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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7127310 No.7127310[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's do this /cgl/.

Halloween is coming up and its high time we break out the real horrors. The true nightmares of the hambeasts, weaboos, and the like. The worst of the worst convention stories you've got. The ones that make even the most seasoned con-goer run and hide for life.

New material preferred, but classics are good too.

>> No.7127436

I'd like to see some caps.

>> No.7127446

looks like manko-chan from the large bagel anime.

>> No.7127460
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Here's a classic. Behold, the almighty Trap-Chan.

>> No.7127583
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awh yiss time to whip out the caps

>> No.7127844


Oh I've read that one before. Seriously wtf.
Any new stories that haven't been heard before would be lovely.

>> No.7127872

now post the part where /tg/ figured out that the neck wound was self inflicted due to the angle and severity.

>> No.7127883


Wait what...? Self inflicted are you serious?

>> No.7127888

>AWA 2013
>room with 2 online friends
>they get drunk friday evening
>one freaks out, starts tearing the costume I made him
>tries to rape me
>punches me
>beat him back
>hold him in the ground for 2 hours until he sobers up
>miss zun panel
>next day
>go to 2hu fan panel
>he's in a shitty mood
>tell him to stop being a faggot
>gets mad
>goes back to the room
>tookhis shit and left

Some 200lb dude almost raped me, and I just laughed it off.

>> No.7127909

And to think, most people here have their lives ruined because an ugly dude glanced in their general direction.

>> No.7127995

>drunkard 2hou fans for Zun
I already saw this coming... sorry to hear about that bro.

>> No.7128003

>inb4 that one really butthurt neckbeard (who can't believe that girls who are into anime and games still don't like him) comes to ruin the thread

>> No.7128113

I thought it was pretty funny to be honest. Probably because I could overpower him easily. If I were a 100 lb girl, I would have probably been terrified.

>> No.7129135

B-b-b-but all wimminz are horse!

>> No.7130189

Someone bled all over my brand new cosplay last year.

>> No.7130207

Not period blood, please.

>> No.7130335

You mean I've been fucking the wrong kind?! I thought I was supposed to go after the hairless chimps.


>> No.7130344

elaborate pls
also please be period blood

>> No.7130767

wait wat

>> No.7130881

>2012 anime con.
>I'm in my late 20s, average female, too nice for my own good, and bisexual with a boyfriend not present at the convention.
>Sharing a room with friends. Some people drop kinda last min, I need to replace them (actually, I regret this, I just didn't want to foot several extra hundred dollars, but I could have). I replace one slot with an acquaintance of a friends of a friend. A regular staffer at the con. How bad could it be?
>Enter ham beast. At first I'm just like.. okay, this girl is big and smells a little bad, but I can handle those things, as long as she's not cray, and I can sleep next to her.
>Day 1, she lounges around almost naked. Keeps showing up to the room and airs out her breasts EVERY TIME. I have seen her breasts about as often as I've seen her face at this point. Massive, bowling ball sized breasts, biggest areolas I've ever seen in my life. Stretch marks that show up extra well on her darker skin tone.
>I work at the con. I'm dog tired by the end of the first night. She's restless when the lights go out. I keep waking up with her right up on me.
>Get spooned by giant woman.
I somehow make it through part of the night, but I end up "going out" and crashing at a friend's room. Basically, I ran away.
>Come back the next morning to find she has showered, but it has only made her smell worse. How is this even possible?? She's going to wear her kimono today. In fact, she's wearing it when I get back, except it's open in the front, no bra, and translucent panties. Oh god.

>> No.7130901

>I want to quickly shower and get dressed and get away from her.
>My other roommates left as I was preparing to shower, and I thought she had as well but she totally pops into the bathroom and has a conversation with me while she's on the toilet and I'm showering. She's on the toilet for awhile, prompting me to remain in the shower for longer than I normally would. It was awkward.
>She keeps commenting on everyone's petite bodies and perky breast. I get out and she has gone, since she has to staff at a certain time.
>I breathe a sigh of relief and get dressed.
>She shows up where I'm working a the booth. Asks if I need drinks or food, offers to fetch if I do. I decline.
>She hangs around, gradually beginning to make comments on my body- I'm cosplaying a cartoon character, but I'm quite conservative. She grabs her own breasts and talks about how she wishes they were perky like mine, and how she's so jelly.
>People notice. Embarrassed. She leaves and I explain that she and I are ONLY sharing a hotel room, nothing more.
>Keep seeing her throughout the day, staring from across the room. I wonder how much work she's actually getting done as a staffer.
>Show up at the end of the night to the room. She's showing off her bowling balls again. I just want to sleep, so I put on my jammies and climb in bed with her, hoping she was just clinging in her sleep the night before. Wrong.
>After the lights go out, I get a special personalized goodnight from her that I'm sure freaks everyone else out, too.
>She keeps inching closer, then rolls over, wraps her arms and legs around me. There's so much heat radiating off of her, and the smell... Oh god. It was somewhere between fish, BO, and moldy damp laundry.
>I detach myself and shove her back over, kindly tell her to scoot away. I'm on the edge of the bed at this point- she doesn't comply, and spoons again.
>I can feel her breathing hard on my neck.

>> No.7130916
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Why don't you guys just pay for your own hotel room. It might not be the greatest... I'd honestly rather put up with a small dingy room then a bunch of idiots.

>> No.7130918

>Her hands are on me. On my thigh, in my hair. She gets a good hand full of that breast she's been so obsessed with all weekend, too. Seems like she's petting me but even as I bat her arms away she continues. I think our other two roommates are asleep at this point, one is snoring.
>I have to really force myself free of her, as she really gets a grip on me the second time, and she grunts in frustration at me several times. I get up, grab my phone, make a comment about getting a text, then book it to my friend's room for the second night in a row..
>She texts me things like "Where'd you go?", and "You coming back? Bed is lonely." "Miss you" "When can we get some time alone?"
>Fuck no I'm not going back tonight. I don't reply to any of that mess.
>I return the next morning. She's practically naked. I go to my side of the bed to rifle through my luggage.
>She plops onto the bed, diagonally, robe gaping and one knee in the air. I. Can. See. EVERYTHING. I try to ignore her.
>She questions me on where I went. Who I was with. Why did I go stay in the presence of a guy/multiple guys? Really she's far too interested in my activities and I'm extremely uncomfortable.
>She pouts and mopes when talking about my guy friend. She asks if we had sex. We did not. This seems to cheer her up. I wish I had told her that he and I did the nasty all night long and I love the D and only the D.
>I get my shit out of the room. Move it to my friends' room. Continue to get checked in on at the con, asked if I want drinks. She follows me around- my friends hide me.
>Continue to get texts from her for months after the con. Block her number, but am continually scared that I'll cross paths with her again.
>Find out later that someone had told her that I was gay, and that she had purposefully gone out of her way to room with me.

> TLDR Hambeast roommate decided to like little old me and try to molest me in my own bed. So glad roomies were there most of the time.

>> No.7130920

I learned my lesson. The last few cons have just been me and a few close friends. After one near molestation and one absolute batshit crazy bitch that was also a thief... it was a full dose.

>> No.7130932

You guys really need to stand up for yourselves, and if voicing your complaints doesn't work get one of your friends and if you can't do that take like a basic self defense class if you don't know how. It seems like it would prevent a lot of these instances from happening, just my $0.02.

>> No.7130935

I do that nowadays, or at least pay for the room and be the one in charge so my shit doesn't get stolen again.
It means you get a whole King/Queen bed to yourself, goddamn.

>> No.7130936

Generally rooming with people you dont know ends up wierd. Too many people coming in and out, too ackward, have to deal with drama about body types and cosplay mess ups and everyone always has their shit thrown anywhere.

>> No.7130959

Your story has successfully disgusted me.
I like breasts less now, too.

>> No.7130976

Don't let a few bad breasts ruin the lot for you!

>> No.7130979

Second hand story from my bestie so take it with a grain of salt

>friend (let's call her Sammy) staying in a hotel room with her buddies and it's crammed to the max
>some random guy she doesn't know asks mid-con to stay in the room as well, the one person he knows agrees to it
>Sammy calls it a night and hits the hay, gotta sleep on the floor because too many people
> Random Guy wanders into the hotel room at like 4 a.m and he's loud as fuck
>Sammy half wakes up because of the noise
>wtf Random Guy, are you okay, you sound like you're vomiti--

He claims to not remember anything of the incident but she made him pay to cover the cost of her stuff, almost all of it was nice. Needless to say she doesn't share rooms with more than a close friend or two anymore. I...I still don't really get why he would choose her suitcase of all things.

>> No.7130984

Drugs are bad. Mkay?

>> No.7130989
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Long, but cringeworthy.

>> No.7130994
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>"No, you don't get it, Anon. Mabel and Dipper actually have an incestuous relationship. I read all about it on Tumblr"
Oh god can you fucking not

>> No.7131203

When I was young and stupid I stayed with whole rooms of strangers. Surprisingly I met some really good friends and always had a good time.
Unsurprisingly I also met a disgusting hambeast and her beanpole boyfriend who insisted on sleeping naked one night because she was hot. Her boyfriend ended up accidentally spooning me for like half the night, too.
When I woke up properly and realized it was... fucking awkward, to say the least.

>> No.7131521
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Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people....

GO TO THE POLICE ABOUT THIS SHIT. If you don't you are only allowing people like this (and the other stories I've read, sorry to target this one alone but if you read more there are tons of stories that DESERVE police intervention) to keep doing this to other people.

It's seriously the worst (I just ended up going to the police over a close friend doing this to me and now my whole social circle is wrecked but I had to protect anyone else from what happened to me)
i'm so sensitive to this shit ugh seriously call the fucking police you guys, this shit is a crime

>> No.7131903

give me ALL of your caps

>> No.7133955


>> No.7133988

I have a dumbass weeb drama story, although I'm afraid it'll run long and become too boring for anyone to care.

>> No.7133994

This isn't too bad, but it's fresh. Here goes.
>Year 12, fun run day
>Pretty much get dressed up as whatever, walk around an oval, hose each other down with water guns
>Enter Sam. Tall, Blonde, thin.
>Pretty much most girls dream
>Also a huge vidya and anime nerd
>all in all cool guy
>Enter, The Twins
>Bogan, Overweight, Smelly, Rude, possessive and thick like a BRICK.
>Twins like Sam.
>SO much that they stalk him home and to friends houses often
>Sam hates The Twins
>Has actually gotten the police to intervene several times
>Cops can't do much other than tell them to piss off
>Anyway: Sam decides to dress up for fun run day, chooses to go as Kamina
>Looks fucking AWESOME
>Runs around with his shirt off
>Twins no where to be seen, assume they're off being fat and fucking disgusting elsewhere
>Halfway through fun run
>Get to a "black spot", can't see anything around the corner
>Sam's in front of our group of 6 or so
>Rounds corner
>Cue panic shouts
>Race around the corner
>Twins are trying to drag him through the scrub away from us and the track
>Beat them off, 2 friends grab them and call for a teacher because we didn't know what else to do
>Notices Twins bag
>Checks it

It was later revealed that they planned to drag him into the scrub and FORCE him to sleep with them, through a gratioutus use of Dildos and their "Feminine Charm".
It was hard to keep from vomiting.

>> No.7135040

Anyone else lol at the beat them off portion? shit was hilarious

>> No.7135082

same here lol

>> No.7135123

First thing I thought of:

>> No.7135192

Rooming with cool friends is both awesome and cheap. It's just when the weeb friend of a friend shows up as a last-minute replacement it gets weird.
Just make sure those cool friends you're planning on rooming with are reliable and/or pay well up front.

>> No.7135373

jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.7136494
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>Be bearmode dude with red hair.
>SDCC approaching.
>Avengers is coming out soon. Get bright idea to do a "movie-style" D-Man costume for the con.
>Spend months sewing fake yellow leather and modifying a wrestling singlet
>Scuff up the leather and roll around in dirt a bit to weather it; Look just the right level of homeless
>Hit con with bro who's dressed as Cap.
>Go drinking with bro. In costume.
>Go drinking with bro a lot.
>Walking back to hotel. He's basically gone at this point.
>Bro moans a little. Turn to ask him what's wrong just as he lets loose a spectacular torrent of the most foul-smelling whiskey barf imagineable all over me and passes out
>Haul him the hour on foot back to the hotel, sweating my ass off in this thing all the while
>Get back to hotel finally, dump bro on cot, peel self out of costume, shower and pass out myself
>Go to con the next day as "Battle Damage D-Man" because bro's stomach acid ate through the fake leather

Wasn't quite a disaster but it was pretty fucking gross.

