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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 75 KB, 220x219, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7170538 No.7170538[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how come most lolitas i see are really fat
don't you think cute becomes grotesque when it's draped over 300lb of lard?
i'm not trying to make fun of anyone, i just want to know what is it about lolita that attracts fat people so much

>> No.7170542

>what is it about lolita that attracts fat people so much
The same thing that attracts skinny and average-sized people.

>> No.7170543

food prints

>> No.7170544

no more disgusting fat threads

>> No.7170546
File: 319 KB, 1280x1920, 1381891054850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess but it seems a disproportionate amount of heavy set people wear it

>> No.7170547

I think I'm going to puke just looking at that

>> No.7170555

Urgh me too what jesus.

>> No.7170565

>rejecting your amerilard culture
embrace it, or ameriba will disown you of your freedumz™

>> No.7170573

I feel the same way about these threads as the "you're too tall to wear lolita threads" bitch I'm 6' deal with it or fuck off. My boyfriend and friends like it, and even if he didn't, I don't care about your lonely pathetic opinion because I have get hella attention. That being said, this is cgl and I am skinny and my bmi is around 17 so idk

>> No.7170583

u can do whatever u want
i just was wondering if being fat and dressing lolita was some kind of meme since i never saw a non fat lolita in public b4

>> No.7170584

You cant really compare being tall or short to being fat. That's something you can't change. People make themselves fat and the only ones they have to blame are themselves.

>> No.7170593

you're probably only seeing the weeby/ita con crowd. Seeing them in public just on the street is pretty damn rare. And the kind that frequent cons 100% are usually pretty gross

Also I know it doesn't really matter much, but the girl in OP isn't really a lolita and the outfits she does pull off flatter her size, imo, she dresses well for being a whale

>> No.7170594

I wanna know that too

>> No.7170604

>what is it about lolita that attracts fat people so much

>> No.7170614

This is so awesomely cold.

>> No.7170620
File: 54 KB, 235x265, 1374469734487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is it about lolita that attracts fat people so much

Since they cant look hot, heck, they cant even look decent in normal clothes they just decide to cover everything they can and draw ppl's attention in other things rather than the fatness...and the loli is all about beautiful prints and the details, and they think somehow people will forget with the pettis and the bows the fact that there's cellulite and the fat is about to explode underneath.

That or maybe they just want to keep the Victorian attractiveness standards like they were you know, when being fat was sexy

>> No.7170632
File: 39 KB, 483x700, tumblr_m3s0sbq3A91qkobyqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat girls look cute in Lolita.

>> No.7170677
File: 232 KB, 495x328, 1361419407485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it attracts more fat people than other fashions. But it is a fashion that requires confidence to wear out in public, and in my experience the bigger people I know have a lot of confidence. They'd be more likely to wear something that stands out and draws attention than someone with no confidence.
>You're already looking at my fat rolls. Check out my amazing dress while you're there!

It's a fashion made for a Japanese market. The style of the dress suits small framed women. It magnifies any curves/chubbiness you make have, so sometimes a girl may not necessarily be 'fat' but she is sure going to look it squished into a badly fitting dress that is not flattering to her body shape.

Also it's a niche fashion and something that's not 'normal'. People who mainstream society view as 'not normal' are attracted to things that are 'not normal' because they think they will find acceptance there. (This goes for the anime weabs)

>> No.7170685
File: 73 KB, 852x681, fuck_you_said_the_wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously this?
There are fat people who wear gothic.
There are fat people who wear preppy clothes.
There are fat people who dress punk.
And the list goes on.
The only reason why you think there's a "disproportionate" number of a certain type of human being wearing clothes is because you're a special god damn snowflake who DOES actually want to offend fat people and further alienate them from this fashion (cause you know, calling them 'lardasses' totes isn't confrontational or anything hurr~).
Pic related is for you and anyone ~*~special~*~ enough to think like you.

>> No.7170686
File: 23 KB, 100x114, hameru no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Victorian attractiveness standards
I hate when fattychans justify their weight with this.
Those standards existed because that meant you were rich.
Times have changed. Now, you have to work out and eat right to be thin. Poor people have poor-quality food, meaning they're the fatter ones. You're just fucking yourself in your french-fry-greased ass with that logic.


