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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 105 KB, 500x285, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7170444 No.7170444[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are any Seagulls going to Blizzcon next weekend? Are you cosplaying? I heard there was some drama with the costume contest yet again, are you involved in any of it?

>> No.7170506

In b4 Ayabi

>> No.7170520

>I heard there was some drama with the costume contest yet again

What kind of dramu has happened at blizzcon??

>> No.7170568

Didn't manage to get a ticket in time ;_;
I'll be watching from home with a virtual ticket though

>> No.7172011

Blizzcon cosplay scene is a bunch of dramu lolcows pretending to be friends with eachother. Everyone shit talks everyone.

>> No.7172026

Who kisses like that? Her mouth is open way too wide...

>> No.7172045
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I'll be enjoying a virtual ticket, anon.

>> No.7172053

who's Ayabi?

>> No.7172219

>The Dark Below
>Warlords of Draenor
I don't know what to believe anymore.
I can't believe they got Blink 182 lol

>> No.7172236

A self absorbed cunt who uses her "friends" and threw a pissfit about other people cosplaying the same priest tier as her. Theres a lot more in the rebeccablacktech archives.

>> No.7172250
File: 2.53 MB, 320x174, minecraft pally.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's coming up so fast!
Oh, I wonder if there will be double the incidents to make up for not having one last year

A girl who seriously believes she and only she is allowed to cosplay the character she chose to cosplay as.

>> No.7172353

I'm going for the first time and I don't really know anyone. Is there anyone else I should avoid other than this Ayabi person?

>> No.7172363

shit i should of been browsing earlier would of sold you an extra ticket of mine

>> No.7172376

I wish Blizzcon was more like an actual convention, and not just a trade show.

It's so loud you can't even chat with people.

>> No.7172395

top kek

why did the guy run after him? did a girl cosplay this?

>> No.7172404

Is blink 182 a good band?

>> No.7172405

Of course they are.


Best song of all time. All the teenage boys love this.

>> No.7172407

They're ok, but I wouldn't call them "punk rock legends" like Blizz did...

>> No.7172409

All the hotels there are a nightmare. The ratio of men to women is 500:1. And the smell...dear god...

>> No.7172411

15% off on jinx shirts this week. Might get the "locked chest" one haha

>> No.7172536

That shirt is awkward when you're talking to rogues though

>> No.7172545


>blink 182
>"punk rock legends"

top kek blizzard

>> No.7172552

you mean top bur

>> No.7172568

Epik fail m8.

You see, "kek" just so happens to be the Hordish version of "lol".

>> No.7172606

It's during Blizzcon.
They don't want a lawsuit.

>> No.7172607

Bur is the alliance version.

>> No.7172667

lawsuit? what for?

>> No.7172851

Perhaps by helping the guy, he wouldn't angrily sue them. Though I'm pretty sure they have people sign a waiver before this type of thing.

>> No.7174508

I'd wear my Alliance hoodie there if I wasn't afraid of being gangraped by hordies.

>> No.7174732

No one gives a shit if you wear an Alliance hoodie.

>> No.7174738
File: 91 KB, 639x960, 316670_310659205618261_100000225513125_1570520_1078683887_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, dumping my Blizzard folder

>> No.7174742
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>> No.7174754
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>> No.7174758
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>> No.7174768
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>> No.7174772
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>> No.7174780
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>> No.7174784
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>> No.7174787
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>> No.7174788
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>> No.7174791
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>> No.7174795
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>> No.7174803
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>> No.7174805


But Priests can't even use axes.

>> No.7174808

It's a mace.

>> No.7174892
File: 113 KB, 420x627, priestscantuseaxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an axe.

>> No.7174897


That's an axe, obviously

>> No.7174942

Confirmed for never going to blizzcon...

>> No.7174945

top lel, faggot.

>> No.7174949

it's Sister Benedron

>> No.7174951

Thanks, glad you enjoyed my post

>> No.7175060
File: 108 KB, 400x600, sisben.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sister Benedron doesn't have a christmas light halo around her head.

>> No.7175071

how can there be drama for something that hasn't occurred yet?

>> No.7175133
File: 202 KB, 352x374, 1300504659524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved the idea of Draenei stilts when it first came but now I really dislike it because it's so popular yet only a few actually take time to learn to walk gracefully in them. It's like watching girls walk in heels for the first time. Super awkwaaard

>> No.7175143


legit hot bodies and I would mash my genitals against theres

>> No.7175174
File: 209 KB, 740x1110, jainac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7175289

Grammar first, impersonating meatheads on the Internet second.

>> No.7175378

What if they don't announce a new expansion?

>> No.7175400

It's pretty fun to read though~

>> No.7175415


more like gimmemy15minutesoffameattentioncon

>> No.7175520
File: 15 KB, 303x310, 3vfajy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone is mad they never placed in the contest

>> No.7175523

Sign ups, ect.

>> No.7175534

Sweaty nerds will storm the stage and burn Metzen alive

>> No.7175570
File: 44 KB, 478x362, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metzen is pretty attractive imo

>> No.7176007

It looks like a blend between the Avatar set and Sister Benedron. It's like she took ideas from each and did her own thing.

>> No.7176010

i wonder if kamui will place in the contest like she keeps crying about or if she will lose and blame it on being a character no one knows.

