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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 274 KB, 2100x1400, Daenerys-Targaryen-house-targaryen-28964949-2100-1400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7076329 No.7076329[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I have a question /cgl/. Why is everyone so against girls cosplaying Daenerys? I don't understand.

>> No.7076335

>tons of good characters in ASOIAF to cosplay
>everyone chooses Daenerys
>most do it shitty
>most are fat
>most havent read the books either

>> No.7076355

It's not so much cosplaying her, it's the fact that she's such a commonly cosplayed character and 90% of the cosplays are bad. She's such a boring character too, that just adds to the monotony.

>> No.7076361

She's the Yoko of the Fantasy Lit universe.

>> No.7076398

>Why is everyone so against girls cosplaying Daenerys? I don't understand.
Because she's the worst female character in the entire series (well, other than Shae and Ross - but they are just unbearable in the show, not such much in the books). Those who identify with her despite all that are naturally horrible women too. It's fail-proof, just like guys choosing to cosplay Hitler (or more appropriately for the show - Jon Snow).

>> No.7076409

She's a tramp who's doted upon as a queen.

Why is it any shock that cosplayers would look up to her?

>> No.7076676

What's so bad about her character anyway?

>> No.7076681

A lot of things, but to keep it brief, just two words:


>> No.7076703

If you think about it, she's kind of a huge bitch. She's someone who watched her husband murder her brother (who was abusive, but still, he was her brother) without a blink, is obsessed with "freeing" slaves despite that she doesn't actually give a fuck about them once she's freed them and is basically just doing it so they join her little army, uses her good looks to get what she wants, and all in all is very manipulative and unsympathetic. Also, she doesn't really treat people well. She still whines about the Dothraki and calls them barbarians, even though (in their culture) they had every reason to abandon her once Drogo died but they were loyal.

TLDR, She doesn't care about people, she cares about what they can do for her. Like, GRRM tries to write her like she's this sweet little angel but if you really look at her actions it's clear that she's got a screw loose. But I think she's a popular character because her costumes are relatively easy in comparison to the other female characters, and also the dragons are pretty damn cute.

>> No.7076707

Personally I think Arianne is a pretty bad character, but thank god her fanbase has been limited to social justice loonies and not cosplayers.

>> No.7076717

Everyone has a few screws loose in those books.
I can't blame her for being kinda messed up given her upbringing (her parents were murdered, her brother was fucking crazy and forced her into marriage, and so-on). She's not a great person, but I think she's still an interesting character. She's very young and emotional and doesn't know how to rule or who to trust and what the long-term consequences of her actions will be (hence her regular screw-ups).
Similarly Cersei is a nutso paranoid bitch, but it's still fun reading her POV because you never know what shit she's going to pull next.

>> No.7076723

I don't get why everybody hates on Daenerys for being cruel or manipulative, the point of the whole series is that every character has weak points and do shitty things to reach their goals. I don't think Daenerys is worse than any other character in that sense. Everybody likes the Starks, and some of them did far worse things than Daenerys. I think the portrayal of her as a mary sue is mostly from the TV series, her character has much more depth in the books. In the books you actually get to know that she's afraid and kinda fucked up from her horrible childhood.
The only reason I've got against people cosplaying her is that nobody who's not naturally fucking albino can pull off her hair color and everybody just does it because "lol dragons are kewl"

>> No.7076724

Haha don't get me wrong, I actually like Dany too! I was just sorta playing the devils advocado and explaining why people don't like her.

Yeah man, I think Ned was probably the closest we'd get to sane in the books... but we all know what happened to him.

>> No.7076727

Nah. If she didn't have the Dragons, she'd be absolutely fucked. Thats whats wrong with Dany. Shes completely reliant on the Dragons to get anything done.

>> No.7076757

Just like any of the other characters, though. Most of the other characters wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for the bloodline they were lucky to have been born into.
You really think anyone would listen to any of the shit Tyrion said if it weren't for the fact he's a Lannister?

>> No.7076763

>(who was abusive, but still, he was her brother)
He also raised her and protected her since she was a little baby and sacrificed so much for her and, to thank him, she can't even spare his life when his shattered psyche clashes with her egoistic interests.

She is the worst female character through and through, just based on that alone.

>> No.7076791

The characters are facing cruel times. Acting in a cruel way is the only thing that keeps most of them alive. Viserys' behavior endangered not only her life but her position as a Khaleesi. She has given him more chances than he deserved and than the Dhotraki understood. Mercy is seen as weakness in the culture of the Dhotraki and since Viserys also endangered the life of Khal Drogo's son, she could never have gotten away with sparing him.

