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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7076731 No.7076731 [Reply] [Original]

Very few people respect female cosplayers, seeing them as little more than pieces of meat to pump and dump. Worse, we're seen as geek feminists, much like Anita Sarkeesian.

How do we counteract this reputation?

>> No.7076740

Quit sucking so much dick.

>> No.7076742

We don't! We just pump and dump them.

>> No.7076748

If you dress like a stripper, you get treated like a stripper.

>> No.7076750

If you gonna dress in slutty costumes and act like a slut guess fucking what?

>> No.7076752

This, so much this

>> No.7076760

If I dress like Batman, will I be treated like Batman? I want people to argue over whether I'm a hero or a dangerous vigilante.

>> No.7076761

Dumb whores won't realize this.

>> No.7076762

>How do we counteract this reputation?
The ones who cause the reputation don't care about it; being seen as a "pump and dump" is good enough for them.

The cute & pure cosplayers who don't cosplay for attention and actually like what their cosplaying d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶e̶x̶i̶s̶t̶ are pure enough that you can tell they're not like the rest of them.

>> No.7076765

Never expect people to treat you kindly.
Never expect people to not have double standards. (comic females in few clothing = empowerment!!11 u dress as them = omg u ho)

Enjoy the company of those people who are not dicks and do not bother with the others. You can never make it right for everyone. Important is that what you do pleases you, not them.

Basically stop giving any fucks. You do not have to justify what you do before anyone but yourself. Develop a healthy tolerance towards ambiguity. Stop identifying with the crowd and try seeing the absurdity of abstract things, such as reputation.

React confidentally towards disgraceful behavior in a way you find suitable. Always know that you are above those idiots and owe them nothing.

>> No.7076766

This pretty much says it all:

>> No.7076783 [DELETED] 


How would he react if someone said:
"If black people dress like criminals, they should be treated as criminals"

>> No.7076788 [DELETED] 

You can't really dress like a criminal. You can dress like a nigger, and that's probably the closest you'll get.

>> No.7076798


>don't cosplay for attention

The entire hobby is for attention. You dress up so other people can look at you.

But this is satire, I assume.

>> No.7076800 [DELETED] 

I think that he would tell you that if ONLY the black people who dressed like criminals were treated like criminals it would be a massive improvement on the present (and past) situation.

Do you not live in this world?

BTW Out of interest, how exactly do criminals dress? Stripey sweaters, masks and sacks that say swag on them?

>> No.7076805

She is a butthurt whore, ignore her.

>> No.7076812 [DELETED] 


criminals dress like muh nigga Tray Tray

so George Zimmerman was right to treat him like a thug

>> No.7076817

Ugh, I noticed so many girls are displaying powergirl now. She's becoming the new yoko.
>mfw none of them even know who she actually is or reads the comics

>> No.7076822 [DELETED] 

I'd say he was really right to treat him like that when he returned from his house, buttravaged that some cracked dared to follow him for 30 seconds and attacked him for it.

>> No.7076824
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You all shitposters posting in a shitpost thread.

>> No.7076826
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Power Girl is feminist


>> No.7076829

>You're all shitposters posting in my thread.

>> No.7076831 [DELETED] 

Girls who cosplay are rape bait by default.

>> No.7076870 [DELETED] 

ngl, i'd love to hurt a cosplayer sexually, but only with consent.

>> No.7076871 [DELETED] 

Cosplay is consent.

>> No.7076875 [DELETED] 

Cosplay is fap fodder for getting my dick hard and making me want to have hatesex with the sorts of sluts who host "cosplay is not consent" panels.

>> No.7076899
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gr8 b8 m8

>> No.7076901 [DELETED] 

Your pussy exists to be plowed.

>> No.7076938

Next time I see a male cosplayer showing a lot of skin, I'm gonna tell him to come over and suck on my tits and when he says no, I'll call him a fucking cunt whore and shout shit like "Don't dress like a gigolo if you ain't gonna suck it ho." Yeah that's a good idea, everybody knows dudes sole purpose is to suck tits and be hot eye candy that think they are in control.

Thats so cute, you guys are adorable

>> No.7076942
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what if he does come over and suck your tits

what do?

>> No.7076941

It can be plowed. I would just rather it be done by another chick and preferably with a strap on.

>> No.7076946

But... He'd probably do it.

>> No.7076952

Let's get dem shit straight.
I'm a cosplayer, and I'm a girl.
In my country I never heard of problems or abuses from someone using a costume about beign verbal abused or something.
But let's set the record, cosplay what the hell you want you are on your right, but if you dress is something more revealing deal with it.
Even I can't take my eyes off when I see someone in panties and corset or whatever and I ain't gay.

Instead of getting all offended defend yourselfs give them a punch on the face or some reply don't act like little hurt virgins.

>> No.7076956 [DELETED] 

>Apparently doesn't know that men can be raped/sexually assaulted

>> No.7076958 [DELETED] 

Lesbians are hilarious, pretending to not like men but using recreations of our sexual organs to bring pleasure to each other.

You haven't met the right man yet. You haven't met me.

>> No.7076960

>no traps
>no delts
>skinny forearms
>no legs

>> No.7076964

I like pretty girls. You're not a pretty girl. Sorry.

>> No.7076965 [DELETED] 

Does the troll actually have to type "I am a troll" to get you people from not replying to him?

>> No.7076967

You'd probably just get called a whore, and unless you're fat/ugly then I don't think anyone would turn you down on that offer.

>> No.7076971 [DELETED] 
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Men cannot be raped; however, neither can white women.

>> No.7076972

You do realize that some people don't give a shit and just reply because we're bored, right? Seriously, fuck off with that bullshit like people should be ashamed of who they're replying to in a god damned thread on the fucking internet.

>> No.7076974
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Yes people should be ashamed of repetitive banal shitposting.

>> No.7076977

well shit that would be kick ass.
Here's the thing, guys act like "Hehhehee dumb girls like wearing clothes that show a lot of skin means they're whores who want a dick" And actually, it's just nice to be proud of your own bod, you don't need some bulldog breathing down your neck to know you fine as shit.

Also, don't call girls whores and sluts and shit like that, because as soon as you do that, no one will want your nasty, angry dried up guy vagina you huge pussy man-baby.
Just give her compliments that you, if you were wearing less clothes would like to hear." Nice bod", "you fill that out well", "you look kick ass", you know shit like that.

Girls like sexy shit just as much as guys do, just don't think you're being cool or edgy by being a huge shit head to her. You just look like a virgin, basement dwelling piece of shit, that most chicks will just brush off. It's all in the presentation guys.

>> No.7076979

Nobody forced you to post in here, m8. If you don't like it then leave.

>> No.7076984

Wait, are you saying if she is ugly/fat they will suck her tits? I'm confused

>> No.7076985


>> No.7076986

Don't be so sensitive.

>> No.7076988

Naw, I just messed up that sentence. Nobody is gonna suck some fat/uglies titties.

>> No.7076990

>the"if you don't like it, you're a weirdo virgin loser!" response
Tryhard cunt go back to sucking any dick that gives you attention.

>> No.7077004

Not saying that's what you actually are, saying it's what girls will think you are. Also, great example you just made of yourself, wow A+ good job.

>> No.7077011

If I dress as a cop will I be treated as a cop?

>> No.7077013

Here's the funny thing about boning guys, they think they tricked and used us and really we used them. I get a free fuck and he thinks hes a big strong man. Guys can be so dumb

>> No.7077015

That made me giggle

>> No.7077017
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>> No.7077018


It's good to know you have the courage so speak like this on the internet, even you yourself knowing you'd never try it around anyone other then maybe a few select male friends in real life and even they will most likely think less of you after leaving the conversation. 4chan is so nice, a place that gives you the freedom to say things you'd never have the guts to express in a real world setting.

