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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 90 KB, 500x331, cover for fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7139485 No.7139485[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

eating healthy and exercise, yea yeah.

have you or your friend tried something that worked for them to look better in their cosplay?

anything BUT the eat right and exercise?

>> No.7139490

> Don't eat?

Lel, metabolism is science. There's not really any magical ways to suddenly get thin if you eat tons and watch the telly all day.

>> No.7139741

chop off a leg

>> No.7139742

Good luck have fun

>> No.7139743

you have another thread of this same subject in /r9k/.
nothing will work except for diet and exercise.
but seeing how you come to 4chan looking for short cuts, I'm sure you don't have the discipline for either of those.

or get a meth addiction, ive seen it work wonders for friends.

>> No.7139744

Kill yourself

>> No.7139745

Oats, supplement with squats and follow with whey protein.

>> No.7139746

Chinese Diet Tea. 20$ for a can of loose leaves. From what /i understand by what it does to me, it makes you poop without absorbing and digesting your food correctly.

Might be incredibly dangerous, but i think it works.

>> No.7139747

you gained all that weight in decades of your life, don't expect losing them in some days, it's magically impossible

>> No.7139750

If you drink a gallon of cold water every day for a month, you'll burn approximately an extra 150 calories or so simply by having to warm that water up to body temperature.

That equalizes one coke a month, anon! Keep at it!

>> No.7139766

There is no magic formula for weight loss. Calories consumed > calories burned = weight loss. How you get there is your choice. I heard juicing works.

>> No.7139773

I've heard meth just melts the pound off.

>> No.7139776

Keto. Easy as shit to do. Made my boyfriend do it and he dropped 30 pounds in a little over a month.

>> No.7139778
File: 110 KB, 400x400, ENERGY DRINK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone heard of/used Herbalife Liftoff?

>> No.7139780

Expansion on keto pls.

>> No.7139782

I feel like this is just /fit/ fishing for something to laugh at.

>> No.7139785

Called the ketogenic diet. Similar to atkins - high fat, adequate protein, low carb. You have to adhere to strict macronutrient ratios but everything you eat is delicious.

The few people I convinced to give it a shot all lost weight and kept it off, but usually I'll have fat relatives tell me (underweight) that it's clearly ridiculous and what do I know. Oh well.

>> No.7139787

DNP'll do exactly what OP is looking for

>> No.7139800

Ooh, I'm going to research it and probably try it out, thanks!

>> No.7139825

reddit.com/r/keto is your best bet

>inb4 le reddit

>> No.7139828

>anything BUT the eat right and exercise?
This is like asking if there's a way to defy thermodynamics.

Easiest, fastest and cheapest way is to limit caloric input. I.e. eat less.
You can look into drugs and bullshit diets, but that's usually at the expense of your health.

>> No.7139913
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You should read the /fit/ FAQ you dumb fat bitch.

If you had the ability to lose weight instead of stuffing your face you would have read that.

>> No.7139925
File: 1.94 MB, 310x325, telling_your_family_you're_on_a_cut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ here


Broscience at its finest.

First you have to understand that weight loss is a very long process and all the things which guarantee you shortcuts are bullshit which will just make you lost water weight.

So how do you lose weight? It can be done without exercising simply by being on a deficit and counting calories, all you need is food scales and to know how many kcals you need to eat daily.

How to lose weight: Bodyweight (in lbs) x 10 = amount of kcals needed eat in order to be on a ~500kcal deficit (~0.5kg/1lbs fat loss per week if done correctly). !Be sure to recalculate this formula for every few lbs you lose to further decrease the consumption!

You have to take into account that EVERYTHING (except for water) contains calories, so everything you put in your mouth should be accounted for.

Look for nutritional value on the food packaging, this is the most accurate method. Less accurate is finding it on the internet, but for some products (eggs, 100g-140kcals) it's pretty much the same.

Create your own daily diet and stick to it, don't look at the scales since many factors influence your current weight, look at your waist to see results.

If you still don't want to do it the only and right way, then you will just remain fat while complaining on tumblr about bad fad diets.

>> No.7139942

>non conventional ways to lose weight

There are none, trust me. There's no magic bullet for weight loss.

