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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 107 KB, 440x587, horrible belle cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7152175 No.7152175[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>thinking people are mean to her because she's only fat

>> No.7152178

>dat Belle cosplay
Was she trying to get this as wrong as possible on purpose? What in fuck's name is that picture of Belle and the Beast even doing there?

>> No.7152188

It's so you can tell what the hell she's supposed to be. Otherwise I'd say she was the queen of cornbread

>> No.7152195

Good god, she is a fucking attention whore times ten. She posts her shit in cosplay forums on facebook and like no one likes it or anything.... it's awkward. It's really, really awkward. I wish she would disappear and find a different hobby.

>> No.7152196

those comments...
>omg love your cosplays
>I had to stop on the princess peach one to ogle it!

are you fucking kidding me

>> No.7152198

> Don't assume that you're doing us a favor by saying, "I am supportive of all cosplay, I just want you to understand that there are some people who won't support you," or, "Be careful if you weigh this much and want to cosplay this character not everyone will like it."

I don't understand why this isn't sound advice. A friend pointed that out to me yesterday and just went to town about how dumb it is that she wants her friends to sugarcoat and make her think everything is sunshine and rainbows when it's not. She should be glad someone's said something at all so she's prepared when it happens. What a fucking baby.

>> No.7152202

>queen of cornbread

>> No.7152216

I'm going to assume because she already knows? I don't know, telling fat people "You're fat, people are going to pick on you for it, be prepared" seems pretty condescending and redundant. I've been fat before. Trust me, we're well aware.

>> No.7152219

>If you're not asspatting me constantly you're not a true friend and probably also a racist!

>> No.7152224
File: 108 KB, 440x665, Sailor Venus cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't realize this girl made a response to all the people calling her Nigga Venus and shit. http://www.xojane.com/issues/mad-back-cosplayer-chaka-cumberbatch

I've praised her on this board before, so it was weird to see that. I'm always kind of glad that I'm not heavy into cosplay, because I can't imagine what it's like to do something for fun years ago, post a pic, and then have people mock you for it forever after, especially when you did a good job.

>> No.7152232

>implying any of you are actually going to do anything but skim that article and mock her for being fat and black

Nothing if not predictable. I don't even know why you bothered posting this.

>> No.7152235

that's a good cosplay though, and she has a legitimate reason to respond to hate. the chick in OP has literally no reason to complain when her cosplays look like that.

>> No.7152238

Yeah this girl actually did a good job with her cosplay. OP's outfit is a fucking mess.

>> No.7152239

>those legs
>good contruction
>pretty rad overall save the gloves being kinda ill-fitting
I don't even see why this cosplay would get hate other than the fact she's black. Are people really that bothered by that? I mean, with that logic no one caucasian, latnio, black, and anyone who isn't japanese shouldn't cosplay anything from sailor moon, then.
And that's no fun.

>> No.7152240

I tried reading it all the way through, I really did. The whining was just too intense.

>> No.7152242

>that hair
>those arm rolls
>Beauty and the Beat blanket cut out

I guess her hair is kind of innovative if she was going for a beast look? But that fucking picture smack in the middle of the skirt. That would look ridiculous even on a skinny person.

>> No.7152258

>Beauty and the Beat


>> No.7152536

When I saw OPs article I thought I wanted to meet her and take her bra shopping.

She'd look 10 times better with some proper undergarments. She'd feel better and her costumes would look nicer too.

>> No.7152557

That cant possibly be a cosplay, she isnt even dressed as a character. It just looks like some haute coutre shit based off disney films

>> No.7152603
File: 52 KB, 440x248, the most beautiful satin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mte, OP, she always uses the shittiest fabric possible and her construction is shit. If she used better fabric and actually ironed her fucking costumes, she would actually be ok. She has a right to complain about people being racist or making gross comments about her body, but like if people call her a bad cosplayer, well, she kind of is.

>> No.7152605
File: 62 KB, 362x332, 1330386481590.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw someone in the comments called this cosplay "on point"

>> No.7152633

It's a special edition figurine from Disney, I bought it a few years back.

