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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 37 KB, 325x585, fluttershit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7164508 No.7164508[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have just one more terrible store-bought costume thread before Halloween?

>> No.7164552

Can we just go to our parties and take pictures of what we see using the ol' "I LOVE YOUR COSTUME" ruse and come back here later?

>> No.7164557

That would be awfully dickish. Like, past /cgl/ tier, and breeching highschool-popular-girl-stereotype tier.

>> No.7164560

>past /cgl/ tier
have you seen the front page

>> No.7164565

Holy shit reading that pisses me off. I can't believe people have the nerve.

>> No.7164570

Better get a new hobby then anon, that happens all the time in cosplay

>> No.7164573

>cringe videos
>bad cosplay threads
Oh so it's only okay when you do it then?

>> No.7164583

Maybe it's because the people in those videos and pictures posted/uploaded them on their own (or they went to a convention, and should have expected it, if the costume is shit)? There's a difference between finding a video that someone posted on Youtube of their own free will, and going out of your way to take pictures of people at a party just so you can post them here, especially if they're not even cosplayers.
How do you not understand that?

>> No.7164590

Yeah, some of those videos weren't uploaded or made by the person.
Doesn't answer my question of when bad cosplay threads start.
Also acting like this is a civil place? Get off your high horse, you know as well as I do that /cgl/ is a catty hate menagerie 70% of the time at best.

I can guarantee that post Halloween, if someone made a "bad costumes of Halloween thread" people would be all over it.

Maybe they didn't get pics, but there'd be stories.

>> No.7164592
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Back on topic
I actually saw someone in this at a party last night.

>> No.7164595

Who says I do? I indulge in a giggle now and again, but I don't go out of my way to be nasty.

It is a whole different thing to go out of your way to make fun of someone, and to deceive them with false compliments. Seriously, that's bratty schoolchild behavior. Anyone who does so is a two-faced piece of shit. Bottom line.

>> No.7164606
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>> No.7164611
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Another one

>> No.7164613
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"Victorian Doll"

>> No.7164614
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>> No.7164615
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It's rude as shit to take a picture of someone just to later post it as "wow look at this terrible costume LOL".
Anyway, back on track.

>> No.7164616
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I know this was posted before, but I love the "sexy corn" costume.

>> No.7164617

>Also acting like this is a civil place? Get off your high horse, you know as well as I do that /cgl/ is a catty hate menagerie 70% of the time at best.

>calling you out for being an asshole

Just get over the fact that people think your idea was a stupid one. And, yeah, stories are fine, and you know why? They rarely involve pictures that can be traced. You can always change the names of people and places, and make it as ambiguous as possible, but there's only so much you can do to a photo.

>>7164595 said it best; pretending to take pictures of someone for the SOLE PURPOSE of making fun of them with a bunch of people later is childish beyond reason, especially when they're casual fags that don't know the first thing about cosplay. Maybe I just don't read enough weeaboo threads, because most people don't care what normal, non-cosplayers or lolitas do; their costumes don't mean a goddamn thing to them.

>> No.7164622
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>> No.7164623

>>7164613 Watch as hundreds of highschool "goth lolis" wear this thinking it's totally kawaii~

>> No.7164624

O-orcas are sexy...right, anon? Right?

>> No.7164631
File: 262 KB, 650x1170, YR_E7044_2_PS09242013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not denying I'm an asshole, my initial post was half in jest. I'm not saying /cgl/ is supposed to be mean but was more pointing out that they were acting like shit like that doesn't happen here.

But you know what, you're right.

I get wrapped up in cosplay and forget about outside coms attitudes/ideas toward costumes and to them it's fun for the night.

Have a sexy pizza for the rest of my bad apology.

>> No.7164634
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Wasn't there a troll doll/bad show with gem things in their belly buttons? Imagining this on TV made me chuckle.

>> No.7164635
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That went better than expected. I thought I was going to end up blocking a trip; thanks for not being a stubborn asshole.

>> No.7164637
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Zombie Tinkerbell?

>> No.7164638
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Sexy carrot! Now all your friends can be sexy vegetables!

>> No.7164639

yeah but these costumes/products are photoshoped up the wazoo, you don't get to see how really really bad these are until you see them in person.

Worse part, they cost about 30-50 dollars for this shit

>> No.7164641
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Oop, found another.

