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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 19 KB, 400x307, 1662604486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7119092 No.7119092 [Reply] [Original]

Can we discuss plastic surgery and cosplay/j-fashion?
Have you ever done it to help make yourself look better in cosplays, Lolita, gyaru? Other reasons?
Would you consider doing it if you had the money?

Plastic surgery is pretty ubiquitous in South Korea, do you think it should be less of a stigma in other places?

>> No.7119095

You can try to make this as relevant to the board ad you want but it never will be.

>> No.7119103

Why not? Should I have put this on the beauty general or started a/cgl/ insecurities thread?
I'm sorry if posting a Korean plastic surgery seems like I'm trying to start shit but I'm genuinely curious and would like to discuss.

>> No.7119113

idk since /cgl/ now is officially the j-fashion and k-fashion board and plastic surgery is so prevalent in those worlds i completely think it's board related.

on top of that many top cosplayers have plastic surgery.

i would get plastic surgery if i could, and by "if i could" i mean have so much money i didn't know what to do with myself.
also, while plastic surgery is very common in South Korea it is heavily stigmatized. you cannot talk about it, you do not admit you have it, you do not mention wanting it. you act as if you are natural and don't say a second word on it. it is maybe more stigmatized there than here, because in America "normal" (not modified) people will judge you. but if you and all your friends have fake noses, lip injections, breast augmentation, they wont gossip about it like they do in Korea.

>> No.7119118

I had a nose surgery not long ago because it was bent to one side badly at the middle, they fucked up everything and now I can harldy breat anymore while the nose doesn't look any different than before.

>> No.7119120

I'd probably just fix up my teeth since they're so fucked up.

>> No.7119122

if you have health insurance you can get corrective rhinoplasty and your insurance will cover a very large amount.

>> No.7119123

I'd consider getting liposuction done on my arms. I'm ten pounds underweight but still have fatty, flabby arms and it pisses me off.

>> No.7119127

>getting surgery for a hobby

>> No.7119128

I want it badly, especially rhinoplasty. I'm thinking up saving up for it and getting it done in Thailand.

>> No.7119143

are you white?

>> No.7119140

For cosplay, yeah that's dumb. But it were talking about j-fashion or k-fashion, I don't see that as a hobby and there's nothing wrong with making yourself more aesthetic when you want to look your best in your clothes. Contouring can only do so much.

>> No.7119147

I understand it if you're a model or aspiring model, but just someone that's a lolita for a hobby seems extreme.

>> No.7119152

Nope, they don't. My surgery was a corrective one and they only paid 70€ from 3800€.

>> No.7119156

that sucks.
my friend for her second and third nose job had 80% of it covered by insurance. it would have been 100% but she wanted a specific doctor.

>> No.7119157

I desperately want plastic surgery and have done since I was a small child. I need my nose fixed. I despise it with every fibre of my being. I did save up the money for the surgery once, but my parents took it from me and I've never managed to save up as much again since.

I dunno, everybody around me makes me feel shitty for wanting surgery but I can't help it. I need my nose fixed.

I guess if I could have something else done too, I'd have my jaw shaved down some.

>> No.7119158

>public health care

>> No.7119160

What did your parents do with your money?

>> No.7119168

NThat is just how it is in central europe, no matter what insurance you have.

>> No.7119170

I really would like to have plastic surgery because I hate my jaw and nose, but I can't stomach the progress where everything is just like straight out of a horror movie. Not to mention my family and friends are all heavily against things like that so I'm afraid of getting judged. Well not like I'd have enough money on it anytime soon anyway.

Can I request some before and after pictures, preferably noses / jaws but whatever you guys have is cool!

>> No.7119174

>my parents took it from me


Also, /r/ an image of your nose.

>> No.7119180


Not a clue. I think they paid off debt (That I didn't know they had.) and then blew the rest of a variety of things.

>> No.7119191


Have you considered hating your parents instead of your nose?

>> No.7119192

Rhinoplasty. I would but I doubt there'd be much I can do for my particular nose shape, which sucks so bad.
In general I wish my face looked more dollish and cute, I'd probably have to do some jaw shaving for that as well. If I could ever afford it, which I doubt.

Are there tidy surgical or nonsurgical options for loose skin from lost weight?
I dont have big bags of skin like what you'd see from a obese-to-normal weight loss show, but the sag of skin around my knees and in my elbow joints arent taut enough. Like with that I wouldn't be a good enough candidate because it's only small.

>> No.7119193

My parents used and still use my government money for their mortgage lol. Doesnt help that I'm NEET though

>> No.7119195


It's not the first time they did it. I've grown up having birthday/Christmas money taken from me at every opportunity.

Also, no. I'd be instantly recognizable.


I could hate them, but it wouldn't make my nose any nicer.

>> No.7119194

drinking more water, higher end moisturizers with better things in them, and exercise are the only things that can even slightly effect loose skin. but it will be very very slight.

>> No.7119196

>I'd be instantly recognizable.

Even if it was just your nose and not the rest of your face?


>> No.7119197


Whoops, part of that was meant for >>7119191


That feel.

>> No.7119198

flan pls be my waifu

>> No.7119204


Haha, no, I'm not flan. My nose is worse than hers.


Yeah, it's pretty distinctive. And that's not just me saying so, other people have told me. I usually shoop it in photos, but those who know me IRL would know.

>> No.7119205

Thinking of getting lap band surgery.

The only think that worries me is the risks and bloob deflation.

I'll probably do it in Thailand.

>> No.7119208



not bloob.

>> No.7119210

I feel for you Anon, my husband's mom stole a good amount of money from him once, made him poor enough that he had to live with her, and then she'd pretend that he hardly ever gave her any money for rent (and would tell that to his stepdad after they got back together again) when he would give her the majority of his paycheck each month. She's a pretty terrible alcoholic.

>> No.7119211

I want some light nose surgery, not enough to make it look super thin but "average sized"

it has that bump and is wide

>> No.7119213
File: 83 KB, 580x526, 2012-05-07_115944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7119214

I would want a minor surgery on my nose to make it more even on the other side. Due to an injury it's grown slightly crooked, but most people don't even notice it and I feel really silly worrying about it. I also might consider getting a subtle boob job, I've got quite small breasts and would like to go to a small B or something.

>> No.7119218

I've always kinda wanted my nose done. it's a little crooked and i've got a bump that makes me hate my profile. for the most part i look fine from the front and i can fix it a little with makeup but to have a perfectly straight nose would be a dream come true. on the other hand, ive watched rhinoplasty videos on youtube and i'm not sure i could ever actually go through with it. i'm a wuss.

>> No.7119234

I want a jaw reduction surgery. I don't know how everything in my face is so well proportioned but my jaw came out so gross and masculine. Curse dem germanic genes. I'd feel more comfortable wearing pretty clothes having a more feminie bone structure.

>> No.7119241

>in the future plastic surgery will be like getting braces done

>> No.7119262

I want plastic surgery so fucking bad, I have the manlyist chin on the planet I want to go for a full jaw contour , but then I know I'll need a nose job to balance it out, then my forehead will need reshaped to fit my nose shape, and then I'll look weird with an awesome jaw and no cheek bones, and eventually I'll look like one of those plastic Barbie faced old ladies

>> No.7119265

Yes. Why?

>> No.7119267

I know this feel. I have lots of little things I'd like to fix.

I'd like to fix the bump in my nose, but I'll still look so saggy and tired so I'd want to lift the nasolabial lines but then the huge bags under my eyes would be more dramatic so I'd have to fix that and then hey, why not botox too... I'd be like Joan Rivers.

>> No.7119271

I almost considered a nose job since I have a big round nose and I absolutely hate it. Most of the characters I want to cosplay right now have pointy noses.

I also considered laser surgery to remove my stretch marks and freckles. I have stretch marks all over my ass, inner thighs, hips, and the size of my boobs from when I gained weight after overcoming anorexia.

But I don't have enough money to do any of these things, and I'm afraid I'd get addicted to plastic surgery if I could. So I just hide my flaws as best as I can with makeup and clothing.

>> No.7119305
File: 61 KB, 306x418, article-2357361-1AB00B13000005DC-749_306x418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really, really want to have my jaw realigned. I have a noticeable underbite not because my teeth are tilted forward, but because my jaw just wouldn't stop growing. From the front and at a 3/4 angle I look fine, but in profile I look like a neanderthal. It's not quite bad enough that it impairs eating in any significant way, but it makes me really self-conscious and makes me shy away from lolita meets because everyone will want to take pictures there. Unfortunately that's not enough of a reason for my family and friends to support this. Their disapproval, coupled with the fact that this is a really invasive surgery that would probably take well over a year to heal (thereby interfering with my education and future career), makes me really hesitant to look into this seriously. Also I doubt my insurance would cover it since it's mostly cosmetic.

I'm also the only person in my family who has this, so their "Anon you're beautiful you should love yourself the way you are~" feels really disingenuous. That's easy to say if your profile doesn't look like it belongs in a museum of anthropology.

>> No.7119307

Better body in picture A, better face in picture B.

"Enhanced" boobs are disgusting when you get them out, though. They usually look like a pair of balloons just stuck on. They might hook the guy in the bar, but he'll probably puke in the bedroom, and it only gets worse with age.

