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7174676 No.7174676[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, it looks like they aren't going to have a Frill convention in 2014, and they mentioned that it's not viable when someone asked for the dates.

>> No.7174679
File: 14 KB, 477x241, frill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screen capture of them answering a question on FB (which is the only announcement I've seen?).

>> No.7174683

Saw this, sorely disappointed. I just got into the fashion and was really looking forward to going.

>> No.7174703

Shame, I don't think I would be able to go next year anyways. I think I have myself penciled in for Copenhagen, Denmark during the weekend of May 23-25.

Have to agree that it's tough to get corporate sponsors for a lolita fashion con. With this fashion interest so narrow and having a limited fan base in America, this would be the end result.

I think if anyone wants to pull off an event like this again and be successful, one needs to look to the lolita fashion events in Europe or Japan.

>> No.7174705

I understand the issues and don't hold any negative feelings for it being cancelled. I am going to miss it though since I did have a lot of fun.

>> No.7174715

that sucks. i was always hopeful to go someday.

>> No.7174712

Considering that the staff were 90% incompetent assholes and that any designer or brand who participated that wasn't from Atlanta was treated like shit, no wonder!

>> No.7174719

I'm not surprised, but I am a bit disappointed. The huge jump in quality between the first and second year was pretty amazing, and I'm sure a third year would have improved it quite a bit more. But the con was incredibly expensive for what little it had to offer.

Still, I was hoping it might be enough to prove to brands that they should have some sort of presence on the east coast.

>> No.7174730

Atlanta is not really the place to hold this type of event. New York City is a better place to hold this, but it would be a more Frock On type event that's held at a major hotel such as the Waldorf-Astoria or Plaza Hotel

>> No.7174744
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>> No.7174752

>we were expecting to break even

Therein lies the problem. You will not break even for the first couple years of any business venture, cons included. That's common business sense, and the reason why this was never going to last long in the first place.

>> No.7174756

True, but I think Atlanta wasn't a terrible city for it. There's a large community and the other southern communities are willing to travel. The venues were definitely one of the biggest issues I saw (that little community center place from the first year. whyyyyy. It was so bad and inconvenient).

I'm not familiar with Frock On, how did they handle such a nice, expensive venue? Are NY lolitas willing to spend more? (I know the Atlanta lolitas tend to be pretty cheap)

>> No.7174765

I think Frill would have been fine if it could attach it self to some other con in the area.

>> No.7174799
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"we expected to break even"
>Gives away a lot of free food

>> No.7174814

No. It had a lot more to do with the fact that Frill lost a few butthurt staffers in year 1 who convinced their channer friends to try to sabotage the event on every /cgl/ thread prior to Frill 2.

And then attended the con when they realised everyone else was going.

It's a shame, because Frill 2013 was awesome in comparison to the first Frill.

>> No.7174820

>No. It had a lot more to do with the fact that Frill lost a few butthurt staffers in year 1 who convinced their channer friends to try to sabotage the event on every /cgl/ thread prior to Frill 2.
Most ridiculous shit I ever heard.

>> No.7174823

The ATL lolitas are really cheap and just expected to staff the convention. I remember reading that most of their attendance (I think it was over 60%) was from out of state.

The ATL lolitas clearly didn't understand that you actually have to pay to keep these things going. I came from out of state and had to pay for travel, the hotel, and for tickets, and had a blast. I was hoping to go next year too.

>> No.7174827

Frill didn't give away any "free" food. They paid for it out of the food and bev minimum that they were required to have in their contract.

>> No.7174836

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I actually promoted your con and convinced people to go despite thinking the staff members were utter assholes to my friends who I don't blame for leaving considering how things went down. I don't know anyone who actually bad mouthed the con on 4chan or anywhere else in public either.

As far as I know the people bad mouthing the con on 4chan had nothing to do with the people who quit.

>> No.7174838

How did they get stuck with a contract that required them to buy food?

>> No.7174840

Not a director. Sorry, I just assumed it was since I overheard one of the girls in question talking shit at the con.

>> No.7174845

It's a pretty standard policy when holding events in hotels. I had to pay almost double to have an outside caterer for my wedding, unless I wanted to eat their food or pay a few thousand dollars to not have food at all.

>> No.7174847

But that's the thing. They really didn't need to buy any food?

