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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7112958 No.7112958[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want to be a model and model for wigs, false eyelashes, fairy kei, and things like that.
How would I start and how do I know if a place is looking for a model?
Any help in this would be appreciated! Thank you in advance.

>> No.7112963

Either have a friend who runs their own fairy kei/wig/eyelash shop, or you're going to have to build up some e-fame through taking a lot of pictures of yourself and promotion heavily.

>> No.7112968

Okay thank you! How popular would I have to get to be considered as having enough e-fame?

>> No.7112994

show your penis

>> No.7112998

Can't you just apply to be a model normally? Like send people your headshots and shit?

>> No.7113002

That's what I thought too but >>7112963 said I had to have efame.
And okay! What pictures should I take to send places?

>> No.7113026

what I would do, if I were you, is first get some professional head shots done. You can just google to find some photogs in your area to do it. Head shots are done with no makeup, hair worn simply, usually in a ponytail or something, no jewelry/distracting clothes.

Then get yourself some kind of blog/site, maybe register on model mayhem, and start work on building a portfolio geared towards the kind of work you want.

>> No.7113033

Thank you! I'll be sure to remember that site and get some headshots done.
In my portfolio can I have pictures I've taken myself in my own outfits and etc?

>> No.7113036

You should only ever have shots taken by yourself if you're actually a talented photographer (doubtful) or if you haven't started on your portfolio enough to have pictures to show your bodytype done by real photographers. Don't show clients selfies.

>> No.7113039

Yeah I was guessing so. So I'll tell the photographer to take pictures of a headshot, a fullbody from a couple different angles, and a picture of me with makeup and and an outfit?

>> No.7113346

do you mean for fun or as a job? Most modeling jobs people get are through people they know. Also if you go to a college maybe look for fliers near the art building, sometimes people are looking for models or maybe put out your own fliers? Idk

>> No.7114194
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sounds like you're trying to be beckii cruel or dakota

>> No.7114219
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Don't make a facebook fan page or anything until you have a fanbase, or at the very least, a lot of good photography work.
I got invited to like a 'modelling' page today that seems to have similar aims to yours, but the person only has selfies on it.

Do what's been said and go to Model Mayhem and offer yourself for free photoshoots to build up your portfolio. Only show the most flattering images from each shoot in your gallery or portfolio, nobody wants to see 100 photos of the same location in the same outfit.

Don't expect to make money out of this.

>> No.7114227

Seconding the money part. I hope you're going in to this more as a hobby than hoping to make a career out of it. Real models can't afford to be choosy about what kind of jobs they get.

>> No.7114367

You can send pictures in normally, but a lot of these businesses want someone with some popularity behind them. It's good promotion when someone who is super popular can tell their followers "I modelled for this brand!"

>> No.7114467

For fun. My job is going to be in cosmetology so I won't be in a college to do that but instead in a trade school. Maybe I could ask one of my instructors about it?
Okay thanks! And I just wanted to model for things for fun, I don't expect a lot of (if any) money at all and thanks, I'll be sure to only put in my best photos!
Don't worry, it's just for fun. I just always wanted to know what it was like to model for things! My real job is going to be in hair and makeup.

>> No.7114476

They spelled experience wrong. This drives me crazy.

>> No.7114505

oh jesus fucking christ, it's him. His face is the same in pretty much every photo. He needs to learn a better range of facial expressions really, it would make a world of difference.

>> No.7115098
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>trying to model for fun and getting certified for cosmetology

idek know what to say to this

modeling is a real commitment. you don't do it for fun unless it's for your friend the art major who's having a *~*fashion walk at the local community college next tuesday!!!*~*

you either put a ton of money toward it and get told you need to lose 10 pounds everywhere, live at the gym, etc, give it everything you have and then more or you don't at all. There's so much competition

>> No.7115276

I'll agree with you that being a 'real mode; is hard work, but OP just wants to be a silly tumblrfamous jfashion thing and model for wig companies.
All she needs to do is keep updating like crazy with a million different outfits, shoop like crazy and be sociable.