>> No.7119310

That's awful, yeesh! That's really shitty of your parents. And if you need to go under the knife to look in the mirror and be happy with what you see, don't let anyone tell you not to do it! Self confidence is priceless and worth every penny we spend on it, imo. I guess it sounds shallow, but that's why people invest so much in their appearance. There are other factors that affect dress and cosmetic choices like status and protection, but I think at the core people want to feel comfortable and happy in their skin.

Also, this tumblr is really strangely satisfying to look at.

>> No.7119322

B-but you're beautiful the way you are!

>> No.7119334

This is what's fucking wrong with shit. if you want to get cosmetic surgery, and it's not because of an accident or birth defect that left you disfigured, you should have to fucking pay for it yourself.

>> No.7119340

Wat. Push-ups. Do them.

>> No.7119341

I would seriously consider jaw shaving, rhinoplasty, and a breast lift. My face is too round for my tastes, I have a strong German nose that looks out of place on my soft face, and my breasts are pretty large and succumbing to gravity.

>> No.7119354

is op's pic a before/after thing? because the before girl seems a lot classier somehow…

>> No.7119361

I fucking hate my nose and want it done. It's too big and bulbous at the tip. I also want a jaw shave but I'm too scared, that shit is no joke. And I think in Korea they do some surgery to fix acne scars/pigmentation, which I desperately need.

I might go there and get it done once I move out of home, I don't really want to discuss it with my parents even though I have the money. It's kinda terrifying to get surgery at all let alone in a foreign country, but I feel like I'd add 2-3 points to my looks with it and it'd be especially helpful for anything related to Asia (traveling there, wearing the fashion etc, which I'm interested in).

Damn I can't believe how easily kpop sucked me into this though, surgery tourism is really booming there.

>> No.7119366


Fuck, that site is like crack!
Can't stop looking.

>> No.7119395

I would like rhinoplasty, thinking of going overseas for it as what I want done is common in Asian countries but not so much for Western doctors. I have a really broad, undefined tip to my nose, basically I need to wear one of those Japanese nose-pegs (if they worked, of course).

I don't really want any other surgery since I'm happy with my body, but as I age I'd definitely consider it. My mom, aunt and cousin have all had minor surgery and they all look fantastic for their age.

>> No.7119399

all the famous cosplayers have big boobs
many of them are implants e.g. Yaya, J-Nig, Riddle

why doesnt some cosplayer get ass surgery instead? be the one who is different and get a giant ass

>> No.7119418

Why not do both?

I want to be the sort of woman that makes Sir Mixalot weep with joy.

>> No.7119424
File: 28 KB, 306x465, article-0-1B779D15000005DC-519_306x465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your comment reminded me of this:


Though I'm genuinely curious - aside from the huge rack and ass, I feel like there could still be work done to her, especially her face.

>> No.7119516

Overall, I'd like a rhinoplasty, liposuction, jaw shaving, breast lift, butt implant, and something done with my violin hips. I realize that I can't get all, but a girl can hope lol!

I have a deviated nasal septum, it doesn't really affect my life whatsoever. But my insurance would cover all of it. Incluuuding if I wanted to get it fixed while under the knife. So next summer when I'm not in school and working, I plan to get it done! I don't like any part of my body, but I especially dislike my nose. It's Polish and huge.

>> No.7119547

I have a decent ass but lack the chest. However I prefer to be flatter chested, so I am content with that. My nose is luckily rather cute, as well.

I wish I had longer legs, but that's not really a thing that can be done. At least not that I'm interested in. Not plastic surgery, but I would love to get laser surgery for my eyes. Tired of being blind.

If you have the money and want to, I don't see why people shouldn't get plastic surgery. Just as long as you're not incredibly obnoxious about it. Like Yaya's boobs.

>> No.7119558

I think I'd get a nose job and a jaw shaving. My nose is rather flat and round, and though it may not be the most hideous it could be, I've always wanted to have a pointier nose. I'm almost completely flat both in my ass and my chest, but I'm fine with that.

>> No.7119560

sorry, didn't mean to reply.

>> No.7119565

>I feel like there could still be work done to her, especially her face

could be, yes. should be, hell no

>> No.7119569
File: 292 KB, 610x549, wtf_calfreduction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Came across calf reduction surgery on a male

Wtf? Someone please tell me those pics are reversed. Why would you exercise to get those calf muscles, only to remove them with surgery?

>> No.7119575

because Korean females prefer leaner guys. They find guys who are overly bulky gross.

>> No.7119578

But it's freaking muscle. if you stop doing the exercises that create those calves, they will shrink. And if you don't stop doing them after have surgery anyway, they'll get bulky again

>> No.7119658


>> No.7119691


she said that that the doctor fucked it up. so that kind of is "an accident that left [her] disfigured"?

>> No.7119695

K-korean Jay Leno?

>> No.7119699


>> No.7119794

I think plastic surgery not for the sake of health reasons is bullshit. You're all selfish vain people. You were put on this earth for a reason and all you can do is bitch and moan about how you're not "pretty" enough.
Shit I'm beginning to think all you ugly fuckers were born just to make the pretty people look better.

>> No.7119820


>> No.7119915

If I had the money and surgery had no risks I'll probably get rhinoplasty (nose has a bump and too round and bulbous at tip), cheekbone and forehead augmentation and removal of bucal fat (hate my chubby droopy cheeks so much). With that I bet I'll go like 2 full points up. Maybe abdominal liposuction too. All this not because cosplay/j-fashion, just because I want a better face.

>> No.7119929

I'm happy with myself for the most part, but I've always secretly wanted rhinoplasty. I have a bump on my nose that I dislike which makes my profile look not so cute. I have issues with getting my picture taken if my face is even slightly sideways. I can live without this getting done but if I have the chance it would be cool.

>> No.7119956

In a few weeks I am getting facial contouring and rhinoplasty. I'm nervous, though, because I won't be able to work out for a month.

>> No.7119965

Just don't take in more calories than you expend and you'll be fine.

>> No.7119976

Yeah, I mean I'm starting to get visible abs, and I just don't wanna lose my gains.

>> No.7119980


>> No.7120063
File: 996 KB, 908x1354, njcompare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres mine
I pretty much just gave the dr the shooped image and said I want something like this and that I didn't want it too thin or too different. I think he did a great job, he did exactly what I wanted him to do.
Also I know I could use some other work but honestly I'm happy with everything as it is now.

That's pretty much exactly what I wanted, I think it turned out fine for me.

>> No.7120235

How bad was your bruising after day 3?

>> No.7120274

My nose is my bane. I have a large, straight nose, with wide nostrils. I would love to have nostrils almost half the size as I do and my nose scaled down.

I don't think I would have it in me to actually do it, though. I could save up the money, but surgery really fucking scares me. The fact that it COULD get worse instead of better kind of seals the deal.

>> No.7120289

The first part of your post made me think it was me from the past, except when I got to the parents stealing money part.
Im really sorry for you anon, your parents are shitty as hell, but don't give up on your dream.

I had mine about a year ago, I was going for rhinoplasty but ended up getting a facial reconstruction.
My parents were never for it. Specially my dad, but once I had the money I remember telling him "Im going to get this sooner or later and it can either be with your help o without it" Because he's a doctor he got asked by my surgeon to assist in the surgery.
He still won't talk to me about it tho.
After recovery I felt 100 times more confident, specially when it came down to j-fashion and cosplay. Before I used to hate having my picture taken.
>pic happiest day of my life

>> No.7120291

My face used to bother me a lot until I read a book and fell in love with a character that was described as "beautiful if just something was slightly different" which is how I thought of mine but her personality and things she said and did in the book made me imagine her as myself I guess and I decided I was okay with not being a standard of beautiful because I adored this character that reminded me of myself.
Eventually my grandmother read the book and I earned the nickname of the character because she was also reminded of me.
I know it sounds dumb but I'm happy because of it.

>> No.7120290 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 864x1296, bfore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped it

>> No.7120293

It's good I'm not rich because I think I'd be a surgery junkie.

I want a nose job, my eyes made bigger, some hair transferred to my eyebrows (they grow sparse), jawline shaved down a bit plus some work on my jaw to help fix my mouth (lips don't close naturally when my face is relaxed. Heard that jaw reconstruction can help fix that), small chin implant (I have a slight receding chin), breast lift and reduction, contouring liposuction on my waist, liposuction on my thighs so my inner thighs won't touch, cosmetic surgery on my hands, and laser scar removal on my legs.
I want to look nothing like myself in the end, but in a good way.

>> No.7120297
File: 209 KB, 864x1296, bfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped it then file too big
taken right before being taken to the surgery room

>> No.7120298

This post made me smile. That's nice, Anon.

>> No.7120310
File: 202 KB, 986x1547, P1050469_meitu_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty after

>> No.7120318
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kawaii as fuck

>> No.7120321

anon this looks really good! from the pic you posted it looks natural.

>> No.7120323
File: 1.05 MB, 1714x568, healing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was mostly swollen, not as bruised as I was the first couple days.

>> No.7120324

you're great, anon

>> No.7120326

Why/where would you get plastic surgery?

>> No.7120329

Wow, why did she get it done 3 times? Wouldn't that be pretty bad for her nose?

