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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 584 KB, 960x640, IMG_7531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7160182 No.7160182[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7160290


>> No.7160294

i actually don't hate op's video that much. her mannerisms are annoying and she needs to trim her wig bangs but otherwise it seems fairly acceptable

>> No.7160300


>> No.7160307

>Transformation video
>Spends the first 40 seconds pretending to be sleepy, slurping a drink and trying to sound like Xiaorishu / she has downsyndrome.

She even does that same retarded faces like Xiao.

>> No.7160308

Holy shit, how old is she? She has such dull skin and pretty awful forehead lines.

>> No.7160316
File: 72 KB, 637x350, ss (2013-10-23 at 06.45.10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, oh man. This loser. Her anime bingo was even more cringe worthy.
>hoard of weeaboos
>suddenly this guy
>fedora tip

>> No.7160321


>> No.7160342

Man, that make up is actual shite. Like something a kid in their first year of high school would do...

>> No.7160348


This whole channel

>> No.7160352

Those faces that she made is what makes me cringe... that and her glasses don't even have fucking lenses in them!

>> No.7160360 [DELETED] 

Which one of you is up for watching Blood Raining Night?


>> No.7160361
File: 488 KB, 888x735, bloodrainingnight shes badly hurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you is up for watching Blood Raining Night?


>> No.7160370

Please tell me they weren't being serious

>> No.7160371

Oh geez, has this been confirmed the work of a troll yet?
Many points to them for that dedication if it's a troll. But endless cringe if this person is legit serious.

>> No.7160372

I'm going to be honest.
Based on the ninth episode, I think they might be serious.

>> No.7160384
File: 459 KB, 763x592, her_pirusuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please cosplay Reicheru. Please.
I would, but I don't have the extreme boobage to do the character justice.

>> No.7160391
File: 64 KB, 244x270, y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God dammit anon why did you have to suggest this. Now I'm actually considering it and hating myself already.

>mfw this won't even be the first time i've cosplayed from a terrible fanime

>> No.7160392

holy hell all of those dumb fucking expressions...
how her mouth moves whiles shes talking is super stiff and it bugs the shit out of me.

>> No.7160415

That tone got old really fast.

>> No.7160411
File: 505 KB, 975x729, bloodrainingnight alucard is sassy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you go to AX I'd be more than happy to start a shitty fanime cosplay group with you...

You know

if you want

>> No.7160418
File: 39 KB, 414x694, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hell?

>> No.7160423


M-moose-sama... my kokoro...

No but seriously, unfortunately I live more towards the East coast, but I just recently got a p. sweet job so if I decide to actually start saving for way-out-of-the-way cons I'll hit you up!

And to avoid derailing too much further, here's one of my personal faves:

>> No.7160426
File: 252 KB, 500x328, hitoshisan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg that art style

>> No.7160429

Awww. Well if you ever to come to AX, I'll always be here watching my shitty fanime.

>> No.7160430
File: 948 KB, 499x307, tumblr_mfkp6pZPUb1qdm0y0o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually though i'm pretty sure it's by this person, or at least ~inspired~ by this person. which means it's likely a self-aware piece of legitimate art.

>> No.7160433

it wasn't as bad as I expected. The only thing that actually bothers me are those contact lenses, as if she couldn't put them in the video, instead of supposedly sleeping with them in.

>> No.7160434

I made fanart before

>> No.7160436

Blood Raining Night reminds me of Tokyo Crystal Mew which never fails to make me laugh.


>> No.7160450

Muh sides, this is some good shit.

>> No.7160456


The art styles for BRN and NNSGs is different.
At least to me lol

>> No.7160473

Is this Nyan Neko Sugar Girls all over again? This feels like such an obvious joke, or, if it's real, then I'm honestly speechless.
The voiceacting and the OTT bad art kind of gives it away, like NNSG.
Still funny, tho.

>> No.7160523

I'm almost positive it's a really elaborate troll.
I feel like it's done by someone who actually does know how to draw but is purposefully making it look terrifying by just drawing quickly with a mouse or touchpad and not fixing anything.

And then there's the fact that there's almost no information on the person in real life. You'd think with so much popularity, she'd be blabbing about herself constantly, yet the internet knows next to nothing about "Rachel."
I still think Blood Raining Night is hilarious whether it's the work of a troll or not, though.

>> No.7160526
File: 99 KB, 1920x1080, AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7160525


A personal favorite of mine.

>> No.7160536

this is a great reminder to me of why i hide my power level
thank you anon

>> No.7160545

where are they now?

>> No.7160549


I know this is actually a troll video, but it still amuses me.

>> No.7160553


>> No.7160560

For a second I thought that was Victoria Suzanne

>> No.7160575

fuck I'm dying

>> No.7160599

She needs to stop pulling on her eyes or shes going to get wrinkles.

>> No.7160624



sensei hanabi is literally the best thing in the universe

At least Sonichu has the excuse of being made by a severly autistic man

>> No.7160639

Those fucking wig bangs. Seriously wtf is with that section of fringe across her face? All it does is make her look like a weeb.