>> No.7076877

I mean, yeah he did all of that but he also sold her into marriage to a sadistic brute (which really ended up biting him in the ass) and emotionally and physically abused her. I mean, again, it doesn't excuse how she let Drogo kill him but Viserys is also really hard to defend. They're both bad people, but at the same time it's hard for me to hate either of them because of what they've been through.

>> No.7076884
File: 124 KB, 496x360, 1376116670137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw planning to cosplay Ramsay Bolton and my boyfriend will be Reek

I'm not even the biggest fan of these characters, but physically we're perfect for it. I'm excited.

I was thinking of going as Oberyn Martell, but by then next year, there will probably be 10,000 Oberyn's.

>> No.7076886

Her POVs are entirely boring as fuck yet everyone flocks to her because muh female empowerment.

>> No.7076895

What's with all these people defending Viserys? Seriously. You guys are like the Loki fangirls. "oh he didn't deserve to die like he did, he did so much for her. he's so misunderstood."

He was an abusive, manipulative, and uncaring brother. He basically sold her to Khal Drogo so he could get what he wanted. He didn't give two shits about her except when he needed her for his own personal gain.

>> No.7076902

Viserys just protected Danaerys for his own interest. He was expecting to become the King, and as a King, he needs a Queen, which would be his sister, respecting the Targaryen traditions.He only keeps Dany alive to marry him so her will give birth to more "dragonborns" and they can continue the Targaryen line.

Viserys is a mean douche and deserves no mercy.

>> No.7076925

I'm confused. You're going to be Ramsay and your boyfriend is going to be Theon, or you're going to be Ramsay and your boyfriend is going to be original-Reek?

I'm concerned that no one will know what you're cosplaying if you don't bring sausage or keep your boyfriend attached to a torture rack.

>> No.7076940

So much whine. The fatties cosplaying her are annoying tho.

>> No.7076943


>> No.7076944

Right? I have to wonder what goes through their heads. Are they that deluded that they think they look like her?

>> No.7076957

But fat Daenerys just ate to much horsemeat with their khalasar D:

>> No.7076961

More like Dhaario's dick.

>> No.7077014

I think in both cases we are dealing with characters with severe disorders whose actions can not be excused and only be explained from that point of view. It is stupid, being apologetic of any of them.

I still like the characters but one can not deny they are both completely fucked in the head, have a warped worldview and would sell everyone in order to get closer to their aims.

They both have not had it too easy with their history but whoever sees them as the victim is twisting reality just like them.

>> No.7077082
File: 87 KB, 360x480, Daenerys-Targaryen-daenerys-targaryen-23814811-1416-2128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I decided to cosplay her because I really, really loved her Dothraki outfits from season 1. She's definitely not my favorite character though, not by a long shot.

>> No.7077091

>mentioning Ros in the books

Ros isn't even in the books tho. She was created specifically for the TV show.

>> No.7077095

top lel
>>7076398 confirmed for showfag fucking shit

>> No.7077121

I'll be Ramsay, he'll be Reek. Book versions, because TV Ramsay doesn't look as cool or memorable. I was thinking of having him dragged around by a chain. The flayed man, pink clothes and Reek should all make it obvious to any fan.

There's actually a "red-headed whore" in Winterfell that Theon goes to see often. That's who Ros was based on.

>> No.7077159

Unpopular opinion: I think the books are horribly overrated, though.
I've read the first one and half of the second one but I find myself absolutely unable to deal with the writing-style and its horrible-fantasy-book-bloopers. In all honesty if I would have had to read one more comparison of someones' hair to precious metal, I'd probably have gone postal. I dig the story but my temper is too short to put up with the writing

>> No.7077171

>unpopular opinion
Not as unpopular as you might think. Take a stroll over to /got/ and you'll see what I mean.
I've read them twice through and tbh, not the best series I've ever read in terms of writing and over all quality, but I really enjoy the characters and the world he creates, which why I like them so much.

>> No.7077191

I'm somewhat relieved I'm not the only one who thinks so. And I do enjoy the world and the characters as well which is why I put up with the writing style for such a long time but I have a horribly short temper when it comes to writing, it comes close to an OCD.

>> No.7077190

Fucking Danyfag desperate piece of shit. I said that "Shae and Ros are less unbearable in the books" - that doesn't mean I said they're both in there. Ros not existing is the only way how to make her bearable and pretty much the same goes for show Shae, since she's completely different character, who will even most likely do completely different things in the show (she'll never betray Tyrone, instead she'll be forced by Tywin to testify against him because he holds her noble family hostage, but she then saves the day by rescuing Salsa for which she's unfortunately executed -- but she dies as a hero, who never betrayed her one true love 4ever), just like the fact that Shiterys will probably ride the fucking dragons to the Wall and save the Night's Watch instead of Stannis.

