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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7084258 No.7084258[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you gotten more /fit/ to properly cosplay?

>> No.7084261

I try to work out and do a lot of walking/biking to stay in shape, I don't life though

>> No.7084272

We're not allowed to have /fit/ fridays anymore.

>> No.7084293


It is Friday.

>> No.7084300

Working on it! Squats every night before bed! I hope by next spring/summer I'll be comfortable enough with my body to do some tummy showing cosplays I've been wanting to do.

>> No.7084302

I started cosplaying a year ago and was overweight then and now. Really recently I suddenly got motivated to make lifestyle changes so I could look better in cosplay and wear cuter clothes. I guess I've lost a lot of weight anyway since my first cosplay because it's pretty big on me now, but I've lost four pounds since I started tracking and that little bit of progress makes me feel good.

As lame as it sounds, a goal is being able to cosplay from Attack on Titan. Not Mikasa abs, but at least in decent shape to jump around and kill shit. Chubby soldiers don't look right to me. Hopefully I can get to my goal body before it becomes completely irrelevant.

>> No.7084341 [DELETED] 

Expend more calories than you consume. Actually get off your butt and work out, eat healthier foods than soda and chips and candy.

>> No.7084344

I miss /fit/ Friday though...

No, I have gotten more /fit/ just to not feel like a sack of shit. I lost about 60 pounds over the course of two years, so now I'm keeping it off and trying to do some more lifting to get some more mass.

>> No.7084355

I never said I agreed with the fact, just that it's not allowed. :( I want them back too.

>> No.7084356

oh yeah no I didn't mean to come off like that, just saying I miss it.

>> No.7084359

Why were they banned? I'm somewhat new.

>> No.7084360

hmm I can't really say... I mean I guess you could say it was kind of just a facade for a /fit/ thread? Even though it literally was one of the most helpful and not dramu-filled threads we would have every week.

>> No.7084367
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>literally was one of the most helpful and not dramu-filled threads we would have every week.
I miss the motivator, I have gained 35 lbs since they stopped...kicked myself in the ass and got back down 6 lbs but still, I miss them, it is an important part of both cosplay and lolita and blarg
Posting in /fit/ as a girl was a bad idea

>> No.7084366

fatties would get too mad and blame their fatness on a medical condition instead of their shitty lifestyles and then they would report

>> No.7084368

Nah not to cosplay. But to generally improve my lifestyle and feel better about myself.

>> No.7084371

>Effay is allowed to have fitness threads where they basically all just tell each other to be unhealthy
>Cgl isn't allowed to have fit threads

>> No.7084377

troglodytes from /fit/ would show up and basically post shit like

>> No.7084380

People got upset that they werent fit enough to get posted/post themselves, so they complained. I loved fit friday threads.

>> No.7084381

Also while im here i think getting fit for cosplay is a bad idea? as soon as you lose your drive to cosplay, you'll probably lose the drive to be fit. I got fit because I hated how I looked and felt, and it just so happens that it opened up a lot of cosplay opportunities too, which is a bonus.

>> No.7084382

Bummer, defintiely feel like a thread like that would be beneficial to me, and others too it seems like.

>> No.7084383

I laughed so fucking hard at the greentext that I'm crying. Thank you so much, anon.

>> No.7084388

I guess missed those posts. I posted in several of them asking for advice and received a lot of good feedback.

>> No.7084393

Do any of you seagulls have gym memberships? Or do you do your excising at home/elsewhere?

>> No.7084395

My overall fitness is improving, but I'm not seeing any weight loss or measurement changes since July. Like for example a couple months ago I could only walk around the track, and the second I tried to jog I would get winded after just one lap. Now I can do about 5-6 laps of jogging before I need to catch my breath.

Now that school's started I have body sculpting and zumba for four days a week too, as well as a pretty bangin' new gym that I like on campus. I workout at least 4-6 days a week for 30 minutes minimum.

What discourages me is that I had such great weight loss before July (30 pounds alone in May) but that's because I was put on a special diet for a surgery, and tbqh it wasn't realistic to live on. I could only have one solid meal a day of protein and fiber (No more than 12g of food total) and the rest of my meals were protein shakes or clear liquids. For two weeks I was on this and then after the surgery I was in too much pain to eat for a couple weeks too. They encouraged me to be active to prevent blood clots.

It's like I'm trying to eat better, and I'm really putting in the exercise effort, it just feels like I make no progress unless I put myself on really depressing diets which even then are hard to do because I'm pressured by my friends and family to eat what they're eating constantly. Anyway, I don't know where I'm going with this. I'm just frustrated and I needed to vent.

Oh and uh this isn't really for cosplay anyway. I'll never be cosplay perfect and I know it.

>> No.7084397

24hour fitness, going there now actually.

>> No.7084400

I'm a faggot and I do bodyrock at home. I think they changed their names or something but it's all free at bodyrock.tv.

>> No.7084401

For the first time in my life I have more than a 10 inch difference between my waist an hips.

Thank you, squats.

>> No.7084402

Except that never happened.

>> No.7084407
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>> No.7084411

I've been taking ballet since I was nine. That tends to be my workout, three days a week.

