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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7117350 No.7117350 [Reply] [Original]

The old thread is in autosage so let's start another. Post your queries/advice/tutorials here!

>> No.7117361
File: 41 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130925_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any good photos/links for a specific hairstyle? I already have bangs/a fringe which I want to keep but other than that my hair is a mess. What I want is a medium length style in which the bangs are straight across but a tiny bit longer at the sides so that it blends in a bit and a little bit of layering at the side of the face so that it frames it. I can't find a photo of this anywhere but I've seen it a lot.

Here's my current hair, any general advice would also be very appreciated. Thanks!

>> No.7117363

Can anyone recommend the best products/make up routine to get fresh, young looking skin? I have some acne/scarring and even concealer/foundation together don't properly hide my blemishes. I want skin that glows but I just can't achieve that. Tips on how to fill in eyebrows without looking like a drag queen would be great, too.

>> No.7117373

Does it make a difference what cleanser you use/how often you use it? Is it that important to moisturize? I have a $30 moisturizer from Lush but it always gives me pimples.

>> No.7117382

Hate to pose another question... But I don't typically use product in my hair...

What product should I get to keep my straight hair from sticking together? For example, after I brush my hair, it will look like a perfect sheet, but a little while later it will have sort of clumped together.

Also, any product that will help keep it straight after blow drying? The pressure from it landing against my chest always gives it a kink/wave.

>> No.7117390

We need Spooky in here, she's good at this stuff.

>> No.7117428

I have perpetually teenaged skin, I've tried almost everything to sort it but I constantly get blemishes.

I sleep pretty poorly, so I imagine that would affect it but I can't really do much to mitigate that at the moment.

Any miracle suggestions to help cut down at least?

>> No.7117436


Moisturizer is extremely important. If something breaks you out, move on to a different product. Not moisturizing confuses your skin, and causes it to produce more oil (not the good kind), which generally leads to breakouts. That doesn't mean you need to lay it on really thick. Use just enough for your face and go by what feels right. If you look/feel shiny and greasy after applying it, you've probably used too much.

You also shouldn't need to moisturize your face a lot, once after washing your face in the morning, and once after washing your face before bed. Only use a moisturizer with spf in the morning. This seems like common sense, but I've know girls who put it on at night and wondered why their skin was always so slick.

>> No.7117442

I've never used it regularly, is that going to make my skin worse later? I never drink or smoke or anything but I don't pay much attention to my face aside from cleansing it as I prefer to leave it alone as everything seems to make me break out.

Do you have any moisturizers you'd recommend?

>> No.7117453

I cannot recommend this lady's youtube channel enough. http://www.youtube.com/user/GorgeoisPig
She has great non-fiddly info on how to take care of your skin.

>> No.7117454

I specifically recommend you watch this one since you have scarring. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvz8itBAEMA

>> No.7117465

Seconding the moisturizer, you need to rehydrate your skin consistently or your skin won't be able to normalize, leading to breakouts.
The moisturizer you need depends on what type of skin you have. Is it oily? Dry? Combination? Also, if you're breaking out from a lot of different products, you probably have sensitive or compromised skin, meaning you need to be more attentive with what KINDS of products you use.

>> No.7117479

I use cleanser, toner and moisturiser. Mostly stuff from Lush.

I never know how much to wash my face, because I worry if I do it too much it'll just make it worse.

>> No.7117488

Lush =/= good for your skin. The biggest problem I have with Lush is that they always use fragrances in their products. Fragrance is an irritant which is bad for your skin! If you're breaking out from it, why are you still using it?

>> No.7117491

i googled hair style catalog and found a bunch of stuff on Google, just endless amounts of pictures of hair styles.

eyebrows just take practice, i can find a bunch of youtube vids showing you how to do it but you just have to keep practicing. i suck at eyebrows
which is especially bad now because i shaved mine off so now i have to draw them on instead of fill them in and oh lordy lol

yes, you need a cleanser catered to your skin type.
moisturizer is also important because when you wash your skin you don't just wash away the dirty and excess oil but also that oil aka moisture that your skin needs. excess drying of the skin will cause the lipid layer to be damaged and make your skin unable to retain moisture. causing premature wrinkles, excess oil production, and other issues.
your products should not break you out, ever. there is no "getting used to stage". if it breaks you out stop using it and switch to something else.
at Sephora you can get them to make you a sample that will last you a solid week. it's fantastic.

Dumb Blonde Smoothing Stuff. it's amazing. i literally just put that in my extensions and brush it through and bam they're like- perfect. everyone with dry but not at all frizzy just gets tangled and clumpy hair that i have recommended this to loves it. it's also great to weigh down curls into a beautiful wave.

i was laying in bed browsing on my phone and i got on just 4 u

>> No.7117492

What false lash brands/stores are good quality? They could be fashion or costume ones, but the recent ones I've been buying from the drug store or my costume warehouse seem like they've gone down in quality.
Also any particular brushes that are nice? Most of mine are starting to get old/not as nice.
It sounds like your describing a hime cut, but not as blunt on the sides (and not as long at the bottom)

>> No.7117494

copied from previous thread since auto sage:

hey /cgl/

I never really learned anything about "girly things" (single dad house)
What are the very basic things I could do?

I mean, I'm already clean and in decent shape, but I probably do about as much as the average guy does for his appearance.

I don't want to do a whole lot, and I get overwhelmed with the tutorials you guys post. I just want to know what the most basic things most girls do before they leave are.

>> No.7117496

I have super short hair (above the ears, short on the sides, longer in the bangs). I'm going to need to cut a little bit of bleach damage off.

Anyone have any cute short hair ideas for round faces?

>> No.7117497

no two people have the same skin, unfortunately you have to keep trying things until you find something that works for you.
some advice though-
don't over exfoliate, all you're doing is causing micro tears in the skin which let more bacteria in AKA more zits
moisturize twice daily. not giving your skin enough moisture while stripping the oil damages the lipid layer and your skins ability to retain moisture. to compensate it will produce more oil which will make you break out more.
spot treatments VS harsh all over acne treatments. again with the lipid layer, harsh all over treatments for prolonged periods of time will damage this. spot treatment all the way. use an acne wash to prevent breakouts and a spot treatment on current breakouts.
NO HOME REMEDIES no lemon, no lime, no tea tree oil, no lavender oil, NO PURE SUBSTANCES. when you get these things in cosmetics they are so heavily altered and refined. you do not want pure anything going on your face, even diluted. do not do it. no natural irritants period. you will just cause irritation. just because it's natural doesn't mean it's good. poison ivy is natural but you wouldn't put that shit on your face.

it wont make your skin worse later if you're in your early to mid 20s but most people i know who don't start a skin care routine by their late 20s you can tell. easily.

you should do a skin care routine twice a day, three times if you wear heavy makeup. when you wake up cleanse, tone, moisturize. when you go to bed add the fancy stuff, exfoliate, acne treatment, under eye cream, anti aging serum, etc.
if you wear heavy makeup wash it off as soon as you can, when you get home from school/work is usually best.

>> No.7117500

1. Face wash for your skin type.
2. Toner to offset the ph of your water.
3. Moisturizer to moisturize.
4. Sunscreen to prevent sun damage. (Skip if using a sun protective moisturizer)

1. Wash face.
2. Toner.
3. Moisturize with something more hydrating.

Bish bash bosh basic skincare

>> No.7117501


Washing your face too much will mess up your skin, it will essentially dry you out. Once in the Morning, and once in the evening should be just enough, and ALWAYS moisturize after washing!

>> No.7117502

Honestly, you don't need makeup on a daily basis. I'd say just stay clean, moisturize your skin well, and save makeup and heat styling for when you go out. I wear makeup maybe once a week.

>> No.7117506

>4. Sunscreen to prevent sun damage. (Skip if using a sun protective moisturizer)

Diff anon, but sometimes, if it's particularly sunny, I'll skip the moisturizer, and just use a sunscreen. That's fine too, yeah?

>> No.7117504

there is no such thing as basic girly things. do what you like. if you like rosey cheeks were blusher. if you like big eyelashes get a good mascara. there are no rules.

very edgy pixie cuts to give your face more angles and dimension. some layers landing on your cheek bone and like extending on it will give you a great face cut. like a forever contour.

the ones from Sally's are all good. my favorite lashes are from Walmart though.

these omg they're so beautiful. one pair and it's just like "woah girl nice lashes" double them up (i layer them like one set so they get full the whole way round instead of tapered) and then cut one side to taper them a little bit and they're like half way to drag queen level.
so amazing
the individual pack comes with adhesive already on them too which is great because you get 2 uses out of them without ever dirtying them with eyelash glue. sooooo good my favorite. i wear them everyday 10/10

and they have a few different styles if you don't like demi wispies

>> No.7117510

unless it says specifically it is a sun protect and moisturizer.

>> No.7117509


cuts? ask the stylist

but now is the perfect time for hair accessories. don't even worry about what is normal or whatever. just wear whatever thing looks good on your head. Go out of your way to try new things even if you know it will look dumb. Analyze why that particular thing looks dumb and try to find or make something that won't.

Also, start using product if you don't already. My straight hair looked way better with bed head when it was short but other people look better with flatter/cleaner looking hair.

basically, experiment with everything. and growing it out will be a pain. and you'll probably wake up looking goofy as fuck. But you can make it look really good.

>> No.7117511

Not necessarily. You always want to use a product designed to hydrate your skin. All a sunscreen does for you is protect you from the sun. If you want to skip a step, opt for a moisturizer that contains a higher SPF.

>> No.7117516


compare the ingredients to your moisturizer. Most will be the same base, most are just moisturizers with zinc or titanium oxide, and whatever the oxalates are mixed in (can't remember, I just look for zinc oxide when I buy sunscreen)

>> No.7117517

Also, if you want to be superlazy about makeup/skin care. Try a tinted moisturizer with SPF for the mornings. If you have well-maintained healthy skin, it can make all the difference.

>> No.7117519

Thankyou very much!! tbh I wouldn't have thought walmart would have nice lash stuff, but I'll check them out nextime I shop.
Not sure if I have a Sally'a near me, I'll look tho. again thankyou!!

>> No.7117523

tbh i like the ones from walmart more
cheaper and prettier

u r welcome

>> No.7117524

So what do you recommend instead? I have combination skin, dry cheeks and chin, oily forehead and nose.

>> No.7117527

Spookay, I want to start with clip in extentions. Any tips? My hair is almost shoulder length and I will get it layered.

>> No.7117532

don't get it layered. unless it's extremely thick, in which case get it thinned out. extensions look better when your hair is longer. my longest layer is past my shoulder now and no one NO ONE can tell i have hair extensions. but also i have micro links so...
but anyway, all hair extensions look better with a longer top layer of your natural hair. your goal is to blend your natural hair in with the extensions and if you go from short layers to "lol 18 inches" it's going to be very obvious.

getting the extensions layered to match your hair is an option, but make sure to color code your tracks with a sharpie. blue dotted one is top, red is middle, green is bottom etc. small dots on the inside of the weft that can't be seen when worn. or if you make them yourself you can do it with the thread.

>> No.7117535

I have a lot of hair and it's cut quite blunt in a sort of a thick bob. So I should just get it shinned out?

