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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7106002 No.7106002[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

anyone have the streaming link for the last episode of heroes of cosplay tonight? i know its a car crash of a show, but ive been guiltily enjoying watching this show crash and burn

>> No.7106252

Yaya wins.

>> No.7106389


>> No.7106405

what's new?

>> No.7106458

Heard BGZ studios got paid by SyFy after all that shit over copyright.

>> No.7106575

stream for tonight?

>> No.7106584

Any source on that? Because in the last thread about it, someone was going on and on about how the guy was 100% wrong in his article about laws and photos and how he would never get paid.

>> No.7106598

This is the last episode? Darn, the shittyness is very entertaining.

>> No.7106607

I don't have syfy or space, so I need a stream as well...

>> No.7106609

He posted a statement earlier tonight saying that they settled.

>> No.7106616


>> No.7106621

I've never used that site before. Is it going to be heroes of cosplay after or do I have to pick something?

>> No.7106625

I think it will be HoC, it usually it...

>> No.7106640

get in here /cgl/

>> No.7106641

brettygood.com is streaming the new episode in a few min, quality is awesome

>> No.7106653

thanks anon! I was looking for that link!

>> No.7106658

Jinyo no.

>> No.7106667


> noooooooo

>> No.7106665

>I captured the Death Star

>> No.7106668

He'll be making Victoria's costumes for life now!

>> No.7106673

Oh no the rill talk

>> No.7106674

> with their friends

Lol, yea, no.

>> No.7106678

Why are cosplayers such drama lamas?

>> No.7106681


Obvious cover-up is obvious.

>> No.7106680

Cosplay isn't about lvls guys anyone can do it, unless they're fat.

Also Crabcat just lost what little respect I had left for them with this catty cunt talk. Also fuck Becky

>> No.7106686

Slept with her contacts in... Lol Unless their made for that is this bitch dumb?

>> No.7106688

Becky is just so fucking butthurt that she couldn't get Monika as her first pick.

>> No.7106693

I was side eyeing that bit, too. Even if they're the kind you can't sleep in; take them out for, like, an hour, and they'll be good after a good soaking. It sounds like they just needed something else dramatic.

>> No.7106689

Chloe is ruined for me after last week's thread

>> No.7106691

I died when I heard that

>Cosplay is for Fun
>The most important thing is this competition

Pick one

>> No.7106692

I'm going to miss watching this with cgl when it's over. :(

>> No.7106695

I loved seeing Monika cry

>> No.7106696

My brother and girlfriend have fell asleep with contacts in multiple times. My brother in particular has really, really sensitive eyes and generally can't keep contacts in for more than 8 hours.

Not once has either one of them been like "omg I need to go to the hospital". What is this I don't even.

>> No.7106697

B-but... where's Jesse? I need to see him weather stuff by splashing around in the ocean for 15 minutes

>> No.7106702


I will too. We need to find something else to watch together.

>> No.7106699

Lol I hope she writes a post about now she's willing to suffer and go blind for cosplay. Like how Jessica wrote her big post about being sick for her shitty cats dream costume.

>> No.7106700

he'd be having to do that anyway. bitch has no talent

>> No.7106701

Id monika tall as shit or am i seeing things?

>> No.7106703

Team "why the fuck is my steampunk!mustache cosplay not winning ):"

>> No.7106706

This unfortunately

Though 10/10 tits

>> No.7106707

>fuck Becky
I want to, but she lives too far away

>> No.7106709

Heroes of Cosplay: where people keep forgetting to not get drunk the night before

>> No.7106710

Are they sharing beds or something?

>> No.7106711

Fangasm? That show looks like a real train wreck from the promos.

>> No.7106708

Lol it was her prop contacts?! Dumb bitch.

>> No.7106714

the other two are midgets

>> No.7106715

So is it just me or was there a picture of Yaya in her Queen of Hearts cosplay when she was looking at Google Image on her iPad?

>> No.7106718

Sure. :D

>> No.7106722

What HoC has shown me so far...


Why are there so many fucking stupid injuries.

>> No.7106720

i refuse simply because they keep attempting poor viral marketing for it. better options? i'm guessing face off is almost over

>> No.7106721

Lol jessica be sweaty as hell in the booth.

>> No.7106728

Face-Off is cool but it's on different times for Canadian and Murican viewers.

>> No.7106726

Does Yaya's dress look kinda cheap to anyone else?

>> No.7106730

It's the gold I think. Too shiny and doesn't go with the other fabrics.

>> No.7106729

Faceoff is the shit but we never have threads. Laney is cute as hell.

>> No.7106733

what did I miss last week?Did someone post nudes of her or some shit?

>> No.7106734

Now all we can do is wait for a sex tape with tears in our eyes.

>> No.7106735

Becky doesn't need to go to the hospital. All she needed to do was use her contact solution and put a few drops on her eyes if she didn't have proper eye drops and then remove the contacts .

As someone who has worn contacts for years, you don't fucking forget to take out contacts before bed if they're not overnight contacts. To forget to take your stage contacts out is so fucking ridiculous.