>> No.7152644
File: 55 KB, 500x500, Disney_Traditions_Moonlit_Enchantment_Beauty_And_The_Beast_4010021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from a set of figurines of all the disney princesses from a company called Traditions. They are pretty, but made into real life not so much.

>> No.7152666

Dem legs. Reminds me of the main reason I watched Sailor Moon in the first place, all those endless legs and barely crotch-covering skirts...

>> No.7152864


>> No.7152915


homegirl needs to get a bra

>> No.7152918

I don't get it. I think her Beast cosplay is pretty spot-on.

>> No.7152922

Does anyone else think that this fabric looks like a bedsheet?

>> No.7152977

It may sound odd, but I'm honestly getting tired of people posting big long rants about how the community isn't as accepting as it wants you to think, or people say nasty things to you, and gosh it's full of meanie heads even though we're all social outcasts! Like it's something new and shocking. She even addresses the reason in her post, that "assholes exist everywhere." So if you know this, then ignore them and move on? If you're friends are telling you things like that, you probably need new friends. If people say that stuff to your face, you shut them down on the spot. Your "diversity" is only a handicap if you let it be.

>> No.7153319

the sad thing is people try to ride on the coattails on being discriminated but really there is none they are just shit.

>> No.7153465
File: 37 KB, 720x537, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is the absolute worst cosplayer I've seen. JFC I want to punch this lady so hard it's not even funny. Whining for fame is totes cool tho.

>> No.7153469

There is a girl in my local community doing this right now. She's claiming she's being hard core bullied, and being posted on porn sites but she'll overcome it and be the best cosplayer ever!

When the truth is she's bullying other cosplayers who are worlds ahead of her and had posted herself to porn sites in order to get more attention to her fb page, but when it got found out she said someone else posted her there to 'bully her'. It's so pathetic.

>> No.7153528

Does she never use wigs? I don't understand why she keeps using her own hair.

>> No.7153617

She sounds almost exactly like a girl in my local comm. Weird.

>> No.7153642


/cgl/ calls me a stupid bitch every day and a fattie, and yet I still can't leave you guys.

>> No.7153646

This place is literally the definition of an abusive relationship.

You know it's bad for you but despite how much it hurts you, you still feel the need to stay and help it, to make it better but you know it's not gonna happen.

>> No.7153666


Just live by Disney standards and all will be well. If you can't something nice, don't say nothing at all! ...........and then come to /cgl/ and become the bitter and mean seagull that you are.

>> No.7153675
File: 10 KB, 500x500, I can do it if I try.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so hard not to call people out on the spot when they say something stupid though...

>> No.7153685

I don't have a problem with her being fat
i have a problem that she's a terrible cosplayer
fat bitches can and have done it right
this is not one of those times

>> No.7153689

I had seen her at a ren fest in a Flo costume, I was kinda wondering what was up with that. This explains it a bit more.

>> No.7153731

yeah that still looks like shit with the picture of beast and belle on her dress.

>> No.7153736

No one's actually bothered by it. Internet trolls will just try to make hate out of anything. Once in awhile there are scary bitches who will hate because she did it better than them, but for hte most part it's just a bunch of guys ages 14-21 who have nothing better to do.

I love how in OP's pic her hair is absolutely terrible by any culture's standard of beauty, but if were to say that I would be called racist.

>> No.7153773

this whiny fatass reminds me of one in the las vegas community. her cosplays and personality fucking sucks. 'woe is me!' no one likes my cosplays because im fat and black! pity me!!'

shit got old real fast

>> No.7153779

The blue panel definitely has that cheap bedsheets/comforter look.

>> No.7153861

Honestly, though, she's got a beautiful body perfect for Sailor Scout cosplay.

>> No.7156736

Please, just keep Vegas (as a whole) out of this. We have enough problems without you stirring the shit pot.

>> No.7157158


Lol, fellow Vegas anon here. I know exactly which whiny ass bitch you are talking about. She thinks her cosplays are the shit but when she realizes that she DOES look like crap, she'll complain about it on Facebook and have her friends whiteknight her. It's so pathetic and annoying.