>> No.7120334

I have a really bad overbite that is not only painful but ugly. I'd like to get that fixed someday. Just tell them that not only does it make you insecure, but that it's painful and look into doing it some day.

>> No.7120337

An overbite doesn't need plastic surgery. You need dental work.

>> No.7120338

*usually doesn't need

>> No.7120339

It looks great? Sorry to be rude, but do you have an overbite? I would like to get surgery to fix mine but then again, if I got my massive nose reduced a bit, it might not be so prominent.

>> No.7120341

This sort of shit is more dental than plastics - there's definitely a legit case from a medical perspective for correcting bites especially if they're sore. The "normal" from a dental perspective is a small overbite and anything else is usually corrected as it's not as good for your teeth etc.

>> No.7120347

Not true, my husband has that bump on his calf that's super desired by body builders, that's supposed to be really hard to get. It's just genetics, and even though we work out it's hell of a lot less than a body builder or athlete of any sort.

Also want tiplasty, and jaw shaving. I just want to look like a Sakizou drawing, or a porcelain doll. My jaw is fucking huge and manly and I hate it. Also want skin bleaching (Asian here) but risk of cancer isn't worth it.

>> No.7120361

Does anybody here know what sort of requirements you'd have to fill in order to have your insurance cover rhinoplasty as something health-related?

I've wanted rhinoplasty ever since I was a little girl, but I've always tried to keep quiet about it because every time I even mention it in passing, people start shoving "OMG NOOO UR BEAUTIFUL GOD MADE U THIS WAY THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH UUUU" etc. down my throat and honestly it makes me more insecure than I was before.
A few months ago I caught my friend peeping through files on my computer, and had been looking through a private folder labeled "Surgery" where I had saved pictures of what sort of nose I'd like to aim for if I were to get work done. I felt so betrayed, and I haven't spoken to her since. She was really judgmental about it too. :/

>> No.7120366

For me, i'd love chest reconstruction (im transgendered and ew i dont want boobs anymore)
and i'd love something done about my cross bite.
its severe enough that when i smile, i look like a tard.
ah who am i kidding. toss some lipo on there, since i have a fucked metabolism.
work out dailey and no junk food and im still fat. how un fucking fair.

>> No.7120368

Counted Calories and kept a food diary?

If you're taking hormones that can also fuck it up

>> No.7120373

yeah, i've been doing all that shit since i was 13, and im 21 now.
didnt start hormones till the beginning of this year, but yeah.
Its just making the situation worse.
Some people just have a shitty metabolism.
just means i have to work harder, maybe go over to /fit/

>> No.7120375

I have 5 things I'd like done, in no particular order
1. Not entirely cosmetic, but whatever that surgery is that reshapes my cornea to fix my vision. Its for people who don't qualify for lasik. This way I can actually wear plano lenses and not be forced to wear thick glasses for cosplay.

2. My left ear flattened. It noticeably sticks out compared to my right ear, especially when my ahir is short or pulled up.

3. A boob job. Only to balance my chest with my hips.

4. Pectus Excavatum fixed. This is more medical than cosmetic, but insurance companies consider it cosmetic if its not immediately life threatening.

There's a couple more, like rhinoplasty to fix a deviated septum and something to add space under my chin, but these are just nitpicking.

>> No.7120376

Fuck, 4 things. Rhinoplasty was 5, but I decided it wasn't really important.

>> No.7120380

>Pectus Excavatum
Why not use it to your advantage?
theres gotta be a cosplay that would work with that. its what one of my friends did

>> No.7120397
File: 37 KB, 609x480, 510493581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like something like pic related.

>Nose job
Because if I was rich or lived in Korea why the fuck not?

>Boob job
My B's do nothing for my figure.

>Chin job
Cursed with clef chin which is so not kawaii.

And I would also enjoy a magical bean to make me taller. Thanks OP KUN!!

>> No.7120398

My nose. I have and XBox huge typical Filipino nose. Maybe something with my lips, one side looks thinner than the other and it always drives me crazy looking at it.

>> No.7120412
File: 549 KB, 1200x900, slide_318564_2948713_free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am getting liposuction on my stomach, arms, and chin. After the lipo I will probably get a tummy tuck and an arm tuck.

I've been told by career and guidance counselors that I'll never make it in the business world being slightly overweight. I've done 2 years of diet and exercise, the books, the everything - I still am about 30 pounds "overweight" and I look it. My doctor said that's stuff left over from some complications I had when I was a child and no amount of dieting will fix it (it's fat mixed with scar tissue mixed with other bullshit).

It must go. It needs to go. I am so fucking tired of people telling me that I'm disgusting and fat and I'll never make it because of my flab

>> No.7120416

#15 looked fine before.
#27, her face looks a bit off. Like she made her jaw a little to small.

>> No.7120420

This might not be %100 related to the thread but here goes.
I'm wanting to get my nose narrowed with rhinoplasty (obviously) but I was wondering how long it takes to heal, enough so that you'd not need a bandage.

>> No.7120435

There really are none. Someone has suggested a female Iron Man before, but my dent is off to the side so it wouldn't work.

Because of its positioning, anything that slightly reveals cleavage doesn't work for me. It causes my right breast to sink in and point inwards rather than outwards so my nipple is in an odd location which can cause problems with low cut shirts.

Hell, I've been using the same bikini top for 6 years because finding a bathing suit that works is nearly impossible.

>> No.7120436
File: 81 KB, 770x1075, teardrop-implants_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only really bad implants look disgusting.

>> No.7120438
File: 126 KB, 610x398, enhanced-buzz-10710-1365095658-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look really really similar to the before and I want to look like the after. Not sure if I'll ever have money...

>> No.7120442

before is like Debs from Dexter

>> No.7120443

This, and when people don't bother to do their research beforehand, or blatantly ignore the doctors when they say not to go from an A to an E.

You have to have both the skin and the fat to work with the implants themselves. Even teardrops can look like crap when you go way above what you should.

>> No.7120444

The one thing that would really irk me, considering implants is, that most of them have to be replaced every 10 years, so I think a certain degree of financial stability is very important if you consider getting implants.

>> No.7120447

Deb has a real stroky face too, like one side is all fucked

>> No.7120453

Oh I don't look that bad,at least, thank goodness.

>> No.7120455

Be prepared to lose a lot of feeling in your mouth area permanently.
I had my jaw realignment surgery done almost 4 years ago and I can't feel things dribbling down my chin and now refuse to eat in public alone due to that.

Also you'll be out of school/work about 3-4 months, you'll be back eating some solids at the 1 month mark and the swelling will disappear at the two and a half month mark.

If you have any questions let me know and I shall answer them to the best of my ability.

>> No.7120481

I have tiny boobs but never had a problem with them. There's not a chance in hell I'll get a boob job.

I'm pretty sure if people were to recommend any sort of plastic surgery to me it would always be a boob job.

The only surgery I'd like is a rhinoplasty. I broke my nose when I was 16 and I am not happy with the way it looks now.
I have the money to pay for it but I'm too scared that the result I'd get is even farther away from the nose I was born with. I just want my old nose back.

>> No.7120493

I can't remember the name, but I had the surgery that reshaped my corneas. I had astigmatism alongside short-sightedness and an inability to react to light, and they used a laser to remap my eye shape and then did the usual bit to improve my vision. Cost me £3800 per eye as they were pretty fucked up, but worth every penny. Had it done three years ago and I still marvel at being able to see the tap drip.
I'd like a few minor things, like a little face lift and my boobs being made perkier (they're big but saggy) but the eye surgery came first.

>> No.7120525

Aww thank you guys. Im really happy with the results as well

>> No.7120532

I would kill to have an overbite. It looks cute and feminine. Jesus Christ.

>> No.7120536

You have my favourite kind of nose

>> No.7120554

Seconding this. I really want a nose job. I have a deviated septum, but my health insurance doesn't cover that.

>> No.7120562

They're not fun. Trying to bite into pizza, sandwiches and burgers without pulling everything out in the first bite is not cute. I also hate my profile because of my overbite. I'll probably have to get my jaw broken to fix it, but my front teeth don't come anywhere near touching if I adjust my jaw outwards to meet them.

>> No.7120567

I can't help but be jealous. I have an underbite that makes me look like a crude clay figurine. Guess nobody is ever happy.

Good luck with your surgery, anon

>> No.7120570

They have braces that can fix extreme overbite. I had it done myself, but it was awful. Better than a broken jaw, but still pretty fucking horrible. There are these bars that interlock inside your mouth that slide to let you open it, but then when you close it, the skin in your mouth gets pinched.

I couldn't eat solid food for something like 6 months because of it. If it didn't fit between my top and bottom teeth when they were clenched, I didn't eat it. I pretty much lived off of Ensure and Pediasure. I still have scars in the back of my mouth.

>> No.7120575

I have an overbite but all of my molars fit perfectly with each other on the top and bottom, and if I push my lower jaw forward they don't touch at all. So I don't understand how it could be fixed because moving my jaw forward would actually misalign my teeth really badly.