God I hate this fucking show so much. I'm not even gonna bother watching season 4. Crap for Danyfagots and Jonfagots. So enjoy your shit.

>> No.7077198

>actually using /got/ terminology on /cgl/
Back to /got/ with your buttrage, no one cares.

>> No.7077203

>I think the books are horribly overrated, though.
Yes they are.

But nowhere nearly as overrated as saying "the show is good for what it is!" or "it's just as deep as the books" or "the show is one of the best TV shows ever!" or simply saying "the show isn't shit!".

The books are just pretty mundane/average medieval fantasy which has a handful of likable characters and interesting plot twist. I'd give it a B- maybe.

The show, on the other hand, gets a straight F at this point. Even the small things that used to be good about it turned to shit. Everything is shit.

>> No.7077304

I literally only continue watching the show just for Joff's choking scene. After that, I'm out.

>> No.7077333

>Cosplayer needs to be Albino
>Actress has dark hair
>Daenerys is not actually an Albino

>> No.7077445


It implies they're both in there.

>> No.7077449

No, you just projected that what you wanted to hear, rather than what would logically make sense, was said.

>> No.7077509


>> No.7077523

No, you're just being a desperate Danyfag, as I said earlier.

Plus, if I were a showfag I wouldn't have such good taste.

>> No.7077537

>really angry female abraham lincoln

>> No.7077550

The elitism and buttmad is hilarious.

>> No.7077686

Friendly reminder that God things Jon Snow is a great character and he's protecting his Emotional Engagement.

>> No.7077695
File: 148 KB, 1024x576, daenerys-targaryen-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure all the girls want to cosplay Dany because she's the hottest one on the show and all the guys like her sooooo obvs they gotta cosplay her too

I think it has nothing to do with dragons

>> No.7077698
File: 28 KB, 500x247, enhanced-buzz-3506-1368639149-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw I want to cosplay Melisandre because my boyfriend looks like Stannis but she's slowly becoming the new Dany in terms of overdone/badly done cosplay

>> No.7077700

>hottest one on the show
top lel, I think she's pretty but she's not the most attractive by a long shot
>melissandre, cersei, Margery
all more attractive than Dany

>> No.7077702

Welcome to cosplaying from something currently popular.

>> No.7077705

Your boyfriend is your sugar daddy then?

>> No.7077706

I totally agree about Melisandre being hotter but just among guys I think they all think Dany is the bonerest

just from talking to guys and among internets

>> No.7077712
File: 67 KB, 700x620, 1374724957937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my boyfriend looks like Stannis

>> No.7077717


Viserys is slightly, but only slightly, more sympathetic than Loki as far as both characters go.

He and Dany were robbed of their home and their basic rights in childhood and ever since he has been under unfathomable pressure to succeed at something huge, with the impending threat of an uphill battle against countless foes who are stronger, more experienced, better-equipped and better-allied than he. Under that kind of circumstance most people would crack and become temperamental, selfish and calculating and generally never really mature mentally. Couple that with his massive entitlement issues derided from being the elder sibling, a male in a heavily patriarchal world, and the support from Targaryen loyalists and his character makes a lot more sense than people give him credit for. Still totally despicable, just understandable to an extent. It also helps that he got what was coming to him fairly early on whereas we're still waiting on fuckers like Joffrey to be put in their place.

Loki meanwhile is a little shit and a karma houdini and he gets away with things in the eyes of the fandom solely because he's pretty.

>> No.7077739

I for one hope the Dany cosplays never stop. I especially love it when people claim to identify with Dany's struggles! It's like my favorite thing ever. There really is nothing quite like hearing someone say:

"I'm so much like her! I definitely understand what she's going through!"

>Pregnant at 13
>Miscarried by 14
>Brought dead husband back to life and then killed him again

They're almost as delusional about her as Jorah was.

>> No.7077746

I think she's the bonerest because she's 14.
>all dem nude scenes
Seriously does everyone just forget or ignore the age of her character?
Let's put this into perspective.

That hot bitch you fap to is three years older than Arya.

Just sayin'

>> No.7077749

>Miscarried by 14
Well, the kid was stillborn.

>> No.7077752

Also, has no one seriously posted the SDCC bitch yet?

Come on /cgl/ that was the first thing I expected from this thread.

>> No.7077753

Viserys had lingering Targaryen madness from his father, too. There's only so much you can blame on pressure and responsibilities.. the rest was just genes. He would have become just another Aerys had he become king somehow.

>not fappin' it to Rickon
Step up.

>> No.7077754

Pretty sure she's not 14 in the show...