>> No.7158580

Sad sad sad...

>> No.7159299


Yep. Her Facebook is nothing but "WOE IS ME". I don't understand how such a negative-mindset person has friends at all.

>> No.7159309

Because the point of cosplay is to look like the character, even white facing would have been better then that shit.

>> No.7159341

me either. that woman has so many problems my god... she just reminds me so much of the OP's link i just had to let that out.

>> No.7159572


When I knew her at first, I felt sorry that she had the problems but I came to the realization that she doesn't do anything to get OUT of her bad situation. No money? Go get a job. Don't like how you look in the mirror? Eat healthy and do some exercise. Don't like hearing about someone else's opinions on X matter but get butthurt when someone critiques yours? Then just stfu lol, hypocrite.

>> No.7159651

She doesn't even make these crappy costumes herself.
I don't even know what to think now.

>> No.7159653

haha yeah. whenever i said something she didn't agree with (and i wasn't even being an ass) she'd get angry. tried to be nice to her? get angry and offended. wtf mental...

>> No.7159663

Being fat is a valid reason for being made fun of.

>> No.7159862
File: 354 KB, 274x200, lookwatifound.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, you guys really take the cake for official ruiners of other people's happiness. Good job, guys.
Just because she's not cosplaying your personal idea of how cosplay should be done, doesn't mean she's horrible at it. Have you never realized everyone has to figure out how to do things in a manner that best suits them and their life? Have you always done exactly as you mothers and fathers, teachers and authority figures have told you? You never tried to figure out your own way, never tried to personalize an experience so it's easier to attain or more comfortable for your life and body?That would be sad if you still did things the way your mom said to do it instead of finding out what works best for you.
All of you, who have taken this culture and lifestyle from a place where they set the guidelines for how to experience cosplay, are all of you doing exactly what cosplay creators from all the way back in 1908 wish? It always seems to me that you are not, what it looks like your doing is having a huge middle-school style "My backpack and shoes are better than yours" party.
Open your fucking eyes, everyone is different, like truly fucking different, as in not the same as you at all, no matter how many people claim they are exactly like you and different people do things fucking different.
Wasn't the whole point of cosplay to wear something that shows how much you love certain characters and stories?
You've taken something for everyone and tried to turn it into an exclusive club and one day people are going to get tired of it and forget about it. It happened when every kid thought they loved martial arts, it was in every show and movie, but then it became something you could only experience if you were in the club, taking karate class. Then it lost it's fun and now every town has a karate studio that never seems to be open.
You think weeaboos are bad for the culture? It's all of you and the rest of the people like you that keep others from enjoying cosplay.

>> No.7159878
File: 990 KB, 500x238, tumblr_mlvm7oSBpX1sn1s0bo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7159894


Not sure if butthurt or whiteknighting... /sarcasm

>> No.7159925

but .. her cosplays suck. aside from the fact that she's fat or black. Cause i'm sure that's her first and second maneuver for defense. Her "cosplays" just suck. and she's using those things as a crutch to get around actual criticism, so white knights can rally around her. and in turn she'll never make any actual progress.

>> No.7159934


Well-said OP!

>> No.7159964

You can have fun and whatever the fuck you want but you must be aware of how you look. People will stare and laugh anyways, specially if you're a bad cosplayer like the fat girl.

>> No.7159968

So? There are thousands of other people, I see them constantly at conventions, whose cosplays suck. But they are out enjoying themselves and having a good time.

Don't like how someone else does it. Don't do it that way.

>> No.7159980
File: 22 KB, 535x376, 1339542615535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chaka Cumberbatch
That's not her real name, right?

>> No.7159989


It's not about liking how someone else 'does' a certain cosplay. It's when some fat landwhale goes around praising how awesome she looks in her costume, when she doesn't...That shit is annoying as fuck.

>> No.7160018
File: 364 KB, 179x131, stahpit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you know they say opinions are like assholes. But I'm sure they don't say use your opinions to be a strait up dickhead at every chance you have before you die.