>> No.7077019

Oh man this so much! Just tell them they look great! What's up with calling them whores.

>> No.7077025

Whores don't have uniforms. They don't even have a dress code. Honestly, it's a pretty lax job.

>> No.7077024

So is it inappropriate to say, "Nice tits" when a girl is obviously showing a lot of cleavage?

Because I have and will continue to do so regardless.

Also, if you're not attractive, please don't dress slutty. There is a height/weight ratio along with having no chest/flat ass and bad skin restrictions.

Also, don't do it if you're pale as a ghost and people can see your blue veins going through your cleavage.

It's common decency.

>> No.7077029



your head

>> No.7077042
File: 55 KB, 960x593, 487949_287535214722069_1144047376_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So is it inappropriate to say, "Nice tits" when a girl is obviously showing a lot of cleavage?

its a bit lewd

why not say "you look great" or something?

>> No.7077050


Because if a girl is clearly trying to show off her boobs, I might as well comment on it.

She didn't accidentally put on that low cut blouse and pushup bra. She wanted men to appreciate her boobs.

>> No.7077047


Except for the fact that you sleeping with a ton of men diminishes your value as a long term partner in the eyes of 99% of other men.

You're trash. You're a cosplayer.

>> No.7077052




Your head

You fucking dolt. Chapelle has never been too clever for someone.

>> No.7077053

I think it's safe to say he's trying to be obnoxious on the internet to make people reply to him.

>> No.7077055

dude, did you really just pull the "I don't like how you look, don't do what you want with your body" thing? What are you 12?

You sound like one of those chubby dude-bros who thinks he is being a charming gentlemen when he points out the fact that her boobs exist. Ew.

>> No.7077064

He doesn't actually care. In fact I bet he's pasting most of these replies from his clipboard.

>> No.7077067

No, I'm pointing out that sleeping with lots of men makes you unattractive as a prospective long term partner to most men, and rightfully so, there's a linear relationship between number of premarital sexual partners and divorce.

Cosplayers are amongst the trashiest girls you can meet.

>> No.7077069


You don't want to see shirtless hairy fatmen in speedos, right?

Same concept. Except men have more sensitive eyes since we're more visual creatures. We care more.

>> No.7077072

ok why? Why does that diminish my "value" as a long term partner? Because I know my way around the bedroom?

Also, "you're trash. You're a cosplayer" What the fuck was trying to be said here, you're messages are unclear as shit

>> No.7077073

ITT: a bunch of fucking garbage

I can't sage hard enough

>> No.7077078

Yes that will help. The troll will magically become less ridiculous.

>> No.7077090


He has a point.

It's different for men than it is for women. Something is inherently repelling about knowing that a girl has slept with many dudes.

However, for a guy, it makes him better looking in the eyes of many girls because he's seen as desirable.

Big difference between males/females.

>> No.7077105

My boyfriend was a huge slut before I met him. Initially, I wanted him as a fuckbuddy (I was rebounding from my first relationship crumbling) and thought this was a bonus, because he could teach me things.

Now that I love the guy and we're committed to each other, it fucking disgusts me to think of all the women he's been with. Absolutely revolting. Still love him, but goddamn, it makes me sick.

I think that male or female, experience is good for a lay, but it becomes a negative when you get attached enough to feel jealousy.

Sage, I shouldn't be responding seriously on this shitty thread, but here it is.

>> No.7077108

>ok why? Why does that diminish my "value" as a long term partner?

>Kahn and London, 1991
> "women who are sexually active prior to marriage faced considerably higher risk of marital disruption than women who were virgin brides."

>Laumann, Gagnon, Michael and Michaels, 1994
>"For both genders, we find that virgins have dramatically more stable first marriages…"

>Heaton, 2002
>"Dissolution rates are substantially higher among those who initiate sexual activity before marriage."

>Teachman, 2003
>Sociologist Jay Teachman examined how both premarital sex and cohabitation impacts risk of divorce among women. He found that "[i]t remains the case, however, that women with more than one intimate relationship prior to marriage have an elevated risk of marital disruption."


You wonder why?

The best predictor of future behavior is a person's past behavior. You're a cosplayer, ergo you are a whore, it's to be expected given the hobby you involve yourself in.

Now isn't there a rave you have to attend whore?

>> No.7077109

>Also, "you're trash. You're a cosplayer" What the fuck was trying to be said here, you're messages are unclear as shit

Cosplayers have a reputation, amongst nerds in general, as slutty attention whores who have a high sexual partner count.

Why do you think this is? Did the reputation come from nowhere?

>> No.7077114
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Remember when Professor Sadpanda would post great reads in shit threads like these?

I miss those days.

>> No.7077116

Dude I'm just reading through this and laughing. You are such a bitter little manlet who's just mad that women are sleeping with men who aren't you.

Also, citing articles published in obscure journals (or not published at all) from 20+ years ago? That's not good sociology, mate.

Let me guess, you also believe that big mean alphas are stealing all the hawt gurlz from you and consider Jessica Nigri (who is ttly a virgin saint, btw) your favorite cosplayer.

>> No.7077118

If cosplayers are such horrible slutz and attention whores, then why are you even on this board?

>> No.7077122

I'm not that guy, but I, and most guys love to fuck sluts and attention whores. It's just that nobody wants to be in a relationship with a slut/attention whore. Just how everything should be.

>> No.7077123

He doesn't actually care. All of his posts are stupid on purpose.

>> No.7077124

>Also, citing articles published in obscure journals (or not published at all) from 20+ years ago? That's not good sociology, mate.

Let me translate this:

>Citing articles that don't conform to things I want to believe about my own lifestyle isn't good because it doesn't fit into the harmony of my echo chamber and makes me feel uncomfortable

>Good sociology:
>Copypaste stuff about "white privilege"
>Freudian psychoanalysis about how all neuroses are caused by "sexual repression"
>Marcusian theories about sex that also conform to my own confirmation bias

>> No.7077131
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>Paik, 2011
>"research shows that adolescent sexuality/premarital sex is associated with marital dissolution"

>20 years ago

How is life in 2031? Have you gotten over your daddy issues yet?

>hating on Jnig

If we needed any more proof you're a butthurt archetypal cosplay whore, we have it.

Jnig may be an attention whore, but there's no proof she's an actual "OMG TOTES DRUNK AT THE RAVE AND WOKE UP IN SOME GUYS BED DNT SLUT SHAME HATERZ ^_^" slut. That would be you.

I can smell your cunt from all the way over here.

>> No.7077136

you've never actuallly touched a woman before, have you anon?

>> No.7077143

If you want people to stop slut-shaming, you need to also stop virgin-shaming.

>> No.7077146

I only come to /cgl/ to look at cosplayer tits, and this thread greatly offends me.

Mods, do your work.

>> No.7077147
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You've never actually cleaned your stinky, diseased cunt before have you?

>> No.7077151

>if you want people to stop slut shaming
I just got here and am highly entertained by the amount of samefag butthurt happening, don't really care one way or the other about who's shaming who.

>> No.7077154

>Trying to reason with an ape who lives for nothing other than getting her cooch slammed and wasting all her money getting #omgsowasted #wecantstop at con raves

It's like you'd get into debates with ethical philosophy with orangutangs too.

