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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.7064019

I'm trying out two different SS at once so I can find one to settle on. One of them is asking me if I'd like to remove shoe boxes for shipping. Does it make that much of a difference? I'm just worried they might get damaged without, since Pruany hasn't asked about it.

>> No.7064030

Reposting since I made a new thread but didn't check for another one. I suggest you post in the old thread when a new one is made. I don't check the catalog much since it usually gets posted there that a new thread was made when other one was in autosage.

Try the links in the FAQ instead. And tracking takes a day or two to appear on any site so if it hasn't past that many days yet, don't worry yet.

It could make a difference. Most of my shoes go without a shoe box and are put into bags just fine and undamaged.

>> No.7064044


>> No.7064114

>I suggest you post in the old thread when a new one is made
Note taken, I'll do it next time

>> No.7064178

I'm reading the sellers comments on a skirt and then

"pro because the comments said skirt taste ==
I specially went sniffed. really did not smell any odor .. do not know who the pro is how to smell the taste"

>> No.7064184

Ty for the link! Kind of looking for some different ones, but that's a good start to steal words from

And at >>7063741
thanks for the term but it didn't come up with very many swirly/tribal looking ones. I'll keep hunting and post results.

>> No.7064193

oops sorry I posted that search term without actually scrolling to the bottom of the page, my bad. if I had known there were like only ten results I would have posted something different. 假扩耳 will get you some more pages

>> No.7064199

Paste the original in mandarin

>> No.7064283

I looked through the store spreadsheets but are there anymore cute home related stores? I'm mainly looking for bathroom and kitchen things.

>> No.7064378
File: 42 KB, 704x682, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the D* and M* mean on taobaotrends shipping price page?

>> No.7064385

Why are Baltic countries in the same category as Africa & co?

>> No.7064399

(TL;DR ahead)
So I just received my order this morning from TBR, and I just don't even know where to start I am so happy.

This order was mostly mori stuff since I have been admiring that fashion for a while and finally decided to try my hand at it, and I am just so happy with everything I can't even hnnng

Not only is everything super comfy, it also fits me perfectly and is actually flattering on me. I feel like a forest fairy or something. I also probably sound like a gargantuan dork right now but I give no fucks

I feel like mori is the style I really belong in. I used to wear regular pleb fashion but a lot of it puts focus on T&A and is really figure-hugging, and I am just a little too skinny for that to look good.

Not that you guys care or anything, I just wanted to rant a little bit since no one IRL could possibly understand why I'm so excited about getting a new wardrobe.

>> No.7064406

I am thinking of making my first lolita taobao order and i have two questions, what is the differnce between the two antaina shops? I remember people talking about it before yet i wasn't interested in actually buying teh fashion at that paoint. Also I have heard Classical puppets have the best petticoats but which the best large poof with out being totally over the top? I brought two bodyline skirts while in japan, soft cream and the one with cookies and stipes. I would need A-line pettis for these yes? not cupcake?

>> No.7064410

Congrats, anon!
My latest order is full of styles I don't normally wear either.
I'm impatiently waiting for three more items to get to my SS so I can pay and they'll ship it out. I probably would have had my order by now if I hadn't kept adding on items each day, I just added two more a few hours ago, haha...
Still excited though.

>> No.7064414

I'm not sure what those two skirts are. Links or pics? Cookies and stripes sounds like sweet, though, and most sweet skirts end up being cupcake shaped.

>> No.7064415

glad to hear you found your own style, anon! i'm in a transitional period myself, having to dress more mature for school and stuff

sage for unrelatedness

>> No.7064427

Thank you! I'm really relieved that I didn't waste a bunch of money on something I'll never wear, haha. I love taobao to death but it always feels like kind of a gamble. What are you switching to, and what did you use to wear before?

>> No.7064438

I feel you sister. I am wearing my first mori girl outfit today and after altering the dress a bit (it was squishing my hips to death) it is so comfi and flowy. I like being a princess in lolita too, but it isn't near as comfi as mori girl, and it like you said it does feel like you are a forest fairy.

>> No.7064444

Isn't it amazing? I'll feel like I'm just walking around in my pyjamas, but then I'll catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and just feel awesome

>> No.7064445
File: 143 KB, 720x960, 999603_3332347165644_631753570_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here sorry for the shit quality.

>> No.7064449
File: 26 KB, 509x383, yukapon02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please post links to imouto-kei stuff, and stuff for ageplay

>> No.7064463

Anyone know the search term for those squishy looking star clips? I've tried variations with star/s hair clip/s, accessory, and barrette, and the closest thing I found was http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.26.OEOmda&id=19184842909&initiative_new=1 but I'm looking for the Doki Doki dangly kind.

>> No.7064483

im not returning any results on "how to imouto-kei", what are the rules to it?
it looks cute, will keep an eye out

>> No.7064486

I don't know why, I can't even begin to imagine why we don't have many western girls doing these. These are literally a guaranteed thing to sell if they're reasonably priced.

>> No.7064487

Also, isn't this OK? Kinda poorly made (looks that way anyway) but maybe you can use the name of the listing to find what you want
(sorry about the huge URL)

>> No.7064625

I try to search more, but the others are from Etsy and are very expensive.

>> No.7064708



>> No.7064886

This is a super late reply, but I got some of these in my last order. If you get the silicone ones, they can be very heavy, at least as heavy as normal breast fat, if not more. Also the ones I got came in boxes, which drove up shipping a little more. So if you get them maybe ask your SS to take them out of the boxes, though they might get dirty.

tl;dr get them from ebay.

>> No.7065051
File: 81 KB, 690x949, awww_yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Original: 網絡預約應該在9月10號前
>Google translate: network reservation should be before September 10 ~

>> No.7065113
File: 1.06 MB, 250x187, colbert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that real? I need that Jellyfish Dress!!

>> No.7065117


>> No.7065137

A different version? Oh God which to pick...

>> No.7065147

>wasn't too fond of the first jellyfish dress posted
>in fucking love with this one
its the cut and details that sell it for me

>> No.7065148
File: 20 KB, 723x720, JROZV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dreams crushed by this dress.
friend messaged them on Taobao directly for me, and they won't accept custom reservation sizing.

>tfw retarded giant linebacker shoulders and can never be kawaii

>> No.7065162

I know this is a bit of a shot in the dark, but has anyone gotten Gekkou's shiemi wig before? The reason I'm asking is just because the page doesn't have any stock images, which is annoying and a bit worrisome. I own a Gekkou wig and it's very nice (a bit shed-y, but super thick and not shiny). I'm not worried about quality as much as I am for color and how the ahoge actually looks.


>> No.7065168
File: 21 KB, 550x309, 9373des_display.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw fucking love everything about this dress, cut and details, but fucking hate jellyfish print

>> No.7065172

>hate jellyfish print
Stop right there, criminal scum!

>> No.7065231


To anyone who's bought fabric:
With the SS fees and shipping was it worth it?
Did you buy just fabric?
Were you hit by customs?

>> No.7065239

It's beautiful... I'm welling with desire. But I'll wait for that cat print. I hope they do as well on the design for it as this one.

>> No.7065254

Does anyone know if White Moon will do custom sizing? There's no indication in the spread sheet and google seemed to lead nowhere. I'm in love but I'm cursed with a long torso D:

>> No.7065298

With the way things are going for them (in terms of production delays, masses of orders), the cat print likely won't be released until November. Should be enough time to save up for both, I should think.

>> No.7065333

How long does it take for items to be shipped to your SS? I've used TBR in the past with no problems - items got to me within the week I put in my request.

