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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7134086 No.7134086[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Trans cosplay: is it ok to cosplay as your biological gender? I'm an FtM with an unfortunately decent female body (40-32-40 5'6"-not great but acceptable). I can't wear female clothes without getting all dysphoric, but in cosplay, I feel fine. Any other thoughts on this? (pic sort of related)

>> No.7134089

Do whatever makes you comfortable, bro. Costuming as fictional characters is pretty different from attempting to outwardly apply specific ideas and traits to your personality.

>> No.7134088

People may not take you seriously as a transman if you choose to do female cosplays, unfortunately. Sure, its technically okay, but understand that many may dismiss your transgenderism.

>> No.7134091

No one gives a shit about your gender. Cosplay what the fuck you like.

Also try and be happy with who you are instead of imaging you'll be so much happier as something you're not.

>> No.7134110

You're not dressing up as you, you're dressing up as a character. The character's gender does not need to match yours.

>> No.7134116

Do whatever you want.

I'd just make sure not to turn out like gutterface.

>> No.7134155

>I can't wear female clothes without getting all dysphoric

This kind of thing really bugs me, you're totally basing gender around gender roles. I get if you associate girls' clothing with femininity, but it doesn't make you less of a man or less of a girl to like or dislike gender specific clothing. It may make you seem more "manly" or "womanly" but it doesn't affect your gender.

>> No.7134164

Maybe it's because female clothing is cut to make feminine curves more apparent.

>> No.7134191


This right here.

You've kind of backed yourself into a corner.

>> No.7134241

Oh no, I don't believe that clothing defines gender in the least. Gender roles and associated clothing is an antiquated system. I don't think that wearing a skirt and makeup makes me any less of a male. I just dislike my body, and female clothing tends to accentuate that. Plus, it leaves me more prone to getting misgendered. Any gender can wear anything, I just choose not to. So I actually agree with your point.

Also it is nice to hear other views on this. Thank you.

>> No.7134254

If you still have ladybits, you're still a woman.

Get help, or get a penis glued on your body.

>> No.7134268

that's the plan.

>> No.7134269

there is this, but thats not ok. people should take your identity seriously
really it bothers me so much a cis girl can crossplay all the time and no one questions her gender. let people cosplay whatever they want and respect their gender.
actually the only place i see people complain about "fakebois" is on cgl. still doesnt make it ok

do what you want OP

>> No.7134293

Then get it done already.

>> No.7134303

yo stop bein a shit head

>> No.7134309

Really, the only problem I can see with it is if you get upset if someone misidentifies your gender because of it.

As long as you keep in mind you are setting out to look like a female character and that your current biology matches that, there is a good chance that you will be assumed to be a cisfemale.

Just keep that in mind and don't let it bother you, and you should be good.

>> No.7134321

Why do trans cosplayers get so much hate?
Especially transmen?
I see so much OH THERES NO DUDE COSPLAYERS and someone posts a transmale and everyone says it dosent count.

>> No.7134323

Ah yes, so easy to just whip thousands of dollars out of one's ass.

>> No.7134346

Because SRS is just like media portrays it. You go to the doctor, magically have your sex change, and everyone is supportive. A+.

>> No.7134443

can someone tell me how trans. people feel about these opinions?
>if you're born a women, you're always a woman and surgery will never change my views of you (etc)

I'm a sociology major and I've noticed that there is A LOT of tension when it comes to "girls" with dicks (MtF) that don't go for the vaginal surgery.

I'm honestly just wondering.

OP, do what you want. People at cons really don't care. We're all weird to begin with

>> No.7134446

\I can only speak for myself, but I think it's idiotic. Gender has nothing to do with genitalia. Sex does. There is a lot of stigma against those who choose not to/are unable to medically transition, like they're not "actually trans", which is bullshit.

I was also born being like 4 pounds. I'm pretty sure that's not true anymore.

>> No.7134496

Rather you than me. I get just as fucked up in cosplay as I do in real life when people think I'm a woman. Although remember that once you get on T you might not be able to do the same girly cosplays that you might want to do now and pass so by that standard you might as well get them out of the way. Be prepared for people to not take you seriously if you say that you're a man while dressed like that though. Also this board is a pretty shit place to ask and you're going to get some equally shit responses. Already have.

