink. This is why coke in cans and glass bottles tastes better.) Or switch to a glass bottle or thermas flask.

>> No.7163275

Ermagherd, printed water bottles!
(Just what I need, a new pink accesory!)

>> No.7163333
File: 8 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone here ever had a professional YUKO system perm?

what grade strength was it and how would you describe your hair type (not just curly or wavy but brittle, thin, thick, and what ethnicity as well because curly hair is not identical across ethnic backgrounds as most people who have it probably know)

>> No.7163338

nope, I can give it a try. Can I do this and put a conditioner is after? just so my hair doesn't smell.
also would straightening ruin that?
i will look into that, thanks!

>> No.7163340


you're absolutely retarded

drink as much water as you want, I live in a desert and I do bring water everywhere, I drink it throughout the day, and I've never gotten sick due to it

as for MDMA stuff, people's friends don't encourage them to drink it all night (it's obvious that you've never done ecstasy) you are actually really fucking thirsty all night and drinking water seems like a good idea at the time some people just go overboard

Stop giving bad advice

>> No.7163347

So you're saying I can just drink milk when I'm thirsty and be perfectly healthy



>> No.7163353

You're retarded. I clearly said drink when you're thirsty i.e. When you want to. The other poster recommended forcing yourself to drink water all of the time even when you're not thirsty. Which is retarded and will make you ill. That and the fact she's saying the advice her doctor gave her specifically for a health problem she had applies to everyone if fucking retarded.

Of course you've never gotten sick, you live in a fucking desert. You're not forcing yourself to drink when you don't want to. Jesus Christ. Your reading comprehension really makes me doubt that you don't suffer from a waterlogged brain.

In the specific case I talked about four of her friends were prosecuted for manslaughter because they forced her to drink excessive amounts of water, which resulted in her death. There was another case like this in Australia and one this year at a festival in Europe somewhere. There are shit loads of urban myths that idiotic people believe regarding how much water you need to consume when on e.
>"You need to drink twice as much because your liver doesn't work when you're on ecstasy man!"
>"Your kidneys will explode from the toxins if you don't hydrate yourself!!"

Maybe they don't exist wherever you're from. But they do in the rest of the world and they have killed people.

No. That isn't what I said at all. I said that you don't need to drink just water, if you're thirsty drinking any other drink is perfectly fine. You don't need to add water on top of the other fluids you drink. Anything you drink during the day counts, regardless of what it is.

>> No.7163358

>Super thin hair
I've posted in these threads before and I've tried everything from hardly washing my hair for a month to switching to ten different shampoos to rotating washes from evening to morning and even seeing a dermatologist - it's my genetics.
My hair produces too much sebum/oil and it looks dirty as fuck throughout the day.
Was wondering if there's any miracle product other than bleaching my entire hair to cause it get less greasy.
If not, I'll just shave my head and wear wigs everyday so I won't be looked at like a dirty homeless person.

>> No.7163369

I've seen your posts before anon :( I hope you find something to help.

About the bleaching though, did it work at a permanent solution, as in your hair was dryer for a long time afterwards? What colour does your hair go when you bleach it, and how damaged does it get?

>> No.7163373

>Super thick hair
>Rollin in the grease too
Nothing makes me feel more like we're all honestly descended from "seven women in Africa" than to hear someone completely unrelated to me has the same genetic problem. I guess we're both descended from the greasy woman?

Seriously though, I tried using regular baby shampoo once in a while helps along with cutting out conditioner occasionally.

Also, I heard that air pollution affects greasies, but I think that was someone just being complimentative.

>> No.7163396

Manic Panic is amazing, if you use it correctly. Only rinse dyes in metal sinks, NEVER porcelain, plastic, or any light surface tub and sink. Rinse your hair up and away from your skin. It did that because he didn't do it correctly. The first time you rinse out the dye, you have to spend a good 30 minutes running fingers or a brush through it under luke warm water.

I use MP and it works and stays in for months at a time.

>> No.7163397

Dry shampoo?

>> No.7163400

My MP fades really quickly, but I was so impressed by the color, I kept using it. Not to mention it makes my hair feel really soft, and is almost odorless.

Now I know that just a few drops in my conditioner keeps the color vibrant. I know people say Manic Panic is shit, but it fits my needs pretty perfectly.

Had to learn the hard way that Soft Scrub is the only way to get MP stains out of porcelain, though.

>> No.7163401

So I eat pretty healthy but don't take any vitamins or supplements that I probably need. Ones for hair and nails, etc.

But my hair gets pretty oily quickly and my bangs get all stuck together after just one day.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

So I shower every couple of days, atleast 4-5 times a week. I wash my hair using conditioner only on the lower part, not the roots.
I don't blow dry my hair, I'm gentle with it when drying and I brush it before the shower so I don't break it all trying to brush it after drying.

Copious amounts still break off and the next day around lunch, it's oily as fuck.

I have to use organic shampoo because I can't have sodium lauryl sulfate , AT ALL
It cannot touch my skin or I break out into blackheads and patches of huge pimples all over my body.
I'm using a coconut shampoo and conditioner.

Does anyone have any idea what I can do about my hair?

>> No.7163406

My tub is stained a little from me not paying attention. It actually rinses out on it's own if it's not too bad..But I've been there before in having to scrub that shit out

Another one I really like using is RAW hair dye. It works waaaay better than Manic Panic and smells amazing.
Each color is a different smell. Pink is cotton candy, blue are a sweet fruit smell, and purple is grape. Dunno about the others, haven't gotten any.

>> No.7163466

So I've decided to invest in my first set of hair extensions, but because of limited funds I'm thinking about just getting a test set off of eBay to see how I like them.

Does any know of any eBay sellers that provide decent (not looking for amazing quality) extensions for a reasonable price?

I like, really don't care if they're coming from China or whatever.

>> No.7163522

Fucking hell. I have the opposite problem. Super thick wavy hair and it's always dry dry dry. I drink water regularly and try to use moisturizing shampoos/conditioners and my hair is always so dry. I've used deep oils on it and everything suggested/eggs etc. and now I'm at my wit's end, I just don't know what else I can do.

>> No.7163534

>my life
I bought some conditioner to use through-out the day.