>> No.7174849

Unless we are saying that to have the tea, they had to also cater multiple full meals?

>> No.7174848

>butthurt staffers in year 1 who convinced their channer friends to try to sabotage the event on every /cgl/ thread prior to Frill 2.
>anyone who talked about the bad shit that went down during the fist Year was an attempted at SABOTAGE

This is why Frill failed, btw. You guys are incapable of taking responsibility for your own failings.

>> No.7174851

Ususaly you have to pay close to what it costs to have food to not have food at all. That's how a lot of hotels make there money.

>> No.7174853

Doesn't Megan own a business? Why on earth would she think Frill would break even in the first two years?

>> No.7174854

Alright then, I retract my point

>> No.7174856

Megan wasn't the only person running Frill.

>> No.7174857

True. Andrea was harping a lot more on money publicly than Megan was.

>> No.7174858

Yeah I'm sure all the designers that complained about being poorly treated, the disorganization of the directors, lost shit, and just general incompetence was caused by a handful of people who were no longer involved in the event

>> No.7174859

Did Megan ever talk about Frill?

>> No.7174862

What the hell happened?

>> No.7174864

Clearly random anons put on director masks and ran around the event sabotaging it.

>> No.7174865

Yeah, but she was one of the main organizers. Why wouldn't she point out, in the very beginning when Frill was just an idea, that conventions (and businesses) do not make money or even break even in the first years?

>> No.7174870

Case in point, most of them ducked out of the AWA tea and they threw that whole fit about that costing too much.

>> No.7174880

This truth right here.

>> No.7174901
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At least the ATL lolita who went stepped up and got Misako and the designer presents, so they aren't all super cheap. Every comm has those few people who think McDonald is a splurge. It's not fair to judge the whole ATL comm by those people.

>> No.7174915

Yeah, well, when your friends get treated badly and things are handled poorly, and you really want the event to work out because the idea of having a lolita convention is really cool, it's kinda hard to not be a little frustrated at things not exactly going as well as they might. I don't know who you overheard, but if it was me, I'm sorry. I had no intention of talking ill of the con or the staff to anyone publicly, as I really did want it to go well, but I must admit, I am not fond of a few of the directors on a personal level. However, it was both rude and immature of me to have been saying anything not behind closed doors. I wasn't the only one, but in hindsight, I was not behaving well and it is regrettable.

>> No.7174990

Frill sucked but it served a purpose - to be so shitty that real members of the lolita community are going to make an even better US con. Sometimes you have to be the first just to inspire improvement.

>> No.7175000

Damn, that was cold.

Rufflecon does look like it's going to be good though.

>> No.7175024

I love that Princess Victoria Suzanne Stella Snottybottom is going to be using her experience as a "professional lolita model" to do the fashion show

>> No.7175042

I wonder if she'll give the models a crash course on how to throw a tantrum if you don't get to do the catwalk!

>> No.7175082

It's what she's best at!

>> No.7175843
File: 17 KB, 103x203, chiizu nom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rufflecon is already ahead of the game and has a manageable website with current information that isn't located on a facebook page. It's way more professional.

If you google "Frill 2013: An Honest Review " you'll get one designers point of view on it which included having her crap destroying and missing pieces, and a very smarmy response.

>> No.7175865

That review. Wow.

>when the directors didn’t actually know who any of the other designers were, except for themselves and their friends, and started calling out, “Who are the designers again? If you’re a designer just come over here, we don’t know who you are. So if you are here, come over…”

>More than once, I heard in the case of volunteers and was told under muttered breath by other designers (directors, I might add) that I was “in the way,” among other choice words, along with a good deal of cursing, as if the volunteers trying so hard to be helpful were nothing and as if fellow designers were simply beneath them. I do not expect much from other human beings in general, but if directors that are also designers are going to act rude and unprofessional to others that are participating, it will alienate designers and models from returning.

>On the note of people, i.e. directors being in charge of the show, also being designers I felt that this might have been a mistake. Putting designers in charge of a show almost always leads to an amount of bias, where they are allowed first pick at everything and given a sense of entitlement, hence the disrespect towards other designers present. This was further proven when designers/directors made certain that their models were taken care of first during hair and make up, without a care for how other designers/models would get taken care of. I personally waited three hours and was not once asked if my group was taken care of, though I was patient and did not want to push the hair/make up team. They were working as hard and fast as they could given the allotted time, but what bothered me is the self centered air which director/designers had taken on in only looking out for themselves. This is not conducive of promoting teamwork, and caring about each other’s looks.

