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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7111540 No.7111540[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss this.

>Is it okay to wear lolita on halloween?
>Is it okay to wear lolita on halloween at school?
>Is it okay to wear lolita on a halloween party?
>Is it okay to go trick or treat wearing lolita?

>> No.7111546
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No, you're going to be arrested if you do.

>> No.7111549

Why would it not be okay?

>> No.7111547


If those are the only days you wear it, people are going to think it's a costume, and you're treating it as such, if you wear it most days/fairly frequently, everyone that sees you on a regular basis is going to know it's just clothing to you.

>> No.7111548
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Only if you're ita.

>> No.7111551 [DELETED] 

I just want to hear everybody's opinions.

>> No.7111577


>>Is it okay to wear lolita on halloween?
Are you going to a halloween tea party? If so, yes.

>>Is it okay to wear lolita on halloween at school?
Wearing lolita to school isn't a great idea at all, but if you feel confident enough to do so then do whatever you want.

>>Is it okay to wear lolita on a halloween party?

>>Is it okay to go trick or treat wearing lolita?
Maybe. That would be cute. Specially with nieces or younger cousins.

>> No.7111593

Why is this a big deal? Who fucking cares if people think its a costume?

>> No.7111599

It's the fucking one time of the year I can actually go all out in lolita without people thinking I'm insane. Of course I'm going to do it.

>> No.7111600

That's funny. I dress like this frequently and my coworkers are now committed to dressing up like me for Halloween.

>> No.7111601


>> No.7111674

>>>Is it okay to wear lolita on a halloween party?

Dumbest shit I've ever read.

>> No.7111681

this is just my personal opinion

>Is it okay to wear lolita on halloween?
if you costumize a lolita outfit, (guro lolita, use it for dressing up as x character, witch, creepy doll, ect) its not necessarily lolita after you do so but moreso a costume with a lolita silhouette and dress.
>Is it okay to wear lolita on halloween at school?
again, if you costumize it
>Is it okay to wear lolita on a halloween party?
once again, if you costumize it, unless said party is a halloween lolita-event

>Is it okay to go trick or treat wearing lolita?
fuck no, Lolitas are usually grown ass women too old for free candy do you want "hurr durr lolitas are ageplayers" comments to increase?

>> No.7111686

>fuck no, Lolitas are usually grown ass women too old for free candy do you want "hurr durr lolitas are ageplayers" comments to increase?

If age players get free candy all the time, count me the fuck in, do I just buy XL diapers or what

>> No.7111700
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>implying half this board isn't underage b&
top kek

Anyhow, if you wear lolita year round, why would you wear it on halloween? Same thing with promin my opinion; if lolita is my regular clothes why the fuck would I wear it to 'special events'?
You could always make a more OTT themed outfit as a costume but even then, idk.

>> No.7111706

yeah I would only wear lolita if it was a specific, halloween/themed outfit I had made for a party. I kind of get the whole 'don't wear it to a costume party' because it's not a costume, so basically you're just being lazy and trying to get away with not wearing a costume to a costume party ((if it's not a costume party, then w/e)

Basically, the lolitas I know, either wear actual costumes, or put together special lolita coords for halloween.

>> No.7111734

I like to think, if you're an adult, you can buy your own candy..

>> No.7111738

but... it tastes better if it's free...

>> No.7111748

I just have to say this, last halloween, there was a group of children, with a hunched over child wearing a mask in the middle. they all reached for the candy I offered them.
the person in the mask came forward, and reached there hand out to get some candy.

only after I saw their hand had I realized, that was the hand of a wrinkly old woman.

this fucking woman was blending in with her grandkids for free candy.

holy shit that's creative

>> No.7111761

WTF that's creepy as hell but still pretty cute, lmao.

>> No.7111762


>> No.7111763

If I were in high school, I wouldn't wear Lolita. Teenagers are little shits. I'd wear it to college classes if I went back.

Halloween and all that? I do whatever the fuck I please. I paid money for my wardrobe. If I want to wear it for halloween without making it into some themed coordinate I'll wear it. You girls and you're "IT'S NOT A COSTUME" can do as you please and wear your stuff as you please. I'll do it how I want.

I fully intend on wearing Lolita for Halloween. And I don't particularly care about "not treating it like a costume" to me, it's another event where it's slightly easier to get by wearing some crazy ott stuff out.

>> No.7111768

>is it okay to wear lolita at a certain time of the year?

>> No.7111771

Fuck you, I go trick or treating every year anyway. I just happened to spend my costume money on lolita this year because I'm weak. So yes, I'm wearing lolita for halloween.

Sit in wagon, cover up with generic ghost sheet. Have friends drag you around as if you're their sibling. Take candy, then stand up to full height and say thanks.

>> No.7111770

your* god damn it.

>> No.7111812

I will probably hand out candy with a friend in Lolita if I'm able to be off when the city's doing trick or treating. If we're allowed to wear costumes to work, I want to wear my Bodyline jsk to work, considering I get messy and sometimes dirty, I won't be too upset if I damage it.

>> No.7112091
File: 83 KB, 480x640, tumblr_lrg7bqbu9h1qfj2r2o8_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get some Halloween themed coords in here?

