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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7069932 No.7069932 [Reply] [Original]

New thread.

Lets talk about the community (or not). Are you active in one? If yes, how do you feel about your comm? If not, why?

>> No.7069940

Just reposting this here:
I'm in the process of purchasing from the sales comm but the seller hasn't been very responsive. I messaged her three days ago and she still hasn't replied, before this she was also slow with replies. I haven't paid her yet but I've committed to buying. I'm starting to mistrust her, though. I don't want to get negative feedback for backing out but I don't want to lose my $280 either. Wat do?

>> No.7069947

I'm active in my local comm, and I love it! We have a whole bunch of members, but only about ten frequent meetups, but we all get on great so it's okay. There's literally no drama, just good times and frilly dresses.

>> No.7069951

Send her a message saying something along the lines of "If you don't respond by x date then please consider this transaction cancelled"
If she leaves you bad feedback, you can show a mod that you've been trying to contact her and you gave her a reasonable deadline and heard nothing back. They won't expect you to keep waiting if she's not responding.

>> No.7069957

I quit mine because it was stale and passive aggressive as shit. I don't need to hang out with or please these girls just because we like the same thing.

I'm a strong, independant lolita who don't need NOBODY.

>> No.7069959

Independent *

>> No.7069968

Ive been to maybe 2 meetups.

I just felt very... old. I'm 25. I'm not interested in walking around a mall for an hour.


>> No.7069972

If she's not even responding to you within a timely manner, you have every right to cancel the transaction and she can't do shit with the bad feedback, just make sure you have caps of her long response time to leave to the mods if she does leave bad feedback.

>> No.7069981

Sorry anon you live in the wrong area.
It's weird how in some areas/comms the lolitas are all teens and in others everyone's in their 20s or over.

>> No.7070071

Is there a way to turn a white blouse into an ivory one? Or would methods such as tea dying turn it too dark?
I'm looking to do this to a cotton blouse and a chiffon one

>> No.7070078

Thanks. I think I'm not going to give her a deadline because I just have this really suspicious feeling about her. I might be wrong, but one can never be too careful. I'm just going to screencap stuff and message her that I'm cancelling the transaction. I feel a bit bad because so far she has been nice to me, but well, irresponsible sellers and scammers can be nice too.

>> No.7070097

It probably won't work on the chiffon one since it's polyester (assumedly), but I think if you're very quick with the soak you could get just a light wash on the cotton one?

>> No.7070139

Whoa, my comm is the complete opposite. We usually go out to mid-range to nice restaurants once a month for the official meetup.

>> No.7070221

Huh. I sent the message telling her I'm cancelling the transaction, and suddenly I receive a fast reply. Typical.

>> No.7070396
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Where can I get one of these side-veils? I'm looking for one in black. I don't even know what they're called, so just that would help...

>> No.7070421

I recently moved to the bay area and am interested in joining the SF comm, does anyone have any stories or opinions about it?

>> No.7070436

whoa dat horseface

sage for no contriboot

>> No.7070449

I like my local comm, but I feel insecure that I'm so young. I just turned 18 and everyone seems to be 5-10 years older than me.. upon meeting new people I've even been introduced as "the youngest lolita in the comm" and things like that. I've been worried that maybe they find me immature or inexperienced. Maybe even a hindrance to having fun because they need to tone down since I can't do a lot of things they can. It makes me want to stop going to meet ups on fear that nobody likes me.

>> No.7070465

That's silly.

Being an adult means not worrying all the time about seeming childish. So what, you're younger? So what if you can't go drink with them in a bar or something? It's about how you act.

Just think over your decisions and keep a level head. As long as you're not some spazzy ita you're fine.

>> No.7070466

Fucking love my local comm. They're all real sweethearts, absolutely hilarious people to be around, as well as super nice and helpful and welcoming.

>> No.7070495

Im afraid that by being self conscious about my age makes me less personable because I'm afraid of joking around. I want to have silly moments too and not so serious. Bit I'm afraid I'll come off as immature..

>> No.7070501

SF Lolita, watch out "Melissa".
HE is one scary dude

>> No.7070498
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It's by Royal Rabbit and called something like 'white desert queen veil' or whatever.
She makes them to order and I've give a limb for one.

>> No.7070503

Wow, that's pretty fucking gorgeous.

>> No.7070504

So- approaching this from the other side, I'd like to say (as a >25 member of my comm) that the fact that you are aware of this is refreshing. While I think it's a little odd that you're constantly introduced as "the youngest" I'm hoping that it's just some sort of "big sister" talk from the other members.

Our comm has a pretty decent range of ages (teens to ~30) but I think we try really hard to make meets accommodating as well as fun. When the cost of the event is more than say $15, we try to give people plenty of advance notice because not everyone has a ton of expendable income (like some of our younger members).

Than being said, I am way more willing to work out a compromise or alter a meetup if the person asking *actually comes to meetups*. It is so frustrating to have someone who is always asking for their special needs to be met (whether it's rides, cheap/free meets, bizarre food allergies that may or may not be legit...) when they always seem to cancel at the last minute. Don't get me wrong, I'm more than happy to work with people if I know they're coming and thankfully I live in a diverse enough city that we can meet most, if not all needs our members have- but having someone make a big stink and then not show up (thereby robbing the other members of the chance to enjoy something else) is a huge pet peeve.

So my advice to you? Don't shy away from meets. Show up more! Let them get to know you beyond being Jenny McYoungpants. The next time you're introduced, you want them to say "She's the funniest lolita in our comm" or "she's the cutest". Offer suggestions, or plan meets yourself! Even if they're simple, those ladies that are always planning meets will appreciate someone else taking the initiative. You might consider a casual meetup (crafting, movie watching etc) with the goal of getting to know people better.

Uh... yeah. That's all from me...

>> No.7070515

Noted, I've heard there's a few scary dudes in the SF comm...

>> No.7070574

I've only been to two meet ups. They were okay, but our comm is small and apathetic or something; apparently only four or five people regularly attend meet ups.
I wish people would talk more, even if it meant more drama. At the first meet I attended (one of our comm's "larger" meets at maybe 10 attendees) most of the girls talked to the person they'd come with. When I tried to ask a girl about a piece of her outfit, she acted really weird and just ran off again with her friend, who wasn't even dressed in lolita.
The only really nice, outgoing people were the two oldest members, who are both ~10 years older than me.
I'd be happy with younger members if they brought some life and pep into meets. I know they'd likely end up being itas who don't want to pay for tea or ride to meet ups, though.

I guess I just expected more from my comm.

>> No.7070578

It's a big comm, but most of the people in it are pretty cool. We've had some itas and a few creepers though.

>> No.7070579

Everyone in the comm is college-aged, technically, since this is a college town, but unfortunately that means 18-20, sometimes 21. I already feel old walking around campus and for some reason going to those meetups just made me feel worse haha

I guess I am happier hanging around people who I know I already have stuff/interests in common with and wearing my frills anyway, instead of the other way around

>> No.7070616

Yay that makes me feel a lot better

It's not super clique-y is it?

>> No.7070633
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Anyone else on Long Island, NY? I mean aside from Shadow/sailorearth/Kassandra's circle of weirdos. I'd like them to NOT be my first meet experience.

>> No.7070715

Anyone know if the Dutch comm is decent? I might want to register to the forum but the rules seem kind of lame. Why the hell is a picture of yourself mandatory?

>> No.7070723

I feel ya, my situation is similar but I'm one of the old farts in my boring comm.

>> No.7070726

Is the San Diego comm dead...?

I just moved down here recently, and I've been looking to go to a meet.
But it feels like there are none down here.

>> No.7070839

Honestly I feel like the whole NYC metro area is a 'just stay lone' area, between the shitty comms and drama.

>> No.7070841

Love my comm! We have a good mix of established and newer people. Our state's not particularly large but we have two cities where concentrations of lolitas live. A lot of the newer girls got into lolita through the local anime convention and some of their first attempts and their attitudes (maybe because they're teenagers) is kind of ita. Some of it's just dumb stuff that a few minutes of research would answer like, "Is this milanoo front a good place to shop?" or "why isn't my bodyline heeeere yet?"

