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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7063975 No.7063975 [Reply] [Original]

Could we talk about Cosplay taboos and pet peeves for a minute? I looked through the catalog and didn't see anything like this so. Apologies if there already is one!

Everyone knows that one particular person who doesn't wear makeup, or doesn't use a wig. Or god forbid they leave makeup and facepaint all over the bathroom.

>What are your pet peeves concerning cosplay? Any annoying behaviors or 'techniques' people do?
>Why exactly do these taboos/peeves form in the first place?

Personally, I don't mind how your costume looks. But if you're a titwagon who doesn't keep their part of the hotel room clean, I will hate you the entirety of the con.

Stories welcome.

>> No.7063986

Drinking in the room the entire con and funking it up with the smell.
For fucks sake people. The booze isnt going anywhere!

>> No.7064001

I don't like "bathroom divas" at conventions.

You know the type: The ones that are constantly hogging all of the bathroom mirrors, taking their merry times without any consideration for others that may want to use them. And god forbid if there's only mirrors available over the sinks so then they're blocking all the people that want to wash their hands after taking a leaping weeby shit.
They get pissed off and huffy if you ask them if you can use the mirror or sink for a few minutes. And they often leave makeup powder/smudges over the sinks and spray perfume without asking anyone in the bathroom if they're alright with it.
Once I saw a girl popping her zits onto the bathroom mirror. It was one of the most repulsive things I'd ever seen.

Finally the icing on the cake of fuckery--when they take up the ENTIRE bathroom area to change into their costumes. I can understand changing in the stalls, or if they have a particularly big costume that can't fit into one, but a dress and a wig shouldn't merit someone taking up the most open section of a small bathroom with their bags and shit scattered all over the place.

Honestly I'd be okay with most of this stuff if the majority of them would bother to acknowledge the other people trying to use the bathrooms.

>> No.7064005

Fortunately I've never had to deal with any druggies or alcoholics. However I was cursed with dealing with someone who apparently never went out of character.

She was a friend of a friend, we lost someone for our hotel and my friend, Alice, suggested her. This girl seemed pretty chill at first and offered to pay on the spot so I accepted.

Hoo boy, was I in for a ride.

She immediately came in and ran over to us, seemingly very excited. I was a bit put off by her overly bouncy attitude, but I'm not one to judge others for that. ..Until she opened her mouth. "Hiii!~ Desu~!" It was incredibly high pitched. Like a nail on a chalkboard. She explained to us that she was cosplaying a girl from Rozen Maiden, and in order to be 'as accurate as possible' she would talk like the character as often as possible.

Besides the horribly broken Japanese and irritating high pitched voice, she seemed well behaved and showered everyday. But oh my fucking god. She couldn't speak a sentence without adding 'desu' to the end of it.

Please learn when to go out of character. For our sanity.

>> No.7064048

Holy fuck, at first I thought you meant roommates did this stuff and I would say, "Dude, you seriously need to find better people to room with." But the last bit about stalls... people do this shit in public bathrooms at cons? So disgusting. Fortunately I've only seen the makeup divas hogging space in front of mirrors that are in front of every sink in the bathrooms at con centers I go to. God, what a nightmare though.

>> No.7064056
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>Talk to friend about who she wants to cosplay
>Tells me she wants to do Celes from Dangan Ronpa
>I tell her that Celes is difficult not only because of the outfit but also her hair
>"It's ok I can use my own hair then. XD"
>mfw I heard that and she's more experienced in cosplay than me

>> No.7064068

People who have long trains on their costumes and don't scoop them up and carry them when they walk. Hallways in some of the bigger cons can get crowded, so don't yell at people when they step on your costume if you're taking up twice as much space as you need to.
On the same note, people with large props who swing them around and end up smacking other people with them. I understand that accidents happen, but that's not a reason to go whipping around with your Buster Sword over your shoulder and knocking people in the head all day, or swinging it in a crowded hallway to show off when it's obviously not safe to do so.

>> No.7064076

4chan in particular. Happens a lot on /cgl/.

>Dumping pictures and quoting your previous post

>> No.7064084

This. Ive witnessed many people just...not being aware of their shit. People with wings need to think about people behind them. People with big ass props need to figure out what to do with them when we have to squish together in line or in crowded areas in general.

Its 50/50 folks. Lets meet each other half way, you make your shit isnt in my way- I'll be careful around it. You worked hard on it I'm sure, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't constantly forget that LARGE FUCKING ITEMS can be obtrusive.

>> No.7064086

Fucking face piercings- particularly snake bites- in cosplay. It's understandable when the character has piercings but when they don't it's just fucking distracting as hell and ends up looking rather trashy.

>> No.7064101

>that roommate who says to not let housekeeping in because 'THEY STEAL STUFF!'
>same roommate uses all the fucking towels and leaves them in a wet heap somewhere
>same roommate uses other roommates lipstick to draw a heart on the mirror FOR FUNZIES
>same roommate freaks the fuck out saying HOUSEKEEPING STOLE MY SHIT AGAIN after I tidy up the room and place her things in a drawer

Never again. Never ever again.

>> No.7064105

But it's alot easier that way

>> No.7064110

So is quick reply.

Press q with the 4chan extension.

>> No.7064118

>people who flip the fuck out if they don't get a bed
>people who leave their shit everywhere
>people who refuse to take a shower and make the whole room smell like ass

>> No.7064235

I will never understand people who don't take showers. Why? Do they just think they don't smell or what? It's disgusting.

>> No.7064250

Doesn't quick reply automatically quote the post?

>> No.7064261

>not doing that
that is the best way to dump photos, you're just retarded.

>> No.7064270

My biggest pet peeve is how full of it some cosplayers get when they are absolutely shit tier cosplayers, and especially when they make up lies or exagerate their craftsmanship work.

I personally don't find it wrong to wear a bought costume as long as you don't take it to a craftsmanship-required contest, like certain masquerades. But I'm being more specific about certain cosplayers who blatantly lie about the "hard work they've put in", only for you to discover that they're mongering for likes and attention with a shitty and poorly constructed bought costume. Then, they have the gaul to lie that it was more "authentic because it was an original preproduction design that wasn't ultimately used".

I was at a masquerade over the summer and during my craftsmanship judging appointment, the judges actually ranted a little while I wasn't looking about a cosplayer who clearly lied about their "four years at design school", and their description matched a repeat offender of this within my community.

My only wager is that reality will eventually pop that delusional bubble pretty soon.

>> No.7064288

I fully agree with that, also they need to cover up tattoos if the character doesn't have any, cosplay is about accuracy and details matters!you shouldnt care if it takes a long time to remove your 10 something earings and snakes bites, by keeping them on, it send the message that you don't care about your cosplay, the character or the long hours of work you put in making it. Fuck I'm mad now

>> No.7064303


Best way is to have a persistent QR up so you don't have backlinks leading to your own posts.

>> No.7064324
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>not ironing your fucking uniform

>> No.7064326
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>> No.7064332

I know this is sexist, but I'm glad male bathrooms don't do this shit. The worst you'll get is someone using a stall.

>> No.7064337

It's not sexist.

>> No.7064348

>people who wear only a wig and a solid color dress and call it a gijinka of
>web browser
>social media website
>the tardis

>> No.7064375

I couldn't figure out how to make her drill curls look nice to save my life, and I felt kind of stupid for not being able to. For now I bought about 3 sets of clip ins and just wear them all together until I could have some time to practice, but
>"It's ok I can use my own hair then. XD"

This right here drives me nuts. Unless it's a character with a normal hair style ( or Celest's gym version ), using your own hair just never looks good. Like, just get in on a group Taobao order or look through ebay some more to find something cheap. There's no excuse not to get a wig for a character, and if you can't afford a wig, then maybe rethink your character choices until you can.

>> No.7064381

bitch boots on a cosplay that doesn't wear them
It never looks right....ever.

Babby's first drinking party.
Dude you do not need to show how grown up you are by being hammered most of the con. You and your antics aren't funny.
You're just showing how much you can't handle yourself.


People who NEED to drink to have a good time. Really? How uptight are you? Life at 22 making costumes and hanging out isn't hard rough life time. Just chill.

>> No.7064413

I don't see this so much anymore but back 2000-2004 I used to go to cons with this girl who is quite good. She's a professional designer now. However, she always had a penchant for saying "EVERYTHING IN THIS COSTUME IS HANDMADE AND HAND SEWN." She won award after award each year for craftsmanship and I don't fault her for winning; her costumes were nice, but is was her obsession with the "hand sewn" thing. It seems like a millennium ago but we roomed together at a large con once. She plastered OMG HANDSEWN words on everything, won her usual awards, etc... and everything was fine. On Sunday she cleared out of the room before I did and she left some pieces and sashes from her costume in the room by accident. I put them in a box for safe keeping and sent them to her house after the con. When I was packing the box with the pieces I noticed that every single piece I put in had machine sewn seams.


The whole "OMG HANDSEWN IS BETTER," logic always pissed me off because....why? Why is wasting your time with seams like though even though you have access to a machine admirable?

And the lying. Mostly the lying.

>> No.7064424

Someone using a stall...?

>> No.7064448

Bushy eyebrows on characters who don't have them, like for fucks sake plucking isn't that hard.
Or when people with naturally dark eyebrows cosplay blonde characters with blonde eyebrows and don't even bother with makeup or try to dye them or whatever.

>> No.7064473

I'm guilty of this, but because I had just pierced my lips a month before the con and could not remove the piercings otherwise the holes whould close. I feel kinda guilty now.

Not sexist at all.

