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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7108512 No.7108512[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Weirdest thing you've done at a con?

I'll go first. I asked a Halo armored guy if he would be willing to molest me a little bit while in his armor in the hallway, away from everybody. He at first said "....Really?" And I after I said for real, he agreed.

I did that once in 2004 and it was the weirdest thing I've ever done. It was awesome.

>> No.7108532

I hope this really happened and isn't just supposed to be another "Hurr, women are whores" threads. It sounds really hot.

>> No.7108575


Odd...as a dude I didn't thinking "whore" as I thought "kinky as hell." Also ballsy. Also double standards maybe?

Girl asks guy in armor to feel her up. That's hot.
Guy ask girl in armor to feel him up, he gets escorted out of the building.

>> No.7108585

I've had men just come up and ask me to perform sex acts with/to them and if they didn't ask in a way that felt threatening or creepy I'd just tell them no and walk away. I only really got offended by the dude who insisted that I do things and kept asking me how much it would take. Fuck that guy, but only figuratively.

>> No.7108587

>kept asking me how much it would take
So how much WOULD it take?

>> No.7108592

I took away a Homestuck cosplayers horns because they got grey paint on my cousins cosplay and all we got was a 'deal wit et nerdzzz' response. Then we immediately went to my hotel room and changed into different cosplays because that girls group was crazy and out for blood.

>> No.7108594


You, shush.

OP, give details please. I like where this thread is going.

>> No.7108598

Not even a life-changing amount of money would be enough. It'd shatter my heart and I'd just be a miserable husk.

>> No.7108601


Homestucks do seem to always hunt in packs.

>> No.7108605


I think you overestimate how devastating it would be.

>> No.7108607

I had a taste of something less severe when I needed money or else I'd have been out on the street. I still think back to what happened and feel deep, penetrating shame and regret. I don't think I'm overestimating.

>> No.7108610

sat in a hentai viewing room watching bible black with a bunch of guys fapping around me on a dare. it ended up being kind of hot, though i'd never admit it IRL.

>> No.7108611


I was crossplaying and I went into the mens restroom that my crush went into and sucked him off. He had no idea I was at the con and I didn't know either. I've always hidden my powerlevel and he didn't recognize me. One of my favorite memories.

>> No.7108613

>something less severe

OK, now I'm curious.


People watch Bible Black non-ironically?

>> No.7108616


Yeah, no you didn't.

>> No.7108619

Hmmmm weirdest, eh? OH! I know. 2007, I was in line for the cosplay contest at DragonCon and this man in front me ad he kept rotating his shoulder. I didn't think much of it, it was like he just sore and streching it. After a bit he says "Shit...Shit!" and he turns to me and says "Sorry, this is going to sound weird, feel free to say no, but...I think my shoulder just popped out of it's socket. Does it look off to you?"
And sure enough, his shoulder blade or something was clearly not in the right place. He was cosplaying some sort of mecha thing, so one of his hands was a drill and he couldn't reach around himself to snap it back in place.
So I says "Yeah, your shoulder bone looks like its...like, a foot lower than it should be dude. Lol."
"Shit, yeah that's what it feels like. Umm...I hate to ask, but do you think you can shove it back into place for me?"

And I was like Okey Dokey! I've never felt something to strange before. I pushed it UP and then IN like a fucking pieces of machine metal or something and I heard the loudest SNAP when it popped back into place. He let out a great "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fuck yeah, that feels so much better. Thanks!"

And that was it! I saw him later at the rave and he gave me a thumbs up.

>> No.7108621
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>Hmmmm weirdest, eh? OH! I know.

>> No.7108629
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>> No.7108641
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Learn how to type like a human fucking being.

>> No.7108649

Super hot, I really have a fetish for armor/helmets. I wish my boyfriend would fool around in cosplay, but he's always too busy being a drunk attention whore.

>> No.7108652

Are you me? On both counts, unfortunately.

>> No.7108653

>I wish my boyfriend would fool around in cosplay

This conversation can only end well.

>I want you to fuck me while wearing this mask!
>....Are you saying I'm ugly?

>> No.7108659

I might be you.

>> No.7108660
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...are you two me as well!? I've asked my Bf this before actually and he got maaaaaaaaad. Really, really mad. Suddenly he went off about how I want to sleep with other guys and not him, how he's not hansom enough, that when we do it he only thinks about me, ect ect.
You have no idea how frustrating my sex life is. I have a fetish that's not super weird and I totally can't get it. And no, I can't get a new Bf, cause we're getting close to almost being married. FML. JUST WEAR THE BOBA FETT HELMET AND FUCK ME PLEASE. I'm not asking for a lot!

>> No.7108666

I wandered into a hotel party where they were doing a sexiness contest of some sort. I just was there to drink and socialize, but someone (I have no idea who it was) actually grabbed me and pushed me into the contest area. Then I won the contest I never wanted to enter by bringing great shame to my ancestors. Such a weird mix of regret and pride. Each year I get hammered and manage to degrade myself in a whole new way.

>> No.7108662

Mine is perfectly okay with it, but he's a drunk attention whore who neglects me at cons. He has to call all his party con friends to spend the entire friggin' day with us and completely ignores me to be a drunk party dude. So fucking obnoxious. I hate his con behavior. He's a lazy lover as well. Meh.

>> No.7108663



Personally, I'd be more concerned about the fact that none of my helmets are comfortable enough... Even the motorcycle one would get uncomfortably hot in short order.

>> No.7108668

Boba Fett's armor is so fucking hot, though. Hnnnngg

>> No.7108674
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I know, right? I'm so pathetic. I have a folder with 736 photos of Masks and Armors. My Bf only has like...200 in his porn folder. What is my life.

>> No.7108680

How much of that is sentai? Sentai makes up a loooooot of my stash.

>> No.7108688
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Do you mean literal sentai via Super Sentai, or the actual meaning of "military -like uniform?" Cause I actually have very little SS pics and more stuff that ranges from Mass Effect hotties and Morden Warfare to samurai battle masks and The Stig from Top Gear. The range anon. THE RANGE!

>> No.7108697

Gokaiger, Power Rangers, Magiranger type sentai.