>> No.7077758

Everybody is the same age as the books in the show. They just specifically avoid mentioning it as to not raise eyebrows.

Apparently Tommen is being recast for a sligjtly older kid because they think it's gonna be too weird to have him marry Natalie Dormer next season.

>> No.7077767
File: 8 KB, 570x533, 1360554473447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man whatever makes the guilt go away

>> No.7077772

Nah, he's OK. I just decided to Cosplay him since I have a longclaw

>> No.7077931
File: 1.52 MB, 300x200, icxSj - Imgur.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i want to cosplay Dany because my boyfriend is a dead ringer for young Iain Glen/Jorah but he won't do it because Dany is overcosplayed and I "should cosplay Melisandre she's better"

>> No.7077934

I'm opposed to any of the Game of Sues character set getting more exposure than they must. That means no Danys, no Jons and no Tyrions, though if you're an actual dwarf I'll give you a pass on the last one.

Arya is marginal.

>> No.7077964
File: 453 KB, 160x160, tumblr_mki3zpBScT1r0jeh0o2_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when people claim to identify with Dany's struggles
>friend posts a status on how she 'gets' Dany more than any other cosplayer because she's lived 'nearly the same life' as her

>> No.7077974

There are other ways to identify with a character than just in a literal sense. By that logic, no one should ever be able to empathize or identify with any fictional character from almost any TV show/book series/movie etc...

>> No.7077975

no they aren't you moron. Everyone is quite a bit older. Jon snow is only 14 in the books, as is Robb.

>> No.7077980

A few characters yes but that's because I think they wouldn't get an actual four year old to play Rickon.

>> No.7077988

>not everyone
you're right, I should have been more clear.
All of the children (Dany, Jon, stark kids, joff) are all a few years older.

>> No.7077996

Nope. Episode recently talked about him being 13.
>stark's kids
Not Arya or Sansa. Other episodes clarified this.
Rob and Jon I need to check but I'm pretty sure Cate talked about them being 16 and that being their ages in the books.

I'm not disagreeing that they might have made kids older because kids acting = no, but they've kept the ages pretty accurate.

Except Dany who mysteriously doesn't have an age.

>> No.7078004

alright well I will have to do some checking of my own. You are probably right about Sansa and Arya but I'm fairly certain Jon and Robb are older in the show.

>> No.7078026

it's not his fault he became mad. Some targaryens tend to be mad due to inbreeding PLUS he saw their home destroyed, saw his mother died, everybody going against their family, going to a foreign land, has to beg like a dog for Dany and him to survive, waiting to become a dragon he never was.

He was just sick of waiting that is all, some of us tend to have our patience run out once in a while right? Dany was a whiny bitch who does not understand anything.

>> No.7078027

Dany's a kid.

>> No.7078030

stop defending him, you sound like those women who fall in love with serial killers while they're on death row.

>> No.7078042

You wanna give me sauce on this, cunt? Because HBO has stated their canon ages for the show already. So, please, do prove me wrong.

>> No.7078047



>> No.7078050 [DELETED] 

Sauce on what?
He's crazy in the show and crazy in the books. Read one or watch any episode from season 1. That's my 'sauce', sheesh.
Now get back to /got/ with all your nonsense.

>> No.7078053

We're talking about the supposed character's ages. Read the post before replying.

>> No.7078054

anon was talking about the ages of the characters not Viserys

>> No.7078056

whoops thought it was in response to something else

>> No.7078066

Not him, but...
> Additionally, many of the children have been aged several years in order to match the forced aging of Daenerys, who was aged due to her sexual relationship with Khal Drogo.


>> No.7078073

From the same page, just a bit further down...

> The Stark Children Robb and Jon are 17 instead of 15. Bran is 10 instead of 7 and Rickon's age is increased from 3 to 6. Sansa 13 instead of 11 and Arya is 11 instead of 9.
The Royal children are older: Joffrey is 16 instead of 13, Myrcella is 12 instead of 8 and Tommen is 10 instead of 6. Daenerys is 16 instead of 13.

>> No.7078077

bwahaha noob

>> No.7078083

Mary Sue? Are you serious?! Please be trollin.

Martin has some faults as an author, but idealizing characters is definitely not one of them and in fact his round character creation and development is his most endearing attribute as a writer. The protagonists have faults and quirks that make you cringe at times, and the antagonists have redeeming qualities that make you understand their motivations and at times feel sorry for them or even cheer for them.

>> No.7078087

I think she's less of an MS in the books, but she's definitely one in the show. I find her quite a boring character both ways. Jon is a Gary Stu in both.

>> No.7078093

>Mary Sue? Are you serious?!

See >>7077934.