Her body has zip to do with this. I don't care that she's fat or black.

She's allowed to do as she pleases when it comes to creative expression.
But there is no rule that says everyone who doesn't like it should shun her for it.
Her cosplay is just reason for folks to act like third graders.
I'm not whiteknighting, I don't know her from ass or elbow. I'm just pointing out that people like the ones in this post are killing cosplay.

>> No.7160034

Her cosplays suck.

It has nothing to do with who she is. Whether she is fat or black. That doesn't matter.

Her construction sucks. Her choices are not ideal. She doesn't even wear a wig for Christ's sake.

She can do as she pleases, but that doesn't make her a good cosplayer. If she took any of her cosplays to any major competition, she would not win.

If she's having fun, that's fine. Good for her. No one is killing cosplay by having some standards.

>> No.7160085

What do you guys get about the idea that folks who are unnecessarily mean and rude are not people anyone wants to be in a group with? If you give people a hard time about something they like they will hate it because of the negativity you bring to it.

So what if she's not good at what she likes?
It's not anybody's job to go around making people feel shitty just for not being awesome super god tier at an activity they like.
And the attitude that you can be a complete shithead to someone who doesn't do what you think they should is indeed killing the joy of cosplaying.
It's the reason you see the same people at the same cons year after year.Other people get turned off from the scene because of the whole"If we don't like it someone should suffer for displeasing us" vibe.
Can you really not see it's not a requirement to be a truly nasty person to someone who doesn't fit your standards?
A lot of cosplayers really behave like spoiled children in this regard. There is no President of Cosplay picking and choosing who is doing cosplay wrong OR right. It's really as simple as STOP BEING MEAN ASSES BECAUSE SOMETHING ISN'T YOUR CUP OF TEA.

>> No.7160109
File: 983 KB, 500x351, 1371582594053.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, keep namefagging here for a long time.

>> No.7160116

do yourself a favor and get off ceeg. not being a cunt or anything but people often voice their differences towards people here. whether its outright rude or constructive- just because you give a nice little speech isn't going to change the mind of the person you are arguing with.

But the fact you state there isn't a right or wrong can be said in regards to you as well, there isn't a right or wrong- so people are free to be opinionated. Again, with that in mind...you might want to go back to lurking.

>> No.7160124

Stopping in to let you know that you're right, if this were a real world situation, or hell a situation where actual reputations would be at risk for shame.

But, you are on an anonymous board where people can take out their frustrations freely. You said a nice gesture, but you're not about to change board culture. Everyone who thinks how you think just lets it go at this point.

>> No.7160135

You're a moron if you think her race and weight have nothing to do with the treatment she's receiving here.

>> No.7160138

the woman could be white, but if she is still overweight and still using shitty fabric- she would still get made fun of. Theres more than one factor anon, at least act like you're reading the thread.

>> No.7160139

That's not what I said. Of course it is, and that sucks.

But /cgl/ doesn't give asspats to any shitty cosplayers. See how much hate Jessica Nigri gets here.

>> No.7160166

Those things don't help, but even if she was skinny and white, she'd still be made fun of because her costumes look like shit.

>> No.7160168

A lot of anons have picked on her weight and race, and yeah, those people are just douchebags, but honestly MOST people are just as douchebaggy and will think the same thing anons have been saying. They just won't say it out loud, because no one wants to look like an ass. That's just humanity. But under anon, people will say what they feel regardless because there are no real consequences.
If you think the only people who believe her cosplays are shit are the people actually voicing this opinion, think again. They don't like her cosplays or keep their opinion to themselves out of decency, it's just to save face. That "people are great and loving and wonderful and will LOVE ME no matter what, and anyone who doesn't shower me with praise is just a grouchy butt who must hate EVERYTHING fun!!" mentality is what's poisoning the water supply that is (good) cosplay.

Have fun, but don't expect everyone to like you. If it's so much fun, then stop bitching about how people point out that you suck and have your fun.
I've also seen quite a few plus sized cosplayers and lolitas posted here with positive responses because they looked good.

