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File: 108 KB, 600x399, 93bb5119tw1e8fbrm8f8gj20go0b30vp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7089599 No.7089599 [Reply] [Original]

Sneak previews from KL's tea party today, special pre-orders were available at the tea party. Official pre-orders are supposed to start on the 10th, full price will be 800rmb or over.

>> No.7089602
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>> No.7089603
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>> No.7089604

FUCK Krad don't do this to me, I want that dress but don't want to wait a million years

>> No.7089609
File: 115 KB, 400x602, 93bb5119tw1e8fbs7woq3j20b40gqtbz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my boyfriend says preorder now and it should be ready by my birthday in february
>it's funny because it's true
>it's not funny

>> No.7089610
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>> No.7089611
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>> No.7089612
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Light ver has the Phantom of the Opera blouse inside.

>> No.7089614
File: 100 KB, 600x399, 93bb5119tw1e8fbtr6alfj20go0b3mzv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark ver. has the Aurelia blouse, also Jellyfish is officially named Aurelia.

>> No.7089616
File: 57 KB, 440x621, Krad Aug3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7089621

Shit I forgot about this! Is this Krad too? Please say no, I love their stuff but goddamn does it take a long time to get made.

>> No.7089622
File: 99 KB, 440x1011, 747f8191jw1e8f9b08f07j20h613hdok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP on model from tea party, I'm so fucking upset they cancelled the empire waist on the OP shit.

>> No.7089628

There there, anon. We're right there with you.

>> No.7089633

it's from krad yes. i'll only be able to afford either jellyfish OR castle cat. hot damn. and they even changed the jellyfish waist and now i won't look preggers in jellyfish anymore.
how do i fucking choose.

>> No.7089629

Why in the hell is there a long cat? It looks very out of place.

>> No.7089630

Yes. It is. But they're taking out the cutaway cat on the side.

>> No.7089631
File: 69 KB, 440x659, 51091694gw1e8edeyitdyj20fr0nm77d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

detail shot from KL's weibo. Also the cat dress is nowhere near production, no fabric print or anything, so you'll probably be safe to get both. Krad doesn't start production of another print until the current one has finished it's first run (which usually takes months).

>> No.7089635

It's supposed to be a cutout to show the underskirt. They've already said they're eliminating it.

>> No.7089638
File: 230 KB, 1024x724, 51091694gw1e8eeo0bjs7j21110q77fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Promotion pic from KL's weibo, last pic so far. The text is just some poetic jibberjabber about the theme and some fairytale girl jellyfish, cba to translate.

>> No.7089642

i hope it comes with the veil

>> No.7089646

Not a fan of the jellies, but fuck me those blouses over on the far left need to be in my closet like right now

>> No.7089652


>> No.7089670

Do Krad Lanrete preorders really take that long? D: I was hoping to get it for my birthday in November ;___;

>> No.7089672

yeah no way, you won't see this until beginning of 2014 I bet

>> No.7089676

I pre-ordered phantom of the opera (skirt) on march 26. pre orders closed on march 30. it reached the SS warehouse on 17 august.

>mfw i waited 5 months for it

although, krad lanrete says, that to prevent long waiting times, for the jellyfish dress, they have already sent a batch of fabrics for printing before opening reservations.

>> No.7089706

Where can you buy this? I can't find it on the taobao shop.

>> No.7089711

>Official pre-orders are supposed to start on the 10th

>> No.7089713

Ah shit I derped, sorry

>> No.7089728

I am curious... do they accept custom sizing as an option during the reservation period? Or is it only the sizing they have available on the site?

>> No.7089736

They did custom sizing for POTO during the reservation period. I have no idea what made it take six months though. I think they started with the custom ones first.

>> No.7089795

Vastly upset about the empire waistline thing. Considering try to ask them to custom it as a higher waistline but that would drive down it's value.
As a poor fag, I need to sell a dress before I buy a dress, so modifications sort of ruin that circle of life.

>> No.7090003


The OP looks worryingly unfloofy. Yes, she's not wearing a petti, but it doesn't look full-bell-cupcake shapes either. Nervous.

>> No.7090013

>Considering try to ask them to custom it as a higher waistline but that would drive down it's value.
Not necessarily. I'd say the market for well modified waistlines is good, since there's more than likely people out there who require the same specifications as you but just won't go through nearly as much trouble.

>> No.7090031

Do the preorders pop up anywhere in particular on his site?

>> No.7090048

Ooooooh my god, this is beautiful. Now I'm torn too omg so much beautiful stuff

>> No.7090084

The only issue I have with this dress is the material it seems to be printed on. It looks like the same material as the space dress from Dark Box (Krad's other company) and while the dress and colors are gorgeous, it clings to a petti and makes awkward shapes at times.

>> No.7090105

Definitely getting this. I'll be passing up on the jellyfish dress, unfortunately. I'm a poorfag at the moment because of school, and jellyfish doesn't wow me enough to rework my budget. The bodice is beautiful, though. I hope they do something similar with Castle Cat, it looks very plain as it is. And I wish they could still do the cat cut-out. Sigh.
But, since it'll be another few millennia until it comes out, I've got time to comfortably save.

>> No.7090118

Oh god. I promised myself I'd skip this print but the JSK is to die for.

>> No.7090259

Do preorders show up on the taobao? Do you just use a regular shopping service like taobaoring to get your preorder?

>> No.7090268
File: 496 KB, 500x257, CryInBoxes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw I already bought something recently so I don't have enough money to burn for this jellyfish print. ;;
> A-At least there's still the cat print, right...?

>> No.7090295

cosplayer here, mfg I don't wear lolita but I'd wear the hell out of a skirt with this print. Does KL only do jsks?

>> No.7090321

They'll have a special page up for the pre-order, probably with the deposit price. The page itself will most likely have details about the full price of the dress, including the payment you'll pay later. Different SS handle the separate payments differently. You just use your SS as normal with a slightly different procedure.

