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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 56 KB, 500x375, 1348451519086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7163781 No.7163781[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey hey kids!

Its almost halloween! You know what that means? Horribly applied prosthetics and smudgy cake makeup on the unwashed masses!

But fuck that, its clown time! Im half way through my second bottle of rum, and don't have a gig tonight.

Make, prosthetics and clown general. Ask away.

Don't ban me, its topical for the season.

>> No.7163784
File: 189 KB, 864x576, 1373758633309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and for the sake of argument, Dia De Los Muertos counts as halloween, for makeup discussion.

>> No.7163790

>>Waiting for the creepy Gropey fangirls

>> No.7163795

But I'm scared of clowns.

>> No.7163802

Speaking of this image, white facepaint/makeup. I know ben nye is recommended quite a bit but is there any specific way white should be applied compared to other colors? I know shironuri has become popular but I've seen a decent number of bad white facepaint jobs. On the other hand, plenty of clowns, mimes, geisha and such have done white well for centuries.

>> No.7163815

I'm doing a zombie Alice costume (reusing American Mcgee costume but using a blonde wig, white tights etc cos no one in this hick town will notice)

I really want to get a couple of playing cards and make it look like they've cut into my neck.

What would be the best way of doing this? I thought I could cut the card and fold down an edge and attach it using eyelash adhesive but pretty sure that won't be strong enough for the weight of the card, would I be better off just making a couple of paper cards? Or is there a better way of doing this?

>> No.7163820

Can latex wounds be coloured/painted with water-based makeup like Snazaroo and Kryolan? It's harder to find creme makeup here.

>> No.7163822

You know those shitty scars they sell at Walmart?

Cut the card, cut slit into scar, work card into scar, glue it in place, attach scar, blend make up to effect.

>> No.7163827
File: 305 KB, 1236x1974, BASIC CLOWN THEORY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the love.

And that is a natural reaction, that evolved from our ancestors as a survival mechanism. Read my pic, and it will explain.

My guide is posted here: >>7139816

You can go with >>7163822's suggestion, or sculpt your own scar out of scar/nose/chin putty. The trick with the latex scars is to use the right tool for the job, in this case spirit gum. Don't cheap out. Its like, $3 for a small bottle with remover.

You are made of, and sweat water. Unless you use a good barrier spray and sealer, it WILL run. Creme or Grease is always better.

>> No.7163831

Thanks G

>> No.7163836

I wanna set up some fake wounds for Halloween to make it look like I got the shit beaten out of me (Glasgow grin, severe black eye, deep scratches along a temple, the works). Any tips for making false wounds and general spx makeup for someone who's yet to get a chance to fuck around with liquid latex?

>> No.7163839

>>7163820 here. Thank you, I'll just have to look into finding some creme stuff then. I've had problems with facepaint allergies in the past, hence sticking to water based, but I'll try getting some Ben Nye to patch-test.

>> No.7163843

For general scratches, buy some GOOD fake blood (mehron's is great) and get some rigid collodion. Mehron makes that, too.

Apply rigid collodion in shape of scratch, layer it up, dribble a bit of fake blood on. Bam, terrifying realistic-looking bleeding wound.

>> No.7163845

Forever recommend, I LOVE that shit.

>> No.7163848
File: 25 KB, 806x521, not a vagina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain't no thang, home skillet.

Its a little short notice to crash course on latex. again scar/chin/nose wax/putty is your go-to.

Roll it up in little "playdough snakes, and blend into your skin for raised scratches. Make two "snakes" and make "lips" pinched together at the ends, and then blend into your skin.

horrible pic related.

>> No.7163859

See, this is what bothers me. Its not that you are an egotistical drunken douchebag, but it the fact that you are really quite well educated, but you still choose to be a self centered jackass who glorifies living like carnival trash.

Just wanted to let you know.

>> No.7163883
File: 453 KB, 1500x2100, jay_hunter_morris__kelly_kaduce_in_fgo_pagliacci-photo_gaston_de_cardenas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you too?

>> No.7163897

Why does it bother you? He's obviously ~well educated~ enough to live the life he choose.
He doesn't tell you how to live your life, or try to convince you to be a 'carnival trash', so why are you so bothered?

>> No.7163903
File: 178 KB, 600x400, 1348205905932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Stop. We're not doing this.

This is not makeup or clown related.

People responding to troll and haters just further derail.

Honk honk.

>> No.7163910

On topic: Gropey do you happen to have advice on making 'claws'? Not ones that extend only from the nails, but ones that kinda is an extended part of the fingers?
Sorry about the vague description

>> No.7163914

Well, there are several options. How detailed are we going? What kind of claws? Discribe.

>> No.7163920

I guess they're generic witch claws? Extend by 1 to 2 inches from my finger tips, I guess I kinda want creepy long fingers.
They don't have to look super detailed or realistic, as I'm running out of time.

>> No.7163931
File: 46 KB, 500x500, VL52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AH! Quick and easy would be to get a bunch of the better detailed novely witch fingers, and paint them to match whatever skin tone you wish. From there, you can blend the seams with putty/;latex or wear fingerless gloves to complete the illusion.

Don't get dollartree fingers, Spring for Target or a halloween store.

>> No.7163934


>> No.7163945

There never were any. All of them were fatso himself.

Has your ban run out yet?

>> No.7163954
File: 274 KB, 1280x480, 1364806696380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I havn't been banned in ages.

Now get your tinfoil hat out of here unless you got on topic questions.

>> No.7163964

As much as I absolutely hate clowns, that looks nice.

>> No.7163971
File: 475 KB, 1280x872, 1364806633959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just another form of art.

For those curious, she blended eyeshadow from one of those huge 30-hue cases over a white clown foundation.

>> No.7163974
File: 219 KB, 455x364, Boner stronger than Kenshiro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that hair

>> No.7163989

Are you dressing up for halloween or a party? Whacha dressing up as?

