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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7130161 No.7130161[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

100 days left

Who's going?

>> No.7130185

Nobody. Janitors killed /cgl/ board culture.

>> No.7130191

Shit was against the rules and are you seriously saying that you liked all the circlejerking and tripfag attention whores that were here?

>> No.7130192
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>> No.7130268

Was a lot better than having the whole board killed.

>> No.7130885

I'd fuck PT, if it means anything. I'm that alone and that horny at the moment, so I'd put my dick in anything.

>> No.7130981

I'm pretty much going for all 3 days, the only con I ever went to was AX, I seriously need to go to different cons.

>> No.7131095

Wheres it at in LA. My friends a big anime enthusiat and he will go most likely. I might, though i dont watch anime. Ill proably go as yusuke from yu yu hakusho.

>> No.7131103

It's at the LAX marriot.

>> No.7131107


Just canceled my room reservation a few weeks ago. Decided to save for bigger cons. I don't think I'll ever get around to going, ALA seems like a closed kind of gathering anyway.

>> No.7131150


Yeah, I think I am going, hope to see you there, anons.

>> No.7131160

is this con worth it?

>> No.7131192


If you're looking to chat and socialize? Yes. ALA is pretty small despite it's large reputation, it isn't called a party con for nothing. Don't bother if you aren't very outgoing and looking to meet new people, you'll find yourself walking aroun with little to do (no big guests/panels, not too much to but).

>> No.7131621

Its literally CGL Circlejerk: The Con. A lot of the tripfags from the past few years go and have a reunion there.

>> No.7132404

I'll be going on day 2 and 3, and I'm actually trying to put together an Umineko gathering on day 3. So I'm wondering if anyone would be interested...?

>> No.7132408

It'll be my first year, im really excited!

>> No.7132410

I am so down for this!!!! Details, anon! Ideas!

>> No.7132451
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God forbid friends meet each other right?

I'm going just to piss everyone off.

>> No.7132489
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I'm going. There will be booze, clipboards, and yelling at kids to stop being God damned hooligans. I swear to Satan, the lot of you are motherfucking savages when your mom disengages you from her tits for the weekend.

If I catch Homosteaks in the pool/hot tub again, I'm grabbing your ears and peeling them like oranges. And if Parle Productions show up again with their Cosplay Q&A panel turned "LOOK AT OUR FRIENDS AND OUR VACATION PHOTOS! AREN'T WE DELIGHTFULLY BRITISH AND IN LESBIAN?!" session, I'm breaking into their hotel room and shitting in their suitcases.

>> No.7132491
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just bought my plane tickets, bracing for another year of buckets of everclear and tripfags being ridiculous

>> No.7132494

No ovaries.

>> No.7132515 [DELETED] 
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That rule might cause to be problematic for you.

>> No.7132517
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No losers.

>> No.7132520

You misunderstand.

I say "no ovaries" to females.
Since I can't say "no balls."

>> No.7132528

This is what happens when your "introduction" to the cosplay scene equals getting pumped 'n' dumped by Maguma.

>> No.7133053

>If I catch Homosteaks in the pool/hot tub again, I'm grabbing your ears and peeling them like oranges. And if Parle Productions show up again with their Cosplay Q&A panel turned "LOOK AT OUR FRIENDS AND OUR VACATION PHOTOS! AREN'T WE DELIGHTFULLY BRITISH AND IN LESBIAN?!" session, I'm breaking into their hotel room and shitting in their suitcases.

You're doing God's work. Speaking of God, have him join you. Always good to have extra muscle to round up the hamsteaks.

>> No.7133308
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I'm actually gonna make it there this year so I'm pretty excited to see what all the fuss it about

>> No.7133316
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I can't wait~ So many peeps are coming including some oldschool friends! Gonna get Wiiiiild!

>> No.7133343
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Here's the link! If you know anyone else that would be interested please try to ask them too, I really want to get this to work.

>> No.7133654


I've been planning on either remaking Erika or making Bernkastel this round, so either way, I think I'll be having mine ready for ALA! I'll likely post when I get one or the other confirmed, but I'm leaning towards Bernkastel.

I'll ask a few other friends too!

