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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 110 KB, 480x640, 1370054-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7151019 No.7151019 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread autosaging here >>7144131

Why are lolita bonnets always so huge? Most of the Victorian era ones I've seen the brim is narrower and closer to the face. I can't bring myself to wear the ones brands put out because they make your head look ridiculously large.

>> No.7151032

So i'm getting my first angelic pretty sparkle print in the mail soon. I've loved the dress for a really long time and I'm super excited to own it, but are there any special considerations I have to take when cleaning it? I'd hate for the glitter to flake off.

>> No.7151035
File: 307 KB, 1171x1006, JANE EYRE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this kind. This is so much better.

>> No.7151036

First off , many lolitas are not analytical enough to even realize this, but big bonnets need big hair , otherwise you look fucking stupid. Second, bonnets look stupid no matter how its worn.

>> No.7151039

I can't bring my self to wear a bonnet of any size. It always seems as if they look so nice on everyone else, but when I picture my self in one...it just doesn't look right to me.
Ah well.

>> No.7151044

I've thrown all of mine in the machine with no issues. Aqua Princess lost more glitter on me than in the machine. You should be fine.

>> No.7151048

Spot clean near the print, hand wash rest of the dress.

>> No.7151053

I think that big bonnets go well with the typical fluffy lolita styles. Also your head tends to look smaller when your lower body is giant and ruffly, so it helps balance it out.

Bonnets have never been a classy item, they were mostly worn by working class women to keep clean. Or before parties to keep hairstyles in place. Headresses and accessories (flowers and such) were way more common. I don't dislike how they look, but I really don't understand why they are such a big item in lolita.

>> No.7151061

I mean, it's not like brands haven't released bonnets in that shape, like, MM ones look a litle more like that. And those floppy brim bonnets sweet sometimes does isn't historically accurate either, I don't think at any point were bonnets floppy. So I guess it's just a modern take on a historical item? I personally love big bonnets, the bigger the better.

>> No.7151221

How often does clobba restock secret shop shoes?? I've been waiting on tea-parties for what seems like forever...

>> No.7151224

I have a beautiful black btssb bonnet that I bought on a whim but never wore- they just aren't my thing. It's not insanely huge, and would look quite subtle on a gothic coord. I'm thinking of selling it

>> No.7151229

Is it a solid black stiff brim? How much are you asking?

>> No.7151287

I think bonnets are beautiful, I think the medium sized ones look the best personally. I've never owned a bonnet but I think it will be my next lolita purchase. I love how bonnets look with classic and gothic lolita :)

Also in regards to OP Innocent World makes bonnets like the type you mentioned.

>> No.7151289
File: 86 KB, 300x400, bunnybonnet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a stiff brim unfortunately, it's more like this but without rabbit ears.

>> No.7151291

floppy ones just look like those hats toddlers wear to me. cute though I find them nonsensical to wear

if they protected me from the sun then hell yes but I just want a black velvet one to match my velvet jsk and that's it for me...

>> No.7151294

I feel you anon, I'm looking for a black velvet bonnet too but a specific Meta bonnet from 2004.

>> No.7151295

Aww I think it's cute anon. How much are you looking for if you do decide to sell it?

>> No.7151297
File: 61 KB, 290x387, image 395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VM's bonnets are bit more like what >>7151035 is talking about, though the brim is still quite large.

>> No.7151300

im >>7151291 and this looks like it has some sun cover.. AND is gorgeous
I take what i said back

>> No.7151307


Probably about £20 ($30) but then I have no idea if this is too high or too low, I've been out the loop for so long. I bought it for $50.

I'll try take a picture in a bit. I was going to bung all my old lolita stuff on ebay.

>> No.7151311

That sounds pretty good :) Would you be willing to post to aus?

>> No.7151317

Yeah I don't see why not! I'm not sure how much postage would be, but I can't imagine it would be a huge deal. My email is in the field, so message me if you're still interested- I'll take some pictures in a bit.

>> No.7151323

I've only owned two bonnets -- one in black from Elpress and one from Infanta.

The one from Elpress looked gigantic before I even put it on and when I tried it on it still looked awful, no amount of big hair would fix it (I tried multiple times) so I sold it in the end. I don't know how other people have owned the same one and had it look a better size on them?

The one from Infanta was the Snow White one and it was perfect. Wearable both with and without a wig but it definitely looked better with.

>> No.7151331
File: 659 KB, 700x467, Bonnet1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7151332

I always wanted the infanta one but now they're gone and I'm so sad.

>> No.7151367


I'm from the UK and would like to buy that. Can you sell it to me instead?

>> No.7151381

Hi! I'll let you know if the first buyer drops out, I'm not sure how much her postage will be yet. I'll keep you informed

>> No.7151407


Yet another UK anon here. It's a long shot but should both the above decide against it, drop me an email because i'd love to buy the bonnet.

Email in field.

>> No.7151417

Noted! thank you

>> No.7151424

Could I see some cords with Milky Planet's skirt in black please? Tumblr mainly has every color except black.

>> No.7151836 [DELETED] 

Saw this picture on the Facebook Sales in English page, I'm pretty suuuurrre it is shopped.

>> No.7151952

What's a good place for gothic headpieces? Pieces with roses, veils, etc. I feel stupid for asking, but, being primarily sweet, never had a reason to consider it seriously until now.

I like corgi corgi stuff, but I only seem to be finding mini hats at the moment, and I love Triple Fortune, but bonnets >:

>> No.7151992

Back in the day, head eating bows were what it was all about, no idea what people do these days though

>> No.7152056
File: 40 KB, 292x390, T2aVdhXbBNXXXXXXXX_!!58435469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you guys I love my bonnet.

I still have this problem. I wish maxi pad headdress were still a thing.

I wear a lot of $3 clip-in roses and I have a random fascinator I got off eBay for cheap that works okay. I have a mini-crown but it doesn't match all of my coords so it doesn't get as much wear.

I really like these (pic related) http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.17.13.fb5e10&id=14671998653 I wish there were more color options for the roses but at least black x blue is pretty common in goth colorways.

>> No.7152062
File: 38 KB, 480x640, SJ60_Bonnet_V&A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP needs to get out more and see more fashion history. This is from the late 1800's.

>> No.7152063
File: 23 KB, 400x326, MFA Boston early 1800s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7152066
File: 99 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What petticoat shape should I use for this dress?

>> No.7152068

A-line IMO, exactly like in the picture.

>> No.7152069

that's..... bell shaped

>> No.7152081

looks A-line to me too

>> No.7152087
File: 66 KB, 784x634, kidsyoyo_magic_a-line_petticoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah okay jupiter, whatever you say.

>> No.7152118

where can i find angelic pretty dress of 2009~2011 to buy

>> No.7152119

Alright, so we're going with A-line then. Thank you!
I'm thinking about ordering a petticoat through Dear Celine or Classical Puppets, via Clobba.
How long does each take to ship?