>> No.7163996
File: 131 KB, 500x375, 1348444932863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I was going to do my batman costume for a party and for Nekocon, but I have no idea where my mask is, and I can't walk around the kevlar at the con now, because the cops get edgy.

>> No.7164037

Longtime fan, first time poster here, and I got a weird question for you.

Any costuming advice for a man planning to perform magic while dressed as a clown? Side question: Will I have to shave off my beard?

Since I'll probably never get this chance ever again: Would you be willing to recommend a thing or two to point me in the right direction as far as professional clowning goes?

>> No.7164047

The guy reminds me of the clown from the Devils Carnival.

>> No.7164061
File: 17 KB, 512x402, edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What tricks are you doing? What kind of magic? Floor? Stage? Hand? I need details. What is your usual costume?

The beard will be a hindrance, but its possible to work around. I'd need a pic.

No he dosn't. Not even close. They are both tramp clowns, and that is it. Its like saying all whites/asians/blacks look the same, you just do not have enough personal exposure to notice the difference.

Also: The Devil's Carnival sucked cock.

Pic is my old face.

>> No.7164076

Reposting a thread I made without reading the catalog

Hello, /cgl/. I've decided that I'm going to crossdress as a feminine clown for Halloween. I'm going full whiteface, but are there any makeup tips/tips to be more cute and feminine you could provide me? Also, has anyone here ever gone as a clown before (male or female) and if so, what was your costume/makeup like?

(Gropey you're my hero when are you gonna dump on /s/ again man those make my week)

>> No.7164075

It's a walk-around bit, so I'm doing that with a few floor pieces. My usual costume is a black with silver striped button-down with rolled up sleeves, black jeans and a brothel creepers.

I usually go bizarre and creepy, but for this venue I've had to soften myself up a bit. I know it sounds like I'm being an ass, I'm at a bit of a loss here.

As for tricks, I'm doing a balloon swallow, popped and restored balloon doggy, segue into scarf juggling. Silk to rope re-worked for a scarf, linking ropes and finally rope-through-body.

If the beard needs to go, it needs to go. Bizarre doesn't play for shit in this area because people get too creeped out by it/refuse to pay for it (I should be allowed to eat them).

If the beard has to go, so be it.

>> No.7164078

Auguste seems a bit more approachable to these folks, I think. Kinda fucked up that I have to look at and treat my audience like a bunch of scared deer, but they're sheltered as Hell.

>> No.7164082
File: 191 KB, 800x533, 1364805722066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say yes, shave, and drop the balloon swallowing. You're not doing any hard prestidigitation, so you should be able to get away with a simple Auguste. Get yourself a cheap, goofy searsucker or carpet weft suit from a thrift shop, and aim for soft colors. Accent with exaggerated but simple things like a gaudy tie, bow tie, suspenders etc.

Feel free to email if this thread dies and you got more questions. This goes for anyone.

Makeup would work in the same way as doing any cross dressing: Highlight feminine lines on your face, and soften masculine features. Dont highlight your chin, round out the cheeks and eyes, etc. Don't be afraid to do simple! Less is more, if you have something that works!

As for choosing your face, try to actually take time and develop something that works for you. There is a start difference between people who put clown makeup on, and people who put a clown face on.

>> No.7164084
File: 31 KB, 400x472, knute_auguste_lite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple and soft. Again, if I had a picture, I could better help you, but the beard will be a sticking point.

>> No.7164086

Feminine lines? Do you have examples?

(them dumps tho)

>> No.7164089
File: 216 KB, 900x1200, 1348207444782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have anything, but it shouldn't be too terribly hard to google something. Again, the facial structure of a woman'f face is different from a mans, The jaw, neck, cheeks and oracular ridge specifically.

check out a trap chan website. Im sure they have detailed guides.

>> No.7164095

That works, thanks. As for the outfit and wig, do you have any ideas? I know you're quite the fetishist on the topic, any memorable getups from past experiences with girls?

>> No.7164098

I avoid throwing my photo onto 4chan because... Well, it's 4chan. I have a goatee and moustache combo going, so yeah, it's going to have to go.

Also, does this mean that if I wanted to really show off with my magic, I would have to put on whiteface? Where would you recommend I go to learn more?

>> No.7164099
File: 163 KB, 381x500, 1348248228765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, we're hitting a wall. Just like Auguste bro in >>7164078, I can't make anything more than general suggestions unless you post a picture.

But general advice is this:

*Most store bought costumes are shit.

*If you can pull off a believable fake bust, don't exaggerate your chest.

*Yarn wigs NEVER look good

*Afros NEVER look good

*Poodle Hair NEVER looks good

*If you get a wig, base it off of how it looks with your face and makeup.

*Avoid too many clashing colors. Figure out a standard color pallet and theme to work with so you look "put together".

*Less is more. You don't need to look like you were date raped by the discount prints at Jo-anne's Fabric.

*Use real clothes. Either from your closet or from a thrift shop. Look at >>7163996, >>7163971, >>7164089 etc: Its all normal clothes, just picked to fit the character.

>> No.7164103

That girl is divine. Do you have more of her?

>> No.7164110

That was Pixi? Holy shit.

>> No.7164107
File: 225 KB, 717x960, 1375425293470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.

But I am going to go be comatose for a few hours.

I'll check the thread later,

>> No.7164111
File: 122 KB, 374x500, tumblr_mfz1e0vtvd1rjvgfyo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A clown's character grows, just like anyone.

She also was a tramp for a short while. I like her as a blanco better.

>> No.7164112

Thanks a bunch, Gropey.

>> No.7164113

I don't know man. She's looking cute as fuck right there. The kind of clown you'd like to go out and have dinner with.

No, but I do wish there was more of a scene/lolita/goth and clown crossover culture, I love that shit.

>> No.7164116
File: 23 KB, 459x426, 1364801613888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remeber, email is always open if you got questions and the thread is gone.

Oh, she's cute, I just have my preference for her whiteface.

Im surprised there is no cross over either!