>> No.7120578

I want to start saving up again for rhinoplasty. my nose isnt god awful..just bad enough to mess with my confidence. Something like >>7120063 would be perfect. Other than my nose though nothing about my face or body bothers me enough to resort to surgery

>> No.7120689

The only thing I'm not happy about is the bump on my nose, although I don't know if that matters too much because it looks fine from the front. I wouldn't want it smaller either, tbh, because then it would look feminine, which I don't want (I'm a guy). Oh, maybe a BIT more defined jawline but eh.
On another note, are there height surgeries? I'd like to be a bit taller, since almost every other guy is taller than me (5'10 here)

>> No.7120691

There is leg-lengthening surgery existing but for the cost of this you can buy a new car.

>> No.7120695

there are indeed height surgeries, but its a very very long painful process where they break the bones in your legs and attach a metal contraption on either side with pins in your legs. then each day, they turn a crank on the contraption that makes a gap between the bones so new bone has to grow between it to fill it. So after months, going a fraction of an inch each time, your legs become longer and you gain a few inches.

They do this surgery for midgets/dwarfs who are so short that a few inches in their legs (and i think they do it for their arms too) makes it so they can actually function a normal sized world

>> No.7120698

Yeah, I'd rather just deal with it at this point. I think I may have gone for it if I was like 14 or 15, but not at 30.The worst thing I have to worry about is looking derpy if I'm in the background of someone's pictures, or having no bread left on the bottom of my sandwiches.

>> No.7120700

>Getting height surgery
>At 5'10"

There was a guy in /r9k/ who got blasted for deciding to get it and he was the same height you are.

He paid 100 thousand USD.

>> No.7120706

yeah, i don't think i'd EVER go through with it, I'm still taller than almost every girl I see and that's what matters to me

>> No.7120738

I view myself (and am constantly told) that I'm an 8/10 guy, looks wise . I'm not too happy though and I've always wanted kpop surgery so I can be a 9 or 9.5

Does anyone else share the same feelings? I am being 100% serious

>> No.7120742

I had my teeth fixed a year or so ago. I was the only one in my family with weirdly jagged teeth, and due to bad brushing habits as a kid they had some weird-ass lines that I think were plaque stains? But now they look great and I get a lot of compliments on my white teeth, and I'm ultra careful to brush them well and take care of them. As a plus since my regular dentist did the work and he's pretty chill, he marked it as a corrective procedure instead of an aesthetic procedure so insurance covered almost all of it. No regrets.

>> No.7120753
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>> No.7120759


What all did you have done and how much did it cost, out of curiosity? You look fantastic.

>> No.7120761
File: 297 KB, 668x760, 1379062992710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, I thought this was really incredible. Guy went from an uggo to a model.

>> No.7120763
File: 398 KB, 300x169, 1375849630203.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>size 166XXX
>That horrifying stretching under her arms.
>"My breast turn me into a sex symbol. People stare and I love it."
>People actually paying money to see her nudes.

>> No.7120767

That's grotesque. Also, why does the article say 1000 fans? Is it just bad editing and they actually mean 1000s of fans? 1000 fans isn't very good.

>> No.7120771

I'm impressed. Step 1: Ugly Step 2: Average/kinda cute Step 3: Sexy rugged manbeast

>> No.7120770

>censored nipples with the rest of the tits shown
Yeah, gotta protect the kids.

>> No.7120772
File: 30 KB, 500x300, BUTT RIMMNEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her 5st boobs make everyday tasks difficult
No shit.

>6 figure salary
No shit?

>> No.7120775

Notice that in step 2 he got a tan, and by step 3 had his eyebrows done and a new haircut.

>> No.7120786

I think it shows that he started to feel confident and good about himself.

>> No.7120788

Extreme fetish porn actresses rake in good money.

>> No.7120793
File: 28 KB, 460x288, donna_simpson__who_weighs_600lbs__enjoys_some_hamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Simpson spends as much as $750 a week on groceries

I suppose they kind of have to.

>> No.7120798

why does asian plastic surgery look so amazing compared to western? even old asian grandmas with surgery just look more refined and not so much as fake and stretched out as western grandmas. a doctor once told me that it was the way the skin heals or the tension of the skin when stretched, but not sure if this is true. if it is though, makes sense kinda.

>> No.7120799


If you want to be technical, plastic surgery is expensive, permanent cosplay. You are donning the costume of, say, a perfect nose, larger breasts, or wider eyes, and pretend to be that for the rest of your life. Perfectly legit, and if you want to do it, do it. Haters gonna, etc....

>> No.7120805


>> No.7120810
File: 181 KB, 429x360, Picture 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for crappy cropping but i just want my nose to be kinda smaller.. less wide... cute nostrils idk. not sure how much this would cost... everything else wrong with my face i think i can deal with. it's just the god damn nose. ugh...

>> No.7120811

By the way, I think your surgery turned out amazing.

I'm going to be travelling to get it done as there aren't plastic surgeons where I live (middle of nowhere) and since you need to see your surgeon for checkups often, I'm gonna hang out in the city for a while. I wanted to go out, but I'm nervous about going out to the mall and stuff with a cast on my face.

Do you think wearing a light dust mask/flu mask would be too much pressure on your cast? I'll ask my doctor, though..

>> No.7120813

A bit of it has to do with preferred aesthetics to be honest. Asia tends to prefer more of the "pretty" face, but the preferred western (I'm going to assume you mean America) aesthetics lean more towards the sexy in my opinion.

>> No.7120816

you're probably right. most asian celebrities aim for the rounder/fatter cheeks to appear younger.

>> No.7120818


1000 PAYING fans
her site membership is £20 per month

do the math

>> No.7120821

This is going to be an odd question, and sorry if it is too off-topic, but is there any way you can turn hazel eyes brown? I know there is a mascara out there that can change the pigment of your eye color to brown. Is this true?
I just really hate my hazel eyes is all. Brown would fit my complexion better.

>> No.7120822

Your nose looks cute to me anon, but I do see how it could be improved. If you're just getting alar plasty, tip plasty, and whatever nostril work done, it won't be that expensive -- not like a osteotomy where they break or shave the bone.

If you go to SK it'll be 5k or less, but of course you have to buy the plane ticket. I don't know about the USA. You look like you could be Filipino, and the cost in the Philippines will probably be a little less than Korea for that. I know full rhinoplasty there with the osteotomy can cost as low as 1k. Just make sure the doctors are reputable and look at their results.

>> No.7120823

I think it's latese or something? I know it's one of the things that make your eyelashes longer-- not just mascara.

>> No.7120826

thanks anon! i am filipino, i just want to look less "native". being called "native looking" in any asian country is kind of like a bad thing... the more foreign/mixed you look, the better. the tip is just kindy bulky/pudgy and just wanted to reduce. thanks for the tips! i didn't think to look anywhere else besides SK.

>> No.7120827

Colored contacts

>> No.7120828

One of the paysites I frequent currently has 10000 paying members. 1000 isn't that much.

>> No.7120841

Sounds like you just need braces to move your front teeth into better alignment.

>> No.7120848

Thanks :)
I don't think masks will be a problem at all. I only wore sunglasses during my healing to hide the black eyes but they didn't bother my nose.
The cast is pretty strong. I would always go to touch my nose while the cast was on, because I just couldn't believe how thin it felt, and I never had a problem with it so I doubt the light pressure from a mask would do anything. But ya it'd be best to confirm with your doctor.

>> No.7120851

really? I always thought lighter eyes looked much cuter (dark brown here)

>> No.7120870 [DELETED] 

Has anyone over here gotten surgery done in Thailand? It's so fucking cheap over there I'm actually thinking of going on holiday over there and getting a few things done right before heading home.

>> No.7120872

Has anyone over here gotten surgery done in Thailand? It's so fucking cheap over there I'm actually thinking of going on vacation and getting a few things done right before heading back home.

>> No.7120901

But my chin is like really small and slightly pushed back. Like if I move my head back stiffly, it disappears into my neck. I hate it. I'm skinny but my neck seems so fat because I have such a small jaw.

>> No.7120903

Braces fix that.
Theres a point where they'll give you these rubber bands that you put on your braces that brings your bottom jaw forward.

>> No.7120923

I got three procedures done,
rhinoplasty: got my nose's hump shaved, the cartilage on the tip removed and an implant to lift it.
Mentoplasty: chin implant
buccal fat removal: this i particularly liked because it will prevent that sagginess that develops over the years on your lower cheeks from water absorption.

I paid $2k minus hospital expenses for all three procedures. However, its important to state that I got "special price" because the surgeon and my dad knew each other before hand. Also, the procedure was done in Mexico.

>> No.7120943

I guess my dentist and family never opted for braces because my upper teeth are basically perfect. My sister and mother will randomly comment if I'm smiling about how jealous they are of my upper teeth. My lower ones aren't crooked but my lower jaw/chin looks like shit anyway because of how its set.

>> No.7120955

Currently saving up to get my nose fixed, I have a deviated septum from breaking my nose when I was 12 and u want to get the bump fixed from that fixed as well. My mother said my insurance will cover the deviated operation but not the cosmetic part. So I'm thinking I might have to save around 6 to 8 thousand?

>> No.7120972


No, they won't fix that, you'll need jaw surgery in combination with braces.
I'm currently on this journey myself, and if I could spare myself having my jaw broken I would have, but that just doesn't work.
It's worth the 3k though! (jaw op is in my insurance thank goodness as it's 30k)

>> No.7121021

I'd love to get rhinoplasty. My nose just has a slight bump and is bit too wide and I'd like to have a small cute nose. I hate my nose bridge too, it's too prominent, I'd love to have a nose like Gemma Ward but I'm not sure if there's any surgery to fix that. So jelly of Asians because they don't (usually) have a prominent nose bridge.