Anyway, I think it's a combo of >>7170620 and >>7170677.
Fat people want to be different and special, plus they think pettis hide chub (which they do, but we can still see your rolls in the bodice and stockings).

>> No.7170687

No, girls who aren't holyshit huge, like the one in your pic, look cute in Lolita. Landwhales do not.

>> No.7170688

>implying op makes any distinction between landwhales and just regular fatties
>implying this isn't a troll thread intended to piss people off

>> No.7170689

OP I don't know how to answer your question. My entire comm is skinny girls who can fit into brand. When they buy taobao indie, they buy size M (one girl buys size S). Except for the one fat chick and that one tall chick. Both buy taobao size L, and some shirred stuff.

The skinny lolita outnumber the fat ones, OP, how do I answer your question?

>> No.7170690

Good analysis on the most part, but disagree on the second point. Even in Japan, lolita tends to be a fat girl style. It's very covered up and lolita publications don't put the same emphasis on being skeleton thin as others do. You'll never find 100kcal diet recipes, or those diet adverts in GBL; and even in Kera it's very toned down and moderate. The big hair, big poof is very flattering on fat people. See Oprah, Adelle, and other fat female celebs who are always styled with huge hair to balance them out. Brand dresses are also SUPER accommodating, compared to regular Asian sizing. I'm Asian, and I can almost NEVER find tops that fit me (95cm bust) in shops. However every single partially shirred, one size only item I've ever bought from a Japanese brand fits super easily. Not saying skinny/fat girls are better or more suited to the fashion, but just that it's not necessarily styled just for thin people.

Agree completely on the alternative angle, and since these types of hobbies tend to be very sedentary (any sort of geekery, internet obsession, etc.) it makes sense people won't be as fit or slim.

>> No.7170691

>special god damn snowflake
And here is the root of the real problem in lolita. Lots and lots of princess complexes and acting like brats against anyone different than their liking.

>> No.7170696

You win OP. Fat people can't possibly be into alternative fashions because they generally like the aesthetic.
It must be because it's apparently the only fashion out there that accommodates their frames.
Oh and wanting to look small and cute? Again, clearly only things a fattie strives for. Thin girls apparently want different things than the lowly fattie fats.

>> No.7170701

>wanting to look small and cute
Now that's just delusional.

>> No.7170708

It would be if it wasn't so sought after in this fashion. There's a reason why there's a lot of fucking closet weebs and wannabe asians in this fashion too. But you know, people can be in denial about bad personality traits but not so much about their body types.

>> No.7170716

I'm with this anon a lot of the girls in my comm are skinny to average, with a few who are bigger. To fit into and wear brand and non shirred brand specificially a person can't really be that big at all, and would have to have smaller measurements than the average American or Australian young person. There are some overweight lolitas but I definetly do not think they make up the majority, rather they are a minority. It seems that there is also a lot of lolitas with eating disorders/disordered eating and many who are also really skinny, more so than overweight lolitas.

>> No.7170811

my boyfriend asked me the same question today
>"why are almost all lolitas I see fat?"

>> No.7170812


>> No.7170820

I don't think there's more "fat" people in this fashion than any other, it's probably more a case of them standing out more because of their size.

I usually see both online and in comms here, a roughly even mixture of all sizes. I think here it's actually more extreme - most girls are either tiny, petite people or plus sized.

>> No.7170829

>and further alienate them from this fashion

Where do I sign up for this cause?

>> No.7170830
File: 244 KB, 728x745, 1366485807989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with your argument tho OP is that your pic is an obese girl who is cute, has a decently sized following, and is genuinely liked by many people.

I mean I'm just trying to help your argument even if it is a nonsensical one to begin with. It just makes more sense to post a fattie that's truly not cute, dresses ita all the time, and is seen in a comm full of fat lolitas circlejerking themselves rather than posting a person who is well-liked and is widely accepted as having contributed a lot to the plus size fashion and lolita comms.

>> No.7170833

the bastard feels really smug about this thread and he's just saying
I want to murder him and make him look like a halloween prop

>> No.7170834

Is he gay or something? I've never heard of a guy making such a fuss about womens' bodies in fashion. Take the dildo out of his ass and shove it in his mouth.