Gonna go sleep now. Be back later.

>> No.7164126
File: 86 KB, 487x650, 188574_212239805459920_6794259_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh gosh, she's so pretty.
I found pic related like two years ago and saved it since then just because it just makes me want to smile.

>> No.7164127

Saw you at fallout! I got to tip you with the stapler!

>> No.7164131 [DELETED] 

Gropey has tons of that girl, she's a Mexican clown I am pretty sure.

>> No.7164152 [DELETED] 

You still single mr. clown? Hows that foreveralone working out for you?

>> No.7164286 [DELETED] 

>denying it

You can clearly see it in the archive.

>> No.7164377 [DELETED] 

He's been on /tg/ mostly.
what does it matter anyway?

>> No.7164393 [DELETED] 

I don't like lying fat people.

>> No.7164431 [DELETED] 

Do you like lying thin people?

>> No.7164463 [DELETED] 

You mean like how IPs dont match and an anon got permabanned for sending a mod nudes to get his tripcode?

No anon, you are the cancer.

>> No.7164464 [DELETED] 

Keep your trip on fatso.

Yes, they're cool.

>> No.7164471 [DELETED] 

>Someone disagrees with me, must be the person I dislike
>I'll call him fat because im unhappy with myself

This was a nice thread until you came along.

>> No.7164506 [DELETED] 

You didn't disagree with me, you insulted me just because I asked fatso a question he didn't like. No one else would be emotionally engaged enough to say such thing, other than fatso.

>> No.7164522 [DELETED] 

Quit drailing the thread please. Hide and ignore, rather than act like the paranoid victim you think you are. You are literally like someone who dislikes gay marriage so you go out of your way to go to gay weddings and tell people how the gays are infecting babies with the homo.

>> No.7164545


>> No.7164580
File: 26 KB, 500x628, 1348445085872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty clown girls are awesome. Talented, pretty clown girls are better. But I'll accommodate those who have different tastes, and throw some clown guys in too.

Awesome! Hope you had fun.

More question's folks?

>> No.7164587

How many fucking clowns did you fuck?

>> No.7164629
File: 30 KB, 500x375, clown 41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never saw this picture of her, going into my collection

>> No.7164655

Im sure if you put some cute makeup on, gropes would be happy to make you a +1 to his list.

>> No.7164763

Surely, Gropey has standards.

>> No.7165042

Could you picture how ego destroying it must be to be rejected by a drunken clown?

>> No.7165076
File: 144 KB, 375x500, 1348248820492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't honk and tell.

I have more of her if you'd care for it.

Its not just about looks, anon.

I like to think so.

>> No.7165114
File: 75 KB, 800x516, tumblr_mfoyzsnNMQ1rjvgfyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7165120

could you put into jpeg how it must be degrading to get so butt rustled over how people want to fuck a drunken clown?

>> No.7165142
File: 577 KB, 667x1000, 1364804613133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Children. Stop.

You two should makeup and be friends!.

>> No.7165148

More of her please?

>> No.7165154
File: 29 KB, 309x500, 1375426000288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7165159

Imagine bringing a clown home, playing scratch-and-win and finding out that ticket wasn't a winner.
>It's all part of the act.

Do clowns have this brotherhood thing going on, or is that kind of thing reserved for circus groups? Have you ever dealt with clown unions?

>> No.7165168
File: 282 KB, 2048x1755, 1375426976165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a member of the Pan- American clown union, but many untrained hobby or birthday clowns don't even know it exists.

Actual, performing clowns and us circus folk in general, tend to have a very supportive, if competitive social base. As a one of my uncles (who married my grandfather's sister) is with the Cole Bros Circus, while my grandfather was Ringling Bros, for example. They will always champion their show, but as fellow circus performers, they will always have eachother's backs.

Seeing how small shows are now, it pays to support each other. That is not to say that I havn't heard stories of hey-day turf disputes between traveling shows for the right to set up shop durring a certain time of year.....And some did turn violent.

Yes, back in the day, circus gang-turf wars. That is long in the past except for the small undergroup troupes that a lot of us run with.

>> No.7165176
File: 46 KB, 496x530, 1335308941779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey gropester, have you ever shown a picture of your typical clown getup?

>> No.7165187

My old face, in a shitty picture here >>716406, though you can't see my eyes.

I have changed to a white face since that whole self destructive train hopping excursion I took. Much cleaner, more put-together look.

And as before, I am not sharing my face. A clown's face is a very personal thing, and I don't like it being in photographs, to help separate it from who I am while not clowning.

>> No.7165188

hmm, the link is broken?

bummer, i wanted to draw you

>> No.7165190

Whoops. >>7164061

>> No.7165243

Mr. Gropalope sir! How do I introduce the idea of kinky clown time to my BF? I wanna be a cute clown girl but he's awefully vanilla >_>

>> No.7165260
File: 305 KB, 648x432, tumblr_meyg88bmWs1rjvgfyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I be worried?

Well, you have an out: Halloween. Do yourself up pretty, and then after a party/candy giving/haunted house whatever, propose the idea of sexy time, while still in costume.

Get him into it. Rock his world, and be sure to enjoy yourself. Make it marathon sex if he's able. Feel open to being a little kinkier than usual. Ask him to do things. Beg. Dirty talk. Or take control, and be gentle, if that is your angle.

Most of all, after its all said and done, while enjoying the afterglow, be honest and frank. Tell him how it made you feel. Did it make you feel pretty? Did it allow you to "let go" a little more? Relationships are built off of trust and honesty, and sometimes you really just need to lay it out there to figure out all the aspects of your compatibility.

Good news! Clown kink is a gateway kink! Non-threatening, playful, and provides the aspect of "otherness"; You're not who you are while you're in face, allowing a bit more comfort in trying new things.

Hope this helps.

Polite self sage.

>> No.7165275
File: 416 KB, 793x574, 1348248743649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also: Pic,

>> No.7165290

Would you be willing to offer any advice/suggest a place to begin for anyone wanting to learn professional clowning and clowning skills?