>> No.7136525

>>Go to con the next day as "Battle Damage D-Man" because bro's stomach acid ate through the fake leather


>> No.7138899


>Thanks for listening to me, /r9k/.

Uhm...I'm the original person who posted this story and I have never gone to that board. Did somebody just copy/paste it there?

>> No.7138917


Looks like it.
You're probably better off not going there. The thread turned into a shitstorm of neckbeards saying that you should have let Orange fuck your brother.

>> No.7138921


>crazy fatty with lumpy, hairy tits, stinky vag and squirting all over the bed

Ah, yes, she sounds like the woman of /r9k/'s dreams.

>> No.7138925


I see. I guess I can see where they are coming from. In reality, my brother was pretty adamant that he wanted nothing to do with her (let alone want to fuck her). If he had expressed interest instead of cowering from her all weekend and if she hadn't been so nuts, I wouldn't have stood in the way. As I originally stated, this convention was supposed to help settle his struggles with social anxiety.

>> No.7139885

why did you simply not tell her to fuck off? you really are too nice for your own good. that shit right there is not cool and they need to know that it is not cool.

>> No.7140219

Fucking Australia.
>tfw nobody tries to rape you in a bush during a fun run with a bag full of dildos.

>> No.7140356
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Okay, so when I was a freshmen in highschool I entered my secondary phase of weeaboo. I no longer wore naruto headbands, but I did wear a lot of "kawaii japanese schoolgirl" inspired things, platform goffic boots, and really cutesy hairstyles.

I was a really naive person, and for some reason I didn't think the sexual connotations of japanese schoolgirl would apply to me, because I wasn't attractive enough or some shit. I also had never really interacted with guys, and had a low sense of self esteem and self respect.

Anyways, enter M. M was a senior. He was SUPER into anime and therefore SUPER anime himself. He was stupid tall and stupid skinny. Not unattractive, in fact, very well liked by a lot of people. Our school was kinda small, and people didn't really hold it against you that much if you liked anime.

Anyways, so M could draw super well, AND he was my senpai. Thankfully, he noticed me right away. We became friends and I was really excited to have a guy *friend* for the first time who I could talk about anime and draw with. And everyone in the school mutually agreed that I was the anime-ist girl, and he was the anime-ist guy.

But things were kinda weird. I really liked anime, but M kind of wanted to recreate anime in real life. Not just with fashion choices, but with me as his kawaii anime mate. He would try his best to recreate anime cliches with me (not by my choice). I was honestly just really confused, but went along with it because we were friends.

>> No.7140359
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>he would "accidentally" fall forward, or go to high-five me and grab my breasts. Afterwards he kept dropping hints for me to act tsundere and hit him.
>He would also constantly mock my breast size and tell me I had no body. Which was really honestly bullshit because I had c cups at the time. He'd say things like my breasts were like water balloons that were too tiny to pop. He was also looking for me to hit him but I kinda just ran into the bathroom and cried a lot.
>He would try to see my underwear, ask me about it a lot. If I wore pigtails, he'd follow me around and yank on them.
>He would try to get me to skip class to go on adventures with him, or ask me to meet him by the big tree outside the school.
>We had an exchange diary
>He would "Fall asleep" next to me in class (he sucked at math so we had class together) and then wake up from a "nightmare" and grab me and hold me close in class saying things like "I thought I lost you!" and disrupt the lesson to cling to me.
>He got in fights a lot, and I sometimes bandaged him up afterwards.

I am not shitting you. Thank god we weren't in gym class together or he'd probably "accidentally" walk in on me.

I kinda just convinced myself that was how guy friends were. They were a little rougher on you and needed emotional support. I *still* had no idea M liked me.

>> No.7140366
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Finally some other guy, B decided to ask me out, so I said yes without really thinking, excited someone found me attractive.

M. Was. Furious. When I came to school for announcements, he grabbed me immediately without speaking, dragged me away from my friends and everyone else to the back of the school where no one was and shoved me against a wall screaming at me. He shook me a lot and said that B didn't like me for who I was, he was a weirdo, and I needed to wake the fuck up. It was really terrifying, I'm pretty tiny and he was a whole foot and a half taller than me. Finally when people came looking for me he let go.

At this time, I started to realize that M liked me. It took him screaming at me when I got a boyfriend, but I started to get the picture.
I also found out that M had a girlfriend this entire time, who hated my guts (with good reason, considering her boyfriend was grabbing me in the middle of class and ignoring her.) I found this out by hearing people talk about how I was a whore and her saying really mean awful things about me and crying because M wouldn't talk to her while I was in the bathroom peeing.

>> No.7140380
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Even in my feeble 14 year old mind, I knew that M would be a horrible horrible boyfriend. But I couldn't stand up for myself, so I kept dating B so I could say I had a boyfriend and had a "shield". M started threatening B physically and and every now and then M would grab me and yank me away from everyone else and say something crypic and hug me. His exchange diary entries were full of poetry about me, and he was visibly super depressed. I cared about him a lot, so I would try to cheer him up.

Unfortunately this just made him realize that the more "depressed" he was, the more attention I would pay to him.
To keep things short, things quickly escalated and soon I was taking math notes with my left hand while I had my right hand under the table fighting with him to not cut himself in class. He became a "dark sensitive emo" type of anime guy. He'd do things like stand in the rain and then look at me, or say that the overwhelming dark abyss had taken him, and there was no going back.

I felt like it was my fault he felt like this, so I was dumb and told him I'd do almost anything to make up for it and make him feel better.

>> No.7140390

Oh lawd, jesus. More please, anime-chan anon!

>> No.7140389
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Turns out he had a biting fetish. So since I wouldn't date him. I could at least let him bite me. Since I had no self respect or self esteem (or common sense) I said okay. He didn't mean like hickies. He meant like, bruises and teeth marks that sometimes lasted days. Sometimes he'd ask me to wear pigtails or a miniskirt or something.

So, now I'm walking around with giant bite marks on my arms and shoulder. Still thinking that this is like, what friends do for each other. Finally the school counselor takes me aside and said she noticed my arms, and asked me if something was wrong, cause my relationship with M did not seem okay. I said no, he was just playing, but in my brain I started to realize that the situation I was in was REALLY FUCKED UP. So I start to try to back away from M and spend more time with B (who really, the B doesn't stand for his name, it stands for Boring. We had nothing in common. But he didn't bite me or try to tell me he wanted to kill himself if I left.)

Then one night M talks to me on facebook and tells me he just slit his arm open from depression. He sends me pictures of blood on his laptop. I FLIP OUT and break up with B and the next day M has traces of blood on his laptop and a giant bandage on his arm.

>> No.7140399
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For like a day or two, I date M (He dumped his girlfriend supposedly). Parts of it are a little fun, but mostly he's trying to convince me to cut with him and completely ignoring my feeble attempts to say that I don't really want to make out, or get bitten, or do anything he didn't want to do. To be fair, I was really meek and terrible at saying no consistently and clearly. TL;DR I was a pushover.

He ate my lunch at school a couple times like I had made it for him. (Really, my mom had made it for me). He was REALLY crazy. He was losing a lot of friends because of how nuts he was acting.

I decided I HAD to get him to stop no matter what. So I tried to tell him that I wanted to not date him, he said "yeah okay" and started kissing me. This repeated a couple boring times, until finally I said I didn't love him, and went out with B just to get the message clear.

M tried to find B to beat the shit out of him, and when he couldn't (it was the weekend when he went on this rampage thankfully), he blocked me on everything and refused to speak to me.

Which, was awesome. Because I don't think I would have had the guts to end it by myself.

It was a super-anime encounter and relationship. And it made me sure that life like an anime would be the shittiest thing ever.

>> No.7140417

What happen to B after that?

>> No.7140424

If "Y" had an exponent, i'd say that B was subtracted to the other side in order to create a quadratic equation.

>> No.7140430

We broke up pretty quickly after it became clear M was out of the picture. Really he kinda only wanted to try to get me to have sex with him.When I wouldn't put out more, he got mad and then I dumped him. We really had nothing in common, he just wasn't a nutcase and thought I was pretty.

All my highschool boyfriends reflected my nonexistent self worth. Pretty much all of them are at least close to horror stories, but M is by far the worst and most relevant.

>> No.7140524

The whole thing i kept thinking

i hope this wasnt my highschool because something similar happened sort of in the anime group

>> No.7140556

I have a story. Not sure if it's good or not but looking back on it, it was a pretty shitty experience. Anyways here goes.

>mid 2000s 14-15 years old.
>like Naruto a lot and decide to cosplay as him for my 2nd con because friends pretty much pressured me into cosplaying.
>buy naruto shit, good to go but a little nervous. I'll be with friends for the most part so it's all good.
>Arrive at con and it's not local so I booked a hotel with A, B, and C.
>A & B are twins I think 15 at the time, pretty skinny cosplaying Sasuke and Kakashi while C is cosplaying Sakura and is 16 or so and drives us.
>C is about 7.8/10 so not ugly but not beautiful.
>Arrive at con on first day and pretty much do nothing but chill and read manga.
>Take a breath and smell the shittiest fucking most grotesque shit that will ever enter my nostrils.
>Can only be described as wetdog, shit, skin allergies, BO and foreign objects. It was eye watering and eye-brow singeing bad.
>Look up and see 800ton pork, ham, cow, belluga goddamn whale-beast. Hair fucking everywhere. It took a while to uncover it was even remotely female. We'll call her D.
>"NARUTO, I LOVE YOU AND SASUKE SO MUCH! Do you ever maek-out? I need to know for my yaoi." D says as she shoves naruto and sasuke yaoi and shit in my face.
>I look over at A whom is cosplaying Sasuke and he starts snickering.
>D looks over at A and asks what's so funny before lifting him up and slamming him down.
>"If any of you fucks laugh at me I'll fucking kill you."


>> No.7140567

>So now we're kinda uneasy. B and C is tending to A who is clearly in pain as the man-bear-pig walks off and says "hmpf!" before leaving. This however was the beginning of a legacy like none other.
>After a while we kinda shake it off and believe we'll never see her again and after that we merely just laugh it off.
>Be back in hotel room which wasn't far from con but not walking distance.
>Out of cosplay watching some shitty probably B-List movie together when there's a fucking knock on the door then a bit of screaming.
>Really nervous but I get up and open the door (The hotel door didnt have those eye hole things I know what you're thinking) and D comes barging in.
>Fat motherfucker is now inside our hotel room, knocking me down in the process and we have no idea how she found it.
>Kind of all scared now, freaking out a lot.
>Not sure of exact details but now she's staying with us for the night. It had something to do with a knife, assault, and threats.
>During night wake up multiple times to her rubbing herself on my cosplay. Really disgusted and the room smelled like feces.
>Take all cosplays to the washer room when everyone's asleep and just wash that shit.
>Wake up to bigmac laying half on top of me. Feels like I'm being sucked into her rolls.
>Oh fuck im going to suffocate and smell like shit. A wakes up and helps roll her off of me.
>She wakes up a pushes A down yelling not to touch her naruto.
>B and C wake up and start yelling at her.
>Hambeast walks over to C calls her a prissy bitch before pushing her into the wall and then gut punching her.
>Oh shit maybe we should go to cops...

>> No.7140577

>NOPE. She leaves us. She didn't have bags or anything so she just fucking leaves.
>Everyone's kinda beat up except for B and I so we're kinda shaky but still alright.
>Help C up and put make-up on A's bruises.
>Decide if anything else go wrong we leave immediately.
>Pack up all of our shit just in case. Dont wear cosplays.
>Go to con everything goes alright for the next few hours. But everything changed when she appeared and came full fucking force, pedal to the metal at us.
>She stumbles in C and yells "eexxxxxxccccccuse me biiiiiitch. Ugh, so rude."
>Walk around trying to lose her for a while. Often spent sprinting around corners.
>Mission failed, unable to lose porky. Looks at us all and says "You're nawt tryin' to loooose, me ar yu? You not trying to leaaave are yuuu?" Reply with nonsense and laugh it off reassuring her we're "Friends."
>Give her 10$ and ask her if she can get us lunch. Anything would be fine.
>FINE, But you better not leave or I will hurt YOU. Pointing at me.
>She walks away.
>Instantly bolt. Ass was fucking hauled to the parking garage.
>Make it to the parking garage and hear massive earthquake behind us.
>About to make it to the car less than 100 yards away and begin to laugh.
>looks like a jell-o cup rolling down a bumpy road and the whole situation seemed so goddamn hilarious.
>"I'M GOING TO HURT YOU REAL BAD NARUTO" as it runs and begins to catch up to me.
Cont for final piece

>> No.7140595

>Oh fuck it's catching up. Out of breath from really laughing and shit gets real.
>Get tackled and feel massive intense pain in chest and even more pain in back of leg.
>Oh god something must've broken.
>Begin screaming bloody murder as lard ass is beating on me.
>Punches to head, back but still nothing compared to pain in leg.
>A, B and C manage to get her off with a few other. Call cops and paramedics.