>> No.7134523

I would burn all my cosplays if I was able to take T. Since I'm basically stuck in this spot for now, I'm trying to make the best of it, even though it really fucking sucks.

I was actually expecting this board to be shittier about it. I was surprised.

>> No.7134527

Stick with it. I had to wait 3 years to move out of home and deal with the NHS. You will get there. I had my third shot on Monday.

I still can't understand why you'd want to, but cosplay is a hobby. Fuck the board and do what you want, especially if you think you'll look good. But like I said, be prepared to not be taken seriously when you tell people you're a guy.

>> No.7134539

>vagina = woman

it doesn't work that way

>> No.7134551

>mtf trannies complaining about not being able to get Test injections
>mfw I just go to the gym talk to my guy, pay him cash and get all the test I want

>> No.7134562

Taking too much testosterone just makes the body turn it back into oestrogen. It's a really bad idea for ftms to self medicate.

>> No.7134567

yeah this is not striking me as the most intelligent idea.

also who the hell uses "trannies" as something other than an insult

>> No.7134576

treat it the same as crossplay.

which it is.


>> No.7134579

Thats why you take estrogen inhibitors.

>> No.7134581
File: 642 KB, 1280x1669, tumblr_mqe6nsHWeU1ryeto5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this generation so much.

>> No.7134589

that baby could have been born with three dicks and a tentacle you know the Royal Family would pretend nothing's out of the ordinary and call it a boy whilst smiling serenely.

>> No.7134598

The birth certificate says "sex", not "gender", thus this point is stupid. The baby can grow up to be fucking gender neutral and the certificate should still read M

>> No.7134600

I like you.

>> No.7134612

>tfw I should've been born in the 30's or 40's.
>tfw when just wanna make a good living doing good honest hard work
>tfw I don't agree with homosexuality, or transgendered people and firmly believe its a choice

This picture actually pissed me off so much. How people can fucking think like this is beyond me.

>> No.7134622


No matter what gender a baby eventually identifies as, The sex chromosomes it got stuck with at fertilization WILL NOT CHANGE

>> No.7134641

I've got a FtM friend who used to be a lolita, and who still wants to wear it from time to time. Granted he passes more as a teen boy, especially in voice, so just saying "Oh I'm actually a brolita" is enough to make most people drop it.
Honestly, just tell people you're crossplaying and leave it at that. Don't go into how you're ftm, just "Actually I'm a guy, just crossplaying." Don't acknowledge that you are trans unless directly asked. Its no one's business but your own, and they're the ones being rude for asking.

>> No.7134666

>Honestly, just tell people you're crossplaying and leave it at that. Don't go into how you're ftm, just "Actually I'm a guy, just crossplaying." Don't acknowledge that you are trans unless directly asked. Its no one's business but your own, and they're the ones being rude for asking.

Thats totally true though. What if things escalated and ended up getting freaky? Doesn't the other person have a right to know you're trans?

>> No.7134688

If you actually befriend them and it leads to potential freakytimes then yeah of course. I'm talkin just the average nosy bypasser.

That said, the ftm friend I had, I literally had no real confirmation (though I figured) that they were trans until we were about to share a room and another friend told me just to make sure I was ok with it.

>> No.7134695

Girls crossplay and people don't misgender them because the base thought process is that she's a girl.

Trans people are a very small percentage of society so we do not automatically think "Well it looks like a girl, but might identify as a boy", we use Occams Razor logic and assume they're a girl.

>> No.7134750

>someone posts a transmale and everyone says it dosent count

because they arent real men, so they really dont count.

>> No.7135105

oh no i understand assuming a persons gender is something more people need to work on but thats not what i was referring it

i have seen people actually deicide that someone must not be really trans if they cosplay the opposite gender.

>> No.7135109

referring to*

>> No.7135148


A few reasons really. A lot of trans cosplayers tend to be not that great (yes there are some that are great but most from what I've seen aren't very good). Also, there is the negative stigma in the community with 'fake' trans cosplayers, especially with FtMs. I honestly don't know if teem girls are still doing this, but a few years back it was pretty much a fad that if you were a crossplayer, at some point you'd 'come out' as a FtM and post about the struggles of binding and how it affected your cosplay and such (when they'd still dress in female clothing) and then a year or two later they'd deny it all and either pretend it didn't happen or claim 'youthful misguidance'. Plus what is it with transfags and being dramatic attentionwhores.