>> No.7106731

I assume Fangasm will take HoC's time slot.

>> No.7106736


>> No.7106737

Yeah I think you're right. It looks like cheap plastic to me.

>> No.7106739

Suddenly Monika is confirmed for genius for not wanting to team up with contact bitch. Team califronia blown the fuck out even tho Atlanta is sick

>> No.7106740

Laney's a fucking witch, I swear. She's freaking the fuck out about her cotton candy, and rightfully so, and the judges don't even care. She had to have pulled some voodoo.
That said, she is the cutest fucking thing ever.

>> No.7106741

just google it

>> No.7106742

qt Yoko

fucking great Gaston

>> No.7106743

That shit is on google images, bruh. The lowest of the low.

>> No.7106747

Do any of you guys actually work on your shit in hotel rooms?

>> No.7106744

You can google search her and find topless pics. She did it when she was younger because rich daddy and too much time.

>> No.7106745

Why is Riki wearing a wig while puking? Her hair is too long and dark.

>> No.7106748

>the shit in my cheap ass contacts fucked up my eyes

Becky is such a dumb ass.

>> No.7106749

all at a different convention

>> No.7106752

Not entire major pieces. Every episode, someone has been working on a major centrepiece in the hotel.

>> No.7106750


>> No.7106751

Numb becky is best girl.

>> No.7106756

Miranda is better anyways.

>> No.7106759

>mfw the judges didn't bother looking at their costumes because they were told to let them win anyway

>> No.7106760

I've touched-up stuff in the hotel room before, but never like these people. A lot of it is because I'm not an idiot, but also fear of making a mess and getting blasted in the ass with fees.

>> No.7106753

It was worth the googling. I wish Riki's pics had more nudes than just nip slips, yet I will not deny the chance to beat off to her as-is

>> No.7106762

That is shit that the judges didn't check seams.

>> No.7106761

I've never even see anyone working on something in their hotel room unless they put it off until the last minute or something happened on the way to con or at con and they're repairing it.

>> No.7106764

Riki is my favorite

>> No.7106767

Because she's still drunk.

>> No.7106766

Its funny because they actually look like the characters.

>> No.7106770


Tough ups yes. Finishing an entire costume no.

>> No.7106771

Never unless it needs final assembly before wearing.

>> No.7106773

Why would they though for Yaya?

She's being pretentious as fuck trying to judge them on their own game when they know well who she is.

>> No.7106769

Lol these bitches need bubbles to live in because they cannot handle life.

>> No.7106774

>I bound my chest because I'm cosplaying a male character but I bound it too tight.
She fucking bound her chest with duct tape. She is half of a 'professional' commissions business and she fucking bound her chest with duct tape.

>> No.7106778

Did she really? That's crossplay 101; that's such bullshit. I thought she used something dumb like ace bandages, but duct tape is a completely different level of stupid.

>> No.7106779


>> No.7106782

So wtf ruined chloe for people last wek?

>> No.7106783

So, what cheating went on this time? Were the judges payed off? Haven't seen anything on confessions about this week.

>> No.7106785

anonib had two rar collections up

>> No.7106786

We found out about her nudes and porn career

>> No.7106784

Ffs they're all fucking "martyrs," huh? "We should just stoooooopppp,unless you say it's okay, then fuck your health"

>> No.7106787

Her friend asked if she wanted duct tape or another kind of tape and she said duct tape. Then when she complained about binding too tight they had to use scissors to cut her out of it so it's definitely that she bound with ducttape. You'd think she'd know better.

>> No.7106788

Five bucks on Becky fucking up

>> No.7106789

Steampunk is stupid.

>> No.7106790

> fem!doctor who

>> No.7106791

Yo how much does it matter if you buy a costume? I am not competing but just walking around in it...just wondering.

>> No.7106792

The iron man group was dope as fuck.

>> No.7106795

Yup gunna need links ta this. Phone is crap...

>> No.7106796

>equating furries with homestucks


>> No.7106797


>> No.7106800

>It appears as if people don't appreciate there being high profile cosplayers at their con

>> No.7106802


>> No.7106803

It doesn't matter.

>> No.7106798

Just so you guys know, the people they're showing on camera were not the people who were "getting into it" with the group.

Heroes of Cosplay = alienating the cosplay community since day 1.

>> No.7106799

Oh my god, are they really acting like people care if you're from out of town? How would they even know unless they were parading it around?

>> No.7106806

cool, anyone have links to some cheap places to buy already made full costumes?

Seems like lots of the already made ones that only need your stats are in China

>> No.7106804

If anyone yelled that, they likely yelled it because they were tired of the crew acting like the Heroes of Cosplay group were any better than the other cosplayers there

>> No.7106805

doctor ew

>> No.7106808


>> No.7106809

>This is about fun!
>part of a show that completely ruined the fun for everyone else

>> No.7106810

Dat mc. Damn.