>> No.7077158

No, that's a false dilemma. Slut shaming is wrong because it is men trying to force control on the lives (the sexualities) of women. Virgin shaming is good, because male virgins are MRA neckbeards / trash of society / creeps, and female virgins are either still children (so you can't shame them...) or Christian et al. women who (sometimes unwillingly but they won't admit) submit themselves to the power of patriarchy, by accepting the disgusting thought that just because a girl doesn't have sex she should be more desirable than other girls. I think that the question alone, to ask a woman how many sex partner she had, should be considered a hate crime / misogyny (which it is).

>> No.7077164


I'd be curious to know what impact religion plays in this though. One of the forefront reasons to remain chaste before marriage is religious belief- religions that also aren't keen on divorce. I'd be more interested in comparing martial happiness and premarital sex.

Or what portion of divorce is aided by having prior experience in love and dating? If you don't think you have any other options you're less likely to divorce, I imagine.

>> No.7077161

look at this loser trying to pretend he knows anything about cooches.
jacking off to a picture of one doesn't make you an expert pal!

>> No.7077172


What if a feminist is a virgin because she won't subject herself to a man's pleasure and finds sex itself inherently misogynistic?

>> No.7077173

Is that true? If so, thank you for educating me on this issue. I'd like to believe we should stop all kinds of shaming, because in the end we're all human beings who should be treated with tolerance and respect.

>> No.7077176

Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls....

>> No.7077178

And what exactly is wrong with seeing people as pieces of meat to fuck? The dude at Mcdonalds has a personality and his own life I'm sure, but to me he's the piece of meat that makes my burger and hands it to me. That is the extent to which I care about him, for the five minutes that he is fulfilling my need. A casual hookup is the same way. All I care about is the part of you that's a piece of meat, and you should think the same way about me.

>> No.7077183

I agree anon.
Some fags ITT are just buttmad because no one wants their specific meat.

>> No.7077184

Yes, because everyone who doesn't agree with you is a slut. I can imagine that you're a riot at parties.

I'm just kind of lulzing because you're doing exactly what is defined as bad science: picking and choosing single sentences from article abstracts that may or may not support your position (especially as you have not cited how these conclusions were reached, or any other potential research biases or other factors). Maybe this sort of stuff was acceptable at your community college, but at real schools it's not acceptable. But granted, this list was probably copy-pasted from an r9k board.

Also, Freud? Do you really think that anyone in the field still applies Freudian theory to anything anymore? To be honest, someone as backwards as you might enjoy his theories.

I stand by my original assertion that you are a bitter manlet because the majority of women won't sleep with you.

Also, sage for mixing academics with cosplay.

>> No.7077185

>Or what portion of divorce is aided by having prior experience in love and dating? If you don't think you have any other options you're less likely to divorce, I imagine.

In all seriousness, I'd say a pretty large part. As anyone who has been in a real relationship knows, there's a huge value to being each others' first in all things, it's sort of like the whole "going to paris for the first time" adage. The more "relationships" you enter, the more you devalue these things, and the more embittered people become. I mean, if you're in your 30s and you're still dating men/women, there really is nothing new under the sun, there's no novelty or new ground to be broken in sharing experiences with the person, or at least, vastly less than there is.

I'd appeal to your sense of reason here too, as you're a female on /cgl/ you're likely to be afraid by such results because this board, with all due respect, tends to be fairly promiscuous (sugar daddies, cosplay deviants, full on hardcore porn, hook up culture etc are pretty rampant here), but try to look at it objectively and not fall into the trap of immediately trying to shift the reasoning as to 'why' onto something that flatters your own worldview and lifestyle more.

>> No.7077192

Freudian theory still has a huge impact in how a lot of critical theory types approached sex, and conversely, how that approach influenced humanities and social sciences as a whole, see Marcuse's Eros and Civilization and the idea that for society to be "free" it must "liberate" itself from the supposed shackles of sexual mores.

You're just mouthing the tenth rate approximation of that theory without even realizing it.

>Yes, because everyone who doesn't agree with you is a slut. I can imagine that you're a riot at parties.

You already admitted you were a slut earlier in the thread.

>> No.7077200

My father is actually my best friend, but thanks for your concern I suppose? And I suppose that you have some sort of problem with math, as I was referring to the 1990 articles. You might want to get checked for a learning disability.

I don't hate Jessica at all, please don't think I meant to slight her by saying that. She's a nice girl, very pretty, and a smart businesswoman. It's cool that she's managed to make so much money and off of idiots like you.

>> No.7077202


But in science, asking 'why' is a huge part. Especially in psychological and sociological science when it's not something we measure. Are you expecting me to assume that first marriages go better for virgins simply because sluts are inherently bad?

And what I was getting at isn't the law of diminishing returns- I think it's unfair to say that your first time is always more important and enjoyable than the first time you have sex with the person you want to spend the rest of your life with- if they aren't the same person of course. I was thinking more about the level of happiness in a marriage and especially sex life. I know a girl who was married to her first love for five years and didn't know that she could have an orgasm. Her guy had always pumped and dumped and she never got off- she saw sex as a nuisance for him rather than anything for her. When she found out she could cum herself by masturbating, she was definitely unhappy with her former sex life. If she'd had a guy that made her cum before- they would have either worked it out, or she would have been thinking that she could find a guy that could.
>implying I've ever had sex and aren't an academic bookworm of a girl who's never been kissed

>> No.7077206

There is nothing misogynistic about sex itself, if done proper and not in a patriarchy-submitting position.

Tolerating intolerance should not be tolerated.

Oh look, the neckbeard is sweating all over his fedora now...

>> No.7077215

> as I was referring to the 1990 articles.

I guess Mendelian Inheritance is no longer valid because it was discovered over a century ago, lol.

>It's cool that she's managed to make so much money and off of idiots like you.

I don't spend money on cons, I actually watch anime and play video games, unlike the femanons on /cgl/.

>I know a girl who was married to her first love for five years and didn't know that she could have an orgasm. Her guy had always pumped and dumped and she never got off- she saw sex as a nuisance for him rather than anything for her. When she found out she could cum herself by masturbating, she was definitely unhappy with her former sex life. If she'd had a guy that made her cum before- they would have either worked it out, or she would have been thinking that she could find a guy that could.

Nice anecdotal evidence champ, I was about to take you seriously.

It's pretty clear you have an agenda here, so drop the whole RIGOROUS SCIENTIFIC METHOD crap. If you're confronted with evidence that challenges your liberal worldview, you attempt to explain it away, like you're doing now, how is this any different to the religious people you mock?

>> No.7077212

I don't read philosophy, I'm more of a sciences person. I'm not familiar at all with Marcuse, but I'll look at it.

I've made three comments in this thread, and neither of them had to do with my sex life. I would never call myself, or anyone else, a slut. Not that the word means much, but I just prefer not to use it.

>> No.7077218

>Marcuse's Eros and Civilization
>Publication date 1955

>> No.7077219

>Tolerating intolerance should not be tolerated.
No, of course not. I'm sorry if it came off that way. Any kind of misoginy or racism shouldn't be accepted.

>> No.7077225

Yes I used an anecdote, to suggest future research should be conducted to look at the prevalence of such situations.

>If you're confronted with evidence that challenges your liberal worldview, you attempt to explain it away, like you're doing now, how is this any different to the religious people you mock?

But I haven't mocked the religious, at all. I have a lot of very good religious friends, even if it's not what I personally believe.

You're really avoiding the fact that I was interested in the reasoning behind virginity being positively correlated with good marriage, but alright. I guess logic need not apply. You seem awfully mad about this. How does it affect you exactly, anyway?