I admittedly take a lot of trans cosplayers with a heavily critical eye because of the aforementioned things.

>> No.7135152
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>implying there wasn't homosex and trans all up in the 30s and 40s

>> No.7135159

>if you're born a women, you're always a woman and surgery will never change my views of you (etc)

Well, it's true. All surgery does is change your ouward appearance, it doesn't hange who you are. It's the more expensive version of drawing a mustache on your lip and saying you're a dude. It doesn't change you're gender, it's just wearing a mask.

Until you change your chomosomes you're still going to be who you were born.

>> No.7135162

>This thread
>"I get upset when people think I'm not the gender I identify as baaawww"

Guys, girls, everyone in between, NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR GENDER ISSUES BUT YOU. Stop getting butthurt because not everybody thinks you have a dick/vagina when you want them to. Getting genders mixed up during cosplay isn't uncommon. Stop taking it personally.

>> No.7135166

Honestly I think it's kind of lousy of you put quotes around the word girls.
They are real girls, theres no need for that.

>> No.7135540

I feel this is only the case when the FtM person in question cosplays ONLY or mostly female characters rather than males and loves to flaunt how they are "totally a trap"

>> No.7135547

Just don't get pissed off when people mis-gender you...
If you're feminine looking you're basically asking for it.
Transpeople who crossplay and get upset when people misgender them piss me the hell off.

>> No.7135567

The what are XY androgen insensitive females?

>> No.7135585

Wow this topic is quite relevant to me. I love dressing up, be it for cosplay or drag, though have never been in any public venue in fear of the femininity undermining my gender identity. I'm not defined and angular enough to be a male character (especially from JJBA, so sad) nor am I tall and thin for the EGA silhouette, so I was thinking of dressing up in Lolita style for cons and shit.

>> No.7135595
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>tfw business owner
>tfw some wierdo trans with no experience who couldn't answer basic questions applied to my job
>tried to lawyer me saying I didn't hire "her" because I'm cisprivledged
>told the lawyer I didn't even know she was trans she just failed the interview incredibly hardcore, and he can get the hell out.
>never hear from either again
>mfw I actually hired a dude who was chill, cool, knowledgable and actually competent

>> No.7135673


Test is so easy to get and cheap for the doses you would be looking for.

Head over to /fit/ and browse some of the roid threads.

>> No.7135848

They are female-bodied people who have a genetic abnormality that leaves their body unable to respond to testosterone, which is a hormone found in both males and females. The Y chromosome that they have tells the body to make androgens and be a male biologically, but the body can't respond to it. So they have the genes of the male, but the body can't do anything about it, so it defaults to female.

>> No.7135865

Why the fuck are there so many FtM's these days? The disease is supposed to be more common in men, but for fuck's sake I swear every bi and lesbian chick is claiming they have gender dysphoria now.

>> No.7135883

so, you can be a girl with a dick? that makes no sense to me

>> No.7135886


My theory is pop-culture misogyny (like 4chan, gamers, etc) telling fucked-up girls desperate for attention that 'bro' girls are better and femininity is shameful. So you get those "I'm SO not like those other girls!!!" girls, who are afraid to be feminine, who proceed to be uncomfortable with their body because they've internalized this idea that being a woman is shameful. But then they can get attention by being trans, and can kawaii yaoi.

not to say that there aren't legitimate trans ftm. just what trends I've noticed.

>> No.7135890

The fuck? No one wants a masculine girlfriend, they want an attractive feminine girlfriend who plays video games or is at least interested in nerd culture.

>Jessica Nigiri

>> No.7135892

b/c is cool now

>> No.7135894

It's not so much masculine as a girl who isn't 'like other girls' and high maintenance/etc, not like, manface and buff. It doesn't help that a lot of these girls can't be Jessica, they're usually chubby and unattractive

>> No.7135895

There are so many seagulls claiming to be trans that I don't even know if I should reply anymore, since I bet most of them are fakebois/trenders.