>> No.7175870

>and a very smarmy response.
where's the frill response? don't see it on the entry

>> No.7175872

>On a final note about the boutique, during the initial set up I cannot imagine it is appropriate for the directors and those in charge of the show to be idly gossiping and disrespecting the other designers that were participating in either the boutique or the fashion show. If you are there to set up shop, talk shop. It is beyond rude and unthinkable for you to being saying what a "b" or other rude things you thought about a participant who has paid good money to be able to participate in your event. Can you imagine walking into that room and hearing directors speak about you, a designer, in this fashion? Can you imagine how unprofessional that is, or at the very least how hurt your feelings would be?

>> No.7175873

Nah I meant a smarmy response with her stuff being all missing. Not necessarily frill's response in general. I'm not all that good in English.

But you can see from a designers point of view that this crap was messed up.

>> No.7175926

I'm actually pretty hopeful for Rufflecon. It's not solely a Lolita event and tapping into other subcultures (Punk, Goth, etc.) means there are more potential attendees. I'm very excited to see who shows up and what kind of clothes show up in the boutique.

>> No.7175944

I've apparently been under a rock for the past month or so, because I haven't heard about this. I just checked out the website, but who is the main group organizing Rufflecon? The NYC Lolitas, or a bunch of different comms?

>New Haven
eugh, but I'd give it a shot

>> No.7176174

Frill lost about half the stock of one of the other designers, too

>> No.7176201

Couldn't Frill possibly combine with an anime convention and just host more lolita related panels? I wish we could have an event such as Frock On in the Us where it is very very nice! However, everyone lives so far away from each other on a country size basis vs Europe and it's respective countries. I'm sorta surprised that no one tried to organize one in San Francisco, considering that's where most of the brand stores are located and would easily attract more Japanese guests. Well, hopefully the major cons on the East and West Coast (and Midwest?) get more designer guests.

What would you say is the best anime convention for lolitas to attend guests and event wise?

>> No.7176209

Is anybody remotely surprised by any of this?

>> No.7176215

>Frill 2013: An Honest Review
The fact that they didn't match up designers and models until after many of them had already gotten there from out of state just blows my mind.

>> No.7176219

if this is true, what bitches or at the very least idiots if they think that shit is acceptable. why couldn't they wait until after everyone had gone home to make their catty remarks rather than risk being overheard?

for a community that's supposedly so anti drama (from what I've seen on here I'm from another state) they sure seem to have double their share of bitchiness.

>> No.7176222

Designer here. I had a lot of issues with the boutique coordinator who never bothered to pass along my information to the Fashion Show person. I had to help find models last minute.

>> No.7176223

wait, what? Lost is and then found it and it missed the show? or lost it like it got stolen? or what? How do you lose stock?

>> No.7176226

They were talking about each other behind each other's backs during the con. It was kinda funny in a sad way.

>> No.7176233

PMX is where the major lolita events usually happen on the west coast.

>> No.7176236

Lol. ATL comm is drama infested.

>> No.7176237

Only some of it. We've got over 300 members and most of us are cool, but there is a handful of drama bitches.

>> No.7176244

Simple. Bitches who scream the loudest about being "anti-drama" just want to compensate so nobody will suspect them for the drama whores that they actually are.

There's a girl in my comm who talks about hating drama and "cunts from 4chan" yet she magically still browses here and participates in drama whenever she can. It's a big fat act.

>> No.7176252

You don't know better about the two faced members. Not just a handful.

>> No.7176414

God this is so true. Jerrysugarv/mydearestvictoria or whatever her name is was the biggest dramawhore I've ever met. Yet every time I see her online/posting she is always like OMG /cgl/ is the wooorst, we need to ban people for talking on 4chan, etc. Bitch please, all I heard you talk about was this lolcow did this, omg did you see that one thing on BTB, she looks like a hot mess that, etc etc etc. Not someone I would want to know long term. Thank god I'm not an ATL lolita and have to pretend to be nice to her under any circumstance for more than 30 minutes, I'm sure she talks about EVERYONE behind their backs.