I guess my biggest peeve is people who couldn't identify quality if it smacked them on the head. You probably know the kind:
>thinks every poorly-constructed cosplay ever is "so amazing because it's X character IRL! how can you not find this super awesome, anon?"
>thinks that bleaching their hair and trying to achieve a very specific anime hair color is the best idea ever
>thinks wigs are bad because they look "fake" and "if (character) really existed their hair would look like this (referring to their fried, uneven-colored, unstyled, thin hair)".
>"nah, there's no need to try to achieve (important part of character's design that is hard to translate into real life, like madoka's full skirt)"

I get so many like this where I live it's ridiculous.

>> No.7064480

>Flavor of the month cosplays
Do I even need to explain this?
>Lame twists that are there for the sole purpose of attention of making a cosplay less generic (eg hipster, rave, casual)
They're just lazy and usually make no sense
>People who open a cosplay page on facebook/tumblr for the purpose of becoming e-famous
Basically openning up one, THEN cosplaying, because it comes off that you are cosplaying with the wrong intentions in mind.
Because it just makes no sense at all
>People at cons who basically try to strongarm you into fandoms
Yeah, off topic but this happens to me so much at cons. Not too long ago, I had people literally form a circle around me and trying to convince me to read homestuck. At least one had enough sense to say "OH COME ON GUYS HE SAID HE TRIED AND DIDNT CARE FOR IT LEAVE HIM ALONE"

>> No.7064501

Hmm let's see...

>non-anime cosplay at anime cons
I didn't mind so much when you'd only see a handful of them here and there, but these days it's gotten out of hand. I swear AX was like 60% homestuck/avengers/doctor who/msc american videogames. If cons want to change with the times to be general fandom/tumblr conventions more power to them, but give up the pretense of shit being a goddamn anime con if that's not what it's about anymore.

>cosplaying shit you've never watched/read/played
Because fuck you that's why. I'm tired of this bullshit attitude that you can be a 'fan' of something without ever consuming it. I'll take an inappropriately sexed up cosplay by someone who actually enjoyed the source material over some jackass in a Taobao Shingeki costume whose entire understanding of the series comes from a handful of wiki articles and reblogging Tumblr fanart.

>people lining up to get an autograph from a guest and then asking "who's this guy?"
Just why.

>> No.7064512

I really have issues with people seeing you as superclose friends cause you only talked to them once, probably out of pity or for business. Especially when they take ages to realize you actually don't dig their attitude and they make a huge fucking scene if they finally get it or include you into their narcissist/histrionic worldview. Keeps happening to me, makes me always feel like the worst idiot magnet in the world.

Then there is this thing, that in Germany, you cosplay at bookfairs as well. Years back, bookfair Leipzig and bookfair Frankfurt became interested in the cosplaying population since it kinda spiced up the whole event to have some dressed up people around. Sadly, many cosplayers don't seem to get that they are only guests there and this event is not about them. Somehow it is not getting in some peoples' heads that there are many people around that do not have anything to do with cosplay and are confronted with cosplayers for the first time in their life and that it therefore would make an awful lot of sense to not behave like the whole population of the psychiatric ward on a holiday. They don't get that people will judge all cosplayers for that and do not want to see how they are a real pain in the ass not only by being stupid but also by ruining everything that might be left of the cosplay scene's reputation. Some even think it would be super great to make flashmobs or dance the Harlem shake or do anything that gives you a second hand embarrassment boner.

>> No.7064513

>people lining up to get an autograph from a guest and then asking "who's this guy?"
There are a ton of people who go to conventions to get autographs, which they will turn right around and sell on eBay. This is generally more common at Comic Con and is partly the rationale people have for charging for autographs. Not that it's a very good one.

>> No.7064514

People who rage because you don't know every single facet of the character you're cosplaying. Like it's a personal affront to them that you haven't seen every episode, played every game or read every book. Why shouldn't someone see a cool character and want to dress up as them, without having to watch 5 seasons of a show or buy and play 3 games then look up lore and random character story?

>> No.7064517

>People who go to a con, get lots of attention in their cosplay, make it their only cosplay ever and/or give themselves names like "Dallas Batman", "Seattle Captain America", "Miami Deadpool" or "Fan Service Renji"
They're basically the cosplay equivalent of that one band who had a pretty popular song and decided to ride the coattails of it forever. Besides, "famous" cosplayers are almost always annoying and have ego issues. Just look at Harley's Joker.

>> No.7064521

I usually watch stuff until completion before cosplaying because I don't want some asshole spoiling stuff for me.

>> No.7064520


I can kind of understand that with valuable signatures and shit, but at anime cons? Ain't no one selling that shit on ebay.


Did I say that? But why the fuck would you want to cosplay some 'random cool character' without even looking at the source material? Is reading too hard for your tumblr-addled brain?

>> No.7064523

I know and like I said, it usually happens at comic cons more than anime cons. I guess some people just want to get every autograph possible and/or just meet semi-famous people.

>> No.7064530

It's pretty cute that you go straight for insults as soon as someone has a dissenting opinion.
It is possible for people to like the things a character wears without spending 10 hours a day finding out every part of their history. Maybe they saw it while someone else was watching it and didn't spend the next week drooling in front if their monitor with a bag of Cheetos watching the show.

>> No.7064537


Yes, because expecting that someone's watched at least some of the show something's from before spending hours on a costume is expecting such a huge time investment!

>> No.7064538

I absolutely hate how some cosplayers just see the German bookfairs as another cosplay event, when it is a literature festival actually. They treat the bookfairs like a general con and some are even offended at the amount of normal people. Anime and Manga might be a part of the fair, but still - What the hell

>> No.7064539


You do know that you could finish the vast majority of anime series in less than 10 hours, right?

And how much time are you investing in a costume? Why does spending time actually appreciating and enjoying the source material make you some drooling neckbeard but spending weeks making a costume for something you think 'just looks cool' doesn't?

>> No.7065089

Oh man, I forgot about wings. Nothing like having someone with huge, poorly constructed wings walk straight into you and then accuse you of breaking their wings.
>I really have issues with people seeing you as superclose friends cause you only talked to them once
This is a consistent problem for me. This local cosplayer and his brother walk around the gatherings and compliment every girl they come across. Before they got really weird, one of them was on my facebook, but he started complimenting me in every photo I uploaded, even if it was just a photo of some random thing I did that day. He also IM'd me every time he saw me online, sometimes multiple times a day, even though I never replied. I deleted him and he tried to re-add me three times before I finally blocked him. Then I blocked him from my dA, too. Now he comments on every photo on my fanpage and when we come across each other in person, he acts like we're best friends. There's no real need to be a dick to him because he's basically harmless and just tries way too hard and never realizes he makes people uncomfortable...but I wish he'd just leave me alone.

>> No.7065109

I personally hate when people just cosplay characters because they look cool because I like to talk about the anime/game/whatever with people. I hate going up to someone who's cosplaying the same series as me, ask them a question after taking their picture and getting a "Oh.. Well.. Um, I actually haven't watched/played this yet!" response.
Also, why would you take the time to make a costume for something you don't even like? It just seems stupid to me. Why are you getting so defensive anyways?

>> No.7065115

I'm happy I'm not the only one who sees it that way.
What really makes me sad about it is, that those fairs actually bring about the chance to introduce cosplay as a hobby to other people. I met some people who had no idea what cosplay was on those fairs and who wanted to know more and it was really interesting conversations we had. But with cosplayers behaving as if they had left their brain at the checkroom, said chance is turned into breeding grounds for prejudice and stereotyping.

>> No.7065114

From personal experience i can kinda understand not taking a shower /every/ day of the con but if you stink then you need to, no excuses. Get a good friend to check you or something, wear a shit ton of deodorant. I personally have a thing about showering in showers that arnt my own and i still force myself to take AT LEAST one shower even if its uncomfortable. If i can do that then you can wash your rolls when you start stinking.

>> No.7065185

I have a pretty normal life but really want to go to a con and just basically geek-out. I went to one once when I was in highschool and hated it. Everyone was super obnoxious and alienating. I did grow up in latin america and wonder whether that is a trait of our kids that are into cons there... basicaly assburgers. Anime loving assburgers who believe they are normal just because nobody calls them on their bullshit.

Thinking of going to Manchester con. wat do

>> No.7065192

This isn't related to the thread, but just so you know, there's good and bad people at/around cons. This thread is about the bad ones. But don't let this put you off.

Go to the Manchester con. If you're planning on cosplaying, you might meet someone who's cosplaying /that/ aswell, and make new friends who actually share your interests. Unlike the ones who just shit on everything.

>> No.7065193

I'm totally with you on the 'showers that aren't mine' thing. At cons, I take at least one shower, but wash each morning and evening and wear anti-perspirant deoderant.

>> No.7065197

Cosplay videographers who plunk down thousands of dollars on a full Steadicam setup, only to do the exact same low-angle-180-degree-slo-mo shot for every person they film or worse, have no motion in their shots, and only use thier rigs as wearable portable tripods. It's like buying an IMAX camera just so you can take selfies in your bathroom.

>> No.7065211

That's actually good advice.

You think Vincent from Catherine is too non-animu? That's what I kinda want to do.

>> No.7065235

Considering Catherine is a Japanese video game with an anime style, I don't see how it's even remotely close to being non-animu.

>> No.7065244

People who wear flower crowns and whatever other tumblr memes (hipster glasses, Starbucks cups, etc.) with their cosplays. Especially when in place of actual props of the character. I cringe whenever I see it, it just looks so stupid.

And people who have NO cosplay knowledge of experience but always plan giant costumes that would require months of armor making or complex sewing. Then they spend more time talking about making the cosplay then actually doing it then complain and make excuses when the con comes up and they're the only one without a costume.
Honestly, it won't kill you to start off small and in a costume that won't "impress" everyone jeez.