>> No.7070845

The older girls in my comm are great. I would just like to have someone my age to connect with and some younger girls to do stupid stuff (read: mall outings) with, as I never got to do it as a teenager.

>> No.7070880


Did anyone else see that maikodolly is trying to sell stuff on a FB community page? And the mod of the page is her friend who "knew what really happened" (aka knew what maiko told her). Even though she did NOT pay everyone back, apparently it's all a misunderstanding~

and we wonder why scamming is so lucrative in this community, jfc.

>> No.7070883

I'm curious too. I'm not sure if I should join that comm, the NYC comm, or both. I already know to stay far far away from frilly Victorian buttfaces or whatever Vanessa's community is.

>> No.7070899

Lol it's just like when WF assured everyone that she was innocent because she had "sources" which just ended up being maiko herself

>> No.7070911

Nope, we're just hibernating for the summer.

It's usually more active during the rest of the year, because people are off doing other things in the summer. In winter/spring we have meets once a month or more, usually.

There's a swap meet this Friday (they usually have one the last Friday of every month), you could go to that. Are you part of the FB comm? That's the only place people are really active.

>> No.7070924

I hope there are enough of us to start a new comm. If the date and general area is public but the time and address are messages privately to people who are proven to be drama/creep-free. If they gravely fuck up they will not be given details for the meets again. I think that could keep out the crazy.

>> No.7070928

Note to self: stop drinking and my sentence structure will thank me.

>> No.7070991

I don't see how the rule about in person sales will help. An in person transaction doesn't protect you from a chargeback or any other kind of financial fraud. This is egregiously stupid.

>> No.7070999

Well, you're talking about a mod who has taken maiko at her word, despite evidence that she was lying about what happened and fucked people over.

>> No.7071006

i heard that maiko had paid some people back, but only the ones threatening legal action and the brand stores themselves

>> No.7071014

The people that got paid back were a) those that won their Paypal case because they didn't let her pay using a gift payment b) at least one person who threatened her with legal action although I don't know if they got a lawyer involved or not and c) people, like the actual stores, where she paid with her credit card and not Paypal.

>> No.7071027

Still hoping for one day where cgl dox Maiko and we all send her shit in the mail until she returns her dresses she stole.

>> No.7071025

I liked the page, but is there a fb comm?
I don't have a lot in my wardrobe yet, so I don't think I'll come this friday.. But maybe next time.

>> No.7071028

Anyone else feel sad when you sell a dress thinking it will go to a good home. Then they end up selling it, and that person ends up selling it shortly thereafter. I just got it like a month ago, and I just feel bad for it, like man, someone just give it a good home and some love.

>> No.7071029

it's a dress, not a puppy

>> No.7071062

SF comm is very friendly and welcoming. There are maybe two notorious drama llamas, but other than that, it's very chill.

>> No.7071064

I understand your feels, I too am in a college town. At 26, I'm the oldest that regularly attends meet ups. While I enjoy the girls, I wish so bad I lived in a town where there were some girls closer to my age.

There are two other towns near (within 2-3 hour drive) to me that have active comms, one is also in a college town. It's lonely. Maybe it's time for me to fucking move.

>> No.7071070

Well, there's Melissa and Phil, and Phil doesn't do anything except AP tea parties, so it's pretty safe and easy to avoid.

>> No.7071073

Well, there are groups of friends, but whenever anyone new is introduced at a meet, there are always people who will come talk to you and welcome you into the situation.

>> No.7071154

I'm 25 too! Perhaps just host your own meet up where you'd rather go?

>> No.7071175

Since there's about four of us in our comm, we spend the night together getting drunk and playing vidya.

>> No.7071305

There's a comm, send a message to the page and they will give you a link. It's private because we had an issue with creepy dudes.

>> No.7071593

According to their blog, AP is rereleasing a bunch of DDC stuff soon. Does anyone know if it will only be on the Japanese site? I really need to get my hands on one of those blouses.

>> No.7071733

How long do I wait till trying to contact Baroque on facebook?
I've ordered their new OP but haven't heard back nor received an invoice and it's been 5 days and it's starting to worry me.

>> No.7071740


Probably to avoid creepers and ita's?
Can't think why else.

>> No.7071819

Planning to do my first order with Closet Child... Do they no longer mark down packages?

>> No.7071915

Ok nevermind I risked it anyway. However I've finished the order but haven't paid anything yet, as I'm on step 5 but there's a step 6 still. Do I click the orange Japanese box to pay or will closet child invoice me?

>> No.7071923

Ok luckily the email told me to pay through the orange box... Goddam guide on egl is a little outdated then. Fingers crossed to avoiding customs though.

>> No.7071954

I'm in Smithtown, you? Also explain this circle of weirdoes please.

>> No.7071955

Can you explain the drama with Vanessa because I've been really curious.

>> No.7071964

How are the Texas comms? I kind of want to start becoming involved but I'm not sure on them.

>> No.7072007

It's already all been released and most of it is sold out. I wanted to grab the wristcuffs but didn't see them.

>> No.7072012

You didn't see the huge English banner linking you to their new payment instructions/rules for purchase on the homepage? Good on you.

>> No.7072015

Yes I did, still found it confusing as I was finding conflicting information elsewhere that was more in date.

>> No.7072024

Simply26. Enough said

>> No.7072046 [DELETED] 

...explain please.

>> No.7072052

I never saw the wristcuffs or blouse, though? From what I saw only the tights, socks, and maybe cardigan were released on the international site?

>> No.7072094

Depends on where you live. Dallas is becoming more active these days, and like to take full advantage of places like the Korean shopping center for small, casual meets. Austin is SUPER casual and chill and they also have tons of mini meets in addition to more elaborate ones. San Antonio seems friendly, but very small and quiet. Houston seems to be in to big events, but I don't know for sure. As far as I know, all the activity for these comms happens on FB, so check them out. :)

>> No.7072135

I like my local comm, but it's changing and I'm afraid that I'll grow to hate it.
I love lolita. A lot. I like looking at other J-fashion styles, but I'd never really dress in them. They're trying to change the name of the comm to include all Japanese street fashion, and I think it should just stay lolita. I feel like they should make a new group, but I'm afraid to say anything because it's apparently a really unpopular opinion because we "don't want to end up like the New York comm".
It's going to form lots of cliques and people are going to be coming to lolita meets in fucking visual kei and people are going to think we're more of a freakshow than they already do. I'm more upset over it than I should be, but that's how I feel.
Have any of you ever gone through something similar with your comm?

>> No.7072143

You in Atlanta?

>> No.7072160

I feel like the places I want to go aren't really places the other girls would like. (going to shows/seeing local music mostly, a lot of which are held in bars)

>> No.7072161

I am FLABBERGASTED that this fetishist is still allowed in the NY comm

>> No.7072179
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You know it. I'm afraid that this is going to rip our comm apart.

>> No.7072191

I'm flabbergasted that this entire comm hasn't imploded completely yet.

>> No.7072211

There were secrets about it a few weeks ago.

>> No.7072232

How about this, you can all be in the same fb community, but have separate events for each substyle? Like one for visual kei, for mori, gyaru, etc

>> No.7072241

I know. That person was a complete idiot, though and just made a fool out of themselves.

We could, but then what's the point of keeping it in one community? "This is a MORI meetup only." And then a gyaru would come and ruin the group pictures because the substyles are completely different. There are 300ish people that joined the group EXCLUSIVELY for lolita. It doesn't make any sense for them to mix a group that large with other substyles.

>> No.7072274

I mean do you know for a fact that all 300 people in your group like *only* lolita? It's possible that they all like at least one other style, even if it's something like otome.

If I was a gyaru I wouldn't really be interested in making myself look like a fool by showing up to a mori meetup, not sure where that fear is stemming from.