>> No.7152167
File: 261 KB, 302x404, charme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what was the story of charme de rouge? Japan only or something

>> No.7152171

egl_comm_sales, Y!J, mbok.

>> No.7152172

Wtf? Thats a bell shape, not an A line.

>> No.7152177

Well, at least I know CGL is as confused as I am.

>> No.7152192

No honey, you can't use a bell petti for those kind of pleats or it will look hideous. It's a-line for sure.

>> No.7152205

this is why we have itas

>> No.7152222
File: 147 KB, 480x640, 137218-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck is this an A line? Look at the shape. Do you even own two kinds of pettis?

>> No.7152226

We're being trolled by itas again.

>> No.7152229
File: 74 KB, 250x333, ap_jsk_wonderstoryround_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you think this is A line too.

>> No.7152241

uh yes, both of those are A-line. Do you even know the definition of an A-line? I'll give you a hint, it flares out like an A

>> No.7152255
File: 55 KB, 580x1028, ccd98735e5dde7110b52a4caa5efce1b9c166141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also going to ask in the taobao general but I also wanted to check here.
Anyone have any idea when this is being released? I have a great need for this in my wardrobe


>> No.7152261
File: 1.04 MB, 849x640, oh anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..another anon, but you are wrong im sorry, I own that dress and its bell shaped. You havent been in lolita for long have you?

Yes there are very subtle differences, but its still a bell shape. An A line is way more straight. You can still tell there is a very slight curve. Not all bell shapes are perfectly cupcakey.

Don't post if you don't know what you're talking about, it misguides others.

>> No.7152265

I currently only have a cupcake petti and was planning on wearing it with my Moitie and old school Gothic Meta. It probably wouldn't look good with the former but it does with the latter. Who cares? As long as you have some poof, you're fine.

But I do think my Victorian Girl Dress petti is too big for Moitie. Does anyone have any suggestions as to which would be more appropriate?

>> No.7152267 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 300x400, 242-0110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres an obvious difference if you actually know how pettis work, where they sit, and different levels of poof. AP dress is cupcake. pic related is an A line. Even though a dress looks like an A, any amount of curve closer to the middle section suggests its a bell. A lot of dresses have a built in petti on the bottom so that the bottom still flares out.


>> No.7152270
File: 250 KB, 425x604, tumblr_mhcezjPytV1r3ex10o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'm going to sound really dumb for a minute.

I have this JSK, and I really like it, but I need to find a different petti for it.

I'm not sure what shape the skirt is, though. Pic related. I only have A-line pettis, which... do not look right.

Is it a bell-shape? or... I don't know.

>> No.7152273

Its very bell shaped

>> No.7152274

Yes. It's very obviously bell-shaped...?

>> No.7152276

What brand/store/style of petticoats are best for gothic lolita?

>> No.7152277

So just wear a maxi pad headdress anyway. Baby still sells them.

>> No.7152280


I'm (clearly) not experienced with this kind of stuff. I only know what A-line is because I look best in A-line dresses, so I'm searching for them constantly.

Any suggestions for a good one, then? My current pettis are all left over from dance classes, so I haven't actually bought one in a few years, and when I did... I was told which one to buy.

>> No.7152288

Sorry, forgot to link.

>> No.7152292

OP here. I have seen those kinds. What I'm saying is those kinds look stupid. The ones with a small brim close to face seem more common from the era as a whole.

>> No.7152356

a good bell? Classical Puppets

>> No.7152373

Can someone explain to me how the fuck AP's shoe sizing works? Sadly I can't try them on and I don't want to waste $170 down the drain.

I wear a US 6 and my feet are 22.5cm, but around 23cm with socks. Would I have to go with an M then?

>> No.7152374

Whut. She said "a-line" many times. How did you get that she wants a bell one? Seriously, what?

>> No.7152376

I kind of read it the same way as that anon. She says she only has experience with A-line, implying she already *has* one.

>> No.7152399

Can someone show the difference between a bell-shaped petti and an A-line petti?

Cupcake and A-line I'm clear on but not this mysterious bell shape.

>> No.7152464

Bell shaped is cupcake

>> No.7152479

It never had a reserve period. It still went up for international sale on their website, I believe it was just unannounced.

>> No.7152632

I remember a thread asking what the Donut holiday was really called.. was that answered yet? In kera the name for the new AP print is "Melty cream do-natsu (donuts)"

>> No.7152647
File: 72 KB, 300x400, tumblr_lsv0na5v4M1qad55j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is happening here.
Every dress posted in this thread so far had a bell-shape, some more pronounced than others.

This >>7152087 is an A-line, works best for A-line dresses like pic related.

I don't know if this is true at all, but personally I differentiate between cupcake and bell-shaped by calling the very poofy umbrella-like silhouette cupcake - skirt slopes out from the hips almost horizontally, reaches widest point and slopes downward vertically, more like >>7152167 and >>7152270

Bellshaped still poofs out at the waist a bit but has a gentler slope and the widest part is at the hem, like >>7152066.

A-line is pic related, it doesn't poof out at the waist at all.

Bell-shaped for me is

>> No.7152648

Whoops, forgot to delete some redundant lines

>> No.7152663


I mean. Reading comprehension, people.

I was indeed asking about where to get a bell petti. Thanks, anon.

>> No.7152672
File: 101 KB, 486x790, anatomy_lolita_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

note: classical puppets puppets pettis need an underpetti for max poofage. I suggest the Target petti if youre US-based.

>> No.7152695
File: 35 KB, 272x547, 094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can no one recommend a good petti for gothic lolita? Really?

>> No.7152759

This is kinda related but... Does anyone know which SS will buy from Japanese online stores?

>> No.7152805

Uhh... Pretty much all of them? That's what most were created for.

>> No.7152811

Any forest/mushroom/tree prints preferably not in pastel colors?

>> No.7152841

Am I better saving up for an IW oddment pack as opposed to a regular lucky pack? Do the oddment packs have more things in them?

>> No.7152866

"Gothic lolita" is not a skirt shape, honey.
Tell us shape, amount of poof or length and maybe then we'll bother with somehing.

>> No.7152875

Putumayo came out with a mushroom print

>> No.7152887


>> No.7152890

Ha, this is how I use "bell" and "cupcake", too!

>> No.7152908


She might mean a less poofy petticoat? I'm just going by that image she posted.

I believe it's been discussed before. I think leg avenue or layering a couple shitty Bodyline ones were suggested.

>> No.7152913

The irony

>> No.7153173

I like where this print is going

>> No.7153175

There's a difference in the poof level of >>7152229
vs the one you're using. The blue one on the dummy looks A-line. The one worn by the model and the red one on display look cupcake.

>> No.7153238


An S size would probably fit you better, but it depends on the shoe. I wear an M and my US shoe size is generally 6.5/7.

