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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7113993 No.7113993[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

And we're entering the last part of the year now. Not much after these next few cons/expos until 2014 and spring time when Kita returns. How's everyone's cosplays coming along? What events you're hyped for?

Also, Ame's dead. Pic related. FUCK FUCK FUCK.

Eurogamer - September 26/29
London Film and Comic Con - October 5/6
Play Expo - October 12/13
MCM London Comic Con - October 25/27
Doki Doki - November 9
Birmingham MCM Expo - November 23/24

I think I'm going to go into hibernation after November and just wake up once Kita's here again.

>> No.7113999
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I claim first post.

>> No.7114000

>After a lot of discussion, and due to a jam packed summer season in 2014, AmeCon will not be making an appearance next year.

>The committee wish to apologise for cancelling AmeCon 2014 after announcing it at AyaCon.

>Do not worry however, as the AmeCon committee are already planning for their next event, details of which will be announced as soon as they are solid.

>We thank you for your patience and understanding.

>If you want to be the first to know about the next AmeCon event, please sign up to our newsletter.

>While you wait for AmeCon's return, why not attend one of the many other amazing events running in 2014?

>Hyper Japan - http://www.hyperjapan.co.uk/
>Tokonatsu - http://www.tokonatsu.org.uk/
>WorldCon - http://www.loncon3.org/
>GemuCon - http://gemucon.co.uk/
>KitaCon - http://www.kitacon.org/
>MinamiCon - http://minamicon.org.uk/
>Auchinawa - http://www.auchinawa.org.uk/

Recommending Gemucon? STAHP IT U GUISE, SRSLY. JUST STAHP.

>> No.7114010

That is more likely damage control. "Look at all these cons going on, even crap ones, where would we fit?"

>> No.7114016

Anyone have any plans for Friday? Mine is just go after the good merchandise I want and then get the few other bits I couldn't get the next day.

>> No.7114021

Right on top of the crap ones or the small local no-name cons that no-one from over 5 miles away attends but no-one seems to schedule against.

Or maybe another time of year. For example, November has a gap next year since Doki Doki is biannual.

>> No.7114019

This is for the MCM Expo in October 25/27

>> No.7114020

Helps if you say which event.

>> No.7114025

Anon for committee

>> No.7114027

>good merchandise
Choose one. Expo and chinese knockoffs go together like cheese and wine.

>> No.7114031

I normally go for the "legit" merchandise such as Assassin Creed figures by Ubisoft or certain manage or anime Blu-rays.

>> No.7114036


>> No.7114038

Auchinawa is next November.

>> No.7114039

Fuck, summer 2014 is looking empty. I mean what else is there to go to, really?

>> No.7114040

>I mean what else is there to go to, really?
Your mother?

>> No.7114045


Could go to that. It's about the same time as a summer con.

>> No.7114050 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 717x1114, SERBIA KAWAII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REMOVE CAT remove cat
you are worst feline. you are the feline idiot you are the feline smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole feline stink gemucon sqhipere shqipare..feline genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead feline..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .mcm we kill the king , mcm return to your precious london….hahahahaha idiot feline and gemucon smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE CAT FROM THE THREAD. you will get caught. amecon alive in serbia, amecon making many guests of serbia . super cosplay amecon of serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of amecon… you are ppoor stink feline… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
amecon alive numbr one #1 in serbia ….fuck the gemucon ,..FUCKk ashol felines no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur mother and dadda. amecon aliv and real strong wizard kill all the feline farm aminal with cosplay magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo gemucon commitee the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and gemucon wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey

>> No.7114052

>£105 membership

Surely you jest. Not much into scifi, anyway.

>> No.7114054

There's Onecon

>> No.7114055
File: 106 KB, 717x1114, SERBIA KAWAII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REMOVE CAT remove cat
you are worst feline. you are the feline idiot you are the feline smell. return to gemucon. to our gemucon cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,gemu we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole feline stink gemucon sqhipere shqipare..feline genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead feline..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .mcm we kill the king , mcm return to your precious london….hahahahaha idiot feline and gemucon smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE CAT FROM THE THREAD. you will get caught. amecon alive in serbia, amecon making many guests of serbia . super cosplay amecon of serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of amecon… you are ppoor stink feline… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
amecon alive numbr one #1 in serbia ….fuck the gemucon ,..FUCKk ashol felines no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur mother and dadda. amecon aliv and real strong wizard kill all the feline farm aminal with cosplay magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo gemucon commitee the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and gemucon wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey

>> No.7114056

Gemu and Ame share a lot of committee members, if I remember correctly

>> No.7114058

Well, better reg for kita then. Only 46 spaces left.

Then in 3 weeks or so when all the non payments get booted there will be a coup,e of hundred spaces again.

>> No.7114062
File: 395 KB, 1280x1024, trooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Mr.Serbian you have walked into the wrong country to fuck with a pussy. I'm not OP, but I'm confident my image shall be little yours.

>> No.7114065

I don't recognise any of the names on the gemu website. Are you sure? I know ame and aya did, and aya and minami too, but I don't recognise anyone on gemu other than moley and he isn't amecon.

>> No.7114077
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>tfw I can't make Kita and fuck if I'm going to gemu so ame was going to be the highlight of my year
>tfw we don't even have doki doki next year and I don't think I can make Manchester expo so I will probably be going to feb expo and then nothing for the rest of the year

>> No.7114101

Moley was Ame, they just haven't announced the new committee yet
Source: drunk committee

>> No.7114108

Moley isn't ame committee. He just helps and MCs some events.

>> No.7114111

Posted in last thread, but since it's saging I'll post it here.

I usually only go to one con a year, and now that Ame is dead I have no idea which to go to. Any recommendations?

>> No.7114119

Is this going to turn into a deliberately alternating Gemu/Ame? Did Ame have to die in 2014 so that Gemu may linger?

>> No.7114159

So glad I'm registered for discworld con now. At least I'll have something to do next summer. But if they don't get their act together fuck knows what'll happen in 2015.

>> No.7114161

Guys, as it's going Gemu won't even happen next year. Go check out their reg list

>> No.7114166

I doubt it. It was a favour between committees with ame and aya since there was overlap. Ame doesn't owe gemu shit and the other way around. Plus gemu isn't an anime con.