KL does different types of items including JSKs, skirts, OPs, blouses, etc. However, no skirt with this print has been announced, only a JSK and OP. I'm personally hoping for a skirt (SK) to be announced but there's no guarantee. It'll be the skirt or nothing for me.

>> No.7090426

Same. I'm trying to save up for the cat print and I stupidly just bought a whole bunch of wigs.

>> No.7090525

Me too anon, me too... they had fabric printing misprint and cistom ended up being last (like all international orders vs chinese). I'd love to get this one but I have to decide whether the Haenuli angel dress is better (always regret never getting Stained Glass). Most of my purchases have been new indie/taobao brands lately. Has this happened to anyone else?

>> No.7090663


No, your are not the only one. Indie brands like Haenuli and Krad have been kicking ass lately. I find myself more excited over their recent prints than the stuff from Victorian Maiden and Innocent World right now.

>> No.7090924

Does Krad do plus size?

>> No.7091011

Me too. Haven't even bothered checking new releases from other brands. It's just all about the new indie brands.

>> No.7091027

usually at pre-orders they allow custom sizing

>> No.7091120

On the site it says size S-XL but it doesn't show the measurements for XL? What does that mean?

>> No.7091244

Fucking need holy shit.

>> No.7091289

Have they announced a reserve price yet??

>> No.7091301

Oh yeah, Baroque has held my heart and my wallet for a while now...

>> No.7091394

So why is the Phantom dress still in stock if they haven't even filled pre-orders?

>> No.7091412

Are people still missing theirs? I received mine last month. Blue colourway, gold print OP.

>> No.7091428

>concerned for XL


>> No.7091430

i have to buy l or xl things because anything else squashes my tits

>> No.7091431

You realise that XL from them is like a US size 6, right? Their size L is barely a US4.

>> No.7091439

Really? I'm a US size 6 and I fit between a small and medium with Krad Lanrete's weird varying sizes.
And actually, I just checked Wikipedia, not sure how accurate it is, but it says my waistline is actually too big to even be a size 6, apparently.

>> No.7091440
File: 9 KB, 251x235, 1330401433824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am completely new to this
Where is the link to order?
so I can send the people I hired to buy it for me to send to me

>> No.7091441

>anything thats not a 24 inch waist

>> No.7091443 [DELETED] 

I bet your not even close to a 24 inch waist line let alone 30

fat ass

>> No.7091446

I bet neither of you are even close to a 24 inch waist line let alone a 30 inch

fat asses

>> No.7091479

see >>7089711

>> No.7091489

Considering the bust sizes go up by 4 I don't think it's that big of a deal. All I care about is the bust anyways. No need to be a cunt.
I put an order in with taobaoring for XL anyways, so we'll see what happens.

>> No.7091569

I'm so torn between the light and dark colourway.
I'll probably end up going with the light, just so that it fits better with the rest of my wardrobe.

>> No.7091573

Well the JSK comes in both, but the OP only comes in dark looks like. So you either wait for the JSK release or go with the OP release today. no telling when the JSK will come out.

Almost all the SS are closed (the first two I checked closed 2 hours ago for the day) for this release.

>> No.7091575

Will I regret skipping this?!

>> No.7091615

Tomorrow, 9.30pm, it begins. Once they create the taobao link it will be shared on weibo. Okay. I think it is really difficult. They only plan to release 200 pieces in total. However they say if demand is high they will run a second batch next year!

>> No.7091636

I've honestly never heard of this brand before - do they have any English staff where I could enquire about a customer size?

>> No.7091641

They are from China. You buy with a shopping service.

>> No.7091712

Really confused, there's a preorder page linked on the weibo for the JSK, but nothing for the OP.

They are opening the preorder for the OP tomorrow, right?

>> No.7091716

It's not available for ordering yet. They start taking orders at 9.45pm as stated in their weibo. Putting up the URL in advance so that people can bookmark it or something

>> No.7091717


Get ready.

>> No.7091718

yeah it's still almost a day away

>> No.7091724

Sorry but you've misunderstood me.
I know all that, I was asking if the OP was still being opened for preorder rather than just the JSK.
This covers it, I guess. I'm not going to get this, competition is too high.

>> No.7091729

JSK still looks plenty high waisted to me

>> No.7091732

right?? it makes me really sad, I'm a busty-chan and it would look awful and unflattering no matter what. The OP's going to be a bloodbath so I have to pass on the whole series.

>> No.7091735

No, they're probably in the midst of uploading the OP reservation page.

You could still have some hope for the OP, they said it will fit up to 98cm bust comfortably for the JSK, i think the OP will be the same?

>> No.7091771

i'm sort of really interested in both but want to see more photos.

have kl's other dresses done multiple releases or is it best to get it the day of release?

>> No.7091791

are there any decent pictures of the OP yet? I really want to see what the sleeves look like!

>> No.7091889
File: 118 KB, 567x850, T2G6VcXwlaXXXXXXXX_!!186720356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would really like to reserve one but there are only 200 pieces total. How are you girls that are using shopping services going to do it? I don't think the agents from the companies such as taobaoring or bhiner will be fast enough unless you have a personal friend from China to do it for you.


>> No.7091920

I feared the print would look like a blobby screensaver warped to fit a dress and that seems to be just the case.
One day jellyfish will be done justice but today is not that day :(

>> No.7091924

but where is the OP?

>> No.7091928

Looks like they haven't posted all the photos yet but here's the info:


>> No.7091930

fuck, where is the OP? i can't buy one until i know what both look like.,

>> No.7091932

ah, thanks. i really really REALLY wish there were some worn photos.

>> No.7091961

Well, that's it. No OP for me, it won't fit. I don't like the sheer sleeves anyway. Why'd they do that?

>> No.7091987

I've put in my order with my SS now and explained that it will sell out quickly. Am hoping for the best.

>> No.7091990

the OP is beautiful. I really want it. If I contact my SS now do you think they would grab it as soon as it was released?

>> No.7092016

We don't know. We are not your SS. ^.^

>> No.7092022

I've never used a shopping service before. Do you guys have any recommendations?

