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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 66 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mssj7iJQEj1qk9zvlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7096469 No.7096469[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm sick of seeing this awkward looking shit every where I look. If you want us to see your print better, try wearing a petticoat.
Can we have a thread of poses that are not the ever loved 'aspiring squirrel bat'?

>> No.7096471
File: 80 KB, 499x750, tumblr_mpckfw8Brx1qjj1ako1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rike dis.

>> No.7096496

how is this much better? Why not have some inspiring poses that are realistic, and not looking like you're trying to look artsy. I'd t to get some ideas for flattering poses to try so that I don't look like shit in my coords.

>> No.7096498

I generally just browse through GLB for pose ideas to be honest. The hardest part is finding something to do with my hands, so usually I end up doing the Juria pose or having a hand kind of near my face for some reason.

GLB is a good resource, though. Lots of cute posing.

>> No.7096500
File: 174 KB, 500x750, tumblr_msvvq1JKsB1ss0l6co1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parisols help~

>> No.7096507
File: 290 KB, 500x625, tumblr_msv2m5m7g41s084fyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hands just normally fly to my hips.
Not me, but pic related

>> No.7096508
File: 144 KB, 500x746, tumblr_msvapxmM8O1qjj1ako1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is cute, too.

>> No.7096516
File: 182 KB, 500x746, tumblr_msteyh3tTO1rchxfuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7096521

I think this post looks best with sailor lolita.

>> No.7096529

I think that the pose is getting a bit old with sailor. Everyone does the sloppy salute/eye-shading pose. There's got to be a better way that still suits the theme.

>> No.7096530
File: 195 KB, 500x722, tumblr_mow4mam5Hw1ri1sg6o8_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Comme ca?

>> No.7096582

True, but I think it just looks really out of place in other substyles.

>> No.7096594

Er. Sorry. There should probably have been an "even" in there. As in "even with sailor". I agree, it doesn't really belong in non-sailor photos.

>> No.7096938

her nose shape is funny and she looks awkward

>> No.7096956
File: 624 KB, 1280x1707, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ones pretty unique.

>> No.7096960
File: 73 KB, 500x647, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ones pretty simple but cute

>> No.7096964

everything Lunie does to pose... like I don't get it, she always looks like she's about to fall over, but it's endearing and super cute

>> No.7096968
File: 119 KB, 500x667, Shelby Cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post a few I think are different in one way or another than what we usually see

>> No.7096967

But it makes your legs look fat

>> No.7096972
File: 323 KB, 395x640, nas-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7096975

/r/ more umbrella/parasol poses. I have one coming in the mail and I always think pictures with parasols are gorgeous. There is one picture of a girl with her hand on the handle of her parasol and she's looking down, and it's just gorgeous. No clue how to find it again, but more pictures with parasols please!

>> No.7096978
File: 210 KB, 472x750, tumblr_mmnlq8i6IZ1qctwkso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7096980
File: 121 KB, 500x667, Marchen Ribbon 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this girl is adorable

>> No.7096981
File: 270 KB, 569x807, loki_sinnerman_by_fahrsindram-d5s9nuo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she just looks so much better as a dude.

Also, blowing my mind she's 34.

sage for pointless OT shit

>> No.7096982

It is unique, but you also need to be aware of camera depths. What is closer will look bigger. Her legs look oddly bulky because they are nearer to the camera. They look like fingers in barbie shoes and that bothers me.

>> No.7096984
File: 127 KB, 600x800, Perfume Bottle 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda sideways, sorry

>> No.7096988

What dress is that?

>> No.7096990

All I know is that it's an AP piece

>> No.7096991
File: 44 KB, 242x269, 1304714540136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are her legs so teeny tiny and yet the rest of her so pudgy?

>> No.7096996
File: 956 KB, 878x1500, IMG_9323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7097013

I think it's AP's Fleur Humming JSK

>> No.7097020

Please no more salute pictures. They're really painful to look at. Bad salutes are a pet peeve of mine, if you're going to mimic something, do it properly.