>> No.7117536

I highly recommend the brand Paula's choice specifically


Since you have combination skin, I suggest experimenting with layering different products on the different skin types on your face. During the day use a moisturizer on the drier parts before applying an all-over moisturizer + SPF.
I'd recommend:

Don't feel like you need those specific products, though. Since you have acne + oily skin, I'd recommend products with salicylic acid, which tends to cut back on oil for your forehead and nose. And then, try to use a moisturizer that will keep your dry parts hydrated without contributing to oil on your oilier parts.

>> No.7117540

Any recommendations for shampoo for curly hair that also deals with dandruff? Asking because when I tried sulfate free shampoo or no poo only conditioner, my scalp started to get the most dandruff I've ever had, baking soda helped for a bit but I'm the end I just switched back to sulfate shampoo.
Does any of this even matter? Should I be focusing on leave in conditioners?

>> No.7117541


skin care is about experimentation to find what works for you. even dermatologists have you try different things out before you find a solution

but they have you try harsher things. so, especially since you seem to be pretty clueless (sorry :/), I would recommend trying the most basic things and working from there.

just start with anything that says gentle or sensitive skin on it. it is obviously the most basic. Cerave and Cetaphil are brands the derm always recommends, but there are tons you could try. Get a cleanser and a moisturizer. Get an alcohol free toner if you feel like the cleanser isn't rinsing off completely or leaving makeup/dirt.
Get an alcohol free makeup remover, or use any food grade oil, and wipe off your makeup before washing your face since these cleansers usually have trouble with that.
get a moisturizer with sunscreen, or buy a separate sunscreen, coppertone water babies is actually really good (zinc oxide is white. you will have to rub it in.)

I suggest just this, but you could get that neutrogena bp spot treatment, tea tree oil (from a natural store), or whatever spot treatment you read about with good reviews.

do this every night. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. Well, not the sunscreen, of course.

You should start out doing this in the morning too, since you currently have breakouts, but there is a chance you could just do "the splash" in the morning then moisturize+ss. Just get your face wet, and kind of massage it. Wash without soap basically.

Every other day or every two days, exfoliate. You can buy whatever thing says scrub, or just add a little salt or sugar (or rice flour! my fav) to your cleanser on an exfoliation night. Be gentle but be thorough.

do this for a month before giving up on it.
from there change your cleansers to the acne ones if you need to.

scincare talk forum and the beauty brains are good resources for when you want to get more complicated.

>> No.7117547

Not the OP, but do you recommend any specific lash glue? I suck at putting on my lashes, and I wonder if it makes any difference, or I just need practice...

>> No.7117606
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How curly is your hair? I don't know if you've looked into hair care specific to curls, but if you have, you ought to know shampoo isn't necessary and can actually be awfully harmful to curls. I use Head 'n Shoulders conditioner (boring, I know) for my curly hair and it's been fine (and I was in DIRE druff condition, man). If you feel like your hair is too greasy without shampoo Deva Curl has it's "No Poo" shampoo (I don't like their products because they gave me mad buildup). I prefer using a little splash of Dr. Bronner's Magic Liquid soap on my scalp to clean off the oil and gunk and follow up with Head 'n Shoulders. It's worked nicely so far and my hair is so damned shiny.

>> No.7117641

Repostin' from old thread.
>Which epilator would you recommend? I've used the emjoi slim for a while, but I've always had problems with it working. (My old one stopped after two months, my new one never worked at all.) Something really powerful would be fab!

>> No.7117803


I use a braun silk epi 3
but I haven't had it very long. It had good reviews for its price. I like it so far, no complaints.

>> No.7117809


oh, I've had it for at least 6 months, so it's already better than your other one.

>> No.7118279

Spooky, what would you recommend to color my (non-remy) human hair clip-in extensions? I'm only going a few shades darker, so do I need to go to a beauty supply shop for color+developer, or can I just use that ammonia-free color gloss stuff in a box?

>> No.7118299

I just looked it up and it seems really good. Thanks! :D

>> No.7118314

Does anyone have any recommendations for products to give the face a smoother or more rounded appearance? I have a kind of angular face with a sharp jawline/nose/cheekbones and I'm cosplaying a character with a more rounded face. Any suggestions for minimizing my more angular features?

>> No.7118371


everyone's just going to say contouring, fyi

>> No.7118449

I have these super clogged pores on my nose, they drive me crazy.
I used to squeeze them out, but figured that wasn't good enough, nor good for my skin. I started using biore strips, which seemed to help, they always pull out a bunch of crud.
I would combo between peel off facials and mud masks, but my face just keeps right on churning out gunk.
It's mostly manageable now, and only very visible up close, but the pores still are visible, especially in the crease.

Anyone know how to make my pores stawp?

>> No.7118456


it's sebasceous filaments, and they never go away. No matter what you do to empty out, they will always fill back up within a few days. That's just how it is.

>> No.7118644
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Thanks, I'd been trying to find a site like that.

I'm not after a hime cut, I'm had that before though. I just want subtle layering that frames the face but I need a picture of it for reference. This girl kinda has the "bangs are straight across but a tiny bit longer at the sides so that it blends in a bit" thing going on but not quite how I want it. Maybe I'll have to do a drawing or something.

>> No.7118682
File: 47 KB, 400x598, Straight-Medium-Hairstyles-with-Blunt-Bangs-Easy-Haircuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.7118691
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>> No.7118698

seconding eyelash glue, someone said shu uemura but I can't get that anywhere except online in US since sephora stopped carrying it

>> No.7118710

Same problem, I have 3a curls and hate no poo, havent tried baking soda but the difference with vinegar rinses is there just I have to wash my hair with it every time and the vinegar scent lingers enough to get noticed.... yuck. As soon as I stop its back in globs again. Literally. I scratch the dandruff of my hair and see the tiny flakes fall down, then look at my fingernails and theres rest of my dandruff mixed with my hair oil, ughh :(

I'm having a feeling its more to do with the moisture in the scalp than killing off dandruff bacteria with H&S or something. I have similar oil/moisture problems in my face already. And leave in conditioners sounds like it'd be more irritating on the scalp. Like theres already enough crap in your hair from the dandruff, personally I couldnt bare with adding more!

>> No.7118718


try a shampoo brush?

>> No.7118723


seconding this. if it's only visible close up.

ocm works with black heads, though. I always wash with my normal cleanser afterward because it's too much effort finding the perfect mix of oils that don't break me out

>> No.7118726

Ahh, I saw these labelled as "Scalp massager" at my cheapie store, I'll give it a go then.

>> No.7118902

Eyelash Fixer EX you can buy it at Mitsuwa if you have one in your area, many Japanese beauty supply stores that carry like Pulty and DollyWink have it too. but if you don't have of those in your area the Revlon one that comes with the brush applicator is okay.
i only like eyelash glues that have brush applicators. they just work better. idk why.

what kind of hair are they? i mean if they're human then use whatever.
using color that doesn't have a developer will rinse out faster as all it does is stain the hair, not change the chemical makeup. but tbh you should only wash your extensions every 2 weeks max so. whatever.

Pual Mitchell's Curly hair line is fantastic. i do not know anyone who has flat out hated it, i know a few people who are like "my home remedy works just as well" but no one who was like "this is a waste of money"

>> No.7119858
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Has anyone tried to dye their hair with gel food coloring?

I have platinum blonde hair and I've been using Manic Panic and Special Effects hair dyes, but I just moved to the Philippines and they don't sell them here, I've seen online stores but they sell them for 3x the price.
I'm down to my last 4 bottles of Manic Panic and I'm not paying 50 dollars for shipping from the states.

I know it's safe, at least safer than most permanent dyes, I found vegan gel food coloring that's vegetable glycerine based (which is the base for soap and some conditioners)
but I wanna know the outcome and how vibrant it can be
and more importantly, if it can permanently stain your hair.

I tried liquid food coloring, but it wasn't vibrant at all and washed out in 2 washes. But seeing as Gel food coloring is much more concentrated and has more of a vibrant color, it makes me wonder.

Pic Related
Not me, but it's the kind of vibrancy I opt for, at least for the first few days.

>> No.7120071
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I have frizz. So much frizz.
Nothing I have done works on it. My hair is thick and wavy.
It falls out a lot too.

What the hell do I do? Nothing seems to work. I already look ugly as sin so any reccomendations for using bacon grease or no poo or whatever I will try it.

I've got nothing to lose.

>> No.7120081

What have you tried?
How frizzy and wavy is your hair and what kind of climate do you live in?

>> No.7120106

Wavy like beach waves. Not too crimped but noticeable.

I live in a tropical climate.

My hair has lots of split ends and also falls out all the time too

>> No.7120168
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Have you tried coconut oil? It's the secret of Indian women.

You only need a fingernail-scratch of coconut oil. Massage that into just the ENDS of your hair. It should be nowhere near the scalp.

To make a hair mask, massage 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil into the ends, and then middle, of your hair length. Avoid the scalp. Let it sit 10 minutes. Then shampoo as usual.

Note: if you are getting coconut oil, do not store the main container in the bathroom. If water/moisture gets into the oil, mold and other nasties can start growing.

>> No.7120171

I too have similar hair and live in a tropical climate.
This is what I got from research.

First, I suggest you cut off your split ends before anything else.
I also suggest you do it yourself as opposed to going to a professional, they won't take the time to piece off your hair and trim every single one for hours and hours.
They usually just cut off 3 inches from your hair and call it a split end trim.

This is the method I prefer, but do more research and find which one works for you

Second, invest in good hair oils.
I've used Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, but the feel is just horrible for frizzy hair in my opinion.
I suggest Loreal's Mythic Oil collection, worked wonders for me.
Argan oil is amazing, too. Hair really soaks it up cause the molecules are smaller than most oils.

Third, buy products for your hair type.
When you buy your shampoo and conditioner, look for words like "moisturizing," "smoothing" or "hydrating".

Try not to use hot tools on your hair, it really damages it a shit ton which then leads to frizziness and breakage.
When drying with a towel, try to just pat and squeeze it instead of ruffling up your hair.
After showering with hot water, let your hair cool off with cold water, it'll close up your hair cuticles this making it shinier.
I know it's hot in tropical climates, but showering daily is bad for your hair. You have to let your hair's natural oils come out.
Every other day would be good.
Dilute your shampoo with water.

Hair fall is natural, you shed 50-100 strands of hair a day. Anti-hair fall treatments might work, but if it's way more than that, I suggest you consult with a dermatologist.

>> No.7120223

Any good body hair bleachers? I've tried the extra strength creme hair bleach for body and face from sally. I like it but are there any that last longer?

>> No.7122475

girls, have any of you tried 2 day diet pills?

>> No.7122770

I bought some oil free, fragrance free moisturiser yesterday with SPF that makes my skin feel so much better than any of the other moisturisers I've used before. Let's hope it doesn't make me break out! I also got some facial scrub as I never use that.

Can anyone recommend a good cleanser for oily skin with black heads? Also, would Covergirl concealer be really bad for my skin? I think I use the Tru Conceal as it matches my skin tone well and I like the texture, but the brand isn't great in general. Additionally, is it bad to use the same concealer for say, 6 months?


>> No.7122843

So confused because there are two same threads. I bought my first konjac sponge a few days ago. Upon opening the package the sponge was damp. I followed instructions found on Google - I washed the sponge and squeezed out excess water before use. I didn't add any soap of my own. Uhm, I scrubbed my skin in a circular motion all over except my face. Nothing seemed to happen? Like am I supposed to see the dead skin come off? Because even the paste-y skin on the bottom of my foot didn't come off. Did I purchase a fake?