>> No.7176043

if i went to blizzcon with a quest for a gf would you accept it

>> No.7176055

I'm going to Blizzcon but I won't be cosplaying, any tips or anything I should look out for? Also, do you think there will be a /cgl/ meetup there?

>> No.7176062
File: 604 KB, 2448x2443, varianc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're this guy, sure.

Look for security breaking up a catfight between a bunch of landwhales.

>> No.7176065

sister benedron _is_ wearing the Avatar set. its just more stylized. that cosplayer is innaccurate.

>> No.7176069

Sounds entertaining, will do.

>> No.7176083
File: 675 KB, 480x400, lust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unf. Any more?
Why are good male WoW cosplayers so rare?

>> No.7176094


They're good for nostalgia

As far as I know them, they're that band nearly everyone knows and remembers fondly

>> No.7176098


Are you seriously asking that about something cosplay related?

>> No.7176108

Guys don't actually like WoW, they just pretend for attention

>> No.7176187


>not adams song

step it up.

>> No.7176265

thats from the night that blizzard took over medieval times. I kinda-sorta know that knight, as in I live near him and bump into him locally. blizzard brought people in the dress him up like that.

>> No.7176328

Yeah, male cosplayers at Blizzcon don't look like that.

>> No.7176381

what do they look like?

>> No.7176701

Gods I'm so excited!
First time going to blizzcon
first time meeting my ENTIRE raiding team in person
or anyone from online in person

>> No.7176737

It's cool until you realize 1/2 your guild is really cool online, and awkward as fuck in person.

>> No.7176925

It's really weird seeing the people behind the voices in vent. This one guy sounded like a radio announcer and he was this huge neckbeard

>> No.7177651

Why was there no Blizzcon last year?

>> No.7177897

it was originally every other year, them having 2 in a row('11-'10) was an exception.

>> No.7178157

No? Cuz i went 2007,08,09,10,11. The only years that have been skipped since its start (2005) are 2006 and 2012.

Blizzard said they wanted to focus on making games and they didn't really have anything new to announce in 2012.

>> No.7178163
File: 441 KB, 624x2000, 4324325325322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horde hoodie time.

>> No.7178184


I think her problem initially was the way she labeled her costume. Some people thought she was making a star craft protoss, not a Diablo wizard. She said she was doing a protoss wizard. But really it was a wizard in protoss armor.

Also, I doubt she'll win? She already entered the same costume in a Blizzard cosplay contest. Yea it was one in Europe, but seeing that she already used the costume, the judges probably won't be wowed since it's been seen before.

I also don't like how her wires are all exposed. She said it was on purpose and she wanted it that way. I call bullshit. I think she didnt have a good way to hide them and claimed it was part of the design. Protoss don't have wires exposed (she claims they do, I think she's confused with their werido hair), neither do any wizard outfits. So that was a stupid excuse and I'm sure she got dinged for it.

>> No.7178185
File: 150 KB, 1500x1000, kamui protoss wiz back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot my pic of her back

>> No.7178287

There aren't any rules about using a costume more than once at different conventions. The rules state: "not materially be the same costume that a qualified entrant used to enter previous BlizzCon Costume contests".
Since she entered it at Gamescom, it's eligible.
She's also eligible because Germany is on the list of countries that are allowed for contestant residencies.

I also doubt she'll win. Hopefully she won't complain about it like she did after Gamescom though.

>> No.7178289

Zergling cosplay, 10 feet long, not shitting.

>> No.7178307
File: 167 KB, 409x615, b15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt say she can't be in the costume contest because of it. I said because she's used it before, it loses wow factor and probably won't be considered for any prizes.

Yea i hope she doesn't come up with BS excuses. I like her stuff. Though lately I've come to realize it all looks the same with different colors to match what she's doing. Yea I know I can't make something like that, but her armor just all looks the same. If I wasn't a WoW/Diablo person, I would quickly forget the difference and probably thing its the same costume.

>> No.7178333


I feel fucking horrible for saying this but, her face for fuck sake.
Sure she makes good costumes, but her fiance is painting the most of the works AAAND she puts no effort in looking like the character, now i mean with the makeup.
She have done several of night elf-druid cosplay, but in none of them she has used makeup that makes her look like them.

>night elf markings

She should really try to make another facial expression when shes taking a photo, holy fuck her smiles are creepy as fuck.

>> No.7178368

I think she's cute. I also think you're a cunt.

>> No.7178410

Hi Kamui!

>> No.7178467

why so little sylvanis

>> No.7178546

Apparently Jessica Nigri is going to Blizzcon too.
What was once a cool convention with actual fans, and actual cosplay skills, is now a popularity contest.
Maybe the contest will be rigged so it can be on the next season of HoC.
I swear Blizzcon is turning to shit.

>> No.7178547


bet she will cosplay sylvanas and make her look like a whore.

>> No.7178563
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this year fat men and women have a reason to cosplay cause of pandaren. hasn't stopped them before tho

>> No.7178577
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a literal goddess

>> No.7178585

i hope nobody disgraces lady sylvanas by cosplaying her

>> No.7178983
File: 72 KB, 675x650, ohno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are Jessica, Holly, and Chloe.

With all the pre-judging they're doing this year, I have a feeling that HoC is showing up at Blizzcon.