It's like wet-mousse. It doesn't really do shit.

Fuck you Nexxus.

>> No.7163535

You may be having this problem because most coconut shampoos have tons of oil in them. Of course, this may not be the case with your particular brand. I would read the ingredients very carefully if you have not already done so.

I am sure there other organic shampoos that do not contain heaps of oil and even some stylist shampoos and conditioners are best because they don't contain oils, waxes, and harmful chemicals. You should stop by your local hair shop or beauty supply store and ask them what they have. You may end up paying a pretty penny, but them's the breaks I guess.

>> No.7163547


I have this problem with the bottom half of my hair. How often do you wash your hair and what conditioner are you using and how do you use it?

Also oils and eggs and stuff never really worked that well for me. What I do is spray some rose water onto my ends until they're damp, and then oil them (camellia oil is nice) and comb them gently. When they dry, they're usually less dry.

You might want to check out Nightblooming on Etsy, she has some good stuff.

>> No.7163551

I only started trying the coconut one. Ive user lavender, vanilla, and cherry blossom too.
Even shampoos that are supposed to help lessen oils.

>> No.7163569

>Super thin hair
Hey, that's me. Dry shampoo works very well, I use Suave. And not conditioning at the roots also helps a bit.
I've also found that it looks 'dirty' kind of because it's so flat, mixed in with the oil, makes it looks wet in a gross way. I give my hair more volume with matte powders to fix that, if you've got the flat hair issue.

I hate having thin hair, though, I'm also considering just wearing wigs forever. But right now, I can't afford any nice real hair wigs, and the shininess of synthetic ones in sunlight would probably make me feel more self conscious in public than my thin hair does.

>> No.7163655

My hair runs on the dry side, what can I do about my ends that are almost always dry? My roots get greasy pretty easily, I wash my roots every day with natural shampoo and condition my ends every day with natural conditioner.

>> No.7163679

what does "natural" mean? like, vegan? or organic? or..?

what brand is it, actually. that will be more helpful to me to help you.

>> No.7163687

I use nature's gate, its organic and sulfur/silicone free

although lately ive been using organix as well, and I believe it is also organic

>> No.7163689

hmmm, well i've not heard /bad/ things about either, so it just isn't right for your skin/hair type. i would try switching to something else. the shampoo is drying out your scalp, causing too much oil production. (you should be able to go 3 days without seeing noticeable oil production) and your conditioner isn't - conditioning enough.

>> No.7163703

ok! thank you. do you have any recommendations?

>> No.7163716

i personally think Pureology is the best hair care brand bar none. but it's also very expensive. Matrix Keritin Dose (sp idk i can't spell) is amazing though. like it's made a noticeable different in my hair.

>> No.7163711

Suggestions would be very welcomed as it seems I'm not using the right shampoos or conditioners, I guess. I shampoo only my roots and condition my ends, twice a week. Very tempted to try baking soda and vinegar rinse next but not sure that would really help with the dryness. Thanks for the suggestion on Etsy also, I will check it out. I'm pretty desperate to get rid of this dry hair. I haven't dyed it for 6 yrs now and don't heat style it.

>> No.7163740

This sounds so creepy, but I bet you smell lovely, anon. I adore rose water! <3

Is the camellia oil scented?

>> No.7163807

thank you for your advice!

>> No.7163828
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My hair always looks flat when I dry it myself. Whenever I have it cut/colored at the salon it's always way bouncier/fuller looking. I was wondering what the proper way would be for drying or any products I should use to help it.

Normally I straighten my hair but it's naturally wavy and I feel that it would look fine untouched if it weren't for the top being so flat.

>> No.7163990

Directions and Special Effects are much better for dark blues and blues in general. Avoid lagoon blue (directions) and blue haired freak unless your hair is nearly white since they wash out really quickly otherwise.

I've gotten it out with baking soda paste - if you get the stain fresh it'll come out really easily, if not just leave the baking soda on for 15 mins and give it a wee bit of a scrub.

>> No.7163993

just look for remy hair on ebay from someone with decent feedback, the cheap-end sellers are much of a muchness.

>> No.7164016


Seconding this.

>> No.7164164
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>the other poster recommended forcing yourself to drink water all of the time when you're not thirsty

What the actual fuck are you talking about? I didn't say that at all. I said drinking lots of water helped, I'm no trying to fucking drown myself. I just went from one glass of water a day, to filling up my water bottle two or three times in like a 16 hour span.

>> No.7164199


>> No.7164395

Shit, you have the same hairtype as me, too. I have mine relatively short, to combat the thickness and greasiness and it still gets thick and greasy! I think it's just luck of the draw.

>> No.7164422


I like the Shea Moisture shampoos, personally. No sulfates, and they smell good. There should be one for dry hair- right now I'm using the thickening one.

As for conditioner, that's reeeeally a personal thing. I think you should stay away from proteins. How does your hair handle silicones? I'm using Garnier Fructis Hydra Recharge right now, and it doesn't have protein or much silicone in it, so it works for me.

Also, when I condition my hair, I saturate the hell out of my ends and gently tuck it up into a shower cap while I do the rest of my shower routine to help it soak in. You might try that.


That also might help you- it's from a South Korean beauty program and they talk about how to deal with different hair types.


Haha, thank you. I love rose water too! It's great for your hair, your face, smells good...

And Camellia Oil has a scent if it's VERY fresh. You'd probably have to buy it fresh, in Japan for it to have a real scent. Otherwise, no, it shouldn't really have a smell.

>> No.7164454
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You have to make it dry in a way in which the roots stand up. You can blowdry your hair upside down for example, but doing it regularly will damage it. Sometimes I just make a ponytail on the very top of my head when my hair is still wet. When it dries in that way, they will be more voluminous.
pic is what I tried to explain

>> No.7164684

Ok so I have really really curly thick hair. It fluffs out like mad when I brush it and resembles Hermione with a bad perm. I have no idea how to tame it. I have tried using things like scrunching gel but it takes a lot and looks pretty awful. It looks really nice when I let it air dry but the second I try to brush it, style it, or move at all really it goes back to poof. What am I supposed to be doing with it?

