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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7118547 No.7118547 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get some opinions and thoughts.

Who were your favorites/least favorites
What made you cringe

>> No.7118552 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 400x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 12 add wat is tihs

>> No.7118554

People actually watched this?

>> No.7118563

I'm watching it right now and I gotta say, the only person I have an issue with is Molly.
If I wanted to hear a fat, oversensitive feminist bitch because she's angry she can't fit into a sexy costume, I would have gone to Tumblr.

"Ehhhh boo hoo we struggle so hard we don't wanna be sexy this is demeaning"

Bitch, just shut up and learn to lose weight if you're that much of a jelly fatty.

I love how Andrew is like "YOU DID THE SAME DAMN THING"

>> No.7118564

it's super shitty.

>> No.7118567

She had an eating disorder, anon. I think she did it wrong though.

>> No.7118576

Wow, don't fat shame, this is a tolerable website outside of /pol/.

>> No.7118581

No, no it's not.

>> No.7118585
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Where the fuck do you think you are right now

>> No.7118597 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 449x401, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's it going, Molly?

>> No.7118603

>not fat shame
>tolerable on any board

is this nigga serious

>> No.7118604

tell me more
did the supposed star trek fan call himself a trekkie
where are the giggles and screencaps

>> No.7118606

Andrew was the one good part of the show, as awkward as he is.

He didn't call himself a Trekkie, but the "other trekkie" did.

>> No.7118722

holy crap the fat redhead needs to stop talking 99% of the time. Also, galaxy print on fatties is lol

>> No.7118729

Here is the blond girl's tumblr:

>> No.7118741

>figure I'd give it a shot
>realize Black Vincent is on the show

>> No.7118742

Can we just remove her from the fucking show? Edit her out or something.

>> No.7118744


I don't get it.



That'd be nice.

> Jelly fatty needs to gtfo the show.

>> No.7118745


Ah, she's one of those bitches who post other people's art but never sources them.

>> No.7118747

Nice source of dramu and general whining on /cgl/ about his cosplay group Team Avalanche in FL around 2008-2010.

>> No.7118750


Is he even good at cosplaying?

>> No.7118755

I thought it was a pretty cute show

Not as drama-filled as Heroes of Cosplay. Obviously scripted as fuck though, they can't pretend it isn't.

>> No.7118759
File: 46 KB, 337x450, JJA0rgv[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that nigga is thirsty

>> No.7118772

Even he wasn't as bad as the fat chick he is roomed with.

>> No.7118790
File: 120 KB, 815x748, niggasthirstgotthebestofhim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never said it was a bad, it just get them into bad spots at times

>> No.7118806

Didn't see it. I was too busy watching something that "geeky" people actually care about, namely Agent Coulson and his Band of Bitches

>> No.7118810

Arrrgh so cringey during the dance part, for all parties involved. I thought the pod cast bit was interesting until the whole "hookup" thing. Fatty fatty red head is annoying as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

>> No.7118860

Didn't see it, but the owner of my local comic store was complaining on Facebook about it being worse than Heroes of Cosplay. So that can't be good.

I might watch a rerun of it or something since I hate bitching about shows I've never seen.

>> No.7118872

Turned it off just before they moved in.
Reading a book to my wife was more enjoyable.

Ooooh, Stan Lee.....(faint)

>> No.7118882

>He's an active cosplayer and founded his own group, called Team Avalanche, making amazing costumes and putting on shows across Florida.

NOPE. He's more of a headache.

He's alright. I don't see him around much these days, although I could just be ignoring him, but I remember him being the whiny type if he didn't win or get attention.

>> No.7118895

i don't like the red head at all
everything else is okay
i want another King of the Nerds. when is season 2?

>> No.7118991

Nobody likes that cunt at all and I don't blame anyone because fatty mcfatness needs to go

>> No.7118998

Fatty Redhead 2-by-4, someone hit her with a door


>> No.7119009

He goes to the major cons but mostly it's to say I WAS ON SYFY YOU GUYS.

I'm not sure he's ever worn anything he's made himself.

>> No.7119201


she literally comments to every single person who compliments her on every social network, she must not have a job

>> No.7119207

How do you all still fall for these posts?

>> No.7119224

internal rage

like stop okay you signed your life and reputation away when you agreed to be on this show just stopppppp

>> No.7119242

I watched the show and I can tell off the bat that whatever molly says is gonna sound bad in a reality tv show context. For all I know I could 100% agree with what she says but the tidbits that make it into the show I think are filth.

Never trust reality TV guys..

>> No.7119353


That doesn't stop her from being obnoxious and loud.
I'm pretty sure she is still an annoying, fat feminist in real life.

What she said about all the feminist shit, she obviously said. Editing can't go so far as to fake that entire thing about feminism shit

>> No.7119374

Even her tumblr is obnoxious.

Of course the feminist dykes at tumblr would praise her for being a jelly fatty

>> No.7119382

I agree with this. She was really embarrassing.

>> No.7119386

I agree.

I couldn't be more embarrassed with her behavior.
She's no geek, she didn't even freak out over what the fuck George Takei even came from.
She probably doesn't even know what Takei is famous for.

>> No.7119389

Look at the timestamp on her posts - I think she basically just sits and refreshes the "fangasm" tag and responds to everything. She also mentions her "eating disorder frequently, gushes about absolutely inane bullshit, and throws around the word "consent" a lot. She's really a trainwreck.

>> No.7119393
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She obviously craves fame and wants everyone to love her and feel bad for her.

God someone shoot this bitch already.
And we can tell she had an eating disorder - you can't get that fat without stuffing your gullet because nobody wanted to take your thin-lipped chimp face to prom.

>> No.7119403

You should see her facebook. Basically, when she was allowed to talk about Fangasm, she went on a whole spree of how she's gonna be famous and it's her ~dream~ to be on television.

Now she won't fucking shut up about this damn show. I only have her on Facebook because sometimes she takes nice pictures of me at cons. Wondering if they're worth keeping her as a Facebook friend.

>> No.7119415


Holy shit she is on a television show literally anybody could have tried out for

She isn't some special butterfly

It's not because people like her

She isn't a big deal

She is literally just someone who got chosen at random for a dumb tv show because they needed people stupid enough to not realize they are being made fun of.