I'd like to have some kind of cheek bone augmentation or something, I have no cheekbones whatsoever and I hate it. I want those beautiful sharp cheekbones that models have. Also, I'd think about jaw shaving but wouldn't probably do it because of the complications and how risky it is. And maybe something else, too... I just want to have that cute dollish face. ;_;

I definitely want to get plastic surgery in the future but I'm scared that I'd pick a doctor who'd somehow fuck it up. I would never go to countries like Thailand, Mexico, ex-Soviet etc. for surgery because even though it's much cheaper the surgery would probably be of lower quality and I won't entrust my precious nose to any non-professionals, I mean I'd probably kill myself if the final results would be ugly or if something would go wrong so I want to have the best surgeons possible.
I'd want to go to Korea because IMO their surgery usually seems better than Western but I'm not perfectly sure if they could handle my whito piggu face as well as they handle the Asian ones (although there's apparently some Russians going there for plastic surgery too).

Obviously (plus he had his hair done too), but that surgery really did miracles. Wouldn't want to have kids with him though, lol.

>> No.7121030 [DELETED] 

>rhinoplasty: got my nose's hump shaved, the cartilage on the tip removed and an implant to lift it.
Want ;_;

Post pics of nose?
I want to see if I would actually want it and spend the money on it..

>> No.7121036

Overbites are cute? Mfw I have an overbite, I hate it. I think it makes my nose look even bigger.

>> No.7121039

Perfect guy height to me... 5'4" here.

>> No.7121041

>step 2's profile

>> No.7121044

If I had the money I'd get my double chin fixed, it's the only thing I really have an issue with. I've lost 65lbs and it hasn't budged. My size 5 aunt has one, It runs in the family, so I doubt even when I loose more weight it is going to go away.

>> No.7121048
File: 308 KB, 1280x960, 20130926_142555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I, /cgl/? I hate that bump so much... is it worth it?

>> No.7121049

>So jelly of Asians because they don't (usually) have a prominent nose bridge
They're always getting surgery to give themselves high nose bridges because they see them as really attractive. I'd rather have a nose like Gemma Ward too though.

>> No.7121067
File: 1.25 MB, 975x1280, nose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would probably want something like this...

>> No.7121076

One factor in how much he changed is the step one he is probably in his teens, and by the time it's step 3 he's probably 25. I suspect there is at least an 8 year difference between the first and last pics. But DAMN did he come out good.

>> No.7121095

I wish there was a surgery that could make my eyes a bit farther apart. My eyes are too close together for me to ever not be considered ugly, no matter how hard I dry with makeup and styling.

>> No.7121097


Just as reminder.

>> No.7121100

Honestly, I barely notice the difference. I doubt it would be worth it. If it helps, I'm incredibly jealous and would love to have my nose look like either of those pictures.

>> No.7121122

I'd really just like the filler injection in my chin to sharpen it up a bit. My face is round and short of major shaving down I'd rather just spruce up and work with what is already there.

>> No.7121126

fillers only last a few months, though. you'd have to keep getting it redone forever. and if you do it for awhile but decide to stop it causes sagging in the skin from being stretched but then having nothing to fill that spot.

>> No.7121147

I'd just like to see how it looks, and then go for the full on implant if I really do think it improves my overall look.

>> No.7121160

ahhh okay.

>> No.7121175

I have a jaw/chin much like what >>7120901 is describing. I had extensive orthodontic work done (an expander, braces, rubber bands, headgear, the whole nine yards) and still have a noticeable overbite and practically no chin. Braces can do a lot for sure, but they can't fix everything. In my case, it's genetic - all three of my siblings also have this, as does my dad, and my 2 year old nephew.

I would really love to have it fixed surgically, but that's pretty major surgery with a lot of risks associated with it (completely losing feeling in your jaw, for one).

>> No.7121177

>parents taking a large sum of money from you that will will never get back that you desperately needed.

$1200 down the drain on my end thanks to good ol' mom, I wasn't able to move out or get anything done and got stuck living with her and she ninjas money from me without even asking.

shit sucks. anyway sorry for derailing

>> No.7121180

Really? I see a major difference, but thank you, ttht makes me feel a bit better... I get so embarrassed by my nose's profile view. I wish it was more feminine.

>> No.7121185

i'm that anon, and yeah it seems like the only way i can see to correct it would be to ADD to the jaw/chin, even if my jaw were adjusted to be pushed forward, its just so small. like from my chin to the top edge of my bottom teeth is just a very short distance

>> No.7121184
File: 55 KB, 400x607, stephennose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw her on GMTV, it was not nice. At all. They actually looked like really bad CGI?

My nose is something I want fixed, it has a bump and then tilts ever so slightly. Everyone in my family has it so it didn't bother me, I thought my Mum was pretty enough with it, but now one side of mine is slightly sharper from a mirror maze accident and and my Mum has had hers fixed (She broke it by accident first) so I feel a bit abandoned.
I half jokingly told her that she should have gotten her nose more like it was before, because it's a bad message for her kids and she should embrace who she is. But her response was so direct in 'If you don't like it, get it done' that I think she must have been hiding her hatred for our noses for years.
I feel almost betrayed.

Wow, a rant.

>> No.7121191

Just a side note from the male demographic for ladies considering cosmetic surgery. We can tell you have had it, and most of us find it repulsive. It reeks of a lack of self confidence and a desire to be other people. I am sure almost all of you are beautiful just the way you are. If you have a big nose, whatever. It makes you unique and probably more than a little characterful.

>> No.7121193

Just echoing everything that people are saying in support, I hope you can save up enough someday... my parents took 20k from my college fund and disowned me afterward so. Yeah it sucks when you are given a bad start to adulthood.
I am honestly fine with most of my body other than my stomach. I've lost 60 pounds and it still looks gross and I cry over it a lot. If I fixed it, cosplay would be a small small reason added in.

>> No.7121196

Overbites are cute though. Get a nose job if you must, leave the overbite.

>> No.7121198

overbites are not cute when it makes your chin and jaw look small and your neck look fat

i'd do anything for a long graceful neck

>> No.7121201

>being ugly means you have character
Thanks, but this isn't actually about you or male preferences.

>> No.7121204

holy fuck, just $2k? how much do you think it would have been if you didn't get the discount for the surgeon knowing your dad?

>> No.7121206

My boyfriend wants this done since his family was more concerned with buying cigs than paying for health care when he grew up.
Poor guy has trouble smiling without getting self-conscious, and I know the back molars hurt him a lot of the time. It would be corrective for him and I hope he can get the confidence to ask one of these days.

>> No.7121207

I feel like you're the same asshole in basically every fashion or beauty thread on here.
> 'Gals, you're all beautiful, and the only opinion that matters is mine, a mans!'

>> No.7121214

>from the male demographic

speak for yourself fucknut

>> No.7121229

Different male here, but yeah. Fake tits, or at least obviously fake ones, are nasty. Small tits > fake tits.

>> No.7121239

You can't tell me that if you saw this girl
you'd know she had surgery. The majority of cosmetic surgery is done to look natural so you can't tell.

Same goes for men. Unless you saw the before pictures you'd never know this guy had surgery.

When you bitch and moan that girls look fake after surgery you are only thinking of the ones who go crazy and get too much done, like that chick from the Hills, Courtney Love or Lana Del Rey.

>> No.7121247



Most of the people talking about surgery in this thread want excess fat removed or facial modifications and not titjobs you fucking gook

>> No.7121250

I am as whitebread as it comes.

And it stands for noses as well. Nosejobs, 9/10 times, come out horrible.

>> No.7121251

Did you even read the thread?

>> No.7121257

yeah ok, tell that to these two girls


>> No.7121259

We don't care.
We are doing it for ourselves so we can feel better about ourselves.
We don't get it done for the"male demographic"

>> No.7121298
File: 163 KB, 566x227, 1353974072078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It makes you unique and probably more than a little characterful


>> No.7121317

Another male here, I disagree. Being attractive is the first thing you notice when you see another person, and small corrections are in no way repulsive. Huge fake boobs or lips are, yeah, but cosmetic surgery in general? Nope. It's also a BIG confidence booster.

Do you wear a fedora by any chance?

>> No.7121369

you're nose was fine to begin with, imo an unnecessary expensive surgery, but whatever floats your boat.

>> No.7121373

does this freak anyone out? it's freaking me out.

>> No.7121375

holy fucking shit how can she even walk? her skin is all stretched it looks painful

>> No.7121389
File: 52 KB, 300x184, thumbs_mommy-abdominoplasty-02b_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't look incredibly native to me, i've definitely seen girls with wider noses and much darker skin than your's from the Philippines.
i would be careful with getting your nostrils smaller, it can sometimes ends up giving you that alien kind-of-look if you get what i mean

not worth it

fatty here, so, even though i've never had kids, i'd like to get a "mommy makeover" (breast lift/tummy tuck) when i lose weight. i've also thought about making my nose a little less wide and getting the slight bump on the bridge shaved off, but i don't mind it because i think it's a cute nose~

>> No.7121401

Anon you look great. How much do you think the procedure would cost with no "special price" and around how much was for the hospital expenses?