Give this a good read and for the love of god, don't do shit like >>7139746 >>7139776 suggest.

Oh shit, what am I even trying here. The fact you look for a magic bullet right now means you will be very opposed to the idea of actually doing something for your weight loss. Yeah, starve yourself or some shit, maybe you'll regret it when you're flabby as fuck and gain all the weight back in three weeks, but atleast I dont have to care.

>> No.7139943

Fuck off back to fit loser.

>> No.7139945

You should read the OP you dumb sack of shit. No one's asking for WAH MAH HARD WORKS in this thread.

Fuck off your high horse.

>> No.7139944
File: 1018 KB, 334x253, asking_fit_for_advice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lel fatty detected

>> No.7139946

yeah im sooo fat, u sure caught me :***((((

>> No.7139950

Return to the sea
no one will bother you there

>> No.7139954

She'll just fry it then eat it

>> No.7139955

Read the sticky

>> No.7139958

Double dubs of truth

>> No.7139959

Eat right and exercise you fat piece of shit

>> No.7139962

>anything BUT the eat right and exercise?
You don't necessary have to eat less, just less calories.

>> No.7139963


>> No.7139964

We'd go to fit if we wanted that, but alas, no. So go away with your useless advice, and maybe reread what the OP thread is about, hey?

>> No.7139969
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>if i wanted i'd lose weight but, alas, i don't want to

I swear to out Natty Lord Scooby your fat mentality wants me to give babies creatine

>> No.7139977

If I really need to lose a quick .5"-"1 off of my waist I'll just fast for a week.

Anything else or more is retarded, not healthy or sustainable

>> No.7139978

Go ahead, everyone hates nattyfag anyway. Stop trying to force that loser.

>> No.7139984

I lost weight when I was smoking e-cigs, then I gained it back from eating normally.

Exercise is the only way to keep your weight off. I lost 20lb just from daily 30 minute jogging.

>> No.7139985

I eat very healthily, and exercise tons, but I was finding that nothing was shifting. Then my grandad was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Then a cousin, then my mother. Now there's a family history of it, I've gone in for a check. Lo and behold, I have it too. It doesn't stop the shitty looks you get for being a size 16 (UK, IDK what that is in the US but it's fatty fat fat for sure, take up a seat and a half on the bus fat) but it's a relief to know that you're not just a fat fucking pig. I'm hoping the treatment will help as it's so depressing to look like this.

Another thing my doctor advised during diagnosis is that I don't eat enough healthy fats. In my quest to be slimmer and healthy, I cut out practically all fats aside from olive oil. He suggested eating more things like avocados, nuts, and oily fish. It seems obvious, but if you don't have enough then your body will retain the fat it does have.

>> No.7139986
File: 38 KB, 300x419, kingscoobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hates natty
Keep trying fatties nothing will hide your shame
You will always be disgusting in the eyes of society

>> No.7139988

>in love with gay guy


>> No.7139992

>won't use known solution
exercise and a caloric deficit sure are hard

>> No.7139993

all these projections
yeah, motivation sure is hard.

>> No.7139999

This is a stupid question, but how fast should I be seeing results?
I've been doing cardio and squats, plus eating less and healthier for about 2 weeks now.

>> No.7140001
File: 1.58 MB, 559x294, Auf Wiedersehen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay in your fat shell until you die of disease/ cancer/heart failure.
I'm sure your fatty mod will save you.

>> No.7140004

Actuallly.... Yes, I do have a 'non-conventional' way to loose weight, and tend to promote this where I can.

Stuff exercise- volunteer.

I lost a bulk of my weight doing 9-5, 5 days a week at an animal shelter. You don't need weights/a treadmill when you spend your entire day dashing around, cleaning pens, lugging heavy bags of food around, mucking out stables etc.

Or, if animals aren't your thing- why not go volunteer with kids? There's a few hundred calories burnt chasing after a group of kids, or playing with them. Heck, most groups go on trips quite a bit to parks etc, so that's quite a bit of walking.

Or, go work in a charity shop for a bit: you'll be on your feet all day, putting out clothes, sorting through bags and serving customers. Whilst perhaps not the most calorie-burning, it's better than sitting on your bum at the PC moaning about fad diets.