>> No.7178990

i think the problem is her recent armor all looks very flat and she outlines every piece in white which i think is weird. her latest costumes look very bland in comparison to her older ones.

captcha: iookRog Proportion

>> No.7179058

I'm super pale so I basically look like a death knight already

>> No.7179075
File: 64 KB, 666x1000, FUCK YEAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped caring after this guy didn't come back

>> No.7179149

Inb4 her and Monika host the contest or some ridiculous shit. Dude I swear if HoC is a Blizzcon I am going to rage.

>> No.7179165

What happened with Monika's huge internship with Blizzard? Did she really get one?

>> No.7179317


>> No.7179647

I threw up in my mouth a little at that thought.

Yes, she did get it.

>> No.7179719

>next season of HoC

There will be next season of hoc?

I know it probably cost them $5 to produce it, but still...

>> No.7179728

The ratings were great, only those weird cosplayer types didn't like it...

>> No.7179800


They were? I'm more than a bit surprised.

>> No.7179805

Enough to do a season two. Who's trying out?

>> No.7179820


>trying out
>implying anyone 'tried out' and didn't get on the show because they were friends with Yaya

>> No.7179944

Well if you read the HoC twitter feed, it says they're "now accepting applications for season 2". So again, who's trying out?

>> No.7180104

they're looking for people in LA and Atlanta again. I don't see anyone in Atlanta wanting to touch that show, but LA whores are probably going to be all over it.

Victoria also mentioned recently on her page that SyFy was looking for feedback if people wanted her back on the show, and why/why not (haha no).

>> No.7180228
File: 199 KB, 333x500, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ayabi bragged on her cosplay facebook page that she applied.

>> No.7180290

I thought she was quitting cosplay.

>> No.7180623

She does what every other cosplayer does after she experiences drama backlash: "quits" cosplay until the dust settles then resumes cosplaying.

>> No.7180672

I would fucking love to see her make a trainwreck of herself on that show.

>> No.7180683

one of my favorite bands since it was one of the first cds I owned. I almost want to get virtual ticket just for them.

I wonder if we'll have another broken leg during the dance contest this year
Is it the same douche comedian announcing this year as in the past?

>> No.7180826

Yeah, same douche.

>> No.7180856

Jay Mohr? I dont think so.

>> No.7180862

>Witness the creativity, artistry, and lunacy of the epic Blizzcon costume, talent, art, and movie contests, hosted by comedian Jay Mohr.

>> No.7181173

Wow all the stuff I care about is free! Good thing I didn't get a virtual ticket.

>> No.7181502
File: 305 KB, 1920x1080, panser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The queen of the nerds is on

>> No.7181851


Fuck that bitch. She was a sore loser and a fucking cry baby.

>> No.7181868

Just got my costume in from a local cosplayer and she made a portion of the costume the complete wrong colour.

Sitting here in my bathroom with a friend trying to fill it in but we're both over 24 hours with no sleep because of this person making us wait over a day and then 4 extra hours ontop of it.

She left instead of helping us fix the costume.

Con fucking ruined for me already.

>> No.7181884

did she win that fucking show or what

>> No.7181899


And thank fucking god.

>> No.7182007
File: 104 KB, 531x531, kacey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how expensive is Blizzcon

this girl seems to want 170K


>> No.7182017

is ayabi the one who claimed she built an $11k costume

>> No.7182034

Okay, I avoided this show because I thought it was fucking stupid and didn't really give a shit about the high school tier drama that spawned from it, but I'm half tempted to watch the next season if this self-obsessed cunt is going to be on it.

Yeah. I thiiiink it was that Draenei mage costume?

I just view livestreams virtual ticket holders broadcast. I'm thinking /v/ or the WoW /vg/ thread will probably have something later today. A guildie of mine in Milwaukee lives near a sports bar that's broadcasting it via VT, lucky ass.

I've always wondered, is she even any good at WoW or is she just another ~teehee I play games, don't hit on me silly boys~?

>> No.7182049

Ayabi just posted that she's not wearing a costume today because she fell down some stairs last night. Seriously.

>> No.7182090

That means she didn't finish her costume.

>> No.7182100


>> No.7182114

Ahahaha did the dog eat her homework too?

>> No.7182160

Any chance of a /cgl/ meet up or would that be weird?

>> No.7182785

Costume contest right now. Not sure how much longer it'll be:

>> No.7182797

>already a female Lich King in a thong


>> No.7182814
File: 113 KB, 966x851, Un2342d-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music video winners at Blizzcon lol

>> No.7182818

Kamui won the costume contest omg

>> No.7182819

I cannot believe that kamui just won. wtf

>> No.7182820

Kamui won the costume contest.

inb4 angry bitch bees.

>> No.7182824

The Barbarian who got 2nd place was better than Kamui. Just sayin'

>> No.7182847

He beat her at Gamescom. Guess the Blizzcon judges thought it should have been different.

>> No.7182864
File: 208 KB, 702x503, best cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean? This year had great male WoW cosplay!

>> No.7182897
File: 1.12 MB, 982x571, Ow8ta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, as much as I despise the trend of making skimpy female versions of male characters...pretty much everything else about this girl's costume is fucking great. Like, damn, color me impressed.

>> No.7182900

2 of those male barbarians were awesome. The one that placed and the one with the long brown hair.