>> No.7122850

unless you use an actual blade you are very very very unlikely to see dead skin. even with harsh exfoliating objects they only scrub off dead skin on a very micro layer.

also, these are for face use. so no it's absolutely not going to be anywhere near strong enough for you to see any dead skin you removed. or be strong enough to remove excess build up of dead skin like on your feet.
try ped-egg
shit works great

>> No.7122853

Not a brick and mortar store, but the Chinese ones on Ebay are usually much better quality (in terms of being realistic) than any cheap ones you can find in a drugstore--the hairs actually taper like a real eyelash.

>> No.7122870

2nd this. You're not mean to see dead skin coming off. Konjac sponges are a gentle exfoliating tool.

>> No.7122919

okay, then am i supposed to see anything when using the konjac on my body? i already have a good exfoliant for my face, but i need something for the blackish patchy skin under my pits, between my thighs and the bottom of my feet.

ped-egg was said to suck, according to an older beauty thread

>> No.7122930

ped-egg does exactly what it says it does. a lot of people get sad because they don't see as much dead skin as in the commercial but WOAH maybe u don't have that much dead skin. they hire people who have an excessive build up so it looks impressive.

anyway, exfoliating doesn't ever make a big difference like what you're looking for. you want to change the tone of your skin- you wont. if your skin has darkened due to friction/rubbing against more skin you're going to need to exfoliate every day for the rest of your life and even then you most likely wont see much a difference.
once your skin tone is so dramatically changed it's next to impossible to reverse without laser treatment or a dermatologist prescribed treatment.

>> No.7122932


Ped-eggs suck, according to my pedicurist, because it rips off the skin. Ideally, you would cover the skin in lotion and wrap it with a hot towel, so you could scrape off the skin with a paddle.

>> No.7122939

hi i'm Charlotte a licensed manicurist

ped-eggs are zero chance of cutting yourself or living skin if used properly. zero pressure. do not push it into your skin. just let it glide over, it'll cut off the dead bits and not touch the living.

paddles suck, they don't do shit worth shit if you actually have excess build up of dead skin. like yeah they help a little but unless you can commit to regular pedicures you're always going to have dead skin. who wants that? no one.
so what do? blades ~ back in the day using a blade was totally normal, they were in every nail salon and spa. but they aren't safe, let's be real. it's a fucking knife to your foot. so they're illegal in most of the US. but that sucks, nothing is as effective. except chemical treatments, of course.

ped-eggs aren't legal for salon use either
but they're almost as effective as using a blade, without as high a risk as cutting yourself

>> No.7122941

oh you said ripping
do you have any idea how much force it takes to rip living tissue?

no no no
you wont "rip" your skin with a ped-egg
i mean i guess you might rip dead skin if the blades on it are dull
but lol

>> No.7122956

Everytime I use moisturizer I wake up with my eyes itching like hell and stinging a bit. I've used lots of different products and I never put it near my eyes so I don't know why this happens. I also get weird white lumps on my forehead that look like strange pimples, only I only get this type with moisturizer. Why is it so difficult to be able to use this product?

>> No.7122967

keep trying different ones until you find one that works for you.
look for products that specifically say oil free, non-comedogenic, fragrance free, and for sensitive skin.
if you have all your old products i'd skim through the ingredients to see what they all have in common and look at which are common irritants via google to find what to avoid for what's bugging your eyes.

>> No.7122970

oh also silicone free (any word ending in cone is bad) and paraffin free.

>> No.7122990

Do I need to use separate primers for eye and face makeup? Is there some sort of reliable primer that covers both, or am I stuck shelling out for different primers?

>> No.7123004

is your eye skin even slightly similar at all to the skin on your face? like knowing nothing about skin at all as you obviously don't just touch your eyelids and then your cheeks.

maybe you should just use cotton balls for tampons, like they're both absorbent right? why waste money on actual tampons you got cotton balls and floss at home already.

>> No.7123009

why do you have to be such a raging bitch all the time? go steal some more chokers and fuck off.

>> No.7123032

Has anyone used any of the Aveda hair products? More specifically the Invati Collection?


Any recommendations for a good shampoo and conditioner to aid strong, healthy (possibly fast) growth?

>> No.7123072

Spooky, what the hell? I can't say you're my favourite, but considering the fact that you're always touting about your ~expert opinion in these threads, this hostility is so strange. Maybe I'm just being too nice to you.

>> No.7123143

So I dye my hair a really pretty bright ginger color usually. Not too unnatural looking, but obviously not one that's completely natural appearing. I love it to pieces, but I'm needing a slightly softer copper/red-blonde for a while. I have to go to a lot of family functions over the next few months and that side of the family hates my bright hair and doesn't seem to know how to hold their tongues over it. It's way less trouble to just tone it down for now, than start another fight over it when none of this time should have anyone's attention on me.

That said, I'm wondering what I can do to tone down my color? I've let it fade out so it's ready to go with a new color, the shade I use now is a level 7 with a red gold base (called Medium Tangerine Blonde), and is supposed to be quite natural looking, but because my hair pulls warm tones like mad, it comes out very intense on me unless I wash it about 6 times after dying it, which is just kind of a waste of money.

I was thinking I could do a 3/4 + 1/4 mix with a neutral blonde dye, which is what I used to do for my golden blonde hair color a few years ago. Full gold based dye would just turn it straight up yellow, so I had to mute it with the neutral, but I'm not 100% sure that the same theory would work with red hair dye so I'm open to any suggestions so long as it's not "Go to a salon". It's not going to happen, I'm not dropping another another hundred bucks for yet another girl to turn my hair multiple colors or some shit because they don't listen to a word I say. I do a better a job on my own, I'm just not exactly clear on what the best DIY method would be for this.

>> No.7123166

I have green hair, and I need to cover it temporarily. What temporary hair color do you recommend?

>> No.7123184

It's all shit, especially if you have a lot of hair. What's the occasion?

>> No.7123193

About 5 years ago, I started plucking my upper lip hair when it was only peach fuzz. Now it grows back thicker and darker and is much more noticeable. Is there anyway to make it more subtle again like it was before? I wish I hadn't tampered with myself so much now. I have more hair where I don't want it (upper lip, arms, stomach) and not much where I need it (eyebrows).

>> No.7123214
File: 228 KB, 1600x1572, cla-040_5z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have one of these bad boys?
more importantly, is it worth $150?

I never suffered from bad skin until recently beginning a mirena as birth control, and due to the pain of insertion/removal I am not changing it until I am done in about 5 years, but I don't want my skin to be crummy for 5 straight years. I have never had this many pimples appear on my hairline/cheeks/t-zone before. the only thing it hasn't done is made my blackheads worse, they are about the same as before.

also, if I do get it, do I need to use a different facial cleanser? I still have yet to find any cleanser/moisturizer sets that "work" for me.

Any good face wash recommendation would be helpful actually. I compiling data before I spend even more money...

>> No.7123216


maybe a wig if it is a 1 day 1 time event

>> No.7123222


I'm trying to pledge to a sorority

>> No.7123223

won't they be mad when you go back to green hair? can't they kick you out for violating dress codes? (some sororities have dress codes like that) why would you begin a friendship based on deceit? do you want to be one of them, or yourself?

>> No.7123227


I don't mind having green hair, but if they don't allow it I don't want to end my chances before I even speak, you know?

>> No.7123258

Oh no.. girl you are going to have much more to worry about than your skin with Mirena. We all start spotting about a year into taking it, for the entire rest of the time using it...

>> No.7123263

Get a wig.
Either get one locally or one online.

Wig care - http://arda-wigs.com/pages/tutorials-articles

>> No.7123265

If your hair is brassy, try washing it with purple shampoo to tone it. Use a good one that's a dark purple color--the light lavender ones will do nothing.

>> No.7123273

It really wasn't worth the money for me, maybe if I was richer I'd feel better about it, but there are more important things to spend my money on, and you have to remember the brush heads need replacing every few months. I only bought this because I've had acne for years and tried almost everything. This alone will not cure your acne especially since yours is hormonal and not a hygiene problem so you should really try other things before splurging on this. There are other brushes out there that are cheaper and work just as well. That being said, I use it everyday and I can rest easy knowing that this gives a deep clean washing away all my makeup, and it feels good to put on any products afterwards and know that it's going to really penetrate my skin.

>> No.7123368
File: 89 KB, 480x640, iwhite 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS. I love this moisturizer to death. I've tried several moisturizers, but all of them made me break out or make my face greasy. This one's water based, effective, not to mention SERIOUSLY CHEAP. The packaging's seriously adorable, too, and I just HAD to share it :3

>> No.7123372 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 640x480, hurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS. I love this moisturizer to death. I've tried several moisturizers, but all of them made me break out or make my face greasy. This one's water based, effective, not to mention SERIOUSLY CHEAP. The packaging's seriously adorable, too, and I just HAD to share it :3

>> No.7123373

Thanks for the recommendation! The packaging is indeed cute. Does it come in a bottle at all? Also, where do you personally buy it?

>> No.7123377

It's available in squeeze bottles, too but I like sachets better because bottles=possible contamination. I buy it in local drugstores here in the Philippines, though. I'm not sure if it's available online, but it's distributed here from Korea, I believe.

>> No.7123379

Actually it's made in the Philippines, licensed by a Korean brand or something. I don't think it exists in anywhere else.

>> No.7123441

I never said it was brassy. I like my hair the way it is, I just need to mute it next time I dye it and I'm not sure that mixing in a neutral shade would necessarily do that with a red color.

>> No.7123510

Your descriptions of it as "bright" and wanting to "tone it down" makes it sound like it's brassy. You're saying you're considering toning the color by mixing in a neutral blonde, yet it's not brassy?

>> No.7123537

I have an arda wig, but I'm not sure if it looks natural on me

>> No.7123613

Well it's not, at least not in the way most people deem hair color "brassy". My hair is purposefully dyed a copper orange color, so yeah, it's really warm toned. I just want to make it look more natural, but because my hair pulls warm tones very strongly, any plain reds I use come out really intense which is why I'm thinking adding a more dull color in would help with doing that. Purple shampoos/toners aren't going to do anything to my color.

The idea behind the neutral shade being mixed in with the dye would be to have the dull flat tones in the blonde cause the red to come out a little softer. I don't mean doing like you would with yellow hair and toning that out with an ashy or violet dye. It's more like if you had a flat red, and mixed in a gold based dye to get a copper tone.

I feel like I'm explaining this really easily, so I apologize if that's not the case.

>> No.7123615

I'm pretty sure anon just means it's a bright shade of red... I don't know why it would have to be brassy in order to be bright

>> No.7123906

cgl, please help me. I've never had such a terrible haircut before. This link sums it up pretty well: http://imgur.com/a/GgQXJ

Any advice would be seriously appreciated.

>> No.7124202

With the other anon asking about her red hair, it's reminding me of an issue I have with mine. Forewarning, my color is over bleached hair, but even my unbleached roots seem to have a slight issue with it as well.

The red itself sticks for a LONG time, but I have a lot of gold tones in my color when it's fresh, and they seem to just wash right out within like 3 washes and it leaves me with a weird pink-orange shade that doesn't look BAD, but seems kind of off if you look at for more than a few minutes.

I'm not really sure what to do about it though. My hairdresser just insists I CAN'T do anything at all, but I refuse to believe that. If I can tone out gold tones in platinum hair, I should be able to add in gold to hair as well. I use a sulfate free color safe shampoo and have another red depositing shampoo, rarely wash it more than 2-3 times a week and always in cold water. Still, the gold tones are gone astonishingly fast while I can't seem to get the red out if I tried.