Decided to try out pruany but it's been 11 business days and my items are still being bought or waiting to be shipped. Does it normally take this long?

>> No.7065343


I've always used Pruany with literally no problems. I think the longest anything ever took to arrive was a couple of weeks for a CP petticoat.

It wouldn't hurt to send them a message using that messager thing.

>> No.7065344

I'm using them right now, and that's strange. When I add items to my order and then pay, the status changes to 'Waiting for goods' in less than a day.
Right now I'm waiting on three more items, two were just bought yesterday, but one is definitely taking it's sweet time reaching the SS facility. But most of my items so far have reached them in 1-4 days.

If they have some of your items and you want to ship them now, you're supposed to select all items in your order and create the delivery, they'll measure, you pay shipping and fees, and then they'll ship. Although, of course if you've got items that haven't reached their facility yet, they won't be included and you'd have to pay entirely separate shipping for those.

>> No.7065353

Yeah, I would suggest leaving a message as well, or if you wait a while a few more hours, someone may get online for you to IM with.

Their live support is great, but one thing that bothers me about Pruany is the messages for each individual item. I've asked support about photos and been told to leave the request in the individual item messages. Waited weeks and no response other that one "ok" but I still never got my pictures. Also asked for two items to be returned and refunded using this method, as instructed, but still no response. Those items are probably sitting in their warehouse still right now.

>> No.7065470

Fuck, they won't do custom sizing?
>has tig ol' bitties.

>> No.7065518

Does anyone know the preorder price this is going to be?

Too lazy too weibo.

>> No.7065553
File: 697 KB, 730x550, 347437834874837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I posted my order a few threads ago (I think?) and I just wanted to post it one last time in case anyone wanted a review or something. If you can't see, the things on the bottom are all socks.

>> No.7065561

Link to bag? How is it?

>> No.7065592
File: 255 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 8-26-13 at 10.24 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's quite cute. The little peachy roses are actually a foamy material, the big rose is fabric (unfortunately the edges are just a baby bit frayed, I'll have to do something about that) and the ribbons and lace are cute, not super high class, but nice enough. I'm actually surprised at how well the stuff is attached to the basket, I'm definitely not afraid of anything falling off.

The inside is pretty standard, think gingham fabric lining, boxy in shape, decent amount of room for whatever. On top the little fastening is nice, it does the job and is sewn well, though the one side of the clasp is totes not straight (pic related, sorry I didn't feel like turning on my camera again to take this pic).

Overall quality I'd give it a 3.5/5. It's soundly constructed and cute. Cheap materials, but I wasn't expecting anything Michael Kors for the Wal-Mart price I paid. I'd recommend it if you want a cute basket-y thing.

The top insert thing is a bit lopsided

>> No.7065627

Actually, it's way different from the stock images now that I look at the page again. Kind of a bummer, but I also like the stupid cute little basket enough that I don't give a damn.

>> No.7065654

link and review o the bear tights please!

>> No.7065713

this shop sells something of everything, you can use keywords to hop around from there

>> No.7065747

Review the striped socks?

>> No.7065776

Bear Tights

I fucking love these omg. They're so nice. They look pretty much like the stock image. I'm usually a bit sketchy on "free-size" tights since I've got big thighs but am short, but I was happy to see that the tights I got were a "M-L" size and fit wonderfully. My only complaint is that I had to adjust them a bunch because they were actually kind of big-ish. Like, the fit was fine, but because of the size of the tights, the upper "skin-tone" part was way too opaque so I had to, like, pull them up and stuff. Quite nice, though. 5/5

Striped Socks

These are really cute. I got them in 3 colors (black, white, and blue) and they all look really nice. I mean, not much to say. They're ankle-length. Cute and soft. The fabric part is a bit thin, so I am worried that they might tear easily. The lines look cleaner than the stock image, which is fun. 4/5

>> No.7066009

Answer pls

>> No.7066072 [DELETED] 
File: 1017 KB, 1043x468, TBRSmallOrder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TBR allowed me to order a 4.24 foot by 5 foot area rug. And now I have no idea how they are gonna ship it. I wonder why the can't ship umbrellas if they can ship me this large rug.

Also they charged me quite a bit for domestic shipping fees considering the area rug shipped for less than the smaller rug and the other trinkets. They either could not understand what I was asking or maybe they didn't want to when I thought they over charged me.

Either way I doubt I will use them again. Also looks like they have a person name Johnny working with them.

>> No.7066095
File: 896 KB, 1043x468, TBRSmallOrder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TBR allowed me to order a 4.24 foot by 5 foot area rug. And now I have no idea how they are gonna ship it. I wonder why the can't ship umbrellas if they can ship me this large rug.

Also they charged me quite a bit for domestic shipping fees considering the area rug shipped for less than the smaller rug and the other trinkets. They either could not understand what I was asking or maybe they didn't want to when I thought they over charged me. Also note that the bed sheets by themselves require 20 yuan to ship when on the store shipping is only 15 yuan.

Either way I doubt I will use them again. Also looks like they have a person name Johnny working with them.

Also I ordered 6 folders and asked for one of each design. However there were only 5 designs and I was still charged for six.

>> No.7066128

Hey /tb/

I'm planning a tea party and I need some things! I can probably, with a little digging, find some of this around locally, but taobao is probably cheaper and I can combine it with my current order anyways! I'm looking for the search terms for:
lace tablecloths
gift bags
floral pens
silk flowers

Thanks for your help~

>> No.7066126

One thing you have to remember about shipping domestically is that depending on the area their warehouse is, the shipping reflected on the page might not always be the correct amount.

Though usually it is the right one on the page.

I'm assuming they are willing to ship the rug since it is foldable to a normal sized boxed compared to umbrellas that cannot be folded.

>> No.7066132

Ah, I probably should've searched the dictionary more carefully! Let me revise this list as I found a few terms already.

gift bags

>> No.7066136 [DELETED] 


Yes but I selected TBR's region and still said 15 yuan.

>> No.7066139


That would explain the differences in the larger orders. The way they handled it was terrible they did not explain what was the cause so I'm left to make assumptions.

However that doesn't explain the bed sheets at all.

>> No.7066143

I was just offering a side note about domestic shipping that it is a possibility the page reflects a different domestic price instead of taobaoring's warehouse location's domestic price.

Though honestly, I am going off of posts from long time ago in these threads about that note. I could be entirely wrong since it is just on that.

I'm disappointed in them nowadays. They used to be my go-to SS.

>> No.7066153


I can see why they were mine as well but I think the 2012 Christmas Season caused their downfall because it seemed everyone was using them. Out of all the SS's they have the better website layout imo and they are very easy to work with but so many mistakes they are making.

>> No.7066247

School Girl Lolita are you out there????

lots of cute knitwear suitable for your school inspired looks

>> No.7066259

did they ever confirm a skirt version?

>> No.7066379

Unless those little tags at the bottom of the bow ribbon are cloth, wouldn't they just force the tails of the bow down?

>> No.7066661

Praise you anon, I've been so worried about ordering those bear/cat tights because of the ones that don't look anything like the stock images.

>> No.7066682

Is there an option for the full set? Or any other sets on taobao?

>> No.7066693

what would the character be for sherlock. I'm looking for a coat for him.

>> No.7066737

If you mean BBC Sherlock, it's called a peacoat and about every shop that sells clothes stocks them at some point or another.

>> No.7067071

Hey I'm the kind of person who likes giving people gifts, but most of my friends aren't really into anime and cute weeaboo stuff like me. I still wanna get them little trinkets or something this time. If anyone has any tips, that'd be appreciated. Otherwise I guess I'll just grab some stuff from gimi.