>> No.7114169

£105 yet they couldn't hire an adult to make their website?

>> No.7114173

Ame died on its own, I doubt gemu played much in it other than wanting to run on a weekend ame might have wanted.

That said, would you have gone to ame if it had ran and stayed at keele? I probably wouldn't have.

>> No.7114177

I think the adult they hired is about 60 based on the guest lists.

>> No.7114182

Oh fuck. Yep, yep, that would make sense as well.

>> No.7114196

ONEcon, Manchester MCM Expo, Tokonatsu, Loncon3/Worldcon, Nine Worlds... probably a Hyper Japan somewhere in there... that's all I can think of off the top of my head.

>> No.7114202

Gemu isn't capable of threatening any con. Literally all of their guests are Youtube celebrities. How do they even have the nerve to present themselves as a proper convention?

>> No.7114205
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>Ame cancelled this year
Eh. Location was awful, and it was too expensive to warrant going again. Getting to the place was a nightmare enough, then you had the walking between the rooms and the events...

>> No.7114217

>Gemu isn't capable of threatening any con. Literally all of their guests are Youtube celebrities. How do they even have the nerve to present themselves as a proper convention?
You act like Anime League hasn't been doing this for ages with their London cons. They actually marketed London Gaming Con as "the best place to meet all your favourite youtube celebrities".

>> No.7114234

Ame look a bit amateur considering they announced they were running 1 month ago. Should have just waited and then used some of the other events to launch promo

And any event organised by Moley is one I'll avoid. Cuntcon

>> No.7114241

Anime League is Anime League though, nobody's surprised by their bullshit.

>> No.7114254

Majorly gutted about Ame. I really dont want to swallow my pride and do Gemu instead but my summer will be practically empty without a con

>> No.7114256

Wel tbf to AL events they are cheap. :P

Gemu is fucking mental pricing

>> No.7114260
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Unable to hit up any british cons next year, so I'm kind of glad Ame isn't happening. One event less to make me butthurt.

Pretty sure they were looking to move it someplace else. Probably didn't book up a good location in time, is my guess.

>> No.7114261

That or the load of other events and availability of the venue meant they'd be running against something else that might impact. I think that's why they moved to July.

>> No.7114301
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>> No.7114305


So they list Gemucon as an alternative, along with every other major convention or Expo event and they don't mention Alcon.

A less than subtle fuck you to Mr Towers

>> No.7114365

without Ame, I think I might just go on holiday. £300 will get you a few days some where sunny.

Maybe we could all go somewhere together.

>> No.7114668
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Has anyone ever tried to get laid at MCM Expo in the Fox's Bar?

>> No.7114719
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>> No.7114755


>> No.7115231

>ayo baby wan sum fuk?
>No Mr Towers. I am not interested in you.
>but I is well hard n shit yo. I is only gangsta bad enough to be banned from Expo. I be 2 fresh 4 dem. U impressed right? Please respond.

>> No.7115237
File: 551 KB, 700x1979, canada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we all go and raid Canada

Top kek

>> No.7115548

>That said, would you have gone to ame if it had ran and stayed at keele? I probably wouldn't have.

In a nutshell, Yes.

>> No.7115662

Guys is Kitacon good?

I went to ayacon and it was awful but i've been roped into coming to kita and i'm hopeful for it.

>> No.7115672

How was Aya awful for you?

If it was the wasps, then you should be pleased to hear that Kita is quite wasp free. Otherwise it doesn't have anything over Aya other than slightly longer parties and and an odd obsession with making crap videos.

>> No.7115688


The fuck am I reading.

>> No.7115700
File: 24 KB, 400x300, PUG+LIFE_8ae982_3981880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth.

Alcon 4 lyfe bros.

>> No.7115711

What is it with those videos, and that legacy stuff. You'd think they were the only people to run an anime con in the universe. TELL ME YOUR SECRETS SCOWNY.

>> No.7115738

Moley is a massive cunt.

>> No.7115769

Go home Mike Towers.

>> No.7115780

>Has anyone ever tried to get laid at MCM Expo in the Fox's Bar?
You know attempted rape in a hostel is more Mike's sort of thing. Going to bars is and trying to get some of-age poon is beneath him.

>> No.7115784

Haven't tried, too expensive.
Also weeabuu's don't drink in general.

>> No.7115807


They were entertaining as part of Kita 2's hentai panel, when everyone had to listen to a penis puppet and Scowny's Attenborough impression instead of watch porn, but it was funny because we were drunk.

But taken separately, with the lack of preparation involved in Kita 3 and 4's hentai panels (which practically everyone attended due to Kita 2's one being legendary), and the FATE circlejerk, it feels a bit like someone's building up a video editing portfolio as a complete aside to the convention.



>> No.7115811

>FATE circlejerk
I've seen this on their site and I'm still not even sure what it actually is (other than hella gay).

>> No.7115906


Give reasons or STFU

>> No.7115908

You have to go to the FATE panel to find out what the fuck is going on I presume.

>> No.7115985

FATE is not or will ever be funny. How this shit is still going means something is badly wrong.

>> No.7117107

>Las Malvinas
>Son Argentinas
UK cosplay are nothing. Your cons are full of fat ladies and homo boys. Why?

>> No.7117108

>fat ladies and homo boys
Welcome to the UK m8, enjoy your stay.

>> No.7117268

The Falklands called, they told me to say God Save the Queen.

>> No.7117296

U having a giggle there m8

>> No.7117823

Anyone want to cosplay Killer is Dead with me? Long shot but there.

>> No.7117843

What's your plan? Which character?

>> No.7117949

Can't say I can do that, but I might be there with my Travis Touchdown for a Suda 51 combo?

>> No.7118203

I'm working on Dolly.
Sounds good.

>> No.7118913

One month to go now. What's everyone's plans?

>> No.7118990

Ah cool, I was considering Mondo but the arm is putting me off. Also the variety of outfits!

>> No.7119112

Enjoy Friday and Saturday through the normal events and get an escort to enjoy Sunday.

I might join the meet on Saturday if the dramu isn't too bad.