>> No.7119426

Andrew just completely won me over with that whole 'you did exactly what they do just with more clothes on.'

>> No.7119427
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> mfw

I fucking love Andrew for saying that.

>> No.7119437

I love how they were all treating Andrew like he would start foaming at the mouth and pissing himself at anything Star Trek related, and when they showed him the contest he was just like 'oh, cool.'

And his reaction to George Takei was actually pretty adorable.

>> No.7119441


I went to go try to find it, but gave up. Found this, which is pretty much exactly what she said on Facebook, except she made it sound more like she didn't even audition, they just ~chose~ her.


>> No.7119446


I still think she is not a real geek.

>> No.7119452

I'm sure she's a geek for all the flavor of the month tumblr obsessions.

>> No.7119466


>> No.7119468

That's exactly what she does.
She's fucking obsessed with her reputation and is super fake as a person. (though admittedly she is a comic book reader irl) She's a vegetarian when it suits her and she wants to be even more holier than though feminist who never shuts up about the eating disorder she once had and how much she hates her body. But then she always wears too tight and skimpy clothes.
Also, it's literally her dream to be famous. Not to do anything worthwhile. Just to be a famous nerd.

>> No.7119472

I enjoy how the redhead girl runs a fashion blog when she dresses horribly.
Is it supposed to be ironic?

>> No.7119475

Are you her friend?

>> No.7119474
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That fucking niggers name is Mike Reed here is his fucking faggot ass twitter. Mikeofsteel15

>> No.7119476
File: 98 KB, 341x190, cosplayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHy nobody talks abuto this guy tho? He goes to the grocery and he war th es tar trek and htey say what a cosplayer he is such a cosplayer. such a coslpalyr.

>> No.7119494

No. She is a friend of a friend. Never much cared for her tbh. Thinks she's hot shit.

>> No.7119508

How do people see this as more genuine than HoC? Molly sounds like a jealous fatty talking about how girls in skimpy costumes are appropriating her culture and the George Takei thing was so obviously staged it hurt.

>> No.7119540

Someone linked Molly to this thread and she has posted it on her facebook, so it's only a matter of time before her faggoty ass snorkeling white knights come to her defense. lulz

>> No.7119554

I hope she sees this and cries while pretending to be tough and like she is fine
Just like Miley cyrus

>> No.7119564

oh man his teeth. I can't get over those huge ass chompers

>> No.7119567

Feminists are awesome people.

Geeks who get famous for not doing anything but being marketable levels of attractive and milk it on these awful television shows are not awesome people regardless of if they are feminists or not.

Even if people like that insufferable Molly chick are "real" geeks (I say as somebody who hates the "FAKE GEEK GIRL" strawman so many of you faggots use) they are still horrible people who have traded their legitimacy for a shot at hollow fame by contributing to the mainstream's cultural appropriation of the internet and geek shit. They are The Donnas compared to Poison Girls. Its like black actors who take black stereotype roles in 2013 - just go fuck yourselves.

>> No.7119568

catching the rerun right now
wow this is already awful

>> No.7119571

here we go

>> No.7119589

shes actually pretty cool in real life.

I'm in her mid social circle (we have a lot of mutual friends and go to the same events often but we never "hang out" - just small talk) and generally shes pretty chill. She's really motivated to "make it" and can be loud sometimes but not always - her good qualities far outweigh the bad.

This is from a pretty objective standpoint - I don't really call her a friend, more of an acquaintance

>> No.7119597

The "geeky" quotes the script tried to squish in were so very awkward. Andrew's reaction to Takei was adorable though. The feminist speech was probably scripted though, I mean... when she did her research on the bar, wasn't it glaringly obviously that the "cosplayers" were strippers? It was like... magically overlooked so they could film the girls being uncomfortable...

>> No.7119601


$50 says she thinks you're trash and that she is better than you.
She seems like the type.

>> No.7119608

nah I'm a way better cosplayer than she is and technically have more efame so she's pretty chill with me - I guess she considers us on equal social ground.

She does however have a lot of people who suck up to her and her social circle is super extensive so I could imagine how some people think shes stuck up. Shes never treated anyone badly though - she tries her best I guess?

>> No.7119618

god this is horribly awkward as shit.

>> No.7119621


Looked at her page

She's a shitty cosplayer, and it looks like she hasn't made a single one of her cosplays

Who is she kidding, why would anyone suck up to her

>> No.7119629

>Feminists are awesome people.

top lel

>> No.7119637

I am glad you had a pleasant experience with her. I drank with her at a few cons since we have mutual friends and she was definitely doing the whole "holier than thou" thing and talking a lot of shit. This was a while ago, though.

>> No.7119641

yeah I know right, it's not okay when a girl on tv says it, but when people on cgl bitch about Nigri is a whore who makes cosplayers looks bad it's okay.

>> No.7119645


>> No.7119654


When I went to drink with her, I never spoke with her all too much because she had her tongue down some random guy's throat the entire time at the bar.

>> No.7119661

Ehh I gotta admit that when I first met her, she also had her tongue in my buddy's mouth the entire night.

Have never actually talked to her before since she was rather preoccupied the full time, so I know nothing about her, but.

Besides that, I thought it was a decent show.
Painfully scripted, but, hey.

>> No.7119663

now THAT'S what I call cosplay! keep the dream alive dudes.

>> No.7119666


She wouldn't be able to call Nigri fake ever, since she plans to use her money from the show on some new tits herself.
She'd be a hypocrite like fucking hell.

>> No.7119670


I believe she and Nigri know one another, I saw them dancing together at a convention.

>> No.7119675


I'm guessing she just wants to be a Nigri copycat

>> No.7119684


Too pale for that.

>> No.7119687

Just watched it.
Andrew is just adorable, I would watch the show just for him.

>> No.7119694

And you aren't even on /fit/!

>> No.7119703

Posted an anon ask to fatty redheads tumblr, she replied and then immediately deleted it. Way to backpedal. Too bad I didn't get a screencap.

>> No.7119718
File: 347 KB, 720x1280, 2013-09-25 17.52.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this rustled mah jimmies. someone should contact her to model as the "before" picture in subway commercial.