>> No.7133693

My friend and I were thinking about going. Flights are super cheap. Is it worth it or should we wait for a bigger con like AX again?

>> No.7133718

This con is straight up for partying. Is that worth it to you?

>> No.7133727

ax is a shitshow bring booze and have fun while in costume.

>> No.7133733
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I'll try not to beta out of a party this time.

>> No.7133742

Only if you want to party, see people or show off a new cosplay. Its like AX but smaller and more contained, making it easier to see everyone. If you're going to ALA for panels, guests, and exhibitor's hall then skip it.

>> No.7133762
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lookin' forward to it

>> No.7133767
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>mfw we did not attend any panels at AX

Guess that answers that. Thanks!

>> No.7133776
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>100 days
Seriously can't wait for this! Aaaa all the excite! Not sure which cosplays I'll be taking, but I know I wanna take preggers Eureka for sure.

Let's go together pls bby

>> No.7133784

prolly goin

>> No.7133812

Why not do both?

>> No.7133840

YES!! You'll be at Oni or Ikki right?

Money. I live in Texas.

>> No.7133852

I'll be at both Oni AND IKKi. <3

>> No.7133908

if you just go to hang out and cosplay why not do it poolside with music going on (usually not shitty weeb stuff) and having a drink in hand. as long as you arent socially retarded you will have fun and people are really nice thats the one good thing about ALA. now if you wanna go to a giant crowded con wait in line and do a bunch of panels then AX is your choice. mind you there are lots of cosplayers there so if you wanna photograph stuff AX is better. the way I do it is split ALA then Comikaze at the end of the year. if last year is an indicator Comikaze is going to be the tits. but again it depends on what you want and what type of personality you have.

>> No.7134295

>TFW ALA falls on your birthday next year.

Ah yeeeeeaaahhhhh.

>> No.7134379

Weren't you not able to come before?

>> No.7134812

Costa Rica trip was conflicting, but it was cancelled.

>> No.7136408

Who the fuck bought up all the rooms?

>> No.7136484

People who wanted to attend the con. If you can't book via the hotel room rate try and book via Triple A, etc or hit up one of the nearby hotels.

>> No.7136678

Whoooo. Going for sure. Bringing my boyfriend as well and it will be his first Cali con.

I've gotta worry about graduating college (finally) in December before I worry about any ALA stuff. Hahahahakillme.

>> No.7136690

Are the rooms sold out already?
I moved too slow and I'm regretting everything now.

>> No.7136697

Been sold out since like July/August?

>> No.7136897

>go to party
>meet fellow seagull at party
>he convinces me to go to ALA
I know you're reading this.
I hope I can go. my normalfag boyfriend will just have to deal with it.

>> No.7138265

I just got my room last night no problem?

>> No.7138268

I think they're referring to the ALA hotel sale price, using the code.

Otherwise, the non ALA blocks are still open at the normal Marriott price.

>> No.7139220

Go get one of the other hotels

>> No.7139253
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I'm so excited, this'll be my first ALA and second time entering in the masquerade! First time will be at Taiyou the weekend before.

>> No.7139922


Don't go. It's pretty much a tripfag circlejerk. Plus one of the tripfags gave one girl the clap a few years back.

>> No.7139935
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Goin this year like the last few years. It's the start of the year and a chance to see out of town friends.

>> No.7140982

Glad to see that I won't be the only one hitting up both cons. Not expecting much from the ALA masq though. It's a drinking con, entering the masquerade there just seems like uneeded stress.

>> No.7141547
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>2014 will be 4th ALA
>spend the entire day walking around and taking pictures of cosplay
>no one invites you to after dark hotel room parties
>tfw you drink alone and watch all the faggots having fun on the pool deck from your hotel balcony

>> No.7142847

I'm really excited about ALA but at the same time very scared.

I heard its crawling with seagulls and I cosplay alright but I don't have the prettiest face? I'm not ugly but I've seen prettier girls get ripped apart.

I just don't want to have someone decide they hate me then gain a reputation or something and this seems like the con that it will happen at :(

>> No.7142848
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Sadly I will not be going I can not afford it this time ... IMG is me cosplaying Eiji Hino (( Kamen rider OOOs from ALA 2013))

>> No.7142984

You're fine as long as you're not throwing yourself around as if you're hot shit. That puts anyone in the hot seat. Just chill out, go cosplay, and don't worry about it.