>> No.7160714

For a minute I thought this was my weebly cousin.

>> No.7160730
File: 646 KB, 885x734, Bloodrainingnight SCREAMS IN ANGER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Sensei Hanabi the most legit fucking charactor in the entire series?

I'm glad that so many people are enjoying this. I've been hesitating to post this for about a year. lol...

>> No.7160732

The animation at 3:50 fucking kills me.

>> No.7160757

Excuse me "hanayubi sensei", but yeah he's fucking legit. His V.A makes me think of those old shitty learning computer games for kids in the 90's

>> No.7160755

I have been watching this whole series with my headphones on

in a mostly empty starbucks

during this episode I did the 'doubled over, uncontrollable silent laughter' thing so long and hard I started drooling

please help

>> No.7160767

It gets worse from there, I watched all 9 and died.

Korra turns a Benjamin Franklin bust into a dildo when she has sex with Sesshoumaru.

>> No.7160775

ngl she's makes an okay naruto

>> No.7160779

Ugh this chick

not only is she weeby, but she tries so fucking hard to be funny and LOLRANDUMB

>> No.7161105

I like to think that this is how the world actually looks through the eyes of a weeaboo.

>> No.7161115

Isn't she also the same girl who did that terrible moe moe kyun video?


personal fave

>> No.7161138


>> No.7161152


I swear I only see horse faced girls on the internet.

>> No.7161153

is she seriously trying to pretend she didn't order that herself? a company isn't going to know your PO box.

>> No.7161156

Jesus Christ, when I saw her face all I could think of was "AMANDA PLZ" cause it looks like she'd be doing that voice.


Does she brush those bottom teeth?

Anyway, I see what she's going for with her videos but she's like....trying too hard with her schtick.

>> No.7161160

Oh Jesus this fucking video has always stuck with me and is the the main reason I don't tell people what I'm into and avoid weebs.

>> No.7161167

She looks pretty much exactly like on of my friends, who is lolita.

I breathed such a huge sigh of relief when she talked and I knew for sure it wasn't her.

>> No.7161176

Her "startled catgirl" video is better

>> No.7161184

I lost it when his nipple started to change colour.

>> No.7161203

...I could see what was cringey in the start but the rest was pretty interesting to watch.

Voice was a bit grating but the only thing that really annoyed me was the no-lens glasses thing.

>> No.7161472

I can't believe people really make fanart of this.
...Actually, now that I say it to myself it's pretty believable.

>> No.7161499


She buys a plaid JSK thing and a plaid blouse (same colorway) and says she is going to coord them together. It made me feel insanely uncomfortable.

>> No.7161674

This one merits a spot in the Sundance Film Festival. Also, Papyrus font.


>> No.7161696

I kinda liked that. It was almost like they were lynching the ita, or something lol

>> No.7161823


Her coords aren't terrible but the bad editing is making me nauseous.

>> No.7161910

why does she sound like she's about to cry? and I'm so sick of "ya i buy bodyline because i can't afford brand and brand is ugly anyways" no one cares about bodyline anymore, really. we all know that if it's worn right, some bodyline can look really nice. just stop trying to be a special snowflake because you're upset there are other people into lolita as well.

>> No.7161913

This girl really needs some coord/fashion help. She said she didn't know what color cardigan to buy for her JSKs so she got plaid blouses instead? WTF...

>> No.7161987


>> No.7161996

I'm wondering the same thing. And how she seems to have some sort of random dislike of attaching the extra bows to her clothes.
This one is awful. I'm going to assume she isn't part of any comms, but if she is, someone please help this girl.
>all that fucking plaid

Captcha: learn ofhstd

>> No.7162262
File: 63 KB, 240x157, june.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>fox guy in crowd doing Roxbury during dubstep

>> No.7162431


There's no 'video' portion perse, it's just a song. But the lyrics and the guy's voice makes me cringe.

>> No.7163757


Dat lip sync.

>> No.7163951

This is honestly the most hilarious things I've seen on the internet since My Immortal. Holy shit. Thank you, /cgl/, thank you. Just added years to my life from laughing.

>> No.7164215

I've seen this so many times and I've only just realised that the person on the left, in the black shirt, is a chick.

>> No.7164223

How fuck could you even think that was a guy

It's more insulting to your intelligence than her.

>> No.7164226



>> No.7164295

Won an award

>> No.7164313

At dirst I was like. Her editing is nice. But then I watched till the end

>> No.7164315

I just failed miserably. I only meant to post this link but then I quoted anon. Sorry anon

>> No.7164559


>> No.7164650

I want to meet this girl, and I want to hit her.

I just want to hit her.

>> No.7164656

Please do. I know her in person and she's a real drama queen

>> No.7164662

that was kind of funny tho

>> No.7164776


>> No.7164793



>> No.7164811


Also this one about `~*HATERZ*~`

I've never made it past the first 30 seconds of this video because she comes across so obnoxious and forced

>> No.7164830

holy shit she made a 'gal' tutoral video too


you can tell shes taking the piss but I think she's possibly butthurt at the community for some reason

she keeps making all kinds of digs at gyaru style and its a wonder some tumblr fag hasn't jumped on her for 'slut shaming'

also her taste in music is utter shit

>> No.7164853



Please note, nobody showed up to this.