>> No.7119138

There won't be any drama since the main perpetuator has gone AWOL

>> No.7119190

That would appear to be evident. There isn't even any hating against anyone like it was last time in May with Eva and Liam.

Lets hope that this peace continues.

>> No.7119215
File: 28 KB, 568x540, jorji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finn the Human for Friday, an Inspector from Papers Please on Sat and rewearing Finn + another costume for Sunday

>> No.7119438

I'm being ambitious with my cosplays AGAIN. Planning on doing Lucy from Elfen Lied, Aoi from Dangan Ronpa and Felicia from Darkstalkers but I'm probably only going to be able to get Aoi done. I have plenty of time it's just getting the dolla.

>> No.7119716

Oh sweet, I might be doing an EZIC Messenger cosplay on saterday. Will say hi if I see you.

>> No.7119728

Glory to Arstotzka, my friend.
Maybe we can get some pictures together if we find eachother.

>> No.7120609
File: 36 KB, 498x167, emuburlesque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck no

>> No.7120713

Why do we need "Talent" shows at cons?

>> No.7120724
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>> No.7120730

Most con organizers are into that "make everyone feel included" shit. Talent contests give them a hard on for that feel good crap.

>> No.7120745

It's not really a talent show, it's more just 'everything that doesn't count as catwalk masquerade'.

So there'll be skits and things there too.

Have to say the girl with the violin at Kita 3 I think it was was lovely to listen to.

>> No.7120801

Why is it only the unattractive girls that seem to want to do cosplay burlesque?

>> No.7120806

They do it to improve their self esteem because they think barring all will gain back some of the sex appeal they lost by being ugly or getting fat.

>> No.7120837

I am getting so fucking sick of all these fat strippers prancing on stage.

What can we do about it? Start a movement? Throw bourbons on stage?

>> No.7120859

Fuck throwing bourbons. That's weak as fuck. How about we throw block of lard at them to remind them what most of their body consists of? That should get the message across.

Let's be sure to start drinking first before we start throwing lard blocks so we can at least blame this movement on being drunk rather than that we conspired on here first to do such things.

>> No.7120867

Or you could try encouraging people who are actually attractive, or appeal to the committee to ban these type of acts. Really at a 16+ con I question the appropriate nature of a burlesque act. I think Tab's skit was about as close as they could afford to go surely?

>> No.7120875

I'd say appeal to the committee. I doubt it can be called inappropriate since there's hentai panels, but you have a choice to visit them since you know what you're getting, you shouldn't have it forced on you during the omake.

>> No.7120885

The hentai panel is its own thing. The talent contest is aimed at everyone.

>> No.7120899

That's essentially what they said

>> No.7120930

And there was me thinking I would get a interesting response, but you will regretting doing things at the half-measure given that what you are trying to go against is more than just any full-measure you weak mind can come up with.

>> No.7120960


Has anyone ever been so far as decided...

>> No.7120993

> is more than just any full-measure you weak mind can come up with


What are you trying to say?

I would have understood if you stopped at 'this isn't just any full-measure', even if I don't agree with your choice of phrase.

But I don't understand why you've tacked weak mind onto the end?

Is my mind weak because I, like above anons, don't really want to see fat burlesque acts? And that the 16+ nature of the con is good enough grounds for an argument to the committee against allowing such an act given the fact that they've stressed on the website that 18+ activities are to happen behind closed doors only due to said 16 and 17 yo attendees?

>> No.7121015
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I still insist on getting pissed, throwing bars of lard at them and let the fatties fuck these "innocent" 16-17 year olds.

>> No.7121046

What would the complaint to the committee be? No stripping because there are fragile young minds present? Or that there should be an attractiveness/weight limit prerequisite?

Maybe Scowny could put a stop to it...

>> No.7121050


What the fuck could he do?

>> No.7121056

well get right on that. I'll get /pol to phrase it.
To make sure feelings are not hurt.

>> No.7121059

Disappear from the con scene altogether and get a haircut. That would be a nice start.

>> No.7121064

Hey, if you can think of a smarter way, that might actually work, short of directly coming out and saying 'Scowny please stop the horror of Emu stripping' then by all means go right ahead.

I don't give a shit about the under 18s, they've probably seen far worse. That's just a half decent reason that gets to the result.

>> No.7121069

Stupid written words and their inability to convey sarcasm.

>> No.7121087

>Hey, if you can think of a smarter way, that might actually work
Call the local tabloid and tell them the con's going to be allowing people to put on a "sex show" in front of under 18s?

>> No.7121091

Hey I want more details on this "sex show". Where's the "source" of this?

>> No.7121106
File: 161 KB, 600x900, tyrion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Headlines on The Sun, "Oh no under-18s are left mentally scarred after they were forced to see a burlesque sex show with fat women. Those poor under-18s will never be the same again. The Sun will now set up a charity to help the under-18s recover from their ordeal."

I should probably join the press at this rate. Still you can just throw bars of lard at these fatties and be done with it.

>> No.7121116

And on the next page, tits.

Beth sez "I'm crying that so much lard was wasted, when it could have been sent to starving orphans."

>> No.7121127

I have never seen people agree with each other in such a stupid way. You're all saying you don't want the fatty to do a burlesque act so what's the problem?

>> No.7121158
File: 8 KB, 170x135, lard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone wants to stop this act in the good, boring and "correct" way whereas I want it done the cold, brutal, efficient and straight to the point kind of way in the form of a lard bar to the face.

I hate the "correct" way.

>> No.7121166


This will be my first time attending this convention (eurocosplayer qualifier here), what is the things I should definitely try to see or experience? I'll only have friday and sunday because EC will take full saturday and I'm so excited!

For cosplay plnas I really am trying to go light because of the big cosplay For the com so maybe i'll just bring a simple one.

>> No.7121172


There's not really anything to see or do. It is literally just a giant dealer's hall as it's more display than substance. My advice would be to get out and see London on Friday, do your best on Saturday and mooch around on Sunday. You'll pick up the best deals if you want to buy anything.

Unless you want to meet any of the measly selection of guests who are day-specific there's nothing on Saturday that you won't see on Sunday.