Though I'd say Tyrion falls out of Suedom HARD in the long run, leaving it to just be Jon and Dany.

The good news is, they can't possibly win or survive.

>> No.7078100

Odd thing: I loved Tyrion as a character for the longest time. Then he got boring.

Sansa, on the other hand, I love as a character. Reading the books, she quickly became one of my favourite characters.

>> No.7078102



Plus, you chose being pregnant at a young age as the thing nobody could possibly relate to? There is a TV show called pregnant teens or something. How about riding dragons and leading an army of eunuchs, etc? Also you didn't even get the bit about Drogo right, he was dying not dead, and she didnt save his life, the lamb woman did.

>> No.7078106

>Then he got boring.

That's a book 4/5 problem. Dany shouldn't even be on-screen in those books, we should only be hearing about her from news and rumors from overseas so that she can grow as a threat.

Instead we get to see all the fuckups she's doing and it completely destroys her credibility as a viable force in the game.

>> No.7078110


How are any of these.. Are you serious? Someone obviously doesn't understand what a Mary Sue is, at all. Just because they are protagonists doesn't make them MSs, and they are about as far away from one as a protagonist can possibly get, you dense yokels! Most of the other posts here (some of which may be you as well) are talking about all the horrible stuff she and the other "sue"s are doing and their downfalls as horrible people. Pick one, or be an oxymoron.

>> No.7078113

>Someone obviously doesn't understand what a Mary Sue is, at all

They're setting-clashing "Author's Pet" characters. So, yeah, Sues.

>> No.7078117

Was anyone else underwhelmed by the Red Wedding in the show? I watched it months after it came out first (though I had read the books and knew about it), I was like "was that it?" when I actually watched it.

>> No.7078126

No. They clearly aren't. Tyrion killed his own father and went a bit out of his head over it, amongst MANY other flaws. Dany whores herself out and makes awful decision after another in ruling Merreen. Jon constantly doubts himself and still struggles with allegiance and bastard issues. How many problems and flaws must a character have for you to think it's not a Sue? Not every character can be an antagonist and written to be hated. You clearly don't get the concept whatsoever.

>> No.7078153

I could SWEAR he said he was 13 in season 3.

>> No.7078228

Don't bother. People love to bitch and hate on this series and the characters constantly but go back to licking their asshole when no one is looking. Phrases like "Mary Sue" or "overrated" or "boring" get tossed around like nothing because they have little to no grasp on the characterizations.

It's like /tv/. They do nothing but bitch and complain and yet the Game of Thrones general threads run literally 24/7 over there.

>> No.7078292


You are definitely right about that one. Thing is, that in the series, we usually see Viserys at his very worst. The shortening of the story only left place for a glimpse on the pained creature his history makes him and way more space for the abusive asshole (who was definitely also formed by said patriarchist culture and his history focused on survival).
With Loki however, the Thor movie gave us many moments of Hiddleston showing off his Shakespearean acting skills (I really dislike him personally cause of that whole charity fuss he keeps pulling but I think everyone has to aknowledge his micro-mimics when it comes to acting and the way how he made Loki into a villain who acts out of wrong emotional conviction than is simply a dick), showing a character in emotional agony. Sadly, many girls seem to forget about the fact that this pain is mostly self-inflicted through a disturbed personality and twisting the past and current events in a way that makes him come out as the victim. It is a huge abberation towards the Loki we find in Straczynski's Thor comicbook, who shaped his past by himself, not only in his mind but in reality and still fits the manipulative character he is. Augh I'm miles away from the original topic but people excusing Loki's behavior make me so mad and all... (also I'm cosplaying as both, Viserys and Loki and somehow I find it really sad how both of them are simplified in the fandoms)

>> No.7078296

There is no guilt to speak of. I hate that fucking cunt, but I am pretty sure they changed her age just so that all the Danyfag plebs don't have to be guilty about it.

The changed Robb to an 18+ year old too, anyhow.

>> No.7078323

>basic rights


oh god you're serious?


>> No.7078574


Tyranting it up over millions of people is not a "basic right."

>> No.7078595

Cosplaying that char. looks so simple, it's sh!t

>> No.7078598

I've read the books, but I'm torn between watching the show now or waiting for the books to finish (if they ever do) and then going back and watching the show then.
I just don't want the show to potentially affect how I visualize the events in the books so that's why I'm hesitant.

>> No.7078609



>> No.7078622

Lolnope. When Stannis is trying to raid King's landing, Jeoffrey stats "BUT I AM ALMOST 18 I AM ALMOST AN ADULT I SHOULD FIGHT" when Jeoffrey in the books is 13 and the "coming of age" is 16.