>> No.7165291

Why do I get the feeling there will be tons on clown girls at the /cgl/ halloween party im going to?

>> No.7165298

And dick to diamonds!

>> No.7165300

who the fuck has a /cgl/ halloween party?

>> No.7165303

Obviously the west coast tripfags since that's the sort of thing they would do

>> No.7165306


lol Chris I'm surprised that you still post on this shitty board

>> No.7165318
File: 157 KB, 900x1355, 1351390185582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a tough one. Aside from finding an independent mentor or going to a clown convention/consortium for classes, the US is pretty barren now.

Because every girl (and some guys) wanna be a pretty clown girl.

Glad to be east coast then. It sounds like a drama bomb.

>> No.7165324

Whats wrong with that? All it is is a halloween con meetup.

>> No.7165330

Would books and diligent practice serve as a last-ditch if not replacement, then a learning tool which is better than nothing?

>> No.7165333

You can get a long way, but you really do need to at least talk to some pros in person. There are some things you just can't learn from books.

Want me to make a list of suggested reading?

>> No.7165340

If you wouldn't mind, that would be wonderful! Thank you, Gropey.

As a quick aside: I'm considering switching to a major in theater... Would this help me or hurt me, do you think?

>> No.7165344

>not about looks
Well what if she had a gorgeous, unique, makes-you-feel-fine face, could juggle molotov cocktails, swallow swords, but was a complete bitch. Would you?

>> No.7165345
File: 7 KB, 251x237, happyfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should break up with him and come be with me (please)

>> No.7165347

I will say this right now, I LAUGH at theater majors. I spend a good chunk of time being hired to talk to theater students about physical comedy, stage and crowd work and the general lifestyle.

If you do not have an "in" and live in a place where you can make a living from it, it is a waste of time. There is very little you can learn from such a class except for stage basics such as blocking and presentation. Its otherwise a waste of time and credits.

Just my two cents.

As for books:

*"The Art of Clowning: More Paths to Your Inner Clown" by Eli Simon. Be sure to get the RED book with "more paths to your inner clown", as that is the revised, expanded seconded edition.

*"Creative Clowning" by Bruice Fife, Tony Blanco and 20 other authors.

*"Clown Jokes and Walkaround Gags" and its sequel, "Son of Clown Jokes and Walkaround Gags" by Ron Burgess

And get yourself a good balloon book. There are tons.

>a complete bitch
Nope. Not even a hate-fuck.

>> No.7165348
File: 17 KB, 260x402, Art of clowning 2nded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7165351

....Im fine, thanks.

>> No.7165356

Hmm. What about the reverse? I have a maddening clown fetish and would like a lady friend of mine to put on the makeup?

>> No.7165366
File: 11 KB, 227x222, fdas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I thought I hit it out of the park with that one. What am I doing wrong

>> No.7165369
File: 203 KB, 495x640, 1364804886920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is much trickier.

First and foremost, how does she feel about clowns? Like-neutral-dislike-terrified?

Anything other than like, and MAYBE neutral, just don't bother.

Dose she cosplay?

>> No.7165373

Oddly enough, I was with a girl once who hated clowns but loved makeup, and I was able to get her into it. I only ever got pictures though, because the relationship fell to ash before we could actually do anything. This girl in particular doesn't really seem to care much one way or the other. She likes BDSM though, so I assume she has an open mind at the very least.

>> No.7165379
File: 476 KB, 587x832, 1364806738516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try the same as before, but use cute clown pictures to convince her to do a couple's costume with you. She's the cute clown, you're the ringmaster/strongman etc.

From a BDSM angle, smudgy, tear running makeup and a mirror. That should help her get into it.

>> No.7165380

Thank you very much for the book recommendations. Any particular balloon books you favor? Or am I better off experimenting?

So I'm better off with studying something else and picking up a book on stage basics, then?

I am of that peculiar disposition that possesses the belief that books are good for a person, and can teach an individual anything. This isn't particularly true, but it beats stumbling completely blind.

>> No.7165382
File: 35 KB, 488x604, 1350342901758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balloon and skit books are something that you can never have enough of, and you can cherry pick what works for you.

Study something that you can make a living off of. Clown as a hobby/passion, and wait until you have a solid skill base to work from to try anything more.

>> No.7165386

Goddamn Gropes, how many pics of these cuties do you have?

>> No.7165388
File: 524 KB, 790x598, tumblr_meqdxjZTni1rjvgfyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7165393

Is it thousands? Tens of thousands? Where do you even get them? How can I?

>> No.7165407

He has enough for these threads, obviously.

>> No.7165413

We'll discuss it after metalocolyps

>> No.7165421

Oh fuck, I'm missing it!

>> No.7165423

I see you're a man of exquisite tastes. I'm... missing it, actually

>> No.7165436

The Dethklokpra!

>> No.7165458
File: 95 KB, 639x960, tumblr_mffqa3QUaQ1rjvgfyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that was fucking awesome.

Time for more clowns.

>> No.7165461

Again I must ask; how can I attain a collection as wide and varied as your own?

>> No.7165463

I just pick it up as I go along. Some are from here. Some are people I know. Some are from tumblr. Some are from the clown and performer forums I frequent.

>> No.7165464

What about the more erotic/pornographic stuff? I know you have it.

>> No.7165467

Sadly, not on my phone. Again, clown forums. And then there is all the stuff I can't share on /s/....

>> No.7165471

Clown forums? People actually share pics of themselves in the buff on professional clown forums?

>> No.7165475

Two kinds of clowning forums: Professional and kink. The kink ones share clown porn, obviously.

Pics I don't share refers to exes and bennifriends of mine.

Seriously, you're on 4chan. Im surprised there is no clownchan yet.

>> No.7165482

Oh my.

Would they be able to tell me how to be a sexy clown girl?

>> No.7165485

I suppose. I'd rather not share the links and have 4chan shit up the boards.