As I recall she was arrested or something afterwards. Dunno if she was charged and to be honest we were all done with the ordeal. I remember I ruptured a tendon and it hurt like a bitch.
Moral of the story is stay away from fat chicks. They will ruin you so goddamn fast.

>> No.7140603
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oh god man fucking landwhales

>> No.7140673


The whole story reminds me of Friday the 13th. People are always sprinting away from him and he just casually walks. But, somehow he catches up, or is already around the next corner.

>> No.7140783

Okay which one of you weebs was it that I saw casually wearing an snk jacket on campus today.

>> No.7140821
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>> No.7140827

any stories about snk, dangan ronpa, off, or homestuck weebs?

>> No.7140876
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Holy shit man...

>> No.7140914

Honestly these stories (aside from the attempted rape ones) are pretty tame.

>I got drunk and fucked a random and then they did some wierd shit

Hardly a horror story.

>> No.7140952

I fucking hate being an Ashley. Every third crazy bitch is an Ashley.

>> No.7140973

>I fucking hate being an Ashley. Every third crazy bitch is an Ashley.

>tfw 3 girls I've dated was named Ashley
>tfw I now this name is a red flag for crazy

>> No.7141320

homestuck, hey. kind of a mediocre story but a true one

>some chick at a con who was like 12-13? kept giving me overly long creepy hugs, which was pretty bad since hugs make me extremely uncomfortable, but im too beta to say anything. she was dressed as john, and i was dressed as sollux, so there was literally no "excuse" for "shipping reasons", she must have just liked me or something.

>whenever she would see me, she would come up to me and hug me for longer and longer amounts of time. soon these hugs led to her groping my ass and tits (which she giggled after she found, since i was binding eueuagh), and i had no idea what to do since i felt hella creepy being like 5 or 6 years older than her. i just sort of started to hightail it the fuck out whenever i saw her.

>after the con was long over, there was a photo i was tagged in, and she managed to find me and sent a message from "-The John that wouldn't let you go, <3"

>being on the internet and much more able to formulate sentences, i told her that she was creepy as hell and to. not do the things she was doing.

so i guess somewhat of a happy ending. I GUESS.

>> No.7141348

Let me summarize this:
Bleach fans

>> No.7141355

At least you got something out of it from him right? It's not worth it if he doesn't put out!

>> No.7141419


>> No.7142577

I demand this thread live
I need more stories to tell my unborn children before bedtime

>> No.7143239


>> No.7143304

I grew up with five other girls in my class all named Ashley. My little brother dated an Ashley. My best friend was Ashley. My other friend's ex boyfriend is fucking named Ashley. There are, according to Google, at least six other women with my exact name, first middle and last, and one of them is a fucking pedophile arrested for banging her students. Every one of these Ashleys I have met has been goddamn insane. I'm not as bad but I do have nervous disorders that def make me look nuts. There is a curse upon the name Ashley.

>> No.7143320
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Sadly, the only story I have was really only horrible and embarrassing for me.
>be in lesbian relationship a couple years ago
>we plan a couple cosplay for coming up con
>excited because my otp
>she dumps me week before the con
>wtf srsly bitch you couldn't have waited
>says we can still do cosplay cause we worked hard on them

>be at con
>creepy men start taking pics of us in suggestive poses
>start chanting for us to kiss
>ex is disgusted
>heartbroken me starts crying, runs away

>> No.7143342

pics or it didnt happen

>> No.7143406

gtfo anon
I'm glad I haven't seen any of those pictures floating around

>> No.7143475

I would give you all the e-hugs because that sounds awful, I feel sad just hearing about it.

>> No.7143480

were those guys just guys you met online and stayed in a room with?

>> No.7143482

Even though you were almost lesbian raped I can't help stop laughing

>> No.7143485

>Officers, a fat girl tried to rape me.
>Girls can't rape girls! GIRLS CAN'T RAPE GIRLS.

>> No.7143492

As long as you point out that the offender is fat, it should be fine.

>> No.7143490

>whenever she would see me, she would come up to me and hug me for longer and longer amounts of time. soon these hugs led to her groping my ass and tits (which she giggled after she found, since i was binding eueuagh), and i had no idea what to do since i felt hella creepy being like 5 or 6 years older than her. i just sort of started to hightail it the fuck out whenever i saw her.

why do 12 year old girls never do this to me

>> No.7143498

/r/ archie comic

>> No.7143520

>"a shitstorm of neckbeards saying that you should have let Orange fuck your brother."
>I can see where they are coming from.
Troll gets no food.

>> No.7143542

Anyone can rape anyone. They just use a strap-on dildo! Which is what you are.

>> No.7143551

Then bend over, bitch

>> No.7144116
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Not a convention story, but it involved weeaboos. Went to the midnight release of Pokemon X and Y and literally more then half were awkward weebs wearing pokemon hats and shit. A couple dressed as deadpool because So RADUM LOLZ and when they came out of the store they were yelling and screaming like fucking fiends and chasing cars.
What a bunch of animals.

and i'm going to my first anime-con this November, only now have I begun to rethink it.

>> No.7144210

I'm just going to fucking change my name to Quinn. Never met anyone named Quinn.

>> No.7144590

These are fucking great.

>> No.7144598


oh my fucking god were you at the gamestop at west oaks in michigan?

I was there.

I saw.

>> No.7144601


I was at a costume event directly before the release, so I went straight there in a causal kimono ensemble. I walked right into a fucking autism unlimited meeting, 8 or so fat men in fedoras and trenchcoats who gave me some awkward gazes. Luckily I came late and got in and out quickly

>> No.7144605
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>mfw I know somebody named Quinn
She's a really cool chick, though.

>> No.7144740

I'm not sure if this counts, but I'll tell it anyways. I usually go to cons in my local area and when I do I normally cosplay as a squad member from Valkyria Chronicles, if any of you have played the game or seen the anime adaption. Anyways:

>Be 19 or so
>Have moderately bad narcolepsy (if you don't know what it is look it up, I can't be bothered to explain)
>Be in London, around the time of MCM which I usually attend
>Buy a ticket and make plans to go with my flatmate, but I lose my meds and decide I don't want to risk collapsing out
>Stay in my flat for the majority of Saturday, bored and having nothing to do as I had planned to be at MCM
>Decide to go out to my favourite little coffee bar a couple of streets away from my flat to read and relax
>I've been going here for years, I know the baristas and they know about my condition so they're fine if I just drift off and know to wake me up if I'm asleep too long
>Turn up at the bar, get a coffee and go read my book at my favourite little table in the corner
>Drift off halfway through a chapter, fairly light sleep
>Don't know how long I was asleep, but suddenly woken up by the sound of incredibly obnoxious laughing and high pitched shrill voice
>My coffee bar has been invaded by about 7 or 8 Homestuck Cosplayers, all sweaty from running around at the Con and with bits of their gray facepaint flaking off
>They drag a couple of tables together, making SO MUCH DAMN NOISE (I had just woken up and had a light headache, and so to me their noise was absolutely pounding
>I'll just ignore them and carry on reading, go and order another coffee, walking straight past their table to get to the counter
>As I'm walking by I hear this really distinctive voice
>'Oh my god, is that Anon? There's no way'
>I look back and see someone who I recognize from my Sixth Form, A 7/10 with short brown hair who I had been best friends with, and who I had originally introduced the coffee bar to (we'll call her Clover)


>> No.7144741


>She had always been big on Homestuck, but we had mostly just discussed anime in our friendship group of 5/6 (she was also incidentally the one who had first introduced me to Cons, MCM in particular, but had never cosplayed Homestuck before)
>I had kind of fancied her back in Sixth Form, but she was going out with another one my good friends at the time so I never really said anything
>I stop and say hello, she's all excited because we haven't seen each other since forever
>I pull up a chair and sit with them, and they all seem like nice folks, despite their obnoxious references every 3 seconds and their shit cosplays
>I realize they don't all smell, and the stink is coming from one of them in particular, your stereotypical landwhale (We'll call her Nettle)
I chat with them casually, and notice that Nettle keeps staring at me and laughing at everything I say
>Assume it's just my imagination, and that I'm just being egotistical
>Conversation goes on and I chat fine, Clover and I start mildly flirting with each other in a semi-serious kind of way
>Nettle keeps cutting Clover off mid sentence to tell a joke
>I force laughs because it would be rude to ignore her shitty punchlines etc
>After a while they say they're going back to their hotel to eat and get changed, then go out to a club or something
>They ask if I want to come back with them to the hotel to eat and then go out, but I'm not particularly hungry
>Nettle is really pushing for me to go back with them
>I compromise and say I'll go back to my flat, have a shower and meet them outside the hotel to go clubbing
>They agree, and that's what happens
>It's around 7pm and I turn up outside their hotel and meet them outside
>Clover looks even more beautiful than she normally does, around a 9 now
>Nettle doesn't stink anymore, but now reeks of cheap perfume
>Wearing some tracksuit trousers and a weird sweater thing
>Off we go to a nearby club


>> No.7144757

Pro greentexting there. Carrying on:

>It's a really good night
>They're all loads of fun, and even Nettle is slightly funny
>Have a bit too much drink and somehow Clover and I end up kissing each other
>Everyone else is laughing and friendly bantering, Nettle however is just standing there totally quiet, watching
>The night carries on, Clover and I are snuggling (For lack of a better word) in a small booth/table thing
>Clover gets up to go to the toilet and get drinks
>I get hit by a narcolepsy 'attack', start feeling really drowsy and out of it
>In a state of being half awake half asleep, not really being too aware of whats going on with my eyes closed
>Clover comes back and practically squishes me, shoves my head into her chest
>I'm thinking she smells weird, but too tired to do anything but sit there
>I'm basically asleep now, head shoved into chest
>Kind of realize that I can't breath at all
>My sense come back and I realize that the person who's hugging me isn't Clover
>Nettle's completely restricting my airways, can't breath
>I do the most girly scream ever and yank my head out of her arms and her chest, she's staring at me with these big eyes
>'You're so cute when you're tired anon'
>She is so smashed out of her head it is unreal
>Get out the booth and bump into Clover, only now coming back from the toilets
>Make excuses and rush out, go straight home and crash
>Only the next day realise that I don't have my phone


>> No.7144759


I checked with my flatmate, and he said after texting me to ask where I was he had gotten loads of texts from me last night, saying I had found my one true love. Then, later that day, he got a message asking where I live, so that whoever had my phone could 'return' it to me.

I just got him to delete my number and I bought a new phone. Turns out loads of other people had also gotten texts asking where I live, but thankfully no one had said anything.

I haven't seen Clover or Nettle since, for which I am both happy and sad. Not as bad as some of the other stories shared, but I thought I'd do my bit to contribute whilst bumping as well.

>> No.7144825

This thread makes me die inside.

Pretty sure I know half of the people mentioned. Either that or they have a fine tuned cloning process for creepy weaboos.c

>> No.7144829

Goddamn I am jealous of those eyebrows.

But yeah see, its a real name and juuuust common enough that people know it, but not at goddamn Ashley levels. Plus some people online already call me by it so.