Apart from, obviously, Eurocosplay which you're already part of.

>> No.7121174

You don't need KGT to throw lard. Just saying.

>> No.7121228

>or do. It is literally just a giant dealer's hall as it's more display than substance. My advice would be to get out and see London on Friday, do your best on Saturday and mooch around on Sunday. You'll pick up the best deals if you want to b

Thank you!
Ill be arriving on Thursday and do a bit of sightseeing but I also wanted to check out Mcm since conventions in my country are fairly small and from an outsiders perspective it really seems that Both Mcm and japan expo are really big and full of events.

>> No.7121329

let's hope denmark isn't coming back

>> No.7121607

she killed herself a couple of weeks ago because of wezley so I don't think so. Time to rejoice?

>> No.7121716

The problem with throwing lard is that it would be very easy for the organisers to throw you out. I considered everyone sitting in a row and unfurling a sign saying something like 'GET OFF THE STAGE WHORE' but same problem.

Petition maybe? Someone brave enough to bring this up on the forums?

>> No.7121922

The committees read all this anyway. We just cant post representing the various cons as it reflects bad on the event itself.

"Kitacon hates fat people"
"Retards not welcome at ayacon"
"Minami to ban ham beast weeaboos"

Not the best adverts for an event even if everyone agrees.

>> No.7122024

I only just found out about Amecon and I'm really sad. Due to a whole load of factors it was the only non-MCM con I was likely to go to in 2014...

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to put up with crappy trade fair cons for another year.

>> No.7122066

Don't be a cunt, she's had a shitty year from the sounds of it and she doesn't need random bitches adding to it. I'm hoping that thing about killing herself isn't true, she went awol so who knows.

>> No.7122070

It's not true.

>> No.7122071

oh good. I hope she's okay, I don't know her very well but my heart goes out to her.

>> No.7122425

Go on the forums, there's a whole get fit thing for kita.
Nice idea I think.

>> No.7122489

This is what the VIP members are paying extra for, up close and personal.

>> No.7122490

Then please committee member, listen to the con-goers and put a stop to all these strippers in the omakes.

It's not just because it's unpleasant to watch, it's also tasteless, sexist, demeaning to women and makes people extremely uncomfortable. It's not even burlesque, it is literally just stripping.

It's not just the audience either, it raises some questions as to the mental state of the person doing it. I mean these girls are literally volunteering to go up on stage in front of 1000+ people to get naked. purely for attention. That ain't right.

Say you're stopping it in good taste, say you're stopping it because it's demeaning, say you're stopping it for their health, but for the love of God just stop all these fat goddamn attention whores getting naked on stage.

>> No.7122492

The committee members that would do this don't have the power.

>> No.7122498

What happened to her? Karma for what she's done here as a janitor?

>> No.7122508

Had a friend with benefits. He broke up with her really awkwardly. she had a break down.

>> No.7122524

Ahh. Thanks.

captcha: reported orssafe

>> No.7123291

And is now dating one of their mutual friends two minutes after the breakup! Classy man.

>> No.7123367

More like a month.

>> No.7123382

let's see how far this goes before it turns disastrous

>> No.7123397

>tfw you won't be involved in any of these dramus and will enjoy the event.

It would appear that I will enjoy the MCM London Expo with no dramu. However it would be interesting to start some for fun.

For instance I could mention the fat retard, Liam plans to cosplay as Super Sonic and Eva (and her boyfriend) are hiding away or keeping quiet to avoid their embarrassment from the event in May.

I'm sure you anons can think up of more people who can be in for a dramu.

>> No.7123403

I thought Eva was in Germany already, and so she won't be at MCM.

>> No.7123412
File: 87 KB, 594x241, MCM Expo Timetable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eva left for Germany, so don't expect much dramu
Just a whole lot of drinking and piratetoaster hijacking all the parties again

>> No.7123415

Oh jake~

>> No.7123418

May was a fun expo though, must admit.

>> No.7123419
File: 23 KB, 298x292, 1356614619338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talk shit get hit niknaks

>> No.7123421

>Liam plans to cosplay as Super Sonic
So basically he's just bought a yellow jacket and made a different colour of spiky headband to the ones he already has.

>> No.7123424

Didn't know the embarrassment was that bad.

That's probably the plan. I know he's finished or is mostly done with the head piece.

>> No.7123458

Don't talk shit on Liam, he only uses the finest duct tape from Poundland for his cosplays.

>> No.7123477

That sounds very fun. I'm sure he would like to hear that. Maybe I should send him an invitation for the meet and let him know the change in location and so fourth.

>> No.7123488

I've already invited him

>> No.7123503

Brilliant, I look forward to meeting him.

>> No.7123511

trying too hard m8

>> No.7123530
File: 4 KB, 138x141, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how hard m8? so hard that i make you feel hard?

>> No.7123573

I'm giving it a few months before he gets tired of it and starts cheating on her.

>> No.7123578

pretty turgid m8

>> No.7123610

He probably knows anyway, I honestly doubt he'd turn up again given he knows CGL's opinion on him. Besides, even people who have no idea of the meet location last time knew where it was, as it was in the same exact spot the Adventure Time cosplayers were meeting.

>> No.7123645 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 469x398, 1240274_10153485090165107_1960096227_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll tell you what happened, the true story about the winner that is Reece Wesolowych.
We met at Amecon and clicked quite well. He spent the weekend flirting with me and we hooked up at the con. I fell in love with him sometime after that and from there a lot of time was spent with him teasing me around and acting like my boyfriend, never once bothering to let me in on the fact that he was just playing pretend with me.
He was the source of the drama that was Gemucon for me because he felt it was necessary to let me know that weekend that he is able to go out and score with anyone he can and wants to at any given time and I was simply stalling his career as a manwhore. Before and after Gemucon, he spent a month walking around in circles testing how far he could take things with me before I caught up to the fact that he was just playing games.
At Ayacon he spent the full weekend flirting with his current girlfriend and got pissed when I reacted negatively to it and soon after that they hooked up, most likely just to fuck with me some more.
At a few times, I have called for his help and I ended up in the hospital a few times because of him, but like any narcissistic guy who is too full of himself, he didn't really do anything to help.
The end. It's been a fantastic adventure but I am done with cosplay and conventions. Of course I'm going to be sneaking around a bit in the future, but you can overall thank him for breaking down my evil janitor-empire.