Is there anyway I can put more gold tones back in without dying it? At this rate I'd be re-dying like every week if I did that, and that's insane and would end up frying my hair after a while.

>> No.7124215

Go back to the salon, tell them you didn't get what you asked for and demand they fix it.

>> No.7124216

And make sure you get a different cutter/colorist who won't give you BS about the color and put in shitty highlights.

>> No.7124231

the hair cut is just a little short, but not that far off from what you wanted.
your bangs are the main difference, but again you have to grow it out so don't cut it anymore. it's not a bad hair cut at all.

as for the GOD AWFUL highlights go back and demand they fix it for free. those are terrible. and to fix it your stylist is going to have to go through your entire head and section out the already ligthened hair as to not leave you with more streaky blonde with lighter blonde. it's going to be an absolute pain in the ass for whoever gets it. but do NOT go back to the idiot who gave you that.

why ANY stylist put that kind of highlight on that dark of hair is so beyond me. you have to weave all of it, literally the top 1/3+ of the head plus and all of it. otherwise it looks so awful.

nope it doesn't work like that. you can't force your hair to hold onto tones. if it washes out it washes out, you just have to keep adding it until it stains the shaft since your cortex can't hold onto the pigment.
which AKA = it will never hold.

>> No.7124315

Is there any way to fix it myself? I really don't want to go back there.

>> No.7125266

Yeah, it doesn't actually bad nor that far off. Let it grow out a little. But I agree with the other poster about the high lights, those are kind of bad considering what you paid.

>> No.7125305

oh /cgl/ please help me!

I am a male, and I grow facial hair very fast! I want to a beautiful girly face but I just can't do it when I always have a beard shadow. Is there anything you can suggest??

I shave every second day, but when I have a cosplay coming up, I wait an extra day without shaving and then I shave an hour before leaving the house. I also use a clean shaver and shaving soap every time too.

I cleanse, moisturize and tone at the start of every day as well but it only helps so much.

Would something like a concealer work for me? I don't know where to start with makeup.

Thank you!

>> No.7125308

You may want to consider facial waxing instead of shaving. Concealer would help you, though.

>> No.7125323

Would that require me to grow my facial hair out first? I think waxing only works if the hairs are a like 5mm long or something right?

>> No.7125324

Can I get this advice but for hair? All I know about hair is shampoo and conditioner, but I'm always left with that typical limp nerdy-ass "brushed away from the face with her fingers" look. It's clean and recently cut, but how do I keep it pretty?

>> No.7125339
File: 237 KB, 477x254, tumblr_lzmoaz6xZz1r3oy3eo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a really densely packed glitter eyeshadow, I guess I could just use loose glitter, and use some kind of bonding agent or glue to do it, but I'd prefer something that I can just slap on without all that mess. Maybe like a gel or cream eyeshadow?

Any brand recommendation? Even if it's just loose glitter, I'd like recommendations.

>> No.7125351

I've had Mirena in for a year and I had horrible break outs the first 2 months but it went away... Maybe give it a bit of time and see what happens. Also you should change it in 3 years not 5. Careful with that.

>> No.7125366

Try Sugarpill.

>> No.7125365

I'm considering doing a cosplay from Frankenweenie.

How would I make my eyes look huge? I'm already naturally doe-eyed. I know they'll never be as big as in the movie, I just want it to be recognized. I'd ideally be the weird girl.

>> No.7129793

How do I make my makeup last longer?
Usually my makeup lasts for 5 hours then it's completely gone, no trace at all.

I live in a tropical climate and I have dry skin.
Any products you guys could recommend?
I've tried Mac Fix+ but it doesn't really do much for me.

>> No.7129815

If you're looking for something like the pic you related, you're definitely going to need loose glitter. No glitter eyeshadow in the world works that well. Sugarpill would be the closest you'd come a good glitter shadow, but you'd still need to layer glitter on top. Glitter eyeshadows are a mess to work with, so I recommend just sparing yourself the trouble and using loose glitter. lash glue works as a bonding agent in a pinch.

>> No.7129928

Do you use a face primer and eyeshadow primer? Also I've heard using cream blush and then powdered blush on top helps it stay.

>> No.7129929

can you post a picture of your eyes? For shape reference

>> No.7129967 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 766x346, lids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello cgl, can you help me to find my eye(lids) shape, and a way to look less sad/tired/ugly ?

>> No.7129998
File: 546 KB, 721x480, TsaoShin2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellow large pored ladies! Mind If I ask for some help?
So I have pretty oily skin and due to breakouts thru-out most of my teenage years I've abused make up pretty badly. Now I'm left with a ton of large pores on my cheeks (right besides my nose) and I'm frankly helpless. I hate em even more than the acne I used to have, I'm only 20, I'm not supposed to have holey old looking skin. Is there any help against 'em?
First of all - is there some medical remedy for 'em? I've read some great stuff about retin-A creams but never got around to trying them. Any experiences you wanna share?
Do peels work? Chempeels are a bit too expensive for me (especially the deeper kind), would it be worth trying microdermabrasion though?
Is there any magical make up that you use, that fills 'em out without sinking in too much? Like a primer that you love? I'm using the Skin Food Sparkling Apple primer right now, but it sinks in quite fast and leaves my face still covered in holes :(
Any other recommendations?
Pic oh so unrelated

>> No.7130012

i think what you got is actually far better than what you wanted...

>> No.7130023
File: 202 KB, 610x349, scars treatment peel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advice from someone whose done tonnes of research



No beauty product will correct serious skin problems (such as deep scarring, very uneven texture etc etc) as well as cosmetic procedures.

My routine goes something like:

>gel moisturizer or non-silicone based primer
(face is primed and ready at this point)
>sunscreen containing gentle and effective broad-spectrum protection
>makeup (face stuff is enforced with protection against SPF/UVA rays)
(antioxidants are more effective when applied topically so if you don't mind the expenditure/extra step try a serum)

>fragrance free, gentle face wash
>thicker cream if i feel like it (helps ward off flakes)

That's it. A balanced diet has helped my skin way more than any beauty routine, no matter how thorough. Genes play a big part too, so don't expect to have clear skin like the models who advertise the shit because there's no gurantee that your skin will even respond to the stuff (assuming it's formulation is top notch), 'k?

>> No.7130024

I meant UVB not SPF*

>> No.7130035

>don't expect to have clear skin like the models who advertise the shit because there's no gurantee that your skin will even respond to the stuff

Or because, you know, it's photoshop. Because well, it's just photoshop.

>> No.7130131
File: 291 KB, 1024x768, die-antwoord_yolandi-visser_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, Yolandi is my eye twin. I have very protruding eyes with a lot of lid. I cannot for the life of me figure out any eyeshadow styles that look good with this, and don't end up making me look tired or like a prostitute.

Google hasn't helped at all because much of what I find for protruding eyes doesn't have nearly as much lid.

Wtf help.

>> No.7130153

vaguely related
i was getting annoyed at taking stupid shit for acne all the time because i have oily skin and proactive has too much shit to deal with
go to a dermatologist, or someone who will write you a prescription. there is actual medical shit out there and its not worth dealing with acne for like 8 years just to find out theres some shit your doctor can prescribe you to wipe on your face once a day that will get rid of that shit.
note: im taking clindamycin and using hibiclens and my acne is 90% gone :P

>> No.7130163

Or people could just go to their dermatologist if they have a serious skin problem. Because you know that's what they're there for, and it actually does help a lot of people to an extent.

>> No.7130166
File: 21 KB, 480x202, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. Forgive the shitty makeup, I fell asleep in it last night and haven't cleaned up yet.

>> No.7130496

All I can tell you is that dark colors will make your eye lids look smaller.

>> No.7130599

Go to a derm and get Spironolactone. Your face will stop breaking out.

So I'm 27 years old, and I've had acne pretty much constantly since I was 13. It cleared up for a few years in my early-mid 20s, but a little over a year ago, my face broke out a hundred times worse than it ever has. My face was covered in deep, red, horribly painful cysts all along my chin, jaw, cheeks and chin. I have extremely pale skin, so there was no hiding the scars on the rare occasion that I had a square inch of skin that wasn't breaking out. I called out of work because my face hurt too much to touch, let alone put makeup on or smile.

I tried everything - salicylic acid washes and creams, retinol, peroxides and vitamins and masks. I tried synthetic, natural, expensive, cheap, ALL of the stuff in those late-night ads, and when none of it worked, I went to the dermatologist.

8 months later, my skin is completely clear. I started taking 100mg of Spironolactone on the 8th of February of this year, and after six months, my breakouts were down to one or two zits every couple of weeks. As of now, I haven't had a single pimple in almost 2 months. I haven't had a cyst in more than 3. My chest is clear, my back is clear, and with the help of some good brightening products, my scars are nearly gone. I don't need a concealer, and I get compliments on my "porcelain complexion" even when I'm not wearing makeup. I could not be happier.

>fading acne scars

If your problem is hyper-pigmentation, SkinMedica's Lytera system is indispensable. If you've got minor pitting or large pores, ask your derm about medical grade retinol.

>> No.7130606

i saw a Corpse Bride makeup where they used white out lenses so only the pupil showed, i think that's a good move for Tim Burton clay characters.

as for the rest i'd say do very minimum eye makeup with heavy contouring and then literally draw on her eye bags. she has lines coming down from her tear duct area, do it literally.

heavy facial contouring, no blusher, very pale skin, shouldn't be too hard.

>> No.7131336

My eyes hate mascara. They always feel itchy or sting when I wear mascara, even the ones which are supposed to be for sensitive eyes or people with allergies. Eyeliner works OK though. How do I do my makeup nicely without mascara?

>> No.7131339

Coat the eyelashes with eyeliner

>> No.7131341

You can substitute liquid liner for mascara and just apply it with a mascara wand.

>> No.7131386

Curious male anon.

My girlfriend was speaking to one of my roommates and asked her if she had any safety pins. My roommate said she did but they were covered in mascara.

I have to know. How the fuck do you apply mascara with a safety pin?

>> No.7131392 [DELETED] 

um probably to pin a protective covering like a towel around her neck?

>> No.7131394

1. she wasnt using the mascara for mascara
2. she was jabbin the pin into the container to see if there was much product left and/or removing dried up blockage

>> No.7131419
File: 112 KB, 465x425, 1318281649504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was a dumbass teen unaware of the existence of lash combs, I'd use a (safety) pin to remove clumps of mascara and separate lashes. The pins don't end up completely covered in mascara but if you don't bother to clean them it can build up a bit.
This super unhygienic and dangerous so I really hope your girlfriend's roommate isn't as stupid as I was.
>mfw I remember the shit I used to do because I was just so fucking clueless

>> No.7131437

This. She's doing this. And if her pins are covered in mascara she's been doing it a while, and that is gross.

Do everyone a favor, and buy her a lash comb. Say you're planning on buying the same one for your girlfriend and wanted to ask her advice. That or be prepared to take her to the ER when she stabs her eye out.

>> No.7131441
File: 232 KB, 245x220, spideyrita.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw, I used to do the exat same thing because I had nobody to teach me how to put on makeup.

>> No.7131466

The moisturisers and cleansers I've used from Lush weren't that good tbh, They left me feeling a bit greasy.