I've been to all 9 ALA so far, and not had an issue at all at that con.

>> No.7143724
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look if you act like you are the top dog yes Seagulls will find you and tear you apart. if you cosplay they will tear you apart. because seagulls are some fickle ass women. best way to avoid their shit is to ignore it. Cosplay how you want. who cares if you are cute or not. just dont show fupa and you will have 0 Problems. be nice to people. ignore catty people. party with friends dont get wreckt share drinks. avoid homestucks. meet new people. thats all that you have to do at ALA. if you worry about what people on here think you are fucked from the get go. doesnt matter if you are good at cosplaying or not. they just tear into everything like vultures. just have to have thick skin.

>> No.7143754

How does one get into room parties, anyway?
Just kinda ask around?

>> No.7143811

being nice and friendly and not overly abrasive im sure you will get invited to at least one

>> No.7143874

It's really being sociable, making new friends, and pure happenstance.
If you're an awkward fuck, there's a good chance you're like >>7141547 and you make everyone uncomfortable.

Parties at ALA are either planned by the usual groups celebrating birthdays, or happen with the right people for the right reasons. Don't ever go expecting you'll get dragged to one if you don't already know anyone. You'll just get your hopes way too high and you'll feel like shit for it.
Make your own party. Get your own booze, Plan it out with a few friends beforehand but don't EVER think anyone owes you anything just for showing up. No means no, asshole.

I mean, at the end of the day, we're all just nerds who like things but if we can't communicate because one awkward fucktard is too much of an awkward fucktard to be a decent friend, how do they expect to want to have people enjoy their company?

>> No.7144903

ALA masquerade is not stressful and it's quite fun. As a masquerade participant it's one of the best Masquerades I've ever been in both in staff, hospitality, and competition. It's always been really good!

Excitement! I hope you have a ton of fun and best of luck in the masquerades :D

>> No.7145858

It's alright. Worth it if you're in the area and don't hav to spend a lot to get there, since it's cheap.

I wouldn't travel very far at all for it.

>> No.7147530

Taco Party better be good this time.

>> No.7147543

You're better off going to AX.

>> No.7147565

Taco party is not happening this year in favor of helping someone else with an event and making that work. Also we're gonna take a year to refine the Taco party and keep it for more of a promotional gimmick when advertising at cons. The Anime Conji Taco party was EXTREMELY successful so we may push it towards that regard instead of trying to run it at ALA and worry our heads off.

>> No.7147597

This will be my 3rd ALA. I still prefer my east coast cons but I am looking forward to ALA. It reminds me of the anime cons when I was younger.
It's a small con full of fans that just want to have fun and meet new people.

>> No.7147743

Good. If you fucking served raw corn tortillas again, I would punch whatever unfortunate bitch who was serving them in the face.

>> No.7147776


What sort of event?

>> No.7147787

I really want to go. I love the social aspect of cons.

how many Lolitas are going to be there?

>> No.7148150

Yeah, I'm sure you would. You're welcome for the free food btw.

It's a charity dinner/silent auction event. If things go the way we want em I won't mind sharing more details but until we have the plan 100% concrete, I'll just share that much lol.

>> No.7148866


Sounds awesome, I'm currently fundraising for a charity as well. Should it be finalized please share with the board and I'd be down to attend.

>> No.7148988


Serving raw/unsafe food and ignoring the potential health consequences is a dick move. You really want ALA to be shut down because your tripfag circlejerking ego ignored basic food safety guidelines?

Well, whatever floats your boat. Enjoy explaining to everyone else why ALA closed down cause you gave the child of a Health Inspector the runs due to your shitty tacos.

>> No.7149456


Things happened and I don't know if I'll have the leave days.

I fucking hope so, I was planning on working on costumes when I got back from Ohio to wear to ALA.

>> No.7149701

Dude, it was just corn tortillas. Eatable, but nasty as shit.

>> No.7149722
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Will do!

They were fucking tortillas. People eat them cold constantly. Calm your vendetta tits and go milk them over your miyu hate or something.

