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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 46 KB, 302x750, tumblr_mdavry6nsO1rj62reo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7132224 No.7132224[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Muslim lolita coords? Please post what you've got.

>> No.7132274

This will forever look stupid to me

I know you all will label me as a racist but there is nothing visually appealing about muslim lolita in my eyes, especially when they wear friggin pants

>> No.7132289

As a POC, yes, I find you racist.

>> No.7132291

Muslim isn't a race, you fucktard.

>> No.7132300


This. I don't think the veil/headcover thingy detracts from the coord much, especially if they make it match, but when they wear trousers, it looks so baaad.

>> No.7132301


As a white person, be less of a nigger. gb2tumblr

>> No.7132304

Boo hoo.
The pants look terrible with it.

>> No.7132306

Muslim isn't a race...

>> No.7132307

Anon didn't insult a race.

>> No.7132315

I knew that would happen

I don't really know what you being a POC has to do with anything

And yea, I'm not targeting a race but I knew anons would call me a racist anyway

>> No.7132327

it's just a bad co-ord no matter how you look at it. i think covering your hair looks bad either way, but this one is just not a good co-ord exclusive of that. actually it isn't even lolita.

>> No.7132338

You'd think it would be okay for them to just wear tights, seeing as modesty is a big priority for lolita, nothing is really showing.

But yeah, this just looks bad.

Selfpost better, OP

>> No.7132347

JFC guys, so what if a Muslimiyah wants to join in on the fun. So she might have to figure out a way to integrate hijab with it and it might not look as aesthetic. So fucking what, Get over yourselves.

>> No.7132394
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I'm usually jealous of the stylish Muslim girls around my age because they can pull off hipster looks with their use of layers and that they look better with a headcover than I do (sometimes I wish I owned a hijab or two because some of them are gorgeous), but pants and lolita...? I don't know why anyone would go there.

>> No.7132398
File: 441 KB, 1000x1500, 1365829460311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno how a rag on your head makes you stylish

>> No.7132400

Is that a tiny dakimakura around his neck?

>> No.7132418


IMO, it's not always what you wear, but how you wear it.

2/10 for making me respond.
I'm also thinking along the lines of classic Parisian style where it was typical for women to wear headscarves.

>> No.7132426

>that well placed foot near the dick area

dudes got moves

>> No.7132427


There is a Muslim lolita in this documentary that is featured in many outfits.


>> No.7132698
File: 61 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mc3jwoyjlI1rj62reo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No pants! Hooray!

>> No.7132704
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Like the only one that I know is Noor? Otherwise the only other ones that I've seen were on a feature on Kawaii International.

>> No.7132708
File: 160 KB, 375x500, 6541196611_2c67d316da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and googling muslim lolita is not turning up many good results...

>> No.7132712

I can't check right now, but is that Sugar Coated? And if so, I find it interesting that she uses a wig to function as a hijab. Does anyone else know of other muslim lolitas that do this?

>> No.7132714 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 960x960, jambo_banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

salom sisters heres my coord for the record!


>> No.7132717

out of all the people they could use for this documentary, they got a transvestite, a muslim, and some fat chicks.


>> No.7132734
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>> No.7132737
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>> No.7132741
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>> No.7132744

Wow, more gothic lolis like this pls

>> No.7132748
File: 70 KB, 720x481, 63242_187688244579157_100000139470855_759316_7753559_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could fine some, but the search is difficult.

>> No.7132749


>> No.7132752
File: 56 KB, 482x559, lyana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice in wonderland themed.

>> No.7132760
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>> No.7132763
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>> No.7132764

I'm not out to start shit with this question, but is there anything wrong with wearing wigs as a Muslim Lolita? I mean, technically your hair IS being covered.

>> No.7132765

It appears to be something she's copied from orthodox Jews. Covering their real hair is something they do as well, so they wear wigs instead.

>> No.7132767

Some sects count wigs as hair too.

>> No.7132770
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>> No.7132776
File: 273 KB, 1072x1731, tumblr_miqj8pWBxi1rj62reo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the weird doodle glasses thing on this one.

>> No.7132786
File: 242 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mgemu030s61rj62reo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm out.

>> No.7132788

If I'm not mistaken, the Quran specifically forbids women "lengthening their hair artificially", and some take that to mean all wigs/hair extensions are forbidden, while more liberal scholars would say that wigs/extensions made of artificial fibres are okay. I suppose most girls prefer to err on the side of caution.

>> No.7132817

I don't think a literal interpretation is the point (though I may be wrong my personal experience is with Orthodox Catholics). It was explained to me that covering your hair is about modesty and not showing off your physical attributes. Beautiful hair is traditionally an important trait of attractiveness in a woman. So, if you are wearing a wig, it still looks like pretty hair and you are not being modest.