>> No.7119722

lol that was the exact thing I sent her an ask about

>> No.7119726

anyone who says "geek culture" as much as molly must be a real tool. I bet she read a comic book 8 months ago and learned about them from big bang theory. she was probably a juggalette or a hipster earlier in the year. Just comes off as super fake.

>> No.7119727

Doesn't she know getting a boob job would only make her look even more fat? She needs to go down from 330 to at least 130 before considering that. Perhaps even less.

>> No.7119729

anyone who says exploiting geek culture as much as she does is a tool.

>> No.7119730
File: 973 KB, 1920x1080, Cast_Fangasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't watch the show, but I'm curious.
Which one is the fatty you're talking about? The redhead only looks a bit chubby, and then there's the actual fat one.

>> No.7119731

the one is the front isn't an intern, she's the one that gives them assignments and shit

>> No.7119733


The fat woman in the center is actually their boss. So she isn't really a contestant on the show or anything.

She's kind of hiding her fat body in the photo behind others, but the redhead with the fake hipstergeek glasses is the one we are talking about.

>> No.7119745

Favorite part: When that weird guy met Georgia Taeki.
Worst part: "That just went feminism ack 20 years. I have body issues. I was bullied for being a nerd even though I was home school all my life."
Bitch, who was bullying you, your parents?

>> No.7119750

Anyone who complains about exploiting "geek culture" then exploits "geek culture" on a TV show is a tool.

>> No.7119753


Holy shit that is right!
She would be unable to comprehend the daily torture of being made fun of that people who went to school had to endure, since they had to go everyday to school and didn't have the escape she did.

She wouldn't get it at all, bitch needs to shut up.

>> No.7119755

Anyone else noticing how fat redhead's story just does not line up?

>> No.7119756


I don't even get how

>I had an eating disorder therefore other people doing revealing cosplay is not OK

is an argument

>> No.7119757

She's just whining to get attention.
Clearly she doesn't understand how hypocritical she is for slut shaming when she says fat shaming is bad.

>> No.7119759
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I've never heard of this, looked up an episode, and couldn't watch more than 10 minutes.

Fuck this "I watched Star Wars once and bought a Batman t-shirt- I'm such a nerd~!" culture and all these Tumblrcore attention seekers. People should like what they like and not force it on themselves for attention. No better than people who memorize sports statistics to impress someone they want to date.

>> No.7119761

It's not like they were even at a con and the girls were dressed revealing. They were at a bar.

>> No.7119766

and I'm guessing that those girls were professional dancers and that's what dancers do, they dress up and dance, and on 'geek pride day' they dress up in comic book style outfits.

>> No.7119767

I loved fat red head's comic book argument. "DC has no story. DC has no depth." That is the most cookie cutter response never. I guarantee she read that one some tumblr reblog and now thinks she's an expert.

>> No.7119768

She was homeschooled until highschool I think, I went to school with her and she was awkward and weird and wore elf ears like every fucking day and everyone picked on her really bad because she deserved it.

>> No.7119765

There was a homeschool sketch on I think SNL that had the parents bully their kid. I tried to find a link but I couldn't remember many details.

>> No.7119769


Yes actually
100% yes

They knew from the flyer that she pulled up that there would be women dressed this way, dancing.
It wasn't some fucking surprise

>> No.7119772

Wow what a freak

>> No.7119775
File: 37 KB, 453x604, 2792_508881565503_4209525_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is on her facebook lol

>> No.7119773

hell the same can be said about a lot of marvel stuff too. Both companies have shitty titles and both have strong titles.

>> No.7119778

And she didn't even take her stand until after she found out Green Lanter was Marvel.
The black guy was like "I cosplayed the Green Lantern and the black Power Ranger.
Then the small girl was like "I love Marvel too".
Then she went full rage mode.

>> No.7119777

Molly keeps updating her facebook bragging constantly about how many add's she's getting and commonly referring to the entire show as "my show" on her posts. she's a total sell out fame whore who lacks actual style and is exploiting "nerd" culture and her cosplay is inaccurate, shitty and basically simple that anyone would make. On the syfy fan page she proclaims herself as "queen of cosplay and fashion". It just makes me face palm because I highly doubt she's even competed or spent any real time sewing intricate cosplay but walks around like she's entitled.

>> No.7119779

The good news is the viewers don't like it. Who would have thought the channel that's known for its cheesy science fiction viewer's don't want to watch shows about girl drama?

>> No.7119780

sy fy needs to knock off this reality tv shit. Besides FaceOff every other attempt has been awful

>> No.7119783

>Complains about girl being an attention whore
>Giving her more attention by doing so

>> No.7119785

When I first saw Andrew and heard his name, I was wondering for a while if he was Andrew Hussie since they kind of looked alike based on my memory of him.

Won't lie LOL

>> No.7119787


She wants attention
She didn't specify if she wanted good or bad attention

>> No.7119790

Now they have that body painting show starting. I guess they're just going to take every phase of FaceOff and make it, it's own show.

>> No.7119792 [DELETED] 

I have been following Molly for a long time, I actually as some would say "stalk" her. I write her e-mails and know where she lives. The amount of attention she's been getting has been worrying me, I feel like I should stab her sometimes. She's gotten really fat over the years and she's full of herself, that girl I used to know is gone. She needs to die.

>> No.7119793


Holy shit you have got to be trolling.


>> No.7119795

fat red head has awful cosplay, it's inaccurate as fuck and so simple. her style is like a look book reject. She has mentioned wanting to get implants, doesn't that go against everything she preaches?

>> No.7119796

That was the blonde girl. The red head said she was always home schooled, yet bullied.

>> No.7119799

Large, fake boobs are empowering!

>> No.7119802

That was definitely her. She was blonde until she moved to Seattle.

>> No.7119800


No, I went to highschool with Molly. She's naturally blonde.

>> No.7119806

>"DC has no story. DC has no depth."

She does know DC published fucking WATCHMEN, right?

>> No.7119810

Watchmen is freakishly in depth.

>> No.7119811

even if she did, she doesn't want to betray her collection of deadpool and X-Men shirts.

>> No.7119817

Her clothes/outfits remind me of "PS - I made this"

>> No.7119821

So someone threatens to kill someone and you scumbags are fine with it. 4chan really is the sweaty asscrack of the internet.

