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7101712 No.7101712 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a noob at organizing any meetup in a lolita community, so I'd like to compile a list of what I'd need to know about organizing one!

Ideally, I'd like to start small, in a public area that doesn't cost money to attend unless you want to spend your own cash (ie. park, shop, or restaurant/cafe.)
BUT these things are seen as boring in the comm. "Jesus Christ, another tea party?"

That being said, what are some things YOU'D be interested in doing in a small group? What do you think would attract girls from my local community to participate? Let's pool ideas, and if you're reading this for ideas, take take take!

TL:DR: New Meetup Idea Brainstorming, and what do i need to organize a small meet??

(photo from Sui's blog, she had a meetup at a zoo)

>> No.7101761

I guess this depends on the people in your comm. I don't mind inexpensive meets, and if there are lots of young people in your comm, they will prefer them too. Is your comm well developed with lots of meetups? Then they may demand higher quality meets.

Some standard ideas are crafting meet, museums, afternoon tea, movie, tourist attraction, picnic. If you want to make a meet really attractive, either offer them something only you can provide (free tickets to something, crafting tutorial on something you are really good at) or come up with a really creative meetup idea.

>> No.7101835

OP here, thanks! Our comm is a mix of newbies and veterans, and I was left feeling like the meetups we have are kind of...blah.

I think an afternoon in a town that has a lot of antique stores (there's one really close to my area) and spend the time going from store to store on a multi-store browse would be fun.

Ooooh, scavenger hunt maybe?

A meetup idea I had for the 21+ crowd would be to go to a casino. It would be fun to theme.

>> No.7101837

For 21+, one time the comm I am in went to a small bar/pub for a wine tasting. It was actually a lot of fun, barring trying not to spill anything on dresses. People could also spend more money/drink more depending on their comfort level.

>> No.7101861

One problem that gives meets the blahs is bad planning. Maybe you all went to the movies as the main activity, but the organizer didn't think about what to so after. So everyone stands around in a circle figuring out what to do next, and it gets awkward so people start to leave and stuff. Always have a few plans of action in mind for the different steps of your meetup flow, including a good ending. People like to be able to say goodbye.

Anyway, antiquing or thrifting isn't a very unusual meetup plan, and sounds good to me but you have to consider that sweet lolitas may not be as into it. And if the scavenger hunt involves spending money to buy objects, it might be hard to do. Maybe a photo scavenger hunt? I think that might be a little intense for your first meet since you're going to have to split into teams and add the weirdness of a competition amomg people who just met.

I have absolutely no interest in going to a casino, but that's just me.

That sounds good, providing the place is not one where the other patrons (and your dress) will get sloshed.

>> No.7101867

Disgusting. Zoos, aquariums, marine parks, circuses, or anywhere that promotes the abuse and imprisonment of wild animals for entertainment should be illegal. Go visit a habitat, farm, sanctuary, or conservation site instead.

Also meet-up ideas:
Artisan candy workshop meet
Scrapbook/craft meet
Basic sewing class meet (e.g. make a headbow)
Book club + tea party
Berry picking/jam making
Boating in sailor
Manicure (go to a salon and get ones that match your coordinate)
Etiquette class
Elegant animal farm/habitat (alpaca, deer park, turtle sanctuary, cat cafe)

>> No.7101874

You say zoos are bad but I bet 20 dollars you own at least one dog or cat. The shit they put up with you they'd rather go to a zoo.

>> No.7101877

OP, this thread is doomed.

>> No.7101881

uh, different anon, but domesticated animals are a littler different than captive wild animals? And my boyfriend used to work as a zoo intern... and let's just say the things they had to do for loopholes to get around feeding some of the reptiles was really really cruel.

>> No.7101884

PETAfag pls go

>> No.7101885

I hope no one on this board is brainwashed enough to be a part of PETA, jfc they kill more animals a year than the shelters they fight against

>> No.7101888

chocolate tasting/chocolate tour
visit a vineyard and do some wine tasting (21+ obvs)
bake/decorate pastries, cookies, etc (easymode: storebought dough. hardmode: macarons from scratch)
makeover meets (no liquid products though, or wear aprons or something to protect your frills)
board game/card game meet (i.e. munchkin is fun and easy to learn)

if someone you know has a bunch of older GLBs or Kera or old Gothic Lolita sewing books/mags you could make a game of finding the most ita coord possible in each publication and laughing at how ridic some old school stuff looked

>> No.7101891

yeah seriously, PETA is horrible. how can they expect everyone to treat animals like people when they can't even treat women like people?

