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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7130532 No.7130532[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you could, which fandom at cons would oyu kill off forever?
Which dead fandom would you bring back to replace that one?
Picture fucking related. It is a close tie between these guys and bronies. At least bronies keep themselves inside, and are atleast half way decent with manners.
I would much rather have the annoying as shit, and terrible as shit random blurbs of "BELIEVE IT LEL" from the halls of a con from the narutard fandom then these kids.

>> No.7130551

Supernatural/Sherlock/Dr Who

Tumblr fandoms are even worse than Homestuck. At least Homestuck has some interesting character designs. Superwholock cosplayers are 99% fat girls in bad closet cosplays.

As for reviving a dead fandom, god damn do I want to bring back Naruto. tfw you finally have the experience and skill to pull off the chracters you really wanted to do five years ago well, only to find that Naruto has virtually disappeared from cons and you would most likely be ostracized for doing it now.
I'll wait another five years, when it has nostalgia value

>> No.7130574
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>virtually disappeared from cons
Are you going to cons under your bed?

>> No.7130589


>tiny country
>city I live in has 1.5 cons per year (the .5 is essentially just an artist's alley without the rest of the con)
>tfw cons under my bed might be better.

But yeah, we see one or two Naruto cosplayers occasionally but they're not around anywhere near as much as they used to be

>> No.7130594

Now I'm laughing at the idea of cons under a bed. But seriously, I've even seen a few Naruto headbands just walking around in public, and drown in a sea of them at cons here.

>> No.7130598

Eh there are like two Naruto cosplayers where I go and there used to be the same amount that there is of Homestucks now.

Anyway bronies. Not pony fans; specifically horse fucking bronies.

>> No.7130602

As a homestuck, im happy that the series is almost over.
The kiddies will move on, and hopefully i can fucking cosplay without getting EW UR A HOMESTUCK GO DIE.

im sorry but im minding my own damn business and being civil, dont lump me in with those retards screeching in the hotel, i dont know them. Just let me buy art and shitty anime swag in peace.

>> No.7130607

Still can't figure out wtf it is

>> No.7130608


>> No.7130611

I guess maybe it's a good thing I haven't cosplayed from it yet. It'll be great when everyone has a new thing to hate.

>> No.7130636

The general tumblr fandom.

People who cosplay shitty AU fanart versions (like the whole grunge!stuck thing in HS for example), or with things like flower crowns, Starbucks cups, etc. Hell I've even people cosplaying "feminist" versions of characters.

>> No.7130647
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>Hell I've even people cosplaying "feminist" versions of characters.

How does that even work?

>> No.7130687

Cosplay a carapace then, you'll avoid most of the flak that way. People are so surprised when I explain the mayor is also from that thing with the horned grey people.

>> No.7130684
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Kill Doctor Who.
I am so fucking sick of Tardis dresses, bowtie obsessions, whatever that robot with the balls all over it is called, generally everything. I've never seen DW and I don't even want to give it a chance because of the fucking fandom at conventions.

I would want to bring back The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya because I didn't get into it until the trend died, but I have a feeling a lot of you did and wouldn't want to see fat weebs doing the Hare Hare Yukai again.
So bring back Rozen Maiden. I missed that wave too.

>> No.7130715

I'd kill any of the British tard fandoms (Superwholock/Harry Potter/whatever the fuck else is going on there) because they're all annoying teenage girls who think that they're so funny and random for quoting the most well-known things from those series.

I'd bring back the Lorax fandom because I hate everyone

>> No.7130724

The only Homestuck thing I could stand to cosplay is a carapacian.

>> No.7130720
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>the Lorax fandom
Fuck you
I was so happy that fandom came and went before a con season for me.

>> No.7130725

>tfw the Onceler was kind of hot but only teenaged girls cosplayed as him

>> No.7130740

I've never seen a Onceler cosplayer that wasn't a horny AU-driven teenage girl hunting for the yaois.

>> No.7130746


One of the key factors that show the shittiness of the DW fandom was when they revealed the new doctor to be an older guy. Fucking tumblr lost it's shit. It's also totally stupid because if you are an actual fan of the series, you'd be familiar with all the past doctors, most of which were older men.

Tumblr in general, as a mass of tween girls is a huge repository of awful.

>> No.7130768

Lorax as in the Dr Seuss Lorax?

Am I missing something?

>> No.7130775

A lot of tumblr nonsense but not much else.

>> No.7130777

The movie that came out recently. They made the onceler a young, cute, hipster type. Tumblr creamed their panties.

>> No.7130791

The ones I've seen are just more practical super hero/warrior costumes. No heels, maybe armor, less skin (although I don't think that's necessary). Stuff like that.

>> No.7130799

>No heels, maybe armor, less skin

So the opposite of Nigri

>> No.7130800
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I Googled Onceler to give you a general idea of what we mean.
I think this sums it up pretty well, in terms of what I can post on a blue board.
Basically, Tumblr.

>> No.7130808

I guess I'd probably like to get rid of the Homestucks. Not only because I just can't get into it, but because they're at Brony levels of autism.

Also if possible I'd like to make the Deleteheads a real thing.

>> No.7130820

>Which fandom would you kill off forever?
The Welcome To Nightvale fandom. I have almost never seen a fandom get that awful overnight. Also, most of the cosplays are shot in the dark "let's slap on an old wig and hipster glasses with shitty eyeliner-tattoos drawn on"

Maybe just "Tumblr fanbrats in general" works better here.

>Which dead fandom would you bring back to replace that one?
I'd give my left arm to bring back the masses of weeaboos cosplaying Vocaloid in place of a majority of the shit that's at cons now.

>> No.7130822
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A few years ago I cosplayed WV. To be honest I wasn't the best, but it was the first costume I ever worked really fucking hard on.

I get to the con, lots of people recognize me, take my picture, etc. My boyfriend at the time was cosplaying Dave. In the afternoon we're walking through the lobby and then I hear it


Out of fucking nowhere a Terezi appears, runs to my boyfriend at breakneck speed. She thankfully stops before she runs into him, but then demands that I take a picture of them.

I was cool with it, took their picture, we said hi and did our greeting things.

She then asked me what I was cosplaying,and I said WV. She had no idea who the character was and told me that I just looked like a hobo, since Act 5 was the only act worth reading. I was cool with that too, since there had been a lot of people who just skipped to Act 5 that I had seen that day.

However, before we were able to say our goodbyes fast enough, she grabs my boyfriend and proceeds to lick his face before running off like a giggling school girl.

She licked his face man ... fucking homestucks. I don't even read the damn comic anymore

>> No.7130825

You'll also have a bone of originality for not being troll cosplay #49874-B

>> No.7130828


I'm already seeing a lot of the dumbfucks bleed off into shitty WTNV crossplay and ebay SNK costumes, and thank god for that. Just because I'm gray doesn't mean I want to associate with every single other person who is

>> No.7130832
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It's like the whole hardcore-creepy Slenderman thing.
It's the fucking try-hard of supernatural horror.

>> No.7130833

That's kind of scary. I forgot how crazy tumblr could get.

>> No.7130834
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I tried reading it. It was just too long-winded and lolrandum for my tastes.

Homestucks are pretty bad, probably worse than bronies. I had a similar experience with a Professor Layton cosplayer at a con. I was The Janitor from Scrubs, and she followed me around because she thought I was some Hetalia character or somthing.

>> No.7130837

Is it weird that I take offense to that as a Hetalia fan?

>> No.7130838

I admit, I hated homestuck and anything to do with it until this summer. I read it out of morbid curiosity and ended up liking it.

I will never admit to it, though.

>> No.7130840

>The Welcome To Nightvale fandom.
>Angry white girls who get angrier when a white girl cosplays Cecil

>> No.7130846

yeah and I like how the creator intentionally didn't give out any physical description of Cecil except 'neither tall nor short, neither fat nor thin' and yet somehow this super tall, super slender dude with white hair and stupid third eye tattoo on his forehead and tentacle shit up his arms is like, the only way all the tumblrtards see him. Way to fuck up that social experiment, morons.

>> No.7130852

I was wondering where people came up with this idea of what he looked like.
Fantastic, Tumblr.

>> No.7130858

I asked about it a while back in a tumblr thread and people said they basically took the voice actor for him (who I assume has tattoos, I know I'd know him if I saw a picture) and just took his body and added white hair and a third eye tattoo on his face, like, that's it. And Carlos is just some latino with curly hair in almost all the fan stuff I've seen, just seems like such a waste for what the creator seemed to want. I assume he wanted to see this really great and varied array of people's imaginings for what any of the characters look like, but nope.

>> No.7130861

when i first heard about nightvale i was actually excited, like wow a scary/weird podcast but its so pretentious?? and even if theres monsters or whatever in it all people on tumblr draw is the 2 main guys having sex (of course)

>> No.7130863
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Not when Tumblr gets their hands on something.
They like to push diversity but they're all very hive-minded, so it cancels out, and you end up with this unanimous decision on something backwashed-bizarre that pleases the masses.