>> No.7067075

Where can I get some decent prices on some Liz Lisa?

Also, anyone know of some shops for tights?

>> No.7067395

uh, have you tried searching "liz lisa"? if you're majorly dissatisfied with the prices on the initial results page, you can always sort by the ascending price option. don't bother asking for tights unless you know specifically what you want and you've tried searching yourself but can't find it; legwear shops are everywhere on taobao, and all the applicable search terms are in the dictionary

google translate

google translate sherlock. just add cos to the end

>> No.7067512
File: 2.87 MB, 2194x1030, taobaoorder8-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soo, this came in today (minus the white and black blouses). Does anyone want me to review anything?

>> No.7067519


Galaxy socks and the brown blouse?

>> No.7067523

Star tights and Sailor Moon wallet?

>> No.7067540

Oh man, I like everything. Could you just tell me if there's anything you didn't like and stores for things? I can make out chess-story, chuhua, and cmloli, but the rest I can only see bits and pieces of the URLs.

>> No.7067545

Link to shoes, please?

>> No.7067547

the Chess Story OP and all the blouses please!

>> No.7067600

Seconding the Chess Story OP, plus the fancy shoes!

>> No.7067602

link/review for sweater?

>> No.7067701
File: 329 KB, 1120x864, 1350163282360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered my first item from taobao... godspeed my future OD jacket... godspeed.

>> No.7068372
File: 72 KB, 937x509, shirts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um, okay, so after I successfully purchased my jacket, I decided to buy this shirt since it was only 8 bucks and it had free shipping, only problem I had was it wouldn't accept my card.
I got to the point where I put my information in and it said "Payment failed! Your card cannot be processed" or some other such nonsense, and then when I went to go check out my account, these were sitting here as I tried to order it 2 more times when I thought I just entered in my card information wrong.
How do I cancel orders and/or fix this? I don't want to buy 3 of the same shirt because this alipay was being weird.

Any help at all would be appreciated!

>> No.7068386
File: 418 KB, 750x1094, T2NxVUXoddXXXXXXXX_!!665379536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone, I think it was in the last Taobao thread, recommended this http://miumiuluo.taobao.com/?spm=2013.1.w5001-1025362452.2.YzTMCB&scene=taobao_shop shop for wigs.
If you're here, I was wondering if you had any reviews or pictures with flash and stuff?
I got a haircut that I'm really really regretting.. And it's going to take a LONG time for it to grow back, so I thought I'd get a wig for daily use.
How are these in terms of looking realistic? And thickness? Any gross shine in light?

My lolita wigs all have this glossy shine in bright light, very noticeable in sun light,and even sometimes indoors. It kind of ruins it when it's so glaringly fake. They look pretty realistic otherwise.
Pic related, I was thinking of getting that wig also.
Any more suggestions for good Taobao wig shops would be very appreciated.

>> No.7068393

Also, sorry if I sound rude or anything, i'm just super confused.

>> No.7068831

not related but that wig is gorg, that model could be gorg, but wtf is she doing with her face. is it too bright outside? like what

>> No.7068842

Probably they took a shot where she blinked and then for some reason decided to use it.

>> No.7068861

but if you look all of them are like that in that shop. that would make sense otherwise haha

>> No.7068867

I think she's trying to do that 'model squint' look, but it just looks dumb...

>> No.7068873

seconded for curiosity. i kind of want to wear wigs daily and these are cute.

>> No.7068890

I have some things I ordered from Taobao that I ended up not liking or didn't fit well, they aren't lolita or anything, is there somewhere I can try to sell them easily? Most of it is Yumetenbo and Bobon21 stuff.

>> No.7068895

Make a storenvy? Otherwise sales threads here might be ok, you might get some people bitching but w/e it's still pretty jfash in general.

>> No.7068907

The only thing I'm not sure of is how to price them. I honestly don't remember their original price (including shipping and such), and they are from Taobao so I'm not even sure if they would be worth much.

>> No.7068921

In that case you could just take offers? As long as you're honest that you don't remember what you got them for I don't think you have to worry about people crying scalper or anything like that.

>> No.7068933

You can sell them on cgl in our BST threads

>> No.7068942

Thanks for the help!

>> No.7068946

Ah, I'm just going to try the shop out.

What do 暗蓝斜刘海图片色 (Dark blue color oblique bangs pictures) and
暗蓝齐刘海图片色 (Qi Liu pictures dark blue color) mean?
I'm thinking the first means cut bangs? And the second means non cut bangs?

>> No.7068950

People keep linking this shop, but a lot of the wigs they have I have seen in other tb shops for about half the price, like the more vibrant multi-colored ones. I've definitely seen that brown and reddish/purple wig with the braid in the front for like 69 yuan somewhere before

Thirding Chess Story. Is the fabric as shiny as it looks in the stock images?

I bought fabric as part of a large order with a bunch of other stuff, so yea it was as worth it as any of the other stuff I bought.
No, but I live in the US and that depends on where you live

>> No.7068965

Oops, forgot to mention when I was replying to you, if you want a wig for daily use, I would suggest just shelling out for cyperous. Ive had mine for quite a while, and while it can get frizzy (especially the ends), once I take my flatiron to it it bounces back to life.

>> No.7068988


Alright, I'll look it up, thanks.

I've grown a little fond of the blue wig, though, and the title is giving me absolutely nothing for searching for another one.

>> No.7069036

Anyone know of shops that sell bras for larger busts?
I come across some occasionally but they're almost always sold out.

Spreadsheets aren't loading for me for some reason?

>> No.7069105
File: 69 KB, 399x501, dear_celine_early_spring_charlotte_elegant_peter_pan_blouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for chiffon lolita blouses in wine, brown, and navy... Dear Celine used to make beautiful blouses but I can't find them anymore.

>> No.7069108


I own quite a few wigs from there and yes they are very realistic looking, they even have a scalp, literally no one can tell.

I really want to stress though that taobao wigs are NOT every day wigs, they tangle easier than real wigs and they're really not suited to wear everyday, I too got a shitty hair cut and even after three days of wearing wigs it was knotty.

>> No.7069124

Do you have any suggestions for wigs that are realistic looking and are more suited for everyday wear?

>> No.7069165

Ah, okay, thanks for the reply.
I pretty much only need them for three days out of the week, just for school, since I can deal with my close friends and family seeing my mess of a haircut. I have a pretty good wig detangler as well.
I'm going to try one of their wigs out, but I'll look for something better for daily use, thank you for the input!

>> No.7069196

That is just her Look

>> No.7069231

Did you get a wig comb and comb it starting from the bottom even?

>> No.7069242
File: 548 KB, 500x433, 1365295612622.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is TBT taking so long to respond to my emails? Usually I hear that they are really quick and responsive, but for some reason with me they are really slow and rarely answer anything.

Also, I can't log into the new site and I am really confused on where to pay for international shipping because it says that they got my order on the old site, but I haven't gotten any notice for the shipping cost.

Sorry, it's my first time ordering with them.

>> No.7069251

Ooo that's cute. Do you ladies think that wig color would look okay with a tanner skin tone? I guess my skin tone would be medium and according to the wrist vein test, I have neutral undertones? I really don't understand what looks good with what as far as hair color goes.

>> No.7069270

someone please help.

>> No.7069275

Go to the site and find the skirts you got and post their pictures up here. Can't expect everyone to go through the site to find something that may be your skirt.

>> No.7069289

I posted these but okay one minute.

>> No.7069299
File: 224 KB, 800x800, cookie print.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find the soft cream anywhere on the site.

>> No.7069301

Ah. Well, still easier to tell with worn photos than lying on bed photos.