(Its well taken care of, I use a shampoo for curly hair, theres no split ends, and its quite shiny and soft. Its just so god damned poofy)

>> No.7164727

As it was said earlier in the thread, curly hair cannot be brushed if you want to retain the natural shape. Use only your fingers or, if there is a specific tangle, use a comb on it and the wet the strand so it can dry and curl naturally again.

If you want a more manageable version of your hair you can always try to dry it while braided, although probably it'll look more wavy than curly.

>> No.7164755

Rope braids are good if you prefer it to curl ringlet style, they tend to be quite tight though.

>> No.7165033

I used to have bellybutton hair that was severely damaged - 5hrs bleaching at a salon to get rid of 2 years' worth of black dye, two DIY hair color kits, uneven ugly reddish blonde that I dyed a dark brown and maintained it with black dye every time it started to fade and get orange-ish again. I took keratin+cystein pills and conditioned the hell out of it... It grew really fast and looked really nice, but I knew it was dead inside.
Just cut it above my shoulders last month, and I don't even use conditioner anymore. I do curl my hair every other day, and I've found that th e BEST oil/leave-in for my hair (italian/japanese, thick-ish oily hair) is sweet almond oil, the purified non-scented version. I've tried all expensive and also cheap brands, and while all seem to work to a certain degree, the almond oil is certainly the best thing I've ever used. My hair ends are supposed to be fried to high heaven, but they're as smooth as the rest of my hair. It's incredible and pretty cheap, imo.

>> No.7165037

*Bellybutton-lenght. Damn.

>> No.7165214

Don't brush it. Wide tooth comb and carefully pick out a tangle if you need to.

>> No.7165346

Actual black anon here with black hair who can help:
Try Aunt Jackie's Knot on My Watch detangler. I don't like the way it feels at first touch but it does a very good job. It smells kinda strange when you first put it on but that disappears as it dries. The strange feel of it goes away when you start detangling. Trust. It works. Also use a wide tooth comb to detangle. Or use the brush on lovingyourhairwithnaturalcare dot com. The brush is out of stock but it'll be back. You can type in brush in her search bar to see pics of it. Don't forget to stretch your hair the night before. Pineapple or large braids. It's difficult to detangle on unstretched hair.

>> No.7165362

>I used to have bellybutton hair that was severely damaged
>damage bellybutton hair
>bellybutton hair

Lel. I know you corrected yourself anon, but that gave me a nice chuckle.


>> No.7165598

I've been bleaching my hair for more than a year now, about five to six months in between, and my scalp feels dry as the Gobi desert. Half of my hair feels like straw, is there any way to rescue it? Or is growing my roots out and staying away from chemicals the only solution?

>> No.7165650

I don't know if it'd help you given your situation isn't quite the same as mine, but I just had really naturally dry hair and scalp problems and could never find a solution. I mentioned it in an earlier thread like this on /cgl/ and someone recommended taking a moisturizing conditioner, mixing it with water in another bottle (I happened to have a near-empty conditioner bottle to put it in) with about a 50/50 mix of water and conditioner, and using that rather than "straight" conditioner. For me, it worked like a charm; I've had problems with a dry scalp for like ten years, but the 50/50 mix helped immeasurably.

>> No.7166451

I really can't detangle it with just my fingers or a comb. It works itself into insane knots while I sleep. I usually shower before bed, have done the sleeping in braids before but its still kinda wet when I wake up. That is another problem with it, if I let it dry on its own it can take about 3 hours to be totally dry (its kinda long) and hairdryers make it go into psycho poodle perm mode.

Is there anything I should be doing to it if I do get it to dry nicely? I live in the northwest so it is kind of insanely windy this time of year and my hair gets whipped around and pulled out of shape.

>> No.7166689

the baking soda vinegar rinse is terrible for your hair, the ph is all wrong with the baking soda, will dry your hair out so its like fucking straw

>> No.7166693

this pic gives me life

>> No.7166725

Anyone deal with cowlicks? I've had one since I was born and it's a massive pain in the ass. I can't sidepart my hair at all because I have a cowlick dead in the center, and it fights me all day. I'd rather not buy a straightener and have to deal with that every day because my hair is otherwise pin-straight, but I don't know if I have any other options. Drying my hair in a certain way, or styling in a certain way? I'm sick of middle-parting my hair.

>> No.7167108

Bobby pins, girl. Get a 50-100 pack at the dollar store.

>> No.7167179
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Maybe this is kind of lame to ask, but you know how there's always tons of Japanese hair magazine scans online...are there any American or European hair magazine scans around? Ones that just have all the different photos from salon stylists, I just want to look at those.

>tfw cowlick eyebrow

>> No.7167201

I tried using a drugstore hair dye to turn my hair golden blonde and it just evened up my color and made it a light golden brown. Any recommendations for a better brand?

>> No.7168308

biotin works, for sure.

however, it made my body hair grow longer too. Like the invisible-ish blonde peach fuzz on my face, even.

I think I might be kind of hairy for a lady though. Not super hairy, but probably more than average.

Shit definitely works, though.

>> No.7168344

My hair is green and I was wondering how I would go about changing it to red?

>> No.7168370

I, too, have a cowlick eyebrow.

That pain.

>> No.7168837

I've been dying my hair red for the last, year or so I suppose? Anyway, I'm looking for a new brand of dye to start using. I used Ion before (7RC I think) but it seems different now, I don't know if they changed the formula or what but it used to last nearly 2 months and the last few times I've redone my color it rinses out in about 2 weeks. I doubt it has much to do with the condition of my hair, because I only touch up the roots and run the remainder of the color through my ends for the last 5 or so minutes before I rinse it all out. I don't think it's my washing routine either since I do co-washing and only wash in SUPER cold water. Shampoo never touches my hair unless I'm using my red shampoo and that's sulfate free.

I know reds fade fast, but I'm just hoping for any other brand that might last a bit longer than Ion has been doing for me lately. Even just an extra week of my color staying would be fantastic. I've never really tried any other brands before so I'm not sure what would be a good one to go with. I don't mind bumping up a level if I have to since I know not a lot of brands have level 7s with red/copper colors that aren't mostly blonde-ish, but I really don't want to go darker than a level 6.