>> No.7132822

well, i don't know what restrictions there are to each, but i really hate it when girls use a plain ass hijab (sometimes not even in a matching color...) with zero accessorizing or at lest some cute patterns or something...
and yeah, use some leggings instead those shitty loose pants ffs.
boots help too, to cover the area between the pants and the socks

>> No.7132828

>well, i don't know what restrictions there are to each
Some sects only allow a 'plain ass hijab'. Something like this >>7132763 is more appealing to most non-muslims as it is decorative and shapely but it's scandalous in some sects.
Leggings show the forbidden shape of the leg, also.

Heel-less boots are generally fine, I think.

>> No.7132853

Yeah, I really think its an individual thing. Like some sects/people think leggings are a huge no-no, but yesterday I walked to class behind a muslim girl in cheetah-print yoga pants, so I think its a to-each-their-own sorta thing.

>> No.7132873

Like everyone else is saying, I don't mind the scarves - in fact they can look pretty cute - but the pants just look bad.
Couldn't they just choose another fashion - like how about mori. It's all about loose fitting clothes and layers.

>> No.7132887

Showing devotion to a religion in the easiest fucking way possible (perhaps that being the only way you really "practice" that religion) is just lame. As a cultural thing, you can wear what you want, but when it comes to lolita fashion no fuck you wear lolita properly.

Does not apply to places where not "showing devotion" to the religion gets you stoned, but trying to wear lolita is going to get you stoned anyway probably.

>> No.7132890

This so hard.

>> No.7132894

I wear a wig instead of a hijab. I'm bad, though, because I also wear tights+tall boots with my lolita. I'm still covering all the vital bits, so, it's whatever. I'm not from a Muslim family, so I just kinda fuck around and make it suit me, while still being modest.

>> No.7132899

>not from a muslim family
>is muslim anyway

what are you some sort of disgusting self-hating britfag?

>> No.7132903


Who gives a shit, honestly? They do affect you in any way, and in this thread most of these girls have really cute coords.

If people are doing a good job coordinating outfits, and are still respecting their culture and are staying true to themselves, is there REALLY any reason they can't wear lolita? Or any fashion, for that matter.

Oh, right, it's because lolita is a secret club and if you're not wearing the uniform the secret club issues you, you don't get int

>> No.7132904

Almost. Self-hating Amerifat.

>> No.7132906

>I don't understand how fashions work!

Seriously, if you want to wear a fashion wear that fucking fashion. Don't just wear something similar and call it that because it's not the same.

>> No.7132907

>but trying to wear lolita is going to get you stoned anyway probably.

How come you can't show off THE SHAPE of the legs or hair because it's... well, showing off, but you can wear a dress that distinctly marks your waist?
AND is beautiful as fuck and should be considered as showy?

>> No.7132908

what in the actual fuck? i would love to hear your story.

>> No.7132912


My friend is muslim and wears really short skirts. I think it's a very individual thing like Christianity or any other religion really. So I guess when we talk about muslims we're really only talking about the very strict or traditional ones we want to see coords with hijabs.

That being said I don't mind the hijab at all as long as it matches. I've seen a ton of muslims who accessorise with really cute pins too in general clothing.

>> No.7132914


Most of the coords here follow the rules dude. Misako and co never said anything about headscarves either. Pants are pretty ita but I think as long as the silhouette is emphasized it passes.

>> No.7132915

It's possible to wear a headscarf/have dreadlocks/be fat/"innovate" the fashion and make it lolita? But do people wear a headscarf/have dreadlocks/be fat/"innovate" the fashion and make it lolita? No, they never fucking do.

Wear lolita properly. It's more than just wearing a pretty dress.

>> No.7132916

Okay yeah, I kinda don't get this. I thought that they couldn't wear anything that gave them a shape that wasn't anything but flat, like no curves and such. So why is it that they wear lolita when the fashion about showing off your waist.
I also thought that they couldn't draw attention to them selves which once again....Lolita does, ya know...with the dresses, petticoat and accessories.
It's almost as if fashion isn't allowed to them or something, not just lolita.

>> No.7132919


Iranians are pretty fashionable despite the strict regulations on dress, and have historically been so. Fashion's gonna fashion despite the haters.

>> No.7132923 [DELETED] 


Do Catholics always follow every rule? No. Same with Muslims. Each individual picks and chooses what they're most comfortable with. They don't have to choose everything, and it's all cultural. Some are comfortable wearing the headscarf because that's what they've been taught. Some are not. It's a variable religion, and I'm not going to bother myself over a cultural head covering when there are worse things about Islam.