Those who want to thank him personally or just hook up for a quick fuck can call him on 7813468325. He'll be proud to give you the sweet details of what a terrible person I am and how he is the saint who did the world a favor when he caused my melt down to happen. - Or just give you a sweet taste of his herpes.
I salute him. He is a true winner.

>> No.7123658

Bitter much? Also no one cares.

>> No.7123667
File: 40 KB, 350x349, cool-story-bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7123670

I was answering the anon who asked what happened. It's noone's business but if people ask I'm not really gonna keep it a secret. Not bitter as much as I'm bored so don't you worry m8.

>> No.7123675

It's noones business so I posted it on 4chan.

>> No.7123710

It's noones business so I posted it on cgl/4chan with the intent of boosting reece's reputation.

>> No.7123712
File: 59 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mg4k8hhIpI1qzh9h5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter, you got friendzoned?

>> No.7123717

screencapped for comedy gold. Also add me on skype if your facebook is gone for good, you know who it is, we talked about European cons recently.

>> No.7123722

Someone isn't handling rejection well

>> No.7123724


Man, I don't think you were in the big skype call yet but he was talking about losing weight, and I told him that he should start taking cold showers, because the energy required to warm your body up actually burns calories, shivering and whatnot, and that he could increase his weight loss by doing that.

Like the genius that he is he bought it until the rest of the call started laughing then he got really defensive about how he knew the whole time and why would he listen to me anyway?

And ever since then he's been an unfriendly little butthurt bitch.

You seemed alright though, just wondered why the hell you were bothering.

>> No.7123729

You sound fucking insane. You were never exclusive, you have no right to get mad about anything he did. Bringing his new gf into it too? How petty.

>> No.7123731
File: 160 KB, 400x326, 66666666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one Reece

>implying I'm friends with that guy
Wow anon wow.
I'm sure he'll probably send you the nudes if you ask nicely unless he's too ashamed to admit that he stuck his dick into that thing, who knows.

I've just returned to Facebook today actually, getting in touch with people again right now. With this over with I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

He is autistic as fuck so I don't know if I can blame him for that. I'd love to be friends but with how full of himself he's been lately I've started wondering why I've bothered as well. It's been a weird anon, it's been a weird year.

>> No.7123736

>meet guy
>fuck him that weekend
>get attached
>he's a douche
>doesn't leave
>still a douche
>and an evil genius out to ruin my life

you're a special kind of bitter and stupid aren't you? "baww i loved him" clearly it was not mutual and you didn't take the hint.

>> No.7123737

i'm not bitter but here's his personal phone number

>> No.7123740

He was telling the whole MCM skype call about how he was only in it for the sex too... I don't have any kind of personal problem with him but he's definitely not a nice guy.

>> No.7123744

I think you're reading way too into the story. The evil genius part was obviously a joke and leaving that kind of relationship is not easy. He's stupid for not leaving her sooner.

>> No.7123748

What is this MCM Skype thing?

>> No.7123752

oh he's obviously not, i'm just saying there's this thing called walking away. anyone can do it.

>> No.7123764
File: 23 KB, 550x309, quintus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I leave for one fucking moment since my last post, >>7123710, and all this happens. Thank you cgl for being interesting.

>> No.7123771

There was a skype chat group for people going to the last MCM, I don't know if there's a new one now or people still use the old one or not, but I'm sure if there is one for the upcoming MCM, someone will tell you.

>> No.7123795

A shame if there is nothing up as of now. Would've loved to get to know people before this upcoming MCM expo

>> No.7123799

So to the anons on this thread getting past all the clinginess, unable to walk away and won't let go for fuck; does this mean the ex is available? Single? Is actually looking for someone new?

Well... I'm interested. I wouldn't mind having a girl like that.

>> No.7123800 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7123804 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 500x300, 23_human_centipede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bro. Welcome to the thread. So much has been happening. We would all love your input on the current discussion. Really good that you can join the anons today.

>> No.7123841
File: 17 KB, 1093x373, that's not how cardio works wezley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7123857

You're hardly one to give advice about losing weight Doughboy

>> No.7123859

Going in my book of pathetic vendettas.

Chris, you really need to stop wearing wife beaters. I puked a little when I saw those fucking boil infested arms.

>> No.7123870


Called it when I posted. You guys really need to find stuff to do.

Peace out nerds.

>> No.7123876

>sits waiting for a reply for over an hour
>"lol nerds"

>> No.7123878
File: 305 KB, 534x800, 080403d0145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a legendary thread, in which every britfag figures out how much they're all hated.
Thank you whoever started this, this has been the most hilarious thread in ages.

>> No.7123884 [DELETED] 

It was a few people, hopefully myself too, who egged it on a little bit and it unload. On the topic of how hate one is I wonder how hated my cat (>>7113999) is on here.

>> No.7123889

It's kind of a petty and nasty community when people take their names off.

A note: please don't be all over your next potential squeeze in front of your current one at a con, guys. This is the second instance I've seen of britbongs doing it and causing a drama bomb (though I've heard there was actual cheating in the other case which is even worse) and it's just never a good idea. Yeah, you might meet someone you really like at a con and be in a relationship which is nearing its end, but please at least be subtle about it, or this happens.

>> No.7123890
File: 31 KB, 601x775, al1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if you lie about something on the thread and everyone can tell, and you turn up at the meet you will have you tongue bitten out, get arse-raped and dumped outside a hospital in a dying state.

>> No.7123894

I kind of wish that was actually true, so many rumours go around on here.

>> No.7123940

Thanks for taking the time to answer me.

>> No.7123960

I didn't even go to any of your lame parties the fuck are you chatting

>> No.7123966

Is anyone going to ThoughtBubble?

>> No.7123975

Considering it. Just don't know if I cba to go to Leeds. Every bus I ever get on in that city just stinks to high hell of curry powder.

>> No.7123979

I am so deeply pleased to find out that Twerkhitler 420 is a britfag, every time I see your name it makes me chuckle.