>> No.7108699

I had no idea /cgl/ was so...weird. Nerdy, sure. But not so kinky.

>> No.7108707

This thread makes me happy that I have a good Sir that takes care of me with a Vader mask on.
Dat force choke. *swoon*

>> No.7108711

You're lucky. I'm a domme, not a sub, but my guy is such a lazy submissive and a lazy lover. I guess after 10 years a lot of people put less and less effort into things.

>> No.7108718


Are you guys active in your local kink community? That really did wonders for our sex life. Since we've stopped going, we haven't had sex (much less a scene) in over a month.
It really makes you want to better your sex life.

>> No.7108725

We have kids and I have social anxiety, so the most I do is chat on Fetlife and lurk threads. There's a ton of munches and a kink club around here called the Woodshed, but he doesn't want to go because it makes him nervous. We're having really bad marital issues outside of sex lives as well anyway.

>> No.7108727

Not who you're replying to, but I used to actually help run fetish events in my area. The drama in the fetish community is so bad, though, especially when you're placed in charge of something. I had to ditch it for my mental health.

Found my boyfriend/Master through the scene, though, so it wasn't all for nothing, even though it turns out he isn't as into it as I am. And I learned what I'm really into. Going to save up for a violet wand and a cage bed.

Since a lot of you other cosplayers seem pretty kinky, I'd agree you might want to dip your toes into fetish events. Just stay casual about it, don't go over the top, and whatever you fucking do never agree to run anything.

>> No.7108728
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>The Stig from Top Gear

Excellent taste anon.

>> No.7108730

You're really cute, anon. I hope your bf will come around some day.

I've never quite thought about it but yeah, getting fucked by someone in an armored mask like that would be pretty damn hot. Especially hearing all the heavy breathing.

>> No.7108741

I'm so sorry to hear that. Maybe you guys could start "dating" again. Get that magic going, you know? It's always hard with kids. I really, sincerely hope your relationship improves.

Not to be rude in any way but

>The drama in the fetish community is so bad

I understand that running events is a whole new level of drama and stress, but, honestly, I feel the drama in the cosplay community is so much worse.

I do agree with the rest of your post. especially your advice on not taking it so seriously. It /is/ called "play" for a reason.

Again, sorry for not contributing. I've never done anything super weird at a convention, but I can't wait to hear more stories!

>> No.7108747

Oh my god I got a Super Sentai helmet for a collection once and had my husband fuck me in it. It was AMAZING! We also have Halo helmets, a Drrarara! helmet and some storm trooper helmets but he won't wear any of those.

>> No.7108773

One time at a convention I got so drunk my friend had to actually carry me back to the room. I was 17 and she kept her cool really well and took care of me. Apparently I was getting securities attention because I was giving guys body shots and letting them mix margaritas in my mouth

>> No.7108778

The drama in the fet scene is different. It's issues with consent, for the most part. That's the big one. Then there are little grievances, like "they didn't call me a zer, I'm gender fluid, bigoted piece of shit!" or "he asked me not to touch his penis, he must be homophobic, I'm going to tell everyone!" And the normal shit, like cheating, jealousy, or people plain-ol' disliking/disrespecting each other.

When you're actually in charge of something, it only gets worse, because leaders in the kink community are often cutthroat as fuck. That's why I left. I was given forged documents regarding the safety of a building I was running events in, I was stabbed in the back repeatedly by a friend who ran events with me, and lord knows exactly how much I was lied to overall.

You also get pretty sick of cleaning up used condoms that people toss haphazardly on the floor.

Trying to sage, but it isn't working.

So, to make this more cosplay related, I have a friend who runs fetish parties every year at a con I go to. I haven't been though, since it requires you be sober. I might pop in this year, since he has a violet wand, and I haven't been shocked in half a year.

>> No.7108780
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I once asked an Altair cosplayer if I could touch his face. He didn't hear me and asked me to repeat myself, but I was too shy to ask again so I just asked for his picture. I guess I figured saying, "dude your face is just sexy or what i can see of it is anyway" would be a little weird.

I get mad lady boners for Altair because he's got three things that I just find really sexy: a hood pulled down over his eyes, a rugged jawline, and that sexy lip scar. I dont know why those things get me, but they do.

While we're on the armor topic, I tend to whistle at guys wearing full armor and face masks. And I think Gurren Lagann is very sexy.

>> No.7108789

> I was stabbed in the back repeatedly by a friend who ran events with me

I wasn't sure if I was suppose to take that literally or not.

>> No.7108799

No, you weren't. But I've had other friends cut me, burn me, shock me, and beat me with various things. So stabbing isn't farfetched.

>> No.7109719

>be 14
>huge weeb stage
>playing pocky game at like 4am
>told everyone I was 18
>pretty much had sex in the Hallway with some 30-40 year old stranger

>> No.7109814

>had sex in the Hallway
How did this happen?

>> No.7109978

One time my friend was at a party and some guy literally stabbed him in the back with a knife.
He was so drunk he didn't notice/forgot, went home and fell asleep. When he woke up his bed was soaked in blood.

>> No.7109993


"get a room" but in reverse: "stop making out in the room I'm trying to sleep!"

>> No.7110006

ITT: Women being massive slutwhores.

But this one takes the slutwhore cake. And eats it too!

>> No.7110021

>told everyone I was 18

Please stop doing this to us.

>> No.7110150 [DELETED] 

If I'm fairly attractive, pretty muscular, but also chubby, do I have a chance for girls to randomly want to hook up with me at a con?

Keep in mind I'm 6' and my armor will be amazing

>> No.7110149

Why? It's their fault, why should I care. They're adult men, they should know better than to rape me.

>> No.7110152

You're not muscular if you're a fatty.

If you know how to act Alpha and/or have money, you're ok.

>> No.7110153

Muscle mass and fat content are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.7110161

I don't care about your opinions fatty, on /cgl/, you are muscular if you have visible abs.

>> No.7110165

I attended this fanservice panel once, because my friends were entering the contest and I was to offer moral support. A really weird crossdressing guy asked me if I wanted to be his partner for the contest and I was kind of, "Er... no..." and he was like, "Well that's okay, tell me if you change your mind sweetie."

