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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 586 KB, 290x290, my-other-me-key-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7120039 No.7120039 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you have seen this?


>> No.7120054

14, 21, 20 year old ugly, horse teethed autistics

no thanks

>> No.7120069 [DELETED] 

What the heck is going on? Why are all these movies and shoes popping up about cosplay?

>> No.7120077

What the heck is going on? Why are all these movies and shows popping up about cosplay?

>> No.7120103


Well the comic/nerd culture brings in BILLIONS of dollars. So why not make more by having things like this that cater to more of the same. Young nerds will watch it, and be like "That's me too!"

>> No.7120111

Is that her kyo cosplay cropped with roxas fanart?

>> No.7120134


Cosplay saved this chicks life!...sooooooooooo.

>> No.7120434

Is that Twinfools?

Either way I'm not watching it. I'm getting real sick of these stupid nerd/geek/cosplay shows.

>> No.7120445

Just looking at that promotional art makes me wonder if this is another piece on cosplayers that implies on some level that cosplayers are delusional and want to actually become these characters.

>> No.7120454

jfc I'm so sick of all this tv media about geek culture/cosplayers.

>> No.7120461

Right? Thank you.

If people want to find out about us, they should come do it themselves. Sick of this shit.

>> No.7120465
File: 139 KB, 510x466, 1347427296126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "Hello...My unicorns....!!!"
Well fuck, even the first minute was awkward. What's with the exaggerated everything?

The way she goes straight from 'let's talk about cosplay' to a sudden 'emotional spiel about all my problems with dramatic pauses and teary eyes'.
Does anyone else almost feel pain at her divulging this much sensitive information? She's got her problems, is this confession to the whole internet going to help?

>> No.7120469

That's media for you.

>> No.7121644

Am I like the only fucking person who isn't all "Cosplay helped me open up and talk to people because I used to be socially awkward!" or "Putting on the costume makes me feel more confident and special!"

Like really? I guess it's just the producers trying to make it more sensational, but really, it's just a fucking costume. I do it because I like the characters and I like being crafty and it's fun.

>> No.7121649

does anyone have a link that works for canada?

>> No.7122025

It's exactly as you say. People just casually having fun with a hobby isn't interesting TV, you'll basically never see anything in the media about cosplay that doesn't have some kind of "amazing" story for them to exaggerate.

>> No.7122037
File: 101 KB, 621x960, 1013243_620398744660195_1345790893_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This movie was actually completed two years ago I beleive? They've been showing it at film festivals before it gets a full release. This film was actually made by cosplayers, for cosplayers, and follows a few bigger named Canadian cosplayers. Including following Twinfools transition from female to male.
The promo images look unprofessional because of the fact that this was all crowd funded, and as such they got other cosplayers/fans to do their promotional art work. Though the finalized poster is way nicer.

>> No.7122039

It is Twinfools. His section of the movie is basically following his transition.

>> No.7122123

What a fag.

Has he even started HRT yet? "He" has been trans for years now but he still looks like an 11-year-old dyke.

>> No.7122131

Twins been on T for quite a few years now, and already had top surgery. No idea how long ago this was filmed. I just wish he'd ditch his psycho weeabo girlfriend.

>> No.7122136

Christ I had no idea twinfools had so much bad acne.

The editing of this was also painfully bad.

>> No.7122139

he's been on T for some time, Had his top done during the filming of this movie so roughly 2 years go, and just had a full hysterectomy.

>> No.7122142

I'm pretty sure that's a result of the HRT. Shit fucks up your skin something awful.

>> No.7122143
File: 96 KB, 900x600, judal__magi_preview_by_twinfools-d6inslw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He literally looks exactly the same as he did when he was a girl. If I didn't know he was trans I would mistake him for a crossplaying female. You sure he didn't stop taking it or something?

Picture related was taken in 2013 apparently. Even though he's cosplaying a dude he still looks 100% female.

>> No.7122148

did u no
not everyone reacts to HRT the way they want to, or expect to?
if you watch Twinfools videos of transitioning and HRT you can see a very very large difference, but the fact is many FtM don't end up looking like very masculine manly men without he help of cosmetic surgery. some FtM just end up looking like really girly boys.

>> No.7122150

Well the makeup's not helping things.

>> No.7122149

He hasn't stopped, especially since last I heard he's waiting on his bottom surgery. He's definitely on T, if you watch his personal videos he talks about how much, when it's upped, stuff like that.