>> No.7069304

Cupcake. The other one seems to be cupcake as well.

>> No.7069308

I'm pretty sure they're both cupcake. Classical Puppets makes petticoats with loads or not too much poof, try Clobbaonline for photos of the poof. I think sometimes it's even summarized how much of a poof a petti has in comparison to another.

>> No.7069312

okay and just to get this straight to make absolutley sure I don't fuck up because I am a bit retarded sometimes. this http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5.w4002-189500549.18.2y0mK4&id=10292662400 would be a cupcake shaped petti?
also thanks for the help.

>> No.7069316

That's the 'daily A line'. http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5.w4002-189500549.37.eJwGA3&id=3486735318 or
http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5.w4002-189500549.40.eJwGA3&id=1782013154 is what you want.

>> No.7069317
File: 206 KB, 962x478, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. If the translation says "A type line" it's A-line. If it doesn't, it's bell.

>> No.7069321

i ordered some tights from daruma and they're taking forever to ship domestically, about 5 days now - is anyone else experiencing this issue?

>> No.7069326

Cheers mate.
thanks, I feel retarded now.

Also 1-3 weeks to be shipped? is it common to have to wait the intire 3 weeks?
also how important is it to be under the max measurments for a petti? I am right on 78cm when I stand sloppily about 76cm when i stand with good posture (how i ussually try to stand but i always forget to straighten up). I don't really want to have to get custom sizing.

>> No.7069325

unrelated, but would you happen to have any worn pics of the cyperous wig? i was thinking of getting a twotone bob or something from them, but $80 after shipping is a bit steep

>> No.7069330

>is it common to have to wait the intire 3 weeks?
It takes a while because they need that time to make it still. I think I waited 1-2 weeks for my last CP petti to be made.
>how important is it to be under the max measurments for a petti?
I've heard some say they fit just fine a small number of cm above the max, but I don't know from personal experience.

>> No.7069335
File: 74 KB, 500x745, 1365803157621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay thanks for the help.

>> No.7069481

Any reason why something is showing as in stock to me but Pruany says its out? Would the seller have to message them after they bought it to say that?

>> No.7069603

Would you mind posting what you ordered? I'm trying to start up a mori wardrobe myself.

>> No.7069646

Sadly, just because it says it's in stock doesn't mean that it is.

>> No.7069651
File: 14 KB, 240x57, Skärmavbild 2013-08-28 kl. 17.06.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean it's on sale for the price in red? Or is it still the price in grey?

>> No.7069655

red, grey is the original price

>> No.7069731

Using Pruany for the first time.

Project price: 1000 CNY×Service charge ratio: 8%= Service charge: 80 CNY (at least 30 CNY)

Does this mean even if I buy an item that costs 4CNY, my service charge will still be CNY? Because that seems kind of weird to me.

>> No.7069738

*will still be 30CNY

>> No.7069756

No. It means exactly what it says, that the minimum service charge is 30CNY and will go up from there. if you only buy 1 thing and it;s 4cny, the service fee will be 30cny. However if you spend enough money that the fee would be, say 31CNY then that is what you would pay.

>> No.7069781

Okay, thanks. Guess I'll use another service then because I'm ordering all this cheap stuff.

>> No.7069784

all the ss could apply to the sale? because sometimes is only for VIP... ? i'm kind of confused because when you put the link on taobaoring order page, for example, the original price is shown.

>> No.7069785

What are you talking about...?

It doesn't matter what the price of all your individual stuff is, what matters is the total price of your items. All SS's work that way. You'll be hard-pressed to find one that doesnt have a minimum service charge.

>> No.7069797

Ya, sales applies to all ss, unless theyre scamming you. Some carts dont catch the discount so you have to put a note that its on special and for your money back/repricing.

VIP means the ss has to get/buy a membership to get the VIP discount so i doubt they usually have memberships with most shops, so usually with VIP discounts, you pay for the grey price.

>> No.7069828

now all have sense. thank you!

>> No.7069853

I misunderstood then, my bad. I used a SS before that calculated the service fee per item instead of for the total price of the items so I thought that was the norm.

>> No.7069881

what was your shipping, weight all that

>> No.7069897

If you like it then get it. I doubt many people will be bothered by your hair color and skin color combination. Even if they do it's not a big deal, don't let it bother you.

>> No.7069908

>matching colors to skin tone doesn't matter
You clearly don't into fashion much...

That said I agree, if anon likes it they should get it anyway. With taobao stuff since it's so cheap, I'll sometimes get it just to admire it if it doesn't suit me. I have a couple wigs like that.

>> No.7069974

id love a review if you can anon xo and yeah that'd be my guess too. you can ask your SS

>> No.7070002 [DELETED] 
File: 672 KB, 945x640, green shirt makeup together.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I missed your post, here's a pic!. Just be warned, though, I have a half wig because I feel it looks more real when you can see my real hairline and all that.

But yea Ive had this wig for like 5 months now, worn it daily, and I really like it. Ive had a bunch of gabalnara wigs previously and I'll never go back to them! After a month or so it gets so frizzy and horrific, not even flatironing it helps

>> No.7070025

Well anon never got her answer on whether it would look good or not when it seems like a simple question so I assume it isn't a big deal. Either way I find it hard to believe most people would throw a fit over hair+skin color or even notice enough to.

>> No.7070032

Out of curiosity, how do half wigs work? Do you always need a headband on? I've never seen anyone use one before, or maybe I just could never tell.
I'd like try that out, but my hair is thin and would probably be a pretty big stretch and contrast from the half wig. I'm stuck with full wigs, I guess.

>> No.7070036
File: 255 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot 2013-08-28 at 3.38.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems as though tbtrends went back o their old url, taobaotrends (which I thought could use because it has the word taobao in it).
If anything, you should probably just remake the order on taobaotrends and not tbtrends. It says on tbtrends "we will not accept new orders at tbtrends.com, however you still can login to tbtrends.com to check your order history.".

Also, question. For the longest time, OP's info post has been showing the exact same link for each thing. (ex: the dictionary address link is the same for shopping service sheet and budging. I can't click on the shopping service link, because it directs me to the dictionary.)
See what I mean?

>> No.7070037

>If the above links look the same
Read the goddamn OP

>> No.7070046

Yeaaaah I've done all that, and I can't use a new internet browser because I use a chrome book. (Entirely chrome)

>> No.7070048

Oh. That's a shame, then.

>> No.7070057

Basicallly it's like a regular wig, but with like 30% of the cap part chopped off, so you can let your bangs and more of your real hair out. I always wear a headband, but some people comb some of their real hair over the wig line. Sometimes i comb all my hair back and make a little bump, etc. There are clips around the wig hairline.

When my hair is relaxed, it's pretty thin, but it seems to blend in okay.

>> No.7070234

try looking up the thread on rebecca black tech? I had the same issue and never bothered to turn off my 4chan extension until recently, and iirc the links showed up normally on the archive

>> No.7070253

No problem! Yeah, I can't vouch for other shops, but the shop I got 'em from were quite nice! I notice some pictures randomly have a weird line thing before the ears of the animal tights (not sure if that makes sense, but if you saw it, you'd know what I was saying).

I really love this sweater. Unfortunately it doesn't have tags so I can't pin exactly what it's made of for sure, but it's super soft and the material is slightly stretchy. It's some kind of knit, but I don't know what. The print is so gorgeous and vivid. I tried it an and it was nice and comfy. No complaints. The only thing is that it's a one-size deal. I'm very average sized, (B34 W27) and this has a decently loose fit on me. Not HUGE but definitely roomy. Also the sweater is not very long. I'm a short person, but it hits me about an inch above my booty, so if you're on the tall or long torso side, it'll be a bit shorter.
Overall, 5/5 for how nice and vivid and soft it is.