But I can almost guarantee OP is not trans. Just by reading her first post you can tell.

>> No.7135898

Maybe you should spend some time in /d/.

>> No.7135901
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>> No.7135908

some transwomen can't afford surgery or choose not to get it. women can totally have dicks.

>> No.7135914

>choose not to get it
Then they are not transwomen.

>> No.7135961

lol OP confirmed for transtrender fakeboi because she's obviously not on hormones, and is also a fattychan who needs to lose some weight.

Until you get the proper treatment to pass, you are a woman. Period. You can't just waltz around the convention in girl clothes with your real tits hanging out saying, "Oh but I'm actually FtM so this is a crossplay" and expect people to believe you.

And don't give us the "I can't afford hormones ):" excuse either. If you can afford to cosplay and go to cons, you can sure as fuck afford T. It ain't that expensive.

So please, save us your cries for attention and cosplay whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.7135970
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>doesn't know transexual vs transgender
some people are comfortable enough with their junk but would rather live as a woman in all other avenues. some people need surgery to correct their bodies because living with them in their original state grosses them out. it's not that hard to see that there's a difference, but both can be shortened to "trans" if they want.

>> No.7135989

Transgender and transsexual mean the same thing, dumbass. It wasn't until recently that people actually believe the utter horse shit you just posted.

>> No.7135993

I should add to this, anyone who is okay with their biological genitalia is not trans.

>> No.7136070

This thread was going so well, and then the cunts came out. Sad.

>> No.7136082

>This thread was shit to begin with and then somebody expressed the truth.

What "sad" is that girls like to pretend they are part of an oppressed minority for attention, or because "I feel uncomfortable wearing girl clothes unless I'm playing dress up" like OP.

>> No.7136158

but gender as a concept was initially used to differentiate people on a physiological level, since we didn't have a fully formed opinion on what gender was until we collectively began building civilizations
>earlier links in the evolutionary chain either had gigantic gender differences, and differed work based upon what was most efficient, or worked collectively because there was a lack of gender differentiation

>> No.7136175
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What, cunts like you who want the rest of us with a level head on our shoulders to say that there are five lights?

>> No.7136220
File: 218 KB, 450x338, brushy brushy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can sympathize even though i'm cool with being the gender I was born with.

Not fitting into the mold that's contantly shoved on our faces has made me pretty self conscious so I try to find positive role models who make feel good about what i've got instead of bad about what I don't.

good luck to you, friend.

>> No.7140151

Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina. I learned this in kindegarten.

>> No.7140152

/d/ also has giantesses and elfgirls

>Muh fictional fetishes mean I'm real a woman/man stuck in the wrong body

>> No.7140154
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>Gender has nothing to do with genitalia.

>> No.7140157

But they weren't degenerates back then, they did hard labor and got sweaty and contributed to society, and only sucked cocks or took it up the ass during the weekends. Now gay people actually want rights fuck!

>> No.7140521

the funny thing?
Lots of trans people i know are more man than their bio counterparts.

>> No.7140526

forgot to clarify.
dont know any trans women so i cant say, but they're probably more woman than bio women too

>> No.7140531

>Gender has nothing to do with genitalia

Someone has been on tumblr for too long...

>> No.7140534

Not having the money for it is fine, but I personally only believe people are trans if they have dysmoprhia. Honestly, anything else is just basing gender and sex around stereotypes and gender roles within society. Technically I would be "genderfluid" if you wanted to use such trivial definition on gender, but I think it's bullshit because I don't put so much importance on gender roles and I don't believe you can be more than one gender for sure.

Sometimes I do wonder what it would be like to have a dick, but it's not emotionally stressful for me to not have one, that's what being trans is, it's the dysmorphia that has nothing to do with stereotypes or gender roles or how society views it.

>> No.7140620

so because i dont have dysphoria 24/7 im not really trans? fuck you, sir/madam.

>> No.7140647

I agree with you about current genderfluid fad. Every so-called genderfluid person I've encountered tried to justify their gender by something along lines "oh I don't feel like wearing a dress today, so it must mean I'm totally a boy!"