>> No.7130865

I don't know, I guess his outfit looks like one of the Hetalia characters' or something.

>> No.7130871
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>> No.7130875

I don't really mind any, but I have to say it was kind of disconcerting seeing so many people in the *exact* same SNK outfits walking around at AWA. It was like there were fucking clones everywhere, and it seemed like they were battling the homestucks for the highest bodycount

>> No.7130879
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Doctor Who
Nightvale (before it spreads)
SnK might have to be put down if it gets any bigger, but the show is over now so I guess the worst has past.

>> No.7130887
File: 71 KB, 500x453, Cecil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite headcanon somebody posted for him is that Cecil is actually a dog and then all I could think about was the Shiba Inu running Silent Hill.

>> No.7130894

SnK is getting a second season though, isn't it?
If not confirmed, it has a high chance of it, since the manga is still going and it was very well-received.

People might stop cosplaying it as much since there's not a lot of diversity in outfits.

>> No.7130897
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>The Hobbit
They don't contribute much but when they do its shit like this.

>> No.7130899

hahahaha I didn't even read your response before thinking about the dog ending for SH. Awesome.

Ok now that you bring that up I do remember ONE fan thing of Cecil where they basically said 'Cecil is just a voice, he's on the radio because his voice never changes, but his appearance is in constant flux, he never looks the same twice' or something, which I actually really did like. But of course it had like, maybe a thousand notes compared to like 20k on a picture of third eye Cecil having buttsex with carlos or whatever /eyeroll

>> No.7130900
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Not a clue. The manga is stopping at vol.20 though so I'm glad it's actually ending.

A shame the anime fucked up the whole cliffhanger thing.

>> No.7130906

thats way less groan inducing than i imagined

>> No.7130914

oh HELL no no no
>I dare someone to send this to Christopher Tolkien

>> No.7130926

>The Welcome To Nightvale fandom.
>Angry white girls who get angrier when anybody cosplays Cecil

>> No.7130943
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I remember hearing about nightvale and really digging the premise. Oh boy an actual radio drama!

Nope, just garbage. Unfunny, uninteresting, and poorly-written garbage. I mean, I respect what the creators are trying to do, but this shouldn't have gotten bigger than just a small group of friends fucking around experimenting and learning as they went.

I have no idea how it's become so popular. I guess having a gay main character is enough to rev up them panties.

Also, I know it is stupid but the fandom is ruining anything eyeball related for me.

Forgive the rant, but all of my friends adore it and would implode if I was vocal about my opinions IRL.

>> No.7130944

I swear tumblr doesn't even know what a latino looks like because their Carlos always goes the full brown into Indian or some shit.

and speaking of indians, the native american Cecil going around that's looks nearly as stereotypical as the apache tracker's headdress jfc

>> No.7130951

I was actually pretty excited when he was announced, but then I've known the series sincea kid. The new guy just... LOOKS more Doctor-y to me. Way better than 11 in my opinion.

>> No.7130956

I kinda like "practical" redesigns but think labeling them feminist is kinda stupid. Most male costumes are just as impractical.

>> No.7130960


I know exactly what you mean. I thought, geez, god forbide there actually be story arcs or continuity. OH BUT THE GUY IN THE TRENCHCOAT, HE COMES AROUND EVERY SO OFTEN! AND THAT LADY WENT INTO THE DOG PARK AND SHE'S IN ANOTHER DIMENSION?!?!! Ok, yeah, but it makes no fucking sense. The best episodes are, obviously my opinion, Story of You, and the two part sandstorm episodes. Also, the writing for Desert Bluffs is how I wish they had written Nightvale. Like you don't even realize shit is fucked up except by little off handed remarks or comments.

>> No.7130961

Looking through the thread I thought SnK was referring to Capcom's franchise. How confused I was.

>> No.7130974

>Also, the writing for Desert Bluffs is how I wish they had written Nightvale. Like you don't even realize shit is fucked up except by little off handed remarks or comments.


I'm so glad I'm not alone.

The whole show (with the few exceptions you named) feels like someone made a show entirely based on "can't sleep the clowns will eat me"-level humor.

Feels real 2003-hottopic.

If I hear one more fat fuck make a LOL DOGPARK joke... I'll be very cross and do nothing.

>> No.7130983

"and now the weather" is getting really fucking annoying too.

>> No.7130992


>> No.7130993

I feel like it's dying out. Not fast enough, but I feel like I see less and less of it.

Thank god, that shit is awful.

>> No.7131000

I have a personal grudge against Doctor Who fans. A lot of my friends are into it and that's fine and I'm sure the show is good or whatever and I enjoyed the 4th doctor episodes I saw a while ago, but I've just been soured by them once and don't really expect to feel very friendly towards them as a whole any time soon. I'd rather see less of them in general, but only because I'm a faggot with a grudge. They're probably no worse than any other fandom cancer.

What fandoms are Pewdie Felpie and Nergat Phantas supposed to be parodying?

>> No.7131010

> tfw Nightvale sounds more and more like Invader Zim

Is it just me?

>> No.7131013

As much as I love comics, the big-2-fandom really blows.

Batman and the bat-family fanatics.

I can count the number of good batman stories on one hand and the number of cosplayers pulling off costumes from those stories on zero.

Movie-verse Marvel messes.

Also 100% of deapool fans need to fuck right off. Daniel Way didn't ruin him, he was always fucking terrible.

>> No.7131016

I really love Welcome to Night Vale as a series.

>> No.7131017

>Feels real 2003-hottopic.

>> No.7131018

I don't like DC fans because they're either raging misogynists or raging feminists. Neither can actually enjoy the comics they're reading because they're too busy bitching about the people also reading the comics.

>> No.7131021

pewdiepie and ????

if you are lucky enough to not know who pewdiepie here's a good demonstration of what he's about

Strange he has a tumblr fandom considering his shtick is 50% lazy as fuck rape jokes (the other half is screaming)
and i hesitate to call them jokes

>> No.7131024

>I don't like DC fans post nu52

Fixed that for you.

The whole misogynist vs. feminist garbage was barely present pre-flashpoint.

>> No.7131026
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Can we just get rid of the <16 fandom. The tumblr fanatics that ruin pretty much everything, especially everything mentioned on this board.

Also just to be different, among everything already mentioned I really think OFF was a stupid fucking thing and I hate those stupid paper cutout Zacharie masks and the fanfiction. Its gay as hell and I bet the games pretty good but I just cant deal with the tumblr crazes about every little thing.

>> No.7131028

Seconding the WTNV fandom.
I went to the meetup at Dragon*Con and it was fun for all of 3 minutes before it devolved into shippy Cecil/Carlos sweaty awkward girls touching each other ew.

The marshmallows were good.

I feel kind of bad because the one Cecil cosplay I did was blonde hair/third eye whatever, but like I feel like that's the best way to be recognized?

I did like the cute Glow Cloud cosplayer there though.

WTNV is going the way of Homestuck incredibly quickly in many ways.

>> No.7131030

Can you explain to me what those masks are from? I've seen them popping up loads lately and just kind of assumed it was homestuck related.

>> No.7131032

I ask because searching OFF yields nothing.

>> No.7131033

Never seen anyone cosplay Long Halloween and it makes me super sad.

Also, the FREE! fandom needs to go.

>> No.7131038

Not that anon, but it's from an (originally French) indie game. Just google it, it's pretty fun.

>> No.7131039

basically its a short french rpg game that was translated into english and became randomly popular on tumblr because of fanart and fanfiction. And because of easy cosplays.

>> No.7131036

Yeah, definitely a good point. To be fair, I feel like DC has gone pretty stupid after the reboot, but they still do have some really solid titles and stories worth reading.

They're from an indie RPG called OFF. One of the NPC's wears little masks and stuff and has a charming chuckle when you talk to him.

>> No.7131047


Thanks! looks like a wannabe Mother successor.

I'll give it a play through and never mention it to anyone.

/cgl/ doesn't have spoiler tags though.

>> No.7131057
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Same anon you replied to, I didn't mean it like how >>7130791 said but that could work too and isn't a bad thing. I meant like in pic related but themed for certain (unnecessary) characters.

>> No.7131060

it's pretty good, actually, if you haven't gotten the shit spoiled from tumblr

>> No.7131067

Nope, I don't use tumblr so it's all new to me. Looking for a translation download that isn't hosted on a shit site at the moment.

>> No.7131065

Gdi Tumblr just grinds my gears. OFF is actually really good, with some very interesting imagery and themes, but the inane bullshit stirred up by tumblr just kinda kills it. At least I can still enjoy it by learning how to stay distant from the fandom from my Homestuck days.

Jesus though, anything that Tumblr latches onto becomes an epicenter for screaming weeb retards and kids who think they need to project social justice BS onto everything.

Also, how many shitty AU's does it take to satisfy Tumblr?

