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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 37 KB, 250x357, SG_Valentine_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7083145 No.7083145[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you have the breasts to cosplay Valentine?

>> No.7083152

yes but I'm way too fat to accurately cosplay her otherwise

>> No.7083171

In size yes...
But I have no idea how to cosplay that without my breasts flopping out of that dress.

>> No.7083172


feelsbadman, I'm 19 and my 11-year-old sister's chest is almost as big as mine.

>> No.7083179

what's wrong with that?

>> No.7083181

With the addition of some kind of padded bra, yes. Though it would take some tight lacing to get the waist.

>> No.7083184

Nipple stickies just in case, plus sew some plastic along the edge to make it stay in place. Even a plastic clear strap across the front would work if it won't stay after that.

>> No.7083186

It's embarrassing

>> No.7083198

Mine don't have that ridiculous round balloon shape to them.
Would need implants.

>> No.7083200

Or just a heavy duty push up bra.

>> No.7083205

With a titty trick or two I could manage.

>> No.7083276

If someone said they'd give you a million to make out with your sister, would you do it?

>> No.7083279
File: 149 KB, 640x454, 7580670602_c1708abbc2_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At a con
>This girl starts flirting with your boyfriend
>He starts flirting back

What do /cgl/?

>> No.7083282

>this girl
you mean nigri
>he starts flirting back
shitty boyfriend, she can have him

>> No.7083287

Lol absolutely not. I have the chest of a 12 year old.

>> No.7083286

>shitty boyfriend, she can have him
>Being this retardedly jealous


>> No.7083288
File: 146 KB, 774x1032, valentine_cosplay_from_skull_girls_by_sntp-d5rgh0s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit version.

I would cheat and cheat and cheat on my girlfriend over and over again for this girl.

>> No.7083294

fuck them both?
a girl can dream can't she?

>> No.7083295

DAT nose
Jewish girl?

>> No.7083297


From my perspective, as a guy, the kinds of girls who dress up as Valentine are girls I'd like to fuck, but sure as hell not girls I'd like to date. I'd prefer to date a girl who balks at the thought of dressing up in public in what are basically porn outfits.

>> No.7083298

>boyfriend who flirts with other girls
>not shitty

>> No.7083301

Basically pump and dump sluts and wife virgins.

>> No.7083303

So, are you okay with girls finding muscled guys good fuck-material but other guys marriage material?

>> No.7083316
File: 36 KB, 480x720, tell_me_where_it_hurts_by_morbiddistortion-d5smxxe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7083322

More or less, but I'm ok with a girl not being a virgin for marriage, provided she's kept her partner count to a limit, 5 max if she's in her mid to late 20s.

Not really, but we're all hypocrites at heart.

>> No.7083323
File: 407 KB, 624x470, weiners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, it makes perfect sense to me. It's kind of a natural response to anyone who you perceive as hypersexualized, regardless of gender.

>> No.7083326

Eh, not necessarily. I find that having people look at my husband in a way that shows they're attracted to him and him drawing a lot of attention makes me feel really good. It also makes me kind of excited. I wish he would do more revealing cosplays with me, but he's kinda self-conscious because he has an indented chest (pectus excavatum). It's not that bad, though, you can't really tell unless he points it out.

>> No.7083324

Yeah, I'm attracted to sluttyness on a very primal "put her up against the wall and have my way with her" sort of way.

But it's not the same sort of attraction you have towards a girl who loves children and goes to church every sunday.

>> No.7083329

I'm sure he's happy his wife wants to reveal herself around other men so much.

>> No.7083333

My bf hates Jessica Nigri and thinks she's disgusting so I have nothing to worry about

>> No.7083340

Enjoy your damaged goods

>> No.7083336

haha he gay

>> No.7083344

I think you missed the point, I want him to wear revealing stuff so people will ogle him even more than they already do.

>> No.7083342

W..What? I don't want to date the damaged goods as I explained.

>> No.7083346


do you like wearing revealing stuff?
do you like getting male attention?
does HE like you getting male attention?