>> No.7065249

People who plan elaborate costumes, then wait until a week before the con to even start.
The whole week is filled with bitching and complaing about how 'stressed' they are, blah blah blah, and then in the end they get their mom or someone else to do most of the work for them.

>> No.7065248

It's double bad when these videographers all want to shoot the same famous cosplayers and just go FU to the rest of the con making all these videos look the same

>> No.7065267

People who constantly complain about the same cons but still go to them every single year.

>> No.7065296

to be honest i've seen way too many people who just don't know what they're doing when they color their eyebrows and it ends up looking like shit. therefore, most of the time i prefer uncolored eyebrows because a majority of cosplayers can't do it right and it just ruins the entire costume

>> No.7065309

Anon you're replying to: It's not sexist. In my experience, there seem to be a lot more inconsiderate, vindictive ladies who fuck up bathrooms on purpose as opposed to men who probably just want to go in there, do their thing, and get out. It's not a social thing.

I used to work at Borders before they sank their sad little ship and occasionally had to be the bathroom checker. The men's room always smelled worse but aside from a few episodes where 1 guy wrote on the walls with his shit, it was generally "clean".

The women's room was a mess, ALWAYS. Toilet paper everywhere, paper towels left in the sink, people that are too lazy to flush the toilet, people too lazy to put trash into the bin by the door on the way out, that kind of shit. One time there were 2 pizza boxes and pieces of pizza scattered around on the floor, you'd get the occasional bitch who wrote on the mirrors with lipstick or deodorant. So many scumbags.

And OT:
>What are your pet peeves concerning cosplay? Any annoying behaviors or 'techniques' people do?
People posting in progress threads talking about how hard it was to order and wait for something they bought to arrive when the progress threads were aimed at actual progress, you know, like making something yourself. They are always the ones to update things "Package made it to ______ CITY!! 2 DAYS LEFT FOR DELIVERY!" They are also the ones who want the most praise and feedback for hitting "Buy" and entering their credit card number.

The "1-Upers", you know. Maybe it's a friend or acquaintance whom when you talk shop, they ALWAYS had it worse than everyone. Their fabric will always be SOOOO RARE and SO MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE than yours. Their techniques are SO FUCKING DIFFICULT that you will never be able to learn it, their hardships are incomparable, and clearly, they worked so much harder to earn money than you did. Bonus points if someone else bought their stuff or they are using someone else's money.

>> No.7065317

Unkempt eyebrows... I kind of want to go after people with tweezers sometimes. They could clean up their entire appearance with neater eyebrows sometimes. It's not like waxing or threading are THAT expensive either and once you go, you can just keep up with whatever shape you had from the salon by tweezing as needed.

You mean the people with crusty painted eyebrows? Clearly bitches haven't figured out that eyeshadow or eyeliner pencils give a nice, subtle color that coordinates with wigs.

>> No.7065340

years ago a friend offered me space in their hotel room.I asked her how many people were sharing the room. She swore it was only four people including me and two beds. I didn't have credit card or full deposit for a room at the time so I agreed to pay for a fourth of the total. Bitch baited and switched on me because after check in six other people showed up to the room. I get bitched by her for complaining about the extra people. she says she already collected money from them and they have nowhere else to go and they will kick me out if i bitch about it again. She collected 200 bucks from everybody and spent the money on hentai and clothes at the con. this was before the hotels had a wrist band system. worst con experience ever but had to deal with it cause I lived on the other side of the state and didn't have anywhere else to go. lesson learned though. have booked a nice single room myself with my own cards ever since

>> No.7065360

People who exaggerate their own skills/time they put into something.

There's this one girl in the local community who says she's been cosplaying for 5 years but 4 of them were "hiatus" years.

So....just say you've only been cosplaying a year. No one cares.

>> No.7065375
File: 152 KB, 279x197, 1367885968084.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who don't know the character they're cosplaying ass
>People who can't handle any kind of criticism
>People who are unwilling to accept that anonymous people online will make fun of them if they're fat and cosplay.
>Not saying they SHOULDN'T cosplay, but random people online WILL make fun of them.
>Then they get all bitchy and everyone should cosplay whatever they want etc... Again not saying you shouldn't but...
>People who get angry at THIS video: http://youtu.be/LwV5EB0VAlI
>Holy Jesus fuck. It was a joke, slightly poorly executed mind you,But holy fuck are you people dense.
>mfw people flipping their shit at that video

>> No.7065378

Sounds like that stupid bitch Axelai off coscom and her AX room.
I remember her posting about having extra room and how she needed roommates to be able to afford to go, charged everyone $200 and said it would probably be less and would "refund" the difference.

>> No.7065385

>People who exaggerate their own skills/time they put into something.

This so much. I always love when compliment a fellow cosplayer on their costume and they're like "Oh yea, this shirt took me 80 hours to make. You wouldn't understand" and launch into the longest, most boring conversation possible (like you've never sewn before). This is why I sometimes don't bother talking to people at cons anymore.

>> No.7065715

That one (hopefully it's no more than one person) person in your group who hasn't quite left middle school mentally/behaviorally. You know the one I mean, the one who blows tiny situations up and makes it like Majora's Mask is real and the moon is totally crashing into the Earth because 1 unplanned thing came up. This person might also be throwing tantrums and pouting, perhaps giving silent treatment when they don't get their way. They may even be the person that makes you ask yourself, "Why and how the fuck do I know you?" But they're in your group so you have to tread carefully.

>> No.7065725

>that cosplay friend who tells you they still plan on having a pet fox one day and call it Kitsune
>also a fennic fox because OMG ITS EARZ SO CUTE

>> No.7065739

If I had the opportunity to get a pet arctic fox, I'd go for it. Wouldn't name it kitsune but http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSoietOaKSA
Fucking cute.

>> No.7065787

Hypocritical lurkers. Given the boot for a legit reason? Fine. But don't rear your ugly ass taking photos of cosplayers at a con you are banned from assholw.

>> No.7066059

If you can't tell me that I smell like busted ass cheeks, then we aren't friends. I make it a point to ask all of my friends that if I stink, if my teeth look nasty, or something about me is gross- fuckin' tell me. It won't hurt my feelings.

>> No.7066061

This this this. It hurts a lot more if you ignore it and let me walk around looking like a dumbass all day.

>> No.7066278

Maybe I'm misunderstanding something but when is it ever acceptable to go into public without showering.

>> No.7066314

>people lining up to get an autograph from a guest and then asking "who's this guy?"
I did that once at a tiny comic convention that had booked way too many guests for what it was years ago. I never figured out who the guy was, only that he was a writer for some big comic. Nobody was stopping by his booth so a friend and I decided to walk up, talk to him and ask for an autograph.
>mfw I realised years later that I probably came off as a massive douche to him because I obviously had no idea who he was and still wanted his autograph

I swear to god guy, I still have it even today. I didn't sell it ;;

>> No.7066326

For being the gender that generally smells nicer and looks cuter ( imo ), women are messy as fuck. I've been working retail for a while, and at the end of the night when the men's side of the store is usually a little messed up, the women's side is usually trashed beyond all belief. Like clothing twisted around hangers and weaved into impossible knots around other hanging clothing, accessories clumped together in a tangle of metal that we'll spend the better part of the day figuring out...Like, I really want to know why this happens, it's weird.

To stay on topic, I think my current pet peeve is having to deal with all the children that just discovered weed. I have a few con acquaintances I never see anymore because they've been in their hotel room for hour hot boxing the place, which no one knows how to fucking do properly anyway, so the whole goddamn floor stinks of that shit.

>> No.7066329

Amen to that. The men's section is always neater at the end of the day at work (although it's also a hell of a lot smaller). Guys tend to go in, grab their shit and get out, though, whereas women will be there for hours umming and ahhing over what they want.

I don't get why you'd over exaggerate anyway. I'd be more impressed if someone told me that something looks amazing only took an hour to make. Money wise, too, I'm more impressed if you've made something that stands up to the people that splash money around as though it's nothing on a shoestring. That's talent.

>> No.7066413

That was p humorous 8)
I chuckled

>> No.7066423

a girl on my facebook:
'i want to cosplay askua from evangilion'
a guy on my facebook:
'i have spent a lot of money on worbla and resin but i don't bother to cut it straight or do any base painting so in the end i'm wasting all of my money'

>> No.7066606
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>> No.7066950

>1 uppers
Oh gawd.
My ex bff did that ALL THE DAMN time.
It was so exhausting trying to have conversations with her in a group setting because somehow, she always managed to turn the whole conversation back to her.
Once we were at a party and a mutual friend approached me, asks
>Hey anon, how'd your ____ cosplay go over at the con?
>I begin to tell him it went well, don't even get the sentence out of my mouth before this girl barges into the conversation
Personally I think she does it because she's really insecure and needs constant reassurance from everyone around her to feel okay about herself.
Whatever the reason, it's annoying as fuck and now I find her completely intolerable.
She's also someone who likes to exaggerate or straight up lie about things for attention.
I didn't notice it when we first became friends, but as time progressed I realized she lied about almost everything to everyone, including me.

>> No.7067007

>exaggerating and lying for attention
Oh my fucking god my former best friend used to do that ALL THE TIME. And I was such a doormat that I never called her out on it directly, because she'd go batshit insane if you did. No matter how little the thing was, she'd spew a ridiculous lie about it.
>someone at con asks how long it took to make her prop
>"oooh soooo long! it took like daays of hard work hahahaha!!!"
>mfw we made our props together and it took 5 hours and I made most of hers since she's too insecure to do anything herself
>She said this while I was standing next to her

>> No.7067049

>she'd go batshit insane if you did
holy shit anon, it's like we're talking about the same person.
When I first started noticing the lies, I used to call her out (because I can't stand that shit) but every time I did, she would go nuts and somehow end up making me look like the crazy one, even though I knew for fact she was just spewing bullshit.
Why do we become best friends with these crazy bitches?