>> No.7070528

If none of the OP things work out, use the FAQ. It links to everything near the bottom. From your screenshot, it looks like the FAQ link is the same as usual and the spreadsheet/dictionary links are in the other taobao resources or whatever it is section.

>> No.7070540

google translate "bra" and go from there
one of the filter options when you translate the page to english will be "big cup bra (DEF)" and on the next page you can select your size. it'll be easy enough to find shops that exclusively cater to larger busts

you can try digging through lolita雪纺

I stuck the image of the sweater into newocr and it says that the material is "imported silk mesh" and apparently it's breathable and won't pill? and it ends with "bean single full force," idk

>> No.7070704

Sorry for noob question but link to the shop?

>> No.7070724

the watermark is on the image clear as day idiot

>> No.7070751

I need to sleep, I can't even locate a simple navy/white baseball t-shirt. I wish I lived somewhere else, then I could have gone into a store and bought that shit, but no.

On another topic look at these music note fake thigh highs

>> No.7070755

>it looks more real
Not really. It's obvious that the wig and your real hair are two different textures.

>> No.7070766

Well it looks more real than having a full wig imo. At least on me.

>> No.7070771

The saturation of images on my monitor is fucked up. So no, it is not visible to me. It would be clearer if the watermark was actually on the dress, though.

>> No.7070775

the name of the brand is on the print of the dress in giant letters

>> No.7070794

Oh damn I completely ignored that. I thought it would be transparent letters, nvm.

>> No.7070815

can anyone link me to the chocolate tights?

>> No.7070824

to be fair, I had to try "raglan shirt" and "baseball shirt" before I figured out the best search term was probably "raglan sleeve"
插肩袖 and sort for t-shirts

>> No.7071047
File: 281 KB, 250x250, 1368258048379.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If anything, you should probably just remake the order on taobaotrends
How do I do this? I'm pretty new with ordering from shipping services. Do I just make a new account? Since when I try to log in, it tells my my email doesn't have an account.

>> No.7071051
File: 72 KB, 340x255, pk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any term for wool gloves? Please and thank you

>> No.7071159

What do the sizing options say on this?

>> No.7071195

google translate

like half the images on that page, including all the preview/stock photos, are broken for me. dafuq taobao

you mean these?

>> No.7071206

For me most pages have been taking a while to load the images, and only load once I scroll down the page and let it sit (if I sit at the top of the page they never load).

I really like the vintage pattern and color on this, and so I want the same thing (men's winter tights) but... cheaper. I don't know what to search though.


>> No.7071250

I've got a pretty general question and I'm hoping someone may have the answer to it? Ive been trying to pay for my order through TBR using paypal but every time i try to make the payment I get a very general error message telling me it cant make the payment and to "Return to merchant and try a different payment method". I've even tried gifting the money and it still wont work.

Anyone have any solutions/have dealt with this before? Its driving me insane. I'm not using a credit card or a bank account, I just have a paypal balance so I have no idea what the problem could be.

>> No.7071251

thanks so much!

>> No.7071259

Okay, so it looks like I goofed and ordered two pairs of the same black cat tights from two different shops. Both of the tights are with my SS already and I wouldn't save much returning one. But I don't really need two either. I don't even know if one pair of tights will make much of a difference on the shipping. What do?

>> No.7071262

most of the photos go straight to image-not-found white box of death, unfortunately. it's only slowed down for me recently, but nothing about my internet speed has changed otherwise. ughh

anyway wish I could help more except 80-90% of the images don't load so I can't see shit. try 羊毛裤男 for starters, select "men warm pants" under the filters, and then try lattice pattern

>> No.7071277

That helps, thanks!

>> No.7071276

Suck it up and keep the tights. You are absolutely not getting a refund for them

Sell them on cgl later or w/e

>> No.7071283

Are you on paypal's homepage and you correctly input tbr's email? That's the only reason I can think of that would cause the issue.

>> No.7071396
File: 29 KB, 1095x480, bhiner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bhiner found out about the SS spreadsheet I made.

Just got this email asking about sharing it (meaning having their email be on the list of sharing settings. Technically that would mean I can change their abilities to affect the SS spreadsheet but not that I was going to...).

Just a fun tidbit to share with the thread.

>> No.7071437

Is there EVER a time when you can actually buy something from Alpaca without it being sold out? Every wig I tried buying from them was sold out and it's annoying. Is this the norm for them?

>> No.7071462

gyaru sales on livejournal

>> No.7071477
File: 51 KB, 350x525, medicom_toy_jolyne_kujo01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I could find a Jolyne Kujo wig? I've never come across one before.
Pic related

>> No.7071615

You are an angel. If you lived somewhere close to here I'd take you out for brunch. Thank you, I'm very happy right now.

>> No.7071628

Anyone else getting the "Error: Failed to retrieve the Currency Converter XML document." thing on tbtrends still? Despite that they updated their cart system or whatever?

This is my first time with them, but I might go back to taobaoring if it doesn't get fixed.

>> No.7071711
File: 1.91 MB, 1078x1030, ourorderpaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got in a really big order, and thought I'd see if anyone wanted me to review any of the lolita items in it. The second box (it got so full they split it into two orders) will be here in a couple weeks with the shirts and more misc things. I also forgot to add an owl purse to the pic, but I'm pretty sure I saw it on here anyway before.

>> No.7071719

Review for the rose thighs and the red skirt please

>> No.7071739

The rose tights are probably my favorite tights ever now. At first I was wary because of the fishnet between the roses, but it's actually very soft and still looks elegant when worn IRL. They are very thin though, so they're probably going to tear easy. Still feel high quality for taobao. I'm wearing them out for all of today, so I'll see how they stand up in the end. Here is a link: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013.1.w3-17767614216.4.TkxQlN&id=10203438981&scene=taobao_shop

The red shirt is chess story: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w1017-696872721.23.BdeE7V&id=19109018634& The fabric has a moderate amount of shine to it, but I actually like it. Since it's just the skirt, it's not as overwhelming as the shine from the OP version of the set. The gold print is extremely pretty and I can't find a single flaw in it. However, the zipper gets caught halfway and isn't strong enough for such a thick skirt despite fitting a little loosely on me (unless the back strings are pulled to the tightest possible extent).

>> No.7071746

need to go taobaotrends.com, not tbtrends.com

>> No.7071793


>> No.7071799

Just found this awesome shirt on taobao though it's a bit expensive for being taobao (109yuan) and I can't afford another order in like two month

>but I need it so much

>> No.7071804
File: 45 KB, 707x473, needyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

herpaderp forgot my pic

>> No.7071811

I'm interested in reviews of the headwear and bottom corner shoes.

>> No.7071813

Do you have a link/review for the rose tights above those ones, at the top next to Totoro?

>> No.7071824

What's annoy gold?

Apparently I have 10 of them

>> No.7071943

What brand is the ivory dress on the left?

>> No.7071963


>> No.7072064

how big was your order, anon? I think mine will be about the same size.

>> No.7072078

Which SS is doing well these days? I used TBR when they were slow as fuck during and after CNY.
I was thinking of using agencytaobao, but I don't recall how their communication is

>> No.7072081


69th department has some blouses and they have the colors dark purple and coffee brown if that entices you. Unfortunately they don't actually seem to have pics of said colors. Still, if you want to check it out, I really like the design and am thinking of buying some myself.