>> No.7131101

I'd revive SNK in a flash, goddamn

>> No.7131110

Oh god. I hate how everybody shortened Shingeki to SNK. The game company came YEARS before Attack on Titan and now it's what a lot of people think of when they see SNK.

>> No.7131112


Please, Invader Zim is light years above Welcome to Shitvale

>> No.7131115


>> No.7131125

Around here they shorten it to Shingekyo which I prefer over the SnK abbreviation.

>> No.7131140

While I agree that I hate the fans for Invader Zim as much as I hate the fans for Nightvale, at least Zim has continuity within the series and within episodes, not just shitting random ass bullshit everywhere without any kind of reason or purpose. But I am the type of terrible person that if enough people I hate like something, I find it really really hard for me to like it as well /cough nightmare before fucking christmas /cough

>> No.7131149
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I have a general rule of thumb: if Tumblr is wild about it, stay away from it.

If I could bring any fandom back it'd be more One Piece and more Gurren Lagann that isn't Yoko. One Piece looks like it's slowly coming back though. So yay.

>> No.7131152
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Thank you.

Except maybe for reviving Naruto

>> No.7131153


The Invader Zim fandom has really gone batshit over the last few years though. It was actually more tolerable when it was just full of lulsorandumX3 mawlgoths

>> No.7131157

Yeah same.
Yes there is the suggestion to dress as some carapace but... geeze, as much as some of them were pretty cool, I still have some dream cosplay characters I want to attempt before I get too old looking/die

>tfw needs more uncreepy unadult unfat unugly equius feelz

>> No.7131158

where might one go to see just how nightmarishly bad it is now?

>> No.7131163

My feelings towards DW exactly.
And I have friends who seen it telling me it's all up my ally because its space/science/sci fi related but fuck you guys, your fandomisms disgusts me. Only since this did I finally understand what a blind Homestuck hater feels. Here's to me being a blind DW hater.

>> No.7131162

Really? I feel like it's calmed down. I love Invader Zim, but I distanced myself from the fandom because of the crazies.

>> No.7131165


*bnf flashbacks*

>> No.7131175

a lot of the oldfags are still based on deviantArt, LiveJournal or MySpace

I suppose it has calmed down in the sense that you don't see much of it around anymore and most of the n00bs have left, but most of the ones that are left were the true crazies (a lot of really sick gore/xeno/vore fetish) and because they have such tight little circlejerk groups, it sort of escalates quietly. And a lot of the group infighting leads to really vicious cyberbullying, like there was more than one (presumed) suicide because of it.

Well they might be insane, but you can't say they aren't... dedicated

>> No.7131181

It kinda bugged me at first but I have friends who play fighting games and know of the series and we usually distinct the two by SNK =/= SnK (for Shingeki no Kyojin) or we just say Shingeki.

>> No.7131180
File: 153 KB, 500x471, tumblr_m6l4el1zX41rt8cono1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if off-topic either

I hate how adventure time has become so popular with normalfags who probably just smoke a lot of weed and dont even watch the show diligently or anything. I really like adv time but goddamn.
Also the costumes are way too simple for finn/fiona... which i guess is good for novices. Idk.

>> No.7131184


people seriously still use that?

>> No.7131188


These are people still stuck in the early 2000's. Don't be too surprised

>> No.7131209

So fucking glad to see this floppy haired dick go the way of the dodo. Seriously tumblr is like a vortex for making fandoms shitty.

>> No.7131231

>i hate how stoners watch a kids show and dont take it seriously goddamn normies ugh

>> No.7131233

faggot and / or normalfag shit that tries to take itself serious

>> No.7131246


>wanting to kill off Pokemon
Shut your goddamn whore mouth

>> No.7131265

Do you live in the Netherlands by any chance?

>> No.7131266


I don't know. Maybe it's just my region, but I've never seen bad things from the Pokemon fandom at all (as far as cosplayers go. Smogon followers are a whole nother story). People typically are happy to chat about it with you. The photoshoots are usually pretty safe places too. No shipping bullshit. People are respectful to other congoers. Pokebros are cool with me, but hey. Everyone's entitled to an opinion.

Everyone's pretty much said the top offenders so I won't repeat them. Also going to say Minecraft people. I don't know if the idiot ones fall into Pewdiepie's garbage or not though since I know he's big with them.

I'd bring back the Inuyasha fandom. I actually kinda miss them. Maybe it's because I was a kid, but they weren't that bad right?

>> No.7131281

People who 'cosplay' Sims characters by wearing normal clothes with that stupid green diamond above their heads. It's lazy, uncreative, overdone, and to top it off, almost all the people who seem to do it are ugly/greasy/fat

>> No.7131286

Achievement Hunters cosplayers irritate me beyond belief. You're literally dressing up as a bunch of nerdy guys! You could go as yourselves if that's all you want!

I wish there was some sort of standard for what counts as cosplay. Too many Tumblahh fandoms with plain clothes make for very boring cons.

>> No.7131288


nah, New Zealand. Other side of the world

>> No.7131297

i srsly fucking hate it when people are cosplaying youtubers..

>go fuck urself

>> No.7131301

>fat cryaotics

kill me

>> No.7131304


Seconding these two.

Like, haha, okay yeah your genderbent Martyn from the Yogscast may be "cute" on the tumblrs but why is it at an anime convention? Please stop.

>> No.7131385

Kill DW bring in JoJo

>> No.7131398

I am a big Doctor Who fan, but the fandom at cons is a lot of "I watched 5 David Tennant episodes I'm a huge DW fan!" and that I absolutely hate. I wouldn't mind seeing it vanish from cons because a lot of the people who cosplay it are the same people who are just at the con because ohmygod they're such nerds lol.

Homestuck is definitely a really annoying fandom for young folk, but I was young not that long ago and they deserve to have fun.

MLP's wave is already receding but I survived it because those fans keep to themselves since they know how weird they are. Self-aware fandoms are the fine.

But man, oh man, I'd like to get rid of Adventure Time because I'm such a big fan of it (and was before the fandom erupted) and it's spectacular how absolutely dumb the new wave of fans are. They are definitely the stoner types who just want to fit in, and they're so lazy with their costumes.

I'd like to bring back the 90s Final Fantasy games cosplays. I was a huge fan of the games growing up and I was a bit too old for the real popularity of them when I started going to cons. Outside of occasional VII cosplays and girls dressed as Yuna and Rikku there really is nothing anymore.

>> No.7131401

>They are definitely the stoner types who just want to fit in, and they're so lazy with their costumes.

Ugh, this is why I hate the current AT and RS fans. Granted, you don't really see RS cosplay, but the AT ones are so, so obviously, "lol let's get blazed and go to this convention and wear these last minute costumes."

>> No.7131402

The only good Sims cosplays are when cute girls have the blurred out nudity costumes. Because you know they're consults.

>> No.7131403

Why would you even want to ban ANY fandom?
Isn't cosplaying about having fun? They are having fun, so just let them be, god. Just ignore them if you hate them that much, but let them have fun. If you purposely want to take away a good time from someone, you're rude and a terrible human being.

>> No.7131404


Did you take a wrong turn on your way to tumblr? This is 4chan, everybody's a rude terrible person here

>> No.7131405

People on tumblr are just as bad.

And idk, I'm drawn to places with terrible people because I have a hero complex and always want to convert them into being nicer.

Also what is it with you guys and hating tumblr anyways? people on /cgl/ and tumblr are really alike if you ask me. And you have the same hobbies.

>> No.7131406

Welcome to 4chan.

We hate everything.

>> No.7131445

>new zealand
What are you smoking?

>> No.7131449

JoJo has never really had a big fandom

>> No.7131451

I hope it never explodes. It's at just the right size for everybody to have their own happy corner and for the most part people get along. If it gets too much bigger it'd be a disaster.

>> No.7131452

Still I wouldn't mind it being a bit bigger in America

>JoJo had its own fashion show in Italy

>> No.7131456

Steam punk
Harley Quinn
"Sexy" anything, not supposed to be sexy
fan art.

Bring back more fallout

>> No.7131457
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A soul uncorrupted by such fandom taint... I envy your ignorance.

>> No.7131472

Doctor Who, just needs to fucking die.
Achievement Hunter

Things I wish would explode in popularity because i could live with shitty fans if it meant tons of new content.
One Piece, Jo Jos, Star Driver, Motorcity, Magi, Tiger and Bunny, and pretty much anime in general. I want anime to come back like it was before.

>> No.7131483

Anyone else here just quit Homestuck entirely? Really liked the concept, was okay with the trolls, but then after all the constant new characters (like the 12 new trolls) I had to force myself to read and then just stopped.

>> No.7131490
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TF2 fandom is kind of dying out. No new weapon updates since last December and I'm pretty sure all items have been community made or promotional. Seems like it's still fairly popular but not like it was.