So, whilst I'm going to agree with others that there's no quick fix, I'd suggest to anyone that wants to lose weight to volunteer. You'll get a boosted CV, you'll be aiding a good cause and heck- you might make some good contacts along the way. That's without even mentioning the extra calories of activity (or even just being too busy to eat) should help you shed a pound or two.

>> No.7140007

About a pound or 2 a week if you're doing it right. Hard to tell at first though, it might just be water weight.

>> No.7140005

Thanks, I will. Hope you enjoyed jerking yourself off to make yourself feel better.

>> No.7140009

before I go-
It will take a longer time to transform your body

Think about all the time that you've placed into putting your body in it's current state.

You have to reverse everything that's been done.
Don't loose motivation-change will come with hard work
Good luck-
Auf Wiedersehen

>> No.7140012

What this guy said about thyroidism, only the opposite. Quite a few diet pills actuallt fuck with your thyroid and give you the one that makes you severely underweight. My mom was diagnosed with a thyroid condition and she was way underweight, and the pills they gave her to fix her levels made her gain a lot of weight. That's when she told me it also works in reverse, because my dad has always been fat and was looking into buying a few different diet pills to help him and my mom told him no because the ones he was looking at had some chemical(s) that would screw up his thyroid. So, look those up OP, and have fun losing weight while giving yourself a physical ailment!

This isn't the first time I've seen a snarky ocean-related comeback regarding a fat person, but I nearly fell off my chair laughing when I read that. Thank you, anon. You have made me horribly shitty start to the week a bit better. That made my night.

>> No.7140014

>do this for a month
>give up for another month
>do it for a month
>give up
Rinse repeat, I can't be fucked.

>> No.7140017

This. I ended up losing a bit of weight when I got my first job thanks to being on my feet all the time.
In fact, I was eating worse than I ever had in my life, but I still ended up shedding a few pounds.

>> No.7140021

She probably had hyperthyroidism, which is pretty much the opposite of hypothyroidism. I agree that you shouldn't take diet pills because who the fuck knows what's in those things, but its worth discussing with your doctor and taking the blood tests to see if you do have it if there may be a history. The drugs for hypo/hyperthyroidism are made to balance the amount of hormone correctly, whilst diet pills generally just bind your fat and make you shit it out.

>> No.7140025

eat healthy and exercise you fucking pathetic hamplanets.

>> No.7140029

Eat healthy and lose weight. It's the only way, you landwhale.

>> No.7140030

Why cant fitfags fuck off to fit? Why aren't they glad we aren't posting it on fit instead of cgl?

>> No.7140031

We just want to help other people get in shape, but we can't do it politely, because that wouldn't be alpha, and we're all overcompensating for our beta-ness.

Also, it's calories in<calories out

>> No.7140033

DNP. 2g/d

>> No.7140034

Learn some fucking self control and keep it up, or just accept you will always be a whale.

>> No.7140036

You know, I imagine you guys have some sort of red phone with a red light on top that goes bat shit insane the moment /cgl/ mentions weight loss. And I imagine that you all hover over this phone in turn, waiting for the day to come.

>> No.7140035

>Oh guys help me lose weight.
>but I don't want real advice from fitfags who obsess over this sort of thing!
You're an idiot

>> No.7140041

good god i haven't laughed so hard in days

>> No.7140037
File: 486 KB, 500x251, calm yo tits.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm yo massive tits, we is playin'.

>> No.7140038

Not just /cgl/, but every board, for we are one, you landplanet.

>> No.7140044

I was sharing this humorous image with joy and amusement, not rage filled mammaries. Whatevs, sir.

>> No.7140046

Microwave your ice cream to burn calories

>> No.7140047
File: 871 KB, 260x146, 1376564266799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just do a clen + tren cycle

Gif not related

>> No.7140050
File: 70 KB, 540x720, 1376153689754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat clen tren hard

>> No.7140059

I didn't see this thread til now and im not going to read it.
op is a fucking retarded lazy shit

>> No.7140064

This so much.

>> No.7140065

Why can't cgl whales stop looking for shotrcuts and put in the work to lose weight?

>> No.7140068
File: 146 KB, 1635x989, Rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just /cgl/, it's every board. We also do Facebook, youtube, and several other sites across the internet.