You could keep it in one community to try and find as many like-minded folks as possible, I guess. I don't think this is going to be as disastrous as you think it will be

>> No.7072491

Melty Chocolate tights- requests for pics worn?
I have thicker (but long) legs, and am worried that the horizontal striping may work against me. Day Dream Carnival tights fit me and I'm pleased with the quality, so I was wanting to get another pair of tights from AP. Needing ivory, so these are perfect.

>> No.7072492
File: 93 KB, 280x373, melty_royal_chocolate_tights_iv_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my pic

>> No.7072497

I don't get it though, he's just really quiet, but not scary?

>> No.7072532

I've got a problem with Closet Child atm and I'd love some help.
Here goes:

>Have stuff on hold until 17th (I'm pretty sure it was all purchased before they updated their hold + payment rules)
>Expect invoice to come exactly on that day or at most a day after like it has in the past
>No invoice arrives
>Email them on the 19th, no reply
>Want to email them again but don't want to hassle them

What do I do?
On one hand it could just be that they're bogged down with orders but I'm also getting really worried that something has gone wrong with my order because of their system changes.

tl;dr issue with CC order, do I bug them with another email?

>> No.7072539

Hassle them and make sure the items haven't been sold to someone else.
Chances are your hold didn't work, anon.

>> No.7072542

I am having similar troubles, I plan to email them again. It's a bit irritating because I had an existing hold that started under their old policy of holding for a month, then ran into the policy change, I've emailed them for an invoice and haven't had anything and it's now been 1.5 months since I started the hold.

>> No.7072558

hey anon, i had a similar problem recently. keep emailing them, even if you feel like you're annoying them. this was the timeline of my first order, and to be honest it was pretty frustrating.
August 10 - buy item via shopping cart system, receive automatic email confirmation immediately
August 13 - email from CC that they reserved my item, send invoice. i pay the invoice and send them an email that i had paid.
August 18 - send CC a message because i hadn't heard anything, no reply.
August 21 - send another email.
August 22 - reply from CC confirming my payment, but no shipping information
August 26 - email from CC with a tracking number

for some reason i thought CC was usually quicker with orders, so i was sorta surprised at the amount of time it took for my order (it was one headbow).

>> No.7072586

CC can be shockingly slow sometimes. It once took them two weeks to even acknowledge my order, and then after my one-month hold was up, it tooks them another two weeks to invoice me, so I had a whole extra month added onto my wait time. It was kind of lucky for me because I ended up having some unexpected financial issues and wouldn't have been able to pay on the date payment was actually due, but it would have been incredibly frustrating if I had been all ready to pay.

>> No.7072602

Slightly strange question - but would anyone know of a way to tie waist ties in such a way that you could make a hat band? I have issues with cutting up my purchases.

>> No.7072616

Probably not. I guess I tend to panic for no reason. Thanks, anon.

>> No.7072624

Who's the best dressed person in your comm? Most e-famous?

>> No.7072666

The Comm in my hometown was like this, except instead of changing to encompass other jfashions, it changed to encompass cosplay and steampunk. Honestly, I think it sucks. The meets are mainly attended by teenagers wearing closet cosplays or wearing just normal clothes. Luckily, my state has a really awesome comm in the city where I go to school, so I've been able to really bond with them. It kinda sucks for when I have to go home for breaks and such though ;_;

>> No.7072672
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Picked up this pattern today while thrift shopping and wondering if I could modify it to make some basic jsk. Mostly pattern A & B. mostly just adjusting the length and width of the hem.

Otherwise, I'll just use it for other things. It's new look 6589.

>> No.7072762

My comm doesn't really have anyone e-famous, but two of the main organizers are always really amazingly dressed. I'm so envious of their wardrobes.

>> No.7072776

Anyone know why a lot of stuff on hellolace has disappeared?

>> No.7072794

I just paid for my first purchase from JetJ. Should I send them an e-mail saying I paid? That just seems like "hurr durr I paid" to me, but I don't know if it's important to do.

Have you made any recent purchases, anons?

>> No.7072799

My comm has a lot of people desperately trying to be e-famous

>> No.7072931

My comm has someone who was eaten alive over her "experimental" coords a while ago, and now has just settled down into a more mainstream but still not quite aesthetically pleasing outfits. I think some people just have an innate fashion sense that is a hard thing to learn.

>> No.7072942


Thanks for the advice guys!
I'm going to email them again tomorrow.

I've always had really good service from CC so I'm hoping everything is all alright.

>> No.7072982
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IW's next jacket! It's.. different.

>> No.7073139
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The DDC blouses were never released on AP International in the first round either. AP International has always been a total pain that way, you can't tell for sure what will show up as they sometimes leave things out of the international site, eg- international only got two colours of escharpe instead of all 5 for Japan.

Now you know why most girls use shopping services to buy AP.

I'm able to wear my waistbands as headbands and hairbows, if that's what you mean?

Apparently I always email the transaction ID. They don't seem to mind, but I think they can check on their end whether an invoice is paid or not, so you're probably fine if you don't.

I hate the entire series and am wondering if they threw in the towel and released something lame as musee du chocolat came out today.

>> No.7073142


*waist ties, not waistbands.

>> No.7073165

I don't know how to feel about it.

The buttons are so-so, but those face cards on the collar...

>> No.7073192

A looks like it would be super cute of you sorted out the skirt, and B is the same thing minus the chest ribbon. I'm pretty sure it would work. Make sure you flare all the skirt sections an equal amount, though!

>> No.7073199

She looks like a croupier. If there weren't face cards on the collar, I'd so wear that outfit to a casino.

>> No.7073231

Now you're making me think of a lolita casino gathering. Where's the Vegas loli's when you need them?

>> No.7073259
File: 427 KB, 1500x1000, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would like to gather some opinions on this.
Is it a faux pas to wear socks over stockings in lolita?
When is it ok, and when is it not OK?

Online, yes. In person.. still haven't attended a meet yet. Why? I live 200km away. I got a licence to drive on my own now so it's cool but they don't have a meet organised this month. Hopefully they organise something that not in the late afternoon/evening though, I have a curfew...

>> No.7073264

>socks over stockings
I'm not sure. I know I've seen it done terribly and nicely, though. Short socks with stockings is a little strange.

>> No.7073278

I like to wear transparent socks (sometimes cute ones, sometimes almost invisible ones, depending on what stockings/OTKs I'm wearing) to protect my stockings and socks. I think socks over stockings can look really cute when they go with the coord.

>> No.7073279
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My god...I'd come from California for that

>> No.7073281


Actually, wasn't someone organising a loli trip to Vegas? I recall there were a few secrets complaining about the organiser spamming various comms about it.

>> No.7073284

I remember a while back some girls on CGL were discussing starting a new NY comm, anyone have any updates on that?

>> No.7073313

yes, but she was some newb from vegas and she was literally spamming dozens of comms (as far as the scottish comms) for people to meet there at new year's. i think it's different if it's a comm going as a group on their own, though.

>> No.7073331
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What kind of petticoat would you recommend for one of AP's shorter/low waisted type skirts?
It looks fine without one (just poofy shorts), but I'd like a bit more poof, but my regular pettis aren't cutting it, obviously

>> No.7073333

I saw the bigger photos and sample pieces in-store today and they were actually pretty cute! Not my personal style (I prefer pastels), but definitely cute.

>> No.7073339 [DELETED] 

Me too. I really like a lot of the girls and guys in our comm, but I don't really participate in it because social anxiety and a few other reasons.

I've been following this though and think it could either turn out really wonderful or terrible. I personally think it should stay mostly Lolita and maybe have crossovermeets with other subcultures.

As far as I know, the gyaru comm isn't that big (I think there's like five of us?) and I haven't seen much of a visual kei community unless you count the highschool shits that hang around five points and occasionally my neighborhood. Other than that, I'm not really aware of any other major fashion community in our area.

Still sucks that no one seems to be listening to dissenting opinions, though.