Yea, no.

Somehow, I ended up participating in the contest with him anyways because he made these puppy-eyes (and I'm a sucker for puppy eyes). We rolled on the table doing clothed sex imitations. So much embaressment after.

Happy ending: my friends won the contest and one of them was impressed by my balls (aka impulsiveness...?)

>> No.7110167

your boyfriend sounds fucking cray cray like why would you marry someone who gets that dang pissed off because you asked them to wear a fucking boba fett helmet

>> No.7110173

>I have abs under all of my fat, I swear!

>> No.7110180

I have the opposite problem, my boyfriend wants to foo, around in cosplay, and I won't allow it, because god damn I can't wash this.

>> No.7110186

Okay, guys, I have one.
>go to small local con
>don't hook up with random people I just met
>don't make out with random people
>spend two full days at con without having intimate contact with anyone other than my boyfriend.

>> No.7110194
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You're a savage fucking animal, get out.

>> No.7110324

It's kinda weird how OP asked for "weirdest" thing that happened them, and somehow this thread derailed into sexual kinks and such.

So to somewhat tread back to the "weird", I would have the say the weirdest I've ever done was fill in for one of my girlfriend's friends who couldn't go to a con, and she was a major part of a skit that they worked one for like a year. They were pretty bummed that they had to pull out, and without anyone asking me, I volunteered. I had to put on a silk dress and blond wig, but I'm such a skinny guy, I looked like a girl on stage.

>>ironically enough I got a very awesome little thank you from my GF that night. Sooo.......I guess everything in this life really does lead to sex. Oh well.

>> No.7110355

Dressed up as Totoro by accident (given a costume by my friends) and got pulled into a cosplay trivia contest. I just screamed profanities out of my costume and jumped around and nobody knew what was going on.

Left my cell phone in, came in later looking for it, nobody knew who I was. It was extremely funny.

>> No.7110424

>Sooo.......I guess everything in this life really does lead to sex. Oh well.
Freud would be proud my freind.

Weirdest thing for me, I was only 14 at the time, but I joined a spin the bottle game. Some creepy guy wanted to kiss me with tongue, but he was like 24 (or so I thought at the time) and it was just weird. I know that isn't weird compared to some stories, but it was weird for me.

>> No.7110438

Cool, me too.
>go to small local con
>don't hook up with random people I just met
>don't make out with random people
>spend two full days at con without having intimate contact with anyone other than absolutely fucking nobody because tfw no qt3.14 bf


>> No.7110456

Ugh, ditto. I asked my boyfriend if he'd dress up as Equius from Homestuck for sex some time and he got so fucking offended. It's retarded. I wouldn't flip my shit if he wanted me to dress up.

>> No.7110470


Post pics of armor. I will judge based off that, since, like ravens and shiny things, women are attracted to how sleek the armor is, not what the guy looks up under it.

>> No.7110499

He was probably just disgusted with your shit taste.

>> No.7110513

Weirdest thing for me was sitting next to a 16 year old boy in a dress while watching hardcore yaoi at a con. His eyes were like fucking saucers the whole time.

>> No.7110516

my friend and i could not find a quiet area
which was insane because it was like, really late at night
so you'd think there would be a lot of quiet
but there wasn't
so we ended up sitting in a hentai panel with like 20+ huge neckbeards and nothing else just to talk

i guess that was the ~weirdest~ thing i have done at a con
it was only weird because of the noises the guys were making though

>> No.7110529


Why does right harpy look like she's in a porno?

>> No.7110694

Man, y'all Americans and having sex at conventions, our conventions are so lame in comparison, I am crying a bit

I was drunk off my ass last year Connichi and I was completely annoying and all my friends were kinda ashamed but also kinda rolling with it and I was kinda trying to get everyone in a fight by randomly insulting other Avengers cosplayers that were drunk as well and then I crashed a friend's birthdayparty, got upset and told everyone I hated them and that I was leaving now, holding my mead-filled drinking horn to my head and acting as if I called a cab. My girlfriend found me a real cab, pushed me in and had to shut me up when I told the driver, we were going TO ASGARD!1.

Whenever someone tells me, they met me last year's Connichi, I am instantly apologizing. Like, apologizing a lot.
But also, my friends and I found a camera that day and looked at the pics to see whether we recognize someone on the photos and there were plenty minutes of lesbian amateur porn on that cam and I had to drink to forget

>> No.7110742

More like

'Whoriest thing you've done at a con?'

>> No.7110747

I made a ex of mine cosplay as Nami for no reason other than this girl I had a major crush on cosplayed as her and I wanted to pretend it was this girl while having sex

Seems pretty strange looking back on it. I've always thought sex with costumes on was pretty weird but for some reason this got me really hot

>> No.7110788

real classy
when your 17 thats called trashy not kinky
grow up a little first honey

>> No.7110791

wtf is wrong with you, why are you fucking proud of this? do you fucking realize you would ruin his life if that ever got out? thats sex offender on his record for the rest of his life
You are the Miley Cyrus of the cosplay comm

>> No.7110805


if a dude asked you to wear a mask while he fucked you wouldn't you at all be a little suspicious?

>> No.7110814

hey! leave us drunk attentionn whores alone.

>> No.7110836

Except I never said it was kinky?
That was the weirdest, most regrettable thing I've ever done at a convention. Isn't that what the thread was about?

>> No.7110890


I thought this was 'weirdest things you did at con' thread, not 'let's all be moralisers on 4chan' thread.

>> No.7110940

"Slutty" is not "weird" especially not to slut-veterans like you.

>> No.7110961

Maybe he was just offended by how bad your taste in everything is.

>> No.7110966

...No? I wouldn't? Especially if he had sex with me before the mask and continued to have sex with me after the mask... You might be a little insecure, hon.

Now if it were a kigurumi mask, that might raise an eyebrow.

>> No.7110986

>Girls want masks to be put on them during sex
>Putting a paper bag on her head during sex would cause her to sue you for severe trauma and evoke feminist riots

I don't get it

>> No.7110995
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>not seeing how sexy masks and helmets are

>> No.7111012

I don't want the mask on me, I want the mask/helmet on my partner. Armor, too. It gives the illusion that you're mysterious and powerful.