>> No.7077221

Slut shaming isn't wrong because it is an opinion, which people are allowed. I'm allowed to believe sluts are bad and not good partners, because this is America, and we're allowed to do that here. Actually, you should be thankful that you're only being "slut shamed" if you were in the middle east or asia and found to be a slut, you wouldn't just be worried about being called bad names that hurt your feelings.

Virgin shaming is also opinion that one is allowed to hold in the United States of America. Though, it has a little less merit than slut shaming. The thing is though, you people make such a big fucking deal about SEX. It's a function to make your privates feel good for a few minutes and make babies. It's not that big of a fucking deal. Being biological in nature, it's not even impressive or a feat of accomplishment. Everything has sex in some way or another. Sex isn't special at all, and isn't a big deal. A big deal is going against biological programming though (not having sex). Only the human race is capable of overriding their biological programming, which is impressive as fuck.

We won't even go into talking about the patriarchy, because that's entering retard territory, but I will say: If women were meant to have equal power, then it would have happened throughout history, but it didn't and so you live in a male dominated society, which is probably for the best.

>> No.7077223

Right, and Socrates has no influence on Western thought because he's 2500 years old.

Just how poor is your ability to conceptualize things on a macrohistorical level?

No wonder you're a slut, you live totally for the moment.

#swag #yolo #yokocosplay #powergirl

>> No.7077226

>muh philosophy

>> No.7077228

Before I read that TL;DR text, answer me this:

do you happen to be a male virgin?

>> No.7077229
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He's English. England is really boring.

>> No.7077231


>> No.7077232

But your approach is basically to creating theoretical mechanisms by which the available evidence can be explained without reference to promiscuity being a bad thing for relationship stability, and then demanding your opponents disprove these mechanisms.

>> No.7077241

There's a whole lot of butthurt towards virgins on /cgl/ and a kind of reflexive anger towards them, what's responsible for this?

Does /cgl/ really labor under the delusion that the only people who think cosplayers, with their promiscuity, don't make good long term partners are male virgins?

Wishful thinking. Cosplayers have a bad rep in general for sluttyness, and it's only getting worse. The less said about lolitas the better.

>> No.7077236

>all dat privilege
wow you are one delusional fucktard.

>> No.7077237

You shouldn't go into reading things with bias. Whatever I am shouldn't affect what I say. That would be called an ad hominem in an argument.

>> No.7077242

>virgin neckbeard detected

>> No.7077243

answer pls

>> No.7077245

Most people don't even coslayers exist so it's hard to have a reputation. But go ahead and keep repeating it. Assertion is always proof enough.

>> No.7077247

The only people who get butthurt about being called a virgin are male virgins, usually over the age of 21.

>> No.7077250

I honestly can't tell if you're just fucking with me using a word like "privilege" or if you're being serious.

>> No.7077251

Gee I wonder if it's different people who actually detailed memory of me or could it be the same shit poster.

>> No.7077255

Seriously the general population thinks we were all nuts for dressing up as "sailor moons" and "pokey mans." I'm pretty sure that our sex lives don't come into the equation.

>> No.7077256


No, my approach was to understand why promiscuity is a bad thing for relationship stability. Correlation isn't causation after all. I don't have opponents. I said they were interesting studies and I'd be interested in knowing what about virginity improves a relationship. Someone has suggested jealousy as a possible reason- I mentioned I would be interested in martial happiness and virginity as a study. Just another variable to add into a similar study.

I also haven't cared enough to look up and read the articles, I'm not that interested and it's way more interesting to watch how you try to cope with people challenging your beliefs.

Academics don't have opponents anyway, they have facts and disbelievers. Research shouldn't be used to push an agenda, though lord knows it is.

>> No.7077253

>what's responsible for this?
Because virgins are the trash of /cgl/. They are responsible for pretty much every shitpost on /cgl/ ever posted. Athens was a virgin, the guy who keeps calling everyone Athens is a virgin, OP is a virgin... hmm I sense a pattern here.

>> No.7077254

Most people aren't aware of cosplayers, yes, I'm talking about people who are aware of cosplayers and follow something like anime to some degree.

>> No.7077257

>this thread
>people caring about virginity
>people think philosophy is useful and not a complete waste of time

>> No.7077263

>post after post of psuedo-social science nonsense

None of this is real. None of it is intellectual. None of it makes a point.

>> No.7077264

Your ridiculous rant is like a parody of itself, that's why i used the word 'privilege'.
I am tempted to screenshot it and send over to tumblr/reddit

>> No.7077259

Athens wasn't actually a virgin though. This was discovered some years ago.

>> No.7077262

Yes, obviously that tripfag is Athens too, it says right there in his name; must be how you type "Asensu" in Japanese...

fucking mental you are.

>> No.7077268

> Athens too
I didn't imply or say that. Someone must feel guilty.

>> No.7077269

>detailed memory
You spam the word Athens about 10 times a week and always use the same reaction images. You might as well use your tripname.

>> No.7077265

>general population
Doesn't know they exist or even care in the first place.
And your proof of this is a vague assertion? Brilliant. Now I know why you think philosophy isn't garbage. You're brain dead.

>> No.7077266

>>people think philosophy is useful and not a complete waste of time
People think philosophy is a waste of time? Shiiiit, what truly dark times we live in. You could probably call the turn of the millennium the second dark ages.

>> No.7077270

Wait, are you actually attacking philosophy whilst defending Sociology?


>> No.7077274

Jesus christ, you actually go to those places? How horrifying.

>> No.7077275

I haven't posted it once in this thread but you have.

>> No.7077272


Depends on how you feel about psychology and sociology, really.

>> No.7077276

>I wonder if it's the same shit poster, huehue
>blames everything on some person called Athens
>implying you suddenly developed the mental capacity to differentiate people
get fucked already

>> No.7077279


Both are nonsense outside the very basic stuff like Weber and Durkheim.

>> No.7077277

At least Sociology is a science.

>> No.7077282

>At least Sociology is a science.


Maybe in Weber's time. Sociology is horrendously biased, it's probably the most biased of all the social sciences. Maybe alongside cultural anthropology.

Try coming up with an illiberal opinion in sociology and see how quickly you last.

>> No.7077283
File: 62 KB, 981x268, 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be worth it just to see the shitstorm that will ensue

>> No.7077286

>"G-guys, why do you keep feeding him he's always doing the same thing for 20 years now! That's pathetic! How can someone keep doing the same thing over and over again for so long!"


Just first pic alone:
>Sun Jul 22 19:05:13 2012
>Thu Aug 29 00:47:44 2013

You know, maybe you'll get an actual girlfriend (probably not) if you stop pretending that /cgl/ is your girlfriend that needs protecting.

>> No.7077290

That's a pretty fucking bad screenshot.

>> No.7077288

jesus christ

>> No.7077292

And yet it's still more of a science than philosophy.

>> No.7077293

There were more liberals in the Sociology department than in the Political Science department.

Any female that goes through sociology almost always turns into an apeshit insufferable feminist. Then they get into the real world and finally have to realize that people won't put up with their nonsensical bullshit.

Guy feminists are about as bad. They're 98% homosexual. The other 2% are usually push over beta boyfriends that their feminist girlfriend actually despises and cheats on. (If she's attractive enough.)

>> No.7077297

And you've memorized all that, you must have seen it a lot. That sure is a lot of effort. Oh and posting anonymously really doesn't get you much credit.

>> No.7077299

Obviously he's tsun-tsun and playing hard to get.

>> No.7077303

No, you tool, I just searched the last thread you posted in here >>7077243 and then searched for the images you've posted in that thread to see how often you repost them. Takes one button click.