I was just going to go through Clobba Online, but I don't know how dependable they are or anything

>> No.7092142
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Way too sweet for my tastes.

>> No.7092158

I don't understand what's going on with this print. There's the jellyfish, wish I love, but then also a stars and moon, and out of nowhere also some music. Wut? I feel it's just too much for a single dress, I wish they'd just stuck with the jellies, and maybe some stars.

>> No.7092165

AGHHHHHH the wait for this is killing me.

I want to know whether or not my SS get's one NOW so the tears of sadness/joy can commence.

>> No.7092188

Amen, anon. ;_; I'll be so gutted if I don't get this dress.

>> No.7092224

Man, I'm horrifically excited about this. I really want to get the OP, but I feel like the chances are so low... Already put in my order with my SS, so I I can only hope for the best.

>> No.7092300

Out of curiosity what agent is everyone using?

>> No.7092320

music notes are just on the blouse under the navy jsk. it does not come with that blouse.

>> No.7092327

will the op come in light blue? D:

>> No.7092328

Me three. Ugh.

The problem is that we all know how futile this is, DDC was Day Dream Madness, this is Jellyfish Despair.

>> No.7092357


Jellyfish Despair. I like that.

>> No.7092373


they said on their weibo page they will be rereleasing it next year to try and make up for the demand at least. Get to see what the quality is like on this first batch.

>> No.7092560

Baroque has so much cute stuff. Couldn't resist their new Kingdom of Lolita release.

>> No.7092662



I recently ordered their Kingdom of Lolita Skirt in Purple. LOVED it.

>> No.7092696
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So where/what site would I pre order this on the 10th?

Wouldnt that be around right now currently because eastern time?

>> No.7092707
File: 4 KB, 124x120, 15596f69a2f7475063a2948a2d6aaa01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help what service do you use to have them purchase for you?

Im so confused

>> No.7092713

Ugh. I loved their bunny print. I ordered it even though my friend got a dried glowers op that was sewn all wonky. Huge mistake. The seams were all awful and sewn crooked. The waist was horribly short. I like their prints, but unless I hear better things about their construction Baroque is not getting any more if my money.
I liked Their new flocked print until I saw the fashion show pics if it. Any hint of breasts and it went boob loafy in an awful way because the waist is so short. She and Haenuli need to get together and maybe between the two we would get one normal length bodice.

>> No.7092715

do you guys use taboo focus?

>> No.7092722


The boob loaf issue is why I ordered a skirt from the kingdom of lolita series.

I mean, Baroque can't fuck up a skirt that badly ....right?

>> No.7092724
File: 184 KB, 1280x1444, 1329680765428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the smaller sizes?

my waist line is about 25-24 would a medium fit me?

>> No.7092730
File: 5 KB, 126x126, 1335665978668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do hey make smalls?
Is there a link someone can post?

I would be so thankful of you

>> No.7092734

Just talked to my SS and she said over 20 people have contacted her over this dress and my lucky ass was first (only one dress per ID). Apparently they are charging a 20% service fee just for this dress!

Shit's about to go down!

>> No.7092739
File: 142 KB, 567x850, T2BdeSXbBcXXXXXXXX_!!186720356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More pictures just got posted.

Apparently the back of the jsk has shirring.

>> No.7092740
File: 21 KB, 482x360, 1333491717963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they seriously NOT have smaller sizes than M????

>> No.7092747
File: 44 KB, 400x600, sailor OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost the same for me. I loved the OP, but I tend to not buy OP because I like to choose what kind of sleeves I want to wear. So was going to get the JSK, but uggg I hated the chest bow, then decided on the skirt because I wanted this print, and at least that way I can wear a pretty chiffon blouse with it.

Do you have links to the fashion show pics?

I got this sailor OP from them last year and LOVE it. There wasn't anything wrong that I could find, and the buttons didn't feel like they were half sewed on and ready to fall off. Straight stitches, everything finished, not thin fabric.

>> No.7092811

Shit, do you have a source for the one-dress-per-ID thing? This is the first I've heard of it.

>> No.7092812

jesus. glad I'm skipping it.
everyloli who's going for it, good luck!

>> No.7092818

My only complaint, is that I like my skirts lightly fuller.

>> No.7092822
File: 18 KB, 643x327, taobaoemail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just what my SS said.

>> No.7092824

Ah, thanks. Looks like I'm probably not getting one then...

>> No.7092845

Shit. I'm fucked. I use the same service.

>> No.7092844

I was going to get it until the reveal that they changed the empire waist. I have a feeling no one is getting there's for a while

>> No.7092848


Have you heard back from them?

Maybe they have multiple accounts.

>> No.7092852

They said they can "try" but aren't going to charge me until after they find out if they're successful or not.

>> No.7092855


Shit, that sucks. Sorry anon.

>> No.7092888
File: 357 KB, 479x358, 1338440514519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is being paired there in OPs pic?
Like the blouse under the light blue one.

Please could someone post a link?
I am very new, I just ordered the blue one thru a agent my first time and I dont want to look like a retard if I am supposed to wear something under it.

I also already have Petit coats

>> No.7092893
File: 27 KB, 354x237, steam ID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this is something that I might as well put out now:


>> No.7092898

Is there something wrong with me?

I wasn't really going crazy over their last print, and this one isn't doing anything either...

I want to get hype too, you guys

>> No.7092900

It's right in the thread. Links aren't up yet.

You and me both.

>> No.7092904

I wasn't big on Phantom either, but I don't really like shiny monochrome prints to begin with. My other Krad stuff looks incredible in real life, though, so I'm willing to risk it.

>> No.7092954


My shopping service has taken payment; they said that they will try but they wanted the full payment upfront (assumably to cover that I'm asking them to work outside normal hours).

I'm crossing my fingers tight.

>> No.7092964
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>> No.7092969
File: 88 KB, 400x400, 1352091172297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you post a link?

>> No.7092970

Yeah. I kind of figure I'm boned.
But I'm not too crushed, if the rumours of a re-release next year hold true.