>> No.7106811

somehow this is more embarrassing to watch than the Cat Meme skit

>> No.7106812


>> No.7106813


>> No.7106814

So... Yaya's group gets a huge skit to do. It didn't seem like anybody else was allowed to do a skit like that. Is that terrible editing, or is this like other contests where the heroes of cosplay people got to take the mic and say stuff and nobody else did?

>> No.7106816


>> No.7106817

I can't find the damn channel on my cable but does she actually state that the Red Queen is Alice's sister? or does she just think it's a badguy?

>> No.7106815
File: 38 KB, 303x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yaya's crown fell.

>> No.7106818

Huh, what post am I thinking of then, where someone said they were acting like they were involved in the fight when they weren't?

>> No.7106819

no one currrr about the crown except teh "out-of towners"

>> No.7106820

If I was the Dr Who group I would think team LA was a fake team created by the SyFy channel because these bitches weren't known in the community unless you run in specific circles.

>> No.7106822

there was another post about this earlier today that hocc also reblogged

>> No.7106823

They only told people at the last minute that a skit was a requirement--literally, the day the convention started--so the only people who had anything remotely "big" were the "Heroes of Cosplay"

>> No.7106825

Sounds about right. Glad they won though.

>> No.7106831

They should have just left it on the floor

>> No.7106834

can't find it... I'm thinking of a tumblr post, though.

>> No.7106837

>I'm impressed they had props and precorded voices

welllllll could that be because they were the only ones told about the skit requirement in advance??

>> No.7106840


>> No.7106839

My iron niggas deserve credit.

>> No.7106842

This. No one else had audio, not even the dancing group.

>> No.7106843

That's shit-tastic.

>> No.7106846

Alright seriously. How the fuck is this spacemovie supposed to have an hour and a half's worth of content?

>> No.7106848

Nope, different post.

>> No.7106849

Apparently they hadn't told the other groups that a skit was required, so many likely lacked them

>> No.7106850

Glad I'm not the only person that thought this.

>> No.7106851

Becky with the sunglasses.

>> No.7106853


>> No.7106854


>> No.7106858

The only other one I know of is the Blogspot post from the Catwoman judge

>> No.7106855

Everyone had to throw them together at the last minute, literally. Well--except the SyFy contestants, of course.

>> No.7106856

Where are iron niggers?

>> No.7106857


>> No.7106859

I will dance around the stage in a faerie outfit for the rest of my life at every convention.

>> No.7106862

dad pls

>> No.7106863


>> No.7106865

It seems like it'll be cool for 10 minutes and then start to drag on. Like a bad version of life of pi.

>> No.7106866

Is there a source for that info? Cause that's shitty as fuck

>> No.7106867

Honestly who knew slapping on a trench coat and some ratty converse would get someone $500

>> No.7106868

Holy shit that's brutal.

I thought Yaya was a shallow attention whore before, but now, that would be a compliment.

>> No.7106871

was that the last episode or

>> No.7106869

this is some bullshit.

>> No.7106870

The tumblr confession with the Doctor Who group mentioned that they didn't know that a skit was required. It makes sense cnsidering how underwhelming all of the other skits were beyond the planted ones.

>> No.7106872

yeah it is.

I have a feeling the original last episode was going to be AX but shit slipped so they turned KCCC into a two parter

>> No.7106874

>best individual in a group skit
Hahaha what

>> No.7106878

I think it's more that they entered as a group with over ten people who all made their costumes. Not to mention the Heroes groups said they made all theirs in a week which to a judge would sound shady as fuck.

>> No.7106876

I think Fangasm will take its place from now on, it's been fun.

>> No.7106877

It's all ogre

>> No.7106880

I want to fuck Mckenzie Westmore.

>> No.7106882


>> No.7106881

>this tumblr post

Sounds like sour grapes, if what she says that that is one of the only times they can go to a con then they ruined it for themselves for being so frustrated about the judging.

They knew basically half way through that it was rigged yet still pouted about it, who gives a shit if you already know?

>this is the only time I can come but because I entered into a competition even though we never wanted to it's now all ruined! boohoo

>> No.7106883

I want to fuck Laura

>> No.7106884

I want to thank jinyo for supporting this win

>> No.7106885

I thought the post was really stupid idk.
Their costumes weren't nearly as elaborate to make or just plain nicer looking than some of the other competitors. Idk I just don't think they should have won anything

>> No.7106886

I understand. i don't agree with that whole point; there's no rule against people from other places to come in and compete.

I think I can understand though if planted groups come in and try to shove their cameras and shit and make it not so obvious that the whole format of the competition's been rigged in their favor. I'm tempted to believe that had they nt been there, the Iron Bros and other cosplayers would have been fairly judged.

>> No.7106890


>> No.7106891


here's the whole masquerade for anyone who wants to watch it. which makes me wonder if the doctor who group was just misinformed? because there are actual skits throughout the thing. they're few and far between but still.

>> No.7106892

sooooo....is everyone this mean irl? This show makes me happy to be an introvert.