I really want to hug the troll druid cat. Kinda surprised the training dummy didn't place

>> No.7182905

So who all placed? Anybody have pictures?

>> No.7182913

I don't really care about Kamui anymore. She's got a kind of shit attitude about cosplay and crafting. sure her works good but it's the same stuff over and over again.

>> No.7182916

Elaborate piratey person (sorry I don't know SC characters)

>> No.7182924

Piratey person?

>> No.7182925

I don't know how to describe it in words, she had like a huge red admiral hat that goes outward in the back, main colors are red/black with gold trim

>> No.7182933

That pally female human was robbed.

>> No.7182935
File: 415 KB, 424x686, tumblr_mvz3m8ftnQ1rc1rm4o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two were cute but I would have liked to see more pictures of the spot-on Anduin that was in the costume contest.

>> No.7182939
File: 196 KB, 640x853, ku-xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 cosplay.

>> No.7182961

he is under lightning cosplay

>> No.7182965
File: 143 KB, 333x500, arthas-world-of-warcraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh. It's been done better.

>> No.7182977

nah dude, you should have seen that lady up close. she was hot with two t's… hott

>> No.7182981

For a second I thought this was a guy cosplaying a neckbeard.

>> No.7182988

it is

>> No.7182991
File: 19 KB, 300x232, wow-jenkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're partially right

>> No.7183002

I'm an idiot for ever doubting myself.
Also for not watching enough South Park, I suppose.

>> No.7183004


>Neckbeard cosplaying a neckbeard

Cosplayception, we must go deeper

>> No.7183062

Meh, not really. Not only is the craftsmanship of that one not as good, but that girl could use a bit of toning before wearing that costume again.

>> No.7183084


>> No.7183144

I find Kamui winning over Lightning cosplay's Barbarian amusing.

Like said earlier, the barbarian placed over her at Gamescom, and I'm pretty sure Lightning is one of the major contributors to Kamui's hissy fit of "people using my tutorials are now better than me whaaaaa!"

Still, totally boring results for me to see as a European since those two are pretty much queens of Worbla and making really similar costumes over and over (although Kamui has been cosplaying FAR longer and shows way less improvement than the other) on this side of the atlantic.

>> No.7183151

I didn't get it Lighthing Cosplay says that her (omg he's so hot) barbarian bf cosplay won 1st place at blizcon so wtf did Kamui win...?
Plus Lighthing is much better than Kamui right now, and I just love her attitude much better.

>> No.7183192

On her page Kamui said she got "grand prize" and Lightning says her boyfriend got "1st place". Can't remember how it usually works nor what official terminology is, but it sounds like Kamui is overall winner and Lightning is runner up.

>> No.7183196

On her page Kamui said she got "grand prize" and Lightning says her boyfriend got "1st place". Can't remember how it usually works nor what official terminology is, but it sounds like Kamui is overall winner and Lightning is runner up.

I think she comes across better too, but then again she's only been around for a year and is surfing fame so it's not surprising. Would love to see both of them do a drastically different kind of costume though (now they've placed at Blizzcon there's no excuse).

>> No.7183258

Okay rant incoming, pardon my bad english.
I am a big fan of Kamui's work ( she taught me so much with her tutorials!) but i will say it out loud i am SHOCKED and dissappointed with a judges choice. Seriously - okay i agree Kamui work as technical stuff is amazing but they are supposed to judge costumes based on EXISTING reference picture. It is like giving a prize to someone who drew a freaking amazing artwork to show off only what he s good at and just calling it new Blizzard character. This is complte bullshit, if i were in a place of all those people who were working with each single detail of their artwork pic and lose to imaginary design of Kamui - i would be so pissed. Jugdes might have been blind or just friendly ( since Kamui was working with Blizzard some time ago). This way or another i am really disappointed. Lightning and her bf Ralph are winners in my eyes - goregous work, awesome attitiude and this proposal... cherry on the top. You go girl.

>> No.7183272

I sincerely hope you aren't suggesting that the other cosplayer has toned legs.

>> No.7183273

>being this assblasted

>> No.7183275

"First place" at Blizzcon means "First runner up." Or at least, that's how they did things this year.

And yeah that Barbarian was way better than her. Nothing against Kamui, she's a cool person and cosplayer, but her "protoss wizard" didn't deserve to win.

>> No.7183277

It's pretty typical for Blizzcon judges to give the most merits to cosplays that are simply most visually interesting at a glance as opposed to exact craftsmanship and such. It's a very visceral competition. Anyone who has entered knows the judges don't look at you for more than a few seconds. Sometimes in the dark with a flashlight.

>> No.7183329

so... be all impressive and fuck the refrence picture = win at blizzcon? Okay.. so it is nothing to boast about.Sorry Kamui.

>> No.7183336
File: 119 KB, 1096x794, Butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7183346

its a cross between two games you fucking broccoli eating homosapiean.


>> No.7183350

It has nothing to do with being butthurt. Cosplay competitons are always and anywhere one big random piece of crap.

>> No.7183380

She did finish her costume though. Her plan was to wear Mathael and she won second place in the blizzard employee Halloween costume contest with it.

I remember her stating she was only going to be in for like 2 hours. So maybe she really did fall and decided to forgo it.

>> No.7183401

>party city horns

>> No.7183403

and that is why it shouldn't win. Wtf with this personal designs at official contests?