>> No.7078632

Not on /cgl/. Here you can get banned for calling a girl fat, or just saying "I don't think you're pretty".

>> No.7078654


While that may be true it has fuck-all to do with swearing.

>> No.7078672



>> No.7078691

>comparisons to Loki
Tumblr pls go

I don't see why watching the show would effect your view of events in any way. If it is, as you say, that you've read all the books without seeing anything from the show, then the images, characters and scenarios should all be engraved into your mind pretty hard.

Just watch the show and take it as an alternate take on the story you already know. If not, you're gonna be waiting a damn long time, cause GRRM takes his sweet time.

18 is not the age of adulthood in Westeros. Gotchu.

>> No.7078701

It's harder than it looks, which is why there are so many shitty danys. Girls look at her and think OH LOOK A HALTER AND SOME LEATHER WITH LEGGINGS and don't go any further.
In reality, her costumes were made basically from scratch. The dothraki tops she wears were basically hand woven by the costume department, so it's hard to achieve the same look. I've seen one, maybe two cosplayers get the coloring of her top correct.
GoT costumes in general have a lot of small details that a lot of people who cosplay them overlook, so it usually ends up somewhat mediocre.

>> No.7078705


Also, I love Jon. He's like Ned v2.0, reading his chapters makes feel like good old Eddard's still around.

>> No.7078708

>i hate that fucking cunt
it's just a TV show, calm down.

>> No.7078718

>Ned v2.0

That would be Onion Knight.

>> No.7078729

Davos is a lot like him too (definitely in my top 3 favorite characters) but Jon really drives it home when he rejects Stannis's offer for Winterfell and Val because muh duty. It was like reading a Ned chapter when that happened.

>> No.7078732

Shut the fuck up. I can hate whoever I want. She's the fantasy equivalent of Miley Cyrus, ruining young women who look up to her.

>> No.7078741

You gonna pop a blood vessel anon? I can feel your buttrage via my internet connection and it seems kind of intense.

>> No.7078751
File: 130 KB, 1328x720, 1377637910635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because unless you're Gemma Ward you will never be able to pull off a good Dany.
Even Emilia Clarke doesn't pull off a good Dany.

>> No.7078753

Oh man. What could have been.

>> No.7078777

You're projecting again. I guess talent in projecting is a vital requirement to like Shiterys.

>> No.7078789

Can't pull of much when you understand the concept of acting as: shouting + showing my strong independynt tits.

>> No.7078871

As stated in my post, 16 is the age of adulthood in Westeros in the books.
2/10 because you got me to respond.

>> No.7078885

Fuck. You fatties get rly mad at this.

>> No.7078889
File: 329 KB, 1894x746, Emilia Clarkes Skillset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Urgh this.
Clarke has like 3 expressions total.

Angry concerned face.
Sad concerned face,

Search your hearts, you know it to be true.

>> No.7078892

I think red waste Dany is my favorite Dany.

>> No.7078891



Dany in the books was described as having childlike features and being a bit underweight. Don't get me wrong, Emilia Clarke is very pretty but she is far too hefty and old for role.

>> No.7078896

>emilia clarke

>> No.7078900


lel, sorry if I damaged a nerve but she is. Her body type is way too thick and chubby for Dany.

>> No.7078908

>God's favorite characters confirmed for Jon and Dany.
Fucking pleb. Let me guess Asoiaf are the only books you've ever read in your life.

>> No.7078913

Her eyebrows in the show always piss me off. Shes a natural brunette, so fine, she wears the wig.

But holy shit. The targaryns are like, albino. Purple eyes instead of red with silver hair and pale skin.

And we get these monster brown eyebrow bushes every fucking episode.

Just.. urgh.

>> No.7078914

take your shit back to /tv/

>> No.7078915

How can you expect them to really keep to the books when they aged up half of the younger ones? She is 13 in the books, of course she is tiny. But they didnt keep her 13 in the show and so they didnt try to match.

>> No.7078925

>Married to Khal Drogo
>Fucked on the regular
>Khal dies
>Dany getting needy
>Probably around 14
>getting fingered by her slave bitches

What kind of impression would that put on today's youth? There would be moral uproar all around if it was actually protrayed by a 13 year old girl.

>> No.7078928

/tv/ is still talking about Game of Shit even after it turned to Shit (pretty much the last half of season 3 killed it beyond repair) and even though it's not even airing.

/tv/ = plebs.

>> No.7078930

>What kind of impression would that put on today's youth?
No worse than what Miley Cyrus has already done. Our youth is beyond saving at this point. 12 year old girls are hypersexualized little whores -- and this isn't just "judging them all based on a select few" -- this is mainstream accepted portrayal of tweens at this point.

