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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 120 KB, 720x960, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7120522 No.7120522[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Doctor Who cosplay pics?

>> No.7120523

Could you at least start with one that isn't shit?

>> No.7120524

I thought it was pretty creative tbh

>> No.7120527

It's an idea she took for many others who did it much better, and it is falling apart.
I can literally see parts if it falling off.

>> No.7120530

Could you show me an example of a tardis dress done 'right' then?

>> No.7120531 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 600x900, tardis-dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being so butthurt that we don't like your shitty dress.

Also google "tardis dress", very first fucking imagine. Leagues better than your shit.

>> No.7120534
File: 86 KB, 600x900, tardis-dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being so butthurt that we don't like your shitty dress.

Also google "tardis dress", very first fucking image. Leagues better than your shit.

>> No.7120533
File: 77 KB, 720x960, 39490339493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl in OPs pic looks like she tried to do a shitty knockoff of pic related.
I don't keep up Dr. Who so I don't know if this particular style of tardis dress is popular, but you need some degree of talent to pull it off. Else you might as well stick to the shitty party slut dresses that every other tardgirl makes.

>> No.7120535

but that woman's a hambeast! Her face resembles the moon!!

>> No.7120538

Heh, yeah people said that before about that chick. Hey, she may be fatter but she somehow manages to have a prettier face and a better dress than OP. Pretty sad.

>> No.7120540

She is fat, yes. But her dress is made very well, and she is dressing for her body type.
Unlike OP, who's dress is falling apart and who's chin seems to be being absorbed into her neck.

>> No.7120547

>she's fat so nothing she does can ever look good!!!

Fuck off.

>> No.7120555

it doesn't look good on her. She has no shape, she's just a ..blob, if you will

>> No.7120556

looks better than OP, anyone can tell the other girls is at least made better, whether she looks good in it is an opinion but the fact that it's leaps and bounds better in the craftsmanship is a fact.

>> No.7120557

Better dress, better costume.

>> No.7120587

I disagree. OP has the edge!

>> No.7120589

no one likes samefagging selfposters.
sorry op, no one likes your shitty falling apart dress.

>> No.7120596

Stop samefagging, OP. Your dress and attitude are shit.

>> No.7120600

you must be a real fat girl. I'm right, aren't I? ;)

>> No.7120601

OP just stop
You yourself are sort of chubs, so I don't even know where you're going with this.

>> No.7120605

I'm not even the girl in the picture, I was merely asking for other Dr. Who cosplay pics to add to my collection before you completely derailed it. Thanks..

>> No.7120626

not really creative when she wasn't the first to do it

>> No.7120638


it's such an evil thing..
nobody wins..when you're full of ENVY! la la la la la la

>> No.7120643
File: 53 KB, 396x594, 1378121453909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't tell if OP is just trying to shitpost the girl in the pic, or if the OP is legitimately the girl who seriously believed she'd build a rapport here for that monstrosity of a costume...

>But the other girl is fat tho~
Friendly reminder: Girl in OP has a face like the aborted lovechild between Simon Cowell and Kathy Griffin. No contest here.

>> No.7120654

>passive aggressive smiley
What are you, 16?
1/10 for making me reply troll harder OP

>> No.7120653
File: 53 KB, 600x450, CGLAlphaMale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did Chris-Chan write this or...?

>> No.7120659

I'm so fucking sick of Tardis dresses, Dalek dresses, whatever. They're not fucking costumes and they're not creative or interesting anymore.

>> No.7120670
File: 62 KB, 960x514, 602153_304656572996174_1296518733_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say Dalek dress?

>> No.7120674

wow! now why haven't I seen this before?
Great costume and she looks positively radiant in it!

>> No.7120680

Girl in OP's pic is Jadene Van Dyk, and she's actually a model

>> No.7120681
File: 110 KB, 640x960, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And she's hardly what I'd call 'chubs'

>> No.7120684

Pretty chubby imo.

>> No.7120687
File: 104 KB, 640x960, cv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You call it chubby, I call it curvy!

>> No.7120693

Straight up fat.

>> No.7120696

I really wonder why girls keep doing this type of dress to cosplay the Tardis. The thing does have a human appearance and the dress she wore is so much better tbh.

>> No.7120694

This is borderline obese. Sure, she looks sort of okay now, especially from the back (dem hips), but she's just one more taco away from true whaledom.

>> No.7120701
File: 207 KB, 923x1600, Idris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any actual decent cosplay of Idris?

>> No.7120702

>This is borderline obese.
Oh god, the girl is overweight but fuck off with your obesity vitriol. She's FAR from looking obese. I swear to god your self-images are getting so skewed you girls don't even get what obesity actually is anymore.

Seriously my mom is a dietician and I just showed her that picture and your post and she's laughing her ass off and shaking her head at you.

>> No.7120705

She's got fat on her that's for sure and from the perspective of a fat person if the waist doesn't pull back from the boobs in profile then there's a problem.

I know several people who would consider her attractive though.

>> No.7120707

fit gay man. try harder, selfposting samefag.

>> No.7120720
File: 216 KB, 941x431, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tons of it. Everyone and their mother did it 2 yrs ago.

>> No.7120722

god dammit, curvy is not a denominator of body size, its a body type. You can be 100lbs or 200lbs and be curvy. Curvy describes the hourglass bodytype, which is just when your waist is smaller than your bust and hips and the bust and hips are about the same size.

That chick is a chubbers, she may be a chubby girl with curves but shes still fat.