>> No.7101897

Yeah, owning a domesticated animal is completely the same as putting an orca in an aquarium tank and starving it so it performs tricks

>> No.7101900

The problem with those reports about how many animals are put down at PETA shelters is that they're leaving out a huuuuuuuge factor: context. PETA is a last resort shelter--meaning they get the animals that other shelters would not take. Sick animals, dying animals, animals that have been emotionally and/or physically abused and are unable to adjust to contact with humans. In other words, animals that aren't going to get to be adopted. There is nothing else they can do for them other than euthanasia.

And no, I'm not part of PETA because I hate the way they campaign with naked women and compare everything to genocide.

>> No.7101904

I don't understand this reference, but PETA has some really fucked up shit they believe in. Something along the lines of not allowing any breeding to happen and to destroy all feral dogs and cats to control population. Poisoning dog shows, allowing negligence in their own clinics/shelters that lead to death through starvation and dehydration.... I think there's a site call 'petakillsanimals.com' or something that has references and sources.

>> No.7101907

I think you need to do more research.

>> No.7101912

here's a good article for context for you. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/nathan-j-winograd/peta-kills-puppies-kittens_b_2979220.html

>> No.7101926

I have 3 cats, they're all strays that I adopted as kittens. I also feed and neuter the strays in my neighborhood, it's a huge problem in my country and I don't support puppy/kitten mills or 'purebred' cats either.

Hate PETA, their tactics and campaigns are stupid, and they spend more money on ads with naked female celebrities and bribing people to skin live animals on video than actually helping anyone.

Exactly. Also so many tears at that documentary. It's called Blackfish for anyone who wants to watch.

PETA basically believes all domesticated animals should be killed/not exist, but one of their board members or chair people uses insulin from cows for his diabetes, because he believes it enables him to help more animals. wtf.

Back on topic:
Origami meet
Toy museum
Carnival or fair
Photoshoot (pool to rent a small studio and photographer)
Nostalgia toy bring (Paper dolls, dress up sticker books; bring a small something to gift everyone and maybe make a puzzle or model together in teams)
Themed meet-up for a cause (wear Christmas prints and visit a children's hospital wing and give out small gifts or play games together at Christmas)

>> No.7101935

yeah, this is now "voice your opinion about PETA because some faggot doesn't understand zoos or nature".

you know it's a divisive opinion, you would be so much more successful if you used a different reason as to why zoos are a bad place for a meet-up, regardless of what you think about them. if you cared about animals, that's what you do; vegans care more about themselves than the animals they claim to want to protect.

that's done it, I've bought vegan-shaming into it. this thread is doomed.

op, have an Avon party. or an Ann Summers party, whatever.

>> No.7101937

Or have a PETA bashing tea party.

>> No.7101941

I'm vegan because I hate animals so much I want to eat all their fucking food

>> No.7101956

I'd like to arrange an Inverness loli meetup. Is there anyone in the area who'd be interested?

>> No.7101964
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Fucking bust out laughing

>> No.7101965

fall weather just started so im in the mood for halloween. fall ideas: apple orchard, pumpkin patch, carriage ride, tea party with ghost stories, seance

>> No.7102015

Go ask on the fb comm page, keep comm stuff off of 4chan,

>> No.7102037

An Ann Summers party could be really fun depending on what type of people are in the community.

>> No.7102038

Murder mystery meets are good for Halloween.

>> No.7102136
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i'm op.

a lot of these ideas sound really cool!

but i dont know how this turned into an animal rights discussion. if there's a meetup at a zoo and i offend someone, i don't think i'd feel *too* poorly about it...but then again i'm more likely to have a meetup at the arboretum than a zoo.

>> No.7102139


I think that be a fucking hilarious meet with the right people.

>> No.7102155

It may be fun to go to a planetarium or an observatory. Maybe a science museum for a change instead of an art museum.
Also, you may want to look into local stuff like wineries, bed and breakfasts, or even nice houses or places that they rent out to parties and weddings. In my town, we have a secret castle on the outskirts that houses over 10 rooms and a pool in the living room and also offers horse-drawn carriage rides.

>> No.7102172

>science museum
might want to be careful and head there first. The few I went to recently were really more for little kids. As someone into science I was a little disappointed. I don't know if other people would care as much, and it was nice to look at the displays....but oh my soooo many children running around.

>> No.7102210

Yeah my comm did a science center meetup this year, and even though we had a lot of fun with the interactive displays and the planetarium show afterwards, it was really meant for children and I felt a little embarrassed being there.
Jealous of your town though, >>7102155
that castle sounds to die for.

>> No.7102218

I wish we had fun stuff like that here in the desert. I remember living in Chicago as a kid my parents would take my apple-picking and to pumpkin patches every fall. Curse you Phoenix.

>> No.7102229

As a veterinarian specializing in animal behaviour and welfare I find all this talk about peta and zoos and domestic animals absolutely hilarious.