>> No.7132925

I'm mostly on about pants, and the ita idea that lolita is all inclusive of big bold differences, it's not.

>> No.7132927 [DELETED] 

Actually it's less about individual and more about sects and locations.

>> No.7132935

Haha, it's nothing too impressive. Last year, I moved to a city with a very high Muslim community (in Alabama, surprisingly). At first, I was just kind of curious about it (and I've always thought hijabs were gorgeous), so I started reading up, and a lot of the views just kind of resonated with me, you know? I wouldn't call myself a full blown Muslim, or even practicing, since I believe in multiple gods, which is a big no-no in Islam. I'm actually really casual about it; I try to follow the general rules, and live my life accordingly, but I don't get too bent out of shape if there's something that I just cannot bring myself to do. Maybe in the future, I'll start to follow the teachings more strictly, but right now, I'm more like the American born Muslims, where I kind of do the bare minimum, haha.

I'm probably the worst faux-Muslim ever.

>> No.7132939 [DELETED] 

So you're garbage, okay then.

>> No.7132942 [DELETED] 

So you can pick and choose what rules to follow? Why do you think it's okay to break whatever rules don't appeal to you when practicing a religion? Why bother to practice said religion at all?

>> No.7132944 [DELETED] 

This, you might as well be one of those ~new age~ "Hindu Buddhist Pagans"

>> No.7132947 [DELETED] 

god damn a big muslim community in alabama? even those poor southerners arent safe from these animals

>> No.7132974 [DELETED] 

Guys, this is a troll. Actual Muslim people know they're not a race.

>> No.7132975 [DELETED] 

Are you kidding? Have you ever turned on the television, been on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr? They say shit like this on the daily.

>> No.7132976 [DELETED] 

They may know it, but that doesn't stop them from using it for political gain.

>> No.7132978 [DELETED] 

What are you even trying to say?

>> No.7133007

his entire outfit is dakimakuras.

>> No.7133009 [DELETED] 

Well this is true of many religions. Even Christians. And we all essentially pick and choose what rules we want to follow when it comes to anything... laws, house rules, rules at school/college. Different individual Mulslims and groups follow Islam differently.

>> No.7133016 [DELETED] 

I've never heard Muslims claim racism for their religion except in occasions when they're persecuted for looking middle eastern or like "typical Muslims." That actually has to do with race but the troll's claim doesn't.
Such as?

>> No.7133013 [DELETED] 

Jews do
It's dumb.
"LOL I can;'t let other men see my real hair so I'll wear a wig"

>> No.7133020 [DELETED] 

I didn't know (non-orthodox/hasidic) female Jews covered their hair.

>> No.7133023 [DELETED] 


For the values and because it's your cultural background. I'm atheist and I understand this. Do you even religion?

>> No.7133028 [DELETED] 

I understand what you mean, but I thought the teachings of religions would be taken a tad more seriously than just house rules or laws since they're supposed to be sacred or something,
Like...you wouldn't call your self a law-abiding citizen if you break laws (on porpuse) nor would anyone call you an obedient child if you break house rules (again: on porpuse), so what I'm trying to understand is why bother calling your self as part of any religion if you do not completely abide by the teachings.
My examples might not the right ones to use, but it's the simplest way I can think of putting what I mean into words.

>> No.7133033 [DELETED] 

Why would anyone need religion to tell them what their values are?

>> No.7133037 [DELETED] 

South asians and sandniggers can claim to be the same race or whatever the fuck all they like, it doesn't cancel out the fact that they follow on the most nonsensical and degrading set of guidelines ever devised and call it "religion". I was under the impression that christianity was the worst fucking "religion" out there 'till I got a peek at the bullshit muslims have been doing in the name of their "religion" for centuries.

I don't care if this comes off as intolerant but I will never regard someone wearing any kind of covering for the sake of religion with any kind of respect, ever.

>> No.7133040 [DELETED] 

Sense of identity, tribalism, wanting to be part of a community, too lazy to question whether you really are what your parents tell you, half-hearted belief, ignorance in what they claim to believe.

All three Abrahamic religions have sections which detail how every single rule has to be followed explicitly, to the letter. All three are considered inspired, that is to say they're instructions directly from God and thus are perfect (Because that's one of the aspects of God) and unchangeable. Still people cherry pick the bits they like. I think it's stupid as well, but hey ho. It's the age of identity politics, all that's required to be something is claiming you are. Actually backing anything you claim to be with actions is no longer required.