>> No.7144836
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>way back when, be 16 at a small con
>with 2 friends, we're all girls, all 16
>Guy starts talking to us
>mfw suddenly he is sucking faces with both of my friends??
>I am lucky to be the unattractive one I suppose
>walk away
>don't look back
>later, sit with one friend as she calls boyfriend crying, telling him what happened
>speechless because just wtf

I have never been so confused in my life

>> No.7144876
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>> No.7144882

I've got a homestuck story. Not too bad, more just embarrassing and painful. I was at my local con, sitting in an upstairs part sorta sleeping a bit with two friends (they had pulled all-nighters to finish their competition cosplays and I had helped them to about 2am) and then a horde of about 10-15 homestuck cosplayers come over and go up to the wall, lie down, and put their legs up the wall and are like, "Let ME tell YOU about homestuck!" I was so confused we left pretty fast. Lately most of the embarrassing cosplay stuff I've seen is from homestuckers.

>> No.7144896

At least you can find those keychains and stuff with your name on them.

I could never find those when I was a kid.

It made me so depressed.

>> No.7144905

Yeah, that's old news.

>> No.7144932
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god reading these threads it sounds like female weebs are far far more rapey and inappropriate than neckbeard dudes

I'm lucky I haven't had to really deal with either

>> No.7145023
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At a con I went to, I had a Karkat cosplayer literally grab my ass and try to lick my mouth. (Yes, lick, not kiss.) While claiming to be "entirely in character". They also called themselves KarCAT and wore these shitty felt cat ears instead of horns. Unsealed paint and sweaty homosucks touching me where I'd rather not be touched, hooray.

>> No.7145026


>> No.7145033

I went to my first con when I was 16. I was a very naive person and had no idea what to expect. I was in a shit cosplay (it was fucking L, which I regret to this day) but I'd put a lot of effort into being in character and getting the hair/face down, so I was somehow popular regardless and soon found myself making quick friends with everyone I met. Enter hambeast. I didn't even know it by looking at her, but apparently she was cosplaying a really shit tier shippudden Hinata. When I say shit tier, I mean she was wearing a black athletic suit over a purple T shirt and had wavy hair parted down the center. Literally no effort. She started talking to me very enthusiastically. Like I said before, I was naive. I didn't make any judgments and was happy just to have made another new friend.

So I and this newfound group of people decide we're going to watch the masquerade. I have a grand time watching the acts, there were some really creative ones. Ham beast is sitting next to me meanwhile, and we casually talk as the show goes on, interrupted now and then by her shouts of "KAWAII" at whatever shows up.
At the end of the show someone who turned out to be a random asshat got on stage and called for every L at the con to do the same. They did, and I was encouraged to join. I figured why not? When it Rome, right?
So people start throwing candy and we all pretend fight over it. What I don't realize is Ham beast has followed me up there. As I reach over for a chocolate I'm greeting by a giant jogging pants-clad ass sending me into the floor. She then proceeds to mount and tongue kiss me while I lie there in shock. In front of everyone.

It was the most utterly humiliating moment of my life.

>> No.7145043

howd it feel to get raped by a bigger man than you anon?

>> No.7145046

condolences, anon.
Have you been to a con since or did Hinata-chan-desu ruin it for you?

>> No.7145051

I continued to go to cons and I became much better at cosplay as well, going on to more and more complicated character designs. Nobody even knows I was that L, and I don't tell them. I just avoided her whenever she appeared. Now she thinks she's "too mature for anime" and I count that as a blessing.

>> No.7145297

I don't understand.

They appear to be made of a sharper.

It doesnt even look attractive at all.

>> No.7145316

I'd call that typical sluts.

>> No.7146214

This shit probably happens everywhere, all the time. The only differences are matters of degree, not kind.

>> No.7148252

I just watched this show on Netflix called 'Stalked'. Colleen Doran, a comic book artist, had an episode about a fan that stalked her and it reminded me of the stories here on /cgl/.

>guy sent her letters saying how she looked like a 'little English school girl'
>repeatedly asked for her to hire him
>put her name on his shared accounts
>sent proxies to conventions to run up, hit her/poke her/squeeze her and yell, "Anon says hi!" and then run away
>showed up at a convention with his mother, who started stroking her and saying, "My son would never hurt you! My son loves you!"
>when she rejected him, he started telling her employers that she was sleeping around for promotions, was publishing racy stuff, etc. to try and get her fired
>got institutionalized after his house almost caught fire because of the massive amount of comics inside
>he still contacts her and blames her for 'giving his mother cancer'

>> No.7148257

This is what makes me so embarrassed to be a fan of Homestuck. Even worse is that nobody believes it when you say "I swear we're not all like that."

>> No.7148266

its not a story its a video.

pretty fucking horrifying in my opinion


warning: cringeworthy

>> No.7148308

It would be worse if he didn't know how to play the instrument.

>> No.7148509

This isn't so bad. At worst it's a dorky little skit. Like that other seagull said, at least he knows how to play.

>> No.7148519

>This isn't so bad. At worst it's a dorky little skit. Like that other seagull said, at least he knows how to play.

Except he doesn't... watch the other vids, absolutely awful

>> No.7148616

Here's a couple shortish ones:
>Freshman in college
>Never got to SUPAA weaboo stage, but I knew my anime
>Meets a girl who is quite weaboo, I'll call her T
>T meets me and we watch anime for a night
>This continues for a few months
>Because we are good friends T and I are assigned to do a group project
>T knows I have a boyfriend, but one night I slip up and mention that I am bisexual
>T flips the fuck out and thinks I'm trying to get he to love me (Shes totally not my type. She was a controlling bitch and we could only watch her anime)
>T cries to teacher how I am not working with her on the group project
>Teacher takes her side and gave her a full grade, but me a zero
>I would have been fine with this, but then the teacher CHANGES the final to include a large percentage of the project
>I still end up passing because I went to the Dean with this (because its a violation to change the final on the syllabus within a listed date)
>T gets all bitch, fakes illness for pity, but people still don't like her.\
>T drops out and goes back home, butthurt

>> No.7148625

>Now Junior in college
>Bump into a couple of girls in my class
>I'll call them G and F
>G is okay and F is delusional
>F is quite the hambeast and her hair is frizzy curly... not even maintained
>I later find out G is just batshit insane! G is a girl scout and we got in a conversation about Boy Scouts being a religious organization
>She said they were not because "They allow those Gays now"
>F is excited and she shows me her Cosplay pictures
>It shows her in a black dress, with short black hair (her real hair dyed)
>"Its Lust from FMA!"
>It looked more like gluttony, if you ask me
>G and F are like obsessed with me, tons
>G and F want to live with me in a dorm and I cant stand them
This is totally not even finished yet. I hope I can get away from them.

>> No.7149526

hahaha yep west oaks. I got there right before they let everyone in and I was getting out of my car when I saw them and I was like NOPE and stayed in my car. then I re-parked and waited as they were going in and coming out and it was like a horrible stampede of them just losing their shit over the game. I sat back and waited for it to subside then went in when most were gone as well.

>> No.7149864
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>Beat them off, 2 friends grab them and call for a teacher because we didn't know what else to do

>Beat them off

>> No.7150416

bump for moar stories

>> No.7150495

>AWA 2013
>go there for the 2hus
>bring friend with me
>another anon is staying with us
>gets mad because of the extra person
>friday evening
>drinks nearly an entire bottle of southern comfort
>gets weird
>starts screaming about killing himself
>gets up
>tries to rape me
>push him away
>continues to try to rape me
>wrestle him to the ground and hold him in place for 2 hours
>constantly yelling during the whole 2 hours

He sobered up and I was like whatever, then he starts acting all depressed because he felt bad and his depressed attitude was killing the fun I was having.

He left in the middle of some really boring panel we attended on Saturday, and I never saw him again.

>> No.7150506

I wonder if I know you, who were you dressed up as?

>> No.7150511

>>tries to rape me
>>hold him in place for 2 hours
>>constantly yelling during the whole two hours
>I was like whatever

Also, I don't think you understand the concept of a weeaboo horror story.

>> No.7150652

I should have mentioned thag he wanted to rape the charcter I was dressed up as, since he was super obsessed with her.

>> No.7150703

Isn't that story basically the same as >>7127888

>> No.7150754

This is an old one but was quite scary at the time.

> MCM 2011
> I'm not into anime/cosplay/etc but I enjoy wearing Japanese fashion. Roughly 5,2 in height, quite thin, average looking with freckles was 16 at the time.
> Got invited by friends to go to MCM, decide to tag along to visit London.
> Was sharing a room with 3 other girls. My cousin, same built as me but taller, lets call her Rose (19). Her girlfriend, Poppy(19) with red hair and their friend Tulip (17), dyed lavender hair.
> After a long trip we all get to the hotel and ended up waiting in the lobby a really long time. As we wait we get talking to people.
> Introducing themselves is two guys, They give us some weird nicknames, Flipper(21) and Bosh(26). Flipper is a tall guy but has a face only a mother could love with horrid ache and Bosh is a stereotypical Narutard landwhale with really bad cosplay.
> They seem nice so we chat with them as we finally get to sign into our room.
> We got their late so Rose and myself decide to enjoy the hotel instead of going to any con parties whilst Tulip and Poppy get some sleep.
> We decided to go to the spa and book some TLC. (Facial, manicure, pedicure etc...) but as we pay for our treatment a weird smell hits my nose. I turn around to see Bosh standing behind me.
> He ask's what we are up too and Rose informs. Then he asks to join us. "Sorry, girls only, but we'll see you after yeah?" Rose quickly said as she dragged me off.

Since I had never been to a con before or dealt much with creepers I had no idea what I was getting myself into and the fuckery I was about to deal with. Trust me the little details will add up in the end..

> After an hour of treatment, me and Rose head for the hotel room only to find Bosh and Flipper in the lobby waiting for us.


>> No.7150764

> "What you girls doing?" Bosh asked and I simply said "Its late so we gonna head back to the room and sleep for tomorrow" "Oh I see, you cosplaying tomorrow?" Flipper asked " I am, but my cousin isn't" Rose said and we waved fair well and left.
> A bit weirded out with the short convo but I ignored any signs as we went to sleep.
> Its about 4 in the morning when we hear a load bang on the door.
> Tulip gets up grumbling and goes to see whats outside. The door had no sight hole, so she had to open it. As she did in pour Bosh crying his eyes out.
> Everyone wakes up to see whats going on, but Poppy hides under the covers as she had no top on.

FYI - Poppy had recently been in an accident where she had been burned over her back with hot water, so she slept without a top, laying on her stomach to let her back get air at night whilst she healed.

> Bosh is crying and explains him and his "boyfriend" had a fight and because of it kicked him out of his room and he had no where to go.
> After awhile Rose says he can sleep on the sofa and we all agree just for tonight. She also then explains the rules of getting changed in the bathroom and explains about Poppies burns.
> He seem legit so we all relax and sleep.

I wish we never did.

>The next morning I woke up later than everyone else (I am a heavy sleeper) and sit up to see everyone getting ready and dancing to the radio in our room. Everyone seems merry but I spot Bosh looking very intently at Poppy, as if eyeing her up. I ignore it thinking "Oh its okay, he's gay" and leave it at that.
> Once everyone was ready we head for MCM. Th girls were cosplaying the Total Spies main cast and I tagged along wearing an Angelic Pretty Candy Treat set in black with my pink wig.
> I tagged with the girls for awhile but my lack of interest in cosplay made me bored, so I mainly spent the morning taking photos of cosplayers and getting photos of me. Was a nice day.


>> No.7150775


> My joy however ended as Flipper suddenly appeared. He went to glomp me but I put my hands up. I am not sure of his cosplay but he was covered in really badly done white face paint and since I was in a black co-ord I freaked a bit but smiled kindly to his offer.
> He looked offended but after I explained the cost of my cloths he nodded but then Bosh came over and shouted at me oddly.
> "Hey I thought you went wearing cosplay today?" I groan and explain how its not a costume but smile all the same.
> Since the girls went off to go into the MCM I decided to go to visit Camden market myself (I'm a bit of a loner so I'm used to traveling to big places on my own) but then Bosh and Flipper decided they MUST escort me around London, as apparently "A lady must never travel on her own" I am bemused but I let them come along anyways.
> After a few different trains we finally get to Camden market and I am in heaven. It doesn't take me long before I start buying lots of goth cloths (out of lolita I wear goth) and happily carry my bags with ease.
> Then Flipper grabs my hands and takes my bags from me spouting some none-sense of how a prince should aid a princess.
> I let him, only because he won't give me then back.
> After a few hours of shopping the 3 of us sit down for a bite to eat.
> Then Bosh starts talking longingly about Poppy.
> I laugh and he won't understand why until i say "Poppy and Rose are a couple, they've been together since secondary school"
> His face drops.
> He then looked at Flipper full of weird rage as he said "Well she must be confused then"

Shit starts to go down now...