>> No.7168849

I'd seriously consider trying out some form of the Curly Girl Method if it's THAT hard to manage. My curls are only moderately annoying and it's done wonders for me after I got through the transition period. I rarely get tangles anymore unless I've avoided a trim for a long time, and it's also been really cheap to keep up with. I buy two things of conditioner (Suave Naturals, Garnier Triple Nutrition), some gel and some mousse (all silicone free) and I'm good for a few months.

I'd try putting it up in some way while you sleep, or buy a silk pillowcase to try and combat the knots you get while you're asleep. There's not really anything I can think of to get it to dry nice until you fix the rest of your hair first. I had the same issue until I tried CG.

Also, the 3 hours to dry, knots, and poofyness are screaming "dried out" to me. I'd bet it's got a lot to do with whatever you use to wash and style it and less to do with the wind where you live, though it's probably not helping matters.

>> No.7168908

/cgl/, does using a clear glaze after dying your hair REALLY help keep the color longer? I hear people that do it themselves and pros claim it does and I've been thinking of doing one next time I dye my hair but I don't want to waste extra money if it isn't going to do anything.

>> No.7169107

strip the green out, bleach, then go red. I assume you're using a semi permanent for the red?

>> No.7169288

Former short haired girl here. Been growing out my hair for about a year. It's gone from ear-length to 4-5 inches past my shoulders. Virgin/hennaed, never use heat on it, etc.

WTF do I do with it while i'm growing it out? I've been putting it up in a bun/ponytail, but the elastics are starting to dry out my ends/cause split ends. And those little ribbon elastics don't hold my thick, silky hair tight enough and it just falls out. And I hate wearing it down because it gets all up in my face/eyes/mouth/neck.

what do.

>> No.7169386

What about claw clips? I remember seeing girls in the early 2000s use a bunch of mini claw clips to put their hair up, and then tie a scarf around like a headband.

>> No.7169449
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How hard is it to grow out an asymmetrical cut? And can it be done gracefully if I can't get it trimmed?

My cousin needs someone with curly hair to practice her cutting and coloring on this week and I've been offered up by my family as the guinea pig. I'm not complaining, it was just dropped on me kind of suddenly. I've been trying to grow it out for the last year or so and it's finally to mid-neck length. I'm sad to see any of it go but if it's going to be even slightly worthwhile to her, I figure I may as well let her do something cool. Besides, I've been a little in love with Ga-in's hairstyle (pic related) for a while so I think I'll let her run with it.

So what I'm wondering is how bad/fun/good it'll be to grow this sucker out. I'm not going to have the money to go and get it touched up all the time so it would be something that I just let go for a while. Will it start looking stupid if I let it get long with the same kind of cut or should I be okay for a while?

>> No.7169925

Weird enough, I actually have the opposite problem to many people here. My hair is super, super, super dry. It NEVER gets oily, no matter how long it takes, and it's really started to get brittle because of it. I have very thick and wavy hair, so losing volume to breakage is not too huge a problem yet, but I really need to tackle it.

I've been told to use a boar bristle brush to bring oil from my roots easier, but that's not of great help when even my roots only have an average amount of it. Should I get a hot oil treatment? I've heard horror stories, and I really want to get a good one.

>> No.7169929

japanese straightening??

>> No.7169941

I want japanese straightening or a digiperm or maybe water wave perm. My hair now is just unmanageable. Its like half straight and frizzy then half curly. But then after I brush it just turns into like a frizzy poofy scary mess. And its so thick it takes hours to dry naturally and like 35 minutes with a blowdryer. If I was a dude I'd just shave it off.

>> No.7169965


Get a really good deep conditioning treatment with heat done.

Oil your hair when it's still wet from being washed.

Try conditioner only washing.

Don't blow dry it.

I don't know if you do any of these things, but they've helped me in the past.

>> No.7169993

Thanks for the advice. I've tried conditioner only washes, and it helps some, but my hair just sucks the oil right up and it's never quite enough.

Oiling my hair while wet I have never actually tried, nor a high quality deep conditioning. I'll check by my local salon and see if they have what I need.

>> No.7170189

I really want my hair to look like Ariel's (like the face character wigs) My hair is curly from itself, but it just won't grow past my shoulders. The curls also can het really frizzy and springy quick. (but I think longer hair will make it appear smoother) I also have no clue how to do the fringe. I have a fringe right now that's getting really long and a normal sideswept won't work. I'm going to my haircutter this evening and I was wondering if anyone here could give me ideas on how to make Ariel's hair work in rl.

>> No.7170202

perm means to curl bro

>> No.7170204

For really damaged hair:
Dont use hot water if you wash them, if you can do it, use freaking cold water

Dont rub them dry with your towel, just pat a little bit

No blowdrying

Get a silicone free shampoo
Get a silicone free conditioner

Get a brush with organic material (bristle or wood)
just dont use plastic and metal brushes

When your hair is still wet, use coconut oil on it as often as possible
Get a shampoo with coconut oil

When you go out, use a little bit coconut oil on your ends

Cut the end regularly

Eat lots of protein, get biotin and vitamin b12 suppliments

>> No.7170211

how curly is your hair?
I had my hair from bob length to my current longest (hip length). At bob-length it was 3a, but the weight of my hair and constantly braiding it for work leaves it looking like 2a and 2b at most, unless i sea-salt spray it/just dont brush my hair out after a wash, it jumps back to 3a.

so you if your hair curl level was like mine chances are yeah, you'll smooth out due to those factors i mentioned!
as for that fringe, i do something similar like ariels with a sidesweep, but to maintain it i need to straighten it ever couple of days or so or i get the amount of messy curl back to the messy bob's days. i cut it originally for a lolita blunt-cut fringe with a very high apex (like you know how blunt fringes are typically pulling hair from the top of the head for the childish look?), but let it grow.

>> No.7170366


The important thing about the deep conditioning is that it needs to be done with heat. I can deep condition my hair all the live long day at home, but it's just not the same without sitting under the dryer in a shower cap.

The CO washes just helps to get your hair clean without drying it out like shampoo does.

As for oil, don't buy one from a salon. Get yourself a carrier oil from like a health food store or online somewhere. Camellia oil, argan oil, jojoba oil are some good ones I've used- you may have to experiment to find one your hair likes. I've also heard good things about apricot kernel oil, borage oil, and avocado oil.