>> No.7153246

I wear a US 6-6.5 and my feet are just over 23cm with socks (around 23.1 or something) - I can squeeze into size S, but it's not comfortable, M has room, but not to the point where they're way too big. I'd go with M - it's much easier to make slightly-too-big shoes fit than it is to make too-small shoes fit.

>> No.7153264
File: 2 KB, 249x114, 1382100021089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this in /g/ and thought of /cgl/.

>> No.7153269

Thank you!! So excited about ordering my first pair of brand shoes lol

>> No.7153276

They're the tea parties. I'm ordering them in M and hoping they fit me fine

>> No.7153286

Definitely. Even the A-pack has about 20-25 items; much more than one of IW's usual luckypacks. I think the current oddment packs are sold out, but they usually do them again around April.

>> No.7153828

Don't "honey" me. The picture showed what I want. And that's not what I said at all, you twisted my wording. If it wasn't clear enough, you have reading comprehension problems. In general, gothic lolita coordinates suit a more subtle poof, typically a-line or a modest bell shape.

Thank you for not being a douchebag.

>> No.7153854

Thank you for letting me know - yes, that's when I'm saving for! I'm so excited, just got a really well paying part time job so I can finally afford an oddment pack!

>> No.7154177

I know poupee girl isn't strictly lolita, but I was going to make a new account today when it took me to this page.
Does this mean they aren't going to allow any new accounts again?

>> No.7154200

Please link this Target petti to me. I looked for the petti online and couldn't find any besides those cheap Halloween ones.

>> No.7154335

So, I just sold an expensive dress to someone who claims that the print is faded. I got the dress in a trade years ago but I never wore it as I only ever seem to wear lolita couple of times a year these days. I was told the dress was in new condition and hadn't been worn, so I thought the same. What do I do now? It's too long to contact the person I traded with as that happened about 3 years ago. I'm not really in a financial position to send a partial refund but I'm probably going to have to now...

>> No.7154354

facial whipped cream for sweet and OTT. it would be like a little piping bag with a star tip, with specially made face-safe silicone/plastic/cream/stuff that you could pipe right onto your face.

>> No.7154415

I'd like to know too.

>> No.7154427

I keep losing auctions. Is there some secret to yahoo/mbok that I'm missing?

>> No.7154461

Ask for pictures of the fading and then try to negotiate a good number for a partial refund.

>> No.7154487


Bid more.

>> No.7154491

they've been closing down the site for a few months now - people that already have an account can still dress up and buy stuff but they've stopped updating the site altogether.
who knows how long we'll be able to dress up before the site closes completely...

>> No.7154490

The print is one of those screenprint type prints and I Googled the print and it seems quite common for it to look a bit faded. I'm not sure what to do now as she hasn't replied.

>> No.7154493

This is very poorly worded - my apologies!

>> No.7154494

How do I get perfect curls like baby's wig? I've tried with a curling iron and they never look quite as nice. Rollers?

>> No.7154681
File: 19 KB, 550x412, rauckz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know who makes these shoes or of shoes similar to them? I really want them for a coord and reverse image search is only bringing up useless tumblr posts.

>> No.7154691

It makes me so sad. I've been on that site for over five years.

I'm actually thinking about making a blog/tumblr to post the clothes I've got uploaded there, because I don't want to lose all that documentation on it.

>> No.7154692
File: 161 KB, 400x600, 6549811059_36fa97f4a2_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone who owns this colorway of twilight circus confirm if it's more of a wine color, or purpleish color? this colorway is listed as purple, but in pictures it always looks red to me.

>> No.7154699

>In general, gothic lolita coordinates suit a more subtle poof, typically a-line or a modest bell shape.

not ayrt but no need to be a bitch. if you already know what kind of poof you want then just look at the standard places where people buy pettis and judge each petticoat's puffiness yourself.

you clearly know your own preferences best and you're acting entitled over something stupidly simple, so why would anyone hold your hand?

>> No.7154700


>> No.7154708

Well, in that picture it's purple...

>> No.7154711


Mini top hats are one of the most ita items in existence. I personally like them in the bin.

>> No.7154714

I wasn't bitchy until you starting being condescending and rude. I know what type of poof I want but I wanted opinions on which brands people liked best as there are many many many shitty ones out there.

Um, how is it entitled to ask for recommendations in a thread where lots of people asked for advice? Wash the sand out of your vag and don't be surprised when people reply to you less than kindly when you're a raging bitch.

>> No.7154724

They sell well at conventions, though. Not to lolitas, granted, so she probably should be asking about them on her convention's AA subforum or something.

>> No.7154734

it's a very red purple, irl it's a shade or two darker than that photo!

>> No.7154785
File: 356 KB, 448x738, T2L8FWXqNaXXXXXXXX_!!1097502855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reserve is up if you're interested
magic potion taobao

I will definitely be removing that corset detailing on the jsk

>> No.7154800

This is the best tutorial I have ever found for curls: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP9PJsY5__4
Works well on heat-resistant wigs too!

>> No.7154805


>> No.7154815
File: 67 KB, 500x500, deluxe tutu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure it's an 'in store' thing since it's not appearing on the websites.
anyhow, this is what it's supposed to look like

>> No.7154821

I saw these in the store yesterday and was really surprised by the amount of poof. I'm not seeing them in the online store though, just a red tulle petti with minimal poof for almost $10 more than the "deluxe tutu".

>> No.7154826


>> No.7154866


>> No.7154930

it looks red on my screen, anon; i couldn't tell it was purple at all.

thank you!

>> No.7155175

>not ayrt

and you were bitching at people for lacking reading comprehension

>> No.7155178

Oh shit son. Better hit up target tomorrow then.

>> No.7155189

I know I'm going to sound like a noob with this one, but does Baby ship parasols overseas? I know meta does, but I've never bought one from baby before.

>> No.7155192

yes they do.

also captcha wtf ( Trust nicpeti )

>> No.7155193

Yes but be prepared to pay 2000 yen or so for shipping.

>> No.7155198

Thanks guys!

also, dat captcha. Guess I should go to Target too.

>> No.7155205
File: 359 KB, 608x336, vlcsnap-2012-12-08-05h01m51s68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reallly

>> No.7155207
File: 339 KB, 624x352, vlcsnap-2012-12-08-05h59m57s116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really love

>> No.7155209
File: 367 KB, 624x352, vlcsnap-2012-12-08-06h38m19s106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hats in BBC's Emma (2009) and how they match with (excellent) costumes. I wish there were more loli outfits with similar aesthetic.

>> No.7155480

If I've got a 91cm bust (and a 74 cm underbust, in case that's important), am I better to go with a medium or large size in Innocent World blouses? 100cm seems a bit big, but I don't know if 94cm is cutting it too fine.

>> No.7155574

Large. IW is usually not accurate about measurements and runs small, especially in blouses. The medium might fit but the buttons will probably gape open.