>> No.7083350

>Your boyfriend says he wants to watch you fuck another man

What do.

>> No.7083353 [DELETED] 

Oh okay that's fine then, but just so you know you can't "have your way" with sluts. There's no such thing as rape with women who have had 3+ sexual partners.

>> No.7083355

I like rape fantasies though.

I hate the retarded "safe word" shit though, makes it unrealistic and boring. Sex with a slut that doesn't have any violence in it is worthless.

>> No.7083358

For me something about dominating a virgin girl turns me on so much
Such a shame that virgins over 18 that aren't gross looking are like a folk tale now days.

>> No.7083362

Ah, I'd dominate a virgin, but it would be a loving kind of dominance.

>> No.7083363

The ones that are actually attractive are nearly impossible to lay, locked at the knees.
>You will never deflower a qtp13

>> No.7083370

Nothing feels better than fresh unused pussy though

>> No.7083373

It doesn't make you special.

>> No.7083372 [DELETED] 


why dont you go for shota boys?

>> No.7083376

I don't wear revealing clothes normally and haven't done any revealing cosplays (currently wearing a simple blouse and skirt that ends right at my knees, pretty common clothing for me). I do like getting male attention. He both likes and dislikes me getting male attention. I garner far more female attention though, and he revels in that. Women have hit on me right in front of him before and the expression he gets on his face... ha. He's even said it's okay if I want to have sex with women (I am attracted to women as well, actually am MORE attracted to women in general), but I've never followed through with it because I'm just monogamous. Never been with anybody but him (sexually), don't want to be with anyone but him.

>> No.7083378

That doesn't make him shitty, try again and show some love to your boyfriend, don't be a bitch.

>> No.7083382

That's exactly the point I'm trying to make. That doesn't make me special because not everybody thinks the way Anon said about "marriage material".

>> No.7083388

I'm hoping you didn't sully the image of marriage by wearing a white dress you liar.

>> No.7083396

Plenty of overseas Asian girls are virgins past 18 you know.

I can name just off the top of my head 3 Chinese girls who got their first boyfriend in their 20s.

>> No.7083394

It was blue.

>> No.7083403

same here
no he thinks shes a sleezebag and has taste in real women

>> No.7083405

Nigri isn't a slut, she's an attention whore, your average femanon has slept with more guys than JNig. Look at /soc/.

>> No.7083425

Thankfully not.

>> No.7083462

Diff Anon but my boyfriend dislikes Nigri too. Not every guy likes that trashy look, dude.

>> No.7083463
File: 55 KB, 620x835, Candice-Swanepoel-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either he is trying to humour you or he is trying to convince himself your better because he can never have her or anyone less fat than you

>> No.7083469
File: 26 KB, 397x554, 1341707558525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check at all this same fag
girl you need some better self confidence

>> No.7083473

lol being this jaded

>> No.7083474

>def not samefag
>self-confidence boost that my bf doesnt like nigri
bitch please, i just like men with taste
(and, lets be honest, realistic expectations of his future)

>> No.7083488
File: 9 KB, 246x374, 1326321949221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i just like men with taste
>Hating fit women with big boobs and you know...only thinking im the only one whose attractive

What do you look like
show your face and dat hot bod like it is

>> No.7083487

Ah, the A-cup pains in cosplaying. There's no other area that shows you as much how only big titties are the way to go than cosplaying.
Not even underwear models make you feel as insecure as a cosplaying calender. Cosplaying = tits, tits, tits everywhere. It's nuts.

>> No.7083498
File: 1.06 MB, 1365x2048, 8348591373_2a5f9ab1ba_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that's just some unfortunate lighting, her nose looks pretty damn normal to me.

>> No.7083503

Don't cosplay characters that show off their tits then...? Not hard.

>> No.7083506

Hey, is it unreasonable of me to expect my boyfriend not to fap to pics of cosplayers we both know that he keeps in a fap folder on the desktop comp we both use?