>> No.7119823

Welcome to 2004! Please enjoy your stay!

>> No.7119825


You act like we are fine with it when only one person acknowledged it at all.

I don't think most people noticed the post.

Go home, Molly,
Keep refreshing tumblr and googling your name
You are too obvious

>> No.7119833

Only one white knight
How pathetic

>> No.7119834

Only attractive or average girls get white knighted.

>> No.7119835


Yeah fatties have to be their own knights

>> No.7119842

Back on topic

>> No.7119853

He's so awkward
But definite favorite

>> No.7119851


you're right.

the show is pretty lame. mainly due to unlikable casting. Andrew seems cool as shit though, and the only one who doesn't need to flaunt his lIfestyle in everyone's face.

>> No.7119855

I love him for saying he doesn't want nerd culture to be mainstream and that's what he liked about it.

>> No.7119856

well at least his awkwardness is kinda endearing?
Hell he isn't obnoxious like the red head.
And he gets props for what he said about cosplaying

>> No.7119866

He's rolling in the vagina.

>> No.7119870

honestly the show somewhat okay
i think I only like it because of andrew
but seriously i can't stand these girls

>> No.7119873


>> No.7119876

Fat redhead bitch is posting on facebook how afraid she is of anon's stab post above...and her white knight neckbeards are urging her to call the FBI so they can get his IP and backtrace him...on 4chan. LOL

>> No.7119877

It's better than King of the Nerds at least.

>> No.7119880


As if the FBI will give any shits at all

>> No.7119881

>taking a post on 4chan seriously

>> No.7119886

"All comments are those of the poster and a satire and don't take it serious blah blah blah". It's on the front page.

>> No.7119891

As if she'd know that

>> No.7119905

Lol I will say this Andrew was my favorite

>> No.7119907

He was everyone's favorite

This is his show

>> No.7119912

everyone seems to like him best
just give him the internship prize and end this sad show

>> No.7119914

seriously, can the OP even really be caught? it's 4chan. someone was probably just trolling. doesnt seem legit.

>> No.7119920

In theory, yes they could track the person that posted the stab comment, but I highly doubt the government gives two shits.

>> No.7119921

Most people on 4chan use proxies anyway

>> No.7119923

I really don't think that's true, especially on a board like /cgl/.

>> No.7119946

Molly deleted her post on facebook. She's on to us guiz! Oh teh noez! Consequences will never be the same!

>> No.7119963

Such a pussy

>> No.7119975

She literally thinks someone is posting what she is saying here.

No, sweetie, you just have no real friends.

>> No.7120009

sarcasm isn't new to you, is it?

>> No.7120014


They're referring to Molly, not the anon.

Wow you're kind of dumb, huh?

>> No.7120019

This. I meant Molly was a pussy for deleting her shit.

>> No.7120060

leave her alone!

>> No.7120065

molly can't cum. she's also begging you to piss and shit on her

>> No.7120073
File: 37 KB, 479x398, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we have the full right to review the tv show and treat her like people treat every person on tv they don't like

Stop being a Crocker

>> No.7120075

molly's calling the police.

>> No.7120082

He's doing porn now.

>> No.7120084

fucking white bitch couldn't even cum for a black guy. what a waste.

>> No.7120087

Holy shit that is disgusting

>> No.7120094

Gay porn. He's doing it as a boy, no trans.

>> No.7120104

molly's always happy that' she got lucky meeting and fucking a "McIssac"

>> No.7120122


Like any of us could wield a knife correctly....outside the folks of /k/, but they have better things to do than stab a fatty.

The show sucks BTW. No need to waste more breath on it.

>> No.7120124

I liked Andrew's Star Trek shirt

>> No.7120152

Green Lantern is DC... He's part of the Justice League.

>> No.7120172

So the same girl that was saying that upset that people were fat shamed people, now she is slut shaming? Isn't being a feminist about doing whatever the fuck you want to with your body? Nice Job.

>> No.7120178

yep. she's a huge hypocrite

>> No.7120219

She's the definition of hypocrite.

God I can't wait to laugh at her fake tits

>> No.7120238

haha her tone on tumblr went from calm and collected (albeit annoying) to name calling and flipping out bitchmode about this thread. Hi, Fatty Fatty, how is that fame you crave so badly?

>> No.7120277

Fatty Fatty Red Red aside, I was browsing her tumblr and she got into a cat fight with someone who was considered for the show. Hahaha he's just as bad as she is.


>> No.7120284

It started out okay and then devolved into pure rage. They are so mad.

>> No.7120286


He comes off more fake nerd than most of the cast members

" I have gone to new york comic con about 5 years in a row and sure there are some strange mother fuckers out there who geek out on shit but none of them are losers in anyway. "

Like, did he just become a "geek" after watching the big bang theory or something?

Here dude, this is for you.

>> No.7120308

Jesus Christ, I made it maybe halfway through that before he had repeated himself 4or 5 times.
"I'm butthurt because I didn't make it, but I'm glad I didn't. they said I'd be in the show, but whatever. I'm today's nerd. I get laid all the time, just like all the nerds in Brooklyn. I like ALL nerd things. Pokemon, Star Wars, Batman, Dr Who! only REAL nerds like everything. but it's cool. I'm butthurt, but it's cool. bazinga!"

>> No.7120311
File: 33 KB, 500x318, shuturwhoremouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mfw I actually read all that shit dribble.

>> No.7120313

>" I have gone to new york comic con about 5 years in a row and sure there are some strange mother fuckers out there who geek out on shit but none of them are losers in anyway. "

Wait, going to a convention is proof that you're a nerd now?

Well fuck me then, then I guess i'm a dork.

>> No.7120348


>> No.7120351


There are wallets made of dork, but they're very expensive.

>> No.7120378

That's gross

>> No.7120382
File: 6 KB, 121x120, 67efe5dbea32949baec388be8bedbf8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bit chubby

a bit chubby is 30-35 inch waist

this girl is fat

>> No.7120386
File: 200 KB, 120x68, 1331448029205.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What red head are we talking about?

the one with the glasses and black milk galaxy dress?