>> No.7164642
File: 80 KB, 650x1170, Sexy-Shark-Costume-SHARK-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90's toy, rubbed them gem/belly button (gem came later if I remember right) to make your wish come true, later got remarketed into a cartoon with angry warrior boy trolls for boys.

You had a point and I'm honestly getting tired of making unnecessary enemies on the internet. Seriously Valle, what's the fucking point.

[weneedspoilers] This is bedroom cosplay to me, I'm not even joking [/plsmoot]

>> No.7164645
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>> No.7164646

Same, at first I thought they were just a really shitty Jack Skellington.

>> No.7164648


Maybe next Halloween, I'll get together a "healthy eating" group. I am aware that there is also a sexy grapes costume.

>> No.7164649
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>> No.7164653
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I don't get why they leave half the skirt on, without even tapering the sides. It just looks stupid

>> No.7164654
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>> No.7164657
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>> No.7164658

>but only by dudes you wont be caught dead with

if you wont be caught dead with a male who played zelda in his childhood then good luck dying alone

>> No.7164659
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>Bikini with sledgehammer
>"The Wrecker"

>> No.7164660

Took me a second.

>> No.7164663
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Looks like Snooki in a "kimono" to me.

>> No.7164665
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>> No.7164667


I darn near killed her!

>> No.7164668

Yes, that.

>> No.7164672
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"Ho Costume"

>> No.7164674
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"Border Patrol Babe"

>> No.7164686

Why didn't they just make it a terrible miniskirt instead of a seriously terrible mullet skirt?

>> No.7164690

Ok for real though I wanna see the terrible facepaint jobs these will inevitably cause.

>> No.7164709
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Exactly what I was thinking. I just don't get it.

>> No.7164725

10/10 would totally wear.

>> No.7164729

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. Would be nicer if it had a tail like the orca one, though.

>> No.7164736
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Reminds me of a bad Madoka recolor.

>> No.7164737

Shit I'D wear it.
The Shark kigu I've found is kind of....meh AND expensive.

>> No.7164738
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Mmm, Teletubbies. So sex.

>> No.7164740
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The skirts keep getting shorter and shorter

>> No.7164742
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>> No.7164743
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>> No.7164746
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Obligatory edgy Hello Kitty costume

>> No.7164750
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>> No.7164754
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I don't even know what's going on here.

>> No.7164757
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did this get posted yet?

>> No.7164772

For the low, low price of $49.99, you can look like a massive douche.

>> No.7164775

tumblr pls go

>> No.7164778

Go fuck yourself.
Making fun of a disease is just a dick move. Would you dress like a cancer patient for Halloween?
Well, apparently.

>> No.7164788

Since when did you have to come from Tumblr to be a decent person? Most people find making fun of stuff like that pretty shitty.

>> No.7164795

Oh my god that is in such bad taste but it is so hilarious

>> No.7164803

Sexiest costume yet

>> No.7164804

What is this supposed to be? A tacky theater seat?

>> No.7164806

>Someone disagreeing with you =/= Tumblr tard

That costume is in bad taste. "Hahaha, look everyone! I'm an eating disorder!" XD XD XD XD That's like dressing up like an Auschwitz camp prisoner. It's insensitive,

>> No.7164809

I wouldn't exactly equate anorexia nervosa to Aushwitz. I'd say it's the same level of distasteful as dressing up as, say, a sexy schizophrenic mental patient, or a sexy recently widowed.

>> No.7164819
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Sexy circus maiden or something.

>> No.7164824

>tights, gloves, corsets and other skeleton-related pieces of clothing are so cool
>this one brings a measuring tape and a tag with a bad pun
>even though it's practically the same shit they have been selling for years this one is somehow terrible

double standard thing strikes again
no really, tell me you hate other skeleton-related clothing pieces before throwing a fit over this one just because the company had to blatantly spill out the mocking nature of it before you could have ever thought about it yourself.

>> No.7164825

if this was just a sexy skeleton costume it'd be fine but no, they made an anorexia joke

look at your life, look at your choices

>> No.7164829

>implying intentions don't matter
>implying a normal skeleton costume is no better than openly mocking those with mental disorders

Yeah, not a double standard, just you being fucking stupid.

>> No.7164833

no one has ever raged as much as they have until this thing came out and if the name was different, no one would give a shit.

>> No.7164837

Because the name is an open mockery of a serious disorder, you dunce. Are you really this thick?