>> No.7176631

Don't know all the details, just that after Frill was over it went missing

>> No.7176633

isn't this lepopprincess though? she's a horrendous drama queen and a bitch.

>> No.7176637

Well hello Frill staff, nice of you to pop by

>> No.7176640

>an opinion that conflicts with hers! must be staff trying to cover their asses!!
i know another designer that was at frill and she told me about her. her personality isn't a big secret.

>> No.7176653

>i know another designer that was at frill and she told me about her. her personality isn't a big secret.

Details, then? If it's not a secret, you must have some links or evidence.

>> No.7176689

can you not read? my friend told me about her, so unless you want a taped or typed interview from her there's no "source." cgl runs on secondhand information, ask someone in her comm for more reliable/detailed shit. all my friend told me is that she's a self-obsessed, unwarranted-self-importance-type drama queen who doesn't use enough fabric in her skirts (two yards max) and thinks her designs are hot shit, and overprices terribly--she's sold clothes used in fashion shows for upwards of $200. you can look that up at least.

>> No.7176708

So your friend's information is:

>she doesn't use enough fabricin her skirts
>she sells things for more than I think she should

That's some pretty juicy gossip.

You said: "she's a horrendous drama queen and a bitch." and "i know another designer that was at frill and she told me about her. her personality isn't a big secret." If you're going to call someone a horrendous drama queen and a bitch, have something to back it up other than "Well my FRIEND saiiiiid..."

>> No.7176724

your reading comprehension is really suffering. remember where I said cgl runs on secondhand information? my friend's not the associated press of lolita drama and neither am I. confirm it for yourself if you're so invested in petty gossip.

>> No.7176732

You are the one who came in here trying to invalidate this girl's post about BS at Frill because it's "no big secret" that she's a horrendous bitch drama queen. Don't try to turn it on me now that you can't back it up with even a single example.

>> No.7176740

my friend's shitty experience dealing with her and frill aren't "evidence?" maybe I don't have details, but she sure as fuck does because she spent that nightmarish weekend trying to sell shit. I never said her interview was shit, but it oozes ego and unwarranted self-importance. my friend also had a shit experience at Frill, but her review of it was less "wahh I was so disregarded!" and more "wow these fucking idiots don't know how to run a convention." her review is shit because it's self-centered.

>> No.7176746
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> her review is shit because it's self-centered.
How can someone's review of a con from their own point of view not be self centered?

>> No.7176765

Saying "my friend said that she's a bitch!" is not "your friend's experience." That's you saying that your friend said something about her, with nothing to back it up.

Also... a review about someone's personal experience is going to be (prepare for his bombshell) about their personal experience. If she felt disregarded and treated poorly, all the while seeing that the director designers were making sure their own needs were met, that is a part of the experience.

>> No.7176859

THIS. I am so tired of our whole comm constantly kissing up to her because she is a huge bitch behind everyones backs. I'm suprised she has any friends the way she shit talks

>> No.7176894

>she's a horrendous drama queen and a bitch.
Even assuming that you're right about that, the fact is her letter review on Frill is far from bitchy and drama mongering. If the point was to expose either as being irresponsible drama mongers and bitches, then I'm sorry but Frill loses.

>> No.7177022

I think it is pretty drama mongering too. I was backstage and yes it was cramped and hectic, but that was out of the directors control. When I arrived to model call, the hotel staff and the direcors were arguing because that back room we were in was supposed to be empty, set up a certain way, and the hotel wouldn't do it. I got asked two days before the show to model because the fashion show girl had just found out about a bunch of designers needing models from the boutique girl. There was obviously some misunderstanding, but they could have just told the designer she couldn't be in the show at all or asked her to find her own models. They ended up being understaffed and model prep took way longer than we thought. But they did feed us dinner. I feel bad that the girl had her garments messed up, but I've done lots of professional fashion shows, and that happens to show peices all the time. I don't think she's really as experienced as she says she is, and she was really rude anyway.

>> No.7177116
File: 665 KB, 800x1386, lepopprincess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted to get this off my chest, how do you trust an indie designer if she doesn't know how to dress herself well? This is too big...

>> No.7177167

>reading comprehension, what is it

>> No.7177172

Well for one, how does wearing a dress that's too big for her make her untrustworthy?