>> No.7164937

god she's so damn bossy, no wonder no one showed up

>> No.7164948

>only using a wipe in the morning to wash her face
cringe so much

>> No.7164970

Hahaha her facebook link is literally the facebook link

>> No.7165012

I have a friend who only uses facial wash wipes to remove her makeup, wash her face, everything. I don't even know if she uses moisturizer. She's 25, looks 18, and has great skin. I fucking can't even with her.

>> No.7165068


>> No.7165115


>> No.7165124

She's obviously a person who can't take a single ounce of criticism, constructive or not. She probably made a shitty attempt at Gyaru and got insulted by some girls in the com (and honestly those girls are so idiotic and basic when it comes to insultsl; just the basic fat, ugly, etc) and made the tutorial video as a lame comeback. How old is she? She acts like a fifteen year old.

>> No.7165128

I dunno, I know some youtubers have their PO box listed on their channel. Actually, if you click on the video and view from youtube it's even in the description. It's possible one of her followers/subscribers sent it to her too, just put her PO as the address when they ordered it. I mean yes I doubt the company themselves actually sent it to her but it's not that hard for someone who isn't her to have sent it.

>> No.7165131

People like this need to just get the fuck off web 2.0. There's no way they can be the internets celebrities they want to be.

>> No.7165132

I do this, am 22 and look 15, nice skin save for a scar from a spider bite, no moisturizer, use body bar on face in the shower. Feelsgoodman.

>> No.7165135

that fucking room.

>> No.7165160


>> No.7165180

not even gonna lie, as awful as this was, it looks like it was a blast to make. I miss doing shit like this with my friends.

>> No.7165310

I do like that tail tutorial though....

>> No.7165332

thats because the body wash is so alkaline that its drying your skin out slowly, therefore causing little to no breakouts. enjoy your dry flaky skin when youre older.

>> No.7165451

Kindly eat a bag of dicks.

>> No.7165563

Ugh fuck yooouuu
My other friend has AMAZING skin, so soft and lovely, and she only uses a gentle cleanser. No lotion or anything.

fucking nice skin people

I could literally rub sand and acid on my face or bathe it in lotion and it'd be like "haha this makes no difference"

>> No.7165584

WTF hold up for a second. The intro song on the later Blood Raining Night vids is an ACTUAL song??! I knew about Vocaloids before this, but this fucking song, what the shit?!
>sacrifice of maidenhead for you
>feel the deadly sin of bitch's hole
>white like a rotten egg of frog
>sweet like hot chocolate
>smells awful like a cesspool
Her vagina smells like a cesspool?!
What the actual fuck? How is this a well known Vocaloid song? Who listens to this??
Some pretty hxc black metal lyrics all up in this bitch

>> No.7165660

bunch of my friends dove head first into vocaloid when it first became popular. I don't fucking get it. The voices all sound like shit, especially Miku. Unless the song is an electro style song where an off key robot voice works well it all sounds terrible.

Whoever came up with the idea of vocaloids was a genius when they decided to stick kawaii anime mascots on their software.

>> No.7165679

it's a joke confirmed

>> No.7165849

Don't be jealous, because my perfect skin is balanced out by crippling IBS and dysfunctional kidneys. bawww my life.

>> No.7165858

her other videos are a lot more cringe worthy. this one's actually kinda funny.

>> No.7165864

I like a few vocaloid artists, most of which made enough headway to switch to real singers by now, but people who like "vocloids" or think "miku is a good singer" should be fucking castrated, they're not artists they're fucking pictures on a damn software box.

>> No.7165869

I don't understand it either. I used to know this girl who would download literally every single shitty Miku song off of Youtube/Nico Nico and play them in the car on the way to cons. Never again.

Seriously, the only song I like is Just Be Friends, but the cosplays from it are almost always lazy and shitty. I can't even enjoy it because I'm always reminded of the crap costumes. It's like the L of Vocaloid cosplays.

>> No.7165870

I'll just leave this here


>> No.7165888

What in the fuck

>> No.7165976

She isn't cute though

>> No.7166048

she's deleted a lot of the super shitty videos now

>> No.7166099

That main song she was using made me want to kill myself.

>> No.7166102

the fucking music and what is with her disgusting tangled wig/hair that she keeps fluffing up?

>> No.7166108

That's at the SJ Mariott right?

>> No.7166199

i took a look at the other vids on her channel... she has two separate ones about pregnancy scares? I can't even watch the full video because of her level of voice though

>> No.7166271

She sounds like one of those people who think like the first time you have sex you will get pregnant for sure. She mentions having periods and getting a neg on tests yet still is thinking she may be so after months.