>> No.7131496
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This story is a bit related

>Go to Supercon
>tons of Homestuck cosplayers and DW cosplayers
>See a Max from Paranatural cosplayer
>Holy shit
>Run over and get a pic with him
>hfw he was actually recognized
>chilling in auditorium thing with friends
>see a fem!Kotetsu
>take a pic with her
>she tells me only 3 people(me included)recognized her

>> No.7131531

>People might stop cosplaying it as much since there's not a lot of diversity in outfits.

Won't stuff like that help the cosplay community. If there's one uniform then the community can share info on making that uniform look good thus making it easier to get into cosplay wise.

See Host Club as an example

>> No.7131541

>Can we just get rid of the <16 fandom.

26 year old posting here

I see where you're coming from but this is bullshit. People forget that EVERYONE was an <16 fantard at one point in their life or another. The older anime generation let us in despite our Naruto headbands, KH and Death Note Yaoi and running glomps. Our generation was the ones that walked around in chains and carried signs asking for hugs in exchange for pocky. We brought the Yaoi paddles into existance and yet for some reason now we are all on our high horses talking about how underage kids ruined cons and they should be barred.

That's bullshit and you know it. Older convention goers put up with our crazy antics and we benefited from their acceptance Now its our turn to pay our dues.

>> No.7131544

I am a whovian, but i hate the Doctor Who fandom. Especially if they are also superwholock tumblr people. So the hype about Doctor Who should really just die. The GoT fandom can also be pretty nasty sometimes. But that is because the people who read the books feel that they are better then the people who watch the series, and also have this great need to spoil everything.

I really wish there was a huge fandom for The World God Only Knows. Would love too see more cosplays from that series.

>> No.7131562

the people who read the books are better than the people who watch the show
the show is pretty much fanfiction

>> No.7131569

Isn't the Homestuck fanbase supposed to jump on the DR bandwagon the same way the Hetalia fanbase jumped on the Homestuck bandwagon?

>> No.7131574
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I prefer normalfags to the actual fandom.

>my face every time I see obnoxious AT fans on Tumblr or browse the threads on /co/.

>> No.7131577

Here's the thing about the bandwagon jumpers, they are basically all the same group. There are the people who actually like the series they are part of the fandoms for and then there's the bandwagon.

The bandwagon seems to mostly consist of people who only actually like it because it's what is popular at the time. They are only there for the fandom itself and not the series.

Now, people can like more than one thing and interests can wain, but honestly, a good deal of the people that every bitches about online and at cons are from this group who is only into stuff because it is what is currently big with everyone else.

I guess they still might enjoy the series they are part of the fandom for, but it seems like most of them just pack up and move on when the next new thing shows up, so I kind of doubt that they really care all that much.

>> No.7131584


Homestuck fandom is having serious bleedout right now -- DR, SnK, WtNV mostly

>> No.7131583

That's the thing though, in other places Jojo's is already ingrained in either the culture(Japan) or a good deal of the related subculture.

Here, people just know it as either the new anime or "that one series that is really long."

I think we've already missed the chance of it becoming a cultural phenomenon by a long shot at this point. All we can really do now is keep supporting it and hoping the fandom that's here doesn't turn to shit.

>> No.7131589

>Capcom franchise
You are more confused than you think. As a hardcore snk/playmore fan I am offended

Which reminds me I would kill off darkstalkers fandom. Most of them haven't even played the game/just want an excuse to cosplay Morrigan or Felicia. And they do it poorly.

>> No.7131600

I think once the initial wank dies down it'll be a thing that just gets abandoned and nobody will give a fuck like how Korra was fucking huge now nobody gives a shit.

If I had to choose a fandom to axe it would probably be Supernatural, I feel like they're the most wank-y one. At least Dr. Who is semi-somewhat-vaguely relatable to anime in content. But Supernatural just seems so far off to me. Just way too western. Plus everyone is always on about "muh destiel".

>> No.7131603

> doesn't know supernatural had a shitty ova series in Japan produced by Warner bros.
fucking sams actor even provides the voice in the English dub.
>tfw you know this shit even though you hate supernatural

>> No.7131609

I was planning on going as the Aimless Renegade for Halloween but this thread is making me reconsider, should I just do it or should I try to find a new costume?

>> No.7131610

As long as you're not another troll or one of the kids. People aren't going to care.

>> No.7131624

This is really accurate. I went to my first con as a 16 year old and we were loud, obnoxious, had signs, all of that.

I always hated running glomps and hugs and everything though. Big personal space person. I'm glad the current younger generation isn't very big on them.

>> No.7131626


The entire country's population is smaller than the population of Manhattan

>> No.7131633


You're fine, a lot of people don't even know AR/WV/etc are from Homestuck. I wore a derse soldier costume to a general con and there was a lot of surprise when people asked what I was from

>> No.7131646

kill off home stuck

bring back SNK (like king of fighters, not whatever that gay new anime is)

>> No.7131656

> "lol let's get blazed and go to this convention and wear these last minute costumes."


>> No.7131663

Everyone has mentioned WTNV already so apart from that I'd say the Les Miserables fandom.

I sometimes wish the film didn't come out because DEAR GOD I'm so sick of danceschool!, coffeeshop!, collegecampus!, pirate!, 1920s!, WW1! AU versions of all the characters.

It is the damn French revolution and a miserable story, stop turning it into a gay-fest and turning the characters into 1 dimensional versions of themselves. The worst part is when they claim to have read the book by referring to it as 'the brick' and I just want to tell them to shut up and actually read some literature and history goddammit.

I don't care what anyone says, its far worse than the Hetalia fandom.

>> No.7131685


All I ever see are the students. Does anyone cosplay any of the main characters or is an it ONG THE YAOIZ only fandom? I'd love to make Cosette's dress from the promos just for the challenge but not if the fandom sucks as hard as it seems

>> No.7131694


I've seen a couple of Javerts, mostly 'kawaii' versions with the Tumblr flower-crowns. A 'pirate' Fantine and Eponine and a whole slew of the students (and far too many 'modern au' versions to count). Its mostly Tumblr again doing shitty closet cosplays.

There are some good Les Mis cosplayers out there (I saw a fantastic couple do the Thernardiers) but you really have to dig through the muck to get there.

>> No.7131701

>since Act 5 was the only act worth reading.
All of my hate.

>> No.7131719


God, this fandom. All my hate. You're right, they're just cheapening the characters so much. I doubt most of them actually read the entire book (they were probably just focused on les amis) but if they did read it, they sure as heckie didn't understand it

>> No.7131726

What is with this guy and rape?

Like, they're not even jokes. He just keeps yelling about how he's going to rape things.

>> No.7131731

1st Act was the best Act.

>> No.7131733
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>since Act 5 was the only act worth reading

>> No.7131739

Yeah but latino is an ethnicity and they're many shades. My friend is a latino and she's very brown.

>> No.7131748


>> No.7131749

I have to admit it feels like John isn't even the same character anymore

>> No.7131756

I feel like a lot of the pressure got to Hussie.

>> No.7131773

True. As excitable children, a lot of us were fantards, but you keep using "we" like everyone that was a fantard didn't know how to keep themselves under control in public. Went to my first con with 2 of my buddies when we were 14. There wasn't a single squee, glomp, or any intolerable garbage. My buddy bought a yaoi paddle at con, but took it out in the hotel room and didn't hit anyone with it. Don't try to act like everyone acted like idiots as kids. However, because of that, I agree with you that underage kids shouldn't just be banned from cons. Especially since a lot of adults are just as if not more childish than some kids I know.

>> No.7131796

>became randomly popular on tumblr because of fanart and fanfiction

This grinds my gears more than anything else. There's so many 'fandoms' that have cropped up because faggoty little guttershits on tumblr have more fun talking about what they are doing in relation to a show, rather than the show itself.

Like.. "Shipping" becoming an activity unto itself. Or having AUs and OTPs and drawing fanart of someone else's fanart of someone else's fanfiction reinterpretation of the plot of the show/comic/whatever that someone else heard from someone who once watched the first few parts.

For fuck's sake. It's not elitist to demand that someone who is a fan of something at least have some experience with that thing, right? The fuck is wrong with these kids wanting to cosplay and obsess over and squeal like retards over a thing that they can't even take the time to sit down and read or watch or play?

That shit drives me up a fucking wall. If its so popular and you want to be involved with it, then you should fucking get involved in the most obvious way! Buy the book! Read the comic! Pirate some fucking episodes if you have to! Don't go straight to shipping characters whose names you don't even know. Don't start doodling your fucking fantroll when you don't even know what the trolls are!

Fucking kids these days...

>> No.7131803

I totally agree, it's become so bad that it's almost like people take the characters and sometimes the setting and use them like they are free game. And they latch onto popular things to get noticed, I bet these people wrote OC that was never popular but once they insert character A B and C from the flavor of the month piece of media they get noticed. Half of this shit doesn't pertain to characters' personalities or any part of the story. And people eat up this garbage because they're too dumb to care about the source.

That's why I hate headcannon and fan OTPs, It's just garbage to tailor characters out of their own actually well, character.