>> No.7183748

I'm talking about her stomach. I don't know how you can't see that she's skinny-fat.

>> No.7183964
File: 1.32 MB, 1364x779, vanessa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7183966

>i will never do cocaine off some blizzcon belf cosplay slut's feet with Metzen

>> No.7183967

Is it bad if I wasn't excited for the new expansion because I can't cosplay an orc?

>> No.7183968


>> No.7183974

Where the femgobs at?

>> No.7183975

and then they kissed

>> No.7183982

Fuck off trolls

>> No.7184014
File: 146 KB, 683x1024, tuskarr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blizzcon Day 1 imgur folder:

>> No.7184033

closing shit in 20 minutes
they playing random shit now.
streamm in email

>> No.7184064


Does no one take pics of the chubby actual WoW girls? Or are all WoW girls cute irl?

From experience it is probably the second.

I have only met one girl from WoW irl and she was super cute.

>> No.7184079

most "chubby" "actual" "not cute" wow girls don't dress up in skimpy costumes because they know assholes on the internet will mock them

>> No.7184080

did anyone get pics of the doge

>> No.7184087

My guilds have had about a dozen female players and they've all been overweight. I'm the only one under 140.

On my horde alt I've seen smaller girls but they're all 16-22 and play blood elves...

>> No.7184113

Not sure if this is true but I'm hearing that Ayabi was one of the judges for the contest? If that's the case then some of the winners/runner-ups are questionable.

>> No.7184240

People need to speed up and post the whole contest already:

>> No.7184338

that's correct

>> No.7184460

wasnt huge she got jammed in a small department playing with cards and shit. HoC blew the importance out of proportion.

>> No.7184465

how can she want to go to blizzcon since she was 5 yrs old if the things only 9 years old? also who the fuck is this broad?

>> No.7184912
File: 117 KB, 720x960, 1457570_457892284321474_1698553242_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monika went too
What up with everyone using the worbla shit?
Is the old sculpt, mold and cast method dead now days?

>> No.7184942

worbla saves time and the results are about the same.

>> No.7184979

worbla is cheaper, easier and less time consuming.

>> No.7185318


On the one hand, I like Worbla. It's a plastic that softens in heat and you can bend it in all sorts of ways.

On the other hand..it softens in heat. I wouldnt' feel safe leaving it in my car.

>> No.7185334

ugh they'll upload the costume contest but not the rest of blizzcon...i just want to see the live raid i missed

>> No.7185333

any girls here???

>> No.7185343

Yes, why?

>> No.7185359

Is it true Lobitah has a dick?

>> No.7185377

I know someone who competed at a major con with armor made out of worbla, and it actually warped under the summer con heat and stress of performing.

It might not be the most durable, but it's pretty much the perfect craft material for Blizzard designs in terms of accessibility/results ratio, so this type of contest is where I'd expect to see it thrive. I miss people striving towards professional builds though, most people care about short term gratification.

>> No.7185510

Not everyone who wants to cosplay an armored character has the funds or means to "strive towards professional builds" and sculpt/cast a full set of armor. Get over yourself.

>> No.7185679

>>7185377 was talking about it with reference to performing, like at a contest. If you're not in one, go ahead and rock your Lich Pauper.

>> No.7185730


Pretty much what >>7185679 said. Don't see where I implied everyone should be taking cosplay ultra seriously (in fact it's a black whole for time and money with no return for most, so I would encourage people to just have fun and not invest too much), but in the context of Blizzcon's contest it's interesting to see the style of craftmanship changing. In fact I thought I was relatively positive about its place there.

>> No.7186682

So did anything else that was interesting happen at Blizzcon?

Could someone breakdown their judging process this year? I know blizzard actually had pre-juding this time, instead of "Lets just shine with a flashlight for 1 second behind the dark stage".

>> No.7186744

panel of 3 judges (2 female 1 male) asked us questions. They didn't seem like everyone was asked the same questions, they appeared to be based off what they saw or found interesting on the costume itself
took about 2 minutes per person. no idea what they actually judged on

>> No.7186761

lol Ayabi was a judge? That must be why Kamui won. They're buddies with each other.

>> No.7186765


Creeper decided he was going to buy us all shots, even though we said no, that's alright, we're fine. It was some sweet fireball concoction. The bartender seemed enthusiastic about it, said it was one of his favorites, so I drank about half of it. I'm not a spicy sort of gal, so I declined the rest. The male counterpart of the couple with me liked it, drank his, his wife's, then the second half of mine.

My friends insisted on walking me back to my hotel after this, we tried to be polite and say thanks, but he followed us like a wolf that smelled blood. When it was apparent there was no way I was going to be separated from my friends, he started complaining and trying to entice me with weed that was back at his apartment. "You guys suck." "Uh, why do we suck?" "Because you won't leave us (the creep and I) alone." He disappeared shortly after, recognizing defeat.

About an hour after we had the shots, both my friend and I were visibly drugged. I couldn't stand, fell into a lamp, and can't remember anything after another half hour or so. My friend spent the night vomiting. I vomited as well, but don't remember.