>> No.7093040

Yeah mine was pretty decent, and I have a pretty big bust.
The buttons were my only issue too but I was just going to go over it and sew the front closed.

>> No.7093045

After staying up, I'm pretty ready to call it a night. Just paid my SS the 20% down fee and I hope I get it!

>> No.7093051

I hate KL and this stupid fucking dress.
I'm sick of brands doing this.
I worked all day, and now I can't find an SS who doesn't already have 20 orders they can't fill.

>> No.7093088
File: 45 KB, 654x617, 522ec34447954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My SS is talking to Krad at the moment about getting me the hairpiece (there's also matching wristcuffs apparently, they sent me pictures), so I'm assuming that they have me in line to order... crossing toes, fingers, etc.

Pic is of the wristcuffs... bit basic but meh I'm going for a full set.

>> No.7093091

This. I miss the days when you could just go on taobao and put the dress you wanted in your cart, knowing there wouldn't be be a song and dance lasting multiple months because these pretentious cunts want 'brand exclusivity'. No, fuck you, you're a sweatshop merchant from China, stop trying to be Baby and just sell your premade dresses like how the rest of taobao works. Completely ruined Infanta for me. I refuse to buy directly from any shop that does this, second hand only.

>> No.7093092

Dear Celine has cute navy ones up at the moment as well if you can't get them. The lace won't match, but it'll probably still look cute?

>> No.7093096
File: 42 KB, 579x638, 522ec34354ffb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I put the dress order in first, and asked if the hairpieces would become available... and then my SS came back and informed me of these too. So in theory if my order goes through, I'll get a full set. If. Really hoping I get one (I want the OP), I've had my eye on it ever since I saw the concept sketch.

>> No.7093101

Man, I've never done an AP release or anything before so this is totally new and nervewracking to me. I don't know how the girls who stay up for the AP releases can handle so much stress.

>> No.7093106

it has no link. this was a preview posted weeks ago.

so butthurt.

>> No.7093109

Butthurt I may be, but none of them are seeing any of my money. The whole point of taobao lolita was that it was cheaper and easier than brand and now that's mostly gone out of the window.

>> No.7093111

It doesn't matter if it's brand from anywhere or from taobao. If there is supply there will be demand. On a side note I think it is a good move to limit the number of pieces each buyer can order. You don't want the first order to be some shit ass scalper that buys down 20 pieces, would you?

>> No.7093112

My SS just informed me they are going to camp the order page at 9:30pm - so glad I went with them. I am so excited!

>> No.7093113

>You don't want the first order to be some shit ass scalper that buys down 20 pieces, would you?
Not even the anon you're responding to, but scalping is happening regardless of the number of pieces produced. Check out what happened to the KL Mozarabic print. People are selling that for $200+ now.

>> No.7093114

I've seen it posted over $200, but is anyone buying it at that price? Just curious.

>> No.7093116

limiting to 1 piece when you know that a significant portion of your consumer base is abroad and must order through a pretty much set number of Shopping Services is stupid. Either open up shop to international customers or allow exceptions for SS.
Also, learn to into economics. Supply doesn't create demand.

>> No.7093117

really hoping I'm able to get this secondhand, as both of the shopping services I normally use have someone in front of me and the one I am currently trying to go through probably won't be fast enough.

>> No.7093118
File: 334 KB, 569x643, Screen Shot 2013-09-10 at 6.27.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, it doesn't look like anyone's biting lol. This is just apparently what the sellers think they can get for it.

>> No.7093123

To whoever ordered two jsk and one op at once holy shit woman/man why did you make me so sad?

>> No.7093128

...fuck, I think that might be me, I asked for 2 OPs and a JSK as a friend and I are ordering together. I'm sorry anon, I put in the order before I knew there would be a limit.

>> No.7093129

Whoa, what? Are they up already?

>> No.7093130


Honestly they're still cheaper than even Korean indie. Why are you getting your bloomers in a twist about it? They're rather high quality after all and still less than half the price of brand so wat.

>> No.7093140

Oh. Shopping service denial. I understand now. Fuck, that sucks.

I understand their need to limit orders to keep things reasonable, but it fucking sucks.

>> No.7093148

Is anyone else going through Bhiner?
Am I totally fucked because they'll be closed when reservations open?

>> No.7093159

no, their primary market is still domestic. we the outsiders aren't that ~significs~ to them.

>> No.7093161

For those asking, krad666.taobao.com
If you want to know how to buy it, go to the TaoBao threads and look at the first post.
Don't judge their sizing by size M. Check the measurements they give. I'd say their M equates to a UK S or USA XS. Anyway, it's probably too late to give this information since it's most likely sold out already. So for you guys who don't know how to use TaoBao and shopping services, try again when they re-release it next year (if they do).

>> No.7093162

I was going to, but they tend to suck about reservation stuff, so I changed over to TBS. Unfortunately, their agents all appear to be booked solid with other orders already.

>> No.7093163

It's not up yet. But it's unlikely that many non-Chinese lolitas are going to get their hands on it at this rate.

>> No.7093169

For the record they've not started taking orders yet
it starts exactly 2 hours from now

>> No.7093170

No, their M is about a US S or even M. I wear a S/M in most clothing, but even the M of this is going to be big on me in places.

yeah, by the time I'd contacted my agent, she was already swamped. I should have mentioned it the other day; I am stupid sometimes.

>> No.7093180

Their sizing is so weirdly inconsistent. I've tried three different pieces in two sizes, and while I know that cut affects fit, you'd think they were from completely different brands or something.

Chiffon whatever JSK that came in M only fits perfectly everywhere except for bloody torso length. Boobs aren't busting out or anything, barely a B-cup, and they turn the bodice into an empire waist. Then MC JSK in M was too snug in the ribcage, so went for L for the PotO OP and I'm practically swimming in it except for with the sleeves. Somehow, the way it was sewn, I can't raise my arms above shoulder height without my boobs being lifted into my chin by the underbust seam.

>> No.7093186

I was between their S and M size listed for Jellyfish OP, so I've requested M. Hoping it won't be too enormous and require alteration, but it's an option if I need it.

