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7168956 No.7168956[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It looks like Yunni/Mikarin/Mikarinlee/Sweet Like Candy is back.

For those who don't know, she is a scammer.

She has a Shopping Service that has scammed numerous people in the past, has kept people's $$ without providing their service, carelessly packaged items which caused them to get damaged, forgotten items in orders and customers had to fight to get their money back, marked down packages without consent, has shit communication, and the list goes on.

She changes her alias a lot to avoid her bad track record catching up with her. But it seems like she is still active in the lolita community and still in Japan and has been active all this time on instagram despite ignoring her customers.

What I don't understand is why someone like her is allowed to get away with the crap she pulls. Do we really need another Rosarie situation for people to stop trusting dodgy shopping services?

>> No.7168970


>> No.7169370

And the person next to her is roommates with PrettyGraffiti who was also a shopping service who ended up scamming people. What is it about Japan that turns people into scammers?

>> No.7169401

Does she live in Japan for a certain reason? Like school? It seems like she has been there (ripping people off) forever.

>> No.7169429

The one on the left is PrettyGraffiti? Stories/links? What happened?

>> No.7169455

Isn't that David on the left?

>> No.7169479

Reading skills
>person next to her is roommates with PG
Was maybe 4-5? years ago. The usual SS scam story: takes a bunch of orders, has money problems and takes more orders to pay for previous orders, system breaks down, makes up sob story about illness/personal misfortune, vanishes from internet with everyone's money

>> No.7169490
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>> No.7169522

Oh sorry, definitely misread.

How crappy though. Why are they always the same. And why do they always get away with it. It should be a given that the second a seller/SS does not communicate well, it is time to abort.

>> No.7170019

The reason there are no good SSes is because it's a very low profit, high aggravation, time consuming task and the only people who will waste their time doing it have no business or common sense (save chibi_tenshi). In Japan you can easily make $30 per hour teaching English, so why would you spend half a day out shopping, hours on email correspondence and packaging, then more time going out to a post office for the same $30 of profit?

I think people like Michan do it for ulterior motives like feeling wanted or loved by customers and shop staff, or as a vehicle for efame, or they have their own shopping addictions, or whatever personal reason, not because it is a good business. And at that point, with those motives you're probably not a very good analytical and organized businessperson.

>> No.7170030


You again? Funny that Yunni is a lot nastier than Rosaire yet I've never seen you tell Yunni to kill herself. Be consistent, woman.

>> No.7170046

And Rosaire surfaces from the depths of the Internet

>> No.7170054

Nope. Just someone who likes pointing out that Japan-anon who has lurked in rosaire threads since god knows when, saying she was a piggu American who should kill herself, is still around. If they're as concerned about scamming as they claim to be, why aren't they telling Yunni to off herself or stalking her Facebook pages? Be consistent with how you treat people you deem dodgy.

Then again, they were saying that shit about rosaire before she had actually fucked anyone over.

>> No.7170063

Nah, I use chibi tenshi almost exclusively for buying retail priced Lolita. She has made easily a $1000 off of me already. I make big purchases, a minimum of $1000 every time so it adds up, and I'm not her only customer .

>> No.7170079

I don't think you're taking into account how many customers she would need to be spending 1000bucks each time to actually make a decent living off of it. She probably pulls decent money during big releases, BUT with item restrictions it's still not that much. And not every month does a big release. And, even if you personally were spending 1000 a month with her, that's only 5%... so... 50 bucks she's making off that purchase. or 100 if it's one of the ap/baby releases she charges 10% for. Yeah, you're probably paying some portion of her cell phone bill or internet, but I don't think she has that many customers to be making rent off it.

>> No.7170080

Roughly making a grand off you would be 10,000 you've spent with her... IF it was the 10% fee... and 20,000 if it was the 5%, just throwing that out there, I don't think you've spent as much as you think you have. And her travel fees (400-600Y) are trivial to add in.

>> No.7170083

Right, but she has a job. Being a SS is just on the side.