>> No.7083508
File: 157 KB, 735x549, 1320994543753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only big titties are the way to go
You're trying to impress the wrong people.

>> No.7083514

Yes. People should be allowed to masturbate to whatever they want in a healthy relationship. He's a dumbass for not hiding that shit though.

>> No.7083523
File: 42 KB, 565x600, 1367808691178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women with big breasts tend to be nicer.

>> No.7083530

No, they don't. They tend to be more stuck-up and entitled and brats since they're used to everyone fawning over their big tits and doing stuff for them because of their big tits.

Face it, flat chests are superior.

>> No.7083528

>Wearing this
>Claiming cosplay isn't consent

top kek

>> No.7083535

dat bait

>> No.7083536
File: 3 KB, 203x210, 1371192720192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying taste only means you like what looks good. Theres a reason its called taste and not sight you ass
>completely turning around what i said to make me sound arrogant after "realistic expectations"

all women are insane, it doesnt matter how big or small your chest is

>> No.7083543

>Repeating the same thing over and over again and thinking it's amusing
>not autistic

>> No.7083547
File: 133 KB, 831x974, madein5sec.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7083552

I didn't say flat chested were less insane. I said they are nicer.

>> No.7083556

>doing stuff for them
>using them for sex
>calling them sluts for no reason
top lel you are so deluded bro

>> No.7083565
File: 184 KB, 1920x1080, 1367308973129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flats tend to develop an inferiority complex which causes them to become insecure and grumpy.

>> No.7083566

I won't lie, I actually find it really, really hard to control myself around girls dressed up like this at cons. I want to hurt them.

>> No.7083568

>top lel

>> No.7083570
File: 26 KB, 500x477, 1362384189454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7083572

Yes, because women's entire concept of self-worth revolves around what men think of their tits.

>> No.7083575

Your post was so poorly written I can't make out what the fuck you meant with it.

>> No.7083576

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, etc

>> No.7083578

Of course, a woman's image is a big part of her identity whether she admits it or not.

If it wasent, /cgl/ would not exist.

>> No.7083584

You're not being sarcastic are you?

Or do you think women wear heels, push-up bras, yoko/powergirl cosplays "for themselves"?

>> No.7083604

dat /r9k/

>> No.7083608

>Or do you think women wear heels, push-up bras, yoko/powergirl cosplays "for themselves"?
Sometimes, if they enjoy it. Some people enjoy feeling sexy because they like the aesthetic and not because they're cock-hungry sluts, deal with it. Even if they do do it for others (which some do, sure), a lot of the time it's for other women as much as men. Asserting dominance and whatnot.

>> No.7083613

I have the boobs for it, though I'd rather put them in a sports bra or somethng and cosplay Painwheel instead.

I refuse to cosplay from Skullgirls until I win, though, and I am absolute shit at fighter games.

>> No.7083616
File: 121 KB, 600x997, nurse_seras_victoria_by_biduke-d2vnkv4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh, dat hair. It's like Seras Victoria with blue hair. Fuck that shit.

>> No.7083630
File: 991 KB, 1000x1000, 1337636362353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some people enjoy feeling sexy because they like the aesthetic and not because they're cock-hungry sluts, deal with it.

>> No.7083631
File: 217 KB, 177x244, Leonakofxii[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your bad taste and limited scope is showing.

>> No.7083641

There's no reasoning with girls as delusional as you.

>> No.7083644

You've truly decimated me with your thought-out and insightful reasoning. I am at the mercy of your intellect. Please, tell me more about the psychological processes of women, which you're clearly an expert on despite never having been one nor related to one on a personal level deeper than what's required to get your dick wet.

>> No.7083647
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, 4545315453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm a girl

>> No.7083648

>my life revolves around my penis
>every guy's lives revolve around their penises
>therefore every girl's lives revolves around men's penises

I swear there's more to life than just cock, anon.

>> No.7083652

you can't tell shit about my taste. That statement never indicated I enjoyed this or the thing I compared it to, so you can shove your witty little comment up your shriveled cunt.

