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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7107653 No.7107653[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Dragon's Crown cosplay?

>> No.7107657
File: 202 KB, 600x900, sorceress_3_by_insane_pencil-d5mfz92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7107660
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>> No.7107665
File: 66 KB, 800x400, dragon_s_crown_sorceress_cosplay_test_by_noflutter-d6h77tn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7107672
File: 241 KB, 600x900, sorceress_9_by_insane_pencil-d5o01g0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7107676

And again we have the same problem of a fat chick thinking fat = boob size.

>> No.7107678
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>> No.7107925
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do prefer?

>> No.7107933
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big thighs

>> No.7107934
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>> No.7107943

No elf?

>> No.7107949

Tad disappointing, especially since >>7107934's body is much closer to the elf's.

>> No.7107970
File: 162 KB, 716x716, DC_elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is really cute as the elf

>> No.7107993

Personally I give it a pass as I doubt there will ever be anyone as big as the source material.

>> No.7108000
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I think everyone who cosplays DC is cool no matter what they look like

>> No.7108023


Unless they have obviously zero idea what they are doing with a bow.

Best case scenario she is shooting the ground about 3 foot in front of her.

>> No.7108048
File: 175 KB, 1200x2048, 1167312_461467690628021_1792413128_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7108053

Her hair makes me so unhappy.

I mean... the face too, but she can't really help that.

>> No.7108057

Wait is this mean to be the Amazon?
Bitches should get some some sort of muscle mass before attempting that shit. Her costume is her body more than anything else.

>> No.7108058

I think she figured tits and ass were enough.

And for almost any other DC character, it would have been enough.

Amazons really need to be fit to not suck/get thrown into the lazy attention whore bucket.

>> No.7108059

I doubt we will ever see a muscle chick cosplay as Amazon...

>> No.7108063
File: 287 KB, 1360x2048, 1292922_461467867294670_1617771882_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there are like no muscular female cosplayers

personally if a chick with big tits and ass wants to wear next to nothing I'm not going to complain about her lack of muscle

nobody complains about all the no muscle superheros out there

>> No.7108069

>nobody complains about all the no muscle superheros out there

Are you new here?
Not asking to be catty, a legitimate question.
It seems like that's a pretty common complaint. But then again, it seems that's usually unfairly directed at men.

>> No.7108074

>nobody complains about all the no muscle superheros out there

Ha ha ha ha ha.

>> No.7108078

when you see Power Girl cosplay its all about her breast size no one cares how muscular she is

I never seen a muscular She-Hulk, Wonder Woman, Ms Marvel, etc and no one seems to care

>> No.7108083

people in the hobby care, they are just greatly outnumbered by creeps with this mentality...

>personally if a chick with big tits and ass wants to wear next to nothing I'm not going to complain about her lack of muscle

>> No.7108098

I've seen a muscular She-Hulk. That's it. Good costume, too.

>> No.7108103


If by "creeps" you mean 90% of men and 40% of women...

>> No.7108113

the characters are specifically designed to have unrealistic proportions so why complain when normal people dont look the same as them? Thats the point!

>> No.7108122

yeah aside from the elf and wizard PEOPLE ARE NOT SHAPED LIKE THAT.

>> No.7108137
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Might as well ask here. How would I make the bottom of her shirt squareish but clean looking when sewing?

>> No.7108142

Nobody is asking for people to have cartoon proportions.

What people are saying if a character is known for being toned... be toned. You don't have to match impossible body types, just put some effort forth to emulate them.

Amazon is know for being tall and defined. Be those two things.

>> No.7108157

It's amateur costuming if you want to play casting director go pay for it.

>> No.7108160
File: 127 KB, 432x650, 757bb8c0106da2ca6b6caa576d38631286a9cc72-700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7108165

ew, that fabric choice
you mean the bottom of her tunic where it has the slits? Sorry I don't get your question really

>> No.7108174

Do a facing for the square part, similar to how you'd do a scalloped edge.