Now enjoy the cold sweat on your buttcheeks while you project a world where /cgl/ actually likes and/or cares about you. Athens is literally a demanded Alpha male compared to you.

>> No.7077308

I don't even have an identity. Why would I care?

>> No.7077307
File: 121 KB, 480x360, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cry more ya fag

>> No.7077310

>implying studies couldnt be flawed
>implying researchers were not under the pressure to falsify as many h0 hypothesis' as possible
>implying effects were not blown up disproportionally to get closer to expected results

Researchers are under the pressure that their studies show significant results. Despite scientific standards, many studies are flawed and often enough made specifically to show certain results, otherwise there would not be the great debates we have in science.

>> No.7077312

Because you do, you dimwit. Just because you're anon doesn't mean you're above the law. Especially when you have a reaction pic folder that consists of the same ~7 images that no one else ever uses. I don't even think I've ever seen that pink catgirl anywhere else on 4chan.

Pretty sure that almost every /cgl/ regular knows that there's "the Athens spammer" on this board.

>> No.7077315

speak for yourself, I find him incredibly attractive

he is our knight in shining armor

>> No.7077316

Philosophy doesn't pretend to be a science. Sociology does.

Sociology is quite literally a political movement pretending to be an academic discipline. It's tumblr and reddit distilled into a syllabus and a classroom. It's hilarious you'd call it worthwhile. Stupid libtard.

>> No.7077314

> Just because you're anon doesn't mean you're above the law.
Is this supposed to mean something?

>> No.7077318
File: 1.96 MB, 400x225, duck laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it means urefaget.

>> No.7077319

Yeah you can assert that but you'd be wrong.

>> No.7077323

Oh so you're having a tantrum over nothing. Good to know.

>> No.7077325


Anyone remember when sociology textbooks called homosexuality, incest, and beastiality aberrant behavior?

I also remember home ec. (Which is honestly one of the most useful classes out there... Kids don't even know how to write a check.)

Those where the days.

>> No.7077321

Show me a single sociologist who challenges the premise that equality is an innately good thing.

>> No.7077326

>Anyone remember when sociology textbooks called homosexuality, incest, and beastiality aberrant behavior?

Hah. Really?

Sounds like I'd have enjoyed old school sociology of the Weber kind.

>> No.7077327

No I'm just making fun of you. It's amusing how you always try to retain your dignity.

>> No.7077335

That's funny. I'm making fun of you too.

>> No.7077336

ok wait, I am a female of healthy weight, (not over, not under) and I cosplay as fairly covered female characters and sometimes male characters. I am 20 and have never had sex or even a boyfriend. I get hit on frequently at conventions and in normal life but I am very shy/ awkward so I usually kind of bow out before anything serious or sexual can happen.

I love cosplay as an art and I only cosplay from shows I truly love and enjoy. I don't really care if I get attention and tbh having to many people at once ask for my picture gets me really nervous. I just enjoy dress up and I try to treat all cosplayers as equal fans, whether there cosplay is good or bad.

What am I? Am I a prude or a coward? Am I a "decent fan" or am I still a "attention whore who only cosplays to get hit on?"

>> No.7077345

>What am I? Am I a prude or a coward? Am I a "decent fan" or am I still a "attention whore who only cosplays to get hit on?"

See >>7076762

>> No.7077342

That's good, but at the end of the day, I'm still just an anon on /cgl/ and you are the "Athens shitposter" that no one likes. Then again, it's not like you ever cosplayed or posted outside of these threads.

>> No.7077348

a troll

either that or you're ugly

>> No.7077350

I still don't have an identity so I don't have a reputation to care about but let's continue to tell how much we don't care too each other. I'd say caring about me so much is a sad.

>> No.7077358


didn't even read lel

>> No.7077362

I'm a not a troll though I think I am a bit ugly, but still, I am genuinely curious how you guys treat girls like me at cons when you find them.

>> No.7077370

You read it enough to reply. Why do you care so much?

>> No.7077375

you two are fucking pathetic

>> No.7077384

Unlike him I am a cosplayer and a non-virgin so I'm nowhere near as pathetic as him.

>> No.7077387

> I am genuinely curious how you guys treat girls like me at cons when you find them.
What the fuck is this question supposed to mean?

You said yourself that you get hit on all the time because guys can sense your hymen being intact.

The average con going male dreams about you being his girlfriend. What else do you want to hear?

>> No.7077398

>I am a cosplayer
>and the rest of that sentence put together using and.

>> No.7077405

Sorry! I mean my question was answered by >>7077345 and then >>7077348 called me a troll or whatever and I was just telling him why I made my post in the first place.

I don't "want to hear" anything else, thank you guys for answering, I guess it's simple then I thought.

>> No.7077407

Will you two fuck off already? Fucking creep.

>> No.7077414

Well you had better not jump on the first hot/popular guy that wants to give you the D. Just look at what that did to Voldemort. She used to be a girl like you (with some anger management issues) and now she's a girl like OP.

>> No.7077420

do the world a favor and never reproduce

>> No.7077428

>implying I'd ever want to willingly bear a parasite in my body for 9 months.
Nigga please.

>> No.7077435

Oh no, I have faith I'll meet a guy I want to be with eventually but I won't just rush into something like that. I never want to be one of those girls who turn a fun hobby into a disastrous competition for attention over something as simple as sex appeal.

>> No.7077436

samefag pls, stop talking to yourself

>> No.7077438

Obvious male virgin troll is obvious.

>> No.7077443

Hey Athens, long time no see.

>> No.7077440

I think it would be safe to say this entire thread is mindless babble and it should just die.

>> No.7077450
File: 271 KB, 556x575, FORGET THE CONDOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate these threads, it always devolves into mightier-than-thou, female misogynists and trolls from other boards arguing with sexually promiscuous seagulls. It goes in circles and leads nowhere.

As a male, please just shove off. Both lots of you. I have never even heard of the idea of cosplayers being slutty or sleeping around until I stepped foot on /cgl/. On the other hand, if you are dressing up as Power Girl or Ivy Valentine or Yoko Littner or whatever, please don't think men aren't going to check you out. No they shouldn't touch you or make crude comments, but they ARE going to check you out. That is the nature of life and to ask men to stop doing that is like asking a woman to not stare at... uh... fuck I forget who's popular with the tumblr girl's these days, but a hot guy's ass.

Objectification happens among both sexes. It is up to us as decent human beings to not give into these objectifying thoughts and treat others as humans.


>> No.7077454

>Troll threads are shit

>> No.7077455

>As a male
Please die.

>yfw you realize that this is probably the same virgin fuck mangina who always posts the same thing in these threads, but now he wants to stand out to get his street cred feeling back

>> No.7077457

>it always devolves into mightier-than-thou
>posts his own "MIGHTIER THAN ALL" garbage
Pathetic retard.

>> No.7077473

Are you telling him to die because.. he's a male? Careful you don't cut yourself on all that edge, womyn.

>> No.7077480

He's a male trying to be a hero/whiteknight. Ass kissing males like that are just as bad as the MRAs of /r9k/.

>> No.7077483

I thought he made a pretty good point. This whole thread is fucking dumb and we all need to just get over it.

>> No.7077579

Why you talking shit about /r9k/ anon? About 50% of threads are quality content there.

>> No.7077703

>Implying I'm kissing ass
I think the chicks who get fucking upset if you stare at their boobs for a half second are insane too.

Yeah it's hypocritical, but I don't give a shit.

>> No.7078338

Women don't want respect if it prevents them from getting the cock. Cock is more important than are eee es pee eee ees tea.