>> No.7083657

Then you are the worst scum that walks the Earth. No creature more despicable than a mangina.

>> No.7083661
File: 1005 KB, 500x281, youarethismad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7083664

I wouldn't be so mad if I had a cute girlfriend like you. :-)

>> No.7083673
File: 33 KB, 417x349, 1296750887533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if you're not swimming in pussy like I am, but here's a tip: women love to be treated like actual people. Keep this in mind and your fortunes may yet change, young pencildick.

>> No.7083679
File: 58 KB, 250x250, derpjesuscostanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga I couldn't be less mad if I was the goddamn Michelin Man.

>> No.7083678

I wish. Forever will have to rely on boobie tricks to seem like I have at the very least a C.

>> No.7083681

Lel, saddest post of the month.

Even feminist blogs themselves say that manginas are the least attractive males ever.

You will never get your tiny dick wet like that.

>> No.7083682
File: 213 KB, 600x887, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women love to be treated like actual people.

>> No.7083688

>women love to be treated like actual people
Please tell me this is a troll.

I would say you never touched a girl, but that's probably not true, being forever in the friendzone you likely do get to do her nails and/or play the foot stool when she needs it.

>> No.7083689
File: 131 KB, 250x143, tumblr_m08b85rFrp1qaolnw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel.

>> No.7083690
File: 185 KB, 1080x720, my gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you losers, this is what my girlfriend looks like. How jelly/10 are you?

>> No.7083697

not very

>no boobs
>ugly fried hair
>gross facial piercings

>> No.7083698
File: 33 KB, 251x242, 1351590782991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women love to be treated like actual people.

>> No.7083704

My condolences.

>> No.7083703
File: 45 KB, 240x320, 1338173734361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7083708

Jesus Christ. I'm a girl and I think what you said is retarded. I mean, I'm not like that, but most of my girl "friends" definitely don't care about such "unimportant" things.

>> No.7083715
File: 1010 KB, 250x188, i'm going to throw up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7083721
File: 44 KB, 418x349, 1296750951361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite part about this thread is how many anons are pretending to be the same one.

>> No.7083722

>a lot of the time it's for other women
The dominance that this achieves comes mostly from being more attractive to other men as well. Women wouldn't care about who's more attractive than them in their eyes, it's about who's going to get the dick.

>> No.7083724

What about lesbians?

>> No.7083725

Don't you think pretending to be a woman on the internet is kinda oldschool?

>> No.7083733

obvious male

>> No.7083726
File: 496 KB, 320x240, 21czc0i.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting this a minute after I posted

thats quite the timing youve got. could have at least picked a photo that wasnt so old, geez

>> No.7083731

Those are basic bitches, not women.

>> No.7083734

All the bottom girls are competing to get the richest lesbian

>> No.7083737

You're a cutie and you've always been a cutie, fuck those niggers.

>> No.7083738

Not really.
Do you think lolitas think they're gonna attract men and get cock with their frilly dresses?
Do you think female competitions to see who's the skinniest is a mean to get men (who repeat ad infinitum that they DON'T like women too skinny)?
Do you think girls with heavy make-up trying to have the most flawless make-up are doing that to attract men, who, again, insist on repeating that they dislike obvious make-up?

If you answered "yes" to any of these, you're a troll.

>> No.7083740

>Even feminist blogs themselves say that manginas are the least attractive males ever.
No, they say men with nice guy syndrome are the least attractive. Get your shit straight.

>> No.7083741

Some lesbians are attracted to different qualities. And yes, I know that all people aren't attracted to the same thing, but being generally attractive on that sort of a level is a primal mating instinct, women get jealous of other women more attractive than them, sexually or otherwise because of how the general hierarchy was in the days of early man. It's less social and more primitive.

Lesbians however can be attracted to more generally male-like qualities in women and not femininity.

>> No.7083744

dang all i gotta say is

medium sized tits master race

>> No.7083745
File: 457 KB, 180x166, 1314186000642.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is such a shit show, please go on.