>> No.7155597

I just saw JetJ's painting dresses IRL today. Like fuck. Why do people like it? The print quality is so poor. The painting is blurry and pixelated. God forbid JetJ learn about digital resolution.

>> No.7155672


It actually depends a lot on which specific print you saw. The ones of actual old paintings seem to suffer from being blurry quite a fair bit, in which case I assume folks like them because they like the original painting it was based on, or the cut of the dress.

The ones where JetJ uses their "own" artwork or clipart tends to be clearer, eg - Library, La Vierge Marie, le monde de lange, are actually pretty sharp and clear, on par with other brands' printed fabric.

There's also the dress design to consider, other than the painting being pretty or clear, eg- Star Money, Echelle du Sphinx aren't really superb artwork, but the dress details make them interesting. It's not always just about the print, for some people the blurriness is acceptable if they like the dress in its entirety

>> No.7155730

I can get that but you'd think if you're dropping so much cash on something you'd be 100% sold on it

>> No.7155763
File: 15 KB, 336x420, NMX1XD1_mx[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's not what I actually said though? I said that in the first place, some of the dresses aren't blurry at all.

After that, I said that some people chose based on a combination of dress design and print, not just print clarity.

As for it being a lot of cash, these shoes are USD1075. What is a 300-400 JetJ dress next to this?

>> No.7155787


No luck finding the seller, but they don't seem too difficult to make.

>> No.7155793
File: 483 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mrfe6nvZ1w1qc5mq5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The brand is Ozz On. Come up in auction once in a while if you know where to look.

>> No.7155950

Question. I'm a 40" bust, and the max size is 95cm. I can fit the other measurements okay. I'm thinkiing I could wear it if I wore a compression bra, or should I consider altering it in the bust since it's so cheap?

>> No.7155960

You could very well put a car in your pic and say look at this $40,000 car, a dress is nothing!! It doesn't mean anything to compare random things together just because one is more expensive. Willingness to spend on items has to do with the personal and subjective value you attach to them, not absolute prices.

>> No.7155967

you're crying over why would anyone spend so much money on something that's not *perfect*, anon is just pointing out that if people are willing to spend $1000 on some fugly ass shoes is it really so hard to believe that someone else would buy a dress because they loved it rather than the number of pixels per inch?

>> No.7155987

I'm in the same boat as you (41").
I'm going to try it with a decent sports bra on underneath but in all honestly I think I'll be changing the bodice anyway to get rid of the corset lacing. I've asked my SS to inquire if there will be waist ties and how much extra they'll cost. That way if the sports bra doesn't do the trick I will have the extra matching material to add into the side.

>> No.7155991

I want the Vin des Nobles JSK so badly but it doesn't seem to come in size 0 for international customers. Does anyone know more about this?

>> No.7156001


Not really, I compared two items of clothing. Both are more expensive than similar items of clothing (Louboutin vs shoes, JetJ vs dresses), both are branded, both are impractical (one is high heeled, the other requires space due to requiring a petticoat). I think it's a pretty close comparison, actually.

>> No.7156005

it came in sizes 0-2 for all customers but the reservation closed 9/19. It's sold out

>> No.7156018

Oh man, I don't even know how I didn't see that. Thanks anyway.

>> No.7156021

So, mbok and y!japan auctions?
I will have to begin hunting, I suppose.

>> No.7156024

I've never ordered something through taobao before. I'm not sure which one to go through. Which shopping service do you use? I need to have it shipped to SoCal. I'm not sure how much it's going to cost all together with shipping and shopping service fees.

>> No.7156026

it came in sizes 0-2 for all customers but the reservation closed 9/19. It's sold out

>> No.7156027

There is a whole fucking taobao thread go there and read the stickies.

>> No.7156124

I use TaobaoNow, meet me in the taobao thread and I'll talk you through it. Look for a picture of dress in red and thats me

>> No.7156195

Hell people are fine with the shitty over saturated mucha paintings that rose triannon put out

>> No.7156826

Read. The. Sticky.

>> No.7156828
File: 17 KB, 300x400, Cross Embroidery Short Sleeve OP - White.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sort of petti would look best with this? It has a tendency to look bad with the wrong type.

>> No.7156829
File: 57 KB, 481x800, 5Kkvt6JsDWO9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now my petti is making it look like this, lumpy, tubey and sad. I currently only have a Victorian Girl Dress cupcake petti.

>> No.7156832
File: 40 KB, 282x640, 7November008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want it to look more like this.

>> No.7156842

In regards to that MagicPotion dress;

I can't seem to find the page about that dress in particular.
Is it on sort of e-mail reserve at the moment or something?

I haven't worked with Taobao at all before outside just clicking around and looking at pretty things. I legit want to get my hands on this though.

>> No.7156843


a-line petti

you're having two problems

1. petti is too short
2. petti is wrong shape

invest in an aline, you should be good

>> No.7156845 [DELETED] 

I'm waiting for Dollypoodle to add me to their facebook group so I can ask them for a quote.

>> No.7156848

That's what I thought but I'm having trouble finding one with very subtle poof that is good quality. Do you have any ideas as to which specific petti might be suitable? Classical Puppets have some nice A lines but they're probably too full and short for dresses like this one.

>> No.7156856

Dress is sold out, that's why you can't find it

>> No.7156914


Your problem isn't with the shape of the petticoat, your petticoat just isn't poofy enough. forget subtle, just stick a Dear Celine marshmallow petti under there, the fabric will weigh down on the petti and you'll get the right shape. I made the same mistake as a newbie, I only wanted "subtle" poofy pettis as I wasn't used to big poofy skirts. I only bought my DC petti to go OTT sweet in, but ever since getting it I now "get" it. You really need very poofy petticoats under all styles of lolita.

Alternatives: Classical Puppets cupcake petti, Angelic Pretty Organdy Pannier or Dot Tulle pannier.

Measure the length of your skirt (find the side seam so you can put your ruler/measuring tape against the seam to make sure your measurement is straight), then chose a pannier that's 2-5cm shorter than your skirt. Any longer and the petti is likely to peek out. Any shorter and you'll see the skirt drop off where the petticoat ends.

>> No.7156919
File: 47 KB, 290x387, IMG_3562_0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those still confused by A-lines and cupcakes:

Pic related is what's called a princess seam dress, also known as A-line dress. Do you see the two two seams running down the front of the dress? THOSE seam lines resemble an "A", and this is why it's called A-line. These are the dresses that require A-line petticoats. If a skirt has those two SEAM lines (not just lines of lace) running down the front, that's the time for an A-line petticoat.

When you see a skirt with a border print, it's almost always a rectangle skirt (ie- the skirt is cut from a rectangle of fabric. The border is usually printed along one side of the fabric roll as that's the most flexible layout). In contrast with the A-line dresses, they have a lot of fabric around the hips. It's not that you can never use an A-line petticoat with them, but rather, most A-line petticoats are made to be very limp around the waist and hips. So if your A-line petti is limp around the waist/hips, your skirt fabric will bunch up around your waist/hips. If your A-line petti happens to be poofy enough, then it'll still look okay. If.