>> No.7073346
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get a small one like these from bodyline

>> No.7073349
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Imai Kira gives me such unrealistic expectations for what I look like in Angelic Pretty

I adore this! But then again, I'm really into trump motifs, so that could be just me.

>> No.7073393

I thought Melissa left the SF Comm a month ago due to dramu and the freakout at the J-Pop Summit. I know there was a BtB secret about him following that event.

>> No.7073395
File: 68 KB, 310x448, chicken cat dog donkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here...

>> No.7073398
File: 81 KB, 616x464, Screen Shot 2013-08-30 at 11.38.49 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question about Dream V's shoe sizing. Is the upper row the Japanese size or shoe size in cm? The Japanese writing says "Size Standard," so I thought it would be the Japanese size, but then I'm wondering what the 3rd row is. Is that cm?

I normally wear a Japanese 22.5, but my feet are a 23.5, so would I order a medium from Dream V?

>> No.7073400

It's tacky as hell, but I'd wear it to my German class for giggles.

>> No.7073421
File: 64 KB, 670x550, roostercatdogdonkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn I love that dress in red and I hate that my boobs will never ever ever fit in it.

I fucking love tacky shit you have no idea.

>> No.7073426 [DELETED] 

I have this question too! Will those tights be ok since they create stripes?

>> No.7073427

The fourth row is the inside length.
For reference, I usually wear a size 6-6.5 US, my feet measure between 23 and 23.5cm, and while I can get on an S in most Japanese shoes, I am usually more comfortable in an M. However - a lot of DreamV's shoes run large, so the pair I have in M are too big without insoles and the pair I have in S are perfect.
It helps to read the reviews to see what other people say regarding them being true to size or not.

>> No.7073428

I have this question too! I'm worried the ivory tights won't look good on thicker legs. Seagulls, what do you think?

>> No.7073435

Thanks a lot! I'm a 6-6.5 in US sizes as well, but I'd actually read about Dream V running small on egl, so I was worried I would get the small and they'd be too small.
Are yours fine with insoles?

>> No.7073453
File: 28 KB, 360x420, squirrel slaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah the good things that go on in the /cgl/ skype chat.
I seriously want to own prints like this just because they are hilarious.

anyone got any more silly prints or dresses?

>> No.7073457

Yeah, the size M pair I have fit just fine with insoles.
I should add that both of my shoes from them are boots - it depends on the shoe. Do you have a link? I can translate the reviews and tell you the general consensus of the particular pair.

>> No.7073499

Oh, it's the Cock Pussy Bitch Ass print. Neat.

>> No.7073501
File: 82 KB, 280x373, 30521ff42d5d4fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to decide if I should just get this now or wait for it to pop up second hand. The stock is going pretty slow, but I can't tell if that's going to make it harder or easier to find later. Urg.

>> No.7073504

tears came from my eyes
I love you

>> No.7073506

get it now. you might regret it later by holding off. (from my experience)
that is beautiful
like mint chocolate chip ice cream

>> No.7073505

What's the farthest/longest some of you regularly drive/travel meets, and how often do you do it? I live in an area where I have three different comms within a 2-3 hour drive of me, and one small rather quiet comm within my own town. I've considered going to some of the other comms, because I'd like to meet more often than I am now.

>> No.7073508

I love you too.

But sadly I didn't just name it that. It's been discussed before, and that's what it was christened.

>> No.7073512
File: 51 KB, 300x400, mary_jsk_dotchiffon_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this pattern as well, I picked it up to use as a base for drafting MM-influenced JSKs. Mary Magdalene does a number of dresses using this cut, so I'd suggest looking at them for ideas / inspiration.

>> No.7073514

but what does it have to do with german?

>> No.7073518

why didn't i think of this earlier. genius.

>> No.7073520

>mint chocolate chip ice cream.
I feel like that's literally the only reason why I like it lol. It's also the only style that doesn't have that border print with the teddy bear on it.
Now I just hope I can fit into it. The bust area is pretty big but I'm hoping the corset ties will fix that. Here's to hoping I guess.

>> No.7073524
File: 45 KB, 250x333, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't love most of the series, but I do like the jacket in white and brown, and the socks are pretty adorable.

>> No.7073551

Kids nowadays.

>> No.7073595

It's the Bremen City musicians from a german folktale.

>> No.7073639

That's so random, I've just come back from Bremen and randomly saw this thread. That's kind of awesome XD

>> No.7073656

hahahah XDD

>> No.7073676

Frilly ones work if they match the outfit. I think people started wearing socks with their tights is so the feet part of the stockings won't get worn down after wearing them several times.

>> No.7073686

Good to know. I love MM but I'm too big for it. How much did you end up modifying on it?

>> No.7073690

I kinda like it. It looks very Jane Marple-y

>> No.7073696
File: 81 KB, 480x680, 1268081559093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree. I want this jacket in off white so bad.

I am OBSESSED with trump motifs.

>> No.7073695

>wearing socks with their tights is so the feet part of the stockings won't get worn down

I've got a few nice tights from AP, and this is the only way I can think of to keep the soles nicer for a longer period of time.
That and frilly socks look really cute when paired with ankle boots.

>> No.7073700

When I wear my waist ties in my hair or as a necktie, I thread one end-tab through the button hole of one, then loop the end of the first into the button hole and pull it all the way through to make one continuous waist tie.

That probably didn't help much, but it's a similar concept to tying two hair elastics together...

You'll still have to hide where the button holes are, but that's pretty easy if you have an extra bow or flower on hand.

>> No.7073740

I just found two buttons that matched and fit through the button holes of my waist ties, sewed them together with plenty of room, and put my waist ties between the two buttons. I thought it would be less stressful on them and possibly less lumpy looking.

>> No.7073767

Going to Tokyo in December/January. Can anyone give a rundown of how lucypacks work at the department stores like laforet, etc? Is it different lines for different stores in it? Or more like, one big line for the whole place before it opens?

>> No.7073802

At Marui One everyone lines up outside but it is kind of a free for all once the doors open. Since Baby and AP are on two different levels, girls will race up the escalator to get to them. When I was there they put out Lucky Packs in waves, so when I got up to Baby they were sold out. I went up to AP and grabbed one, and then when I came back down to Baby they had more out, luckily.

>> No.7073809

You pay at each individual store, right? Not all at once or anything weird? And were there limits on how many you could get?

>> No.7073881


Original anon here, thanks for seriously answering this questions. Sometimes I'm retarded and can't think of the most obvious solution.

>> No.7073941

One big line. Laforet was on a different day than Marui. Some brands do reserves in advance as well as offering the day of.

Do you mean A&tP? BtSSB & AP are on the same floor.

You pay at each store

>> No.7073980

Picture? Doesn't have to be a selfpost, I am just having difficulty imagining what kind of hairstyles would accommodate a waisttie.

>> No.7074080

Sorry for replying so late, anon. I tried to do so earlier on my phone, but it apparently didn't go through.
They're these: http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/dreamv/item/514583/
There are only two reviews, though, and google translate has mangled the first that I can't really parse it.

>> No.7074103

I'm also in the too big but love MM category, it makes me sad. I added a little more flair to each of the skirt panels and altered the center bodice panel so I could add pintucks & ruffles, plus adding an extra ruffle to the hem (so I shortened the skirt panels as well, knowing I was adding a 5" ruffle at the bottom). I've been re-drafting patterns for about ten years now, though, so it depends how comfortable you are with going off-pattern, how much you wind up modifying it. Even as-is, with a slightly more flaired skirt and some nice fabric + trim, it could make a very pretty classic JSK.

>> No.7074111

Has anyone used Buyee for Y!Japan auctions? I'll probably go through Japonica Market, but with commission and shipping my order is going to cost like 1.7x as much.

>> No.7074133

I hate this because the print looks like a cheap iron-on transfer randomly slapped on a dress.

>> No.7074138
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>> No.7074189
File: 63 KB, 800x533, tumblr_maawapStqU1qbawpfo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd really appreciate your help, I need to know the name of these shoes and where I can buy them.