I'm just so shocked, the rest of the convention was amazing, and the nerd atmosphere is so friendly and accepting, I was completely off guard. With all of us standing at the bar, I have no idea how something was slipped in my drink without one of us noticing. It's terrifying, how predatory this guy was, which is shocking to me. I've always assumed everyone is a good person, at least in the circles I travel... Not so much anymore. A wolf can slip through in sheep's clothing.

>> No.7186767

That totally makes sense. Kamui didn't have the best costume, so having a friend bolster her score probably is what put her in first. Ayabi isn't exactly the most honest person in the world.

>> No.7186792

>Oh this guy is creepy.
>He wasted a lot of money, time, and blew his game plan, and risked major repercussions on a whole group of people.
>It was drugs!
>I was nearly, almost, raped in the most nonsensical way possible!

Shut the fuck up. This is why no one can take tumblr or reddit seriously.

>> No.7186793
File: 114 KB, 332x358, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source? If this is true I want to see proof. Was thinking about entering the contest next year but if Ayabi is a judge and just voting for her friends then I might pass.

>> No.7186798

hahaha you dumb cunt
that's called "being drunk"

>> No.7186801

Frommmm what?
The half shot you drank?
The one where he drank the other half?

>> No.7186807

>half a shot
>drunk enough to black out and vomit
Maybe if they were on some sort of medication. MAYBE.

>> No.7186810

That story is full of holes. If they were drugged, why didn't the guy who drank the most get effected? If they were drunk, what the hell sort of super lightweights were they? Are they 5?

>> No.7186820

But they said that their friend who drank the other half did get sick and vomited.

>About an hour after we had the shots, both my friend and I were visibly drugged. I couldn't stand, fell into a lamp, and can't remember anything after another half hour or so. My friend spent the night vomiting. I vomited as well, but don't remember

I don't want to say anything about the validity of the story, but that part was clearly written.

>> No.7186822

Can slightly answer
1 - maybe it was only HER shot drugged, not all.
Still doesn't explain why HE didn't get any effects.
2 - You'd be AMAZED at first time drinkers, or even people that don't drink for a long time going to drink. I hadn't drank in two years one time and it took three beers to give me a heavy buzz.
3 - Also bear in mind that bodies process booze differently. If these were tiny first time drinking girls they didn't have much of a chance to start with.

I'm not saying she's NOT 100% full of shit, just pointing that out.

I'm not going to bother reading the whole thing, but if that story up there was an excerpt, I'm fairly sure that while the dude was cool, parts of it were pretty exaggerated, AND this girl was writing for effect, less personal story. Dem analogies and shit. I rarely see people writing "true facts" stories like that.

But maybe she's in creative writing or an English Major.

>> No.7186826

So it WASN'T creeper that drank?

This makes a little more sense then.

>> No.7186830

No, it is kinda weirdly written but she said that her friend was the one who liked it and drank it.

>The male counterpart of the couple with me liked it, drank his, his wife's, then the second half of mine.

So the only people who got sick were the people who had that particular drink.

>> No.7186832

Yeah, but she called the guy that drank the most the male half of the couple she was with, implying that person wasn't their friend and was a third person. What happened to that guy?

>> No.7186839


>I'm a nerd who feels socially anxious around men in public settings and got drunk at BlizzCon. It's somebody else's fault. Now give me attention and sympathy.

>> No.7186842

I don't think that implies the person is not her friend, it just means that the friends she was with were a couple. And the male half of that couple drank her drink and also got sick.

>> No.7186843

He also drank more.

>> No.7186851

that too. So you can't really tell if they were drugged or not, the only way to know for sure would be a drug test. I am just saying there are not as many holes in the story as people are saying.

Also a guy following you out of a bar and trying to get you alone even when you, and your friends, have told him you are not interested is suuuper sketchy. So drugged or not that part is creepy.

>> No.7186856

No one's denying THAT

We're just saying babbys first booze.

>> No.7186914

TwoX is a fucking joke

>> No.7186955

"proof" ...yeah, b/c I totally took a pic of the judges

I was in the contest and got judged by her, thats my only proof. and before you ask, I wont be sharing who i am, this is /cgl/, Im not that stupid

>> No.7187008

She's made no mention of it at all from what I can see and traditionally the judges are from the contest sponsor, not blizzard or the cosplay community. Also, you seem to be going out of your way to avoid evidence. It makes zero sense for you to try to remain anonymous.

I remain unconvinced.

>> No.7187025
File: 107 KB, 794x708, only1in4chancethisisafart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>get drunk
>claim to be drugged


>dude comes onto me
>omg i survived rape

9/10 I actually got angry at this bait. Well played, I salute you.

>> No.7187056


someone asked, I told. if you want more, look for it from someone else. Im not going to explain myself to a stranger on the internets

>> No.7187064



>> No.7187094

I've been told from multiple sources that the judges were Ayabi, Jessica Johnson, and Glenn Rane (an artist at Blizz and boyfriend of Jojo Chen).

One thing that I don't like is that after winning Gamescom, Blizzard actually paid for the barb couple to come to Blizzcon. They win a Blizzard sponsored contest, then are given money to come to Blizzcon where they are allowed to compete again, and they place.
You can't say that the judges didn't know them either.