Thus, the rule of thumbs is "cupcake petti for anything that's a border print" as it's 99% sure to be a rectangle skirt and a cupcake petti will always have enough poof around the hips and waist, and "A-line petti for princess-seamed skirts and dresses".

A special note about AP skirts. There's tulle that's sewn halfway down, into the lining of the skirt. So that's why you think you're seeing an "A" shape on their skirts, actually the lolita is likely wearing a cupcake petticoat and the tulle creates the triangle shape. This doesn't change the fact that a rectangle skirt has more fabric around the hips and waist, and that an A-line petticoat is likely to have less poof for these areas, which is why cupcake pettis are recommended for anything with a border print, regardless of whether you see a triangle shape or not in the photos.

>> No.7156941

My petti is huge but it's not the right shape and looks horrible. The fabric isn't that heavy so I don't want to get a marshmallowy one. I think I just need an A-line. I'm not even a newbie, I'm been wearing lolita for almost 7 years. But until recently I was able to use the same 2 pettis for my dresses and so I have managed to be a bit clueless about which petti brands are good and which are shit.

>> No.7156950


Try layering a cupcake over an A-line petti and see if it gives you the right shape. Don't layer two cupcake pettis together, the resulting shape is too extreme-bell to be cute.

>> No.7156983

I like to get the top layer of my A-line and fold it into the waist to go for a more bell-shape. Sometimes folding down the waist a few times is also pretty good to puff up the area around the waist.

>> No.7158938

lolita newbie here. about how often do brands like mary magdalene and victorian maiden release new dresses? i plan to check their sites manually anyway but knowing around when i should think to start checking would help a lot.

thank you!

>> No.7159025

does anyone know of a SS that does wishlist item searches? Like, if you give them a few dresses that you're looking for, they will buy it if they happen to see it in a shop or auction. I think I've heard of someone offering this service, but I can't recall exactly...

>> No.7159078
File: 65 KB, 179x220, Screen shot 2013-10-22 at 4.52.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sauce on this dress? it's so cute...

>> No.7159102

VM every week or two. MM...hard to tell. Check their blogs, they'll usually give a heads-up as to when they release stuff.

>> No.7159133

So, I had to cancel an order I placed with GLW using my credit card through PayPal (my wig never got here and the order number wasn't working).

Has anyone had to do this before? I'm not in the loop when it comes to seller drama.

>> No.7159140

You may have issues with them... they're pretty shitty sellers if there's any problems.

>> No.7159147


Well, I got another email telling me my order was refunded.

I'm not seeing the funds in my Paypal or bank account though...is there a three-day hold?

>> No.7159149

You should have got an email from Paypal telling you that you've had a refund but there's a hold on it. If there's nothing from Paypal, double check with GLW if they have refunded it. If you don't get the refund through after the 3 days, you might need to file a claim.

>> No.7159150


Alrighty then. Thanks for the help. I've ordered from them before, and I was happy with what I got, but something must have gone wrong this time..

>> No.7159294

Looks like Meta to me.

>> No.7159508

Possibly putumayo? looks a bit short for meta...

>> No.7159534

sometime paypal doesn't send an email. Just log into your paypal, click the word "refunded" and it should say in the detailed history if there is a hold on it.

I had paypal hold $600 for a week because Japonica refunded me on a weekend and then there was a holiday in the US

>> No.7159567


No, it's still an open claim on Paypal, and there's nothing there stating it's refunded.

GLW sent me an email stating:

An order you recently placed on our website has had its status changed.

The status of order #38245 is now Refunded

>> No.7159568


Open dispute, I mean, not claim.

>> No.7159706

Did you all see this? I really can't tell if this is a joke or not.

>> No.7159709

Okay. Im not sure if this should be in another thread.. but does anyone know of mbok SS if youre living in japan or ones that will ship to a different address then which is on your paypal?

>> No.7159736

Oh god that has to be a joke, it's sooo bad. But then again all Brazilians I know are fucking retarded so it might not be.

>> No.7159738

I'm surprised that this still hasn't been deleted/commented on yet.

>> No.7159739

maybe coz of how suss it is
coz sure as hell i'm not gonna post on it

>> No.7159740

What's with the rash of kids on EGL who can't rotate their fucking pictures? Sideways icons sideways posts...
Also I hope that gets deleted for not being under a cut or relevant or intelligent at all.

>> No.7159747

It's cause all the comments are screened

>> No.7159844

It happens when you post with phones.

>> No.7159898

So what's everyone's main color in their wardrobe? And have you ever gotten stuck on one color?

>> No.7159967

Black. All black, all the time

>> No.7159971

i literally do not have the same colour twice.

>> No.7159996

"Stuck on one colour" sounds so harsh... I prefer to think of it as solid wardrobe cohesion.

>> No.7160020

Any recommendations for short pettis?

I have an awesome vintage malco modes that I use (it's halfway between bell and a-line. Subtle bell?) but I have to roll it like 6 times to keep it from peeking on some of my meta stuff. The result is ok, but I look a bit lumpy in my waist and it always unrolls after walking around a bit.

>> No.7160021

I can't escape green/blue. Whenever a new dress comes out I go straight for those colorways. They seem so refreshing and pleasing to my eye (most of the time). I have lots of other colors too since I'm a scavenger loli and just buy whatever is cheap or available second hand.

>> No.7160022

I don't understand new lolitas thoughts on this fashion anymore. Lolita is all about having tight color coordination, so having a main wardrobe color or even a wadrobe that's entirely just one or two colors should be ideal. Literally cannot with you people.

>> No.7160033
File: 132 KB, 500x333, 1361085416574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I "got stuck" on brown when I was just starting out and decided that classic was for me. It's actually quite hard to work with because there are a fuckton of different shades of brown and most of them look bad together. At some point I coordinated a brown hat, cream blouse, brown JSK, cream tights and brown shoes together and while in theory this could work, it looked horrible because all the browns were just too different. It's not even a question of light or dark, but warm, cool, neutral etc. Of course every colour has this issue but for some reason I just really suck at coordinating browns. I also suppose I'm a bit bitter because I bought three super cute brown hats before realizing they all look terrible with my brown hair. Sigh. Wig time?

I want to incorporate more jewel tones into my wardrobe but first I need to make sure they look nice with all these fucking browns.

>> No.7160042

Oh ok, I guess I should just get a white blouse/white tights/white shoes and wear that with everything I own like in old school days? I don't think so.

>> No.7160043

I don't understand that kind of thinking, that your wardrobe should "ideally" be two or three colors. some people dabble with different styles and interesting color combinations, and make creative coordinates. you can have good color coordination with a variety of colors in your wardrobe. just two would be so boring.

>> No.7160061

do you guys even lolita?
classical sensibilities on this fashion are dead I guess and cosplay mentality has taken over.