>> No.7074199

Jeffrey Campbell x Wildfox

You used to be able to get them on Solestruck but they've been sold out for a while now. Might have to do a bit of digging to find them.

>> No.7074203

Thank you!

>> No.7074204 [DELETED] 

looks like they might be jeffrey campbell?

>> No.7074287

No problem, I just woke up anyway.

>First review summary:
She normally wears 23.5-24.0cm and bought size L. With socks, they fit perfectly. With bare feet, there's extra room.

>Second review summary:
She has high arches, so she always worries when she buys shoes online. She heard they ran small, so she bought LL. There's a little extra room (she doesn't mention what she normally wears, but I'd assume L).

Personally, I would order M and use insoles if necessary. Easier to make shoes slightly smaller than slightly bigger!

>> No.7074333

Thanks for all of your help!

>> No.7074342

No problem, anon. I think that happens to most of us at some point.

>> No.7074494

Not my style, but I really love this jacket. I agree with anon who thinks it looks Jane Marple-y, I think it would work very well for otome.

>> No.7074590

Oh man those socks

It's okay when it looks good and not okay when it doesn't - and that all depends on your leg shape, shoes, co-ord ability etc. For example, wearing tights and calf length lace topped socks peeking out over calf length boots are pretty cute, but the same sock/tight combo would look weird with tea-parties. If you want to protect your stockings and aren't really going for a certain look, I'd use the low-cut/no-show socks.

Random question - was anyone confused by the lack of pure white blouses (and lack of pure white in general) when they first got into lolita? Nearly everything is off-white, cream, etc. rather than "true" white and it kinda threw me for a while since I look much better in blue-toned/pure white. A few of the gothic brands do white items, but by and large most brands produce an "off white" blouse rather than "white".

>> No.7074641
File: 58 KB, 500x400, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of disappointed. I was all prepared to drop money on this auction, and add this really last minute to my FromJapan haul, but it turns out that the seller doesn't accept SS's (which I didn't even know was a thing on Y! Auctions). It's too late to use a personal SS, and I wouldn't want to anyway because it'd have to ship separately. It take a lot of mental preparation to convince myself to buy a dress, so when it doesn't happen it just feels like a let-down.

>> No.7074758

That sucks, Anon. I came here hoping for an answer to a related question, actually. I usually use Noppin or Japonica for y!J/Mbok, but found an auction I'd like to bid on that doesn't allow proxy bidders or bids from foreigners. I wanted to try chibi_tenshi, but her page says she can only bid up to a small amount on y!J and my auction starts at double that. Who do you guys use for this sort of thing?

>> No.7074924

So uh, Rosaire really dropped off the face of the earth huh? Reading all the complaints on her FB page for the SS is sad. Any good Tokyo SS out there these days?

>> No.7074943

Mirukuma has stopped her service as well I think.
Not much of a loss though because I don't think she responded to most messages.

>> No.7074946

That's fine, she charged exorbitantly high prices with no refunds if she didn't get the items.

>> No.7074982

Hmm, the best dressed person in my local comm is probably one of our mods. She has an amazing wardrobe, and a really lovely sense of coordination. We don't really have anyone particularly e-famous, but that's because we're really small.

>> No.7074987

Anyone else here have style envy? I'm goth/classic but in love with sweet lolita. I'm really tall(5'9) and have a mature face so it looks bad on me. I have bought sweet before and I just get almost depressed at how absolutely meh it looks on me. I rock goth and classic but I wish I could wear sweet well, I just can't pull it off.

>> No.7074989


I think Mirukuma is still going.

She used to have high fees and things but she lowered them and I used her for a couple of items after that. I always found her very helpful and obliging, she really worked hard to get me what I was looking for!

>> No.7075012

How the hell did you get in contact with her?

I tried email, facebook and lj on multiple occasions but I never got a reply.

>> No.7075023


Facebook! The last time I contacted her was back in late July.

She's such a great SS if you give her a chance, I'm not sure why she's missing your messages.

>> No.7075034

I think she's left Japan now. Yunni is a no-go zone as she has got a lot of poor feedback.

>> No.7075039

We casually meet every friday.

>> No.7075046

I feel you - I've got a total baby face and I love classic, but really don't think I'd suit it, except maybe IW's brand of sweet-classic.
But I really would love to wear MM or VM...I just don't think it would suit me at all, and I'd look even more like a little girl wearing mommy's clothing than usual.
>tfw 24 but I get asked what high school I go to constantly

>> No.7075128

Hi there Mirukuma.

I wouldn't listen to this anon. I saw that mirukuma posted a new sales post a few days ago.

>> No.7075135


I'm not Mirukuma, I'm just somebody who used her SS. Not everybody speaking positively about somebody is that person, you know.

>> No.7075149

not that anon...but you were brown nosing pretty hard there.

>> No.7075152


Brown nosing? That wasn't intentional, I was just stating that she's a good SS because she genuinely was really helpful and stuff. I'm not trying to curry favour or anything.

>> No.7075160
File: 67 KB, 280x373, iv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the same height and more "mature" looking too (not old looking but not a round baby face either). I recommend trying solid-color or floral/basic print sweet dresses and coordinating them in a more elegant way (normal shoes, flowers, classy purse, natural looking hair/wig). Baby has some dresses that run a little bit longer, and some AP items are an okay length on me, you just have to pay attention to measurements and proportions. There's also the option of skirts which can be coordinated with blazers and things to make them look less childish.
Pic related, it's AP but has elements of sweet, gothic, and classic all rolled up into one gorgeous princess-y package.

>> No.7075370

Wtf is going on with BtB? Misterlolita, COME ONN

>> No.7075374

I know. I want my damn secrets.

>> No.7075379

Thought it was Twilight's week?

>> No.7075381

Wait, nevermind. Fuck, come on! Are we going to have to wait until Sunday for these secrets?

>> No.7075390

I used her once for a CC run and was really happy with how helpful and quick she was. It was urgent so she got a $10 extra fee. I think she doesn't bother t respond at all if she doesn't want to take your request, which is super shitty and really offputting.

Source: Experienced both, her not responding more often.

If you need a Tokyo SS, Tokyo Pirates is fantastic.

>> No.7075427

Me too.

>> No.7075431

It sounds like Lisa is on the verge of a mental breakdown. Her 'partner' was posting on those threads and basically saying she had withdrawn herself completely from social media and it sounds like Lisa is literally saying 'I'm not going to respond to anyone'. Her partner, Emma, basically has been playing middle man but it sounds like every time she's asked Lisa about something, Lisa has just shrugged and ignored her and told her she's not going to reply. At least that's how the messages sound to me:

>she's withdrawn from all SNS so i'm not sure how you ought to contact her. i'm not sure that even reaching her would guarantee a response until she feels prepared to respond, i guess. she knows being MIA has made people reach out to me, as well, as i have let her know. i would say you are right to be worried, even if she is having a difficult time, as she has unfortunately not really been willing to keep people apprised despite circumstances, apparently.

>> No.7075438

I'm not surprised. Wonderfinch handled the situation very poorly by antagonizing her with false accusations and a snarky-ass attitude, and the reaction of people like rosaire is usually just to say "welp fuck it" and ignore the problem by fucking over their customers.

>> No.7075451

it sounds like you're blaming WF for Lisa ditching her fucking customers? wat?

>> No.7075452

Lisa will make it worse by ignoring responses though. If I was waiting for an item and it was nearing the end of the 45 day limit and hadn't had an item shipped, I would do a claim as a lot of people can get scammed by being too nice and waiting out for too long. Wonderfinch is a twat though.

>> No.7075465

No. I'm saying I'm not surprised that she reacted this way based on what how wonderfinch chose to handle the situation. Rosaire is responsible for her customers--she is fucking them over, and that is not acceptable. I've been on the shit end of the life stick and still had orders to finish--it sucks, it's tough, you can get in over your head, but you need to buck it up and ask for help and get it done. But like I said, I'm not surprised she has reacted by withdrawing and ignoring her customers--which again, is wrong--because of how this was handled by the mod team or more specifically, wonderfinch.