>> No.7150789

> Ignoring his odd comment I try to laugh about it and make light of it all, but he refuses to smile and instead goes off on his own.

> We decided to walk again and we decided to go back. As we walk we reach the bridge at camden. He stopped.
> "What do you think of me?" he asked
> "Urm I don't really know, we only just met?" I felt uneasy now as he turned to face me and got very close
> "But don't you believe in love at first sight?" he said as now he was standing in front of me
> "Urmmm if it happens it happens, but I'm not looking for-"
> Before I could even answer the guy grabbed my hands and starts shouting this crazy nonsense of how we were meant to be together and that he loved me since he first saw me.
> wow back the fuck up.
> Alone with Flipper I feel uneasy as he towards over me and said "Look I'm only 16 and I'm sorry but I barely know you, please let go of me"
> His face turned red as he then grabbed my arms (remember that angelic pretty co-ord of black?) His white make up started staining my sleeves as he screamed in my face, saying I led him on and that I was a little bitch who didn't know what was good for her.
> He flung me back and decided to toss my bags into the river!!
> Luckily his antic drew a crowds so people grabbed the bags before they went into the water. He stormed off, leaving me on my backside on the floor as i cry my eyes out, shaking.
> At the time, I didn't know what the fuck just happened and nothing made sense but luckily some really nice goth girls come and help me and sit with me as I rang Rose, telling her what happened.
> After 30 mins or so Rose gets to me, thanks the bystanders who helped me and gets me to tell her what happened.
> She is furious and says "Once we get to the hotel room, we are calling the police and you are not gonna be left on your own for the rest of the weekend is that clear?"
> Usually I;d fight that but I was so shooken up I just hugged her and cried all the way back to the hotel.


>> No.7150797

> We get back to see Poppy and Tulip on the bed worried like crazy. They sit me down and Rose tells them what happened.
> Poppy is mega concerned but Poppy is really kind and smiles to me "Hey how about I go to the shop, get some hot coco and we'll sit and eat cookies til we're fat?"
> Poppy always did this whenever she saw I was said and it always cheered me up.
> Rose said she'd go with her but Poppy said "We'd draw too much attention in our costumes, stay with Tulip and Daisy (random name for myself) I won't be long" she left the keycard, since we only had one and left her too it.

I wish I had gone with her, I really did.

> After awhile of being cheered up I take my cloths off and try to wash the white out. Luckily the face paint comes off but my dress is soaked. I place on a simple black BTSSB co-ord (all my cloths were black) and sit on the bed with Tulip.
> An hour had passed and Poppy was no where to be seen and would not answer her mobile. Rose had gone to look for her.
> After awhile we herd a knock at the door "Finally!" Tulip goes to the door and shouts "What the fuck are you doing here?!"
> A knot in my stomach I look to see Flipper with a bouquet of flowers "Listen, I want to say sorry to Daisy-"
"You damn right you do but you like fuck are getting in here!" Tulip said, making a stance.
> No please, you don't understand" he said this story of how he had an ex gf who died a year ago and apparently I looked just like her, the day before she died she left him and he flipped because I reminded him of her.
> We don't believe his story for a second but he forced Tulip to take the flowers and leaves.
> Weirded out, we sat together with the door locked and tossed the flowers in the bin.


>> No.7150802

Ok so how did they know your hotel room no.?

>> No.7150806

> No sign of Poppy or Rose, it makes us worry really badly but after 30 minutes we hear another knock, a frantic one.
> Tulip opens to door to see Rose charging in carrying Poppy piggy back style on back, crying her eyes out.
> She sat poppy in the shower, who still won't stop crying and turns on the cold water.
> She tell Tulip to sit with Poppy and hold her up as she called an ambulance.
> I sat confused as fuck, asking what happened but Rose is too busy to tell me so i go to the bathroom to ask Poppy.

Poppy Event;
> Poppy had left the hotel to go to the coffee shop down the road. Once inside bought some things for hot chocolate and sweets to take back to the room.
> Her total spies cat suit was too hot for her burns, so she had unzipped the top and let the top sit around her waste with her vest top on.
> After she bought everything she went to leave but had forgotten to get milk and hen she went back to the shop they had none.
> On her way out she bumped into Bosh.
> She was kind and chatted with his as she walked to the hotel, he even offered to carry her bags but she said no.
> When they got back to the hotel she ordered a jug of hot water and a jug of milk for our room, Bosh offered to carry them for her up to the room and she let him. They took the stairs.
> However on the stairs he started talking to her asking if she was actually gay.
> She said "Yes and I have been for some time now, funny you should say that because me and Rose are planning to get married one day"
> He then stormed in front of her on the stairs and demanded that she left Rose, that being gay was an illness and a sin, and that they should be together to fix the illness.
>Poppy laughed thinking it was a joke and walked past him saying "Oh don't be silly, there is nothing wrong with you or me and Rose is the love of my life, so lets go make some hot coco and have a nice evening huh?"
> But as she walked passed him, all that followed was agony.


>> No.7150816

Id assume they were on the same floor and they saw them go in and out possibly.

>> No.7150822

I'll get to that shortly.


> His rage of her turning him down like that made his scream at her, calling her a dyke and lots of other nasty names and before she could stop him, he turned and flung the hot water all over her back.
> He laughed as she screamed in such pain then poured the milk over her head and ran away.
> Apparently she'd been there some time and was only found because Rose decided to check the stair well. We do not know why no one found her sooner, but before long the police came to our room and took our statements, as well as taking Poppy to A&E

> Hours had passed before we got back to the hotel room but Tulip had this strange feeling we had been followed all night.
> She wasn't wrong either, lifting my mirror up I spotted Bosh hiding down the street. We have no idea how long he'd been there or how long he'd followed us but we laid a trap.
> I decided to sit on my own outside for a few moments and for some reason it worked. Bosh came over behind me, he seemed casual and sat besides me to talk to me.
> I smiled and acted innocent, saying how Poppy was found hurt but we know nothing yet.
> Before he could even speak Tulip and Rose tackled him to the payment and Rose punch him in the face at least 6 times.
>Once he was pinned Rose held his arm as Tulip grabbed her phone to film what eh had to say.
> He admitted the whole thing, blaming Poppy and saying he didn't want her to die of sin for being a dyke. He'd followed us, even to our room the first time in the 2nd elevator because he wanted to fixed her soul.
> What a fucking nut job.
> The police came and he was arrested.

Weeks later he was put into prison for 6 months for what he did to Poppy as it was luckily caught on camera. This pissed me off because if the guy was in the security room he could have fucking helped her but she's fine now


>> No.7150825

This irony.

>Gets sent to prison
I can only imagine this pasty white kid being celled up with some huge ass nigger that says "Ima make you a faggot"

>> No.7150827

This didn't happen, you would have called the cops.


>> No.7150833

> We spent the rest of the weekend til Tuesday mainly in the hotel room, never opening the door to knockers but it ended up being a very loving amount of time together.
> We never found Flipper for what he did to me but after that I never went to a con again.
> As we left on the Tuesday however it had forced a huge change in Rose.
> Rose was always caring but now she was overly caring and extra loving to Poppy, not leaving her side for a second.
> As we packed to drive home, Rose left for an hour to pick something up.
> When she got back we were all waiting in the lobby for for, when suddenly Rose went to Poppy, fell on one knee and asked her to marry her.
> It was the most sweetest moment ever and Obviously Poppy said yes. After what happened Rose said she realized she never wanted to leave Poppies side! Ever! And would have died if something happened to her.
> In an odd way, we left in high spirits and the year later we went back to MCM. Never saw Flipper and Bosh again (apart from at the trail of course)

Poppy and Rose got married 7 months ago and Poppy is now 4 months pregnant from a surrogate man type thing. After that event I stopped wearing lolita and went plain goth. Tulip still hangs with us but rarely goes to cons with us now. We don't know what happened to Bosh after his sentence, but we had a restraining order again him regardless and Poppy HAD a permanent scar on her back but she got it tattooed over some time ago.

That's all folks.

>> No.7150834

Read on, the police were called.

>> No.7150839


> She tell Tulip to sit with Poppy and hold her up as she called an ambulance.

>> No.7150840


dayum, that's cute as shit

>> No.7150842

He was a pasty fat land whale. I was more shocked he pretended to be gay to get with her or CLAIMED to fix both their gay with his penis.

>> No.7150845

They make a cute couple like, I am so happy things turned out well for them. For awhile I feared what happened might tear them apart but instead made them stronger.

I haven't been in a relationship as of yet, I'm just not interested but if I ever do fall in love i hopes its gonna be as sweet at them.

>> No.7150848

>> Apparently she'd been there some time and was only found because Rose decided to check the stair well. We do not know why no one found her sooner, but before long the police came to our room and took our statements, as well as taking Poppy to A&E

>> No.7150850

Pics of said tattoo?

>> No.7150893


Who were you cosplaying as? I know that me and my buddy (That big black photographer snapping away at the very front) were at the Saturday panel and were armed...

>> No.7150943

What school is it because I saw this the other day too.

>> No.7151049
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>He'd do things like stand in the rain and then look at me, or say that the overwhelming dark abyss had taken him, and there was no going back.

>> No.7151111
File: 2.42 MB, 1005x3000, Flipper, Bosh and the Flowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7151114

> She also then explains the rules of getting changed in the bathroom and explains about Poppies burns.
> Her total spies cat suit was too hot for her burns, so she had unzipped the top and let the top sit around her waste with her vest top on.

Wait, what were the burns before he attacked her about?

>> No.7151125
File: 2 KB, 63x125, what am i reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, here we go!
This is actually from when I was in High School.
>Be me, first year of High school.
>Into anime, like hetalia.
>In my my P.E. class there was a guy who wore a commissioned Italy cosplay on the 2nd day.
>Chat him up, he seems pretty cool.
>At lunch he leads me over to a MASSIVE group of Hetalia fans. (Our high school was the artsy/geek school of the district, so we have a lot of weebs, geeks, and freaks.)
>Get antiquated with them, a few girls stand out. They all become my friends, including one in particular.
>Short, Redhead, freshman but looks much younger. I.E. generic loli.
>Long story short, after leaving the hetalians after dealing with there yaoi shit, I'm just friends with the girls I mentioned.
>We'll call Loli girl G.
>Pretty cute, but for some reason an outcast, even among the other anime fangirls. One of my friends said she was Really annoying.
>Decide to invite her over to the table me and my other friends sit at.
>Their we become bigger friends, and she mets my other friend, H.
>She says that they're in a relationship now, he sorta just rolls with it.
Here's were shit started to get weird.
>She claims to be a 'sadistic mistress'.
>Gropes H in public (He's a dude by the way.) and complains about how he has bigger breasts then her and discusses what sort of dresses he'd look good in, how nice of a sub he'd be, etc. (This guy is like 6'1 and really skinny by the way.)
>He's not resisting or complaining to her.
>He actually dislikes this
V uwotm8.gif

Will continue story tomorrow.

>> No.7151130

An accident with hot water.

>> No.7151144
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>mfw this thread

Holy shit, I can't help but wonder why anime seems to attract people that are so... unhinged. God damn. This'll show me for leaving /k/.

>> No.7151167


Bad luck, I would stay away from hot water if I were her.

>> No.7151193

So Bosh is gay which was his excuse to stay in the room but he doesn't think Rose and Poppy being together is okay? I know most horror stories are fake but holy shit this one is so bad it takes the cake.

>> No.7151196

>Has narcolepsy
>Won't go to a con because of the condition and instead goes to a coffee place and sleeps
>Goes to a club that night as if that's better than a con

>> No.7151199

Yeah... Some of these fake stories are too fake. Convenient how they all have a smelly, obnoxious landwhale that is getting between them and their perfect waifu.

>> No.7151250

what the fuck... Uh ok...