On a similar note, at least learn to HOLD a violin if you are going to pose with it. It's so annoying when people awkwardly hamfist violins in pictures.

>> No.7097021

Isn't that a sign of diabetes or something?

>> No.7097024
File: 57 KB, 378x378, 1314208761224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you <3

>> No.7097026

Her legs don't seem that small.

>> No.7097029

Just genetics probably, I also have slim legs with a moon face. All my fat distribution just goes to my middle, so fat thighs and thick waist.

>> No.7097053
File: 49 KB, 418x434, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a slim face and legs the size of two little Asian girls

>> No.7097060


Have you considered dressing your legs up as two little asian girls carrying you around?

>> No.7097082
File: 30 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I haven't, but that's a marvellous idea!

>> No.7097093

Can we swap. People with thin faces always look skinny even if they're fat (Kim Kardashian) but I always look fat even though I'm just normal (5"3, 120)

>> No.7097468

go to hellolace.net they have all the dresses.

>> No.7097470
File: 144 KB, 467x750, tumblr_m18kbwlS2c1qctwkso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love her in lolita. and as hot dude.
but I think she is only 30 or am I wrong?

>> No.7097479

For lolita I dont think a skinny face is that great, anywhere else its ok.
>not person you're replying to but i also have thin face + two little asian girls for legs

>> No.7097492

I'd rather have a fleshier face, at least I'd feel more comfortable wearing lolita, if I had slimmer legs.

>> No.7097499

>For lolita I dont think a skinny face is that great

True fact. Poofy clothes + skinny face = tiny pencil head.

>> No.7097576

Is she sitting or standing?

>> No.7097620
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mcbso9TJZV1r6g60io1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She always looks like that, i think she is just large chested with broad shoulders

>> No.7097667

pretty sure she's leaning

>> No.7097909

Wow, I really like this compared to the animal print I've seen her wear!

>> No.7097912

her skirt is so short! Which brings upon the obligatory question, how short is too short?

>> No.7098238

Chicken leg syndrome

>> No.7098247


Can we see your underwear if you walk in a non-shuffle?


OK then.

>> No.7099056

I don't mind shorter skirts in the fashion but I think in that particular photo the kneesocks just emphasis the shortness of the skirt.

>> No.7099180

I have the same problem. Big bust, broad shoulders, tiny spindle legs and no ass. All my body fat goes to the middle. I've gotten it down to a healthy range at least. But I look very topheavy in Lolita.

>> No.7099191


This would look so much better if she lost the headbow and changed her boots that doesn't match anything in the print.

>> No.7099380

Uh.. 5'3" at 120 is fat dear.

>> No.7099389
File: 1.88 MB, 2112x2816, 1310147776233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a small handbag, and your dress doesn't have some unique print on the front, this is always a simple go-to.

>> No.7099432


No it's not.

>> No.7099501

As with most height/weight combinations, it depends.

>> No.7099518

Wow, I must be a fucking whale at 135 and 5'1".

>> No.7099529

> tfw brand skirts hit me around there with a petticoat, and I'm only 5'3"

I sometimes wonder whether the lolitas in the 'tall lolitas' secrets are even tall or just have long legs.

>> No.7099535

Or if they have really long torsos, so the placement of their knees looks odd.

I'd say I'm a "tall lolita" (5'9"), and I think I show less knee than that girl in pink - truly, it just depends on the brand/dress. I bet if I wore AP, I'd be flashing people every time I took a step.

>> No.7099545

What? I weigh anywhere from 114 to 120 throughout a given month, and that is definitely not fat, especially if that girl has any extra muscle.

>> No.7099554

5'10 here, and I can wear some AP just fine, I have a short torso, but long legs I can usually pull of just above the knee but some stuff goes up to mid thigh(and it's the same length but a different cut). It's not even just the brand but the dress itself I think.

>> No.7099559

The piece I have that's short on me is Fancy Egg by Meta, and my CP petti. I have an old BtSSB JSK that's short too, but I think that's because the torso is about 4" too short, despite my torso being short to begin with. My Atelier Pierrot dress is a little longer, but I haven't tried it with my CP petti yet, so it may ride up a few inches, haha.

