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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 45 KB, 400x397, tumblr_muozvqAOuI1qi26xto1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7157870 No.7157870[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
>other interests/hobbies?
>other info

helpful tips:
>post a picture of something you are interested in (or screenshot your tumblr archive and post that)
>state if you are in a relationship to ward off frillseekers and those seeking cosplay booty

if you contacted someone who should be blacklisted, please state their contact info and why.
as we all know shippou aka D.T.collier has been blacklisted for obvious reasons.

this is not a "lets get laid with lolita or cosplayer" thread. if that is your wish, go to >>>/soc/

Have fun, and good luck meeting other seagulls!

>> No.7157968

>Shippou is blacklisted

Uhh, who is it that came to this consensus? If you actually took the time to talk to the kid he's actually really nice and sweet. And knows a load about the fashion and everything. He's a nice person to have a conversation with who is really knowledgeable about brands and releases and all that stuff.

But yeah, we'll blacklist him based off of the words of a some batshit crazy girl who can't even get into any comm because of her shitty reputation in every single one ever has been that of a stark raving lunatic who doesn't know shit.

>> No.7157972

pls go

>> No.7157978
File: 134 KB, 249x221, 1381660093800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the hell is shippou and why does this person suddenly get special attention?
The most I saw of this tripfag was during a Nia dramabomb in some bullshit over their failed relationshit because she cheated and he acted out of vengeance.

What makes you think any of us random people wants to say 'fuck you' to any one of these nobodies in particular, OP?

>> No.7158004 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 640x282, vsnk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um, what? Who is it decided in the meeting that no one else was obviously invited to that "Shippou is blacklisted he can't make friends hahahahaha!" Seriously?

Actually talk to the kid, he's really nice and stuff and a really good conversationalist, but you won't cause "Queen Nia" who makes these threads thinks that she can influence who people talk to, well fuck you Nia, you have no such power or control over this board.

And before anybody goes off and says "get outta here Shippou", I'm not him, I am talking to him though on skype because, hey, guess what? I actually enjoy talking to the kid and I can make up my mind for myself about who I should and shouldn't talk to.

He sent me that picture just so Nia doesn't come back to check on this thread after she's done laying on her back getting fucked(which is the only thing she's good for), and gets in a huffy puffy pissed off mood because someone has freewill and a mind of their own and can decide who the fuck they wanna talk to.

So fuck off Nia, you can't tell us who to socialize with.

>> No.7158011

>implying you aren't him ban-evading

captcha: admit nsumsiv

>> No.7158013

totally him.
this is so sad.

>> No.7158016

pls go.

>> No.7158017

If you're not him, stop whiteknighting him so fucking hard. Nobody here actually LIKES Nia, either, they're both pieces of shit. Shippou is just a slightly louder and more bitter piece of shit.

>> No.7158018
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Sorry about your thread, OP.

>> No.7158027

I don't get why they don't just let the fool go. I mean the worst that happens is that he'll post and not make any friends and be butthurt about it. That doesn't effect any of us.
What might affect us is him posting and Nia feeling the void in her cunt, once again, and derailing the board by arguing back at him instead of just learning to take their personal shit off 4chan because nobody here actually cares.

OP, you could have had a nice topic but you blew it. This is going to turn into a god damn Nia/Shittou thread.

>> No.7158028

OP here.
I think it would be safe to make a blacklist, like there have been blacklists over at /v/ (dont add this person as a friend)

and as you can see, the kid is already making a fool of himself.
again, if anyone else has any other ideas for the blacklist, let me know. no one wants "SHOW ME THEM TITTIES COSPLAY SLUTS" or some other form of harassment.

>> No.7158046 [DELETED] 


holy shit

>> No.7158056
File: 119 KB, 500x667, justcallitareplicaidareyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ott classic, dolls, alpacas, astronomy
>chronic brandwhore
>single, lesbian

>> No.7158063 [DELETED] 

She's a fucking crazy cunt

>> No.7158074 [DELETED] 

To be honest though, I can't imagine how rustled I'd be if I went and bought my partner a lot of expensive lolita goods like Milky Planet just for her to turn around and say she bought them when she didn't. It's one thing to not explicitly mention her ex anymore, it's another thing to lie and put up the stand like she's worked for something when she hadn't.