>> No.7124014

Are there any UK con goers that aren't in some sort of clique? I'm terrified of going to a con alone but I am also scared of gegging in on someone's group. Are there communities for shitty loners like me? Or at least welcoming groups?

>> No.7124022

You don't want to be friends with a whole group of seagulls, just a tip.
My current friend-circle welcomed me into the community with open arms years ago. I'm not gonna go to anything again till Kitacon, but you're more than welcome to send me an e-mail so we can meet up then and I can introduce you to some cool bros!

>> No.7124033

Well I won't be doing any cons until Summer 2014. I want to lose weight and get a bit more confident before making the step of socialising again. Plus I might finally try to cosplay!

Do you have a tumblr or anything?

>> No.7124133

What does denmark even look like? What has she cosplayed. I imagine I've probably met her under another name.

>> No.7124158

Just a homely looking girl with a weird disfigured face. I'm sure someone can probably dig up a picture for you. I've only ever gone by the name of Denmark and haven't really properly attended any con actively for the last 3 years. As of tonight Kita will be the next and first drama free one in a while so you might just meet me there :>

And on that note, I'm starting to feel the hype already.

>> No.7124182

I'm drama-free. I am a cross-boarder though.

>> No.7124206
File: 406 KB, 2118x1276, 1379196183206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I go out for one night and I miss such heavy dramu? Goddamnit.

Yup, should be fun. Leeds has an ice rink too so I might have a go on that for the day.

>> No.7124212

Yeah, this anon has it right, seriously. Stay away from all that. You could try posting some contact info and seeing who adds you c:

>> No.7124221

Yeah, I'll probably be doing the cosplay comps photos again too.

>> No.7124422

i went as a first timer last time and had a p good time

>> No.7125004
File: 67 KB, 600x900, Nazisip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gemu's next guest!

>Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to share with you some wondrous news. Sam 'Strippin' Thorne will be joining our guest list. Here is some information about the man himself:
>Sam Thorne aka 'Strippin' is a youtuber and a member of the Yogscast. Sam is an avid and rather adept gamer and his channel features primarily action packed Let's Plays with weekly Vlogs on the side. Outside of his own channel, Sam also hosts the Yogscasts popular gaming news show YogNews. Sam is rumoured to enjoy basket weaving, however he discredits this at every opportunity

Glad to know that £60 membership fee is going to good use. If a Gemu comity member reads this, can you pay for me to attend as well? I have like 10 subscribers on my youtube channel and 200 views on my Minecraft lets plays with scare cam.

>> No.7125021

I've only just noticed the flag of Trinidad and Tobago is the same colours as the Nazi flag.

>> No.7125026

Thanks for sharing!

>> No.7125070
File: 71 KB, 516x530, eurogamer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this on /v/ and I'm sure some of you were at Eurogamer (ai honey if nobody else)- what happened?

>> No.7125072

Hey I noticed the anon from yesterday deleted their sob story. Can someone post the screencap they made of it please.

>> No.7125076
File: 589 KB, 500x281, reek-sausage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only assume that Eurogamer doesn't always work out for everyone. Unfortunately for Laura the gaming industry assumes that only guys play games and any girls who do played are considered as "its".

I guess Laura might as well call herself reek.

>> No.7125083
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>> No.7125087 [DELETED] 
File: 297 KB, 1000x408, Posture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Microsoft do anything right anymore? This was the guys first (and by the sound of it last) presenting job. His twitter: https://twitter.com/FraserMillward

>> No.7125088

You should probably black out his number unless you want to get banned.

>> No.7125093

Man it's not like I'm the one who typed his number out, I just screencapped the post.

>> No.7125097
File: 15 KB, 250x250, 1319102174372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not very smart, are you?

>> No.7125162

Shame that Laura isn't really a girl. Maybe that's why he wasn't referred to as one.

>> No.7125169 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 1084x458, Chatlog expo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't want to have to make this post but I feel like it's necessary now that Denmark is resorting to blackmail and is threatening to pummel my current girlfriend. Posting an image she just sent me of a screen-cap from the expo meetup skype chat just after Gemu. I'd rather be the one to reveal how much of a cunt I was at the time than her. There were times where I though our relationship could work which is why I stayed with her. That and she was always a good friend up until now after I'd seen her bitter and twisted side. I don't expect her or any of her friend to forgive me for what I did.

Sage'd because no one gives a fuck holy shit why did I even post this I can't believe no one has pranked my number yet step it up.

>> No.7125196

That's probably why. All the presenter might be guilty of is thinking "she" was either a crossplayer or an eccentric dresser rather than a tranny.

>> No.7125213

The fact that he didn't apologize to her really fucks him over. Also referring to someone as "it" when promoting a company that is all ready in the shit, career suicide.

>> No.7125226

It was probably removed because they posted someone's personal info which is a bannable offense.

>> No.7125237

Have you considered just ignoring it, you giant attention whore?

>> No.7125245

Feeling kinda down my fellow Brits. Was supposed to go to Eurogamer today. Was all set to go to Eurogamer today. Cosplay was all ready for Eurogamer today. I went on Thursday and played everything I wanted to, but was really looking forward to today since I had my cosplay all ready.

But when I woke up this morning, I just didn't have any motivation to get up and go. So I didn't. Now I'm feeling like a moron. How do you deal with pre-expo jitters?

>> No.7125248

Don't have them in the first place. Try being more alpha, nerd.

>> No.7125258

Were you by yourself? Sometimes it helps if you have friends there with you, for support but also it gives you a feeling that you don't want to let them down by not going. Other than that, get yourself psyched up before hand, and it will motivate you better.

>> No.7125275

Why didn't I think of that?!

I was going alone, but going to meet various friends there (who wanted to see the costume in person too, they've only seen it in photos before) throughout the day. I've been to various expos and cons in the past and this is the first this has happened. I'll really do more to psyche myself up next time around, thanks.

>> No.7125352


Go around London, explore some of the galleries and stuff. A whole weekend of video game expos doesn't do your mind much good.

>> No.7125477
File: 105 KB, 580x897, 1380347323748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on?


>> No.7126285

monday morning garfield bump

>> No.7126330

Looking forward to another day of building up dramu for upcoming events.

