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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7114695 No.7114695 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you need simple striped fabric in specific colours for pants
>tfw the only fabric you can find is thin silk/cotton blends or upholstery fabric
I'm getting a headache, this is so frustrating.

>> No.7114985

>go to multiple cons and cosplay events
>decide to take a break due to too much sewing
>keep adding things to the next con pile
fuck everything

>> No.7115215

>no local con ever
>suddenly local con
>spend months on costume
>hardly anyone dresses up
>get mocked for dressing up

Does this ever happen to anyone else?

>> No.7115218

Could you interface the thin fabric and then line the pants?

>> No.7115484

that feel when close friends plan a group and the con is 8 months away and you're already foaming at the mouth with excitement at how awesome and fun its going to be

>not using upholstery fabric

unless it's too thick, just use it brah. half the shit you see in movies is drapery and upholstery fabric.

>> No.7115507

I'm not sure of the thickness, since I'm looking online.

I might do that, if I can find extremely-thin interfacing.
It's the drape that's mostly bothering me. Too thin will look like pajama-pants, and too thick will just look strange.

>> No.7115515
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>tfw finally got a job
>tfw be making money to buy cosplay and lolita

>> No.7115523

This! I get my first check on Friday, so excited

>> No.7115533
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>Want to cosplay two different things
>Only one day to do it for
>Can't decide which one to take

>> No.7115538
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>tfw planning lots of 'couple' cosplays and room-sharing with bff
>tfw massive falling out with said bff
>future cosplay list now empty, got nobody to go to cons with anymore

>> No.7115593

>tfw relatively new to lolita and tumblr
>tfw post coord
>tfw 250+ notes

>> No.7115684

>tfw too depressed to enjoying favorite hobby or make anything

God damn it.

>> No.7115710
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>tfw comm is falling apart because one asshole has taken it upon themselves to fuck everything up so they can be more popular

>> No.7115716

>tfw same
I washed this fabric that I bought and now it's just sitting there.

>> No.7115717
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>tfw spending more money than I should to on lolita
>tfw my life is run by frilly dresses
>tfw I don't give a fuck because I've got frills coming in the mail

>> No.7115719
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>tfw anime con date slowly approaches
>tfw waiting

>> No.7115724

>tfw you haven't started on your renfaire costume
>tfw you need to make an entire Monster Hunter armor set within a few months
>tfw you have to wait until the next paycheck to start on anything, because you can't afford supplies

I'm getting so fucking anxious you guys.

>> No.7115796
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>tfw you only have one friend you can do con or anime-related things with
>tfw you're always a third wheel to their other friends/boyfriend and are too awkward to fit in with the group
>tfw your only interests fall in weeaboo loser stuff, so it's hard to make more friends in your area

>tfw 19 and still can't even drive myself to a con 2 hours away because no license
Driving makes me so fucking nervous with people IN the car, if I had to do it alone I'd probably crash and die.

>> No.7115800
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> Tfw you need to stop talking to people on the internet, you look retarded even to your friends.

>> No.7115813
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>tfw bf agreed to couples cosplay with me sometime

>> No.7115853
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>tfw no qt3.14 fabulous turbo nerd bf who runs
>tfw no real life Rei who'll scold me for not knowing the importance of color theory
>tfw no he'll never help you make cosplay as accurate as possible even to the point of calculating everything to the slightest details or else it'll never be utsukushii

>> No.7115897

>cosplaying from kuroko no basuke
>refuse to buy the costume, insist on making it
>no seller sells jersey fabric unless in bulk

>> No.7115901

just change outfits

>> No.7116157

lol charlie.

>> No.7116168
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thanks for the reminder anon

>> No.7116250

You might get lucky in Jo-Ann's clearance section. I used to work there and there was always a ton of that jersey mesh material basketball shorts are made out of, assuming that's what you're looking for. Stuff was never normally stocked, it shipped in marked for clearance. Check the knits and sports/performance section too, might have seen it stocked there once or twice.

>tfw big plans to cosplay but no money
>tfw filling the void with ita and progress threads

>> No.7116266
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>that feel when no money to go to cons or make cosplay with because in I'm in the process of moving to a new, better job that pays more than $8000 a year
>that feel when can't go to AWA now
>that feel when just wanted to see ZUN and show him my Touhou cosplay that I spent a lot of my little money yet plenty of free time making
>that feel when now moot is gonna be there too with a cool 4chan panel (inb4 shit)
>that feel when flying to Atlanta tomorrow to see new job
>that feel when flight back is on Wednesday
>that feel when there's no way I could justify staying the rest of the week to go to it
>that feel when no money anyway, gotta save

Fuck my life. I should have done this at the beginning of summer. Hopefully ZUN will come next year.

>> No.7116310

>working for money.

you should spend time to learn how to have money work for you.

>> No.7116315

You need money to have money work for you.

>> No.7116859
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>tfw putting on old-age make-up and stubble for make-up test
>tfw accused of blackfacing
>tfw make-up shade used was your own when you were not ill and in all summer
>tfw people assume you are superpale from icon
>tfw icon is you with white make-up for creating unnatural ghostly effect to fit Derse-concept
>tfw people suddenly declare you PoC upon seeing tan selfies
>tfw you're German of semi-unknown heritage and have no fucking idea what is even going on and why everyone is so angry

>> No.7117444
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I just got a new pair of running shoes.

>tfw not entirely broken in
>mfw I blisters aren't an issue
>still mfw dat arch support makes everything so much more comfortable and I go further faster now


My name is Charlie!

>> No.7118138
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I'm sorry, anon. I'm still suffering from Free! ending. Sometimes, I think Rei would make a better MC than Haru... but then the series wouldn't really be called Free! anymore.
>tfw you'll never hear Rei tell you that you look "Utsukushii" in your outfits and cosplay
>tfw Rei will never help you get fit by making workout routines and nutrition plans
>tfw when Rei will never request you to sew something for him that looks "utsukushii"