>> No.7083753

>I'm absolute shit at fighting games.

That's because you're a woman. Since you have the boobs, why not just play against someone who's literally so shit at video games they can't possibly win and then cosplay Valentine?

>> No.7083756


Do you even know how Matt treats her? She has to get on her knees every time and suck his cock while shouting "please give me your grease, oh great Bacon-sama!".

>> No.7083757

That's what manginas are, you idiot.

>> No.7083761
File: 20 KB, 330x255, esca_dilandu005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7083764

>doesn't know how to respond because he's new as fuck and has no idea what I'm talking about
Well, back to >>>/r9k/ friend-o.

>> No.7083765

that sleeve is so awkward

>> No.7083766

Are you perchance a relative of the Athens spammer?

>> No.7083767

No need for hostility, just expressing my amusement as such a scenario. Also not that anon.

>> No.7083772

Suuuuure. Just go back where you came from, nobody wants you here.

>> No.7083773

>the unattractive hating on the attractive
Damn, first thread I've visited on /cgl/ does every chick have a toxic personality here?

>> No.7083775
File: 18 KB, 325x172, 1354930897871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>piercing between lip and chin

>> No.7083776

Yes, /cgl/ is full of cunts just like the rest of 4chan. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.7083777
File: 269 KB, 640x480, Oh_Lawdy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry if you're not swimming in pussy like I am
Damn bro your so cool, I wake up every morning just wishing I could grow up to be as cool as you bro.

>> No.7083778

Y'all bitches cold as ice. I should visit this board more often

>> No.7083780

Proof that mangina chan from above is not even /cgl/.

>> No.7083781

It was still new so the bar was long, which makes the end hang down pretty slow. It's in the right place, I swear.

>this thread

>> No.7083792

I was going to try to make a witty comeback, but I just can't argue with those trips.

>> No.7083825 [DELETED] 


>date/attracted to girl on left or girl on right conversation

>> No.7083826

bro, you messed up

>> No.7083833
File: 52 KB, 580x580, a3djywwcqaaqeo7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>date/attracted to girl on left or girl on right conversation

>> No.7083845

are you a fucking autist?
taste implys all sorts of ideas and concepts
including looks you fucking retard

>> No.7083847

cant see that image well

>> No.7084074


what do you mean embarassing? Do you mean if you tried doing this, your tits would just pop out like all the time? There are ways around it.

Don't be ashamed of your big tittied glory

>> No.7084459

Er... If they're fat maybe.

>> No.7084556

>having to deal with this kind of boys and finding it totally ok
Im really sorry for you. Never in my life has one of my boyfriends flirted with another chick because you know, love? They expect the same from me and that is absolutely normal. I cant understand those people who think its "just flirting". WTF
To the question: I would lean back and watch my boyfriend drop her and be proud of him

>> No.7084557

>thinking she meant the slutty ones

>> No.7084566

Jnig isn't actually considered attractive in any countries other than USA, USA's Northern Territory and perhaps Inbred Kingdom.

>> No.7084574

fucking this. White trash is only attractive to murricans

>> No.7084579

Suda51 and that one Japanese cosplayer who groped her boobs seem to think JNig is pretty attractive.

>> No.7084591

Suda51 is an unattractive old man. Unattractive men from the older generation have always loved blonde bimbos with big tits, no matter if they were butterfaced or not.

>> No.7084596



That is perfect husband material. Every girl on /cgl/ would let him rip her hymen and fill her cunny with his mighty Nippon semen if they could.

>> No.7084601

male asians are most likely disgusting

>> No.7084605

That doesn't matter, he has MONEY (obvious) and STATUS (dating an Asian male makes all the other seagulls jealous cause they all have YF).

>> No.7084622

what I was trying to say is that the most of /cgl doesnt have yellow fever.

>> No.7084638

jelly fatty detected

weather you like her or not Jnig is an attractive girl with a very nice store bought rack she isn't model hot but she does top the con-hot charts