>> No.7078933

Yeah I don't go to /got/ much anymore because it's 90% pastas, waifus and shit posting.

>> No.7078934

Go take your complaints to the comment box. Thanks.

>> No.7078941

If you read the books you'd know that they only started counting children's ages (nameday) from their second birthday. Dany was 15/16 in our years.

>> No.7078943

Jokes on you, it's not complaints it's legitimate and good criticism. You get shot for that in America.

>> No.7078944

>M-muh book master race ;_;
Yeah, go fuck yourself.

>> No.7078945

Not that anon but do you have a source on that?
>inb4 read the books
I have, and the only thing I can remember concerning that is wildlings don't name their babies until they are two.

>> No.7078947

daymn right

books r for misogynistic nerds losers! power to womyn *throws her tits out*

queen deneris 4 eva

>> No.7078948

4chan pls read beginnings of discussion, thank

Not what I said though
R u the one with the quoting issues again

>> No.7078950

I'm a guy. I don't like blondedragonlady.

But I'm not a retarded hypocrite either.

>> No.7078951

Book readers are the master race, stay mad

>> No.7078954
File: 346 KB, 400x235, rasenmaehen ist krieg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause actually forcing yourself to read badly written fantasy novels is the only way to be trve

Game of Thrones IST KRIEG!!! Aaaaah!!!

>> No.7078960
File: 10 KB, 214x320, twaylayt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just in case the books are good. Your argumentation is flawed for being unspecific.

>> No.7078961

The "everyone" you are referring to is limited to /cgl/. Any con you go to dressed as her, people will still want to take your picture and call you khaleesi even if there are 50 other Dany's around.

>> No.7078964

I wasn't attempting to argue, just making a statement.

>> No.7078965

ich will dich lecken

>> No.7078985
File: 197 KB, 618x282, cage3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nimm lieber ein Eis, Bernd, da hättest du mehr von.

>> No.7079814

I did laugh at "Salsa and Shiterys", I have to say

but lolumad

Also I prefer show Shae. Book Shae was a cardboard cutout plot device; show Shae at least has some personality because of the actress. I didn't remember her being as much of a lil sass queen when I watched the show, and re-reading the book I realized it's because she [her character]...well...isn't.

>> No.7079816

>States opinion as absolutely objective
Oh yeah, I'm on 4chan, I almost forgot

>> No.7079817


>> No.7079822

I don't understand your issue

>> No.7079824

ikr? gross. I do think Viserys' actor is kinda hot though.

>> No.7079832

Eh. The chick who played Sansa was awful in S3 in comparison. And I actually like show Sansa.

>> No.7079835

I've never been there. Do you mean the nicknames or my comment about Shae?

>> No.7079841

All they do is incoherent buttmad ranting a la >>7077190

>> No.7079845
File: 56 KB, 618x464, viserys-targaryen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah no arguments there, Harold Lloyd is a qt, and he did a wonderful job as Viserys.

>> No.7079949

Except Miley Cyrus is 20, not 12

>> No.7079973
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>> No.7079995

I hate people who watch the show then read the books then act like they've been fans of the series for years.

>> No.7080004



>> No.7080191

>You are now aware this is the same Danyfag as always, still having a massive hole of buttravagement in his anus.

>> No.7080625

>mfw I watched season 1 because a friend recomended it, was never really into fantasy but hey why not
>mfw it turned out to be the best thing I'd ever seen in my life, but fucking damn it only 10 episodes
>mfw I am just grateful for having been made aware of this series because if it wasn't for the show, I wouldn't have known

>> No.7080649

Yeah, nothing should ever get popular and all the things I like should remain obscure so only the TRUE FANS will appreciate them and the creators will languish in poverty forever so I can rub my SUPERIOR TASTE in the faces of pitiful mainstream-fags.

>> No.7083252

>>mfw it turned out to be the best thing I'd ever seen in my life
I love how plebs always think that the first show they see that isn't Alf is "THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD, NOTHING COULD BE POSSIBLY BETTER THAN THIS!".

I can already tell that no one will remember this shit 10 years later.

>> No.7083261

what? I'm not all four of those posts, idk what the fuck you're on about.

>> No.7083265


>> No.7083277


Please just stop. You're not 12 and this is not /b/. You're not gaining any bonus points for acting like an asshat contrarian troll in a thread about fucking costumes. I don't know who told you this was /tv/, but they lied to you. Nobody gives a fuck about your blubbering whining.

>> No.7083293

its just some fatty trying to feel superior to others.