>> No.7078354

funniest video ever

>> No.7078362


Oh check your worthlessness you cunt.

>> No.7078364

This is about as offensive as the "cosplay is not consent!" or "men can stop rape!" notions.

>> No.7078409

>female misogynists
The only misogynists are the trolls and maybe a genuine butthurt male aspie.

>If women were meant to have equal power, then it would have happened throughout history, but it didn't

How can someone be this retarded.

>> No.7078411

>says something that's so true it hurts him and what he was taught in school all along
>"Y-you're reatarded!!!"

>> No.7078447

>so true because modern western civilization is the epitome of males having all the power instead of both genders having equal rights and opportunities

You're either retarded or lived under a rock for the last century. No average joe man has more power than the average woman, save for physical strength, but we're not fucking savages anymore.

>> No.7078456


No it's not. Maybe if all guys where fucking DUDEBRO#SWAGERS but guys are just as grossed out by guy sluts as they are with girl sluts.

The same even goes with girls. My female friends always talk about getting laid and shit and high five each other when they get the D. This isn't some "guy" thing at all.

>> No.7078458


>If women were meant to have equal power, then it would have happened throughout history.
>But it didn't.

But it did and that's the whole fucking point of why people hate feminists and it's shit heads like you writing shit about shit you don't even understand that keeps the movement going.

>> No.7078460

I was with you until the shit about women not being meant to have equal power.
What's sad, is while you look so righteous, talking about being a virgin, etc, you're probably not a virgin by choice.

>> No.7078527

God, you're incredibly dense. Women only have the same "rights" as man thanks to the current economic situation and because men let them have it. It can be taken just as easily when it becomes desirable. Women don't have any real rights of their own, just privileges lent to them by men. You can't do anything in the world if you don't have the support of men. It's laughable to think that you actually matter, and aren't just tools used by the Jewish social engineering to break apart families and get more shekles by divorcing couples.

As soon as this economic system finally bursts its bubble, women will go back to being property of men (just as they are right now, only instead of them belonging to concrete individuals they are the property of the state, with the state taking over responsibility for the womens' actions, since they cannot be held responsible for their own actions themselves).

You can get butthurt all you want, but this right here is the truth. Not what your hairy mangina Women's Studies librul professor told you.

I don't expect you to accept it, since you're a mindless zombie who cannot form his own opinion, but I might as well throw some truths out there.

>> No.7078529

> like you writing shit about shit you don't even understand that keeps the movement going.
You mean like a woman writing about anything ever? Lel.

Okay maybe you know some things about being in the kitchen and menstruating better than men do.

>> No.7078533

*Nobody* has rights, women don't have rights, men don't have rights.

It's all just temporary privileges that can be taken away by the ruling elite at any time.

>> No.7078575
File: 98 KB, 260x285, 1341940073129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it's this thread again.

>> No.7078698


You're probably gay. Thus, your opinion on everything is going to be contrary and lean toward something liberal.

Yes, there is a difference between guys/girls. It's a common assumed concept. Your anecdotal examples prove nothing.

>> No.7078722

Maybe if we all wanted to live in caves and revert to the hunter/gatherer system your little theory would be correct, but since most of us are trying achieve some kind of enlightened, forward thinking society it works differently.

>> No.7078726

Yeah. Reported the thread and Janitor-sama hasn't done jack shit about it.


>> No.7078787

whether or not it's appropriate, what is your intention in doing so? I feel like that's most important. Are you actually appreciating their tits? And if you are, think about what you want them to feel. Most people wouldn't want to necessarily hang out or be your buddy after that. Is that what you want to achieve? or is it a purely self-centered hedonistic intention that is meant to serve the self? If that is the case, then you've already answered your own question. Are you possibly intending to stir them up or embarrass them? I feel like if you have to ask for an answer to such a question, you probably aren't experiencing much self awareness tbh. Maybe you should try and interact with more people so as to make it easier to infer the answers to these questions on your own? Appropriate just has to do with how your actions effect others. It doesn't have to do with how you feel about it personally. take that into consideration, and trouble will most certainly be a rarer theme in life.

>> No.7078791

Oh look, it's this faggot again.

>> No.7078800

As much as it pains me to admit it, I'm starting to think twice about pursuing cosplay as a hobby for the reasons mentioned ITT. There's just so much of a bad rep these days associated with cosplay, so much sluttyness, so much third wave feminist stuff that I just don't agree with, so much promiscuity, drugs, even porn in many circles, I've heard cosplayers openly promoting doing porn as a career choice at some panels.

I don't want to be a part of this hobby anymore.

>> No.7078828

>best post in this thread
>females proceed to get ass raged and call him a virgin/neckboard

Stay classy whores.

>> No.7078922

Are you really a Russian? If yes, why do you come he-- wait a second, you actually perfectly fit in the rest

beta -check
3rd worlder -check
comes here to hit on girls on the girl board -check
self posts all the time hoping to get some compliments out of the girls -check

At least boxingbro is tolerable now that he gets deleted every time he posts for ban evading.

>> No.7078946


Ugh, no. Porn stars flame out WAY too fast for it to be considered a career. The only women who've made genuine careers out of porn are the ones who start their own production company, at which point they're no longer porn stars, they're entrepreneurs.

>> No.7078952


I think you've been on /cgl/ too long. This reputation of sluttiness is just within the back alleys of the hobby. Honestly, most congoers just want to enjoy themselves for a weekend, and no one outside the hobby thinks anything but "look at those weirdos in costume."

>> No.7078997

> it always devolves into mightier-than-thou, female misogynists and trolls from other boards arguing with sexually promiscuous seagulls.

>trolls from other boards arguing with themselves


you notice that the moron with the pink haired cat thing reaction images ONLY SHOWS UP IN THESE THREADS?

fucking reeks of samefaggotry

>> No.7079002
File: 25 KB, 605x515, 1344372868539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, he's at it again.

Don't you have some STEM majoring to do?

>> No.7079005

haha you really dont remember how that shitworm athens posted.

you forget he acted like he thought he was Nietzche's ubermensch, fetishized the roman empire and thought that the enlightenment was a bad thing.

but you just call anyone who disagrees with you him.
just get off the damn board, you only appear in these HURR DURR FEMINISM threads which is more than enough evidence that you are an unrepentant shitposter.

hiding this thread after this post

>> No.7079032

I agree with everyone you said except about women having equal rights. You might want to rethink some of your argument broski. You're writing through the outlook of the western world. There were some societies and tribes that were matriarchal. Patriarchy doesn't always = the best.

>> No.7079037

We could stop being attention whores on the whole.

>> No.7079052
File: 103 KB, 231x205, 1361560383189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wish you were smart enough to be a stem major.

>> No.7079070

Everyone seems to forget that Athens was hexenharlot's alt.

>> No.7079074

Fun fact about Athens: He had numerous girls interested in him, he was never the typical /r9k/ type which always made me wonder why he used to call us sluts so much.

>> No.7079079
File: 24 KB, 600x600, 1376009112138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I heard he liked swarthy IDF veterans.

>> No.7079082


no, he just had a crush on Eva.

>> No.7079084

Is it actually a male who is obsessed with him? I always assumed it was some creepy female with a crush. Somehow the fact it's a guy doing it makes it seem even more sad.

>> No.7079086

lol yeah. He used to beg her to "debate" with him online in threads. You could smell the desperation.

>> No.7079092

Apparently it's someone who imagines himself as a white knight. They seem to have schizophrenia though, you can that in this thread, he goes from rabid anti-virginal "proud slut" to avatar-spamming shitposter.