>> No.7133045 [DELETED] 

>People do things I don't understand or agree with

Stay euphoric, athiests

>> No.7133047 [DELETED] 

>I don't care if this comes off as intolerant but I will never regard someone wearing any kind of covering for the sake of religion with any kind of respect, ever.

And what about if they're not covering their head for the sake of religion? What if they have/had cancer? What if they just like the aesthetic? You're sounding just as backwards as the religions you're complaining about. Wah wah, I don't like what these people (mostly) choose to do of their own free will! I don't respect them!

>> No.7133048 [DELETED] 

ITT: White people telling Muslim people what to do.

>> No.7133050 [DELETED] 

I guess you're right.

>> No.7133061 [DELETED] 

>being this euphoric
please. hating muslims is rational, but crying about christianity and religious clothing?

>> No.7133062 [DELETED] 

There's this thing called interpretation. People interpret religious scripts differently and don't always take it literally. Also the beliefs of the religion can and do change over time.

>> No.7133063 [DELETED] 

>hating muslims is rational

>> No.7133065 [DELETED] 

>implying Muslims can't be white

>> No.7133069 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 354x750, muslim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U MAD bro?

So you want some solid proof islam is terrible?
Your wish is granted.

>so, if a nation is islamic, that will affect how democratic it is (or not!), but what seems to be more important is if the population practices cousin marriage. it’s islam+consanguinity that is the key here, not just islam.
furthermore, good ol’ father’s brother’s daughter (fbd) marriage, the form of cousin marriage that leads to the most inbreeding, and that is still the preferred form amongst many muslims, was probably already well established amongst the arabs in mohammed’s day
-http://hbdchick.wordpress.com/2012/07/03/consanguinity-and-islam-and-democracy/ (check out her other posts on muslims too)


> How did Syria go from an internal uprising to a wider clash drawing funding and fighters from across the region?
In a word, Middle East experts say, religion.
Shiite Muslims from Lebanon, Iraq and Iran have flooded into Syria to defend sacred sites and President Bashar al-Assad’s embattled regime. Sunni Muslims, some affiliated with al Qaeda, have rushed in to join rebels, most of whom are Sunni.
Both sides use religious rhetoric as a rallying cry, calling each other “infidels” and “Satan’s army.”
"That is why it has become so muddy," said professor Joshua Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma. "The theological question has returned to the center."



>> No.7133073 [DELETED] 

Yes, there is. But the religious texts that they're interpreting quite often explicitly state they're supposed to be taken literally, not changed or interpreted in any way. In God's eyes a half assed Christian is as bad as an athiest, as is a half-assed Muslim to Allah, and anyone not of Jewish decent isn't even considered human by Yahweh regardless of their beliefs.

Not to say that people aren't entitled to label themselves whatever they want, but they're still stupid and hypocritical for doing it.

>> No.7133153
File: 199 KB, 300x400, misako1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misako wore a headscarf because she had to when she arrived to Qatar. She said it was an interesting experiment.

>> No.7133159
File: 150 KB, 299x393, misako2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closeup of the face

>> No.7133161

That poor, poor girl.

>> No.7133163

>How Misako felt.
Kawaii Fashion show has been held in Qatar, Middle East for the first time.
Abbayahs which Qatari women are always wearing over their clothes had been arranged in Lolita style decorated with lots of frills and ribbons. “Abbah Loli”, first collaboration between abbayahs and Lolita fashion, got really popular among Qatari women.
I’ve met girls who were really familiar with Kawaii girl Japan. I could feel Kawaii fashion had been accepted in Qatar.

She did it because she wanted to. There's no obligatory dress code in Qatar.

>> No.7133169 [DELETED] 

Then she is disobeying the quran, and needs to be stoned. If you gonna show legs, why not take that shit off your head? Dumb bitch.

>> No.7133171

That bitch is so self absorbed. She makes me want to vomit.

>> No.7133177
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So modest.

>> No.7133179
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>> No.7133182 [DELETED] 

>Your Islam has to be like mine or else get stoned, bitch!
Hi, pants anon. Mad because your coord is ugly?

>> No.7133191 [DELETED] 

I'm not muslim, because I am not retarded. You have to be a fucking idiot to follow that shit. Whhhaaaaaaa judging someone based on their interpretation of something is wrong! No, your "interpretation" of something is a very good display of your character. Mohamed married a six year old, and you stupid sluts still worship him.

>> No.7133193
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>> No.7133968
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i have to say this thread confirmed me in my opinion that this just can't work. the general shape of lolita is just too different from the usual muslim garbs and most of those girls end up looking sort of condom shaped.

the only way i could see it work would be if the girls had looser scarfs like >>7132741, >>7132763 or Misako in >>7133159. but getting the head right doesn't dispense you from doing everything else right, and those two girls sure as hell didn't.