>> No.7166291

Can't make it through the videos, but I'm a naturally anxious person and even with proper protection I still worry about pregnancies. I've never had regular periods and they tend to vary a lot in heaviness (one will last a week, crippling cramps, next two will be three days barely any blood). I've seen people about it and they've said it's a non-issue. With media these days and the whole "four months pregnant and unaware" stories and stuff, when you have a few light periods in a row or skip one it can be easy to get concerned. Or when you have sex ten times a week and know BC is only 99% effective... it feels like it's a matter of time.

No clue why you would make a public video about it, but I can understand getting nervous.

>> No.7166361

oh my god that sounds like hell

>> No.7166373

I understand getting nervous about things, but she is beyond worried. When you are at the point where you are going to multiple doctors and being told no and still think you may be pregnant, its in your head.

I kinda feel like she doesnt have any friends to talk to and so videos are the way of confiding to someone.

>> No.7166377

here is a drunk pikachua

i actually really like these two canadian girls and this video isn't cringe worthy in the sense like 'you ita piece of shit' ...it's more like omg i can't believe you did that


>> No.7166385

Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that she has no likes on her facebook page? I know it's only been up for like 2 weeks but not even her friends have liked it. That's just sad.

>> No.7166388

/r/ more terrible lolita ones, I've just been searching through the channels of the people already posted at this point, but I need more.

>> No.7166402

hahaha, I kind of have one. just a moment.

>> No.7166405

brace yourself
she's a furry, too

>> No.7166406
File: 189 KB, 371x540, 1280642426507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope your bodies are prepared for this.


>> No.7166409


>> No.7166410

I was not prepared and caught my dick in the ceiling fan.

>> No.7166415
File: 19 KB, 426x320, ah help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This made me physically ill. I hope you're happy with yourself.

>> No.7166423


>> No.7166426

im sorry guys but i honestly like this video
they're just so happy to get the fucking foam

>> No.7166428

Eh, just the way they act in public is what gets me

>> No.7166455

well the tutorial and thing she made were terrible, she wasn't as aspie as I was expecting with your description though, lol

>> No.7166459

every time I see this video I just don't think it's so bad. They're not bothering anyone, they didn't make a huge mess, they were just really excited and made a silly video. Maybe it's because I used to do this kind of stuff with my friends when I as younger.

>> No.7166462
File: 19 KB, 560x398, FUUUUUUUUU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to stop when the fucking drums started beating. Oh my god. Why is it that people from Europe have no shame in their weeb behavior? I was reading these comments on a video of Japaneese people eating nasty Sweetish candy and having funny reactions to it, and all the comments from Nords were shit like, "I love K-pop and I think Korean woman are very sexy!!!" The video had nothing to do with anything weeb. That shit is not flattering, Europeans. I would never hear people saying shit like that to asian people in America. I know that a lot of the comments in that video are weeb, but the content is also weeb, so it attracts that crowd.

>> No.7166469

Nah Americans just call Asians chinks and tell them to get back on the boat or learn English.

Seriously though, have you never been American weebs? Do you live in a cave? The fuck.

>> No.7166471

*seen not been

Also here in Canada we have a surplus of guys who fetishise Asian women. Craigslist is stuffed full of 50+ year old white men asking for a gentle and submissive Asian lady.

It's not just Europe.

>> No.7166498

America is actually a lot more tolerant towards foreigners then Europe, Miss Canadian. Also, I was comparing Europe to America, I never said that Canadians aren't total faggots themselves. (cuz you are).

>> No.7166503
File: 295 KB, 1248x617, racial-tolerance-map-hk-fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna get deleted, but anyhow here you stupid little canadian shit.

>> No.7166512



>> No.7166516

india so gross

>> No.7166603

I was simply stating that the rest of the world, including America, can also be total faggots, it's not a problem contained in Europe.

>> No.7166632

It's just a lot worse in Europe.

>> No.7167657

Ugh... Those faces that she was making were ridiculous. Plus those tangles are going to be a bitch to get out!

>> No.7167686
File: 1.57 MB, 300x200, 1298052207313.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*continues maor laughing*
i empathize with the people who get a little fondly reminiscent of their teenagehood while watching this, but these are adults living on their own and still behaving like this... and after watching the driver run and yank and roll around with the foam, it makes me question the validity of her handicap placard and then i get pretty flustered at her joy of being able to take the spot "first!" because that implies that someone shares the lot who also needs the spot. :c

>> No.7167817

>>charlie the unicorn + twerking
>>white bitches

>> No.7168015

It's nice to see people so innocently enjoying themselves, but these two are just fucking annoying as hell.

>> No.7168035

It's actually kind of sad because mira (the one in the pikachu kigu) is CRAZY AS FUCK. Both her and Sharla are kind of interesting though and their videos are fun to watch

>> No.7168066

Whenever I see stuff like this I can't help but wonder "are there Japanese people who do this with western stuff?".

>> No.7168235

Yes. We call them westaboos.

>> No.7168259

Need visual evidence. Have links?

>> No.7168731
File: 31 KB, 277x320, 1381609985534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what cgl ACTUALLY believes

>> No.7168786

It really isn't

>> No.7168790
File: 16 KB, 300x223, kyon4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is that people from Europe have no shame in their weeb behaviour?

You mean weebs in general...