>> No.7170085

oh I thought you were replying to that comment saying she makes her living off being an SS.

>> No.7170333
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It is so weird that she has been more active considering her past. I noticed she has started tagging her posts on instagram and tumblr... Watching her youtube videos makes me cringe though. She is trying so hard to incorporate Japanese mannerisms despite looking like such a troll.

>> No.7170385

Speaking as a former SS, it's hell. I do not recommend it to anyone unless they have a lot of time and are really desperate for cash. It is extremely time consuming for hardly any profit and I have not the slightest clue how chibi_tenshi remains sane while taking so many orders and working a full-time job. It was definitely not as easy as I had anticipated.

>> No.7170410

eww american pigdog get out of my country. yo do not look cute, you are a disgrace to the japanese soil. please take her back.

>> No.7170417

she sounds like she's from the UK

>> No.7170418

i am not used to english language accents

>> No.7170421

It's actually a fake accent. She didn't use it all the time when we lived in Korea. It would come and go depending on the day.

>> No.7170426


Her accent is fake I've met her in person a couple of times...this girl used to be friends with Mikarin and i was friends with said girl. Back then I had no idea who she was and just went to concerts.Now that I think about it she was really strange.

>> No.7170427

I guess I should also mention that she is an American. She is from New York. She lived in Korea for school and taught English, then she got bad marks teaching and left Korea for Japan. She teaches English there now.
She claims to be a mix of Chinese/French/Scottish/African American.
When I first met her, she said she moved to Korea because her boyfriend had died and she had to move out of the UK so she could move on with her life. Though, Hellie also told me that she was a hair dresser in New York city but sold her salon when she moved (didn't say which move, but a good guess is to Texas). Hellie had moved to Texas to work for some unnamed company that paid for her to go to anime conventions. She didn't elaborate much more than that and would change the subject when we asked questions. She even left Korea at one point to go back to Texas for a convention and asked if we wanted anything. We all declined and didn't hear from her again.

>> No.7170440

How in the world is she able to support herself abroad? She sounds so incompetent. I can't believe she got hired anywhere. Don't you have to kind of know Korean/Japanese to live there and work?

>> No.7170452

But... Yunni IS Mikarin? Or are there 2 Mikarins now?

>> No.7170460

A lot of her past sounds like she made it up to have an amazing life story. Typical weeb shit. Sounds like her family paid her way.

Also, does anyone else get "serial killer" vibes from her laugh.

>> No.7170497

I think her family pays for it all. I used to be friends with her on Facebook while we knew each other in Korea (before the Texas trip) and she posted a lot of pictures of them doing shit together. Plus, she does make a modest amount from teaching and (at least in Korea) her housing was paid for by the school. As for her incompetency, that is why she got red marks in Korea and left. She got enough students, parents, and teachers to complain about her and her methods (or lack of) that she got enough warnings to make her not able to hold a job there any longer.

We all didn't really believe it. We met other people at cons in Korea who had met her as well and she told them completely different things. One pair told us that she told them that she was a professional dance instructor who helped at a studio in Korea at night while she attended Uni during the day. She also said she was a singer at one point to them. I think she makes things up to try to appeal to the individual interests of the people she meets. She knew very well that my group was big on Japan, lolita and cosplay. The other pair were big into the B-Boy scene and the K-pop dance movement. I'm curious to know what pseudo life story she tells other people to see if my theory is true.

Everything about her screams "serial killer" to me. lol From her voice, made-up stories, laugh, and her obsession with certain things to her mannerisms... It's so weird.

>> No.7170501

Mikarin is Hellie/Yunni.
Mikarin came from her nickname "Mi-chan". Or the other way around. Whatever.

>> No.7170509

http://www.veoh.com / watch/v47756208MWx2n5ZF

>> No.7170587

She's not treating her service as a professional shopping service but more like a favor. And she was just going to tell the girl the seller deleted the listing instead of taking responsibility for it. And apparently that's the third time it's happened. I don't know what it is about Japan but almost every time some Youtuber/Blogger goes to visit they turn into total cunts/scammers.