>> No.7111018

>not understanding that some people have kinks that other people would find traumatic

>> No.7111039

What if I find paper bags with holes cut in it sexy?

>> No.7111051

Then you wear the shit out of it and have fun.

>> No.7111061

>tfw you actually do think it's sexy
>tfw you're very attracted to Faust from Guilty Gear

>> No.7111062

Wouldn't be too strange if my girlfriend got offended after I ask her to dress up as some attractive anime character and let me fuck her. It makes people feel like they aren't wanted and that their partner would rather be with someone imaginary and are "settling" for you.

>> No.7111067

My guy asks me to dress up as tons of different characters just to bone me as them, never bothered me.

>> No.7111071


All my this.

>> No.7111078

My bf has asked me to make costumes specifically for sexytime before. Like extra skimpy versions of my cosplays so the originals don't get messed up. Doing something different doesn't mean you wanna bang someone else.

>> No.7111081

It must suck to date a vanilla person.

>> No.7111088

I'm guessing you didn't ask if he had any character he would like to fuck. My GF at the time when naruto was coming out dressed up like Sakura and when I asked if i could fuck her in costume she told me some shit about cleaning it so i just started buying cheap costumes that I can fuck her in and tear and rip during sex.

>> No.7111093

>simple paper bag, a joke known widely as the way to fuck a girl who is so ugly you couldn't look at her face but you're desperate enough to fuck her
>compared to a mask with zero negative meaning
>that is a kink, not a way to fuck an ugly guy without the "pain" of seeing his face.

>> No.7111138
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once I was laying down in the back of some room for a dance, was charging my phone and using my backpack as a pillow, my head was upside down and looked up this girls skirt

>> No.7111143

Should have taken a picture ;)

>> No.7111242

Late Saturday night group is waiting for elevator. Feels like forever waiting. Finally a funny looking elevator opens up alittle down the hallway. Looks like a maintenance elevator. Group is completely fucked up and in adventure mode. We get in ,friend presses all the buttons. Starts to go down. "Haha funny I wonder where we'll end up" KEEPS going down . Arrow is flashing down. Everyone freaks, were heading to silent hill boiler room. Keeps going down till finally it stops. Everyone is super tense. "ding" it opens up we are somehow on the top floor. Minds blown

>> No.7111271

>>go to con dressed as Frank from Dead Rising
>>servbot mask and business suit
>>deadpan guy from Japanese class goes with me as generic zombie to pose with in pictures
>>had friend who's in theatre do his makeup so it looks awesome
>>want to get it in but not sure if he wants the d
>>get super drunk and befriend these two chicks who are both really sweet
>>they come back to our room and hang out
>>everyone gets along great, they're playing vidja with zombie and I'm dicking around in my pajamas with the servbot mask on
>>the girls leave after we all exchange info
>>suddenly he's all over me
>>turns out he was the tiniest bit jealous
>>do the sex
>>he's loud as fuck and it's sticky because corn syrup blood
>>mfw I boned a dude while he was in fairly realistic corpse paint
>>mfw I remember I had the servbot mask on for a good portion of it the next morning
>>mfw I have no face

>> No.7111297

I've only been to one con and this is the reason why
>go to local college con at RIT ~2006
>get my girlfriend to go as peach I go as mario
>decide to take two hits of acid before we go
>first hour is fine
>second hour
>third hour
>adsfw hour
>mind is spinning with colors
>every single person is a monster from a game that I played or manga that I read
>girlfriend is tripping just as hard
>friend/babysitter convinces us to enter in the skit contest
>tell person at desk that were gonna do a dance to the Mario theme song
>"I guess it could go that way" (no kidding thats what I said)
>forget that im in line for the contest
>realize that I have to go out in front of a crowd of about 50 people to do something...
>girlfriend grabs my cock and whispers in my ear
>"Anon, I you to fuck me in front of all these nerds"
>we go out on stage all jumpy and stuff as the song plays
>proceed to tear off our clothes and roll around on floor
>actually manage to get a few pumps in before security guard is on me
>another grabs my girlfriend and I lose it
>bite guard who has arm around my neck and stick fingers in eyes of other
>grab girlfriend and run
we ended up just sitting in the woods for hours near the campus until our friends found us. They were still laughing and told us that a ton of people got buttmad because we lost the contest

>> No.7111307

I seriously doubt it is, but please let this be true. Oh man.

>> No.7111314
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>> No.7111353
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>this thread
>the weirdest thing I've ever done at a con was cry in the Dealer Room

>> No.7111363

Apparently, we are all the same person. I want someone as Boba Fett or Pyramid Head or I don't even care who to just wreck me. Every time I'm dating someone who wants to cosplay with me, they want to have sex while I'm in costume. But suddenly it's weird if they have to wear a helmet or something? Even if I'm on top? This is bullshit.

>> No.7111368

>Boba Fett or Pyramid head

Those are my top two. Dear god, we ARE the same person.

>> No.7111371
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x1024, green-ranger-mighty-morphin-power-rangers-tv-series-wallpapers-1280x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boba Fett and Pyramid Head are my two favorites as well. Then any of the original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, but mostly Green.
>dat everything

>> No.7111373


At this point, I think we need to form a club or some shit. This is ridiculous.

>> No.7111374

This is ridiculous. Why are we all not best friends already?

>> No.7111376

We're sisters from another mister.

>> No.7111790
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You guys do know what we have is a form of mechaphilia right?

>> No.7111794

I do dig robots a lot (Pharaoh Man, yes please), but I'm not into vehicles of any kind. And Pyramid Head and Boba are fleshy. So I'm not sure.

>> No.7111813
File: 16 KB, 276x400, 9871039847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw when I find a thread full of people with the same kink as me

Guys I dont even browse /cgl/ that much

>> No.7111818

hid inside a weird room once

>> No.7111824
File: 134 KB, 480x640, 1253849597067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Phaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraoh Man!? Fuuuuuuck. Where isn't there an Armor Con?