>> No.7131805


>These damn kids and their shipping
>people were shipping Kirk/Spock in 1960 in fanzines

Dude, what?

>> No.7131808

Yeah but they were fans, not random tumblrtards. There's a huge difference in how shipping and headcannon happens now. For the bigger part of it people who use the characters don't have to know what they're from or anything about them due to the internet. It's not like random people did it back then.

>> No.7131809

I think anon means people go latino=brown and don't pay any attention to facial characteristics. I'm not into Nightvale but from the fanart that crosses my dash I seriously thought the character was supposed to be Indian, from the facial structure and hair they all seem to give him (square defined jaw, blocky nose, that tously wavy sexy-indian-prince-romance-novel hair). Its like they went "hot brown dude? I CAN DO THAT".

>> No.7131810


Yeah, ok, I see what you mean.

>> No.7131813

I remember reading some huge long Kingdom Hearts alt universe thing where the writer obviously did a quick read through a Square wiki and stuck characters together with no rhyme or reason, or apparent concept of age. Rinoa was Sora's mom and Squall was married to Tifa and adopted Riku but dating Cloud on the side? And Cloud was Soras brother or some shit. It was very confusing.

>> No.7131820

I am so happy that the onceler fandom died the fuck down. Nothing infuriated me more than people obsessing over him. Fuck him, he caused an economic disaster entirely for selfish reasons but they love him because "oh em gee, he's so hot". Fucking goddamn.

>> No.7131826

I agree with this but... well, he WAS hot

>> No.7131830

He wasn't and you're a fucking retard for thinking so.

>> No.7131831

Irrelevant, that shouldn't fucking matter. That wouldn't bother me if it weren't for the blatant hypocrisy associated with it. All the tumblr fucktards creamed their jeans for him then got on the high horse whenever someone so much as dropped trash on the ground. Basically, as many anons have said, fuck tumblr. I wish that fandom would fucking die or stop attracting the retards.

>> No.7131838

I honestly do not know.

his fans are stupid as shit and i believe they are to blame for why steam greenlight has so many shitty fucking horror games approved (DURR PEWDIE GOT SCARED BY THIS SO IT MUST BE GOOD)
its pretty fucking obvious he's putting on a damn act

>> No.7131863

TOS didn't begin until 1966
please fact check and proofread
thank you

>> No.7131916

My gut reaction is Homestuck but it's bleeding out like a stuck pig.

I guess Supernatural/Avengers, it's just ridiculous. Those poor fucking actors have to deal with so much weird filthy fanart, fics, and fans. But really, I suppose it's no skin off their backs, they got their money. Avengers is the worst of the two. It dies down a little and then another movie in the franchise comes out.

>TL;DR Fuck Loki and fat Tony Stark cosplayers.

I don't know what I'd bring back, sometimes things are better off dead and left alone.

>> No.7131923

Someone revive the TWEWY fandom!

>> No.7131931

No, that was a horrible IP.

>> No.7131935
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considering the game is from 2007 i think a lot of people are still in the fandom tbh
of course its not as active but still a good number

>> No.7131942

I actually like Doctor Who but I'm absolutely fucking baffled by the fandom. I mean I stopped watching when Moffat took over, since I just didn't like the direction (or really, 11 for that matter) but holy fuck why do people keep seeming to think that the Ninth Doctor doesn't exist?

>> No.7131954

Is Nergat Phantas supposed to be Final Fantasy fans?

>> No.7131965

Almost all fandoms do that. Fandoms have this wonderful habit of taking developed characters and turning them into one-dimensional caricatures of themselves. The most common thing is to take a one-off joke or other thing that showed up briefly and make it look as if it's their defining trait.

>> No.7131981

>New Zealand 2013 Population estimate: 4,468,200
>Manhattan 2012 Population estimate: 1,619,090
Unless the population skyrocketed 4 times its 2012 size within in the past year..

>> No.7131995
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I remember an Anon a while back saying they talked to Hussie at a con and he admitted that he didn't like the series anymore, didn't want to keep going with it, but he did anyway because he was raking in a ton of money.
Granted, this was just a random Anon's post, but I'd believe it anyway because of how Hussie doesn't seem to be giving a massive shit anymore, as well as how he treats the fans and the series.
Like with that fundraiser for the game? I highly doubt he's going to use all the money from that; he'll only use the amount he set out for and he'll keep the rest for himself.
Remember those two fan-trolls who appeared thanks to a massive donation towards the Kickstarter? That one panel was Hussie going, "lol dumbass thnx 4 da $$$ tho"
Hell that's why he doesn't allow fanart to be sold at conventions. So he'll make the only profit.

I honestly feel really bad for the Homestuck fandom at this point.

>> No.7132003
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Fucking Rise of the Guardians. I'm constantly surprised how much I still see of it.

>> No.7132007


I believe that. He's been milking it for a while now.

>> No.7132017

I can't see how people claim he's milking it when he isn't putting out literally any merch that people actually want to buy

>> No.7132045

I really hate how Tumblr's idea of character diversity always winds up being either a lesbian or gay couple consisting of a white nerd and sassy masculine brown person.

>> No.7132046

Sounds like you are describing Inner Mind Theater to a T.

>> No.7132053
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>All we can really do now is keep supporting it and hoping the fandom that's here doesn't turn to shit.

>> No.7132057

I'd say he's milking it as much as he can while not spending a cent of his own money, you know?
If he made merchandise, he'd have to spend money first to get it made, and even though the profit would definitely cover the initial costs, I guess he doesn't think it's worth taking?
Or, he's trying to let the fandom die already without making it obvious. Merchandise might amp it back up.

>> No.7132067

Welcome to Night Vale.

I love the series, but I have not found a single damn place that talks about it except tumblr, and there it's nothing but racism and shipping (and while their relationship is cute, it is not the point of the show like browsing the tag on tumblr would lead you to think).

Because, it's not like this is a sci-fi series with lots of lore and worldbuilding that is actually interesting to discuss. No, let's talk about how much we hate white people or how moe moe kyun cecil/carlos tentacle sex would be.

Not to mention it is easily the most hostile fandom I have ever seen.

>> No.7132077

If I could kill off any fandom it would be the Loki fandom. Holy shit just go on tumblr and browse through the Loki tag and its all new levels of disturbing. I feel for you Tom Hiddleston.

If I could bring back (or more revitalize really) any fandom it would be the Yugioh fandom, all series. Cosplay has come o far since the show first came out I would love to see more people attempt those wigs and even monsters. Also it would make clear to the general con going public that YGO and YGOTAS are two totally fucking seperate things and if you shout "CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES" at me one more time I will shove my fist down their throat

>> No.7132087

>I'd say he's milking it as much as he can while not spending a cent of his own money, you know?
That doesn't make any sense
He would be essentially printing money if he sold things like quest bed sheets, skaia chess boards, god tier hoodies with actual hoods, etc
I don't know why he isn't doing this, but he also definitely isn't milking it. And in a recent post he said he really enjoyed the fans, while the post saying how he hated his fans was an unsourced anecdote, so

>> No.7132090 [DELETED] 


I just assumed he wasn't doing more merch out of spite or something. If I were him I'd hate my own fandom too. Also, a game fundraiser and adding paid characters that die next panel is easy. Dealing with merch in mass is a headache.

>> No.7132095

I just went into the #welcome to night vale tag. Just now. And this was the first post.

This was the third:

"omg i love cecil and carlos there my perfect little gay babies xD"

I think the choice is clear.

>> No.7132099
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Dropped my image.

>> No.7132103

ah yes, as I figured, this is a white chick

>> No.7132104

>No, men can't be objectified, what are you talking about
These people are disgusting

>> No.7132106

Dude, why would you tell the people giving you attention that you hated them? Of course he's not going to come out and say it. You can tell by his actions that he doesn't give a flying fuck.

And my mind shifted about halfway through that post. I mostly figured he's not putting any effort into merchandise because he doesn't want to waste money making it bigger.
He doesn't like Homestuck. He wants it gone.
He's just not going to kill it immediately.

>> No.7132108


>Carlos always goes the full brown into Indian or some shit

Forget latino. Tumblr doesn't understand what a tan is. Snk fanartist keep coloring Bert and Ymir into another race. I'm sorry they're isn't more diversity in the show, but coloring them wrong isn't helping anyone.

>> No.7132110

wtf is Tone Policing?

Also, I'll never get this whole


That makes you, literally, no better than them.

>> No.7132121
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>> No.7132145

>Not to mention it is easily the most hostile fandom I have ever seen.
Tumblr is a very aggressive site in general, I feel like everyone who posts rants on there is passive aggressive in real life. I wish people would find some other emotion to vent with instead of anger, or instead of complaining find something to praise or spread the word of. Which does happen, but I feel like I see more pissy shit than anything good.

>> No.7132151

These blogs really were painful to read.

>You can't imagine OUR characters as white, DAT'S RACIST

... please, stop.