>> No.7131471

How the hell can I get curly hair?
I have very fine, straight Scandinavian hair and it just cannot hold a curl, no matter what I do. Also usually if I use heat it looks stiff and unnatural.

>> No.7131479

Speaking as a girl with very fine, straight as a pin, Swedish hair... I once got a fucking perm and it only lasted a week before quickly turning straight again. It was in high school and I didn't even make it to picture day before my hair was completely straight again, and I took care of it exactly how the stylist said to.

Just give up girlfrann, buy a curly wig and live out your curly hair dream that way because it's not happening, no way no how.

>> No.7131499

The bleach doesn't like wear off or anything, it's permanent. The issue is that your hair just grows out/is growing fast. Try waxing, plucking etc which lasts longer

>> No.7131507

You shouldn't be suprised considering the sheer amount of drama she has been involved in.

>> No.7131510

You americans are a strange breed!! I'm still to understand your frat/sorority thing. Can anyone explain? why do you need dress codes? What other obligations are involved?

>> No.7132409

I think you mean paraben-free...

>> No.7132422

paraffin oil is used in cheap skin care too.

but i prob did mean that one that you said, since that one is more common.

>> No.7132458

Most waxes can work on pretty short hair now so you wouldn't have to grow it out a ton before getting it done.

>> No.7132464

ahahaa christ, me too.
wonder where i'd first heard that suggested to me? gross and stupidly risky, but it seemed to work like a charm.

>> No.7132467

i think it's just a like, "innovative" thing people come up with on their own. because i did it too, but i know for a fact no one ever suggested it to me.

lash combs aren't too much better in how sharp they are, i swear they point some of them. so dangerous. clean spoolies are better IMO, no risk of stabbing your eye and they do the job well enough.

>> No.7132471

i said charm, not charms.

>> No.7132474

WOOOOOW zinger u got me bazinga

>> No.7132522

I know that the skin on the face is very sensitive, and a mans facial hair is very thick and packed very tightly. I'm worried there are dangers involved.

>> No.7132546

My husband's facial hair is super deep rooted and thick, he tried plucking one once and it bled like fuck. Also the tearing motion on the skin would be terrible and cause wrinkles. Just get a good 5 bladed razor and shave closely, followed by some alcohol-free toner or ice to seal the pores.

>> No.7132563
File: 151 KB, 640x481, 1357959449350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What drugstore foundations have strong yellow undertones? or at least truly neutral? all I have tried are more on the pink side and look really off in my olive skin. You're my last resource /cgl/
>picture unrelated

>> No.7132686

Do you have to wear moisturizer? Everytime I try it breaks me out. I usually just wash my face with water since I don't usually get acne and then I'm done.

>> No.7132690

... Are you using facial moisturizer?

You can't just use any old lotion on your face. You need to use water-based stuff with no oil in it, or your pores will get clogged to fuck.

>> No.7132695

Yep. I've only tried facial moisturizer. Currently I'm using Kiss My Face's sensitive skin one, but in the past I've tried numerous others.

>> No.7132709


That one still has oil in it. Actually, it even has olive and shea butter, two things that in my experience contribute to clogging pores if you're sensitive to product breakouts.

The lower half of my face does not tolerate anything with oils or silicones or lipid-types. You might try some kind of gel, like a pure aloe vera gel (no alcohol or colorants) or a good snail gel without silicones or anything? I know the Purebess Snail Gel is a pretty good one for that.

>> No.7133432

Im in the same boat as you anon, I will be looking around for a good foundation this weekend, ill let you know if i find anything.
Well you dont HAVE to, moisturizer is just basically insurance.

>> No.7134354

I have the same problem. I'm a pale olive so I'm pretty white in the winter, but most foundations just look pink on me ):

>> No.7134986
File: 14 KB, 400x312, Afbeelding 026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm super super pale, like pic related, and have never been able to find foundation/bb cream that doesn't turn me orange. Help?

>> No.7135001

I've heard Missha Perfect Cover #13 works well for super pale folk. You can get samples for really cheap. I usually shop at Roseroseshop.

As for foundations I've heard Illamasqua and Bobbi Brown might have some shades suited for you.

>> No.7135020

same anon here that went shopping, I picked up some loreal true match in the color W1. I haven't tried it in good lighting but it seems to match well. I also tried the color N1 which is supposed to be neutral but it was still to pink for me.

>> No.7135037

I truly believe the type of cleanser you use is important. You have to know your skin and what it needs. For young skin you can wash it at night and in the morning though its not recommended to use a cleanser in the morning (just use water to rinse your face). As for a moisturizer, if you breakout try using essential oils and mix in a bit of tea tree oil. That will work wonders. You definitely need to moisturize though. Excessive dry skin causes more oils to be produced

>> No.7135039

Acnes Mentholatum is the best cleanser for acne I've ever used. It worked (for me) better than any other drugstore and prescription acne cleanser. I honestly saw my face clear up in two days!
I don't know if this is readily available outside of Asia, but I'm pretty sure you can find it online

>> No.7135042

color coding is an awesome idea! Wow thanks for that "why didn't I think of that" tip!

>> No.7135047

I'm a little paler than your pic and Illamasqua's Skinbase Foundation in 105 fits my skintone perfectly, and Bobbi Brown's Porcelain is an almost perfect fit, although it is a liiiiittle too dark. They used to do a paler shade, Alabaster, but they discontinued it where I am. I think they might still have it in the US.

>> No.7135062

Chances are the cleanser you're using has oil in it.
I used some neutrogena cleanser for a bit after my cousin recommended it, but my skin (fairly sensitive, especially to oils) broke out everywhere and almost immediately after I began to use it.

I would recommend looking for a cleanser made specifically for sensitive skin that advertises itself as "oil free," and maybe also as "alcohol" free, as I find that alcohol based products make my skin generate more alcohol and thus lead to break outs.

>> No.7135064
File: 114 KB, 1280x337, eye0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend any treatments for severe psoriasis and eczema? Actual treatments as opposed to just covering it up.

I've got a bad case that has broken out around my mouth and eyes. I can handle my mouth mostly and cover the rest that can't be handled with makeup.

But my eyes remain swollen, red, flakey, and itchy. Any attempt at makeup would just flake right off or be super uncomfortable, seeing as I can't even blink without pain. I'm afraid it's slowly starting to affect my vision, as I have a hard time even focusing my eyes on things now due to the pain. Doctors continue to shrug at my condition.

It's a personal issue but in the end, it does affect my cosplay work.
I've got all the prescription creams I'm aware of and stuff but I am curious to see if anyone has tried anything I haven't. Maybe some home remedies? Protopic helped at one point but isn't doing much good now. Elidel helps a little with the redness but doesn't relieve me of all of the pain/swelling. A friend of mine swears by Aquaphor+Hydrocorticol, which worked on my mouth but no luck with my eyes.

Or maybe any tips on hiding swollen/tired looking/enflamed eyes that haven't already been mentioned?
Pic related.

>> No.7135378

Is there such a thing as an organic bb cream? The only one I see is from Gem Beauty and it's hard to find and expensive I think.

>> No.7135527
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Where can I buy semi natural bottom lashes for a look something like pic?

>> No.7135535

Any tips on how to heal a small scratch on my face quickly? I accidentally broke skin on my face yesterday and I have a magazine photo shoot in three days, I'm freaking out because the broken skin/redness has proven really hard to cover with my normal makeup and it looks gross.

>> No.7135570

Pluck your mono-brow for starters

>> No.7135593

Wow, don't be a cunt. I'm not the anon you're responding to, but generally when you have a breakout of eczema and the like, you avoid irritating your skin at any cost. Plucking and shaving and whatnot are extremely irritating to the skin.

>> No.7135730 [DELETED] 

Wow my skin is magically cured!

>> No.7136946
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>alcohol based products make my skin generate more alcohol
>alcohol-producing skin

>> No.7137038

>If you use it enough, you sweat vodka

>> No.7137059

try misha #13! I use it and im pastey as fuck.

>> No.7137064

Do you see a dermatologist or just a general physician? I would recommend seeing a dermatologist if that is something you can afford to do. If they haven't/won't helped you I don't know what to say.

As for moisture cetiphil and petrolium jelly work from my knowledge (my sister uses petrol jelly, kind of sticky but for her severity it is the best thing she can do). Avoid makeup until the breakout goes down a bit. Another thing my sister did was put a bit a flax seed oil and mix it in with her yogurt in the morning.

As for puffy eyes, when I got major puff and then dryness from allergic reaction, I put warm (NOT hot) green tea bags on my eyes for a few minutes which did actually help, plus it felt nice.

I know this is kind of scatterbrained and stuff, but if any of this helps you at least a little I'll be happy.

Source: Live with sister with severe eczema for whole life

>> No.7137402

>showering daily is bad
no, washing hair daily is bad. girl, put on a shower cap and take a shower.

>> No.7137413
File: 615 KB, 441x588, UH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the stylists wouldn't take you blonde?

why do they do this? lazy? too much of a challenge?

>> No.7137417
File: 49 KB, 393x700, qt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know if you are into any kind of hairstyles, but try it out. watch some tutorials online, even if you don't plan to wear that hairstyle, people usually talk about their fave products and stuff

>> No.7137431

Is there any way to control/regulate oil production at hair level?
My hair is disgustingly oily, to the point that a couple of hours after washing it my hair sticks to my head.

>> No.7137440

I use several products from Lush but not their moisturizers. They are too thick/greasy for my oily skin and they leave my skin feeling yucky.

If you're into ethical products, try the seaweed extract moisturizer from the bodyshop. It's a bit cheaper than the moisturizers from Lush but nowhere nearly as greasy.

>> No.7137453
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Haven't heard of the flax seed oil stuff before--I will look into it. No one has recommended to me any types of dietary things before. I initially thought I somehow managed a terrible B2 deficiency since the problem started with my lips, but even after keeping track of my intake, things just continued to get worse.

I've seen both normal doctors and dermatologists. I had eczema and psoriasis break out all over my face/scalp/arms and they've been able to help with a lot of it, but it won't let up on my eyes. Most of them don't know what to tell me, either, haha.
It's some sort of allergy problem but we can't pinpoint what. So they recommended (and I assumed something similar) I take allergy meds, which help a little with the pain in my eyes, which is nice, but they don't last long. (2 antihistamines every hour or so, party hard.)

I will look into the green tea bags! Can the same effect be a result from anything warm? Such as just a washcloth or something, or do you recommend green tea bags only, due to whatever is in them?

I often go to bed with my face caked in petrol jelly or other thick lotions just due to the coolness factor but it doesn't seem to help my condition once I take it off. (I have the softest dry skin you will ever feel, wow.)

Thanks for the input! I'll definitely look into a few of the things.

Also follow up, since I forgot to mention, this makes my whole face look terrible anyways, so you don't even have to worry about me going outside, anon. I won't punish you with my unplucked eyebrows, it'll be okay.

>> No.7137730

Try using cornstarch as dry shampoo. Massage one teaspoon throughout your scalp, and then brush out. If you have dark hair, cocoa powder also would work.

>> No.7137742

Tea has a bit of caffeine in it too which can be helpful, aside from the warmth and moisture.

>> No.7137768

flax seed has a huge amount of phytoestrogen, so its not recommended if you're male and like being that way, or have any history of breast cancer.

>> No.7137837
File: 16 KB, 350x350, Amlactin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have keratosis pilaris (red bumps on your legs/arms/butt that are not pimples) or just live in humid climates, here's a tip on lotion.