>> No.7160082

if by "classical sensibilities" you mean boring, crappy coords, then yes they're dead and that's a good thing. black and white and pink and white are not the only color options anymore, oldfag. get with the program. this isn't "cosplay" mentality at all, it's fashion mentality, which you have none of. lolita has evolved, like every fashion. time to evolve with it.

>> No.7160907

What the eff is this?


"Tell us your favorite lolita and win your prize!"

>> No.7160910

>wedding dresses
>special occasion dresses
>shitty cosplay
>stolen stock photos and TaoBao resale

Yup. Looks like another Milanoo-alike.

>> No.7160911

i don't even know what to think any more

>> No.7160912

are you trying to allude to like... really old school super strict blackxwhite bluexwhite pinkxwhite or all black/all white are the only acceptable color combos you should have? I mean, really?

Change, it's what's for dinner.

>> No.7160942

haha scavanger lolita, that's me
gave me an idea to draw up some sort of "lolita personality type" poster thing or something

>> No.7160945

Then whats the point when brands make beyond the regular palette? What if I like the mint colorways aesthetic more than the navy? To think of the poor lolita who carefully waits for green or purple color ways? What do when a purple or green dress you like comes out, ignore it because your current wardrobe doesn't support it??

>> No.7160948

Limiting yourself because of color is stupid. Lolita's need to learn color theory. Jesus, this fashion is full of retards.

>> No.7160955
File: 258 KB, 427x640, 7689505572_f65d4e629e_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure the hats don't look as bad as you think...but if you're more comfortable in a wig, go for it. I have the same issue on a smaller scale with different shades of dark red (wine/maroon/etc) with different undertones. All I want is for them to be passably similar, goddammit.

Speaking of which, if you are adding jewel tones I quite like dark red and navy blue with brown (like chocolate rosette, those colours are so pretty together)

>> No.7160957

Victoriangirldress - their longest petti is 17", and the size down is 15" if I remember rightly (can't be bothered getting mine out to measure it right now, sorry) and is pretty much the same in terms of sizing if you take the buttonhole elastic out.

>> No.7161015

whose the russian lolita that sews all her dresses and they are ridiculously amazing? she has a deviantart i think.

>> No.7161025

I'm just starting out rebuilding my wardrobe (moved from sweet to classic) and I'm sticking to black, brown, ivory, and some wine and navy. Each of these colours match with one or more of the others, so that way everything I buy can be coordinated with what's in my wardrobe.

>> No.7161065

You'll do well. I've been classic for about 6 years now and you pretty much described my wardrobe. Good luck!

>> No.7161195


>> No.7161301

It was possible to reserve instore for items that hadn't been released, I got my SS to buy the skirt instore.

>> No.7161306

I love getting blk x gold prints~

>> No.7161319

Has anyone purchased online from Fairytale Boutique? Thoughts?

>> No.7161663

Does anyone know where to buy some cute lolita or loliable coats that define your waist? I've searched all the popular brand sites and nothing has really come up...

>> No.7161935




>> No.7161981

Grab an MM coat off auctions, most of them have corset lacing at the back so you can adjust your waist definition.

>> No.7162116

Thoughts on taking lolita with you when moving countries? There seems to have been a few people at least on egl who have been on exchange and there always seem to be "moving out of the country" closet clearouts on comm_sales
I've got about 20 dresses, lolita is my go-to non-work wear for stuff like dinners out, going down to the shops etc. and I'm moving to London so I assume I'll be able to wear it there (although I have no idea about the area I'm living in, which is west London), but I'm wondering whether I should take it all with me, select my favourites, or leave it all at home.

>> No.7162162

I would recommend bringing your favourites, I brought NOTHING with me to Germany and I regretted it, waiting for my favourite dress to be delivered was deeply annoying. So many things I would have liked to wear lolita to and couldn't. But now I've been reunited with my favourite dress (Infanta's Cinderella Embroidery) and am waiting for my bodyline and taobao orders to arrive. Oh, make sure you bring tights, accessories, and shoes in your favourite non-black colour too, that shit can get expensive to replace.

>> No.7162194

man that escalated fast. Gothic styles use both Aline and Bell shaped skirts depending on the brand and the stylistic ideal the designer was going for. You won't, in your life as a lolita, buy just one petti most likely. Id suggest buying both a bell shape and an Aline and when you need more poof you can layer them: I find that my bell shaped ones give good support to my Aline when i am wearing heavier dresses that gothic styles tend to lend themselves towards anyway.

>> No.7162212

Take everything with you on one or multiple trips or get it sent to you. It sounds like you wear it pretty much all the time so it would be dreadful to just leave it behind. Plus custom charges are high so if you want to replace by buying from shops in Japan or TaoBao, it'll be even more expensive than you might realise.

>> No.7162224

Any fellow lolitas have advice for washing suede? C+P from the help thread:

I brought a suede skirt second hand, and to say the seller lied about the condition of it would be an understatement. The damn thing was filthy. I've gently brushed off the surface stains to the best of my ability, however the skirt still has a 'dirty' look and feel to it.

Now, I got my money back and there's no way i'd wear it in its current state. The skirt was only cheap off brand, and the dry cleaners wants double what I paid for it. I know you shouldn't get suede wet, but i'm willing to risk it. If it gets fucked, it gets fucked.

People on the internet have conflicting advice and success stories. Some say don't use fabric softener or detergent(washing powder?), others say use them. Some say just surface wash it, some say chucking the thing in a washing machine will be alright as long as you brush it afterwards.

So, tl;dr any advice of handwashing this thing? For whatever reason, i'd feel more reassured by any advice my fellow seagulls gave me before I just went to town of this skirt.

>> No.7162344
File: 710 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mo2fmtbwnN1qgotqjo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of pettis, I have pic related and my petti, which is bell-shaped with moderate poof, makes it look like a tube. What petti will make this look kawaii?

>> No.7162348

MM coats only look good on small people though. I used to own a Jacket and a Coat from this brand and the corset lacing ended about 10 cm above my natural waist and I'm not even that tall (just about 1.70 m)... it looked horrible and gave no waist definition at all.

I suggest getting a custom sized coat from taobao if you don't want to go through any risks, or if your body type fits MM, go for it.

>> No.7162376

layer another over it?

>> No.7162377

I think you look fine. In fact, your photo makes me want to buy that jsk. It doesn't look like a tube to me. One thing that should be kept in mind is the shape of the skirt (how wide it is). Some skirts aren't wide enough to accommodate a marshmallow of a petticoat and it can sometimes break an outfit. Take BL's carousel jsk for example. It's fine for an A-line petticoat, but it looks super bad on the model because she wore a bell-shaped one that is also too short for a long skirt.

What petticoat are you using btw?

>> No.7162541

Thanks! I'm leaning towards bringing all the dresses and being selective about shoes since they'll take the most room. It kinda sounds like I wear it all the time but to be honest most of my life is work/sport/chilling out at home in my kigu, I probably only get out/wear it twice a week if that. But I do miss my frills if I can't wear them.