>> No.7170838


because girls who are into anime and lolita shit are whales

>> No.7170925

Could it be that I live in america and americans are disproportionally fat compared to other cuntries where there's a lolita scene?

I like the theory that its a fringe culture with a lot of people mainly into sedentary hobbies though. That makes sense

>> No.7170945
File: 185 KB, 318x304, 1381661690855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else but an American?

>> No.7170951
File: 300 KB, 1325x1190, 1381545881658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk i don't really believe in the concept of countries so i call them cuntries because it's derogatory and your comment does nothing to advance the topic at hand

>> No.7170953
File: 68 KB, 500x716, 1372959675771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this fat-enabling
Porkers wear lolita for the same reason they dye their hair crayola-red, have fake beauty marks, and act obnoxious: it's a poor attempt to hide their ugly body and ugly soul. Your weight is a reflection of your values, and they clearly don't value themselves.

>> No.7170957
File: 492 KB, 460x345, 1357114185069.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure almost all lolitas are ugly.
Very few lolitas I've seen that weren't asian can pull it off.
Also it does seem many obese women take that route because they think it makes them look cuter when it's the total opposite.

Generally I feel like lita is just fucking dumb looking.

>> No.7170966

i don't think you can cook with that

>> No.7171026

This. Also I find that tumblr have a habit of reblogging fat pictures all around because they're ~courageous~ plus sized ~real women~ while the same coord being worn on a skinny to average girl will be ignored.

>> No.7171032

Lolita makes ugly and below average looking people cute or at least distracting. I'd like to wear some lolita styles, but I'm tall and called beautiful and attract lots of stranger attention without dressing up, and anything more than that would set my anxiety up 10x.

>> No.7171035


post a picture model-chan

>> No.7171041
File: 120 KB, 275x374, 1381644078015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, how dare I not contribute to this epic fat hate thread that has never reaped a single productive shitstain on the face of the internet despite it being done to death.

Boy howdy, I'm sure glad I had you here to hold my hand before it was too late, anon~

>> No.7171042

The same coord is ignored on a white girl with a western bone structure more fitted to a typical japanese frame and sharper faces with already big features entirely not suited to wearing japanese eye makeup and hairstyles and outfits. What makes a smooth, flat asian face stand out and look accentuated is what turns us into feature monsters.
Fucking christ, this scared the shit out of me, it was my nickname in high school for being a weeaboo.
There aren't any of just me, I'm using my mother's phone.

>> No.7171045

>>I pretend I'm trolling but deep down this is actually how I feel about myself.
You forgot to add this to your post.
You're welcome <3

>> No.7171046

You're pathetic and probably not pretty.

>> No.7171049

Uhh, okay? I don't understand what you gain from telling me that, but several people have stated otherwise a few hours ago. You're entitled to your baseless opinion but still in the minority.

>> No.7171050

I don't understand what you gain from going on about how 'pretty' you are with no intention to prove it to strangers who really don't give a fuck? I lost fucking brain cells reading your retarded posts.

>> No.7171052

>has social anxiety
>browses cgl
>thinks they're special for attracting strangers
>"I'm so beautiful gies, no srsly"
....and some of you call fat people delusional.

>> No.7171053
File: 207 KB, 600x800, 1366585719142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok? idc b/c i never even cum to /cgl/ i just had a question because i wanted to learn something and you sound mad #pressed b/c this isn't even a fat hate thread it's a sociological question have you even been to college i guess not???

>> No.7171055

Really, I only brought it up to make a simple point that I wouldn't try lolita, even with a more 'streamlined' appearance, in the topic of the thread. I dont really even have social anxiety, I get creeped the fuck out when strangers randomly follow me around in a hoard to ask if I'm a model or take pictures without asking at the mall.
I'm not saying I'm special and pretty, that was you. I'm saying that people find me attractive and it stresses me out.

>> No.7171056
File: 34 KB, 312x312, puke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7171057
File: 207 KB, 703x800, 1368233569656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you trying to disrupt this thread we were having a civil discussion about obese lolita and here you are trying to derail it please just stop ~_~ and troll elsewhere please

>> No.7171059

>I'm not saying I'm special and pretty
It doesn't make you any less full of yourself, and quite frankly you sound insufferable.