Sage because nothing to contribute to the actual thread

>> No.7102232

Ohh that reminds me of a planetarium show that I dragged my boy friend to. It was at a college campus so I thought it would be good. It was literally This is the sun. It is a Star. It is the only star in our galaxy. I apologized afterwords and felt so bad for making him come.

>> No.7102253

>sitting on /cgl/ in a lolita thread, no less

Uh huh. Pre-vet, maybe I could buy it. But vet students have no free time and neither do actual vets.

>> No.7102255

Ignoring all of the PETA talk:

I would love to take a baking class or do some crafting for a meet up.
The only problem I can see with a meet up involving cooking is the chance for pettis to get in the way and food to get on clothing. However, most places (at least ones I have been to) provide you with aprons.

I'm also a really big fan of museum meet ups. I've been to meet ups held at art and science museums, but I would also love to go to a halloween spooky museum/haunted house or maybe like a history museum.
That way you can discuss things about the exhibits while you're in the museum, and when you leave to grab food or have a picnic, you can catch up on more lolita related stuff. A lot of museums are also free or really cheap where I live.

I agree with what one anon said. If the meet up isn't planned out well and there ends up being discussion of "What do we do now?" the meet has almost always just died.

It's about to be winter where I live, so I would appreciate ideas for wintry meet ups.

>> No.7102268

Sorry that Vet-anon manages time better than you do.

>> No.7102472

uh, why? Are you saying you have experience dealing with peta to confirm/deny all the pictures and sources linked above? Have you interned at a zoo before? Your comment utterly confuses me.

>> No.7102497

What exactly is the definition of a "casual" meet-up? I've been interested in joining a comm for a while now, but I really don't know what to wear - I'm broke as shit and just getting into lolita. What's a formal meet vs a casual meet? Just the quality of the coords? Or can you wear casual stuff with a loli influence to casual meet?

Additionally, I feel like I'd want to hang out with some lolitas armed to the teeth before I actually tried going out in a warsuit myself. Is this an acceptable thing or generally taboo?

>> No.7102524

Casual is just more relaxed, but IS lolita. So it is usually less planning on meet ups, more hanging out and a bit less effort but that is really dependent on the person. There is an obvious difference between the thought behind someone going into a fashion show or a big meet verses a small meet up at a cafe.

I say that while most people are going to be okay with you coming in not dressed up out of politeness, it isnt really something that is done. Casual meets are good for beginners or people who just want to chill but not wearing lolita to a loli meet up is weird.

>> No.7102537

Hi again. Yes, I've worked at a zoo for a while some years ago. Nowadays zoos basically exist to help wildlife recover, there are many programs to protect endangered species that count on zoos help to get more into genetic pools and stuff like that. Concerning welfare specifically, most zoos nowadays are very good in environment enrichment, but they are still lacking on social enrichment (like separating families because another zoo needs one animal of one species and things like that). I can develop this a little more if you want, because there are other details, pros and cons to zoos.

As for the peta comments, I find them funny because at the moment I work with stray animals almost exclusively and I have tons of crazy catladies that have a lot of opinions, just like this thread have a lot of opinions. It has nothing to do with peta itself, I stay far (farfarfar) away from them because they actually scare me. All the people I talked to that belonged to the "branch" in my country were absolutely mad. Mad as in attacking kids because they eat meat.

On a related note, I remembered "maybe a meet at a pet show could be fun", but then I realized how stressful those environments are for animals and that the less people that are there the better. Still, I'd love to wear lolita to a dogshow, if I still frequented them.

>> No.7102552

Also, this comment, I'm here because it's Sunday and I don't work weekends, I have a pretty lenient job. There are many kinds of vets (I don't work at an hospital, or a clinic, or anything similar. Which is a great thing, because I don't have to deal with owners)

>> No.7102551
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Animal in captivity protest meet?

>> No.7102557

I wasn't talking about not wearing lolita to an informal meet - sorry for the confusion! I just meant hang out with one or two people. More like I would with my friends, only I don't have any lolita friends. If it was an actual meet I'd at least try, I think I could manage to not be too ita. I'm the sort of person that doesn't dress up a whole lot - but when I do, it has to be just right. And I lurk, so... You guys have taught me what's up.

>> No.7102560

Ok that makes me feel better, I thought you were saying since we weren't vets there is no way we could know that Peta isn't actually terrible or something.

In regards to the zoo internship all I have to say is that my boyfriend worked in the reptile house at our city zoo and they have a strict 'no live feeding' policy. But to get around that, since some of the venemous snakes would ONLY eat quail, they would incubate fertilized eggs to the point of hatching, remove them from the heat to stunt the growth (I think? You'd probably know more about how they did it) and the baby bird would become braindead but still would move, and then they cut open the eggs and place them in the cases for the snakes, since technically the baby birds weren't classified as 'alive' in such a crippled state. Other than that he didn't say anything terrible was going on behind the scenes though, but he only worked in the herp house.