>> No.7168810
File: 229 KB, 650x365, YuruYuri01-00201-650x365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your voice is that high like that just naturally and everyone always thinks you are just doing it to pretend to be "cute" or something

It makes sense in person because I am tiny, but over the internet not so much, I wish it sounded more normal instead the sound of my own voice is terrible

>> No.7168819

>well this isn't too bad
>"DISCLAIMER:I do not own Invader Zim." hmm I wonder what that's about
>don't have patience to watch so skip to end

>> No.7168823

I believe she mentioned she is legally deaf? also the parking lot was empty as it is so I doubt they were really taking any needed space...

I know more about these fucking girls then I have ever wanted to, goddamn

>> No.7168826

Someone made a review equally cringe worthy:

Just wait for what he says at the end, JUST WAIT

>> No.7168828
File: 234 KB, 335x288, tumblr_inline_mrokufwPnH1qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"My mocha dumpling, come back!"
Jesus fucking Christ, my EARS.

>> No.7168841

All I could think of is Old Gregg after the "booty" scene...

Sorry that it's not a weeb video, but it's all I can think of now

>> No.7168851
File: 14 KB, 399x286, 1379125009049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who da fuk keep ban me

>> No.7168855


waaaaaaaat, the slap at the end

>> No.7168859

Not sure about Japanese people but American 'Anglophiles' are horrendous.
They view England/Britain as a wonderful magical land filled with One Direction, red buses, tea and Benedict Cumberfucks.

>> No.7168865

I usually like the Vocaloid songs where you can't tell it's a fucking robot. Some people manage to manipulate the sounds to the point where it's almost decent, and having good instrumentals helps cover up the choppy robot voice. Everything with Miku is fucking grating, though.


Never forget.

>> No.7168895

Every Venus video. What does she keep acting like a retard and WHY people find it appealing I will never understand.

>> No.7168902


>> No.7168911


she looks like a fucking frog. huge mouth, huge nose, no chin.

>> No.7168930

Her way of applying makeup is herrendous, especially the eyeliner, not to mention the colors she used(tacky silver shimmer, anyone?) but she looks cute at the end...

>> No.7168949

Is she talking to herself in a different costume at the beginning of the video?

Jesus tittyfucking christ...

>> No.7168954


>I'm totemo not kawai desuuu

>> No.7171255
File: 167 KB, 641x600, fuckingfuckshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's brolitajenny's new video. His serial killer voice is fucking terrifying. You need to watch it all the way through. It just keeps getting worse. He even sticks a fan under his dress to make it billow out, cue orgasm sounds. It reminds me of a Saw video. "Don't I look pretty? Isn't this a pretty dress?"


>> No.7171273

This feels like something I'd be forced to watch before he murders and eats me.

>> No.7171291
File: 487 KB, 500x237, 54280940275674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This honestly gave me really, really bad anxiety. I can't believe this is a serious video. It's honestly the creepiest thing I've seen in a while. What kind of person would film that, edit, and think it's suitable for public eyes? Just...what was he even thinking when he made this? And then he starts moaning and showing his boner. Someone should use this video and make a modernized version of Silence of the Lambs.

>> No.7171302

>not posting this video

>123 let's start!
>guu guu guu
>biggu eye desu
>big dorry eyesu

>> No.7171324

> This makeup tutoriaru is inspired by KotaKoti and Venus Angelicu!!!!!!!! They are my makeuppu idoru!

I'm 100% sure this is meant to be a joke.

>> No.7171523


>> No.7171702
File: 108 KB, 700x700, time to have nightmares.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7172010
File: 2 KB, 114x125, 1359315236153s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was susprisingly less repulsive than most of the "normalfag" sororidesu bitches' atiitudes here

>> No.7172080


>> No.7172088

I regret every single second my eyes have feasted upon his shit.

>> No.7172149
File: 48 KB, 948x881, bobross200-4a8d033ed799a71520307066932c4126f1821016-s6-c30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello friends. I hope you are all having a nice night. Did you know that otters hold hands while they sleep so they don't drift apart at sea? It's true! And now we're going to watch a fun little old video.


>> No.7172163

What is with people on Youtube and acting like they just snorted mountains of cocaine? So many of these videos are just annoying people talking really quickly.

>> No.7172168

When I watched this I face palmed and flipped off my computer screen at the same time. I just- how old is that kid? Was he on crack?

>> No.7172185
File: 14 KB, 350x328, 1282183701341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought he was kawaii until he opened his mouth. Holy shit.

By the number of people that do the exact same shit to get attention, I have to wonder if they're all mentally broken somehow. Is it an American thing? Do kids act like this in other countries?

>> No.7172216


that was 4 years ago, here he i today being faaaaaaabbulouuus


>> No.7172228

an oldie but a goodie



>> No.7172295

I'm confused and afraid.

>> No.7172373
File: 1.67 MB, 250x142, 1380171766702.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This happened in my state
>In my area

>> No.7172540
File: 3 KB, 123x126, 1329349757112s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cute.