Butt Acne Clearing Lotion is popular for treating this, but it costs $40 for a 4-oz bottle. AmLactin 12% moisturizing lotion has the same active ingredient, ammonium lactate, and a 20-oz bottle of it costs $22 plus shipping through Amazon.

It is also supposed to be good for relieving eczema, icthyoses, and psoriasis.

>> No.7138742

Max Factor Facefinity in light ivory works really well for me, you can get it at Etos.

>> No.7138781
File: 1.58 MB, 1140x584, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, Anons!

I've been doing makeup for quite a while, but I'm still not sure about what I'm doing, I learned from tutorials, and figured out most of the things with huge fails on the way...

Is this makeup you see on pic good for my face/eye/lipshape? Are there any mistakes? /I'm sure there are.../
What kind of makeup would go with this shape?
What can I do to make it better?
> inb4 get another head

Also, how can I make my skin palewhite with makeup for cosplay? (Should look somewhat natural.) Any good tutorials on this?

>> No.7138783

one or two shades lighter max for paler foundation for cosplay, make sure you blend onto your neck and chest if they show a lot.

you have hooded eyelids, so look up tutorials on how to lift and brighten your eye area.
a little more blush and highlighter would help your face not look so flat but all in all it's fine. and i'd choose a slightly pinker lip colour for you, but that's personal preference.

you don't look bad at all, just a bit more dimension to the face and different eyemakeup mainly.
your skin looks really pretty.

OH and eyebrows, if you don't want to fill them in remember to wipe them off with a q-tip. yours look like they have powder on them. not a big deal.

>> No.7138798

>you have hooded eyelids
I never heard about this before. Just... wow. Thank you for the advice, really, I'll keep it in mind.

>your skin looks really pretty
Foundation... foundation everywhere...

>> No.7138802

it doesn't look cakey though, which is a continuing problem on this board. lol

your eyes aren't hooded in the droopy sort of hood, just the natural way. if you can't see your movable eyelid- or really any eyelid- you have hooded eyes.

>> No.7138813

Don't listen to charms, she doesn't know anything about makeup at all.

>> No.7138817

>nb4 'hello my name is spooky and I'm a licensed <insert whatever current topic she's an 'expert' on here> for twenty years. nice to meet you Anon.

>> No.7138825

Okay, then who does? I welcome any advice.

> captcha: flagois Jonathan (Joestar :3)

>> No.7138999
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>> No.7139017

i am licensed in hair, makeup, skin, and nails.
cosmetology is a license for all of those things.
i don't get why you guys don't get that.

most of /cgl/ doesn't know much about makeup that you wont find on youtube.
tbh most everyone don't know much about makeup since it's such a... like the only way to be "good" at makeup is to know a ton of face shapes. if you know how to do your face shape well that's fantastic but you can't give advice on your face to someone else.
counter girls don't usually know much about makeup, they're hired based on sales experience and taught bare minimum on how to demo products.
Sephora has semi-standards for it, but not really. they don't keep up on education they just put you through the ropes and done. MAC teaches their artist to do MAC standards so if you don't have a MAC face then they will give you weird makeup, but they're amazing for basics. unless your skin is oily, and sometimes combo. their foundation is just eh IMO
Bare Minerals is a good place to do to learn the basic's, their makeup artists literally do the same look every day so they're pretty solid. but it's like- natural.
Makeup Forever, if you have a legit Makeup Forever store that is and not a counter, are pretty legit. their counters are hit or miss.

>> No.7139578
File: 39 KB, 600x332, Directions1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After dying my hair red I'm thinking of mixing some semi-permanent Directions dye into my shampoo and conditioner(?) to help keep it nice and bright.

Will this work, or should I just do a full dye rinse once a month?

>If it will work, do you have any suggestions for the ratio?

>> No.7139613

Put it in your conditioner, no point putting it in your shampoo unless for some weird reason you leave your shampoo in for ages. I usually go half-half but you may need to experiment to find out what ratio will wash off your shower cleanly.

>> No.7139612
File: 145 KB, 339x192, cjhyfisf - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I'm considering going from a dark brown to this dark lavender/strawberry purple colour like in the pic related.I'm a noob at this so go slowly on me. I have never dyed my hair before.

What would this process entail?
Would I have to bleach my hair? Wouldn't just a light dye be enough to achieve that medium purple shade? Will I have to use one of those blue shampoos/treatments or is that just for pink hair?

>> No.7139636
File: 189 KB, 400x3869, 1311799322695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what I like to do with make-up, now, I just need to experiment. Do you ladies have any tutorials such as these or some magazines?

Also, where could you download whole magazines?

>> No.7139641

I'd recommend lightening it a little, using a cool toner and then using Palty's Jewlery Ash colour.

>> No.7139654

Would 2 shades be okay(like, to a medium brown) or should I go lighter still?
>cool toner
What cool toner would you recommend? Are there different types, and how would I go about picking one?

>> No.7139660
File: 225 KB, 1377x600, hair stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, thanks. I wasn't sure if it would take at all in conditioner or if I'd just be wasting the dye.

After dying my hair black for years I've bleached it, dyed it twice to even the colour, bleached it again, dyed it twice again. All in the span of two weeks, haha.
I'm going to pick up a couple of tubs of Flame Red.

>> No.7139664
File: 195 KB, 600x516, 41115[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, I thought I'd attached the photo.

Two shades would be fine - That slightest amount will just help the colour take and 'pop' a bit more.

Looking at it again, you probably won't need to tone at all. The ash should do that for you.

>> No.7139668


>> No.7139670
File: 88 KB, 540x720, 254622_2330502790497_6838295_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in love with this color of blonde and want to bleach my hair this color. Only problem is that I already have some highlights in my hair that shade along with my medium brown hair, very few, but still there. I'm scared that if I bleach it all it'll break off in the lighter places. ;_;

Am I going to have to pay a salon a shit ton to do this or is there any hope for me doing it myself?

>> No.7139679

Coconut oil! The kind that you use for cooking. :3

Buy a shower cap and soak your hair in it overnight before bleaching and again the night afterwards. If you use a bleach that comes with a colour/toner already in it your hair should lighten evenly, too.

>Recommending Palty Sparkling Blonde, too.
>I should be a goddamn Palty rep.

>> No.7139681

That's great!
Just wondering about upkeeping, I fear that I will be unable to achieve the same shade of mauve after bleaching the roots after a couple of months of regrowth.
Is there any way to make sure that I won't have a different shade of purple near my roots compared to the rest of my hair after that?
How do you girls do it?

>> No.7139697

Hm.. Is your hair currently it's natural colour, or a dyed brown?
If it's natural, you should be able to just keep the bleach in for the same amount of time each application.

The dye itself is quite opaque, so you have a lot of leeway.

>> No.7139698

Thanks! I've checked on some reviews and their results come out a bit more orange-ish than I like. The time they left it on varies though... Should I be safe if I just leave it on long enough?

>> No.7139700

I think a lot of it depends on your natural/current colour.. Most of the reviews that I've seen have been on natural black asian hair, which aaaalways goes brassy. On cool toned or lighter brown hair it usually looks like the box model.

>> No.7139709

Yep, it's natural, although I can't help but worry about applying it properly to the re-growth and then end up with stripes of different shades of purple.

Oh, good to hear that, as I want it more dark lavender than a dark wine.

>> No.7139729

If this works I'll love you forever anon. Have you tried it yourself?

>> No.7140458

Has anyone tried Origins make up line? How is it? I've only really used their face care stuff and I like that well enough, so I was wondering about the quality of their cosmetics as well.

>> No.7140693

I just got out of a photoshoot where they used Origin foundation on my face and it turned a gross dark orange after just a couple of hours of wear. She used the lightest shade (Angel, I think?) and it looks pretty bad. I'm too embarrassed to even post photos to be honest with you, just trust me, it's pretty bad. I just hope they work some photoshop magic for the finished photos.

>> No.7140722

Hey all,
I'm what you would consider an average Irish skin-tone with very red cheeks and I'm trying to get to a color like Jack Frost from RotG. I've already been in possession of green-tinted concealer from previous cosplays and at the recommendation of a friend, tried BB creme though I just stayed the same color.

If you all have any suggestions, please let me know

>> No.7140791

Is there a product that will make my hair look less crappy all the time? Something I can throw into my hair that will make it look smoother when I just want to put it into a pony or whatever.
Girls around me always have nice hair even when they obviously just threw it into a bun. Am I even making sense?

>> No.7140847

dumb blonde smoothing stuff.
it's perfection for a quick use product.

you need a high coverage foundation, i recommend Kat Von D's, it's amazing. the concealer to go with it is great too but honestly i think they're like the same amount of coverage. the concealer is just a little thicker so it doesn't blend out as much.
the lightest shade would also be beautiful for Jack as well, it's super pale. and LORAC's Porefecting powder is 10/10 to set it. very light and beautiful.

>> No.7140843

Dang that's disappointing, especially given that a lot of their products have a lot of hype on their website. I'm sure your photoshoot pictures will turn out fine in the end!

>> No.7142561

Fake nails, how do? This might sound silly, but I've never really been into nail care, but I want to try fake nails for the first time just to experiment.

I know that you need to buffer and trim to help keep your nails healthy, but how many times can I wear fake nails? Is the best way to take them off soaking them in warm water for twenty minutes? How long can I wear them? If one breaks what happens then, should I just remove them all?

>> No.7142709

Philips Satinelle ice premium, it's awesome.

>> No.7143140
File: 21 KB, 300x300, AAAADCk7QYQAAAAAANn3-Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to wear lolita tomorrow to my friend's tea brunch thing, but I'm kind of stuck now because I'd rather not wear a wig to a really casual event (where there are no other lolita) and I don't really have a cute haircut with bangs.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a cute toned down hairstyle with a simple hard headband? Pic related is essentially what I have.

(I need to invest in some detachable bangs)

>> No.7143143

Do you have long enough hair to do some beachy curls or an updo?

>> No.7143164
File: 82 KB, 383x718, Photo on 10-11-13 at 6.45 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've done beachy curls before, so yes. As for updos, it depends which ones, but I think i can make most of them.

Pic related is my hair. Apologies for crappy quality.

>> No.7143187

The problem with amlactin is that it makes you really vulnerable to sun, your skin is crazy sensitive, it takes forever to dry, and it smells like fucking glue. It also didn't let up my KP very much, and I had been using it for at least 2-3 months.

It made my skin way too sensitive, so I stopped using it daily and only use it on the rare occasion. Tried every KP remedy in the book- I just live with it.

>> No.7143191

I'm looking for a new face wash for oily skin- trying to downgrade from Lush's Ocean Salt. I've used the coconut milk moisturizer/cleanser from Alba, but I need an occasional exfoliant that's not $20+ a pot.

I guess I'm looking for an exfoliant as well as something I can use daily. I have crazy oily skin that doesn't do well with most unnatural products.

>> No.7143214

Anon- as crazy as it might sound - I use raw crystallized honey as a face wash. You need to remove your makeup first, but it doesn't strip your face of oils. And the graininess of the crystallized honey exfoliates gently.

>> No.7143218

I imagine the goopy residue of the honey would get stuck on my face... is this not truth?

>> No.7143231

It probably helps because it's a hygroscopic substance/humescant.

>> No.7143245

don't know anything about gel food colouring, sorry, but you could probably try buying manic panic from ebay? don't think shipping is expensive.

