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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 77 KB, 740x492, 1098463_556520674409640_1683503139_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7073839 No.7073839[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do women find attractive in male cosplayers ?

>> No.7073854

They're pretty.
People like pretty things.

>> No.7073874

Either pretty boys or beachbod models.
You are a neckbeard and will not be either of these things without serious effort. Don't even fucking mention "muh genes" as an excuse you pussy

>> No.7073882

I just cosplay whatever character I like that is in my realm of looks. Not like i'll ever be that attractive anyway.

>> No.7073883
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, 1377893014747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty does that mean i need to wear makeup
do men even wear make up .....
i like your attitude.
ill definitely work on my appearance
the body is a huge part in cosplay

>> No.7073884

Effeminate pretty boys
Ultra-ripped man beasts

Both are a girls wet dream

>> No.7073885

Craftmanship. I like armor and masks.

A bit of muscle and a handsome face doesn't hurt.

>> No.7073887

Women who are desperate for men like almost anything. If you share even one similar interest with them, and are an okay-looking cosplaying male, congratulations.

No one with sense and rationality in their head goes to a con and thinks "OMG A MALE!! IN COSPLAY!!", just keep that in mind when you see that sort of behaviour. It's not the kind you want.

>> No.7073895

Get the fuck on /fit/, and get a fucking gym membership, a decent gym with free weights
Think of all the cute cosplay pussy you'll get, and use that as motivation
Its going to take about a year to get properly ripped, get crackin

>> No.7073905

Gaaahhh dem cosplays

>> No.7073917


+ Good looks.
+ Muscles, but not Scooby-tier muscles.
+ Alpha / confident behavior, not taking a "no" for an answer.
+ Status (being a tripfag on /cgl/, in our case; the more drama/fame you have here the better).
+ Good costume (implies you're rich).
- Morbid obesity.
- Ugliness (doesn't matter as much if you're Asian or Black tho).
- Poverty & bad hygiene.
- Betaness / looking like a creeper / stuttering / being a virgin / too nervous / too afraid, et cetera.
- Being an anon hitting on a tripfag.
- Caring about the source material / asking "dumb" questions about the thing I cosplay instead of complimenting me and begging for a picture (e.g. anything you talk about with your autistic neckbeard friends on /vg/, /tv/, /co/ et al.).

That's about all I can think off right now...

>> No.7073924

/fitizen here, get your diet in order, if you are fat it will take a long time to cut down, lift weights at least twice a week > heavy compounds mostly.

Abs are made in the kitchen.

>> No.7073927

is planking good for abs? we have no gym in our city of my life so the best I can lift is goat and... how you say... log but smaller, when cut down

>> No.7073928

>+ Alpha / confident behavior, not taking a "no" for an answer.

Uh no fuck that. Respect a guy/girl and accept rejection gracefully. Otherwise you come across as creepy/clingy no matter how confident you seem.

If you're a bro they might still want to hang. Worst case scenario: made a new friend. Best case scenario: they change their mind sometime down the line and become interested in you.

>> No.7073930

Is that that thing when you lie down on the ground and take a picture of yourself face down like a retard?

Yeah that definitely turns you into Hercules.

>> No.7073933

Is this thread for real? My fucking sides.

>> No.7073935

Me, cuz I'm pretty!!!

>> No.7073936
File: 237 KB, 1280x850, tumblr_mipcdpyJdd1rgoqbmo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abs are purely an issue of bodyfat%. The larger rectus abdominus behind the small lenticular ab muscles can help push them out (stomach vacuums). Diet down and they will appear, no amount of ab exercises will make them show as the muscles are far too small to grow any significant amount.

>> No.7073937

True, so much.

I mean, like, if I give him a shit-test he shouldn't immediately Beta out. Or if I say "no, I already have a boyfriend", I might still be up for a good one night stand if he shows he's worth it. My boyfriend isn't much into cosplay so... his fault.

>> No.7073945

>being this much of a whore

>> No.7073946
File: 151 KB, 540x720, trust no bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saaaay Rolph!

Why spend all that time slaving away when you can get Eddy's Ab-o-matic?