>> No.7111826


>Armor Con

Are you trying to get me arrested.

>> No.7111828
File: 250 KB, 518x800, 1307414148530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought there wasn't a name for robot-fetishes. Besides it being called a ..well, fetish. What if you like dat human, but you just want to keep it a mystery as to what he looks like?

>> No.7111835
File: 101 KB, 435x600, 5791127_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to post some of my fav mask/armor pics. Still cosplay related if it inspires someone....in more than one way.

>> No.7111840
File: 106 KB, 970x594, 1249786945287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I swear, Clone Wars was made just for me. It's like some twisted form of porno for me. I put it on mute sometimes, I'm so fucking weird.

>> No.7111842
File: 840 KB, 1414x1347, 1260108776737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7111843
File: 54 KB, 400x580, 1262312513804.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7111847
File: 184 KB, 1065x1600, BaneTDKR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man introduced me to several of my kinks and reminded me of one or two others

>> No.7111848
File: 294 KB, 900x1200, 1307401656862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7111854
File: 195 KB, 1024x768, Cloaking_Armour_by_ukitakumuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7111861

Both Ezio and Altair are sexy as fuck. Sortof related, bf makes one badass Ezio, even though the costume is extremely heavy and hot he agrees to have sex and please my inner fangirl

>> No.7111862
File: 1.06 MB, 1966x1042, LMS___GABRIEL___UNLOADED_by_adonihs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7111869
File: 252 KB, 700x450, 1252174416752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's better than hood? Gay hoods.

>> No.7111870


Umpf. This does things to me. WHY.

>> No.7111871

Holy shit you let him fuck you it's your fault you whore

>> No.7111872

This thread is making me swoon.

If there's ever an ArmorCon, I'm going to need someone to carry me. I don't think I'll be able to walk with all of that quivering.

>> No.7111883

That's old news, this thread is now about how incredibly hot guys with their faces hidden are. Post cosplay pics of guys in armor and hoods and shit.

>> No.7111888
File: 21 KB, 266x285, idmostlikelyhitthat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can...can I be in the middle?

>> No.7111890

I like monsters too.

>> No.7111894
File: 120 KB, 316x475, altair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7111898


>> No.7111900
File: 67 KB, 900x600, HNI_0054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At cons I fucking hug everyone.

I wear a cosplay one day, maid uniform another, and lolita on the last day.

the day I wear my maid outfit is the hugging day. at cons I turn into a fucking hug monster
>can I get a picture?
>can I get a hug too?

>hey, I like your backpack
>can I get a hug?

>are you sitting alone?
>give me a hug anyway

all of the fucking hugs. all of them. as long as you don't look too greasy and unhygienic you get a hug.

anyone else turn into a hug-whore at cons?

>> No.7111902
File: 81 KB, 533x800, Alphonse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7111904
File: 149 KB, 650x430, daft-punk-2013-650-430-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That explains why I'm so into dat sheen. Lots of sexy Daft Punk images. I've always wanted to cosplay Boba Fett and one of the Daft Punk dudes even though I'm a lady because I'm so into them.

>> No.7111907

Get a better boyfriend.

>> No.7111909

I did this exactly once, and it all ended horribly when I got a crowd of people wanting hugs and one of them was this really cute guy and then the weeaboos started screeching about "OMG they're going to yaoi in the halls!"

Fuck's sake how am I supposed to surreptitiously feel up cute man butt when you lot are screaming how we're totally gaying up the area?

>> No.7111911

I love you so much. I need to get something cute together so I can just go around hugging people.

And touch every assassin's face.

Every one of them.

>> No.7111912

I was just.going.to mention him.
+boba fett
+any of the power armor wearing guys in fallout.

>> No.7111916
File: 32 KB, 390x640, shirtless-bane-photo-dark-knight-rises-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7111918


>> No.7111919
File: 478 KB, 768x1024, 4829393071_6582a483da_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't be the only one?

>> No.7111926
File: 283 KB, 872x1300, 1307389454367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mmmmmmmmmmmm noooope.

>> No.7111928
File: 96 KB, 1600x900, 17a-Rinzler-crushes-Sam-on-D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm such a fucking fag for Rinzler its not even funny anymore. Shame he's not cosplayed all that much anymore.

>> No.7111929
File: 242 KB, 502x796, xoct-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


DontLikeTheNaziDontLikeTheNaziDontLikeTheNaziDontLikeTheNaziDontLikeTheNaziDontLikeTheNaziDontLikeTheNaziDontLikeTheNaziDontLikeTheNaziDontLikeTheNaziDontLikeTheNaziDontLikeTheNaziDontLikeTheNazi....DAMMIT. I just pretend that he's not a Nazi but...just a hot guy that time traveled from a different Earth and he had no idea who Hitler was and just kinda chilled in Germany and then got his beautiful helmet face punched my Hellboy for being to sexy.

>> No.7111931

Monsters AND masks? Hot damn.

>> No.7111936
File: 316 KB, 480x640, 1295915103563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dem lights.

>> No.7111933



oh no.
oh no no no I've tried to bury that one

>> No.7111937

>that mask
>that stong core
>that...well that accent

>why don't you exist

>> No.7111941
File: 351 KB, 1440x900, daft_punk_wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are human
After all
That's uncommon
After all

>> No.7111944
File: 512 KB, 400x272, glorious_beard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> mfw gf not only mimics the TF2 Soldier's voice perfectly but is more than willing to wear a helmet during sex

>mfw all she requests back is that I imitate Sniper

>> No.7111945


>>He's a zombie.

Whelp, I guess you knew he would come back one day and......bite....you in the ass again, huh?

>> No.7111946

Mask + post apocalyptic + nazi. Everything I love ever

>> No.7111947



I really can't though. being not german/aryan filth and all.

>> No.7111949

all of my this.
I made my Boyfriend be him for halloween

>> No.7111950
File: 742 KB, 646x900, 1309139307970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hate you...

>> No.7111951

You know he'd be a freak in bed.