The problem with the "I'm just trolling" excuse is that it ignores the fact they're on the board for as far as I can make out, what seems like most of the working day, and are drawn to these threads like a fly to shit (possibly OP'ing a few of them too). I wonder if there's ever a moment of realization.

>> No.7079095

I'd say it's more like someone pointing out someone is being an incoherent shit poster in a public message board.

>> No.7079098

probably because they're all women with shitty self-confidence and won't leave their husbands because they figure they have no other options.

>> No.7079104

You've been making and spamming these threads for over a year now due to your obsession with a tripfag who hasn't posted with any regularity in years.

It's time to adopt some introspection and ask yourself if this is how you want to live out another 5 years of your life. Nobody here regards you with much interest beyond beyond "that weird guy who tries to get attention from internet females by defending their honor against a phantom tripfag".

But hey, if that's what you're cool with doing for the rest of your life, be my guest.

>> No.7079109


It's a jealous male. Think about how spergy and autistic you've got to be to get jealous of another guy on an anonymous imageboard. We're dealing with CWC levels of autism here and if it is a girl, I doubt she cosplays, or can even fit through her doorframe for that matter.

>> No.7079113

lol I don't make these threads.

>Nobody here regards you
I don't have an identity so that's moot.
>that weird guy who tries to get attention
No identity so this can't work.

See what I mean about incoherent babble?

>> No.7079114

I don't see why you associate self-confidence with having sex with lots of different men.

>> No.7079117

>I don't have an identity so that's moot.

You do have an identity. You don't need a trip to have an identity. You're behavior is so repetitive, day in and day out, that even people with a small degree of pattern recognition have started to notice your sperging out about "Athens" and commented upon it. There have been requests to have you range banned on /q/, and some people even want to dox you, that's how annoying your years-long gimmick has become to this board.

So yeah, you do have an identity.

>No identity so this can't work.

Oh of course, you're entirely incognito in spite of spamming the same pictures in every thread.

>> No.7079121

>nobody points out the irony that the cosplayer OP posted is literally a pornstar

I'm serious, she goes by "Siri". Look it up.

>> No.7079123

There is no "he", retards, she told me herself on /cgl/chat once, like two years ago when /cgl/ wasn't dead //was still good.

>> No.7079124

There's nothing incoherent about they said. You're not even a shitposter, a shitposter is someone like Kronie or Ruggerall from /v/, someone with a persona they adopt for the purposes of getting a reaction out of others.

You're railing against a tripfag who most likely doesn't even know you exist. It's like watching a senile old man scream at inanimate objects. Actually, it's worse, because it's so cringe-inducingly obvious you want said tripfag to come back and pay attention to you.

>> No.7079127

Ok you have fun with that.

>> No.7079131

By not being attention whore cunts like those giving you a bad rep. Seriously the easiest way to combat a stereotype is to not embody sed perception.

>> No.7079129

>Is it actually a male who is obsessed with him?

There is no girl like that, because girls wouldn't obsess over a nobody like Eva's alt/Athens.

>> No.7079132

>she told me herself on /cgl/chat once

>> No.7079134

What, do you want proof? Because I screeshot all conversations I ever had.

>> No.7079135

Sure go ahead. I'm sure no one could just make up a chat log.

>> No.7079142

Power Girl was just an excuse for Wally Wood to draw massive tits
Your hypocrisy makes me giggle

>> No.7079144

Well then get fucked you worthless autistic faggot. Obviously I'm talking to the catgirl spammer, so fuck off before I call the cops on you, creep.

>> No.7079151

God, I wish Eva would come here and confirm it herself, he would probably kill himself after realizing that he's become the modern version of Hitler.

>> No.7079161

Because, she doesn't look great she just has nice tits and I can see them.
If I see awesome tits I am going to say"nice tit's" and continue with my stride.
You don't like it, don't put them out for me to see. It's just like if I walked around without a shirt on I would expect people to make a comment about abs or some shit. Am I going to hope they say that I look nice, no because I don't have a shirt on and my body is on display and being incredibly vague doesn't boost my ego which is what most scantily clad woman wear it for(obviously that isn't the case for dedicated fans).
>Is it weird that I used to always find the word tits disgusting until about 3 months ago when I started using the word?

>> No.7079210

By making god-tier, badass, or hilarious cosplays, like guys do. I respect and like an armored Batman over the Batman in a mask and banana hammock.

>> No.7079250

You can say whatever you want I guess, just don't be surprised when women are put off by it.

>> No.7079255

>or hilarious
oh ya liek deadpool?? omg hez so randum

>> No.7079261

How are you this dense

>> No.7079264

Or, you know, as in actually clever? Kind of weird to jump to a conclusion like that over the word 'hilarious'

>> No.7079290
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Where do you even come up with this stuff?

>> No.7079428


>> No.7079475
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>you in charge of reading comprehension
I'm Ukrainian. And I live in the US.

>> No.7079481

no one cares, russkie faggot

>> No.7079742

Anyone else think some creepy dude from /po/ made this?

>> No.7079748

...is that where the assholes hang out these days? I've never even been to that board

>> No.7079749

.....huh? why?

>> No.7079776
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>> No.7079825


probably meant /pol/. This thread has their stink all over it.

a thread like this is exactly the kind of thing they'd do, considering how often they do it in /v/. It's just that this one's more about slut-shaming and feminism instead of "social justice warriors ruining the vidya" like it is over there.

God, I just wanted to lurk a bit and look at some nice pictures before I go to bed and here we are.

>> No.7079858


srs pls

>> No.7079893
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>How do we counteract this reputation?
You don't, because its all true.
I've met tons of girls into cosplay, not all of them /cgl/ browsers but into other forum sites,deviant-art and all that autistic garbage.
The demographic of these girls (and there are a fair few) included either introverted weirdo weaboos and girls who found their niche attracting guys with slutty outfits.
Seriously its all so pathetic. You're really beyond saving.

>> No.7079993
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>respecting cosplayer whore
>not just fuck the hot ones and laugh at the fat ones

>> No.7080175

By not slutting up non-slutty characters; like Pokemon.

>> No.7080177

>he thinks /pol/ would bother itself with a board that literally means *nothing* on 4chan other than to a select few (/fit/ & /r9k/, maybe /fa/)

>> No.7080621

>Very few people respect female cosplayers, seeing them as little more than pieces of meat to pump and dump.

Wow, where'd you get this education opinion?
Most geek guys want to marry some attractive female who will do sexy cosplay in private.

>How do we counteract this reputation?
How about having sex with the shy guys who ask for a photo and don't look like they could get a hot girlfriend otherwise?

Oh wait, then you'd think you're being seen as sluts. Believe me, you'd be known as Goddesses.

I wonder how many girls do sexy cosplay in order to attract guys, and then actually have the self-confidence to handle anyone they attract. That's the kind of woman I want raising our kids.

>> No.7080628

Holy shit this

>> No.7080645

You'd think she would be raising your kids when in fact she'd be raising Chad Thundercock's. Who care right? As long as you never find out.

>> No.7080652

>all this buttrage

>> No.7080676 [DELETED] 

>Wow, where'd you get this education opinion?

its pretty common before I matured a little more cosplay girls at cons were little more than an easy lay and pretty disposable

>> No.7080686
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5 star post nigga

>> No.7080685

>implying that is necessarily a bad thing
That's just how cons are though.
Most people enter into a different reality there, espicially if they are staying in a hotel for the whole weekend.
It's sort of like being on spring break somewhere exotic. You get caught up in the excitement, in the moment, and if you're single then why not flirt a little and see what happens?
Personally I don't see anything wrong with a random con hook up. And if they're good, maybe you can fuck them again next year.