>> No.7093214


Haha, no worries anon. I was just griping, don't mind me. You're good for getting in early! My SS told me they're trying to figure out something and even if there isn't, I'll at least have money for the cat sunset print. Or I'll end up spending it on the new Infanta print. I just need to burn my money since I got my deposit back and my licensing exam results come out tomorrow bwahaha.

>> No.7093222

who is your ss? they sound much better than mine.

>> No.7093223

i am with bhiner. i emailed them separately and then placed the order and no-one human has messaged me soo.

>> No.7093230

I emailed them as well, and they said they could do it. I just haven't gotten past that point.

>> No.7093233

Less than 30 minutes to go! I will be glad when this is over and I just know for certain...

>> No.7093238

Fuck, my SS just said that someone else got the dresses because of the limit. I hope they get lost in the fucking mail.

>> No.7093240

>10minutes to go

>> No.7093243

My thoughts exactly
> Why do they make them too small for my fat ass hurrdurrr outrage
I hate you guys.

>> No.7093245

I don't care about the price, it's still reasonable, it's this huge clusterfuck to get any taobao print nowadays that's pissing me off. Preordering is not a reasonable ask when ordering from Taobao already requires so much fucking around with shopping services, and half of them apparently won't even deal with preorders. I'm not even into this dress, jellyfish aren't my thing, but it's a growing trend in the Taobao lolita market and it's getting harder and harder to just buy a dress when you see it without having to jump through hoops for it.

>> No.7093248

Also- I wouldn't care about this at all if Taobao had something like Tenso, Tenso makes preorders a cakewalk, but in the current situation, this is way too much effort to go to for a dress.

>> No.7093250

during the days where nobody fought over taobao pieces, they didn't produce prints of this quality yet. in fact only around the end of last year did the taobao shops really raise their standards this much.

>> No.7093253

I'm worried my SS is just taking everyone's order knowing they can only buy one dress, as they're taking a 20% fee whether or not they can get you a dress.
My stomach is in knots, I hate this.
Ah, I contacted them first but they never got back to me. Good luck.

>> No.7093252

Oh god here we go.

>> No.7093254

wow shit is fast

>> No.7093256

there are 10 pieces left.

>> No.7093259

Jesus this is worse than concert/expo tickets

>> No.7093260

Wait, they're taking the fee either way? That seems really shady.

>> No.7093261

5 left...

>> No.7093264

It is really shady, isn't it?
I feel like I'm going to vomit from the nerves.

>> No.7093266

Twiddling my thumbs. I doubt I'll get one, but ah well.

>> No.7093267

it's not really nice of them to do that, but you're willingly giving them money anyway. somebody has to pay for their over time hourse eh?

>> No.7093268

2 of the OP left and I have no message. Fml.

>> No.7093269

The shittiest thing is it is all going to be a bunch of chinese lolitas buying them, so there will only be like 10 on the international secondhand market.
KL is a piece of shit, even AP has gotten so much better than this.

>> No.7093270

Which SS is it, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.7093271

it seems like they've jammed the system with their carts. if you try and select a size and colourway, you're blocked from adding it to your cart. a message appears saying:

>we're sorry, somebody is in the process of paying for this. please try again later.

lol there won't be any pieces left later

>> No.7093272

Yeah, I wouldn't expect them to sit up late at night for something they may or may not be paid for, it'll just be dick move if they know they can only order once and then take multiple orders.

>> No.7093275

>even AP has gotten so much better than this.

Maybe so, but it has taken them years and they still have massive hiccups. Krad only became aware of their international market a few months ago when they got slammed for the MC and PotO releases, on top of the printing issues they hit.

People keep forgetting that these are fairly small companies compared to the Japanese brands (which are already not huge to begin with). They're probably ridiculously overwhelmed by the volume of orders and attention they're receiving all of a sudden.

>> No.7093273

Where is the link to the OP? I've only seen the JSK reservation page.

>> No.7093274

the blouse begins now!

>> No.7093276

Yep. I've never tried their stuff, but I'm not going to now, this whole fiasco and their repeatedly delayed orders has convinced me that they have no idea how to do business. It doesn't matter how nice the dress is if the people selling it are this incompetent. The whole point of preorders is to know how many dresses to produce to meet demand, you don't limit preorders, what the fuck.

>> No.7093277

What? I'm going through Spree as well. They didn't ask for 20% up front, just on top if they get the item. Are you sure you read the email right?

>> No.7093278

the last 2 pieces of OP are held on to some people who aren't moving away from their payment page.


>> No.7093279

Ooh, it comes in different colors, I thought the only option was dark blue.

>> No.7093280

And now for the JSK...

>> No.7093281

After MC and PotO, they should've known what to expect, though. Not to mention this print has been so fucking hyped. Someone around them must know at least some english. Spend any time in an english-speaking lolita community and you'd know that this kind of shit isn't okay and that they should be more prepared.

I'm not saying they need to be on a major brand's level, but considering that AP is honestly one of the worst wrt this sort of thing, I would think that a company would want to be better.

as >>7093276 said,
this isn't the only problem with their business practices.

>> No.7093282

I guess I didn't get it then, fuck.
I'm pretty sure that's what they said, but now I look at it, it's such clunky phrasing that I could be wrong. Oh well, good luck to you fellow Spree-friend.

>> No.7093284

Oh shit seriously? There might still be hope!

>> No.7093288

Fuck, sold out in under 2 minutes. But they had less JSK stock, I think?

>> No.7093286

Wow, I really didn't think I'd be so pissed about this release. I wish I spoke Mandarin just so I could bitch at KL on his weibo.

>> No.7093287

Does an average German fella know enough Mandarin to connect with the Chinese lolita community? Then think, does an average Chinese fella know enough English to connect with the English lolita community?You realise there are parts of the world where people actually live ordinary lives without knowing English, and they get along perfectly well?

JSK sold out.

>> No.7093289

it sold out within 1 minute..

>> No.7093291

OP sold out.