I used to know FtM who didn't want operation, and I must say that his explenation was pretty convincing to me. He simply thought that current medicine is unable to give him a working penis, so instead of getting something half assed he'd just stay with a vagina... which made him kinda uncomfortable, but he still considered it a better deal.

>> No.7140823

>so because i dont have dysphoria 24/7 im not really trans?
No dumbshit, you're obviously not trans.

If you were you'd hardly be able to get out of bed in the morning, and dread taking showers or changing clothes because you can't stand looking at the parts that aren't supposed to be there. It's not just about gender roles or clothing like anon above said. It's literally being in the wrong body.

There was a story about a little boy who tried cutting his penis off with scissors, that's how extreme it is/can be. So please, either educate yourself or fuck off back to Tumblr.

>> No.7140831

Bitch im on hormones, it helps with my dysphoria a lot.
i have my days where i cant get out of bed from it, days where i wanna slice off my tits.
BUT im also realistic. i know that i will never be a cismale and i dont let womanly baby whiney feelings fuck up my life.

>> No.7140848


>fuck up my life
no you did why else would you be on hormones.

>> No.7140868

Because im a transman and i feel much more comfortable now that i can grow a beard and have a lower voice?
lifes been great since i started.
suck on that, kid.

>> No.7140875

I never said 24/7, but there are people who aren't on hormones, don't want to be, aren't bothered by their tits and even enjoy their bodies and still try to say their a man at heart cause ~gender stereotypes~

I'm not saying you have to go through with it, that without the desire to you're just some idiot who things gender is based on ~girly or boy-ey things~

>> No.7140877

Also, thank you so much! I have a lot of trans friends and people who only base it on society standards really piss me off, it ruins the cause and legitimacy of the condition which really needs more backing. I've lost a friend due to the fact that some states make it almost impossible even with insurance. I just want people who are legitimately suffering to be heard, and idiots on tumblr and such places trying to jump on the band wagon for attention really makes that hard!

>> No.7140880

Not that anon, but the legitimacy of being trans has more to do with the desire to have the opposite body rather than act like the stereotypical opposite sex. Your feelings are legit because you view yourself as a man due to the body not the clothing you wear or the way you act.

>> No.7140957
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I'm agreeing on it being a sort of "fad." Not to hate on any of you gender dyspohria people, because I could honestly care less about what gender people identify as/like. We're all people at the end of the day.
But I have noticed a substantial increase in the last few years, same with how I've noticed a huge increase in child related food allergies. Also can someone please explain to me what the hell cisgender is? I never understood why people felt the need to use that term? It's as if you guys HAVE to put a label on everything. Jesus christ I'm a girl. I don't need 50 billion labels telling me who I am, I'm me. Fuck you guys

>> No.7140959

well I do have a friend who identifies as male but doesn't take hormones because he doesn't want his voice to go low. some people also don't go on hormones for financial reasons.

>> No.7140962

Since you guys are all talking about trans related shit, can someone explain to me why the hell tumblr was so obsessed with making every character in Attack on Titan either gender confused or a different nationality?

>> No.7140967
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Pics or it didn't happen faggot.

>"womanly baby whiney feelings"
>implying men don't get depression
>being this much of a tryhard

>> No.7140977

because it's tumblr. they do this with every popular fandom of the moment, I saw it a lot with Dangan Ronpa & HS too

>> No.7140978

OP here. I've known I was a boy since I was...aware of what gender is. I tried to cut off my breasts with a knife once, and I'm dysphoric constantly. It's just marginally less so in cosplay because I'm just pretending to be someone else entirely. Though lately I have been leaning towards male costumes because it's more comfortable for me, but I don't think that clothing has an effect on gender. Gender is not based on the fact that I like male clothes and whatever else society affixed to men. Gender is based on the fact that I know that I wasn't supposed to have this body.
I do believe that there is a massive problem with LGBTQ-trending, but that unfortunately marginalizes people who actually struggle. In my high school, it was rad as fuck to be bi, which was really obnoxious for people who actually were struggling with sexuality and gender. But no person in their right mind would ever go through HRT or SRS just because it's hot and trendy. They might randomly start saying they're trans, but they wouldn't potentially ruin family ties and friendships and careers.