>> No.7106893

Well, you know, if you enter a contest with a neat gimmick in mind, or just going to have fun, and you fully expect NOT to win but to just have a good time... Your experience CAN still be ruined by finding out the whole thing has been rigged or cheating is going on. You might not be going in to win (not saying this is what they were doing), but finding out shady business is afoot can still make an otherwise enjoyable experience bad.

>> No.7106888


Honestly, there's no one to like in this situation. Shitty fandom vs bitchy whores.

>> No.7106889

Out of all the girls left you chose the flattest, most boring one.
Laney>alana>Mckenzie>miranda>laura>my hand>lima

>> No.7106894

no joke, I am going to my first comic convention late next month and it seems like everyone just trashes everyones shit

>> No.7106895

YET they still won so why are they complaining? Are they really going under the assumption that even if it WASN'T rigged that they would actually win against pro cosplayers?

>> No.7106897

I'm honestly disappointed with Yaya's team winning the big prize. The skit was a wreck since it didn't follow the game correctly (unless it aims for the first game) and the acting was abysmal since the Characters were OOC. Heck Team LA's skit was better than that despite of Becky's being clueless on stage. If you wanted to see a better Alice Skit that is done right here's an example:


>> No.7106898


30:00 for doctors
38:30 for HtTYD skit
44:30 for Yaya's

>> No.7106900

Just get some pussy and call it a day.

>> No.7106902

True that, looks like mostly the girls though, so stick with the guys will be my plan.

>> No.7106896

The competition experience varies from grup to group, but while I feel like I've experienced the stress of a skit, I haven't come across anything that was downright antagonizing as the show made it seem.

That...except for that weird ass Madoka dramu and cryin' I saw backstage at this past Fanime with the staff.

>> No.7106904

It sounds like she's probably trying to cover her ass more about what the group said to the "heroes" because clearly they retaliated too and that made them look just as bad.

>> No.7106905

I'm going and just buying a cosplay costume to show of my aesthetics, it's a 3 day thing so see if I can get some anime tail while I"m there

>> No.7106910

If it were me, and I signed up for a contest, and the whole thing ended up being rigged and full of shit, yet I still won... I'd be pretty pissed, still. I don't know about you, but I'd feel pretty dirty about winning something that wasn't judged fairly.

>> No.7106908

So the staff can be like that too? I've been to conventions but have never competed, got to find myself some tough girl britches before entering I guess, lol.

>> No.7106913

I dont understand how some people fuck up as bad as they do on faceoff.

>> No.7106914

The staff wasn't bitchy per se, rather just very poorly organized and didn't know how to properly get anything done right.

>> No.7106916

I wish you lots of luck, and if you're a nice guy I'm sure you will...but as a chick, I was thinking hey maybe I could make friends, buuuut this show is telling me nope.

>> No.7106917

yeah I could understand if you were going to compete but they weren't so why are they complaining that they lost when they were persuaded into competing?

>> No.7106919

They aren't complaining that they lost.

>> No.7106918

>nice guy
the hell I'm from /fit/ I'm alpha not nice...lel

>> No.7106925

Ugh, i'd say i have a pretty descent bod too, but my face not so good, think ill try and accent the body too lol.

>> No.7106933

They called the shit on being rigged, and rightly so. Because of that they were tossed a pity prize to try to shut them up. There is no way anyone would be happy about that.

I would rather lose something fairly than compete, even win, a rigged contest.

>> No.7106934

plus they knew the editting would make them look like cunts. the first episode included part of their spat between who and httyd with becky crying like a little bitch

>> No.7106944

So at roughly 29:00 is the Iron Man group and as they exit the MC says 'Thats some hard work right there, they made all of that' WHY THE FUCK DID THEY NOT WIN BEST CRAFTSMANSHIP OR ANYTHING.

>> No.7106950

I was wondering the same thing. The Ironman group and Predator group were both 100x better than Yaya'a group. Even my non-cosplaying friend who was watching with me was like "how did that win when the Ironman group and Predator group were both obviously better?" I was like... because rigged.

>> No.7106955

I wonder how many Yayadrones are going to be defending their Queen all week.

>> No.7106965

i'd defend her for a day to suck on them tits

>> No.7106969

I'd fuck so many of these girls. I don't care about the attitudes, man made the gag for a reason

>> No.7106978

i'd only go for yaya the others don't do it for me

>> No.7106989

Yaya: Tits and Ass
Riki: Tits and Ass
Monika: Mouth, tits, ass, hands, and collar her to be trained to be a sex slave
Victoria: Ass. So much of that ass.
Chloe: Tits and Mouth
Becky: Every hole and dark fantasy I can think of for those curves. I'd fuck her pregnant
Jess: Mouth, tits, and maybe those legs
Holly: Every hole that isn't gagged as long as she dresses like the Galaxy Quest chick.

Did I forget anyone? Some of the b-roll girls have been amazing. The female Link, Huntress, Power girl, JNig.

>> No.7106990

Holly looked almost the spitting image of Lai Lai or whatever her name is

>> No.7107000

I'd say she looked even better. I love that chick, but Holly's face was prettier

>> No.7107004
File: 30 KB, 280x210, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is a picture of Chloe Dykstra waiting In line to suck cock.