>> No.7093290

They did say that they understood people wanted more pieces, but that they already knew they wouldn't be able to fill more than 200 orders and still be sure of the quality etc.
So it's either everyone gets a dress but of questionable quality, or 200 people get superb quality dresses.
They made their decision.

>> No.7093292

This is my honest to god dream piece.
I really wish they wouldn't have done the preorders like this. I was so excited and I got my fucking hopes up for nothing.

>> No.7093294


They are a small, indie brand, that happens to be in China. They aren't pumping this stuff out mass-produced from an enormous factory.

>> No.7093295

So they should just do multiple runs, do one now and then another next year or for winter or something. Nobody would object to that, I'm sure.

>> No.7093297

I never said that he would know it, but that someone around him probably knows it.
And yeah, if you want to do business, you should probably know English or employ someone who does.

>> No.7093298

20 minutes.

200 dresses.

10 dresses a minute.

I mean, daaaaaaamn.

>> No.7093299

Weibo says they put the wrong amount of stock for the JSK, so they'll be adding more in 45 minutes or something? Or that's what I can get from Google Translate. Still hope!

>> No.7093300

looks like somebody's held on to their last OP for too long without completing payment!

>> No.7093302

I meant, wouldn't that be easier for them? Instead of doing a new design every season, they can just do a new design one season, a rerun of an old popular one the next. It's easy money and they're idiots. I'm sticking with Infanta, but if they pull this kind of shit, they can get fucked too.

>> No.7093303

That's what they are doing, though.

>> No.7093304

no. they released the jsk at 9.45pm as promised earlier. there was a mistake and some anxious buyers placed an order before 9.45pm. so they had to top up the stock quantity that would be available as of 9.45pm.

tldr all sold out

>> No.7093306

7 minutes to the accessories.

>> No.7093307

No, that's what's rumoured.
Chances are KL won't do it or it will end up being like two years from now since he can't keep to a schedule at all.

>> No.7093308

Is it a he? I thought the owner was female...

>> No.7093309
File: 21 KB, 180x180, 51091694jw9dzxdha8ip6j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7093303 >>7093307
they did not PROMISE to do it...they said they might do it...and it is not a rumour, they said it themselves on their weibo. when they announced there was a limit of 200 pieces, they said "don't be sad if you couldn't buy a piece because if there is a demand we will run another batch next year"
which is subjective as fuck

i always assumed the owner was this person in the weibo picture

>> No.7093311

she* sorry. It's early here.

>> No.7093313


>> No.7093317

Wow, are you even old enough to be here? You sound like a spoiled entitled cunt. It's amusing that you don't know the shit you're talking about.

>> No.7093322

Only the first two are the same person, that's me. Third post is someone else entirely. You probably shouldn't be getting on your high horse when you can't even work out which posts are coming from the same person. Protip: it's not difficult.

>> No.7093332

Them being a dumbass doesn't change that KL had their stock sold out in twenty minutes. Bad business sense or not, they're the ones laughing their asses all the way to the bank. Their customer base (notably mostly Chinese) ate that shit up so they clearly don't need foreign devils like us.

>> No.7093336


My SS on the other hand seems awfully quiet....

>> No.7093339

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know there's more than one entitled cunt in this thread. I'm so glad so many of you didn't get the dress. :DDDD

>> No.7093338

And they could do it many times over if they had the sense to do reruns, which I don't trust them to do at all, given their track record. If a western indie brand pulled this kind of shit, they'd be lynched.

>> No.7093342

And apparently you can't read either, because I wasn't going for the dress in the first place and they've really only ever done one dress I thought of getting, I'm just appalled by their business practices.

>> No.7093344

>implying western indie brands are even on par with eastern indie brands

Listen, we get that you are disappointed that you couldn't get a dress you wanted. But if I were in their shoes, I would limit my stock too. 200 dresses is more than enough for me to make a hefty sum of profit and I wont be worked to the bone. Sure, another 300+ customers might be disappointed. But in the end I couldn't care less. I'm not going to accept EVERY SINGLE request for my dress if it leaves me swamped.

>> No.7093345

>If a western indie brand pulled this kind of shit, they'd be lynched.

What are you even implying?

There are tons of western indie brands that don't even sell outside of their own country.

>> No.7093348

>I'm just appalled by their business practices.

What's so fucking appalling? AP does the same shit. This is a completely standard practice.

>> No.7093352


I didn't pay in time but wow! You must have been quick!

>> No.7093351

My message was directed to the entitled bitches in this thread, and you happen to be one of them! You just sound so uneducated in your posts. I don't think you have any idea how to run a business either.

>> No.7093356

>western brands
>being even on par with KL in terms of quality and sheer amount of dresses they are producing

And most big companies find it a huge hurdle to even go international. Companies are never obligated to sell outside their country.

>> No.7093355

If I have a million dollars, I would buy out AP and give free brands to everyone and their hobos! XD

>> No.7093360

everybody, krad lanrete did post some updates but i had to take a call so i couldn't translate them immediately, please chillax! overall they thank everybody for their support, and they said they plan to re-release this next year around spring. which is, fuck, spring is the worst time to buy anything from taobao.

>> No.7093359

No anon, don't you get it? Lolita needs to be free for everyone obviously! Fuck the Chinese, they're used to working themselves to the bone anyways. Jellyfish for everyone!!!

>> No.7093364

Best post in this thread.

>> No.7093368

This is me.

I think I got the last one? I don't know, it sounds like I got one of the ones that were kicked out of the carts.
"wowow, I am almost sadly tell you that all GONE! but then someone closed the M so we got it!!!!! yes, you got it! dark blue M size short one!"

Geez Spree, way to be so quiet and then start a message in such a misleading way.

I'm sorry to everyone else that didn't get one, I hope that you can find one on the resale market and that they release more next year.

>> No.7093372

is it a good idea to write to krad lanrete to tell them overseas lolis were excited about their print?

>> No.7093380


is me, and I got a dark blue long OP. Anyone else hear back?