>> No.7151279

Not a long story, but painful.
I wear glasses. My prescription is too strong for contacts, which means I also have a lot of trouble seeing anything without my glasses.
So I cosplayed Applejack from MLP one year. Not a perfect cosplay but I actually put good effort into it. And I've got my glasses on with my cosplay.
So I decide to go to a small brony meetup thing at the con, figuring it might be fun to hang out with other brony cosplayers (this was before I realized how ridiculous bronies could get)
It's actually kind of fun for a bit. I take pictures with people and it's not bad.
Then Broni Friendzoni walks in.
He's a fat neckbeard dick in a really shitty cheap Rainbow Dash cosplay thing and actually carrying around one of those anime girl pillows. A really fucking graphic one. Naked 8 year old crying. It looked like he brought it from home.
So he walks in and starts critiquing everyone, insulting everything he can.
then he comes up to me, tells me i'm too fat to cosplay AJ, then gets pissed that I'm wearing glasses.
So he fucking takes them off my face and breaks them in half before I can even react.
Someone went and got security and he got banned. Turns out he had been pulling asshole shit like that all day, grabbing people's props and breaking shit.

tl;dr Broni Friendzoni pedophile breaks my glasses because they weren't accurate to my Applejack cosplay

>> No.7151309

>junior in high school
>have a group of friends that I go to local cons with
>most of said group is in the school anime club
>I expressly avoid the club due to some of the horror stories they tell me
>mainly just attend group events like parties and trips as an outside friend
>club decides to go to a local haunted house for Halloween
>the choice was between going to that or going to a party hosted by a guy I really hated
>in hindsight, should have gone to the party, maybe gotten some (doubt it, pretty skinnyfat, at least I would've gotten wasted)
>choose to go to haunted house cuz I'd been a couple times before and it was pretty awesome
>meet up night before Halloween
>everyone's in cosplay
>I'm in as low-effort a cosplay as possible to avoid attention (in other words, I was L)
>one girl, physically a 6 or 7, not bad, little chubby around the edges but I'm kinda into that, goes as Misa
>don't really pay much attention to her, but she immediately noticed my outfit and got excited
>talked to me about Shonen Jump shit for the entire time we were in line
>finally get in the house
>she stays close to me the entire time
>bring my best friend who is also vp of the anime club along so that I'm not alone with this chick, who's starting to freak me out a bit
>she springs at me every time something scary pops out, clutches my arm
>near the end of the house, I plan on ditching with my friend so that I don't have to deal with her
>we successfully lose her in a hall of mirrors
>finally get out of the house
>she's nowhere to be seen
>"she's probably already over at the cars, let's go, everyone else is waiting"
>we return to the parking lot
>still nowhere to be seen
>go to enter my van
>she pops out with a knife brandished
>an actual fucking knife
>almost punch her out of reflex, brush her away instead
>get in van, friend's already inside, so we get the fuck outta there
>don't go on outings again

>> No.7151313

Having just paid out the nose for a new pair of glasses (isn't it great how the worse your eyes get the more they charge you?) reading this made me so mad. I hope you could at least tape them together until you got another pair.

>> No.7151321

Either you make these stories up or you seriously need to grow backbones all these fucking stories are basically i feel bad for a complete stranger ill trust them with my shit. NO fuck that. thats fucking Darwin award thinking right there. FUCKING SHIT.

>> No.7151337

I was stalked by a fat marceline once for dressing as princess bubblegum. She kept trying to get us to kiss infront of the camera. It was awful.

>> No.7151339
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I will never attend a con without at least a couple of bros and a taser

>> No.7151341

I think you were looking for 'acquainted'.

Other than that G seems pretty cool, you should hook us up!

>He actually dislikes this
is fucking confusing me. Are you sure he dislikes it? I mean I could totally get into it, but not against my will...

>> No.7151369
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dude, facebook this "Clover" sounds like she digs you, just make sure to see her outside of anything convention related

>> No.7151391
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men in general have personal boundaries, that other men usually adhere to unspokenly.

women seem to grope, perv and molest eachother regardless of what the other feels, this is why you always see them go in groups to toilets and change rooms.

in closing, hamplanets and their smaller weeb compadres are inherently more prone to molesting the unsuspecting civilian.

>> No.7151392

amen to that.

>"Boyfriend? I ,like, missed and you and stuff and, like, made out with this guy at the mall. Sorry it, like, wont happen again."

>> No.7151405

Don't use letter names.

>> No.7151550
File: 31 KB, 598x472, all of the fuck this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not showing proper /k/ response to this thread

>> No.7151554
File: 404 KB, 245x153, rage no limit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have better than 20/20 vision and this...

I probably would have literally tried to kill him.

Thank you for killing any urge I ever had to attend a con.

>> No.7151569

As someone who also has a high prescription, and was unable to get contacts for years, if this would have happened to me, it would have ended in physical violence. Not even exaggerating. I would not be able to resist the urge to beat the shit out of him.

My glasses have routinely cost anywhere from 400-600$ just because of the lenses.

Someone like that needs to be removed from society and institutionalized.

Also, I used to be unable to get contacts. The only lenses available were the gas permiable which hurt like hell. The technology has come a long way and now they make soft lenses for high prescriptions. I had to go to an independent doctor to get them though. Chains like Lenscrafters are awful with high prescriptions.

>> No.7151596

because he couldn't have possibly lied about it to be accepted into a room of girls.

>> No.7151617

Yeah, I would have punched him in the dick.

>> No.7151696


>> No.7151782

First time in this board... Why are you people so fucking weird/naive/stupid/ and hang out with this very same kind of people?

>> No.7151798

Because it makes for great stories, anon, obviously.

>> No.7151800

At least half of the people here were raped, almost raped or raped someone themselves.

get your shit together, people. Some fucking medicine, this is too much degeneracy

>> No.7151839
File: 188 KB, 3500x4143, free me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that every weird-ass weabboo guy is 6' 5" and 45 pounds and every weeaboo girl is 3' 2" and 300 pounds?

>> No.7151846
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welcome to /CGL/ where everyone is almost raped and the stories are made up and dont matter.

>> No.7151849
File: 72 KB, 400x400, Happy browsing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey don't ruin the magic! You just gotta believe!

>> No.7151850

People are like "should I tell this person to leave me alone?" and then they weigh up the trauma vs. attention and also "will this make a good story for cgl?"

>> No.7151853

Who cares if it's made up, it's still entertaining to read. Keep them coming.

>> No.7151856

i read these hoping they are real because every person that has a shitty con causes it themselves most stories follow a pattern.

> meet person at con
> person seems weird but i dont say anything cant hurt feelings
> try and leave person at hall to go do things person follows
> smile and tell person they dont need to follow
> person guilt trips me into letting them back to my room
> person who is 4 times your height or strength or both pin you down and try and rape
> you laugh and somehow old off rape
> hold person down for hours instead of calling cops
> friends tell you to call cops as person flees the scene
> person comes back crazier than ever yet feel bad cuz he guilt tripped you before attempted rape
> everyone starts crying and doesnt call cops or security and lets themselves get molested
> Run home crying wait 3 months then post on 4chan
> dont use names cuz rape might happen again

this is basic /CGL/ con horror stories get written. either you broads are dumb as fuck and believe shit strangers tell you or you want attention and let shitty things happen to you. but more than likely these stories never happen.

this post should be stickied so future generations of seagulls know how to write their own con horror story.

>> No.7151861

This thread only showed me that rape is not that big of a deal.
Now that I know this, my life will certainly change.

>> No.7151863

Nothing bad has every really happened to me, 'cause I've never let anyone fuck with me. My best friend however...she's never really been that lucky.

The first time she cosplay Dave at Ikki-con wasn't that bad minus some annoying homesuckers yelling to join their group and I had to tag along 'cause I don't like being alone at cons. That was pretty much it though.

The second time though she cosplayed Dave and her girlfriend was some other homestuck character that was popularly shipped together at A-Kon. They were holding hands when we were walking around and just happened to be spotted by the homestuck group sitting outside.

The hugest girl I've ever seen walks up to my best friend. "OMG DAVE I LOVE YOU. OMG Y'ALL ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER," she screams as she gives my best friend a nasty bear hug. Then big girl's friend who ran up along with her starts rubbing her hands over my friend's girlfriend's face.

After that, my best friend stopped cosplaying from homestuck. (thank god)

>> No.7151867

She deserved it think about it she cosplayed Homestuck they are literally the worst.

>> No.7151873

Someone's got their bloomers in a bunch. Why do you even care?

>> No.7151874

I agree with this. I don't read these for "realism," I read them to be horrified and entertained. I don't know why people make such a big deal over things being "fake."

>> No.7151876

Yeah seriously. Saying "Can you stop doing that?" straight up when something first happens avoids all this shit.

It annoys me the blasé way 'rape' is said in these threads.

>> No.7151878


>> No.7151881

Yeah. Thank god she is done with homestuck.

She is getting me to cosplay Dmmd with her to Ikkicon this year though. I'm not sure how popular the fandom is but all I'm sure it won't be as bad as homestuck fans.

>> No.7151884

>He was also looking for me to hit him but I kinda just ran into the bathroom and cried a lot
Why the hell did you hang out with him then if you cried a lot? I will never understand women.

>> No.7151887

/k/ommando here,
I only came here to brainstorm for my Halloween costume, and I can see that I should be happy I wasn't in the anime group during high school. I thought I was unlucky because I kept hanging out with the "real ATL gangsta niggas! Nix nod!" Instead of people who wouldn't get me into trouble. It turns out that you animu-luvers4lyf had way more drama during high school.
I'm going to snuggle with my qt3.14 ak47 waifu, so that I can contemplate some of the shit I've just read.

>> No.7151901
File: 337 KB, 640x800, 1381683887212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey fellow /k/ommando i got into cosplay and avoided the animu groups in school. its fucking horrid. these stories just show that these fuckers dont know what the hell having a backbone is. stay frosty

>> No.7151949
File: 343 KB, 700x715, ak47wifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice waifu!

>> No.7151955

you have a quality waifu sir. Although Sig-chan is my personal fav

>> No.7151998

>Posts AK-74


>> No.7152109

Oh my God I'm not even done with this yet and I'm dying.

>> No.7152112
File: 113 KB, 471x490, tumblr_inline_mkvc8vb3jj1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job anon

>> No.7152140

one time i was cosplaying rikka at a con and i met a neckbeard type who smelled kind of bad and had a cat tail and he took pictures of me because his friend's waifu is rikka

but he was actually pretty cool and obviously more interested in 2d girls. not every neckbeard is a total creeper some are just neckbeards

this story has no point i'm sorry

>> No.7152257
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Not a horror story, but rather a weird occurrence. I'm a facebook member of my uni's anime club even though I don't even attend the meetings (I usually work during the meeting time), and I remember seeing seeing a pudgy guy with furry black cat ears among the other members' profiles. I didn't think much of it until I actually saw the guy in person at a restaurant. And yes, he wore those ears in public.

>> No.7152259

what the actual fuck, woman.

>> No.7152320

oh boohoo their face was touched and they got a hug cry me a damn river

>> No.7152396
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Yes, he told me he dislikes it.
>This continues for quite some time
>I can see why people say she's annoying.
>Loud, brash, critiques everyone, annoying voice.
>Always overacts shit, like life is an anime.
>Occasionally 'Baka Chops' people without reason. (She gets mad if it's done to her.)
>Because I'm a significant amount taller then her, she takes to calling me 'Midget giant.'
>Will say this out loud in public like it's my real name.
>the spaghetti is strong with this one
>So anyways, people are starting to get irate with how badly she is treating H.
>Says he's more like a girl then a guy.
>Super clingy
>Wants him to be a slave boy
>critiques him on mundane shit
>Eventually there's a big blowout at the table, the one other couple gets in a fight with G.
>Many things are said by here that lower my opinion of her.
>She's made to leave our table.

This is pretty much the end of freshmen year now.

>> No.7152447

oh god that sounds just like a guy in my club. Are you from Davis perchance?

>> No.7152454


/v/ here I am almost mildly happy our medium went main stream after reading this shit. Why does anime make people go crazy?

>> No.7152465
File: 102 KB, 600x750, boku_no_pico_by_biscutbuu-d5ja2xp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correlation is not causation
loner-types tend to be attracted to anime, thus the wierdness and the wacky culture.

>> No.7152471

>>Short, Redhead, freshman but looks much younger. I.E. generic loli.

Well if you don't want her, I want her!

>> No.7152803

I've been going to conventions for a long time, never had any horror stories. The only things that seem consistent with most anime fans I meet are severe levels of autism, social anxiety, poor fashion sense, and an inability to control the volume of their voice.

Sometimes all of them at once.

I think the trick is to never be afraid to cut your losses and run. Of course...that doesn't really result in funny stories.