>> No.7162763

Malco Mode 582 if you want lots of fluff, or Malco Mode 580 if you want moderate fluff. These two are the only square-dancing petticoats that work for lolita fashion. They also are longer than regular lolita petticoats, too (my Classical Puppets A-line stops above my knees, while the Malco Mode covers them).

If there's a square dancing shop in your local area, bring your dress with you, and try those on.

>> No.7162864

Is anyone else surprised that navy seems to be the most popular colourway in the Baby Christmas series? I was sure it was going to be the pink.

>> No.7162913

A little bit? Personally I like the pink because it looks less color-blocky, but navy colorways have been really popular lately. I think Sleeping Beauty also sold out in navy first?

>> No.7162933

what petticoat should I wear for this skirt? Either It's legitimately hard to tell from the stock pictures, or i'm horrible at skirt shapes.

>> No.7162941


it looks like the night sky, that's why

>> No.7162947

Nope, it's the most 'night before christmas' ish.

>> No.7162952


>> No.7162954

thank you kind anon.

>> No.7162985

Pink is pretty much always the least popular colorway

>> No.7163006

Not surprised at all, but damn is that OP gorgeous in pink. Then again they haven't posted a pic of the OP in navy yet.

Really? That seems odd to me. For this release at least I'd hope the least popular color is the beige, it's kind of ugly.

>> No.7163015
File: 41 KB, 250x333, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IW are having another sale. All the items are from their last A/W sale but this time they're all 50-60% off. There are still a few cute designs and heaps are less than $100. http://innocent-w.jp/shopping/sale_e.html

>> No.7163024

Is there a site out there that is completely up to date with stock photos? Is lolibrary? It's a pain to navigate so it's hard to tell. Something else like Hello Lace that's actually up to date and just as easy to navigate would be lovely.

>> No.7163033
File: 12 KB, 240x319, 1017_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking shit I need these fucking shoes but I cannot fucking justify paying $150+ after shipping but FUCKING SHIT THESE FUCKING SHOES

>> No.7163082

WHY jesus christ those are beautiful

>> No.7163095

I'm looking for two kinds of petticoats and would love some advice.

First, I need a layering petticoat. Right now I primarily use a VGD petti which works for most things, but I need more fluff for my heavy dresses.

Second, I'm looking for a short petti with light poof for wearing under AP-style miniskirts and salopettes.

I've been considering Leg Avenue for the first and Bodyline for the second, but do you guys have any thoughts?

>> No.7163096

>They've put up the Embroidered Carriage JSK again
Fuuuuck I'm so tempted.

>> No.7163101
File: 938 KB, 918x1229, tumblr_ms2gafvz7Z1qe582jo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea what you're missing out on.

>> No.7163104

Sweet Jesus, that's so much nicer than the stock photos. Okay, next time I get paid, I am finally getting that damn dress. I've been admiring it since it came out.

>> No.7163108

That makes sense. I took that into account when I was deciding on a colourway, but I felt like the novelty wasn't worth the fact that with navy the colours looked kind of awkward together.

>> No.7163115

Here are some detail pics of the cafe au lait x chocolate colourway from Usagiyouhinten if you need to further justify your decision (or change your mind): http://usagiyouhinten.ocnk.net/product/7607

>> No.7163141 [DELETED] 

Curse you Anon! i ended up buying Carrige Tassle Jsk, headbow and OTK socks.

>> No.7163270

Does anyone have any experience with Infanta's Sweet Dolly House JSK or skirt?

>How full is it?
The only reviews I've seen, it didn't look as full as the stock images make it seem.

>What size petticoat?
I'm looking to go all out super-floof here, this is going to be a "present" for myself after a rough few months and I want to be rolling around in a cloud of pink fluff.

>What are the pinks like?
Are they fairly true to the stock images? Standard pastel pink tones? Or are they rough to match?

>How's the quality?

Thanks! <3

>> No.7163690
File: 70 KB, 500x333, order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohmygod I'm so excited. I ordered my first two brand pieces today!

(not for the same coord) I really wasn't planning on going for blue stuff but I fell in love with it.

>> No.7163691

Congrats, anon!

>> No.7163696

Grats anon!

Imo you can use them for the same coord, if you can find the balance, navy x burgundy is gorgeous irl! Can't really tell from the shitty IW stock pics though.

>> No.7163720

These are nice pieces! Congrats! I really like that cardigan.

>> No.7164724
File: 122 KB, 531x800, 1234567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What mbok shopping services do you guys use? I'm having a mini-emergency with chibi-tenshi being closed, my dream dress on mbok, and not knowing what services are reliable.
(I'd prefer not to use Japonica or that sick 'Lisa' girl or whatever, I've used both of them before with negative experiences...)

>> No.7164732

I've had good experiences with momoirokumasan. She's a bit more expensive than chibi-tenshi, but she has excellent feedback and her bids never get reject because she's a Japanese individual. Make sure you read her terms if you decide to use her service.

>> No.7164759

What went wrong when you used Japonica?

>> No.7164764

Does anyone know what's going on with Mary Magdalene?
No new reserves or updates in a month, no Next Arrival Items, and not featured in the latest GLB... has my favorite brand gone bankrupt? Did I miss something here?

>> No.7164773

Yesterday I ordered something from the IW sale, but today I realized there's something else I want as well. If I just order it now will they add it on to my previous order automatically or will I have to email them?

>> No.7164777

I thought they were moving warehouse or something? They had a small sale a while back because they were moving.

>> No.7164783
File: 116 KB, 1280x909, angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reassuring news

I've never had a prayer answered before.
Thant's great, I was really frightened for a few days.

>> No.7164797

They posted that on 30th August though (in their news section), it does seem to take a long time.

>> No.7164805
File: 148 KB, 480x640, 192959_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of any dresses that work well on busty lolitas?
I'm 39" bust, 32" underbust, so I'd consider myself fairly busty, especially for lolita fashion. I find my boobs hike the torso of most of my dresses right up under them.
I've found maybe one or two dresses that don't do this, but I'm curious if anyone knows of any others that are boob-friendly?

I know I can buy skirts and blouses, but I'm curious to see what dress options I have as well.

Pic related is one dress I found to be very boob friendly.

>> No.7164813

I asked a question regarding shipping (How much would it be if I used AIR instead of EMS) and they replied, saying something about how it shouldn't matter? I asked them again and they replied with (I paraphrase, since it was pretty broken english): "We will not respond to any more of your emails until you pay shipping, if you continue to send us emails we will not ship your items to you." To add the icing to the cake, when I got the package I found out I overpaid nearly $30 for the shipping.

>> No.7164816

I should have mentioned, before I asked how much the difference would be, I asked if it would be ok if I changed shipping methods. They said I could, thus I asked what the price difference was.

