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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 45 KB, 514x667, nazi-cosplay-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7166896 No.7166896[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Need help finding detailed pictures, diagrams, or anything on Nazi Germany officer uniforms.
Help an aspiring costume creator out, guys.

>> No.7167373

Go fuck yourself

>> No.7167383
File: 46 KB, 582x425, wwii-nazi-german-ss-m32-uniform-set-a4e20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch please. you know they dress well

>> No.7167388
File: 718 KB, 1574x2403, Ilsa_she_wolf_of_ss_poster_02 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What officer? Kriegsmarine? Waffen-SS? SA? Wermacht? Combat uniform? Dress Uniform?


>> No.7167389

For god's sake, do we need these comments every time a thread like this pops up? Yes, Nazis were bad, whoohoo thanks for pointing it out anon, constructive discussion on the costume aspects now please

>> No.7167390

We don't know what the hell your looking for! SS dress uniform by the looks of it?

>> No.7167392
File: 146 KB, 654x539, 1383029506757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hessen antique
spearhead militaria (ebay seller name barrylyndon54 or some shit)
1944 militaria
kelley's militaria
at the front has a links section go to links and look for vendors and there's a huge list.

Now go. I'll try to hold them off while you escape.

>> No.7167399

What this person said. There were so many different German military branches and groups. Also, for the love of god stop referring to the military as "Nazi". Only around 1/6th of the German people were actually Nazi's.

>> No.7167402
File: 1.98 MB, 2983x2895, 1224216119777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7167404

What I find hilarious is that the camo we are switching to in the US military is using SS variants. Also, this is just SS camo divisions. There are so many different uniforms the Germans used. I mean hell, Panzer uniforms had NEON PINK PIPING on the shoulder boards/hat/trim.

>> No.7167409
File: 76 KB, 830x1000, 1380737751465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I know, I'm a reenactor.

>> No.7167410

Me too=D

>> No.7167411
File: 1.90 MB, 427x240, 1382225440262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7167412
File: 271 KB, 2048x1416, 1218516408478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everything fades away. Most is recycled. WW2 Germany's influence is affecting the WORLD in modern day.

case and point russian (spetsnaz?) troops wearing SOMETHING VERY SIMILAR TO W-SS "OAK PATTERN"

>> No.7167414
File: 17 KB, 325x460, 125133013778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My power levels are showing a little. Yeah, so...?

>> No.7167417

And that looks more like a pork pie hat then a fedora.

>> No.7167415

I don't think you quite know how to use that gif.

>> No.7167449
File: 97 KB, 800x700, panzerjacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pink-on-black looks glorious. I'd get this if I knew I didn't look ridiculous wearing it.

>> No.7167542
File: 147 KB, 759x600, 759px-Bundeswehr_G36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Germans themselves still wear camo that's influenced by the oak pattern. Most modern tactics are derived from the German doctrine as well.

>> No.7167581

>hugo boss
well obviously

>> No.7167911
File: 436 KB, 425x566, Zaklad_by_ThaddeusQuay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to tumblr with you, scum.

>> No.7167916

Not that guy, but putting nazi fetishism on /cgl/ is stretching it a bit.

>> No.7167938

One of my fantasies is doing a BSDM shoot where I play the gay jew with some really andro looking blonde in an SS/Gesta officers uniform. All in an abandoned warehouse with a translucent roof.

>> No.7167942


>> No.7167945


then again, I can't be the only one.

>> No.7169476


>> No.7169503

I appreciate the irony of all these fetish types romanticizing Nazism and getting tattoos of it when they'd probably be the first to get gassed since they look like everything opposite of aryan. Ugly slav bignose.

>> No.7169504

me three!

>> No.7169510

you are a jerk

>> No.7169516

God those uniforms are so sleek. Couldn't they have belonged to anyone but the Nazis?

>> No.7169957
File: 51 KB, 970x1092, 1364634533241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7169986
File: 42 KB, 600x600, 1332364299116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has everyone forgotten about the Anime Boston Incident already?

OP is a faggot
You have to be fucking insensitive and ignorant as fuck to actually "cosplay" legit nazi uniforms

>> No.7169989
File: 33 KB, 251x242, 1376781159466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bad shit will happen
real bad shit
like not just to your rep, yes the majority of the internet will hate you...but expect to actually get beaten close to death or shot

>> No.7169998

Sounds like some people need to check their privilege and let nazi uniforms roam as they please. Lets organize a Nazi Walk and protest that we should be alowed to dress as we please without the danger to be attacked.

>> No.7170024

cant tell if sarcasm

>> No.7170042

i checked my privilege today already and it was only at 2.6 ppb

>> No.7170050

Are people really that butthurt because of nazi uniforms?

And if someone wore a american or english uniform it would have been ok? Not like those commited atrocities as well, except that they swept it under the rug, because that is the advantage of the winners.

>> No.7170064

everything about this post..

please kill yourself

>> No.7170111

It's true though. One day Nazis will be okay costume territory, it will probably not be for another 200 yeas though.