>> No.7171060

She's cute. Can you post her blog link? Thanks.

>> No.7171061

Quote precisely what I have typed ITT that's making you so pissed at me. Obviously my tone and context isn't going to go through the internet in a simple comment.

>> No.7171063
File: 656 KB, 2560x1920, asd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7171064

I'm a fucking hambeast by cgl standards and I get the occasional stranger asking me questions and asking if I model. I struck up a conversation with two guys last week and they gave me their numbers. If I'm wearing something cute I get asked for a picture. I know girls who aren't necessarily attractive who have had the same things happen to them. It has nothing to do with your beauty and everything to do with your anxiety.

The commentary about your social anxiety and why you don't feel comfortable in lolita was really unnecessary to your original point that "ugly people look cute in lolita."

>> No.7171067
File: 26 KB, 250x331, 1378534233267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You worded it better than I could but I was reading and thinking the same thing.

>> No.7171066

I'm really surprised to see that people believe most lolitas are fat when it just isn't true. Brand measurements are way too small for someone who is obese. Actually plus sized in lolita would be anyone above a US 8 whereas in normal clothing plus size is normally a size 14-16+.

>> No.7171070
File: 166 KB, 790x891, tAG_86096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well on the internet i see regular to skinny people but on the streets or at cons i've only ever really seen plus sized people wear it

>> No.7171071


>> No.7171072

Sarcasm aside-notes are such retarded things to get butthurt over. I've seen objectively ita and very ugly coords get a lot of notes just because the person was popular on tumblr and had a lot of followers.

>> No.7171075

Anon I was not even talking about notes just facts that OP ignored.

That's interesting, it could be where you live. Almost all of the lolitas in the comm I'm apart of, are skinny to average.

>> No.7171077

I was making two points in my statement, one was in response to the quote and the other was in the vein of the thread.
The issue is that it happens every single day. Just this week as of monday,
>A crowd of people following me around and muttering about guessing my ethnicity, without wanting anything
>boys, corner, stare, and harass me after I say I'm a lesbian
>little girls walk up to stare at and touch me all of the time, every day (I wouldn't mind just the staring if they didn't stop directly in front of me)
>two teen girls gawk at and shove a phone right to my face photograph me, smile, and walk away
>guy gives me a death glare with his eyes and mouth open while passing his store
and the only good thing, earlier today
>little girl dressed as ariel cupped my face, brushed back my hair, on a really shitty day to say "hey are you sad? you're gorgeous!" in a very sweet voice
It isn't anxiety that makes me perceive it that way, anyone with me during the time will react to it too.
Above anything, its the whispers and pointing and staring and getting treated like a fucking thing on display of the store I work at on a daily basis that makes me want to give up and become a NEET. The upfront attitude of "hey girl" or "you're pretty" is usually just a compliment.

That's all I'm posting, there's only a few minutes left of this shit party, so I'm going to loot candy and go home.

>> No.7171078

>because I'm totally being serious
>because OP totally wants to have a discussion with you
>because OP totally was not expecting a huge shitfest as a result of their original topic

>> No.7171079
File: 40 KB, 475x356, 1344123594208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then stay in your damn house for all we care lady, none of that has any relevance here.

>> No.7171103

Yeah honestly I agree I've lost a lot of weight by not eating junk food/soda/etc anymore and I get lots of compliments now. It really is a decision they make imo, it's akin to a drug addict choosing to continue slamming heroin or just slowly weaning themselves off that 5 full course meal a day schedule. The whole "I just can't do it it's genetic" thing is a cop-out. If dieting isn't working, go run. If you're too lazy to run, that's your fault not everyone else's that you look disgusting.

>> No.7171104

It's not always their fault. I eat terribly (lots of sugar, carbs and fatty foods) compared to a friend of mine who probably weighs almost twice as me. But they don't eat any of that stuff, just vegetables and bread and whatnot.

There is the topic of portion sizes though which can make a huge difference. While I eat a lot of junk, I don't eat that much.

>> No.7171114

I wish /fit/ were here.