>> No.7108175 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 500x409, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's what I meant. I think.

>> No.7108182
File: 100 KB, 500x750, be8c2b34ab010f5ec4091e25d1b78274c76268c7-700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to cosplay cure and there isn't that much Dragon's Crown cosplay either. Here's...this.

That's what I meant. I think. I thought slits were just small cuts in a garment of clothing though but maybe the technical term has more definition than that.

Ahh okay thanks!

>> No.7108186

Oh that's right. I forgot this was a tumblr hugbox now and body types don't matter anymore.

>> No.7108193
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What are you going to do? Fill /cgl/ with your impotent rage? No one has any obligation to embody the character perfectly.

>> No.7108205


I'm a lot more concerned that she couldn't be bothered to curl her hair. I don't care about the muscle. Though she could have airbrushed some muscle tone

>> No.7108213

You mean practically everyone ever?

>> No.7108289

Oh wow...


I have that axe.

>> No.7108658

Thing is superheroes generally have a more intricate costume than "find swimsuit, put on studs".

That girl also has shit hair and the wrong-looking eyecolor. I mean, if your cosplay at a con isn't 100% accurate whatever but don't go making photoshoots of your lazy cosplay.

>> No.7108669
File: 342 KB, 500x268, tumblr_mngl2yT2JN1r2c7pmo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought about doing the Amazon with a padded suit on the bottom. I mean, how else am I supposed to have a smaller butt on top of my regular butt?

>> No.7108690

why is she using a banana for a bow

>> No.7108823


Amazon is known for having a big butt
OP has a big butt

>> No.7108835
File: 2.13 MB, 1920x1080, the_nightmare_before_christmas_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'll be okay with having a regular but. Amazon is ridiculously muscular.

Love the game. I love playing as the Amazon. I plan to cosplay the elf since all the characters are fun regardless. I'd like to get my husband to cosplay too. But I personally think he'd make a better Rannie then a Wizard.

> playing with hubby
> found out we can attack each other in town.
>mfw, we got thrown in jail for attacking npcs in town.

My husband is such a douchebag elf in town. We all end up ganing up on him and beating the crap out of him.

>> No.7108840

but... but... butt butt butt on top of butts

I just thought it would be funny to have a ridiculously padded butt and legs haha

>> No.7108842
File: 11 KB, 201x350, Muscle_Suit_M515w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I do kind of admit I think it'd be funny as hell to see somebody get something like this with added tights and ass padding. Added bonus if you put a squeaker in the tits and ass.

>> No.7108846
File: 362 KB, 1920x1080, DragonsCrownHeroines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how anyone could not cosplay the elf. It's the only decently rendered character with the right balance of appeal and clothes.
Amazon is fucking disgusting and sorceress looks like some typical bigbewbz+magickz trope that I've seen over and over again in japanese-based fantasy games.

>> No.7108847


>> No.7108848
File: 145 KB, 673x680, 82e17ebf6d09e5d1813f52c6047f3e05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I can't type today. "tits and ass. Not tights and ass.

>> No.7108850



>> No.7108851
File: 360 KB, 580x1920, fighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game basically has two reasonably proportioned characters(Wizard and Elf) and the other four are over the top. I'm perfectly okay with people cosplaying the others. obviously don't expect accurate proportions on them.

>> No.7108852

>person has an opinion

>> No.7108854

Just curious, but have you played it yet? It's actually a really fun game, in addition to the fact that the narration constantly breaks the fourth wall and the entire set-up is designed to take the piss out of those stereotypes that are pissing you off so much.

>> No.7108857

How is my commentary on the retarded character designs related to me having played the game or not? There's plenty of games I've played in which I still think the character designs are grotesque.

I really wouldn't take my opinion so personally if I were you.

>> No.7108858



lol, must be a rough life living in confusion all the time

>> No.7108861

Mostly because said retarded character designs play into the fact that the game isn't meant to be a serious fantasy. And so far, most of the people I've seen who get really upset about the fact that the designs are batshit and impossible haven't played it to grasp that fact.