>> No.7143264

Different anon. Rinse off the honey with warm water. It will melt away. Just don't make the water too hot, or it will dry out your face.

I'm not sure if crystallized honey is a good idea, though. Smooth honey is good for acne because of its antibacterial properties. But sugar crystals generally are not recommended for skin scrubs. While they will pull off the dead skin cells, they will create microtears on the delicate skin layers as well.

>> No.7143278

Yeah I keep hearing we need to move away from anything with a grain/grit rubbing on the face because it actually rips and tears your skin. Chemical induced exfoliation is the safest on skin layers.

>> No.7143329
File: 61 KB, 724x664, yesto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone had any luck/tried out any of the "yes to" products?

>> No.7143391

My hair is naturally black/very dark brown, but over these past few months, I've noticed that the hairs that frame my face are turning a regular brown color. It's very noticably brown against the rest of my hair. These hairs seem to be getting lighter and lighter. I haven't been doing anything new with my hair and this color changing isn't going on to any other parts of it. It looks so weird, anyone know what's going on or how to stop it?

>> No.7143396


I just tried the Yes To Grapefruit. It smells nice, it exfoliates well, but I have sensitive skin. It did seem to fade some blemishes in my two weeks' worth work, but I got a lot of very small pimples everywhere.

>> No.7143404

I have Yes to Grapefruit face wipes.

I don't have particularly sensitive skin, and have used grapefruit exfoliating scrubs before with great success. All these wipes did were make my face reddish and shiny for a few hours. I was quite disappointed.

I also had the Yes to Tomatoes facial cleanser. That did nothing noticeable.

That's all the experience I have with this brand.

>> No.7143405

not all hair grows the same colour, some people have legitimate patches that just grow another colour. it can happy at any time in your life, and go back to normal at any time as well. but if you mean like, it's lightening not growing a lighter colour - some hair just takes to sun, heat, pollution, etc damage differently. though sun bleaching is the main cause for lightening.

there is no way to change it, though. you have to colour your hair if you want it to all be even.

>> No.7143410

i just bought yes to cucumbers facial wipes.
the first use was alright, the second use irritated my skin.
almost felt like a chemical burn

>> No.7143421

I had a Yes to Carrots lip balm which was very good, moisturizes well and smells nice, especially for the price.

I recently bought the Yes to Grapefruit under eye cream, will be reviewing after I've used it for a few weeks.

>> No.7143434

I have this shit. My hair is naturally mousey brown, but I get a shock of blonde hair by my left temple. That patch doesn't take dye well, either. Pisses me off.

>> No.7143462

Question about freckles. I've always had freckles on my nose and I'm fine with that, it was just a very light smattering. But now I notice they're multiplying and getting larger and I have no idea why because I wear sunscreen outside and have working conditions like a KGB prison with no windows and 12 hour shifts so I literally do not see sunlight some days. Is it possible for your skin to somehow become more sensitive if you don't spend a lot of time in the sun? If it helps I have a naturally olive/tan complexion and do not burn, only noticed the freckles getting worse for the past 2 or so months.

>> No.7143476

After getting my nails done at a shop for about a year, I ventured into the world of DIY fake nails. I do my own acrylics now, and I still am learning all the time, but I enjoy them so much better than going to a shop. I would suggest if you've never had them before, get them done from a shop a few times before you start doing them on yourself. You'll learn tricks just by watching the nail ladies that you can apply to your home care later.

>> No.7143491

Have you started using any new skincare recently? Some things can make your skin more sensitive to sun, like chemical exfoliators.

>> No.7143501

I've been using the same routine for about 18 months (shiseido cleanser, toner, day or night moisturiser and eye cream) and it's not the whitening range. The rest of my skin is fine, I just wanna make sure I don't let it get out of hand like my mother, who is covered in freckles and always trying new creams or peels or lasers to remove thwm.

>> No.7143506

I've debated going to shop myself, I'm just worried I won't treat the nails well enough since I've always had fairly short nails.

I figured the cheaper method would be buying a fake nail set and seeing how I fare. I'll keep the salon in mind though, I'll have to look for recommendations in my area.

>> No.7143508

Want to lighten/bleach my skin. I don't go out much, so I'm not too concerned for loss of sun protection.
What are the safest/best creams to use for this? Anyone have any experience?

>> No.7143553

I would say the shop nails stand to hold better than if you do them yourself, but both methods are stronger than you'd think (IF you do acrylic nails on yourself, that is.) If you go buy a set of store bought fake nails and just glue them on without the proper primer and either a gel or acrylic over them, they unfortunately don't last long at all and are sorta flimsy. And also, a fake nail set, even from a shop, don't have to be crazy long - you can tell them to file them to any length you want! Good luck, and let me know if you have any more questions about nail stuff - I'm pretty experienced with it.

>> No.7143719

That's some great news! I don't do a lot of heavy lifting, in fact most of my work is on computer, but I still felt I'd be rough to fake nails accidentally.

Would you advise bringing various examples to a salon of what you want or is that considered too pushy? I figure it would be similar to getting your hair cut (which I always bring examples on a phone as precaution, at least until I found a hairdresser I really liked).

>> No.7144222

Another anon mentioned adding semi-permanent dye to conditioner to keep color fresh. I'm wondering if I could do the same thing for my red hair, but my only worry is that my shade is more of a ginger red (bright though!) not the "red" red most people go for.

I don't like having to re-dye my hair so often, because I worry that I'll end up with darker or frazzled ends at some point from too much dying (though I try to just run the color though my lengths for the last 5 minutes to refresh the color without a full process). Would I be able to use like Manic Panic in Psychadelic Sunset or something that would refresh those orange-ish tones without spending a fortune, or am I pretty much stuck with re-dying it? I don't mind if it intensifies my color, so long as it doesn't turn it traffic sign orange, I guess.

>> No.7144224
File: 114 KB, 778x999, woman-shaving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here do dermaplaning/facial shaving? I want to start, but I'm not sure what kind of razor to use. I've read you shouldn't use multiple-blade razors, but using a scalpal/brow razor which is supposedly "best" seems kind of scary. Is a single-bladed safety razor the best bet?

>> No.7144231

Oh! Any other color line recommendations would be great too! I only specified MP because it's the only one I know of with a good range of shades.

>> No.7144232

If you're re-dying with semi permanents like manic panic or special effects (I love SFX candy red, but it's definitely not orange enough if your colour is gingery) it doesn't damage your hair. It's more like pigment/paint rather than actually doing anything to the hair shaft. So you could re-dye as much as you like without any issues...

>> No.7144233

I've done facial shaving. I used a single-bladed razor. IDK I have a irl friend who swears by it but I didn't notice a difference so I stopped.

>> No.7144248
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I feel like the problem with doing a straight up process with one of those, is that I'd get TOO much of an unnatural color. I really like the bright ginger I have now, but it's not so bright that I could just straight up maintain it with a color like those usually have. It's a lot like in this picture, actually. Not totally natural looking, but not unnatural like MP or SFX or other semi-perms would give me.

I don't mind going a little more vibrant, but I don't want to switch to only using the semi-permanents because I know I'll lose the color I have now totally. I really just want to use the semi permanent as a refresher once in a while when my red starts fading out. Does that make sense?

>> No.7144249

You can dilute them in conditioner for the actual dying process if that worries you. I think SFX has a more orangey-red that would be similar diluted out, and it would definitely just give you like...the sheen of the colour rather than making your hair that super unnatural, especially if you've got a permanent colour underneath it. Semi permanents often don't stick that well anyway unless the colour is going over light blonde, again, just think of it like mixing paints - if you have a dominant colour, that'll still come through and your hair won't suddenly be super unnatural. I would also say SFX is better than Manic Panic - it's more pigmented and tends to stick better.

>> No.7144263

This may sound weird, but you can dye your hair with kool-aid.

>> No.7144276

I have a strong, square jaw and thin lips. What kind of lip makeup would be recommended for that?

>> No.7144280

Is shaving your face okay to do?
Is waxing it okay to do?
I wax mine. Should I stop?

Also, anyone bleach their skin/butthole? How'd it go?

>> No.7144337

Uh, it's for exfoliation purposes, not hair removal.

>> No.7144354

For anyone with sensitive skin (especially if you also have combination skin), I STRONGLY recommend "Simple" for face wash and/or moisturizer. No dyes, no perfumes. The moisturizer doesn't leave my skin feeling greasy, and I hardly ever get dry patches anymore. I have a strong prescription cream to use when my acne flares, and the moisturizer even keeps that from drying me out. My acne's decreased dramatically since I switched to their face wash, though.
It's also very reasonably priced and available at most grocery/drug stores.

>> No.7144361


May be of interest: Shikai has a color shampoo for red hair that has Henna in it. It's reasonably priced and super gentle, since their products are natural/organic, and the Henna is perfect for keeping gingery-red tones fresh.

>> No.7144382

So. I just had my first experience with sugaring, and I'm pretty sure I will never go back to regular waxing. I definitely recommend it to other people with sensitive skin -- it doesn't attach to live skin cells, and it's lukewarm so it doesn't burn. The pain was a less than waxing (still hurt, but definitely not as bad), and the recovery from the pain/sensitivity is going a lot faster.

>> No.7144431

That's got to be the cheapest red depositing shampoo I've seen. I'll keep it in mind, thank you. I just don't like using shampoo on my hair anymore. I've finally gotten it to start cooperating with co-washing and I'm really nervous that suddenly bringing in shampoo again would screw up all my hard work.

>> No.7144443
File: 58 KB, 507x599, grosseyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably gonna sound really stupid, but I have a few "dented" spots on my face that I absolutely hate (butt chin and way sunken in eyes, that get lower around the outer corners so my whole face looks dragged down and droopy. Pic sort of related, but not me obviously). I can sort of deal with the butt chin, but the eye socket thing bothers the heck out of me and it's so bad that it's visible from 20 feet away. No makeup/cream/putting lighter stuff in the hollow works, so I was wondering if I could put that Ben Nye theatre nose wax or whatever in the hollows under concealer for short term things when I would get photographed? I know this sounds really stupid and desperate, but at this point there's nothing else I can do.

>> No.7144478

>dem sanpaku eyes
I don't think I've seen such an obvious case before.

>> No.7144482

I'm about to start beauty school in two weeks. Are there any other cosmetology seagulls? I'm super nervous cus I don't know anyone whos done this and I haven't even been to a salon since I was a kid.

>> No.7144484

you have successfully summoned Charms.

>> No.7144486

My sunkenness is worse, but is less shadowy-dark for some reason :/

>> No.7144492

i'm here 99% of the time.
/cgl/ is just slow and the only active thread right now is a boobie thread which i know nothing about having never had tits.

cosmetology school is stupid easy, just get through it and go to further education after.
try and keep regular clients while in school, and sell products. your school will keep track of that and you can use that to get a job if you don't have any other way to upsale yourself.

perfect attendance is good too. but test scores don't matter, passing is passing.

>> No.7144545

Can someone post the clown makeup guide?

Are even still a thing on /cgl/? Does the clown trip still post?

>> No.7144556

Its here in the tutorial thread >>7139816

He mostly lurks on /tg/, but occasionally has a larp thread. He'll probably do a clown thread closer to halloween.

>> No.7144558

Don't get sucked into any female bullshit. Cosmetology school is usually 98% females and most of them will be bitches. Just remember to keep your eye on the prize and you're not there to make friends. Otherwise it's pretty easy and it's a really fun industry once you get out there. I just graduated in January myself and I'm already a salon manager.