If you decide to go with argan oil, don't buy anything without checking the label. Most things like Morrocan Oil say they have argan in them, but they're mostly silicones with a little bit of actual oil. I get mine from a place called Majestic Mountain Sage for like $9 (plus shipping) for a 4 ounce bottle that's lasted me forever.

As for daily use conditioners, have you tried the Aubrey Organics stuff? I remember their White Camellia and Honeysuckle Rose being hardcore. The only reason I don't use them anymore is that my hair finally grew out to tailbone length and they're expensive, so I can't afford to go through a bottle every two weeks right now.

>> No.7170367


Oh, and one thing. I see an anon up there mentioned damaged hair and coconut oil.

Is your hair damaged or just dry? Because if it's not damaged, I don't think coconut oil is a good choice. I'm pretty sure it's got protein in it, and protein can dry out healthy hair and make it crunchy. You can try protein, but if it's just a case of dryness, you really just need hydration and moisturization (water and oil, basically).

Also yes, no really hot water- but washing with warm is fine because it opens up the cuticle to allow the oil/conditioner to penetrate. Just rinse with cold after to close the cuticle again.

>> No.7170378

Protein doesn't dry hair out, it's the lack of protein. The protein in you hair is oils. Another thing is that water washes away a lot of the oils your hair needs, and coconut oil is well, oil after all. Most other 'oils' are going to contain protein, and introducing foreign oils into your hair is what's going to make it dry.

>> No.7170399



Your hair is made of protein- that's why damaged hair needs it, because it's lost protein and has become porous. Dry hair that's not porous doesn't need protein like that because it hasn't lost protein. Too much protein can in fact dry your hair out. I've seen it happen. It can really make your hair crunchy and stiff and dry.

Proteins are not oils. Oils are lipids/fats. They're...completely different macronutrients.

Coconut oil is oil, and it's one of the only oils that can penetrate the hair fully, and I think I was wrong when I said it has protein in it. I just remember some of the girls on a long hair board complaining about coconut oil basically having the protein effect- making their hair hard and crunchy. So I amend that statement, DryAnon, give coconut oil a try if you want, but some girls have had trouble with it.

As for introducing foreign oils into the hair making it dry Uh. What? Oiling my ends is what saved them. They get really brittle, dry, and break unless I do.

>> No.7170470
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My hair is 3a too. But the thing is, it just won't get much longer. And the curls get really frizzy too.
I've just had my fringe cut, and the stylist said that with a straightener and lots and lots of hairspray Ariel's fringe could work, but I still don't really understand how because I never really did much with my hair.
Now it's just waiting for my hair to grow alot and dye it bright red. I really hope it could work out.

>> No.7170737

So, extensions.

Where can I buy some decent human hair extensions in the US, besides Sally's? I really want to buy some but my shitty bank limits my debit card to US retailers for some fucking reason. It seems like most of the good sellers are overseas and I'm not too clear on what my other options may be with my limitations and budget. I don't really want to spend more than $100-$120 on these since I'm going to have to pay a bunch to get them dyed to match my hair too. I'm hoping for ones that aren't super thin either if it's possible, but I won't get my hopes up too much.

Does anyone know of a decent seller I may have luck with?

>> No.7170787

it's pretty annoying to grow out, but if you're the kind of person who is considering even being a guinea pig, I think you'll be fine

if you're the kind of person who cries over a haircut, definitely do not do it.

get some hats, get some bobby pins, pretty headbands and hair clips actually look decent (if that's your style), and experiment with different hair products

You'll mostly just have really awkward hair in the mornings and after you shower. You'll get a little mullet-y but just trim up the awkward long parts until the short parts catch up.

>> No.7170911

Welp, I guess she got someone closer to her area to agree to it so I'm out now. I was all excited too.

That doesn't actually sound too bad though, certainly not as annoying as growing my pixie out was. Maybe when I go for my next re-color I'll have my stylist do it herself. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.7171005
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Brazilian blowouts! Straight perms! Japanese straightening! Relaxers!

Anyone have experiences with these? I don't know anything, I only recently learned that brazilian blowouts were about straightening. I thought they were the opposite, about 'blowing your hair out' big and voluminous.

I've got 2B/C curls with some 3A's over my ears, but I can make it all look 3A/B if I sleep in double french braids. If If I make a successful effort instead of failing, crying and putting my hair in buns/ponytails/braids, curls can look pretty. I've gotten compliments before. But it sucks that it's a real 'look don't touch' type of thing. I like it when my boyfriend runs his fingers through my hair (if he can make it through the kinks), but I don't like wanting to scream, "NO STOP YOU'RE GOING TO RUIN IT NO I ACTUALLY LOOK GOOD FOR ONCE SOMEHOW STOP AAAAAA" or thinking about how greasy his hands are going to be, depending on what kind of product/nonproduct I put in. God, I hate that twisted-slinky look that my curls get.

Do straight perms work? The past couple of times that I've straightened my hair, it doesn't look like naturally straight hair. It's got this texture to it. I don't know how to explain it, but maybe you've seen it before.

I love looking at and and feeling straight hair, that's all soft, I can run my fingers through it no problem, it's got this sheen to it... I want that. I want to be able to run a brush through my dry hair without the pain.

>> No.7171023
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I've gotten the Brazilian Blowout/Keratin treatment done. Honestly it's worth every penny in my opinion. It lasted around 5/6 months, extremely easy to manage (if you wanted completely straight hair, you blowdry it dry, if you want a very slight wave/'natural' straight look you let it air dry), and my frizz was completely gone.

This was directly before and after. It doesn't stay this straight, it gets more of a body after you wash it out after the three day wait. I'll try and find a photo of a few months in.

>> No.7171054

Thanks for the photos! If you find the later photo, I'd be grateful. What happened after the 6 months? Back to normal? Maybe that's a good amount of time to have it, in case I decide I hate the look on me

>> No.7171651

I have curly kinky mixed hair (Black/Italian) and I had straight hair for about 6 months. The new growth and your hair pretty much go back to the same state after that. However my hair isn't as frizzy and tangled as it used to be. I wish I had before and after pics, sorry anon!

>> No.7171697

What is a 2B/C and 3A curl?