>> No.7133975

Can someone tell me why Muslim lolitas wear pants under their skirts/dresses when they could easily wear thick stockings or leggings instead and still be modest?
I mean some of these chicks are wearing skin tight jeans so it's not exactly a sign of modesty; the only difference would be the bunching around the ankle and there would be an amazing improvement.
It's just something that has has never made sense to me.

>> No.7133978

because stocking and leggings show the shape of the leg, and for some muslims, it's just not allowed.

>> No.7133979


They should really find a better religion.

>> No.7133981
File: 381 KB, 479x720, mari%C3%A9e+avec+hijab+3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or no religion at all, but yeah, i agree…

btw, some wedding hijabs look like they could work with lolita, but i don't think it'b well recieved

>> No.7133989

i'll be frank about the "y no tights instead of pants" thing
not muslim, but my dad is incredibly an orthodox christian cunt who wouldn't let me wear a skirt above the knees even with tights on. it's not the fact they're covered, it's the silhouette of the legs that is "suggestive".
seeing as this culture is even MORE modest with their clothing choices no, not even the shape of your ankles let alone shape of my thighs would be seen as decent.

i see these girls wear skinny jeans though... not quite to "jeggings" level but still quite close fit, what they get away with is the crinkles deforming the leg shapes silhouette.
so if you're a muslim who MUST don the pants, why not try ruched leggings? they'd look waaay cuter than pants, but still cover. would look real cool in black for goth anyway. pic obs related.

why the sword
she makes me think of the dude waving the sword around to try fight indiana jones

>> No.7133990

Now this works.
Looks nunnish, and the veil shape is excellent (the close fit ones could never suit lolita)
Goth works with the hijab, but sweet or classic can go fuck it.

>> No.7133993

>buy wig with hair shorter than your own

>> No.7133995

aww she looks like she came out of a european history muesum

>> No.7133996
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>> No.7134012
File: 14 KB, 320x240, chii-vip-blog-com-807809sumomochrtanzt.jpg_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about sarouels ? they can be really cute don't you think ?

>pic obs related
you forgot to post it

>> No.7134022

I just don't get it. If you don't want to show the general shape of your body, why wear a fashion that clearly emphasizes the waist and shows the shape of your legs? Just wear something else.
Wear otome, or mori, where the rules are much less strict.
Lolita does not include pants, just like it doesn't include cleavage or mini skirts or cat ears. It's ita, plain and simple.

>> No.7134032

>Muslim girl mori
I need to see this.

>> No.7134052

I didn't know Richard Dawkins visited /cgl/

>> No.7134062

I agree with you anon. It is just a dress when worn like this. When you take away so much from the fashion, it isn't the fashion anymore. It's just like weebs who go OH I NEED NO BLOUSE AND PETTI I AM BREAKIN THE RULES BUT STILL LOLITA BECAUSE I AM.

>> No.7134066

I want to see a muslim doing dolly kei with an Odd Fellows collar. It would just look so delishiously wrong.


>> No.7134076

Is this a super-long Chantilly dress? I actually really like it

>> No.7134090

I feel like if most of these girls wore more petti they'd look fine.

>> No.7134098

Tell me more. Seemed fine to me.

>> No.7134100

Did you even read the fucking thread? It was explained already.

>> No.7134140

Go to her facebook page, or read anything she has ever written. It will make your eyes roll. She thinks of herself as the e-famouse hijab loli, and labeled herself, "fashionista". She talks like a celebrity or some shit, it hurts.

>> No.7134148 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lydotszVuz1qc4c7ko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These all look so fucking retarded, I can't even. If you care that much about your stupid religion, why enter lolita? I'm pretty sure Muhammad would honer rape you bitches for dressing like retards. A hijab really isn't going to save you here.

>> No.7134258

I agree, my room mate is Iranian and dresses crazy - she saw my Bodyline heels last night and wants me to get her a pair too haha

>> No.7134334

out of curiosity which ones were they

>> No.7134507
File: 90 KB, 600x690, shoes152-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related but she wants them in brown I think

>> No.7134548

looks ugly in my eyes... not even like lolita anymore


>> No.7134596

The headscarves can look cute.

Trousers will never look cute, I'm sorry it just looks SO WRONG.
If you're that strict of a Muslim why not just incorporate lolita elements into your everyday clothes?
But no gotta have DA DRESS.

>> No.7134871

Agreed. I find nothing offensive about a well coorded headscarf, but pants are just... no

>> No.7138055
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>>mfw I get banned for saying this looks retarded.
Uhhhh it still looks retarded. Forbidding people from saying so won't make it look better.