>> No.7132155


Well, complaining is much easier than being proactive. And that victim complex/white savior complex just feel so gratifying!

Not to say there isn't value in getting mad at injustice, or trying to spread awareness, or that they aren't perfectly valid forms of trying to change society. But there is definitely no value in the tumblr brand of "social justice".

>> No.7132160

I agree with them when they say white washing PoC characters is bad and good on them for trying to stop that in their fandom before it becomes rampant but this is not the way to do it, though. You can promote diversity without being like this.

>> No.7132162

Yeah, these people don't seem to understand that... for a podcast that the creator specifically said 'I don't know what the characters look like, what do YOU think they look like?' that it's not racist to imagine them as... any color skin, at all.

But nope, apparently if you're minding your own business and happen to say 'I imagine so and so as white' that's somehow oppressive to... other... people's... imaginations? like, really?

Must be really hard holding that torch.

>> No.7132167

Except, we don't even know that these are PoCs. Literally no description of race has been given, on purpose, I might add.

I would understand if Joseph Fink was like 'Here's an official picture of so-and-so!' and it was a PoC and then people turned them white, I would understand the anger there, but he has not given any descriptors other than vague descriptions of height and weight for Cecil.

>> No.7132172

I am guilty of this.
I hate homestuck so much but that brodave shit, man.

I would kill babies to keep that shit a secret from my irl friends, even though some of them are fucking homestucks.

>> No.7132173

Also, the voice actor for Cecil is a nerdy white guy. They need to calm down. The entire point of Cecil is to be flexible. So who cares if some people imagine him white? It doesn't affect them directly.

>> No.7132170


The thing is, I have not once seen people whitewashing the only canonically described character. He's always latino. Sometimes he might be drawn as a light-skinned latino (because SURPRISE THOSE EXIST), but I have not seen him ever depicted as white.

And the other character that is "a MoC EXTREMELY likely"? He has only ever been described as "not tall or short, not thin or fat, and sometimes wears a tie". He's ambiguous for a reason. So people can imagine him however they want.

Unless you imagine him as white. Then that's racist.

>> No.7132171


Good Lord, my eyes are rolling so far back into my head right now.

It's really sad. I enjoyed the WtNV podcasts, and I was actually glad when it seemed to be picking up on Tumblr because I thought, y'know, we might get some good art and discussion and worldbuilding. Like, I love some of the really abstract art that was produced when the fandom first popped up. But no, Tumblr took a massive raging shit over the whole thing, and now the only discussion topic is various people's headcanons for Cecil and Carlos, which then ultimately descends into SJW bullshit.

I'm really annoyed about the whole thing because I was really enjoying having a series in such an underutilized format. Especially since the entire point was that as a radio show, we don't know what the characters look like (and therefore anyone can relate to them), so arguments about race are completely pointless.

It's really soured the whole series for me, and the Tumblr fandom just keeps getting worse. It's gotten to the point where I don't feel like listening to it anymore. I have yet to listen to the latest one, not sure if I'll ever want to.

>> No.7132177

I don't even think Carlos has been described other than having 'perfect hair'. Unless we're just going to assume he's latino simply from the name? Wouldn't that be presumptuous on the level that they are upset about too? or lol of course not because we're not presuming he's WHITE of course.

>grew up with a close friends named Miguel who is white bread mother fucker 100%

>> No.7132176
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I would die happy if I ever saw an entire Ace Attorney group with an entire cast from a case.

Even though, shit's never going to happen, because Capcom doesn't know how to market games for shit and loldigitalreleases.

>> No.7132178

Ah, ok. But apparently one is Latino. And yeah, he could be a white latino so it's ambiguous, I see.
Oh damn. I didn't know.

I suppose there is no white washing. The only possible thing could be lack of diversity but from what I'm reading here, there's plenty of it in the fanart.

>> No.7132179
File: 203 KB, 150x134, eso_es_racista.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So who cares if some people imagine him white?

>> No.7132181


I think Cecil said something about his skin once, but I can't really remember.

because, spoiler

it's not a big deal or relevant to the story at all

>> No.7132182

maybe but it would really go against the grain of the whole point of not describing the characters. But it's real damn hard for me to actually PAY ATTENTION to each episode because it's so fucking random and pisses me off. But I've listened to each one several times, why? I don't know, I sit in a lot of fucking traffic.

>> No.7132185
File: 27 KB, 667x283, hahalookimsayingimaracistironicallyeventhoughitotallyam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel like that too, anon. It really makes me sad to see all this wasted potential because the series fell into the hands of the worst possible group it could have.

but if we leave, people like this win

>> No.7132187

It's like... tumblr provided a medium for all the fucking retards in high school to talk with OTHER retards from other high schools with megaphones. And no one else going to school can fucking ignore them now.

>> No.7132190


Can someone please tell me who Nergat Phantas is supposed to be?

>> No.7132217


Strangely enough, Final Fantasy.


>> No.7132241


That doesn't fit

at all

>> No.7132251
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Wow this really scares me.

I was just planning to cosplay female!Cecil, and bought patterns for a 1950s type outfit with an old radio microphone... but now I'm scared of even doing that considering I'm white.

I'll probably be bashed for changing him into a white 'straight' woman or something...

Welp there goes cosplaying that.

>> No.7132254

yep, you're a racist piece of shit obviously

>> No.7132255

>dat filename

But yeah this.

I second bringing the Naruto fandom back.

I can't tell if it's the newer generations that are getting more annoying or if it's just me getting older

>> No.7132256

OH, and let me add that turning him into a 'straight' female, fuck yes you will get flamed for that, HE'S A GAY BOI, NU UH YOU LAY OFF OUR GAY COLORED BOIIII

>> No.7132260
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How many fandoms would have to be killed off to bring back Hanna?

>> No.7132259


nah they're getting worse

>> No.7132264


>> No.7132267


White cosplayers get harassed constantly.

So yeah, you would be if you posted on tumblr. If you just cosplay at a con or something, I am sure nobody will care and everybody will be much nicer.

>> No.7132268


Joseph Fink all but confirmed he was Latino or Hispanic on twitter once, and he's been described as having dark skin.

All that being said though, this hullabaloo about Cecil's race is the most stupid stereotypical piece of tumblr bullshit I've ever seen.

I mean sheesh, I've been there for the random race debacles in Homestuck and the like, but this is like THE defining thing about the Night Vale
fandom and it's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.7132271


u must be a filthy racist

>> No.7132276


These are likely the same people that turn Carlos into an ftm transexual despite absolutely no suggestion of the case because TUMBLR.


Don't worry about cosplaying him at a con, I think most people will just be happy to see a Cecil cosplay there.

>> No.7132277

really goes against the whole point of the characters, I'll have to relisten to the episodes with any description of Cecil, but I think it's fair to say he could be any race which is exactly the point of not describing him other than vaguely.

>> No.7132279


This is about Carlos dude, not Cecil. Carlos has been described by CECIL. Cecil has only been described as neither fat nor thin, neither tall nor short.

>> No.7132278


More stars than there are in the sky. Shame that.

>> No.7132281

I know, I am talking about Carlos. I meant 'any description BY Cecil' my bad.

>> No.7132282


I can't say I think Hinabn even deserves a fandom as dedicated as how it was considering things.

>> No.7132285


It just feel it could have been something. And then all that shit with author happened, it died awfully. Makes me wonder what could have been, you know?

>> No.7132286
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>Act 5
Thank you. I genuinely tried to get into MSPA for the sake of my friend. I actually ragequit at act 5 because it was so intolerable. The previous ones I could handle - I really actually enjoyed the intermission - but act 5 was where it hit that spazzy LOLEDGYRANDOM full force and refused to let go.
That same friend told me to skip the intermission and that Act 5 was the best part. She also admitted to skipping most of the text, especially in earlier acts. She has since become the most vile flavor of tumblr fandom/SJW bandwagoner. Fuck her.

>> No.7132287

>These are likely the same people that turn Carlos into an ftm transexual despite absolutely no suggestion of the case because TUMBLR.

Yeah, like, I don't get this.
I understand having characters that are gay, trans, generally-not-white-dudes, because people like that exist and it should be shown as a normal thing, and they are normal characters. It should be handled like it isn't a big deal, because... it isn't.

But then you get tumblr who tries to shove every single social cause into everything or it isn't ~PROGRESSIVE~ enough to the point where it *isn't* normal or natural-seeming and the character just becomes a soapbox for that cause.

Because do you know what happens when you try to shove every social cause into something?


>> No.7132290


>> No.7132292

wait, you get white dudes ODing on drugs?

>> No.7132299


Dude, as both a consumer and an aspiring comic artist/writer myself I completely feel you in that regard.

She had pretty much all the planning guides down pat on the floor for a fantastic and well regarded series. I mean, good character designs (both visually and writen),
a fun premise with the promise of some darker shit, a host of established mysteries to be solved by the end of the series,
very decent writing and some of the most fantastic use of paneling and color I've seen in comics.