>> No.7120388
File: 49 KB, 600x558, 1327864590459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and Im pretty sure she has autism or some sort of actual mental problem

when she claps and smiles it disturbingly looks like she has down syndrome

>> No.7120390


She wouldn't look so bad if she took better care of her skin. Girl needs to lay off makeup for a while and use a clarisonic.

>> No.7120392

still fat

and cant help that face

>> No.7120396

how are people calling her fat

what the fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.7120399

>tubby chan detected

>> No.7120401
File: 66 KB, 576x768, fatnangry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's the guy in question (along with his gf that he fucking obsesses about). He's also going to be the next Pendleton Ward.


>> No.7120407

As some one who was in the original casting for this show. I'm a bit disappointed with the turn it took. you probably remember the thread on "fandom rising" this is what fangasim was originally suppose to be. and it wasn't pitched as big brother type of show with them crammed into one house. it was suppose to follow the every day lives of the casted members and how their hobbies mix and make their lives just a little more difficult

>> No.7120409

She claps like a retard

>> No.7120410

those sausage fingers

>> No.7120413

as someone who literally has molly's measurements on hand, she is on the LOW end of chubby if in that range at all

you're an idiot.

>> No.7120414
File: 1.04 MB, 290x189, rWESX.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7120417
File: 107 KB, 500x281, annnnnnnnnne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This pic just made me realize how much the blonde chick looks like anne of cleves from The Tudors.

>> No.7120418

I wouldn't call Molly fat, but she has a pretty ugly personality, so it's easy to call her names.

>> No.7120424

so youre definitely one of the people that makes the costumes she takes credit for right?

>> No.7120425

Molly, go away, you feminist cunt.
You're so obvious.

>> No.7120429


Post them.
Prove it.

>> No.7120430

He looks like a chimp.

>> No.7120431

Wrong, he looks like a horse

Molly looks like a chimp

Mike looks like a nigger

>> No.7120466
File: 45 KB, 356x342, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Mike looks like a nigger.

>> No.7120471

>implying niggers don't look like chimps

>> No.7120592

She's skinny fat, which is worse than being fat.

>> No.7120732


lol no. i think this level of nerdery is actually a bit ridiculous and don't understand the appeal at all. i'm just a friend of molly's, not trying to WK for her or anything, but really really needed to comment on the "31-35" waistline is chubby and she is fat" thing because it's clear that the person who wrote has never touched a woman that wasn't made of paper

>> No.7120743

some people like to fuck statistics and "is she skinny enough to make me look cool" kind of chicks, i like to touch curvy, soft (mouthy, let's be real) chicks like molly. i think she's a babe, not even gonna lie about it. i'd twist it up thrice to tuesday and if she's avidly refreshing this - girl, get at me but i'm dressing your nerd ass first

>> No.7120746

That is chubby (I wouldn't say fat), but I guess I'm just a paper woman.

>> No.7120750

no one disagrees with you, bra
the OP is saying she's past chubby and straight into "fat" at those statistics and soz but that is le wrong
you're probably a babe too, pics plz

>> No.7120781

>not trying to white knight her
>white knights her

>> No.7120876


Seriously. She is not skinny fat. The blonde chick is closer to being skinny fat than Molly. Molly is chubby. You can especially tell during the hot tub scene.

>> No.7120884

Molly has all the bad parts of being fat, with none of the good assets that come with it.

>> No.7120914
File: 248 KB, 640x360, 6557962_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess you can white knight someone without intending to
differing opinion?! QUIT DEFENDING WAT I H8


>> No.7120917

when she claps/laughs it does seem like shes got down syndrome. her skin looks so unhealthy and gross, even for a "geek".andrew is the only saving grace and danni, she seems chill. molly is such a hypocrite loser.

>> No.7120918
File: 26 KB, 753x583, 559368_4674686484322_1410071214_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without intending to differing opinion

>> No.7120933


>> No.7120953

Well I mean
31+ has 10inches on my waistline, that's for sure.

>> No.7120968


you have a 20" waist? lol right.
keep in mind she's also 5'10" according to her blog

>> No.7120980

That's attainable through corset training or if you are petite with a small frame.

>> No.7120985

>is this nigga serious
this is 4chan we use the word nigger

>> No.7120988

She's definitely not 5'10.. Maybe 5'8.

>> No.7120991


Her being 5'10" just makes it more sad.To be that tall and look that chubby, she must weight quite a bit. And lets be real, she has no muscle at all so all that weight is from her fat.

>> No.7121006
File: 123 KB, 900x714, cosplay001_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i really don't see her looking fat, i just think she looks thick but whatever, to each their own.

>> No.7121034
File: 269 KB, 966x542, yeahok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're killing me with that photo. The hair is clearly hiding the tubby stomach.

>> No.7121037


you're calling that fat? lol.
she could stand to lose like 15lbs but that's not fat.

>> No.7121040


Not fat, chubby. Her whiteknigths are calling her skinnyfat

>> No.7121047

She is fat because she doesn't know how to dress herself - come on, a two piece bathing suit? Like...you're gonna be on TV. And the GALAXY PRINT, come on...the jokes write themselves. She's just not an attractive person.

>> No.7121053
File: 195 KB, 800x838, 4f304116883f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i found her model mayhem, i don't really see what you guys are seeing?

>> No.7121052
File: 22 KB, 518x93, Screen Shot 2013-09-26 at 2.31.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol she's probably refreshing this page constantly

>> No.7121054

Is this your first time dealing with hating on a bitch or something, Molly?

>> No.7121058

Looks trans.

>> No.7121060

she's gained weight since that photo for sure. just watch the show and look at her rolls when she's in the hot tub.

>> No.7121061

The top half of the photo is sharp, but the bottom is kinda blurry... What did the photographer do? It must be some sort of depth of field issue. What a shit photographer.

>> No.7121078

Yeahhhh I do corset training, so I suppose it isn't fair for me to say that....

>> No.7121096

there was a line break, it's not my fault 4chan sucks

>> No.7121098

cool comeback tho

>> No.7121105

No, the line break is still there. There's no punctuation, though.
P.S. It's only a comeback if I was the person you were talking to. I wasn't.