>> No.7164835

If the name was different, it wouldn't be mocking a mental disorder. It would make the issue nonexistent. What the costume looks like isn't the problem, it's the intention of the costume.
Please be more of an idiot.

>> No.7164836

Exactly. If they didn't intentionally name it after a disease, no one would care. They could have marketed it as a skeleton nurse costume but instead they sat down and went 'How about Anorexia? Just make it sound sexy!'

That's why people are pissed because someone pitched this and an entire company agreed it was good enough to sell with anorexia being the main focus.

>> No.7164840

The point of a halloween costume is to be scary. Mental illnesses are really scary.

Also all of the tumblrs please go back to tumblr.

>> No.7164843

That lump in her arm.

>> No.7164845

you people, how the fuck does that make sense? how can a person who ever had this disease not intemperate any skeleton-related clothing as a direct or indirect mock toward them? regardless of the name and time of year
if you really care about people who have this disease or ever had it, you'd think a little more than just a costume's name.

>> No.7164850
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>all skeleton related clothing mocks anorexic people

...sorry, guys, I've failed you. I should've smelled the troll before I saw it. I let you all down.

>> No.7164860

i ain't a troll, that's not what i'm saying.
we're talking about this costume's name being offensive toward people with the disease, right?
so, i'm trying to tell you that a person who had or has this disease can see this costume regardless of name or other plain skeleton-themed clothing as offensive either way.

>> No.7164879
File: 17 KB, 102x143, tumblr_inline_mqtbs4jzuQ1qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, yes. Everytime I see a skeleton in my classes in med shcool I instantly break down in tears and think back to my time battling anorexia. I'm so glad you undrstand me stupid-chan.

>> No.7164884

And day of the dead just hurts so much. Insensitive jerks.

>> No.7164887

Thank you soooo much for explaining to these loserz why skulls on clothes make me cry.

>> No.7164889

It's Smurfette.

>> No.7164893

you speak for every person? no, i doubt you do.
but thats not what i'm saying when i said there's a double standard with this type of costume.
what i'm trying to say here is that people rage over the name of a costume because it seems offensive, just the name by it self. because, as i was told before, the intention of the costume is enough to be offensive.
but buy the costume alone, don't tell anyone the name, no one will care, no one will look your way twice or accuse you of any bullshit.
buy a gypsy or some indiian costume, wear it, you don't have to tell anyone the name and right away you're seen as the worst person in the world even if you intentions aren't meant to be offensive to anyone in any way.

>> No.7164903

Dressing up as a gypsy or a Native American =/= mocking a disease.

The costume tries to make a disorder look sexy. Disorders aren't sexy. They aren't good, period. That's why they're disorders.

>> No.7164907

All you girls whining about a costume joking about anorexia need to check yourselves. This is /cgl/. No eating disorders except for binge eating disorder apply to any of you. Please quit shoving Nutella and Pocky down your gullets, you weeaboo cows.

Whenever you look in the mirror and see nothing but fat around your hips and ass, just know this: you're right. You don't want to die alone and unloved, do you? Put down the fork, honey.

>> No.7164906

this trend is literally the stupidest shit. I'll go out and see hoards of teens wearing one of those terribad tapering skirts.

>> No.7164915

Anon was talking to >>7164804, you dipshit

>> No.7164918

but what im saying is that people dressing up as an indian or gypsy are seen as offensive even though the person wearing it doesn't intend it to be that way and the same people who get offended by that entire costume (name and all) tend to be the same type of people that get offended over the skeleton costume's name by it self and that's just stupid.

but ya kno what? ya wanna be angry over a costume's name so badly, then do it. it'll make you happy.

>> No.7164924
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Anon-chan, you're so edgy-desu~

>> No.7164930

The fuck is with the bitchiness? Go bleed all over someone else.

>> No.7164938
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>> No.7164939

And, what I'm telling you (which you clearly still don't get) is that dressing up like either of those isn't the same as trying to make a disease sexy. That costume takes something bad, something that is BAD in nature, and tries to pretty it up as if it's sexy and okay. It would be the same if someone tried to make cancer sexy or testicular cancer sexy; It is tasteless.

The Roma people and Native Americans are not diseases. They are races of people.

>> No.7164965

>not absolute human trash

>> No.7164974

How retarded are you?

>> No.7164984
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>> No.7164989

This discussion didn't involve yours or anyone else's opinion of a race of people. Have fun being a douchebag on here because you're too pussy to ever say that sort of shit in public.