>dat flexibility

>> No.7111953
File: 1.83 MB, 320x240, url.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7111958
File: 101 KB, 400x494, tumblr_mqyi2vGllm1qeem1lo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No mask, but still all of my hhnnngggg

>> No.7111955


Dominating, Flexible, and very well versed on human anatomy.
I...I can't promise how good for your well being it will actually be

>> No.7111956
File: 28 KB, 400x300, isaac-clarke poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isaac Clarke's armor just drives me mad. Hhhgn. Also armor in general. Especially plate armor. Yesss.

The weirdest thing I witnessed at a con was some skinny, cute young guy, couldn't have been more then 19, taking the trash out of his room but he was wearing a diaper. Just barely sticking out of his pants casual as can be. But I guess that's what I get for letting a friend talk me into going to a furry con.

>> No.7111957
File: 359 KB, 682x1024, 1268815552_40ca64b887_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Judge Magisters

>> No.7111962
File: 15 KB, 251x355, first hunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this mask/hoodie thing why some girls are attracted to the hunter?

>> No.7111963
File: 1.23 MB, 600x1308, 1277305965899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7111965
File: 51 KB, 650x390, xoct-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


DAT ARMOR CRAFT SKILL. Get in my bed. Now.

>> No.7111966


Lanky monster-guy who doesn't look terrible and can be "saved" by a self insert?
he's pretty much zombie Jack Frost

>> No.7111967
File: 1.25 MB, 1303x765, AlistairDAIIcodex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And can I just mention

>> No.7111968
File: 47 KB, 308x434, Alistair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7111969
File: 121 KB, 800x600, dat uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't EVEN.

I feel bad for liking this. Sometimes.

>> No.7111971
File: 119 KB, 630x900, 1230016093528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7111974
File: 97 KB, 501x668, 18320109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Put a helmet on that mug, and you got yourself a deal.

>> No.7111975
File: 220 KB, 1920x1080, 1378751244409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont.

But I digress. More interesting head coverings

>> No.7111977

>I took away a Homestuck cosplayers horns
>taking away props
Holy shit you're a cunt

>> No.7111978

Boyfriend did I gooooorgeous hunter cosplay. Won't let me post though.

>> No.7111979
File: 88 KB, 500x750, alex mercer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Alex Mercer is the closest I get "hooded monster". I havent really thought about the Hunter before. If i start liking it, i will blame you.

>dat body
>dem freckles
>dat gruff voice


>> No.7111981
File: 328 KB, 1921x1080, 1379293290096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away. Grown ups are talking

>> No.7111983

Do it anyway? Pretty please?

>> No.7111984
File: 483 KB, 810x1215, 19130765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I cried when Ghost died. I had that much of an attachment to him cause of HIS MASK.

Nicest guy I met at NDK a few years ago and I told him this, he was cosplaying him. And in a great British accent, said, "Aw, don't worry love. I'm not really dead. You know, all that hollywood mombo jumbo. Good 'ol Ghoest will always be alive...right here."
And he pointed to his heart. I swear, I finally understood when anime characters get all their blood drains out of them for a second and all that is left if a husk of yourself.

>> No.7111985

Yes yes yes to both of these.

>> No.7111987
File: 351 KB, 850x567, 1323770990598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....he'll neeeever know. We can keep a secret. Honest!

>> No.7111988
File: 41 KB, 503x480, Act35066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I aware. Its not a really brag worthy story, just the weirdest thing I've done.

>> No.7111994
File: 42 KB, 320x472, Detective_Comics_(1937)_-168[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw planning an original (aka joker) Red Hood cosplay for next con

....girls like big red dildo head masks too right?

>> No.7111992
File: 40 KB, 500x315, 1360471355702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont mind me just posting my one and only husbando

>> No.7111993

Honestly, I dont know what that is" I just ...love ...minotaurs...
A lot.

>> No.7111996

This has to be a troll, no one can be this stupid.

>> No.7111997

It's not quite the aesthetic I like, but maybe if it's shiny enough.

>> No.7111999

>gas masks

Borderlands was a hard game to play. Psychos were a little too much but Bruisers had just enough mask and just enough hunk to keep me interested.

>> No.7112001
File: 41 KB, 720x540, IMG_101057814653894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is all he will allow.
:/ it was for a Halloween party ...

>> No.7112003

ehhhhh not enough definition. and knowing who was originally under it puts me off.
Jasons was alright but I'm still 100% more of a Bane fan, except when they do the shitty luchador mask with the mouth hole like in JL Doom

>> No.7112004
File: 331 KB, 800x731, TigerBunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can dig it. ....and when you say "original" you meaaaan what?

>> No.7112005

Are you a female or a crow?

>> No.7112006

He means it's the Joker instead of Jason Todd.

>> No.7112007


The answer is Magpie

>> No.7112008

Oh god, me too.

This thread is becoming all of my fetishes.

>> No.7112009
File: 500 KB, 500x287, 1280547640063.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And he pointed to his heart.

>> No.7112012


FUCK. I didn't see right away that you replied to the photo request so I was like...da fuck is that?! OMG. DID THIS GUY BURN ALL HIS FLESH OFF MAKING ARMOR!?
Awww shit. What a tease. If the wounds look like that, I can only imagine what the rest looks like.
.....POST THE REST. We'll never find him. Aren't Hunters' faces all messed up and under a hood? Offer him some sex, and then post.

>> No.7112013
File: 119 KB, 279x310, 1354356142038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not borderlands. That's fallout new Vegas..

Pic not related

>> No.7112014
File: 25 KB, 180x340, 125532776548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many people feel ashamed for liking Nazi uniforms.

I feel super edgy for liking them.

Which, in turn, makes me feel ashamed.

>> No.7112015
File: 89 KB, 600x473, batman-new-52-0-red-hood-gang[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


....the Joker Red Hood instead of Jason Todd


w-w-what about the n52 zero year Red Hood?

>> No.7112016
File: 46 KB, 600x904, merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this guy? He has a hood and a rough voice.

>> No.7112018

I am a seagull, good sir.

>> No.7112020

I can only think of the mega64 skit.

Not sexy.

>> No.7112021

I liked his voice but eugh, that posture.