Just five minutes on this baby a day and you'll have a six pack in no time!

No! An eight pack!

Twelve! Twelve pack!

Whaddaya say? It'll only cost you a quarter!

>> No.7073948

go fuck yourself r9k neckbeard

>> No.7073955

Why would he fuck himself when it's clearly just as easy to fuck you?

>> No.7073960

maybe if you had chloroform, neckbeard

>> No.7073962

I'm femanon, and I have standards that you already don't meet. You'll have to have your rape-fantasy fulfilled by someone else, sorry to say.

Thanks for playing.

>> No.7073966

>implying I have a "rape-fantasy"
Confirmed neckbeard pretending to be a girl.

>> No.7073973

(citation needed)

>> No.7073979
File: 40 KB, 340x319, 1377815073363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill always remember you anon
so eye liner is needed ....
i need to build my self from the bottom up
for popularity ....
dont act like a jerk
what do you recommend to eat
if abs are made in the kitchen ?

>> No.7073986

Start a trip right now. I recommend something that makes you sound like a massive tool, for example: "That Dude" or "karatebro" or "Hawkone".

>> No.7073993

Or "God."
Doesn't get much more tool than taking a deity name.

Maybe taking a deity name and putting "wolf" on the end.

>> No.7074000


God has his name for a reason, he is a literal *god* of /cgl/.

>> No.7074002
File: 295 KB, 838x720, 1376325748490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or maybe king of kings i say that one takes the cake

>> No.7074011

Weird, just thought he was another boring tripfag that we'll forget soon enough.

Also, please learn the definition of literal and/or god.

>> No.7074022
File: 421 KB, 996x1772, ringwraith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer to do IF (Intermittent Fasting) while cutting, you can check out leangains or rippedbody.co.jp for more data. If you are just reducing body fat and you need to do it fast look up PSMF (protein sparing modified fast).

Lift at least 2(4 is better) times a week, the /fit sticky has some good tips, I do low carb most of the time and have dropped from 245lb(111kg) to 186lbs(84kg) at 5'11", working slowly toward 160ish before bulking again. For beginners a full body workout 3x a week worked best for me.

PS: If your costume covers a lot it dosn't matter if you are made of phlarb

<-- Pic related

>> No.7074040

>another boring tripfag

Confirmed for newfag cancer trying to pretend he's not new and/or is part of our club.

>> No.7074051

I am newfag, started in the past year. Go ahead and cry about your speshul secret club not being exclusive.

>> No.7074055

god is fucking annoying anyways so who cares?

>> No.7074059

>Uh no fuck that. Respect a guy/girl and accept rejection gracefully. Otherwise you come across as creepy/clingy no matter how confident you seem.
Right. That's why every chick flick ever made doesn't have a persistent love interest in it. Girls eat that shit up and hollywood knows it.

>> No.7074061

I don't seek out potential dating partners through a hobby of mine. I've dated who I have dated based off of being around the person and getting to know them.

>> No.7074062

God is the *ONLY* good male tripfag left on /cgl/, you stupid shit. Stop being so jelly.

>> No.7074066

You made yourself sound so incredibly fucking lame with that club remark, dear god.

>> No.7074072

>don't say anything negative about him!
>i-it's not like I like him, or anything!

>> No.7074120

He's mildly talented but he's a fucking prick so the point they made is legitimate

>> No.7074154

>Good looking
>Confident about himself
>Wears makeup while cosplaying
>Being a bit femenine
>Can sew and make props

Actually my bf follows everything written before minus the sewing part, but he's trying to learn.

>> No.7074191


>> No.7074222

>what do you recommend to eat
>if abs are made in the kitchen ?

>> No.7074225
File: 35 KB, 290x270, Homestuck cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good looking
Double check
>Confident about himself
Checked it Ralph before I wrecked it Ralph
>Wears makeup while cosplaying
Went to Sephora recently to work on this - check
>Being a bit femenine
So many checks, people think I'm gay
>Can sew and make props
Re-learning to sew and so good at props

>> No.7074245

Is this you in this picture?


I'm new here, but that doesn't look very good to me. Is it some different Valle guy?