>> No.7171116

Offtopic. But how much bread does your friend eat? Bread actually can make you fat, sounds weird but it does. It does not only contain the fattening gluten, but we are also eating genetically manipulated wheat which makes our bread more fluffy. Sadly it also raises your blood sugar twice as much as two tablespoons of sugar. Which triggers a release of insulin in your body. And what insulin does is storing the sugars for later use, but only a small amount can be stored in your liver. So what the result is is that it gets stored as fat. So you can actually eat very low carb/low sugar, but if you don't cut out a lot of the wheats in your diet then you will not lose weight and actually fatten up some more. Don't cut the gluten completely out of your diet though, that can make you feel sick.

Ontopic: I think obese girls in Lolita is not a problem, as long as they dress nice and don't try to squeeze themselves in dresses that are 5 times to small.

>> No.7171133

>Victorians thought fat was sexy
This is so inaccurate it hurts. What do you think corsets were for? Women were ridiculed and considered vulgar if they ate a lot and were too full-figured. Someone with big breasts and hips was considered a cow. Have you ever read anything from that era? The beautiful heroines are always described as being slender and childlike, not chubby.
Only fertility goddesses are ever considered 'sexy' fat and those are obvious charicatures.

>> No.7171137

Wow anon, you must be insanely beautiful or you're embellishing for the point of your story. I don't think even the most beautiful people get that shit normally or daily, and people tend to find beautiful people less approachable and more intimidating. Your life is weird and an exception if that is true at all.

>> No.7171150

Implying. I am a history student and I have read a manual on victorian beauty. Their ideal figure was hourglass, they preferred their women to look like pin-ups, slightly chubby and soft with big breasts and hips with tiny waist. Why do you think ladies wore crinolines and corsets? To emphasize/simulate an hourglass figure.

>> No.7171153 [DELETED] 


Nice try, beautiful girls don't have to worry about "Muh anxiety!!", tryhard troll.

>> No.7171155


Nice try, beautiful girls don't have to worry about "Muh anxiety!!", tryhard troll.

>> No.7171178
File: 45 KB, 500x416, fats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> fattening gluten
bitch it's just the pure carbs of bread that's fattening. i doubt its specifically gluten unless you have 'gluten sensitivity' or some shit that america created

> eat a lot of junk, I don't eat that much
same. i exclusively eat junk food. people pin weight gain on junk food because they eat junk IN ADDITION to meals. if you don't eat meals, just junk, then you're good. like me.
i am a 100lb piece of shit.

>> No.7171180
File: 1015 KB, 500x299, saydumbthings.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice try, beautiful girls don't have to worry about "Muh anxiety!!", tryhard troll.
lies, you cunt rag.

>> No.7171179

Chubby in that period is smaller than "normal" is now...

>> No.7171182

Gluten allergy is a real thing, and it's much more serious than trendy "gluten intolerant" fags make it out to be. It causes you to lose weight, though, not gain it.

>> No.7171199

I like how you chose a photo of the only good fat lolita for this thread

>> No.7171210

This anon is right. It also causes many other problems that vary between individuals (some get rashes, fatigue, pain) but not much more regarding weight beside bloating and contribution to bowel problems.

>> No.7171216

I mean social anxiety, that's for losers primarily.

>> No.7171217

Somewhat true. Waist were smaller and the busts and hips often looked really large in comparison, but were actually not astounding by today's standers (Maybe a 36" and 38" hips, but paired with a 22" waist). This were the kind of measurements that Betty Page and Marilyn Monroe had (not exactly, of course, but that sort of ratio).

>> No.7171220

so beautiful people only suffer anxiety of "omg it's SO hard to look this good?" nah i think anyone can have social anxiety

in the same vein, 'beautiful' people can be losers.

>> No.7171222

Agreeing with gluten intolerance being a real thing. only about 1/10 people who say they are gluten intolerant actually are, but it does exist. My grandpa's severely allergic to gluten and has to go tot he hospital if he eats even a little - he throat starts closing up. My aunt (different side) starts breaking out in hives when she eats it. Most people are bullshitting but not everyone is.

>> No.7171230

A few years ago "healthy living" blogs (read: eating disorders in denial blogs) discovered that faking gluten intolerance was another way to restrict what they eat and not look like the crazy ass freakshows they really are.