>> No.7121113

There are a lot of reasons why fangasm makes me rage. First of all, using the words geek, nerd, and dork are offensive. In all of my life none of those words have been used to make me feel like I belong, they have been used to make me feel different and to put me in an outcast category. It's like the world nigger, just because black people use it, doesn't mean the world is any less offensive. So it baffles me when people go on tv and start calling themselves geek and nerd and telling people we should embrace geek and nerd culture. If some white dudes went on tv dressed like they came out of the ghetto and started calling people niggers would that be ok? Because I'm pretty sure if they said "Oh we aren't hating black people, we are just celebrating nigger culture." Tumblr would just fucking explode in rage.

I also don't get why people feel the need to like things just for attention or to be cool. Liking things just to be cool or for attention just makes you look like a giant fucking bag of shit. It makes more people despise you if anything. I agree with the one guy about how the fandoms we like shouldn't be main stream. Do you know what happens to movies, music, video games, and comics when they go mainstream? What happens is they get watered down, altered, and stupid shit like zombies and romance gets added to them. Whatever the flavor of the fucking month is for the broad general audience. When something goes main stream, no longer do they make things for the true fans, they make things for a profit. Whatever they can squeeze out of the general baffoons who don't appreciate the true works of art and want just another shitty action, love, or zombie movie.

>> No.7121115
File: 6 KB, 128x128, Chomper.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like a broad majority of women have ruined comics, movies, video games, table top games, etc. They come into our fandoms and tell us we can't like we want because it hurts their feelings. It has to conform to the social justice group of the month they are apart of. I don't fucking conform for anyone or for any group. I am an outcast and I like being that way. I don't give a fuck if you have low self esteem issues and people treated you like shit. Don't come into my fandoms or play my games and try to change shit just because you can't buck up and handle your fucking emotions and shit. That's you're fucking problem, not mine. You can't be an outcast and conform to a group at the same fucking time. You're either an outcast like the rest of us, or you're a fucking feminist or whatever ist. There is no middle ground. You're one, or the other. That's how it is.

Also women need to take their women hatred somewhere else. If you have jealousy problems and hate some other chick because she looks better than you ever will in a costume, once again that is your fucking problem not everyone elses and we shouldn't have to change because you feel insecure.

Also pic related because every time I see the dude with the teeth I think of chomper.

>> No.7121118
File: 13 KB, 450x300, ehuehu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The worst trolling attempt I've seen in a while.

>> No.7121130

I dunno, I think it has some good rage points to it that could draw people in.

>> No.7121138


What's wrong with the galaxy print?

>> No.7121141

Huge planets

Even bigger
Bitch so huge, she's her own planet/galaxy

That help?

>> No.7121142


was good and subtle
was too obvious

>> No.7121144

I do agree with this part, though:

> I agree with the one guy about how the fandoms we like shouldn't be main stream. Do you know what happens to movies, music, video games, and comics when they go mainstream? What happens is they get watered down, altered, and stupid shit like zombies and romance gets added to them. Whatever the flavor of the fucking month is for the broad general audience. When something goes main stream, no longer do they make things for the true fans, they make things for a profit. Whatever they can squeeze out of the general baffoons who don't appreciate the true works of art and want just another shitty action, love, or zombie movie.

But the rest of it was bad trolling.

>> No.7121164

It is sooooo last season, duh.

>> No.7121190

that photoshop

its so obvious

you see her how awful she looks irl on this show how are people not seeing the over photoshoped pictures?

>> No.7121208
File: 14 KB, 320x240, 194730_DERP_sonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 5 5 with 33-24-36

I would freak if I had a 30 inch waist line let alone 35

that is fat/ muffin top tier

also stop saying she is skinny fat...I AM SKINNY FAT

skinny fat implies you are thin but with no defined muscle

>> No.7121212

I am 34-25-36

I look no where near as fat as Molly and Im still trying to lift and eat well for that 24 inch waist. This girl actually looks like she is pushing a 36-37 inch waistline thats fucking gross

>> No.7121222 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 250x250, 1330569376642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white knights PLEASE to spoon-feed me complements I feel like shit this actually is hurting me badly

she acts like it doesn't hurt her but if it truly didn't she would post this

Molly if your reading this I want you to know you are a worthless piece of annoying fat shit

and yes you do act and look like you have down syndrome, your shitty personality is what makes people see that

>> No.7121231
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1348275286669s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white knights PLEASE spoon-feed me complements I feel like shit this actually is hurting me badly

she is making it out like it doesn't hurt her but if it truly didn't she would post this

Molly if your reading this I want you to know you are a worthless piece of shit

yes you are fat and annoying

and yes you do act and look like you have down syndrome, your shitty personality is what makes people see that

>> No.7121252

I'd tell her to just get a big bowl of ice cream and eat her problem away, but it looks like she already does that on the regular.

>> No.7121263

Molly isn't even worth wasting cum on

>> No.7121288
File: 939 KB, 180x155, 1378083853951.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just poppin' in here for a sec, but I really wish if you people hate a person for their personality that you'd focus on the fact that they're shitty people for justifiable reasons and not try to grasp at straws about their physical appearance. Fuck even picking on her tryhard nerd fashion would be better.

Based on the picture I saw earlier of this Molly chick, she's chubs but she's not hambeast tier fat like some of you are drawing this out to be. If I can see clavicles and no prominent double chin, you ain't that fat.
Tl;DR You people are so fucking ridiculous sometimes.
>inb4 whiteknight

>> No.7121306
File: 238 KB, 575x900, 811334852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she just posted this on twitter.

are we sure she's not a man?

>> No.7121313

While I do think that makeup is unflattering and gives her a bad case of manface, I'm pretty sure she's a chick. She just needs to change up that makeup.

>> No.7121314

That lipstick is not her color. And did she contour her cheeks? Doesn't look good.

>> No.7121321


i think if she didn't contour her cheeks she'd look like she ran into a fucking wall, her face is like a damn dinner plate

>> No.7121349

my girlfriend met her at a con once. it was in the bathroom. gf says she has the smelliest shits she's ever smelled. when we saw the show and Molly came on, she shouted "that's her!"

>> No.7121405

A man with that much make up would actually look good.

>> No.7121425

you are a whiteknight

and just because you green text doesnt mean its proof youre not one

I wouldnt be surprised if you were Molly herself

>> No.7121546

The annoying redhead is all over tumblr saying stuff like "Enjoy your hand" to people who criticize her.