>> No.7140984

Oh OP again. Sorry I forgot I wanted to add this to my last message. Cisgender means your gender matches your sex. Transgender means your gender does not match your sex. I think the LGBT community is a little too crazy with labels, but those are good ones.
The thing with food-related allergies isn't really "trendy", but some weird medical thing. Maybe it's overdiagnosed?
Also, we are all people at the end of the day. I like your stance.

>> No.7140987

I fucking hate it when people do this. Wearing a dress does not mean you're a girl that day. It means you want to wear a fucking dress.

>> No.7140991

>Maybe it's overdiagnosed?
I think people say that a lot, but I have a mother who says something about similar issues, like ADD/ADHD: it's not that it's more common, it's just that we're more aware.
Transgender would be more like homosexuality, though. The rise is more about people feeling more accepted and able to be open about it than they were 50 years ago.

>> No.7140992

Jesus this board needs to be purged

>> No.7140995
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I for one think gender is not a social construct. It's biological. People with gender confusion have a disorder but whatever. Do what you want, as long as you don't hurt anyone else.

>> No.7140997

Ooooh ok thanks! Things actually make a lot more sense now. I just wish someone would just sit down and have a nice conversation with me about these things and just explain it in simple terms instead of just expecting me to instantly know what it all means.

>> No.7141004

No problem. Yeah people either expect you already know what it means, or that if you don't know, you're an ignorant asshole who doesn't support LGBT people or something. Not really helpful.

>> No.7141007

Actually there has been a substantial increase in food allergies in the last decade or so. Food allergies aren't like mental illnesses, which thankfully are beginning to get more awareness. I'm pretty sure they've actually linked the increase in food related allergies to this younger generation of women demanding C-sections instead of natural childbirth.
When you go through the birth canal, you're exposed to certain bacteria that help fight off that sort of shit. Not to say that's the case for every c-section baby. It also doesn't help how germophobic people have become. Too much anti-bacterial handsanitizer every day, wiping down restaurant chairs and tables with anti-bacterial wipes, etc. A little germ exposure won't kill anyone, you're actually just making shit worse for your kids.
Sorry, I'm a little invested in my disdain for hypochondriacs.

>> No.7141012

I'd been thinking more down the road of awareness being low because not many kids came in touch with as many foods as they do now.
But that's interesting, I've never heard about that before. I mean, I know a certain amount of germs makes your immune system stronger, but about the birth canal and whatnot was interesting.

>> No.7141013

If gender =/= biological sex, why the need to change your genitals through surgery? Tumblr arguing that these are two entirely distinct concepts fall apart when the number one complaint of transpeople is "I was born into the wrong body".

>> No.7141017

Then maybe you can answer this: do intolerances other than allergies come from that? I have severe celiac disease, which is autoimmune and not a true allergy. Are things like this from a similar source?
I hate how "popular" it is though, which is like the "popularity" of other shit. If a person avoiding gluten for their weight eats something that a restaurant didn't properly make because they didn't care, they don't die. I will.

>> No.7141018

Gender is what you feel you should be: boy or girl.
Biological sex is what you physically are.
Transsexuals feel that their gender doesn't match their biological sex, which is what happens when you have gender dysphoria.

>> No.7141027

This is a completely made up thing.

>> No.7141035

Google the term, it's very much real. It makes sense, anyway. Biological sex is not just physical. There's mental differences between men and women as well, and that's where the dysphoria comes from. They are physically one gender, mentally another.
Of course, saying you're one gender based off stereotypes and wanting to be popular is still bullshit. But it's like DID. It's a legitimate, but extremely rare condition. People just like pretending they have it because they think it makes them ~unique~.

>> No.7141055

No, it really isn't. Just because you have a Y gen and therefore a penis it doesn't mean you're gonna successfully develop into a boy. And just because you have XX it doesn't mean your mom's organism can't accidentally fill you up with testosterone and make you a man mentally.

>> No.7141065

>People just like pretending they have it because they think it makes them ~unique~.
I hope you choke on a rotten aidetic cock and die.
Outside the magical world of weeaboo and tumblr nobody likes transsexuals. It does not makes anyone cool, unique, special or, really, any other positive adjective. People run from transsexuals like they're freaks of nature (well, they are, but so are handicapped people, autistics, depressed people, etc). Nobody over the age of 13 "becomes" transsexual for such reasons.