He just has a feminine face because it's so round.

>> No.7122151

Do you really need to be such a cunt? He's done all he can, gone through loads of no doubt painful and scary to feel as masculine as he can, and he still gets catty little bitches like you calling him girly. You go get a few organs taken out and see how much you enjoy people taking the piss about it, you immature twat.

>> No.7122152

*painful and scary surgery

>> No.7122159
File: 210 KB, 900x1350, aang__avatar_by_twinfools-d6mydv8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks a lot less girly here vs the longer wig and makeup. I think its the eyes, he's got the girly, pretty eyes. besides that I think he looks pretty male.

>> No.7122164
File: 368 KB, 853x467, Screen Shot 2013-09-27 at 9.21.23 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you can def see the difference between the interview in that trailer and this

i dont like twinfools or nova, i think theyre both huge weebs who just hop from trend to trend, but I do think twinfools has made an obvious transition. His choice to cosplay girly men just makes it hard to realize.

>> No.7122172

For those interested in seeing a good documentary I highly recommend "Perfection Zero." It's very respectful toward the hobby and just treats it face value showing cosplayers as everyday people. This thing is criminally underrated.


>> No.7122184

Sup Twinfools. How does it feel being a delusional dyke? Have you ever considered getting some mental help rather than cutting off your boobs and pretending to be a boy for the sole reason of crossplaying?

Seriously chick, no one is going to sympathize with you for cutting your organs out. You made that choice on your own so quit whining about it.

>> No.7122188

Get fucked you transphobic cunt. You don't have to be trans to object to the kind of shitty behaviour you're exhibiting in this thread. If you said anything like this around me I'd fucking stab you.

>> No.7122194

Uh oh, there's that word again.

Do you see people sympathizing with Yaya for getting implants? Nooope. So why should I feel sorry for some confused little lesbian who decided to get *her* tits done? Plastic surgery is a choice, no one forced her(you) to get it done.

>> No.7122196

is that op's vid?

hulu blocked here

>> No.7122201
File: 113 KB, 1177x652, TMD-750AS_chiclet01x_gfv_mn_6324326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So like, am I the only person who immediately recognised Ally & Sally cosplaying in the trailer?

>> No.7122212

The video is only the trailer. Just youtube search my other me.

>> No.7122223


>> No.7122237

There's a difference between wanting to be sexier and full blown body dysmorphia.

>> No.7122260

Cosplayers are using documentaries to "counter" what was shown in HoC
I know a lot of people who "want to show the other side of cosplay that's not competitive and shows the love of the craft"

>> No.7122278
File: 181 KB, 160x180, tumblr_lybcukUfco1qbsh19o3_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
tumblr vs trolls

>> No.7122283

I found this video and thought it was a really fun cosplay video. I wish other cosplay shit was like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9mhPJHo1cU

>> No.7122303

I think all that maple syrup is beginning to damage your brain, Twin.

>> No.7122311

Definitely this. My little brother is transitioning, and his skin is atrocious from the hormones.

>> No.7122312

finalized poster is still terribly ugly
DeviantArt level photoshop

>> No.7122398


>> No.7122423

you dare question the merits of maple syrup??

>> No.7122445

>This film was actually made by cosplayers, for cosplayers, and follows a few bigger named Canadian cosplayers.

Wrong. It was made by some guy Rifa met on a film she was working on. He thought it would be his ticket to fame and fortune and she wanted attention. In fact Rifa was only allowed to be in the film once she convinced Twinfools to be in it. From there it became about his ftm transition and the others are just filler so they could still claim it was about cosplay. They should just edit all the other crap out and make this a film about someone going through a ftm transition.

>> No.7122795

He looks like a 40-year-old woman with cancer.

>> No.7123109

Why are these two so creepy? Like something about their faces just looks kinda off to me. I know there is some heavy photoshop in the center pic but does anyone else see what I'm talking about here?

>> No.7123140

that is one awful judal cosplay

>> No.7123144

the big nose, small droopy eyes, ugly haircut

>> No.7123161

I've actually met them before and they were super sweet but they do look a little strange. I think it's their lips?

>> No.7123297

They're pretty much antisocial outside the con scene though

>> No.7123302

I loved this one. People shoud totally watch it! THANK YOU!