>> No.7072085
File: 37 KB, 495x384, IMG_5424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought this skirt before? I'm just wondering what fabric it is, the white and purple look like they're made of 2 different materials

>> No.7072087 [DELETED] 

aww I love this thing it's so great!

>> No.7072096

TaobaoSpree is a good SS, Bhiner too (but the shipping is little bit expensive)

>> No.7072133

Bhiner let's you pay in SGD? So that might make it cheaper for me as opposed to having to convert from CAD to USD

>> No.7072145

Looks like you can see the purple colour in the second link.

>> No.7072202

Is there anyone selling gold heart bags? Finding a bunch of other colors but not gold.

>> No.7072279

best I can do

both can be customized (I think), but quality may be meh range

glad to be of service, anon. and I should probably add that to the dictionary, now that you reminded me

>> No.7072352

Christ, I'm stupid. Thank you!

>> No.7072493

thanks anon. Have you seen other gold purses that are in vein of lolita?

>> No.7072501

Try reselling them on your storenvy or to fellow seagulls

>> No.7072628

link and review of the bunny tights please

>> No.7072729

link to the brown hat please

>> No.7072734 [DELETED] 
File: 388 KB, 3362x3362, necklace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any idea where I can find something like this chess piece necklace on Taobao?

>> No.7072744 [DELETED] 

easy as pie
search:西洋棋 项鍊

>> No.7072944

Hey, does anyone have some good links for custom sized vests and underbust vests that would work well with lolita? Or just custom sized vests in general really.

I would really appreciate the help.

>> No.7073217

Those are actually bunny face tights. They're decent quality for taobao and how cheap they are, but I doubt I'd buy them again unless they grow on me when I wear them out. The print is just very muted in real life, and it's hard to make out that they are bunny faces unless you are very close. Maybe I'll have better luck in a stronger light source.

>> No.7073233

>>7071811 The headdress is red maria, and looks just like it does in the picture. Unfortunately, my friend and I have bigger heads than that model, because it looks smaller on us by a good bit. Hmm, now that I'm looking at it, it just appears smaller than implied in general. Still, quality is good and it actually matches the picture well content wise. The brown hat isn't made very well, sadly. The glue they used was slathered pretty much alll over the hat's beads and little strings of it draped everywhere. It looks decent now that I've cleaned it all up and re-glued it, but it's definitely a fix-up-yourself hat. Fits well though. The shows with one big bow in the corner are the one bad review I think I have. Their "white" color is actually a beige brown in real life. The Velcro pieces that hold the straps are really weak, and walking makes them pop open. I also slip around in them, and end up having to walk like a cow. I actually gave them a chance and tried to wear them around on my date yesterday, but had to change shoes part way through the day. Then this morning, someone accidentally stepped on them, and the bow broke off. Is there anything else you'd like to know about any of the items?

>>7071943 Infanta cinderella jumperskirt. My fav. dress of the order.

>>7072064 It was and still is pretty large. This box weighed 6.5 kilograms, and I'm expecting the second box to be around 3-4 kilos. I try to get all my shopping done at once, so I save up for a while before starting orders.
(response split into two posts)

>> No.7073236
File: 161 KB, 749x529, owlpurse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7072628 They're decent quality for taobao and how cheap they are, but I doubt I'd buy them again unless they grow on me when I wear them out. The print is just very muted in real life, and it's hard to make out that they are bunny faces unless you are very close. Maybe I'll have better luck in a stronger light source.

>>7072729 The link is http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.14.Iw7ACO&id=24133340337 The first part of my above post has a mini review for it, so you might wanna check that before buying. I mean, I love this hat, but it's something you need to pretty much redo yourself to get it to look good.

The owl purse in the pic is one of the items I forgot to add to the pic.

>> No.7073537
File: 114 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows what this means? I tried to google it but my phone is being shitty.

>> No.7073571
File: 82 KB, 577x960, 555034_612405838812039_1116780652_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't tried the tights on yet as I'm a fattyfat and don't want to risk tearing them until I've lost weight, but the print is ok. A little blurry but I paid very little for them so I'm ok with them not being blackmilk quality. The brown blouse is Chess Story and very high quality, looks similar to brand blouses.
Sailor Moon wallet is really nice, high quality print, lots of pockets, comfortable size
No stores I didn't really like, you're gonna have to be more specific if you want a store url though. What did you want sources on?
The Chess Story dress is GORGEOUS. I love it, it's my new favorite in my entire closet. This picture is a bad overexcited phone pic but the printing is crisp and beautiful, the fabric has a slight sheen but not costumey, and the lace is quality.

Shoes are really cute, the pearls and stuff are glued onto a canvas shoe base, they were true to size and although I won't be picking at the pearls to test them, they seemed like they weren't going to just fall off as soon as I walk in them. Also, there was no sign of glue anywhere.
about 4kg, ~$55 shipping. Not too bad.

>> No.7073579

also I'm sorry it took me so long to respond to these, I actually completely forgot I posted here until just now.

>> No.7073609

Thanks a bunch, god I'd kill for those shoes.

>> No.7073729

You should be able to find their prices from your order with your SS.

>> No.7073776

Does anyone know the search term for fake/replica food?

>> No.7073782

If you're looking for sweets and stuff, try translating 'deco.'

>> No.7073787
File: 53 KB, 511x761, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tried logging into taobaotrends.com after a while so I forgot my password and was trying numerous passwords and I eventually got an e-mail to my GMail account (the address I was trying to sign in with) basically saying that taobaotrends was trying to log into my e-mail account. Anyone know what's up with that? (I pretty much immediately changed my GMail password.)

>> No.7073794

Wow, that's crazy.

>> No.7073795
File: 54 KB, 750x552, 4_zps58d4cb53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I KNOW these are from Taobao. Please help me find them!


>> No.7073804
File: 301 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mg1x83tIIR1rrn6aoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to find these tights or if they have a specific name?

>> No.7073808

Some tights are known as tattoo tights, or are grimoire rip offs on taobao.

>> No.7073813

Thanks, but it's not so much the deco stuff I'm after but more like full scale replica food, kind of like the kind that Japanese restaurants have in their windows, or theatre props.

>> No.7073821

That may have been you just continually failing to log in. I don't think taobaotrends would actually try to hijack your account, seeing as they're a pretty trustable agent.

>> No.7073824

Hng, now I regret not buying the dress in white when I bought the skirt in red. It looks lovely.

>> No.7073845

I've looked for tattoo tights already, couldn't find these unfortunately.

>> No.7073859

I'm sure the skirt is gorgeous too! Red was my favorite color, until I saw the overlay on the black... I couldn't live without it. I usually go for skirts too but I have no OPs in my closet and lots of skirts. I wanted something I didn't have to rummage around for a blouse to go with, something I could just throw on with some accessories and go, y'know? Chess Story's quality is just so fabulous, I have Starry Night Angel by them too and the custom lace kills me.

>> No.7073889

try 模型食品
http://shop71921803.taobao.com/ seems to have a lot, even if they look more plastic-y than real

>> No.7073893

I had the opposite reasoning since I have dresses, but had no skirts. Still, the gold print is so gorgeous on the skirt that I wouldn't mind getting the dress version in the future. Do the swans nearly touch beaks on the sides of the OP? Because they do on either side of the skirt, and it is the cutest thing. I was nervous that the shine would be too much, but if it's the same material as the skirt, I think it'd be okay. Does it fare flash photography well?

>> No.7073919

No, mine doesn't do that, but upon investigation I did notice that they lined up the pattern on the seams, which even my brand doesn't always bother to do and it a little detail that I, as an amateur seamstress, always appreciate. It should be the same material as the skirt I imagine, so if yours handles flash well mine probably does too, but I'll find out this weekend for sure (I'm an AZfag going to Sabotencon).