My ex in particular did a lot of crazy shit to me though too, like threatening to kill me (and himself) if I left for good, wanting terribly to get into my accounts and emails (which unlike Nia, I was smart enough to keep secure), and blocking me on certain accounts so he could have the last word on matters while openly arguing with me on others. Oh, and I didn't even cheat on this fag.
NOTHING stopped him from seeking my attention until I ignored him full-stop. Nia dearest needs to get the hint too.

>> No.7158076 [DELETED] 

The worst part about their dramu is that there isn't even a side you want to be on. At least in fun dramu there's a single common enemy. Both of them are cunts.

Sage in apology for the derailment of the thread.

>> No.7158075 [DELETED] 

There is a blacklist for a reason.

and this is why. shippou can whine and bitch all he pleases but just report him and lets move on with the thread.

I cant believe Nia dated such an obnoxious dumbass. though I dislike them both for actions in the past (hurr hate this community) this is 100% shippou being an asshole and just the ravings of a crazy ex. hell, I've been there with crazy exs. not Nia's fault that this asshole is going around.
who even knows what really happened? who even cares? its just some faggot derailing the thread and ban evading as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.7158081 [DELETED] 

look at him baww. but this one is even better

>> No.7158079
File: 500 KB, 500x262, 1374022114391.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24/M/Vancouver BC/singuu
>Videogames, programming, building things (furniture, armor, etc), anime but not super weeb levels, weight lifting
Really new to this whole thing, figured I'd give it a try. I don't know shit about sewing and am more interested in prop making and armor construction. I'll post a skype later if anyone from van-area wants to talk to me (or anyone in general I guess)

>> No.7158084 [DELETED] 

>I cant believe Nia dated such an obnoxious dumbass.
Because she's an obnoxious dumbass too and like-minded, narcissistic people are drawn together like queers on dick.

>> No.7158082 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 500x280, gil laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would do so much for THAT thing anyway?

>> No.7158089 [DELETED] 

I'm laughing so hard right now. Actually looked at his FB, since she didn't black out the names, and all he posts is songs and lyrics about being heartbroken and betrayed. I almost feel bad for laughing. Only, ya know, not really.

Sage for dramu.

>> No.7158109 [DELETED] 

I just checked, and holy shit is he twelve?
>posting ~i'm so sad woe is me~ songs
>"I can drive! I've been driving for TWO MONTHS!"
>"I'm totally in shape!"

This is so fucking embarrassing.

>> No.7158126
File: 77 KB, 1000x625, korra-aang1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
>other interests/hobbies?
Weights, Marathons, Programming, Reading
>other info
Currently designing an adult aang costume, pic related

>> No.7158130

all trips are obnoxious dumbasses
even the nice ones.
even you if you decide to trip for a single post, regardless of the content of the post.

>> No.7158133

... please tell me this is you in the pic

>> No.7158153

> Casual video games, reading, drawing, writing, comics and mango, occasional cosplay
>Lesbian, Single
> I'm really just looking for some people to chill with and talk about lolita/etc.

>> No.7158159


>> No.7158168


...I'm sorry? Did I post incorrectly somehow? I can delete and change it, if so

>> No.7158169
File: 992 KB, 500x269, tumblr_m8edh6lp8H1qjba4uo2_r1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you posted the same link anon

>> No.7158172

check again

>> No.7158177

Ignore that poster. It's some guy who thinks lesbians just haven't discovered his dick yet.

>> No.7158191

>lolita (loosely)
>stuffed animals, 19th century fashion, drawing, occasional fandom shit
>likes dick

I'm currently trying to figure out if tumblr actually doesn't know i'm not a girl or if it's just hugboxing me

>> No.7158202

hugboxing the hell out of you.

they idolize anyone who is gay and not white

>> No.7158224
File: 1.81 MB, 176x144, 1379227383191.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visual kei,ouji,otome,lolita, just j-fashion
>Halloween, spooky stuff, drawing,cooking,gardening, reading strange books and music
>I'm very friendly and I sometimes like to help anons on random boards if they sound very very sad with an email I made especially for that.So i have interesting stories to tell regarding that. Does anyone else do this?

animu im watching this season
>kuroko no basuke, hajime no ippo, kill la kill
I read more manga than watch anime. Thank you.

