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File: 71 KB, 520x521, wellshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7141422 No.7141422[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

chokelate vs odip drama has begun !

>> No.7141426

You're late to the party.

>> No.7141429
File: 57 KB, 500x237, 1372454537087.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I have asked Sora to reject your order if you make one directly through the site or through a shopping service"

This thread will probably get deleted soon but shiiiiit nigga.

>> No.7141690

There's a getoff post now too, and Marie has been awfully quiet about this. Is anyone planning to make a shitload of secrets about this just to piss Marie off, since she got previous ones taken down?

>> No.7141695

link to the post?

>> No.7141702
File: 115 KB, 1277x440, Screen Shot 2013-10-10 at 4.26.27 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it wasn't ~*~chokelate~*~ getting told here, nobody would give a shit about this. Chokelate whiteknights are fucking ridiculous and gagworthy. Pic related.
>hurr shit got real bc Marie said her first name xD
Seriously, wtf? Everyone who's been browsing cgl knows choke's real name and can find her nudes (oh sorry, her 'modeling' portfolio) within five minutes of a google search.

Furthermore, I don't give a fuck what Marie handed that dumb, know-it-all bitch.
She comes off as completely snarky and immature with those retarded emotes, and then trying to be matter o' fact about something to someone who actually LIVES in that country who just MIGHT know better how shipping works.
TL;DR You don't get to act snarky and then play victim when someone dishes out your own medicine.

>> No.7141703

I made one about her prior to this happening, haha. I want people to make more, she's such a tyrant.

>> No.7141705

Hello Marie!

>> No.7141706

Oh bullshit, as if Marie can into Engrish this well.
I just don't see drama, or a reason to give a fuck here.

As if ~*~Nina~*~ doesn't get her panties in a twist when people try to tell her how to run her big wig business.

>> No.7141707

uh, plenty of people have already brought up their distaste with shopping with ODIP in specific reference to LIEF before any of this happened...

What you really mean is... if there hadn't been stupid shit between both Choke and Marie then this whole LIEF showdown between them wouldn't have happened.

But people still don't like Marie because of shit she's pulled in the past which has nothing to do with Choke.

>> No.7141708

I made a secret, suppose I could make more...don't want to seem too vendetta-chan, though.

>> No.7141712

I'm talking in context of this situation. I don't really care what ODIP pulled in the past and I'm aware of what they've done. Personally I think a lot of Korean brands are particularly bad at communication and buying/shipping products but I digress- You're correct with one assessment though: This is only getting attention because it's Choke.

>> No.7141713 [DELETED] 

You sound exactly like Marie when she isn't all up on her high horse, especially when you try to pull in unrelated things into the topic. In case you need to be clarified (since you're Marie, you're too insane to realize what people are actually talking about): Choke's nudes and her store. This is about you being a jackass.

>> No.7141714

You sound exactly like Marie when she isn't all up on her high horse pretending to be a savvy business woman, especially when you try to pull in unrelated things into the topic. In case you need to be clarified (since you're Marie, you're too insane to realize what people are actually talking about): Choke's nudes and her store. This is about you being a jackass.

>> No.7141718

Does it really kill you inside to think that Chokelate isn't always right about everything? You sound just like her in 2010 cgl where she'd throw a tantrum at people who didn't agree with her on something.

This situation was catty and ridiculous on BOTH their ends. I may have a problem with ODIP, but it doesn't mean I'm going to go out of my way to start drama with someone and then get all hurt when they tell me off. Seriously?

>> No.7141719

Are you seriously this retarded? You can still order from Lief, so, Choke was right.

>> No.7141720

So let me get this straight...
>ODIP and Choke have past beef
>Lief makes a product post on tumblr
>someone comments on it
>Choke decides she's going to publicly draw attention to the obvious problem she has with ODIP
>ODIP sees reply and retorts with about the same tone of disdain
>Choke gets in marie's face and starts shit
>passive aggressive ';)' for good measure
>ODIP says harsh shit
>Chokelate: "B-but I didn't do anything to deserve this ;_______;

No, just no. Sorry. No. Whoever is saying marie is the only crazy bitch here needs to take off their rose colored glasses.

>> No.7141721


I don't see a fucking name used?

>> No.7141723
File: 222 KB, 1000x750, Doctor_Dala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know jack shit about lolita but I love the drama the community produces and I agree with this Anon.


>> No.7141724

The difference is that Choke did it on her personal page and ODIP on their business page which is incredibly unprofessional. Nobody gives a shit about their history, but they do care that Marie shows such a side of her in public to her own customers and followers.