>> No.7099648

lol if you think that'ds fat I bet you look like a puny little thing.

btw that can be ugly too dear

>> No.7099651

not that anon but i'm that weight and i have 7 inches on whoever it is. it's pretty chubby

>> No.7099659

Different bodies are different?
I'm only 20 pounds away from that at most, and an inch smaller, and I'm still skinnyfat at most.

>> No.7099661

not that anon but this is /cgl/ anorexia at it's finest, you might want to see a doctor. 5'10 and 120 is really small, definitely not in the chubby zone.

>> No.7099663


You're 5'10" and 120? Sounds pretty perfect.

>> No.7099667

no i was saying at 5'3 it would be chubby

>> No.7099670

Ohh right, my bad. I don't really think that sounds chubby but that's an opinion thing at that kind of BMI range.

>> No.7099681
File: 13 KB, 507x205, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbh i rarely like using the bmi, but if overweight is at 25 and anon is at 21.5, p sure she isnt fat

>> No.7099683

>implying my muscle isn't attributing to my weight
Different anon but same measurements

>> No.7099687
File: 16 KB, 596x601, weights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

though the sites i go on for how much you should weight at your height, 120 is nowhere near overweight

>> No.7099808

what the fuck is going on with that wig

>> No.7099841

you are. I'm 5'1" and 100 lb

>> No.7099869

she looks like she's about to get hit by that car

>> No.7099875

yep. ~120 lbs at 5'3" is roughly standard for american girls (if a little pudgy), but 135 at 5'1" is definitely fat unless your weight is distributed perfectly.

>> No.7099877

unless you're pure muscle... yes, you're overweight. I'm 5'5" at 135 and I am not thin at all.

>> No.7099945

looks dumb because she's inside with a fucking parasol open
good for celebrating friday the 13th though
if you want to die

>> No.7099996

Same here, even with quite a lot of muscle in my lower body, I'm pretty flabby at 5'5 and ~135lbs. Can't wait to get lifting again so I can eat whatever the fuck I want and still look good.

>> No.7100004

Not to be a whiteknight, but she is nowhere near landwhale. Pudgy, probably, but far from landwhale size. Also, a lot of this depends on fat distribution and muscle mass. If you work out and/or are fairly active, you're probably going to carry more muscle and thus look slimmer.
For example, I look much better at 116 now than I did last year when I was in full-on depressed blob mode. I also look a lot chubbier than I did at this weight when I was in high school and ran 5 to 10 miles everyday and lifted weights 3x per week.

>> No.7100009

It is a little bit big. I weigh that much and have mild pudge at 5'9" Maybe lose only like 10-15 pounds if you're going to diet?

>> No.7100040

5'3" and 120 does not look fat to me http://www.cockeyed.com/photos/bodies/heightweight.html

>> No.7100062

I said overweight. I never said hambeast.

>> No.7100070
File: 80 KB, 400x600, name is wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here is a pic for your chart thing 6'5 145
>Name is Wolf

>> No.7100073

I like this one because it has different frames. People never can guess my weight, because I have a heavy frame, and a lot of muscle. This chart says I need to lose about 30~50lb, and that's about how much I thought I'd need to lose.

I'm definitely a landwhale.

>> No.7100079

okay, well at least three other people said landwhale or yep to landwhale, so i was replying to them.

>> No.7100239

Whenever a heavyset girl does this pose it makes her face and nose look mahoosive, and it doesn't make the body look smaller.

>> No.7100242

Are you saying Shelby Clouds is heavyset? Or just in general? Shelby is very small.

>> No.7100244

>135 and 5'1".
If you don't think you're a whale that's good.

But you're definitely not thin.

>> No.7100285

Thanks for posting that link! It's nice to see what other people look like at a similar height/weight to you.

>> No.7100292

What I want to know, is how to determine your frame size? I know compared to my mother for example, My frame is much larger, even though we're about the same height, but I should weigh more since I'm more solidly built (she's a petite lady who wears US size 5 shoe).