Not even trolling. I hope Chris Hardwick likes trafficked pussy.

>> No.7107008

Oh ha, so Yaya's crown really did fall off huh? I missed today's episodes, but did any of our lovely heroes win anything this time? Please tell me Becky lost. She's just...so awful.

>> No.7107015

the fuck is that faggot doing.....jeez you cosplayers are fucking crazy

>> No.7107014

I... what is this? I know what you said, but... What?

>> No.7107020

Please someone explain to me why everyone hates Becky so much. I mean she's annoying but I don't think any more than much of the others

>> No.7107022

Shit, I knew I recognized her from somewhere lol

>> No.7107026


She also blackmailed her father into continuing her credit card habit and supporting her life style with the threat of doing porn if he didn't comply.

Great girl

>> No.7107029

damn nigga got sauce?

>> No.7107028

Probably because she doesn't make her own cosplays, she abuses her roommate to do her prop work, and she has a shit persona she projects when she's on camera. When she's being normal, she's a nice person to know.

>> No.7107033

Seriously. The Fae of the Wildwood or whatever girl got a prize and nobody from the Iron Man or Predator groups did? It's like the judges were just "Well, this is all rigged crap anyway, so we're just going to give out the other prizes to the most ridiculous choices so everyone knows it's all crap."

>> No.7107036

I know her personally and I have to deal with her immature ass every time my friend has a social gathering. Plus Google "nudes Chloe Dykstra ." Many a stories are there about her.

>> No.7107037


>Follows the first game

Even then it fails, meat dress isn't present, nor is the Red Queen(not in the Madness Returns form anyway). Why was Riki's Alice wig curly/wavy and way too long? And that Cheshire Cat...I don't even.

I thought it was very similar to that other one you posted, only it was apparent they hadn't actually played the game.

>> No.7107041


Didn't she fuck Misha Collons in a group orgy in Scotland too?

>> No.7107043

The Fae girl has been dragging nonstop tonight, too. She wants the win and the advertising

>> No.7107049

Jeez it's like what they say is true cosplayer girls are crazy as fuark

>> No.7107047

Does she drag Hardwick everywhere and suck his dick to get all that Nerdist attenton?

>> No.7107054

Didn't an Anon weeks ago already talk about this? I heard it was staged. Not very hard to believe since this is reality TV.

>> No.7107057


From what I heard it was just a threesome between her, guy that plays
Castiel and Chris. She likes old cock.

I don't see him too often.

>> No.7107062


I think more than anything, she's come across as someone who tries to sound all "pro" and shit when most of what she's wore on the show has either been commissioned or poorly made.

Her Merida looked absolutely sad and fraying from the top. Her other bunny suit was obviously a shitty underwhelming bunny suit, the Taffeta cosplay that she thought could win the best in show without the fucking car, and her Elizabeth's corset was apparently commissioned by her. the only thing that I'll give some credit to was her Astrid.

>> No.7107064

She fucked Misha Collins?? Not fair :(

>> No.7107065

There is actually a screenshot in ED of her writing an entry about her rationalizing why she was going to porn, about how she viewed sex as just an animalistic act and she could make her funds off of it

>> No.7107068

You can tell she doesn't know what she's doing with that Elizabeth costume. It was completely wrong.

>> No.7107084

Is that why The Nerdist and Misha are BFFS now?

>> No.7107086

Anyone have a putlocker link up yet? Every one I find is still episode 5.

>> No.7107098

I didn't participate in GISHWHES, but from what tumblr has said is that it's all a huge money scam. Do you know if its true that only his friends win?

>> No.7107104

http: // bedizen. livejournal. com

well derp

>> No.7107120

>found out that this week was the season finale of heroes of shit
>not cancelled because they were filming at dragon con

fuck, when is this nightmare going to end?

>> No.7107121
File: 49 KB, 500x500, 1364256033721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAMN! That was neat as FUCK!! The dialogue was a little hard to hear at times but it was so fun to watch and the amount of work they put into it was fantastic. Goddamn, I'd much rather watch a show that follows these guys! Seriously makes me want to play the game

>> No.7107122


>> No.7107140

how did the cosplay one go? Did they even know the characters?

>> No.7107157

what's the story behind this?

>> No.7107166

There was a pretty big post by some Homestuck folks saying how they got tricked into leaving the 10th floor so they could shoot. It was on tumblr.

>> No.7107168

i know the thread is dead as fuck but trolling aside is yaya han considered a good cosplayer?

>> No.7107183

not anymore. Even before the show, a lot of cosplayers knew she was more or less mediocre.

>> No.7107211


There is a safe and effective way to bind doing duct tape, actually. So long as you put toilet paper over the nipples, cut a hole under your arm for movement and remove it in the shower with baby oil and water, it will cause no problems.

>> No.7107215

If you mean heroes of cosplay then take a look at this. It's the last one. Youtube.com/watch?v=Fmh8oydKa4k

>> No.7107252

Or you could just bind with something that was designed for it, not something that could rip your skin off at the very least. The only people who use duct tape for binding are morons. If you're going to be moderately stupid, you could at least use athletic tape which is made to be used on skin.