>> No.7153693

>nobody believes it when you say "I swear we're not all like that."
this is the reason why i rarely wear homestuck cosplays to conventions anymore. it's just usually not worth it.

>> No.7153905

Turns out most seagulls are actually the same "white people" you'll find in horror movies.

>> No.7153915

Why would the Aerith cosplay picture be /a/? Final Fantasy VII isn't an anime...

sage because it's just a dumb macro

>> No.7153954

Is no one going to point out the fact that the blue paint incident in this story is a direct copy of the old "Harriet the Spy" movie on Nickelodeon?

>> No.7154086

hahaha yeah... well i guess seagulls days are numbered if thats their thought process

How bout a fuck you. bumpin cuz you are a dumb macro

>> No.7154202

No more stories?

>> No.7155343

he was a senior and you were a freshman but you had classes together. okay.

>> No.7155349

Electives...? I had people from all grades in my art and theater classes, and academic classes that weren't in general ed like calculus and specific-subject history and science classes.

>> No.7155395

or academic classes could have multiple grades. if you're taking a higher level.

>> No.7155403
File: 14 KB, 320x320, 1313192089468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys have more, don't keep them to yourselves.

>> No.7155412

They're all scared off by the "this is fake!!!!!! >:^(" party poopers.

I thought we already went over this, you faggots. Artistic works of fiction, etc, only a fool would take what is posted here as fact.

>> No.7155461

My high school classes also offered the option of taking mixed classes, for history and science. Math and English were progressive so you had to take them in order, but everything else cold be taken at any grade.

>> No.7155476

wasn't this one confirmed fake?

>> No.7155482

See >>7155412
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.7155502


My school had a bunch of weird electives you could take for any given course (e.g. you could take easier, more specialised classes like astronomy and horticulture if your strong area wasn't science). It wouldn't be uncommon to see a freshie who thought they loved astronomy and didn't know that this was a very watery version of true astronomy, and a senior who was just looking to get his credits in the same core class.

>> No.7155541

Yes but interesting to read so who the fuck cares?

>> No.7155554

>be me
>go to anime con dressed as kawasushi tayosura from monakachi mon kagumo or some fuckin shit i dunno lol
>fuckin fat chick dressed as female anim big titty walks up to me
>I tell her I'm gay
>she rapes me
>wa;l the inaoe> D
>II ALDL vthe bocsks
>slep a marrts hojse

lpl ghag was fnny nit4 i typ captha like twemty tiw4 ;p;

>> No.7155780

Ive really only had a few instances of people being touchy feely, or saying inappropriate things to me. Im not as shy as I used to be so Ive been able to stop those things, or my girlfriend will react quicker than me because sometimes im just stupid and slow and its not a huge deal to me.
I think the real horror stories come from becoming friends with someone whose basically sane on all levels, but eventually starts to show that they're drama mongers. People like Heaven or Charms.

>> No.7156268

It explains near the end he lied about his sexuality.

>> No.7156280

One of the few stories that seem to involve the cops.WTF con goers, why you no stop that shit?

>> No.7156299


>> No.7156323
File: 15 KB, 553x351, wtf-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, I'll give it to you. You know you want it.

> J con 2012
> I'm male, Chinese, tall. Go to con with girlfriend, Thai, small. Don't know what a con is.
> Girlfriend asks me to cosplay with her.
> Since I have long hair, we agree to cosplay characters from Helsing. She cosplays young Lady Helsing, I cosplay just-escaped-from-prison-scray-nigga-ass Alucard. Since I'm tall and she's sort, it work out well.
> Gf good at costumes, made both, really good quality.
> Get to con 2 hours early, bored as shit but gf makes me wait in line so she can get us breakfast. Fair trade.
> As I wait, I lean against wall with my arms crossed, eyes shut. When I open then see a group of landwhales and weebs staring at me weirdly.
> Ignore it as gf gets back with coffie.
> Once inside my gf drags me around and buys tons of shit. I carry everything but get a break when she meets some friends.
> Happily sit "forever alone" in a corner somewhere and relax.
> Feels good man.
> Fall asleep.
> Feel someone hugging me, assume its gf and put arms around her. Gf is suddenly fat, sweaty and apparently her ass is consuming my leg.
> Open eyes to see fat land whale in a blue school girl cosplay with her raggy wig loosely on top of her head. Giggles at me and says "Good afternoon my prince"
> Stand up. Fling that land whale off me.
> Bitch falls on floor and fake cries "Why has sempai forsaken me?!"
> Confused as fuck I turn to grab my bags.
> Fellow land in pink with giant bells on her head grabs my bags and runs off with them.
> I stand there. I don't move. Did the only thing I can think of.
> Point at run away land whale then beckon her back with my finger.
> SHIT FUCKER IT WORKS. Land whale comes back and gives me my bags.
> Both whale at my feet, on their knees start calling me master.
> I make some excuse and bail.
> Hunt for gf. No where to be seen when I suddenly realize a horrid smell of period pussy.


>> No.7156344
File: 85 KB, 887x1098, 9f9fa9_3086599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Look down, black pvc pants. Touch wet stain on leg. Gooey balls/clumps of period blood all over my leg from landwhale.
> Nearly vom.
> Find bathroom, scrub my leg. I had no change of cloths so I locked myself in the disabled toilet and take that shit off to scrub like mad.
> Grab mobile, call gf.
> "Bitch where the fuck are you?"
> "Bitch I'm in gaming, why?"
> "Land whale period blood on pants, in disabled toilet near chairs, save me"
> Never knew my gf could run that fast. Comes inside toilet, helps me clean up. Tell her the tail.
> Weirded out, we stay together.
> Walk around con, holding her hand. Pestered for photos but since gf wants them I don't complain.
> Since she's small I could pick her up on my shoulder and pose with her for a few moment with her sitting on my arm/shoulder.
> Good photos. Do this a few times.
> As we pose, spot blue landwhale with a red face of anger with gf on shoulder.
> She charges over and tries to push us over. Ends up with gf falling down me with arms around neck. Ended up looking really cool. Photo taken. GF smiling. Gon get laid tonight.
> put her down to get serious.
> Shout at land whale about this and pants.
> Replies "But Alucard-sama love juicy girl blood" both nearly vom, tries to grab my waist.
> Gf gets mad, tells her to fuck off.
> Pink bell landwhale gets catty, tries to grab gf's wig.
> Gf steps out of the way and landwhale falls into dealer table.
> NO UNDERWEAR, SAW EVERYTHING. Level of cottage cheese is strong with this one. Everyone nearly pukes.
> Landwhales run off crying, saying they'll get us banned and they are friends with con manager.
> We laugh.

> Get changed back at hotel. No land whales, no cottage cheese, no clumps of pussy blood, no issues.
> Spend day with gf, in full Alucard and Helsing cosplays.
> Get laid. Gf loves me. Worth the trip.
> Terrified of landwhales.
> Never go to a con again.
> Return to being Asian.


>> No.7156366


my life improved greatly when I just started doing private shoots with friends for all my homestuck needs. fuck homestuck con kids.

>> No.7156388

I'm not entirely sure why my sides are not attached to my body but they are. I love you anon.

>> No.7157147


>Moral of the story is stay away from fat chicks.

God damn literal words to live by. My ex was a pretty porky girls and fuck is she the biggest bitch on the whole planet.

>> No.7157179

Yeah sorry anon, your gf should have warned you that Hellsing attracts all the crazy bitches. I wore a Young Integra cosplay once to a Halloween party for anime club back in school and spent the rest of the year being called mistress by a gaggle of psychos.

>> No.7157191

>I get a special personalized goodnight from her that I'm sure freaks everyone else out, too.
What was it? What did she say/do?

>> No.7157201
File: 145 KB, 488x511, 1370744620653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Why has sempai forsaken me?!"

>> No.7157207

i am sad for you =[

>> No.7157212

> tfw I'm a normal, well-adjusted Ashley
I feel your pain.

>> No.7157213


Man I would have loved to see this. Specially since I live so close.

>> No.7157217
File: 3 KB, 125x109, 1375946670227s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Hunt for gf. No where to be seen when I suddenly realize a horrid smell of period pussy.

ahahahha. as if it wasn't bad enough already.

>> No.7157314


Lets hope none of these guys run into a serial killer. They're all like that one guy from the horror movie who is all "Hey, what was that noise over there in that dark room? I'll go and check it out on my own, a herp-a-derp-a-doo"

>> No.7157318

I know drama is not allowed, but this is web related.
Ashley finally fucking shaved. eyebrows. stache. whole schebang.

>> No.7157319

*weeb related

>> No.7157326


>> No.7157330

are you going to youmacon? youma is pretty sweet, idk ive never really encountered too many weebs there.

>> No.7157340

http ://asherbeeproductions.deviantart.com/

>> No.7157346
File: 53 KB, 622x960, 988528_680942938598080_148908579_n_by_asherbeeproductions-d6apf24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my God, why? Her eyebrows weren't bad before. Why do this? It looks awful.

>> No.7157350

>Her eyebrows weren't bad before

>> No.7157357

Are you crazy? This is better than what was going on before.
>Her eyebrows weren't bad before.
No seriously are you crazy

>> No.7157424

seagulls mercilessly berated her about it, are you new?

>> No.7157427

not really new, but I hadn't stumbled upon her deviant art. If this is old news, sorry, sorry

>> No.7157430

>7th grade
>girl (i'll call her M) transferred into my school
>complete weeb, loved vocaloid and tokyo mew mew
>was slightly hambeast-y, wore ugly long dresses and even a fucking cape to school
>told everyone her aunt was in the british royal family, she had lived in japan and went to an art academy there, etc.
>sat next to M in choir
>felt sorry for her
>I had a copy of tokyo mew mew a la mode or w/e that some family friends got me for Christmas a while back
>asked if she wanted it
>"YES!!!! Arigato, anon-chan!! ^^"
>went home and looked for manga, couldn't find it
>next day told her I couldn't find it
>"Nani??? Look harder!!"
>still couldn't fucking find it (it was actually in an old suitcase in the back of my closet, found it last year)
>"B-baka!! Now I'll never have all the precious mew mew..."
>homeschooled the next year, saw her halfway through freshman year of high school and then she moved
>saw her at a con last summer
>she was cosplaying genderbent karkat >started lying on the ground and she got grey paint everywhere
>apparently she's locally infamous now because she used house paint on her body for her troll cosplays
Christ almighty

>> No.7157480

I know you guys like these stories and all, and I'd been meaning to get mine on here, so I'll try and get it on here later tonight if I can actually bring myself to do it.

It's been forever since the incident happened, so hopefully now I can deal with telling the story. You guys will be my practice.

>> No.7157711
File: 88 KB, 500x354, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of a convention horror story than a weeaboo, but here goes.

>be dating a girl
>ask her if she wants to go to a local con coming up in a few months, she says yes
>buy her pass
>we break up about two months before the con, but remain friends, albeit distantly
>con rolls around, I invite her to come since I already have the ticket and she's been going through a rough patch with work and family problems
>decides she wants to skip the first day
>shows up on the second day acting wierd
>miss the bulk of a big photoshoot with friends so she can visit a palm reader
>catch up with a few friends later, she insists on joining in and posing in the photos with them even though she's not in costume
>she starts trying to set me up with a friend of mine even though that friend is already in a committed relationship that's been going on long before I've even known her
>proceeds to cockblock me (albeit unintentionally) with another girl I was into
>have to leave early with her because she got drunk and wants to go eat somewhere on the other side of the city
>the next day, she tells me she's on her way and asks me to meet her outside of the registration area
>somehow manages to get lost despite having been to the area the previous night and having gps.
>end up completely missing a another meetup because she's late
>try to show her around and take her to things she might be interested, only to have her clam up when we get to the main convention area
>turns out she has a phobia of large crowds
>immediately leave and go to a restaurant where she just sits and checks her phone for most of an hour
>she finally manages to find an area thin enough for her liking and we make our way to artist alley where we dawdle for about two hours doing next to nothing
>a little while later, we find a panel she's interested in
>after a few minutes, she goes from asking questions to answering them along with the panel, even disputing opinions and facts with the hosts. (Cont.)

>> No.7157717
File: 74 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after the panel, we go to a con party my friend is hosting
>she makes minimal effort at socializing, sits and drinks in the corner
>occasionally looks up and stares daggers at me whenever I talk to my friend she tried to set me up with the night before
>suddenly announces an hour in that she has to go
>walk her back to her car and see her off
>feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders

>> No.7157727

After reading like three (new) stories, I'm still baffled that you guys will just share rooms with strangers and/or just let shit continuously happen.