Also, according to her blog it's a dress prototype--meaning she didn't make it to fit herself.

>> No.7177180
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>Well for one, how does wearing a dress that's too big for her make her untrustworthy?
My fucking thoughts exactly.

>> No.7177182

It doesn't make her untrustworthy per se, but it doesn't look good. She'd have been better to fit it to herself or make one for herself if she wanted to wear it. It's basic advertising, wouldn't she want her creation to look its best, especially at an event where people are going to be taking photos?

>> No.7177209

Especially considering the fact that she complained that her models measurements weren't exactly what she asked for. Maybe they were and she just doesn't understand how garments should fit. Thats what it looks like.

Also that dress is hideous.

>> No.7177213

Hello lepopprincess! Thanks for sharing your review, since as no one bothered to read your blog until you pointed it out.

>> No.7177259

Nope. I'm just pointing out that you have shit reading comprehension. Read your post, then read the post you replied to, and try again.

>> No.7177261
File: 12 KB, 424x288, Putin_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're being way too bitchy about this. You wouldn't happen to be an assthumped director from Frill, would you?
Also that print is cute, if the dress wasn't expensive as fuck I'd buy it.

>> No.7177266

She didn't make this dress to fit herself, though.

>> No.7177281

Obviously I'm not the only one. I only posted >>7177209.

>> No.7177287

What is your point? A good designer wouldn't allow a dress to be shown fitting a model so poorly in the first place.

>> No.7177289

That "she's untrustworthy!! she can't make dresses that fit people! we can't trust what she says about the models now!" is dumb because she didn't make the dress to fit herself. Also agreeing with >>7177261

you're being unnecessarily petty about a dress being too baggy.

>> No.7177292

I never said she was untrustworthy. I said a good designer wouldn't show a dress that didn't fit the model.

>> No.7177307

>Especially considering the fact that she complained that her models measurements weren't exactly what she asked for. Maybe they were and she just doesn't understand how garments should fit. Thats what it looks like.

Is what I was replying to.

>> No.7177325

She is the designer. Not the model. The dress was so obviously made for someone with bigger measurements. She's rail thin.

On that note it's just a hallway photo. It's not like she's up on stage displaying her work in a serious attempt.

>> No.7177331

But she wore the dress in the show. The back looked terrible.

>> No.7177339

You know it really strange that a designer would wear her own dress in the fashion show? No matter if she is the model or designer it is a bad choice because the dress is too big. It makes the dress look not flattering and the designer looks unproffessional.

>> No.7177350
File: 48 KB, 477x720, 1381200_644693242241564_145247924_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what is actually unprofessional? Being the director of Frill and ensuring that your dresses and your models are taken care of, while not even having the respect to know designer's names except for your ATL Bffs, on top of bitching about other designers in the boutique.

Compare that to your definition of unprofessional... wearing a dress that's too big. Oh god! The horror! The horror!

It's also not that strange in indie lolita fashion shows for a designer to wear a piece.

The dress looks fine when it's tailored to fit someone.It didn't fit her. It's not the end of the world, though you seem to think it is.

>> No.7177373

I have heard her talk shit about everyone, and I assume she talks shit about me, too.

>> No.7177371

You need to calm the fuck down lepopprincess. It is really fucking obvious that you are butthurt that people are criticizing you instead of frill. I didn't go to Frill, and I don't give a shit about their staff, or your experience. Your design is mediocre at best, and it doesn't fit you either. Just accept that you should have worn something else, or found a model that actually fit.

>> No.7177389

>person disagrees with me

You're the one that needs to calm the fuck down. I even said that it didn't fit her. I'm pointing out that you need to stop acting like the fact that she was too thin for her dress is some horrendous crime that makes her a terrible, unprofessional person. Especially when the thread is about the unprofessional shittards that are the Frill directors.

>> No.7177392

Me too. That's why I just try and stay away from her. She apparently is pregnant now though so hopefully she will stop coming to everything so I can go to meets again.

>> No.7177397

What the fuck are you on? I have made exactly one comment in this thread.

Either your popprincess or one of her cronies. Nobody else would get so defensive.

>> No.7177398

It's totally her or a whiteknight. The number of comments in this thread defending LePopPrincess is ridiculously high given her personality IRL.