>> No.7067046

Anyone else have that problem where you make a costume or two for a friend as a favor because they can't sew and then they start making cosplay plans and saying they're going to make such-and-such costume when what they really mean is they assume YOU'RE going to make it for them?

I hate it. My friend always pulls this shit and I try not to give in, but she'll inevitably start trying to do it herself (even though it's always way too much for a first time sewing project) and then she asks me for advice and somehow I end up at the fabric store with her and she's dropped $200 on fabric and then I feel obligated to make the damn thing for her. Oh and it's always like 'oh btw the con is next weekend, it'll be easy!'

>> No.7067072

Why not teach your friend then? Get her to bring a sewing machine over and work on costumes together?

There are solutions to these problems... Making someone else costumes for free is pretty generous, but even if it was my friends I'd want to at least make them together, make a day of it you know, just hang out, put on some tunes or animu and just make some props and costumes.

>> No.7067083

That sounds a lot better reading it than what the reality is.
>invite newbie friend over to learn sewing
>trying to actually get some work done
>have to stop ever 2 minutes to show them something
>have to be constantly correcting them, which makes you feel kind of douchey
>probably have to let them use your machine because if they are that new, they won't own one and won't want to buy one (understandable)
>end up getting nothing done
I love my friends but I'm not patient enough to be their teacher. If they want to learn about sewing, that's on them.

>> No.7067094

If only the crazy would show up right when you get to know someone so that you don't have to become best friends with them before finding out that they're cray. Or maybe it takes a while to notice that it's there?

>> No.7067111


I'm trying, but I get the distinct impression she doesn't really want to learn and it's a lot more work to teach someone than to do it yourself (not that I really want to be doing either). I got her to do some props on her own last time, but she put it off until the last minute so there wasn't much opportunity for teaching in the sewing department. It'd be a little easier if she were straightforward about it and mention it earlier rather than all this last minute shit she's already obligated herself to participate in.

>> No.7067126

When people smack my ass or hug me too tight because I'm in a cute costume. It's really never okay to smack someone's ass without asking.
If I say it's okay to hug me that doesn't mean squeeze me to death. I was wearing binding once when this happened and I could hear my ribs screaming.

>> No.7067180

This happened to me many times over. I've had to be a hardass and insist that you only get free work from me if I'm roping you into a group; otherwise you pay me for labor AND buy materials. It sucks but I was taken such advantage of...

As for teaching... I have three friends who went and learned and now just come to me for extra advice, and several sponges I had to cut off. You can tell who wants to learn and who wants free costume labor at the beginning. Always.

>> No.7067695
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I apologise on behalf of the rozen maiden fandom. There is a character who says desu all the time though. Not that I'm defending her, if I met that kind of person irl, it'd take all I am to stop me from punching her in the gut,

>> No.7067716

>the tardis


>> No.7067746

I never really -got- this.

As someone who has worked hard for everything (school, work, etc) I just can't fully understand how people want to be a part of the fandom and participate in things like cosplay but want to put in zero time, effort, and money.

I mean, I understand lazy people being lazy, but how you can expect to mooch off of people to make you shit or help you with their shit for nothing in return.

Maybe its just that I have a great work ethic, but I want to learn shit, I want to learn from people better then me, I want to get better, and faster and more efficient and all that kinda stuff when it comes to my work and hobbies.

I guess I just don't have time for bullshit.

>> No.7067791

Doctor Who.

Everything to do with it.

Steampunk versions of non-steampunk characters, and steampunk at the renaissance faire.

>> No.7067807

Cosplay at Ren Faires

>> No.7067827

>Slap on goggles/gears
>Call it steampunk

Also, could be worse:
>Homestuck at Ren Faires

>> No.7067830

Has...has that happened?

If I see Homestuck at my renfaire this year, I will cry quietly into a wench's cleavage. Any wench will do.

>> No.7067835

I've seen and heard it happen like maybe once or twice. There's always a lot more people thinking they're incredibly clever for dressing up as The Doctor at Ren Faires.

>> No.7067840

Justifiable homicide.

>> No.7067842
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Yes. Probably because weeaboos and tumblr people tend to mistake Ren Faires as an excuse to cosplay anything.

>> No.7067850

wow, those are reaaaly shitty cosplays

>> No.7067854

The secondhand embarrassment is killing me. I could seriously feel my face redden when I looked at that picture.

>> No.7067857

>an excuse to cosplay anything.

What is with that anyway? It happens with all sorts of events whether a costume is relevant to the theme of the event or not. People always cry about it if you tell them they shouldn't cosplay off-topic shit because where else would they cosplay/when would they get to hang out with their friends!? idk why people don't just do fucking cosplay meetups. You wanna hang out in costume with your friends but there isn't a topical convention/other event in your area? Just get together with your friends and cosplay, goddamn.

>> No.7067879

>people who never follow through with their own goddamn plans

Talking about this one girl in particular, who in the five or so years we've been cosplaying together she has actually followed through with her plans about three times, and does closet/casual cosplays the rest of the time, most of which are cobbled together from wigs/clothes/accessories borrowed from friends

>has been 'planning' to cosplay BlackGoldSaw for at least three years running now, still no sign of it ever happening
>but she still talks shit about every BGS cosplay she sees, because hers is obviously going to be superior
>has backed out on too many group cosplays to count, most of which were her idea in the first place
>gets buttmad when a mutual friend wants to cosplay a certain character because "I was planning to cosplay X character next year!!" (we'll believe it when we see it sweetie)

>> No.7067889

I don't know, I guess some people just want to cosplay and never get the chance to or something. Like a friend of mine was making a big deal about how she was going to "cosplay" as a hobbit at the Ren Faire even though I kinda cringed about her thinking that those things are about "cosplay" and not just period dress. She insisted it was ok because Tolkien's hobbits are "mythical creatures"

>> No.7067948

Machine sewn *is* hand sewn, unless she meant hand stitched, which implies using a needle and thread.

>> No.7067947

people do that no matter where you go. I usually try to avoid them, and I hate being "that guy". Most of the time, even if I have a similar experience or a cool story related to something I just let someone else have the lime light.

>> No.7067968

> There's no real need to be a dick to him because he's basically harmless and just tries way too hard and never realizes he makes people uncomfortable...but I wish he'd just leave me alone.

It's your fault for leading him on-- making direct eye contact with him. You hussy!

>> No.7068577

>like Majora's Mask is real and the moon is totally crashing into the Earth because 1 unplanned thing came up
I lol'd

They would take this picture by the booty bucket

Anyway, my pet peeves:
People who expect you to swing the gas to the con all by yourself just because you're driving everyone there. That's not how it works.

People who get really upset when you dont spend the entire con with them. I only get to see some friends at the con so I like to dedicate a few hours to hang with them. Im not saying a few hours each day, im saying a few hours on one day. I spend the rest of my time with my core group, but they feel so left out and discarded if im not in their presence constantly.

>> No.7069342


This one girl I know always crossplays young boys, and keeps in her snakebites, septum, eye brow piercing and 5 earrings in each ear. It looks terrible and completely kills it especially since she always tries to pose all "kawaii desu."

>> No.7069398

I had a reverse gas situation once. Or more like this one "friend" who was trying to make money off of everyone.

We had two drivers and one of them demanded $30 worth of gas from everyone, even from those who were never in his car and the OTHER driver (not including labor/driving fees because he's "sooo nice") when were on the road for less that 4 hours all weekend.
That year, my cousin was kind enough to let us stay at his house near the con for free all weekend, and that one friend still had the nerve to ask EVERYONE to cover his gas money (and probably part of the $600 he spend in the dealer's room) ugh.

>> No.7069416

>Rosanna Rocha in a nutshell

>> No.7069418

I've had this with hotel rooms.

A friend of mine booked a room for our last con for two nights in a fairly pricey hotel right near the con. She asked us for £30 each, which didn't seem too bad, until we got there and realised there were ten people in the room. When we looked it up after, the hotel bill should've been around £100 - £150. Turned out she made us cover her damages from the previous year, when we'd never even roomed with her before. This same girl (at the same con) also borrowed £50 from my friend because she 'had no money' despite her working full time.

Mostly I'm annoyed because she promised us food and there was none, and due to a mishap with my Oyster card I ended up not having enough money to eat for the whole last day.

>> No.7069513
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YES THIS HOLY SHIT I hate it when people have huge fucking props and don't look out at all. If they're especially snooty they're the ones telling everyone "not to touch their props or you'll break them" and then proceed to smack everyone in the face with their huge ass prop by just turning around and don't even apologize. All my fucking hate.

>> No.7069528

>Dude you do not need to show how grown up you are by being hammered most of the con. You and your antics aren't funny.
A thousand times this. Everyone else's drinking in moderation to relax and then there's this one barelt 20 guy who gets way too drunk and wants to show it to the world because HE'S SO GROWN UP WATCH ME I'M SUCH A FUNNY DRUNK XDD WOW I'M SO WASTED LET ME YELL EVERY SENTENCE AND BE AN OBNOXIOUS RETARD AND HARASS STRANGERS WITH MY BEHAVIOR!!!XDDD and vomits at 8 PM and the next day he thinks everyone just loves to hear about his hilarious drunken shenanigans.

Fuck those guys.

