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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 82 KB, 700x614, 996513_399163596861140_571370722_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7068943 No.7068943 [Reply] [Original]

can they work together?

how could a larping event reach out to cosplayers say if we were making a final fantasy based larp?

>> No.7068993
File: 43 KB, 960x640, 374174_377368559040644_1662802061_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been around cosplayers a lot, 9+ years of service to sakura con in washington state. and i started larping 5 years ago and always wondered why people still go to cons when similar experiences could be had for much less.

>> No.7069005
File: 146 KB, 1063x709, 1371880840637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the name of sweet tap-dancing jesus on a hot tin room is going on in that picture?

That is going in the "Shame" folder, of my LARP pics.

>> No.7069009

um just a bunch of slaves i was selling. i thought it was cool. lol. made a killing too.

>> No.7069021

>asking a very beginner question
>advertising your thread in another thread on the same board
>insisting on using a name, but no trip
>not knowing how to quote other posts

Shit, your newfag is showing so hard. Lurk harder, better, faster, and stronger.

>> No.7069029

aw, im not 4chan cool enough?
not to be rude but i dont care. im just here to gather opinion. or do i have to an hero to be respected?

>> No.7069040

You have to actually know how to use this very basic website in order to be considered for respect. Please, spew more dead memes and see if that will get anyone to contribute to your shit thread.

>> No.7069047

nah. still not giving a fuck.

if people wanna talk they'll do so.
if the thread dies, it dies. no worries.

>> No.7069127

Advertising is everything when you're trying to bring established groups or random passerbys together.
Doesn't even have to be that good, just print out a thousand and post em everywhere a month or two before

>> No.7069183
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I guess I'll help seeing as I just got my group off the ground.

I suggest contacting Joseph Valenti, founder of NERO and father of all North American larp. He'll be happy to help. Give you the shirt off his back, he will!

>> No.7069221

>can they work together?
they already working together to some degree. There were always people who do both and people who only do one.

>> No.7069245

>always wondered why people still go to cons when similar experiences could be had for much less.
Well cons and LARPing are two completely different experiences for a start. Sure on the one hand you can say it's about dressing up, but that's where the similarities end. That being said, there are people who do both, and judging by the number of LARP threads that have been made on here over time, there's enough interest from cosplayers in that area.

If you wanted to make a LARP event that reached out to cosplayers specifically, you should advertise at conventions (hand out flyers or something) and advertise it in appropriate online forums/facebook groups etc.

>> No.7069287
File: 2.32 MB, 348x323, Cheers m8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had a roommate who was huge into larping
>constantly asking me to join him at a larp and try it
>go with him one day just to shut him up
>Find some old plastic Naruto shuriken I got way back when and tuck them into my belt so they can't be seen
>His douchebag larp friends are all over me to duel because they heard I know how to fight with a sword (martial arts) and want to "test" me
>Get roped into fighting a duel with one of them, he's this alpha douchebag who thinks he's the hypest shit when it comes to swordfighting
>Try to play it cool and ask to shake his hand before we duel, in the spirit of good sportsmanship
>as soon as he shakes my hand, in one motion, I pull a shuriken, turn his hand over, and run it along his arm
>"Hey, look at that, we're done. Ever seen the movie Drive? Same thing. You're dead buddy."
>It takes him a moment to realize what happened.
>It hits him and he begins to "sell" it, dying slowly and falling over
>He comes at me later all pissed off claiming I cheated, and I was never asked to come larp with them again

>> No.7069322

What a bullshit story.

>> No.7069353
File: 43 KB, 443x243, 1370548719108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plastic Naruto shuriken
>hard plastic with a point
>used it in a threatening manner at a larp
>Acted like a douche nozzle on top of it, at a fucking game.

Tell me more about how you're a fucking sack of shit.

>> No.7069427

2edgy4me bro lolol you showed him!

Go choke on a thousand dicks you faggot.

>> No.7069431

you've broken the previous world record of biggest faggot on earth, congrats

>> No.7069482

nah, I'm pretty sure that this is still in the minor league. Actually I don't know why people reacting to this, there are similar people you can meet in a daily basis

>> No.7069856
File: 190 KB, 1024x682, NOT FAIL..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never see in happen, and while I am sure its bullshit, you know exactly how i'd react to that if I heard anyone did that at a game I was working in.

Dumping pics to get the bad taste out of my mouth.

>> No.7069867
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Any subject requests?

>> No.7069883
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>> No.7069921
File: 165 KB, 900x675, warhammer_greenskiens_and_priest_by_bigbubbasstuff-d51ed1j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7069931


>"Hey, look at that, we're done. Ever seen the movie Drive? Same thing. You're dead buddy."

real human bean.
Did you have your toothpick and scorpion jacket too?