Also, would you mind sharing where you got it done? sorry if its too personal, but currently I'm in Mexico and pretty interested in surgery, but not sure where to look for good surgeons/hospitals...

pls pls answer

>> No.7121419

Woow, totally impressed.

From step 2 to 3, what did he changed? apart from hair and eyebrows... I can't really spot it but something look different... maybe just maturing?

>> No.7121427

His jawline, that sexy jawline

>> No.7121429

So does he got implants or is a result from the dental procedures? how?? it's pretty interesting haha

>> No.7121433

his beard probably helps his jawline look more defined (look at the black line)

personally though, step 2 is just the best... his nose and jaw and those half lidded eyes. Would fuck/10

>> No.7121434

it looks like the square of his jaw, like the corner, is sharper. and his chin is further back. so i'm thinking changes in dental.

>> No.7121444
File: 270 KB, 689x591, arm-01-brachioplasty-new-689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I *need* an arm skin reduction. Literally they get in the way for everything, I hate them. Ever since I began losing weight, they're more and more noticeable and it sucks.
I would also like a breast lift without any silicon stuffing. I have big boobs, but they are shaped in a way that the nipple looks down.

>> No.7121452

It's probably a combination of orthodontics and puberty.

>> No.7121461

looks like the first step was correcting his overbite and nose job, the second was jaw and chin implant to enhance his jawline, if you look at his chin and compare the pictures in the profile view you can see that its thicker

>> No.7121499
File: 532 KB, 669x1000, yuna_gunner_by_eyes_0n_me-d6hwaod[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to be extremely rich or in Korea to do surgery.

I have a friend in Italy who started cosplaying seriously after her parents paid for laser eye surgery, a nose job and jaw surgery. She looks amazing now, pic related.

>> No.7121504

So you have to have rich parents who'll pay out of the ass for something like plastic surgery..?

>> No.7121505

Too bad she's shit at makeup.

>> No.7121503

Not exactly plastic surgery, but I cosplay muscular characters and plan to roid when my body is ready in about a year. Have also had a lasik type procedure on my eyes. Go as big as you feel you should go for your hobbies.

>> No.7121510
File: 14 KB, 206x224, 1370800553066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So all you need are rich parents who care! Thanks anon chan! I'll go adopt some.

>> No.7121513

I'd love to help Anon but tbh I don't remember how much my doctor usually charges his patients, what I do remember is his prices were pretty low compared to US surgeries. My dad paid for the hospital expenses, so again sorry for the lack of information.
My doctor is the owner of this private hospital called San Angel in Nuevo Laredo, Tamps. This is his web page: http://www.drcastano.com/drguillermo.html
If I can do anything else to help fell free to ask! :)

>> No.7121521

Man you're a baby. I had it too and it wasn't that bad.
I don't think you can get the appliance when you're older anyway. They put it on kids when they're younger because your jaw can still be trained. I think I remember hearing if older people wore it, basically it'd hold your jaw in place while it's on but not after they took it off.

>> No.7121525

In the "Before and after" pics for most Korean plastic surgery, why is Asian fat face so common? These girls are really tiny or not that big but their face and cheeks are super puffy. I don't get it.

>> No.7121529

Part of being human or something.

>> No.7121535

it's just how they carry weight. amazingly, it's genetic. just like small eyes or a flat wide nose. it's just a physical trait.

>> No.7121534


>> No.7121536

>Man you're a baby. I had it too and it wasn't that bad.
no who you are responding to but everyone's overbite/underbite varies. Maybe his was really severe or hard to correct because of the shape of jaw.

>> No.7121547 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the info!
Would you mind sharing a bit about your general experience? like if it was painful, how long it took you fully recover, etc?

>> No.7121551

Thanks for the info!
Would you mind sharing a bit about your general experience? like if it was painful, how long it took you fully recover, any adverse side effects, comments about the results etc?

>> No.7121552

Anon, your nose is perfect. Really cute. I would nose kiss it

>> No.7121553

oops forgot to quote

>> No.7121605

Well, people used to pay money to see circus freaks too.

>> No.7121606
File: 20 KB, 249x161, BUSTOAUMENTO9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was considering him for plastic surgery after you linked the page but both the things he does (Breast augmentation/lift) and breast implants look kinda bad. There are gigantic ass scars under the breasts of most of his "after"s. Too bad. I have so much difficulty finding a plastic surgery in Mexico kinda near where most of my relatives live (Oaxaca) too.

>> No.7121617

id get implants if i somehow magically had the expendable income to do so.

>> No.7121622

SO I WAS SERIOUSLY about to go set up a consult for like, breast augmentation
and then i thought about it more
and more
and more
and realized there's no way in fuck i will ever get any surgery ever
like there's a good chance i wouldn't even get surgery for my health unless it was a life or death situation

i'm too scared of going under
like there's no way i would be able to do it
and then i got sad because i'll never have the boobs i want
or legs, since my legs naturally just hold more weight then i'd like even when i was 100lbs
can you be awake for lypo?

>> No.7121623

Wow, this thread makes me glad I actually like my nose and jawline. The only thing I plan on having done is a subtle facelift when I get older. I kind of have a baby face and I don't think it's going to age well.

>> No.7121624

i had eye surgery when i was 7 get over it its not that bad

>> No.7121626

i've had surgery too, around when i was 7 as well.
but i don't know that i myself as an adult could be like
yes let me sign away $5,000 + and take out over $2,000 worth of body modifications that i'll have to get redone to be in pain for at least one month oh and possibly die from a complication or ruin my body forever or a million other things that could go wrong

like i don't know that i could do it just to have slightly better breasts.
or anything.

>> No.7121632

You can be awake for lypo. They just give you a local anaesthetic and there's only a tiny hole when they push the thing in and then move it around in there.

>> No.7121635

awesome. some day i'll have stick legs. some day.
just need to get down to at least 105 again first otherwise i'll look like an apple shape and that's just- no.

>> No.7121639


It's definitely genetic. I mean, I'm asian, and all my relatives have double eyelids (but normal sized eyes, I'd say?) and tall noses (for asians, but for white people they aren't tall) but we still have the asian shaped face which is round and flat. Like our foreheads are pretty flat -- our brow bones are really smooth?

If you compare asians to other asians, some will definitely loo like they have bigger eyes and much taller and thinner noses, but in comparison to white people, the differences are much bigger.

>> No.7121671

Yeah because the risks for eye surgery and boob augmentation are *totally* the same and the procedures are directly comparable.

>> No.7121678


>le euphoric face

>> No.7121684

she was complaining about surgery being scary in general

>> No.7121686
File: 257 KB, 740x986, a1059053a11e3173fc38eb0542a23f59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ffs you're already born a woman, isn't that enough knowing that every single person you meet has thoughts about fucking you no matter what? must you spend thousands of dollars toward needless surgery that won't better yourself as a person in any way save for shape and form? you're already spending a fortune on shitty clothes every week. oh, is it not your money you're spending?

nobody except you is going to notice the difference -- if you get cosmetic surgery that isn't to correct something freakish like obesity or really crooked teeth. you will acquire no additional attention from anybody. you are majorly fucked up if you consider yourself like >>7120297 or >>7120063 and think you 'need' surgery like they 'needed' it. the problem is not with your looks, it's with your vain and empty personality. get over yourself.

>> No.7121699
File: 65 KB, 461x418, tumblr_mhrvo4BNHh1qfbtsto5_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why you so mad about what some random ladies do with their money, bruh

it's not like the media loves to make women feel like shit about their appearance & weight so they'll buy into their overpriced beauty treatments and make up

>> No.7121706

>God, that girl is so ugly, gross!
>Don't get plastic surgery, ugly girls!

That aside, your opinion is not special enough to be the reason why we do or don't get work done.

>> No.7121710

>nobody except you will notice the difference

But I will notice the difference. I'm much more important to me than everyone else is. It doesn't matter if every penis in the world wants me to stay natural. If I want to change something about me, it's my business.

You think your opinion is that important? You think that we want your attention?

Get over yourself.

>> No.7121713

Have you considered that these people get surgery to make themselves happier? The vast majority of people that you pass by forget you about instantly, but the person with the big nose or flat chest has to go home with that at the end of the day and look at themselves the next morning. If it makes them unhappy to see that, what's so wrong and "empty" with correcting it surgically if it makes them feel happier with their self-image?

>> No.7121715
File: 364 KB, 640x755, ca2e92d34edcdc0b89fa114219b868ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mad because draining money is immoral

there is no such thing as 'the media', unless you mean shit like the 11'oclock news and MTV. if those demographics are the ones you're trying to impress, try packing my groceries and enroll in a culinary school instead of applying eyeliner and retinoids

selfish fucks missing the point: why not fund something that can serve both as a function for keeping your ego from falling in bananas AND to improve the lives of others?

>> No.7121719

Don't waste your time, man. It's like talking to a brick wall.

>> No.7121726

Using your own money how you like is immoral? That is some troll.

>> No.7121725

Oh yeah, because doing charity will totally make me happy to look in the mirror.

Oh, wait. I do actively do charity work. Doesn't make me happy with my appearance. I'd still splurge on plastic surgery if I had the money to do so.