>> No.7170597

what even is her accent seriously she sounds like she's from New Zealand?

>> No.7170608

fake. american bitches don't know how to fake accents.

>> No.7170713

Here's my notes on her. I find her to be an utterly fascinating train wreck.

Names: Mi-chan, Mikarin, Yunni, Yunmi, Hellie, Hettie, Michelle, Henrietta, Vanessa

Origins: from UK (can't seem to make up her mind where - northern, Liverpool, Lanceshire, Scotland), lived in Asia most of her life, spent her childhood in China, high school in New York, southern England, primary school in Beijing, was a child actress in New Zealand
half French, Chinese, Scottish, African-American

speaks French, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, German, Russian, Greek

was forced to study religious art and Latin as a child because her family works for the church and are religious maniacs

mother is a fashion designer, they traveled around the world together doing fashion shows
father is a model/bodybuilder and an awarded Cajun-style chef at some famous restaurant

Mi-chan is currently working in fashion in Japan (lol teaching English to children). She is on the telly loads and whenever she leaves her house a TV crew follows her around because of her unique style.

>> No.7170736

http://www.youtube.. com/watch?v=ZbBlKF6xoIc
Just wasted 10 minutes of my life counting all the different accents she uses in one video
New Zealand

>> No.7170773

Now the reality is probably:
Origins: 'Murrica, New York. Lived there her whole life and only recently ventured to Japan. Is and always was an ugly child who wished she was a model.
Speaks: English, shit Japanese
Mother works in retail design, father is a quick order chef.

She works in Jet/similar program of teaching english and Japanese residents from out of city take photos of the strange, ugly black girl to shock their friends.

>> No.7170817

I call EXTREME bullshit on her mix. Maybe if she was from the Caribbean or have Caribbean parents, then that mix would make more sense. But, she doesn't look mixed in the slightest. It's more like, I'm Black and my great-great grandmother was white somewhere. Haha and she claims to be part Chinese...fucking delusional.

>> No.7170827
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>child actress in New Zealand

What, was she Manu on Playschool or something?

>> No.7170837

She doesn't have a single feature that isn't incredibly common in unmixed Africans. The wide, bulbous nose with flared, down turned nostrils. The uniformly sized large teeth with front tooth gap, broad jaw, strong, bulbous chin, very small, deeply set eyes, very dark skin. Literally everything about her is the stereotypical bad features on a black woman's face! Nothing about her face makes you question if she's a little mixed, nothing!

If she were Chinese, she would have most likely lost the strong chin and would have way more fat placement in the eyes, as well as actually having cheekbones instead of a massive nasalabial muscle. If she were half french she definitely wouldn't have stayed as dark, and the stronger, thinner nose of the french is a much more dominant trait than potato nose, and the bucal fat would not nearly be as prominant. Korean, again, more fat placement around the eyes, and a much higher likelihood of high cheekbones. German would show in the nose and there's no way she'd have that weak brow bone structure if there was even a fraction of German in her. Greek would definitely mean much less fat carried on the face, and the nasal bridge would definitely be visible.

Black genes are not that overpowering that you can be up to half french and look entirely black. Not possible. She doesn't look mixed whatsoever. I feel bad for her. Black women already have it tough in the dating market, this girl has every single bad typically black feature possible without being a cartoon. She even has an ugly smile.

Here's a thread on another website showing half black admixtures. Black phenotypal traits are actually fairly recessive, except for hair and certain strains of skin pigmentation

>> No.7170839

Derp, forgot to paste:

>> No.7170862

Completely and utterly agreed. I've never met a mixed race person that didn't look mixed. Hell, even if their skin is still dark, they still looked mixed.

My mother happens to be a black/chinese/irish mix. But her dominate genes are black/chinese and doesn't look "white" at all. She has medium dark skin and very, very strong chinese features to the point that she had eyelid surgery. Basically, think Tyson Beckford...but a pretty female version.