>> No.7069532

Taking baby wipes to a con is a godsend, especially if you don't have easy access to your shower, ie roommate hogging it. I'm surprised more people don't bring a pack with them.

I've seen great costumes ruined by what appears to be acrylic paint globbed above their eyes. So far I've only cosplayed characters with thick brows so I've been able to get away with lightening them with makeup or tinting the skin underneath.

>> No.7069546
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> people seeing you as superclose friends cause you only talked to them once
FUCK I thought I was the only one who this was happening to. Some people just assume that because you like the same series/anime/manga/games in general you're obliged to be their friend. because "nerds have to pull together" or some shit. No, if you're an annoying brat who doesn't know the meaning of personal space or self-control, I don't want to be your friend. I want to stay as far away as possible from you. And sometimes people chemistry just doesn't work out.

And even though I try to be friendly but still distant to show them that I'm not interested they still don't get the hint until a bit later when they finally realize it and throw a class-A bitchfit and start spreading rumours about how "she's such an arrogant stuck up bitch who does she think she is" etc. I knew this one girl who did this all the time to everyone who was even remotely cosplay-famous or just a talented cosplayer, she latched herself onto them and thought they're the bestest friends right away. When they didn't recognize her as their friend after a whole week of stalking and bothering, she went into a total psycho mode and started harassing them and demanding them to be her friend. That's always nice, forcing someone into a friendship makes them like you a lot more.

>> No.7069558

Exactly. And these people get really fucking defensive and start attacking as soon as it comes out that they don't actually know the character and spit out all the worn out excuses about how cosplay is about having fun and all that shit. Nah, you're in it just for the attention you get for dressing up as someone who's popular or has a really flashy design.

>> No.7069562

>People who get really upset when you dont spend the entire con with them.
I will admit, I do get upset if I am going to a con together with a friend and we don't stick together all of the time. But that's because I'm almost blind and constantly scared that I'm never going to find them again (phone calls are easy to not notice at a con), not to mention I'm 90% of the time unable to make my way back to the hotel room by myself in case I have to.

>> No.7069597

Pet peeves?

Homestuckers & 10th/11th Doctor cosplayers.

Purely because there's always too fucking many of them.
Often it's mainly the variety and diversity of cons that stop me from being bored during quiet lulls when I'm at them.

Other then that it's when people don't' take practicality into account when cosplaying and then bitch to me about it. If you had a whole fucking year to plan ahead for one fucking con and then you whine that you can't stand up and your feet are hurting because your shoes suck then I'm afraid I don't have the time or patience for your bullshit.

>> No.7069659

Wings with terrible anatomy.
Would it kill you to just look at some pictures of birds before you go and make the wings?
I don't care if the wing isn't perfect, but at least make it look like it has joints inside and lay the feathers out in a way that makes sense instead of just creating these weird clusterfucks of feathers.

>> No.7069683


Yeah, but some people cosplay in groups and end up losing in the 'majority vote'. There's one series I was talked into cosplaying from.

I refuse to watch that shit, but at least the outfits looked cool enough to make and wear.

Creating the damn thing is work enough, I'm not going to subject myself to watching trash so you can feel nice after questioning me at a convention.

>> No.7069702


Never understood why more people don't just do character-inspired garb if they MUST be x character.

>> No.7069707

That seems way more fun.

>> No.7069713
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It's more fun to see at lease
Pic related

>> No.7069727

>Creating the damn thing is work enough, I'm not going to subject myself to watching trash
What the fuck? Why in the hell would you put time and money into something you don't like and consider trash? Are you insane or just stupid?

Oh, pet peeve: People who always do group cosplays even about series they don't know because ahmagerd we gonna look sooo awesome and everyone will take our pictureeee

>> No.7069779

I think it's fair to say that sometimes people get swayed by the "must be a group/let's do group things" factor.

>> No.7069809

People who get incredibly mad because your costume isn't exactly the same as the show. I cosplayed Yuki from Tsuritama last weekend and wore a Hemingway apron over his super simple summer uniform just to spice it up and I got, ((WARNING: SMALL SPOILERS)) "Tch, Yuki doesn't wear the apron with his uniform in the show! JEEZ, KNOW THE SOURCE MATERIAL!!" …well, yeah, that's true, but logic says that since he has a part time job there, he's going to wear it over his uniform at some point? Does the apron really ruin the costume? Why are you so mad at me?

UGH, 1-Uppers. I recently said this on another thread, but I once with a friend(?) who needed to prove she was better than EVERYONE and insisted we compete to see who got the most photos while we walked to a panel. I was wearing a super plain outfit, she was in a truly fabulous ballgown. Girl, I don't think we need to compete, it's obvious you're gonna win.

>> No.7069819

Right now, my pet peeves are two things. My boyfriend complains any time I pose with other guys, so I told him to cosplay with me so I can pose with him. He agreed if I made him the costume, so I picked characters to cosplay together and then he decides "this one is too complicated, it'd be too warm" or "this one is too simple." He's the goddamn Goldilocks of cosplay. ARGH, JUST LOOK AWAY WHEN I POSE WITH OTHER GUYS. I'm not having sex with them, I'm just taking a picture with them. That's pet peeve 1. Pet peeve 2: My parents think I'm the one forcing him to cosplay against his will and constantly tell me how mean I am to force him into things he doesn't want to do. Even when I explain the situation, they tell me I'm terrible for posing with guys. What? I CANNOT WIN.

Seriously. There are some times I'll ask people to do cosplay things for me, but I'll never ask them to do it for free. If I can't pay them, I'll try to ask for an exchange of services. Maybe I can cook, clean, tutor them or SOMETHING in exchange. It feels… skeevy otherwise.

>> No.7069869

Dump your boyfriend now. Trust me on this

>> No.7069878

Dump him and be my girlfriend instead. I'll let you do anything what you want, I'll buy you anything that you want, please, just please, let me feel how it feels like to be inside a woman (and to cum inside too preferably).

>> No.7069882


In group cosplay, I can almost guarantee that not everyone is going to agree on the same series. That and there's a difference between hating the series/characters and hating the costume itself. There's some really nice costume designs in shitty anime.

Anyway, it comes down to compromise. This year I'll have to cosplay from a shit anime, but the next year someone else will be cosplaying from my shit anime.

>> No.7069886

If you got really into character while posing with someone cosplaying your character's lover, I'd understand his frustration. Doesn't even have to be kissing/hugging/grabbing, deep looks of lust can be hurtful even when faked.

Having said that, I'll assume that's not the case and that he's just an insecure twat.

>> No.7069887


Surprisingly, I've actually learned to enjoy when people comment on inaccuracies in my cosplay. One year, while doing full body makeup, I forgot to include all of the markings. Some piece of shit was extremely rude and insulted me for it, but I was happy to have it pointed out. It would have sucked to show up at a photoshoot and get massively slammed, later online, for missing two streaks of paint.

>> No.7069902

>People who don't clean after themselves.
If you leave a mess in the bathroom or on the table, honestly don't wanna know how your house look like.

>People who think they don't need a wig for fictional character

I can see if your character is realistic or a Western character who hair isn't very outlandish or all over the place, but please wear a goddamn wig.

>Heavy drinkers
Hey, I love drinking at cons and getting a little tipsy...AFTER 11PM, ya know, when most of the shit is shut down and the convention floor is completely dead. It's cool to drink in moderation but don't make an ass out of yourself.

>Folks who don't supply anything to a room party but complain about your shit or drinks everyone else crap.

Not cool nergo. Not cool.

>> No.7069925

Anon he's being emotionally manipulative whether he realizes it or not and you need to get out of there fast.

>> No.7070024

Hahaha, he's not as bad as it sounds, I swear. And I'm not saying that because I'm laying down to protect him, I'm actually VERY much the dominant force in the relationship. He tells me that he doesn't like it and I give him the option of cosplaying with me or fucking deal with it. I think he's welcome to get jealous, but if he thinks I'm going to change my habits without good reason, he's way wrong. It's a peeve because he complains about it, but then does almost nothing to pursue avenues that would change it (like cosplaying the characters I often pose with).

Thanks for looking out for me though, it's definitely an aspect of him I'll continue to keep an eye just in case it looks like it may get out of hand. Because it's a very worrying possibility.

>> No.7070054

I used to room with people that didnt party or anything and even though we all paid the same for the room, if I decided I wanted to stay out a little later I ALWAYS got the floor even if there was room on the bed.

I no longer room with these people

>> No.7070107


Why the hell are all of you shit heads acting like cosplay isn't for attention? Every time I hear someone complaining about attention whores at convention, I diarrhea down my pant leg. None of you will ever convince me that you're not spending hours and money on costuming to "LOOK SO COOL" and get your picture taken. Some choose tits and pecs, others fat rolls, and some costume construction but you're all looking for the same damn things: ATTENTION. You little bastards.

>> No.7070135

Male here, I only make full armor (helmets and everythign)

There arent a whole lot of opportunities to wear this kinda stuff and I want to feel like a badass once in awhile. I'm pretty introverted and don't really like the attention, I just want to walk around and feel cool every once in awhile.

>> No.7070141

>if I decided I wanted to stay out a little later I ALWAYS got the floor even if there was room on the bed.
Why not just sleep on the bed anyways? Better yet, sleep on the fuller bed and fart all over those jackasses.

>> No.7070168


Hey, I get it. You want to look cool. There's nothing wrong with that. Just these other shit heads need to stop getting bitchy when they think other cosplayers are looking for attention or IN OTHER WORDS... stealing their limelight.
Saying you enjoy the fandom is not a valid reason for cosplaying. It's all about them prying eyes.