>> No.7107262


posted in the wrong thread, did footage of this incident with one of the memebers of the doctor group yelling at one of the HoC chicks make it into the show tonight?

>> No.7107266

ok I was watching this and the single category some of them were pretty cool.

I just saw the doctors, they did nothing but say doctor..I know they didn't even think about competing but I thought this whole time it was a cool skit at least...it was nothing.

>these easy made costumes on stage

hell I could do a shit job and still look decent

>> No.7107271

It did vaguely. Mostly the first part that the girl is taling about, but the second confrontation wasn't shown.

>> No.7107276


Someone in the audience yelled, "I love all your costumes, except for the SyFy plants!" and the editors dubbed over it to say, "Out-of-towners go home!"
And then they staged the fight with the Dr. Who cosplayers.

>> No.7107283

Lol. It took a small out of state con for anyone to win anything. Perfect timing for yaya to come out of "retirement".

>> No.7107296

Heh. Doing a recap of the winners per episode (including honorable mentions/placing, etc):

Episode 1 - Wizard World Portland - Becky, Jessica, Holly
Episode 2 - Emerald City CC - None
Episode 3 - MegaCon - Jessica, Riki
Episode 4 - Anime Matsuri - None
Episode 5 - KC Comic Con Individuals - Jesse, Chloe
Episode 6 - KC Comic Con Group Skits - Yaya, Monika, Rikki

>> No.7107307

never thought much Laney, but when I saw her without all that makeup... goddamn, she is so fucking cute

>> No.7107436


>> No.7107456
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Yaya...ass. er, ok then.

>> No.7107458

Wow. That is literally the saddest, flattest arse I have ever seen. She could do with taking some of the excess silicone out of her tits and putting it in there...

>> No.7107462

I want to believe that she is butt clenching but I know that's not true.

>> No.7107473
File: 144 KB, 400x600, yaya-han-asian-cosplay-christie-hot-sexy-girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7107474

It might be because her shirt is so tight. It's squeezing her fat down so it's bulging out the bottom of the shirt. The bulge is making the rest look concave.

>> No.7107481

What the fuck

>> No.7107486

Is Monika the cunt the show painted her to be?

>> No.7107499

So in other words;
Fucking whiner. Might as well complain that the fairy girls won because they pretty much dance professionally and brought their greater skill set to the competition. Oh but they are locals so it's totally ok.

>> No.7107504

No, it was rigged. No one other than the syfy plants knew about the required skit before hand. Bitching about a rigged contest is perfectly legit, especially when you just wanted to show up and show off your costumes. Even more so when the only way to get to show off those costumes is by agreeing to enter the rigged contest and agreeing to appear on the staged reality show.

>> No.7107506

Hey fat ugly Dr Who. How's it going? Maybe you should browse 4chan less and get some social skills. Whether you are angry or not the last people you blame is the cast members. If you want to yell at someone it's the producer and director. Even the cast members were clearly taken advantage of and shown in poor light at times to ramp up drama.

It's kind of like how people hate Snookie. She isn't a flawless human being but those reality shows center around making people look shitty for drama sake. There is no excuse to be starting fights with someone back stage and claiming they didn't even make costumes that they did make.

The skit thing is a reasonable complaint but it doesn't justify any of the other BS that happened.

>> No.7107509

Nice Ad Hominem, but I have nothing to do with those cosplayers. Also, you know the fight they showed on the show was edited and dubbed over to specifically look like the reality show players look better, right? And getting pissed that you were forced into a rigged contest does justify getting pissed off.

The fact that Han's group won despite the wardrobe malfunction should have made it even clearer.

>> No.7107519

No- it's random people trust me.

I highly doubt this happened.

Seriously, you are the worst kind of person.

>> No.7107542

I doubt it, honestly I understood the whole Becky thing, saying she didn't want to cosplay with someone she barely knew, I get that. I wouldn't want to cosplay with a dumb bitch who can't even get Elizabeth's hair right.

I love how she went crying to Holly and Jessica, and then they ganged up on Monika out of nowhere and (from what we saw at least) didn't even let her explain herself, it was so high school. And like Monika said, Becky could have just talked to her about it, instead of just running to those two.

>> No.7107622

What I don't get is how some people are completely removing the blame from the cosplayers in the show.

Yes there is bad editing, but if they were decent human beings they wouldn't be taking part in something that they KNOW is going to look bitchy and cause drama. It's pretty obvious if they ask you to lie about your costumes and create fake costume progress from the very beginning that they want a show that is mostly bullshit.

You can blame the show all you want, but no one forced these girls to do it, and their need to attention whore is obviously more important than keeping their hands clean. Really tired of people crying that these girls are innocent when it was their choice to be on the fucking show.

>> No.7107628

Also if they WERE tricked into this somehow, they have to be the dumbest broads known to mankind, but considering all of their past histories as attention whores and being friends ahead of time I doubt there was any real confusion.