>> No.7187148

Yep. I competed at Blizzcon this year and can confirm that there were definitely better entries that should have placed that were overlooked for more popular cosplayers, including Kamui. I get that she spent (or rather her husband spent) 18 months on her Protoss wizard blah blah blah...but it didn't deserve the grand prize. The judges really didn't even seem to care about any costumes that weren't full armor, and asked most people maybe 2-3 questions about tiny details. Nothing about the overall construction, materials...if it wasn't armor, they didn't care. Hopefully they get better judges next year, but it's doubtful.

>> No.7187188

are you the same person who keeps complaining how that paladin should have won? The props were great but the costume didn't have alot of visual wow factor.

>> No.7187203

No. I didn't know anyone was complaining that she should have?

I would have liked to see the Varian Wrynn who had Shalamayne at least get honorable mention.

>> No.7187583

This is what happens anytime you let people from the cosplay community judge cosplay contests. They end up putting a bias on their friends or people they like from the community. Same shit happens all the time at anime cons.

Kamui seems like a nice person and a good cosplayer... but to be the GRAND PRIZE WINNER for that costume? There's no way she deserved to win.

I hope Ayabi doesn't end up ruining the blizzcon cosplay contest every year from now on. I wouldn't be surprised if Kamui places in the contest every year now.

>> No.7187593

I really hope not - for both of those points. The girl who won the grand prize last time, Avery, got honorable mention this time around. I have a feeling that Blizz might ask Kamui to judge the contest next year to keep her from competing.

>> No.7187773


you guys are all fucking garbage.

>> No.7187800
File: 18 KB, 300x360, confused_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everybody complaining about kamui and her costume that was " half made by her husband" and how it isnt deserving of a top prize
>her costume has armor, wig styling and a complicated electronic set up
>"oh she must have had it in with one of the judges thats the ONLY way she could have won"
>NOBODY complaining about the barbarian cosplay that got second place that was WAY easier to make than Kamuis and pretty much all the other costumes and wasn't even made by the person wearing it AT ALL
>the only justifiable point of bitching is that kamui isn't "accurate" because it wasn't off a reference while the barbarians was
>nobody mentions this point
>mfw I dont even like Kamui that much (she bores me)

okay cgl


>> No.7187815

her husband did most of the wiring on it, and programmed the LEDs in her weapon.

The person who actually made the 1st place costume got Honorable Mention.

>> No.7187821
File: 53 KB, 320x480, andyraeBLIZZcontest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot damn

>> No.7187824

>implying this makes any difference in a objective context

>> No.7187827

Kamui's husband didn't enter the contest, she did, basically taking credit for his work. And the barbarian couple entered together, since their costumes were a joint effort.

>> No.7188238

The Barbarian's armor was a lot more accurate and harder to make then some warbla and LEDs for some original design character she made up.

Frankly, the only thing impressive about kamui's costume is the paint job, which she didn't even do. Aside from that it just looks like generic flat foam armor. Everyone on that stage standing around her had a better costume than hers.

The only reason she won was because she's buddies with one of the judges.

>> No.7188308


selfposting fagget, the whole costume is meh

>> No.7188849

Ayabi doesn't even like Kamui I thought.

>> No.7189246

Did anyone spot JNig at Blizzcon? What did she wear? Monika had a mediocre Demon hunter costume.

>> No.7189259

Did they confirm whether or not there will be a Blizzcon 2014? I need to know whether or not to stop procrastinating on my costume.

>> No.7189265

She had a really simple generic blood elf costume, a red/gold bikini top in the typical Jnig fashion and a hooded cape with some random armor pieces. It was actually pretty cute, just really simple and low key.

>> No.7189681

I dont have the proof cuz Im too lazy to search for you, but I went to the WoW movie panel and they said they'll hopefully have some footage to show at next year's blizzcon.

Also someone said that during the Direct TV thing that Morhaime had an interview where he stated they didnt want to take the year off again like they did in 2012. There was an actual news article I read that myself as well. So looks like 2014 is going to happen. Work on that costume!

>> No.7189684
File: 76 KB, 533x800, nigribelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Her bra strap in this picture in bugging me, but otherwise i thought it was an alright costume. I expected her to have less pants on.

>> No.7189690

Mike Morhaime (blizz CEO) said in an interview during blizzcon that they definitely want to do blizzcon next year, but no official confirmation.

>> No.7189720

That type of costume doesn't really stand out at BlizzCon since every other female cosplay does that same style of cosplay.

>> No.7189925

she was in a wheelchair and had one leg in an air cast while judging.

>> No.7189961


>> No.7190408

This is lame even from Jnig. Its so boring/generic. Is this an armor from the game? Because I dont recognize it.

>> No.7190671

the shoulder armor looks like the mail dps heirloom shoulders, but the rest I think is just bland generic crap.

>> No.7190864
File: 116 KB, 720x960, 1095105_10152054901242533_2065920264_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just an original character blood elf. She said she made the whole thing in 3 days and admitted it sucked.

>> No.7190941

no, that was the other judge

>> No.7190958

I actually liked Monika's cosplay. What it bugged me was the 'I asked my bff from blizzard to show me the designs from the armor'. It was a plain design that you could look up on google.

>> No.7190983

JNig looks like a young Martha Stewart with balloon boobs

>> No.7191066

Does she make or own costumes or are we really looking at what her true crafting skills are?

>> No.7191284

Like she's even played the game.

>> No.7191307

Who hasn't at least tried WoW? It'd probably be more accurate to say "Like she even has a max level character".