She was gaining steam too, I mean cosplay groups and nonstop fanfiction and fanart, and even an offical publisher, but then just kaput.

I mean, I don't even contest that it's her right to stop working on the series if she didn't want to, but the disrespect towards her audience in not even dropping a note despite
being then considered professeional (again, she had a publisher) is pretty awful.

She's had a history too, with being fickle about various stories(completely just for deviant art or not) which makes me question her professionalism even further.


I think it makes a fair bit of sense to have Carlos clearly described considering Cecil's character and Carlos's role in the story.
Carlos is supposed to be the only completely normal human dude in Night Vale after all, so it makes sense he'd have more described.

>> No.7132311
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I think people are just going with these idea's to avoid the inevitable arguments/accusations.

>> No.7132323

Before this thread I knew nothing about WTNV and now I want to know even less. Jesus Christ. Tumblr kids take things to retarded extremes.

>> No.7132328

People do tend to change over 3 years. (Especially 3 years of killing and being killed.)

>> No.7132331


i kinda like this


Honestly, if you avoid the tumblr fanbase and try to stick to other places to talk about it (/x/ has threads sometimes), it's a fun show. If you're into sci-fi/lovecraftian sorta things.

>> No.7132342

>it's a fun show. If you're into sci-fi/lovecraftian sorta things.

This is how my friend pitched it to me.

I was by no means prepared for "angels are real lolz no they are not we are not allowed to know about them lol" "the wheat and wheat biproducts are snakes XD" and the other nonsense that never ends.

Needles to say, I think less of my friend now.

If you're into sci-fi/lovecraftian sorta things, stay away from nightvale and pick up some hellboy.

>> No.7132350

yeah, going to agree with you, it is 95% just random 'pull WEIRD AND KOOKY SHIT out of my ASS! WHOOAOAOAOAOA THE KIDZ LOVE THIS!'

>> No.7132366


Eh. It can come across as silly a lot of the time, because it's supposed to, but it has some good lines, and the overarching story can be pretty interesting.

It's a personal preference sort of thing. If you can't enjoy it at all because of that, that's fine, but it's not exactly the sort of thing you should think less of a person for liking. I mean, It's not the big bang theory.

>> No.7132373

... there IS no overarching story line. I said that waaaay above. There is no story arc or continuity. Unless you're picking out instances of the guy in the trenchcoat and the suitcase out (which still have no connection to each other) or are considering Debra being in ANNOOOTHEHHHERRRR diminsion part of the 'story' which only just happened...

Sorry I don't fault you for liking it, as I've said in this thread numerous times, I've listened to each episode several times even though I don't know why because it really irritates me most of the time. And the only episodes I actually like are Story of You and the two parter for the Sandstorm, since I think the way Desert Bluffs is written is how the whole show should have been written.

But I'm curious what you think the entire plot is supposed to be now that you've mentioned seeing one.

>> No.7132384

Dana has been gone for a while, and the things about the apache tracker/the guy with the suitcase/etc, while not really brought up all that often, do steadily keep progressing toward something. We just don't really know what that is yet.

Those are pretty much the best episodes, yeah. The Story of You basically sums up what I like about the show, how it can be almost novel-like with the writing. And they'll have little moments of that in between the silly stuff, which is why I keep listening. The contrast makes those moments better, I think.

And apparently in the most recent episode Desert Bluffs is going to be merging with/taking over nightvale or something. I don't know. I haven't got around to listening to it yet. But that would be cool.

>> No.7132389

oh ok, just stuff like that, I thought you meant you had seen an actual story arc.

Yeah I listened to the most recent, it is an interesting thing at the end yes. I guess I can see they are getting slightly less OMG WHEAT BYPRODUCT SNAAAAAKES with it and having things line up a bit more, which is also the only reason I keep on with it heh.

It's hard though, it's so hard to actually PAY ATTENTION to most of the episode whenever I listen because of the random stuff they like to throw into it. Which is probably why I listen to them several times through during rush hour.

>> No.7132396

>dana, debra

whatever the fuck her name is, fucking interns

>> No.7132403


Yeah, I prefer when they stick with continuity as opposed to the monster-a-day format.

I feel like it took a while to hit its stride, but it has gotten a lot better.

>> No.7132430

I liked Nightvale at first, but after binging through it and listening to it for a few days, steadily finding myself skipping certain parts, always skipping 'The Weather' and finding myself increasingly frustrated with all the wacky nonsense and none of the tension or mystery it pretended to have.. And then to find out what Tumblr was doing with it, I just gave up.

The storyline that does exist isn't interesting. The stuff that is happening isn't funny. The characters that reoccur aren't distinct in any way. And the way tumblr fetishizes race in the worst and most dehumanizing way is just repulsive in a way that even my own hateful, prejudiced, black little heart can't even condone.

Cecil is voiced by a white guy, sounds like a white guy, is written by a white guy, and supported by a bunch of psychotic little tumblr kiddies who are probably all also white, privileged, and absolutely fucking insane because they live in a little internet echochamber where everyone felates everyone else for being so progressive and open minded and even handed with the way they celebrate brown skin and non-normative behaviors like they are accomplishments, instead of just features of real people who probably hate being treated like some quaint little trait for some shitty games of pretend.

>> No.7132434

So basically the tumblr fanbase is the indian tracker

>> No.7132438

no, what they've turned nightvale into is the indian tracker /wink

>> No.7132441

apache, whatever, it's late

>> No.7132445

Hello friends, I do not go to cons and in fact am not a regular on /cgl/. Are ardent Naruto fans still a thing? Have a nice day everyone.

>> No.7132453

'Nergat Phantas' is probably a parody of Karkat Vantas, from Homestuck.

>> No.7132456

Fucking Doctor Who. Doctor who fans are in their own tier of overvaluing mediocrity. I've seen a lot of who since my gf's brother is really into it and there's nothing special or clever about it, or any of the dumb shit that gets quoted.

>> No.7132506

Confirmed earlier in thread to be Final Fantasy, just parodying Karkat's name. The Andy one is the Homestuck one.

>> No.7132513
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>If you could, which fandom at cons would you kill off forever?

Doc Who, Supernatural, Homestuck, Sherlock, Avengers/Marvel in general (especially bad crossplays), Naruto, Hetalia, Death Note, The Hobbit, and....


No seriously, what is the goddamn calling autistic faggots have to cosplay him and run around like a 13 year old weaboo being lolrandumb?

>Which dead fandom would you bring back to replace that one?

I don't know if it's dead, or if it even lived in the first place but... Warhammer 40k.

I love the lore, I love the fluff, and I love the goddamn art I've seen of IG. I just don't see it enough cosplayed in 'Merika.

>> No.7132559

I was fine with playing the waiting game while she essentially vanished to who knows where, and holding onto hope that maybe when she resurfaced she'd have an explanation of some kind, but no. Instead she came back with an entirely new title ( Buzz ). She started a new project without even a peep to her old audience, as far as I know, and that will always rub me the wrong way.

To stay on topic, I would honestly like to kill off every Tumblrfantard that manages to get its hands on something really nice and shit all over it. I liked WTNV because it was a silly thing to listen to when I couldn't sleep at night and I wanted to talk a lot about the world it exists in. I liked Homestuck in the beginning before it became tedious, but still enjoy it because of its callbacks to gaming, odd humor, and moderately interesting characters. I even liked Dangan Ronpa because I love murder mystery games and solving puzzles. I liked and enjoyed a lot of the things that Tumblr likes, but the more it sinks its claws into a series, the more the tags get filled with obnoxious bullshit and the more I end up hating those things that I like. I'm tired of everything being turned into a social justice crusade, and forcing dark skin and alternative lifestyles on characters that already have their own fucking substance. I'm tired of people twisting up the personalities of characters into shitty art and fiction. As much as I love shipping, I'm tired of it being the only thing I see in tags when all I want to do is talk about how neat that last episode was, or what the fuck is even happening in Night Vale anyway. I hate everything about its assbackwards hypocritical culture. I can honestly say I visit 4chan regularly because I swear you people have more fucking sense than the entirety of Tumblr.

I don't even know what I'd want to bring back, but getting rid of Tumblr, I feel, would improve some of the wank levels in current fandoms.

>> No.7132564


My feelings exactly. Tumblr has such a toxic fucking culture, it ruins everything it gets its hands on

>> No.7132569

I hear ya. I was an original home stuck too. Was also a fan of SPN from launch.
And whilst I still watch/read both, I hate admitting to it online as all I get are tumblrfags wanting to know who my kismesis/moirail is, yelling at me when I say I don't have one and then calling me homophobic when I don't ship Destiel

>> No.7132576

Jhonen Vasquez openly admits hating his fans but he still sells out.