>> No.7093381

From yetanotherjfashionblog:

>Thank you everybody for supporting the Jellyfish series…because we of our production capabilities, we could only sell a limited quantity~ we are afraid that if we accept too many orders, by the time you finally receive your dresses you don’t want to wear it anymore, for the jellyfish series we plan to run a second batch next year, if you missed out, please wait until spring* next year~! Additionally we will release other designs in the near future, look forward to them~

So yes it seems like they're planning a re-release.

>> No.7093403

Did anybody use celestial delinquent? I decided to skip out on this release, but I usually use CD, and i want to know whether she was able to buy any jellyfishes.

>> No.7093405

I didn't even realize the OP dress came in light blue as well? I asked for the OP in dark blue, but my agent only could get it in light blue. I'm still excited and thrilled to have even gotten one, but now I'm wondering if I'll be receiving the jumperskirt in the end. Oh well, it's a birthday gift for my gf (she saw it and fell in love, but gave up right away when she saw the demand), so hopefully she'll still be thrilled if it is.

>> No.7093408

I did, but I was next in line and she didn't promise me anything since she was already buying for some others. Not sure if they got anything. And I got no response so probably not.

She was very good though. She even sent me a link to accessories and asked if I wanted any.

>> No.7093411

I am someone who is rather upset about this release, and I never commented on the price of this, just how it was being released. I would gladly pay a hefty sum for this dress. Unfortunately it wasn't in the cards.

People commenting on poor business practices/venting their frustrations doesn't make them "entitled cunts" who expect their clothing to be cheap.

>> No.7093439

really gutted that I missed out.

>> No.7093448

I Got the OP in light blue! Holy eff. Anyone else use TBS that managed to get one? I want to know how many they actually got vs promised.

>> No.7093450

So how many dresses do we think made it into the West? Three in this thread and sounds like at least one SS got a few?

>> No.7093454

I used taobaospree, but I emailed the agent I've always used directly, which might have made things faster. I got a different color than I requested, but I'm still super happy.

>> No.7093458

Update: no unfortunately she was not able to snag any jsk, but she was able to snag some OP for some reason and had an extra. So I said yes.

Oh god I'm so happy I got something.

>> No.7093498


I GOT ONE! Short Dark Blue OP!

I used TaobaoSpree! I could hug them right now!

>> No.7093505

So six made it out of china so far?

>> No.7093524

Maybe 7?


>> No.7093527

I got one too, a "green" XL op, whatever that means. I'm probably going to sell it for the price I paid, I really only wanted the Navy Blue colorway

>> No.7093535

no way. there is only navy or light blue("water colour" in the mandarin descrip)

>> No.7093537


... Green wat.

>> No.7093539

Wonder how hard it will be to trade the light jsk for Navy. My SS only could get me the light one.

And I assume the navy was the popular color.

>> No.7093542

TBS has been calling the light blue green

>> No.7093544

i skipped this series but if the competition weren't so tight i would have gunned for navy
i look like shit in anything sax and mint

>> No.7093545


I think she meant aqua then, she wrote the character in chinese and so my translator program translated it to green. The color was 水色

>> No.7093546

that's the light blue one!

>> No.7093552

Choke got one too, so 8

>> No.7093557

hmm those colors on the aqua are pretty far from sax or mint

>> No.7093559


>> No.7093583

short aqua L jsk here

>> No.7093586

Yetanotherjfashionblog is asking for lolis who got the dress, which SS and colourway, etc

>> No.7093589

ah thank you!
i'm not sure if i should post the ones mentioned in this cgl thread, because i'm wary of duplicates.

>> No.7093603


I'm >>7093458. I can't get on a comp right now but once I do I'll definitely message you with the details you want!

>> No.7093605

I and 3 other friends went through TBS and were all able to get 3 OPs and 1 JSK, all navy blue. I screamed when I got the news, no lie.

>> No.7093612

Very mad, got told I had one, now I don't they couldn't get it.

So mad.

>> No.7093619

I think I might have gotten a L JSK in navy??? I'm so anxious for my SS reply. I was retarded and wrote I wanted the XL JSK, so I hope she saved it for me anyway.

>> No.7093622

How the heck was tbs able to get so many? Did they have multiple accounts? Are they part of a lolita triad? Black magic?

Now that I think about it, the former seems very plausible. They do have more than one employee after all.

>> No.7093623


I just reblogged your poll and I posted in this thread if that helps at all.

>> No.7093631

I'm so sorry anon, I truly am.
Did you not pay in time?
Fuck, I hope that doesn't happen to me.

They have several 'girls' working for them. I'm surprised too, I hope it isn't all some glitch.

>> No.7093633

Apparently TBS has 10 workers, each with multiple accts

>> No.7093639

Gurl you gonna rock that dress so hard I can't wait to see your coord.

>> No.7093640

i remember some time ago, one of the loli brands did a release where they placed a cap on the number of pieces you could buy
the limit was imposed according to the shipping address, not just the buyer ID alone. however as they are a larger company it may be possible that TBS requested their employees to use their personal home address/bank accounts for the jelly fishes, aside from their company address and bank account alone?

>> No.7093650


I got told their shipping calculation was off, would I be happy paying an extra $2? I said yes, they went OOPPS its gone now lol our bad. I'm really mad about it.

>> No.7093659

Aaaaand my SS just told me they couldn't get ahold of it. I'll have to keep my fingers crossed for the secondhand market or a rerelease. Oh, the vicissitudes of the loli life.

>> No.7093671


Thank you! I've been stashing jellyfish charms and glass beads in anticipation of this day!

Mmmmmm jellyfish.

>> No.7093687

It seems like TBS has been good for people? Who else? I absolutely am going for the next release

>> No.7093714

I am an idiot, I was invoiced but didn't pay in time. I am an idiot!

>> No.7093723

I know your pain anon. I fell asleep and missed paying.

>> No.7093755

>jellyfish charms and glass beads
Where did you get them from?

>> No.7093759

Goodness, if you're that prepared, I'm really excited to see the coord you put together!