>> No.7140069

You guys have been posting a what's your halloween costume /fit/? every day for the past couple weeks.

This is the future you choose.

>> No.7140071

Sometimes I despair at my fellow seagulls. This thread is one of those times. The only shortcut to losing weight is lipo, and you'll just put it back on if you continue with your current lifestyle. Otherwise increase the calories you're burning (exercise), or decrease the calories you're consuming (eat less), or do BOTH. For the record right now is a great time to start your cosplay diet and exercise to drop the weight for those 2014 cons instead of looking for a shortcut the week before.

>> No.7140070
File: 12 KB, 424x394, 1375282831867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything BUT the eat right and exercise

Pic related.

>> No.7140072

mine seids
This thread made my day ignorance and fatty bliss in action

>> No.7140073

I truly find it humorous. I'm not /fit/ but my bf is and he does the same thing to people IRL. Like, some chick will talk about how she has been doing 100 sit ups a night to loose her gut but she has been taking the elevator at her job because she doesn't want to loose her ass. I watched the vein in his forehead go INSANE. It's like you all have this 6th sense of fat/lazy people radar or something.

>> No.7140074

>ignorance is bliss

>> No.7140077

when you actually learn about fitness and nutrition retards that say stupid shit like that girl did really get to you.

>> No.7140078

When you learn that 99% of people are morons when it comes to health, and everyone thinks what you know is bullshit, you'll get mad too.
Everyday I don't put a bullet into my head is a gift.

>> No.7140082

>When everyone thinks what you know is bullshit

Oh christ, this. My fat family is the worst-- they're always trying to lose weight but they abort their progress by having huge cheat days every week.
>I'll eat a caloric deficit of 400 kcal/day, but on friday I can eat up to a surplus of 2,800 calories without gaining weight. It's just math, anon!
Or they'll ask me what I do to lose weight
>"eat at a moderate deficit, strength training, cardio if you're on a cut"
>that doesn't work for me, okay, just because it worked for you doesn't mean that it works for everyone!
shoot me in the fucking head with a high caliber bullet.

Coworkers are the worst
>You do squats with weight? You know that if your knees go past your toes you're not doing it right-- stop wasting your time! Just do body squats!
>You're not a fruitarian? On Youtube there's this fruitarian girl who eats six bananas for breakfast! Six!
>I'm a raw vegetarian-- my diet lets me eat anything as long as it's a vegetable and raw!
>I'd lift weight but I don't want to get too huge, I just want to tone
in the fucking head

>> No.7140083

I understand, but it makes it none the less humorous as a spectator. My brain has converted /fit/ into some Batcave where you all burst fourth from when some fatty claims they weigh more because muscle weighs more than fat.

>> No.7140085
File: 70 KB, 586x456, 1370975633672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no quirky gf

>> No.7140086

>My brain has converted /fit/ into some Batcave where you all burst fourth from when some fatty claims they weigh more because muscle weighs more than fat.
So, what you're saying is that you're autistic?

>> No.7140088

>What is reading comprehension?

>> No.7140089

The statistics point to it being possible I suppose, but My doctor hasn't breached the subject yet.

>> No.7140092

If you're a girl autism passes for cute, on a guy though....
Well it is 4chan.

>> No.7140093


>> No.7140094

Eat shit faggot, looks like I was right.

>> No.7140097

No matter what one should always assume male.

>> No.7140098
File: 63 KB, 604x694, ;_;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf

>> No.7140099

Statistically about 1 in every 250ish females in the US could be autistic. And I think 1 out of every 50ish for males. I was just saying it's possible I suppose. Plus, first signs of autism begin between the ages of 2 and 3 so I hope I would be way in the clear by now.

>> No.7140104
File: 36 KB, 880x512, 1373053586336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7140110

If there was a quick fix, there wouldn't be any docking landwhales or hamplanets on this planet. Eat less move more is the only way, don't like it? Stay fat and miserable

>> No.7140123 [DELETED] 
File: 610 KB, 600x800, 138096479036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no fat gf to cuddle with

>> No.7140128

and, again, I puked in my mouth today, thanks

>> No.7140133

>All your muscle will turn into fat when you're 50+ and stop working out

>> No.7140137

Not agreeing with the hereditary part, but it actually IS a really fucking nice perk to grow up in a family that gives a shit about their health and the health of their children. You're dead wrong if you don't think growing up in a family that frequently uses food to cope, makes routine poor food choices, and discourages exercise and indoctrinates you with fat-acceptance ideals that it won't affect your health on some level.