>> No.7108862

Yeah, guess it's pretty easy to be the authority of confusion when you take everything so literally.

>> No.7108863

I've played the game. I enjoy the game. But I do admit I wish they had tweak the designs just a bit. Mostly because I don't like the chainmail bikini troupe.

>> No.7108864

>can't have opinions on anything so long as it's fantasy anyway anon, tut tut
Okay geez. I get the hint, have at it and don't mind me. Sorry to have interrupted your important discourse.

>> No.7108865

You seemed upset and confused that other people had different opinions than you anon, I was just trying to help you relax!

>> No.7108868

When is having an opinion about something an indication of being angry?
Hardly, if you're literal-anon then I suggest you stop that. I seriously doubt you've never heard that expression used before and it leads me to the conclusion that you just wanted to start an argument because someone insulted your fav character's design. It really didn't have to turn into an argument. Really. Just don't take it so personally.

>> No.7108872

Uhh... No. It's not because it's fantasy. It's because it's making fun of fantasy tropes by making them even more ridiculous. Saying that they're overblown and ugly would be a valid critique if the game were aiming to be a serious fantasy story. But it isn't.

I don't particularly like them myself, but I understand why they were chosen given the context of the gameplay and the gags therein.

>> No.7108873
File: 8 KB, 150x207, 1367714660871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this upset

You flipped out about anyone cosplaying anyone other than the elf because you can't understand how anyone could like the other designs, I'm sorry you didn't realize it until I pointed it out. Lesson learned on your part I guess!

>> No.7108874

>Saying that they're overblown and ugly would be a valid critique if the game were aiming to be a serious fantasy story. But it isn't.
Not even that anon but that's not a very good argument. Just because something is intended to be stereotypical doesn't mean someone still can't find it ridiculous even in its own context.

>> No.7108879

>You flipped out about anyone cosplaying anyone other
...No. I made a post explaining my dislike for two female character designs in the game.
Anyway if this whole thing is going to turn into a big
type of deal, seriously, you can have it. It's not worth it. Continue to be literal and immature by yourself.

>> No.7108881

Yeah I'm literal-anon and I agree with this. Just because the designs have a point, doesn't mean someone has to like them just because it's a good point/good joke.

>> No.7108887

Seriously, you should read it again then if you don't get why I'm making fun of you friend. I mean, it's a given saying stuff like

>why would anyone DO that?!

I mean, it's just asking for it.

max lel?

>> No.7108888
File: 174 KB, 850x530, sample-3c3b9b06b8989b3e82e069d7fb4746e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we please stop arguing about the designs? Kind of tired hearing people complain about them all the time. It feels like the only thing some people focus on are the amazon and sorceress' design. I perfectly understand not liking them, and I don't personally care for some stuff either. But can't we just go back to enjoying the actual game and cosplay?

>> No.7108889
File: 411 KB, 250x250, goodone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7108892

That is a good gif, I will save it for later.

Do you hate the male designs too? I think they are hilarious personally.

>> No.7108897

Don't hate them, just find them hilarious.
Fighter looks so top heavy that the legs could give out anytime.
Dwarf looks like a roided out grandpa.
I'm actually pretty satisfied with Wizard's design.

Seems to be a 1 out of 3 on either gender.

>> No.7108904
File: 166 KB, 1200x675, dc-scylla-in-the-depths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I love all the stuff in the sidequests. Some of it is very tounge in cheek like the "must love hellhounds" quest.
>"Here, let me send you off to fight hellhounds to show people they're not so dangerous"
>You come back covered in burns and bites
>"I'm still not convince they're dangerous"
>Guy goes off to prove his point, never heard from again.
Also some of the art is funny like the Scylla one.

Pretty much said that above in >>7108851
Each gender has one practical, normal looking character, and then two over the top looking ones.