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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 374 KB, 1280x960, what am i looking at.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7059086 No.7059086[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck am I looking at cgl. This is what happens when you make it okay for people to stultify things,

>> No.7059095

it took me a whole minute to realize it was Up and that was because of the balloons

>> No.7059110

Someone sounds bitter as fuck.

>> No.7059119

Girls always wanna have all the attention, the only thing they can do to get it is showing their tits.

>> No.7059122

>for people
>not for girls
bitter fatty-chan detected

>> No.7059178

Well, I think the kid looks ok (nothing overly slutty; she just has boobs like most girls I know). The shorts might be too short, but I feel that it's a decent genderbend.

Now, the old dude on the other hand... Ick.

>> No.7059192

Something just went "Up" in my pants

>> No.7059207


Me, too. I thought the one on the left was just some bitch dressed as a boy scout at a con for some reason. And the one on the right was some kind of weird, slutty, silver-haired version of the 10th Doctor.

>> No.7059210

Im all for girls dressing slutty. I am a dude-ly dude. but Im with OP. I would prefer less coachella at my cons

>> No.7059635

oh god i know these two

notorious toronto ravers sluts

for them, this is actually classy.

>> No.7059641

I usually call them attention whores but they look great. This usually leaves them very stunned.

>> No.7059646
File: 228 KB, 463x640, tumblr_mjlknbrwlJ1rxhpkso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like someone's jealous.

People can wear what they want. If you don't like it, then you should probably just lock yourself in a room without windows.

>> No.7059648

>people can wear what they want

So your ok with , say, someone wearing the skin of a baby from west Afrika. you make me sick.

>> No.7059657

Oh god, where is this dress from?

>> No.7059658

If it was obtained legally, sure, why not?

>> No.7059665

>nothing overly slutty; she just has boobs like most girls I know
Nevermind the shirt being unbuttoned for the sole purpose of showing them off.

>> No.7059667

you, I like you.

>> No.7059666

Do you just keep a drawer full of straws in your desk in case you run out of ways to argue?

>> No.7059671

>never seen Up

mcfucking kill yourself

>> No.7059676

>Cannot into reading comprehension

>> No.7059694

What you are looking at is the line of where cosplay ceases to be cosplay. As much as people like to bitch and moan that everything is cosplay, there is a cutoff point.

>> No.7059721


>> No.7059778 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 400x257, mr-garrison-mr-slave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused. People are calling op a jelly fatty because they don't like the idea of the little boy and old man from Up being reinterpreted into twinkish girls? Your cgl is showing.

Sure people can wear whatever they want, and lord knows they do, doesn't mean with have to like it.

>> No.7059785
File: 27 KB, 400x257, mr-garrison-mr-slave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused. People are calling op a jelly fatty because they don't like the idea of the little boy and old man from Up being reinterpreted into twinkish girls? Your cgl is showing.

Sure people can wear whatever they want, and lord knows they do, but it doesn't mean we have to like it.

>> No.7059955

Wait what?! I saw them and was wondering what it was from, thought it was some anime, but Up?! okay.

>> No.7059966

I wouldn't call this slutty but it is totally fucking weird.

>> No.7060076

Same here, it took me a minute to recognize some of the elements and realize they were cosplaying from Up!

I realize everyone's "slut meter" is different but I wouldn't say these girls are really slutty. It's more like an attempt at "sexy" versions. IMO "sexy" and "slutty" are different. Are the costumes way out of character? Yes. Is it the worst they could do? Not at all.

Slutty would be Jniggafying the costumes. So... Slutty genderbend Russell would probably have a yellow bra instead of the shirt, brown underwear instead of shorts, keep the sash and orange neckerchief, add raccoon makeup, and push tits skyward.

Slutty genderbend Carl might have a cropped button-up shirt with the front tied in a bow, cropped tweed jacket, underwear instead of pants(?), raccoon makeup, the walking cane, and a bow tie. Oh, also push tits skyward.

>> No.7060893

Do they ever come to London (Ontario)?

>> No.7061036

i think its cute and funny idk. i know what you mean when some girls slutify costumes but i find this one endearing

>> No.7063942
File: 21 KB, 418x323, attention_whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girls always wanna have all the attention, the only thing they can do to get it is showing their tits.

Well it's the easiest thing. You don't have to learn shit, create shit, earn shit, wait, or anything. Break out the tits and suddenly you are the prettiest, most awesome, best, most amazing thing anyone ever saw.

It's a powerful drug and it's a wonder that anyone resist it.
Guys certainly can't and they wonder why girls are as self centered as they are. Because YOU PAY ATTENTION TO THEM WHEN THEY DO IT.