>> No.7073918

She wasn't asking that, she was asking if it would look good. No one will be offended or something if I wear my peach colored wig, but they will think "Damn, she looks like shit. How is her skin so extremely pale with so many red spots?"

>> No.7073926

Find a shirt or something in that color and put it over your hair, and over the sides of your face. Does it make your face look washed out? Somehow bad in another way? If your features still look good, you should get the wig.

>> No.7073958

Thank you so much! You are amazing.

>> No.7073971
File: 462 KB, 600x600, Two_Tone_Bob_MilkTBlonde__26664.1333799279.800.800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find good quality natural-color split wigs? Like these:
or a curly bob like GLWs has?
I'm looking for brown, milk tea, or natural-looking auburn colors. It can have an unnatural accent color, but I want it more subtle than any of the candy colored split wigs out there.

>> No.7074008

I wonder do people in general really think about that though? I assume when people see a person with obviously unnatural hair color they either think wow colorful hair cool or these damn crazy kids and their fads.

>> No.7074014
File: 191 KB, 750x717, iwantawiglikethis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One like this would be ideal, but it's 130 yuan, and that's a little more expensive than I want.

>> No.7074025

You're not going to find nice, good quality ones for cheaper than that.

>> No.7074039

You're probably right.
Has anyone heard about the shop http://chaoliuff.taobao.com/?

>> No.7074042

I'm a bit confused about PU leather. All of the pretty bags and shoes on Taobao seem to be made out of it. Some sources say it's completely made of plastic but others say it contains a small layer of real leather. Does anyone know more about this?

>> No.7074086

I haven't but would like to know if anyone else has as well. The part down the middle at the top of the wig looks great.
The little, one spot parts always look unrealistic IMO and makes it extra easy to tell when someone is wearing a wig.

>> No.7074091

What is that face supposed to convey?

>> No.7074099

it looks like one of these dakota rose faces, gross

>> No.7074109

I haven't found much, anon. I found a jesus diamante replica that would probably have worked, but it was listed for 1725 yuan, so that's probably a nope. the only maybe once I've seen is this one, but someone would probably nitpick on the texture of it
you can try searching yourself with 金色包

also, if book-purse anon is still around, I found a nice one here, if you haven't seen it already: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=20205387897

that floating bottom eyelash is what bothers me the most

>> No.7074115

fffffff those took so long to find because I didn't think to look under the entire doc martens category rather than just platform boots/shoes


>> No.7074124

I can't tell if I like those, or if they're one of the ugliest things I've seen. Are they Hello Kitty boots?

>> No.7074146
File: 149 KB, 600x636, T200HiXi8aXXXXXXXX_!!155029614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't think so, but there are plenty of atrocious hello kitty shoes/boots, like pic related

find them all under hello kitty 鞋!~

>> No.7074466

Hoping to find a Persona 4 uniform for my Narukami Yu cosplay, but I kind of need it in a month... Any recommendations while I'm doing my search?

>> No.7074473

Kind of last minute there, huh. Haha. But really, I wish you luck on your search on taobao. If you can't find it there I'm always willing to lend you some ebay links as well from stores I've bought from.

I noticed that most of them tend to go by 'protagonist', or 'souji' more than Yu. Or at least from what I've seen.

>> No.7074476

I'm not willing to spend an arm and a leg on ebay though; That's my only real problem. When there's cosplay involved, it seems like taobao resellers like to jack up the price a lot because they know people will shell out that much, unfortunately...

>> No.7074513

What does mean?


Total export package seal seal straight hair

>> No.7074518

I used to be able to find these white and transparent heels that had a rabbit motif going on with it but now I can't find them when I have money to pay for the shipping.

They were black and white and transparent definitely high heels. I've seen people posted them before.

>> No.7074586

Compared to taobao, yeah it is pretty damn expensive. Though the stores I know of aren't resellers. Their only stores are on ebay. But I totally understand wanting to save money.

I wish you luck!

>> No.7074589

Then you're not gonna be getting your costume in time.

>> No.7074603

Can someone tell me the difference between

"*colour*", 'silk' hair, and 'real' hair for the wigs?

>> No.7074761

I like the tbtrends cart better....

>> No.7074767

That's what I was thinking (and hoping) but it doesn't make complete sense to me as it appears that someone from that IP address is trying to log into my Google account which would mean that logging into TBT somehow links to logging into Google. Plus, ordinarily, if I receive an e-mail regarding multiple sign-in attempts to a website, I'll get an e-mail from the website that I'm logging into.

>> No.7074794

you have no idea about china lol

>> No.7075062

I'm so pissed off, I started my first Pruany order yesterday and added some items, but when I wanted to continue today everything was gone. How do I prevent this from happening next time?

>> No.7075102

Use a google doc or something to collect links, then transfer them to your cart

>> No.7075118

I used Petrovna's Budgeting Template at first but then I thought "might as well just copy everything to Pruany", not realising I couldn't save my stuff over there.

Another small question: I want this dress in brown but the only available colour seems to be red, though there isn't even a red stock pic. Is this a Taobao mistake or do they mean brown with "red" or something?


>> No.7075123

Looks red to me? Like a rusty brownish-red.

>> No.7075153

Yeah I guess you could call it rusty red, though if I were them I'd call it brown instead. Anyway, thanks.

>> No.7075514

Does anyone know if it's possible to find these on Taobao?

>> No.7075531

These are pretty close.

>> No.7075551

Those are cute but I'm really searching for exact copies of the Modcloth ones. They have to import them from somewhere..

>> No.7075558

Ah, I see. I'm sure they're out there somewhere. Good luck~

>> No.7075573

Modcloth sources a lot of their stuff from indie designers/does in-house design, so I really doubt you'll find the exact thing. You might find a reasonable ripoff, though.

>> No.7075582

Thanks for the info, I really hope I'll find them. I wish Modcloth accepted custom orders.

>> No.7075585

Are there any popteen style shops that sell both (thick) tights AND wigs? I'm trying to save on shipping so it'd be really handy if I could find them in one shop.

>> No.7075605

I recall there's a list of wig shops that fits bigger head (Guy size) May I ask if anyone can link me to such list? Thank you.

>> No.7075616

First time taobao buyer.. Is it as scary as it looks?

>> No.7075618


>> No.7075676

it really isn't. just don't be a dumbass and read through all the docs listed in the OP, and use sites like newocr and nciku for translations. if it's a popular english name (like harry potter, liz lisa, free!), you can search it in english most of the time

at least half of the search requests are just from people being lazy imo. like a lot of people ask for bras in larger sizes - you don't even have to translate all of that into chinese, all you need to translate is "bra," then turn on google translate and navigate to the filter options that let you search for larger cup sizes. use the filter options, they are there for a reason. and don't treat chinese like it's an alien language, it's just... another language. someone asked for a search term for wool gloves a few posts back, and I was entirely unimpressed because google translating "wool gloves" gets you the exact search terms you need

short answer, no. I looked through a few dozen and there were maybe a couple that sold tights at all, and they were mostly the fishnet kind. you can try searching for wig stores yourself, then filter the results to group the results by shop, then search within the store for tights

>> No.7075719

尺码:没有纯正颜色,全部为做旧复古色/80 D 天鹅绒高筒/20 D 包芯丝连裤/80D 天鹅绒连裤
Anyone know what this means? Google translate isn't of much help here (80D velvet Gaotong?). Items are tights so my guess is the D stands for denier but I can't be sure.