>> No.7141725

If you're right about something then go about your business.
How terribly childish do you have to be to call someone out in public, act aggressive, and then get angry at them when they act out in a manner that you provoked?
Grow up.

>> No.7141726

I don't care about Choke and Marie's catfight, but I do very much care about the fact that Marie has been lying about being the only way to get Lief internationally (which I believed until very recently).

>> No.7141727


>> No.7141729

>The difference is that Choke did it on her personal page and ODIP on their business page which is incredibly unprofessional.

All I see is tumblr and it's all unprofessional to me.
And no, there is no difference. Posting it on certain pages doesn't suddenly change her tone after marie's reply.
Instead of reflecting on what she might have said that make ODIP reply in the way which she got, she goes to her whiteknights first. That speaks eons to me, and frankly, I've never seen drama once where she admitted that she had responsibility in causing.

>> No.7141733

I think you'd do better to find more effective ways to criticize ODIP's policies and police Marie instead of siding with someone who is acting out of sour grapes and whose only interest is just to vilify the other party--not actually fix shit for other lolitas like you.

>> No.7141734

I know I'll get accused of White-knighting but here's how I see it: Choke replies to Lief's post (NOT ODIP) expressing desire to order somewhere else without aggression (I guess if you want to look at 'I don't want to deal with ODIP' as aggressive?) Marie sees this and responds with a blatent lie. Choke, who at this point I assume has been contacted by Lief and made aware of other ways to order, responds snarkily to the lie saying you can actually order elsewhear. Marie continues to try and lie, and comes off extremely unprofessional (remember, she's representing the international branch of LIEF here, Choke is just being a customer) and calls the customer the dishonest one, when she's the one lying...

>> No.7141732


>> No.7141735

Choke has a problem with a business. People always complain about businesses publicly. The drama was actually caused by Marie who chose to reply in a catty manner on the business page, and not only that, but lied. So uh

>> No.7141736

I mostly like this little bit right on the front of the lief FB page right now

>* Notice * Including 2013 Instruments Regimental series, all series can be reserved via One Day in Paradise, Ergi, and Lief directly.

>> No.7141738

What are you even talking about? Marie is the one who lied because of bitterness and called Choke dishonest... that sounds like she's the one trying to make people look bad.

>> No.7141739

So Chokebitch drama aside: So you can actually order directly from Lief?

>> No.7141740
File: 5 KB, 252x200, 1381095332728s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7141743


>> No.7141744

What behavior lol? A customer gets snarky after being told a lie from a business owner, who then calls THEM the dishonest one. I would have done the same thing. Man you are pretty upset about this.

>> No.7141745


>> No.7141748

>just commenting on how snarky and passive aggressive it is-
..m'kay. Nevertheless, I just don't get how you girls seriously look at a reply like that and then wonder why someone's getting pissed off in response to it. If someone came at me with that tone I wouldn't be peachy to them either, especially if there was past drama.
She also has her own wig shop and I'm sure she knows damn well what it's like to deal with snarky customers. Also, a lot of people put up with her shit when her shipping was a clusterfuck and people weren't getting their orders a few months ago. I mean are you going to act like Choke's never lied before?

>> No.7141749

Yep, they made a fb post (which Marie then commented on all "~customers first~ :D"

>> No.7141750

lol, you are really upset about this. It doesn't matter who it was who did it. Marie lied to a potential customer, then called that customer dishonest. It's as simple as that, stop letting your hatred for Choke get in the way of that.

>> No.7141752

>reply like that and then wonder why someone's getting pissed off in response to it

yeah i'd get pissed off too if I was caught in a lie and was an uber defensive bitch like Marie

>> No.7141753
File: 26 KB, 250x331, 1378534233267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually so long as Lief ships internationally I think it's pretty fucking hilarious that marie tried to blacklist Chokelate.
So is she officially blacklisted from ordering directly now? That's funny.
>mfw BTSSB does this all the time

>> No.7141756

I doubt it. Marie flew off the handle with that BS about 'hurting the designer' (because refusing someone's service is somehow helping sell dresses, right?) and then deleted the comments on her tumblr, probably because Sora was like

>stop it, wtf d00d

>> No.7141757

>upset about this
You know I could say the same exact thing about you. Why are you so butthurt over this girl?
>but but she was dishonest with a customer~
No, what we witnessed here was internal drama played out by two fuckwits who couldn't muster a deal of tact between them to power an ant-sized motorcycle around a penny. I already said I don't buy from ODIP, so I don't know why you're treating it like I only have vendetta for Choke.
I just think both parties are retarded.

