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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 403 KB, 600x400, 11-8-11GyaruMe2k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7138591 No.7138591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you join the gal comm?

>> No.7138818

The girl on the far bottom left, is that her hair or a part of the other girl's coat sleeve?

>> No.7138828

>that completely un-gyaru asian bitch

wtf is this shit, stop it.

>> No.7138833
File: 474 KB, 200x150, 1380902676708.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture is an embarrassing mess.

>> No.7138883

Why not both?

Buy 50 dicks off eBay and suck them all; your invitation will arrive in the mail the next day.

>> No.7138912

Out of all the girls in that picture, the one on the bottom right with the nice coat and glasses is probably the cutest one of them all.
Such a pretty person.

>> No.7138932

Okay, anon, I am telling you this for your well being: don't join a gyaru comm. Most Western gyaru are notorious for being extreme cunts. They have this sense of self entitlement and think their opinions are the most important thing you've heard this century. I dress Himekaji so I've never gotten much shit from them but I see girls who get harrassed online really badly for asking a simple question on makeup. All they do is bash each other with words like "fattass" and "slut" but never even give any constructive criticism like most lolitas do and then they wonder why their comm is dying. A lot of girls who call themselves gyaru still dress in that fashion but they've stopped calling it gyaru because of the embarrassment that name carries. Honestly, just don't even waste your time, anon.

>> No.7139519

So basically they're exactly the same as Japanese gyaru? Sounds like they're doin it right to me.

>> No.7139525
File: 1.09 MB, 371x209, nailed it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white girls trying emulate asian girls emulating white girls.

>> No.7139529


... so, uh, why are they like that? How do they manage to get bitchier than Lolita?

Always have been fascinated with that. It just seems weird that they would export that attitude along with the fashion out of Japan.

>> No.7139551

I think it just has to do with the type of girls that get into the fashion. I mean in Japan they're your typical "highschool cheerleader hot bitch" they're the girls that get all of the attention from the guys and it inflates their head quite a lot. They also do the typical "popular" girl thing like lie about relationships, fake to their friends or less attractive girls, etc.

I think of them as "The Plastics" group in the j-fashions cafeteria.

>> No.7139561

>I think of them as "The Plastics" group in the j-fashions cafeteria

saged for unrelated to thread - but where would you place other j-fashions? It's an interesting and amusing way to think about things.

>> No.7139562


>> No.7139572

Not really because they're not really replicating how white girls look it's just a style that's based off a certain group of american girls.

>> No.7139586

>I mean in Japan they're your typical "highschool cheerleader hot bitch" they're the girls that get all of the attention from the guys
Really? I was always under the impression the gyaru were kind of outcasts in Japanese society because of their disregard for authority and such. Like, they'd get attention from guys, sure, but they wouldn't really have the same kind of social status that a head cheerleader would in America? Or is that just how it was with ganguro/manba in the early days?

>> No.7139592

Right. So why don't the white girls become that "certain group of American girls" instead of trying to imitate the Japanese girls that are trying to imitate the group of American girls? It makes no sense.

>> No.7139597

Because they wouldn't be accepted by that "certain group of American girls", probably. If they're into gyaru they probably started out as socially awkward weeaboos who could never hang out with the popular girls.

>> No.7139600
File: 69 KB, 481x480, 1362802589363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jfc this shit is retarded.

>> No.7139606
File: 563 KB, 1536x864, GOOBLOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best I could come up with for now

>> No.7139621

shouldn't the weeaboos be with the fatty chans and the itas?

>> No.7139627

Than Tao showed up to mug for the TV crew even though she knew it was a gal meet. Dumb cunt.

Western gal are retarded and only worship the cult of Black Diamond, DIA, and Ma*rs. It's sad how outdated their style is.

Gyaru were originally seen as really trashy and slutty, but the style has become more mainstream so there's less of a social stigma

>> No.7139628
File: 83 KB, 1024x576, meangirls11[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the weeaboos are at was originally labeled "Asian nerds" and the itas are "wannabees". Fatty chans is placed over "fat girls (who eat their feelings)"

I think it's appropriate. Here's the original for reference.

>> No.7139633

Anon-kun, can you post the original sauce on that image? I can't read half of the categories.

>> No.7139644

Refresh button is your friend.

>> No.7139651

Ah, that makes sense. Nice going, anon.

>> No.7139658

Jesus. Sorry I didn't refresh within a 2 minute time span.

>> No.7139699

Actually you posted 12 minutes after the post you replied to was posted, so yeah. It's a good habit to get into refreshing a thread before posting a question anyway.