>> No.7116115

My mom used to be a model and she didn't want to be pro or anything and it wasn't hard, she got work when she wanted it. I don't want to be a full time or anything.
Also I don't think I'll have any real problems with the weight and stuff, I'm underweight as it is and look the size of any other wig models and stuff I see.
I'm only trying to model for a couple things and then be done. I always wanted to and I’ll regret it if I don’t while I’m still young and can for the things I want.

>> No.7116197

It's not nearly as hard as you're saying unless you're talking runway. I did modeling in middle all through high schoool and the start of college. I was naturally underweight and had a clear face. That's it. I was asked to model, never self-promoted. I did ads, and a couple teen magazines regularly. It's easy for those who fit the criteria. Unless your natural weight is heavier and you need extensive product routines to maintain regular skin, that is.

>> No.7116988

OP specifically states wanting to model for things like fairy kei, wigs etc. so I am assuming the wigs and eyelashes are more like Jfashion orientated. In which case, you need to either enter into one of those "Be our next model!" competitions (like Lockshop ran, and like GLW run every now and again) or be e-famous. Again, with fairy kei and other Jfashion styles, there are a ton of people who are well known within the fashion, and tons of girls who want to be models for free, so what can you bring that the others can't? E-fame brings plenty more people to the brand.

Unless OP is talking about modelling in Japan, for actual Japanese fairy kei brands, in which case you either do what Dakota did and again, go the e-fame and self-promotion route, or (and probably your best bet) is to look typically foreign (blonde hair, blue eyes is always popular), be tall enough and thin enough, and send your portfolio out to various agencies. Just be expected to be turned down a lot because there are a lot of people that seem to want into the Japanese modelling scene. Although you never know, one agency might love your look and snap you up.

>> No.7116991

Forgot to add, if you go the agency route you probably won't be modelling for the things you want to model for. If you speak Japanese, you can send your portfolio directly to the fairy kei brands and ask them if you can model for them. Or just hang around in popular areas outside in your best outfits and try to get in street snaps, which is how a lot of Japanese street fashion models seem to have started. No guarantee that will work for you though.

>> No.7117037

I'll even model for free. I'm not really looking to be e-famous either which you're leaning towards a lot.. I do look typically foreign though like you said. I have really blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm not tall at all, but is that really needed if you're advertising something like contacts, wigs, or a fashion for small girls?
If all I have is not enough if I want to model for wigs, contacts, and Jfashion, I'm not really looking to be e-famous but I will try if that ends up being the only way that I can model for the couple of things that I want.

>> No.7117055

The point I'm trying to make is that you and so many other girls are willing to model for free. You need to bring something else to the table that sets you apart from the rest. Why should they pick you, rather than all the other girls that are like you?

>> No.7117059

Are you talking about modelling for western brands or Japanese brands? If you want to model in Japan you still have to be tall because they get a fuckton of gorgeous and tall European girls sent over to model for various places. I guess the 'alternative' fashions like Fairy kei and lolita aren't asking for tall people as much but they already have established models they call on, who are popular. That's why you always seem to see the same faces over and over in Japanese fashion magazines.

Western brands are probably easier to get into.

>> No.7117061

I wish I'd been doing this sort of thing about four years ago when I had no life anyway, just a marginally successful tumblr.
I'm not pretty, and I know it, but neither are half of the e-famous girls. I feel like I have nothing to show for the youth I've wasted on the internet. I wish I'd shopped myself within an inch of reality and plastered all my reblogs with that "Follow for more XYZ" bullshit.
I'm glad I didn't end up a Chanslut, and I would have never been Beki Cruel, but I wish I'd tried.

I'm such a bitter adult.

>> No.7117085

Part of the reason alternative fashions ask people to model for them is that they're known within the community as fashion idols or representatives of the subculture already - many models are known by name and people want to get their look as opposed to buy the brand - e.g. wanting to look like ReNO in Kera as opposed to wanting to be decked out head to toe in Sex Pot Revenge.

Western chicks who are willing to model for alternative fashions for free are a dime a dozen, just look at the fucking bodyline competition and the girls who signed up for pretty much pennies and to be creeped on by Mr Yan - so either you've got to be particularly attractive (which you probably aren't otherwise you would've been scouted already for something) or particularly well known.