>> No.7074248

You are a tool, though.

>> No.7074261


>> No.7074262

I like giggly/ smiley virgin boys who are slightly fit and have good hygiene. Also if you share my interests you instantly get 20% more attractive.

>> No.7074275

Dem less overt Baras.
I'm not too into bulk IRL but if it works for the costume that's better than having a weak ass Kratos or something.


>> No.7074277

Different one from the original but yeah, that's me.

>dat hate about trip droppin
Jesus fuck /cgl/ I'm on deployment and have only been able to get on while in port and you STILL trippin' balls.

>> No.7074278

>tfw slightly effeminate, medium/long hair, Eurasian, 18 years old, but I've been told I look 16

>> No.7074283

Man, /fit/ is such a hottie.

>> No.7074288

Yes. Some straight men wear makeup.
And every male celebrity has makeup on when you see them at events/awards shows and in photoshoots.

>> No.7074308
File: 70 KB, 432x644, KANAME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty boy face
Clean shaven
Nice teeth and smile
Nice skin
Lean body (not fat or chubby) with some muscle
Shaggy styled hair
Fitted clothing to frame the nice body

>> No.7074318

He doesn't even cosplay.

>> No.7074341

He cosplays as my senpai.

>> No.7074370
File: 157 KB, 567x850, dante_dmc_5_cosplay_by_gnefilim-d676cwr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do women find attractive in male cosplayers?
<-- This. Or at least, this is what I like.
I've never been a big fan of the overly effeminate male cosplayers. I enjoy the ones with a little muscle on them.

>> No.7074375
File: 230 KB, 465x700, tumblr_lsi0e6bWu01qhwp5po1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example.

>> No.7074385

the ability to create things is the most attractive part to me. like i don't think i've ever been more fascinated than watching my ex turn 1/4 of a cow pelt into a fucking jacket over the span of a week. like, it was amazing.

other than that i like how /most/ male cosplayers are a bit more open minded than your average run of the mill guy. they do things that are more feminine (like wearing makeup and taking care of their skin and hair so than can be animu's) and... i guess that's it that's like cosplay specific?

need new cosplay BF miss helping with cosplays.

>> No.7074389

Finally, someone else who likes more masculine guys. I find feminine men about as attractive as a wet sock.

>> No.7074398

Oh, didn't know that

>> No.7074402
File: 755 KB, 1280x1920, 1374534372067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diff fem anon, you're a slut.

And back on topic, really pretty boys can get away with being beta. It's cute on them.

>> No.7074405

>you're a slut

Prove it.

>> No.7074408

Oh god I fucking hate this kid. He's such a wannabe

>> No.7074409

>gapped teeth
>lopsided abs
>shit personality

Oh yeah. We find that real attractive. I do agree with you on liking manly men though.

>> No.7074413


>> No.7074416

Oh, yeah, I think I remember hearing something about that cosplayer being an arrogant dick. Seems like a pretty common issue, though.

>> No.7074428

Clear skin
No facial hair
Smells nice
Not awkward

Seriously, guys with clear skin are 1000% more attractive.

>> No.7074430

>so eye liner is needed...
sure, why not. It makes the cosplays look more animu, which is the point. It would probably look a bit more out of place on a western cosplayer though.
>not using at least some makeup in your cosplay as a guy

>> No.7074445

>Ultra-ripped man beasts
Yeah, no
That might be your case, but the majority claims
>ew too muscly

>Abs are made in the kitchen
Yes and no.
Visible abs are made in the kitchen, yes, but they won't be 'hard'.
As any muscle they require training.

>is planking good for abs?
It's good for resistance, if you're going for hypertrophy do weighted crunches.

>> No.7074449

Honestly I don't really go to cons to meet guys (and the ones I have met were, oddly enough, out of cosplay) but I'll bite. For me, it's mostly personality. Not being sexist or arrogant goes a long way with me; being humble, polite, and genuine does too. I also think it's cute when a guy is a little shy or awkward, but not so much that he's being embarrassing or obnoxious.