>> No.7141759

holy shit, please tell me again that marie isn't in this thread?

>*About Angela Stella series and My Tart Refit Series- ODIP and Ergi remain as exclusive international sellers for Angela Stella series and My Tart Refit series. Please direct any enquiries regarding these two releases to ODIP/Ergi:)

just posted

>> No.7141760

Prior to this, only accessories Lief had on the Korean site - Marie wasn't lying about being exclusive. From regimental onwards, yes.

>> No.7141761

? You must have reading problems.

>dishonest with a customer

Marie told Choke that Ergi and ODIP were the ONLY international venues to buy Regimental Stripe, when that is a blatant lie.

I am a little miffed how you're getting so confused about this, yes.

>> No.7141762

Just as a FYI, it used to be true until now.

>> No.7141763

..........you're not making any sense. Btw.
I was quoting -you- when I said that.

>> No.7141764

Sorry i didn't realize I needed to explain it. I quoted it because you were quoting me with it to say she WASN'T being dishonest. When in fact she was. I was just emphasizing she was being dishonest.

Yep, but regimental stripe it was not true, and LIEF posted about ordering directly from them previous to the release.

>> No.7141765

>because you were quoting me with it to say she WASN'T being dishonest
Okay, I really don't know what you're reading but the short answer is no, I did not do that and IF you think I did, I'm clarifying for you that I didn't mean to do that if you somehow construe it that way.

>> No.7141766

...ok... you quoted me saying

>but but but she was being dishonest with a customer~

followed by


.......... why is this happening, is this real life?

>> No.7141767

Apparently you could email or go through Lief's international website for angela stella (and maybe matryoshka?) but there was no announcement or anything so no one knew. Plus ODIP was making a big deal about being the international distributor so everyone assumed that was the only way to get it.

>> No.7141771

It was true and Sora posted the regimental order information up as a mistake, when I tried to direct order I was told by Sora to join the GO.

>> No.7141774

? you're talking about this post, posted at the end of september, was a mistake, even though it was never deleted from the tumblr? http://lief-lolita.tumblr.com/post/62417315795/we-now-accept-e-mail-orders-via-paypal-for

>> No.7141775

... That has nothing to do with regimental. The separate other post that had prices and types up for regimental was deleted.

>> No.7141779

But it has to deal with international ordering...........................................................................

>> No.7141782

But you're taking it out of context. Ugh, whatever, it's not a big deal.

>> No.7141784

Man, your vendetta is way stronger than any of this alleged whiteknighting. Marie is a crazy cunt who needs to learn how business and public communication work.

>> No.7141785
File: 346 KB, 279x199, 1381120755148.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man, your vendetta is way stronger than any of this alleged whiteknighting.
Frankly my dear I don't think that's possible.

>> No.7141787

Why is everyone overlooking the fact that Marie went out of her way and stepped out of bounds to tell Lief to block any attempt Chokelate tries to make to purchase from any other source but ODIP and Ergi?

I have so many stories about Marie being an annoying, greedy ass bitch... I don't care if her shitty reseller shop is her only source of income. She is a power-hungry twat.

>> No.7141788

>whiteknighting isn't strong itt
>whiteknights to a reply 50 replies later

>> No.7141789

Same here. What a shitty, money-grabbing liar. What's worse is that she surely knows how bad her reputation is, which means people will avoid her business, so if she makes everyone believe they can only get it through her, Lief will actually make less sales and suffer for her machinations. What a backstabbing cunt.

>> No.7141792

>Lief will actually make less sales and suffer for her machinations.
If anything Lief will suffer for it's their shitty construction, poor communication, and ugly prints.
Lief doesn't have a pristine rep either, many korean brands don't.

>> No.7141793
File: 119 KB, 1440x900, ODIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking at the OP's pic and Marie's response seemed a little different from the one I had screen cap'd when this first started. Seems she went back to edit her response?

>> No.7141794

I always reply to whatever posts I see first as I'm reading the thread. Yes, I am a horrible 4chan user.

>> No.7141795

I don't really know much about Lief because I prefer Taobao for my indie brands but I just think it's really shitty to restrict sales for a brand who probably isn't selling that much to begin with.

>> No.7141796

Oh, no wonder they were getting confused when I kept bringing up

>business owner lying and calling the customer the dishonest one

she fucking edited the reply

>> No.7141797

lel, I saw the original as well. glad someone screencapped it. what a knobend.