For someone who whines so much about feminist values, that's a pretty objectifying retort. In its essence, "enjoy your hand" is based off a chauvinistic attitude that women's value is sex, and that criticizing any woman as you would any man is automatically of a sexual topic simply because it's a woman. I'd put forth that Molly, and anyone liking that comment made by her, is not a real feminist, but rather a run of the mill sexist who's only claim to fame is being a burdensome squeaky wheel.

I feel terrible for her castmates, who's potential for positive attention is being sucked dry by her incessant need for negative attention. This woman lacks class and doesn't appear to understand the concept of class, so why would she expect any other reception? Being crass, rude, whiny, and egotistical does not earn one admiration or respect.

>> No.7121554

rebel the redneck fat girl?

>> No.7121581

Watched for about 10 minutes, got bored, then changed the channel.

>> No.7121682

Oh god, those glasses...

>> No.7121693

>this picture gets posted in a cosplay thread/progress thread/any other fucking thread
>looks pretty good anon keep it up!!
>someone mentions leather showing above metal bird
>someone mentions how they wish it wasn't so washed out
>they move on

>this gets posted in this thread
>wow what a man fucking beast disgusting her makeup is awful wowowow

I don't even like her in real life but the points you're making in this thread are ridiculous.

>> No.7121698

I agree. it's really turning to petty bullying at this point.

>> No.7121700

That makeup is kinda bad. It minimizes her eyes, the lipstick color doesn't work well with her skintone and her face seems kinda flat. I'm guessing she didn't compensate makeup-wise for being on camera.

>> No.7121703

Er, and I mean it seems flat because it seems like she put her foundation on and then didn't add enough color back in with blush. Hence
> I'm guessing she didn't compensate makeup-wise for being on camera.

>> No.7121712
File: 94 KB, 720x960, 253141_380919681976884_1878859998_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ if you look like this why would you wear spandex. fucking fatty

>> No.7121714

There's that bad makeup and washed out look again.
Not fat, though. Honestly, in this picture she doesn't even look chubby.

>> No.7121717

Yeah, she looks pretty average weight-wise here.

In the show, she's kind of gross, but here she looks fine.

>> No.7121722


seriously? her thighs are like sausages

>> No.7121723

I like thighs like that. Love dem pears.

>> No.7121729

I like thick legs. I didn't realize that was weird.

I think super thin legs look odd.

>> No.7121733

Why the red shoes? Gold shoes would have worked better. Or why not just gold boots?

>> No.7121736


ok so i've gone through 100s of her fb photos and she's fucking annoying but her weight fluctuates like crazy

>> No.7121737

A lot of women deal with that.

>> No.7121766 [DELETED] 

I heard she has a history of abortions.

>> No.7121770


probably a lie, because who would put their dick in that?

>> No.7121771
File: 87 KB, 894x960, 1098425_613731460473_1978815726_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that using the word "nerd" like it's candy is just allowing more oppression. Molly is fat and ugly, and a total wanna be. What I don't understand is how she just assumes the entire internet is going to side with her and agree with her values/opinions/attitude or shitty behavior. In one vapid interview she said the best part of the ENTIRE show (which she deems "HER SHOW" but she's not arrogant, right?) was a part about herself doing the vulcan sign and screaming. She said she hoped the internet made a GIF of it and repeated it, like we'd all be like "oh that sweet heart molly is the best ever". Of course you'll have back lash, especially when you're a hypocritical piece of shit. Have you ever heard of the mirror theory? All of those subjects she BAWWS about are things that she obviously finds as a deep flaw within her own being. She obviously uses "geek" culture to her advantage to find a new guy every month to suck face with and then move on. She exploits any fandom she claims and is a vapid moron, Not to mention her "GEEKY PEACOCK" handle she latches herself to along side her crappy jail-house shit tattoo of a peacock feather. Male peacocks are usually the most beautiful and the women aren't showy/flashy at all. She's such a dipshit, I really hope someone smacks some sense into that woman. Get off your high horse and stop acting arrogant and full of yourself, it's not cute. Even the biggest star or celebrity is smart enough to be humble for a fucking reason you dumb cunt.

>> No.7121775


it's a chocobo tattoo, she listed all her tattoos on her twitter the other day.

& yeah she sucks but in that interview about the gif she did say "this is going to sound conceited" or something

>> No.7121774

Her tumblr is disgusting. It's like, whatever "nerd" thing is popular all bundled into one.

>> No.7121776

She doesn't even make her own cosplay. What a poser/lame ass.

>> No.7121777

Oh look, another hipster faggot that cleans out Hot Topic...

>> No.7121780

>you are a whiteknight
You don't know what that word means and you can't inb4. Leave because you're unfunny.

>> No.7121781

Just because you use the "inb4" meme, doesn't make it magically make everything you say true or not true.

>> No.7121782


she's probably never ever played final fantasy

>> No.7121783
File: 37 KB, 480x720, 972248_611596848253_953944453_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7121784

I'm guessing she's a Kingdom Hearts secondary, secondary.

>> No.7121786

Sorry to burst your bubble...lol jk I'm not really sorry, but I'm pretty damn sure it's an objective fact the girl ain't a hambeast.

Not even saying anything to the contrary about her personality. So idg what makes you think I'm "whiteknighting" when all I'm doing is disagreeing with you over a word. Do you usually throw this much of a tantrum when a person doesn't agree with you irl?

>> No.7121787

WOW such style.

>> No.7121788

You're white knighting her because you're defending her, dumb ass.

>> No.7121791
File: 67 KB, 2000x2000, 1342923092669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending her
No. I'm not. Dumbass.
I'm saying you're being retarded and using a word that simply doesn't apply, just like how you throw around whiteknight without getting what that means.

>> No.7121795

So you're not rushing to her defense, because you seem to be unable to not respond when someone says something offensive about her?

>> No.7121796
File: 48 KB, 720x540, 551540_10200505754060906_782891822_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but omg im so hawt whatever dont set feminism back and use me like a thing you can throw away, im such a good woman.

>> No.7121798

Speaking of using words that don't apply, please explain how that post is autistic.