>> No.7177399

I asked about it at AWA and someone told me that they thought she had just gained some weight. I didn't think someone could get so fat so quickly without being pregnant.

>> No.7177400

I'm not her, and I don't even know her. I don't even like her designs because the fabric reminds me of that weird knock-off Mario.

But it's not defensive to point out the facts, especially when you guys are making ridiculous bullshit comments.

It's not unusual for indie lolita designers to walk in fashion shows. It's not the end of the world that she was too skinny for a dress, and it doesn't indicate she "doesn't even know what measurements she needs," since the other picture I posted shows a more fitted piece. I'd say it's far more unprofessional for Frill directors to pull what they did than for her to ... and remember, clutch your pearls here ... wear a dress that was baggy.

>> No.7177403

No one but you is trying to compare their offenses. All I'm saying is that the dress looks bad.

>> No.7177413

This. Just because I think lepopprincess is a bitch doesn't mean I like the Frill directors.

Also, this thread isn't about how awful they are. This this thread is about Frill closing.

>> No.7177417

I replied to comments which were saying that it was unusual for a designer to wear a dress in a fashion show (it's not, especially for indie fashion, especially for indie lolita fashion) and that it was "unprofessional" because the dress was baggy on her.

And context is important. YOU might be "just saying" the dress looks bad, but it was first brought up in an attempt to discredit her post about the shitfest that was Frill.

>> No.7177427

My friends had a really great time at Frill and I was planning to go next year. What did you not like about it?

>> No.7177434

reading comprehension ftw

>it was first brought up in an attempt to discredit her post about the shitfest that was Frill.
>her post
>her post
>her post

>> No.7177445

But it IS unprofessional for the dress to be baggy on her. She is a designer. Whether or not she is better than the Frill directors is irrelevant, because her JOB is to design clothes that people will want to buy. Showing a dress that does not fit a model does not accomplish that and considering SHE wore the dress it was entirely in her control. That's not professional.

>> No.7177453

Agreeing. Also she could have pinned it or something. Even on high fashion catwalks they sometimes pin the clothes to fit the models better. It's about displaying them in a way that looks good, not just chucking it on and going "well, too bad it doesn't fit! Just go out there anyway."

>> No.7177487

So you're saying that you don't like Frill because some person you don't know supposedly had a negative experience as a fashion designer at a show you weren't involved in?

And you're sure you aren't PopPrincess or one of her friends?

>> No.7177492


Designer here. I had stock returned from the boutique that was significantly damaged, with no warning or explanation about it. Hard to miss the fact that there was a gaping hole, and that it was unwearable.

>> No.7177511

Your apparent hatred for PopPrincess is making you have really shitty reading comprehension. I'm talking about HER post about HER experience at Frill, which was that it was a shitfest.

Jesus, maybe spend less time frothing over a baggy dress and more time reading a book or two.

>> No.7177517

Did you take any pictures? This seems like the sort of thing to bring to the attention of EGL, so at least girls who might consider partaking in the non-Frill ATL events can be aware of it.

>> No.7177527

You are retarded. I didn't ask you about her experience. I asked what happened at Frill that YOU didn't like. Please give ezamples.

>> No.7177554

>calling someone else retarded
>being THIS retarded

I never said that I went to Frill. At all. You asked me about my experience when... I didn't say I had an experience. That's your problem.

>> No.7177566


I didn't, and I was hesitant to contact them about it. I really have no way of knowing if it was mishandling on their part, or an attendee who was trying it on then threw it back on the rack. Since I had a good experience the year prior, I want to believe that it was the latter.
My main complaint is honestly just the lack of communication. Since it was very obvious damage, it would have been nice to know about it before it was returned. There was no comment about it when they sent out the sales totals, or when they told me that the package was in the mail.

>> No.7177669

The person running the boutique wouldn't have responded anyway, or at least they dropped off the face of the earth when stock went missing

>> No.7177716

I know that Rufflecon is planning on also doing a similar "distance selling" campaign, and these stories make me nervous about such an endeavor, because of these risks.

>> No.7177892

I know at least two people who directly contacted fashion show girl and she just didn't answer, which is why they were talking to the other girl in the first place.

Disclaimer: I am not related to, and have no opinion on lepopprincess beyond not wanting to pay as much as she charges for what she's selling.