>> No.7170539
File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1080, procssp112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people obviously never watched Hellsing, Black Lagoon, Hetalia, the FMA movie, Ping Pong CLub, or been interested in J-Rock/Viskei culture-- There are WWII German uniforms in many of these-- Of course, this is discounting all your cosplay options in Western culture.

>> No.7170657
File: 407 KB, 250x250, 1329088896081.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesnt matter if its ok, or if you personally believe it should be ok
and its america you have the right to dress how you want

but dont be ignorant enough to act like youre not asking for trouble

dont be surprised if your harassed for the rest of your life or beaten or even fucking murdered in a dark alley by black people

>> No.7170669

ngl the nazi uniforms were fucking sexy yo

as a fashion piece, they're good to draw inspiration from, for sure, however you can't just brush off all the history and connotations behind it.

I think the reason why wearing a nazi uniform is so faux pas, especially in europe and the west, is because we have living survivors/daughters of survivors and soldiers and their families.

Cosplaying as a brigade that killed an entire little old ladies family opens a whole can o' worms, and if you wanna do it go for it. But don't piss and moan about how it shouldn't be offensive and no one should have a problem with some internet tough guy wearing a swastika on his arm.

>> No.7170694

Look, I get that Nazis where sharp dressers, but there are only 2 acceptable reasons to wear a Nazi uniform.
1) legitimate historical reenactment (does not include actually commiting the same crimes against humanity as the Nazi regime you sick fuck)
2) shaming, ridiculing and otherwise making fun of and dehumanizing the evil bastards that murdered millions of people following the delusions of a genocidal madman on an inane quest for racial purity and world domination.

>> No.7170756

don't cosplay a nazi.

>> No.7170972 [DELETED] 

Check your privilege.
Black people don't murder Nazis, or people dressed like Nazis, nor do they beat them up, that's for other white people to do, duh.

>> No.7171036

The what?

>> No.7175238 [DELETED] 


>not war crimes

>> No.7175243 [DELETED] 

>Implying Jews are people

>> No.7175245

How do you know OP is American? Not all countries have the "ZOMG RACIST" association with Nazism that America does.

>> No.7175255 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 379x335, thefuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole post
>all this historical ignorance
Jesus christ is this what they teach in school now?

>> No.7175270 [DELETED] 


>Implying the Nazis were the only ones to commit war crimes and attrocities
>What is the American Atomic Bombing of Japan.

Also, Learn2History you uneducated swine.

>> No.7175275 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 783x1588, moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, but to desire to dress like this is for an obvious fetishistic need.

>> No.7175325 [DELETED] 

oh come on, there are so many other good examples of war crimes. The Atomic Bomb was justified and necessary.

>> No.7175327
File: 86 KB, 400x490, 1367210517564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7175332
File: 2.23 MB, 2448x3264, 2013-10-13 16.25.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see why people make such a big deal about people in nazi uniforms.

>> No.7175657

You're glamorizing something evil, and the fact that you see no problem is what scares people.

>> No.7175790

Clothing is not "evil".

>> No.7175810 [DELETED] 

>indiscriminate mass murder
>justified and not a war crime
and Dresden was crucial to the Allied victory too?

>> No.7176080

Who is this girl, I must track her down and propose to her, and if she turns me down I must rape her.

>> No.7176092

I'm all for 'em thinking this way, it makes identifying the people you want to avoid associating with that much easier.

>> No.7176120 [DELETED] 

lol i read the forum posts on that boston incident, so many fucking shabbos goys. m-muh feelings and everything. it sounds like the guys in attire didnt do anything even remotely offesnive but everyone was up in arms as fuck. why is the anime community so fuckin dumb and jew dick sucking

>> No.7176128

I actually heard stories from congoers going to some other con in michigan... forgot the name of the convention, but there was also a Jewish Youth thing going on at the same place at the same time, and the cosplayers horribly offended the jews.

If you think about that one, either Jews are oversensitive or cosplayers are offensive. Either way you can't really win if you pick a side, lmao.

>> No.7176129 [DELETED] 

jews will find a reason to get offended whenever they can

>> No.7176144 [DELETED] 

So, we can dehumanize the Nazi regime and the people in the time afterward for sporting a German uniform, for whatever purpose - but what we can't do the same to America because what they did that someone in the right mind who knows their history for sure from whatever point of view, are considered heroes? So we can excuse the many counts of rape, massacre, and other violations human rights and that of innocent lives as heroism? Or do we just wanna scrap that from the history books and live in ignorance?

>> No.7176221


katsucon in washington DC. i was there and i can say for the most part there was no problem in between the con-goers and the jewish youth in the venue, aside from isolated incidents of gawking and leering. it wasn't nearly half as bad as what everyone's been making it out to be.

>> No.7176758
File: 67 KB, 577x882, fetish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7176777

Some camouflages are similar.

>> No.7176786

Other than the fact that they chose a WWII flag memorial as a photoshoot op? Uh.. yeah.

>> No.7176878

There was some Vin Diesel movie where someone found a Nazi armband in some kid's locker. People were thinking the kid was a Neo-Nazi, but it turned out it was part of his costume for the school's production of "The Sound of Music".

You never can tell just by how someone dresses.

>> No.7176880

don't cosplay a fucking nazi.