>> No.7076002

So, a while back, someone said that Black Milk LotR stuff was easy to find. I searched Black Milk and got a zillion results. I searched black milk 魔戒 (魔戒 is what wikipedia said lotr is in Chinese,) and got nothing. Nothing using just one of the characters, either.
What am I doing wrong? I want to get something from that line for my sister for her birthday or Christmas.

>> No.7076014

I'll link you bro

>> No.7076021

Thanks so much!

>> No.7076028

Um, I think that's a random painting. Pretty cool, but not Lord of the Rings.

>> No.7076034

I don't think they're being tagged as lotr/middle earth/whatever. I found one pair of the giant rings here

and if you check the title there's absolutely nothing whatsoever about the print in the name. you're just going to have to find big black milk sellers and sift through their wares individually, looks like

>> No.7076042

Not really... a large amount of their stuff is just boutique designers you can find elsewhere with a little searching.

>> No.7076043

No, but it's an item with a store that has black milk stuff

>> No.7076056

That's true. Thanks for the link.

>> No.7076057

whoa what the fuck I searched "black milk" and sorted for dresses and the arwen dress was on the first (and only) page of results... get your shit together taobao

>> No.7076071

Oh, derp. I wasn't looking for dresses really, so I didn't think to sort for them. Thanks!

>> No.7076131

20d is more of a thinner, sheer-er tight that runs more easily, and 80d is thicker, warmer, less likely to rip. idk chinese but ive bought 500 tattoo tight so

>> No.7076318

where are some nice quality sailor uniforms?

looked at the spreadsheet already.
I'm finding it really difficult to find a long sleeved one that doesn't look like it's made out of paper or has the proper fit.

>> No.7076391 [DELETED] 

velveteen/velvet thigh highs (I'm assuming thigh highs because 高筒just means tall tube, depending on what the items are)

>> No.7076394

velvet/ velveteen thigh high (depending on what it is, 高筒 just means tall tube)

>> No.7076645

Same thing happened to me. But I really can't be bothered to care. I don't have much important stuff going on with my google account.

>> No.7076662

anyone bought from this store before?


>> No.7076850

My early-teens brother wants a new bag for school with an 'illuminati eye', Communist iconography or skulls/punk/metal stuff (yes, he is extremely edgy, it's a pain, but he's in his early teens so whatever). I told him I could find one on Taobao (I've certainly seen an all-seeing-eye bag on there before, once), but I'm not having any luck yet. Can anyone help?

>> No.7076862
File: 49 KB, 500x500, its not copyrighted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of unrelated, but has anyone seen this Pyramid Masonic All seeing Eye freemasonry Dream Catcher Silver Pewter Pendant on taobao? It's on ebay but I figure I could just find it on taobao for less and include it with the order I'm planning.

>> No.7076872

That's a Yugioh necklace.

>> No.7076874


>> No.7076906
File: 8 KB, 253x199, bak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey what are you doing with my millennium ring?

>> No.7076907

woops forgot to take off my sage

>> No.7076954


>it's not copyrighted.jpg

/cgl/ confirmed for understanding obvious jokes even less than Tumblr.

>> No.7077020

mao bags
commie bags general
punk bags general (filter for men's)

idk about the illuminati stuff, searching "pyramid eye" and illuminati doesn't turn up that much
try translating "school bag" + "punk" / "skull" / "communism" yourself, it isn't too hard

also for your 2edgy4u brother I take it
it's 400 yuan, so go with ebay

>> No.7077214
File: 148 KB, 500x483, 1338042195305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, help. How do I order one of these Krad Lanrete Jellyfish things? Is it just not up for pre-order yet? I'm clicking all over their Taobao shop like a loon but finding no info at all. What do I need to do, just harrass an SS and let them know it exists and I want one, without a URL?

I am late to this party, BUT I NEED JELLYFISH. I'm not even Lolita man but I NEED THIS.

Pic representing how I will feel wearing this dress.

>> No.7077227

It hasn't been released yet. Should be out in a week or two, then you grab the link and send it to your SS to order it. It's a KL preorder so prepare to wait for months to get it.

I wouldn't harass an SS without a link. They've got other things to do than constantly refresh a shop page for a dress, and we don't even know how much it's going to cost so we can pay in advance.

>> No.7077273

Thanks for this vital info, anon. I wasn't sure what was up with the whole thing. Thanks for also letting me know it's a long wait - I'll adjust my expectations accordingly.

How much does Krad Lanrete weigh in cost-wise for print things? Is it rorita burando-level expense or what? (all I know is Lolita is Expensive Shit).

>> No.7077324


They say it's going to cost more than the previous prints which was the Phantom of the Opera print and the Mozarabic chant.

I'm not quite sure how much the Phantom print cost (going on the site tells me 448 yuan for the skirt) but the MC jsk was 669 yuan, or ~110 USD. You can expect the next print then to probably be anywhere from 125 and up I suppose.

>> No.7077337

Krad is pretty damn expensive for Taobao, I'm estimating that the JSK will cost around $150, so budget at least $200 for dress+fees and shipping. However having more never hurts because we still have no clue how much it will cost except that it'll be more than their previous series.

To give you an idea of the delays, their last print ended preorders in March, was supposed to be out sometime in May, and people are only just starting to get the dresses they reserved now. So that's something like a 5 month wait.

>> No.7077351

> I'm estimating that the JSK will cost around $150, so budget at least $200

Diffanon, but wow. I was never really interested in Krad, not really my style, but these are legit brand prices

>> No.7077361

The $200 includes SS fees, domestic shipping fees, international shipping fees, and a little extra just in case. I always estimate high.

They do cost a lot, but so far they're well worth the price. My Mozarabic Chant is amazing, I can't wait for fall so I can wear it out.

>> No.7077382

I regret so much not pre-ordering it, no one is selling the grey jsk, especially the long version. Is my dream dress.

>> No.7077391
File: 112 KB, 960x584, 1170857_636831646341203_1902527763_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a source on this? Picture is from Loli Loli Paradise. Apparently its this brand's first print?

>> No.7077403

That really sucks Anon. I got the short blue skirt and it's just amazing, I'd kinda like to get the red skirt as well. I'm guessing you missed the general release as well?

Hopefully you find it!

Found the shop here! http://cel-design.taobao.com/

>> No.7077417


Is it just me or does it look very faded in the pic? I am such a sucker for cathedral and stained glass prints, but somehow the print looks a little faded and the cloth a bit too crisply cheap in the photo. I do hope it's just the photo though.

>> No.7077452

holy shit, need. Thanks for posting this

>> No.7077469

>全款预订价格: 438RMB(不包括运费)
>预订价格为现货价格的8.8折 现货全款价格: 498RMB

>"Full article booking Price: From 438RMB (not including shipping)
>Reserve price is the spot price of 8.8 fold spot full payment price: 498RMB "

So is the full price 438, or 498...?

>> No.7077478

I wish the OP had the belt design of the JSK and skirt, I like the geometric design belt and not the giant name one, but I love a yoked OP design... Can anyone tell whether that belt (waisttie?) is removable?

>> No.7077541

Supposedly Loli Loli says that after the reservation period, all things cost more.
Maybe if you reserves in these days will cost in total: 438RMB and if you buy after the reservation period costs : 498RMB

>> No.7077546

NEW THREAD >>7077544
hope yall like my new op pic, I worked very hard on it

>> No.7077551

Ah ok that makes sense, thanks

>> No.7077557

I missed it because I had already made a $200 order when it came out. many tears shed. Still trying for it!

>> No.7077883

No one else noticing this is Haneuli's St. Giles photogrphy????

>> No.7078419

>commie bags general

Thank you, he was thrilled.