Physically, I like men who are tall. They don't have to be buff, but not obese either. Must have a cute face. Clear skin, good hygiene, and a good sense of style are a plus too.

Also, I'm much more likely to approach a guy if he's cosplaying a character that I like or know about... but that's just because I personally don't wanna go up to someone and be all "durr hurr ur hot who r u." So if you want to get girls, I guess cosplay a character who they'll all recognize? Haha.

Also, just as a note... females tend to be really turned off by guys who actually believe in the Alpha/Beta bullshit. Like seriously. I cannot think of a proper analogy to convey to men how big of a turn-off that is.

>> No.7074452

are cosplay girls into hipster or "alt" guys?

>> No.7074453

what should one who can barely lift weights do to get up to lifting weights or being fit in general

>can barely pick up a five pound weight with both hands

>> No.7074455

You...what? How do you exist? I'm super weak, too, but goddamn. Do you have any chronic health issues?

>> No.7074457

Everybody starts somewhere.
When I first entered a gym, I was 16 and could barely bench 30 kg.
You just need to say 'fuck what people think', get a good routine (/fit/ sticky or something from bodybuilding.com), get your diet in order (bite the bullet and bulk) and start lifting the heaviest shit you can.

>> No.7074456


such is the life of a weak twiggy asian girl i guess

i just want to be fit instead of settling on noodle arms ;_;

>> No.7074459

cleanly. good personality. healthily thin. i prefer muscle but not too much -- if you're ripped it's a no-go for me. i also prefer well-defined faces rather than rounder ones, though that's just a personal preference. defined cheekbones, chins, etc, accommodate for androgynous faces and more masculine faces, though (i've seen both kinds of faces with similar facial structures).

and, obviously, they have to wear their cosplay well. it's like wearing clothes that suit you -- you look much better if you're wearing something that you can work. likewise, attention to detail and costume quality is important for similar reasons. you can't walk out in an outfit that looks like shit and expect to pass. if you made your costume yourself, all the better.

obvs this is all personal preference but i can't speak for everybody anyway

>> No.7074460

I was sick for a long time recently (two months). I'm not entirely better, but I've started gently exercising again. I'm only doing 5 lbs at the moment, but I think I'll be ready for the 10 lbs soon.

If you can't handle 5 lb weights, try the little 3 lb ones and do as many reps with them as you can a few times a week. Work your way up to heavier weights. Don't forget cardio, too. Jumping jacks, jogging. Even a walk around the neighborhood or mall is a start.

The /fit/ sticky has some good tips for when you're in a bit better shape.

>> No.7074485

>liking donte
shit taste

>> No.7074507

What are girls' opinions of guys with shaved legs?

>> No.7074514

No hair is always better than too much hair in my opinion.

>> No.7074535

as long as you keep up with it.
stubble sucks to cuddle with. so wear long pj pants if it's been more than 3 days.

>> No.7074552

i'm calling bullshit on cosplaying females liking buff/ripped guys. i went to 4 cons (5'11'', maybe like 170-80lbs, 9%bf) and was treated like shit. i had food thrown on me several times at each con, openly mocked, and told to kill myself. i wasn't even being a douche about it. didn't hit on anyone, wore a shirt the whole time, never flexed or was loud. skinny fuckers were treated like gods, even if they had okay/poor costumes.

>> No.7074575

>food thrown on me several times
>told to kill myself

Now I'M calling bullshit.

Also, you do realize that different cosplayers like different things, right? Probably a big part of the reason a bunch of us can't get along.

>> No.7074579

Entirely not into it. I like a little bit of hair.

>> No.7074580


I'm skinny and look like a girl so I can confirm what he's saying. I've never met a girl in the con scene that's like "omg I love guys that are ripped". If you're pretty, skinny, delicate and in cosplay girls with swarm you. That being said I like tall and muscular guys but...

>> No.7074584

I'm calling bullshit on your story. You were either being a douche or a dick about something, or lying about how you were treated. And generalising about "cosplaying females" is like trying to generalise about females in general, different strokes for different folks.

>> No.7074592

Yeah that's pretty much the best way to get back at your bf if he refuses to cosplay with you. He looks pretty stupid calling it "gay" when you have some cosplayer thrashing you in a hotel.