>> No.7144559

Where are you going? My cousin is doing it soon herself (or has already started) and she's going to Paul Mitchell.

I've heard it can be a lot of fun, depending on the school, but that sometimes the girls (if they're younger) can be kind of bitchy to each other. I know they won't start you out on the floor straight away though, most of the time you'll do a lot of classroom theory stuff until they start trying you out on clients.

If it's a bigger name school, expect lots of competitions to crop up, and DO THEM! But on the whole, relax! When I went to check out beauty schools a while back when I was considering it, everything was pretty laid back and all the girls still in school had nothing but good things to say about it.

>> No.7144564

Has anyone here done the Curly Girl method? I'm wanting to start doing it since I dyed my hair violet and I'm tired of my curls being assholes all the time.

I've already got a conditioner for it, but I'm needing a styling product for my inevitable shitty hair days. The only issue I seem to be running into is that I have a really small budget right now (like less that $6 optimally) and nearly all the products I see recommended on CG blogs are pricey. I also can't use gels most of the time becasue my hair is on the fine side and 99% of gels seem to make them incredibly oily or rock fucking hard no matter how little I use.

If I could get any recommendations for something that would work I would love you forever.

>> No.7144572

I'll be at a show he's in tonight. I'll ask him.

Polite self sage for off topic

>> No.7144588
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/cgl/, this might seem like a really stupid question, but what face shape is this?
I can't tell whether it qualifies for oval or diamond or square...or something else entirely. I'm trying to decide if I should get hime bangs but I hear face shape is important for this, and I don't want to mess it up since my hair takes forever to grow back out...

>> No.7144609


>> No.7144613

hime bangs do not flatter anyone, they are made to create a shape not to flatter one. so don't worry about that. if you want it get it.

you are a long oval with a strong jaw line.
diamond have much harsher forehead hair lines, and the square has a much larger forehead shape.

>> No.7144630

I don't recall which beauty thread it was, but someone suggested using a basic microfiber cloth, like what you'd get in the auto section for windows, on the face to reduce appearance of blackheads. That actually worked for me, and I was curious if it'd work on the KP on the backs of my arms too.

So long as I use it veeeery diligently twice daily (morning/night) with an aloe vera lotion and Clean & Clear Morning Burst Cleanser in the shower, it actually helps, and I've only been doing it a couple weeks.

I couldn't guess what the combination is that my skin is liking, but might be worth a shot for those with no hope.

>> No.7144631

thanks, I'll keep it in mind.
is there a significant difference between a long oval and 'oblong'? that was one of the shapes that also came up on a few sites but then wasn't mentioned on others.

>> No.7144643

in my opinion oblong means more like your face is not symmetrical and/or exceptionally long. your face is just slightly longer than ideal oval.

>> No.7144897
File: 278 KB, 738x300, bodymods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have these Industrial and Medusa piercings and I have no idea how acceptable it is to leave them in for a cosplay. I can take out the Industrial with no problems, but my lip piercing has been giving me problems and I don't want to risk it getting worse or closing. I asked a coworker about a retainer [basically clear acrylic stud] and he didn't recommend it at all. Thoughts?

>> No.7144938

Does anyone have good recommendations for under-eye concealers? I got the mineralize one from MAC but it kinda sucks. I also have fine lines and dark eye circles. Is there any way to make them less obvious?

>> No.7144966

My school requires 100% perfect attendance unless I arrange ahead of time for vacation so I'm already prepared for that. And they have it set up so I earn commision on clients to use on school salon products so upselling what I already use should be pretty easy. Thinking about possibly a special effects class later, or trying to go into hair/makeup for historic movies since I have experience at it already.

Aw I didn't think of that. I have like zero friends here right now and was actually looking forward to being around other women for once.

Its a local school, but one with very good credentials and a pretty high rate of graduates and job placement. Was considering the local Paul Mitchell school but its in the city, where this one is only a ten minute bus ride away. I dont think I actually go out on the floor for like five months! But when I do I actually will earn tips and salon store credit so pretty jazzed about that. I was told the school actually provides stylists for some local pagents (which seems to be a bit of a competition for us) so that should be pretty cool.

I'm actually stupidly excited to get my hair kit next month and learn styling cuz, well, beyond cutting my own hair or doing Civil War hair, I have no fucking idea how to style it. My hair is like a poodle's and nothing works on it so I never learned.

>> No.7144969

A friend of mine in high school had a retainer type thing that was flesh colored, and I vaguely remember it being soft like vinyl or silicone. It ends up looking a bit like a pale mole or very small zit. Can't help you on where she got it but its something that might work better than a clear acrylic.

>> No.7144990


no, not too pushy at all!!!! DEFINITELY bring examples. That is 110% okay. Sometimes, depending on the salon, the ladies won't speak the greatest of English so pictures are all the more helpful.

And if you're doing most of the work on the computer, your nails should def last just fine. If you have reallly long ones, sometimes it can be a little hard to type but I don't think that's what you're going for anyway :)

>> No.7145005

What's a good foundation for dry-combination skin? I'm super oily on my tzone, but my cheeks can get very dry and patchy.
Right now, I'm using Chanel Vitalumiere Moisture-rich foundation. I like it because it is an oil based foundation, light coverage and doesn't show my dry patches. I also use powder for my tzone. But I kinda want to try a different brand. Preferably something high end, like clinique, estee lauder, lancome, etc.

>> No.7145008

Eve Pearl Salmon Concealer. It's creamy so it doesn't look cakey and the salmon color is great for hiding dark circles. I'm serious. I was an avid Bobbi Brown Corrector girl, and I've used it forever and loved it. But I decided to get the Eve Pearl salmon concealer and I was sold. It's like Bobbi Brown, except it covered more of my dark circles. Consistency is the same. Creamy and easy to blend.

>> No.7145100

Me again. He'll do a prosthetics and makeup thread "one of these days".

Now excuse me while I try to process what I just saw.

>> No.7145248
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>tfw two months into based 0.05% tretinoin
>tfw post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from acne is fading
>tfw ultra-smooth skin texture
>tfw barely have any spots/breakouts anymore
Now I just need something to help with my crow's feet...

>> No.7145264


Tretinoin as in retin-A? That shit did nothing for me.

>> No.7145278

Apparently it's advertised as Retin-A but barely has any actual Tretinoin in the product whatsoever.
I went to a derm and got mine as a prescription.

>> No.7145462

I have the Yes to Cucumber facial towelettes as well and although they haven't irritated my skin (my skin isn't easily irritated) they smell so terrible that my boyfriend started complaining about my stinky face. They also don't do a particularly good job getting rid of, well, anything. I have to bring along an extra facial cleanser, and then what's the point of using the wipes? To be fair, I've never had good experience with facial wipes from any brand.

I've heard good things about other stuff from these lines, though! I would be interested in the grapefruit line but none of the shops around here carry it yet.

>> No.7145484

Wait, this is a thing?
I started shaving my face a few weeks ago when I noticed that the invisible-but-super-long fuzz on my cheeks was contributing to product pile-up and picking up too much of my foundation/bb cream. I just used the same kind of razor I use for my legs, just a clean, fresh one. I noticed that it's easier to exfoliate my cheeks properly and makeup looks nicer, but it's annoying to keep up with and I'm worried about accidentally cutting myself. So I should be using a different kind of razor? That makes sense. I'd be interested to hear more about this, especially how to do it yourself without messing up.

>> No.7145636

I've been using coconut oil shampoo for a few months now and it is amazing. My hair feels so much softer.

My question is, are there other oils that have the same effects as coconut oil?

>> No.7145642

To add, I'm looking for nice smelling oil shampoos.

>> No.7145648

Was there nudity and fireworks?

>> No.7145916

Argan oil. Organix makes sulfate-free shampoos, including coconut shampoo and argan oil shampoo. The coconut one is wonderful. Haven't tried the argan oil one, though.

>> No.7145955

No, but he did have some guy chop a pumpkin off his neck with a machete.

>> No.7146001

Thank you! I've never heard or seen the skin tone ones. Googled some online stores to buy it at, its super cheap so I'll give it a shot.

Is it like, a huge pet peeve when pierced cosplayers leave their jewelry in?

>> No.7146093
File: 68 KB, 500x338, tumblr_m11m05xSCU1qisjo4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, not going to browse through the entire thread:

Best BB Cream for very pale skin and for best coverage. Asian preferred over Western versions, unless amazing

>> No.7146098

/cgl/, I just learned that when you dye your hair, you aren't supposed to pull permanent color through the ends or the color could come out too dark. I was previously doing the old method of applying the color to my regrowth, and putting the rest on my lengths for like 5-10 minutes before rinses, but apparently that's bad too? I have hair that doesn't hold color well though, and I dye it darker and different tone than it's natural color. Most sites seem to suggest using a demi-permanent color on the lengths, but my shade isn't available in demi. My sister in Cosmo school suggested mixing the straight color from the tube with shampoo or conditioner to make a kind of demi dye, but that makes ZERO sense to me. Doesn't color NEED the developer to "activate" at all?

Reading up on this, it's got me really nervous that I'm going to end up ruining my pretty hair, but I don't know what to do so that I don't end up with fresh, beautiful color on my regrowth but faded out dull color on my ends. Do I mix up the color differently for the roots and lengths or something to prevent the porosity from messing up or keep doing what I'm doing or something else entirely? Help please!

>> No.7146453

There's a cool "find" function in your browser.

Sorry, not going to browse through the entire thread to find information you're too lazy to pop out a quick search for.

>> No.7146957
File: 23 KB, 500x390, 1322498891694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missha Perfect Cover #13 is the lightest shade most of us know of (as a quick ctrl+f will tell you), although if you're really pale then be prepared to mix pure white foundation in with your bb cream. Illamasqua, MAC, Stargazer and Manic Panic make some. MAC is in compact form so hard to mix, Stargazer is cheap and it shows, Illamasqua is said to be good and I haven't heard anything about the Manic Panic one but I'm not expecting much. I'd like to try the Illamasqua one but they don't have any stores where I live and I'd like to try it out before I buy it. Sigh.
Does anyone have any experience with this stuff?

>> No.7148118

shaving makes ingrown hairs and makes the hair look fucking thicker, I don't care what anybody says. It's like you guys have never heard of a fucking dry face brush before.

>> No.7148221

There's a big difference between terminal hairs (upper lip, eyebrows) and vellous hairs (peach fuzz) which are light to begin with and grow back tapered. As long as you're keeping your face clean, don't have horribly acneic skin and use a sharp, hygienic blade then you won't get ingrown hairs. I never have.
I don't recommend shaving to women who do have terminal hairs on their cheeks, or at least you should pluck them first. They're easy to distinguish from the vellous ones because they tend to be darker and thicker.

>> No.7148256
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I think I got overlooked in the Halloween thread so I'll ask here. How well does this stuff work as a foundation lightener? (pic related) Need paler skin this year for my costume. Has anyone used it that can offer a good review or tips?

>> No.7149754

What kind of haircut should I get? It looks like gross shit now.

>> No.7149756
File: 19 KB, 318x425, IMG_20131002_180756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Er, pic.

>> No.7150204

My skin is very yellow and I dont know what hair/clothes-colours compliment me.
Im also very pale and I think my skintone is cold.
If it's necessary: my eyes are grey-green and my natural hair is light blonde.
Should I stick to cold or warm tones?