Now they just get to eat up the attention while meekly telling everyone none of the bitchiness or elitism is their faults, they're just victims.

>> No.7107630

Regardless, the words. Your not from kansas city came out of their mouths. Did they edit their lips?
I was on the contest and on the website it talked about a skit, its a shame that the dr who people just assumed it was the same as last year, thats not on the convention or anyone else for that matter.

The show has gone out of its way to make most of its cast memebers look like shit, so it says a lot when non cast members come across as the villians.

What bothered me about this is that fact that Holly says, Cosplay is about having fun and cosplay with friends.

Where Monika and Becky friends? No.

>> No.7107647

>Your not from kansas city came out of their mouths. Did they edit their lips

If they did say "You're not from Kansas City," that doesn't mean we actually know what happened.The SyFy girls were supposedly claiming they weren't part of the show. Who's to say they didn't claim "Well, we're from around here!!" and one of the people in the other group pointed out "No, you're not from Kansas City"? Maybe they said it in another instance and SyFy played it over another sentence to make it look juicy. According to people that were there, the beef wasn't that they were from out of town, but that they were the SyFy contestants.

Reality TV editing can do just about anything it wants.

>> No.7107664

>I was on the contest and on the website it talked about a skit

It says "You will most likely be filmed for the Syfy network" but nothing about requiring a skit.

>> No.7107700

I was wondering why the two SciFy groups had prerecorded audio but no one else did. What the fuck that's so sleazy

>> No.7107706

when I emailed them they said we could provide music and do a presentation. The rules should have been more clear though, that is bad on planet comic cons part.

>> No.7107713

I legitimately wonder if they rigged it so the Doctor Who group won just to make TV drama to film because the Doctor Who group was the one yelling at the Heroes.

>> No.7107717

That and their construction was not award worthy.

>> No.7107727

Or to keep them quiet so they were less likely to post about what really went down

>> No.7107730

Good thing that worked.

>> No.7107739

I'm pretty sure hers are saline. Silicone wasn't allowed back on the market yet when she went under the knife.

>> No.7107747

Fucking idiot Jinyo. You're stuck with that your entire life.

>> No.7107750

>to keep them quiet
It was this.

>> No.7107749
File: 1.27 MB, 1136x640, IMG_5709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was a split second clip at the end of tonigts episode and i really want to watch this skit,

does anyone know wat convention this was or who the cosplayer is?

>> No.7107804
File: 19 KB, 508x231, 1241328_519540124806114_336015656_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like they had more than ample time to prepare their skits too

>> No.7107814

He deserves the title of Worst Dad of the Year.

>> No.7107823
File: 8 KB, 231x218, lololol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, threads about this show are the funniest, most hypocritical shit on 4chan.

a bunch of catty, self-centered girls who dress up for attention dissing other catty, self-centered girls who dress-up for attention.

every other post in this (and every other HoC thread) is equal or worse than anything the bitches on the show have ever said or done.

learn to look at yourselves before you throw stones, little girls.

>> No.7107830


>> No.7107844

And this is partially why /cgl/ has its deservedly so bad reputation. This kind of shit.

>> No.7107856


So take away the skit.

Does the Dr who group think they would have beat first place in costumes alone?

>> No.7107869

This is copy pasta. I saw it in another thread

>> No.7107872


Dykstra White Knights are coming out of wood works

>> No.7107870

Wasn't the Dr. Who group saying things were unfair because the SyFy group was a bunch of pros competing in a contest with no pro/amateur division?

>> No.7107879

>>7107872 I'm >>7107844
Who the fuck is Dykstra?

>> No.7107886

Will there be another stream?

>> No.7107891

she definitely doesn't have a porn career.
that "entry" is fake as fuck.

>> No.7107893

I seems to recall back before the show aired that someone was complaining about how SyFy took over the contest (don't know which one) and had planted their own "models/actors" with "professional made costumes." with professional skits/props and saying how it was unfair.

Of course we know now that these were the stars of the show and not paid actors. Goes to show how famous these cosplayers are that they got confused for nameless actors/models.

>> No.7107894

lol ai honey british? wat

>> No.7107895

I love how the same heroes girls who are bitching about stuff they said on the show being edited to sound bad and make fake words are now saying you can't fake audio/dialog.

>> No.7107896

Most comic book contest don't have divisions.
Did planet comic con have a contest that had divisions before? When you enter a contest with no division thats the risk you run.

>> No.7107898
File: 40 KB, 600x589, dickbutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait what happened? i dont come to /cgl/ that often

>> No.7107928

She has an ED thread and did nudes like 10 years ago. I'm not a white knight (I'm a chick) but I do like Chloe, so it's annoying seeing probably totally untrue gossip about her. Focus on shit that matters, guys, like for example her tumblr response to that tumblr post!