>> No.7164987

Protip: Not all males who have played Zelda in their childhood hit on fem Links at halloween parties. Do you know who does? The ones that still play them in their adulthood and are unreserved about it. You're a goddamn minority if you fall under that category and aren't some creeper. Either that or delusional.
What girl would go to a party dressed like (video game character) and not expect at least stares from neckbeards?

>> No.7164992

>Have fun being a douchebag on here because you're too pussy to ever say that sort of shit in public.
you wish, nigger

>> No.7164994

Do not underestimate the unholy sexiness of the recently widowed.

>> No.7164995

Are you implying that everyone on this board is reserved about playing video games in adulthood? Because I'm pretty sure no one falls into that category here.

>> No.7165000

...I still replay my old Zelda games, and my husband does too. I don't see what's wrong with that. I play the new ones that come out as well.

>> No.7165009

>A nigger

k. Go back to /r9k/.

>> No.7165011

That's true, but only relevant if everyone at this "party" that the picture talks about is from /cgl/ or are the con going sort of folk.

It's not whether or not you do play them. I have X and Y right beside me, but it doesn't drive me to hit on those dressed in pokemon related costumes. Key word is "unreserved". What the pic talks about when it mentions "dudes you wouldn't be caught dead with" are those who are unreserved, the common image being a neckbeard. Nothing wrong with playing vidya, it's just how much "playing vidya" defines you.

Nice trips.

>> No.7165014

this is awesome, would totes wear to party at a con

>> No.7165013

I almost got mad and then I realized you were being sarcastic haha

>> No.7165017

Yeah, I just recently watched the Horse Whisperer

>> No.7165455


>> No.7165465

>you speak for every person? no, i doubt you do.
I hate this kind of argument, when you say that do you realize you're putting down the people you're trying to 'help' just to prove your own point. silencing the minority is the thing you're trying to prevent, this attitude is a problem.

"well i wasn't talking to YOU! i was talking to people who will inflate my ego and defend my stupid points!"

god for-fucking-bid people get over tough times in their lives and look back and not be offended or traumatized over every little fucking thing.

>> No.7165474

>god for-fucking-bid people get over tough times in their lives and look back and not be offended or traumatized over every little fucking thing.

If this was a thing, a fucking costume wouldn't be a problem for anyone.
But it's not.

>> No.7165487

i actually like that one.

>> No.7165496

so fucking what? it's a costume, some people find it offensive okay your opinion, good for you, but don't try to bash other peoples' opinions especially when the only people who even matter in the case of being offended are the ones it applies/applied to. no one said they spoke for everyone, they gave their opinion, the only one speaking for everyone here is shitbags like you trying to ~protect~ people who can think for themselves and form their own opinion.

me, as a fully recovered ana looks at that and thinks 'hey, that's kind of funny because it's somewhat true to life" it's satirical of a pretty serious thing, and satiring something like that tends to make it less of a touchy subject for me prersonally. it's a good feeling to be able to laugh about obstacles you've overcome.

see, i gave my opinion, but unlike you i am not trying to shove it down everyone elses' throats.

>> No.7165497

This. So. Hard

Now go buttrage back to tumblr.

>> No.7165498

Trying to protect? The fuck are you talking about? I'm not trying to protect anyone.
I agree with you, kid. I think that people flip their shit for no reason, specially over shit that doesn't apply to them.

You should clam the fuck down or something.

>> No.7165508

And, to someone else who is a recovering ana, it isn't funny because all it does is bring back bad or painful memories. Nobody tried to fucking censor anyone or protect. You got pissed the fuck off just because other people aren't fucking agreeing with you and decided that your way is the right way and that you'd argue with every single person who came into this thread who felt the contrary.

Pot calling the motherfucking kettle black.

>> No.7165510


>> No.7165513

Says the person who came back hours later just to argue some moar. Yeah, you're totally not shoving anything down anybody's throats.

>> No.7165519

I want this hi-lo trend to die in a fire. Hopefully it's on its way out seeing as it's part of a shitty halloween costume.

>> No.7165523

It looks like they ran out of fabric. How is that even stylish..

>> No.7165525

It offers the modesty of a dress and sexiness of a skirt.

14/10, would design again

>> No.7165548

Landwhale/10, would harpoon.