>> No.7102563

Or I should say, these particular animals refused any type of F/T feed, so they had to resort to the quail thing since it was the only way they would eat.

>> No.7102572

that thing would die so fast if it was in the wild

>> No.7102576

It would be fairly impractical, but I'd love to do something like a screen printing/textile workshop as a meet. I've done print work in loli before, and as long as you're careful and wear an apron, you should be able to avoid damaging your clothes.

It could be like 'print your own cutsew/tote bag' or something.

>> No.7102580


>> No.7102596

And I'm not against feeding live. I'm against stupid zoo policies like this that make the employees have to resort to this kind of thing.

Anyway, sorry for shitting it up.

I really like the idea of a murder mystery meet and a haunted hayride, that sounds so cool, especially if you're in a country that does Halloween.

>> No.7102604

He was originally in the wild, where he was doing fine. Shame years of abuse have made him crazy.

>> No.7102635

Oh my god a murder mystery meet sounds fabulous.
It would need someone creative to write the script and stuff but man I would totally go to one.

>> No.7102670

lel, this makes me chuckle
>u-uh, who did this horrible thing? it's so... un-kawaii...!
i'd just imagine all these innocent girls in frilly, cute dresses looking extremely worried, and all the gothic lolitas would be calmly and quietly examining the body.

>> No.7102720

omg your post makes me want to write a story about lolita crime investigators.

>> No.7102742

I guess she was.. "branded" for murder.

>> No.7102767
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>> No.7103279

What the fuck is a cat cafe and how are turtles or alpacas elegant? I grew up next to an alpaca farm dude, and elegant is not how I'd describe that experience.

>> No.7103291

ok, seriously can someone explain to me what's up with lolitas??
WHY do you people do that, WHY?

Do you want to feel like a doll?
Do you want to attract the boys?
Do you want to feel younger? beautiful?
Do you simply like the dresses and would wear them every day?


>> No.7103301

A cat cafe is basically a place where you pay to sit around and be surrounded by cats walking around, iirc.
And I don't know about turtles, but aplacas are more kawaii, not really elegant in my opinion. Same for cat cafes.

>> No.7103308

A few ideas I've tried:

"Dress up" meet. Hold it at someone's house, where theres ample changing area. Everyone brings their various brand and offbrand, and everyone gets to try stuff out. Very helpful for figuring out what brands you can fit, and good for seeing different brands laid out and compared.

Hair/makeup meet. Show each other how to apply different styles and do hair. Would be fun as an all-nighter sleepover, wear cute loli pjs!

Historic house/museum tour. A lot of smaller historical-society run museums will let you do a private tour if you call ahead. They may even allow photoshoots.

Game night. Make weird fun lolita versions of games, have a grand competiton for some prize (maybe a brand purse or jewelry). Stuff like making the most lolita or most ita outfit out of a pile of odd clothes, name that print, pin the bow on the ott sweet loli, Kyary lipsync contest... Combine with the slumber party maybe.

>> No.7103313

We like dresses. Thats preeeeeeetty much it. Why do you do what you do?

>> No.7103319

ok i can respect that i guess.

>> No.7103323
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we like our clothes?

>> No.7103352

Why do you do any hobby you have? You probably do something that someone in the world might find a little strange.

>> No.7103353

I'm surprised no one has mentioned this yet:
>Classical Concerts (or any concert depending on your comm)

Personally I'd avoid places like 'Color Me Mine' where you have a higher chance of getting paint on your brand or any meet similar to getting messy or is smelly i.e zoos/animal farms, trails/hiking, paintball etc.

>> No.7103388

I think it would be fun to do a dress up in a different style meet! Like sweet to gothic, classic to OTT sweet, gothic to old school, etc...

>> No.7103428

I'm a transgendered MtF with a lace fetish and an 8 inch cock. I wear it because lolita lets me feel pretty as a female while the puffy skirts hide my raging boners. I'm pansexual too so everything turns me on, including lace, ribbons, the Eiffel Tower and especially Usakumyas.

>> No.7103437

The majority of us wear the dresses because we like them.

There's a few that wear it because of fetish reasons, but more often than not, they're the ones that can't wear it well. (Oh yes, I just did.)

Again, though. The majority of us wear it because we like the clothes. That's it. That's SERIOUSLY it.

>> No.7103700
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fuck pics of dead pupppies and kittens. mood killed.

sage for no contribution.

>> No.7103903

Something like felting fits the bill and would be a lot more practical.
Just imagine making/decorating cute berets and matching brooches.

>> No.7103929

Really not worth the drama.
3 people or more in a room someones bound to bump into someone and cause a mess. Pettis are no help.

>> No.7103952

My friend went to a cat cafe in Korea and the cat peed on her. Noooo thank you.