>> No.7171233

I'm not saying beautiful people have no problems, like there's other anxiety like panic attacks and "daddy molested me" ect. anxiety that anyone can have. But social anxiety is for the average/ugly looking, I've noticed. There are rare exceptions for everything though, I guess

>> No.7171244

Not really. If they're beautiful, there's nothing to be anxious about. It's primarily an ugly/fat persons' disease.

>> No.7171249

They want to be what they aren't
They think certain fashions will help them look that way

>> No.7171252

I'm glad I'm not the only one who still thinks like this anon

>> No.7171267
File: 17 KB, 338x383, urm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>A crowd of people following me around and muttering about guessing my ethnicity, without wanting anything
>boys, corner, stare, and harass me after I say I'm a lesbian
>two teen girls gawk at and shove a phone right to my face photograph me, smile, and walk away
>guy gives me a death glare with his eyes and mouth open while passing his store

I don't get how these prove you're 'beautiful.' These sound like a public reaction to an ugly freak to me.

>> No.7171281

Fat people where whatever makes them feel comfortable or confident. Or whatever allows them to briefly ignore the fact that they're fat and that they hate themselves and the fact that they can't just walk into a shop and buy anything off the shelves because either it won't fit, it's digusting or their can't face the shame of taking that size to the till where someone half their size is going to serve them.

There are, rarely, some fat women who are genuinley happy to be what they are. Good for them. The vast majority are in the denial and are desperately screaming at the world about fat-acceptance because they think that'll be faster or a temporary solution to what is actually causing their lack of self confidence which is their lack in themselves.

There are indeed, again rarely, some women who are fat for genuine reasons, side effects of medication, side effects of physical illnesses etc. But they are rare and often suffer the same, if not great, self esteem problems.

>> No.7171312

That the clothing is meant to cover most of the body but is still cute. The problem is they still go and buy the same size dresses their thin counterparts are wearing and they end up looking terrible anyway because fat whale in a tiny dress.

>> No.7171318

>the bigger people I know have a lot of confidence

it's not that they have confidence, it's that they're already used to taking insults from strangers everywhere they go because they're fat. Adding frills won't lessen the insults so to them it probably doesn't matter.

It takes more confidence to do for someone who is thin and good looking because suddenly they'd be getting insults and snide remarks where before in normal clothes they'd get none of that, just compliments.

>> No.7171327
File: 36 KB, 500x389, 890899890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obese girl

Also you realize her fans are all fat too, right? Being liked by other fatties =/= being liked in general.

>> No.7171330

Tumblr reblogs fat chicks all the time because TUMBLR IS FULL OF FAT FUCKS.

>> No.7171332
File: 75 KB, 500x492, 1889067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fat.

>> No.7171333

that girl is so fucking adorable

>> No.7171360
File: 12 KB, 245x318, ya-blew-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also you realize her fans are all fat too, right?

>having to blatantly lie in order to be le epic trololololol~

>> No.7171362

>her fans are all fat too
Sorry, but nope.

>> No.7171377

Why do you give a fuck? Is it hurting you?
Don't say it hurts your eyes, ugly people, fat or skinny hurt your eyes no matter what they wear. We can't.just make them stay inside.
For that matter, it's possible they like themselves the way they are, which is more than what most of us can say. Why should anyone give a fuck?

>> No.7171378

Fat girls.

>> No.7171380

>i'm not trying to make fun of anyone
But you are.
You're actually a really terrible person for making this thread with an innocent "anoo anon-chans, why do so many fat ppl do [x]~" act put on, especially on 4chan AKA unfiltered opinions general.
If you hate fat people, there's no point in pretending you don't really hate them or in being passive-aggressive about it. Either come right out and admit your opinions or shut the fuck up and keep them to yourself.
You dislike people who are obese and seek to make them feel unwelcome for arbitrary, self-absorbed reasons like "I don't want to see that!!! like omg ew DX". Some might call you a shallow cunt, but who cares? Be proud of yourself, or change your mind, you cowardly, passive-aggressive fuck.
Endless blockades for the pussyfooters.

>> No.7171394
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>Why should anyone give a fuck?
Because my confidence is low and i hate myself so I have to tell some overweight girl I don't even know how much she fucking sucks for looking a certain way on the internet. It makes me feel less shitty,