>> No.7069942


Warhammer larp? That's pretty fantastic

>> No.7069954
File: 112 KB, 785x523, 1354855204263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant people like that not the exact thing. And to tell you the truth there is only two problem with his story.
First: he used a simple plastic shit for it
Second: he did it without style

apart from that shiving people who wants a duel is A-ok with me

>> No.7070008
File: 509 KB, 633x700, 1336511070137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have tons. The gritty, "man vs the unknown" nature of the older editions influenced my Larp rules and setting greatly.

Have a white lion.

One of the weapons I teach in a self defense class is the koga/kubaton. A length of bluntly pointed plastic about the size of a permanent marker. You'd be amazed how easy it is to injure, cripple or kill a person, on accident with such a tool.

I'm fairly certain this is the real story:

>Aspie is invited to Larp by friend
>Friends friends heard he did weekend karate classes or whatever
>In character, challenge him to a bout in sport and good humor
>When challenger politely and jovially accepts a handshake, he pulls his weebshit, obviously against the rules weapon on the guy.
>References a shitty ass movie on top of it.
>STILL IN GOOD NATURE, the Larpbro plays along because he isn't an asshole.
>Privately confronts the guy, rather than reporting him to event staff, because he is obviously socially stunted mouthbreather with overflowing pocket spaghetti.
>Still acts like
>Never invited back.

>> No.7070023
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>> No.7070059
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>> No.7070236

where are you holding your larp? what rules are you using?

>> No.7070334
File: 689 KB, 350x272, 1194123461.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving a shit about whether or not someone regularily browses a forum for losers

>> No.7070525
File: 248 KB, 400x255, sponge1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, a 1:1 scale Steam Tank.

>> No.7070536

If its free, food is provided, and someone explain the rules. Sure ill go. Even if it means being a hag...or something.

>> No.7070740
File: 205 KB, 400x363, 1337039583631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently have a few places in VA either near Richmond or Surry, depending on how many people want it. My think tank of various Larp veterans and myself developed our own system, based on light rules, quality fx and high realism (puzzle locks for lock picking, real but harmless traps, full contact latex weapon fighting etc).

Email me, and you can join the facebook group and read the current rulebook. The whole thing is under 10 pages.

....You DO know that you're on /cgl/ yeah?

Thats not even the good one. The sole reason I wanna get a golf cart....

Rules are easy, and I will not only provide costumes and food for my NPC volunteers, but also borrow my friend's 24 foot diameter yurt and set up some beds, a heated shower, etc for comfort.

Keep in mind, you wouldn't just be "the hag in the woods", could also be made up to be a villager, a merchant, a goblin or whatever else we need more bodies in.

>> No.7070769
File: 230 KB, 1000x666, 13317779035112[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that's not the best one either

>> No.7070781

honestly, I don't like that one very much. I think it looks like ass compared to the red and green one

>> No.7070837

This fucking sounds awesome. When is it? If I can find a ride im in! Im in Alexandria btw.

>> No.7070919


>> No.7070931

Where do you LARP? I live in the same area and my friends and I have been interested in LARPing but don' know where to go or start.

>> No.7071157

Pretty sure the first con I went to offered a LARP. You had to sign up ahead of time, and submit a photo of your cosplay as well, so they could make sure there was only one of each character and the cosplays were all of decent quality.

>> No.7071182

Some time late october. Again, it really depends on how many folks I get. So far we have a dozen 100% and a handful of maybes.

I am not charging for the event as this is still an experiment. Just be aware of your needs if you camp. I will accept donations, but the bulk of the event is coming out of my pocket.

>> No.7071509
File: 40 KB, 720x507, 184538_377368432373990_1990242235_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here. washington state, puget sound area.

>> No.7071571

why is the slave holding a glass?

>> No.7071589
File: 48 KB, 350x518, 1506-7, Hans Baldung Grien. 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you clearly don't know how nobles work. Look at this pic for example.
Now just think about how FUCKING RICH is the owner of this guy if he can afford to give to his slave an armor like that

>> No.7071647

why are all hungarian racist nazis>?

>> No.7071694

I'm pretty sure there are a lot of hungarians who are communists not nazis

>> No.7071721

I dunno...I lived in Hungary for 7 years; there are quite a few skin-heads and even more straight out racists. A lot of them are pretty xenophobic.

>> No.7071748

the older ones are the communists mostly

>> No.7072025

Puget Sound? I'll have to google LARPing in the area then. It'd be so cool to start doing that. Thanks.