>> No.7164945

Congrats anon,
that bolero is awesome, it's a really useful staple item

>> No.7164982

but...you *should* use them for the same coord

>> No.7164996

This is probably a dumb question, but how do I order from Clobba? It says the contact form isn't available.

>> No.7165220

did you read the sentence(s) after it, like "Please send your enquiry to info@clobbaonline.com"?

>> No.7165759
File: 337 KB, 691x278, petit patisserie sample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently purchased AP's Petit Patisserie skirt in mint but the velvet ribbon on my skirt is brown, whilst in the stock picture it's pink.

The seller mentioned that it was a sample piece but my googling has bought up nothing and I was curious to know a little more.
Could anyone here shed some light?

>> No.7165779

What kind of info exactly are you looking for? If it's a sample piece, then presumably they just made that color way with brown during a trial run, but switched it to pink for the main release. So you just got he earlier sample. They're probably isn't anymore info then that.

>> No.7165789

Yeah, sorry for not being more specific.

I was just wondering if it's common for brands to sell sample pieces and how does one buy them? (are they available through your regular store or do you have to get buddy-buddy with a designer?)

>> No.7165793

Usually samples and B-items (items with small flaws) are sold during summer and winter sales

>> No.7165845


If you follow a couple of the AP shop blogs, you'll occassionally see notice for B-goods and samples sales. The last one I saw (about two years ago) was simply a list of prints and then a list of rules, including being restricted to only 2 pieces per customer. So I guess all that's required is being in Japan and able to line up early enough at the store in person. That, and following the shop blogs closely so you know when/which shop to show up at.

>> No.7166032
File: 219 KB, 681x276, tumblr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when I search for a tag containing "lolita". I had safe mode turned off for a while and everything was fine. Now I don't even have the option to turn safe mode on/off in my dash settings.

>> No.7166518

Gahh, I totally forgot about oddment packs and the like. Thank you!

Cool, that's really interesting.

Thank you again guys!

>> No.7166601
File: 186 KB, 768x1024, antlers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be weird as hell to wear deer antlers with melty royal chocolate (in bitter)? Pic is of the pair I'd be wearing.

>> No.7166641

Oh my god.

Everything is so modest and covered and proper!

I was so worried it'd be a dramafest, but it's all so perfect and prim and prissy! This is why I learned to sew!


>> No.7166770

Where are these from?

>> No.7166775

Sometimes the SF store gets in sample or B grade items. I have a blouse from there I bought on sale that I've never been able to find a stock photo for. Its a shame too because I really like the design and I'd buy it in more colors if I could.

>> No.7166780

That's a shame.
I know I prefer the skirt with the darker band but that's just personal opinion.

>> No.7166781
File: 13 KB, 225x300, 34247_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me how they hang bustier JSKs? I recently got my first one and I'm scared I'm going to damage it with pant hangers like what happens to skirts.

>> No.7166788

Slip your hanger under the skirt and let it hang like that, or fold it over like a blanket and hang.

>> No.7166801

Unrelated, but I remembered that my university is doing Angels in American Part 2. I really want to wear shiro-lolita, but that play is so fucking long (like, 3.5 hours long w/intermission). I don't know if I'm willing to sit on my petticoat that long.

Next semester, they're doing an opera of A Midsummer Night's Dream. I'd love to wear that print for it (if I could save up for such a thing - it almost seems impossible to find on auctions). I wonder what the fitting is like. Does the bodice run a little on the short side?

>> No.7166802

They *should* be included in the same order, not quite sure because IW might be still behind due to sales, but might not be as severe as the summer sale

>> No.7166804

I made them.

>> No.7166820
File: 72 KB, 400x533, bonnet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me how to order Triple Fortune bonnets? I'm dying for one in ivory but can't seem to find one second-hand!

>> No.7166834


>> No.7166841

Yeah, I mean I'm not really expecting to be invoiced for at least a week, because last time I ordered there wasn't even a sale on and it took them almost a month, haha. I think they're short-staffed at the moment. I just wanna make sure I don't get charged for two separate shipping costs. I mentioned it in the "messages" section of the order form of my second item, anyway, so hopefully I should be okay?

>> No.7166856

You should be. The last time I ordered from them, I changed my mind and added few items to another order, all were sent in the same invoice and shipped together, so there's a high chance that yours will be too.
I don't think this applies to happy/oddment/lucky packs though.

>> No.7166874

You can get them in-store through a SS, at Atelier Pierrot stores. They come up very rarely secondhand, though you just missed one on auction.

>> No.7166941

I use pant hangers, but the clips have a velvety material so they don't grip too hard.

>> No.7166955

I would probably email them... when i ordered two or three days ago they sent me an email yesterday saying something was sold out and asked if i wanted to add anything. I would add that you already made an order and what it was because i think they are pretty busy.

>> No.7166958

i ordered on a saturday night japan time and they got back to me monday after noon. I dont believe theyre that short staffed or behind...

>> No.7166992
File: 27 KB, 208x324, notsureifwant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if this is the right thread, but should I buy this dress(or is it really a jsk?)? I've been wanting to get into lolita, but the I can only afford Bodyline-tier stuff. The seller says it's a dress from Angelic Pretty, and she's selling it for like 8 bucks.

>> No.7166997

You're fucking kidding.

>> No.7166998

Not sure if typo, but if she's only selling it or 8 bucks, it's pretty damn suspicious. Do you know the person / is it a reliable or known lolita 2ndhand sale site?
And yes it does look like an AP piece, don't remember the exact name of it.

>> No.7167000

8.12 bucks, specifically, but that's typical here :/ Yes, it's on a secondhand site and the seller only wants to do the transaction through meetup. Should I go for it and try to convince her to just ship it to me? (we're on opposite ends of the country, so meetups would be silly)

>> No.7167003

It's this piece: http://lolibrary.org/apparel/loving-princess-jsk

Personally, I find it really suspicious, as no lolita in their right mind would sell an AP piece for that price. It may be a scam or a bait to get your personal info?

But I might also be paranoid, and it might also be some noob or some clueless person who just found it and don't know the exact value of the item.

It's a great value for the item anon, but I suggest you go for it, and use your own judgement and stop the trade when it becomes really shady? Personal safety comes before burando.

>> No.7167008

Well, the bow seems to be missing so I guess she found it in a charity store and decided to resell it. Guess I'll go for it, since it's just three fiddy (pesos). Thanks for the advice, anon!

>> No.7167017

Good luck! I hope it all goes well. :)

>> No.7167238

Thanks! I fell in love with the lace (saw some girls wearing similar ones, same lace though) so I had to jump on the sale.

Ok, I'll be counting on you for more advice when they arrive! lol.

Same here, I paid for my things yesterday.

>> No.7167424

wow that looks milanoo tier...
>dem bows

>> No.7167977

Non-print AP tends to look horrid in stock photos. I've purchased a few pieces of it and it's always much nicer irl.