>> No.7149823

Does anyone actually hate Miyu?

>> No.7149833

>being this mad
>over tortillas
>which are perfectly safe to eat cold

For it to be a tortilla, it had to have been cooked. Otherwise it would be dough/batter.

Are you retarded?

>> No.7149838

At this point in time I think that trend is straight up dead. But maaaaan could the utterance of her name unleash a monsoon of butthurt.

>> No.7150807


This is off-topic but something I had wondered for quite some time, please humor me =X.

Did Miyu get shit for her DoA Christine "thong" bikini cosplay from AX years ago? Personally I thought that took a lot of guts to do despite how skimpy it may of seemed.

>> No.7150877

I'll be going! Hopefully get my costumes done in time but I'm most excited to be cosplaying Maudie from Brave. Scared ugly faces all day.

>> No.7150881

Oldfag here. That sure brings back memories! I was at the DOAX pool meetup with my ex gf when she wore it...I think it was at AX 2005. I don't remember anyone on staff gave her trouble for it. At least I didn't see anyone saying anything to her. All the backlash seemed to happen online afterwards because she was severly anorexic and looking her worst when she wore it. You could see her ribs and hipbones sticking out and her face looked skeletal. I still see people use those pics against her even though she hasn't looked anything like that since then. That said I'm glad she's so fit and healthy now. Eating disorders can make girls who would normally be very attractive look terrible.

>> No.7150886

Are you still with Mika? Is he going to be there?

>> No.7150889

>>7150881 here again

Blast from the past man! I've been on this board way too long LOL I remember those days and all the Kipi floods

>> No.7150896

>tfw oldfriend
>tfw /cgl/ circa 2006-2008 was a completely different animal
Nothing compared to the butthurt she incited. Seagulls now think the Nigri hate is bad? They have nooo idea how much worse it was with Miyu.
>tfw I miss that gorgeous batshit insane whore :(

>> No.7150911


Ah yeah I heard it mentioned that she's gotten a lot more toned up which is awesome to hear. As someone who has gotten into training and eating right I'm always glad to hear of others who improved their own lives, even if she's a total stranger, Thanks for the share!

>> No.7150920

which nearby hotel do you think will have the most people from the con will staying there? it sucks that the ala blocks at the marriot are sold out. should've taken care of this earlier but life has been hectic lately.

it makes sense. the amount of butthurt on cgl is = to how hot a girl is and miyu was/is way hotter than jnig

>> No.7150928

>will have the most people from the con staying there?
herpderp my bad should've proofread that first

>> No.7150937


I can't attest for what hotel will have the most folks outside of the Marriott but I stayed at the LAX La Quinta last month. It's about a 1/4 - 1/2 mile walk away from ALA but it has good amenities (free wifi/free breakfast buffet/big open lobby) and should be a good deal cheaper than the neighboring Hilton!

>> No.7150944

awesome that helps a lot since my budget is really tight right now. thank you based anon!

>> No.7150953


My pleasure! There's also a 24 hour Subway across the street and the lobby bar has a cheapy happy hour if you're of age. Only bad thing about the place is the swimming pool is exceptionally tiny and can only be accessed from the stairwell. Other than that I recommend!

>> No.7150975

good to know since i just turned 21 :) don't think i'd use the pool unless there was a pool party going on or something

>> No.7151027

No he's dead. I ate him after mating, like a black widow.

But in all seriousness he'll be there, Anon!

>> No.7151163

either the Renaissance, or the LAX Hilton as they're both literally right around the corner/next door to the Marriott.

>> No.7151306


Enjoy shutting down the con with your food safety violations then. Can't believe some people are so engrossed in stroking each others e-penis more than worrying about the future......

>> No.7151328

tortillas come pre cooked if purchased at a store its impossible to get sick from tortillas you dumbass

>> No.7151956


>> No.7154297


>> No.7154319

God, I hope so, I fucking LOVE bratwurst.

>> No.7154321

God damn it auto-reply you made that look out of context as fuck.

>> No.7154332

you need to hit up Oktoberfest. All the hot meat in your mouth that you can possibly swallow

>> No.7154334

No, I don't like the way they do it, they cut it weird.

>> No.7154787
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