Also, I was not aware Alice and the Pirates released a witch hat before now.

>> No.7112129
File: 42 KB, 300x400, Halloween_Lolita_by_minako55nz-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too bad this coord is terrible, I actually like her skirt.

>> No.7112136

I have some of that fabric, i've been meaning to make a skirt out of it for ever.

>> No.7112161

>if she had just made a bow or included some of the orange somewhere else. And did something with her hair. THEN it would have been damn cute.
Also I need this fabric like right now.

>> No.7112192
File: 56 KB, 500x483, onwednesdayswewearloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh, yes please. Is it weird that I want to get dressed up through Halloween week?

This is something I'm thinking about doing (it's from lace a la mode's blog), however, with different pieces. I may make the prop more like the one used in the movie unless I do happen to find a bottle of alcohol that does feature a skull and crossbones on the cover.

>> No.7112301

omg, good idea! i'll dress up as Wednesday Addams, too. shes such a cutie.

>> No.7112525

I'm going to a fancy sit down sort of concert on Halloween night. I'm wearing my gothic Lolita crap because it's some of the nicest shit I own. Well, that, and the fact that it will be appropriate for the event I'm going to.

>> No.7112527

where2cop the dress?

>> No.7112538

I think that people who wear lolita to special events only, and wouldn't wear it out normally are wearing it as a costume anyways.

Also, who cares what people think?

>> No.7112577

I think it's possible to wear lolita then. You can go over the top which is so much fun if you do it right of course. Many people fail because their coords are too costume-y instead of lolita or lolita inspired. Try to find a balance between lolita and Halloween influences.

Angelic Pretty has some amazing examples, like the new print. And do not forget Baby's new Halloween print.

I don't get why people always have the discuss the 'you can't wear lolita at Halloween because then it would be a costume' thing. If you want to wear lolita at Halloween, just do it. It's not like outsiders will see much difference between a costume and lolita. It's all the same for them.

I would love to see your Halloween coords! Please post them. ^__^

>> No.7112591

Yes because wearing your nice clothes out to special occasions makes your "normal" formal attire a costume as well using that logic.

>> No.7112682

Are you retarded?

>> No.7112695

>Is it okay to wear lolita on halloween?
Sure! My comm always has a lunchtime meetup on the day, OTT and character-themed outfits are encouraged.
Most of us leave at sundown to go home and put on regular costumes, and then come back into town for the usual drinking and dancing celebrations.

>Is it okay to wear lolita on halloween at school?
Where I'm from, schools are closed on Halloween, so sure! Wonder why you'd want to, though?

>Is it okay to wear lolita on a halloween party?
If you make it an actual costume then sure! If it's a comm party then dressing like an Ita usually gets some laughs. I went as Little Red Riding Hood one year and won a prize. Normalfags just think you've gone all-out.

>Is it okay to go trick or treat wearing lolita?
If you're chaperoning kids then yeah.
If you're not, and you're over 14, then that's kinda weird, but it depends on your neighborhood. You might be well-known and considered cute... you might end up in A&E. Use your judgement.

>> No.7112714

>Is it okay to wear lolita on halloween?
of course. if you costume-ify your outfit and go all-out OTT or have fun with a themed coord like a ghost or a unicorn or something, go for it. it's a holiday, so go overboard.

>Is it okay to wear lolita on halloween at school?
yeah, just make your coord kind of costume-y themed so it's clear that what you're wearing is a costume compared to typical lolita aesthetics.

>Is it okay to wear lolita on a halloween party?
go for it. like I said above though make it a crazy awesome themed/costume coord.

>Is it okay to go trick or treat wearing lolita?
whatever floats your boat i guess?

>> No.7112716

Orange dress and wig.
Green hat and tights.

Congrats, you now have a Lolita pumpkin coord for Halloween.

>> No.7112721

>schools are closed on Halloween
You lucky mofo.

>> No.7114561

>Is it okay to wear lolita on halloween at school?
by school i hope u mean college, nigga
lolita is too distracting to wear in highschool unless it's super casual

and with that said,
>Is it okay to wear my normal clothes on halloween at school?
Why the fuck wouldn't it be? Not everyone wears a costume.

>Is it okay to wear lolita to a halloween party?
...Yes, but OTT. Otherwise, it's kind of like wearing hipster clothes to a halloween party without hipster glasses -- you'd be missing some crucial elements to make it recognizable.

>Is it okay to go trick or treat wearing lolita?
In my neighborhood, there's always at least one group of highschoolers, usually skater bois, who go trick or treating in their normal clothes. I'm not a bitch, so I give them candy anyway. But I know a few of my neighbors refuse to treat them for not upholding the "spirit of halloween".

>> No.7114562

>schools are closed on Halloween
Where the fuck do you live?!

>> No.7114572

>dress like goth every day
>get told "DON'T U KNO IT ISN'T HALLOWEEN?!" at least once a week, or almost every day during fall season
>feels good, man
Just wear your damn loli and be faaabulous on this ever hallowed eve, anons.

>> No.7115661 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 453x604, 17_509621547200_1415_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldie but goodie

>> No.7115949

>dressed like goth every day for 10 years
>I know that feel anon
>wear something not black
>hear about it all day