>> No.7165503

This thread is glorious.

>> No.7166392

She's so damn pretty... I wish i was this pretty T_T

>> No.7166413

Okay, clownbro, long time big fan, first time asker. Love your posts, hi .

I am cosplaying from a Franco-Belgian comic where everyone is given big noses as an art style. My nose is pretty big, but not huge. I don't want a nose that's the size as in the comic (turning 2D 3D rarely works imo) but I want a more realistically large nose. Trouble is, I'm no good at using nose putty. It just sticks to me and cracks and makes a horrible mess. Do you have any tips for working with nose putty?

>> No.7166422

Not the gropester, but I am sure he'll want a pic of the character.

>> No.7166429

Hey bb, I'm not gropesmascrots but I'll make you feel pretty
>hint hint
>Im not a man baby

>> No.7166441

went to a burn recently and there's a theme camp (for those that don't know, you can register for big camps that do shows or cook or whatever) with a big dome that people go and have sex in, and there was a gay clown foursome at one point. Makeup, outfits, pie and whipped cream, the whole deal. I'm sad I wasn't able to watch it. Supposedly they were really polite and asked first and cleaned up their mess afterwards.

sage for ot

>> No.7166463
File: 83 KB, 1024x683, SPOP_Pagliacci030410_2_MG_0296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's to say you're not?

What brand, what material and what do you do to prep your face/seal the putty?

Would be nice.

>>Im not a man baby
Sexy lesbian clown time? Cool.

>> No.7166520
File: 20 KB, 340x396, Woochie-Pixie-Nose_productfull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to post the character because they're fairly obscure and I'm doing it as a surprise for a friend who I know reads /cgl/. But the character has a long, skinny nose that just comes straight out of his face. For my purposes, I just want a small, geometric point on the end of my nose, a bit like the one in the pic but less curved.

I tried it with both my usual makeup primer and a bare face. I tried sealing it with face powder.

>> No.7166524

Forgot the brand! >>7166520
It's Mehron.

>> No.7166547
File: 21 KB, 400x375, mehron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is one problem. Say no to powder. Get a combo barrier/sealant spray. This replaces both the primer and the powder, and provides a better seal.

The second question is what is supporting the tip? If there is a lot of putty, you need a bit of thin wire to help support the material weight. Like rebar in concrete.

>> No.7167688

I want to protect this thread

>> No.7168270
File: 75 KB, 600x399, 1350376735173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protect it from what?

>> No.7168423
File: 84 KB, 484x628, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've saved this photo a few years ago as reference and have made a few attempts at something similar unsuccessfully. I still can't figure out how she got all of the details so crisp and clean. I haven't seen anyone do day of the dead make-up as detailed as this. Could you maybe give me a break down?

>> No.7168472

Well sharpened, good quality makeup crayons (like ben nye), and layering between coats of sealant.

Read my guide, AND FOLLOW IT. NO SHORTCUTS. >>7139816

I do calavera on myself every year and go clean graves/lay fresh flowers before having a picnic, as is proper.

>> No.7169000

Thanks Gropey!

>> No.7170361

Hey, Gropey. Could you do a dump on /s/? It is Halloween afterall.

>> No.7170586

I highly doubt he'll be on 4chan for the next couple days.

>> No.7170590

please don't do this I know you think it's artistic and cool but it's offensive please don't

>> No.7170591

tumblr pls go

>> No.7170595

shut up im a mexican living in mexico this is really irritating, please don't

>> No.7170610


>> No.7171553

Could you explain why? I really would like to know.

>> No.7171570

Not the person you're asking, but I think it has something to do with appropriating something which has a reverential/religious connotation, and cheapening it to 'dress up spooky for halloween'. It's meant for honouring the dead/your ancestors, not so people can be alternative and cool.

>> No.7171594

another mexican, but it personally bothers me when people treat it as a costume for the sake of dressing up and don't care about the cultural connotations/purpose behind it, if that makes sense.

it's sort of similar to why it's offensive to run around wearing "indian" (native american) feather headbands, and why it bothers native americans.

ofc not every mexican or whatever will care (to pre-empt any edgy mexican seagulls) but it's still pretty rude and disrespectful. it's not a costume or fashion statement so please don't wear it as one.

>> No.7171754

Just met Gropey at nekocon. He's not as date-rapey as I pictured him to be.

>> No.7171794

He has some genteel southern charm thing going for him. Its kind of sweet.

>> No.7171822

What is he wearing?

>> No.7171835

ITT: seagulls plotting to rape a clown

>> No.7171837

Usually it's the other way around.

Never trust clowns.

>> No.7171843

Black pants/vest, white ruffly shirt and a leather pirate lookin coat.

Follow your dreams!

>> No.7171854

Name aside, he's safe. Seagulls can be crazy bitches and one stalked him IRL.

>> No.7171924

>but then what about clothing and art/design pieces featuring the skulls? I've seen ashtrays, iphone cases, shotglasses and pillows... when something becomes so commercialized it seems weird to dislike face painting.

That said I get why it would be disrespectful, and I'm sure those things are too.

>> No.7171932
File: 43 KB, 930x538, 3374735-pennywise-le-clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing that come to my mind when someone mentions clowns is this thing.

>> No.7171934
File: 46 KB, 432x679, clown-gacy-pogo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this crazy fucker.

Are people getting back into the whole clown thing or is this just one of /cgl's quirks?

>> No.7171965

Gropey just shot me down in the most polite way. Clown crush on maximum.

>> No.7172028

This is creepy and you should all feel creepy. Leave the poor guy alone.

>> No.7172037

Well, 4chan IS a haven for the socially awkward.

>> No.7172058

The worst part? I met the guy and know that he likes meeting people. He's probably having awesome convos, doing tricks and generally being a bro.

Then he gets home and sees Clownwatch 2013 here, and gets creeped out.

>> No.7172062

Are you a hambeast?

>> No.7172394

Wtf /cgl/?