>> No.7170868
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>http://www.youtube.. com/watch?v=ZbBlKF6xoIc

>> No.7170873
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dat shoop

>> No.7170877

They did need a lot of orcs for Lord of the Rings

>> No.7170880 [DELETED] 

Seconding this, Chinese/Black mixes always look almost 100% Chinese in facial structure, with dark skin and sometimes black hair. She looks 100% black, if she was mixed with any type of caucasian she'd be a LOT lighter. I hope her parents are proud of having a self-hating nigger daughter.

>> No.7170894

How does anyone believe her lies, seriously.

Now this >>7170773 is much more accurate and she's just a self hating black that wishes she was mixed with something.

>> No.7170898

How does that make her self-hating? Don't project maggot-skin.

>> No.7170909

Hmm, let's see. She's clearly a non-mixed black person claiming to be half-french, also scottish and chinese. Yeah, she definitely has some issues and isn't proud to be what she truly is...just a normal black person. I bet she thinks that she has to lie about being some super mix so her non-black friends will accept her. So yeah...that is self-hating.

also, not this anon.

>> No.7170914

Not that anon but usually when people lie about themselves it's because they're unhappy with what's true. I'm not saying she hates herself but I'm agreeing with what >>7170497 said about changing her background to match with what people are interested in.

But who knows, maybe she's genuinely sad that she's just black, wants to be mixed with something exotic and fancy like French/Chinese or she's just trying to be a special snowflake and be different. I just heard about her today so I haven't a clue.

>> No.7170931

Is that creature on the right a man or a woman? Is it human? I want to say it's a gorilla that's been dressed up by it's master for shits and giggles.

>> No.7170935

This anon touched a lot of great points. Now, this shouldn't come as a big surprise. But, in the black community, there is a lot of internal racism. She was probably bullied because of her very strong, black features from other blacks in particular. I wouldn't be surprised if she got some of that self-hating from her parents.

Naturally, this in no way excuses her for being a damn thief, worse she looks like an orc.

>> No.7170936

it's=it is
its=possessive pronoun, you idiot.
if you're going to put yourself on a pedestal, at least act the part.

>> No.7170960

The one on the left is a man, right is a woman.
Mind blown?

>> No.7172274

Not really, as he has already tried his best to pave his way toward the road of being an nasty bitch. He is just as bad as Mikarin sans the scamming, as of now at least. The amount of crap he has spread around and talked about behind people's backs is disgusting.

>> No.7172280

All those names... Jesus.

I sense delusional weeaboo who has had too many lonely years to make up an elaborate past. So embarrassing.

>> No.7172306

This would have interesting to read... last year.

>> No.7172979

Hoping he stays in his glorious nippon forever, as I don't ever want to see his bitchy mug in LA ever again. He's a giant pain in the ass.

>> No.7173026

I remember seeing him when I was at Laforet in Tokyo. He was talking to someone else so I didn't bother him. It's rather rude to walk up a person when he or she is talking to someone else, imo.

Girl from what I heard he was a giant pain in the ass in not only in LA, but in Washington and NYC too.

>> No.7173035


That crazy bitch Laura from the Boston Comm was always talking about her close friend in Korea named Hellie. She even tried to give her my gmail or something.

>> No.7173399

I never understood why everyone let her fly under the radar when she has been doing shit much worse than any other ss. She sits on her ass and buys releases on-line but charges everyone a transportation fee still. She has so many names because she goes to multiple stores to buy.

>> No.7173417

I remember the last time she started her SS and it seemed like NO ONE remembered her. I can't believe this lunatic hasn't been run off the internet.

>> No.7173431

She doesn't go around getting competition banned and starting online drama for attention like Rosarie does.

>> No.7173496

did you just reveal yourself as the "competition" that got in trouble because you were taking photos inside Closet Child and giving other Japan-based SSes a bad name?

>> No.7173448

I made the mistake of using her as a SS for a dress because all the other SS I knew of were booked.

She charged me the fee for transportation but then bought it online. It took her a month for her to send me a refund. She also did not tell me if she was able to buy my dress until a week after the release and ignored all of my emails.