>> No.7173268

Nevermind, didn't notice >>7170211

>> No.7173294

For black people perm means to chemically straighten so that's probably why that anon thought you meant straightening.

>> No.7173349

Can we make this a body care in general thread?

I'm interested in SAFELY whitening my skin

I'm pretty pale already, but I really like the look of super pale girls and don't know how to speed up the process. I don't go in the sun much, so there's that....
But I don't seem to be getting any lighter
What are some good tips for getting super pale skin?
I've heard lemon and yogurt is good, but has anyone here effectively whitened their skin?

>> No.7173360

I don't understand the point of yoghurt, just because its sour and white coloured somehow it has whitening properties??
anyway I've been replacing my western makeups one by one with Korean stuff, a lot of their products have in built whitening properties from their foundation to BB to CC to moisturizers and face wash, its skin whitening all day e'rryday for them
although I have no photo evidence or anything like that its notable my skin has lightened since the year I used them. the skin on my face compared to my hands and neck used to be way intense.

also exfoliaaaaate

>> No.7173363

Increase Vitamin C and E intake (most whitening pills and creams just contain lots of Vit C). Use moisturizer with urea (decreases blemishes and smooths skin), Vit C, and E. Papaya soap is also good, but can be very drying so use sparingly. Look on the ingredients list and find one with papaya high on the list. Above all, sunscreen all the time and frequently (look for full spectrum and spf 50+), wear sunglasses, keep a parasol and/or throwover with you at all times.

I'm Asian + many skin problems, so it's a constant battle to keep myself pale and blemish free. Overexfoliation is a problem, and use lemon juice sparingly as both can thin and damage your skin (as I so painfully experienced for myself).

>> No.7173364

>Increase Vitamin C and E
I have dark skin and I do not want to lighten it. I take Vitamin C (drinks and pills) because I run (also to prevent colds). Will this have an unwanted lightening effect or do you have to take Vit C in addition to doing the other things you mentioned for your skin to lighten?

>> No.7173382

So /cgl/ has been helping me with my thinning hair problems, and thank you.

So far, I've gotten a special shampoo because I think part of it is Seborrheic Dermatitis, I stopped taking a medication that my doctor said might be a problem, and went to a paraguard IUD rather than Depo.

The biggest problem is that recently it's been itching like a motherfucker and it's hard not to scratch. The shampoo helps some.

Anyone else with tips, I'd appreciate it.

>> No.7174126

I know this is an old post, but shut the fuck up, anon, you don't know what you're talking about. There is no way you can drink too much water. I drink 3-4 litres a day and I've never been healthier. Most people drink VERY little water and don't realize it. There is no way you can have too much water unless you drink it all at once. Otherwise, you body will piss it all out. Our bodies aren't stupid, unlike you.

captcha: Valueless Humern
I agree.

>> No.7174232


Jesus you don't know how wrong you are and extremely foolish you look right now.

Google Dilutional Hyponatremia, ie. death by drinking too much water.
How embarrassing for you.

>> No.7174271
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I want to bleach/color my hair to blonde because I'm getting into gyaru. Do you think a blonde similar to pic related would suit me? (half hispanic, skin shade kinda like j.lo) if not, what shade do you think would look nice seagulls?

>> No.7174273

okay anon; Lemon DEFINITELY HELPS to a certain extent. I used to have darkening under my arms and on my kneecaps. Lemon scrubs weekly could benefit you. Papaya and lemon both have lightening effects on skin naturally. I'd avoid chemical treatments or other unhealthy shit, as it's just not worth it.
I'm one of those sickly pale girls who has to use theatrical makeup. If that's the look you're going for, then there's some soaps that can help as well.

I use these and banana soap (I switch between the two) specifically for help with acne scars and scars from old mosquito bites I picked way too much when I was younger (sorry for tmi, but it helps with scarring and evening out skin tone), so they may be able to help you with lightening your skin in general.

diana stalder
kojie san

The diana stalder one has a higher percentage of the kojic acid, but is more expensive. If you're looking for sooner/more drastic results, maybe try that one and then switch over to the cheaper one eventually. Sorry for this all being a jumbled mess. I hope I could help you!

>> No.7174308


I'm guessing your hair is black? It's going to turn a honey blonde color instead of that color.

>> No.7174346
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I know that heat straightening your hair is terrible for it, but how is chemical? Keratin treatment/brazillian blowout sites say they're actually good for your hair, but of course they'd say that, they want you to use their product!

Damage wise, how is it comparable to say- bleaching?

>> No.7174354
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Yeah I'm aware. I'm just wondering if that shade would suit me to gradually get into it. Or if I'd look better on brown or something. I do have black hair and have never changed its color so I'm lost on what would go with my skin.

>> No.7174360


Why don't you go to your local wig shop and try on a few wigs? I think that's the safest and simplest way to get a feel of the color you're going for.

But from what I can tell, that color sounds like it would suit your skin tone.

>> No.7174390

Why I didn't thought of it before haha, thanks for the wig shop tip.

>> No.7174403

Stop shampooing your hair. It will be a horrible ordeal for like a month and the urge to wash it is almost impossible it's so greasy, but if you rinse it out really thoroughly with hot water every single day, the hair will still get clean, excess grease will run off, and in a month or two your hair oils will be in perfect balance and all you will need to do is rinse it out every day.

I haven't shampoo'd in 7 months. My hair is bouncy, soft, and perfectly smooth. Best choice I made, even if getting through that first month was a greasy nightmare.

>> No.7174412


I can't really say how badly it damages your hair, but the one I had done was WAY less damaging than bleaching, and WAY WAY less damaging than trying to hot iron my hair straight several times a week. Honestly, even if there was damage, for me it was kind of picking the lesser evil, because leaving my hair curly/wavy damages it (for some reason the texture just makes my hair tangle and knot and want to break more) and straight ironing it damages it more, so...

The kind I had done was called Pravanna Perfectly Smooth or something like that. Didn't knock all my wave/curl out, but I could go out into 90% humidity (aka Florida) without frizz or my hair curling up, so it was pretty awesome.

>> No.7174416
File: 33 KB, 238x410, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope youre still here. Modesty aside, I really love my bangs. I used to get cowlicks all the time, but now, right after the shower or while im washing my face/brushing my teeth/doing my make up, I pin my bangs (with a bobby pin) in the opposite direction I want them to go. When you take the pin out they swoop back into the position theyre normally in all day, except the cowlick is magically gone!