>> No.7140140

>specifically asking for non traditional methods
>get traditional methods as advice

Really, cunts? Are you so braindead that you can't read at all?

>> No.7140141

>Trying to cheat the laws of thermodynamics
This is basically what she want to do.

>> No.7140145

non traditional methods are a scam
everything that works and is proven to work well is traditional

why do you want to fail?

>> No.7140150

You're just grasping at straws, they work for some people well enough.

>> No.7140153

>But I don't have the willpower or personal fortitude to make those work!
>I want a shortcut!

>> No.7140160

how does the e cig work compared to a regular cancer stick with weight loss?

>> No.7140162

>they work for some people well enough.
That's because people are to stupid to explain their own biological experiences to know what works and what doesn't.
The only reason that works is because nicotine helps suppress your appetite.

>> No.7140166


>> No.7140178

>That's because people are to stupid to explain their own biological experiences to know what works and what doesn't.
It still works, what are you even trying to say.

>> No.7140179

Nice try, loser, but that isn't enough. You should instead change your diet appropriately to get enough carbs and proteins and eat oats and go to the gym. Thin people are just as disgusting as fat people, if not even more (fat people can at least work that fat into muscle).

>> No.7140180
File: 986 KB, 312x176, trevor_does_new_york.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask a stupid question about weight-loss anywhere
>/fit/ is there

>> No.7140181

i think he's saying, if it worked it's not because of that but because of something else that happened

>Thin people are just as disgusting as fat people
not even comparing auschwitz to fat, just thin? which is like a normal average body... what the fuck are you smoking

>fat people can at least work that fat into muscle
this is why i know you aren't a fitizen

>> No.7140182
File: 527 KB, 969x619, 1362519479652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, perfect example.
>(fat people can at least work that fat into muscle).
God, I hope you're kidding.

>> No.7140228

>>greater than

>> No.7140231


He has a point with fat people beeing able to build that fat into muscle. Most powerlifters are fatty, and not just 100% pure muscle with single digit body fat.

Same way my friend who is a cheerleader, when he started his strenght training. He got fat first intentionally, and then went hardcore gym training, in like 3 months tota he was beefed as fuck.

If you try to slowly build muscle by eating just a bit more than you need and working out, it will take way longer than if you get fat and then work out.

>> No.7140237

Why is this here? JANITOR why aren't you cleaning up this shit? If we can't talk about PT anymore the least you can do is get this shit off the board and tell them to gtfo to /fit/

>> No.7140238

so you're causing a mild case of ketoacidosis, which Type 1 Diabetes...

>> No.7140241
File: 109 KB, 643x507, rewarding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you fat weeaboo land-whales get lives instead of obsessing over shitty cartoons and eating your body weight on a daily basis?

>> No.7140242

Hmm, sounds like a good idea... As long as you're not sitting around all day (previous job), you're bound to lose weight if you were nonactive before.

>> No.7140243

Fat does not convert to muscle, protein does. Fat does not contain protein. Your body does not metabolize your fat and magically convert it to muscle, otherwise, bear mode would not exist. A fat person can get muscular more quickly because of the ADDED 100lbs TO EVERY LIFT. Seriously, imagine your normal squat with maybe a 50lb barbell. Now add 100 more pounds. That's the difference between fat and skinny. Fatasses need to lug their weight around, which can speed up gains. It also causes an extreme plateu effect, because once the weight is reduced, they have to eat even less and work out a lot more. Which is why most fat peoplee can't keep the weight off. Used to eating 2500kcal, and that being a 500 deficit? Welcome to 100lbs, where 1000kcal is maintenance, 800 is deficit. (hyperbole)

>> No.7140246

Ketosis != diabetic ketoacidosis. Five seconds in google, jesus christ.