>> No.7141068

Just do it, it's crossplay for you. Just because you're a FTM doesn't mean you suddenly aren't allowed to crossplay.

>> No.7141075

That's what I'm saying, you moron.
Preteens and teenagers love pretending to be shit that usually people consider freaks. Gay, bisexual, transsexual, schizophrenic, having multiple personalities, the list goes on.
Tumblrites and weeaboos are legitimate people who exist. Usually preteens and teenagers. Believe it or not, there's dumbasses in the world that think that by pretending to be someone that usually get such horrible treatment, because they think it sets them apart from other preteens and teenagers.
It fucks up LGBT+ and mental illness awareness and makes people think they're just kids asking for attention and 'not actually that bad,' but the people who do such shit things DO exist.

>> No.7141136

LGBT is an incredibly vocal minority. They are seriously like 1% of the global population. The amount of media awareness they get is a fucking joke compared to the size of the world.

I have a lot of friends (over 500 on fb lolelelelol) that I interact with on a fairly regular basis and I have not met one truly gay person irl. Only weekend lesbians and girls who've done gay4pay stuff.

>> No.7141149


Personally if someone dressed as Seras said to me "Actually I'm a man" I'd take them at their word and go HOLY SHIT you look so convincing! I mean, it's cosplay, people are crossdressing all up in this bitch. The Touhou fandom alone, yo.

>> No.7141184

That's confusing.

But I don't see why it wouldn't be okay.

>> No.7142498

That's just your experience anon. I would say that maybe 30% of my closer friends are either gay or bi, one of them is a transman and another is genderfluid. There's also a lot of androgyny in general because of crossplay/j fashion in my friends circle. And a high level of acceptance for different sexualities in all these alternative communities.

>> No.7142513

Not that anon but...

Stop with that shit please, it's embarrassing.

Dual sexes exist for mating purposes only and gender is based roughly on sex as well as self identity, not on society's decision of what's manly and womanly. People who say they're ~genderfluid~ seriously need to stop, because they hurt the cause alot. Gender isn't a fluid thing, it's engrained in our brains, that's why transgenderism is a thing in the first place.

Instead of clinging to ridiculous notions such as genderfluidity or more than two genders, we need to be trying to change society to be more accepting of people wanting to switch genders, or identify themselves as their born gender but without following the stereotypes and rules of society.

There's a line that is crossed into where it becomes a mental problem(genderfluid) because that sort of notion is special snowflakey and stereotypical as fuck.

>> No.7142515



It means that they decry gender stereotypes while justifying their identity on the basis of stereotypes. You do not switch having a dick to having a vagina from day to day - only the characteristics associated with having either or.

>> No.7143295

Do whatever the fuck you want

Don't be surprised if someone reacts negatively

Don't expect to change the world in one day

Don't try to lecture anyone

Do enjoy yourself

>> No.7143986

there is one requirement for being a girl, having a vagina. None of that inside out dick shit either.

>> No.7143989

Goddammit, this. This x100.

Special snowflake motherfuckers need to stop making a huge deal out of gender. I don't walk around every day thinking, "by gosh, I sure am female, let me put on my lipstick so I can look pretty while fawning over babies that aren't mine." Not following or caring about stereotypes doesn't change or nullify your gender.

>> No.7144878

Celiac disease is generally hereditary (almost everyone on my mother's side has it.) However, it can also be triggered by other autoimmune diseases, like Sjogrens, Lupus, etc. Gluten sensitivity is similar but I believe is an allergy and not autoimmune.

I would say that, as somebody mentioned, that it is not that it is becoming more common for any reason, just more recognized and treated. Even 20 years ago, Celiac was not something a doctor would immediately diagnose, because the symptoms could be a lot of things.

The upside of the gluten free diet gaining popularity is that more people are aware of it and it's easier to get gluten free food, even if some try to make it into another diet fad.