>> No.7191557

I agree.

>> No.7191572

AND the girl who won in 2009 (mistress of pain) got honorable as well.

Literally, LITERALLY at least half the people who ever place are friends with/associated with/hang out with the same exact group of Blizzard employees/cryptozoic.

That paladin should've won; that was some fucking flawless ass craftsmanship.

>> No.7191599

Normally I think the judging is done by whoever is sponsoring the costume contest. This year, however, Blizzard themselves were the "sponsors" (which I guess means they couldn't find one), so they used whatever internal resource they could get.

>> No.7191657

I laughed

>> No.7191661

>that knife


>> No.7191846

>that sword
cheeky cunt haha

>> No.7191852

asscandy and assbringer

>> No.7191933

Stop complaining how you should have won, paladin girl. Your costume was nothing special compared to what was up there.

>> No.7192433


Hes a pretty sweet guy actually
was listening to him talk while he was getting interviewed and the guy is trying to lose weight right now and said this costume was the last thing he was going cosplay as a big guy
Im rootin for him

>> No.7192596

Which paladin girl are you referring to? Pics please? I thought there was just a paladin guy?

>> No.7193342

Any more pictures guys?

Seems most of what I can find are just the cosplay contest participants when there was a large handful of folks who didn't enter who had great costumes too.

>> No.7193469

>winners annoucement
>This makes me want to cry.
I want to go to blizcon one day, I would love and be so happy to enter their contest. but...
>Look at this fucking awesome costumes... and then...
>Shit happens

>> No.7194205

Uhm. If I was a Blizzard fan as Kamui, i would be on tears crying because I won the grand prize. She's like 'tehehe I won, that's cool'.
I'm starting to believe those stories about being friend of the judges.

>> No.7194322

More suspicious after she cried about not winning at the europe competition.

>> No.7194335


really despite, mostly sad you are still talking about this

>> No.7194432

yeah so?

>> No.7194434

yeah so? I'm not complaining, I'm just saying it curious how she reacted. I would be screaming.

>> No.7194909

I'm a massive Blizzard fan too (though mostly for Warcraft) and I wouldn't react like that. Maybe when I got home I would, but I like to keep my composure when I'm in front of large crowds.

You're really, really scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one...

For everyone who is saying Kamui only won because Ayabi was a judge, news flash: Ayabi doesn't even like Kamui. Ayabi made a big stink about Kamui's husband painting her armour. Remember, Ayabi hates anyone who could be considered competition~.

>> No.7194944

She was bawling backstage after she won.

>> No.7195075

HI Kamui. Your poor English shows.

>> No.7195119


HAHAHAHAHA you think I'm Kamui. You might wanna get the sand out your vagina

>> No.7195150

"judging snafu" bullshit. they had the winners picked out before anyone walked across the stage. when the winners walked off, they pulled them aside and had them stand together.

>> No.7195200


What really gets me is that they had an "Epic Cosplay" panel at Blizzcon this year and both Lightning AND Kamui were panelists. I don't think that cosplayers that are invited to the con to speak on an epic cosplay panel should be allowed to compete... but that's just me. I was completely unsurprised that Kamui won because I knew it was down to her or the duo of Lightning in the end...

>> No.7195337

Well yeah... everyone was judged in a room prior the the stage presentation.

>> No.7195530


The epic cosplay panel was announced to have Avery, lightning and Lorraine. They said if you may be asked to be a part of the panel if you participate in the costume contest. So it looks like Kamui was chosen since she got the top prize. Avery won with at Blizzcon 2011 and Lorraine in 2009. Lightning won in Europe this year. So yea, those three I guess should not be allowed to participate. But Kamui actually was not planned to be part of the panel.... Or at least they made it look that way.

>> No.7195586

I saw part of the "epic cosplay panel" on the blizzcon video stream. It was every bit as boring as any other anime con panel where self-important female cosplayers talk about cosplay. All they did was talk about "what cosplay is" and how great wonderflex and worbla are.

I'm curious to know how many people actually stayed in the audience for that.

>> No.7195742

I bailed.

>> No.7196063


I didn't even go to it - I was too busy watching arenas! I just saw photos later and noticed they were all there.

>> No.7196857

'sup saya

>> No.7197836


No Kamui, stay away from Jnig. Don't let her taint you.

>> No.7198365

I didnt stay. I left while Avery was talking. She was talking about her tools. I also I dragged my boyfriend with me and he didnt really want to go but went to be nice. During Avery's thing he was all "I thought we were gonna get more on how to actually make things, or pictures of progress leading up to a finished result, not pictures of power tools and an explanation on how to use them." I told him he was right and we went and watched the SC finals instead.

Also, the panel was not very full. I went earlier to the same stage to watch a Diablo 3 panel and most of the seats were taken. The cosplay panel had most of the seats empty. I also think people sitting in the back were not really there for the panel and more there to just take a moment to relax and sit down from wandering the con.

>> No.7200543


Didnt they hang out for a weekend when Kamui was here during the summer?

>> No.7200570

Also, I thought Jnig and Monica Lee were like besties. I saw Monika Lee a few times in her Demon Hunter stuff and then after the con at the Hilton hanging out with a group of people (her hair was a hideous shade of red/pink) and I never saw her with Jnig. I would have assumed they'd be together if they were so close.