>> No.7074593

9%bf, 91% douchebag

>> No.7074656

>the best I can lift is goat and... how you say... log but smaller, when cut down

>> No.7074727

Because you're ugly, duh.

>> No.7074731

not to say I dont believe you... But I dont believe you... I have gone to SOOOOO many cons, and you will always see the really old men dressed up as sailor moon + a ton of people wearing outfits they REALLY shouldn't and not once have i ever heard of anyone throwing food (Con food is so freaking expensive) that aside. Even some of the worst cosplayers will get compliments on thier costumes, because someone some where out there really likes what you do. If people are throwing stuff at you, you need to stand up for yourself. Im not saying to cause a brawl , but seriously... never in my 8 years on con going have I ever seen something like that take place.

>> No.7074730

Is resistance the way to go if you wanna do the circus trick where some guy drops a dagger, blade-first, on your stomach and it doesn't give you a scratch?

>> No.7074822

No that's one of the easiest magic tricks there is. The secret is that instead of throwing the knife at the receiver, you just let it fall. A knife falling from ~3 ft just doesn't have the mass necessary to generate enough force to penetrate skin and stab the torso area. Maybe good enough for necks and eyeballs, but not much else (and even that would be just a little stabby stab). In fact, it is very hard to even cut a neck with a standard knife. Combat knives life the marines have, sure. But a kitchen knife? Oh boy. Not nearly sharp enough. You can give it a cut and maybe let out some blood, but hardly good enough to kill. To really chop off a good bit of the neck you need to apply significant pressure. Like, literally put your entire bodyweight on the knife to cut through the tendons and the bony parts, as it slips away and away every time you try, again and again, whilst listening to the excruciatingly painful sound of crunching and screams.

>> No.7074830

Well that was certainly.. Informative...

>> No.7074972

This literally only works if someone is extremely charming AND attractive AND they are actually already interested in them...And also because it is make believe. No woman, or man for that matter, wants to be harassed incessantly by someone they are not interested in. It's called stalking.

>> No.7074986

yea cheat on your boyfriend just because he doesnt want to cosplay anon. Thats the spirit of /cgl/

>> No.7075018
File: 88 KB, 500x350, 281DLE4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could be mistaking them for different cosplayers, but aren't these girls?

Hmm, it varies OP! I personally like any kind of guy as long as he's clean and doesn't have a neckbeard or mutton chops.

Though my preferred dudes are either feminine/androgynous or baras.

He's cute but this is a shoop.

>> No.7075037

>tfw you will never get a qt /cgl/ gf that appreciates you in $2,000 rick heels and a dress and teases your boner

I can be a frumpy cute grill too

>> No.7075048

You don't want a /cgl/ gf.
Trust me.

>> No.7075051

You don't have Ricks.
And if you do, you're autistic.

>> No.7075055

if I wasnt autistic I wouldnt be on this board now would I?

>> No.7075063

>still thinks he's on /fa/
Oh, my dear boy

>> No.7075066

>implying roleplaying and creating costumes for fictional 2d characters isnt 10x more autistic then appreciating high-quality clothing made by talented artists using top-notch materials and construction methods in a thriving industry
>implying I even want to be trolled by you :[

>> No.7075070

>claims to know about fashion
>doesn't know what EGL stands for
You got trolled by a board of 15 y/o kids into buying shit sneakers by a retarded designer.
I bet you also wear 'raws' and oversized T's

>> No.7075071

It stands for elegant gothic lolita.
and no.

>> No.7075104
File: 31 KB, 415x529, 1376803571034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5’6”, borderline auschwitz, freckles, is 21 but gets mistaken for being 15
>tfw beta as fuck, hopeless virgin, can’t even speak to women unless they come to me first

a-at least my mom thinks I’m handsome…

>> No.7075121


where are you?

>> No.7075134

well im 6' and 21 but... plz b in texas

>> No.7075137


>> No.7075143

Ha, not who you're responding to, but you're in my state. Surprised you haven't gotten laid, tall skinny guys seem to have tons of luck around her.