>> No.7070462

I actually got smacked in the face so hard by someones prop once that it left a bruise that was sore to the touch. It peeved me a little bit because it's hard to hide bruises behind makeup. At least for me.

They apologized profusely, but come on man.

>> No.7070496

See, you have a very good reason to want to stick with your groupies. Heck, if you and I went to a con together, I promise I would stick by your side.

What bothers me are people who are completely capable of entertaining themselves for a few hours who complain about me abandoning them when I want to visit some other friends. It makes me even more angry because the particular people Im griping about can see me any time during the year, but choose not to and are suddenly over-possessive at cons. It's like, where were you on all those days we could've hung out? It's totally fine if I spend gas money to come see them, but they wont return the favor and come out to see me sometime, and then at the con they never want me out of their sight because "we dont spend enough time together wahhh"

>> No.7070530

>Unattended children at cons
>Parents ignoring their children that they bring to cons (e.g. whiney/spoiled kids, overly tired kids that need to take a nap, screaming babies that obviously need to be changed/fed/put down for a nap, kids that can't behave in public etc.)

Speaking on the last point, once at a con there were 2 kids playing tag in the lobby and lobby bar areas where there are always people hanging out or congregated. So basically they were dodging, weaving, pushing through people, running, rolling on the floors etc. while their mother was playing on her smartphone ignoring them. I was wearing an armor costume that had pointed elbow pieces and was just standing and talking to my friend when one of the brats ran right into one of my elbow piece. Mind you, it was made from leather and painted to look like metal but he hit his nose/cheek/eye socket area so naturally that shit is going to hurt.

The kid started wailing and thrashing. Momma bear waddled over and basically tried to bitch me out about not watching where I was going and hurting her kids etc. and wouldn't listen to a word my friend or I said until someone off to the side came and spoke on my behalf. She told the mother that one of the kids had actually run into her pretty hard and eventually just ran right into my armor while I was standing still. He had been looking back at the other kid then faced forward in time to run into me. The woman also suggested that the mother keep a closer eye on her boys if she was concerned for their safety.

I mean, really, they could've had a much worse accident or been kidnapped since it was the hotel lobby where anyone can hang out, come, or go (badge or no badge, guest or not)

>> No.7070533

My boyfriend wore a cosplay with a huge prop to one of the concerts. I ended up getting smacked in the face a few times, lord knows how many other victims he had before I met up with him there. I also human-shielded myself for him to protect his costumes and others' faces when the crowd got to moshing. Put my tiny self between this guy and big drunk flailing nerd men and absorbed the blows.

I keep fucking telling him that he should take his cosplay off for the con concerts, or at least leave the big props in the room. One day I'm just going to let the moshers fall into him.

>> No.7070719


On the opposite end of things, though, I hate it when other cosplayers gravitate TOWARDS your huge prop. I had someone literally run THROUGH my wing because they wanted to run down the escalator to hug their friend. And even after completely destroying them, she just yelled "OOPS!" and continued on her merry way. Thank god for copious amounts of hot glue.

>> No.7070731

Kids really don't have a place at conventions. I know there are some child-oriented events at some conventions but aside from that I wish parents would leave the kids at home.

Strollers don't belong in an already-crowded room, especially narrow aisles like in the Dealers Room.

I attended two panels held by two guests who I probably will never see again, and both panels were interrupted by crying/fussy children. If your kid is crying, please take them out of the room! I was trying to hear the guest's presentation but all I could hear was a baby crying.

>> No.7070758

giant fuckoff heels
people that scream ancient memes like they arent a horse beaten entirely into compost
fan alternate universe cosplays
unsealed body paint

>> No.7070768

>Hey can I have your photo please ?
>aauuughhh...do I have to get up?

Sometimes I'll just snap a photo (even if its bad) if they do this. or I'll pretend to click and walk away. It depends on my mood but sometimes that's pretty flippin' rude.
I also don't mean to say that I'm walking up on them eating or anything but lord woman, just stand for like 3 seconds.

>> No.7070782


Wow dickhole, you know that cosplayers don't exist for you to take pictures of. Do you even cosplay? Most costumes can be uncomfortable and cause a lot of strain, and conventions are long. If things are heavy or if shoes or high, or any number of reasons the cosplayer could be tired. It's more than 'just stand for like three seconds'-- you have to get up, pose, and pretend you're not fucking exhausted.

>> No.7070797

I cant tell if I'm supposed to take this serious or not.

>> No.7070816

Conventions like San Diego are smart and have day cares

>> No.7070826

Anon you're replying to: I'm 50/50 on kids at cons. I think if they are well-behaved, have attentive parents that know when it's time to nap/eat/leave the room, and actually have an interest in whatever is going on at the con, then I personally don't have a problem with them being there.

It's when the parents are selfish and drag the kids around with no regard for them, treating them like cosplay accessories or bag handlers, that it becomes a problem. Their (the parents) decisions and actions end up ruining the con experience for a lot of people, themselves included. I honestly wonder if some parents don't realize that it's OK to have a long weekend/mini-vacation without the kids who will have more fun not being dragged around a con all day and night.

>> No.7070871

Facebook Fan pages. Please stop making them people!

>> No.7071280


call Jessica Nigiri. She could probably explain the want to be part of something but without putting in effort.

>> No.7071300


Well generally in any hobby people want you to earn your attention.

Tits and abs flaunt your genetics which are totally random.
It also probably has something to do with cons being "happy fun nerd time" and not "look at my tits baybee" time. All of the outside world is look at my tits time. When you go to a con with nerds they are more about the cerebral pleasures rather than the fleshy ones.

>> No.7071316

When your best friend needs help making like 3 costumes a month before the con, She hates taking photos (especially with duplicate characters) because she wants to be the best, and gives you nothing in return for your sleepless nights helping her.

only to be told that "you could have done better" when she cant even sew a straight line. on costumes I felt really proud of.

Not to mention she judges other peoples costumes when most of hers is fuck-ups and safety pins....

She put me in a slump until I had a bunch of friends/other cosplayers try to commission costumes from me, I don't think i'll make costumes for anyone besides my sister and I now

God I really needed this off my shoulders...

>> No.7071370

They weren't wrong when they said about these people getting ultra defensive and bitchy. Usually people who cosplay from series they don't know are huge fucking drama queens with terrible insecurities they need to patch up by the attention and adoration.

There's a difference between attention and *attention*. Attention like when someone who really enjoys the character and the series compliments your costume and talks to you about the series and you share this quick friendly bond for a while. And attention when a billion people take your photo because they're in awe of the costume and the character and that's all there is. It's like making love to someone you love or just getting a quick emotionless fuck from a disease-infested cheap $5 whore.

>> No.7071507

you are.

>> No.7071515

she sounds like a total bitch - dump it fast

>> No.7071524

Get her out of your life ASAP.
People like that only bring you down and waste your time and energy.

Tell her she is the worst fucking waste of space you ever encountered and that she should go find someone who gets off on her parasitic bullcrap cause you surely don't. Use all your built up frustration as fuel to a wildfire in which you roast her sorry ass. Bitch better be burning the moment she leaves your house and your life.
Maybe she'll learn from it, maybe she won't. However it will not be your problem anymore.

>> No.7071526

When older people who are cosplaying and think their ratty ass Miku wig makes them a better cosplayer than the younger kids at the con. They are always either outright rude to the kids or they are fakey nice and then pick apart the kid's costume.

>> No.7071554


What a succinct explanation of the difference between your normal cosplayer and your attention needy cosplayer.

>> No.7071621

Right, but your argument is flawed because it assumes there's only one way to cosplay without being a raging attention whore.
What the hell is lolita then? If a person can't cosplay a character they're unfamiliar with because they aren't a fan of the series or character, then lolita suffers from that same disconnect and should also be considered raging attention whore material.
I understand the point you're trying to make, but this hipster and elitist attitude about fucking cosplay is incredibly hilarious.

>> No.7071622


But lolita is fashion, not an expression of fandom. I'm sure lolitas would bitch at some chick wearing a nice burando dress badly without even knowing the name of the brand.

>> No.7071626


My point is that lolita is fashion. The idea behind it, to put it simply, is to look bad ass in some cool clothing choices. The chick getting bitched at for wearing something badly without knowing the brand name won't be labeled an attention whore as much as she would a damn idiot.
Someone who cosplays well from a series they're unfamiliar may be after the same end result as a lolita in the sense that they want to look fucking awesome in a cool ass costume. The fact that one has lore behind it doesn't make the idea behind it any different.

>> No.7071635

>people who get really upset when you dont spend the entire con with them
true 90% of the time, but shit that brings back memories of my first con
>13 years old, supposed to meet weeby friend who convinced me to go
>weeby friend says hi then ignores me for the rest of the day
>no friends, too shy to talk to anyone
>she only talks to me at the naruto panel she's running to try and get me to make out with a shoddy sakura in front of 200+ people
six years later and she still greets me like we're friends

>> No.7071649

Right then.

youre acting as if I'm always demanding them to stand. As you can read, sometimes I can wave it off and just take a shitty photo and go on with life because no- I dont need your photo to live.
>do you even cosplay
oh lord. I doubt youre really even asking.
>most costumes are uncomfortable
I guess it helps to mention it always happens to be lolitas who do that then. Sometimes they're on couches though, which is fine. It makes a lovely photo most times.But then theyre some who are on the group surrounded by friends, gear, and its not even flattering pose.
>strain, conventions are long and its hard to stand for three seconds
I love how you act like every person who sits down at a con is at the end of their rope. No- some of them are just legit too damn lazy to stand up. I also love how you're acting as if I badgered them to do so. Most times its just
>hey are you busy?
>can I have a photo?
>auuuuughhh...do I have to get up?
>prentend to snap photo
>walk away
Nice try anon, but Im still going to get annoyed when people do this. If theyre wearin a monster sized dress or shoes that look like they hurt- I obviously have enough common sense to determine they dont want to be bothered to stand or much less have their photo taken.
I'm not a photographer- just a cosplayer with a camera who wants to take photos of as many cosplayers as possible. Because I know how enjoyable it is to find your photos later .