>> No.7083347

I don't even know what that is
GoT is my favorite television show. Does it really matter how much TV I actually watch? What I like it what I like, quit being a spaz.

just fuck off back to /tv/ please

>> No.7083596
File: 71 KB, 553x804, Photo on 7-21-13 at 12.59 AM #9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, you pleb piece of shit, I was told that I'm better looking than you.

>in b4 "lol u must be ugly coz ur wearing a mask xD"

>> No.7083598

Oh and you two can get on your knees and suck my dick. Plebsluts.

>> No.7083610

just because God isn't as sexually attractive as you doesn't mean that he's not right.

you have no right to criticize our favorite characters. please leave him alone.

>> No.7083621

>expecting a character that's supposed to be a very young, immature early teenager girl to understand the concept of "we're YOUR HUSBAND'S army, we're loyal TO HIM" and not think something like "YOU WERE WITH ME BEFORE WHY ARE YOU LEAVING ME NOW I FUCKING NEED YOU GUYS"

I didn't read the books because I can't justify spending that long on a fantasy but seriously, I can understand her side.

>> No.7083622

>doesn't know Alf
Underage detected.

>> No.7083624

She's just as old as Robb.

Now compare how well he did until his mom fucked up everything.

>> No.7083627

Really? I didn't know that. Fair enough.

>> No.7083636


I love fantasy novels and the show. God damn though, if he isnt describing blood, he isnt describing anything.

>> No.7083643

GOD DAMN IT. Why do I keep reading these threads when I know there are going to be spoilers? Can't wait for that scene now though

>> No.7083655

Obvious overreacting troll.

There's nothing that implies that Joff dies from getting poisoned by Littlefinger and the Tyrell hag (the old one) on his wedding night and then Tyrone getting the blame for it, which causes the new hottie in season 4 to die for him and Tywin to get shot in the stomach while shitting on the toilet, as revenge for Tywin killing Shae.

Personally, if I didn't know the plot, I thought that comment just meant that Jofferey chokes on a turkey bone for a sec before someone helps him.

>> No.7083658


>> No.7083660

Nah m8 but really, I've never heard of it before.

>> No.7083663

What's that supposed to mean? How many tears you were able to keep from flowing down your cheeks?

>> No.7083666

>thinking I am the person you replied to
lel, the 0/10 was for your pathetic spoiler attempt.

>> No.7083677

What was pathetic about it? I just told you what I posted earlier wasn't a spoiler at all, you stupid cunt,

>> No.7083685
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>> No.7083711
File: 127 KB, 580x672, nowordforfriendzoneindothraki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i like her because she's AMERICA

she whinges and bitches and whines about 'freedom this' and 'freedom that' and goes around fucking over a bunch of muslim societies by flying over them dropping fire

but no, in all seriousness, i liked that she was an incompetent and useless woman that used her sluttiness to her advantage...and i liked that she didn't have a fucking clue about people or leadership or anything and didn't instantly learn shit after doing anything once or twice

'mary sue' her all you want, she is not flawless or smart or even very successful beyond being born to a powerful bloodline at an important time and having fucking dragons...that's kind of the whole fucking book, really, so it's not her fault she's important

at the end of the day, she is young and useless, fucks up constantly, uses lies and sluttiness to get what she wants, i don't know what else you'd expect from her in that situation...i don't think she's a mary sue at all beyond being 'born of a superduper powerful bloodline' and guided by destiny and that bullshit but that's like half the fucking main characters in the book

and lastly she friendzones the fuck out of jorah even harsher in the show, that's gotta be at least 90% of why you faggots hate seeing women dress as her

>> No.7083712

Hush now, I'm watching Silver Linings Playbook in BlueRay quality, 5 minutes in and I am already disgusted.

>> No.7083752

>mary sue because of all powerful bloodline
>not because she gets dragons
The dragons are literally the only reason she can do anything. If she didn't have them shed have died out in the fucking desert. Then she wouldn't have had an army of unsullied, etc.

The only reason she has -anything- is because Magister Illyario was pants on head retarded and gave her fossilized Dragon eggs and they ended up hatching when she decided to walk into some fucking fire.

>> No.7083783

>implying Daenerys would be nothing without a man
Fuck off back to /r9k/ you neckbeard loser.

>> No.7083790

5edgy9u 16-year-old coming through. Don't try to argue with him cause you're wrong and he's the coolest kid in math class

By the way you look like the biggest fucking manlet. 1/10 would pity bang and not call again.

>> No.7083795

Holy shit, how did this overrated crap get so many nominations?

>> No.7083816

>Jennifer Lawrence shaking her ass and tits
Oh ok, now I get it.

>> No.7083861

doesn't take much to look better than God

>> No.7084625

Everyone who dislikes denerys shoudl be banned