>> No.7117112

I'm tempted to still try...
Is that sad? I don't look my age and I think I look cute enough, more than cute enough, to be able to pull it off.

I'm just a sad adult.

>> No.7117138

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Chocolate get paid to model for Juliette et Justine and Pinkyparadise? Or is she doing that for free?

>> No.7117162

I thought with Pinky Paradise she did it for free, but was compensated with the free contact lenses.

>> No.7117177

Am I the only one curious about what OP looks like?

>> No.7117191

I don't really want to be efamous, but I would really like people who would just want to talk to me online. I want efriends.

If only I were cuter.

>> No.7117232

From what I know about modeling for brand's at fashion shows, even brand events, you are paid in clothing. But she's an actual model (though without an agency now) so she might have actually been paid.

As for PinkyParadise I'm 200% sure she just gets free lenses.

>> No.7117631

I'm not specifically trying to model for anything in Japan, I'd be fine just finding work for this in the U.S. and it seems like Western brands are easier to get into like you said.
How would I have been scouted? I haven't been anywhere where someone would've scouted me because I've never been to a model search or anything like that or anywhere where scouts are I'm sure.
Walking with my friends I've been called out for a lot by those teen model searches in the mall, but I’ve heard those are scams. And people stop me in the street and in stores almost any time I'm out shopping or out for groceries and tell me I'm really adorable and look like a cute doll and some said I'd be a perfect model for something..
So it seems like people think I look good looking enough to model.
I think I could get some work modeling for wigs and stuff like I want if I keep trying.. I know it’s not easy with all the competition though like I’ve been hearing.

Also a lot of seagulls have been saying you mostly get hired more if you have a following, so I guess I could make a fashion blog then! I didn’t think it was a good idea at first, but if it’ll help me get to model for some things I’ll do it.

>> No.7117842

Sometimes you might get something, but modeling for a brand doesn't mean you'll automatically get a free dress

>> No.7118784

Yes, but she also had a pre-existing career as a high fashion model prior to modelling to JetJ...

>> No.7118787

I would like to be a [m]odel as well. I want all the hunnies, pls help me.

>> No.7118808

did you even read the fucking thread god

>> No.7118837

Buy things from fairy kei brand. Take photos. Send photos back to fairy kei brand. Tell them you want to do some modelling because you ~*~*~~*LOOOVE*~*~*~ their brando.

How are you envisioning this to work? They send you free shit and you take photos? They fly you in to them and do your photoshoot for you? Contact people you want to work with.

>> No.7118855

>tfw dream for years is to be an alt model
>tfw too scared for no reason

>> No.7118885

scones? is that you again??

>> No.7118893

>photography work.I got invited to like a 'modelling' page today that seems to have similar aims to yours, but the person only has selfies on it.
I think it's kind of rude that you chose to blur out all the other people's names and faces on this page but didn't bother to blur out her name. There's no need to single her out like this, I find it quite bitchy

>> No.7118905

That you in the picture, then?
I doubt 'Alice to the Angels' is anyone's real name.

>> No.7118909


they call themselves Bon Bon which isn't even a real name either

>> No.7118915
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>> No.7118918

Hey genius, if you were on her facebok you would already know she scrapped the "bonbon"name. she hates it

>> No.7118923
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>> No.7118925

It's a public fan page, not their real fb page.

>> No.7118979

You type just like someone who would spell 'experience' wrong.

>> No.7122798

You're not alone, anon.

>> No.7125951

Networking and constantly keeping an apprearance is a good idea. I have a friend who's gotten to be a model for some indie shops and slowly getting into bigger brands by just keeping up appearances and also showing those shops support and the designs helps a lot too. Knowing other good models as connections is a plus, and also it helps to attend conventions or events so people become familiar with you.

If it helps, she's a cosplayer, and she gets a lot of attention as one, but she's into the fashion and stuff like that, she she's been able to cosplay and get a ton of pictures, and eventually some of those photographers also become interested in shooting some of her dolly kei outfits and the like.

If you do make a fashion blog, just don't make entries about any fashion "rules". Focus on outfits, cute cords, reviews, and lifestyle item that have you in a nice outfit or wearing a cute wig. Show the shops support too!