The only fans there's any firm evidence he hates on is the shitty tumblr SWJ/assholes in it since that CAUCASION!! incident. That's where his dissapointment showed. Otherwise I think if anyone he cared/cares for, it's the fans who still trek it in the MSPA forums actually doing some legitamate canon theorising (ie what's going to happen next in the story & the universe's mechanics, not theorising retarded and story-irrelevant shit like race or who is gay or Asian-North American or the gender binary), whether since PSleuth or beyond, or tagging along since the start of HS and pushing him to continue further.

And if he hated Homestuck so much why would have he gone and permanently inscribed on his body a Homestuck reference? Just to be funny? If the story was this shit to him then he'd rather forget it then have it permanently displayed on his body to see every morning.

I love the speculation guys but you all sound like complete pessimists to believe a guy who made pages upon pages of work over years for free just to entertain a bunch of nobodies on a shitty little forum and never expected any more than that to then be doing all he can think of to milk profits. He's just testing his creative ability now.

>> No.7132580

YEP. I'm still not sure why the 12 year old tumblrfags like Homestuck so much, it's extremely inaccessible to the casual reader what with the length and all the dry and self-referential humor. Hell, the shipping doesn't even kick in until page 1000ish.

>> No.7132589

>See Pacific Rim this summer, enjoy the fuck out of it
>start seeing a fandom grow on tumblr
>realize it's just people obsessed with the two scientists fucking (because they're totally a pair guys) and pestering the screenwriter to see if there were/will be any lesbian/"poc"/asexual/pansexual/transgender/genderqueer/genderfluid pilots.

Because you know, we always have to have characters be EXACTLY like us (or the people we wish we were) to enjoy it.

>> No.7132596

I'm not objecting to him possibly being a PoC but "colored" isn't the best word choice, lol.

>> No.7132601


The shitty baby fans aren't fans of the comic. They're fans of the fandom. If I had a dollar for every tumblrtard tween I've met who skipped acts, doesn't read dialogue, stopped reading at act 6, etc, I'd set it in fire for being filthy blood money.

>> No.7132600

>realize it's just people obsessed with the two scientists fucking
And they were the two worst characters in the film besides that Australian shit. They're also obsessed with Mako because muh strong non-sexualized woman of Japanese origin...which is actually kind of funny they promote the movie for its cast supporting multi-ethnicity when half of them don't appear for more than three minutes with a sentence of description before they're practically killed off-screen.

>> No.7132602

Uh the easy costume potential and fanart that constantly references and/or parodies other things they're aware of?

I really doubt half the homestuck fanbase understands the comic like they think they do

>> No.7132604


Or shitting all over the creator because having a cool Asian lady character with a growth arc who doesn't end up as a romantic interest isn't progressive ENOUGH, so lets bitch and complain.

No wonder nobody wants to make films with any character diversity; you lose half the brodude market and the liberal fanbrats will never, ever be satisfied

As for cons, I wish there was a better books-fandom presence. I get why it's hard to cosplay, but damn.

>> No.7132613

All fandoms have annoying assholes and nice people. If you hate one you have to hate on all of them.

>> No.7132630

It was supposed to be an indirect criticism against the people vehemently defending his /implied/ race as being racists themselves, but I usually only crack myself up with that kind of high brow fair. Or I'm just not funny. Probably the latter. Or it was a phone typo, I don't even remember.

>> No.7132643

I enjoyed them to an extent, but I don't see why everyone obsesses over them. The main reason I enjoyed Newt was the novelty of seeing a guy who normally plays an illiterate, mentally challenged, mentally unstable, paint-huffing stalker weirdo try to convince me that he's a scientist.

The cosplays are always bad though. It's almost always some girl doing sharpie five o' clock shadow and ending up looking more or less like a butch lesbian instead.

>> No.7132645
File: 55 KB, 521x592, tumblrpt1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about lack of fat representation
>Probably has never seen Del Toro

>> No.7132656

Are you going to cons via a time machine?

>> No.7132659

I feel sorry for American Doctor Who fans.
In Britain the fans are a lot calmer. Basically they post a facebook status once a week after an episode and maybe dress up for Halloween. That's it.
The American fans go crazy and clog up Tumblr with annoying theories and fill up conventions with shitty closet cosplays. How do you guys cope?

>> No.7132661

we hate them intensely and band together through our annoyance and extreme dislike

we think that maybe if we're unfriendly and disapproving enough, they'll eventually get sick of it and move on to something else.

>> No.7132665

It's ok for Thursday night drinks and Halloween I guess. But yeah, for the actual con it's stupid.

>> No.7132677

I only latched onto The Lorax fandom because it was one of my favorite books when I was a child. Nothing beats the power of nostalgia.

>> No.7132683

Could send them on holiday to a bit of Britain that isn't London. Watch their dreams crumble and know that they'll probably never talk about British shows again.

>> No.7132692

That is fine and copacetic with me, just so long as you don't drool over the onceler then get all preachy and shit. Fuck him and fuck that shit.

>> No.7132728

Honestly, I just use tumblr because a lot of artists that I really like have one. I tend to try to avoid the fandom bullshit.

>> No.7132777

I feel like the only one for a short time that wanted the Ib fandom to go away forever. During that same stint of time I was obsessed with Yume Nikki.

Now I want Homestucks/SnK/Doctor Who/Supernatural to go away. I've got a personal gripe with Whovians since my recently-turned Whovian friends would shit on me for liking 3rd and 9th because I grew up watching DW until mid 10th.

>> No.7132783

Dangan Ronpa needs to go away.

>> No.7132834

This would work. I visited my cousins over there once, they live in some tiny village. Arrived all excited to see ~magical Britain~ and then realized I was about to spend two weeks surrounded by mud and sheep.

>> No.7132847

>But that is because the people who read the books feel that they are better then the people who watch the series

They are.

>> No.7132854

>I feel for you Tom Hiddleston.

At this point he's encouraging it, doing panels in character and shit.

>> No.7132856

I remember Ib. I really liked the game and then Cry played it and all his fans shit themselves.

>> No.7132867


Right after the first season of Korra came out, my family cosplayed the air family. We didn't get a single picture at one of the biggest cons in the US. Some people asked us who we were.

Why didn't that become a thing?

>> No.7132871

"Finally, someone finds me attractive!!"

>> No.7133004

Okay, I'm all caught up on the podcast, but where, exactly, does it even say that any of the characters, aside from that one angel, are not white? Like, I'll admit that I see Carlos as Hispanic, but that's just because I've always thought Carlos was a stereotypical Hispanic name.
Tumblr will bitch about fetishizing minorities, but I honestly think they do it the most with their, "EVERYONE IS BROWN. YOU'RE HISPANIC AND YOU'RE ARABIC AND YOU'RE BLACK, and I don't care if it absolutely makes no sense for the character, nope." Like, I remember there being this one post going around about Kanaya being Muslim, and just, where the hell did that even come from? I get if it's an actual religious/ethnic minority trying to relate to the character more, but it's almost always some white chick doing it.

>> No.7133038


JV is a genius. His open hatred of his fans only makes them want his approval more. He hasn't put out anything new for years, and he's still got one of the most dedicated fanbases

>> No.7133204

Is a little drool in my mind when there's no one around to ask what I'm thinking ok though?

>> No.7133208

"I didn't read the comic I just read the wiki but don't bully me about it at am expert"

>> No.7133687

I feel as though a lot of seagulls hate stuff for the sole reason of their popularity. Oh, I think this series is pretty cool- wait, no, it sucks now because the people I don't like likes it.

> 3edgy5u

It's like reverse bandwagonners.

>> No.7134559
File: 303 KB, 500x708, Theyalwaysfollowme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They liked him BECAUSE he was a terrible monster.

That's why they wrote full length professionally drawn comic universes about him deluging his own psyche and challenging or fucking or never even coming into full awareness of his own ego, superego, etc that was just a splinter of himself, and meanwhile he's destroying the fucking planet in an already post apocalyptic society that restarted itself on satellites and moonbases, but he's too absorbed in money or himself to ever take notice, and he does the entire thing in a "conversational" rock ballad.

I never really got into it but based upon the pages I've seen, its a pretty brilliant that a fandom took a shallow, shitty kids movie and concept and completely transformed it into something Dr. Seuss himself would be proud of. He hated children and how people would always infantalize the main point of his works.

>> No.7134574


Night Vale, PacRim, Avengers, OFF, Hannibal, even Homestuck has its rare moments when Hussie manages to give a shit, those are all incredibly fun, good things.

There's no point to hate anything or waste your time and breath on something you don't like. Those no reason to hate that other people are able to enjoy things and have fun. Its stupid as fuck to waste time hating something because children have fun with it.

15 year olds are always loud and annoying, and that's a given regardless of what they get into. From starbucks hipster, to weeaboo, to anglophile, they're mostly going to be obnoxious and noticeable and inconsiderate and the adult fandom isn't to be judged on the same standard as they are.

>> No.7135706
File: 19 KB, 500x383, http%3A%2F%2F25.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_l8jq7tZgJm1qa0nd6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I just saw this on my dashboard and had to find this comment to reply to