>> No.7121799
File: 101 KB, 612x612, 1001525_610616782313_975801073_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg, gaiz stop, im the best cosplayer everrrrr. i dont even make my own shit but it dont matter because im way more entitled than all of you omggg.LOL such a DORK

>> No.7121801

>So you're not rushing to her defense
I'm pretty sure disagreeing with you about the use of a semantic isn't "rushing" to anybody's defense. I'm mostly concerned with your idiotic perceptions, I couldn't give two shits about the girl in question.
>because you seem to be unable to not respond when someone says something offensive about her?
Because how dare I respond to you right?
On 4chan where you're having a public discussion, right?

>> No.7121802

Mirrin that jaw line. That's news anchor quality.

>> No.7121804

Dif anon but I'd just stop responding, there's only like two people in here and they're hellbent on being cunts today.

>> No.7121806

If you don't give a shit, then why do you keep trying to white knight her?

>> No.7121805
File: 98 KB, 612x612, 599509_597360582843_1623401449_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im such a babe guys, how can u h8 on me. lol im such a dork.

>> No.7121809
File: 21 KB, 450x338, oh you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7121813

You still can't stop replying. You must be in love with her.

>> No.7121815

I think she's pretty and body wise she looks average.
Jellies gonna jelly.

>> No.7121819
File: 72 KB, 720x480, 488121_592984552443_608193731_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH HEY GUYS, IM GONNA DO A "REAL GIRL GAMER" TO SHOW THE "REAL GIRL GAMER" NOT SOME FAKE "GIRL GAMER". why don't I just take a bunch of photos with cliche "GAMER/NERD" things laying around and OH YEAH TAKE OFF MY PANTS FOR NO REASON TO SHOW THAT WOMAN CAN BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY IN THE "GEEK CULTURE" AND NOT SET FEMINISM BACK BY PLAYING IN A STEREOTYPICAL CONCEPT. i mean, that's such an original great idea, isn't it guys? and those girls who never claimed to be "nerds' who are fit and shake their butts because it's their choice are the one's exploiting "GEEK" CULTURE, DID I SAY GEEK ENOUGH? GEEK.

>> No.7121820

Maybe handsome.

>> No.7121822

>Jellies gonna jelly.
mte. jelly uggos in here are wayyyy too mad.

>> No.7121823
File: 51 KB, 720x514, 229904_312476818862553_446369822_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and i'll just bend over and let men pretend stab their claws up my ass because that's a great role model for all women also, totally not setting feminism back 20 years. at all. right?

>> No.7121825

>nobody will ever fap to your half dressed ass while playing video games and stuffing your face with pizza
Don't be upset anon. Lots of people don't have it that lucky.

>> No.7121827

>that junk food
>large pizza for self

>> No.7121828

Keep Calm meme
old school video games
junk food
mountain dew
star wars
It's like I'm watching The Big Bang Theory.

>> No.7121829

She took a picture with that fucking douchenugget? Jesus Christ.

>> No.7121832
File: 43 KB, 720x405, 406956_4267805246859_1904766315_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, let me post drunk photos of myself letting another woman hump me and subject everyone to this ugly sight, but some other woman dancing around as her job by choice is awful, totally BEWBS BEWBS BEWBS BUTT, OMGERDDD GUYSSS.

>> No.7121835


I just see someone having fun tbh

>> No.7121842
File: 82 KB, 720x478, 282891_10151855231355725_1863037462_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg, let me pose with you hitting my butt and spanking me so people take my photo and pay attention to me in a group of random passer-byers.. but it totally isn't me exploiting my gender or a "GEEEK GEEK GEEK" fandom for attention or anything, that would set feminism back 20 years.

>> No.7121844

That's the point, those girls dancing on the episode looked like they were having fun too. And she basically made fun of them and put them down, meanwhile her behavior is just as bad or actually worse because she's trying to act better than everyone and hide it within a "GEEK CULTURE" excuse.

>> No.7121846
File: 81 KB, 612x612, 549784_559376393463_2144732727_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg get a pic of myself with this japanese body pillow promoting men treating women like objects and continually letting met oppress women because they don't look like this skinny anime girl. omg gaiizzz im so funny!!! and totally a feminist. it's such a joke, lulz

>> No.7121847

I don't think I've ever actually seen a Susan Strong cosplay, and that one looks pretty good.

>> No.7121851
File: 98 KB, 720x682, 321545_539345939653_62092881_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's acceptable for me to put my ass in everyone's face and post the photos to my social media for attention, and show off my ass. i'm not a hypocrite at all.

>> No.7121852

Molly stop posting pics of yourself for attention you stupid bitch

>> No.7121854
File: 61 KB, 720x479, 484652_595364962083_1744393449_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7121858
File: 113 KB, 960x640, 318201_534891401583_4754209_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg and making "THE V" signal totally doesn't degrade women AT ALL, right? i'm such a great feminist.

>> No.7121863
File: 47 KB, 720x540, 554198_10151503353437492_1967005569_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the smell of uranus.

>> No.7121864

did you even see what she said about the girls in ep 1 doing the same thing?

>> No.7121885

molly was trying to sell autographed prints of her fatass before she was on syfy. she barked at people who thought that was stupid.

>> No.7121890

this thread has gotten so petty it's the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life

>inb4 hi molly
I was actually critiquing her makeup and fashion sense earlier but thats as far as I got

>> No.7121901

This thread turned hilarious

Those pics really show how fat she is, and hypocritical

>> No.7121927

Nah, the thread got hilarious because you proved yourself to be a buttraged cumbucket.

>> No.7121931

I literally just arrived, I just think this thread is funny. No sarcasm or anything.

>> No.7121999

lol the guy captioning these pictures in post 10/10 hilarious

>> No.7122249

2 drinks
2 lightsabers
2 controllers
pizza for 2

>she thinks the dinosaur is her friend.

>> No.7122376

Thread is autosaging


>> No.7122715

That's a dude

>> No.7125648
File: 873 KB, 1208x450, talknerdytome1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to post ~sexy~ images of me for this stupid banner for my ~sex nerd advice column~ I started, but when other women use their sexuality for gain it's setting feminism back 20 years and exploitative

>> No.7126116

i'm WKing and i lol'd

>> No.7126119