>> No.7160170

How do you not get that is my point?
Have your opinions. Have 2, 5 or 10 opinions.Have em all day.
What I'm saying is there's no reason to be dicks to the people your having an opinion about. There is no reason to be malicious about how you feel.
Cosplay becomes less of an interest to folks when they see people not noting someones cosplay was not their fave but, also behaving as if they have the right to take away any good a person feels about their cosplay. People that do this are still awful humans.
It's still fucking mean-spirited and makes an atmosphere of negativity and hostility that doesn't need to exist.

>> No.7160174

how do you not get that people are going to be dicks whether they have a reason or not? the only reason you see cosplay being a malicious hobby is because youre online looking at threads about it. this shit doesnt happen AT the cons- just online. So once more, get off ceeg .

>> No.7160205


If you think people don't behave like this to this lady's face you're insane.

Yeah sure, people are going to be sweaty bung holes, but as I said it doesn't give them the right to take someone else's happiness and crap on it. I've been into cosplay for ...well, lets just say since 3D doritos was a thing and it wasn't about tearing other people down.

Some of you guys use board etiquette as an excuse to act this way, when really it's like you just need a way to find someone to vent on. Dude that's not how you have an opinion and allow someone to enjoy what they are doing.

>> No.7160233

>well, lets just say since 3D doritos was a thing and it wasn't about tearing other people down.

Been in the cosplay community for over a decade now and if you have this attitude you obviously were not even on the outskirts of any of the popular cliques or groups. It has been a high school popularity contest for an extremely long time, and yes, people have always been vicious both behind backs and to other's faces. If you missed out on it since it wasn't as centralized as all the bitching now, then good for you. But saying 'oh it has EVOLVED into this recently!' is just either naive or obtuse.

In a hobby where you get judged by a majority of people based on how good you look or how good your costume looks, you're going to have backstabbing and bitching and drama. People tear others down either due to insecurities or simply to weed out the weak who can't handle it. I was never anyone of note back in the day but I knew a couple of people who basically showed me just a taste of how terrible the upper crust could be, and it is just as bad, if not worse (we had a lot fewer 'popular' cosplayers back then dishing it out and in the spotlight than now, so you paid more attention to them and their dramu).

yeah, don't give me that shit about it being rainbows and kittens back then.

Should people act like that? Of course not, hurrr, but it did exist back then just as bad as it does now.

>> No.7160982

I never said they did, why are you putting words in to my post? and they will continue to act this way, whether you think they have the right or not. You can try to flaunt how long youve been in the hobby, but that really means nothing in this conversation. So I dont even know why you think thats relevant. However, it does show how new you are to internet drama. (may I repeat, INTERNET...which you should probably get off it.)
>board etiquette
I dont think you know what etiquette means. OR did you mean culture? Because cgl praises and critizies cosplays all the time. Do yourself a favor and hide the threads that bitch or, as said before, get off cgl.

>> No.7163079

it is very funny to my that you think cosplay was ever something else.... I have been in this hobby for about 12-13 years and it never was different. Bad cosplays were criticised and bitched about. the only thing that ever changes is the standards.

>> No.7165456

Being fat is a choice.

>> No.7165473


Popping in for a sec.

Cosplayer for 16 yrs and I can assure you, we were never this shitty to each other on the COSP.

You know who was shitty... the Cosplay Closet people and the SeraMyu dancing group. When that crap went down both became pariahs and the Cosplay Closet couple weren't heard from again while the Myu group disbanded.

When you acted like less than a decent human being people called you on it and there were actual consequences.

>> No.7165490

>Just because she's not cosplaying your personal idea of how cosplay should be done, doesn't mean she's horrible at it.
Her costumes are poorly sewn, made of cheap fabric, inaccurate, and she looks like a beanbag was magically granted life, like something out of an 80s romantic comedy.

She's pretty much fucking up on every bulletpoint of what it means to be good at cosplay.

Point Number One is usually "DO NOT LOOK LIKE A HOT MESS", which she fails at spectacularly.

Go suck a bag of dicks.