>> No.7158221
File: 487 KB, 955x536, 615603-neji_cross_dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post pic in a diff thread, see if people can tell

>> No.7158223

and i'm both haha

(the thing that makes me wonder is that the few times i've selfposted here people have referred to me as a "she")

>> No.7158228 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 626x314, stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal problem with Shippou has almost nothing to do with Nia's side of the story and everything to do with the fact that he's crying and whining about the fact that a long-distance girlfriend allegedly cheated on him and ruined his life while simultaneously trying to slip his hands under a new petticoat. He's hoping he can find some unsuspecting girl who doesn't know the full extent of his bullshit so he can go back to feeling like an alpha male again. (pic related.) Why else would he try to slip into these thread without his trip? He's embarrassed by his reputation but not enough to actually do some work to change himself and become the kind of person a girl might actually care about. He wants to continue playing the pathetic and faultless victim because that's so much easier than actually changing.

>> No.7158231 [DELETED] 

>Why else would he try to slip into these thread without his trip?
Because careless people like OP directly call him out via a 'blacklist' (which still wouldn't prevent him posting here btw) and provoking him to get buttmad and to cause problems.
Stop it. Don't even mention him or her.
Go Lord Voldemort on both their asses and make them fags one need not name.

>> No.7158233

>Cosplay, want to get into Lolita.
>moeshit anime, video games, gothic/classic lolita, the idea of winning the lottery and living my life in a castle and dressing in EGL for the rest of my life
>Into the pussay, single.

>> No.7158234 [DELETED] 
File: 209 KB, 749x2297, shippoustop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told him before that he should just do his best to make himself a new identity on the internet and try harder not to act like a piece of shit, but he's apparently proud of the fact that he's got 10 years worth of baggage attached to his usernames and won't ditch any of them for a fresh start. I don't know about the rest of you guys but I've gone to great lengths to burn as much of the evidence of my 13-year-old internet identity because holy shit was I stupid, awkward, and pathetic. He's still so fucking immature and he doesn't see any problem with it, maybe if/when he changes and grows up a bit he might be a cool person to talk to because of his lolita knowledge but personally I don't think that will ever happen. Until then I'm happy he's blacklisted.

>> No.7158237 [DELETED] 


Yeah, that was his skype status for a while too.

>> No.7158238 [DELETED] 

well I'm actually thankful that I know his contact so I don't have to deal with THAT.
blacklist is a good idea.

>> No.7158240

The green is from a /soc/ archive, by the way. Just thought it was kinda funny.

>> No.7158242 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 174x167, 1354515116288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did cheat on me, that's a fact, but that's neither here nor there at this particular moment in time. That was a joke with some friends of mine, sorry that it offended you ; w ;

Directly call me out? Ohh my gosh that's so scary, I'm frightened because I'm b-b-blacklisted.

Fuck off Brianne.

Can't handle the banter.

>> No.7158243

Well, looks like his ban's over. Goody.

>> No.7158244 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 458x159, shippouinanutshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good try, but nope.
Also pic related.

>> No.7158251 [DELETED] 
File: 1.72 MB, 480x270, 1381135722258.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh great, I go through the fucking trouble of pointing out how batshit Nia is to deflect some of the damage off you because it's legit sorry that the bitch cheated on your ass, and then you pull a FULL RETARD like this.

Whatever mental deficiency you have that would possess you to think a post like yours is going to get you anyplace, or -not- give that Nia cunt the satisfaction she's wanted all along, get HELP for it. Ugh. You fool.

>> No.7158254

What area code, if you don't mind me asking? Texas is kinda big, haha.

>> No.7158255

why is homosexuality so prevalent in lolita?