>> No.7112022


Too old man like personally

s'long as the joker ain't underneath it. i don't do clowns

>> No.7112023
File: 1016 KB, 1488x1000, 19054336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Historically, the companies that made the Nazi uniforms even said that they were trying to make them a little sexier than normal army uniforms. Hence the thigh high boots and white gloves. They wanted them to grab attention in more one ways then one...

Liking "Nazi" uniforms is not cool if you think the swastika is hot. But it's totally cool to like 1930's-1940's German uniforms. As long as you don't like the idea behind them. You know?

>> No.7112024


I know it's not borderlands. Gas masks simply remind me of it since it was an enemy staple

>> No.7112025

He's saying no still. Sorry, seagulls.

>> No.7112026
File: 98 KB, 668x633, Kongol_dragoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always had a thing for Kongol from Legand of Dragoon.

>> No.7112028

>dat zigzag mouth
I love those.

>> No.7112031
File: 498 KB, 400x225, 1379224288041.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooooooh okay!

>> No.7112030


>massively big dudes

another on kink bingo tonight. Preferably decent looking, plus ten points for a good mask and not absolutely giant-oaf trope

>> No.7112032
File: 20 KB, 500x269, 54333_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this guy

>> No.7112035


I thought that thing was a chick

>> No.7112033
File: 210 KB, 493x700, bad kotetsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat suave everything

>> No.7112034
File: 498 KB, 500x281, 9toes2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would do absolutely filthy things to a good 9 toes cosplayer or any psycho for that matter.

>> No.7112039

Oh, either way, sex/gender wouldn't really matter to me. I haven't seen the movie in a long time.

>> No.7112037

Hey, that's the stage for the little Padawan training show at Disney. I don't remember Boba Fett being part of that show.

>> No.7112038

It has breasts but it's probably agendered given the fact that there are only one of them and they are an eldrichian horror

>> No.7112040


9 toes or sledge personally.
sledge is on the slow side but I got a think for big guys

>> No.7112042

That picture wasn't meant to be snarky, btw. Just realized it appeared to be. Didn't rememberit had text. Sorry.

>> No.7112043

you guys are joking, right

>> No.7112044
File: 116 KB, 654x724, 654px-Admiral_Gerrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Mass Effect. Thank you for giving me a whole race of people that are forced to wear masks.

>> No.7112045


I was -almost- mad but I really couldn't be mad at that .gif

>> No.7112047
File: 25 KB, 307x599, 2086711-venom_flash_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after intensely studying this thread I've come to the conclusion that Flash Venom is the ultimate /cgl/ armor/mask fetish

>military w/ fascist vibes
>the right amount of tacticool
>near featureless mask
>emotionally broken/monster inside of me character that needs 'saving'

>> No.7112048

I didn't even notice the filename for the Godot picture until you pointed it out.

>> No.7112050
File: 99 KB, 395x238, my gates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are on the verge of a break through, of attraction to a special infected that we have not experienced ever before. Your bf may be the key to this new realm of unf. And he does not wish to partake on this adventure?

>> No.7112049
File: 136 KB, 594x513, 1304042336427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do you mean?

>> No.7112054

I am actually blushing.

Good choice.

>> No.7112052


id give it a 10 but flash being in it throws off my vibe.
I'd much rather "save" venom than Flash

>> No.7112053
File: 226 KB, 1600x934, 1337651024523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been wanting to cosplay Tali or a random quarian for awhile now.

... But yeah I'm totally with you people on the armor/mask fetish. I'm a lesbian in real life but something about faceless men gets me hot and bothered.
And then they take off the mask and I'm not attracted to them again. Eh.

>> No.7112055

Quick question n: who here is a male?

>> No.7112056


>never experienced hunter attraction
It's not really that new, there is plenty of beefcake of hunter lying around

>> No.7112057
File: 169 KB, 800x750, 1307401572238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mmmmm. Yessss.

>> No.7112063
File: 839 KB, 600x900, wayward_vagabond_by_b00ts-d46968j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me but I'm not cumming over sexy men in masks
I am, however, working on a psycho(ninetoes) cosplay right now

>> No.7112058

No, I know that's Godot. the filename just reminded me of Kotetsu.

.................maybe. Maybe if he stood up straight. Or you threw Wesker into the mix.

>> No.7112059
File: 86 KB, 550x672, 1323772319154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its ok...He has to go to bed sometime....

>>mfw I see masked men with sad eyes. Yeeesss.

>> No.7112060

>And then they take off the mask and I'm not attracted to them again. Eh.

This is my problem. They have to be a monster of some sort or at least visibly attractive like bane or my groove gets thrown off.
Its why I never prowled for armored cosplayers like the Op, the thought of it being some greasy, lanky weird guy under it makes me want to vomit.

yes I'd much rather fuck a monster than a greasy human guy ok I'm a broken person

>> No.7112064
File: 143 KB, 400x344, tigur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a thing, anon, not a thing.

>> No.7112065


but venom is a homicidal alien parasite from the deep of space who is yandere for peter where as flash is a wounded alcoholic crippled veteran who hates his dad and is all totally messed up

you're heartless


I wish I had the skills to be able to make a costume this detailed

>> No.7112067
File: 307 KB, 960x1280, 13738538218076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this feel all too well, but the other way around
Pic related

>> No.7112069
File: 642 KB, 245x150, 13744882999174.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no tongue

>> No.7112070

Nah he's lurking and getting upset.

>> No.7112071
File: 20 KB, 180x266, 125532776579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I love the uniform itself because it's sexy as fuck. But the evil stigma attached to it makes it even sexier.

>> No.7112075

I love monsters, or men with disfigurations. Deadpool is sort of my type. Sexy with a mask, scary without a mask, not mentally well, and very powerful.

>> No.7112073


venom has less baggage. unless you count his peter drama but im willing to view that as something to save him from

>> No.7112077
File: 593 KB, 800x600, Black.Waltz.No..3.full.140576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dawwww. That would be cute. You know, I always had a thing for FF's Vivi, and I felt kinda like a pedo. But then they gave me Black Waltz, so I felt pretty justified.