Weird, huh?

Being selfish sometimes isn't bad. There's nothing wrong with looking out for #1. Maybe you should mind your own damn business? It's not healthy to live as #2 in your own headspace.

Demanding sacrifice defeats the purpose.

>> No.7121730

>people aren't using their money on things I want them to use it on
>they're so self-centered for not catering to me
>it's so selfish to not use their own money to make themselves feel good

Why don't you stop paying for your internet and donate that money to charity? Since doing things for yourself is wrong and all. Better yet, turn your house into a homeless shelter. Oh, and maybe you should go ahead and convert your backyard into an animal shelter. Lots of feral cats out there, if you have a world to save.

Come on, hero. Get to it. What are you doing, spending time and money to bitch on 4chan? So many living things could benefit from your help.

>> No.7121738
File: 102 KB, 400x600, 25413451_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>charity work
is that really all you can think of?

later in life you may be forced with the prospect of supporting another being (whether it be a child, spouse, or relative) and they're going to wonder why you have nothing in the savings account, let alone why you haven't been able to afford education/hospital bills/insurance/rent/mortgage/household utensils/food/water/basic human needs

>> No.7121742

It wasnt her parents who were rich but her grandparents. They pay for her trips to Japan and weeaboo hobbies. She has also been taking credit for the more complex costumes that were commissioned by locals who have no idea. She's very similar to that Joker cosplayer.

>> No.7121744

I do have a child, and I do have money in my savings account. Granted it's only a couple thousand dollars, but I had a lot of money from my savings drained by repeated emergencies. Probably had to spend $6000 on emergency shit in the last year, it's been a bad year.

>> No.7121748

You can't be forced to care for anyone.

A child is entirely optional. A spouse is entirely optional. And my relatives have their own money, which they also spend on themselves for fun.

You should be responsible with you money, true enough, but if you really want to do something cosmetic for yourself, you save for it. There's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.7121767

>So jelly of Asians because they don't (usually) have a prominent nose bridge.
Lets swap noses, anon :)

>> No.7121773
File: 142 KB, 910x1242, 5bf5ec79da24f71836e11558c333e457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spending ca%hmoney on superfluous bodytinkering is no different from gambling it all away at vegas. you are not requited for the investment. at the end of the day, all you personally want is validation from another caring person. you will not receive this commodity by putting plastic in your chest or metal in your jaw. you can only obtain it the same way mentally stable people maintain themselves: by strengthening character. thousands of dollars go much farther in that route than they do on the other.

>> No.7121779

It's useless to even try to argue with vapid-headed girls who don't realize that a new nose or new tits won't make them any more attractive or happy - save in the most utterly empty of ways. We've been force-fed bullshit for so long that we no longer think we need to do anything save existing to have the entire world handed to us like the pretty little princesses we are.

>> No.7121789

Asians usually get implants or fillers to raise their nose bridge, because it's so flat. Just so you know.

>> No.7121797

No. All YOU want is validation. I give about half a shit. More than no shits, but barely. Less than one full shit. I already get far more positive attention than I want for my looks. Other people are of no consequence.

Sorry babe, but you're projecting.

>> No.7121824
File: 51 KB, 640x480, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what everybody believes before they're apprehended with impending old age. it's going to creep up much sooner than you think. it doesn't sound like you think much past your 20s.

>> No.7121833

I work in a nursing home, I'm more than accustomed to thinking past my twenties. Hard not to, when you're surrounded by people who are dying without their family knowing or caring.

And I still feel the same. If anything, it affirmed this for me. People don't change for the better as they age, they just get more feeble and desperate. Live for now. They tell me as much, the ones that can/do still talk.

>> No.7121868

i don't know what you mean by that. nobody ever said people changed as they age. they change as they will!

you can be like them and live the selfish+sedentary life until the day you die, i guess. you won't be happy though. this is absolute.

>> No.7121875
File: 223 KB, 500x200, my face when half my face is gone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


had an extreme overbite, did a variety of orthodontic work from the jaw spacer to the herbst appliance, years of pain and metal up in my mouth, can not eat regular food, for oh what was it, 7-8 years, starting at the age of 11ish

I looked like a character from Bob's Burgers before

Doctor removed the appliance (had herbst for 1.5-2 years), then had braces for 2 more years after herbst? maybe? I had to remove them before treatment completed to join USAF, coming up on 5 years since I got my braces off, and my jaw has receded 30%, teeth are all crooked, cross-bite is about to come back, so I need braces again. This time I have to pay out of pocket...


>> No.7121879

Sorry for bumping into the discussion but I do think plastic surgery is a completely valid and healthy decision that can be made by anyone willing to pay /as long as they do not think their personal happiness and/or self-esteem depended on it completely/.

>> No.7121887

Only a Sith deals in absolutes, nigga.

>> No.7121904


Psh, your nose is fine.

>> No.7121905


A _little_ overbite is cute. A severe one is shitty. The ideal is basically Rapunzel's overbite.

A slight overbite is also a good thing to have health-wise because if your teeth are perfectly on-target, like mine are, they tend to chip each other.

>> No.7121910

Why do people feel ragey over what others do with their money or body? I don't want plastic surgery, but I still respect those who want it. I can't even stomach those surgery videos. If someone has the money and courage to go under the knife, kudos to them.

>> No.7121912

draining money is immoral
and also the mark of somebody generally terrible

>> No.7121917

Says who? And I demand real resources.

>> No.7121924

Prove it.

Morality isn't black and white. This ain't no Golden Age comic book. This ain't Captain Planet. Where's your sense of whimsy, son?

>> No.7121935
File: 49 KB, 1024x768, 1362519492328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want facial fat injections, juvederm, and nose job. I have a really long face, that's very slender looking, and I miss having the chubby cheeks I had when I was a teen. I aspire to have a beautiful rounder, shorter face, almost like a doll. So maybe I'd have to go to South Korea or something to get my jaw shaved down. I also have to get my teeth fixed, because they're crooked and filled with holes cause I'm too poor to go to the dentist. Does anyone here know of a good place in Mexico or Brazil to get work like this done? Do white people go to south Korea for the triple jaw surgery?

>> No.7121936

>Why do people feel ragey over what others do with their money or body?
The same reason why people get all huffy over how thin or fat someone else is: They always need to create some sort of fucking hierarchy over other people so they can feel better about themselves. Truly a sign of someone that doesn't know how to be happy.

>> No.7121945

not all of us are girls, bruh.
plus not all of us want surgery for attention.
lots of us want it to look and feel better about ourselves.
1/10 for getting me to respond

(psst not every guy wants to fuck every girl they meet. i find girls to be sexually repulsive)

>> No.7121950

me; i'm smarter than you

>> No.7121958

go to /cgl/ they said

it's got women they said

find yourself a nice bride they said

>> No.7121961


even if you don't like girls, at least TRY and act like a man

>muh body issues

drink a beer and grow some chest hair you faggit

>> No.7121962

All /cgl/ has is landwhales, fags, crazy bitches, and a few normal chicks, but they're either lesbians or taken. try real life, buddy.

>> No.7121964



yes hello this is faggit.

i posted earlier about how i got a fucked up jaw that gives me tardsmile and makes eating even small things difficult sometimes.

your idea of masculinity is not the end-all be-all of everything.
I wear fuckin lolita and I cosplay, for fucks sake.

Its amazing, sometimes GASP dudes have self esteem issues too! imagine that,

>> No.7121965


>takin dat b8 m8

>> No.7121968

took the b8 cause im bored, m8

>> No.7121970
File: 29 KB, 640x480, [Exiled-Destiny]_Saber_Marionette_J_Ep09_(073D71DA).mkv_snapshot_14.33_[2011.07.21_08.11.17].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exempting the first statement, everything i said applies to everyone regardless of their gender. stop rationalizing your personality disorders and crappy (or too good?) childhood. and i never said every man wants to fuck every woman upon meeting them.

you are just highly insecure and had little-to-no parental guidance growing up. i'm sorry you fucked up and actually wasted your money before it was too late, and that you've allowed your atrocious behavior to be enabled by awful, shallow subhumans.

>> No.7121971


>> No.7121979

you fuck, both of those anons are me.

I had an okay, although poor childhood. no personality disorders, just low self esteem, and being transgender.
I was raised well by my single mother, i donated what little i could to charitable organizations, and i volunteer whenever i can despite being physically disabled now.

i havent gotten any surgeries, though they would help me a lot with my self esteem and dysphoria.

Now that i think about it, i have a sizable surgery list

>chest reconstruction, to remove breasts
>jaw surgery to fix my fucked up mouth
>facial reshaping to make me more masculine
>lipo to ease my fibro

gasp, im a good person who helps others AND wants surgeries? imagine that

>> No.7121982

ignore the troll jfc

>> No.7121980
File: 18 KB, 500x476, 1375455536620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i never said every man wants to fuck every woman upon meeting them.

>ffs you're already born a woman, isn't that enough knowing that every single person you meet has thoughts about fucking you no matter what?

>> No.7121984

What a miserable fuck.

ladies, gents, go on, surgery up.
just dont do it to get the guy/girl
do it for YOU.