There's a reason that, in potential scammer or bad seller situations, that you treat the person in question with politeness and friendliness. Like "Hey, I know stuff is going with you, we really want the issue to be resolved, let's figure out how we can solve this problem." The moment that wonderfinch got snarky, and when she threw out (and I still question her for this) /cgl/-exclusive accusations as fact in her argument, she should have backed up and apologized. Instead she let the argument devolve until both of them were being childish, with wonderfinch more or less ending saying: "Well FINE, I don't care if you come play in my sandbox EVER AGAIN!" (On top of admitting that she warned rosaire for something that wasn't against the rules but that's another issue.)

Anyway. Antagonizing someone who is already having some problems with her customers is not going to make them want to fix the problem. This is doubly true for someone like rosaire who reacts emotionally and childishly to her problems and can't seem to step back and take everything from a business/professional standpoint.

But, again. It is her responsibility to keep contact with her customers. All I'm saying is that I'm not surprised she has reacted this way because of what went down.
tl;dr sorry, I'm bored

>> No.7075469

Calm down, little bunny, secrets will be up soon. No need to stir up anything here.

(I'm bored too, sis)

>> No.7075495

Anybody have a difficult time deciding what to wear to meet ups? I'm quite new, but I've finally reached the point where I have some options on what to wear, and as lovely as it is it's kind of stressing me out.

Also, I asked this question earlier but got no replies - how far/long do some of you travel regularly for meets?

>> No.7075545

I usually choose whatever seems the most weather-appropriate that I haven't worn recently. If you want, you can theme it, like if you're doing a fall meet wear some autumn colours, or if you're going on a picnic wear some gingham. I dunno.

I usually don't travel more than an hour for meets, and usually don't even bother unless it's a bigger meet.

>> No.7075547

I plan my outfits a month in advance, then make tweaks and changes throughout the month until I'm happy. Don't stress too much about making it perfect, because you can always wow them at the next meet after.

I travel 30-50 minutes for my meets. I live outside of a city, so it's more difficult for me to get to meets.

>> No.7075565

that friendliness/politeness shit didn't work so great in the maikodolly scam. if someone's fucking up as completely and obviously as rosaire was what kind of idiot do you need to need to be told you're fucking up? SURELY you must know it. wf isn't perfect by a long shot but acting like she was the trigger for rosaire disappearing is just oblivious. she got in over her head and isn't suited to run a business and now everyone else is finally starting to realize that.

>> No.7075594

Ask if there's a theme or what the other girls are wearing. That helps me decide when I don't have a coord I'm interested in wearing.

My state has one comm but two cities about 3 hours apart that are pretty active so I'll host a meet at my community's common room (5 minutes) or go to the neighboring comm. We are also a daytrip within a pretty large community so we will sometimes venture out as much as 5 hours.

>> No.7075608

I feel that way sometimes, but I think it's mostly because I need to start buying more blouses or shawls so I have more mixing options. I generally only like square neck blouses, so I'm probably shooting myself in the foot there.

I travel about 30 to 45 minutes to meet ups. We tried to have a comm in my area, but there's only a few of us so it's just easier to meld in with the city girls.

>> No.7075628
File: 28 KB, 399x486, 1017419_10100118018926319_1355422111_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looove square neck blouses. I have relatively large shoulders and large peter pan collars and high neck blouses aren't flattering to me. IW and AatP are good about putting them out once in a while but there's lots of options to be found on taobao.

>> No.7075635

The problem with that scam was that the mods (wonderfinch again?) covered up a lot for her. You can be polite and friendly without covering up the mess that's being made.

>> No.7075687
File: 216 KB, 593x472, 1339610943127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from vegas
I don't know if that's true, she moved from the CA comm to AZ relatively recently. She's obnoxious and no one can stand her. She'll post things like "What is your favorite place to go clubbing?" and then she and someone else no one liked went on for about 60 posts together about clubs and the club scene before someone finally said "what does this have to do with lolita?" To which she replied, "Oh! I was planning a meetup at my family's scummy seedy club in the bad part of town and wanted to gauge interest!" Then why didn't you fucking say that?

Or another favorite: "Does anyone go to x college?"

>> No.7075689

i had to go see this for myself. that's pretty fucked

like, she just can't handle talking to her fucking customers? wtf, i am so glad i didn't order anything from her

>> No.7075696

it's pretty obvious to me that Lisa isn't going to send out the items at all.

>> No.7075701

her old vendetta-chan must be fucking swimming in pussy juice at this point

>> No.7075702

I'm trying to use my google powers to find out is Dear Celine ships to the US. Do they? I'm guessing that they don't since Google tells me that HMHM does but no mention of Dear Celine. Is there a current list of lolita Taobao stores that do?

>> No.7075708

secrets are up and are pretty boring imo

>totes knew the pony play gag thing would show up though

>> No.7075710

Sorry Rosaire, but you can't blame WF for you being an absolute twat who couldn't run a SS to save your life

>> No.7075727 [DELETED] 

I remember being utterly disgusted about what goes down at btb. Good old times.

>> No.7075729

I remember being utterly disgusted by what goes down at btb. Good old times.

>> No.7075811

Mte. I didnt even look at the comments. The chocolate spongebob one was funny though.

>> No.7075843

Whoa so what's the deal with rosaire? Does she owe anyone money/clothes?

>> No.7075954

...does WF have some kind of eating disorder? She's skinny af but she always talks about how fat she is or tags herself with some variation of...I really like her but it's really offputting and I'm considering unfollowing because of it.

>> No.7075964
File: 33 KB, 307x409, sadkeanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, so this might sound like a stupid question, but how would I join a comm. ...?

>> No.7075965


Find a comm on Facebook. Join comm. Attend meets.

>> No.7075971

well of course. but how would I "join" the comm.? just say "hey, lolis, I'm joining" or "h-hey, can I join...? how?

>> No.7075975

on facebook there's usually a request to join like you would any community on FB that's not open to the public.

>> No.7075979


And make sure you have a photo of yourself in lolita as well checking your privacy settings -- you'll want to able to be contacted by people not on your friends list. If after a couple of days you haven't been approved, probably check your Other messages folder to see if the admins have sent you a message.

Some comms can be stricter on entrance requirements than others.

>> No.7075986

ok, so I only have one coord, because i'm just a beginner (i.e., I wanted to join to improve). it's kinda bland and a little shit. I'd like to join the Chicago comm; are the requirements strict?
sorry for talking so cluelessly...

>> No.7075988

just apply. I'm not in Chicago so it might be different. Buy my setting was friends only and my icon was not even a person and I was let into mine perfectly alright. Again it depends, but oh my go for it you're just clicking a button!

>> No.7075995


>> No.7075994

ok, thnanks for the encouraement! i'm going to put on my big girl bloomers and join

>> No.7076005

I thought Her ss had closed? :/

>> No.7076019

What didn't work so great in the maikodolly scam was believing maikodolly 100% and getting in over their heads like pretending they had ~law enforcement~ sources to back their shit up.

It's oblivious to act like wonderfinch more or less saying "I don't give a fuck if you come back to my community," thus removing any incentive rosaire had to work with the egl team, didn't have an impact on her behavior.

>> No.7076022

just be prepared to wait a long time. it took me serious effort to get them to add me and this was after i met them all in full outfit.

>> No.7076032

oh shit- like what sort of effort?

>> No.7076037

yes, lots of comments on her SS page about orders not shipped, refunds not given, etc

>> No.7076055

Like messaging friends/friends of friends, explaining who I was, etc. etc. I already am in another state's lolita group, dunno why it took 2 months to add me.

>> No.7076066

I want to paint a pair of AP (not secret shop, if that makes a difference in material) TPs gold. Any suggestions? I want a matte/diffused gold to match DDC accents. Any advice on paint/sealent?