>> No.7112076

>please be in new york

>> No.7112080


oh deadpool was always a favorite, im not too keen on the many artists different interpretations of the level of his disfigurement though. The cancer and the burn scars were one thing but a lot of them draw him as straight out mutated hillbilly

>> No.7112081


Me, too. Exactly.

Seriously. All of my fetishes in this thread.

>> No.7112082

>tfw you downloaded and read all the Deadpool comics you could find after you were introduced to him because of this

>> No.7112083

I like the scars that look like fresh burns, personally. My least favorite is the plain lumpy skin.

>> No.7112084
File: 57 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mauz49tL801r8ew4zo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people are sick.

....And I hope you never get better.

>> No.7112085

Me, too. Though I don't have all of them yet, still working on my collection.

>> No.7112086
File: 266 KB, 1000x1547, venom2011028cov[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7112087
File: 963 KB, 1920x2913, 1379562449653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this comic cause I saw the masked Jester in the background. I have a thing for Jesters.

>> No.7112088


that's because he is

>> No.7112093
File: 130 KB, 576x1000, 1246050675362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's awesome. How much you wanna bet someone will cosplay him, and then someone will think they just made a shooter game version of him? (Nobody reads comics anymore)

>> No.7112094


He wasn't mutated. He had cancer lesions and burn scars from the experimentation. He wasn't a mutant hillbilly, so there is really no need for a cleft palate and all the shit some artists give him

>> No.7112097


>one of us
>one of us

>> No.7112098
File: 486 KB, 500x270, tumblr_ms7oenijkj1rjcfxo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dem teeth
>dat tongue

Thank you.

>> No.7112099

Well, I may not have a good story, but I now know the weirdest thing I'll do at a con.

I'm going to convince my boyfriend to destroy me in his cosplay armor. I am making this a goal. If he doesn't violently screw me with his helmet/armor on, the convention will be a failure.

>> No.7112100
File: 344 KB, 1280x1990, 4c4a1f_4687839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related is the best interpretations imo


>being filthy pirates and not supporting the industry

>> No.7112101
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Hope rides alone. Muh feels.

>> No.7112104

I actually do support the industry. I download the comics through the Marvel app. I pay for each one, which is why (as mentioned) I don't have them all yet.

>> No.7112105
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>>mfw that was a really sad issue. Wade dad feels all over the place.

>> No.7112107


ugh fuck you I read comic books and Remender's Venom is one of my favourites and I'm pissed it's ending I don't need your negativity

>> No.7112108

I bought comics too, but I wanted ALL of them. I also have Superman, Supergirl, Black Widow, Batman, and Fantastic Four comics that I bought.

>> No.7112110


>> No.7112112
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>> No.7112113

this thread is why I love /cgl/ so much

>> No.7112115
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God speed anon. God speed! This could be you!!

>> No.7112116
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Check out this handsome mofo.

>> No.7112118
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>> No.7112119

I want that to be me, but maybe with me being squished a bit by his armor. Would probably be too uncomfortable to be on the bottom in real life, though.

>> No.7112123
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So this is why I have a thing for Golbez, Dark Cecil and Kain?

But mostly Golbez... because he's so big.

>> No.7112127

>Would probably be too uncomfortable to be on the bottom in real life, though.
Well, it's not like he couldn't brace himself with one hand over your upper arm, so he can control exactly how much of his body weight is pressing down on you.

I may have given the mechanics of this sort of scenario far too much thought.

>> No.7112126
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I should have been asleep awhile ago. Damn you thread, you're too sexy for me.

>> No.7112133

Yeah, but at least with my guy the more outside forces he has to deal with, the quicker he comes. Having to prop himself up while wearing armor would probably knock him down to 15 minutes.

>> No.7112135
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Gotta dig that old school. I think Poe must have been my first trigger back in the good old days.

>> No.7112137
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>I may have given the mechanics of this sort of scenario far too much thought.


>> No.7112138
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I want to dress as Ulala, have my boyfriend dress as Shadow, and have kinky times.

>> No.7112140
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Shit me too. Alrighty everyone, last post from me, then bed. Let's all regroup in tomororw for super sexy Saturday.

>> No.7112142

YES yesyesyes ALL my yeses
I need to do this. I WANTED to do this awhile ago, but then I forgot. I was even thinking about morolians earlier while browsing this thread and I still didn't remember.

>> No.7112145
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>> No.7112174
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Confession: I only played Assassin's Creed because Ezio is hot as FUCK, even without the armor/hood

>> No.7112180
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I watched Sin City like 5 times just for Marv.

>> No.7112204
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>the thought of it being some greasy, lanky weird guy under it makes me want to vomit


The worst part is I find myself attracted to really masculine looking armor, but I'm into feminine women in real life

>tfw no super dominant qt femme gf to fuck you with a strap-on while wearing a gender neutral armor suit ;-;

>> No.7112222

>Mfw when I didn't even know I had this kink until I read this thread.

>> No.7112240

I hate to break it to you, but "being a slut" is not a kink. :)

>> No.7112251

Nope, but "being attracted to something" is. :)

>> No.7112479
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We welcome you.

>> No.7112493
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I am so attracted to half the cast of Dark Souls because of the helmets.

>> No.7112508

Just you, cause you're an actual whore.

>> No.7112521

I also thought of the mega64 skit

>> No.7112541

one of us
one of us
gooble gobble gooble gobble.

>> No.7112548
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>> No.7112560

Fuck I used to have the biggest lady boner for Godot. Suave motherfucker.

>> No.7112568
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>> No.7112581

That wasn't me.

>> No.7112709

deep and penetrating, you say

>> No.7112793

>go to sleep
>wake up
>walk dog
>check cgl
>this thread is still here


>> No.7112808
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>> No.7113019


>> No.7113462
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>> No.7113486

Me, and for some reason I can't stop reading this thread. It's amusing since I'm going to start working on a set of armor this week.

>> No.7113533
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>> No.7114928
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A hell yeah. Jin Roh soldiers. Mmmmm.

>> No.7115045
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Whatcha making?

>> No.7115355

I would kill to be able to cosplay that shit. Pity there is no chance of getting a C96, StG-44 or MG-42 to fit the role.