>> No.7063944


this skirt is lovely. I also want to know the origin.

>> No.7063949

I lol'd

>> No.7063980

I agree with OP. This is stupid as fuck. There is nothing sexy about a little boy or an old man. I don't give a fuck if you're "genderbending". If they were just crossplaying then they didn't have to put their tits out, they just had to be an old woman and a girl scout.

>> No.7064028
File: 305 KB, 548x721, 025c986b561f5eb3f2c5d4c04bbd852a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The title of it was: Turandot skirt, a Roberto Navazo & Lady Desidia collaboration.. there were only 10 made and all of them had sold out. Bloody gorgeous print too...

As for OP, I wish that people would realize that nice line to stay behind..but unfortunately, the internet has proven that if it exists, there will be a variation on it and the included marketed fetish for it.

>> No.7064102

Roberto Navazo collaboration with Lady Desidia
Made the rounds on Tumblr and Pinterest, but is long gone by now.

>> No.7064481

Got coscom or facebook on those 2?

>> No.7064494

Sorry but the only reason why it isn't that slutty is because THEY HAVE CLOSE TO NO BOOBS AT ALL.

>> No.7065224

This is why slut shaming exists, created by saggy tit bitches who can't compete and supported by ex-sluts already married and hence seeing themselves as superior though monogamy and wanting not to have their men distracted.

>> No.7069060

Relevent to my interests as well.

>> No.7069095

Their tits are barely visible and the Russell is wearing shorts and generally going in the direction of the whole older-than-the-internet "sexy schoolgirl" trope so idg what the issue is.

This is far from Nigri-tier or anything like that. Sorry OP but your vendetta is showing.

>> No.7069142

For those who don't consider this slutty/sexy can they at least admit its a stupid or lazy idea?

>> No.7069157

Eh, I think the point is more that they went and sexualized something for attention, and that it's stupid. Even though you can barely see their tits, they are going for "sexy". Did Russell wear a pushup bra and keep his shirt open like that? How about the old man?

It's out of character and obviously for attention. They are allowed to do whatever they want but it's in bad taste.

>> No.7069687

To be fair, that kid could have used a pushup bra.

>> No.7071561

Anyone got know the facebook of those two girls?

>> No.7071570

Well it's alittle sluty, not that much to be honestly.
BUT the idea of making a little boy and an old man into 2 girls with their boobs hanging out, is abit gross.

>> No.7071612

What badges does the op pic have?

>> No.7071637

I think the thing OP has a problem with most is that it just seems really inappropriate and unnecessary for what it's originally from...

>> No.7071644

>Getting upset over a thin sliver of cleavage.

Is there really nothing more important in your life to get upset over?

>> No.7071651

It's bad because, you know, the character is supposed to be a child?

Get out of here you fat sack of shit.

>> No.7071666

>Nose ring


>> No.7071674

>"lol man I had sex with this hot chick cosplaying the kid from Up."
>*police sirens*

>> No.7071697
File: 107 KB, 920x625, sexy didney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that there are people who are making me feel like I should be tipping them dollar bills at a convention while theyre dressed up as pixar and disney characters kinda' creeps me.
People will do it anyway, but I really wish making disney characters sexy shouldnt be a thing.

>> No.7073002

Holy crap... where was this and when? Damn

>> No.7073008

Ew. Honestly most of them are still in acceptable territory, but aurora and ariel's panties are showing, and that is just tacky.

>> No.7073014

hot damn now that's a Dinsey movie i want to see.

>> No.7073044
File: 504 KB, 320x240, nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thanks.

>> No.7073046

From the looks of this photo they're waving to a kid.

Disney hookers waving at a kid. There's too much wrong with this, I hope the kid wasn't scarred.

>> No.7073066
File: 551 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mpoth0hXT31r6y37vo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The aurora should have at least gone with pink panties instead of white. Looks like a diaper.

>> No.7073071

I'm mostly upset by what's going on with everything below Jasmine's waist. That sheer material... that extra band... that weird golden sort of triangle sticking out of the front like the tongue of an exhausted dog... What was she even trying to do?

>> No.7073074

Wow, I hadn't even noticed that.
That weird golden triangle might be something like a panty front, like the others have. Or maybe a shitty belt?

>> No.7076455

slutty girl scouts for the win!

>> No.7076469


Cinderella is the only decent one of the group. It's slutty/burlesque/whatever they were going for, but you're not seeing tits/crotch everywhere. It's just a cute, short version of her dress.

>> No.7078227

Every SDCC ever.
Well I can't speak for last year but I ALWAYS saw them.