If this story applies to you, which I'm inclined to think it doesn't, I'd be interested to hear how a photographer was an ass to you because you didn't stand.
saging for bullshit

>> No.7071663

>If a person can't cosplay a character they're unfamiliar with because they aren't a fan of the series or character, then lolita suffers from that same disconnect and should also be considered raging attention whore material.
This point makes no sense. Cosplay isn't fashion. This is where cosplay and lolita differ. Cosplay is about representing a certain pre-made character and has a clear reference for the costume and what the character is like both appearance- and personality-wise. Lolita is coordinating different pieces of clothes so you look good in them.

Cosplay is also about looking good in your costume, but how can you represent the character accurately without knowing anything about them? Usually people who do this also have huge inaccuracy flaws in their costumes because they don't know the character, for example, the use of their props. Poses do a lot to a cosplay as well. I've seen enough attention sluts doing sexy poses for cute characters.

> this hipster and elitist attitude about fucking cosplay is incredibly hilarious.
>stopped reading there
But in all seriousness, I don't support the "I want to look good in a cool costume" mentality because I don't want cosplay to be considered a fashion. It's about re-creating a fictional character and usually with craftsmanship included. If you in all of your defensive victim stance cosider cosplay similar to a fashion (wearing just something that makes you look good), then go ahead, but you can't expect everyone else to respect you due to the widely-understood nature of the hobby. Sorry.

>> No.7071683

You're missing the point entirely, but glad to hear you're sorry. I'm not arguing the point that cosplaying without knowing the lore is annoying or a misinterpretation of the hobby - because I actually agree with you there.
I'm arguing that it doesn't make you an attention whore.

>> No.7071741

Oh, that's a good way of putting it.

>> No.7071840

>How can you represent a character if you do not know them.

If you have good enough references to create a great outfit, combined with proper research of the characters personality and poses then you can take a good picture.

If a non fan does their research and micmics the poses without any problem then there is nothing in their cosplay photo that will seperate them from one taken of a fan.

>> No.7071892

This exactly. I love the Tales of Series and so do my friends. So every time one is about to be released (or hasn't been released in the US yet), we research the characters from the games and build costumes from screen shots and character art.
Do we know the characters or the game itself? No, because we haven't played it yet.
But have we played every other Tales of game and fully intend on playing new ones are they're released to us? You bet we do.

>> No.7071906


Nope nope nope. I have a "friend" who does this with Tifa from FF and Yukiko from P4, despite her hair being a frizzy/greasy mess. She also can't into makeup, and refuses to take concrit.

>> No.7072004

My friend is cosplaying Mikasa from Attack On Titan and refuses to wear a wig simply stating her hair is exactly like the characters. She got her bangs cut like Mikasa's but her hair is short in the back and dark brown not black. It irks me to no end!
>EEnE cosplays only consisting of Double Dee and Kevin
>Facial piercings when cosplaying a person who has none.
>Females who cosplay male characters still using feminine makeup.

Only exception for the last one I can think of is Kuranosuke from Kuragehime.

>> No.7072040

That's really not comparable to someone cosplaying a cool-looking, completely unknown character they don't know simply for the attention and you know it.

>> No.7072041
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I've seen a handful of Homestuck groups execute incognito Ren Faires, usually by upping the medieval/piratey aspect of the older trolls (in this case, a human Mindfang who showed up with a Dualscar and Redglare) or by running with the knight/seer aspects of Dave and Rose.

>> No.7072055

Yea, human hair just generally lacks the volume that anime/game/manga characters have, even if it's a humanly possible hair color and style.

The only exception I could see to this rule would be really short hair styles or updos where you style it with enough shit it's not going to deflate over the day e.g. Natural haircolor really short boy cut, buzzcuts, slicked back ponytails of normal volume, updos for women like french twists, or fancier shit... yea, that's about it.

>> No.7072315

people who bash someone for not hand making every part of their cosplay
like holy shit calm down not everyone can sew just because they bought the jacket online doesn't mean they're any less of a cosplayer

>> No.7072398

On this point, sometimes it's just plain retarded to make clothing that you already own, especially if it goes under layers and isn't the focal point. I'm talking about basic shit most people have in their closets already or can get easily like white Oxford shirts, solid colored dress pants or skirts, maybe turtlenecks, jackets where applicable, ties/scarves/bowties etc. School uniforms and dress clothes are probably some of the easiest things to buy that will be perfect for costumes.

While I make my costumes, props, and style my own wigs, I am certainly not above saving money when I can just use things in my closet. I wore my white oxford shirt and black dress pants when I cosplayed Harry Potter. I bought an official sweater but made my robes and have no regrets. It would've been a waste of money buying fabric to make the shirt and pants when my work clothes are exactly like what they used on set. It's just ridiculous and I know there are people out there who would and do make these basic items and hold it over people's heads. It's absurd.

>> No.7072422

people who think that just because they don't think characters exist then they shouldn't be cosplayed, or because a character doesn't 'look' like what they think it is, then it's not true.

cosplayers that have chuunibyou and are respected more by the community than those who are affected by their actions

oh, and i've been seeing a LOT of the pro/anti nazi thing going on too in the last couple years. what's with that?

>> No.7072438

Am I the only one that gets incredibly irked when I see people with messy long haired wigs? It drives me up the wall when I see that frizzy-ness of stray hairs flying around them. I know it's near impossible to keep it perfectly straightened and 'tame', but if it looks like a rats nest.. My god.

I can't stand half of the Stocking cosplayers I see because of how their wig looks. Especially when there's gobs of pink sticking out through the blue. ( I am aware this is impossibly high standards. It bugs me myself that I think like this. )

>> No.7075282

She meant stitched by hand without a machine.

>> No.7075286

People living off government support and wasting our tax money on their shitty cosplay's and conventions really gets to me. Get off your ass get a job then go cosplay, I don't want my parent's tax spend on your lazy ass just to sit at home and doing nothing to support yourself.

>> No.7075713

I could point out several cosplayers who are guilty of this and want to become "famous desu". To add insult to injury, both of them make the shittiest cosplays ever and complain about how they never have money and how this situation is making them fat and depressed.

If you're going to squander my and every other working person's tax dollars and staying at home all day with nothing to do, why aren't you at least making something nice.

>> No.7075723

People that are gigantic bitches disguised as moeblobs. This one girl I know pretends to be so innocent, sickeningly sweet, and unsure of herself that she asks for constant reassurance every step of the way. She can't pick a character, buy fabric, or make any part of her costume without getting reassurance and asspats online. When she asks questions or wants an opinion, she arbitrarily turns on some people and is a gigantic bitch who likes playing the victim if you suggest something she doesn't like or agree with because she interprets it as you bullying her. She then goes and posts thinly-veiled rants about anyone who suggested something she does't like, then makes it sound like she will do self-harm, and goes offline for a week but always pops back up. I'm convinced she's testing people to see how many actually care or miss her.

>> No.7075737

sounds like you're jealous of her moeness

>> No.7075795

She's actually right though. People at ren fair will love anyone dress up from the LOTR universe.

>> No.7075831

Bad cosplayers who are stuck up.
I don't mind bad cosplayers, it's all in good fun it doesn't been to be extreme! but when you act as tho you are fucking amazing, not wearing a wig, no make up store bought costume.
It makes me sick.

>> No.7075838
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people who break character in bed

>> No.7075846

Holy shit, Anon. It sounds like we knew the same person, except mine is a poor, MLP fan who is too broke to afford loli shit.

>> No.7075879

>The Doctor at Ren Faires
Holy shit that gets my goat, last time I went I saw three of them all walking around together. Three different doctors. Doesn't the newer one kill the older one? Like follow your own universe.

>> No.7075904

When a buyer on ebay waits two weeks to leave feedback, and then gives negative feedback JUST because she didn't like the dress. Which I took plenty of pictures of, both flat and worn.

"Sorry, I just didn't like it." THEN GIVE NEUTRAL AT LEAST YOU CUNT.

My first sale on ebay, too, so now my seller rating is fucked up.

>> No.7075927

Unfortunately Ebay has turned into such a pussy when it comes to seller "defense" if you will. You can no longer leave negative or neutral feedback on buyers even when they deserve it? Only positive feedback can be left. Back in the day both buyers and sellers could leave neg, neut, and pos feedback for each other but I guess some asshats went and took it too far/retaliatory feedback so that's why sellers are pretty much SOL if their buyer decides to be a piece of shit and not even contact them if there's an issue.

Also, I don't know how long ago that was but you might be able to appeal their feedback since it has nothing to do with the item quality/condition/your service. I think in some cases you can appeal or at least reply to her feedback.

>> No.7075932

>MLP fan
>Too broke to afford loli shit

God, that sounds even worse.

>> No.7075959

>implying this hasn't been done multiple times in canon

It's probably best not to comment on things you know nothing about.

>> No.7075960

Attention to detail
One girl at Kawaii Kon was cosplay Konata and she looked pretty good.

Tiny things like that make me so mad.

You obviously put a lot of time and effort into your costume, why the fuck did you get lazy and cop out?