>> No.7174443

How much did that run you?

>> No.7174472

Dont shower before bed then. The best thing is to put it into braids so it dries with a curl and wont move around lot but braids will take longer to dry out because of surface area.

>> No.7174889

Not haircare, but where can I find pictures of different hairscuts? I need to get that shit cut soon.

>> No.7174948

Google? Google.

Though what I do is just save pictures that I run across on 4chan, tumblr, or elsewhere, that I like the haircut of. Not always the whole thing. Maybe just the bangs, or the color, or the layering.

But really, google images is great. I just searched 'straight bangs', flipped though and saved a bunch that I liked- or an important thing, ones you hate! It's better to get a mediocre haircut than one that you detest.

>> No.7174965


$175, but my hair is long, a little bit past tailbone-length.

The one I got is also not the 'permanent' kind, so it sort of wears off gradually starting around 3 months- faster if you wash your hair a lot and use normal shampoo (they gave me a bottle of shampoo to use when I got it done).

I know the 'permanent' (I think they last at least 6 months?) kind run a lot higher- I think they start around $300?

Anyway, if I could afford it right now, I'd do it again. It was so nice being able to blow dry my hair in like 10 minutes and not have to straighten it, or just let it dry on its own and it not be a hot mess.

>> No.7174972

If you want more vitamins, you could eat cereal in the morning. Instead of pills and such.

Not sure if such a thing would work, but I'm a guy with healthy-looking hair.

>> No.7174975


Sorry but supplements aren't going to cut it, your body needs nutrients and hair is a living organism - so its going to reflect what you put into your body. Processed greasy food to the extreme of no food at all, starvation can hurt your skin, face, hair and nails.

You can't just sugar coat it away with supplements, fix your diet and THEN take supplements to put back what your body normally doesn't get (example: we can't always eat kale/spinach thus supplement)

It can also take up to six months before you finally start seeing results to.

>> No.7175008

Uh, hair isn't an organism, bro. Nor is it living. You are a living organism, hair and nails aren't.

>> No.7175029

Fuuuuck this is a lot more expensive than I thought it would be! Is this typical? I'll have to check the rates at my local beauty school. Crossing my fingers that the students won't botch it

>> No.7175034

only about an inch of hair is alive. the rest is dead.

>> No.7175064
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>living organism

>> No.7175977


Yeah, for a full on blowout or something similar you're looking at several hundred bucks. Sometimes you can find something similar to what I got for like $100 depending on your hair, which isn't TOO bad. If it makes you feel better, it's less of an expensive than getting your hair dyed/bleached at a salon every three or four weeks.

That said, I would not risk a beauty school unless the one where you live is KICK ASS. I keep going to mine for little things going, "How could they possibly fuck this up?" and they keep showing me.

>> No.7176623

I don't know. It's the Seattle Aveda Institute. I went there once and they did pretty dang good on my curly hair, though her teacher was supervising. I had a fun chat with the teacher about curly girl techniques, which she knew some of the concepts but never heard the name.
I got one of the best haircuts there. My 100% best was at Vain, since they're certified curly masters

>> No.7176642

none of your hair is alive except the part in your head. the strands are strands of protein produced in your scalp.

>> No.7176644

I live some where hot and humid. My scalp is really dry to the point of flaking and itching. What do I do?

>> No.7176647

I'm on my phone but http://mobile.rasysa.com/ is great and totes kawaii

>> No.7176790
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This thread needs more tutorials.

>> No.7176791
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>> No.7176795
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>> No.7176801
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>> No.7176802
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>> No.7176804
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>> No.7176806
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>> No.7176808
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>> No.7176809

dang the girl on the top left is how I want to dye my hair but I guess there's nothing in a box for that. would that be a silver or some sort of dull blonde?

>> No.7176823

My hair is a similar colour at the moment, however I went to a hairdresser for it. They basically put a heap of toner in to make it grey though my hair had to be bleached several times to get it light enough to look that way. I'm sure someone can give better info on how to DIY though.

>> No.7176842

I would use a grey rinse over light blonde for it.

>> No.7177540

I really like that horn/hairbow/bump style! Very cute and simple too.

>> No.7177543

Wella has some semi decent grey colours. your hair has to be platinum blonde before you can do it though.

>> No.7180629

I'm dying my hair red (again) tomorrow, and I really want it to be bright red. Usually it goes the kind of red I like just for a few days, and then it fades out to a nice auburn color (I have light brown hair naturally) but I really want to keep that red color. Is there any way to achieve this, or am I screwed?

I do have bleach, but I don't know if that would hurt more that it helps.

I do take good care of my hair (I only shampoo every 2-3 days, I use nice hydrating products, I only dye every 4-6 months or so usually, don't comb or brush it when wet, don't use any kind of heat styling or hair dryers, etc.) so it's in really good condition, but I don't really know if I want to take my chances with the bleach.

>> No.7181038

Google, you can search for different face shapes also.

>> No.7181044

Is there any way to rock blunt bangs with a round face, or is just impossible?

>> No.7181186
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So I'm a guy and my hair is pic related levels of curly. It's very long, past my mid back when straight and somewhat shorter around my face.
I want to learn how to take better care of it. I know I'm making mistakes already just by washing it daily, but if I don't condition, brush, and let it air dry it becomes a demonic mess, and even when I do it's a fifty-fifty shot. I use gel to try and tame it but I'd really like to learn how to control it better and care for it at the same time. How can I make such curly hair look shapely and eliminate frizz in a healthier, more consistent way?

>> No.7181190

Pic of face. Blunt bangs often help to slim round faces. If you have chubby cheeks but a small chin you're probably fine.

>> No.7181191

I have very pale skin but going by the veins in my wrist I'm on the warm side (green and purple veins). Is there a black hair color that would work with this skin coloration? I've always wanted to dye my hair black but don't want it to make me look ill. My hair is natural atm, medium-dark brown with a bit of red in it.

>> No.7181192

Tho I don't have curly hair myself, I've heard rave reviews about the Curly Girl Method. It's supposed to be pretty good about taming frizzy hair and making curls look awesome.