>> No.7172582

Hush, my friends. I am here to save you. This channel is what you all need


>> No.7172584

i see you are not well aquainted with brolita jenny

>> No.7173037

I think that fluoride water made him retarded.

>> No.7173076

Do people really enjoy shit like this? I never got the YT "talk as quickly as possible in an annoying voice and be lolsorandom" brand of humor.

>> No.7173090

Oh shit, I used to be in her local comm. Glad to see she's not changed.

>> No.7173182

One of her subscribers sent it to her, not the company. They had it delivered to her PO box as a gift.

>> No.7173208

graveyardgirl is bomb
don't even go there

>> No.7173236

Is it just me who thinks she should stop plucking her brows? They're practically non-existent and for the whole video I was wondering when she'd fill them in.

>> No.7173245
File: 4 KB, 250x140, 1347560769949s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like a trap.
I smell age play seeeverrellly. Then it just got awkward.
Yeah, it's a joke.. but even a terrible troll..
>>Wow there's an 8th video huh lets what
>>22 seconds in I stop

>> No.7173277

Did no one notice that god awful gagging noise that occurred like three times in that video?

>> No.7173285

oh FUCK he's active again
this is why we hate him god damn it

>> No.7173299

Wait, he was serious? With your prompt, I was expecting a "JK this entire thing is the biggest shitstorm I've ever seen on the internet", but this dude was genuine?

God dammit, humanity.

>> No.7173301


I have a friend who just headed there for the next month and she's totally flipping her shit over everything. She's worse than most weeaboos I've seen.

>> No.7173318

Amerifag here. As shameful as it is, I thought along almost those exact lines when I was that age. Because OMG SO RANDOM SO FUNNY SO CRAZY. Thankfully, my parents were terrified of the internet so I never had that outlet to fuel the fire, and it died out pretty quick. Now I'm just a cynical bitch and it's wonderful.

>> No.7173321

I am so thankful I didn't have access to any recording devices during my annoying weeb years. All I did was make shitty "OC do not steal" characters and write some shitty story about a witch harem.

>> No.7173333
File: 207 KB, 383x561, ohokay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because standing over a fan in a dress while hard doesn't fetishize a fashion.

>> No.7173391

how do you live with yourself after that

>> No.7173394
File: 193 KB, 150x200, 2 Sexy 8 Me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Oh nya nya ~

>> No.7173404

The music is more hilariously bad than I could ever have expected wow.

>> No.7173490

I am not going to watch this I am not going to watch this

>> No.7173502
File: 11 KB, 170x280, Johnson's Eye Bleach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy -must- be autistic. You just can't be this sick of a fuck without autism.

>> No.7173457

sensei hanabi's flashback in episode 7 made me weep and i have never been so ashamed

>> No.7173671

Why??? We're a clusterfuck of highways and fat people.

>> No.7173675

Oh god I know how you feel.

I literally force my voice lower constantly so that people stop telling me how annoyingly high pitch my voice is.

Fucking hate when people raise their voices to try and sound cute

>> No.7173685

That's.... that's just really sad.

>> No.7173692


>> No.7173693

dat greeting


>> No.7173753

As bad as this video is, at least she can coord not terribly

>> No.7173840

Pretty much any self-made cosplay video on youtube is cringeworthy. It's all socially awkward young women making fools of themselves.

>> No.7173985

Not sure if it is austism, but he is mentally disabled. Cant get a job and so lives with his parents while being in his 30s. What makes it funny is that there is an awareness by the parents of what he is doing, his mom caught him once in her dresses.

>> No.7174028

I can't understand most of what she's saying. She seriously needs to learn to enunciate.

>> No.7174053


Claims she's gyaru/gal a lot. I'm personally amazed she can actually reach her own face.

>> No.7174077


If you think his videos are bad, you should see his old blog posts.

>> No.7174090

She's obsessed with that Bleach salon and wants to go to the Vidal Sassoon Academy but can't afford it right now, so she's just visiting and buying a bunch of souvenirs instead. I actually had to unsubscribe from all social media links I had to her because she was so obnoxious in updating and taking pictures of every little thing, and how omg it would be so great to live here and I feel like this is home, etc.

This creeped me out nearly as much as brolitajenny.

>> No.7174093

She's actually cute she just needs to lose a hell of a lot of weight

>> No.7174125


>> No.7174285

I'm Korean. Was that supposed to be Korean? I'm pretty sure it was. But I'm not entirely sure what she wanted to say.

>> No.7174364


This is single-handedly the worst thing I have ever seen on /cgl/. Who is this guy, exactly? Anybody have any info?

>> No.7174485

Dude blocked me on Youtube. Clearly baaaaaaawtism.

>> No.7174514

If Elijah Wood were a fat chick?

>> No.7174546


Lady Lolita Jenny. I'm not a lolita and I don't have any first-hand experience with him, but I saw the threads when he first started making an appearance.