>> No.7167293

Really laughable at all you dick hiding and making your shitty comments here on 4-chan but if you were there face to face you wouldn't say shit! Why? Because you know it is wrong to say the stupid ass shit you be saying!

Some of you don't even know what she cosplayed or asked why she cosplayed it or what she can and/or can not afford! What her skill level of making is! So shut up! If you can do, great for you! But guess what cosplay does not belong to you or to who can afford it or to pretty people or to whatever your stupid ass brains just told you it did!

All you racist people, all you fat shamers, all you people who think that you have some right to comment? You do NOT! SHUT UP!
Making her feel bad so you can think better of yourself makes you a piece of shit!
Coslaying is a hobby NOT a life or death affair. None of your families where hurt or killed! Move the fuck on and get yourselves fucking lives of your own and don't mind her god damn business!


>> No.7167300
File: 31 KB, 156x225, 1331468284035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not sure if troll

>> No.7167304
File: 274 KB, 394x400, excalibur_face_of_disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can just say you don't like finding out about a thread about you, you don't have to pretend to be somebody else. People on 4chan don't talk like that if they've been here any amount of time, and the people who say things like what you say don't tend to want to come here. Well, or you know her.

Also, you are angry.

>> No.7167305

if you put yourself out there, you should expect praises, rude comments, and critics. if you cannot accept that, then dont post your photos online or go to conventions. Its pretty much common sense.

>> No.7167336

Is that face photoshopped on her head ? o.O

>> No.7167349

coslaying... sounds like a good name for the "cosplay" she produces

>> No.7167452

I just have a problem with people expecting everything to be handed to them JUST for being fat and black, like the stupid tumblr mentality that you can do NO WRONG is just ridiculous.
Get over yourself and stop thinking that being a minority automatically means that you will gain fame/love.

>> No.7167459

Yeah no, I remember it being just as bad. We obviously come from different backgrounds back then.

>> No.7168016

Fat Black subject of thread detected.

>> No.7168023

>None of your families where hurt or killed!


And, I disagree. My brother saw your picture and put a nail gun to his temple.

>> No.7168026

so she's supposed to be the ballroom, right

>> No.7168046

so things that are objectively bad(and bad as in craftmanship and detail) cannot be critiqued ever?
good to know. You won't get better in a vacuum of asspats honey.

>> No.7168088

>my reaction to all this shit
> yaaaaay fight fight fight

>> No.7168134

>doesn't recognize that face
treasure your ignorance, anon.
but stop using that emoticon.

>> No.7168482

Girl, you've come to the wrong neighborhood. Trying to defend yourself on /cgl/ is the dumbest thing you can possibly do.

>> No.7168498


>> No.7168506

>stupid ass shit you be saying
>you be saying
You have to be that fat black chick who is terrible at cosplaying arent you?

>> No.7168527

Truly, this is the most tumblr of boards.

>> No.7168542

Please don't cosplay Franziska Von Karma next

>> No.7168544

Fuck you for making me imagine that.

>> No.7168621


>Strong, independent prosecutor who don't need no fools

>> No.7168847


>> No.7168850

This offends me.

>> No.7170449

Actually I like it!
I think she is sexy!

>> No.7170451
File: 166 KB, 900x900, 1361113802447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading this while finishing up my Franziska costume for tonight

>> No.7170456

disgusting kootakooter face

>> No.7171152

I hope he died

>> No.7171189

Why is the beast in the dress

>> No.7172110

Samefag. You must be super new to 4chan.

>> No.7174083


I seriously love this girl as Venus. Her legs look amazing and it fits her body perfectly.

>> No.7174095

You're just saying that because she's ugly and black and you feel bad for how dumb she looks.

>> No.7174099


Yes, that is exactly why I am saying that. Because I really feel the need to hide my true feelings in a place like this.

>> No.7174102

She's a butterface, I'll give you that. Her body is 10/10, though. Would paperbag.
>jelly white girl with flabby legs detected

>> No.7174812
File: 9 KB, 251x190, 1382927277847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because actually finding her cosplay nice MUST mean you're trying to be conscious of her race.