>> No.7165552


Honestly tho... if that was better quality, I'd wear it.

But... it's a really cool skeleton dress.
Can I just... pretend it isn't ana-chan?

>> No.7165554
File: 702 KB, 920x935, SUITS201210298B68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> every douchebag that thinks this counts as a costume.

>> No.7165558

'Course that's a costume! Add a fedora and an item of your choosing to that and you can go as as a classy version of anything!

>> No.7165564

>buy red fedora
>sew white on front
>sew green mountain thingy on white
>friend-zoned Ash

>> No.7165565

Ah, yes. Back when fedoras were a symbol of class and actually worn with fucking suits and not graphic t-shirts.

>> No.7165567

>Worse part, they cost about 30-50 dollars for this shit
That's being generous, even. 30-50 for the shit at Walmart and Target, 60+ for the specialty shop ones. My brother works for one of those seasonal costume shops, and even his boss despises their merchandise. They've got a pile of crap in the back that apparently fell apart before it was even purchased.

>> No.7165569

I think you're thinking of a trilby.
Fedoras are still classy.

>> No.7165571

Stop this shit right now.
You know who gets butthurt about the fedora/trilby argument?

Fucking fedora wearers.

Someone tried talking about the difference and there virtually is none.

Fuck off.

>> No.7165576

Dude, I don't wear either; my Nani's husband used to wear them (fedoras).
I grew up seeing the wide fedoras so when I came to the US and saw what they called fedoras, I was a thousand miles confused as to why they called them that.
They were smaller and thinner at the rim and band.

>> No.7165586

Or, I'm someone who appreciates vintage and I enjoy seeing old pictures and Golden Era Hollywood films where the hats were worn by classy, fucking men and not neckbeard Bronies in graphic t-shirts.

YOU can fuck off with your assumption that anyone who talks about this fucking hat must be an inept tool, you fucking sociopathic turd.

>> No.7165588
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>> No.7165590


>> No.7165592

I'm a woman, you fat angry bitch. Go fucking cry in a lolita thread about your Milanoo shit.

>> No.7165591

Fedoras were acceptable back in the Golden Era.

You know what else was?


We should bring that back too.

>> No.7165594
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>> No.7165595

> pot calling the kettle black


>> No.7165599

Why are you trying to compare an act of violence to a fucking fashion?

Seriously, how fucking retarded do you need to be in order to do that?

I'm not saying that every single thing from the past is a warm fuzzy memory which needs to be idolized and worshipped. I'm saying that a fucking HAT used to look nice until it became associated with losers.

>> No.7165600
File: 1.40 MB, 360x260, you dropped this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread became fedora rage

It's like I'm really on /b/

I can't stop laughing.
You guys made my knight.

>> No.7165601
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>Instigate argument over a piece of clothing
>Act like an asshole when someone has a different opinion

You inserted yourself into shit that wasn't a problem and made it a fucking problem. You're the only one who came in angry.

>> No.7165603

Wasn't me. Try again.

>> No.7165604

It was going back to normal until someone took a innocent comment to mean the equivalent of, "I murder children and drink their blood."

>> No.7165608


Don't care, you're still a fat angry bitch.

>> No.7165610
File: 82 KB, 1088x658, 1380915405093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even a chick.
Loosen the fedora, it's fucking with your brain.

>> No.7165612


That's like saying that someone who wants to own a 1967 Chevy also wants the entire world to go back to having 1960s style civil rights. Just because someone enjoys one thing that happened to be popular in a specific era doesn't mean that they want all thing from that era to make a comeback.

>> No.7165615

>Made comment bashing this sort of person for ruining a hat
>Somehow still a bad person

Alright, then.

>> No.7165619
File: 168 KB, 548x618, typical fedora wearer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /cgl/ is actually defending these types of people.

>> No.7165625

it wouldnt be as funny if that wasnt such a weird pencil dick jesus christ lol

>> No.7165632

In my initial post, I bashed on them because that's something that shouldn't be worn with jeans and a graphic t-shirt. It's like wearing pumps with sweatpants; You just look stupid and nothing goes together. It's taking something that was once worn by men like Frank Sinatra and cheapening it just because these retards want to seem like they have "swag XD XD XD". It's stupid and so are they.

>> No.7165685

dude no don't wear day of the dead halloween store shit

bad enough there are still "kimono" and "indian" costumes and crap like that

please don't

>> No.7165698
File: 99 KB, 650x1170, Sexy-Banana-Costume-BN-7014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to this thread? It started off so appealing.