>> No.7093792

Shit, now I realise that having in a coveted dress I'll be expected to wear it well. I'm pretty basic with questionable tastes.
Heavy stuff.

>> No.7093824


Honestly, unless you do things like put random crap on that doesn't belong stylistically, wearing the dress with simple accessories will actually be pretty effective because the dress itself is so busy. Keep it simple stupid, etc.

>> No.7093858

OP here, I got one! Was out with the boyfriend tonight and forgot about the release, but didn't figure it would sell out so fast (MC and PotO didn't). Came home just in time to see KL's weibo post on selling out and capping at 200, so sad. Hung around on the OP reservation page refreshing, and snagged an M in navy that someone bounced out of their payment page!! So fucking happy, M might be a bit small, but it's much better than none at all. Also KL says by the time the dress is released it'll probably be too cold to wear it anyway, so there'll be another run next spring.

>> No.7093923

I got one JSK in size L, but I told her the color and length didn't matter so I'm not sure which style/color I got

>> No.7094051


Local art festival. I live in a big city and there are some amazing glass blowers who made jellyfish bead in teardrops. We also have a pretty famous aquarium and the gift shop has jellyfish charms along with orcas, dolphins, ect.

Sorry you can't buy the stuff online. But check out your local aquarium, you might just hit gold!

>> No.7094061

omg I can't stop laughing at the buttmad. all the bitching still no dress

congrats to the chicks who got them

>> No.7094069

It sold for that price a week ago actually

>> No.7094127

PS check clobba if you really really want it. Martin posted reservation info for it.

>> No.7094156

I see you are also from Vancouver, BC anon

>> No.7094171


Hahahaha, actually I'm from Atlanta, Sorry to disappoint.

>> No.7094301

Wow this is really great print. Are there any more prints of theirs that have sold out as quickly? I'm rather new to them.

>> No.7094311

No, this is a new thing for them too. I suppose to avoid making people wait over six months for a customised item, (and then said person not measuring it and thinking they were just really fat until a week or two after receiving it.)

I've posted about waiting for ages, but never about the fact this happened. It wasn't too long ago I received my MC, and to be fair, I am fat, but I've got to reduce my waist by an extra five centimetres than I would have after putting on weight recently. Just miffed I paid extra and don't receive what I paid for.

>> No.7094319

Does Clobba still have some? Anyone hear back from them?

>> No.7094324

They've had a history of nice prints, and this one had a long time for hype to build up, so the extreme popularity of it is new, but expected.

>> No.7094332

I placed an order with them so let's hope it goes through.

>> No.7094339

I have an order in process but thanks to some unanticipated dickery from my bank, I've had to delay my payment. Martin has been very kind and understanding about it but I don't know if I even have a dress, let alone if he will keep ahold of it for me if the bank drama isn;t resolved by tomorrow

>> No.7094341

Did anyone else see the TBS Facebook post about having extra dresses? It appears to have vanished and now I can't find it.

>> No.7094344

How quick was he getting back to you on it? I sent an order a couple of hours ago but I did not hear anything back. I only asked because I was worried it was all gone since there's all these posts of girls thinking they've got 'the last one' ... I guess I'll leave it to fate!

>> No.7094345

Tried to reserve with multiple agents, one has come through, heres hoping I get that dress. I've paid for it but I'm still skeptical.

>> No.7094346

blargh, I feel like the aqua is piss poor in comparison to the navy, and all I could get is the aqua... does anyone actually prefer the aqua to the navy in this thread?

>> No.7094349

I emailed him last night about reserving one, as I was in work when the reservations opened and he replied within a couple of hours. Every email I've sent him since then, he's replied to very quickly, maybe 90 minutes at most.

>> No.7094356


This is me: >>7094345

I messeged him 2 days ago, and they just got back to me today, after my other agents failed to get me the dress. I've paid up for my dress. Hoping he can get them for others to! (Hope I am actually getting mine!)

>> No.7094580

I got dark blue JSK long version omgomgomg so happy

>> No.7094700

I actually really love the aqua, but I didn't even try to get one. I look forward to seeing everyone's pictures when theirs arrive! I'm so happy for the people who managed to get one.

>> No.7094768
File: 30 KB, 539x594, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god bless you taobaospree

>> No.7094775

yessssss just confirmed the size, length and color I ACTUALLY wanted, so I can sell the other I bought (long version navy in L)

>> No.7094804

Taobao spree announced on facebook they are getting some jellyfish dresses from KradLanrette, if you missed out go there now!

>> No.7094918
File: 53 KB, 1034x283, ss (2013-09-11 at 12.06.13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone used bhiner before? does this mean they are placing the order or it has been ordered? messaged them to ask anyway.

>> No.7094997

Saw it and got in contact, they have the length/colur/cut/size I needed, YES.

>> No.7095001

I just think it might be hard to coord, since it's not your average lolita shade of sax.

>> No.7095053

I got the OP in Dark blue with accessories, long, size XL, does anyone want to swap for the light blue? Also are there any photos of the light blue op?

>> No.7095061


Im abit confused filling out the Taobaospree form. What do you put in price? The price it shows on Taobao just 300.00Y?

>> No.7095073

Honestly, I just emailed them directly to ask if they had what I wanted, they said yes, and now I'm waiting for them to tell me the amount.

>> No.7095079

Email and they'll tell you. They're charging the full amount up front for it.

>> No.7095089

So 300 plus 20%?

>> No.7095090

*rather, 600

>> No.7095093

Whatever the full amount is on the page. Which I think was closer to 800RMB than 600RMB. I got the headdress and cuffs, as well as the JSK and was quoted $197USD.

>> No.7095119

Oh man, if the Chinese lolis find out about this, they're going to be pissed.

>> No.7095123

shh, don't tell them. Anyway, thread is in autosage. Should we start a new one or migrate to the existing taobao thread?

>> No.7095128

damnit. nope, they didn't get it.

>> No.7095147


oh man I want to see this, I want to see the chinese opinion on the Jellyfish of dispair....

>> No.7095165

New thread 7095164

>> No.7095167

forgive my fail. new thread