>> No.7075145


>> No.7075146

I'm in another area of NE. You're not too far away. What cons do you frequent?

>> No.7075150

Katsucon and Otakon, mostly. I don't know if I'm going to either next year though.

>> No.7075156

Sorry, misread. Switched the numbers around in my head.

Okay, so not tall, but skinny and beta. If you have a somewhat decent face, you still should've probably gotten the v.

>> No.7075155

>girl shows interest
>automatically turn her down indirectly
What the fuck are you doing, son?

>> No.7075159

>this is what girls actually think

>> No.7075163

I see ugly, fat, and short males scoring with chicks way too hot for them all the time.

Maybe you just have a shit personality.

No, wait, I see those people getting laid, too.

>> No.7075193

yea no, maybe thats what u think habbenz

>> No.7075198


I know a super hot blonde stripper who fucked a 5/10 autistic guy. I know a super-fat guy with a qtp2t Asian girlfriend less than half his size. One of the hottest girls I know got ass-rammed by an aging bald guy who's a 4/10 at best.

To not be getting laid as an adult male, you're doing something wrong. It really is easy.

>> No.7075203

Hate to tell you OP but those are females.

>> No.7075207

>One of the hottest girls I know got ass-rammed by an aging bald guy who's a 4/10 at best.
...Why The hell is appealing about that for her?

>> No.7075209

Going to sound really conceited but despite how much I love my bf, if we ever broke up I could do WAY better than him looks wise.
He's 5'8, a lil chubby with a cute face, love him to pieces though.

I read a study awhile ago that concluded relationships tend to do better when the woman is slightly more attractice than the man, and they tend to fail more when the man is more attractive than the woman.

>> No.7075211

I think you were a tripfag once.

>> No.7075217

>I see ugly, fat, and short males scoring with chicks way too hot for them all the time.
That's because they have *status* over those girls. Either they're rich, popular/famous among her circle of friends, Jewish, have connections with famous people, et cetera, et cetera...

Personality alone doesn't get you laid.

>> No.7075219

I don't even know. I can't even begin to guess.

My boyfriend and I are about on par with each other at the moment, but I'm working out while he continues to gain weight, so that will probably change pretty soon. My last boyfriend was significantly less attractive than me. Had a great smile, though.

I always assumed that attractive women with less attractive males was really normal.

>> No.7075220

Or unlaied either (lots of Ted Bundies women would do anything to sleep with, Breivik getting romance letters from underage girls in prison, et cetera).

>> No.7075222

Sugar daddy, motherfucker. Women are natural whores, in the sense of selling sex for money, and natural in the sense that they're not the first species to do it, they just evolved from a species that already did it.

>> No.7075227

You only say that because you know he doesn't have all the money in the world.

>> No.7075225

all the money on this earth wouldn't be enough for me to fuck a moron like you.

>> No.7075228

I guess girls always just assume i'm gay or have someone. Women are always giving me the line 'u could have anyoneee u want, o but not me' and start talking with me but then dont want to have anything to do with me on any other level.

I mean im 6', agencies have told me I have a good face, I dress better than 90% other guys I see / have been complimented on my everything, anyone whose known me thinks i'm extremely sweet.

I never really go for the knock-out supermodel girls either, just the ones I feel like have chemistry, but they always just stop talking to me and when I ask why just say 'oh its me' or something.

/end journal entry

>> No.7075235

>looking like a creeper
This is irrelevant. To some women, all men are creepers. Even the rich ones.

>> No.7075239

Nah, 3.50$ would do for a slut like you.

>> No.7075242

Nah, the guy in question never gave her anything, I know them both.

>> No.7075244

No, you moron. Hot /fit/izen aren't creepy and guys who look like massive creeps quickly turn into handsome princes once they wop their wad on the counter.

>> No.7075247
File: 35 KB, 256x192, miles-edgeworth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nah, the guy in question never gave her anything, I know them both.
>"never gave her anything"


<< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6YwdreWfFs >>

In your earlier testimony, you clearly stated:

>One of the hottest girls I know got ass-rammed by an aging bald guy who's a 4/10 at best.
>"got ass rammed"

Ergo, the defendant did *in fact* give something to the victim.