>> No.7172994

Any recent updates?

>> No.7173196

What style of clowning do you primarily do? Have you ever done any bouffon?

>> No.7174350

Not creeped, but a little ashamed.

At home.

American heritage with a little old world classical and Italian buffone and zani mixed in. I focused on buffoonery and pratfall, and was an auguste tramp, recently turned mesto blanco whiteface after a major life changing event.

>> No.7175801

So how many seagulls tried to get your pants and vice versa?

>> No.7175840

honestly, I like just fantasizing about it. He's charming, charismatic, and can do my make up. whats not to like?

>> No.7175955

He's a fat egotistical drunk who gets his jimmies off to picking fights and sick fetishes.

>> No.7176023

His accent gets really thick when he's excited or been drinking and it was hard to understand him sometimes. It embarassed him and was all sorts of adorable :3

>> No.7176093

That's cool, I used to do a bit of Pochinko with some streets punks I knew.

>> No.7176132
File: 83 KB, 460x410, clown fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say most of the girls who made a pass were just doing so to say they did. Only one or two were serious, but I don't do one night stands.

D'awwww. Shucks.

I won't argue against this.

Sorry... Im working on it.

I'll level with you. I, and most professional clowns, HATE HATE HATE the Pochinko Technique, because its self contradicting new age psychobabble.

>> No.7176147 [DELETED] 

Really? How so?

>> No.7176157

What's wrong with Pochinko? I wasn't a big fan but I want nothing more than to hear it torn apart.

>> No.7176167
File: 63 KB, 500x537, the-dar-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky for you, I keep a copy of his published work that we dissected line by line at a workshop during the 2010 north east clown consortium.

The two presenters were clowns (obviously); one was a theatrical anthropologist, and the other a literary psychologist. They pointed out that most of his writing was the same kind of idea reorganization that cult leaders, televangelists and other people who manipulate the impressionable. The most famous example from the Pochinko Technique :

"I do not believe in a story driven by the characters, but a character driven story."

Now, on the surface this sounds very deep and enlightened.

But say it out loud.

Now say it again.

Say it until you can hear the how it means the same thing.

It still uses the face archtypes. It still uses character hierarchy. It still uses linear story progression. It is still American heritage clowning, just without calling any of it what it is. A nose by any other name can still smell, as it were. All he did was take the labels off and claim it was something original, like a Etsy scammer's "antique jewelry".

In the end, he might be the ultimate clown, because he's playing a big joke on a lot of wannabe "artsy" performers.

>> No.7176191


Well now I'm left thinking...did I actually do any kind of clowning at all?

>> No.7176203

See, here is the deal: Did you portray a conceptualized representation of human condition? Less of a character, and more of an embodiment of an emotion or state of being?

Did you do it in a presentation of absurdity against the casual being?

Then yes, you were clowning.

>> No.7176220

FFS. This pisses me off more than anything about your ego or fangirls.

You're smart. You're really smart. Why do you still insist on celebrating being a drunken pervert who lives like a hobo?

>> No.7176230

Just because he's intelligent doesn't mean he has to live his life the way you think is appropriate. Sometimes you have to do what makes you happy.

>> No.7176234
File: 108 KB, 973x480, tumblr_mestwtYumf1qiaw1ao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I am a clown.

Honk Honk.

>> No.7176271


Because intelligent individuals seem to have a population distribution that is characterized as bimodal and fat tailed.

The two primary modes which an actual intellect gravitates towards seem to either be dadaism and nihilism or pure aristotelian eudaimonia and love of logic; the middle ground is a bit rare for the population which we are examining.

I'm surprised that Gropey is still around and doesn't hate the majority of you like I do.

>> No.7176278
File: 95 KB, 860x650, tumblr_mepcx0A2Vh1rjvgfyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm surprised that Gropey is still around and doesn't hate the majority of you like I do.

Because I have met some genuinely awesome people from here, and have had the humbling knowledge that I have influenced others for the better.

>> No.7176280


To expand upon what I've been saying, once you delve into the theory and logic behind human emotion, societal composition, and epistemology, either an ideation of an abstract concept occurs or you just simply laugh at everything.

>> No.7176289


I guess that's the difference between us. You have had more positive experiences whereas I've felt like a stepping stone even though I've been told that I've changed lives for the better.

I've never read your posts before I happened upon this thread but now I regret not meeting you at Nekocon. You seem pretty chill

>> No.7176291

Drop me an email, and we'll see about getting you to a show. Free ticket.

>> No.7176303


The notion is more than appreciated and you have my thanks. I'm simply some random passerby who saw some interesting cultural commentary that you've made, that's all.

If we ever happen upon each other at a con, I'm sure we'll have some damn interesting conversations over a few drinks.

I only declined because I have obligations to my jewish overlords

>> No.7176306

Turn your trip back on gropey.

>> No.7176309


I'm not Gropey you miserable aspie.

>> No.7176346

You get used to the tinfoil hats.

>> No.7176440

Hey Gropey! Any new stories?

>> No.7176691

bump out of curiosity

>> No.7177279

Bump for more clown talk.

>> No.7178050

Sorry, nothing particularly interesting. Just business as usual. Might try and start a kickstarter to buy an abandoned renfair, but that is about it.

Whacha wanna talk about?

>> No.7178101

Can we talk about eyebrow prosthetics, Gropey? I know crepe wool is generally recommended for facial hair needs, but for anime/game characters with unnaturally colored hair and strange eyebrow shapes like ultra thick ones, weirdly shaped ones (lightningbolt brows seem to be a common one) and heian style brows, what are some other methods for creating or falsifying brows without it just looking like badly drawn-on chola brows?

>> No.7178153
File: 76 KB, 500x700, eyebrow plasticrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing is first: Covering your eyebrows without ruining them.

The answer is going to sound ridiculously obvious: Eyebrow putty. Also known as eyebrow wax, plastic and caulk.