>> No.7144895

I don't know how I feel about this stuff even though I sometimes I wonder if I may be genderqueer. I'm happy being female (biologically, mentally, whatever), but I have a lot of feelings that I don't want to get into much on here concerning having a penis. I just try to push it into the back of my head most of the time, it doesn't have much bearing on my life beyond sorting out how I feel. Is this a sexual thing or is it something else? It's beyond curiosity.

Eh, sorry for the vague ramblings/shitposting. I never talk about this with anyone.

>> No.7145068

What I hate the most about FTMs cosplaying is when they do a male costume and say they're boys and girls swoon saying finally a boy did this costume!
Sorry but I feel like that's insulting to boys.

>> No.7146156

How? They're still boys.
Sorry that we threaten your "masculinity"

>> No.7146252

I think "real" men are angry that FTMs that cosplay generally tend to look better than them.

>> No.7146270

I mean, honestly it's a human thing. A lot of gendered things are a product of society and you end up getting confused about what being a female and a male actually means. I sometimes wonder what it would be like, but that seems to be mostly my really strong and brash personality as well as my sex drive sexual dominance. I do often wonder what having a dick might be like though, but I really like what I am myself. I actually believe that humans are the only creatures who experience these types of issues, animals have too much to worry about. With all the down time that technology affords man it allows our minds to wander and think up new possibilities for both ourselves and people around us. So, I do feel that gender dysphoria is a psychological disease that has a cure, but any other gender issues spectrum to me is just over analyzation of society's gender roles and what it really means to be a certain gender. That's why I don't really buy into genderqueer or multigendered. It's not the same as dysphoria and it doesn't have even vaguely similar consequences.

I really feel like a lot that sort of thing slides by due to people being really worried about offending. That kind of thing and other kind as well as other tumblr bs really just rubs me the wrong way. People should be allowed to feel how they feel freely, but there is a limit as to what is acceptable to push onto others.

>> No.7146728

This. I really wish that people could just be happy being the sex they have and just happen to like things that may not be what society has categorized. Women can enjoy doing the manliest of things and men can do the opposite, but interest in certain things definitely =/= what gender your mind is, which I know is something that confuses the hell out of a lot of people.

>> No.7146838

I'm dyslexic so this part confuses me. When someone says "transmale" or "transwoman" does that mean their desired gender is the one they say and are biologically the opposite?
My mind remembers "transwoman" as "trans from woman" but it feels wrong.

>> No.7146844

I have a female friend who once cosplayed as griffith from berserk
she pulled it off well

>> No.7146863


I don't know. I see it as the clash between the two conflicting ideas of: woman want tough, masculine men so be tough and masculine and the whole bishie feminine 'new masculinity' shtick

as a guy you get so many mixed messages as to what it means to be a guy and you know all the negatives associated with it so I can understand where frustration comes from

>> No.7146869

>implying that transmen cant be manly as fuck

transmen are TRANS(itioning to) MALE good way to remember the way it goes

>> No.7146870


I didn't imply that at all

>> No.7146887

well for an FTM you are held under heavy scrutiny because there are a lot of "trans" men who phase out after awhile and they really piss off people

If you are serious people will realize that

>> No.7146895

I don't really know what the guy was talking about but i will take a stab at it
Ftm non hormone "transitioning"
cosplays as guy characters
people try to be overly supportive and give them all the praise in the world

>> No.7146912

Who gives a fuck
No honestly why do you give a fuck

You're trans for your own reasons, and not other people, right? If you think you yourself are alright with cosplaying as your original gender, go for it

People will always be shitbags about this topic.
If someone minds the fact you're a trans crossplayer, he minds the fact you're trans to begin with.

>> No.7147331

Haha seems like you're posting a few years in the future. Have you been on tumblr recently?

Also why are there so many girls to boys? Is this a bandwagon thing? Why do so many girls wanna be guys? How would you even benefit from it?
I know I seem rude about the whole thing but its difficult to accept a concept that has little foundation other than I like wearing boys clothes and not having boobs.

>> No.7147368

Because tumblr/cgl/social justice and activism communities(name your place) tend to be a hugbox and focus on the victim complex. Also the stereotype of women to bicker, snark and talk shit behind others backs, especially about other women.

That's a major reason these communities make such a big deal about gender and cosplay. When most of the laymen and casual fans really don't put much thought into it.