>> No.7140255


>> No.7140256

This is a really stupid question, but cardio will shrink my thighs, right?
I have big thighs, except they're not all fat, I don't think, because they're solid as rock with a bit of jiggle on the inner part.
I don't want skinny, anorexic-tier legs, I just want them a bit smaller.

>> No.7140259

is this what fat ppl tell others? whaaaaaaaaaat

>> No.7140257

The ketogenic diet is big (and controversial?) related to epilepsy. It's been known to reduce seizures for unexplained reasons.

My youngest brother has a rare form of idiopathic epilepsy, so we decided to put him on the diet. However, he was very young when we did this (4-5ish?) and very impressionable. So when he went on the diet, our entire family went on the diet. We simply couldn't really keep foods we wanted to eat in the house.

It's SUPER good for losing weight, but not something I would really recommend. Halfway because it's terrible and you don't get to eat any food ever. (Maybe there are different versions of it, but ours only allowed us 50 carbs a day.) I was 14-15ish and ended up weighing 85ish pounds. My brother was also very thin due to it. I was hungry all the time. Us as kids lost a lot of weight because most/all of what we were getting for food was given to us at home and we didn't really have the advantage of going out to get food.

Eventually doctors told us that since the results weren't incredibly significant regarding his seizures, we could stop the diet. A ton of weight instantly came back. So not incredibly ideal for a get-thin-quick trick... and then keep it off.

Also some very odd side effects happened, like suddenly incredibly nasty breath, despite brushing out teeth furiously. That was probably the worse.

Just my experience with it. If it wasn't such a pain in terms of watching your food like a hawk and starving, I'd definitely recommend it to lose weight, though.

>> No.7140258

Only if it's fat. Just do squats and eat oatmeal.

>> No.7140261

So off-topic but on-topic. I remember reading a bunch of cosplayers talking about fasting or water fasting etc before big conventions. I'm working in costuming now and we kill anyone who loses weight before a program. It makes fitting problems! Why would cosplayers do that? Won't it fuck the fit of your costume? Or is it more important you're thin...?

>> No.7140263
File: 517 KB, 1488x795, 1334523963380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zyzz did the keto diet and look how shredded he was. Honestly op, eating plenty of eggs and bacon everyday will melt those pounds off, make sure to stay away from the sweet potatoes and rice as well, all those dangerous carbs

Also included a routine for anyone browsing

>> No.7140264

oh yes, google, great source there anon. Do a quick google search on vaccines for babies and tell me if those are dangerous. For ALL health related questions the first place you should go is pubmed

>> No.7140266
File: 14 KB, 449x299, 131287238615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7140267
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>no dick push-ups
>not working your most important muscle

>> No.7140269

>what is a cocksquat?

do you even read, faggot?

>> No.7140270

OP wont bcuz shes a fat landwhale.

all u fat landwhales digsust me. mostly because u dont want a active fit life, but u want the body of it. and still eat like fucking hippo's and tell every1 else its beautiful and ok, spreading cancerious beliefes and claims

>> No.7140271

spot reduction is alive and well don't listen to the nonbelievers, i've seen him with my own two eyes

>> No.7140272
File: 2.47 MB, 256x192, 1366162933451.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>year of our natty lord 2013
>thinking scoobs needs forcing

>> No.7140273

>implying cocksquats work the shaft as well as pushups

>> No.7140278

Yes, I'm from fit but I promise I won't be a dick about this. Unfortunately, the only way to lose fat is diet and exercise. There are a few gimmicky thing that can help you lose water weight, but not fat. You don't necessarily need to go on a strict diet and count calories though if you can just make reasonable choices. There are a few things that I do when cutting to reduce hunger and I'll share them with you.
>aim for at least 3 servings of non starchy vegetables a day
Not, peas, potatoes, or corn, things like spinach and turnip are good.
>aim for 2-3 servings of fruit a day
Berries are typically the lowest calorie fruits, but things like apples are good, too. I like to eat an apple with 1 tbsp of a specialty flavored peanut butter
>At least 30% calories from protein
You don't need to count calories but try to get at least 100g of protein in a day. Just check the label of stuff and roughly add it up throughout the day.
>Don't drink your calories
You can have a little cream in your coffee with some splenda but other than that opt for water and maybe some diet soda
>get in some light exercise
even just waling for 30mins a day is improvement, even better if you can add in a few 30sec-1min sprints.
>get in some healthy fats
you shouldn't eat deep fried oreos but some peanut butter or a little olive oil to pan fry some vegetables will help keep you full
>only one treat food a day
And only one serving. I treat myself to either 3 blocks of dark chocolate or a frozen greek yogurt bar. Try to choose something less than 200 calories for your treat. This way you won't feel deprived but you can still lose weight.