Essentially a less sticky and dense version of chin/nose putty. Get it in your skin tone. Spread and smooth. Do your makeup as usual. I like Mehron personally, followed by Ben Nye and Kryolan.

It removes with standard stage makeup remover. As I have said in many threads before, I swear by Ben Nye's Remove-it-all.


>> No.7178219
File: 29 KB, 500x358, 09_eyebrow_prosthetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step the second: The eyebrows.

Here is where its gets tricky.... You have three options, two of which you covered.


Prosthetic eyebrows come in two basic forms: Realistic, and not. "Not" would be things like felt, cardboard, etc. Think of rock lee sor the guy from FLCL. Realistic ones need to be made by pros, and can be a little pricey, but are worth every cent when you can get them in almost any style. They apply much like any latex prosthetic.

>> No.7179256

That looks like a still from the texas chainsaw massacre.

>> No.7179260

i get the biggest boner watching artist lay hair in eyebrows, beards, mustaches, facial hair in general. it's just like- jesus christ you're everything perfect and right in this world.

>> No.7179709


>> No.7179712

no one cares, charms.

>> No.7179744

not the same anon, but I've been having the hardest time covering my eyebrows. I need to get them completely gone and redraw them on but I'm not about to shave them off. I've tried the method of spirit gumming them down and then using dermawax and foundation but it still looks slightly bumpy.
Any advice?

>> No.7179911

Are you blind or just stupid?

He just said eyebrow plastic in your skin color.

>> No.7179912

No anon, it is you who is stupid.
You don't just slap eyebrow putty directly over your brows unless you want to rip out your brows. Dermawax and eyebrow putty are essentially the same thing.

>> No.7179957
File: 41 KB, 450x140, eyebrow plastic copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon, it is YOU WHO WAS THE STUPID ALL ALONG!!!!1!!!

1: Dermawax and eyebrow putty are NOT ALIKE AT ALL. That is like using shaving cream to top your pie, because its white foam from a can like whipped cream.

2: Yes, you apply it directly on to your eyebrows, and then seal with powder or spray.

3: You use prosthetics remover to remove it. Shocking I know. This keeps it from ripping your eyebrows off.

4: You're mixing adhesives, which cause crystallization, when you use the spirit gum. Aside from the fact you're using the wrong putty, you're mixing chemicals you don't need.

Use the right tool for the job, in this case, eyebrow wax. Use a metal makeup/paint spatula. warm a pea-sized ball of eyebrow putty in your fingers until it is body temp. when you're smoothing it, use a little Vaseline to keep it from sticking to your finger tips. warm the putty with a low hair dryer when needed.

Don't try to cheat, or think you know better than to use the makeup that is designed, and named for the job you want done.

>> No.7179965

I must be crazy then because I have the kryolan eyebrow plastic and my dermawax and they are absolutely the same thing. Or this kryolan I bought is complete garbage.

>> No.7179968

You dont put dermawax on facial hair you mouthbreather. It says so on the package.

>> No.7179972

Did you use prosthetic remover to take it off? Real, pro-grade stuff, following the directions on the package?

And yes, eyebrow wax bonds to itself. Dermal putty bonds to any porous surface, like hair. If you have both eyebrow wax, and dermawax and STILL decided you know better than the makers of the two different chemical mixtures, the you should lose eyebrow privileges.

>> No.7179981

Sorry, I should have been more concise and less snarky. Removing has been no problem, but I'm still getting the same lumpy results pm application. I had dermawax in my original kit and tried it out and got a less than desirable result. I picked up the eyebrow plastic and ended up with the same result again. No matter which I try my eyebrows still seem to show through, I don't mean the color, but you can see the ridges of the hair and it seems near impossible to get it to appear smooth, and this is all visible from a good few feet of distance.

>> No.7179986

Again: Knead it well, lightly warm with hairdryer if needed, use Vaseline to keep it from sticking to fingers. Don't be afraid to use more putty. It sounds most like you're not using enough material to cover the area.

>> No.7180023

Clownbro knows makeup. Never doubt him.

>> No.7182376

Bump? Is this thread done? Has clownbro abandoned us?

>> No.7182531

Hope this thread isn't too dead. Gropey, any advice for hooking up with an actual clown? Like, a sideshow girl?

>> No.7182580
File: 149 KB, 1280x854, clowntortion2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, Im just not hovering over the thread.

Clowns and sideshow performers are seperate acts, but I digress.

Advice? You need to be a circus or vaudeville performer yourself, or be involved in the community in some way. We are very insular and self supporting.

Furthermore, I would not suggest trying to mix a kink you have, with someone who's life revolves around it. Playing a game is fine. Trying to go for a "legitimate" performer just for a hookup and kicks seems shallow and pedantic.

On top of that, I can damn near guarantee you that you couldn't handle a real carney or circus girl. You'd get torn apart like a rival show's poster.

Just my two cents.

>> No.7182647


Lol I'm not the poster you're referring to but I'm laughing because I say the same shit to dudes who want to dance just so they can get with dancers.

>> No.7182685

Dancers are almost always an awesome lay.

Then again, I actually used to dance competitions.

>> No.7182769

Is there anything you can't do?

>> No.7182793

Blow glass.
Paint with watercolors.
Walk on my hands.
Use photoshop
Carve stone.

These are just a few things off the top of my head.

>> No.7182798

OH! And throw on a potter's wheel.


>> No.7183806

You can't juggle? What kind of shitty clown are you?

>> No.7183809

>use HTML
That's probably the easiest to learn, you could pick it up in a week.

>> No.7184394

It's not just a kink. I love seeing girls perform at circuses, there's just something carnal and beautiful about it. I want to experience being with a girl like that to some extent. It doesn't have to be just sex.

Also, I'm curious as to why you think an outsider would get torn apart?

>> No.7186622

thats a kink yo

>> No.7186749

People said the same thing about juggling. I still can't do it.

Like >>7186622 points out.... That is a kink.