>> No.7100293

I hope you've not listened to any of the replies telling you that you're fat.
They clearly need psychologists. It's not even classified as overweight.

>> No.7100310

Take your measurements?
For example, despite being 5'1-2" and 115lbs (generally considered petite), my shoulders are about 43 cm, my waist is 73 cm (and was only 26in at it's smallest, when I was 30 lbs lighter), and my wrist is 6.5" inches in circumference. Thus, I am large framed.
Wrist or elbow measurement is standard way of determining frame size, but it's an inexact science.

>> No.7100351

Ah, okay. Apparently I have a large frame. I suppose this makes sense since I really can't get my waist smaller than 28" without some crazy anorexic shit. Maybe corsets could help me out though.

Thanks anon. I don't feel fat (usually). With big boobs, a tendency to being more muscular, and apparently a large frame I feel alright. I wouldn't mind losing a few pounds though.

>> No.7100680

Ouch, I'm more underweight than I though! ;_;

>> No.7100685

so..how do we know what frame we are?

>> No.7100687

did you even look above your comment?

>> No.7100718

I'm a medium frame accouding to this whole wrist thing but I have long "piano playing" fingers, due to my shoulder, rib and hip width I consider myself a large frame.
I look pretty healthy at 141lb (5'5), once I got down to 127lb I started to look quite ill :(

>> No.7100739

I am 5'3" at 120 and I am most certainly not fat looking. I look good.
Anyway according to BMI that is right in the normal range.

>> No.7100744

Anon you're replying to here, idk about other people, but I have really thick bones, heavy set ribcage. Even if I were skin and bone, you'd never call me waifish.

>> No.7101192

that coord is atrocious

>> No.7101255

ITT: /cgl/ is fucking retarded and can't stay on topic for more than 5 seconds

>> No.7101272
File: 122 KB, 449x800, mail.google.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'4" and 125. I have a 25 inch waist. doesnt seem fat to me. (pic for reference) 5"3" and 120 sounds just fine.

>> No.7101286

How are you 125 and have a 25" waist? Maybe I just have a horrible body shape but I'm 5'6 and 96 pounds and just now got my waist to 24".

>> No.7101290

i have no idea, but my point is it really matters on your body shape and how you carry the weight. Ive been as high as 135 and all my clothes still fit just fine.

>> No.7101295

>5'6" and 96 pounds

Fuck girl, get yourself to a hospital for some intravenous cheeseburgers and some mental help.

>> No.7101305

I don't have any kind of eating disorder, I've been having issues with appetite because of medication. I really wish I could gain weight and it bothers me when I get reactions like this.

sage for being whiny

>> No.7101314

/cgl/ - Am I Fat?

>> No.7101327

the fact that you posted it makes it seem like you want the attention.

>> No.7101330

She looks like my female dog peeing.

>> No.7101333

I got myself down to a 24 inch waist when I was 115 pounds. I'm 5'3".

>> No.7101336

Gonna agree with this anon.

>> No.7101356

I was just jelly of the other anon's waist, jeez.

>> No.7101366
File: 67 KB, 550x550, 1372818178292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hurrrr, eat a cheeseburger

Yes it's severely underweight, but saying that to someone who is skinny is the same as telling someone who is overweight to "put the fucking fork down"

It isn't funny, cute, or helpful. It's mostly just irritating and offensive.

>> No.7101411

Uh, dude...your natural waist/bone structure itself is probably only meant for 25" minimum on your waist? I went down to like 89 pounds at 5'0" with a tiny tiny bone structure and only had a 25" waist. It turns out sometimes you just can't get smaller than that. Your actual bones are in the way.

>> No.7101437

>being thin
>can't take one little insult
Try being fat and having not only the insults, but your whole fucking body trying to kill you, from overworked heart to fucked-up brain.

It is harder to be fat than thin; thin people should get no sympathy.

>> No.7101453


Yeah because thin people don't have health problems

>> No.7101479


being thin comes with it's own problems you harpy cunt
plenty of fat bitches come up with more creative insults for thin girl than just that one. If you're going to balk about being picked on, dont do it to others

>> No.7101486

Tell that to my heart that isn't working properly because of my weight and my bones that break easily because I am not able to get enough nutrients to sustain me out of my diet.