>> No.7141798

It was probably edited in an attempt to save face. I'm glad I did because damn, regardless of any drama between these two girls, it seems pretty tacky and childish calling another business out like that in a completely unrelated setting and with no concrete evidence outside of just not liking the person or what have you.

>> No.7141800

Well I think she's probably referring to the whole wig business there, maybe she genuinely believes that Choke tried to scam her? I don't see how she could because it all seemed pretty straightforward to me, but some people are paranoid.

>> No.7141804

Wait, how did you get the edited cap if ODIP deleted it before shit truely hit the fan. Did you edit it yourself?

>> No.7141805

Mariko is a fucking insane, disillusioned bitch. She also has one of the worst cases of grandma face I've ever seen on someone her age, wow. Those jowls are just really coming in.

>> No.7141809

...this is what I want to know too? The fuck is going on here..?
This is no different than OP's cap save for the fact that it shows another response from Chokelate.

>> No.7141810

it is different, read marie's response at the end (the whole, if you're korean in korea, blah blah part)

>> No.7141814

Share some stories please?

>> No.7141816

In the other thread I mentioned she was claiming her business to be higher up on the totem pole than the actual international branches of a certain company that shall not be named.

Another likely still ongoing story is that when The Company prepared to release anything new, she would always try to buy out nearly half the stock and would throw bitchfits when told she couldn't take that much of the head office stock.

>> No.7141817

I just really dislike how they pump up the prices on certain items. I know it's a business but come on.

>> No.7141820

Sweet lord, are you talking about the Lockshop review she left?
>"This Hime wig didn't come with a massive bump like the photo!"
>"Never mind the fact that it would most likely get crushed and ruined in transit!"
>"Never mind the fact that there is a Styling Tips section in the comments area of the wig description, with a link to an entire step by step break down on how to fluff the bump back up!"
>"TL;DR: I'm too lazy to style my own wig and use common sense so I'll call this person a scammer!"

I am just so fucking baffled I'm laughing. Maybe it's because I'm mainly a cosplayer, but you generally expect to alter a wig to suite your personal needs, and any volume or curls is going to be flat because right out of the bag because it's been in there for a week.

>> No.7141824

The difference is that mine here >>7141793
show's Marie's response saying that Chokelate is "running a dishonest business." This isn't present in OP's pic, which is why I posted it in the first place because it seemed fishy.
I also went back through any connective notes, and if there was any editing done, I'm not really seeing it. Marie's comments are still there, even though the post she made has been deleted on her actual page, but no editing has been done I think. So now I'm curious where OP's pic is from since there's no dates or times anywhere that I can see.

>> No.7141827

*flat right out of the bag

God, my grammar tonight.

>> No.7141828

She marks things up by 3x what they're worth.

This is worth about 1000 yen new.

This is a used, really unpopular and undesirable dress from an unpopular brand that she priced for well above retail.

A super old and unpopular JSK for above retail that is very used

A gingham set, one of the most hated fabrics for $174

An ugly, gingham lucky pack dress for almost $200

An unpopular dress for 2x retail

And she also tries to scalp on prints, she has Iron Gate for $1700, lol. And Vampire Requiem for $600, are you fucking kidding me? It goes for 20000 yen these days.

So fucking greedy. I know that some people tell her what they'd like to get for an item, but the profit she makes from each dress is easily $100+

>> No.7141830

Let's play a game and pick the most ridiculously priced items on the shop. So far, I think it has to go to the ugly and used Heart E JSK she has listed for almost $300.


Can anyone find anything worse? I get secondhand embarrassment from her greediness and sheer delusion but it's fun.

>> No.7141832


Me again, I just realised that she had originally listed it for $650. What. The. Fuck.

>> No.7141834

Not sure how helpful this is, but I actually spoke to Marie about the prices at an Australian convention. She says that her prices are based on what the items' owners want, not her call. Unless they're directly from the brand, then they're all being sold by her for other people.

>> No.7141835

This really makes it seem like someone from ODIP edited the screencap to make Marie look better. Marie admitted it herself that she's on 4chan and I don't see why anyone who isn't involved would go to that extent.

>> No.7141836


For one earring....really?

>> No.7141839

She also piles on a big fee so that she makes a profit. She isn't exactly known for being honest, too. There are scalpers here but none are bad enough to ask for the prices listed on ODIP.

>> No.7141838

The worst I can think of is this $59 Anna House blouse that's been on there forever. For that amount you might as well just get it from the source for $10-20 less.

>> No.7141842

Yeah, that. Maybe she genuinely believes she was scammed, who knows. It's pretty retarded though.

>> No.7141844
File: 30 KB, 325x409, 1291677553997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$70 for a standard AP headbow from an unpopular series.