>> No.7126335

I fell this thread is missing this:
This is close.

>> No.7126425


>> No.7126900

News of that transgender girl at Eurogamer made it to Kotaku. I guess it really was taken personally after all.

>> No.7126905

Link? I've been curious if anything more was going to end up happening.

>> No.7126927

I'm using a mobile and can't link with it. You can find the article quiet easily if you go on Google and type "kotaku eurogamer transgender" in the search field.

>> No.7126950

According to /lgbt/, she was lying about the whole thing. Apparently several sources have said that all that was said was 'can we have more girls on stage' and she was referred to once as 'this person' and she made the rest up for pity/attention. She then panicked when Kotaku published a story about it and tried to make them take it down because she knew she'd get caught out.

>> No.7126994

Wow really? What an attention whore.

>> No.7127011

Awesome, isn't it supposed to be a journalist too?

So we know it lies and it wants us to believe what it says in its work. Yeah, nice work. Now no one will believe anything it ever says again.

>> No.7127015

There's no evidence for either side but I highly doubt that a presenter would be like that on his first "big" job.

>> No.7127038

Y'know, her being a lying cunt doesn't magically excuse your transphobia.

>> No.7127061

Friggin' agreed. Even the majority of the assholes of /cgl/ don't go around calling trans people "it".

>> No.7127077
File: 38 KB, 611x447, Screen-shot-2013-03-29-at-9.13.53-AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys new to 4chan or something?

>> No.7127085

There have been tons of thread in the past where trans people haven't been made fun of solely because they were trans. Sorry you haven't been on this board long enough to see it.

>> No.7127089

If they're a lying cunt and potentially fucking with someone elses career becuas ehtye want attention then they deserve actually recieve some of the disrespect they lied about having.

>> No.7127092

Did they get made fun of because they were fat instead?

>> No.7127099



>> No.7127100

Fat, ugly, etcetera. Bad costumes.

>> No.7127180

I love making new friends at cons. If we meet anon you are more than welcome to be adopted by me.

>> No.7127189

I thought they liked being called it? they don't like it when you call them ''she'' or ''he''

>> No.7127202

And how we're they supposed to know without asking which pronoun to use?

You can't have it both ways. Get offended if we use the wrong one, get offended when we ask what you want to know what to use.

Reality check. That dude doesn't look female. Dressed like a my little pony. It isnt fucking clear.

"This person" was a perfectly acceptable alternative.

>> No.7127220
File: 12 KB, 256x256, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have all learned a valuable lesson from this Eurogamer discussion. You don't need to be a male or female to be an attention whore.

>> No.7127401

Those googles probably hide a
Particularly well formed Adam's apple.

>> No.7127542
File: 100 KB, 832x400, pixy-cipher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yuri Lowenthal confirmed for a guest
Oh yeah

>> No.7127598

I met Yuri before, he's a sweetheart.

>> No.7128149

It's been a while since I bashed a voice actor and remind them they can't be good as the original. This should be fun.

>> No.7128452

is that a dude trying to be a girl or a girl trying to be a dude?

>> No.7128566 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 1052x527, 3wU6E5Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it you never play Persona 4.

>> No.7128569 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 1052x527, 3wU6E5Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Kotaku.

>> No.7128577

Who won the eurogamer masquerade i missed it

>> No.7128579

which day? it was on all 4 days, the serious one was Saturday, Choupett won Best induvidual, then a Gears of War couple won best group, and a Booker and Elizabeth who sang won best skit I think

>> No.7128581

>rainbow dash wig
>male face
I can see why people weren't sure if this isn't a tranny. They look like your average male brony.

>> No.7128592

Saturday ahh alright

>> No.7128912

So I just got laid off of my job, which means I'll bearly be able to come down to MCM october.
Let alone kitacon, shit fucking sucks right now, which is why my typing and grammar and such sucks as I'm drunk as shit.
I really wanted to make a decent cosplay for both of them.
Fuck, I was gonna be Dio Brando for kitacon.
Now I just feel shit.

However, don't take pity on me. This is not the time, I need to get this out there anon so I can pull myself up and get better from the whole situation.

>> No.7128998

Cool story bro

>> No.7129004
File: 72 KB, 608x598, 1362841487437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gr8 blog post m8
simply epig ;^)
upboat lel

>> No.7129028

I wish it was cool, but it's it's fucking not.
I have a bunch of debts to pay,without a job to pay them now.
Feels utterly shit to be in my situation.
The only way I'm getting out of this is a new job or suicide.

So I ask, is that cool?

>> No.7129037

Skype group when?

>> No.7129045


Not to be a put down bro but you aren't going to find sympathy on /cgl/

Good luck on the job hunt though~ Times can be tough.

>> No.7129758

Sympathy is something I'm still not looking for, I suppose I just needed somewhere to vent a load.

It's a little embarrassing looking back on posts the morning after.

Sorry to bring the mood down a bit guys.

>> No.7129765

well if you vent on here, people aren't going to be nice or sensible about it. You're just going to get dumb shit. Save it for your personal blogs or facebook or whatever.

>> No.7129767

>not asking for sympathy
>makes a reply like >>7129028

>> No.7129882
File: 150 KB, 640x480, Handsome guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing first cosplay at MCM, gonna be going as Kurz Weber because he's the only goddamn character from any goddamn medium who looks like me.
Any tips?

>> No.7129883

If you want to vent, just go to /r9k/.

>> No.7129887

If I were to go to one Con in the UK, which would you suggest?

>> No.7129888

Army surplus is pretty easy to get ahold of and dogtags are easy as shit to get customized. Grab a decent-looking nerf rifle and repaint it.

>> No.7129890

does anyone know if there's a loli comm up in Nottingham/derby? Ive never been able to find anything on it
Ive seen a few lolis but since its a popular tourist place I'm not sure if they're local or not

>> No.7129894

Search for "Nottingham lolitas" on facebook and their comm should come up

>> No.7129963

Minami con circa 2004.

>> No.7130586

You need to stop living in the past bro.

>> No.7131213

Hey this MCM coming up will be better than the one in May as there no longer appears to be the risk of getting pegged.