>> No.7165702

I think I saw a woman who looked to be in her mid to late 30's wearing this exact thing a couple of months ago at Walmart. I thought it looked weird and ugly but I had no idea she was wearing a fucking banana costume as normal clothes to go grocery shopping.

>> No.7165718
File: 133 KB, 1470x1470, cage-morphsuit-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this ok?

>> No.7165731
File: 679 KB, 150x150, 1369276968276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking great.
The face should have been way bigger so the nose was at his groin.
I love you.

>Mfw everthing in this thread.

>> No.7165740

why is picard there


>> No.7165742

It's John Cage Picard

>> No.7165773

all I see in the thumbnail is a penis shaped head vomiting a laser

>> No.7165993 [DELETED] 

fyi guys if you don't MEAN for it to be racist, it means it isn't offensive!
but yeah feel free to dress up as a racist caricature or a slave or a holocaust victim if it makes you feel good. lmao

>> No.7165999
File: 18 KB, 509x286, jefflaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know what else was?

I lol'd

>> No.7166010

that made me giggle

>> No.7166011

>Unflattering, Non-Functional Camouflage Pattern
>Highly impractical bikini top with suspenders and booty shorts, no battlefield purpose
>Useless belt, untightened. Leather, not a more comfortable or tactical webbing material
>Two miniature dummy grenades. She's not going to fool anyone
>Thigh-mounted bullet belt chambered in conventional long-rifle calibre
>Bullet bandolier chambered in conventional long-rifle calibre
>High-heeled black combat boots, made of leather
>No visible firearm
>No protective armor
>No ammo rig
>Not even a damned knife

The only redeeming feature is it's high-speed/low-drag capabilities, but it is severely hindered by the boots.

Knifehand/10 Would Never Operate With

>> No.7166014

it's supposed to be a sexy army girl, duh. Of course it's not going to be useful in a war!

At best, she'd probably try to seduce the enemy into surrendering

>> No.7166056

A sexy Army girl would be a chick with some nice bazookas in her ACUs displaying proper trigger discipline. If she isn't useful in a war she's dead weight.

And I'd like to see her seduce the enemy into surrender. Most Army chicks I've seen look like they've been dragged through the mud more times than a boot on a bad streak.

>> No.7166059
File: 256 KB, 737x1100, 1366998932067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work at Jo-Ann's
>every other customer is buying tulle for their Halloween tutu
>fat goth chick making a "sexy grim reaper"
>60+ year old woman in a see-through blouse making a "naughty Tinkerbell" costume
>mindbleach plz

Kinda related because I imagine the results will look somewhat like the masterpieces in this thread.

>> No.7166092

Mocking cosplayers and mocking a 'normal' person who dresses up once a year are totally different things.
This cattiness is expected in the cosplay world. When people dress up for Halloween there's nothing serious about it. They're just being silly for one night out of the year.

>> No.7166100

Agreed. "normal" people have things like peopleatwalmart and shit like that- trashing someone who isn't into costuming and just wants to be a sexy poptart one day out of the year?
Not cool. What sort of answer where you even expecting Valle?

>> No.7166113
File: 26 KB, 450x136, Screen Shot 2013-10-28 at 3.58.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's so much special snowflake blowing up on my feed right now. Pic related. People go retard over this holiday.

>> No.7166116

Wait anon, read this >>7164631
Hadn't got to that point in the thread before I wrote >>7166092
Gah, hope this makes sense. So many numbers....

>> No.7166118

you better be in that costume by halloween.

>> No.7166121

It got made into another cartoon and the main trolls were teenage girls who were bffs and it was oh so trendy with a Z in place of the S (Trollz)...

>> No.7166124
File: 63 KB, 220x318, goofygoofyface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Things are getting curioser and curioser
Is she hiding a dick under there?
Why is it over her crotch, that bit was not necessary in the least.

>> No.7166138
File: 51 KB, 504x714, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that's the one I meant. I hadn't heard of the warrior thing until now

>> No.7166141

There's plenty of better quality skeleton dresses out there for the same price.

>> No.7166142


I thought it was a light up squid costume, i am disappoint

>> No.7166146

That is perfect.

>> No.7166152
File: 107 KB, 199x240, 1306238826470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7166183

>not multicam

What a fucking poser

>> No.7166203

They don't wear fedoras. They wear trilbies. Trilbies are the crocs of headwear.