*camera zooms on the face while there's blue dynamic lines in the background*

At the very least, he gave there the dick!

>> No.7075248


>> No.7075252

O...oh god no



>> No.7075270

No, I'm saying it's

case1) bomber defusing guy
case2) the guy who looks like a faggot with makeup
case3) the bearded teacher guy who looks like a greek statue
case4) the guy dressed as a Captain
case5) the new detective

>> No.7075281
File: 66 KB, 500x578, 1356813626384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fit/izens aren't creepy

>> No.7075291
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Just joining you in a laugh.

>> No.7075407
File: 25 KB, 300x300, jonlel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7075532

lol nope. skinny guys are gross, fat guys are gross.
Muscles and low body fat are what most girls like. Unless they're a little chubby or whatever themselves.

>> No.7075659

Speak for yourself,
Otter mode tickles my pickle.

>> No.7075674

But that's what he said, anon. Muscles and low body fat.

Muscles does not mean "huge slab of beef".

>> No.7075726
File: 31 KB, 500x375, tumblr_moczppAQir1rwjbg1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I've gathered, most female anime fans tend to swarm pretty boys like this. Because they look more like their anime husbandos I guess.

>> No.7075736

That shoop...

>> No.7075738
File: 51 KB, 400x603, 41594%20-%20Dragon_Ball_Z%20Trunks_Briefs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without knowing it, they are looking for a vagina, because most male cosplayers who are "pretty" are often women or at least born women.

>> No.7075740
File: 23 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mpao6gYMEr1suo62wo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is the male Dakota.

>> No.7075748
File: 95 KB, 717x960, 1157613_509524925791583_298478428_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only that, but he's such a slut. I've seen my friends make posts about him on facebook so I checked him out and dear god...

>> No.7075749
File: 73 KB, 960x640, 182554_459465017464241_570709695_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I can't tell if he wants a vagoo or not since he even whores in girl's lingerie

>> No.7075750

oh god that shoop

too bad he can't get rid of those terrible puffy nips

and i guess he's too edgy to shoop out the thigh cuts?

>> No.7075751

I have those gloves and now I can never wear them again....
Also.. Dat shoop on da abs.. lord

>> No.7075754

Did you see his pornos?

>> No.7075756

He has pornos? What...?

>> No.7075758

Goggle it girlfriend.

>> No.7075762

what does he look like without the shoop in the pornos

>> No.7075763

cries for attention


>> No.7075768
File: 20 KB, 312x400, Added by Frank Wolf 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this with a little google-fu

>> No.7075770


Here is one while it lasts, he is trying to delete everything to do with his porn past.

>> No.7075776
File: 29 KB, 720x540, 558572_306438456100232_870170121_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7075791

I don't get why girls like effeminate guys. Maybe they are closeted lesbians. Manly gentlemen all the way.

>> No.7075794

I don't know why any women are into hair.
My mother had a boyfriend for...10 years? anyway he was so fucking hairy, hair on his back hair on his ass hair everywhere.

So...I think hair is gross.
Any hair.
Alittle on the cock is OK but that's it.

>> No.7075797

>why do some guys like flat chested girls who are interested in vidya/sport/intelligent stuff rather than bimbos who are good in kitchen (womanly women)

>> No.7075801

A fem guy is not the same as a girl.
I am sure some women are lesbians but often a lot just don't like manly MAN guy's everyone is different, like some guys only like blondes, only like fatties, only like girls with short hair.

>> No.7075803

>maybe he is a closest gay? lolwtfomgbbq

>> No.7075805

Because the majority of male anime characters and a lot of male vidja characters are effeminate, even if it's just in the face. So naturally girls who find those characters attractive will go for guys like that IRL.

>> No.7076123

>comparing hobbies to facial aesthetics

>> No.7076412

No, I'm saying some guys like tomboys and that doesn't make them gay, you stupid fuck.

>> No.7076528


+ Big dick (and knows how to use it ;) ).

And it's

>> No.7076545

Yeah, ew, no.