>> No.7077046

Oh my god, this. I bust my ass at a 44hr/week job (that I do admittedly love) so I can afford to be independent and enjoy my hobbies. I know people who just keep taking classes at cheap colleges so they can keep getting money from Mommy and Daddy and have no real aim to get a degree and grow the hell up. I have no respect for anyone that complains they have no money to eat and then turn around and attend a convention with two new costumes, especially when they somehow can't be arsed to find a part-time job to at least pay for their hobby.

>> No.7077056

I knew a girl like that who was lying about her parents beating her and constantly posted facebook updates to collect pity and compliments. I can't believe she isn't locked up in a padded room somewhere. Girl is batshit insane.

>> No.7077174

Friends using my materials without my permission. Seriously, that shit's expensive, and you don't even know how to use it. No matter how many times I say "no, you can't have that", I'll always find some dumb bitch trying to use it anyway and complaining that it isn't working the way that she thinks it should.

Also, other cosplayers who are doing the same character that get unnecessarily snobby about it. I once had a cosplayer get really bitchy because we were both dressed as the same character and I dared to ask her if I could take her picture. At a more recent con, a girl had halfway changed out of her cosplay and was sitting on the stairs with her boyfriend. I was nearby, dressed as the same character, and they both sat and bitched about nonexistent flaws in my costume. Seriously?

>> No.7077808

When people cosplay characters from TV shows but look nothing like the character. Like 16-year-old girls cosplaying Sam and Dean from Supernatural. Usually in TV shows character designs aren't as complex as they are in anime, so you really need to have the face so that people can recognize you.

>> No.7078159

See, this is one pet peeve I will never understand. If they look like their character, then cool. If they don't, then that's cool too because all they're doing is showing enthousiasm for the fandom. Is it so hard to understand that not everyone cosplays to be recognized, and that it's unreasonable to want people to get face surgery for cosplay accuracy?

Costume quality can be improved, but shitting on someone because they don't look like the source (surprise surprise, humans all have different faces) strikes me as nitpicking...

>> No.7078189


I think the point is more that, if a character doesn't have a distinctive and recognizable look, it's not really "cosplay".

For many television characters, their "look" is really just the actor's face, and trying to cosplay the character without resembling the actor is like trying to cosplay Charlie Chaplin without the Tramp mustache.

>> No.7078195

>I'm gonna cosplay Inception!
You're just going to wear a suit?

>> No.7078199

I especially dislike this in Hannibal because people throw fucking flower crowns everywhere which is like.

Goddammit. Ironic or not it looks fucking stupid.

>> No.7078253

Which is a shame because I love the Walking Dead game so much but then realized you can't really cosplay it and get recognized since the characters are all everyday people.

>> No.7078431

You could always try using makeup to make yourself look cell-shaded and wear the same clothes and such. Then again, people would probably go "OMG HES A COMIC OR SOMETHING"

>> No.7079221


Hmm... Inception could probably be pulled off if you went as a group for context and brought guns.

>> No.7080141

they are relaxing and you are acting like they owe it to you to stand up. don't be a jerk. when people are sitting or obviously trying to relax, don'tt bothher them for photos.

>> No.7080222

>people who get snobby if you're dressed the same.
Ugh. Yes. I've only seen it from my friends end. One friend was dressed as ice king while some other guy clearly bought his from a halloween store. God- they all went stupid saying shit like "omg go fight him" "your costume is sooo much better" etc.

Also, I hate it when my friends want to tell me about all these complex cosplays they want to do. Seeing as I've put together all of their outfits so far (locating wigs, fabrics, socks, assembling and sewing) I laughed when she said she wanted to do comic heros....ya know...shit you really can't just up and purchase. I looked at her and told her that shed have to do it herself. Because if we did there was no way in fuck that id be making my costume as well as 3 others.
I wish I had friends that cosplayed and did their own sewing.

>> No.7080224

I think you missed my other post. But no, I don't act like a huge jerk. I don't act like they owe it.
Its just annoying and a pet peeve.

>> No.7080406

>I think the point is more that, if a character doesn't have a distinctive and recognizable look, it's not really "cosplay".

I get annoyed by definitions like this or people who discredit someone's cosplay just because the outfit is easy saying stuff like "Poison is not cosplay, that's just a wig, hat, tanktop and shorts."

>> No.7080419

All this flower crown nonsense. I mean I guess it could be cute if you were doing a gijinka of some cutesy grass pokemon or Fluttershy or something but there is absolutely no need to slap it on an Attack on Titan cosplay or whatever.

>> No.7080455
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>The 15 year old in a room of 20+ year olds who tries to act "sooo edgyyyy like an adult XD", but literally just regurgitates Tumblr bullshit.
>The person who goes to the con in a bad mood and spends their whole time in the hotel room bringing everyone else's mood down
>The friend who insists you buy them food/goods during the con "because they didn't bring enough money!!! :("
>The person who tries to make a bunch of complicated cosplays, yet they wind up looking like garbage during the con.

For me, these were basically all the same person. I wound up just not talking to her anymore, because now she's turning into a dramacow.

>> No.7080515
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Really, really poor FtM cosplays.

If anyone has that picture of the frumpy girl crossplaying Tony Stark in his underwear with with the crotch stuffed with a soda can, that's what I'm talking about.

>> No.7083311

>I get annoyed by definitions like this or people who discredit someone's cosplay just because the outfit is easy

I don't think that's what they meant, they didn't use the word "easy" anywhere so I thought they meant that sometimes live action character cosplays aren't as recognizable if the cosplayer lacks physical resemblance to the character/actual actor AND without iconic things like Charlie Chaplin's mustache.

Harry Potter cosplays can be "bought" which is pretty damn easy, but you can recognize a "Hogwarts student" because of the uniform or special robes. However, if you don't look like the actual actors and were plain-clothsing some of the HP characters, people might not get it because a.) you don't look like said actor(s), and b.) the clothing might not be distinct enough to have people instantly see you and say "Ah! You're cosplaying as ______". I'm not sure I'd say it "isn't cosplay", it's just not going to be recognized by people as easily.

>> No.7084682

>free hugs
Why can't it just die already

>people who wear onesies to come
What the fuck is the point? Its not cosplay.

>> No.7084683

*to cons. Fuck.

>> No.7084827

>The friend who insists you buy them food/goods during the con "because they didn't bring enough money!!! :("

A good friend of mine does this. A lot. One time I brought my then-boyfriend and his friends to a Con, and she managed to get about £30 from my ex's best friend because he was gullibe enough.

I love her to bits but some of the things she does rustles my jimmies too, Anon.

>> No.7084851

My girlfriend and I are a cosplay team. We usually cosplay couples or just people from the same series. We have one friend who HAS to join us for every cosplay competition as characters from the series. Which is fine, but it's a bit annoying when she wants to compete with us, and we sew everything, and she hot glues everything together. When we don't win we're cool. It's whatever. But when we win and she's not in it. She looses her shit. And when we don't win and she is in our group she looses out shit. Last year we had a judge come up to us and tell us we would of placed best in show if she hasn't been in our group.
I don't want to be a Monika and tell her she's not up to par because she is my friend. But it's all just a bit frustrating. I don't care if we win or not. But it's the after math of chasing after her while she is breaking down crying in the room is a bit obnoxious.

>> No.7084892
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I can get why people are friends with people with habits that are just annoying, but I don't get how a person can get to be an adult and still be friends with people that do obviously shitty things. Why invite more shit onto you when they obviously aren't that great a person? If you're an adult you should be able to separate yourself from that shit and not worry about drama.
>mfw I've cut out people from my life I've considered to be toxic
I guess everybody has different tolerance levels, though.
Tell your friend to grow up and either stop being such a mooch or don't go to cons if they can't afford it.
Tell your friend to grow up and stop crying over everything and to put more effort into things if they're sincerely interested in being successful. And not to be a third wheel.

>> No.7086233 [DELETED] 

>go on diet
>friend keeps trying to fish for compliments, bending over in front of a mirror "ommmggg I need to lose weight" shes not really fat, lets be honest. shes average.
>I look at her like shes an idiot, "Are you fishing?"
>get ignored
>when we eat out, I tell her how many calories, carbs, sugars are in what shes eating
>tells me to shut it and Im being annoying
>but I wont stop because I know shell just gain 5-10 lbs, cry about it, then half ass it until she eventually drops the weight then she feels omgsoskinny again.
>make her costumes
>crys how it doesnt fit
>same thing, eats too much, then doesnt eat much to lose weight
>OMGG~~ my butts just soooo big, this skirt will hardly fit!
>"Do you want me to fix it? I can make it bigger"
> ":3 nope its fiiine."
>....are you trying to show everyone at the con your panties?
> get ignored again
>this time around Im trying to bind her
>ommmggg I cant help that theyre soooo big~~~~
>"no, you just need to shift them around in the binder...and Im not moving your titties for you...theyre like...mushed together- you might need a better binder"
>gains more weight
> she asks for assistance for better eating habits
>shes eating crow for the next few months

I understand its healthy having a high self esteem...but I cant help but think shes fishing all the time. Shes not always like this mind you, just an annoying habit shes got.

>> No.7086462


You misunderstand. This isn't an elitist "your costume isn't hard enough" thing, it's a practical "your character's costume is not iconic enough to be fruitfully dressed up in" problem.

Showing up as Fionna or L may be piss-easy but it's indisputably cosplay.

Showing up as Jack Bauer would actually take notably more work, but unless you have a freakish resemblance to Kiefer Sutherland, it's all going to be for nothing.

>> No.7086481

Seconding this >>7084892
Your friend sounds really immature. Offer to help her learn how to do things, if you don't mind spending the effort, and try to make her see that it's very rewarding to make a well-crafted costume. If she refuses to learn, tell her it's her own fault she's not progressing.