>> No.7140279
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you should probably do a bit of reading about how nutrition works, given your "condition"

If you think that the fat on your ass comes directly from the fat in your diet you're basically clueless about how your body digests nutrients.

>eats very healthy
>can't into nutrition basics

>> No.7140280

Now to dispel a few myths
>Meal timing and number of meals alter your metabolism.
Your metabolism is unaffected. You can go as long as 72 hours without eating before you see a difference.
>Fats are the enemy
They are a necessary nutrient.
>certain foods will boost metabolism or make you burn belly fat
Your body treats all foods the same
>If you do leg exercises you'll "tone up" your legs
Spot reduction is impossible and the concept of "tone" is invalid. You either lose muscle, maintain it, or gain it. There is no tone. When you lose weight it comes off from where your body decides to take it from.

>> No.7140282
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Fat loss / body comp / muscle building doesn't work that quickly. You won't wake up one day shocked at how nasty and stick-like your legs are, it's a gradual process, and if you're ever displeased with the direction your body is going, you've got plenty of time to change your routine / diet / etc.

Good luck!

>> No.7140286
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gobble all the DNB you want, go on an ECA stack and eat fistfulls of YHB. You'll loose weight... probably.

The second you stop, you'll get fatter than you were before since
>lel i deserve it
>omg delicious cake
>i can do another cycle and drop the weight anytime i want

the only way to ACTUALLY LOSE WEIGHT for more than a couple weeks involves changing your eating habits. Lifting is a good addition for overall health and fitness, but eating is the most important thing for weight loss retention.

Enjoy dropping 1-2kg for your con, then going back to 100 the next week. Want to actually look like a normal sized person? You know what you have to do.

>> No.7140287

I'm not joking you retards.

If you're thin and you continue your thin diet you will never get ripped, no matter how much you work out

But if you're fat and continue eating what you do, bacon all the time and shit, but you also go to gym every day you will be muscle as fuck.

>> No.7140302
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one in 1000 overweight people have hyperthyroidism
explain the other 999 and the chances you're not one of them

>> No.7140303

I will date you

>> No.7140307

when i stay inside all day I eat less because i am not doing anything

so maybe doing nothing is the key to losing weight

>> No.7140317

Really though, it's not that hard to eat less, pick up heavy things twice a week, and take a walk every day. Also welbutrin. I take it for depression, and it made me lose even more weight.

>> No.7140327

I have hypothyroidism and still managed to drop about 80lbs in a 7 month span.
Have you been prescribed synthroid? It's a common thing, just get those hormones replaced and you won't be much different from everyone else.

If that were her problem, she wouldn't be able to gain weight and keep it on

>> No.7140332

Which is where you went, right, anon?




Three minutes on pubmed. But by all means, stay fat. More size 2s for me.

>> No.7140334

I'll work out with you OP~

>> No.7140341
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you grills have it easy

>> No.7140343

yet 99% of fit will shit on nearly all women having shit natural facial aesthetics without makeup and most men look good naturally no matter what

not making a random statement, i stalk their almost as frequently. it goes both ways.

>> No.7140347

Women prefer ottermode. Getting swole and ripped is to assuage your own insecurity or for other men.

>> No.7140346


except skinnyfat women and skinnyfat men both look like shit, and tons of women like scrawny dudes anyway

it certainly required more work to look like the guy in the picture than the girl though, but everything else is greatly overexaggerated

>> No.7140348


I have hypothyroidism and at my heaviest, before diagnosis, I was 5'9 and 140. My doctor said that people don't tend to gain more than 5-10lbs from it.

>> No.7140350
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I think everyone has potential, most girls I know who lost a lot of weight look so much better than before