>> No.7166323
File: 50 KB, 382x432, militantmistress-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7166325
File: 62 KB, 450x440, 1372884394823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about bitchiness
>on 4chan

>> No.7166545

Actually, a few at my college own expensive fedoras from this store downtown. I think it's Brooks Brothers or some other really uppity boutique.

>> No.7166562

It's like how Alice falls into a hole but instead you fall into her vagina.

>> No.7166634

>"No one is allowed to have fun if I don't like it!"

>> No.7166651
File: 761 KB, 960x1280, dark_angle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unbeknownst to many Imperial scholars, the Dark Angles, together with their brethren the Blood Angles and the Angles of Absolution, were split off from the Pythagoras Legion during the First Founding.

Trigonometry, for The Emperor!

>> No.7166700

CMT man

>> No.7166766

I think it implies cunninglus.
>drink me tag
>vaginal apron with swirling text

>> No.7166860

Is there a sexy seal costume?

>> No.7166868
File: 370 KB, 697x574, sealscantevencry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7166872
File: 41 KB, 444x444, revoskelly1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>fat goth chick making a "sexy grim reaper"

>> No.7166875

>>Thigh-mounted bullet belt chambered in conventional long-rifle calibre
>>Bullet bandolier chambered in conventional long-rifle calibre
The bandolier and bando-garter probably aren't even included, so anybody who orders it is paying for a poorly-sewn rendition of an outfit you could put together in the Walmart Juniors beach section along with two toy granades they probably sell in six packs at Everything's $1.

>> No.7166898

FUCK YES!!! That episode of As Told By Ginger felt so awkward though haha

>> No.7166917

Holy fucking /r9k/ in here. Calm the fuck down and post more shitty costumes.

>> No.7167150
File: 82 KB, 766x681, IMG_74675212341161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, this happened.

>> No.7167196

I really don't want to believe this is real.

>> No.7167216

that has to be a shoop
it has to be
it is right?

>> No.7167221

we all know this is great marketing

>> No.7167224
File: 44 KB, 720x960, 14947_550928154925443_394993028_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diseases can be offended by things


>> No.7167296

this is more 'chinese' themed though.

>> No.7167303

i just got done eating some nutella, it was delicious

>> No.7167307

Don't you mean fat around your belly? Fat hips and booty are a plus for women.

>> No.7167312

We neo-/cgl/ now.

>> No.7167316
File: 42 KB, 775x410, T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point.

>> No.7167413
File: 45 KB, 446x600, dickhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I'm finally a model, Dad!"

>> No.7167419
File: 18 KB, 198x263, 1382637308317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7167441
File: 653 KB, 320x184, tumblr_mc08vrpNyP1r8dy8go3_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me this is the same person

>> No.7167451

>Chevy also wants the entire world to go back to having 1960s style civil rights.

you say that like it is a BAD thing

>> No.7167453

no fat ninja is a different guy

>> No.7167463

I'd like to shuck those clothes.

>> No.7167785

it's cool to dress like a dead person, or a person that's severely injured. hell, it's perfectly ok to dress as a spirit that drags people's screaming spirits into hell.

but dress as something named after a mental disorder? how dare you!

>> No.7167805

>decent person
More like annoying cunt.

>> No.7169810
File: 142 KB, 480x640, fucking doornobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I should feel bad for knowing it...but that costume is from a futa comic...

Just like how I know what the pic I posted is from Alice in Sexland

>> No.7169824


>> No.7169841
File: 32 KB, 404x419, 1379725954563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find it sadly...it was about a guy who went on a vacation with his gf. He decides to cheat on her with a rave girl he meets in the club. As it turns out the girl is a futa and was hired by the guy's gf to find out if he was cheating. So the futa forces him to do stuff with her otherwise she'll tell his gf.

>tldr; Cheating guy gets fucked and sorta mindbroken by rave futa

>> No.7170029

Sounds great.

>> No.7170056

Does this come in an XXL? I must know.

>> No.7170058

>a disease
>comparable to Nazi prison camp victims
Bitch eat a sandwich.

>> No.7170059

No it's a condom on Dr. Manhattan's dick.

>> No.7170112
File: 35 KB, 470x261, miley_cyrus100613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your fucking retarded

>> No.7170121

Sure is tumblr in here