>> No.7131338

Thank fuck the couple from hell isn't coming. Pseudo drama is the worst.

How's everybody's costumes coming along?

>> No.7131343

couple from hell? Who is that?

>> No.7131346

If you mention their name in a thread, it will instantly become a shit fest.

Yet to even start. I never really try that hard for expo even though it's one of the only things I do there since the expo itself is shit. sounds like it's getting a little better now with e-sports and more space.

>> No.7131801
File: 234 KB, 853x480, 1368572536861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else on the kita waiting list?

I'm freaking out at how the waiting list keeps getting longer and longer whilst available places gets smaller and smaller. JUST LET ME IN!!

>> No.7131811
File: 25 KB, 256x256, 1346064688732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you blow a committee member to get tickets without joining the waiting list

>> No.7131828

Yeah bro, Minami don even ave there own shit unfunny videos innit. Or dem wicked YouTube celeb guests that aint nobody heard of.

Captcha: Smexqui General

>> No.7131842
File: 368 KB, 840x700, 1376037594197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you bitch....

>> No.7131851

One costume pretty much done, just got to put straps on the bag. For the second, I'm waiting on a wig and need to make some ears. As for the third... no where bloody near oh god send help

>> No.7131852

wait, we can do that? dammit. ten years of running cons wasted...

>> No.7132055
File: 246 KB, 551x700, IMGP8537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got all the fabric and supplies I needed to start on the main outfit! This mask is looking a bit rough though and I'm so busy with my course and work this week. I hope I can find some time to start on all the sanding and painting soon. I also need to figure out a way to make these eyeholes better otherwise MCM isn't the best place to be semi blind.

>> No.7132081

Looked at price, decided not to go this year.
Seriously not worth the drama.

Costumes are doing well, making steady progress.

>> No.7132152

Who is excited for WLFCC?

>> No.7132405

>tfw when most people thinks it's a slutty girl who blowed a committee member when it's actual a guy who did this.
I just thought it was right that anons actually considered this.

>> No.7132412

i love that you're cosplaying Dolly rather than any of the other KiD gals. looking good too~

>> No.7132581
File: 17 KB, 189x244, bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who're people cosplaying to MCM?

>> No.7132585

gonna cosplay the guy from the raf simons ss02 lookbook. should be p cool

>> No.7134628


Most people prefer events that are a pain to get to, have barely any guests, take two hours to queue to enter, and don't have any natural light coming in.

>> No.7135014

WLFCC day 1 was pretty good, though granted I didn't see much since I was running a photobooth.

Met two power rangers which was fun.

Only annoying bit so far was security asking me to leave us to leave once it turned 5 even though we were packing the booth up.

>> No.7136960
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>Yay I got off the kita waiting list and am all paid up
>Those room prices
aw shit....

Can anyone offer any advice on this? I can afford to stay at the Hilton, which looks really nice, but it'll make me pretty strapped for cash for the rest of the weekend. I think I'd rather have plenty of money for food and drinks than a really nice room that i'm hardly gonna use

Are there any cheaper hotels near by?

>> No.7137041

man i should find some friends at trent that already do this stuff so i dont have to go alonee

>> No.7137206

Find people to share a room with.

>> No.7138301

Don't spend any money on alcohol you degenerate.

Job done.

>> No.7138343

Yes, Try the hotels at Birmingham Internation airport. Go for the Ibis and not the Etap. You go through the airport and get the airrail to the NEC and it takes maybe 10 mins to get to the Hilton overall.

>> No.7138380

Have fun getting back when the NEC shuts.

>> No.7139274


okabe from Steins;Gate.

im lazy and tall. it'll do

>> No.7139314

Food and drinks at the Hilton aren't cheap. Honestly, for the money you'd spend on food at the Hilton and taxi or whatever to get back to your hotel when you're pissed out your mind and there's no other way, you may as well room at the Hilton and live on Pot Noodles and supermarket booze like the rest of us.

Speaking of hotels, can't believe it's cheaper to room at the Hilton for Kita than anywhere round Excel for Expo next year. The incentives to go to that event are getting fewer every time.

>> No.7139860

>Going to bars at MCM Expo
Open-air master race

>> No.7139948

Just put a pill in the girl's drink and discreetly bring her back to your room for all night fun, and invite your bros too.

>> No.7140122

2 jägermeister usually works fine.

>> No.7140184

Kara is doing morrigan for expo. Just whyyyyyyyyyyy

>> No.7140187
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, eerrrrrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she's so sexy and she totally is the biggest Darkwalkers fan out there. Duh.

>> No.7140205

i don't think that seems sufficient

>> No.7140211

Unless you're hitting on 45+ it's usually fine.

>> No.7140292

Yes, the security were kind of pushy.

Went, had a great time. Saw a lot of random costumes that I had no clue what they were. There were a lot of Poison Ivys.

Anyone go to the cosplay guest talks? Any good? Also, any pics?

>> No.7140452

I'm starting to think Expo is more fun than Kita now

>> No.7140551

Has to be the rupees. Alcohol alone does not hold guaranteed results like certain pills do.

>> No.7140581
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>> No.7140667

>that gif

I wonder if that guy knows what he's created.

>> No.7140695

There is sunnycon.
But Sunnycon is in sunderland.
big minus

>> No.7140730

>To the lovely winners of both Gemu's Got Talent and the Cosplay Masquerade, we haven't forgotten about you! We are still trying our best to sort out issues with your trophies and will keep you updated as and when we get more information. We're trying our best to get them out to you as soon as we can, and apologise for the delay!

How have they still not got this shit done?

>> No.7141556

So sexy cosplay girls group have changed it to 'super' cosplay girls.... Posting exactly the same stuff on their page, why bother changing the name when the content is the same?

>> No.7141770

They finally realized no girl in britain is considered 'sexy' anymore?

>> No.7141854

So they can at least pretend not to be attention whores. I guess they realized that only womanizers were following them and thought changing the name would stop that crowd from following them? They're not a smart group, they put 0 thought into everything they do.

>> No.7141941
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I'll just leave this here.

>> No.7142000
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This is exactly why I don't want to share a room with some random at Kita

Like fuck, seriously...

>> No.7142090
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New thread.