>"I-I am a brolita, but I'm not trans, I'm not gay and I'm not a sissy!"
>started sending lolis on Tumblr asks like, "How do I hide my erection in dresses? I get so aroused when I wear them and I'm not sure how to hide it..."
>made this big 'baaww' blog post about how men have it harder than women because 'women reject men' and that 'women shouldn't complain about giving birth because getting kicked in the balls hurts way worse'
>publicly admitted his mother walked in on him while he was masturbating in one of her dresses
>the dress in his videos is one that she hesitantly gave him because he freaked her out so bad

Seagulls kind of ruined it, though, by flooding his Tumblr with harassment. Disappeared for a while but I think he has a new blog instead.

>> No.7174592

At least her skin looks good, from what I can see in that low Q vid. I wish mine looked that nice.
Hate the kawaii desu faces, though.

>> No.7174657


That looked like a lot of fun to make, even if it was kinda bad.

>> No.7174777

Shit the video is down and I didn't get to see it.

>> No.7174796

>video removed

>> No.7174802

Oh, he's still around. There's a thread about him on PT. It looks like he's moved from Tumblr and is active on Google+.

>publicly admitted his mother walked in on him while he was masturbating in one of her dresses
Every time anything about this guy shows up, I just have to wonder why. Like from a psychological standpoint, how does that work?

>> No.7174804


>"I'm going to show you how I transform from Mr. O to Jenny!"
>puts on bra and stuffs it
>shoves MASSIVELY FAT stomach into shapewear
>"Isn't this a pretty dress? It's beautiful..."
>stands over a fan and moans/hums like a lunatic
>steps way from the fan, "And...now, as you can see, I am aroused."

Be thankful you did not watch it.

>> No.7174806


Link to PT thread?

>> No.7174809

More LadyLolitaJenny goodness.


>> No.7174825

>Like from a psychological standpoint, how does that work?
There are people who have said in other threads that his behaviour is very similar to people who are into submission play/sissy/humiliation aspects of several fetishes. He gets off not only to the dresses, but the idea of being talked down to/berated/etc. That's why he keeps coming back after claiming that he's going to run away from everyone bullying him. The issue is that sensible people into those fetishes know to keep it between themselves and their partner/dom/whatever. He just throws it at everyone who says more than ten words to him because he has no clue how to differentiate between normal social interaction and fetish interactions.

He's basically the sissy version of a foot fetishist who tries to massage everyone's feet at the beach.

>> No.7174837

Sorry. That may partly be my fault. I think I made him cry sissy tears.

>> No.7174860


What did you say?

>> No.7174926

I just told him what a sick, creepy autistic fuck he was. And then he blocked me. And then deleted the video. Whoops?

>> No.7174957

That only increases my curiosity, you jizzmonkey.

>> No.7175004

Does anyone else think that besides the fact that the video is creepy/fetishy/whatever, the weird "audience laughter" makes it fuck all crazy? It's kind of scary.

>> No.7175006


There was even more of it in the removed video. He put in the laughter while he was putting on the bra and shapewear.

>> No.7175015

Why... why would a person do that? Psychological or not, I just- I don't understand. Christ. And he masturbates in his mom's dresses! That's just- I mean- oh hell, I don't even know. It's fucking creepy is what it is.

>> No.7175188
File: 289 KB, 600x558, sick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God, this girl pisses me off so bad.

>> No.7175225


I am terribly afraid it was actually supposed to be korean, yes. She says it in the beginning of almost all her videos.

I just don't get how the hell you can fuck it up THAT bad.

>> No.7175260

I think it was, holy shit. I had to replay several times before I heard it. How do you fuck up such a simple greeting?

>> No.7175262

you fuckwit, don't you people learn anything? You just sit back and watch the show.

>> No.7175299

This makes me really uncomfortable.

>> No.7175305

Here you can watch two fat chicks who think they're Japanese eat Japanese sweets, making themselves even fatter!

The channel isn't active anymore from the looks of it, but its got enough to give you second-hand embarrassment.


>> No.7175345



These were surprisingly easy to find again. Good luck making it through the entire thing of either, I never have.

>> No.7175347

There is nothing anybody can do to make me not know if something is autotuned or not.

>> No.7175593


He also INSISTS that he doesn't want to be a lolita for sexual reasons.

>> No.7175696

It was like bad fanfiction. Especially the first one. Very bad, poorly acted fanfiction.

>> No.7175723

>dat singing

I don't even...

>> No.7175724

Holy shit i've been trying to find these for a laugh, may Mana bless you

>> No.7175730

The music in this one and the expression on his face is terrifying

>> No.7175752

I have goosebumps. I haven't seen anything that creepy since I was a kid. Is there any way to, I don't know, report him or something?

>> No.7175945

I know those are all his mother's dresses, but it makes it that much creepier for me that he has those old lady outfits.
I am really uncomfortable right now. Normally stuff like this doesn't get to me, but damn. Something is really not right about him. He's going to go on to be a serial killer or something.

>> No.7175978

wtf brand is she talking about modeling for in the most recent video (2 years ago but it's th emost recent upload) i can't understand her

>> No.7175988

I think she said Dream Wear? I have no idea though, she kind of mumbled/talked too fast when she said it.

>> No.7176015

ffs, everyone go beg him to put the video back up. Tell him what an inspiration he is and how we want to see more.