>> No.7177928

Girls got turned down for the first model call, then the directors realized they didn't have enough models and had to scramble for more

>> No.7178004

and they still got stuck with bitchface mchatepants on the runway for atelier pierrot

i'm thinking about the right con right

>> No.7178009

Yep. She thought she was going to model IW and was mad she wasn't.

>> No.7178012

The one who threw a tantrum because she didn't want to model

>> No.7178018
File: 26 KB, 210x240, frieza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw these are two of my favorite brands

why even be pissed at least you still get to do it

>> No.7178019

How did she not know what she was modeling beforehand? Were the fashion show staff so incompetent that they didn't have anything arranged and just threw the models at clothes right as the show was about to start?

>> No.7178034

pretty sure the models were sitting around waiting most of saturday

>> No.7178036
File: 118 KB, 480x640, 1356718929210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend who was modeling said they misplaced a brand blouse, so they sent a model out without one, so clearly they don't have very good aim if they were throwing clothes at people.

>> No.7178061

I'm pretty sure they were just told they were modeling brand, but not which brand or which outfit, because I remember asking someone what they were going to model and they were like "Atiepie or IW, I don't know yet" and it was like a few days before the con.

>> No.7178064

If she knew in advance what she was modeling and didn't want to wear it, why didn't she just drop out? That's what made me think they didn't tell the models until last minute (and apparently some designers didn't even get models and had to scramble for their own

>> No.7179086

A designer here. When I received my items from Frill Boutique, they were all mixed up in a bag instead of kept separately in boxes to protect them as I had sent them. This and their tag gun caused damage to some of my items.

>> No.7179215

Designer here who has not posted yet in this thread. I had a really good experience at Frill. The fashion show was kind of a mess, but I was satisfied with how I was treated given the circumstances. The hotel was being a dick about not allowing us in the setup space originally promised. I forget the name of the girl who was the fashion show coordinator (not meganmaude or mydearestvictoria) and her admittedly bitchy attitude was probably caused by the fact that a guy from the hotel was incredibly rude to her in the process of kicking us out of the prep space and into that awkward backstage hallway area we were in. He basically humiliated her in front of everyone. Her reaction (to be bitchy the rest of the evening, the whole "if you are a designer come here" attitude) I think was a result of that. Not a professional reaction at all, but at the same time I can't blame her because that would have had me acting bitchy if I had been in that position, tbh. I feel like I was treated pretty well and I am a nobody, was from out of state, not friends with anyone on staff or anything. The popprincess girl was being really bitchy herself. I don't know her either and maybe she'd also had a bad experience that was making her react like that, but as a bystander I felt uncomfortable listening to her bitch and moan for over an hour instead of handling whatever the problem was (I'm not sure, maybe one of her models didn't show up, but none of the stuff she showed seemed to fit people properly, including things she had made for her friends to wear. She also put a girl in a white blouse that had a black bra, and the girl asked more than once if that would be okay or if her bra was showing, popprincess told her it was fine, but her bra was really obvious on the runway and in the photos.)

>> No.7179226 [DELETED] 

Anway I don't mean to whiteknight Frill, there were definitely some communication problems and they could have improved on things, but maybe because I was expecting something volunteer-run and not 100% professional my expectations weren't that high. I stayed backstage and made sure my models had everything they needed and got their makeup done, and I don't think all the designers did that. Obviously people who sent their stuff in and weren't there in person couldn't do that. (And they did misplace a blouse that was sent in, I forget which brand, they found something to use at the last minute.) I can also confirm that that one girl who threw a tantrum about modeling Pierrrot instead of IW was really that mad about it, and it seemed like they were just told they were modeling "one of the brands" and she assumed she was modeling IW and then threw a shitfit literally screaming and stomping her feet about it.

TL;DR yes there were problems but I think popprincess is exaggerating a bit and as an out of state nobody I felt it was messy but not a complete failure either.

>> No.7179234


Anway I don't mean to whiteknight Frill, there were definitely some communication problems and they could have improved on things, but maybe because I was expecting something volunteer-run and not 100% professional my expectations weren't that high. I stayed backstage and made sure my models had everything they needed and got their makeup done, and I don't think all the designers did that. Obviously people who sent their stuff in and weren't there in person couldn't do that. (And they did misplace a blouse that was sent in, I forget which brand, they found something to use at the last minute.) I can also confirm that that one girl who threw a tantrum about modeling Pierrrot instead of IW was really that mad about it, and it seemed like they were just told they were modeling "one of the brands" and she assumed she was modeling IW and then threw a shitfit literally screaming and stomping her feet about it.