>> No.7080690
File: 3 KB, 126x115, 1333295953721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just came back from D*C was an awesome Nidalee there.. wanted to slut shame because well she looked slutty... did pose... DAT SPEAR! Oh I hate fighting that character and the fact that I felt that way when she struck a pose, she pulled the character off.

so I thought hey, she might just like the character.. all kinds play league of legend!

Fast forward, went to Start Trek miss universe thing there at D*C she shows up in this shitty outfit talking about how she boned most of start fleet. During the talent part of the show, the bitch stripped, taking off all but her bottom by the end!


stop this shit females and we men will stop seeing you as whores.

>> No.7080708

Nid's costume is designed as revealing though, so you can't really fault her for doing it accurately (assuming it was accurate because you used the word awesome).

>> No.7080727

It was reasonably accurate. It was one of the best LOL costumes I had seen all con. I honestly felt a bit bad for wanting to slut shame her(mentally, not like I was going to yell out anything about it) when she posed and I immediately thought THAT SPEAR, SHIT, MOVE! It was because she sold me so well on the costume, that when she started the strip tease during the star trek even that I was SO pissed.

>> No.7080733
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This and I often get free stuff and well, but I know I'm a whore. I just don't care.

>> No.7080734

Women don't dress for men, they do it to keep other women in their place.

>> No.7080747

lel this so much.
It's a win win really. Why are dudes the only ones who get to feel satisfied after a random hookup?

>> No.7080790

Yes you will.

You will get treated like a mental case and a danger to the police department at first.

Bruce dressing up as a faggot didn't make him a hero of justice (in-universe; see the fatties dressing up as him in Dark Knight).

>> No.7080803 [DELETED] 

>and if you're single then why not flirt a little and see what happens?

well the point I was trying to make is that Cosplay girls were exceptionally easy to have sex with and the reputation is not a new thing

>> No.7080841

People keep refering to this alleged 'reputation' but I never even heard of such a thing until I started browsing /cgl/.

>> No.7080847 [DELETED] 

>but I never even heard of such a thing until I started browsing /cgl/

I have really pursued con cosplay girls in some years now but it was pretty much a given if a cosplay was staying at the hotel and she would speak to you, you could pretty much have sex with her

Misogynistic and immature but for the most part it held true.
Attention seeking girls do things to keep your attention

>> No.7080853

Nope, never got wind of it until I started coming here regularly. But I'm also a straight female, so banging scantily clad lady cosplayers isn't really on my radar.
>attention seeking girls do things to keep your attention
While I agree that statement is true most of the time, I don't think it's right to lump every girl who cosplays into the 'slut' catagory.

>> No.7081010

I've never heard of this part of the cosplay community until I started reading these boards as well.

Also a female, though I generally dress up as male characters and tend to stay away from current trends and drama circles.

Though I have noticed the guys at conventions can be pretty damn pathetic. Even when I'm flat as a board after binding my tits, I always get a guy or two that approach me, trying to talk about what isn't even there (and believe me, they're non-existent. I'm not genetically gifted in that area).

Really, I think guys and girls are equally pathetic. Just for you straight men out there, you're not going to notice the stupidity of the meat sacks you aren't attracted to.

>> No.7081060

get a thick skin for stupid people, have fun and be fun to be around!

>> No.7081063

Because 4chan is full of trolls.

>> No.7082777

Impossible. Because there are and always will be double standards. Even covered up and acting demure will still get perv-types leering over you. You know the kind of guys who shuffle up to cons in droves. Horny man-children.

A better idea would be to tell men chat-up lines such as 'suck on my dick' or 'nice tits' really aren't sexy and will just make them the butt of many jokes between the target and her friends. And will usually bring the size of their manhood and their prowess into question.

Let's look at CGL...girls saying 'wtf, we don't just want to fuck you' or 'just let us have fun! It's not for you' and guys saying 'I actively pursue con girls because they're easy' or 'I've banged lots of girls at cons'.
...who is the easy one in that scenario? Girls who maybe dress scantily but wouldn't fuck you or guys who dress 'normally' but would fuck anything that offered it to them?

>> No.7082784

There's nothing wrong with being a "geek feminist"other than the fact that the sheer volume of neckbeards and fedoras will give you a headache. Even Anita Sarkeesian is nowhere near as bad as her reputation.

I'm working on trying to balance things at the moment and it is a headache. But basically I've seen too much shitty stuff in cosplay/con circuits NOT to be feminist.

>> No.7082791

>Even Anita Sarkeesian is nowhere near as bad as her reputation.
True, she's far worse. She's not even a real feminist, she's just a merchant through and through. Before all that shit she became famous for, she used to attend seminars of some other merchant guy, seminars about how to "effectively get money from other people" aka scamming. There's a video that details how everything about Shitseesian's project mirrors exactly what he said in his lectures.

>> No.7082795

Males are programmed to fuck everything.
Females are the ones in charge of deciding which male will have sex with them to try to ensue good offspring.
That's how nature works, for the most part

>> No.7082824 [DELETED] 

>There's nothing wrong with being a "geek feminist"

there is so much wrong with that sentence I can't even begin to reply to it

>> No.7082825 [DELETED] 

>Girls who maybe dress scantily but wouldn't fuck you

but you see they will fuck you if you are remotely alpha and not a neckbeard or sperglord

>> No.7082832

ban evading beaner


>> No.7082925

See a hot guy and you're horny and single of course you're gonna want to fuck him.

Then he opens his mouth. "Hurr, you need some dick."
Maybe I do, but it ain't gonna be yours.

>> No.7083122

So, basically, the secret to women is that they want the Alpha dick, but if the Alpha blatantly says "bitch you want my dick" it puts them off, because they always have to rebel against male authority, yet the rebellion is caused by their want to take revenge on their father (the other male authority) by slutting it up with any Alpha she can.

Man... all these hard choices you have to make, no wonder girls have it so hard in life.

>> No.7083436

>Been cosplaying for a few years, just lost virginity at 19 with first and only boyfriend.

>23 now, still with the same bf.

I'm sorry I let you down guys, I can't live up to the trashy cosplayer expectation.

>> No.7083541
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Would you do the same if a girl was wearing casual clothes that showed her cleavage a bit?
wtf dude

>> No.7083548

Well it must be true. Some anonymous person posted it on 4chan. Over and over again.

>> No.7083582

Forgot to mention.

>I'm a bit chubby, 140 lbs at 4'9".
>I'm not the prettiest girl in the box, but so what.

>> No.7083612

in the prefect world all virgin males over 18 would be killed

>> No.7083619

Choco-Coco, pls

>> No.7084611

It's funny because even this girl probably has had more than one boyfriend and gets to choose who she has sex with.

>> No.7084627 [DELETED] 

>Then he opens his mouth. "Hurr, you need some dick."

well DURRR only a sperglord or neckbeard would say that
the easiest way is to make a little small talk then be aloof con girls can not stand NOT being the center of male attention works nearly 100% of the time

>> No.7084652
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>a bit chubby
>BMI > 30
You're clinically obese, honey

>> No.7084655
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>> No.7084657

Shit girl, 140 pound but under 5 feet?
that ain't just a BIT chubby...
>the first step with solving your problem is admitting you have one

>> No.7084667

Talk to me like that again and I'll have you put in jail for molesting me, virgin.

>> No.7084669
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>> No.7084684
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>this entire thread

>> No.7084701

Fuck off mangina.