>> No.7176451


>> No.7176465

Well, I am creeped out by how much L looks like my sister-in-law.

>> No.7176471

Yes, it's Dream Wear, I went looking and found their page on Facebook:

>> No.7176522

I still don't understand why they thought of this for an anime convention.

>> No.7176534

I didn't really find this cringeworthy so much as extremely absurd. Well "memesical" made me cringe.

>> No.7176592

>That moment when you realize what these kids parents go through
>But dad, everyones doing it. It's cool!

>> No.7176595

... I dont see your cosplay on a T.V. show.
But i do understand

>> No.7176646

That man has a stupid hat.

>> No.7176774

i watched this whole fucking video to find out what the foam was for and they never fucking say. did they seriously drop $80 on foam just to like fuck around with it...?

>> No.7176845


>> No.7176854

one of those girls is amazing at making fursuits and costumes of that nature. I remember when that video was first posted to cgl, someone brought up one of the girl's work and posted it, I think it was a pokemon cosplay, and it was really cool.

>> No.7176870

she's the fursuiter who did the the toothless quad suit too, she is pretty talented and probably makes quite a bit of money on it. I know she also sells fiberglass shells for the heads that move and what not

>> No.7176902

It's just too bad she acts like she's twelve.

>> No.7176912

well... that's pretty normal for that community lol

>> No.7177018

The pain...

>> No.7177027

Oh for crying out loud Jenny


also somebody make a fake G+ to get the old video sent to them.

>> No.7177030

Oh, dear lawd. This is that girls favorite brand? Poor thing.

>> No.7177123

it does appear to have given him super white teeth though

>> No.7177128

why does she say "jay-ess-kay" that made me cringe more than anything

>> No.7177387


Literally one of the worst skits they could have done to be on national television.

>> No.7177482
File: 19 KB, 166x225, grim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Female Castiel
>9th Doctor


>> No.7177485


He should do a W-w-w-walt Jr. cosplay.

>> No.7177512

At least that 9th Doctor had the ears/nose for it.

>Jon Snow
>Looks more like Rob Stark

>> No.7177817

Dat ninth doctor...

>> No.7177858


This got circulated in my rp circle. I don't understand why any of them thought they were being cute.

>> No.7177973

At least they were having fun. Look at those smiles.

>> No.7178029


>> No.7178299



>> No.7178338

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkzMQ52AM7g i just giggle snorted
what the actual fuck hahahahasdhflaskg it's so fat

>> No.7178343

completely off topic but i have that blue sunbuddy

>> No.7178362

it's on the first page or so of rosechan/stamina rose

>> No.7178393

The original uploader of this video is a furry/vore fetishist who is responsible for all kinds of cringe but this is special:
(Skip to the 1 min mark, then 2.40 for the lowlights)

>> No.7178427

I come from a far off board, and I must say, your videos make me cringe if only just a bit.


I hope you enjoy our spaghetti.

>> No.7178593

what the flying fuck.

>> No.7178826

I recently found out Andrew Hussie graduated from my college, and every time I see this I want to transfer.

>> No.7178918

Aghh he even has his fedora and everything bbbbb I couldn't even watch half of the video

>> No.7179043

That is one derpy-ass quadsuit.
I don't understand how people can be comfortable in them, but this just looks, the most uncomfortable to maneuver in.

>> No.7179067

He is singing so much faster and off from the music.
This is hard to watch.

>> No.7179642

Oh jeez, this kid.
I feel embarrassed for him

>> No.7179829

Contributing these two to the thread:


>> No.7179885

Jesus Christus, I forgot this video existed.

>> No.7179984

These videos and just people complaining about others criticizing plus-sized cosplayers in general frustrate me me.

Everybody gets criticized but that's not really the point. If you have a problem with being criticized because you're fat then just get off your butt and try to lose weight. It's not going to happen right away but you can use those mean comments about your weight drive you.

>> No.7180776


>> No.7180821

Holy shit. This landwhale had to order two fucking skirts and Frankenstein them together to even wear that shit. I may vomit. That hat is massively too fitting.

>> No.7181001


>> No.7181498
File: 114 KB, 263x284, Roah cr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god. This is just hard to sit through.


>> No.7181625

I might just have a mediocre sense of humour but I actually found that amusing at some parts.

>> No.7181877
File: 49 KB, 500x503, 480662_434764519938716_1639170163_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Levan Polka kills me every time. It is Ievan Polkka goddamit. Or Eva's Polka if you want to write it in english. You can even say Ievan Polokka but in no way do you write it as Levan Polka.

>> No.7181900

t's so creepy how her face has fucking LAYERS as seen better here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rC7_-A-A7Y&feature=c4-overview&list=UUgyPHDi7YMUDe9B6UhY7_dg but she's totally less creeptastic here.

>> No.7182058
File: 46 KB, 446x446, 1383447817859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes there is, anon. There is.
I have come across some of them and so has my brother. They're scary as fuck. At least because I have never encountered a western weeaboo outside of internet and the Japanese seems to be even more scary and crazy.