And if you have to ask why you couldn't handle a real show girl, picture trying to bed a rule 63 of me. Headbutting and drinking included.

>> No.7186754
File: 355 KB, 1275x1920, tumblr_mvdr7qBAA11s33tgho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot a random pic.

>> No.7186774

....Do you have a sister? I can work with this.

>> No.7187199

No. Stop that.

>> No.7187276

But that sounds great! I love crazy/difficult. Fuck it, I'm gonna get drunk and give it a shot next time the circus blows through town.

Also, I know its a long shot, but have you ever met Rev Mackenzie Moltov? She is so sex.

>> No.7187675
File: 660 KB, 1280x931, tumblr_mtkyh3OhRU1sjsorvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You, and a hundred other losers who want to hookup with a show girl. Good luck with that. I'll sign you cast.

As for Rev Mackenzie, I met her once in passing, but don't know her personally.

>> No.7187694

normally clowns freak me the fuck out, but this is super cute.

>> No.7187714
File: 10 KB, 298x294, furrikane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cast

>> No.7188403

Anything else I should know about? Does they bite?

>> No.7188562

Where did you learn all this shit, Gropey? Just curious.

>> No.7188640

Good to hear.


Only if you play your cards right, and have all your shots.

What shit in particular? Anything to do with showmanship is because I come form a circus family. Otherwise, I just like learning and trying new things.

>> No.7188874

Why did you reject me at nekocon?

>> No.7188992
File: 19 KB, 418x418, green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone experienced with water based paints? I'm going to use Mehron Paradise AQ to paint my full face, neck and hands. Will a 0.25oz refill be enough to do this 2-3 times, or do I need to buy more?

>> No.7189035

>What shit in particular?
The makeup stuff.

>> No.7189137

post a pic and we'll tell you.

>> No.7189422
File: 102 KB, 700x906, 1348102716355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't do "hookups", especially with people I just met

Oh god. This again.

Water based makeup is crap in my opinion to start with. Hands and neck makeup are hell to keep makeup on due to high sweat and contact traffic.

Then their are the basics: What was your barrier primer? What was your sealant?

I am a clown, from a circus family. I have worked small-time FX and stage makeup for stage and screen for several years. My mentor also worked doing much bigger FX productions and taught me a lot of latex work.

>> No.7189559
File: 84 KB, 606x455, elphaba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using water based because they use a MAC water based make up in the official show. I can't get the MAC here, but other costumers say mehron is close. I bought Ben Nye Final Seal on a recommendation.
I just need to know how if a 0.25 oz refill will be enough, or if I should buy two at the same time to save on shipping later.

>> No.7189571
File: 190 KB, 816x896, guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My answer: Quit throwing your money away on water based makeup.

You might not like it, but you asked.

Also, get a barrier spray to prime your skin with before application. Follow my guide to using barrier and sealant spray (pic related)

>> No.7189590

BTW, I suggest Mehron Barrier/sealant combo-spray. MAKE SURE ITS THE COMBONATION SPRAY! Its much more robust and will last for days if needed.

See the post >>7166547

>> No.7189682

So let's just start with Gropey is right about the oil based stuff lasting better and being easier to work with. Follow that up with I have horrible reactions to it and use the water based stuff.

I always get good results with kryolan aquacolor. Other brands are hit or miss, the ben nye water based stuff is the one I can say I've NEVER had good results with.

Depending on the intensity of the color you're going for, you might scrape by with that size make up. It behaves a bit like water color paints, so for stronger color saturation use more. Start with a layer of pale neutral in the same stuff to keep it from dyeing your skin and to get a brighter more even color layer. Let your base dry. Then go for the color, and don't forget you'll need darker and lighter for your highlights and shadows. Assuming you have no makeup you're looking at needing FOUR colors, not just one. You'll want larger sizes for your foundation and primary color, smaller for the highlights and shadows. As with anything else, you'll want to seal it, especially on the hands.

>> No.7190562

Just want to say I enjoy your threads!

>> No.7191055
File: 63 KB, 630x395, 1339972168712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just say no to water based crap.

Good to hear! I ama amazed this thread is still kicking!

Wow, fuck you alcohol. I meant "combination"

>> No.7191088

Like I said, I use it because I have really sensitive skin and oil based makeups give me trouble. For all-day wear, especially since the person asking wants to do their hands, I don't think it's a good call unless they have problems like I do.

>> No.7191750

Oh god. Is that picture real?

>> No.7191780

I always get so depressed reading these threads and all the awesome things you can do with makeup. I have horrible skin allergies and I've found I can't wear body or face paint without my skin itching and stinging all day, followed by a bloated red face and acne for at least a week afterward.

I was given an extremely short list of makeups I can use by my dermatologist, but it's mostly crappy drug store stuff like Wet N' Wild.

Oh my God, whenever I see pictures of Pennywise I always remember the nightmares I had after watching him as a little kid. The horror...

>> No.7191785

Captain Maggots! <3

>> No.7191809
File: 355 KB, 778x598, Fink They&#039;re Freeky Teef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How can a boring person dress up a little more as a clown? I went as one on Halloween, but I ended up going to the bar alone and chatting with a guy who had teeth like the pic here. It was alright, we talked about cheese, but it seems like a lackluster way to use the costume. I don't really want to wait until next year to break it out, and I'm super proud of it.
I also am recovering from a broken ankle, and I am physically unable to do anything more than walk a little fast.

Oh! And how does one create a good face? I currently only have lips and eyes down, but I can't figure out what to do in between that area. I'm kind of leaning towards a higher-maintenance prideful character.

>> No.7191941
File: 48 KB, 544x622, emmet kelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Circus folk are a very tight knit social group. Clowns even more so.

What do you use to prep your skin?

Didn't know who she was until now. Thanks!

Ok, I don't understand the first part of this post.

>how does one create a good face?

By experimenting. Look at the faces of people in pictures showing genuine emotion. Look at other clowns. Keep trying until you find something that evolves naturally to who you are.