TL;DR yes there were problems but I think popprincess is exaggerating a bit and as an out of state nobody I felt it was messy but not a complete failure either.

>> No.7179237

>She also put a girl in a white blouse that had a black bra
That sounds like the models weren't briefed well. It's a pretty beginner mistake to wear a black bra to a shoot/show, always a neutral tone or white.

>> No.7179309

She wasn't there expecting to model, I think she was there to help with hair or makeup.

>> No.7179311

Yeah, that points to pretty poor organization.

>> No.7179314

Her prices are way too high and the fit problem dos not seem to be limited to swimming in her own stuff

>> No.7179347

In all fairness, I think they had over 50 different models/looks, and counting on 50 lolitas to be at a particular place at a particular time is very risky business.

>> No.7179455

She brought her own models I thought? One of them was one of the other designers. I think the only model she had that wasn't herself or a friend was black bra girl.

>> No.7179594

Why did they let so many designers in the show, 50 models is alot of girls to get ready in 2 hours

>> No.7179698

Yeah this is true, her model was waiting to be called with the other models. I was one of the models who were sitting backstage, and I remember waiting with her, we went to grab something to drink and when we got back one of the other models told her she had been replaced. When she sought out popprincess on her own, popprincess had already put a wig and makeup on the other girl. The model had been waiting for hours and wound up leaving upset. They had apparently sent someone to look for her but never found her, which is nuts because we were all sitting in the same damn hallway for hours. I don't know what happened that day, it was a disorganized blur.

>> No.7179902

They misplaced a couple things that were supposed to be in the fashion show

>> No.7180152

Some of the girls in Pierrot walked without blouses, and they never do that in their runways.

>> No.7180588

I was curious as to how many models there actually was so I went and counted. It was not over 50, there were 40 models even.

>> No.7180896

That's still a lot of models tho, with limited time and space it had to be hectic

>> No.7182554

did they reject any designers?

>> No.7183106

someone post a photo, just for good times

>> No.7184131

I am really really sad this is over. I wanted Frill to happen again so badly, it was such a good time. I understand the organizers aren't friends anymore or whatever the hell, but I wish they would man up and give someone else the structure they created, because in all fairness, it was a good idea and not all bad execution.

>> No.7184162

I had a great time at Frill last year, too. Now everyone is pushing for Rufflecon, but I can't make it. I'm very sad that Frill is over.

>> No.7186118

What did they actually create that could even be handed over other than the branding though? It's not like anything is stopping anyone from having a similar even if they want to and have the cash to start it up.

>> No.7190333

I'm really upset about this.

>> No.7190595

I know for a fact that she posts/lurks here

Does anyone remember that one time a girl in the ATL comm posted here and dearestvictoria showed up and said "I know who you are, you will be dealt with" or some whit

>> No.7190664


What's with the level of ita being directly proportional to the level of drama in a comm? Most of the ATL comm is fucking ita as hell.

>> No.7191036

yup. some of my favorite lolita lemongrab memes came out of that situation.

>> No.7191831

Do you happen to have any saved? this sounds like something I would like to see.

>> No.7193142

seconding that.

>> No.7193747

Apparently the girl didn't know until hours before, and was told by the person dressing her to "look disdainful and haughty". I also heard the tantrum was supposedly a panic attack brought by so much bs going back stage and the last minute changes.

>> No.7194184

This is fabrication to make that girl feel better. In the end, she apologized, so that's all that mattered.

>> No.7194202

She doesn't like cgl because she can't get away with being an aggressive bitch on here, someone will actually say something.

>> No.7194298

Acting like a brat =/= panic attack.

>> No.7194318

She used to post on here though.

Hey why did the ATL comm come up with the "don't talk about us on 4chan/go to 4chan" rule?

>> No.7195003

because there are some serious drama-lama's in the comm, and no one wanted the net to think we were all drama queens? I guess? or some people *cough cough wonderfluff, jerrysugarv etc cough cough cough* are easily butt mad and don't like seeing themselves posted here all the time.