>> No.7084412
File: 431 KB, 640x360, 4464 - animated_gif blinking forehead k-on k-on! k-on!! moe tainaka_ritsu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 hour fitness! Its got the best rate in my area for the size of the gym. They also randomly forget to charge me for a month every once in a while so thats nice. I would go to the one on campus since its free but its tiny and only has room for a few people, and only one bar to share.

>> No.7084433

Seeing cosplay pictures of myself made me want to lose weight, it was the final tipping factor. I wanted to be a better cosplayer and wear nice clothes and not have to be as self conscious about what I can and can not pull off.

I have now lost 15 kilos now and I am at least not a ham beast anymore... I am just chubby but I still need to lose more to look better in cosplays.

Buying off the rack clothes from non plus sized stores is the added bonus.

>> No.7084440

that gif is fucking creepy. the girl looks cute though

>> No.7084450

Lost 23 kilos so far. It wasn't so much for cosplay and stuff as it was for not being that fat girl when I went to study in Japan.
Fitting in to all the lolita clothes I tried on was a huge confidence booster though.

>> No.7084457

I started working out a lot for my Dante-Cosplay and got me some sweet abs. Recently, I went on a diet, dropping 9lbs and worked out in the gym cause I did not have time to make a real cosplay for summer and wanted to go as Pepper Potts from IM3 with the extremis and stuff.
Actually, cosplay has always been the core motivator for me to get fit.
Wearing your dream-cosplay is a great reward to work towards and I think in most cases much healthier a goal than stupid shit like 'ohmigosh thigh gap lul' that is 99% dependant on bone-structure rather than bodyfat

>> No.7084465

I wouldn't say it was solely for the purposes of cosplay, but the reward of a better-looking cosplay is a good incentive for my weightloss at the very least. This time last year I started to diet and lost 45lbs in about 4 months. I stopped for a few reasons (laziness), but I've just recently started again. I'm still a UK 18, which I know is huge etc etc but I'm hoping to do just as well or better than last time. I joined a gym too, and even took up Zumba as well as Pole4Fitness. I'm still a bit lost on a good day-to-day routine though, I never know what to do so I just try stuff I find on google. Haven't tried squats yet but would like to.

>> No.7084466

Trying to get rid of my boobs for lolita. I wouldn't consider myself chubby, I'm happy with my body now. However, upon getting into lolita, I've noticed all my dresses are somewhat snug in the chest, never the waist though. I'm also on birth control, and my cup size did go up after starting, so I may just drop the bc soon. Regardless, I know that spot reducing isn't possible so I've been eating as little as possible and running, but I notice it's been rather slow. I'm literally sitting on the average for bust sizes in Lolita at around 92cm, shit is pretty frustrating.

>> No.7084467 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 720x602, nothanks2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it was my only real motivation as a young weeaboo.

>> No.7084468
File: 104 KB, 720x602, nothanks2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it was my only real motivation as a young weeaboo.

>> No.7084470

you may not even lose much in your bust fyi...

>> No.7084471


I was a 34B, and then went to a 36C(so a cup size and then some I guess) and I've noticed a huge difference. If it's not the bc maybe I'll just get a breast reduction, I honestly could give two shits about large breasts.

>> No.7084475

Breast reduction may be the best option. I was at 36DD, lost about 65 pounds and I only lost weight/inches around my actual rib cage, so my band size dropped, but my breast mass didn't, though they didn't get saggier, which is kind of gross, until the skin started to firm up and I developed more muscle throughout my chest. Breast tissue is a different kind of fat so it probably breaks down differently than other parts of the body. But everyone is different obviously, I have friends who dropped a lot all over, including their breasts, but I know more people who didn't really lose much, like me.

>> No.7084476

>did get saggier

my bad. My boobs looked gross for a while heh. I still wear a sports bra in my brand to make it fit better through the bust.

>> No.7084496

What did you even do? They don't give a shit when I post. Unless you try to imply that the laws of thermodynamics don't apply to you because gril they won't bat an eyelid. They posted a ton of inspiration pics for me after I explained what I wanted to aim for.

>> No.7084498

Drop the BC. I did it and lost 3cm within a couple of weeks. If you're using a mainly oestrogen one, you probably gained around the hips, stomach and chest. Cos you preparing to babby.

>> No.7084506

>They don't give a shit when I post.
>They posted a ton of inspiration pics for me after I explained what I wanted to aim for.

>> No.7084516

don't give a shit as in don't care you're a girl, as long as you aren't retarded and flaunting your gender for no reason in the same way that guys come here and say "I heard this board was full of chicks...."

>> No.7084518

Oh ok, reading comprehension fail.

>> No.7084521
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I weight 150 when I should be around 120-130 to look good. Everyone says I look great and that my weight is "healthy" when I feel like a sluggish hippo. At least it's better than weighing 175 two years ago, so I've come a long way since then.

>> No.7084530
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(Glory to whoever originally posted this pic a few days ago)

>> No.7084539
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Not really super MAJOR progress but I did loose weight by basically changing my diet around. Less soda, not crazy portions in my day. Working out for me tends to be a back and forth. I'm trying to get into it again, keep it consistent.

>> No.7084541

The sole redeeming feature of my otherwise shitty apartment is that they have a decent gym which is free for residents to use.

>> No.7084555

i got s 5 day free-trial but will force myself for membership
im kinda nervous going in there, i was kinda overwhelmed when i went on a tour. no i dont have friends who want to go with me.