Don't just say "eat more then." because I can just as easily tell you to "eat less" and you'd come up with countless excuses as to why you can't.

Both sides of the spectrum have health issues, both sides get rude stares and teases. It's just that one is no longer allowed and the other is encouraged by the same people who say to "love your body" (you know as long as it fits in with their standards, which thin is not one of them.)

>> No.7101488

Skewing off topic here but
> I went down to like 89 pounds at 5'0"
How, anon?
I'm stuck at 5'0" and 105lbs for the past four years, eating like 1000cal, 15-30 minutes of working out a day now since that's as much as my schedule will allow usually. My waistline is 27", I would love to get down to 22-24. Please share.

>> No.7101496


I'm sorry, but you bitches have anorexia and a problem. If you "take medication" that kills your appetite, smoke some fucking weed. Because doing something illegal like that should be better than not getting enough nutrients.

Sometimes your body is just unable to get smaller. Learn to live with it, invest in shapewear and corsets, and love your body for the way it is. Stop killing yourself over a figure that is unattainable for you. Seriously. You guys have a fucking problem.

>> No.7101500

Or maybe we just have no appetite at all and have a crazy fast metabolism.

>> No.7101503

There are a lot of reasons why some people are thin.

also, you don't have to be thin to have an eating disorder.

>> No.7101502

> invest in shapewear and corsets, and love your body for the way it is
Hur, nice contradiction. If you loved your body so much, you wouldn't be trying to hide your fat. Project more, dear anon.

>> No.7101528

Also, the medical term anorexia does not necessarily denote that there is a disorder. Anorexia is just the lack of appetite for food - anorexia nervosa is the disorder. If the anon that has no appetite because of medication is having problems because she cannot get enough nutrients, then she does need to seek help for her anorexia. But she does not necessarily have an eating disorder.

>> No.7101538

Now you're just being nitpicky. That was in no way what the OP intended to say and you know it. I AM the anon posting about having no appetite, and I have actually been to a nutirionist about it who says there's no real reason behind it and I just need to force myself to eat more. Which is just as hard as dieting.

>> No.7101561

Uh, I had an eating disorder. I was at my lowest when I had pneumonia as well. A. I don't recommend it, there are shitty long term health things that suck in the most boring un-dramatic sense (diabetes, heart murmurs, etc.) B. Like me, your waist will probably not shrink that much no matter how much you lose. I went from around 140, hovered around 110, then hovered around 98 before plummeting the extra 10 pounds. From 110 all the way down to 89 pounds my waist stayed at 25 and I was sick as fuck at that point. You could try to shape it with corsets if that's possible, but IDK what to tell you. My waist size doesn't matter to me so much now, and I'm hovering around 103-105 too.

>> No.7101571

Sorry, I just realized that sounded kind of shitty. I want to help and I wish I knew how to change waist size, but I think once you're down to a certain point there's nowhere else to go. If I recommended a diet (which I don't) you may very well drop a lot of weight and still have that 27" waist

>> No.7101618

You might just have a short torso. When there's more space between the ribcage and hips, plus a more lithe build, having those small waist measurements are natural. Beyond say just height and what not.

>tfw when I'm short-waisted, with a large ribcage. I'll have a 28" waist if I get to 108lbs at the rate I lose. Fuck my life.

>> No.7101624


My god, you sound fat as hell.


Up next:
>reel womenz has curves amirite?

>> No.7101640

>assuming someone against eating disorders is fat
....mmmmmm delicious projection.

>> No.7101645



My dear, tumblr is that way.

>> No.7101647
File: 297 KB, 1000x1500, _IMG_3413 copie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding this. It's my problem. Even when I was severely underweight and suffering from organ failure, my waist was 25". Now, 3 years and 30 lbs later, it hangs at 27-28.

Now, can we please get back on topic?
I like poses in which something is being done with the arms/hands, as otherwise they can look awkward. This isn't the greatest example, but I'm a fangirl for her.