>> No.7076073

Anyone have caps? I'm not in the group.

>> No.7076097
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>> No.7076095
File: 39 KB, 432x636, Rosaire1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left Emma's first name open, she's the one who was Rosaire's partner and apparently the only one able to talk to her (IRL) but literally not able to do anything about this situation other than tell peopel 'yeah I guess she'll message you when she feels like it?'

>> No.7076098
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>> No.7076101
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>> No.7076099
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>> No.7076104
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>> No.7076107
File: 20 KB, 400x351, rosaire7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the end of the big thread, there are at least 6 different customers commenting in it, talking to Emma

>> No.7076110
File: 13 KB, 527x279, randomcomplaints.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then two more random people within the past 24 hours trying to get in touch with her for payments/refunds/shipment status

>> No.7076113
File: 9 KB, 401x91, rosairelastcontact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and finally, the absolute last contact Rosaire has made on the SS page, after this, 100% silence.

>> No.7076116

She has been "sick" but was able to go out and get a tongue piercing according to her Twitter. What a load of crap, and how terrible of her to put her friend in the position to have to tell everyone "Welp Rosaire has taken her toys and gone home and is choosing not to talk to any of her customers"

>> No.7076119

I need some advice.

A friend of a friend wants to buy a dress off me, she isn't exactly obese but will not fit the dress. I'm a lot smaller than her and because of the cut of the bodice, my boobs don't fit in the right place (91cm, b cup while this girl is 105 d).

Do I politely tell her it will not fit? Or sell it anyway and brace myself for her bitching about it as I know she has done to others?

I clearly state the fitting problems in the sales post.

>> No.7076126

caps on this tweet please with a date?

>> No.7076127

As shitty as I think she's being right now, I can't help but feel sorry for Rosaire.

I think this is the product of the months of vendetta-channing finally getting to her. I think she's genuinely just folded under all the constant criticism and pressure and just can't get herself together and make things right. As childish as the mentality is, I can sort of see some sort of "well everybody's just going to bitch about me anyway, so why should I even try" business going on, combined with a lot of stress and the inability to admit to herself that she actually can't do this (which she should have admitted long ago.)

Being a shopping service is hard. It is, there's no way around it. They're often treated negatively by some of the Japanese girls, treated negatively by customers who perhaps didn't get what they wanted during a hugely busy release, competing often with friends to get things for their customers etc. It's not an easy job, and it's definitely not easy for somebody who has illnesses like Rosaire's. I think she should have been honest with herself and admitted that no, she can't keep this up, and not have taken on so many orders.

>> No.7076130

I don't feel pity for people who put themselves in bad situations. This is 100% her fault.

>oh no someone was MEAN to me on the internet, going to fuck over my customers!

Yeah, that shit doesn't get my pity. And being a SS is hard? Holy shit, welcome to the real world, work is hard.

>> No.7076133

This this this

It sucks that she's had someone obviously out for her with no actual reason, but as has been said many times- that doesn't absolve her of her actual fuckups.

>> No.7076134


Oh no, I know it's her fault completely, but I do pity her. Mostly because there were so many points before this stage where she could've picked herself up and fixed things, but she just didn't do it. She seems to lack all ability to listen to reason, unfortunately.

As for the vendetta-chan issue, I don't pity her for that. I don't pity her for freaking out over meanies on the internet and letting her customers suffer, I think that was a fucking shitty move and she's acting like a giant child. I'm just trying to offer my perspective on why she might be acting like this.

>And being a SS is hard? Holy shit, welcome to the real world, work is hard.

Yes, I know that, but what I am trying to say is that being an SS is a bit more work than people seem to imagine it is, and I definitely think that Rosaire, having physical issues that prevent her from working in an efficient and organized manner, as well as the wrong temperament for what can be quite an aggressive environment, should not have tried being an SS in the first place.

>> No.7076136

I can't link, but her twitter is rosairenoir
As of 20 hours ago she tweeted that she was at the 2 week change period for her tongue pierce. It's one down from the top.

>> No.7076142

She just really hates herself. No ED as far as I know because /cgl/ would be all over that shit.

>> No.7076143
File: 63 KB, 529x626, rosairetwitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, someone should fucking post this to her FB page. Enough money to get pierced two weeks ago and no problem updating twitter? What a fucking piece of shit.

>> No.7076144

do you feel sorry for her now

>> No.7076149


Actually no, not any more. From the conversation on the FB page, it sounded like she'd holed herself up and was having a bit of a breakdown and hiding from her problems. This makes it look like she's fine, she's just being a cunt.

>> No.7076153

uh wow, yeah I was in the same boat, thinking she was sitting in her room rocking back and forth in a corner. Nope, she's just a supreme fucking bitch. I am amazed that twats like this actually exist, is this real life? jfc

>> No.7076156

ichagoma is her boyfriend?

>> No.7076159
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>> No.7076162

looooooooooool so she gets called out and now says she had a mental breakdown, can never fucking own up to your own mistakes, can you Lisa? fucking cunt, should have listened to that damn v-chan in the first place.

>> No.7076163
File: 51 KB, 518x395, rosarie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was that about a breakdown?

>> No.7076167

he looks like a tranny so prolly

>> No.7076170

Thanks guys and v-chan, Now her shopping service is closed.

-slow clap-


>> No.7076173

I don't understand this post, are you sad a terrible SS is gone, or are you happy that a terrible SS is gone? (in both of these situations, the common denominator is the fact that it is Lisa's own fault that she is a terrible SS that shouldn't have been doing this business in the first place)

Or are you proud of us internet detectives for saving your money from using her service?

>> No.7076175

>for saving your money from using her service?

Related to this- I have to wonder how many of the people who were still using her by now were just unaware of her drama, and how many were stubbornly sticking by her (and if there were any, guess they didn't learn their lesson).

>> No.7076178

i used her once at the beginning of the year, but I'll say it once, and I'll say it again: if you are constantly the center of little drama storms (no matter the outcome) there is something off and I'm going to stay away from you, no matter how many times you 'win' against the people bad mouthing you. All her little drama stuff turned me off after my first purchase from her, and god damn am I glad I went with my instincts on that one.

>> No.7076183

Real smart, faggot. If she kills herself then no one gets their shit. Go fall off a cliff.

>> No.7076186

She really shouldn't have had one to begin with, since she couldn't handle running it

>> No.7076187

wait you're getting mad at me for laughing, but saying your motivation is to keep her alive to get your shipment?

>u, i like u

>> No.7076190

What can I say, I want my god damn frills.

>> No.7076192


Hire another SS to meet with Rosaire and pick up your item then ship it to you.


>> No.7076194

Honestly, this is actually a pretty good option for those waiting.

>> No.7076196

I really think we can all agree Lisa isn't the type to kill herself. Just the type to talk about killing herself. I mean, her biggest concern was her tongue swelling two days ago (and I really think the whole 'mental breakdown' tweets were planted because of people freaking out on her FB, notice they were posted on the 29th, when it's been WEEKS before of people trying to reach her on FB). I think you should be fine. You could see if you can reach out to that Emma girl and wire her money for the shipment (though Lisa obviously have the money to pierce her tongue...) and have her pick up your stuff, since they do seem to be on speaking terms.

>> No.7076197

I don't meddle in drama and had heard of her so I just went with it. I knew about the whole rosaire drama but I never connected lisa with rosaire.
I just want my fucking stuff man

>> No.7076199

Thing is, Emma is leaving to go to the US like this week. So she can't do shipments.

>> No.7076202

if you contact her within the next day or so I think you have a chance is what I mean, she leaves either on the 6th or the 9th so you have at least 4 days if she's willing to help?

>> No.7076201

Ok she had the money to get pierced, but if it was her money then it is her money to spend how she likes. Noone should be forced to pay shipping out of pocket for a stranger. It looks like her account is blocked because of PayPal claims any ways

>> No.7076203

Uh, yes they fucking should when they owe it in the first place. Are you high?