>> No.7107927

This butthurt might have the stink of SyFy all over it, but it also sounds like the same kind of butthurt from ANY sore loser who EXPECTS to win best in show at a cosplay competition. The key to a bad time being EXPECTING TO WIN. THERE'S YOUR PROBLEM. Not that the con PULLED A FAST ONE ON YA, or the "Heroes" had more time to prepare... Your problem was thinking you were entitled to a victory!

Cosplayers have always been this whiny, but GOD BLESS THE INTERNET for giving every obnoxious idiot a sounding board for their butthurt. That kind of drivel used to be reserved for their poor unfortunate "friends..."

>> No.7107937

Meant to link to the tumblr thread posted by the Dr Who girl... But I can only assume you all knew that

>> No.7107942

>thread title is heroes of tits
>expect tits
>no tits


>> No.7107958

Jinyo and Victoria's engagement was scripted for this show. They have no desire to get married. You can even see on Victoria's face how little she cares. Jinyo is a hell of an actor though

>> No.7107983

Funny story, I know one of the judges irl. Tommy Castillo.

Found it hilarious as he was his usual self paying attention to the boobahs during judging. Notice how bored he looks during the train your dragon? Oh Tommy....

He does has experience with SCA garb and prop resin cast at least.

>> No.7107985

What do the "heroes" get for participating anyway?
Anyone know what might be a likely sum?

I just imagine it to be a really strange situation.
>Yo, we have been thinking... how about we incorporate a proposal? We'll do a two minute filler and never talk about it again! It would work so well with our "exploited beta Asian bf" theme!

>> No.7108002

How in the fuck is the Chesire cat cosplay remotely similar to the actual in-game one?

>> No.7108008

>bawwww bawww reality TV can edit you to make you sound bad


a dumb


>> No.7108016

>Yaya is proud she "came out of retirement" to win a costume contest at a convention with an official website on wordpress


>> No.7108026

What I hate the most about reality shows is that I've no clue what is reality and what is just for show.
Isn't there some kind of neutral bystander who can tell his/her view of the whole drama?

>> No.7108041

I am neutral. SyFy basically forced a contest. Sprung a new requirement on the cosplayers (have to perform a skit), only their players knew of it before hand. Non-SyFy cosplayers got pissed about it being rigged and became vocal about it. Evidence suggests Doctor Who group won a prize to try to shut them up. Doctor Who group still pissed about the contest being rigged, despite winning (they should not have even won), pitch a bitch on a blog. Show airs, conversation is heavily edited to make the Who's look like assholes.

The you have the drama in this thread.

>> No.7108067

I got to see them in person at the Denver Comic Con, they engineered all those costumes themselves and their dad (who looks like Stan Lee) is so happy to talk about all the work they've done. The guys are super nice too.

>> No.7108075

>Evidence suggests Doctor Who group won a prize to try to shut them up
>"Evidence" "to shut them up"
>"Producers" "to sell TV"

Not sure the scope of this show's production, and judging by the quality, it's not much, but any on-site Producer's job is to either make the day fit as close to a pre-written script as possible or to make a storyline as soon as possible. Most shows have small books about individual participants and what gets them going, what they want to have them say, etc. On-site producers are tricksters and are very good at getting people to say what they want.

There's certainly some truth to editing drama, but in most cases that drama was orchestrated on set, to insure they would have something to edit.

I don't feel bad for any of the heros who consent to be on this program. Reality TV has existed heavily in culture for almost a decade. These participants are being paid (and if those who participated are reading this, if you weren't compensated at least a few hundred weekly, you got massively boned).

They wanted to get the attention, now they have it.
They wanted exposure, now they have it.
They don't like being made to look foolish, when everyone participating tried pulling the wool over most people's eyes about the "stress" and "work" that goes into "creating" a costume they made months prior.

>> No.7108118

They posted it all over facebook though with everyone congradulating them. Is it real or are they just playing it out?

>> No.7108139


I can confirm the engagement was staged as well. They might stage a ceremony as well (on SyFy's dime) but Jinyo will never sign a marriage license. All his friends know he is against marriage.

>> No.7108154


So now Chloe admits that the "out of towner" bit was dubbed in... when before she was making it seem like the contestants were being nasty because they were from out of town?

>> No.7108155

Against? Deets!

>> No.7108190

I haven't seen the episode yet (dammit Bretty! I missed it) but what happened with the Docotor Who group? They cheated? Sum it for me 'gulls.

>> No.7108192

The Dr Who group bitched at Yaya's friends because Yaya and her friends cheated or had people cheating on their behalf.

>> No.7108196


So Doctor Who peeps are cool, and everyone else sucks? Alright, good. Keep the good Doctor name clean.

>> No.7108223

FINALLY! I just got home, and now I'm loading up this bad boy. I can't to see it, I hear it's so bad it's good.

>> No.7108243

>not a white knight
>>white knights harder

>> No.7108255

not a white knight in the sense that people usually use it (e.g. a desperate beta who thinks they're somehow going to get e-pussy)

>> No.7108902


>> No.7110005

I knew I wasn't the only one.

>> No.7110061

The show is ridiculous, but if it really ruins the fun of cosplaying for you then you need to stop being so darned sensitive.