>> No.7181204

Have you tried using mousse and blow drying it with your head upside down? Use a diffuser , the bigger the better. The mousse and heat will define and fix the curls, so it should last you at least 2 days so you can start washing it less often. Must warn you, you can get mad volume by doing this and it may not be the look you're going for. Other things that may work are tucking your hair under the pillow so you're not moving on top of it, replacing your pillowcase for a satin one or maybe try putting it into a loose braid or bun whenever you're home so it tangles less. If you're taking the bun route, try securing it with a hair claw rather than elastics.

>> No.7181234

Curly girl method? I've never heard of that. What is it?

I haven't tried anything of the sort. I'm not looking for big hair though, I'd rather have it down. But I might try just for experimentation's sake. What kind of mousse do you like?

>> No.7181350

Though it's a book (amazon has it), here's a link with the basics http://www.wikihow.com/Follow-the-Curly-Girl-Method-for-Curly-Hair

>> No.7181488

Thanks a ton, you might have just saved and glorified my head. I actually looked it up already, that's some damn good advice and I'm going to start trying it right away. You frilly little women are alright.

>> No.7181825

What's this picture of? The bottom left one could be of me.

I don't use much leave-in product at all because I have very thick but fine hair and almost anything I put in it makes me feel super irritated (not in an allergic-reaction way, but the feeling of a foreign body in my hair driving me nuts). Same with straightening, perms, and even dye. However, if this is the result a treatment will give me I would LOVE to try it.

Even the Japanese shampoos supposed to help with hair spreading/hirogaru didn't do much for me. (BTW, what is the common term to refer to this hair issue in English anyhow?)

>> No.7183581


>> No.7183725


Hirogaru/hair spreading? I've never heard of this. More info, Anon? Google wasn't terribly helpful.

>> No.7183758

What can I do about thinning hair? My hair is thin to the point that my scalp can be seen. I'm in my twenties.

I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the fact that it used to get ridiculously itchy.

>> No.7183761

I've got very fine, thin hair and while I've given up my dream of ever having big, bouncy hair, I still want to take care of it. I wash it about once every three days (it gets frizzy otherwise), although sometimes I do it more frequently since I work on a farm.

I've been getting these horrendous matted rat's nests in the back of my head every time I sleep or wear a low ponytail. Are there ways to avoid this? Also what's the best detangling method for really fine hair?

>> No.7183765

That wasn't supposed to be a response btw, sorry.

>> No.7183837

Have you ever tried wearing a satin hair bonnet while sleeping? I have fine hair and it really helps.

I still don't know the best method for dantangling. I usually put aloe Vera on it (or another oil, camilia oil was recommened to me recently) let it set, and then slowly comb out the tangles while praying that my hair doesn't fall out. Yay.

Mostly I try not to get tangles. I do a lot of CO washing and let the conditioner sit for at least five minutes before I wash it out.

>> No.7183962

I haven't heard of the hair bonnet, that's a good idea. Do you put the oil on before washing it or do you just leave it? I'm worried about leaving my hair looking greasy.
Also what does CO washing stand for?

>> No.7184085

Gurl. What. I'm going to need pictures for proof right now, I can't tell if you're a troll or being serious.

>> No.7184094

You must be a Cosmetologist. Don't go telling everyone about Salon Centric and such, leave that to the professionals. Joico is a professional brand, it should only be used in a salon. That's how you make business! Also, with it being a chemical there is always a risk, even if it's just hair color. It's not going to last if it's just the hair color anyways, and most people don't know a thing about which volume developer to use or that it even exists. As another Cosmetologist, it really bothers me that you're giving this type of advise to people.

>> No.7184122

Just google for the "no-poo" method, there are many people for whom water-only washing works really well.

>> No.7184126

Conditioner only.
Also have you tried sleeping with your hair in a french plait? It could help with both your tangling issues and giving it a bit more body.

>> No.7184137

I haven't tried that yet, mainly due to the fact that I dunno how to do a french plait. To youtube!

>> No.7184173

wah how dare someone be helpful. It isnt that hard to learn how to do hair, stop acting like your year of schooling actually means shit. I know plenty of people who admit that they have to teach themselves most of it anyways.

>> No.7184314

I never said anything about how she shouldn't be helpful. My education is besides the point. The reason for my post was she was talking about products and shops exclusive to professionals. It's simply bad business. First of all, most of the time when you go shopping for a brand like Joico on a place like eBay, most of the time those products aren't even the same product advertised; they're knock offs. If they were the real products, what would someone who makes a living selling those to clients do?
Chemical products are even worse. Hair color is hair color, really the only bad that can come from it is the color doesn't come out the way you want or maybe you're one of the few people that have an allergic reaction. An allergic reaction is a risk with everything, though, so maybe I went a bit too far for jumping on her about that. Other chemicals are an entirely different ball game, but I'll keep to the point. Some people have been trained to use this hair color and can save you money/possible mistakes in a hair color because of it. I'm not whining about how super secret and exclusive a professional product is, I'm trying to explain that these professional products truly work and Cosmetologists and Barbers are there to help you because they have been taught.
Of course people are going to go into the business and have to learn twice as much as they've learned in school, but in what profession does a graduate have the same skill as someone who has been doing the same thing for 20 years?

>> No.7184800

I do both usually, but you'll have to find what works best for you. For example my hair can't take coconut oil or jojaba oil (so greasy on my hair! Took forever to wash out), but seems to do pretty well under aloe Vera gel or just simple olive oil. I'm going to try almond oil or camilia oil next and see if those give me better results.

>> No.7185053

So I've been thinking about going blonde, I have everything I need for it, except knowing what shade to go for and would suit me best.

I was born with dark brown hair, to the point of almost being black. I then bleached my bangs and dyed them unnatural colors. Then, wanting to go lighter, I bleached my entire head. The bangs came out this beautiful, soft, yellow-y blonde and the back came out this decent gingerish blonde, and then I dyed it to a light brown. Eventually my roots grew in, and then I put another light brown color over it. At this point my hair is healthy, I'm not worried about the bleaching damaging it, just how to make sure I get an even color all around, and what shade to bleach it to. Pictures can be posted if needed.

>> No.7185315