>> No.7121990

mild volunteer work does not better yourself as an individual, i'm not sure why you or anybody else thinks it does. it's work experience, not education. and you aren't reeeaaally affecting anybody's course in life. it's just a requirement for high school graduation nowadays, isn't it?

if you seriously believe the shit you're writing down -- like being/desiring transgender, finding women repulsive, having a wishlist of aesthetic surgeries (some of which may have come as a result of other severely poor life choices) -- then yeah, you need to sort yourself out. as you are right now, you're worth less than dirt. i'm curious what an accredited shrink would diagnosis you with.

reading comprehension is key! i suggest you read over again very carefully about two or three more times.

this post reads like a cigarette ad

>> No.7121991

Idk what happened to my post but: I would get my stretch marks removed. They're silver by now (had a child 6 years ago) and it's too late for anything that doesn't require surgery.

Also a nose job. The tip of my nose is too fat. If I could thin it out a bit then I think it'd be really cute.

>> No.7122002

Money and nerves are the only thing stopping me from changing myself. I think I'm truly a hideous human being and I can't stand being around people because of the way I look. Which means no friends or job.
Realistically I can't change everything but I've been wanting a nose job ever since high school. I have a rather large bump and I only noticed once I got picked on for it. My grandmother has actually offered to help with money but I feel like even if I change my nose I'll still be depressed and uncomfortable so it's a huge waste.

>> No.7122009

I actually flew to South Korea to have surgery done (by myself). I have a bad overbite even after braces so my surgeon recommended that I did two jaw surgery, but not being able to eat any solid foods for a month and a half and having my mouth wired shut put me off at the time. I opted to get V-line (shaving the sides of my jaws), Genioplasty (moving the chin bone forward), and rhinoplasty instead. everything came out to 12K in USD. MY FACE BLEW UP LIKE A BALLOON and I had to wear a stupid head craddle/thong/compression thing on my head the whole time. I could only eat liquid foods for a week and I looked like a hot mess drooling.

Now that I look back on it, I should have done what the surgeon recommended because now my face is smaller, my front teeth and overbite looks more prominent even with the nose surgery. But, I'm really glad I got the nerve and courage to do it.

For the guy who says men don't find surgery attractive, I met up with a few guys there who were there to GET SURGERY DONE (eyes and nose). Both genders want to look good so I don't see why it should matter. Also, even though my boyfriend isn't a fan of surgery, he was supportive of what I wanted and is still with me today.

I got to meet great people in Korea while I was there also getting surgery (and spoke english thank goodness!) because while you are healing there you will need support and company since you will be lost in translation (no one wants to communicate in English)

I paid for a translator while I was there, but to be honest, most doctors and big surgery companies in Korea have translators and surprisingly some surgeons spoke perfect English.

All I can say is, if you are really considering this, do your research, know the consequences, read reviews of doctors, know the blacklists (of surgeons or companies to avoid), plan everything out before hand. If you go to the apujoung subway stop there are tons of clinics on EVERY BLOCK.

>> No.7122011


Theres a difference between "mild volunteer work" and volunteering of my own free will since i was 10, working in the soup kitchen, volunteering at the old folks home, watching kids in the church daycare, etc.
none of this was for "work experience"
I've helped plenty of people, you obtuse fuck knob.

I find women repulsive because i'm gay, and what the fuck do you mean by "being/desiring transgender"?

And if you're worth so much, what do YOU do all day?

>> No.7122013

but yeah, do it for you.

I did lose some of my friends because of my decision to get surgery but I am okay with that. The true friends are still with me today and are supportive of my decision and what made me happy.

I went through a terrible depression phase of "WTF DID I DO I LOOK LIKE A MONSTER" for two months after getting the surgery but now I'm fully healed I'm happy I took the chance and flew out there.

I met great people while I was there, did some great shopping, and now I am more confident about the way I look than I was before.

So anyone thinking about getting surgery done (either in your country or overseas) I say go for it!

>> No.7122040

How old are you? How'd you pay?

>> No.7122074

Right now I'm saving up for upper eyelid blepharoplasty. There's more I want done but I'm starting with this. I have hooded eyes and always look angry and tired and I've hated it for as long as I can remember.

>> No.7122090

Sorry to hear you're having so much trouble. From a cousin's experience breast surgery tends to leave big scars. Perhaps you should look in Monterrey its pretty much the plastic surgery capital of Mexico.

>> No.7122093

I remember people telling me it was going to be incredibly painful. But throughout my recovery the only painful thing was having my doctor poke around my nose to check on it. Recovery was painless but I wasn't able to eat solids for about a week.
I became almost completely unswollen after about 4 months but I remember only being bandaged a couple of days and having a nose cast for a week or two.

>> No.7122198

I had a breast reduction when I was 15 (Underbust 29 inches and a 38 inch bust, so a G cup) I got it done mainly for health reasons, but I'm not going to lie. I did think about how I would look better in lolita and in cosplay. I have scarring below the nipple (not so much scarring as my nipples were stretched so much they couldn't remove all of the leftover bits) and then under my breasts, but it's barely visible and I've never been happier.
But, I am tempted to save up for rhinoplasty. I have a slightly bulbous nose and I have a little bump on it from when my sister broke it when I was 5 (I was with my nanny who didn't think it was broken, so it just sort of healed back together weird, then it got kind of... Rebroken (?) when I was 6 after I had a concrete door slammed on my face. Oops.) The fact that the bump still aches from time to time is really pushing me to get it done.

>> No.7122281

that scar healed really nice!
this is one my worries concerning weight loss. obviously i wanna lose weight, but i don't wanna end up going through all that work to end up looking like a half-empty bean-bag chair. i think i scar easily, as evidenced by all these lovely stretch marks, so i reeeally don't want any more scars on my body, but i don't want bat wings either??

>> No.7122289

This is really reassuring! I emailed my doctor and he told me that I can wear a surgical mask and sunglasses during recovery. I've only told my family that I am getting the facial contouring (like facial lipo or buccal fat removal) and my eyes done, because I know they'll start drama.

I'm going to try to hide my rhinoplasty, but I'm not sure how I'll eat around them for a whole week until the cast is off.

The drama .. god. I know that every single person I am related to or is friends with one of my relatives (and has never even heard of me) is going to know I got plastic surgery. Of course, a few of my relatives have had plastic surgery including facial implants and lipo, but they're going to cause a huge fuss about it.

I won't lie if someone asks if I got something done, but I also don't want to advertise it and have everyone know, even people I don't know, and then deal with them when strangers/distant relatives confront me about it. Some of my relatives are also on really bad terms with my parents, and by extension me, so that can't go over well...

And I have relatives that annoyingly keep in touch with one of my exes, and I don't need him to know that I'm getting work done because he'll tell EVERYONE.

>> No.7122322

Could you possibly share some pictures? I mean, lots of people (myself included) are thinking about going to South Korea for surgery so that sounds quite interesting.

>> No.7122538
File: 488 KB, 600x800, 21120454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working in the soup kitchen, volunteering at the old folks home, watching kids in the church daycare
blah blah blah still missing the bigger picture and using your work experience as a peg

>if you're worth so much
blah blah blah still putting words in my mouth

you're still a self-absorbed attention seeking monster fueled by the worst kind of insecurities, and you will continue to be until you either go through your required ego death or teenage existential crisis just like the rest of us

if only plastic surgery could remove the hot air in your head

>> No.7122949

Wow, you are me.
I feel so hideous to the point I have no friends or a job either.
I hope we can get surgery one day and be beautiful and confident, cause this shit sucks and I feel you, anon.

>> No.7123043

Honestly, I don't think that changing your nose will make you happy. It will improve things but not change things.

While I was saving up money to get surgery, I told myself that I have to vastly improve everything so that I can make my face match my body, wardrobe, and confidence. I worked 6 days a week and went to the gym afterwards. I sorted through my clothes and made myself dress nicely. Getting fitter and wearing coordinated outfits (rather than throwing random shit on) made me a lot happier. Obviously, I still feel really insecure about my face.

But I've come a long way. Now I've saved the money and become comfortable with my body as well as my will power. I've been known to be a gluttonous and hedonistic person among friends, and now I get told that I have incredible self control and drive to get things done, work out, progress in life, whatever. More than improving my body, general health (mental and physical), confidence... the discipline it took to get this far is what has really made me "better."

So I am going to reward myself with the surgery that I've always wanted. I'm so fucking scared, though.

Sorry for the rant, haha.

>> No.7123151


>> No.7123306

>you're still a self-absorbed

Good to know giving blood and going out of my way to help people because i WANT to help people makes me terrible.

all of the "work experience" in the world cant help me, because im disabled chucklefuck.

and what fucking existential crisis are you even talking about? if you mean being trans, that shit aint changing, and im already saving for my surgeries.

Your sad pathetic little projections wont change anyone.

>> No.7124650

Is surgery cheaper in Italy?

They haven't done a good job because even though all of her pics from before surgery have been deleted off the net, her old cleft jaw is still visible on some photos. I suspect it's her not being consistent with the shoops.

>> No.7125521

stop wasting your youth responding to internet people. let what you read swirl around your head for a little while before you finalize that what i write is stupid and irrelevant. you must be like 14 if you haven't had your existential crisis yet. grow up ffs, and stop cruising through the one life you get just for fucked up transient daydreams