>> No.7076547

>not taking a "no" for an answer.
So, chicks are into rapists? Good to know.

>> No.7076548

>Implying what women fantasize about is what they want in real life
There is a big difference between someone who ceases to exist once you've gotten your jollies and someone you have to deal with in your actual life.

>> No.7076549

There is a big difference between someone who looks like a creep hitting on a girl / puts chloroform on her mouth to rape her why she sleeps (the standard definition of rapist) and a confident Alpha male who knows when a girl is just testing him and knows that she's ready for a ride.

>> No.7076608

Being a tomboy doesn't go hand-in-hand with looking different. A woman who is into sports can easily look more attractive than a bimbo. That was my point.

>> No.7076636

>puts chloroform on her mouth to rape her why she sleeps (the standard definition of rapist)
If she's not unconscious, it's not rape.

Also good to know.

>> No.7076674

WHat the fuck. No, that was *my* point not *yours*.

>> No.7076839

What I find most attractive is guys who give me all their money to kickstart my cosplay project.

>> No.7076858

I can only imagine the reward tiers..

>> No.7077409


>> No.7077536
File: 670 KB, 332x173, 1371769236702.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please take my virginity
We can do it in cosplay if that's your thing

>> No.7077566


>> No.7077574
File: 1.22 MB, 360x270, 1367690851339.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>23 y/o virgin
I don't have the luxury of subtlety or choice anymore

>> No.7077590

Lmao sorta sad

>> No.7077601
File: 296 KB, 576x432, 1359489081475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7078284

I haven't lost it due to reasons more convoluted (technicalities and bananas) than i'd post here for the masses 'cuz tl'dr, but it's acting this pathetic what gives us with wizard status a bad name;
grow a backbone, learn some body language, and use common sense and good manners; also, stop projecting your insecurities and put yourself out there, don't be afraid of rejection, but most importantly, learn to love yourself and improve as a person and don't make it your life's goal; think of it like this... don't put her (or anyone else) on a pedestal unless she proves worthy, treat people equally until they actually give you a reason to not do so;
9/10 for getting me to respond

>> No.7078309

gave up the v card last year at 22. I fought girls off for a few years and eventually just kinda gave in with my current gf. its not that special.
dont go out of your way for sex, bro. I dont regret it, but it's not worth waiting for wizard status.
I told her I wanted to stop though. she didnt take that too well.
eh, maybe im gay. would be interested in sexing a fellow con/cos enthusiast though. someone who has a lot of similar interests n such. would probably be more fulfilling.

>> No.7078314

I always found the phrase "knows hoe to use it" amusing.
I can just imagine some lump with a 10" dick that takes off his pants and starts trying to stick it in your ear.

>> No.7078317

but then you like mens with muscles. that has nothing to do with cosplayers.

but i don't know if that's what op wanted

>> No.7078329

holy shit he is hot

>> No.7078334

Though there actually are lumps that think a mere sight of their 10" dick is enough to get girls soaking wet so no further effort is needed on their part.

>> No.7080193

ITT: Women being women (whores).

>> No.7083600

Huge dick and huge bank account, all it takes to make a girl happy :)

>> No.7083829

Basically what I like in any guy in any situation: cute, funny, sweet, not an angry bitter loser - just swap "moderately well dressed" with "moderately good cosplay".

>> No.7084618

plus one

>> No.7085557

plus two

>> No.7086084

plus three

>> No.7086572

IS SIX!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.7086630

3!, to be exact

>> No.7086653

Oh God I don't care if he has the eyebrows of a chav girl and probably the personality of Dakota, I wish more boys made the effort to look so fem.

>> No.7086658

>equals 3

>> No.7086674


3!, not 3.

>> No.7089946

love hurts

>> No.7090059
File: 54 KB, 600x400, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else is into manly asian cosplayers?

>> No.7090130

not sure if you're kidding or just don't math but factorial doesn't work like that.

3! is technically 3 x 2 x 1 not 3 + 2 + 1. It just works out that they both come out to 6.

>> No.7090367

Need more, I haven't seen ANY Mushishi cosplay, much less really good Mushishi cosplay.