>$65 for a used ring with a RRP of 4000 yen max that sits unsold for 1000 yen on secondhand sites.

>$29 for used Meta socks from a lucky pack that no one wants. Not only overpriced, but also gross and unhygienic.

>$73 for a used Baby camisole made of cutsew material.

>This has been on the site for at least a year. It's fuggo.

This bitch is crazy.

>> No.7141845



>> No.7141847

Or maybe that's what someone who really fucking hates ODIP wants you to believe.

Just sayin, it could go either way and Chokelate for a fact does trip here and posts as anon. Idg why people are saying marie must be lurking here when it's very obvious Choke is.

>> No.7141848

Moitie's headpieces are much more expensive than AP/Baby's but it's definitely not worth that much. More like $60. If you're lucky.

>> No.7141849

>lolitas complaining about a shop that scalps
Isn't it ironic?

>> No.7141852

Why would Choke edit a picture together to make Marie look better? That literally makes no sense.

>> No.7141850

>when an individual scalps
>"Well that's their personal choice and if you don't like it don't buy from them.."
>some consignment shops for used lolita shit scalps
>"Woah we got some greedy ass cuntery over here ladies!"

>> No.7141851

Not in my case, I always ask for less than what an item is worth/less than what I paid for when I sell it. And if you're going to scalp, you can be a bit more subtle than Marie is. Charging, say 25% more is a bit different than charging 60% more.

>> No.7141853

Pretty sure the people that complain about Marie also hate scalpers in general. It's the people who defend scalpers who would share your opinion.

>> No.7141856

Who said anything about Choke?
Literally anyone who doesn't like ODIP could have taken that cap, edited it, and make this thread on 4chan to prove how marie was trying to ~save face~ in some fucking scheme to make herself "look better."
Which tbqh none of them look good, so I guess it is a pretty pointless scheme.
I guess it's just a matter of who can paint whom shittier at this point?

>> No.7141855

Hi Marie

>> No.7141858

Hi Nina

>> No.7141859

>people who defend scalpers
Or, people in general who don't give a flying fuck about what prices people sell their items for and choose to not do business with them. Horribly progressive ideal, I know.

>> No.7141860

>Whoever is saying marie is the only crazy bitch here needs to take off their rose colored glasses.
QFT. I get that people don't like marie for justifiable reasons, but neither of these people are presenting their arguments in ways that makes me want to side with either of them. It looks like horseshit.

>> No.7141862

OP here, I managed to cap it awhile ago when i first saw the post. Didn't get a chance to post it when i first saw it due to work.

>> No.7141864

Let's keep playing
I know MMM items are expensive but that much for the skirt? Is that normal?

>> No.7141871

u srs m8

>> No.7141874

I would agree until I realise at least if I ordered from Coke I would get the item. If you order from Marie, she'll just take your money, blame everyone but herself and start a fight

>> No.7141880

I'm a dif anon but I saw the original post on ODIP's before it got taken down and it had the "dishonest business" spiel. So it wasn't edited to make Marie "look bad", it was something she knowingly posted for everyone to see.

>> No.7141894

Companies she has distributorship with, she doesn't even pay full price for the items. I can't remember how much stuff cost from The Company but she is making a lot more profit than you think.

>> No.7141901
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>> No.7141913

Woah, I didn't see that. That series is quite hard to find and popular but the JSK would be worth that price, not the skirt.

>> No.7141916


That's because the reservation period wasn't open until October. I ordered from Sora directly on the first day and she didn't tell me to join the GO. I got a paypal invoice in 24hrs and paid it.

>> No.7141928


Gondolier_wafer here.

I'm not a choke whiteknight, how the fuck you got that from my comment I don't know. All I said was that the 'Nina' at the end had a bitchy little undertone, like when someone calls you sweety or darling. That statement alone doesn't make me pro-choke.

In this incidence, I wouldn't class myself as being of Choke's side, but definitely 'anti-Marie'. Bitch is fucking crazy and deceitful little lair who needed calling out.

>> No.7141929

Fuck Marie is a colossal cunt, I've seen her publicly degrading the VOLUNTEERS at her con booth several times, it made me feel physically ill.

Anyway; stop giving her hits she doesn't deserve, she's probably tweaking her nipples and refreshing google analytics as we speak.

>> No.7141959

That made me vom in my mouth a little.

>> No.7141999

Holy shit. she really did that? how fucking ungrateful. what is it a privilege to not get paid and then bitched about afterwards for working at her little con booth????

Pay people if you want some quality.