Boycott this bitch.

>> No.7173460

My friend paid her a travel fee to look at a physical store to see if something was in stock and she NEVER EVEN LOOKED. She just kept they money and never spoke to my friend again.

>> No.7173588

The hordes of Chinese do it now and the employees don't care

>> No.7173620

I gotta roll my eyes every time somebody with weeby interests pretends to speak a dozen languages, be exotic biracial, have traveled the world, etc. because weeby interests have got to ironically be the biggest marker of somebody who doesn't get out much. This one made it to Japan, at least.

>> No.7173825

How did anon's comment sound like that at all, they couldn't even get her name right.

>> No.7174006

because the person that consistently has gotten rosaire's name wrong (and said a bulk of the "holy shit you need mental help" stuff about her--not the legit points about her descent into shitty SS but the 'kill yourself foreign piggu' crap) seems like they have a bitter reason to do so. Being someone that got in trouble because rosaire said something would be a reason.

>> No.7174106

God, that accent is grating.

>> No.7174115

>She was probably bullied because of her very strong, black features from other blacks in particular. I wouldn't be surprised if she got some of that self-hating from her parents.

I'm thinking it was definitely this. Being black myself, I can tell you, she is the type of girl that absolutely all the other black kids would have made fun of. She has all the features we would have poked fun at, so put them together, and I am damn near certain her childhood was rough.
She doesn't even look African black- at least then she would have some redeeming qualities; thinner nose, high cheekbones, better complexion. She is a straight up jungle boogie, and probably hates it.

>> No.7174270

>black community
You're obviously not black so you have no credibility.
Where did you grow up? The most bullying I've seen take place was for being very, very dark (but even that was lighthearted; we make fun of light skinned people too ie. Drake) or for having messy hair. None of that "black features" stuff. I've never seen anyone black get bullied for their features. Let me tell you the real story. She probably grew up in an inner city area and she didn't fit in because she liked animu and mango and the other kids didn't even know what that was so she grew up to be a special kawaii desu ne rorita doll scammer.

>> No.7174286
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>if she was mixed with any type of caucasian she'd be a LOT lighter.
That's not always true. I know half black half white people who are still pretty dark. Not all b/w people are stereotypical mulattos with light skin, green eyes and curly hair. Pic related. A b/w baby that just looks regular black. Yes, those are twins but there are single children like that. Not to say Mikarin is mixed. She's obviously making up ethnicities to sound special.

>> No.7174306

I grew up in TN, and lived in the ghetto for a year or two. We definitely made fun of people for having big noses, extremely dark skin (although, you're right, light kids got shit, too), big lips. We didn't call them black features, but they were the types of things we focused on.

>> No.7174369

Seriously this. Genes are funny that way. Nothing is 100% guaranteed when it comes to how the person will look. Someone can be 50/50 two different races, but look completely one race.
I've seen a little baby boy that had pale skin, blue eyes and blonde hair that looked 100% white, but had a black father and white mother. DNA test proved it was his baby because the father didn't believe it was his either.
And I remember on the news a few years ago a half black/white father and mother had twin babies and one twin looked fully white, and the other fully black.

So stop with mixed race people WILL look like this or that. You should know better that genes don't automatically work like that.

>> No.7174466

Really? I've met several.

>> No.7174488

Damn, y'all were mean. The most I heard was about tracks showing, lol.

>> No.7174545
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Uhh, redeeming qualities? Unless an African American are clearly mixed. They have those strong features. Pic elated

If you have white in your bloodline, you may get some or one of those redeeming qualities. But, this chick obviously does not.

Actually, I am.

It had nothing to do with her being a kawaii desu lolita. Not only is she very dark, but she's UGLY as sin and has every worse possible features that every black person dislikes. So yeah, she got teased and being a weeb didn't help her case any. Also this >>7174306

>> No.7174548

It's that internal racism man, its harsh. I find that black people are the most racist against their own kind.

>> No.7174626

Yep, people like >>7174545.