>> No.7157742

I assume you never had the hope that if someone began to act out of order, that they would stop. Or have a unforunate event occur where you're just not sure how to respond. Also, consider that many of these stories are of weebs. Weebs are not always known to be the type to stand up for themselves, instead they rather just take the abuse, since most (as discussed before a long time ago) would rather to take "the high road"/do nothing because its not worth it.

>> No.7157747

Wanted to elaborate a bit more, weebs, I'm sure youve seen in highschool, are usually made fun of by the incrowd/jocks/hoodrats. Its abuse that many of us have learned to take.

>> No.7157750

>hope they would stop
Experience has taught me better
>not sure how to respond
I'll give you that

>> No.7157791

Nice to see she's just as terrible at art as she's always been.

>> No.7157957
File: 103 KB, 400x225, you&#039;re a sociopath.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'll bust this one out.
>Be like 14
>Go to a con with best friend, let's call her Usagi
>Usagi makes friends with a 17-year-old kid, who we'll call Nezumi (in keeping up with our weeaby animal theme)
>We talk a bit, and Nezumi seems pretty cool
>We go up to my hotel room so I can change
>He starts looking through my suitcase and telling me what I should wear
>Ignore it because I'm used to awkward weeaboos, and otherwise he still seems decent
>Get into a huge bitchfight with Usagi later that day
>So much crying
>Hang out with Nezumi at the rave that night
>He tries to make-out with me, but I semi-successfully deflect it
>Let him come up to my room to hang out because I'm staying with a bunch of other people, and because I'm an ugly 14-year-old who is not accustomed to male attention
>He way overstays his welcome not-so-subtley trying to get me to bang him, and my friends finally kick him out at around 5 AM
>Usagi and I meet up in the afternoon the next day to talk shit out
>I tell her I don't want to be friends with her anymore
>After I say this, she tells me that earlier that day, she went up to Nezumi's hotel room
>I don't know the whole story, but essentially, he attempted to rape her
>Despite my anger towards Usagi, I am FURIOUS about this
>Call Nezumi up very calmly, acting like nothing is wrong
>Ask to meet near the dealer's room
>As soon as I see him, I lose all composure
>Punch him in the gut multiple times while screaming:
>Immediately regain composure because I'm shell-shocked, and because I am drawing a lot of attention to us
>Nezumi insists he didn't do anything wrong
>I want to believe him even though I don't, so I cool down for a moment
>Walk away from Nezumi
>Walk away from Usagi
>I shouldn't have walked away from Usagi
>Break down in the dealer's room after meeting up with other friends
>Never really attempt to help Usagi with what happened
>I am a terrible person
>tfw you are your own horror story

>> No.7158266
File: 8 KB, 247x200, DEAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>house paint

wat even

>> No.7158291

>added to my list

>> No.7158307


>Be 15
>Meet girl at volunteer job during the summer
>Both like anime
>Become friends
>Sleep over at her house a few times
>All she wants to do is write fanfiction
>Boring self-inserts, do not enjoy writing these shit stories, she refuses to write and makes me do it
>Too naive for my own good
>Manipulates me into buying her 'early Christmas presents' and 'two-part birthday presents'
>Too much of a doormat to say no

>Things get creepy really fast
>On the phone talking about nothing for 1.5 hours
>Gets angry when I want to hang up
>Constantly telling me about incest yaoi fanfic/ other yaoi porn
>Many sob stories about how other kids are mean to her at school
>Naively feel sorry for her
>Over time she gets more and more intolerable and aggressive
>Stop answering her calls
>Eventually the calls stop

>1 year later, at 11 pm, the doorbell rings
>Who the fuck
>There's weeb former friend
>Apparently her family kicked her out of the house for something she did, then she stayed with friends for a while, but they kicked her out, too
>Not that surprising
>"I have nowhere to go, anon, can I sleep here for the night?"
>Don't want to let her stay over, but feel responsible if she gets into trouble on the street
>She smells like a sewer, probably hasn't showered for a week; makes the guest bed smell like a sewer
>Next day my dad drives her to school
>She tries to manipulate him into giving her money for food, he refuses
>He drops her off at school, has a talk with the principal
>Apparently she is a sociopath, of the freeloading sort
>Everything now makes sense
>See her a few times on the bus, then never again
>Thank fucking God

>> No.7158318

I know a girl named Quinn. She's a hambeast.

>> No.7158319

That is so disgusting. I can't believe that these people actually exist.

>> No.7158329


this story sounds fake as fuck, or at least HIGHLY exaggerated. there's always these outlandish "omg gross period blood" stories but how likely do you think it is that the bitch is bleeding through enough to get it on him and yet it's not obviously all over her or dripping on the floor?
I call bullshit

>> No.7158334

Do you know what happened to her? Why did her family kick her out at, what I'm assuming, was a young age? Details, anon.

>> No.7158346

You people are like the Nick Carraways of your own lives.

>> No.7158358

No idea what happened to her since then.

I suspect she got kicked out for stealing money, though.

>> No.7158362

>be 15
>be at high school
>wearing lolita con and meetup only at that time
>everyday clothing pretty normalfag with a slight hint of j-fashion (as cute mini-skirt instead of jean)
>japanese classes in my high school attract a lot of weaboos so I decided to not intend
>enter nekomimi
>nekomimi is a freshman, 1m50 max, overweight, badly black died hair and all the jaz
>reconize me from con
>explain me she is a kawaii gosu rori
>she wears Milanoo maid costume with gigantic cat hears glued on a maxi pad headdress, cat tail with bells and from time to time cat paws.
>try to make me wear her greasy nekomimi because I would be "way more sugoi and kawaii as a neko lolita"
>proceed to explain me she have all the GLBs, because her friend send them from Japan, and thus she is a Lolita authority
>Don't even know a single lolita brand or even good shop
>tells me I'm a sweet lolita and proceed to explain why (I'm fucking classic for the love of god)
>explain to me all about lolita fashion
>main styles are apparently gosu, sweet, guro and wa now.
>I try to help her by lending her some of my bodyline
>returned torn, stretched and stained
>mfw I still try to help her and she literally say to me that second hand body line is too expensive.
>finally give it up
>she wanted to come at a tea party I had organized a few months ago, thankfully she didn't shows up.
>just learned she had been shoplifting for a while and still live in the dorm in the middle of her weeb chaos.

>nice ita is too ita and weeb to be saved

>> No.7158369

i had sex with a 17 year old dressed as a hooker, when i was 14.

actually she had sex with me only because i was japanese and she "never had one of those before"

>> No.7158423

that picture, oh lord

>> No.7159006


It was pretty fucking entertaining. I highly recommend watching it, especially if you enjoy these threads,

>> No.7159026

Wow she sounds like a pain in the ass anon! You dodged a bullet.

>> No.7159060

Again, who the fuck cares if they're fake. Just read them and enjoy them for what they are, entertainment.

>> No.7159062

do you not know how periods and stuff works? fabric can be soaked and get on people without it dripping.

>> No.7159123

not the same anon, but its a little disheartening when they aren't real. like...in a way, thats good because no one got hurt but at the same time I feel lied too and feel like I just read some sort of fanfic

>> No.7159138

>Gooey balls/clumps of period blood
bet it's been a while since you touched a uterus, eh anon?

>> No.7159317
File: 46 KB, 560x432, 1348883891171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people wanna hear the story of my first con?
i should start by saying that im from Sweden so cons here might be a little different, also i should mention that im not big on anime, i just sell "fan made" (read; bootleg) t-shirts.

>show up dressed looking respectable, almost everybody else is in some form of cosplay. there is a bit of everything, anime, vidya, homestuck even the odd bronie. feels like walking in to a cult meeting.
>start working the stand along with my friend who frequents these kind of things
>working that salesman magic, being friendly borderline flirtatious, flinging shirts left and right.
>decide its lunch-o-clock
> go buy an overpriced hamburger and sit on a bench outside in the entrance outside all the crazy in the convention hall
>about to eat the delicious burger when my friend texts me so i put down the burger on my lap
>hear some strange noise, like a dadaistic word but not quite, inquisitive as always i ignore it.
>suddenly feel a shift in the park bench and a foul stench, sweat, grease and a sweet cheep perfume, the pot-pourri of awkward landwhale.
>hear somebody talk but im not paying attention
>suddenly somebody snatches the burger from my lap, spilling salad and dressing on my skinny jeans
>confused i look up and see some yellow toothed land whale take a bite out of my burger
>land whale :NOM!
>she is wearing like a red silk robe and a white wig with i think cat ears.
>contorts a face that i assume she thinks was cute?
>like a ^w^
>me: hey, what the FUCK? that was my burger!
>she suddenly looks like a startled dog witch as been shamed
>whale: I, I only took a b-
>me: you gotta pay for that!
>whale: n, no.
> it drops the burger on the bench and scuttles off back into the crowd.
i had to throw away what had been a perfectly good burger and go hungry instead. too weirded out to be a good salesman i just started to vend out the shirts instead. sales dropped noticeably.


>> No.7159339
File: 88 KB, 854x859, 1381879181484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same con different whale
>decide to take a look around, see the sights and watnot
>saw some neat nightvale stuff, people making "uguu-" noises, some hilarious grown men cosplaying tiny girls and some neckbeards sperging over tiny plastic horses.
>on my way back to the stand i hear somebody yell "plomf!" or "glomp" or something
>suddenly every things a blur and the next thing i know BAM! my face breaks my fall on the hard cold convention floor
>apparently some fat chick had tried to run up and surprise hug my waist from behind?
>but she had tripped and some how made it more like a police takedown
>like some blessing from the god of hard faces my nose wasn't broken. because it really should have.

i dont know if ill ever visit another con, people are just to weird. (but the money was good)

you might not think this was that bad in comparison, but this was my FIRST con ever.

>> No.7159351

I find it almost impossible to believe that a con vendor wouldn't recognize a bad Inuyasha when he saw it. That shit's basic.

>> No.7159367

I know 2 guys named Quinn.

>> No.7159477

note exactly a true horror story, but whatever
>this week be geek week at my school
>monday is apparently cosplay day
>there's two decent cosplays, a katniss and some generic hogwarts student
>dude wearing what looks like a brown bathrobe is a jedi
>a few girls walking around in ill-fitting gothic clothing
>some cowboy thing with a fucking graphic tee
>most are members of the anime club
>fucking casuals

it's pretty weird that the guy who seemed the most knowledgeable about anime/manga was a black guy who wasn't even in the club.

>> No.7159504

Inuyasha hit its peak 8 or 9 years ago, It's possible somebody under 20 wouldn't know it. Now I feel old

>> No.7159517

You are a fat, brown skinned neckbeard with slightly slanted eyes.

Think about that, then think about what you wrote.

>> No.7159599

It was my first con ever, there're where a lot of similarly dressed people all over the con though. If it wasn't in one of the shounen jumps I got as a teen I don't know what anime that is.

>> No.7159602

It was this summer, I'm 18 and not big on anime

>> No.7159606

Hell inuyasha was even on robot chicken. It's practically mainstream:


>> No.7159611

There is no [adultswim] in Sweden. Should I stress that I'm from Sweden?

>> No.7159911

how about a real horror story.


>> No.7160574

Yes, but time has clearly passed and you still wrote as though you didn't know what it was.

>> No.7160965

All I know is that's it's some anime character.

>> No.7161189

anymore caps? please?

>> No.7161611


>> No.7162117

/r/ing the comic where the guy got his leg broken by hambeast, or something of this sort.

It's a comic horror story.

>> No.7162772

>He would also constantly mock my breast size and tell me I had no body. Which was really honestly bullshit because I had c cups at the time.
>C cups

That smalls honey

>> No.7163130
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It's a good fucking thing that you aren't with her anymore. She sounds like a crazy bitch. A lot of con-going women are fucking insane.

>> No.7163607
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for you anon

>> No.7163610
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>> No.7163613
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>> No.7163617
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>> No.7163623
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>> No.7163626
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>> No.7163629
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>> No.7163632
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>> No.7163636
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>> No.7163641
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>> No.7163647
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now if you'll excuse me, I've been craving Taco Bell for approximately 34 minutes and I need to put pants on.

Keep the stories coming bitches