>> No.7101691

not that anon but hollering "projecting!" in place of an argument is pretty damn common on 4chan
i see it on /x/ and /pol/ and even /adv/ all the time
your new is showing

>> No.7101709

lets talk about poses again

>> No.7101727
File: 734 KB, 1542x2200, glb42-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting some example poses from GLB

>> No.7101729
File: 1.02 MB, 2369x3504, GLB_VOL_41 (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7101730
File: 1.59 MB, 2363x3504, GLB_VOL_41 (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call this the Juria pose with the hand

>> No.7101733
File: 454 KB, 1400x2275, 026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7101732
File: 514 KB, 1400x2295, 047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7101734
File: 669 KB, 1400x2278, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7101959

Hey I'm just a little bit heavier 136 and 5'8 but I think I'm really quite fat so I'm not really sure anon.

>> No.7101963

I actually feel a lot better knowing my waist size is fairly normal. I'm 5'8 and my waist (even with my weight changes 149 pounds - 128 pounds) it pretty much stays the same at 27". I'm currently 135 (I think) and doing okay.

>> No.7102014
File: 241 KB, 297x397, 1369593929633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may be cool on other boards, but you look stupid as fuck here. Accept it samefag.
>mfw I've been a seagull since the year after /cgl was created

>> No.7102788

>It is harder to be fat than thin; thin people should get no sympathy.

Either trolling or olympic fathelete,

>> No.7102799

>that feel when legs will always look fat due to calves

I hear Koreans have calf reduction surgery.

>> No.7103512

why don't you remember stuff, though?
c'mon, man.your memory cannot be -so- bad that you can't remember a 4chan buzzword. just search it in the archives. i'll be the first to admit i've only been here about a year but, dude. I ain't even bootybothered now i'm just concerned
are you alright

>> No.7103539
File: 2.14 MB, 477x270, finn jake nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh great, a lolita pose thread! I'd love to--

>eating disorders
>I am going to post my height and weight, tell me if Im fat pls

>> No.7103564

Ah, I kind of just assumed it was through working out. I was asking for some sort of routine.

I definitely have a short torso and large rib cage, but I also know for sure that I'm carrying extra weight on my waistline and stomach, and would like to lose it through exercises. I could stand to lose 10 pounds, but if it turns out I can't, then that's fine. I'm not just going to assume I can't lose any more, though. I'd like to try at least.

>> No.7103796

oh cool, i only need to lose around 40 pounds before i don't look like end stage tetsuo anymore.

>> No.7103801

wheel yourself around in a wheelchair or electric scooter for a year, it'll save you a few thousand on surgery and scarring.

>> No.7103823

I know. This is fairly triggering.

>> No.7103827

Because the bitches that browse this board are so fucking batshit they have to bring up their poor self image whenever they can muster instead of being responsible people and seeking psychologists for their problems.
Doesn't matter if it's about unreasonable expectations for weight loss or plastic surgery.

And they say cgl is full of fatties.
>cgl=eating disorders general
Should rename it /EDG/, in fact, I'll talk to moot about it.

>> No.7103916

If you know that you've still got fat around your abdomen and aren't shifting it with your current intake, you really need to look at your macros (e.g. are you eating mainly carbs/fat, are you getting enough nutrients) and maybe you just need to up the intensity of your workout regimen so that you're pretty much dying every time. Tabata or some sort of HIIT with bodyweight exercises is my preferred regimen when I'm short on time - I like zwow and the old bodyrock stuff. I'd also worry way less about the numbers at this point and look more at the measurements.

It may just be body shape as well. I carry most of my weight in legs/bum and put it on around my stomach and lower - so at 5' 2"/113lb I still have a 25" waist, and my waist goes down to 23" at 107-108lb without much change in my hips/legs.

>> No.7103919

>on 4chan
>whining about triggering

gtfo back to tumblr

>> No.7104113

Try a medication called Periactin. It's an allergy medicine that also acts as an appetite stimulant. I had the same problem with my weight and medication too. :/