>> No.7076205

um excuse me, those people PAID FOR SHIPPING, so yes, she does have a fucking obligation to pay for it out of her own pocket, because that money, in her pocket, IS FROM HER CUSTOMERS

>being this retarded

>> No.7076206

What the fuck do you think these customers did?

>> No.7076204

You pay shipping, your item is shipped. That's how it works friend.

>> No.7076210

they paid for shipping and tried to get in touch with her for weeks while she's saying she has no money to ship and is posting tweets about getting pierced. Are you seriously this dumb?

>> No.7076211

And here the whiteknights insisted her tendency of using different names wouldn't allow her to avoid being associated with her drama to trick customers...

>> No.7076213

where do they all say they paid for shipping, post the link brah

>> No.7076214

She and Emma live together don't they?

But would any SS want to meet up with her

>> No.7076217

Ha ha now she is spending shipping money on ice cream for her obviously faked fever. I hope she suffers brain damage.

>> No.7076215

>being this much of a retarded whiteknight

Can't be too surprised, considering past threads.

>> No.7076216


here's one, did you even look through the screencaps or do you expect me to do it for you? And, being such a white knight, you do know she changed her policy to charge for shipping in the initial payment, right?

ok, you win. 10/10 I did get mad bruh

>> No.7076218

>But would any SS want to meet up with her
That's the real question, I guess, I can understand if other SS don't want to get entangled in rosaire drama.

>> No.7076222

so she only owes one package then? You are saying they *all* paid sooo

>> No.7076224


...are you this much of an aspie? Not even that anon. If she's not responding to people asking to pay for shipping, how are they going to pay for shipping? And yes, obviously others have paid for shipping, but no one wants to hand feed you the screenshots, when they are a literal scroll upwards so you can check yourself. Wow, I feel bad for you. How do you go through life being this dumb?

>> No.7076225

My Japanese level is so-so. I feel like I should message ichigoma and tell him that his gf is a psychotic scammer. I want to ruin her life so bad.

>> No.7076227

>If she's not responding to people asking to pay for shipping, how are they going to pay for shipping?
but I thought they *all* paid shipping... which is it?

>> No.7076229

Confirmed for troll, 8/10 I replied and got miledly riled

>> No.7076228

I'm not the person who said they all paid for shipping... And it's obvious the people who want to pay for shipping are being ignored. I'm really confused by your defense.

>> No.7076230

truth, they got me too, lol

>> No.7076233

I'm more confused than angry, but yeah there really is no way for someone to be that dumb and believe it.

>They didn't pay for shipping, duh!
>Anon, the have asked to pay for shipping but she has ignored them for over a month
>brain hurts

>> No.7076237

Is anyone going to confront her on twitter?

>> No.7076240

>And here the whiteknights insisted her tendency of using different names wouldn't allow her to avoid being associated with her drama to trick customers...

Except two of those names were connected to each other (as in, if you typed 'lacetreasures' at LJ you would be redirected to rosaire) and you'd have to be retarded not to make the connection.

>> No.7076242

Go for it. Maybe she's spending all her customer's money on getting him to date her

>> No.7076241

It's obvious she's lurking this thread, so there's really no point. She's probably the one saying no one paid for shipping, when obviously people either did pay, or asked to pay and were ignored. It would be better for people on the SS group to be linked her tweets during the time she was ignoring them.

>> No.7076243


I vote for telling her politely that it doesn't fit. Or, at least pull aside your friend and tell her about the fitting problems and have her tell her friend.

I think the friend of a friend will bitch either way, but if she buys the dress first and then bitches about you not telling her about the fitting problems, you come across as a bit of a money-grubbing back stabber, whereas if she bitches about not fitting into a dress, she'll get lost in the crowd of other fattychans who complain about not fitting into burando.

That said, there's other reasons someone might buy a dress that's smaller -- thinspiration, buying it for someone else, or maybe it fits with the right shapewear (eg- maybe wih 3 layers of sports bra or binders she actually does fit the dress)

>> No.7076246

Rosaire I thought you had a fever and were sooo sick

>> No.7076249

Right, but I'm talking about the concept being impossible (of her using it to avoid mental connection of her drama with her SS), which was often the whiteknights' defense when it was brought up.

>> No.7076248
File: 497 KB, 500x303, 292.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it rosaire!

>> No.7076251

But her SS wasn't really associated with drama (aside from the liar trio business) until, what, early spring of 2013 with... whatever... it was that happened. Was that the btssb drama? I can't remember offhand. Well after her last name change, though.

>> No.7076256

I'm not talking about the actual egl feedback part of it and the bs about it being against the rules or not... But when it came up and it was pointed out that she had a tendency to change names, that was the defense given.

I'm talking about the mental association rather than the actual feedback you can physically look up, because when it comes to reputation that's what matters (and she was always using the defense of 'but I'm just defending my reputation!' when she'd get nastily involved with drama).

>> No.7076274

She didn't even bother trying to do the Chocolate Musse release. She said she would. I thought she would be all over it for the extra money. Maybe she is trying to albeit badly sort it out.

>> No.7076285

its almost morbidly funny because rosaire fucked over mirukuma by ratting her out to closet child for taking pictures in the store, and now rosaire's ss is done, and mirukuma's staying under the radar at cc just fine these days. after rosaire ratted her out she got to make phone orders and all sorts of special shit, but even after that she couldn't keep her ss going. fucking idiot.

>> No.7076289

if mirukuma is still able to go to closet child then she wasn't "fucked over." fucking idiot.

>> No.7076290

Mirukuma left Japan

>> No.7076292

Yokohama Closetchild lets anyone put blog items on hold so long as they go and buy it the same day, jsyk ~_^

>> No.7076325

She bragged about getting special privileges, but really anyone who can speak decent Nihongo can do the same

>> No.7076350

I feel so much schadenfreude all over this thread because of the Rosaire drama. Months ago you were all over her white knighting back and forth, accusing other shopping services of this that and whatever... now Rosaire's service is dead and over with. You all thought she could do no wrong. I thought everyone was a bitch then, still think everyone is a bitch now.

>> No.7076400

I've got pretty straight square shoulders too, so I tend to default to chiffon if I can't find anything in a square neck. Also I love square necks for the fact that I can wear all the pearl choker things I have.

You have to use an SS. I don't think any of them ship directly.

>> No.7076407

I just want my stuff and i will be happy!

>> No.7076428

Why is someone who isn't rosaire dealing with her shopping service problems?

>> No.7076434

Not that many people were white knighting back then except for Rosaire and a few of her asskissers

>> No.7076447

Because her friend helps out every now and then.

>> No.7076451

It's her room mate

>> No.7076510

So, my entire LJ account got suspended because it thought my messages were spam. I sent a buyer proof pics from imgur, and I've done that before and nothing has happened. Her account got suspended too I'm really pissed off and I'm wondering what I can do to fix it. Has this happened to anyone before?

>> No.7076799

Wtf..? I've never, in almost a decade of using LJ, heard of that happening... Man, place has really gone to shit. And why would her account get suspended for receiving "spam", that makes no sense either.

I would make an alt account and open a support ticket, but they do often take a while to get to them, at least back when I ever had to deal with them.

>> No.7078443

Leave her be, anon. You really do sound like a vendetta-chan. Rosaire's business and reputation are already ruined. No one will trust her again after this, and she's pretty well blacklisted from the int'l Lolita community now. You have no reason to go out and further ruin her life... has she somehow ruined yours?
I have an ongoing order with her that's been in fsking limbo for months now. Am I pissed that she has my money and my order, and practically disappeared off the face of the earth with both for a month? Yes. Am I raging that she's telling us that she's broke, that she's sick, that she's too mentally unwell to even wrap up a few boxes and ship them out, when she's still going out with her BF and getting her tongue pierced? Damn right I am. Am I seriously considering charge backs if she doesn't ship my damn shit in the next two weeks? Hell yes. But am I going to go out of my way to "ruin her life" if shit with my order goes south? No. That's juvenile, petty, and just stupid.