I'm so side of huge bitches trying to replace terms about how fat they are with curvey tee hee~

>> No.7120725

looks like a tarp strapped to her waist

>> No.7120726

a realy ugly and beat up tarp, smeared with some aspie art attemtps

>> No.7120740

Anyone can be a "dietician". Literally all you have to do is say you are. Also
>taking comments on 4chan seriously

>> No.7120909

sweet Jesus she's a WHALE!

>> No.7120935

I'm thinking of doing a TARDIS dress based off of Idris' design. I'm kind of tired of doing my typical Amy Pond and want to branch out, but I'm wondering if it's actually a good idea or will just look like a bad Idris dress.

Thinking of doing it in blues for the main piece, white for the net overlay, probably keep the wig brown, and probably do some sort of "Police Box" accessory such as a bag or something.

>> No.7120995

Why not just do Idris at that point? She's far more interesting as a character and a concept and the dress is gorgeous as is without blue washing the whole damn thing.

I get the parody idea but Idris was a person into which the identity/soul/Iforgetwhattheycalleditbutyougettheidea went. It wasn't objectively the Tardis personified.

>> No.7121125

Because everyone and their mother does both Idris and the TARDIS. I also have a group of friends who do different sorts of TARDIS dresses. It was just an idea anyways, nothing planned as of yet. I wanted to sew what you guys made of it before entering the DW hall of shame.

>> No.7121131 [DELETED] 

chubby, but looks proportionate enough

>> No.7121272
File: 73 KB, 640x960, 2248-401465727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jadene Van Dyk
How sweet. It's so nice to see that ugly people can be models too :)

>> No.7121276

>Anyone can be a "dietician". Literally all you have to do is say you are.
Different anon but you're thinking of a nutritionist. Dietitians need degrees and certifications and at least a bachelor's degree in most cases.

You're welcome.

>> No.7121281

>you must be a real fat girl. I'm right, aren't I? ;)
>I'm right, aren't I? ;)
1/10 for getting me to reply
try harder, faggot

>> No.7121282

kek, the new pixyteri+an ultra unflattering cleft chin! line up, seagulls!

>> No.7121285

what an oxymoron

>> No.7121292

Why the fuck does she need a hat AND a masquerade mask? There's not enough room for both.

>> No.7121297


>> No.7121300

She has a weird mouth and chin... I doubt she's a model.

>> No.7121301
File: 282 KB, 726x609, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bitch for real?

>> No.7121311


It looks nice, but I wish the details were centered. Also, is that a plunger?...

>> No.7121312
File: 11 KB, 259x194, Why Not Zoidberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7121685

She's dressed like a fucking phone booth. I cannot image of better cosplay for a fatty.

>> No.7121975
File: 410 KB, 2048x1365, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's not ugly, she's gorgeous!

>> No.7121977
File: 297 KB, 273x273, 1369801930731.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those pits
Tell me this is a shop.

>> No.7121981

I'm afraid it's straight off her facebook 'modelling' profile

>> No.7121985

>implying you have to be pretty to model
Your only function is to look like a coathanger and have ambiguous measurements/height so designers can sling their creations onto you.
Only in places like cgl does modeling get associated with automatic beauty, which is fucking hilarious.

>> No.7121988

yes, anyone can be a model, but a "professional model" makes some sort of living off of being one, not just a favor or two for friends.

Thus, WE ALL can be classified as models, just not professional ones

>> No.7122001

If your dress has a muffin top, you are fat

>> No.7122000

What the fuck is up with her makeup?
Also, her butt-chin is obscene

>> No.7122008

No that just means the clothes your wearing are too small.

And before anyone says I'm making excuse because I'm fat, I have friends who are ex-gymnasts and have the bodies to prove it and they still get muffin tops with their jeans.

>> No.7122010

TessCeres did this long before this.

>> No.7122018

That wasn't the point I was making at all.
There are professional unattractive models you know...

>> No.7122026

but, I don't think that's what you should've been addressing, of course there are unattractive pro models, it's just that chin butt here keeps claiming to be a special snowflake model when really that holds no water.

>> No.7123081
File: 1017 KB, 200x200, 1375423159830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New /cgl/ lol-cow..?

>> No.7123154
File: 236 KB, 582x237, similiar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she trying to do a sexy face? she's doing that face a lot.

and I think Google is trying to tell me something

>> No.7123210

curvy means to have curves
curves, plural, meaning more than one
this chick has a curve. one single curve.

>> No.7123779

violin deformity, maybe?
I have it and even though i'm thin I have the appearance of a muffintop even when i'm naked
if you ever see the 60's addams family series you'll notice morticia/carolyn jones has that body type too

>> No.7123790

> I'm trying to imagine a girl with many curves and ending up with some jello-monster thing.
When someone is 'curvy', I think of an inward curve rather than an outer one.

>> No.7123847
File: 168 KB, 1434x2048, uncanny resembelance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7123849

>nuuu, I have 3inch thick love handles!!! oh? it's just because my clothing is to small?? ok! I can now say i'm 200 pounds and not fat!

>> No.7123852


>> No.7123854
File: 244 KB, 471x405, 1373710064840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been waiting to use this
but I agree, what a fatty. and a shitty dress to top it off.

>> No.7124064
File: 263 KB, 966x972, 1370361256717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only in places like cgl does modeling get associated with automatic beauty
have you forgotten about every single fashion brand in the entire world? and on the topic of 4chan, /fa/?

>> No.7124314


"It's bigger on the outside" was the most common comment when that was first posted, I think.

>> No.7125269

Love handles is a phrase that's meant to apply to both the naked body and clothed.

A muffin top is caused by wearing clothes that are too small.

The fact that some muffin tops are bigger than others, well that's down to the individual.